Europass Curriculum Vitae
Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es)
Telephone(s) E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender
Dr. Gergely László SZŐKE 26. Enyezd street H-7632 Pécs Hungary +36 72 501 599, 23321
+36 30 520 4178
[email protected] Hungarian 25/07/1981 Male
Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Page 1 / 6 - Curriculum vitae of Gergely László SZŐKE
2010-2011 Data protection expert (part time) Researching and preparing recommendations in the field of data protection and freedom of information Office of Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Public administration 2008-present Junior researcher Teaching, researching and giving advice in the field of ICT Law; organizing conferences and coordinate and manage projects University of Pécs, Faculty of Law, Department of Information and Communictaions Technology Law Higher education and legal research 2007-present Internal data protection officer Supervising, giving advice and teaching activity regarding data protection and freedom of information issues of the University of Pécs University of Pécs Higher education and legal research For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628
Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
2007 Certificate to attend a 35 hours long training programme Training program for mediation and other methods to foster democratic dialogue Central European University; Yeshiva University, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law; Hamline University, School of Law
2004-2007 Ph.D studies with scholarship (absolutiorium) Improving research skills, teaching, researching. The topic of the PhD thesis is “Self regulation in the field of data protection.” University of Pécs, Faculty of Law
2002-2006 Political Scientist Political studies University of Pécs, Faculty of Law
1999-2004 Lawyer (Master of Laws) Legal studies University of Pécs, Faculty of Law
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Other language(s)
Hungarian English, German
European level (*)
Understanding Listening
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C1 A2
Proficient Proficient C1 user user Basic user
Independ ent user
Speaking Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Indepe ndent user
Basic user
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Indepen Independe dent B2 nt user user Basic user
A2 Basic user
Social skills and competences
Organisational skills and competences Computer skills and competences Other skills and competences
Good communication (verbal and written) skills, ability to work collaboratively with colleagues, to develop and maintain effective work relationships. Able to organize national and international events (conferences, workshops), and to manage projects Able to use most Microsoft Office programmes and the Internet
Experienced in teaching, research, creating internal regulations and code of conducts, solving a legal case, presenting at conferences, leading workshops I work (as past secretary and current president) as a volunteer in the Pécs-Normandia Lions Club.
Additional information
At the university I’m teaching mostly data protection law, media law, law for freedom of information, law of electronic procedures for law students, lawyers and journalists. I’m also participated in many researches and published articles in Hungarian and in English which concern these issues. As internal data protection officer of the University of Pécs I have to face the challenge to apply the strict Hungarian data protection regulation on everyday data processing. As the (part time) expert of the Office of Hungarian Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information I have experience in the field of data protection supervision. At the Data Protection Commissioners Office, amongst others, I’ve dealt with international data transfers, CCTV issues and data processing of the media.
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List of publication
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Selected list of publications Essays [1] Online Dispute Resolution 1. Overview, [in Hungarian: Online vitarendezés (1). Áttekintés], Infokommunikáció és jog, April 2005. [2] Online Mediation [published in English], 5th International Conference of PhD Students, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2005. [3] Online Dispute Resolution 2. Regulation issues, [in Hungarian: Online vitarendezés (2). Egyes szabályozási kérdések], Infokommunikáció és jog, December 2005. [4] The Possibility of Online Mediation under the Hungarian Mediation Act – In comparison with a Number of International, Including European, Documents on Mediation [published in English], Information and Communications Technology Law, Special Issue: Virtualization of Dispute Resolution, June 2006. [5] The Principles of Financing Political Parties [in Hungarian: A pártfinanszírozás alapelvei] (coauthors: László MAJTÉNYI, Zoltán MIKLÓSI), Eötvös Károly Institution,, June 2006. [6] Online Dispute Resolution and the Hungarian Law [in Hungarian: Online vitarendezés és a magyar jog],Rezler Foundation, 2006. [7] Media Regulation in Germany [in Hungarian: Médiaszabályozás Németországban] (co-author: Gábor POLYÁK), AKTI füzetek 6. AKTI, January, 2007. [8] Media Regulation in Switzerland [in Hungarian: Médiaszabályozás Svájcban] (co-author: Gábor POLYÁK), AKTI füzetek 7. AKTI, February, 2007. [9] Comments on a Commentary. Recommendation of the Book: Nóra SYLVESTER –János VEREBICS: Commentary on the E-signature Act and E-commerce Act [in Hungarian: Egy Kommentár kommentárja. Recenzió Sylvester Nóra – Verebics János: Az elektronikus aláírásra, elektronikus kereskedelemre vonatkozó törvények magyarázata c. könyvről], Infokommunikáció és jog, April, 2007. [10]The Possibility of Online Mediation under the Hungarian Mediation Act [published in English], Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Summer 2007. [11]The Comments of The Research Center for ICT Law on the National Audiovisual Media Strategy [in Hungarian: Az IKJK észrevételei a Nemzeti Audiovizuális Média Stratégia c. szakmai anyaghoz] (co-author: Gábor POLYÁK), Infokommunikáció és jog, October, 2007. [12]Instead of Looking Straight in the Face. Recommendation of the Book: Sára TRÓCSÁNYI: Revolution in the Archives. Legal Aspects of the Information Reparation [in Hungarian: Szembenézés helyett. Recenzió Trócsányi Sára: Forradalom az irattárban. Az információs kárpótlás jogi aspektusai c. könyvről], Infokommunikáció és jog, August 2008.
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[13]How (not) to Regulate Mediation. The Effects of the Strict Hungarian Provisions on Online Mediation [published in English], Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Fall 2008. [14]About the Life-work of Ferenc VASVÁRY [in Hungarian: Vasváry Ferenc], István KAJTÁR (ed.): Antology of the Proffessors of Pécs [in Hungarian: Pécsi jogászprofesszorok emlékezete (19232008). Antológia], University of Pécs, Faculty of Law, Pécs, 2008. [15]The Effect of the Digital Switchover in North-Europe [in Hungarian: A digitális átállás médiajogi hatásai Észak-európában], AKTI füzetek 35. AKTI, January 2009. [16]Creating the Framework for Producing and Editing of „National Contents” – the Regulation Issues of the Public Service Broadcasting [in Hungarian: A nemzeti tartalmak előállításával, szerkesztésével és átvitelével összefüggő tartalmi és pénzügyi feltételrendszer kialakítása - A közszolgálati műsorszolgáltatás szabályozási kérdései] (co-authors: Márk LENGYEL, Gábor POLYÁK), Jogiforum, pdf, March, 2009. [17]The Country of Origin Principle and Competition among National Regulatory Régimes in East Central Europe [published in English] (co-author: Gábor POLYÁK), Central European Journal of Communication, Spring 2009. [18]Privacy Protection (book chapter), In.: Balázs Rátai, Péter Homoki, Gábor Polyák, Judit Schvéger, Balázs Szemes, Gergely Szőke, Sándor Tasnádi, András Tóth: Cyber Law in Hungary, Kluwer Law International, August 2010 [19]Data Breach Notification in the Electronic Communications Sector [in Hungarian: A hírközlési szolgáltatók értesítési kötelezettsége a személyes adatok megsértése esetén (data breach notification)] (co-authors: János BÍRÓ, Tamás SZÁDECZKY), Infokommunikáció és jog, 2011. április, pp. 46-49. [20]CCTV systems in the European Union [in Hungarian: Közterületi kamerázás az Európai Unióban], JURA 2011/2., pp. 192-206. [21]The Missed Chance? The Main Provisions of the New Data Protection Act [in Hungarian: Elszalasztott lehetőség? Az új adatvédelmi törvény főbb rendelkezései (co-author: Gábor POLYÁK), In.: Tímea DRINÓCZI (ed.): Magyarország új alkotmányossága, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Pécs 2011., pp. 155-177. [22]Comparative Report on the Regulation of Workplace Privacy in Germany and in Hungary (coauthors: Balogh Zsolt György, Falk, Hagedorn, Kiss Attila, Polyák Gábor, Rátai Balázs), In.: Gergely László Szőke (ed.): Privacy in the Workplace. Data Protection Law and Self-regulation in Germany and Hungary, HVG-ORAC, Budapest 2012 [23]Self-regulation, audit and certification schemes in the field of Data Protection, In.: Gergely László Szőke (ed.): Privacy in the Workplace. Data Protection Law and Self-regulation in Germany and Hungary, HVG-ORAC, Budapest 2012 [24]Methodology to implement and audit of a Privacy Management System concerning monitoring in employment relationships (co-authors: Rátai Balázs, Szádeczky Tamás). In.: Gergely László Szőke (ed.): Privacy in the Workplace. Data Protection Law and Self-regulation in Germany and Hungary, HVG-ORAC, Budapest 2012 Editorial activity [1] Selected Essays on Legal Sciences [published in English], Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pécs Publicata, Vol. 144. University of Pécs, Faculty of Law, Pécs, 2009.
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[2] Privacy in the Workplace (ed.) Data Protection Law and Self-regulation in Germany and Hungary, HVG-ORAC, Budapest, 2012
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