Europass Curriculum Vitae
Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es)
Sem Tom Bram Vandekerckhove HIVA – Research institute for Work and Society Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Parkstraat 47 bus 5300 3000 Leuven België
+32 16 32 33 31
+32 16 32 33 44
E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender
sem.vandekerckhove@ Belgian 17-01-1984 Male
Work experience Dates
Occupation or position held
Ressearch associate
Main activities and responsibilities
Quantitative research
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector
HIVA-K.U.Leuven Policy research
Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
2012-2014 PhD Candidate Economics
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
University of Leuven
Level in national or international classification
Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
2006-2007 Master Economics
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Ghent University
Level in national or international classification
Dates Page 1/6 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
2004-2007 For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628
+32 486 59 69 82
Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
High school teacher certificate Social sciences
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Ghent University
Level in national or international classification
Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
2002-2006 Master Sociology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Ghent University
Level in national or international classification
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s) Self-assessment
European level (*)
Speaking Spoken interaction
Spoken production
English Italian German
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences Organisational skills and competences
Teamwork Empathy Leadership (through experience) Project management (through experience) HRM (through training) Marketing (through training)
Technical skills and competences
Quantitative analysis Inferential statistics
Computer skills and competences
Office software, LaTeX VBA Matlab Statistical packages (in order of proficiency): Stata, SPSS, SAS, HLM, R
Annexes Publication list
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PUBLICATION LIST FOR VANDEKERCKHOVE AT (Articles in other academic journals) Vandekerckhove, S., Struyven, L., Heylen, V. (2013). Heeft tewerkstelling in de industrie nog toekomst? Over de arbeidsmarktdynamiek van een noodlijdende sector. Over.werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 23 (2), 56-64. Vandekerckhove, S., Vandenbrande, T., Vanroelen, C. (2012). Jobkwaliteit in België: een grondige verkenning van de European Working Conditions Survey. Over.werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 22 (4), 113-123. Van Gyes, G., De Spiegelaere, S., Vandekerckhove, S. (2012). De indexdiscussie naar een ander niveau. Opiniestuk. MO* (Mondiaal Magazine). Vandekerckhove, S., Ramioul, M. (2011). Euro-statistieken en waardeketens. Over.werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WAV, 21 (4), 106-113. Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G. (2010). Loondrift en loonflexibiliteit: de grillen van de loonvorming bij sociaal overleg. Over.werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 20 (2), 119-125. Vandekerckhove, S., Delmotte, J. (2010). De samenstelling van de loonkloof in België. Een onderzoek op basis van de Vacature Salarisenquête 2008. Over.werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 20 (3), 99-107.
AT-p (Articles in other professionally oriented journals) Van Gyes, G., Vandekerckhove, S., De Spiegelaere, S. (2013). De verkeerde gebeten hond: cao-lonen in Europa. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 104 (3), 30-38.
IBa (Academic books, internationally recognised scientific publisher; as author) Flecker, J., Herman, C., Verhoest, K., Van Gyes, G., Vael, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Jefferys, S., Pond, R., Kilicaslan, Y., Ali, C., Kozek, W., Brandt, T., Schulten, T. (2009). Privatisation of Public Services and the Impact on Quality, Employment and Productivity (PIQUE). Summary report. Vienna: FORBA.
IHb (Article in academic book, internationally recognised scientific publisher) Vandekerckhove, S., Ramioul, M. (2015). Using business functions to identify new and growing jobs. In: Holtgrewe U., Kirov V., Ramioul M. (Eds.), Hard Work in New Jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Van Gyes, G., Vandekerckhove, S. (2012). The Citizen-User Perspective: Results From a Cross-Country Survey. In: Hermann C., Flecker J. (Eds.), Privatization of Public Services. Impacts for Employment, Working Conditions, and Service Quality in Europe, Chapt. 11. London (UK): Routledge.
AHb (Article in other academic book) Vandekerckhove, S., Vandenbrande, T. (2011). De analyse van loonkloven in België. In: Casier I., Woodward A., Van den Brandt E., De Metsenaere M. (Eds.), Bitches, Babes & Business. Brussel: ASP: Academic & Scientific Publishers, 67-84.
IC (Papers at international scientific conferences and symposia, published in full in proceedings) Vandekerckhove, S., Goos, M., Van Gyes, G. (2014). Reassessing the impact of minimum wages on wage dispersion and employment: evidence from an institutionalized wage bargaining system. . Progressive Economy Alliance Conference, 5 March 2014. Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G. (2014). Minimum wages in Belgium: a maze, or amazing? Peer Country Comments Paper - Belgium. . Peer Review on 'Minimum Wage'. London (UK), 7-8 April 2014 ( Minimum wages in Belgium: a maze, or amazing? Peer Country Comments Paper - Belgium). Brussels: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Mutual Learning Programme) . Page 3/6 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Minimum wages and negotiated pay increases: effects on the wage distribution and employment in Belgium. Minimum wages and negotiated pay increases: effects on the wage distribution and employment in Belgium. Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag. Den Haag (The Netherlands), 10 October 2013 (pp. 1-27).
IMa (Meeting abstracts, presented at international scientific conferences and symposia, published or not published in proceedings or journals) Struyven, L., Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Les travailleurs vont et viennent. Séminaire DynaM Dynamique des travailleurs. Bruxelles, 28 mai 2013. Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Bargaining in favour of low wage earners: different perspectives. ETUC Conference Bargaining for equality. Vilnius (Lithuania), 6 November 2013. De Spiegelaere, S., Van Gyes, G., Vandekerckhove, S., Van Hootegem, G. (2012). Job Design and Innovative Work Behaviour: Enabling Innovation through Active- or Low-Strain Jobs?. EURAM 2012 - Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence. Rotterdam (the Netherlands), 6-8 June 2012. Van Gyes, G., Vandekerckhove, S. (2012). Collectively agreed wages in Belgium. Kick-off meeting CAWIE: Collectively agreed wages in Europe. Leuven, 23-24 January 2012.
AMa (Meeting abstracts, presented at other scientific conferences and symposia, published or not published in proceedings or journals) Struyven, L., Bulté, S., Vandekerckhove, S. (2014). DynaMiek van de werkgelegenheid bij KMO’s in Vlaanderen vanuit bedrijfsperspectief. STORE Workshop. Brussel, 5 juni 2014. Struyven, L., Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Werknemers komen, en werknemers gaan ... DynaM seminarie Werknemersdynamiek. Brussel, 28 mei 2013. Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Kwaliteit van werk en werkgelegenheid in België. Analyses op EWCS 2010. WSE Arbeidsmarktcongres. Leuven, 7 februari 2013.
IR (Internal report) Delmotte, J., Sels, L., Vandekerckhove, S., Vandenbrande, T. (2010). De samenstelling van de loonkloof in België. FBE Research Report MO_1002, 1-47 pp. Leuven (Belgium): K.U.Leuven - Faculty of Business and Economics.
ER (external reports: reports by order of - or published by - an external organisation) Szekér, L., Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G. (2014). Uitzendkrachten. Bevraging ACV, 94 pp. Leuven: HIVA KU Leuven. Szekér, L., Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G. (2014). Intérimaires. Enquête CSC. Leuven: HIVA KU Leuven. Vandekerckhove, S., Struyven, L., Bulté, S. (2014). Arbeidsdynamiek bij KMO’s in Vlaanderen: groeitrends en ontwikkeling van een gebalanceerde groei-index, 27 pp: Steunpunt Ondernemen en Regionale Economie (STORE). Heylen, V., Vandekerckhove, S., Vets, P., Struyven, L. (2013). Werknemers komen en gaan. Een analyse van de heterogeniteit in de werknemersdynamiek in België voor de periode 2006-2011. DynaM Working Paper, 2013, nr. 1,48 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandekerckhove, S., Struyven, L., Heylen, V. (2013). Mobilité professionnelle intersectorielle et intrasectorielle en Belgique. Une analyse du volume des flux de travailleurs par rapport au secteur pour la période 2006-2011.DynaM Working Paper, 2013, nr. 2, 29 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Heylen, V., Vandekerckhove, S., Vets, P., Struyven, L. (2013). Les travailleurs vont et viennent. Une analyse de l’hétérogénéité dans la dynamique des travailleurs en Belgique pour la période 2006-2011. DynaM Working Paper,2013, nr. 1, 48 pp. Leuven: HIVA.
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Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2013). Kwaliteit van werk en werkgelegenheid in België, 180 pp. Leuven: HIVA - Onderzoeksinstituut voor arbeid en samenleving. Vandekerckhove, S., Struyven, L., Heylen, V. (2013). Inter- en intrasectorale jobmobiliteit in België. Een analyse van de grootte van werknemersstromen in relatie tot de sector voor de periode 2006-2011. DynaM Working Paper 2013/2, 27 pp: Federgon Leerstoel Dynamiek van de arbeidsmarkt. Vandekerckhove, S., Van Peteghem, J., Van Gyes, G. (2012). Wages and Working Conditions in the Crisis, 49 pp. Dublin: EWCO (European Working Conditions Observatory). Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Qualité du travail et de l'emploi en Belgique. Synthèse, 19 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Qualité du travail et de l'emploi en Belgique,188 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Quality of work and employment in Belgium. Executive summary, 19 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Quality of work and employment in Belgium,170 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Kwaliteit van werk en werkgelegenheid in België : executive summary, 19 pp. Leuven: HIVA. Vandenbrande, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Vendramin, P., Valenduc, G., Huys, R., Van Hootegem, G., Hansez, I., Vanroelen, C., Puig-Barrachina, V., Bosmans, K., De Witte, H. (2012). Kwaliteit van werk en werkgelegenheid in België. Leuven: HIVA. Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G. (2012). Collectively agreed wages in Belgium: indicators and trends, 29 pp. Leuven: HIVA-KU Leuven. Vandekerckhove, S., Ramioul, M. (2011). Working with business functions. How occupational groups provide insight in Labour Force Survey statistics, 46 pp. Vienna: FORBA (walqing - Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs). Vandekerckhove, S., Ramioul, M. (2011). Patterns of growth and changing quality of work in Europe, 51 pp. Vienna: FORBA (walqing - Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs). Vandekerckhove, S., Capéau, B., Ramioul, M. (2010). Structural growth of employment in Europe. Balancing absolute and relative trends, 18 pp. Vienna: FORBA (walqing - Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs). Vandekerckhove, S., Vermandere, C., Van Gyes, G. (2010). Loondrift in België sinds de invoering van de loonnorm. Het verschil tussen de conventionele en de effectieve brutoloonevoluties sectoraal geanalyseerd, 59 pp. Leuven:HIVA-KU Leuven. Vandekerckhove, S., Vermandere, C., Van Gyes, G. (2010). Hoe reageren de lonen op werkloosheid: de looncurve in België sectoraal geanalyseerd, 34 pp. Leuven: HIVA-KU Leuven. Vael, T., Vandekerckhove, S., Van Gyes, G., Van Roosbroek, S., Verhoest, K., Coppin, L. (2008). Liberalisation in services of general economic interest: a bottom up citizens’ perspective. Analysis of the PIQUE survey, 237 pp.Leuven: HIVA.
WP (Science popularisation) De Spiegelaere, S., Vandekerckhove, S. (2014). Index afschaffen is geen wonderoplossing. Opiniestuk 3 oktober 2014. Struyven, L. (2013). Niet enkel kommer en kwel voor jobs in de industrie.
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Van Gyes, G., Vandekerckhove, S. (2013). Crisis en de loonevolutie: interview met Sem Vandekerckhove en Guy Van Gyes. PeopleSphere (HR Tribune) (70), 52-53.
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