Europass curriculum vitae
Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail(s) Nationality(-ies) Date of birth Gender
Desired employment / Occupational field
Konečný Milan Teyschlova, 1, 635 00, Brno, Czech Republic +420549495135
Mobile: +420603872330
[email protected] Czech 15. 12. 1948 male
Head of the Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography, Coordinator of EUChina DRM project on behalf of Czech republic and Masaryk University, Chairman of the ICA Commission Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management
Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
1973 onwards assistant, senior assistant, Rerum Naturalium Doctor-RNDr., associate professor of cartography, associate professor of military geodesy and cartography, professor of geodesy and cartography educational and research activities, from .1992 PhD students tutor Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic education, research 1992 onwards Head of Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography Management, preparation, and realization of international and domestic research projects in spatial data infrastructure, GIS, cartographic visualization, mobile technologies, sustainable development, crises management, open electronic atlases and development of Information/Knowledge-based societies. Preparation of global and regional international conferences and symposia. Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic education 1995 onwards For more information go to © European Communities, 2003
Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held
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vice-president, president, past-president ICA Management of World-wide operating organization in four fields: science, education, society and professional life; capacity building and human resource management, realization of U.N. visions, espec. in the field of sustainable development; membership in Exec. Committees and Advisory Boards of global spatial data projects and initiatives (management of 79 representatives of member organizations and approx. 3000 members). International Cartographic Association, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU University of Newcastle, Great Britain; cartography, geoinformatics, crises management, early warning, pervasive and context cartography 1996 onwards Director of Czech Focal point GISIC Visions and policy decisions about using of GIS in different application fields in EU and accession countries. Creation of regional and local spatial data information infrastructures. Exchange of students with EU. Participation in common projects. Geographical Information Systems International Group (GISIG), Via Piacenza, 54 - 16138 Genova, Italy local and regional GIS projects, realization of i2010 2002 onwards 2002 onwards: founder member of the Global Society Dialogue EU 2003 onwards: founder member of Global Marshall Plan EU Planning, coordination, management, and organization of EU and domestic research projects. Member of Steering Committees of Information Society Forum EC and Global Society Dialogue. Czech representative in former EU-CEEC Information and Communication Technology Panels, member of Joint High Level Committees EU and participant in Ministerial conferences organized by DG Info Society EU. Founder of Czech Information Society Forum. Creation of international team works, definition of various focal areas of the individual research team members and visions of spatial data in the sustainable Information/Knowledge-Based Society and how to handle and avoid „digital divide“problem. President of org. committees of European and global international conferences communicating with world-wide operating sponsors, institutions and ministries (NASA, NASDA, World Bank-InfoDev, JRC, EU DG Info Society, Research and Environment). Management of hundreds of specialists and students (from undergraduates to post-doctorands) and dealing with budgets several tenths million Czech crowns and hundreds thousand Euros. European Union, DG Info Society, Brussels, Belgium the role of Geographic Information in Information Society, improvement and inclusion of research results into decision making process 1999 onwards 1999 – 2006: : member of International Steering Committee ISDE 2006 - onwards: Vice President of the ISDE Developing of the original Al Gore idea of Digital Earth which was taken by Chinese Academy of Science and enriched by idea of sustainable development. President of ISDE is a President of Chinese Academy of Science Prof. Dr.-Inf. LU Yoxiang, secretariat is located in Beijing, Executive Committee consists from famous scientists and representatives of governments from countries all over the World, but mainly from Asia. Conferences: Beijing, China; New Brunswick, Canada; Brno, Czech Republic, Tokyo, Japan; Auckland International Society on Digital Earth (ISDE), Beijing, Chinese Academy of Science, CEODE, F14, Kedian Tower, No.9 Beiyitiao Road, Zhongguancun Haidian District, Beijing 100190, China Beijing new technologies projects of Digital Earth, linkage with Digital Europe, eGovernment, eGovernancy 1999 onwards 1999 – founder member 2000 onwards: representative of Masaryk University in Nemoforum Association For more information go to © European Communities, 2003
Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector
creation of GI policies Nemoforum, ČUZK, Pod Sídlištěm 9/1800, 182 11 Praha 8 PPP in GI, immobility, geodesy and cartography 2004 onwards representative of Czech republic in the Board of Experts of EU Directive – INSPIRE analytical and investigation materials from Czech republic INSPIRE, JRC Ispra, Italy preparation of EU directive 2010 onwards President of European Regional Center of International EuroAsian Academy Coordination of European activities of IEAS IEAS, Beijing, China Leadership, preparation of European and Asian discussions, especially in Early Warning and Crises Management areas
Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills Page 3 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
18th September 2009 Professor of Geodesy and Cartography cartography, geoinformatics, early warning, crises management Technical University, Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno, Czech Republic
November 2007 Associate Professor of Military Geodesy and Cartography cartography, geoinformatics, early warning, crises management University of Defence, Kounicova 65, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
1984 Associate Professor of Cartography cartography and geoinformatics Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic 1979 - 1982 Ph.D. (CSc. Candidate of Geographical Sciences) geomorphology, geoinformatics, cartography Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic 1973 - 1974 RNDr. (Rerum Naturalium Doctor, Doctor of Science) Cartography cartography For more information go to © European Communities, 2003
covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic 1967 - 1973 geographer –specialist (equal to M.Sc. – Master of Geography) geomorphology, cartography Masaryk University (former University of J.E.Purkyne) Brno, Žerotínovo náměstí 9, Brno 60177 Czech Republic
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s) Self-assessment European level (*)
Understanding Listening
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Very good
Very good
Very good
Very good
Social skills and competences Organisational skills and competences
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research team designer and leader, communication with people in education process, in research process, organization of many international research conferences, leading of globally operation research organizations (ICA, ISDE), opening new possibilities and projects (workshop EU in China in crises management in 2009) University Activities September 1st 1992 till now: Director of the Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk (former Purkyne) University in Brno, Czech Republic. Management, preparation, and realization of international and domestic research projects in spatial data infrastructure, GIS, cartographic visualization, mobile technologies, sustainable development, crises management, open electronic atlases and development of Information/Knowledge-based societies. Preparation of global and regional international conferences and symposia. June 1st 1984 till now: Associate Professor, from 2008 Professor of cartography and geoinformatics, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk (former Purkyne) University in Brno. Leading scientist work concentrates for teaching of the BSc., MSc. and PGS students (doktorands), supervising of the geographical projects, diploma thesis and doctor thesis. From 2002 he is a guarant and chairman of the Doctoral Committee for Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote sensing studies in Masaryk University for BSc., MSc. and doctorands (PhD) studies. He is also member of the committees for PhD. in universities/place: Charles/Prague, Technical/Brno, Palacky/Olomouc. His teaching topics are: Cartography, Data sources, National Spatial Data Infrastructures, Global and European spatial data projects, Seminars about state-of-the-art of cartography and geoinformatics. Early Warning and Crises Management and Geoinformation Strategies. He is permanently a tutor of 14 PhD students and 11 students successfully defended their PhD dissertations in last 5 years. He is also professor in Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) in Nitra, Slovak Republic, Henan University in China and Vienna university. He gives lectures GIS in regional planning and Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management. Pedagogical Activities Prof. Konecny is teaching at Masaryk University in the fields of GIS and cartography. He is an author For more information go to © European Communities, 2003
or co-author of several University lecture notes, including the first textbook in the field of GIS in the former Czechoslovakia and Europe (in 1985). He is a guarant and chairman of the Doctoral Committee for Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote sensing studies at Masaryk University in Brno and member of the similar committees at the Charles University in Prague, Technical University in Brno and Palacky University, Olomouc. He leaded GEOTÝM project and leading MU part of TEMAP project oriented for opening cultural heritage materials to the specialists but as well as wide public. He educated students from India, China, Angola, Senegal, Russia, Armenia and Vietnam. He supervised more than 40 doctoral students. Their dissertations included the application of GIS, remote sensing and digital cartography in the fields of GI policy, sustainable development, spatial information infrastructure, early warning and crises management, adaptive and context based cartography, ubiquitous mapping, agricultural, forestry, environment, regional and landscape planning. He was teaching from 1976 various physical-geographical (geomorphology) and cartographical disciplines, co-author of the first book about Geographical Information Systems (1985) in former Eastern Europe. Realize several stages in other universities: Wroclaw, Poland (1976), Moscow, Russia (1980), Durham, U.K. (1985) and USGS Reston, USA 1991. Leadership of graduates (B.Sc., M.Sc.) and doctorands (Ph.D.): tenths of works, in last 5 years: B. Sc. 14 M.Sc. 16 Ph. D. 26 Member of the Commissions for Habilitation of Associate Professors: member of 3 commissions in 3 universities reviewed 14 habilitation or dissertation theses in last 5 years. Author and co-author of the textbooks and scripts: 5 incl. multimedia book on cartography and geoinformatics, both one book Panel GI and vocational course GIS in Agriculture realized with EC (under French leadership). Experience in creating a world-class laboratory and managing its research activities 1992 onwards established and was appointed as a Head of Laboratory on Geoinformatics and Cartography, Masaryk University (former University of J. E. Purkyne) Brno, Czech Republic. Laboratory was established as a result of Canada-Czechoslovakia Transform Technology Project. Leading scientist deals particularly with management, preparation, and realization of international and domestic research projects in the areas of spatial data infrastructure, GIS, cartographic visualization, mobile technologies, sustainable development, crises management, open electronic atlases, Big Data, crowdsourcing, Volunteer Geographic Information, Virtual Geographic Environments and generally by development of Information/Knowledge-based societies. He prepares global and regional international conferences, summits, symposia and workshops and chaired Activities of GISIG, OGC and ICA research teams of EU and international projects (China, Japan) and domestic projects (mentioned below). 2011 onwards: became co-founder of the Centre of Breakthrough Technologies in the Field of Geodesy, Cartography, Remote sensing and GIS for the Controls of Natural Resources, which is located in East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, UstKamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. 2012 onwards: member and representative of Masaryk University and Czech Republic in high level project between EU and China in Disaster Risk Management (project was partly initiated by workshop organized by prof. Konecny in 2009 in Beijing, which followed symposium in Prague under Czech leadership of EU). He realized 3 weeks expert activities in China on January 2013. He regularly participates in project Consortium leadership meetings. Prof. Konecny managed many research teams, last one for 7 years, 47 researchers, incl. PhD students in the down mentioned project Dynamic Geovisualization in Crises Management. He is experienced in international research, education, project preparation and management, capacity building, expert activities (preparation of research programme and evaluation of the projects of 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programs of the European Union in the fields of GIS, remote sensing, digital cartography, wireless transmission of spatial data, crises management, sustainable development and global environmental assessment. He participated in steering and advisory board committees of Information Society Forum EU in Brussels, he is Vice President of the Int. Society for Digital Earth in Beijing, President of European Regional Centre of International EuroAsian Academy (IEAS) and its Executive Committee member, director of Czech Focal Point of GISIG, member of Global Map project in Japan, GSDI in USA. He is also a member of the scientific board of the Geographic Institute of the Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing and member of International Scientific Advisory Board of RADI Institute of Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, P.R. of China and research-scientific institute in Hyderabad, India. He elaborated important expertises for Czech Ministry of Informatics, Ministry of Interior (incl. basic Page 5 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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analyses for design of GeoinfoStrategy of Czech Rep. in the EU context and World best practices (USA, Australia, New Zealand, U.K., Finland, Netherlands, etc.) and Ministry of Environment (expert for INSPIRE). From the point of view of grant application, leading scientist is familiar with language, conditions and life in Russia (European and Asian parts) and as well as in China, Africa and Americas. He participated in three polar expeditions (Svalbard – 1985, 87, 90). He is representative of Masaryk University in Nemoforum Association and was representative of Czech republic in the Board of Experts of EU Commission of Experts – INSPIRE (2003-2008). He was founding member of Global Marschal Plan (founder prof. F.J. Radermacher), participated in two “green economy” oriented conferences in Macao and participated in World Forum for Sustainable Development at his preparation part in Bali and main part in Johanesburg (as expert of Japan delegation).
Computer skills and competences
Other skills and competences Driving licence(s) Additional information
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Microsoft Office™ (Word™, Excel™ a PowerPoint™); - basic knowledge of aplication for graphic design (Adobe Illustrator™, PhotoShop™). knowledge about situation and leadership of projects in developing countries: China, India, Indonesia B Publications (books in boldface): BANDROVA TEMENOUJKA MILAN KONECNY, SISI ZLATANOVA, editors: Thematic Cartography for the Society. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 2014. 370 p. ISBN: 978-3-319-08179-3 (Print) 978-3-319-08180-9 (Online) KONEČNÝ MILAN, editor českého vydání: Virtuální geografická prostředí. 2014. Přeloženo z anglického originálu: Lin, Hui - Batty, Michael (Editors). Virtual Geographic Environments. Beijing, China: Science Press, 2009. 350 p., ISBN 978-7-03-023467-4. BANDROVA, T.L., M. KONEČNÝ, A. YOTOVA. Cartography development and challenges on the basis of Big Data. In Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny. 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014. s. 164-173, 10 s. ISSN 1314-0604. ŠTAMPACH, R., E. GERYK, M. KONEČNÝ, P. KUBÍČEK, P. DÍTĚ, T. HORVÁTH. Multidisciplinary cooperation of health specialists and cartographers as approach to cancer survivors. In Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny. 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014. s. 314-324, 11 s. ISSN 1314-0604. RUSSNÁK, J., Z. STACHOŇ, M. KONEČNÝ. Extended usability of old map information. In Temenoujka Bandrova, Milan Konecny. 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014. s. 353-361, 9 s. ISSN 1314-0604. BANDROVA, T.L., M. KONEČNÝ. 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. In 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014. s. 1-793, 793 s. BANDROVA, Temenoujka a Milan KONEČNÝ. Digital Earth - Young generation’s comprehension and ideas. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2014, roč. 18, č. 1, s. 1-7. ISSN 1755-1315. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012007. STACHOŇ, Zdeněk, Milan KONEČNÝ a Jiří KOZEL. Klady listů vybraných mapových děl na území ČR. 2013. (Certifikovaná metodika). KUBÍČEK, Petr, Lucie FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Miroslav KOLÁŘ, Milan KONEČNÝ, Jiří KOZEL, Eva MULÍČKOVÁ, Karel STANĚK, Gustav ŠAFR, Čeněk ŠAŠINKA, Radim ŠTAMPACH, Zbyněk ŠTĚRBA, Kateřina TAJOVSKÁ a Václav TALHOFER. Konceptuální a technologické aspekty adaptivní kartografie. In Tomáš Inspektor, Jiří Horák, Jan Růžička. Symposium GIS Ostrava 2013 Geoinformatika pro společnost. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2013. s. 1-7, 7 s. ISBN 978-80-248-2951-7 KONEČNÝ, Milan. Maintaining good quality maps with new techniques is a major concern. In 2013. s. KONEČNÝ, Milan, Jiří KOZEL a Zdeněk STACHOŇ. Map Archive on Institute of Geography, Masaryk University – New Possibilities. In Manfred F. Buchroithner. Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference. Dresden: International Cartographic Association, 2013. s. nestránkováno, 7 s. ISBN 978-1-907075-06-3. BANDROVA,T., KONECNY, M.: Mapping Standards Principles and Proposals for Disaster Management. Proceedings, CEGeoIC Bogota, Feb. 6-8, 2013, International Conference on Environmental Information and Communication, ISBN 978-3-00-040771-0, CODATA-Germany LNIS, pp. 135-145, For more information go to © European Communities, 2003
BÁČOVÁ, Radka, Petr KUBÍČEK a Milan KONEČNÝ. Příklady využití kartografické vizualizace nádorových onemocnění v Česku. Informace České geografické společnosti, Praha: Česká geografická společnost, 2013, roč. 32, č. 2, s. 1-12. ISSN 1213-1075. KONEČNÝ, Milan, Vladimir OBIDENKO, Dmitrij LISITSKY, Svetlana DYSHLYUK a Elena UTROBINA. Ranee preduprezdenije i upravlenije v krizisnych i crezvycajnych situacijach: Predprinimanijemyje sagi i ich realizacija s pomoscju kartografii, geoinformacii, GPS I distancionnogo zondirovanija. 2013. GERYK, Edvard, Radim ŠTAMPACH, Jiří KOZEL, Petr DÍTĚ a Milan KONEČNÝ. Výskyt dalších novotvarů u nemocných s leukemií. Onkologie, Olomouc: Solen s.r.o., 2013, roč. 2013, č. 3, s. 135139. ISSN 1802-4475. KONEČNÝ, Milan, KUBÍČEK, Petr a kol. Datové infrastruktury pro prostorově informační společnost.Data Infrastructures for Spatil Iinformation Society Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012. 97 s. ISBN 978-80-210-6014-2. BANDROVA, T., ZLATANOVA S., KONECNY, M.: Three-Dimensional Maps for Disaster Management. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., I-4, 245-250, doi:10.5194/isprsannals-I-4-245-2012, 2012, GERYK, E., PACÍK,D., ČERMÁK, A., KONEČNÝ, M. Nádory prostaty a varlat u české a světové populace. Urol. Listy 2012; 10, 1: 19-25. GERYK E.,, HORVÁTH, T, KONEČNÝ, M. Očekávané počty nádorů jater, žlučníků a pankreatu ve světě. Gastroent Hepatol. 2012; 66, 3: 202-209. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Roljata na kartografijata v digitalizirascija svjat (Role of Cartography in Digitizing World). 56-57. In: Nauka, 4/2012. Sofia, Bulgaria. DRÁPELA, Milan Václav, Lucie FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Miroslav KOLÁŘ, Milan KONEČNÝ a Zdeněk STACHOŇ. Map of the Czech Sokol Community in the year 1913. Mapa České obce sokolské v roce 1913. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012. 2 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5961-0. KONEČNÝ, Milan a kol. Dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu. Dynamic Geovisualization in Crises Management. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011. 386 s. ISBN 97880-210-5858-3. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Včasné varování a krizový management ve světě a v Evropské Unii: vývoj, výsledky a úloha vědy a výzkumu. In KONEČNÝ, Milan a kol. Dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011. s. 18-33, 386 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5858-3. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Disaster Prevention and Reduction in China. In Geoinformation Support for Flood Management in China and the Czech Republic. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. neuvedeno, ISBN 978-80-210-5751-7, s. 112-119. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Early Warning and Crisis Management - European Union Agenda. In Geoinformation Support for Flood Management in China and the Czech Republic, Konečný M., Kubíček P., Mulíčková E., Li J., eds. Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. neuvedeno, ISBN 978-80-210-5751-7, s. 108 -111. KUBÍČEK, Petr - MULÍČKOVÁ, Eva - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUČEROVÁ, Jitka. Flood Management and Geoinformation Support within the Emergency Cycle (EU Example). In Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment. Vyd. 1. Chennai, India : Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2011. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Tec, ISBN 978-3-642-22284-9, s. 77-86. KONEČNÝ, Milan - MULÍČKOVÁ, Eva - KUBÍČEK, Petr - LI, Jing. Geoinformation Support for Flood Management in China and the Czech Republic. Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. 119 s. neuvedeno. ISBN 978-80-210-5751-7. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Geoinformation Support for Flood Management in China and the Czech Republic. 1. vyd. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011. 121 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5751-7. MULÍČKOVÁ, Eva - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan. KARTOGRAFICKÁ PODPORA ŘEŠENÍ KRIZOVÝCH SITUACÍ – PILOTNÍ STUDIE POVODEŇ. Informace České geografické společnosti, Praha, Česká geografická společnost. ISSN 1213-1075, 2011, vol. 30, no. 2, s. 1-7. KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - ŠAŠINKA, Čeněk. The usability of selected base maps for crises management: users' perspectives. SpringerLink, Applied Geomatics, Springer, Spojené království. ISSN 1866-9298, 2011, vol. 2011, no. 3, 189–198-10 s. ANNONI, A. - CRAGLIA, M. - EHLERS, M. - GEORGIADOU, Y. - GIACOMELLI, A. KONEČNÝ, Milan - OSTLAENDER, N. - REMETEY-FULOPP, G. - RHIND, D. - SMITS, P. Page 7 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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SCHADE, S. A European perspective on Digital Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, Taylor and Francis, Německo. ISSN 1753-8947, 2011, vol. July 2011, no. 4/4, s. 271-284. GERYK, Edvard - PACÍK, D. - HORVÁTH, T. - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Budou dosaženy očekávané počty nádorů ledvin a močového měchýře?. Urol List 2011. ISSN 1214-2085, 2011, vol. 9, no. 2, s. 1-6. GERYK, Edvard - SEDLÁKOVÁ, Libuše - KONEČNÝ, Milan - HORVÁTH, Teodor. Budou dosaženy očekávané počty zhoubného melanomu?. Dermatologie pro praxi, Olomouc, Solen s.r.o. ISSN 1802-2960, 2011, vol. 5, no. 4, s. 235-238. KONEČNÝ, Milan. CARTOGRAPHY: Challenges and Potentials in Virtual Geographic Environments Era. Annals of GIS, Honkong, Taylor &Francis, Hongkong. ISSN 1947-5691, 2011, vol. 17, no. 3, s. 135-146. DRÁPELA, Milan Václav - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - KONEČNÝ, Milan - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk. Mapa Slezska od Martina Helwiga ve vydání Abrahama Ortelia (1570). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011. 2 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5577-3. GERYK, Edvard - HORVÁTH, Teodor - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Očekávaná zátěž nádory jícnu, žaludku a kolorekta ve světě. Vnitřní lékařství, Praha, Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně. ISSN 0042773X, 2011, vol. 2011, no. 12, s. 1006-1011. GERYK, Edvard - KOZEL, Jiří - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - PACÍK, Dalibor - DÍTĚ, Petr - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Vícečetné nádory nervového systému a další primární novotvary. Onkologie, Solen, s.r.o. ISSN 1802-4475, 2011, vol. 2011, no. 3, s. 175-180. KONEČNÝ, M. – REINHARDT, W. 2010. Early warning and Disaster management: the importance of geographic information (Part B). Editorial. International Journal of Digital Earth, Vol.3, No.4, September 2010, p. 313-315, ISSN 1753-8947, print/ISSN 1753-8955 online 2010 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2010.508884. KONEČNÝ M. - REINHARDT W. Early warning and disaster management: the importance of geographic information (Part A). Editorial. International Journal of Digital Earth, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2010, p.217-220. ISSN 1753-8947 print/ISSN 1753-8955 online # 2010 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/17538947. 2010.508884. KONEČNÝ, Milan - ZLATANOVA, Sisi - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L.. Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management; Towards Better Solutions. Vyd. 1. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. 446 s. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. ISBN 978-3-642-03441-1. BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - KONEČNÝ, Milan - RUSNÁKOVÁ, Monika. Research of Students´ Cartographical Knowledge in Early Warning and Crisis Management. In Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Vyd. 1. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer - Verlag, 2010. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, ISBN 978-3-642-03441-1, s. 361 - 378. STANĚK, Karel - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Selected issues of cartographic communication optimization for emergency centers. International Journal of Digital Earth, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1753-8947, 2010, vol. 3, no. 4, s. 316-339. KONEČNÝ, Milan - STANĚK, Karel. Adaptive cartography and geographical education. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, London, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Spojené království. ISSN 1038-2046, 2010, vol. 19/2010, no. 1/19, s. 75 -78. DOI: 10.1080/10382041003602977. ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - GERYK, Edvard. Dynamic Cartographic Methods for Visualization of Health Statistics. In Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe. BerlinHeidelberg : Springer, 2010. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, ISBN 978-3-64203293-6, s. 431-442. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - NUNEZ, Jesus Reyes - ATWAL, Jeet. Children Map the World: Selections from the Barbara Petchenik Children's World Map Competition. Vyd. 1. Redlands, USA : ESRI Press, 2010. 136 s. ESRI Press, volume 2. ISBN 1-58948-125-9. KONEČNÝ, Milan - CARTWRIGHT, William. International Cartographic Association. In Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management, Examples and Best Practices. Copenhagen, Denmark : Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies (JB GIS) and United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), 2010. Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management, ISBN 978-87-90907-88-4, 4 s. GERYK, Edvard - DÍTĚ, Petr - TRNA, Jan - KOZEL, Jiří - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Klinická stadia u nemocných s vícečetnými novotvary. Onkologie, Olomouc, Solen, s.r.o. ISSN 1802-4475, 2010, vol. 2011, no. 6, s. 326-330. DRÁPELA, Milan Václav - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - KONEČNÝ, Milan - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk KOLÁŘ, Miroslav. MAP OF OLD GERMANIA (GERMANIAE VETERIS) by Guiljelm Blaeu (1662). Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2010. 8 s. ISBN 978-80-210-5278-9. GERYK, Edvard - DÍTĚ, Petr - KOZEL, Jiří - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan Page 8 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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ŠTAMPACH, Radim - PEŠEK, Miloš. Nádorové multiplicity u české populace. Časopis lékařů českých, Praha, Česká lékařská společnost JEP. ISSN 0008-7335, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 4, s. 178183. GERYK, Edvard - DÍTĚ, Petr - TRMA, Jan - KOZEL, Jiří - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr ŠTAMPACH, Radim. Zátěž nádory pankreatu u české populace. Onkologie, Solen, s.r.o. ISSN 1802-4475, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 5, s. 322-325. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Cartography and Emergency. GIM International, The global Magazine for Geomatics, Lemmer, The Netherlands, GITC bv, Reed Elsevier, The Netherlands, Nizozemsko. ISSN 1566-9076, 2009, vol. 23/2009, no. 7/23, 68 s. BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - KONEČNÝ, Milan - ZLATANOVA, Sisi - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie (Eds.). Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management: Towards Better Solutions. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009. 696 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4796-9. BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - KONEČNÝ, Milan - RUSNÁKOVÁ, Monika. Cartography for Early Warning and Crisis Management for Students Needs. In Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management: Towards Better Solutions. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009. ISBN 978-80-210-4796-9, s. 59-67. 19.1.2009, Praha. KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - ŘEZNÍK, Tomáš. Editing map client for geodata updating in emergency situations. In Sborník ze společné mezinárodní konference ISZL/CEE-SDI/ ICT for Rural 2009. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita, 2009. ISBN 978-80-213-1932-5, 9 s. 2009, Praha. HŘEBÍČEK, Jiří - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav. Geoinformation Support for Water Disaster Situations. In Decision Support for Natural Disasters and Intentional Threats to Water Security. Vyd. první. New York: Springer, 2009. ISBN 978-90-481-2711-5, s. 179-190. 22.4.2007, Dubrovník. ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - GERYK, Edvard. Dynamic Cartographic Methods for Visualization of Health Statistics. In ICA Symposium on Cartography for Central and Eastern Europe Proceedings. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, 2009. s. 867-878. 16.2.2009, Vienna. STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - DRÁPELA, Milan Václav - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav KONEČNÝ, Milan. MAPA ČECH OD JANA KRYŠTOFA MÜLLERA. Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2009. 8 s. Př-12/09-02/58. ISBN 978-80-210-4956-7. ŘEZNÍK, Tomáš - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Metadata a webový portál projektu GS Soil. In 6. letní škola aplikované informatiky. Indikátory účinnosti EMS podle odvětví. Brno: nakladatelství Littera, 2009. ISBN 978-80-85763-53-9, s. 1-6. STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - GERYK, Edvard - PAVELKA, Jiří. Návrh portálu pro vizualizaci dat zdravotního stavu obyvatelstva. In Geomatika v projektech 2009. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7399-842-4, 50 s. 16.9.2009, zámek Kozel. GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KOZEL, Jiří - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KONEČNÝ, Milan DÍTĚ, Petr - KOŠKA, Petr - PEŠEK, Miloš - HOLUB, Jiří. Podpora kartografie časového a prostorového rozložení vícečetných novotvarů. In Geoinformační infrastruktury pro praxi. Vyd. 1. Brno: MSD, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7392-100-2, 100 s. 27.5.2009, Brno. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Cartography and GI research Agenda for Early Warning and Crises Management. In Workshop ICA Working Group on Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management. Shepherdstown, USA : ICA, 2008. ISBN 978-1-907075-01-8, 73 s. 11.9.2010, Shepherdstown, USA. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Cartography New Perspectives in Crises Management Context. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, Moscow, MGU Press, Rusko. ISSN 2071-9388, 2008, vol. 01, no. 1, s. 46-67. KUBÍČEK, Petr - CHARVÁT, Karel - CAPODIECI, Paolo - KONEČNÝ, Milan - TALHOFER, Václav ČERBA, Ota - KŘIVÁNEK, Zbyněk. Dynamic Geospatial Infrastructure for Forest Fires. In Musil, Marek - Ježek, Jan. Proceedings of IST-Africa. Windhoek : IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd, 2008. ISBN 978-1-905824-07-6, s. 60-67. 2008, Windhoek. KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Geovizualizace přírodních katastrof v globálním kontextu. In Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků ze semináře k "Mezinárodnímu roku planety Země". Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2008. ISBN 978-80-210-4748-8, s. 166-178. 2008, Brno. KONEČNÝ, Milan. GI aspects in crisis management. In Proceedings Geo-Sibir 2008. Novosibirsk, Russia: Sibiřská státní geodetická akademie (SSGA-NIGAIK), 2008. s. 58-62. 2008, Novosibirsk. ŘEZNÍK, Tomáš - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Metadatový tok v krizovém řízení: od konceptu k implementaci. Disertační práce. 2008. ŠŤASTNÝ, Rudolf - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Podmínky harmonizace map pro krizový management. Diplomová práce. 2008. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - KUBÍČEK, Petr. Similarities and Differences in Cartographic and Geoinformatics Support of Early Warning and Disaster / Crises Management. In Second International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Vyd. Proceedings 2. Sofia, Bulgaria: Page 9 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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International Cartographic Association; University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2008. ISBN 978-954-724-038-4, s. 75-84. 21.1.2008, Borovets, Bulgaria. CHARVÁT, Karel - KUBÍČEK, Petr - TALHOFER, Václav - KONEČNÝ, Milan - JEŽEK, J.. SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE AND GEOVISUALIZATION IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. In Resilience of Cities to Terrorist and other Threats: Learning from 9/11 and further Research Issues. Dordrecht : Springer - Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4020-8487-4, s. 443 474. UT ISI : 000258323700021. KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - TALHOFER, Václav - ZBOŘIL, Jiří. Spatial Information And Crisis Management. In Proceedings 1. Second International Conference On Cartography & GIS. Sofia, Bulgaria : University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2008. ISBN 978-954-724-036-0, s. 391-392. 2008, Borovets, Bulgaria. SALVETOVÁ, Šárka - KONEČNÝ, Milan - ŠVANCARA, Josef. Zpracování geografických informací ve ztížených podmínkách. 2008. ISBN 978-80-7372-367-5. KONEČNÝ, Milan - ORMELING, Ferjan J. - TIKUNOV, Vladimir S. Atlas information systems and geographical names information systems as contributants to spatial data infrastructure. International Journal of Digital Earth, Abindon, Oxon, UK, Taylor and Francis, Spojené království. ISSN 17538947, 2008, vol. Volume 1, no. Number 3, s. 279 - 290. BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Cartography and GIS - Training School for Teachers in Geography. In 5th International Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Proceedings. Istambul : Fatih University Istambul, 2008. ISBN 978-975-303-096-0, s. 721 - 727. 2.7.2008, Istambul. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Digital Earth Idea: Quo Vadis?. Vyd. první. Moscow : Russian Academy of Science, 2008. 496 s. Systemy i sredstva informatiky. In: Consideration of Alexander Martynenko Contributions and Ideas. Sokolov, I.A. (Ed.). Spec. vypusk: Geoinformacionnye Technologii. ISBN 978-5-902030-58-4. GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav ODEHNAL, Jakub - HOLUB, Jiří. Epidemiologický vývoj nádorů ledvin a močového měchýře v ČR. In Sborník XV. Jihočeské onkologické dny. České Budějovice : Nemocnice České Budějovice, 2008. ISBN 978-80-254-2729-3, s. 55-59. 2008, Český Krumlov. GERYK, Edvard - DÍTĚ, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal Cancers. In Gastrosymposium Tallin. Tallin : University of Tallin, 2008. ISBN 80-902266-9-8, s. 12-12. 9.5.2008, Tallin. GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KOZEL, Jiří ODEHNAL, Jakub - HOLUB, Jiří - MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav. K otázce objemu zdravotní péče v mammologii a gynekologii. In Onkologie v gynekologii a mammologii. Vyd. první. Šlapanice : Fakultní nemocnice Brno, 2008. ISBN 978-80-87086-00-1, s. 115-115. 2008, Brno. DRÁPELA, Milan Václav - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - KONEČNÝ, Milan STACHOŇ, Zdeněk. MAPA ARCIVÉVODSTVÍ RAKOUSKÉHO OD NICOLASE SANSONA Z ROKU 1692. Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2008. 8 s. Př-7/08-02/58. ISBN 978-80-210-4693-1. KONEČNÝ, Milan - GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KOZEL, Jiří STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav - ODEHNAL, Jakub - DÍTĚ, Petr - KOŠKA, Petr KRAUS, Roman - HOLUB, Jiří. Nádory a kartografie. Zdravotnictví v ČR, Praha, Asoc. pro rozv. soc. lék. a řízení péče. ISSN 1213-6050, 2008, vol. 11, no. 4, s. 135-135. GERYK, Edvard - KOZEL, Jiří - KUBÍČEK, Petr - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KONEČNÝ, Milan ODEHNAL, Jakub. Nádory plic a další malignity. In Sborník XVI. Západočeské pneumoonkologické dny. Vyd. první. Břasy : Euroverlag, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7177-010-7, s. 68-68. 2008, Plzeň. KONEČNÝ, Milan - GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KOZEL, Jiří STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav - ODEHNAL, Jakub - DÍTĚ, Petr - KOŠKA, Petr KRAUS, Roman - HOLUB, Jiří. Prevalence nádorů v České republice 1989-2005-2015. Vyd. 1. Brno: Přírodovědecká fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity, Brno a Občanské sdružení podpory zdraví a onkologické prevence, 2008. 257 s. neuveden. ISBN 978-80-903255-2-4. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. (Eds.). Proceedings of Second International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Vyd. 1. Sofia, Bulharsko: International Cartographic Association; University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, 2008. 165 s. ISBN 978-954-724-038-4. GERYK, Edvard - BENDOVÁ, Marie - KUBÍČEK, Petr - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - ODEHNAL, Jakub KOŠKA, Petr - HOLUB, Jiří - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Vícečetné zhoubné novotvary: Ukazatel zdraví a nákladů péče v onkologii. Zdravotnictví v České republice, Praha, Asoc. pro rozv. soc. lék. a řízení péče. ISSN 1213-6050, 2008, vol. 2008, no. 2, s. 50-55. GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KOŠKA, Petr - ODEHNAL, Jakub - ŠTAMPACH, Radim HOLUB, Jiří - DOLEŽAL, Tomáš - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Vývoj prevalence nádoru prsu a rodidel v ČR. In Onkologie v gynekologii a mammologii. Vyd. první. Šlapanice : Fakultní nemocnice Brno, 2008. Page 10 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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ISBN 978-80-87086-00-1, s. 9-9. 2008, Brno. KONEČNÝ, Milan - STANĚK, Karel - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie. Adaptabilní mapy pro krizový management. Kartografické listy, Bratislava, Kartografická spoločnosť Slovenskej republiky, Slovensko. ISSN 1336-5274, 2007, vol. 2007, no. 15, s. 41-50. STANĚK, Karel - KONEČNÝ, Milan - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie. AN ADAPTIVE CARTOGRAPHIC VISUALIZATION FOR SUPPORT OF THE CRISIS MANAGEMENT. In XXIII International Cartographic Conference - Cartography for everyone and for you. Vyd. 1. Moscow : Roskartografija, 2007. s. 1-9 on CD-ROM. 2007, Moscow. KONEČNÝ, Milan - ORMELING, Ferjan J. - TIKUNOV, Vladimir S. Atlas Information Systems and Geographical Names Information Systems as contribuants to Spatial Data Infrastructure. In Proceedings the 5th International Symposium on Digital Earth. Berkeley, California : Projekt Digital Earth, 2007. s. 20-28. 5.6.2007, Berkeley, California. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Cartography New Perspectives and Global Challenges. In Abstracts of Papers of XXIII International Cartographic Conference. Moscow, Russia : Roskartografija, 2007. s. 7-17. 4.8.2007, Moscow, Russia. GERYK, Edvard - KOŠKA, Petr - ODEHNAL, Jakub - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KUBÍČEK, Petr KONEČNÝ, Milan - MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav - HOLUB, Jiří. Časoprostorová distribuce žijících s nádory respiračního traktu v ČR v letech 1989-2015. In Sborník XV. Západočeské pneumoonkologické dny. Plzeň : FN Plzeň, Euroverlag, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7177-003-9, s. 25-26. 8.11.2007, Plzeň. KUBÍČEK, Petr - STANĚK, Karel - KONEČNÝ, Milan - CHARVÁT, Karel - HORÁK, Petr. Feedback Oriented Mapping in Mobile Environment. In ISPRS archives, volume XXXVI-4/V45. Vyd. 1. Osnabrueck: ISPRS, 2007. s. 1-7. 2007, Stuttgart. CHARVÁT, Karel - KOCÁB, Milan - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr. Geografická data v informační společnosti. Vyd. 1. Zdiby : Výzkumný ústav geodetický, topografický a kartografický, v.v.i., 250 66 Zdiby 98, 2007. 280 s. VÚGTK, ročník 53, publikace č. 43. ISBN 978-80-85881-28-8. DRÁPELA, Milan Václav - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - KONEČNÝ, Milan STACHOŇ, Zdeněk. Mapa Moravy od J.A.Komenského. Vyd. 1. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2007. 8 s. 55-991A-2007 02/58 12/Př. ISBN 978-80-210-4412-8. GERYK, Edvard - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KOŠKA, Petr - HOLUB, Jiří ODEHNAL, Jakub - ŠTAMPACH, Radim. Prevalence nádorů v ČR - časové a prostorové rozložení. Zdravotnictví v České republice, Praha, Asoc. pro rozv. soc. lék. a řízení péče. ISSN 1213-6050, 2007, vol. 2007, no. 3, s. 94-100. GERYK, Edvard - ODEHNAL, Jakub - ŠTAMPACH, Radim - KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan MICHÁLEK, Jaroslav - HOLUB, Jiří. Vývoj prevalence karcinomů plic a hrtanu v krajích ČR. In Sborník XV. Západočeské pneumoonkologické dny. Plzeň : FN Plzeň, Euroverlag, 2007. ISBN 97880-7177-003-9, s. 38-40. 8.11.2007, Plzeň. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Dynamická kartografická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu. In Česká geografie v evropském prostoru, Sborník referátů z XXI. sjezdu České geografické společnosti vyžádaná přednáška. Vyd. Jihočeská univerzita. České Budějovice : Česká geografická společnost, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7040-986-2, s. 872 - 884. 30.8.2006, České Budějovice. HŘEBÍČEK, Jiří - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Introduction to Ubiquitous Cartography and Dynamic Geovisualization with Implications for Disaster/Crises Management. In The Geospatial Web: How GeoBrowsers, Social Software and the Web 2.0 are Shaping the Network Society. Vyd. první. London : Springer-Verlag London, 2007. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, ISBN 978-1-84628-826-5, s. 209-214. Edited by: Arno Scharl and Klaus Tochtermann. BRÁZDILOVÁ, Jarmila - FOLTÝNOVÁ, Darina - KONEČNÝ, Milan - TALHOFER, Václav. Kartografická vizualizace v krizovém řízení. In Veřejná a soukromá řešení dopadů živelních pohrom v ČR. Brno : Masarykova univerzita Ekonomicko-správní fakulta, 2007. ISBN 978-80-210-4395-4, s. 9-15. 6.6.2007, Brno. KVAPILOVÁ, Jana - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Přehled používaných modelů pro krizový management a využití geografických informací. Bakalářská práce. 2007 KONEČNÝ, Milan - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - STANĚK, Karel. An adaptive cartographic visualization for support of the crisis management. In CaGIS publications - Autocarto 2006. Vancouver WA: CaGIS, 2006. s. 100-105. 26.6.2006, Vancouver, Washington, USA. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management. Bonn: ICA Poster for United Nations EW III Conference in Bonn. March 27-31, 2006. ICA Poster for United Nations EW III Conference in Bonn. KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk. DYNAMIC GEOVISUALISATION IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT. In Modern technologies, education and proffesional practise in geodesy and related fields. Vyd. 2006. Sofia: Union of Surveyors and Land managers in Bulgaria, 2006. ISBN 80-903478-3-5, s. 286-287. 9.11.2006, Sofia, Bulgaria. TALHOFER, Václav - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr. Geografická podpora v krizovém řízení. In Page 11 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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Interoperabilita managementu ochrany obyvatelstva. Brno: Univerzita obrany, fakulta ekonomiky a managementu, 2006. ISBN 80-7231-138-7, s. 231-239. 2006, UO Brno. KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUČEROVÁ, Jitka. Hydrological Information for Crises Management in Czech Republic. In Proceedings ČESKÁ GEOGRAFIE V EVROPSKÉM PROSTORU, České Budějovice, Česká republika, Jihočeská Univerzita, Biologická Fakulta, 30. 8. 2. 9. 2006. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. Mapping of Nature Risks and Disasters for Educational Purposes. In Conference Collection of Papers, Volume II, VIth International Scientific Conference. Vyd. 1. Sofia, Bulharsko: Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection. SGEM 2006., 2006. ISBN nebylo přidělen, s. 127-134. 12.6.2006, Sofia, Bulharsko. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. Mapping of Nature Risks and Disasters for Educational Purposes. Cartography and Geoinformation, Zagreb, Croatian Cartographic Society, Chorvatsko. ISSN 1333-896X, 2006, vol. 5 2006, no. 6, s. 4 -12. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Mobile and Adaptive Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management. In 17th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacifik. Bangkok: UNO, 2006. ISBN nebylo přidělen, s. 1 -12. 18.9.2006, Bangkok. KONEČNÝ, Milan - BANDROVA, Temenoujka L. Proposal for a Standard in Cartographic Visualization of Natural Risks and Disasters. In Proceedings of the Joint Symposium of Seoul Metropolitan For a & Second International Workshop on Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Internet Mapping. Seoul, Korea : Neuveden, 2006. ISBN nepřiděleno, s. 165 - 173. 19.10.2006, Seoul, Korea. KONEČNÝ, Milan - NYAPOLA, H. Capacity Building for Geo-Information Development: Highlighting issues and influencing factors. In 17th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacifik. Bangkok : OSN, 2006. ISBN nebylo přidělen, s. 1 -12. 18.9.2006, Bangkok. KUBÍČEK, Petr - KONEČNÝ, Milan - STANĚK, Karel - CHARVÁT, Karel - KOCÁB, Milan. MobilDat - Mobile Data Visualisation And Updating. In Sborník "4TH WORLD CONGRESS ON COMPUTERS IN AGRICULTURE ". Orlando : WCCA, 2006. ISBN 1-892769-55-7, s. 61 - 67. 2006, Orlando. KONEČNÝ, Milan - PODHRÁZSKÝ, Zbyšek - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - TAJOVSKÁ, Kateřina ZBOŘIL, Jiří. Multimedia textbook of Cartography and Geoinformatics. In International Symposium GIS Ostrava 2006 Informatics for geoinformatics. Ostrava: VSB-TU Ostrava, 2006. s. 12-17. 23.1.2006, Ostrava. KONEČNÝ, Milan - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - TAJOVSKÁ, Kateřina - PODHRÁZSKÝ, Zbyšek. Multimedia Textbook of Cartography and Geoinformatics. In First international conference on cartography and GIS. Sofia Bulgaria: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006. ISBN 954-724-028-5, s. 34-35. 2006, Borovetz Bulgaria. KAPLAN, Věroslav - STACHOŇ, Zdeněk - KONEČNÝ, Milan. USABILITY OF ELECTRONIC LEARNING MATERIALS IN CARTOGRAPHY. In Modern technologies, education and proffesional practise in geodesy and related fields. Vyd. 2006. Sofia, Bulgaria : Union of Surveyors and Land managers in Bulgaria, 2006. ISBN 80-903478-3-5, s. 295-299. 9.11.2006, Sofia, Bulgaria. KONEČNÝ, Milan. ICA and Natural Hazards. In Proceedings of the Cartographic Cutting-Edge Technology for Natural Hazard Management. Dresden, Germany : Technische Universitaet Dresden, 2005. s. 55-67. 2005, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany. Kartographische Bausteine, Band 30. HŘEBÍČEK, Jiří - KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Informační podpora krizového managementu - dynamická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu. In Zvládání krizí s podporou obranného průmyslu. Brno : Univerzita obrany, 2005. ISBN 80-85960-96-6, s. 72-80. 2005, Brno. BRÁZDILOVÁ, Jarmila - KONEČNÝ, Milan - KUBÍČEK, Petr - STANĚK, Karel - ŠVANCARA, Josef KOLÁŘ, Miroslav - DRÁPELA, Milan Václav. Možnosti dynamické geovizualizace v krizovém managementu. In Present and Future of Crisis Management. Vyd. 2005. Praha : published by T-soft, 2005. ISBN 80-239-4734-6, 17/8-312 s. 2005, Praha. In: Proceedings of 8th international conference Present and Future of Crisis Management 2005. BRÁTOVÁ, Květoslava - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Legal aspects of GI Access in CR Public Administration (with respekt to EU projects). Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, Polsko. ISSN 1505-0297, 2005, vol. 8, no. 2, s. 145-153. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Mezdunarodnaja kartograficeskaja associacija na sovremennom etape: celi, zadaci, resenija. Moskva : Gazeta Rosskartografii, Mistransa Rossiji., 2005. 6 s. Vestnik geodeziji i kartografrii, No1 (59). KONEČNÝ, Milan - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - STANĚK, Karel. Open regional atlas of south Moravia. In Interned-based cartographic teaching and learning: atlases, map use, and visual analytics. Vyd. 1. Madrid : In: Joint ICA Commissions Seminar: Internet-based cartographic teaching Page 12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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and learning: atlases, map use and visual analytics, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 2005. s. 9398. 2005, Madrid. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Strategic Plan of the ICA: Ways of Realization. In Journal of the Japan Cartographers Association. Science of Spatial Representation. Vyd. Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005. Tokyo, Japan. : Japan Cartographers Association, 2005. s. 9 -16. 2005, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. KONECNY, M. – ORMELING, F. The Role of Cartography in the (GSDI) World. Abstract of paper. In Proceedings FIG Confrence in Cairo, Developing SDI’s Session, p. 1. April 2005. [Cairo], 2005. FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - STANĚK, Karel - KONEČNÝ, Milan. Tvorba otevřeného regionálního atlasu. Kartografické listy, Bratislava, . ISSN 1336-5274, 2005, vol. 2005, no. 13, s. 43-52. CHARVÁT, Karel - KONEČNÝ, Milan - STANĚK, Karel - KOCÁB, Milan - HOLÝ, Stanislav DVOŘÁK, Pavel - KAFKA, Štěpán. Wirelessinfo - první české virtuální výzkumné a inovační centrum se zaměřením na GIS. GEOinfo, Brno, Computer Press Media, a.s. ISSN 1211-1082, 2005, vol. 1/XI, no. 1, s. 48 - 50. Po stopách dalšího vývoje ojedinělého českého projektu. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Geographic Information and Cartography in the Sustainable Development Support. In Proceedings of the Konference Book3. Jambol, Bulgaria. : 2004. s. 128 - 134. 30.9.2004, Jambol, Bulgaria. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Geospatial Democracy: the ICA point of View. In Slide Persentation. Map India 2004 International Conference. In preparation on the Conference Web site. New Delhi, Indie : Map India 2004, International Conference., 2004. 26.1.2004, New Delhi, Indie. KONECNY, M. Geographic Information and Cartography in the Sustainable Development Support. In Proceedings of the Conference "Science, Technics, Technologies and Education", Book, 30.0903.10. 2004, Yambol, Bulgaria. [Yambol], [2004]. s. 128–134. ISBN 954-9999-36-X. KONECNY, M. ICA support in Sustainability Development Process. In Proceedings on GSDI-7 Conference in Bangalore, 2004. [Bangalore] (India), [2004]. KONECNY, M. (regional consultant). In The Illustrated World Atlas. A Comprehensive Portrait of Planet Earth. San Francisco: Fog City Press; [s.l.]: copyright Weldon Owen Pty, 2004. 304 s. ISBN 1 740893 18 2. KONEČNÝ, Milan - FRIEDMANNOVÁ, Lucie - STANĚK, Karel. Design of the Internet based open regional atlas. In Digital Earth: Information Resources for Global Sustainability. Vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, 2003. ISBN 80-210-3223, s. 219-221. 2003, Brno. KONEČNÝ, Milan. Globální prostorové datové projekty na podporu udržitelného rozvoje. Životné prostredie: revue pre teóriu a tvorbu životného prostredia, Bratislava, Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV, Slovensko. ISSN 0044-4863, 2003, vol. 37, no. 1, s. 10-14. KONEČNÝ, M. Knowledge-Based Society and the Role of Global Mapping. In Proceedings from the 16th UNRCC-AP and The 9th PCGIAP, 14-18 July 2003 Okinawa, Japan. [Okinava], [2003]. KONECNY, M. SDI and Cartography for Digital Cities. In Theories and Practice of Digital City. China International Conference on Digital City, Guangzhou, 2001. [Guangzhou], [2001]. s. 693-705. KONECNY, M. Information Society in the Czech Republic. SCHAUER, T. – RADEMACHER, F.J. (Eds.). The Challenge of the Digital Divide. Promoting a Global Society Dialogue, Sept. 2001. Vienna: FAW, 2001. s. 26-27. KONECNY, M. Global Issues 2001. Global Issues and Cartography. Plenary Session Address. In Vol. 1 Proceedings on Mapping 21st Century. The 20th International Cartographic Conference. ICC2001 Beijing, China, August 6-10, 2001. [Beijing], [2001]. s. 17-31. KONECNY, M. – STANEK, K. Local Internet Portal of Cartographic Knowledge. In Vol. 1. Proceedings on Mapping 21st Century. The 20th International Cartographic Conference. ICC2001 Beijing, China, August 6-10, 2001. [Beijing], [2001]. s. 132-140. KONECNY, M. ICA Statement on SDI and Cartography. In Proceedings on 5th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference, 21-25 May 2001, Cartagena, Colombia. [Cartagena], 2001. KONECNY, M. – STANEK, K. SDI in Czech Republic: Portal Age. In Proceedings on 4th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science „GI in Europe: Integrative, Interoperable, Interactive". Brno, Czech Republic, April 19-21, 2001. Brno: Masaryk university, 2001. s. 51-56, 775 s. ISBN 80-210-2579-4. KONECNY, M. (co-author). Panel-GI Compendium: A Guide to GI and GIS. EUR 19630 EN. INCOCOPERNICUS Project no. 977136. FRANK, A. U. (ed.). Geoinfo Series, 2000, no. 21. Vienna: European Communities, 2000. ISBN 3-901716-22 . KONECNY, M. Global Mapping Project: Possible Role in the Global Information Society Design. In Global Mapping Forum 2000. For the Global Environment in the 21st Century. Hirosima. Report. [s.l.]: Geographical Survey Institute & International Steering Committee for Global Mapping, November 2000. s.66, 117 s. KONECNY, M. The Digital Earth: Spatial Data Infrastructures from Local to Global Concept. In Proceedings on the International Symposium on Digital Earth, „Towards the Digital Earth“, Nov.30Page 13 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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Dec.2 1999, Beijing. Beijing (China): Science Press, 1999. s. 57-68. KONEČNÝ, M. The Global Information Infrastructure: Small Country Agenda. In 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information Congress. Center of the International Fair of Lisbon, September 7-11, 1998. [Lisbon], [1998]. KONEČNÝ, M. – ŠVANCARA, J. (A)perception of the Maps by Czech School Children. In Proceedings of the ICA Seminar on Cognitive Map, Children and Education in Cartography held at Gifu Prefectural Library, Gifu, Japan, November 8-10, 1996. [s.l.]: International Cartographic Association, 1997. s. 137-146, 169 s. KONEČNÝ, M. Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration. In Proceedings on Third EU/CEEC Information Society Forum, Brussels, 9-10 October. Brussels: European Parliament-European Commission, 1997. s. 81-84. KONECNY, M. The GIS Superhighway for Government Decision Support. Part II. In Space and Time in Environmental Information Systems. 9th International Symposium on Computer Science for Environmental Protection CSEP'95. Marburg: Metropolis; [s.l.]: Verlag, 1995. s.618-623. ISBN 389518-061-0. KONEČNÝ, M. – RAIS, K. Úvod do geografických informačních systémů. Brno.UJEP. Fakulta přírodovědecká. Praha: SPN, 1985. 110 s. KONEČNÝ, M. – RAIS, K. Geografické informační systémy. Folia Geografia, roč. XXVI, Geographia 21, č. 13. Brno,1985. 196 s. (First book about GIS in Europe). KONECNY, M. – RAIS, K. The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Analysis of Urban and Rural Landscapes. Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing, March 1985, vol. 22. [s.l.]: V.H. Winston; [s.l.]: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 1985. s. 34-43. KONECNY, M. - RAIS, K. Application of the Geographic Information System in Environmental Research of Town Conurbations and Countryside. In Proceedings on the EURO-CARTO III Seminar, 23 - 25 October 1984, Graz, Austria. [s.l.]: Austrian Computer Society and Research Center Joanneum; Institute for Image Processing and Computer Graphics, [1984]. KONECNY, M. – RAIS, K. – RACANSKY, V. Information System of a Teritory: Application of Mathematical and Mathematical-Cartographic Modelling. In Latin American Regional Conference I.G.U., Rio de Janeiro, 1982. [Rio de Janeiro], [1982]. s. 195. Leadership/Participation in International Projects: 1997-2001: Pan European Link for Geographical Information - Panel GI. (Project EU - INCOCOPERNICUS no.977136). 1997-2001: Administration Data Boundary Service (ABDS) for the CEEC. (EU – DG III.). 1998-1999: Floodplain. (EU - PHARE-CREDO). 1999-2002: GIS Placement. (CZ/00/A/F/PL/13418). 2001-onwards: INSPIRE - Infrastructure of Spatial Data for Europe, Joint Research Centre EU JRC. 2001-2002: WirelessInfo. (EU - INCO-COPERNICUS - IST-1999-21056). 2001-2004: Geographical Information and Agricultural Vocational Training in Europe - GISA2E. (EU – Leonardo da Vinci). 2002-2004: URBAX2. (EU – Leonardo da Vinci - I-02-B-F-NT-120197). 2004-2006: Digital Elaboration and Map Perception for Ecology. (Hosei University, Tokyo). 2010 - 2011: FLOODRISK (Program of international cooperation with China - SMSMTPMS09) 2012 – onwards: EU-China DRM project - member and representative of Masaryk University and Czech Republic in high level project between EU and China in Disaster Risk Management Domestic projects: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Czech Republic – research project: 2005–2011: Dynamic Geovisualization in Crises Management. (MSM0021622418). 2010-2012: GEOTÝM (GEOTEAM) - Human Potential for the Information Society Using Spatial Data (CZ1.07/2.3.00/09.0199) Ministry of Culture of Czech Republic 2011-2015: TEMAP - Technology for Access to Collections of Maps of the Czech Republic: methodology and software for the protection and use of cartographic National Cartographic Heritage (NAKI - DF11P01OVV003). Grant Agency of Czech Republic: 1995-1998: Creation of GIS in Czech Republic: state-of- the-art, barriers of growth, conditions of optimal development and applications in international context. (GA205/95/0894) (project initiated first steps of SDI creation in Czech rep.) 1999-2001: Linkage and Applications of Technologies GIS and GPS in the Process of Thematic Landscape Mapping (GA205/99/0329). 2003-2005: Open Regional Electronic Atlas. (GA205/03/1102). Page 14 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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2007-2009: Cartographic Visualization and Modeling of Contemporary Trends of Development of Health and Healthcare in Czech Republic - Medicarto. (GA205/07/1278). Grant Agency of Czech Academy of Science: 2004 – 2007: Mobile Acquisition of Spatial Data for Mapping in real Time - Mobildat. (1ET101630421). 2004 – 2007: Management of Geographic information and knowledge – Data Management. (1ET206030407). Editor of Proceedings of World and European Congresses, Symposia and Scientific conferences: KONECNY, M. (ed.). Euro-Carto VI. Proceedings Euro-Carto VI Conference, April 13- 16, 1987, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: UJEP, 1987. 303 s. (no.: 55-951-87). KONECNY, M. (ed.). Geographic Information Systems - Multiple representation and multiple uses. Proceedings of GIS Brno'91 Conference, April 22- 25, 1991, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University, 1991. (under IGU's patronage). KONECNY, M. (ed.). Europe in Transition: The Context of GIS. Proceedings and Supplement of GIS Brno'94 Conference, August 28 - 31, 1994, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University, 1994. 376 s.+164 s. KONECNY, M. (ed.). GIS Frontiers In Business and Science. Proc. of GIS Brno'96 Conference and ICA Map Use Commission Session, April 20 - 24, 1996, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University, 1996. 460s. ISBN 80-210-1330-3. KONECNY, M. (ed.). Geographic Information Systems: Information Infrastructures and Interoperability for the 21st Century Information Society. Proceedings I.+II. of GIS Brno'98 Conference, 28 June - 1 July, 1998, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University, 1998. 272 s. + 290 s. ISBN 80-210-1841-0 + 80-210-1842-9. KONECNY, M.(ed.). Geographic Information Science „GI in Europe: Integrative, Interoperable, Interactive". Proceedings of 4th AGILE Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, April 19-21, 2001. Brno: Masaryk university, 2001. 775 s. ISBN 80-210-2579-4. KONECNY, M. (ed.). Digital Earth - Information Resources for Global Sustainability. Knowledge, Networks, Technology, Economy, Society, Natural and Human Resources, Policy and Strategy. Proceedings of Digital Earth Conference, 21. - 25. 9. 2003, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University, 2003. 870 s. ISBN 80-210-3223-5. KONECNY, M., BANDROVA, T. (eds): Proceedings 2, 2nd International Conference on Cartography and GIS, January, 21-24, 2008 Borovets, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-724-038-4, pp. 75-84. Membership in the Research Councils of other Universities: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science. KONECNY, M., BANDROVA, T. (eds): 3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS, CD Proceedings. June, 15-20, 2010 Nessebar, Bulgaria, ISSN:1314-0604 KONECNY, M., BANDROVA, T. (eds): 3rd ISDE Digital Earth Summit, Proceedings. June, 12-14, 2010 Nessebar, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-724-039-1 Invited Lectures at Universities and Institutes: 2003, Germany, Ulm: Informatization Programmes: dreams, trues and perspectives. FAW Ulm. 2004, Mexico, Mexico City: Information and Development: Territorial Information In the 21st Century. Pan-American Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH). 2006, Germany, Munich: The Challenges to Cartography in the SDI World. Bundeswehr Faculty, Munich. 2006, Bulgaria, Sofia: Research Frontiers in Cartography and Geoinformatics. UACEG. 2006, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: Contemporary Cartography and Geoinformatics I. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). 2006, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro: Contemporary Cartography and Geoinformatics II. State University of Rio de Janeiro(Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro). 2006, China, Beijing: Cartography and Geoinformatics In Early Warning and Crises Management. Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science. 2006, China, Fuzhou: New GIS Research Frontiers and Perspectives. Fuijan Normal University, Institute of Geography. 2006, China, Fuzhou: Development of the Digital Earth, and its Application. Fuijan Normal University, Institute of Geography. 2006, China, Fuzhou: Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management Situation. Fuijan Normal University, Institute of Geography. 2008, Brussels, Belgium: Cartography and Geoinformatics potentials. Infrastructure and GIS, Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Cities, experts Consultation Workshop organized by the Unit “ICT for Sustainable Growth” European Commission. 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria: Global Trends of Cartography, Doctor Honoris Causa Speech. Page 15 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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2008, Novosibirsk, Russia: GI Aspects in Crisis Management, Geo-Siberia 2008, keynote speech + Round Table: Education 2008, Davos, Switzerland, ISDR conference, Alternative and Context Cartography: New Ways of Risk Management Support 2008 + 2011, Austria, University of Vienna – Guest Professor: for semester teaching of: Cartography and GI in Early Warning Crises Management: Theory and Practice Spatial Data Infrastructures: Local, Regional and Global Aspects 2009, Russia. Novosibirsk: Workshop in Geo-Siberia conference, Cartographic and Geoinformatics Potentials in EW and Emergency Management 2009, China, Beijing: EU-China workshop, Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Emergency Management: how to support decision makers? 2009, China, Beijing, GSEM International Conference, Context Cartography in EW and Crises Management 2009, China, Beijing, ISDE-6 Conference, Digital Earth Agenda for Early Warning and Emergency Management 2009, Bulgaria, Sofia, Erasmus, GMES and INSPIRE in Early Warning and Emergency Management 2009, Hong Kong, H.K. Polytechnic, Land Surveying and Geoinformatics, Potentials of Geoinformatics and Cartography in EW and Crises Management 2009, Macao, 2009 MIECF Conference (official speech on behalf of Czech Republic), Ubiquitous Mapping for Early Warning and Crises Management: How to deliver information to individuals? 2009, Bulgaria, Sofia, UACEG Conference for INSPIRE, European Geoinformation Infrastructure Projects for Better Decision Making 2010, Brazil, Aracaju, XXIV. Congresso Brasileiro De Cartografia, Cartographic and Geoinformatics Aspects of Early Warning and Crises Management: Are We Ready to Exploit our Potentials? 2010, Bulgaria, Nessebar: Digital Earth in the Service of Society: Sharing Information, Building Knowledge, and Digital Earth Summit 2010, Bulgaria, Nessebar: 3rd International Conference on Cartography & GIS, EU Seminar on Early Warning and Disaster/Crises Management, EW and CM Geographic Information Research Agenda 2010, Wuhan, China, Geoinformatics and Industrialization, Digital Earth Potentials for Early Warning and Crises Management 2010, Russia. Novosibirsk: Early Warning and Crises Management workshop in Geo-Siberia conference, EW and CM regional aspects 2010, Russia, Barnaul, Environmental Conference, GMES and INSPIRE: from beginning to valuable services 2010, Singapore, GSDI Conference, the Digital Earth Vision 2010, Israel, Haifa, ISPRS conference, INSPIRE: targets, problems, and implementation 2010, Italy, ISPRA, ISDE-JRC ISPRA seminar, Introduction to Digital Earth 2010, China, Wuhan, Technical University, Early Warning and Crises Management Approaches in European Union: Geoinformatics Aspects 2010, Torino, Italy, Gi4DM conference, Usability of Selected Base Maps for Crises Management – Users Perspectives 2010, USA, Orlando, Auto-Carto Conference, Cartographic and Geoinformatics Strategies in EW and Crises Management 2011, Novosibirsk, Russia, SSGA, Geo-Siberia conference: Geoinformatics and Cartographic Research Agenda in Early Warning and Crises Management 2011, Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong – Guest Professor: Cartography and Geographic Information in Early Warning and Crisis management: Theory and Practice 2011, Kazakhstan, Ust Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, Guest Professor: Cartography and Geographic Information in Early Warning and Crisis management: Theory and Practice 2011, Kazakhstan, Ust Kamenogorsk, Mashinov Seminar: Spatial Data Components of Crises Management: Theory and Practice 2011, Czech Republic, Brno, ISESS Conference: The Digital Earth (Opening Speech) 2011, Croatia, Split, Cartographic Potentials in Disaster Management 2011, France, Orleans, EW and Crises Management: Cartography and Geoinformatics Research Agenda 2011, Australia, Perth, Digital Earth Emergency Management 2011, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, FIG and ICA workshop: EW and Disaster Management: Potentials of Geoinformation and Cartographic Support Page 16 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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2012: Novosibirsk, Russia, SSGA, Interexpo Geo-Siberia conference: Research Agenda of Early Warning and Crises/Disaster Management: Cartographic and Geoinformatics Aspects 2012: Bulgaria, Albena, European Union seminar: Early Warning and Crises Management Geographic Information Research Agenda. 2012: Kazakhstan, Almaty, FIG-ICA conference: Ubiquitous Mapping in EW and Crises Management 2012: China, Beijing Normal University: Crises Management: Future Challenges 2012: China, Beijing, IEAS congress: Digital Earth for 21st Century Challenges: Change of Organizations Paradigms 2012: Bulgaria, Sofia, ISPRS, OBSERVE: ICA Findings of Gaps in Research; Governmental Crises Management Cooperation (ICA, ISDE, IEAS) 2012: China, Beijing, Workshop on Crises Management for High Level Representatives, EU-China Disaster Risk Management Project 2012: Portugal, Lisbon, University Nova Lisboa, Geography: Geoinformation and Cartographic Research Agenda in EW and CM 2012: Australia, Melbourne, ISPRS Congress, 3D Maps for Disaster Management 2012: New Zealand, Wellington, Digital Earth Summit, Digital Earth and Crises Management: Potentials for Research Agenda Improvements 2013: Russia, Novosibirsk, Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2013, Digital Earth – Contemporary State-of-theArt and Future Challenges 2013: Russia, Novosibirsk, Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2013, Cartography and Geoinformatics in Risk and Crises Management 2013: United Kingdom, Nottingham, EU COST project: Dynamic Geovisualization in Crises Management – Context and Adaptive Mapping 2013: The Netherlands, Rotterdam: Context and Adaptive Cartography for Risk and Disaster Management 2013: China, Kaifeng, CP GIS Conference, Early Warning and Disaster Management Challenges for Europe and China” from GIS to Visual Geographic Environments (VGE) 2013: Hungary, Budapest, Visegrad Fund Conference, Disaster Management: Where We are Going? (Ambitious of Visegrad4) 2013: Hungary, Budapest, Visegrad Fund Conference, Ubiquitous Mapping for EW and CM 2013: China, Wuhan, Seminar at Wuhan University, the Role of Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management 2013: Germany, Dresden, ICC, The Role of Cartography and Geoinformatics in EW and CM Conferences presentations in 2008-2013: 2008, Bulgaria, Borovets: 2nd International Conference on Cartography & GIS 2008, Bulgaria, Borovets: Seminar with EU Cooperation on Early Warning and Disaster/Crises Management 2008, USA, Shepherdstown: ICA Workshop – Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Crises Management 2008, Belgium, Brussels: Cartography and geoinformatics potentials. Infrastructure and GIS. Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Cities. Experts Consultation Workshop organized by the Unit “ICT for Sustainable Growth” European Commission (DG INFSO) 2009, Czech Republic (under Czech Presidency of EU): Joint Symposium on Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Crises Management, Towards Better Solutions. 2009, Russia, Novosibirsk: Geo-Siberia, International Exhibition of Geodesy, Cartography, Geology, Geoinformation Systems, Environment Analysis and Instrument Engineering 2009, China, Beijing: Potentials of EU-China cooperation in Early Warning and Emergency Management: Challenges and Best Practices, Natural Disasters Management Innovations. Towards Better Solution, round table 2009, Chile, Santiago: 24th International Cartographic Conference - ICC 2009 2010, Russia, Novosibirsk: Geo-Siberia 2010, Bulgaria, Nessebar: Digital Earth in the Service of Society: Sharing Information, Building Knowledge, 3rd Digital Earth Summit 2010, Bulgaria, Nessebar: 3rd International Conference on Cartography & GIS, 2010, Russia, Barnaul, Environmental Conference 2010, Brasil, Aracaju, XXIV. Cartographic Conference 2010, Israel, Haifa, ISPRS conference, 2010, Singapore, GSDI Conference 2010, Italy, ISPRA, ISDE-JRC ISPRA seminar, 2010, Torino, Italy, Gi4DM conference 2010, USA, Orlando, Auto-Carto Conference Page 17 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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2011, Russia, Novosibirsk: Geo-Siberia 2011, France, Paris: 25th International Cartographic Conference - ICC 2011 2011, Australia, Perth: 7th International Symposium on Digital Earth, The Knowledge Generation 2012, Bulgaria, Albena: 4th Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS 2012, Russia, Novosibirsk: Interexpo Geo-Siberia 2012, New Zealand, Wellington: 4th Digital Earth Summit, Digital Earth and Technology 2013, Russia, Novosibirsk: Interexpo Geo-Siberia, Advanced Geospatial and Surveying Technologies for Environmental Management and Sustainable Territorial Development 2013, China, Kaifeng: CP GIS, The 21st International Conference on Geoinformatics, GIS in Economic Development, Regional Planning, and Environmental Protection 2013, Sarawak, Kuching: 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Transforming Knowledge into Sustainable Practice 2013, Germany, Dresden: 26th International Cartographic Conference - ICC 2013 Chairman / Member of Commission with World or European operations initiator and member of 3 polar expeditions on Svalbard (1985, 1988 a 1990) vice-president International Cartographic Association, Haag, Netherlands (1995 - 2003) member of Advisory Board of Global Spatial Data Infrastructure, Reston, USA (2001) member of Exec. Committee and Plenary of Information Society Forum EU, Brussels (2002) member of Exec. Committee of U.N. Global Mapping, Tsukuba, Japan (from 2002 till now) invitation of Japan government for preparation conference on Bali for WSSD in Johannesburg (2002) founder of Global Society Dialogue EU, Brussels (from 2002 till now) member Marshall Plan EU, Brussels (2003) president International Cartographic Association, Haag, Netherlands (from 2003 - 2007) past-president International Cartographic Association, Haag, Netherlands (2007 till now) invited participant of Regional Cartographic Conference U.N., Okinawa, Japan (2003) invited participant of Regional Cartographic Conference U.N. Bangkok, Thailand (2006) vice-President International Society for Digital Earth, Beijing, China (from 2006 till now) President, European center of International EuroAsian Academy, Beijing, China Member of Editorial Board of Scientific Journal issued Abroad International Journal on Geographical Information Science, Taylor and Francis (1993-1998) Geoinformatica, Kluwer Academic Publishers (from 1999 till now) The Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, section Geodesy and Cartography, Wroclaw (from 2002 till now) International Journal of Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics International, Thailand. ISSN 1686-6576. (from 2004 till now) Brazilian Journal of Cartography - RBC, SBC - Brazilian Society of Cartography, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISSN0560-4613 (printed version), ISSN 1808-0936 (on-line version) (from 2006 till now) GIS Development Journal, New Delhi, India (2006-2010) International Journal on Digital Earth, Taylor&Francis, Beijing, P.R. China (from 2007 till now) (registered on WoS) the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI AG, Switzerland (from 2012 till now) President / member of Executive Committee of World or European congress, symposium, scientific conference Chairmen of Organizing Committees: 1987, Czech Republic, Brno: EuroCarto. 1991, Czech Republic, Brno: GIS Brno´91. 1994, Czech Republic, Brno: GIS Brno´94. 1996, Czech Republic, Brno: GIS Brno´96. 1998, Czech Republic, Brno: GIS Brno´98. 2001, Czech Republic, Brno: AGILE 2001. 2003, Czech Republic, Brno: Digital Earth 2003. 2006, Bulgaria, Borovets: 1st Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS. 2006, Bulgaria, Sofia: Int. Symposium on Modern Technologies. 2008, Bulgaria, Borovets: 2nd Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS 2008, Bulgaria, Borovets: Seminar with EU Cooperation on Early Warning and Disaster/Crises Management 2008, USA, Shepherdstown: ICA Workshop – Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Crises Management 2009, Czech Republic, Prague: Joint Symposium on Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Crises Management, Towards Better Solutions Page 18 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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2010, Bulgaria, Nesebar: 3rd Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS 2012, Bulgaria, Albena: 4rd Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS 2014, Bulgaria, Riviera,: 3rd Int.Conference on Cartography & GIS Awards: 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Knight of Brazilian Cartography 2007, Helsinky, Finland: Standard of Finland Cartographic Society 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia: Medal of Indonesian Map Service 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria: Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy 2009, Beijing, China, Academician of International EuroAsian Academy 2010, Novosibirsk, Russia: Honorary Professor, Siberian State Academy of Geodesy 2012, Madrid, Spain: Honorary Member of Spanish Society for Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2013, Vienna, Budapest, Dresden: ICA Honorary Fellow
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