ABSTRAK EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM SPP TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT MENURUT TINJAUAN EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Kasus Program Simpan Pinjam Perempuan Di Cantuk Banyuwangi) Tesa Mellina Kegiatan perekonomian yang terdapat dipedesaan masih didominasi oleh sector usaha mikro yang meliputi pertanian, perdagangan dan industri rumah tangga. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah perempuan, yang mana dalam menjalankan kegiatan ekonominya selalu terkendala oleh modal. Padahal modal dianggap unsur paling penting dalam pengembangan usaha bagi masyarakat pedesaan. Keterbatasan modal menjadi penyebab kreatifitas dalam pengembangan usaha menjadi terhambat. Melihat fakta yang terjadi dilapangan, seharusnya masyarakat dapat memperoleh modal dengan mudah. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah meluncurkan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) yaitu program nasional penanggulangan kemiskinan secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan serta merupakan program pemberdayaan masyarakat (community empowerment). Dimana PNPM dalam salah satu programnya memudahkan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan modal tambahan dengan menyediakan pinjaman modal khusus untuk perempuan yang memiliki usaha, yaitu program Simpan Pinjam Khusus Perempuan (SPP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas program Simpan Pinjam Perempuan (SPP) serta tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap program SPP dalam upaya mensejahterakan masyarakat Cantuk Banyuwangi. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas program SPP adalah variabel pencapaian tujuan, integrasi, perubahan nyata, dan kepuasan. Efektivitas program merupakan variabel dependen. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 80 responden peminjam dana SPP. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan metode Cluster Sumpling. Sedangkan untuk pengolahan data, data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode analisis statistic dan untuk data kualitatif menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan penelitian, diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas program SPP di Desa Cantuk Banyuwangi sangat efektif dengan presentase 93.3%. Sedangkan tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap upaya program SPP dalam mensejahterakan masyarakat dinilai baik dengan terpenuhinya kebutuhan masyarakat namun belum sesuai dengan konsep kesejahteraan yang diinginkan oleh Islam. Akhirnya, penulis berharap dengan adanya karya tulis yang sederhana ini dapat memberi manfaat bagi semua pihak terutama nagi dunia ekonomi Islam meskipun masih terdapat banyak kesalahan. Maka diharapkan pada penelitian selanjutnya agar dapat mengembangkan dan melengkapi penelitian ini. Keyword: Program SPP, Efektivitas, Kesejahteraan
Tesa Mellina The rural economy activities was still dominated by the micro business sector including agriculture, trade and household industry. The majority of those are woman which faced some obstacles in the term of capital on doing the economic activities. Whereas capital is the important element in business development for rural communities. Capital limitation causes creativity in business development be restricted. Knowing the fact that occurred in the field, the community should can obtain capital investment easily. Therefore, the government launched a National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) as national program for poverty alleviation according to integrated and sustainable development and constitute community empowerment program. Where PNPM in one of these programs make it easier for the community in obtaining additional capital by providing capital loans specifically for women who have business, namely the Woman’s Group Saving and Loans Program (SPP). This research aims to describe how the effectiveness of the SPP program and to know how the Islamic economics review toward SPP program to improve the community welfare in Cantuk Banyuwangi. The variables that used to measure the effectiveness of the SPP program is a goal achievement, integration, real change and customer satisfaction. The effectiveness of the program as dependent variables. Research was done on 80 respondents who becomes the borrower of SPP funds. The selection of respondents was done by Cluster Sampling method. While for data processing, quantitative data is done with the Statistic analysis methods and for qualitative data using descriptive qualitative analysis methods. The results of this research showed that the effectiveness of SPP program in the Cantuk village is very effective with the precentage of 93.3%. While the Islamic economics review toward SPP program in improving the community welfare of Cantuk Banyuwangi was considered good with fulfilled the needs of the community. But the implementation of SPP program is not according to Islamic economics concept. Finally, the researcher hope with the existence of this simple paper can give the advantages to all part of society performance level for Islamic economic world although there are still any mistake. So it is hoped to the next research to develop and complete the research. Keyword: SPP Program, Effectiveness, Welfare
To Honorable, Dean of Faculty of Syari’ah University of Darussalam Gontor
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu'alaikumWr, Wb I have to honour to present this thesis written by: Name
: Tesa Mellina
Reg. Number : The Title
: The Effectiveness of SPP Program Toward Community Welfare According to Islamic Economics Review (Case Study of Woman’s Group Saving and Loan Program in Cantuk Banyuwangi)
It has been processed and corrected to meet the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of licentiate in Islamic Economics in the Faculty of Syari’ah. There for we expect that the thesis can be examined soon. Wassalamu'alaikumWr, Wb.
Mantingan, Rajab 22, 1438 April 19, 2017
(Mufti Afif, M.A.)
CERTIFICATION The Faculty of Syari’ah University of Darussalam Gontor, has received a thesis written by: Name
: Tesa Mellina
Reg. Number
The Title
: The Effectiveness of SPP Program Toward Community Welfare According to Islamic Economics Review (Case Study of Woman’s Group Saving and Loan Program in Cantuk Banyuwangi)
It has been processed and corrected to meet the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of licentiate in Islamic Economics in the Faculty of Syari’ah, for academic year 1437-1438/2016-2017.
Mantingan, Rajab 22, 1438 April 19, 2017
Dean of Syari’ah Faculty,
(Imam Kamaluddin, Lc. M.Hum.)
DECISION OF THE TEAM The committee of the team in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of licentiate in Faculty of Syari’ah University of Darussalam Gontor, declared that the thesis written by: Name
: Tesa Mellina
Reg. Number : The Title
: The Effectiveness of SPP Program Toward Community Welfare According to Islamic Economics Review (Case Study of Woman’s Group Saving and Loan Program in Cantuk Banyuwangi)
The committee has decided to grant her passed in this examination. Hence, she is eligible for the degree of licentiate of Islamic economics the Faculty of Syari’ah.
Mantingan, Sya’ban 15, 1438 May 12, 2017
(Mufti Afif, M.A.)
(Andi Triyawan, M.A.)
1st Examiner : Arie Rachmat Soenjoto, M.A.
2nd Examiner : Andi Triyawan, M.A.
DECLARATION I who signed hereunder: Name
: Tesa Mellina
Reg. Number : Faculty
: Syari’ah
: Islamic Economics
The Title
: The Effectiveness of SPP Program Toward Community Welfare According to Islamic Economics Review (Case Study of Woman’s Group Saving and Loan Program in Cantuk Banyuwangi)
Declared sincerely that this thesis originally belongs to my own work and not belong to other research for any degree. Furthermore, this thesis is not work published before, except where otherwise stated. When, otherwise found that this thesis is a plagiarism, I here ready to be ceased academically. Mantingan, Rajab 22, 1438 April 19, 2017
I who declare,
(Tesa Mellina)
ۚ ۡ ۡ ِّ ٱَّللُ ناف ًسا إِّهَل ُو ۡس اع اها اَلاا اما اك اسبا ۡت او اعلا ۡي اها اما ٱكتا اسبا ۡت ف ه ُ اَل يُ اكل “Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability”
ٰۖ ۡ ِّ ِّ ۡ ۚ ۡ ۡ ِّۡ ِّ ۡ ِّ ه ٱَّلل ا و ق ٱت و ن و د ع ٱل و ۡث ٱۡل ى ل ع ا و ن او ع ت َل و ى اوتا اع ااونُواْ اعلاى ٱلب اوٱلتهق او اا ا ا ا ُ ْ اا ا ُ ا ا ُ ْ ها ِّ يد ۡٱلعِّ اق اب إِّ هن ه ُ ٱَّللا اش ِّد “And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in requiting (evil)”
“Kita Bisa Karena Kita Terbiasa” My beloved daddy H. Mas Budi
DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to: Almighty God, gratitude that cannot be compared to him in whatever form, thanks to his grace until I can live day after day in completing this thesis smoothly may for further struggle in S2 is also so, Amen. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has brought us to the right way Islam My Mom's dearest Hj. Ririn Setyo Rini who always support and spent her night to pray and ask the best valuable things for my life, I love you so much mom, I'm sorry for all the mistakes I have made ever. My everythings, the best father H. Mas Budi greatest motivator I have ever met, million thanks for you my beloved dad. Carve a smile on their face is the most beautiful ideals for me. For the both of you I will never stop pray to the most beneficent God of my life Allah S.W.T, so that both of you are always assigned to health, and also fulfill your life with happiness in this world and hereafter, amen ya robbal alamiin. My little hero Tegar Fitra Budi who never stop supporting, helping and praying for me, may Allah always protect yourself anywhere, anywhen. Mr. Mufti Afif, M.A. this research paper could not have been written without him, who not only served as my supervisor but also encouraged me trough out my academic program, he has patiently guided me trought the thesis process, I thank him all, my God bless you ustadz. My big family in Banyuwangi who always pray for me, especially my sister Sida Fitriana, my close friend Nina Nur Hasanah, Izzatul Muna and Denik Widya. My little family tailorsweet, Badria Nur my companion in arms, all my niece, dear comrades EKIS 8 notably Septrida and Rurie also 2013 graduate, thanks for your support, your pray and togetherness during this time. Last word, probably we did not ever get back to the good times past, but remember, the better time will surely come. New memories will be created, because actually all be beautiful at the time.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful, praise be to Allah the Lord of the world, pray and peace be upon the final prophet of Islam, Muhammad, his family, companions, and his followers. By the mercy, blessing and help of Allah only, the researcher could finish writing this simple thesis. Realizing her dependence on so many persons in order to complete this thesis, the researcher feels to necessitate herself to convey gratitude for all indispensable direction, guidance, and assistance. So in this occasion, the researcher would like to express her greatest debt and deepest thanks are owed to: 1. The Headmasters of Modern Boarding School Darussalam Gontor; DR. KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A., KH. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, KH. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag, who have allowed a precious chance to study at University of Darussalam Gontor. 2. The Rector of University of Darussalam Gontor Prof, Dr. Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi, M.A., His vice Deputy Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A., M.Phil, Setiawan bin Lahuri, M.A. and Dr. Dhihyatun Masqon, M.A. 3. The Dean of Syariah Faculty Imam Kamaluddin, Lc. M.Hum. 4. Honourable supervisor Mufti Afif, M.A., for his worthly guidance and suggestion in writing this thesis. 5. All the lectures of University of Darussalam Gontor, for their teaching during my study. 6. For her parents who have educated her from her childhood up to adulthood. 7. And all her friends who have contribute to accomplish this thesis. May Allah reciprocate a proportionate reward for them and bless them, and may this humble thesis be valuable and useful for the reader and especially for the researcher.
The Researcher
Tesa Mellina
Indonesian Abstract ..................................................................................................i English Abstract ......................................................................................................ii Letter of Dean ........................................................................................................iii Certification ...........................................................................................................iv Decision of the Team...............................................................................................v Declaration .............................................................................................................vi Motto……..............................................................................................................vii Dedication……….................................................................................................viii Acknowledgement .................................................................................................ix Contents .................................................................................................................x Contents of Table…..............................................................................................xiv Contents of Figure…..............................................................................................xv
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study........................................................................................ 1 B. Problems Formulation ...................................................................................... 5 C. Purpose of Study .............................................................................................. 6 D. Significance of Study ....................................................................................... 6 E. System of Study ............................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Literature Review ............................................................................................. 9 B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 13 1.
Concept of Effectiveness ............................................................................ 13 a.
The Understanding of Effectiveness ....................................................... 13
The Indicator of Effectiveness ................................................................ 15
The Effectiveness Criteria of Organization ............................................ 16
Welfare ....................................................................................................... 21 a.
The Understanding of Welfare................................................................ 21
The Welfare in Islamic Economy Concept ............................................. 22
The Indicator of Islamic Welfare ............................................................ 24
Qardh .......................................................................................................... 27 a.
The Understanding of Qardh .................................................................. 27
The Shari'a Basic of Qardh ..................................................................... 29
The Benefits of Qardhul Hasan............................................................... 31
Credit .......................................................................................................... 31 a.
Cash Loan ............................................................................................... 32
The Principle of The Loan (Credit) ........................................................ 33
Loan Repayment ..................................................................................... 34 SPP Program ............................................................................................... 36 xi
The Understanding and Purpose of SPP ................................................. 38
The Basic Terms of SPP ......................................................................... 39
CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHOD A. Type of Research ............................................................................................ 43 B. Research Location .......................................................................................... 43 C. Variable Identification.................................................................................... 44 D. Definition and Concept of Measuring Variable ............................................. 44 1.
The Effectiveness Variable of SPP program .............................................. 45
Data Measuring Devices ............................................................................. 47
How to Research ......................................................................................... 48 1.
Data Collection Method.............................................................................. 48
Research Instrument ................................................................................... 53 a.
Validity Test............................................................................................ 53
Reliability Test ........................................................................................ 54
Data Processing Method ......................................................................... 55
Data Analysis Method............................................................................. 55
CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS A. Description of the Location ............................................................................ 59 B. General Characteristics of Respondents ......................................................... 60 xii
Based on the Criteria of Age ...................................................................... 61
Based on the Level of Education ................................................................ 62
Based on the Type of Business ................................................................... 63
C. Validity Test ................................................................................................... 65 D. Reliability Test ............................................................................................... 67 E. Analysis of Descriptive Statistics ................................................................... 69 1.
The Effectiveness of SPP Program in an Effort to Improve the Community
Welfare ............................................................................................................... 69 2.
Islamic Economic Overview against the SPP program in an Effort to
improve the welfare of Cantuk Banyuwangi community. ................................. 78 CHAPTER FIVE CLOSING A. Result of Study ............................................................................................... 85 B. Suggestions..................................................................................................... 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 88 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 98
Table 2.1 (The Examples of Effectiveness Indicator Questions) .......................... 19 Table 2.2 (The Examples of Islamic Welfare Indicator Questions) ..................... 26 Table 3.1 (The Effectiveness Variable of SPP Program/ Y)................................. 45 Table 3.2 (The Data of Respondents) ................................................................... 52 Table 3.3 (Table of Effectiveness Ratio) .............................................................. 57 Table 4.1 (Validity Test Results) .......................................................................... 66 Table 4.2 (Reliability Test Results) ...................................................................... 68 Table 4.3 (The Score of Goal Achievement Indicator) ......................................... 70 Table 4.4 (The Score of Integration Indicator) ..................................................... 72 Table 4.5 (The Score of Real Change Indicator) .................................................. 73 Table 4.6 (The Score of Satisfaction Indicator) .................................................... 75 Table 4.7 (The Category of Each Sub Effectiveness Indicator Assessment) ........ 77 Table 4.8 (Table of Islamic Welfare) .................................................................... 80
Picture 2.1 (The Indicator of effectiveness) .......................................................... 18 Picture 4.1 (Graph Respondents based on age) ..................................................... 62 Picture 4.2 (Graph of respondents based on the level of education) ..................... 63 Picture 4.3 (Graph of respondents based on the type of Business) ....................... 64 Picture 4.4 (Graph The category of the assessment each Sub Effectivenes Indicator) ............................................................................................................... 76