SZENVEDŐ SZERKEZET (Passive Voice) HASZNÁLATA ● A szenvedő szerkezetű mondatban nem a mondat alanya végzi a cselekvést, hanem rajta végzik el (azaz elszenvedi a cselekvést → ő szenvedő alany) – tkp. így fordítható magyarra: „vmi meg van csinálva” ● Szenvedő szerkezetet a magyarban is használunk, de ritkán. A magyarban ugyanis csak akkor helyes nyelvileg a szenvedő szerkezet, ha egy dolog állapotára utalunk vele, és nem a cselekvést akarjuk kihangsúlyozni. pl. Az alma meg van hámozva. → az alma állapotára utalunk vele De: * Az alma meg van éve. → ez nem helyes, mert nem az alma állapotára akarunk utalni, hanem arra, hogy valaki megette (tehát a cselekvés ténye az érdekes) ● Az angolban viszont jóval gyakoribb ez a szerkezet, mivel a kötött alapszórend nem teszi lehetővé, hogy az igét (a cselekvést) erősebben hangsúlyozzuk (t.i. az angolok számára mindig az a leghangsúlyosabb a mondatban, ami az ige mögött áll). ► A következő esetekben indokolt az angolban a szenvedő szerkezet használata: ● ha egy cselekvés végzőjét nem tudjuk, nem akarjuk vagy nem fontos megnevezni (mert egyértelmű, ki a cselekvő) - Ilyenkor a cselekvés aktív végzője nem szerepel a mondatban. pl. My wallet has been stolen. (Ellopták a pénztárcámat.) → Nem tudom, ki lopta el. Sue was given a necklace. (Adtak Sue-nak egy nyakláncot.) → Nem akarom megnevezni, ki adta. Linda will be arrested. (Lindát le fogják tartóztatni.) → Egyértelmű, hogy a rendőrség fogja letartóztatni. ● ha – épp ellenkezőleg – nem csak, hogy meg akarjuk nevezni, de ki akarjuk hangsúlyozni, hogy ki végzi a cseklekvést pl. This novel was written by Dickens. (Ezt a regényt DICKENS írta.) A SZENVEDŐ SZERKEZET FELÉPÍTÉSE ► A szenvedő alany ● A szenvedő szerkezetű mondatban a mondat alanya az a dolog vagy személy, akire valakinek a cselekvése irányul, és nem az, aki a cselekvést végzi. Ezt nevezzük szenvedő alanynak.
● A szenvedő mondat alanya a neki megfelelő cselekvő mondatban általában a mondat TÁRGYa (direct object) vagy a RÉSZES HATÁROZÓja (indirect object). pl. cselekvő mondat:
Somebody saw the robber in the cinema. (Valaki látta a rablót a moziban.) ↓ (KIT?) – ”a rabló” a mondat tárgya
szenvedő mondat: The robber was seen in the cinema. (A rablót látták a moziban. – szó szerint tkp.: A rabló látva volt a moziban.) ↓ (KI?) – ”Joe” a mondat alanya cselekvő mondat:
Somebody gave Sue a necklace. (Valaki Sue-nak adott egy nyakláncot.) ↓ (KINEK?) – ”Sue” a mondat részes határozója
szenvedő mondat: Sue was given the necklace. (Egy nyakláncot adtak Sue-nak. – szó szerint tkp.: Sue-nak lett adva egy nyaklánc.) ↓ (KI?) – ”Sue” a mondat alanya az angolban ● Ha a cselekvő mondat tárgya/részes határozója személyes névmás (tárgyas-határozós alakban), ügyelnünk kell, hogy amint a szenvedő mondat élére kerül szenvedő alanyként, már nem a tárgyas-határozós alakot kell használnunk, hanem az alanyi alakot (hiszen ekkor már alanyként szerepel!) pl. Somebody saw me in the cinema. I was seen in the cinema. ► A szenvedő igei állítmány ● A szenvedő igealak a magyarban a következő: LÉTIGE (van, volt, lesz) + az igéből képzett határozói igenév (-va/ve, -ván/vén) pl. le van írva, meg vagyok fázva ● A szenvedő igealak az angolban hasonlóan hozható létre: LÉTIGE + megfelelő alakja
Past Participle (3. alak)
● Amikor megalkotjuk a szenvedő igealakot, ugyanúgy el kell döntenünk, hogy milyen IGEIDŐT használjunk, mint a cselekvő mondatban. Amikor eldöntöttük, milyen igeidőt kell használnunk, ebbe az igeidőbe tesszük a létigét, magát a főigét pedig 3. alakba.
● A következő igeidőkben lehet szenvedő szerkezetet használnunk: - Present Simple am/is/are + 3. alak pl. Letters are delivered every day. (Minden nap kézbesítenek leveleket.) - Past Simple was/were + 3. alak pl. The letters were delivered yesterday. (Tegnap kézbesítették a leveleket.) - Future Simple (ritka!) will be + 3. alak pl. The letters will be delivered tomorrow. (Holnap fogják kézbesíteni a leveleket.) - Present Perfect Simple have/has been + 3. alak pl. The letter has been delivered just now. (A leveleket épp most kézbesítették.) - Past Perfect Simple (ritka!) had been + 3. alak pl. The letters had been delivered before they arrived home. (A leveleket azelőtt kézbesítették, mielőtt hazaérkeztek.) - Present Continuous am/is/are being + 3. alak pl. The letters are being delivered at the moment. (Épp most kézbesítik a leveleket.) - Past Continuous was/were being + 3. alak pl. The letters were being delivered when they arrived home. (A leveleket épp kézbesítették, amikor hazaérkeztek.) Nem használjuk tehát
- Future Continuous-ben, - Present Perfect Continuous-ben, - Past Perfect Continuous-ben - Future Perfect Continuous-ben
● A szenvedő igealak modális segédigével ugyanígy épül fel. Ilyenkor a létige elé tesszük a modális segédigét, és a létige áll a modális segédige után lehetséges alakban, ezt követi a főige 3. alakja. pl. Nice paintings can be seen in the museum. (Szép festmények láthatók a múzeumban.) modális segédige a lehetőség kifejezésére
létige főige 3. alakban szótári alakban (a modális segédige után ez az alak kell)
► Az aktív cselekvő jelölése a szenvedő mondatban ● A cselekvő jelölésére akkor van szükség, ha azt hangsúlyozni akarjuk. Ilyenkor a cselekvőt a BY elöljárószóval kapcsoljuk a mondat végéhez (a magyarban ez úgy jelenik meg, hogy a
cselekvő alanyt nagyobb nyomatékkal ejtjük ki, illetve a mondat végéhez az ÁLTAL névutóval kapcsolhatjuk). pl. A leveleket az igazgató írja alá. / A levelek az igazgató által vannak aláírva. ↓ The letters are signed by the director. Megjegyzés: ● Amikor a cselekvő szerkezetű mondatban konkrétan megnevezett aktív alany van (pl. Joe, my mother stb.), aki az adott cselekvést általában nem foglalkozásszerűen/egyértelműen űzi, a szenvedő mondattá alakításkor az ilyen alany többnyire megjelenik a by elöljárószóval kapcsolva. pl. (cselekvő mondat:) Someone gave me a kilo of beef. ↓ - az alany meghatározatlan - nem hangsúlyos, valószínűleg nem tudjuk, vagy nem akarjuk megnevezni ↓ (szenvedő mondatként:) A kilo of beef was given to me. → nem hangsúlyozzuk a cselekvőt (cselekvő mondat:) The butcher gave me a kilo of beef. ↓ - az alany konkrétan meg van nevezve - de: valószínűleg nem hangsúlyos, mivel többnyire a hentes szokott húst adni ↓ (szenvedő mondatként:) A kilo of beef was given to me. → nem hangsúlyozzuk a cselekvőt (Persze, ha egyébként mégis fontosnak tartjuk, hogy megnevezzük, hogy a hentes – nem pedig más adta a húst, kapcsolhatjuk a mondat végére.) v.ö.: (cselekvő mondat:) My mother gave me a kilo of beef. (Édesanyám adott egy kiló marhahúst.) ↓ - konkrétan megnevezett alany - nem magától értetődő, hogy ő adta a húst ↓ (szenvedő mondatként:) A kilo of beef was given to me by my mother. → hangsúlyozzuk a cselekvőt (Persze, ha egyébként nem tartjuk fontosnak, hogy ki adta a húst, akkor nem kapcsoljuk a cselekvőt.) ● Ne keverjük össze a cselekvő megnevezését az eszköz megnevezésével. Az utóbbit a WITH elöljárószóval kell jelölnünk! pl. Joe was hit with a stick. (Joe-t egy bottal ütötték meg.) → a bot volt az eszköz; az aktív cselekvő ismeretlen (ezért nincs jelölve) Joe was hit by a stick falling from a tree. (Joe-t megütötte egy bot, amely egy fáról hullott le.) → a fáról lehulló bot volt az aktív cselekvő ● Amikor a cselekvő alany tulajdonképpen egy intézmény, hely, esemény, érdemesebb a szenvedő mondatban helyhatározóként megjelölni. pl. (cselekvő mondat:) Supermarkets sell household articles. (A közértek háztartási cikkeket árusítanak.) (szenvedő mondatként:) Household articles are sold in supermarkets. (cselekvő mondat:) The war killed many people. (A háború sok embert ölt meg.) (szenvedő mondatként:) Many people were killed in the war. ● Az élő beszédben a szenvedő igealakban a létigét néha a get igével helyettesítik. pl. Joe got (= was) arrested yesterday. (Tegnap letartóztatták Joe-t.)
Hogyan alakíthatunk át egy cselekvő mondatot szenvedővé? 1. lépés: A cselekvő mondat tárgya vagy részes határozója kerül a szenvedő mondat elejére (minden hozzá tartozó bővítményével). pl. Anthony saw Joe yesterday. (tárgy) Joe …………….. 2. lépés: A létigét olyan igealakba tesszük, amilyenben a cselekvő mondat igei része van. Anthony saw Joe yesterday. (Past Simp.)
Joe was …………… 3. lépés: A cselekvő mondat főigéjét 3. alakban használjuk. Anthony saw Joe yesterday. Joe was seen ………….. 4. lépés: Ha hangsúlyozni akarjuk, hogy ki végezte a cselekvést, az ige után BY elöljárószóval kapcsoljuk (ez elmarad, ha a cselekvés végzőjét nem tudjuk/nem akarjuk/nem fontos megnevezni!) Anthony saw Joe yesterday. Joe was seen by Anthony ………… 5. lépés: Minden egyéb mondatrészt kapcsolunk. Anthony saw Joe yesterday. Joe was seen by Anthony yesterday. (Ha nem akarjuk hangsúlyozni, ki a cselekvő: Somebody saw him yesterday.
He was seen yesterday. elhagyjuk.)
Megjegyzés: ● Ha a cselekvő mondatnak tárgya (object) és részes határozója (indirect object) is van, kétféleképpen alakítható át szenvedő mondattá: pl. Somebody gave me a necklace. ( Hr) (T)
I was given a necklace. A necklace was given to me. (Ha a tárgy lesz a szenvedő alany, akkor a szenvedő mondatban a részes határozót elöljárószóval /to vagy for/ kapcsoljuk!)
● A cselekvő mondat igéje néha vonzatos ige (az igét egy elöljárószó követi – a vonzat – amellyel szoros egységet alkot, többnyire a jelentése is teljesen más, mint az igének önmagában – l. vonzatos igék!). A vonzatos igének is lehet tárgya. Ilyenkor a szenvedő mondattá alakításkor a vonzatot (elöljárószót) az ige mögött hagyjuk. Problémát okozhat, hogy néha a magyarban az ilyen vonzatos ige után álló tárgyat nem a kit? mit? Kérdésre válaszoló tárgyként fordítjuk le. pl. Somebody has broken into the museum. ↓ ↓ vonzatos ige a vonzatos ige (= betör) tárgya – ám magyarban nem tárgyként fordítjuk le! (= a múzeumba) ↓ The museum has been broken into.
1) Look at the sentences. Write “A” if the sentence is Active and “P” if the sentence is Passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Different types of materials are used in modern art today . ________ They have moved house twice this year. ________ The theatre was converted into a museum by the new owners. ________ The meeting takes place in the school auditorium every Thursday afternoon. ________ This is the first time these paintings have been on display. ________ PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE
2) Complete the sentences with the Present Simple passive form of the verbs given in brackets. 1. The post …(deliver) at about 7 o'clock every morning. 2. Dinner … (serve) at 8:30pm. in this hotel. 3. His travel expenses … (pay) by his company. 4. The rubbish … (take) away three times a week.
5. The name of the person who committed the crime … (not /know). 6. What kinds of things … (sell) in that supermarket ? 7. The building … (not /use) anymore. 8. These computers … (make) in Taiwan. 3) Transform the sentences into the passive voice. 1. Somebody locks the door. 2. People play football all over the world. 3. They don’t allow anybody to leave. (Nobody…) 4. We introduce the doctor to Mrs Lee. 5. They hold the seminar three times a week. 6. In Britain lots of people read newspapers. 7. The author decides the title of the book. 8. Libraries put the new books on a special shelf. 9. She does the housework. 10. Mother waters the flowers. 4) Fill in the sentences with the present simple passive form of one of the verbs given in the box. check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Scotch whisky …………………………………………….. in Scotland. The Olympic games …………………………………………….. every four years. English …………………………………………….. in many countries. Car speeds …………………………………………….. by radar. Souvenirs …………………………………………….. at all popular tourist places.
5) Ask questions about the sentences in the previous exercise. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Where …? What …? How often …? What …? Where …? How many countries …? How …? What …? Where …? What places …?
6) Passive or active form? Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, either in active or passive. When you … (arrive) at an airport, you should go straight to the check-in desk where your ticket and luggage …(check). You … (keep) your hand luggage with you but your suitcases … (take) to the plane on a conveyor belt. You can now go to the departure lounge. If you are on an international flight, your passport … (check), and then you and your bags … (x-ray) by security cameras; sometimes you … (give) a body search and your luggage … (search) by a security officer. You … (wait) in the departure lounge until your flight … (call) and you … (tell) which number gate to go to. Finally you … (board) your plane and you … (show) to your seat by a flight attendant.
7) Transform the sentences into the active voice using the word given in brackets as a subject. 1. 2. 3. 4.
I am often given some chocolate for my birthday. (my friends and relatives) Cottage cheese is made of milk. (people) Nothing is said about the new project. (the management) The office is cleaned twice a week. (the cleaners)
8) Translate the sentences into English using the passive voice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A házat minden évben újrafestik. Az angolt világszerte beszélik. Milyen gyakran etetik az állatokat ezen a tanyán? A turistákat arra kérik, hogy ne fényképezzenek a múzeumban. Mikor szokták ebben a szállodában befejezni a reggelit? PRESENT CONTINUOUS PASSIVE
9) Use the verbs in brackets in present continuous passive. 1. Drinks _______________________ (serve) in the lounge bar. 2. Look! That girl ___________________ (kiss) by her boyfriend. 3. The rooms ________________________ (clean) at the moment. 4. He ____________________ (take) to hospital by the ambulance. 5. Dinner ______________________ (prepare) by my husband tonight. 6. The animals ______________________ (feed) by the farmer. 7. The letter ______________________ (deliver) by hand. 8. The surprise party ___________________ (organize) by her friends. 9. The students ___________________ (teach) by a new teacher today. 10. Some pancakes _____________________ (make) in the kitchen. 11. Grapes _______________________ (pick) now. 12. The children ______________________ (take) to the park by their grandparents. 13. A lot of species _____________________ (threaten) by global warming. 14. The prisoner ____________________________ (question) now. Present Simple and Continuous Passive 10) Transform the sentences into passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Frank is building a house. My sister is wiping the dust. Mary always washes the dishes. They don’t see the dogs. They keep fruit fresh. I usually wear a uniform. They make paper from wood. Mr Jones watches the film. People speak English.
10. My brother is using the computer at the moment. 11. Does he read comics? 12. Bill and Jane are eating a watermelon. 13. We feed our pets three times a day. 14. People send messages by e-mail. 15. Do they make cars in China? 16. A post office sells stamps. 17. He does his homework carefully. 18. They don't serve breakfast in this hotel.
19. They make very good chocolate in Switzerland. 20. We use this room only on special occasions. 21. The teacher usually corrects our tests. 22. Farmers grow soy in Argentina. 23. They're renovating their house. 24. They make these tools of plastic. 25. Tom delivers the mail every day. 26. The butcher sells meat. 27. He plays computer games all the time. 28. She does the housework. 29. The governor uses a bullet-proof car. 30. The girls don't help Pamela. 31. The policemen help the children. 32. He writes text messages. 33. My mother waters the flowers. 34. The company is developing a new procedure.
35. Do they play handball? 36. Young children don't watch late shows. 37. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife. 38. Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. 39. The mailman is delivering the mail now. 40. My father is fixing the washing machine. 41. Bob is making a new kite. 42. The children are painting the kitchen. 43. We don’t allow dogs in this shop. 44. They don’t invite us to their parties. 45. How do people learn languages? 46. Are they painting their bathroom again? 47. Sandra collects stamps. 48. They are showing a new film on TV. 49. My father always reads the morning newspaper. 50. Listen! Somebody is singing a song. 51. The teacher doesn’t punish the students. 52. Dad always fixes the car.
11) Put the verbs in Present Simple or Continuous passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
It's a big factory. Five hundred people ________________ here. (employ) Most of the Earth's surface ____________________ by water. (cover) Cheese _________________ from milk. (make) The roof of the building __________________. (damage) A cinema is a place where films _______________. (show) In the United States, elections for President ____________________ every four years. (hold) 7. Sometimes mistakes _____________. (make) 8. I _______________ to parties. (never / invite) 9. Many different languages ______________ in India. (speak) 10. She has a very good job. She ____________ $500 a month. (pay) 11. A letter __________ by Peter at the moment. (write) 12. New words _____________ by the teacher at the moment. (explain) 13. Our wine _______________ all over the world. (export) 14. Late shows ______________ by young children. (not / watch) 15. The books ___________________ by the pupils now. (read) 16. We ________________ presents all the time by our grandparents. (send) 17. Computers ______________ by most people nowadays. (use) 18. The rooms ____________________ by a maid. (clean / always) 19. We ______________ by the crime. (shock) 20. Two buses ________________ today by the students. (need)
PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE 12) Transform the sentences into passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The Prime Minister signed the papers The clerk stamped the letter. Leonardo painted this picture. Someone suggested a new plan. They didn’t decide anything at the meeting. (Nothing…) We introduced the doctor to Mrs Lee. Someone stole a picture from the National Gallery. The police stopped the thief’s car. They found the picture in the car. They took it back to the Gallery, where an expert examined it. The police arrested the thief.
13) Fill in the spaces with Past Simple Passive. 1. My car __________________________ (repair) yesterday. 2. The famous paintings ______________________ (exhibit) in the gallery. 3. The river _______________________ (flood) after the heavy rain. 4. The soldiers ____________________ (reward) after the five day training in the jungle. 5. The patient _____________________ (examine) by two different doctors. 6. The thief __________________________ (catch) by the police. 7. A lot of money _____________________ (spent) on the building of the new school. 8. One of the pages ______________________ (tear) from the book. 9. Some of the eggs I bought __________________ (break). 10. The television set I bought _______________________ (import) from Germany. 11. Mr. Gerard ________________________ (injure) in an accident last week. 12. The dress I wore. ______________________ (sew) by my mother. 13. This programme _____________________ (show) on television a few months ago. 14. The bangles she lost _____________________ (make) of gold. 15. The naughty pupils _______________________ (scold) by the principal this morning. 16. The drowning boy ______________________ (save) by the lifeguard on duty. 17. The students ______________________ (remind) to do their homework. 18. The food __________________________ (serve) by the police waitress. 19. A strange noise __________________ (hear) coming from the kitchen. 20. The boy _____________________ (tell) to return his library books. 14) Transform the following sentences into the passive voce, leaving out the words in italics. 1. Someone played the song on the piano. 2. The workers built a bridge across the river. 3. Someone found your watches under the bed. 4. The gardener cut down the tree behind my house. 5. A person rang the school bell for recess. 6. A child read the story from the book aloud. 7. My mother threw the stale bread into the dustbin. 8. The villagers caught several large snakes in the forest. 9. The thugs kidnapped the rich man a few nights ago. 10. The cleaner cleaned the windows yesterday.
PASSIVE VOICE OF PRESENT SIMPLE / CONTINUOUS, PAST SIMPLE and PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE 15) Transform the following sentences into passive. 1. Someone has broken two of my cups. 2. They built this bridge last year. 3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4. Nobody heard a sound. (No sound …) 5. Did they say anything interesting? 6. Has someone made all the necessary arrangements? 7. Nobody has made any mistakes. (No mistakes …) 8. Somebody has locked the box and I cannot open it. 9. Did the fire damage these paintings? 10. Fog held up the trains. PASSIVE – ALL TENSES 16) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of ”be”. 1. She __________ employed after looking for job for five month. 2. At least five people ___________ killed in the terrorist attack. 3. This novel __________ written as early as the 18th century. 4. Two pictures ___________ stolen from the gallery last summer. 5. This hospital ___________ built five years ago. 6. All my questions __________ answered right now. 7. I __________ given a flower by Peter a week ago. 8. Tomorrow the letter __________ written. 9. The question of promotion __________ discussed in the next meeting. 10. Our house __________ redecorated now. 17) Write the correct form of the given verbs. “cook” 1. The dinner ________________________________________________ at the moment. 2. The dinner _________________________________________ by 2 o’clock tomorrow. 3. The dinner _________________________________________ by the time Tom arrived. 4. The dinner ________________________________________________________ yet. 5. The dinner ____________________________________________________ yesterday. “read” 1. The magazine __________________________________________________ already. 2. The magazine _______________________________________ by the end of this term. 3. The magazine _____________________________________________________ now. 4. The magazine _________________________________________________ yesterday. 5. The magazine ________________________ by the time father returned it to the library. “write” 1. The letter _______________________________________________________ every day.
2. The letter __________________________________________ by 4 o’clock yesterday. 3. The letter ____________________________________________________ yesterday. 4. The letter ______________________________________ by the time postman comes. 5. The letter ____________________________________________________ tomorrow. 18) Give the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. Teeth ……………………… (clean) every day. 2. The letter ……………………… (send) to my parents yesterday. 3. I ……………………… (give) a very interesting book at the library last Wednesday. 4. Many modern buildings ……………………… (build) in our town lately. 5. This article ……………………… (publish) tomorrow. 6. This rose-bush ……………………… (plant) several years ago by my grandfather. 7. We ……………………… (invite) to a birthday party last Saturday. 8. Mushrooms ……………………… (gather) usually in summer. 9. Her latest novel ……………………… (finish) next year. 10. The story ……………………… (read) at the last lesson. 11. Your luggage ……………………… (bring) up in the lift by the porter. 12. The vase ……………………… (break) yesterday. 13. The telegram ……………………… (receive) by the time you came home. 14. The tourists ……………………… (meet) at the station next morning. 19) Transform the sentences into the passive voice. 1. Someone is showing Mary how to bath a baby. 2. Guests will wear evening dresses. 3. The Chinese grow lots of rice. 4. Thomas has eaten a whole box of chocolates. 5. The teacher and the students made this decision. 6. People will forget this play in a few weeks time. 7. You must write the answers on one side of the paper only. 8. People mustn't take these books away. 9. Somebody must do something for these poor men. 10. One should keep milk in a refrigerator. 11. Somebody will tell you what time the train leaves. 12. They ordered the prisoner to stand up. 13. You don't need to wind this watch. 14. Don't speak until someone speaks to you. 15. Nobody has slept in that room for years. 16. They requested the stranger to leave the meeting. 17. He felt his best friend had let him down badly. 18. Someone should tell him never to do that again. 19. You must account for every penny you spent. 20. The police ought to put you in prison. 21. They take very good care of the elderly at this centre. 22. Has Mary finished her exam? 23. What should one do in such cases? 24. Where are they going to meet Jenny?
20) Fill in the sentences with the active or passive voice of the verbs given in brackets. 1. Leonardo da Vinci (paint) …………………………………… Mona Lisa. 2. The best Whisky (make) …………………………………….. in Scotland. 3. The flowers (water) …………………………………………..every day. 4. He (write) ……………………………………………me a letter last week. 5. The film (make) …………………………………… Britain in 1987. 6. They (give) ……………………………………………him a present on his birthday. 7. The telephone (invent) ………………………………… by Bell. 8. She (phone) …………………………………………….. him every day when she is away. 9. The car (clean) …………………………………………..once a week. 10. What (this – use) ……………………………………….for? 21) Passive with two objects. Change the sentences using the passive voice of the verbs. Give two constructions. e.g. They offered him a cup of coffee. → He was offered a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee was offered to him. 1. She told them the gossip. 2. He gave the change to the shop-assistant at once. 3. They gave me a basket of green apples. 4. Sam gave Kate his breakfast. 5. An old woman showed me the way. 6. Nick’s father brought him some beautiful shells from the south. 7. My friend told me interesting news yesterday. 8. Every evening grandmother told us fairy-tales. 9. They gave my little sister a ticket. 10. Someone taught him French and gave him a dictionary. 11. They will allow each boy a second plate of ice-cream. 12. They recommended me another doctor. 13. We shall send you the goods as soon as they are available. 14. My mother wrote me this letter last week. 15. Dad will buy me a new bike next year. 22) Choose the correct answer. 1. Wine ____ grapes. a) is made by b) is made from 2. The bridge _____. a) is still built b) is still being built 3. These shoes ____ of leather. a) are made b) were made 4. I can't see it- it must ____. a) be taken b) have been taken
5. Their house ____ last week. a) was bought b) has been bought 6. Do you think the project _____ by Friday? a) will be finished b) is finished 7. The tablets _____ with food. a) must take b) must be taken 8. It ____ by courier this morning. a) was sent b) is sent
9. It _____ with at the moment. a) is dealt b) is being dealt 10. It ____ last week. a) should be done b) should have been done 11. It ____ Mexico. a) is imported to b) is imported from 12. It ____ next week. a) is been published b) is being published
13. It ____ by next Friday. a) has been done b) has to be done 14. She ____ promoted again. a) is b) has been 15. They are ______ by the police at the moment. a) questioned b) being questioned
23) Choose the correct answer. 1. The seminar ______ three times a week. A, is hold B, is held C, is being hold D, is being held 2. I _____ on a diet for a month. A, have been B, was C, am D, am being 3. We _____ to learn the poem by heart. A, were telling to B, was told C, were told D, told 4. Our choir ______ by a famous conductor tonight. A, will conduct B, will be conduct C, will be conducted D, will be conducting 5. The office ______ twice a week. A, is clean B, is cleaned C, has been cleaned D, was being cleaned 6. The contracts _____ for weeks. A, aren't transleted B, weren't been translated C, haven't been translated D, hadn't been translated 7. Where's Pete? He's at the dentist. His teeth _____ at the moment. A, is filled B, is being filled C, are filled D, are being filled 8. The problem _____ last night. A, has been solved B, was solved C, had been solved D, was being solved 9. At long last! My kitten _____! A, was found B, is founded C, was being found D, has been found 10. Where _____ this material _____? A, was / produce B, is / produce C, has / produced D, was / produced 11. Passports must _____ at the border. A, be checked B, checked C, being checked D, is checked 12. It's only the second time a photo ______ of her. A, was taken B, is taken C, has taken D, has been taken 13. To my bad luck, my application _____ and I don't know what to do. A, was refused B, has refused C, had been refused D, has been refused 14. By the time I got to the market all the vegetables ______ . A, were sold B, had been sold C, have been sold D, were being sold 15. The house next door ______ right now. A, is pulled down B, will be pulled down C, is being pulled down D, is pulling down 16. How long ______ they _______ married? For ages. A, have / be B, have / been C, are / ---- D, are / being
24) Rewrite these senteces beginning with the underlined words e.g. Thieves robbed a woman → A woman was robbed 1. They may ban the film. 2. We need to correct the mistakes. 3. They are testing a new drug. 4. We haven’t used the machine for ages. 5. The police arrested 12 people. 25) Put the sentences into the passive voice WHERE POSSIBLE. 1. My father can translate this article. 2. They left for Paris at 7 p.m. 3. Somebody has stolen my bike. 4. The delegation arrived in London in the morning. 6. I heard her playing the guitar. 7. Something has happened to the radio. I can’t hear anything. 8. The children went to the Zoo. 9. She sells roses in the streets and parks. 10. I had finished my composition by 9 p.m. yesterday. 11. Grandfather fell asleep watching TV. 12. The child took the sweets and run away. 13. The novel consists of five chapters. 14. He cut the paper with a knife. 15. They have a nice house. 26) Read the situation and write a sentence using the words in brackets. 1. What has happened to the vase? (It/ break) 2. The boy is very ill. (The doctor/should/ send for) 3. Don’t put the cup on the floor. (It/can / break) 4. He always keeps his word. (He/can/ rely on) 5. I can’t find my purse anywhere. (It/must/ steal) 6. You may not use the dictionary at the exam. (It/have to/leave/outside) 7. The room is too dirty. (It/have to/sweep, mop) 8. There are too many mistakes in your test. (It/have to/ rewrite) 9. The girl is very naughty. (She/shouldn’t/spoil/parents) 10. Tomorrow we’ll take an exam. (The rules/should/revise) 11. The apple is rotten. (It/have to/throw away) 12. Tom feels much better now. (He/need to/operate on) 27) Active or passive. Choose the correct tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
They often _________music. (listen to) She ___________an e-mail at the moment. (read) These cars __________ in Japan. (produce) Alan _________Geography. (teach) German ____________in Austria. (speak) Lots of houses ________________ by the earthquake last month. (destroy)
7. Henry Ford _____________the assembly line in 1976. (invent) 8. The bus driver ______________ last week. (hurt) 9. You ____________your workbooks now. (open) 10. The houses ________ few months ago. (build) 11. The boys __________ soccer every weekend. (play) 12. This room _______________blue now. (paint ) 13. Cricket ___________in Australia every summer. (play) 14. I __________a prize by president right now. (give) 15. We ______ our homework last Sunday. (do) 16. You _______ dolphins here two weeks ago. (see) 17. The report ____________ at 5 o’clock last Friday. (complete) 18. They ___________ a song at 5.00 yesterday. (sing) 19. A letter ___________ to her a month ago. (write) 20. The bike ________________ at the moment. (repair) 28) Transform the sentences into the active voice. 1.The luggage was put into the back of the car. (they) 2. Ann was stopped by a policeman, and asked if the car was hers. 3. The windscreen was covered with snow. 4. He is not interested in this subject. 5. Someone will have to be found to take her place. (we) 6. Why wasn't the car either locked or put into the garage? (you) 7. This copy hasn't been read. (no one) 8. The stones were thrown by a student. He was afterwards led away by the police. 9. My car is being repaired now by my friend. 10. Do you know where Mona Lisa can be seen? 29) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. Many funny roles have been played by my favourite actor. My favourite actor __________________________________________ many funny roles. 2. Someone has stolen our bicycles. Our bicycles ________________________________________________________________. 3. New sports are invented every once in a while by young people. Young people __________________________________________ every once in a while. 4. They clean their shoes every evening Their shoes __________________________________________ every evening. 5. The children applauded the clown by stomping their feet. The clown __________________________________________ by stomping their feet. 6. Thousands of tourists visit the Coliseum every year. The Coliseum __________________________________________ every year. 7. We bought the tickets for the musical last week. The _______________________________________________________ last week.
8. They will not open the new museum next week. The ________________________________________________________ next week. 9. Their house has been painted lately. They _________________________________________________________ lately 10. The museum had been destroyed before the earthquake. They ________________________________________________ before the earthquake. 30) Translate the sentences into English using the passive. 1. Valaki megette a szendvicsemet a bulin. 2. A bankrablót három órával ezelőtt a moziban látták. 3. A Hamletet Shakespeare írta. 4. A barátaim adtak nekem egy mozijegyet. 5. Egy új biciklit ígértek Johnnak. 6. Eddig semmit nem mondtak erről. 7. Nem találom a nyakláncomat. Remélem, nem vitte el a nővérem. 8. Amint beléptem a szobába, éreztem, hogy figyelnek. 9. Semmit sem szabad elmozdítani itt, amíg a rendőrség meg nem érkezik. 10. Silvyát tegnap óta nem látták. 11. A köd miatt semmit sem lehetett látni, ezért az összes buszt leállították. 12. Ezt a szobrot egy ismeretlen művész készítette a 17. században. 13. Kínában sok rizst esznek. 14. Zöldre van a kapu festve. 15. Sok érdekes dolgot mondtak az előadáson. 16. A templomot már egy éve tartarozzák. 17. A főnök nem szereti, ha zavarják miközben dolgozik. 18. Senkit nem érdekelt a film. 19. Valamit tenni kéne! 20. Hol lopták el a pénztárcádat? 21. Mit mondtak neked rólam? 22. Készítik már a kávémat? 23. Láttak itt egy kutyát? 24. Lehet itt hangos zenét hallgatni? 25. Miért követte Charlie-t olyan sok rendőr tegnap éjszaka?
KEY: 1) 1. P 2. A
3. 4.
2) 1. is delivered 2. is served
3. are paid 4. is taken
3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
3. 4.
5. is not known 6. are sold
The door is locked. Football ia played all over the world. Nobody is allowed to leave. The doctor is introduced to Mrs Lee. The seminar is held three times a week. In Britain Newspapers are read by lots of people.
4) 1. is made 2. are held 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
is spoken are checked
7. is not used 8. are made
7. 8.
The title of the book is decided by the author. The new books are put on a special shelf in libraries. 9. The housework is done by her. 10. The flowers are watered by mother.
are sold
Where is Scotch whisky made? What is made in Scotland? How often are Olympic games held? What is (/are) held every four years? Where is English spoken? How many countries is English spoken in? How are car speeds checked? What is (/are) checked by radar? Where are souvenirs sold? What places are souvenirs sold at?
6) When you arrive at an airport, you should go straight to the check-in desk where your ticket and luggage are checked. You keep your hand luggage with you but your suitcases are taken to the plane on a conveyor belt. You can now go to the departure lounge. If you are on an international flight, your passport is checked, and then you and your bags are x-rayed by security cameras; sometimes you are given a body search and your luggage is searched by a security officer. You wait in the departure lounge until your flight is called and you are told which number gate to go to. Finally you board your plane and you are shown to your seat by a flight attendant. 7) 1. 2. 3. 4.
My friends and relatives often give me some chocolate for my birthday. People make cottage cheese of milk. The management said nothing (/didn’t say anything) about the new project. The cleaners clean the office twice a week.
8) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The house is repainted every year. English is spoken all over the world. How often are the animals fed in this farm? Tourists are asked not to take photos in the museum. When is breakfast finished at (/in) this hotel?
9) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
are being served is being kissed are being cleaned is being taken is being prepared
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
are being fed is being delivered is being organized are being taught are being made
11. 12. 13. 14.
are being picked are being taken are being threatened is being questioned
10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
A house is being built by Frank. The dust is being wiped by my sister. The dishes are always washed by Mary. The dogs are not seen. Fruit is kept fresh. A uniform is usually worn by me. Paper is made from wood. The film is watched by Mr Jones. English is spoken. The computer is being used by my brother at the moment. Are comics read by him? A watermelon is being eaten by Bill and Jane. Our pets are fed three times a day. Messages are sent by e-mail. Are cars made in China? Stamps are sold at a post office. His homework is done carefully. Breakfast is not served in this hotel. Very good chocolate is made in Switzerland. This room is used only on special occasions. Our tests are usually corrected (by the teacher). Soy is grown in Argentina. Their house is being renovated. These tools are made of plastic. The mail is delivered by Tom every day. Meat is sold by the butcher. Computer games are played by him all the time.
11) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
are employed is covered is made is damaged are shown are held
12) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
13) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
are made am never invited are spoken is paid is being written
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
The housework is done by her. A bullet-proof car is used by the gorvernor. Pamela is not helped by the girls. The children are helped by the policemen. Text messages are written by him. The flowers are watered by my mother. A new procedure is being developed by the company. Is handball played by them? Late shows are not watched by young children. The cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary. The rucksack is put on the floor by Sue. The mail is being delivered by the mailman now. The washing machine is being fixed by my father. A new kite is being made by Bob. The kitchen is being painted by the children. Dogs are not allowed in this shop. We are not invited to their parties. How are languages learnt? Is their bathroom being painted again? Stamps are collected by Sandra. A new film is being shown on TV. The morning newspaper is always read by my father. Listen! A song is being sung. The students are not punished by bhe teacher. The car is always fixed by dad.
12. is being explained 13. is exported 14. are not watched 15. are being read 16. are sent
17. are used 18. are always cleaned 19. are shocked 20. are needed
The papers were signed by the Prime Minister. The letter was stamped by the clerk. This picture was painted by Leonardo. A new plan was suggested. Nothing was decided at the meeting. The doctor was introduced to Mrs Lee. A picture was stolen from the National Gallery. The thief’s car was stopped by the police. The picture was found in the car. It was taken back to the Gallery, where it was examined by an expert. The thief was arrested.
was repaired were exhibited was flooded were rewarded was examined
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
was caught was spent was torn were broken was imported
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
was injured was sewed was shown were made were scolded
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
was saved were reminded was served was heard was told
14) 1. The song was played on the piano. 2. A bridge was built across the river. 3. Your watches were found under the bed. 4. The tree behind my house was cut down. 5. The school bell was rung for recess. 15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. The story from the book was read aloud. 7. The stale bread was thrown into the dustbin. 8. Several large snakes were caught in the forest. 9. The rich man was kidnapped a few nights ago. 10. The windows were cleaned yesterday.
Two of my cups have been broken. This bridge was built last year. Milk is used for making butter and cheese. No sound was heard. Was anything interesting said?
16) 1. has been 2. were 3. was
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
4. were 5. was 6. are being
Have all the necessary arrangements been made? No mistakes have been made. The box has been locked and it cannot be opened. Were these paintings damaged by the fire? The trains were held up by the fog.
7. was 8. will be 9. will be
10. is being
17) “cook” 1. is being cooked 2. will have been cooked
3. had been cooked 4. hasn’t been cooked
5. was cooked
“read” 1. has been read 2. will have been read
3. is being read 4. was read
5. had been read
“write” 1. is written 2. had been written
3. was written 4. will have been written
5. will be written
18) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14.
are cleaned was sent was given have been built will be published
19) 1. 2. 3. 4.
was planted were invited are gathered will be finished was read
Mary is being shown how to bath a baby. Evening dresses will be worn by guests. Lots of rice is grown by the Chinese. A whole box of chocolates has been eaten by Thomas. 5. This decision was made by the teacher and the students. 6. This play will be forgotten in a few weeks time. 7. The answers must be written on one side of the paper only. 8. These books mustn’t be taken away. 9. Something must be done for these poor men. 10. Milk should be kept in a refrigerator. 11. You will be told what time the train leaves. 12. The prisoner was ordered to stand up. 20) 1. painted 2. is made 3. are watered
4. wrote 5. was made 6. gave
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
will be brought was broken had been received will be met
This watch is not needed to wind. Don't speak until you are spoken to. That room has not been slept in for years. The stranger was requested to leave the meeting. He felt he had been let down badly by his best friend. He should be told never to do that again. Every penny you spent must be accounted for. You ought to be put you in prison. The elderly are taken very good care of at this centre. Has Mary’s exam been finished? / Has her exam been finished by Mary? What should be done in such cases? Where is Jenny going to be met?
7. was invented 8. phones / will phone 9. is cleaned
10. is this used
21) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
They were told the gossip. / The gossip was told to them. The shop-assistant was given the change at once. / The change was given to the shop assistant at once. I was given a basket of green apples. / A basket of green apples was given to me. Kate was given Sam’s breakfast. / Sam’s breakfast was given to Kate. I was shown the way by an old woman. / The way was shown to me by an old woman. Nick was brought some beautiful shells from the south by his father. / Some beautiful shells from the south were brought to Nick by his father. I was told interesting news by my friend yesterday. / Interesting news were told to me by my friend yesterday. We were told fairy-tales by grandmother every evening. / Fairy tales were told to us by grandmother every evening. My little sister was given a ticket. / A ticket was given to my little sister. He was taught French and was given a dictionary. / French was taught to him and a dictionary was given to him. Each boy will be allowed a second plate of ice-cream. / A second plate of ice-cream will be allowed to each boy. I was recommended another doctor. / Another doctor was recommended to me. You will be sent the goods as soon as they are available. / The goods will be sent to you as soon as they are available. This letter was written to me by my mother last week. / I was written this letter by my mother last week. A new bike will be bought to me by dad next year. / I will be bought a new bike by dad next year.
22) 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b
5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a
9. b 10. b 11. b 12. b
13. b 14. b 15. b
23) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C
5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B
9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D
13. D 14. B 15. C 16. B
24) 1. The film may be banned. 2. The mistakes are need to be corrected. 3. A new drug is being tested.
4. The machine hasn’t been used for ages. 5. 12 people were arrested.
25) 1. This article can be translated by my father. 9. Roses are sold by her in the streets and parks. 2. They left for Paris at 7 p.m. – not possible 10. My composition had been finished by 9 p.m. 3. My bike has been stolen. yesterday. 4. The delegation arrived in London in the morning. – 11. Grandfather fell asleep watching TV. – not possible not possible 12. The sweets were takel by the child and he run away. 6. She was heard playing the guitar (by me). 13. The novel consists of five chapters. – not possible 7. Something has happened to the radio. Nothing can be 14. The paper was cut with a knife. heard. 15. They have a nice house. – not possible 8. The children went to the Zoo. – not possible 26) 1. It has been broken. 2. The doctor should be sent for. 3. It can be broken. 4. He can be relied on. 5. It must have been stolen. 6. It has to be left outside.
7. It has to be swept and mopped. 8. It will have to be rewritten. 9. She shouldn’t have been spoiled by her parents. 10. The rules should be revised. 11. It has to be thrown away. 12. He doesn’t need to be operated on.
27) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
listen to is reading are produced teaches is spoken were destroyed invented
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
was hurt are opening were built play is being painted is played am being given
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
did saw was completed were singing was written is being repaired
28) 1.They put the luggage into the back of the car. 2. A policeman stopped Ann, and asked if the car was hers. 3. Snow covered the windscreen. 4. This subject doesn’t intrest him. 5. We will have to find someone to take her place. 6. Why didn’t you either lock or put the car into the garage? 7. No one has read this copy. 8. A student threw the stones. The police afterwards led him away. 9. My friend is repairing my car now. 10. Do you know where you can see Mona Lisa? 29) 1. My favourite actor has played many funny roles. 2. Our bicycles have been stolen. 3. Young people invent new sports every once in a while. 4. Their shoes are cleaned every evening. 5. The clown was applauded by the children by stomping their feet. 6. The Coliseum is visited by thousands of tourists every year. 7. The tickets for the musical were bought last week. 8. The will not be opened next week. 9. They have painted their house lately. 10. They had destroyed the museum before the earthquake. 30) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
My sandwich was eaten at the party. The bank robber was seen in the cinema 3 hours ago. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. I was given a cinema ticket by my friends. / A cinema ticket was given to me by my friends. John was promised (has been promised) a new bicycle. / A new bicycle was promised to John. Nothing has beed said about it so far. I can’t find my necklace. I hope it hasn’t been taken by my sister. As soon as I entered the room I felt I was beeing watched. Nothing can be moved here until the police arrives. Silvya hasn’t been seen since yesterday. Nothing could be seen because of the fog so all buses were stopped. This statue was made by an unknown artist (/sculptor) in the 17th century. A lot of rice (/much rice) is eaten in China. The gate is panted green. A lot of interesting things (/many interesting things) were told at the presentation. The church has been already repaired for a year. The boss doesn’t like to be disturbed while he is working. Nobody was interested in the film. Something should be done! Where was your wallet (/purse) stolen? What was told you about me? / What were you told about me? Is my coffee being made? Has a dog been seen here? Can loud music be listened to here? Why was Charlie followed by so many policemen last night?