Research School for Public Administration and Political Science
NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT The Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) is an interuniversity research school in which nine Dutch universities participate. As of 2010 NIG has a cooperation with two Flemish universities: the KU Leuven and the University of Antwerp. NIG coordinates and stimulates research in the area of public administration and political science and offers a training program for Ph.D. students. In 2012 the research school received accreditation for a fourth term of six years from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In 2012 NIG was led by the scientific director prof. dr. Walter Kickert and executive director dr. Sandra Groeneveld, and assisted by the office manager Vicky Balsem. In March 2013 NIG has been moved from the Erasmus University Rotterdam to the University of Twente. Since then NIG is coordinated by prof. dr. Bas Denters (scientific director), dr. Maurits Sanders (executive director) and Seeta Autar (bureau manager).
NIG Office: University of Twente School of Management and Governance, Ravelijn 1432 P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands T + 31.53.4894408 E
[email protected]
CONTENTS PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ 5 2012: A BRIEF OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 6 RESEARCH COLLOQUIA ........................................................................................... 8 TRAINING & COURSE EVALUATIONS.................................................................. 9 ANNUAL WORK CONFERENCE ........................................................................... 11 RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................... 13 INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS ................................................................................. 17 ORGANIZATION & FINANCES.............................................................................. 30
PREFACE This annual report contains information on the major activities of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) in 2012. The reader will find information on both our training programme and research activities. Also several output indicators are reported. The financial report is published separately.
Prof. dr. Bas Denters Scientific Director NIG January 2014
2012: A BRIEF OVERVIEW In 2012 the number of standard and senior NIG-members was 214, while the number of Ph.D. members was 129. In the period 2006-2011 the main theme of the NIG research program was ‘Governance, Citizens and the State’ with three sub themes ‘citizens and governance’ (including EU, e-governance, representation and legitimacy), ‘future of nation state’ (including EU, multi-level governance and institutions) and ‘public management in joined-up world’ (reflecting new trends in public management). A survey of the actual research activities at the participating administrative and political science departments, the NIG research colloquiums and the research panels at the annual NIG-conferences, reveals that there are in fact four main research themes that receive substantial and common attention: - Multi-level governance and Europe - Multi-actor governance in complexity - Political institutions and democracy - Public Management These main themes are guiding in NIG’s research activities for the period 20122017. Further details can be found in NIG’s ‘Scientific Mission and Research Programme 2012-2017’. In 2011 we made several adjustments in our doctorate training programme which were successfully implemented in 2012. Despite the changes in the training programme, the number of Ph.D. students that started with their education in 2012 was lower then previous years. Due to the adjustments in NIG’s context, e.g. an increasing number of Ph.D. students with a research master, an increasing number of Ph.D. students with a foreign background and the development of Ph.D. programmes in local graduate schools, the NIG training programme has to be continuously adapted to meet the demands of NIG’s members. The scientific director and exuctive director will schedule meetings in 2013 and 2014 with the deans and scientific directors of the universities that participate and cooperate with NIG. An important objective of these meetings is to identify the demands of NIG’members about the training programme. Cooperations with foreign universities were further intensified to enable the exchange of courses for Ph.D. students from NIG and abroad. NIG aims to expand the number of international cooperations in the near future.
At the annual conference in Leuven, dr. Thomas Schillemans (Utrecht University) was awarded the prize for ‘best supervisor’, following a nomination procedure organized by the NIG Ph.D. council. Sandra Jacobs, chair of the Ph.D. council, presented the award to him. Untill 2012 NIG awarded: (i) research activation grants, (ii) travel grants for Ph.D. students and (iii) edit grants. In 2012 these grants were discharged in order to bring balance in the budget. The fee for members was also increased. In 2012 the annual contribution consists of a fixed part (€ 2500 per university) and a fee per staff member who is a member of NIG (€ 675 per member). Tuition fees amounts to € 1.700 per student who takes the full training programme.
RESEARCH COLLOQUIA Research Colloquia have been established to fill ‘the gap’ which exists between finishing NIG coursework and completion of the dissertation. Colloquia help to improve the interaction between junior and senior researchers from all member institutions. Moreover, they can lead to interesting and relevant academic outputs, such as scientific publications and new networks. Guidelines on how to establish a new colloquium are published on the website. In 2012 2 new colloquia has been established: -
Colloquium on Public and Political Leadership. Chaired by dr. Sabina Stiller (Wageningen University & Research Centre) and dr. Karin Lasthuizen (VU University Amsteram). Colloquium on Strategic HRM in the public sector. Chaired by dr. Sandra Groeneveld (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and prof. dr. Peter Leisink (Utrecht University).
The other colloquia in 2012 were: -
Colloquium on Water Governance. Chaired by prof. dr. Jurian Edelenbos (Erasmus University Rotterdam), dr. Arwin van Buuren (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and prof. dr. Stefan Kuks (University of Twente). Colloquium on Good governance. Chaired by prof. dr. Cor van Montfort (University of Tilburg), dr. Gjalt de Graaf, prof. dr. Leo Huberts and dr. Zeger van der Wal (VU University Amsterdam). Colloquium on Public Managers. Chaired by prof. dr. Mirko Noordegraaf (Utrecht University) and prof. dr. Bram Steijn (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Colloquium on Administrative Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Governance and Politics. Chaired by dr. Giselle Bosse (Maastricht University) and dr. Veronica Junjan (Twente University). Colloquium on Regulatory Governance. Chaired by dr. Martijn Groenleer, (Delft University of Technology), dr. Sandra van Thiel (Erasumus University Rotterdam), dr. Esther Versluis (Maastricht University) and dr. Kutsal Yesilkagit (Utrecht University).
Some colloquia met at the annual NIG work conference (see below).
TRAINING & COURSE EVALUATIONS The curriculum consists of a combination of courses and tutorials. The courses provide the common core of the curriculum and are offered in the form of four seminars on the state of the art of the discipline and research methodology, and two weeks with short courses on skills. In addition Ph.D. students attend four tutorials with senior researchers in which they focus on topics that are specifically relevant to their dissertation topic. It is possible to substitute the tutorials with other customized forms of training that Ph.D. students may take such as summer schools, seminars and courses with other research schools, provided they are of a sufficient weight and are of a disciplinary nature. Further details on the curriculum can be found in the course guide. The participants in the 2012/2013 NIG courses assessed the courses individually, using a form with different questions, to be rated at a five-point grade scale. The table below shows the number of students who participated in the various NIG courses and the result of their assessment, based on several questions on the contents of the course.
Table 1: Number of students and general evaluation of courses 2012/2013 Overall
Number of respondents
Core Themes
State of the art: Classics PA/Master class
State of the art: Europeanization
Configurational Comparative
Network Governance
General methodology
Philosophy of science
Formulating research issue
Case study research
Content analysis
Survey Analysis
Your Postdoctoral Career
Presentation of research
Getting it published
Doing Qualitative Interviews
Network analysis
Political Science
Short Courses
The evaluation is given on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (good). - Course was not taught
ANNUAL WORK CONFERENCE On November 29 and 30, 2012 NIG held its Annual Work Conference in Leuven. This was the fifth time that NIG held a two-day conference. The number of papers at this conference was 125. During the plenary session Thursday afternoon, prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert held a keynote speech. In the afternoon and on Friday morning 17 (parallel) workshops were held with paper presentations and discussions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Good Governance as Managing Tensions between Public Values Refraiming Public Professionalism Connecting Knowledge Bases and Forms in Water Governance Administrative Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: Governance and Politics. 5. Regulatory Governance: Agencies and Beyond 6. Strategic HRM in the Public Sector and Public Values 7. Twenty years of EU decision-making since Maastricht 8. Reconnecting in multi-level governance 9. New social risks and the development of the social investment state 10. Public Service delivery in the post-New Public Management Era 11. Understanding policy dynamics: advances in theories of the policy process 12. Change Management in the Public Sector 13. Energy and Climate Governance 14. Whole networks and network performance: Defining networks from the outside in 15. Leadership revisited: new avenues in leadership research in public administration and political science 16. Local Democratic Audit: assessing the democratic qualities of local governance 17. Governance & Media The conference was overall evaluated positively (see table 2).
Table 2. Evaluation of NIG annual work conference 2012 (53 respondents) SomeVery much what Neutral Did you like the format of this conference? 35 13 3 Did this conference contribute to your research? 20 28 2 Did this conference contribute to your research network? 19 29 4 How interesting was this session for you? 34 15 1 Did you like the logistic arrangements of this conference; venue, buildings and rooms 41 7 5 Did you like the logistic arrangements of this conference: catering (Lunch & Dinner) 32 13 3 Did you like the format of a two-day conference? 32 12 7
Which session did you attend?
Panel 1 7 Panel 6 8 Panel 11 6
Panel 2 3 Panel 7 5 Panel 12 0
Panel 16 2
Panel 17 3
Panel 3 3 Panel 8 2 Panel 13 1 No Answer 0
Did you present a paper? Do you plan to attend next year's conference? If a financial contribution would be asked to participate in the conference, would you still attend the conference?
Not much
Not all
Panel 4 5 Panel 9 2 Panel 14 1
Panel 5 4 Panel 10 0 Panel 15 1
No 5 2
Yes 47 49
RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS NIG RESEARCH PROGRAM In the NIG research program four subthemes have been discerned: - Multi-level governance and Europe - Multi-actor governance in complexity - Political institutions and democracy - Public Management The full text of the program is available on the website. Below the researchers are listed per subtheme in 2012. Theme 1: Multi-level governance and Europe Apeldoorn, van, Bastiaan Arnold, Christine
Groenendijk, Nico Haverland, Markus
Scholten, Peter Segers, Mathieu
Berg, van den, Caspar Berkel, van, Rik Beyers, Jan Biermann, Frank Bijsmans, Patrick Blom, Tannelie Bosse, Giselle Brandsma, Gijs Jan Burg, van der, Tsjalle Bursens, Peter Christiansen, Thomas Conzelmann, Thomas Crum, Ben Dijkstra, Geske
Hooghe, Liesbeth Hosli, Madeleine Jong, de, Martin Jong, de, Ellen Marin, Luisa Marks, Gary Mastenbroek, Ellen Need, Ariana Neuhold, Christine Ossewaarde, Ringo Overbeek, Henk Paridon, van, Kees Pomorska, Karolina Princen, Sebastiaan
Spendzharova, Aneta Stapelbroek, Koen Steenhuisen, Bauke Stephenson, Paul Steunenberg, Bernard Timmermans, Arco Toshkov, Dimiter Vanhoonacker, Sophie Veeneman, Wijnand Verbeek, Bertjan Versluis, Esther Vink, Maarten Vleuten, van der, Anna Vliet, Olaf
Dimitrova, Antoaneta Donnelly, Shawn Dorbeck-Jung, Bärbel Esch, van, Femke Fenger, Menno Gerven, van, Minna
Radulova, Elissaveta Reinalda, Bob Ruiter, de, Rik Saharso, Sawitri Schmeets, Hans
Voort, van der , Haiko Waarden, van, Frans Wagner, Wolfgang Warntjen, Andreas Wessel, Ramses
Theme 2: Multi-actor governance in complexity Arentsen, Maarten Ast, van, Jacko Bannink, Duco Boer, de, Cheryl Boons, Frank Bottenburg, van, Maarten
Heldeweg, Michiel Hophmayer-Tokich, Sharon Hoppe, Thomas Hospers, Gert-Jan Huberts, Leo Hulst, van, Merlijn 13
Oude Vrielink, Mirjan Özerol, Gül Rotmans, Jan Sanders, Maurits Schalk, Jelmer Schillemans, Thomas
Brandsen, Taco Bressers, Hans Buuren, van, Arwin Coenen, Frans Denters, Bas Dooren, van, Wouter Edelenbos, Jurian Edwards, Arthur Eshuis, Jasper Geerlings, Harry Gerrits, Lasse Graaf, de, Gjalt Hart, 't, Paul Helderman, Jan-Kees
Kerkhoff, Toon Klijn, Erik-Hans Klok, Pieter-Jan Koppenjan, Joop Kort, Michiel Koster, Martijn Kuks, Stefan Lasthuizen, Karin Lulofs, Kris Marks, Peter Meer, van der, Frans-Bauke Meijerink, Sander Metze, Tamara O'Toole, Laurence
Schruijer, Sandra Six, Frédérique Soeparman, Stefan Steden, v, Ronald Teisman, Geert Tops, Pieter Trommel, Willem Twist, van, Mark Vikolainen, Vera Wagenaar, Pieter Willigen, van, Niels Zouridis, Stavros
Theme 3: Political institutions and democracy Aarts, Kees Andeweg, Rudy Binnema, Harmen Boogers, Marcel Bovens, Mark Braun, Caelesta Cranenburgh, van, Oda Dayican, Bengü Dekker, Henk Dool, van den, Léon Erk, Jan Frissen, Paul Gemenis, Kostas Geus, de, Marius
Graaf, de, Laurens Hendriks, Frank Holsteijn, van, Joop Irwin, Galen Kolk, van der, Henk Koole, Ruud Kopécky, Petr Krouwel, André Leyenaar, Monique Lowery, David Michels, Ank Morissens, Ann Nieuwenburg, Paul Ostaaijen, van, Julien
Outshoorn, Joyce Overeem, Patrick Oversloot, Hans Pellikaan, Huib Pennings, Paul Rosema, Martin Schaap, Linze Tholen, Berry Verloo, Mieke Vis, Barbara Walgrave , Stefaan Wille, Anchrit Wissenburg, Marcel Woldendorp, Jaap
Theme 4: Public Management Beerkens, Maarja Bekkers, Victor Boer, de, Harry Boersma, Kees Boin, Arjen Boselie, Paul Bouckeart, Geert Brans, Marleen Delsen, Lei Dulk, den, Laura
Kerremans, Bart Kickert, Walter Kingma, Sytze Knies, Eva Kruyen, Peter Mathieu Kuipers, Ben Kuipers, Sanneke Lako, Christiaan Leisink, Peter Meer, van der, Frits 14
Steijn, Bram Svensson, Jörgen Thaens, Marcel Thiel, van, Sandra Torenvlied, René Trappenburg, Margo Tummers, Lars Vaal, de, Albert Vandenabeele, Wouter Veen, van der, Romke
Genugten, Marieke Geuijen, Karin Grimmelikhuijsen, Stephan Groeneveld, Sandra Homburg, Vincent Hondeghem, Annie Honingh, Marlies Hupe, Peter Jongbloed, Ben Junjan, Veronica
Meijer, Albert Meulen, van der, Martijn
Veenswijk, Marcel Velde, van der, Mandy
Montfort, van, Adré Moody, Rebecca Nispen tot Pannerden, van, Frans Noordegraaf, Mirko Putters, Kim Resodihardjo, Sandra Sluis, van, Arie Steen, Trui
Verhoest, Koen Vermeulen, Jeroen
Vossensteyn, Hans Vries, de, Michiel Walle, Van de, Steven Westerheijden, Don Yesilkagit, Kutsal
SUMMARY OF OUTPUT Table 3 presents an overview of scholarly publications in 2012. A distinction is made between articles (in refereed journals), books (author and/or editor) and book chapters. In this table we include only scientific publications; for an overview of all publications, including professional ones, please see the separate appendix to this report.
Table 3. Overview of output in publications in 2012 1
Theme 1: Multi-level Governance in Europe Theme 2: Multi-actor governance in complexity Theme 3: Political institutions and democracy Theme 4: Public Management Total
International Article Book 59 3
Chapter 50
Dutch/other Article Book 12 1
Chapter 2
Total 127
In 2012 NIG researchers produced in total 580 scholarly publications, compared to 616 publications in 2011. The percentage of journal publications is 53% of all scientific publications (in 2011: 56%). The percentage of international publications on the total of publications is 77%, compared to 67% in 2011. The number of international journal articles is 232 in 2012 (40% of all scientific publications) compared to 224 in 2011 (37% of all scientific publications). For a complete list of publications we refer to the appendix to this report.
Excluding publications by the TU Delft 16
INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS NIG members are involved in many international research projects. Below, an overview is given of projects that started in 2012. Details of projects that started before 2012, including participants and output, can be found in previous annual reports. Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved:
Funded by: Project title:
PhD school on the EU system of governance (PEGASUS) October 2012 - April 2015 Prof. Wolfgang Wessels (University of Cologne); Dr. Christine Neuhold (Workpackage Leader on Dissemination); ERASMUS
Christine Neuhold
European Union, Lifelong Learning Programme Green EFFORTS: Green and Effective Operations at Terminals and in Ports 01/11/2012 - 30/06/2014 Coordinator: Jacobs university bremen ggmbh, Germany
External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title:
Participants: Fraunhofer-gesellschaft zur foerderung der angewandten forschung e.v, Germany Erasmus universiteit Rotterdam, the Netherlands Siemens AG, Germany Sachsische binnenhafen oberelbe GMBH, the Netherlands Trelleborgs Hamn AB, sweden Hpti Hamburg port training institute GMBH, Germany IHS global sas, France
Prof.dr. H. Geerlings
European Commission (FP7) IMPACIM: The Impact of Restrictions and Entitlements on the Integration of Family Migrants 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2013
External Participants and affiliation:
Coordinator: Centre for migration, policy and society (compas), university of oxford, UK participants: European forum for migration studies (efms), bamberg, Germany Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands University Complutense, madrid, Spain
NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title:
Period: External Participants and affiliation: NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved:
Funded by: Project title:
Dr. P.W.A. Scholten Dr. S. Suvarierol European Commission (European Fund for the Integration of thirdcountry nationals) Informatie-verwerking door individuele politieke actoren. De determinanten van de uitstraling, aandacht en actie in een vergelijkend perspectief (INFOPOL). 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2017 Media, middenveld en politiek (M2P)
Walgrave Stefaan
EU-KADER (ERC Advanced Grant) Good Urban Governance 2012 – medio 2013 Ian Scott: University of Hong Kong Juliet Musso: University of Southern California Andreas Ladner: Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique (Switserland) Jochen Franzke: Potsdam University Tamara Metze Linze Schaap Julien van Ostaaijen Frank Hendriks Leon van den Dool Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam SUSPLAN: Handling goal-conflicts in compact city/centre development: How is local sustainable planning managed through new planning tools and practices? 2012-2014 18
External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved:
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR, Oslo, Norway): projectleader University of Life Sciences (UMB, Norway) The Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway) Copenhagen University (Denmark) Aalto University (Finland) London School of Economics (LSE), Department of Geography and Environment (Great Brittain) Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Laurens de Graaf
Norwegian Research Council Better Airport Regions June 2012 – June 2014 TU Delft ETH Zürich TU München Universiteit van Amsterdam Gemeente Haarlemmermeer SADC Schiphol groep Gemeente Kloten Zürich Airport Ellen van Bueren
NWO-Nicis (Verdus Programme) PETRA February 2014 – February 2017 TU Delft Pisa University Stockholm University of Technology Tel Aviv Venetië Rome IBM
Wijnand Veeneman, Haiko van der Voort, Bauke Steenhuisen 19
Funded by: Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation: NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title:
Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved: Funded by: Project title: Period: External Participants and affiliation:
NIG researchers involved: Funded by:
Seventh Framework Programme RECOLAND May 2013- May 2017 TU Delft
Ellen van Bueren
ERC Grant Modelling the impact of renewables in China's liberalized electricity markets September 2012 – September 2016 TU Delft
Martin d e Jong
External (CSC) Government response to environmental acidents in China September 2012 – September 2016 Erasmus University Rotterdam
Martin d e Jong
External (CSC)
DISSERTATIONS/THESES DEFENDED In 2012, 9 NIG Ph.D. students defended their thesis: Boer, C.L. de. (2012, September 28). Contextual water management : a study of governance and implementation processes in local stream restoration projects. UT Universiteit Twente (282 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. J.T.A. Bressers & Prof.dr. L.J. O'Toole. Cuppen, M.E. (2012). The public, projects and the legitimacy of governing systems. TU Delft. Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. W.A.H. Thissen & Prof. mr. dr. E.F. ten Heuvelhof. Geurtz, J.C.H.C. (2012, October 15). Immune to reform? Understanding democratic reform in three consensus democracies: the Netherlands compared with Germany, and Austria. Tilburg University. Prom./coprom.: prof. dr. F. Hendriks & dr. L. Schaap. Kotzebue, J.R. (2012, June 28). Spatial misfits in mulitlevel governance impacts on the small island state of Malta. UT Universiteit Twente (201 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. J.T.A. Bressers & Prof.dr. L.J. O'Toole. Kwaramba, H.M. (2012, April 04). Everything is connected: An Interpretive study of local economic development in South Africa. UT Universiteit Twente (278 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. J.C. Lovett. Rommel, J. (2012). Organisation and Management of Regulation. Autonomy and Coordination in a Multi-Actor Setting. KU Leuven (235 pag. + bijlagen). Schumacher, G. (2012, Januari 10). "Modernize or Die"? Social Democrats, Welfare State Retrenchment and the Choice between Office and Policy. VU Vrije Universiteit. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. K. van. Kersbergen & prof. dr. B. Vis. Vikolainen, V. (2012, December 21). Nature at work. The feasibility of building with nature projects in the context of EU natura 2000 implementation. UT Universiteit Twente (168 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. J.T.A. Bressers & Dr. K.R.D. Lulofs.
Wijdeven, T.M.F. van de (2012, December 04). Doe democratie: Over actief burgerschap in stadswijken. Tilburg University (405 pag.). Prom./coprom.: prof. dr. F. Hendriks. PH.D. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS In 2012, 21 new PhD-students started working on their thesis. This made the total number of Ph.D. students working on a thesis 128 (see table below). Table 4. Ph.D.students in 2012 Name Alexandrova
Start 2010
University Universiteit Leiden
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Berg, van den
University of Twente
Bokhorst Boon
2007 2012
Universiteit van Tilburg University of Antwerp
Vrije universiteit Amsterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Broekhoven, van
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Universiteit van Tilburg
Universiteit Utrecht 22
Topic 'Policy agenda of the European Council' 'Self employment and work-life balance in Europe' 'Urban lake management systems in theory and practice' 'Incidentsupervision: the use and effectiveness of inquiries in (Dutch) Health Care' Local communities adapting to climate change: the Netherlandse case' Bronnen van Legitimiteit' 'Op zoek naar zuinigheid in de overheid in tijden van budgettaire krapte: factoren die bijdragen tot overheadkosten in publieke organisaties' Narratives about crimes of honour' Doorwerking van kennis impuls programma's' 'Resource scarcity and violent conflict' 'Climate robust land use steering of combined developments' 'Welfare innovations at the local level in favour of social cohesion' 'Analysis and optimization of healthcare consumption among employees working in healthcare' 'Omstreden Democratie Meervoudigheid van Politieke Onvrede' MBO studenten, strategisch
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Cauter, van
KU Leuven
Universiteit Utrecht
Universiteit Twente
K.U. Leuven
University of Twente
De Caluwe
Universiteit Antwerpen
Erasmus University Rotterdam
KU Leuven
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dräbing Elfrinkhof, van Elias Carillo
2011 2009 2011
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Universiteit Leiden
Universiteit Maastricht
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Human Resource Management, de rol van leidinggevende in de uitvoer van HR beleid, beroepsidentiteit en duurzame inzetbaarheid' Talent management in de Vlaamse overheid
Street level professionals en jongeren: de organisatie van sport in de wijk' 'Legal certainty under pressure in multilevel safety and quality regulation in medium products' Evaluation of NPM reforming in western, central and Eastern Europe. Impacts, best practices recommendations, what, how and how much the east could learn from the west' 'The Public Participation System in Policies of Environmental Protection' 'New Public Management and the performance of public sciences. The missing link' 'Social Media and Integration' ‘Resultaatgericht financieel management in Vlaamse lokale overheden: de integratie van prestatie-informatie in de financiële cyclus’ 'Leadership and innovation' 'Social investment in Europe' 'Party profiling and mapping' Dynamics of Organized crime policy in the European Union' Informal Governance in European Migration management: Coordination of Asylum Policies among EU Member States' 'Welfare innovations at the local level in favour of social cohesion' 'Foresight practices in Flanders analyzed'
Universiteit Maastricht
Universiteit van Antwerpen
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Graaff, de
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Universiteit Leiden
Harten, van
Utrecht University
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Antwerp
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Hurk, van den
University of Antwerp
Ichsan Kabullah
Radboud University Nijmegen
Jacobs Jaghroe Jans
2009 2010 2010
Universiteit Utrecht Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam University of Twente
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
'European risk governance in chemiocal regulation' Politics of interest prepresentation and agendasetting in multilevel systems' 'Synchronizing science and policy: expl. And eval. Sciencepolicy interfaces in the wadden sea' Pipeline Networks and the Transnational Dimension of Geopolitical Conflict over hydrocarbon Resources' 'Change management in the public sector' 'Clientelism in Contemporary Democracies' ‘The sustainable employability of hospital employees’ 'Ethical leadership across the public-private continuum' ‘Public Administration performance and reform-always a chance or the better?'’ 'Understanding Gendered interregionalism between the EU and South Africa' 'Standardization versus customization of the public private partnerships' 'Designing instruments of accountability management for indonesia's local governments: case study of west sumatra and yogyakarta provinces' 'Public accountability and media' 'The diffusion of innovations of governance in Dutch local government' 'HRM & performance in het primair onderwijs' 'Legitimation dynamics of sustainability transitions' 'Circular economy and ecoindustrial parks in China and the Netherlands: connecting national policy and local initiatives'
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Maastricht University
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Karatas Kerkhoff
2010 2006
Universiteit Utrecht Universiteit Leiden
University of Twente
Klika Klomp, van de
2009 2009
Universiteit Maastricht Politieacademie
Universiteit Twente
Universiteit Twente
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Delft University of Technology
Universiteit Utrecht
Universiteit Maastricht
University of Antwerpen
Loon, van
Utrecht University
Universiteit Leiden
Maleki Marangoni
2011 2010
Tilburg University Universiteit Maastricht 25
'Public service delivery from a competative perspective' ‘de facto influence of EU agencies on European policy-making’ 'Determinants of Dutch aid allocation' 'Organiseren van sport in de wijk' 'Bestuurlijke waarden in historisch perspectief 1750-1850.' 'Party Political Affiliations within the European Commision and their consequences on the Commisions performans as the EU''s Legislative Agenda-setter ' 'EU agencies' 'Cooperation, confrontation & reconciliation between police and civilians in violent conflict situations' 'The development of political parties in Western Europe' 'Towards better prevention of child abuse in the region of Twente' Governance of Activating welfare state policies'; project: 'Draaien aan het regionale stuurwiel' Complex decicion making in the drama democracy' 'The effect of upscaling copyright enforcement on procedural safeguards in the rule of law' Open Government in the European Union' 'Social cohesion, ethnic diversity and political participation' 'Comparative study on the Use of performance information in the city government' 'Refining Public Service Motivation Theory: The mediating roles of person-job and person-organization fits in individual performance' Managing Uncertainty in Hurricane Evacuation Decisions' Comparative Politics' 'Formal and Informal
Meerkerk, van
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Twente
Universiteit Twente
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Universiteit Utrecht
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Op de Beeck
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Os, van
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Radboud University Nijmegen
Universiteit Twente
VU University Amsterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Mechanisms of Cooperation in EU External relations. A Case Study on the European Commision' 'Management of change in the public sector' 'Bestuurlijke cultuur en besluitvorming infrastructuur'. 'South African Energy policy implementation & the rural poor' 'Governing fertility related lifecourse transitions of women in Europe and the USA' 'Metaevaluation of development aid avaluation accuracy standards in the EU Commission and the World Bank' 'Middenmanagement in hybride zorginstellingen' 'Make Money, no rogues; Explaining policies towards rogue states' 'Contracting (health) care and welfare: consequences for organizational structure and the quality of professional work' 'An efficient and effective government; scientific support for the commission' 'HRM Responsibilities in the public sector - the role of line managers' International comparative study on National e-government policy' Community based initiatives in sustainable energy policies-cogovernance of sustainable spaces in Europe' Effects of agencification: A systematic analysis. 'Evaluation pf public participation towards collective action: an institutional approach'. 'Normative Power & military means: the evolving character of the EU's international power' 'Het institutionaliseringsproces van de bedrijfsvoering van de Nederlandse Rijksoverheid'
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Raad, van der
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Twente
Universiteit Maastricht
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Universiteit Antwerpen
Roest, van der
Universiteit Utrecht
Ruijven, van
Delft University of Technology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Universiteit Leiden
University of Twente
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Soentken Somer, de
2010 2011
Vu University Amsterdam Universiteit Maastricht
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
"Public policy regarding local safety/security" 'The discourse of inclusive thinking within the law and banking sector.' 'Asessing the effectiveness of nano-specific soft regulation serving to support occupational health and safety' 'Migration, development and EU external relations'. 'Public Values in Public-private partnerships' 'A comparative analysis of hybrid structures in the implementation of activating labour market policies: the cases of the Netherlands, Denmark and Great Britain' 'Bestuurlijke vormgeving van vernieuwens erfgoedbeheer' 'The politics of interest representation and agendasetting in Multi-level political systems' Between plan and practice: changes in organizational actions within voluntary sport clubs' 'Serious Gaming crisis management' 'Activating welfare and central steering' 'Double Blind: Public service professionals coping with contrasting demands' ‘The feasability of Building with nature development and design principles in oral arenas' 'Cultural change in the infrastructural sector' 'In search for a new welfare state' ‘The role of the European Court of Justice within decision-making processes on migration policies' 'A Comparative perspective on the governance of industrial symbiosys' 'In the search of a Chinese welfare state'
Universiteit Maastricht
Stroobants Tabatabaie
2010 2009
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Technische Universiteit Delft
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Torre, van der
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
University of Twente
van Kleef
Leiden University
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Vanschoennwinke l Veer, van der
KU Leuven
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Universiteit van Antwerpen
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Universiteit van Antwerpen
Voet, van der
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 28
'EU Affairs committees in the "New" EU Member-states' 'Cooperation,confrontation & reconciliation: "a study of the interactions between police & civilians in the context of conflict'. 'Efficiency in local governments' 'Interne governance and economics of cybersecurity' 'The Impact of capacity on decentralisation: a case study on local administraions in Turkey' Sheltered Work companies in the Netherlands: a studie of their strategies, implementation practice and results 'Implementing the panel components in ESS' 'Double blind public service professionals coping with contrasting demands' Studying particapatory processes as emotional phenomenon 'IVAP Network 7/22: justice and populations' '''Judical Trust' ‘New Governance Arrangements, analysing and assessing the involvement of private parties in the provison of local public services' ‘Influence of health related applications (such as online weblogs, wikis and forums) on the roles and responsibilities of patients and caregivers' ‘Politics of interest prepresentation and agendasetting in multilevel systems' ‘Strategies for policy change in the IJsselmeer Area' 'HRM and performance in the public sector' 'Evaluating MIRT Practices of coupled infrastructure-area development projects' ‘Democratic legitimacy of federal political systems' ‘Change management in the
Universiteit Utrecht
K.U. Leuven
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Yihong Zborowska
2011 2007
Universiteit Utrecht Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Technische Universiteit Delft
Public Sector' Between plan and practice: changes in organizational actions within voluntary sport clubs' 'Effecten van autonomie in de publieke sector' 'Network Governance Theory in China' 'Crisis Management' ‘The Europeanisation of gambling organizations and the regulation of gambling within the European Union' 'Gaming stimulation for knowledge integration in water management'
ORGANIZATION & FINANCES ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE NIG is an interuniversity research school in which nine Dutch universities participate. As of 2010 NIG has a cooperation with two Flemish universities: the KU Leuven and the University of Antwerp. In 2012, NIG was led by the scientific director prof.dr Walter Kickert, assisted by dr Sandra Groeneveld, executive director. The NIG office was located at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Support was provided by Vicky Balsem (office manager) and Robin Bouwman (student assistant). The activities of NIG are supervised by a board and an advisory council. ADVISORY COUNCIL Each member institution is represented on the Advisory Council. The advisory council meets about four times a year and discusses the day-to-day affairs, advises upon the Ph.D. training program and decides on applications for research activation grants and research colloquia. In 2012 the composition of the Advisory Council was as follows: • Dr. Wouter van Dooren, Antwerp University • Dr. Rik de Ruiter, University of Leiden • Dr. Merlijn van Hulst, Tilburg University • Sandra Jacobs, MSc, MA. Utrecht University • Prof. dr. Bart Kerremans, K.U. Leuven • Dr. Henk van der Kolk, Twente University • Prof. dr. Bram Steijn, Erasmus University Rotterdam • Dr. Berry Tholen, Radboud Universtity Nijmegen • Dr. Wijnand Veeneman, Delft University of Technology • Prof. dr. Barbara Vis, VU University of Amsterdam • Dr. Esther Versluis, Maastricht University • Dr. Kutsal Yesilkagit, Utrecht University
BOARD The NIG board meets twice a year and is among other things in charge of approving the annual budget and annual report, advising on the appointment of NIG’s scientific director and the members of the advisory council and international advisory committee. Composition of the board in 2012: • Prof. dr. Frank Hendriks, Tilburg University • Prof. dr. Rob Hoppe, Twente University • Prof. dr. Erik Hans Klijn, Erasmus University Rotterdam • Prof. dr. Frits van der Meer, Leiden University • Prof. dr. Bertjan Verbeek, Radboud University Nijmegen • Prof. dr. Hans de Bruijn, Delft University of Technology
Ph.D. COUNCIL In this council every university has a Ph.D. representative. The chairman of the council and one other member also represent the Ph.D.’s in the advisory council. Composition of the Ph.D. council in 2012: • Sandra Jacobs, Utrecht University (Chair) • Mirjam Cuppen, Delft University of Technology • Jinhee Kim, Maastricht University • Aline Reichow, Twente University • Sophie Op de Beeck, KU Leuven • Guido van Os, Erasmus University Rotterdam • Evi Roelen, Antwerp University • Judith van der Veer, Free University Amsterdam • Simon Verduijn, Radboud University Nijmegen • Sabine van Zuydam, Tilburg University
FINANCES The financial report is published separately.
Appendix2 Theme 1: Multi-level governance and Europe Articles in refereed international/English scientific journals Apeldoorn, B. van & Graaff, N. de (2012). The limits of open door imperialism and the US State– Capital Nexus. Globalizations, 9(4), 593-608. Apeldoorn, B. van, Graaff, N. de & Overbeek, H.W. (2012). The rebound of the capitalist state: The rearticulation of the State–Capital Nexus in the Global Crisis. Globalizations, 9(4), 467470. Apeldoorn, B. van, Graaff, N. de & Overbeek, H.W. (2012). The reconfiguration of the Global State–Capital Nexus. Globalizations, 9(4), 471-486. Apeldoorn, B. van, Graaff, N. de & Overbeek, H.W. (Eds.). (2012). Rebound of the Capitalist State: The Rearticulation of the State–Capital Nexus in the Global Crisis. Special issue: Special Issue of Globalizations, 9 (4). Berg, M.M. van den & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Integrating climate change adaptation into Dutch local policies and the role of contextual factors. Local Environment, 17(4), 441-460. Berkel, H.H.A. van & Aa, P.H.J. van der (2012). Activation work: policy programme administration or professional service provision? Journal of social policy, 41(3), 493-510. Berkel, H.H.A. van, Graaf, W. de & Sirovatka, T. (2012). Governance of the activation policies in Europe: Introduction. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(5/6), 260-272. Berkel, H.H.A. van, Sager, F. & Ehrler, F. (2012). The diversity of activation markets in Europe. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(5/6), 272-285. 2 Brandsma, G.J. & Blom-Hansen, J. (2012). Negotiating the post-Lisbon comitology system: Institutional battles over delegated decision-making. Journal of Common Market studies, 50(6), 939-957. Brandsma, G.J. (2012). The effect of information on oversight: the European Parliament's response to increasing information on comitology decision-making. International Review of the Administrative Sciences, 78(1), 74-92. Broekhuizen, P. van & Dorbeck-Jung, B.R. (2012). Exposure limits for nanomaterials – capacity and willingness of users to apply a precautionary approach. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 10(1), 46-53. Chowdhury, N. & Wessel, R.A. (2012). Conceptualising Multilevel Regulation in the EU: A Legal Translation of Multilevel Governance? European law journal, 18(3), 335-357. Donas Tom;Beyers Jan. (2012). How regions assemble in Brussels : the organizational form of territorial representation in the European Union – 2012 Publius: the journal of federalism pag.: 1 – 24 Debusscher, P. & Vleuten, J.M. van der (2012). Mainstreaming gender in European Union development cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa: promising numbers, narrow contents, telling silences. International Development Planning Review, (ISSN 1474-6743), 34(3), 319338. Duyvendak, W.G.J. & Scholten, P.W.A. (2012). Deconstructing the Dutch Multicultural Model. A frame perspective on Dutch immigrant integration policymaking. Comparative European Politics, 10(3), 266-282.
Excluding publications by the TU Delft 32
Esch, F.A.W.J. van & Jong, E. de (2012). Institutionalisation without Internalisation. The Cultural Dimension of French-German Conflicts on European Central Bank. International Economics and Economic Policy, 4, 201-227. Esch, F.A.W.J. van (2012). Why Germany wanted EMU. The Role of Helmut Kohl's BeliefSystem and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. German politics, 21(1), 34-52. Fenger, H.J.M. (2012). Deconstructing social cohesion: towards an analytical framework for assessing social cohesion policies. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2(3), 3954. Fransen L.W., Burgoon B.. (2012). A market for worker rights: explaining business support for international private labour regulation.. Fransen L.W.. (2012). Multi-stakeholder governance and voluntary programme interactions.. Gerven-Haanpaa, M.M.L. van & Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). The Welfare State's making of cosmopolitan Europe: individualization of social rights as European Integration. European societies, 14(1), 35-55. Groenendijk, N.S., Kica, E. & Rodriguez, V.F. (2012). High-quality patents for emerging science and technology through external actors. European intellectual property review, 2012(4), 221228. Haverland, M. & Liefferink, D. (2012). Member State interest articulation in the Commission phase. Institutional preconditions for influencing 'Brussels'. Journal of European Public Policy, 19(2), 179-197. Haverland, M. & Yanow, D. (2012). A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Public Administration Universe. Surviving Conversations on Methodologies and Methods. Public Administration Review, 72(3), 401-408. Hooghe, L. (2012). Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive their Institution’s Role in the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1), 88-111. Jansen, G., Graaf, N.D. de & Need, A. (2012). Explaining the Breakdown of the Religion-Vote Relationship. West European politics, 35(4), 756-783. Kersbergen, C.J. van & Hemerijck, A.C. (2012). Two decades of change in Europe: The emergence of the social investment state. Journal of Social Policy, 41(3), 475-492. Ma, Yongchi, de Jong, WM, Koppenjan, J.F.M., Xi, B. & Mu, R. (2012). Explaining the organizational and contractual context of subway construction disasters in China: The case of Hangzhou. Policy and Society , 31, 87-103. Marin, L. (2011). A Spectre is Haunting Europe : European Citizenship in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice. European public law, 17(4), 705-728. Marks, G.W. & De Vries, C. (2012). The struggle over dimensionality: A note on theory and empirics. European Union Politics, 13(2), 185-193. Marks, G.W. (2012). JCMS Annual Lecture: Europe and its Empires: From Rome to the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(1), 1-21. Marks, G.W. (2012). Scale, community and ‘Eurafrica’: A response to Hansen and Jonsson. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(6), 1042-1044. Marks, G.W., Steenbergen, M. & Hooghe, L. (2012). To dichotomize or not dichotomize: A reply to Proksch and Lo. European Union Politics, 13(2), 334-339. Minas, R., Wright, S. & Berkel, H.H.A. van (2012). Decentralization and centralization: governing the activation of social assistance recipients in Europe. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32(5/6), 286-298. 5 Nieuwenhuis, R.R., Grotenhuis, M. te & Pelzer, B. (2012). influence.ME: tools for detecting influential data in mixed effects models. R Journal, 4(2), 38-47. Nieuwenhuis, R.R., Need, A. & Kolk, H. van der (2012). Institutional and demographic explanations of women's employment in 18 OECD countries, 1975–1999. Journal of marriage and the family, 74(3), 614-630. 33
Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2013). The crowd in the Occupy movement. Distinktion : Scandinavian journal of social theory. Overbeek, H.W. (2012). Sovereign debt crisis in Euroland: implications for European integration. The International Spectator, 47(1), 30-48. Princen, S.B.M. & Boetzelaer, K. van (2012). The Quest for Co-ordination in European Regulatory Networks. Journal of Common Market studies, 50(5), 819-836. Princen, S.B.M. (2012). The DEU Approach to EU Decision-Making: A Critical Assessment. Journal of European Public Policy, 19(4), 623-634. Raesfeld Meijer, A.M. von, Geurts, P.A.T.M., Jansen, M., Boshuizen, J. & Lüttge, R. (2012). Influence of partner diversity on collaborative public R&D project outcomes: a study of application and commercialization of nanotechnologies in the Netherlands. Technovation, 32(3-4), 227-233. Raesfeld, A.M. von, Geurts, P.A.T.M. & Jansen, M. (2012). When is a network a nexus for innovation? A study of public nanotechnology R&D projects in the Netherlands. Industrial marketing management, 41(5), 752-758. Rasmussen A.. (2012). 20 Years of Co-decision since Maastricht: Inter- and intrainstitutional implications. Rasmussen A.. (2012). Interest group – party interaction in EU politics. Saharso, S. & Lettinga, D. (2012). The political debates on the veil in France and the Netherlands: reflecting national integration models? Comparative European Politics, 10(3), 319-336. Salome, L.R. & Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Introducing a participation typology for the consumption of lifestyle sports in different sections. European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(1), 3-18. Schumacher, G. & Vis, B. (2012). Why do social democrats retrench the welfare state? A simulation. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15(3), 1-12. Schumacher, G. (2012). 'Marx' or the Market? Intra-party power and Social Democratic Welfare State Retrenchment. West European Politics, 35(5), 1024-1043. Sobis, I, Berg, F. van den & Vries, M.S. de (2012). The limits of leadership. Nispacee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, (ISSN 1337-9038), V(2), 131-156. Stegmueller, D., Scheepers, P, Roßteutscher, S. & Jong, E. de (2012). Support for Redistribution in Western Europe: Assessing the role of religion. European Sociological Review, (ISSN 0266-7215), 28(4), 482-497. Stiller, S. & Gerven-Haanpaa, M.M.L. van (2012). The European Employment Strategy and National Core Executives: Impacts on activation reforms in the Netherlands and Germany. Journal of european social policy, 22(2), 118-132. Toshkov D.D., Rasmussen A.. (2012). Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the European Union. Verbeek, S.R. & Groeneveld, S.M. (2012). Do ‘hard’ diversity policies increase ethnic minority representation? An assessment of their (in)effectiveness using administrative data. Personnel Review, 41(5), 647-664. Viola de Azevedo Cunha, M., Marin, L. & Sartor, G. (2012). Peer-to-peer privacy violations and ISP liability : data protection in the user-generated web. International data privacy law, 2(2), 50-67. Vleuten, J.M. van der & Alons, G.C. (2012). La Grande Nation and Agriculture: The Power of French Farmers Demystified. West European Politics, (ISSN 0140-2382), 35(2), 266-285. Vleuten, J.M. van der & Verloo, M.M.T. (2012). Ranking and benchmarking: The political logic of new regulatory instruments in the fields of gender equality and anti-corruption. Policy & Politics, (ISSN 0305-5736), 40(1), 71-86.
Vooren, B. van & Wessel, R.A. (2012). External Representation and the European External Action Service: Selected Legal Challenges. CLEER working papers, 2012(5), 59-82. Warntjen, A.K. (2012). Measuring salience in EU legislative politics. European Union politics, 13(1), 168-182. Webbink, E., Smits, J.P.J.M. & Jong, E. de (2012). Hidden Child Labor: Determinants of Housework and Family Business Work of Children in 16 Developing Countries. World development, (ISSN 0305-750X), 40(3), 631-642. Articles in refereed non-English scientific journals Apeldoorn, B. van (2012). De eurocrisis en de IPE in de Lage Landen: kritische “IPE’ers” verenigt u! Res Publica, 54(1), 106-111Batenburg, R. & Steijn, A.J. (2012). Themanummer: werken in de semi-publieke sector. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 28(3), 263-267. Berg C.F. van den, Pars M.. (2012). "Wij willen zichtbaar zijn" Over de legitimiteit en politieke profileringsdrang van de AFM. Berg, J. van den, Glebbeek, A. C. & Bosman, M. H. (2012). Een empirische verkenning van de 'geschonden' beroepseer van leraren. Mogelijke oorzaken en consequenties voor verloop. Mens en maatschappij, 87(1), 44-65. Boetzelaer, K. van & Princen, S.B.M. (2012). Coördinatie en Wederzijdse Afhankelijkheid in Europese Reguleringsnetwerken. Bestuurskunde, 21(3), 20-30. De Ruijter, S. & Steijn, A.J. (2012). Waarom werken bij het Rijk? Een onderzoek naar de keuze van werknemers om bij de Rijksoverheid te (blijven) werken. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 15(3), 731. Dorbeck-Jung, B.R. (2012). Verantwoorde nano-technologische innovatie. Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde, 79(7), 244-246. Gerven-Haanpaa, M.M.L. van (2012). Sosiaalipolitiikan paradigman muutos: Työkyvyttömyyspolitiikan uudet kasvot Alankomaissa ja Suomessa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 2012(2), 134-144. Lems, M. & Suvarierol, S. (2012). De inhoud van `burgerschap' in de inburgeringscursus en burgerschapsonderwijs. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(3), 280-296. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Het Niet-Democratische Kapitalisme van Fortuyn. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 39(2), 234-235. Paridon, C.W.A.M. van (2012). Begrotingsbeleid: Alles op zijn tijd. Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën, 44(2), 113-115. Paridon, C.W.A.M. van (2012). Duitse economie: Krachtig hersteld, sterk genoeg. Internationale Spectator, 66(3), 141-145. Scholten, W. & Meijer, A.J. (2012). Fragmenterende feiten en polariserende politiek. Bestuurskunde, 21(2), 18-29. Refereed English/International books (monographs) Blatter, J.K. & Haverland, M. (2012). Designing Case Studies. Explanatory Approaches in SmallN Research. Houndsmills Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Learning from the EU Constitutional Treaty (Routledge Advances in European Politics, 81). Abingdon: Routledge. Stapelbroek, K.H. (2012). The Rise of Economic Societies in the Eighteenth Century: Patriotic Reform in Europe and North America. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Refereed non-English books (monographs) Meer F.M. van der, Berg C.F. van den, Dijkstra G.S.A.. (2012). De ambtenaar in het openbaar bestuur: De inhoudelijke en juridische herpositionering van ambtenaren vanuit internationaal-vergelijkend perspectief. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Editing of refereed books Eisinga, R.N., Need, A., Coenders, M., Graaf, N.D. de, Lubbers, M., Scheepers, P., Levels, M. & Thijs, P. (Eds.). (2012). Religion in Dutch society 2005. Documentation of a national survey on religious and secular attitudes and behaviour in 2005. The Hague: DANS/Pallas Publications-Amsterdam University Press. Marks, P.K. & Sluis, A. van (Eds.). (2012). Tussen Richting en Rekenschap: Tien jaar werken aan een veiliger Rotterdam. Den Haag: Boom Lemma UItgevers. Nousios, P., Overbeek, H.W. & Tsolakis, A. (Eds.). (2012). Globalisation and European Integration: Critical Approaches to Regional Order and International Relations. London: Routledge. Overbeek, H.W. & Apeldoorn, B. van (Eds.). (2012). Neoliberalism in Crisis (International Political Economy Series). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Pauwelyn, J., Wessel, R.A., Wouters, J, Bergman, A. & Duquet, S. (Eds.). (2012). Informal International Lawmaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wubbels, Th., Abma, R., Bos, J., Levering, B., Rinsum, H.J. van, Selten, P.J.H. & Winter, M. de (Eds.). (2012). Du choc des opinions jaillit la lumière. Liber Amicorum Willem Koops. Amsterdam: SWP. Chapters in refereed international/English books Apeldoorn, B. van & Graaff, N. de (2012). Beyond neoliberal imperialism? The crisis of American empire. In H. Overbeek & B. van Apeldoorn (Eds.), Neoliberalism in Crisis (International Political Economy Series) (pp. 207-228). Basingstoke: Palgrave. Apeldoorn, B. van & Overbeek, H.W. (2012). Introduction: the life course of the neoliberal project and the global crisis. In B. van Apeldoorn & H.W. Overbeek (Eds.), Neoliberalism in Crisis (pp. 1-22). Basingstoke: Palgrave. Aydın Düzgit, S. & Suvarierol, S. (2012). Turkish Accession and Defining the Boundaries of Nationalism and Supranationalism: Discourses in the European Commission. In G. Avcı & A. Çarkoğlu (Eds.), Turkey and the EU: Accession and Reform. Oxon: Routledge. Berman, A. & Wessel, R.A. (2012). The International Legal Status of Informal International Lawmaking Bodies: Consequences for Accountability. In J. Pauwelyn, R.A. Wessel & J. Wouters (Eds.), Informal International Lawmaking (pp. 1-27). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blockmans, S. & Wessel, R.A. (2012). Introduction: Principles and Practices of EU External Representation. In Principles and Practices of EU External Representation (CLEER working papers, 5) (pp. 7-11). Boer, H.F. de & Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2012). A Cross-National Comparison of Higher Education Markets in Western Europe. In A. Curaj, P. Scott, L. Vlasceanu & L. Wilson (Eds.), European Higher Education at the Crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms (pp. 553-572). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York: Springer. Bursens Peter. (2012). Europeanization and sub-national authorities In: The member states of the European Union pag.: 384 – 407. Oxford : Oxford University Press Callaert, J., Epping, E., Federkeil, G., File, J.M., Jongbloed, B.W.A., Kaiser, F., Roessler, I., Tijssen, R., Vught, F.A. van & Ziegele, F. (2012). The pilot test and its outcomes. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional ranking: the design and development of U-
Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 135-166). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Callaert, J., Epping, E., Federkeil, G., Jongbloed, B.W.A., Kaiser, F. & Tijssen, R. (2012). Data collection. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional ranking: the design and development of U-Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 125-134). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). The European Parliament as a driving force in informal institution-building: The hard case of the EP’s relation with the high representative for the CFSP. In T. Christiansen & C. Neuhold (Eds.), International Handbook on Informal Governance (pp. 354-373). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Dawoody, A. & Marks, P.K. (2012). Public services between laissez faire economics and predatory financial capitalism. In L Gerrits & P.K. Marks (Eds.), COMPACT I: Public Administration in Complexity (pp. 196-2011). Litchfield Park: Emergent Publications. Dijkstra, A.G. (2012). Perspectives on the Greek debt crisis: Lessons from earlier debt crises. In P.A.G. van Bergeijk & A. van Geen (Eds.), Do we ever learn? Liber amicorum in remembrance of Karel Jansen (pp. 48-50). The Hague: IISS of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Donnelly, S. (2012). Informal international law making: global financial market regulation. In J. Pauwelyn, R.A. Wessel & J. Wouters (Eds.), Informal international law making: case studies (pp. 176-217). Oslo: Torkel Opsahl Academic EP Publisher. Donnelly, S. (2012). Institutional change at the top: from the financial stability forum to the financial stability board. In R. Mayntz (Ed.), Crisis and Control: Institutional Change in Financial Market Regulation (Publication Series of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany, 75) (pp. 261-275). Frankfurt an Mainz, Germany: Campus. Dorbeck-Jung, B.R. (2012). Regulation of Nanomaterials in the EU. In W. Helwegen & L. Escoffier (Eds.), Nanotechnology commercialization for managers and scientists (pp. 355372). Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing. Dorbeck-Jung, B.R. (2012). The Governance of therapeutic nanoproducts in the European Union - a model for new health technology regulation? In M.L. Flear, A. Farrell, T.K. Hervey & T. Murphy (Eds.), European law and new health technologies (Oxford Studies in European Law) (pp. 256-272). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Fossum, J.E. & Crum, B.J.J. (2012). The EU polity and its pattern of representation: the multilevel parliamentary field. In E.O. Eriksen & J.E. Fossum (Eds.), Rethinking Democracy and the European Union (Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe, 7) (pp. 74-92). Abingdon: Routledge. Groenendijk, N.S. (2012). Enhanced cooperation under the Lisbon Treaty. In von S. Dosenrode (Ed.), The European Union after Lisbon: Polity, Politics, Policy (pp. 95-110). UK: Ashgate. Hanegraaff M/;Beyers J.; Poppelaars C. (2012). Mapping the WTO interest group system : exploring density, diversity, and stability over time. In: The scale of interest organization in democratic politics : data and research methods / Halpin, Darren R.; et al. pag.: 180 – 201. New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Hanegraaff, M., Beyers, J. & Braun, C.H.J.M. (2012). The Development of the WTO interest group population. Exploring density, stability and diversity over time. In D. Halpin & G. Jordan (Eds.), The scale of interest organization in democratic politics (Interest groups, advocacy and democracy series) (pp. 180-200). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hooghe, L. & Kassim, H. (2012). The Commission’s services. In J. Peterson & M. Shackleton (Eds.), The Institutions of the European Union (pp. 173-198). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hooghe, L. & Marks, G.W. (2012). Politicization. In E. Jones & S. Weatherill (Eds.), Handbook on the European Union (pp. 840-853). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Keman, H. & Müller-Rommel, F. (2012). The life cycle of party government across the new Europe. In H. Keman & F. Müller-Rommel (Eds.), Party government in the new Europe (ECPR Studies in European political science, 79) (pp. 3-24). London: Routledge. Kersbergen, C.J. van & Verbeek, J.A. (2012). The Never-Ending Story: How the Adoption of the Subsidiarity Principle Contributed to Old and New Conflicts in the European Union. In J. Loisen & F. de Ville (Eds.), Subsidiarity and Multi-Level Governance (pp. 35-44). Brussels: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts (ISBN 978-90-6569-109-5). Kica, E. & Groenendijk, N.S. (2012). The governance of patents in Europe: an improved patent impact assessment for new technology developments. In H. Hveem & C.H. Knutsen (Eds.), Governance and Knowledge. The politics of foreign investment, technology and ideas (Europe in the World) (pp. 98-116). London, New York: Routledge. Marks, P.K. & Sluis, A. van (2012). Policing flow and nodes: a Dutch interpretation. In G. vande Walle, N. Zuravski & E. van den Evelien (Eds.), Crime, Security and Surveillance. Effects for the surveillant and the surveilled (pp. 105-122). Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing. Marks, P.K., Sluis, A. van, Vervooren, A. & Zeer, M. (2012). Improving policing in the port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In S.C. Taylor, S. C., D. Torpy & D. Das (Eds.), Policing Global Movement: Tourism, Migration, Human Trafficking, and Terrorism (pp. 21-39). New York: Taylor and Francis. Nousios, P., Overbeek, H.W. & Tsolakis, A. (2012). Globalisation and European integration: The nature of the beast. In P. Nousios, A. Tsolakis & H.W. Overbeek (Eds.), Globalisation and European Integration: Critical Approaches to Regional Order and International Relations (pp. 3-31). London: Routledge. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Fulfilling the Promise of Sociology: Some Steps for Generating Reflexivity in Organizations’. In D. Erasga (Ed.), Sociological Landscape: Theories, Realities and Trends (pp. 357-374). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech. Overbeek, H.W. (2012). Sovereign debt crisis in Euroland: implications for European integration. In L. Fioramonti (Ed.), Regionalism in a Changing World. Comparative Perspectives in the New Global Order (pp. 30-48). London: Routledge. Overbeek, H.W. (2012). Sovereign Wealth Funds in the global political economy: the case of China. In H.W. Overbeek & E.B. van Apeldoorn (Eds.), Neoliberalism in Crisis (pp. 138-160). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Overbeek, H.W. (2012). The global crisis and its implications for the European project. In P. Nousios, H.W. Overbeek & A. Tsolakis (Eds.), Globalisation and European Integration: Critical Approaches to Regional Order and International Relations (pp. 218-240). London: Routledge. Overbeek, H.W. (2012). Transnational historical materialism: Theories of transnational class formation and world order. In R.P. Palan (Ed.), Global Political Economy. Contemporary Theories (2nd, revised and expanded, edition) (pp. 162-176). London: Routledge. Paridon, C.W.A.M. van (2012). Against the tide? On the development od regulative costst over time in times of crisis and its possible impact on economic development. In Better risk regulation in a risk society. Berlin: Springer. Pauwelyn, J., Wessel, R.A. & Wouters, J (2012). Informal International Lawmaking: An Assessment and Template to Keep it Both Effective and Accountable. In J. Pauwelyn, R.A. Wessel & J. Wouters (Eds.), Informal International Lawmaking (pp. 1-40). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pauwelyn, J., Wessel, R.A., Wouters, J, Bergman, A. & Duquet, S. (2012). Introduction and Key Issues Surrounding Informal International Lawmaking. In J. Pauwelyn, R.A. Wessel, J. Wouters, A. Bergman & S. Duquet (Eds.), Informal International Lawmaking: Case Studies (pp. nnb-nnb). Oslo, Norway: TOAEP.
Princen, S.B.M. (2012). Agenda-Setting and the Formation of an EU Policy-Making State. In J. Richardson (Ed.), Constructing a Policy-Making State? Policy Dynamics in the EU (pp. 2945). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Princen, S.B.M. (2012). Agenda-setting. In A. Jordan & C. Adelle (Eds.), Environmental Policy in the EU. Actors, Institutions and Processes (pp. 191-208). Londen: Routledge. Prins, R.S., Cachet, A., Ponsaers, P. & Hughes, G. (2012). Fragmentation and Interconnection in Public Safety Governance in the Netherlands, Belgium and England. In M. Fenger & V. Bekkers (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity (pp. 19-43). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Reinalda, B. (2012). ASEAN as an Informal Organization. Does It Exist and Does It Have Agency? The Emergence of the ASEAN Secretariat. In J.E. Oestreich (Ed.), International Organizations as Self-Directed Actors. A Framework for Analysis (pp. 221-240). London, UK: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-78290-6). Ruiter, D.W.P. & Wessel, R.A. (2012). The Legal Nature of Informal International Law: A Legal Theoretical Exercise. In J. Pauwelyn, R.A. Wessel & J. Wouters (Eds.), Informal International Lawmaking (pp. 1-22). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Scholten, P.W.A. (2012). Beyond national models of integration? Rethinking interconnectedness and fragmentation in Dutch and French migrant integration policies. In M. Fenger & V. Bekkers (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity: Public Governance and the Search for Public Connectivity. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Smithson, J., Lewis, S., Kovacheva, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2012). Supports and contraints for parents: a gendered cross-national perspective. In A. Nilsen, J. Brannen & S. Lewis (Eds.), Transitions to parenthood in Europe: A comparative life course perspective (pp. 89-105). Policy Press. Verbeek, J.A. (2012). Does Might Still Make Right? International Relations Theory and the Use of International Law Regarding the 2003 Iraq War. In I.F. Dekker & E. Hey (Eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (42,2) (pp. 193-214). Heidelberg, DE: Springer (ISBN 978-90-6704-849-1). Vleuten, J.M. van der (2012). Gendering the Institutions and Actors of the EU. In G. Abels & J.M. Mushaben (Eds.), Gendering the European Union. New approaches to Old Democratic Deficits (pp. 41-62). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 9780230296459). Wagner, W.M. (2012). Der akteurszentrierte Institutionalismus. In H.J. Bieling & M. Lerch (Eds.), Theorien der europäischen Integration (pp. 207-224). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Wagner, W.M. (2012). Parliamentary war powers around the world: An overview. In S. Hardt, L. Verhey & W. van der Woude (Eds.), Parliaments and Military Missions (pp. 5-14). Groningen: Europa Law Publishing. Warntjen, A.K. (2012). Designing Democratic Institutions: Legitimacy and the Reform of the Council of the European Union in the Lisbon Treaty. In S. Dosenrode (Ed.), Europe after Lisbon (pp. 111-130). Farnham, England: Ashgate. Wessel, R.A. (2012). Between the Authority of International Law and the Autonomoy of the EU Law. In J. Diez-Hochleitner, C. Martinez-Capdevila, I. Blazquez Navarro & J. FrutosMiranda (Eds.), Últimas tendencias en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (Recent trends in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union) (pp. 759-765). Madrid, Spain: La Ley-Grupo Wolters Kluwer. Wessel, R.A. (2012). Initiative and Voting in Common Foreign and Security Policy: The New Lisbon Rules in Historical Perspective. In H.J. Blanke & S. Mangiameli (Eds.), The European Union after Lisbon: Constitutional Basis, Economic Order and External Action (pp. 495-516). Heidelberg/New York: Springer.
Chapters in refereed non-English books Boer, H.F. de, Enders, J. & Schimank, U. (2012). Hacia una nueva gestion publica? La gobernanza de los sistemas universitarios en Ingleterra, Los Paises Bajos, Austria y Alemania. In B. Kehm (Ed.), La nueva gobernanza de los sistemas universitarios (pp. 193214). Barcelona: Ecitiones Octaedra. Duyvendak, W.G.J. & Scholten, P.W.A. (2012). Voorbij het Nederlandse multiculturele model. In E. De Jong & Hoekstra (Eds.), Macht en Wetenschap. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers. Professional publications Benneworth, P., Boer, H.F. de, File, J.M., Jongbloed, B.W.A. & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Engaging in the Modernisation Agenda for European Higher Education. (Lifelong Learning Project 142354-LLP-1-2008-1-BE-ERASMUS-ENW). Brussels, Belgium: ESMU. Berg C.F. van den, Brave F.W., Schaik S.M. van. (2012). Programmamanagement. Berg C.F. van den, Eijk C.J.A. van. (2012). Van permissive consensus tot political by-pass: De politisering van de EU in Nederland. Europa, burgerschap en democratie: Over de gespannen relatie tussen burgers en Europa en mogelijkheden om die te ontspannen (pp. 4155) Den Haag: Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur Berg C.F. van den. (2012). Nederlanders onderschatten belang EU. Reformatorisch Dagblad Berg, C.A.M. van den, Saharso, S. & Svensson, J.S. (2012). Zorg dragen, zorg vragen : intergenerationele mantelzorg en solidariteit onder allochtone mantelzorgers in stedelijk Twente. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Berg, J. van den (2012). Stilte voor de storm? Boekbespreking SCP- en CPB-rapporten 2011. Beleid & Maatschappij, 39(2), 244-251. Berg, M.M. van den & Bots, W. (). Klimaatverandering bij Overijsselse gemeenten: Sectorale aanpak nog altijd troef, RO aan de zijlijn. Romagazine, pp. 35-37. Blockmans, S. & Wessel, R.A. (2012). Principles and Practices of EU External Representation. (CLEER working paper 5). : T.M.C. Asser Institute. Brandsma, G.J. (22-10-2012). De Europese regeldrift bestaat gewoon niet. De Volkskrant Corte, S., Groenendijk, N.S., Suceveanu, C., Tokarski, P. & Toporowksi, P. (2012). The Next Multiannual Financial Framework: From National Interest to Building a Common Future. Brussels, Belgium: Centre for European Studies. Crum, B.J.J. & Fossum, J.E. (2012). A democratic backbone for international organisations: The multilevel parliamentary field. In T. Evas, U. Liebert & C. Lord (Eds.), Multilayered Representation in the European Union (Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik der Universität Bremen (ZERP), 64) (pp. 91-105). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Biedt Europese integratie een aanzet tot grensoverschrijdende sociale rechtvaardigheid? In H. van Houtum & J. van Vugt (Eds.), Eerlijke Nieuwe Wereld. Voorbij de grenzen van de natiestaat (pp. 51-73). Zoetermeer: Klement / Soeterbeek Programma / Nijmegen Centre for Border Research. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). De democratische prijs van de muntunie. Dupliek op Marko Bos en Bart van Riel. Socialisme en Democratie, 69(7/8), 92-94. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Eerst de crisis bezweren, dan hervormen. Socialisme en Democratie, 69(11/12), 61-64. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Het democratisch dilemma van de Muntunie. Socialisme en Democratie, 69(5), 54-61. Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Het democratisch tekort als institutionele uitdaging. In P. de Jong & S.L. de Lange (Eds.), Europa, Burgerschap en Democratie. Over de gespannen relatie tussen burgers en Europa en mogelijkheden om die te ontspannen (pp. 109-121). Den Haag: Raad voor het Openbaar Bestuur. 40
Crum, B.J.J. (2012). Veto Power: Institutional Design in the European Union [Bespreking van het boek Veto Power: Institutional Design in the European Union]. West European Politics, 35(5), 1204-1206. Dijkstra G.S.A., Berg C.F. van den, Meer F.M. van der. (2012). Ambtelijke rechtsbescherming. NRC Handelsblad Elken, M. & Boer, H.F. de (2012). International Higher Education Monitor. A Country Report. Norway. Universiteit Twente, Enschede: CHEPS. Esch, F.A.W.J. van (2012). Towards Enhanced Economic and Financial Governance in the EU. (Advisory Letter,No.19, February 2012 ). Den Haag: Advisory Council of International Affairs (AIV). Huisman, J., Boer, H.F. de & Charles Pimentel Botas, P. (2012). The future of English higher education: two scenarios on the changing landscape. (Stimulus Paper Series). London, England: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. Jong, E. de & Esch, F.A.W.J. van (2012). Cultuurverschillen en Europese oplossingen. Openbaar Bestuur, 22(7), 33-36. Jong, E. de (2012). Onzekerheid en onbehagen: waarom en wat nu? Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, (ISSN 1567-7117), 49(13), 24-32. Kuks, S.M.M., Bressers, J.T.A., Boer, C.L. de, Vinke-de Kruijf, J. & Özerol, Gül (2012). Governance assessment tool: Institutional capacity. Enschede, The Netherlands: CSTM. Lulofs, K.R.D. & Smit, M.R.H. (2012). Monitor building with nature IJmeer-MarkermeerIJsselmeer 2008-2012: executive summary. Dordrecht: Ecoshape-Building with Nature. Napel H.M.Th.D. ten, Voermans W.J.M., Diamant M, Groothuis M.M., Steunenberg B., Passchier R., Pack S.. (2012). Legislative Processes in Transition. Comparative Study of the Legislative Processes in Finland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom as a Source of Inspiration for Enhancing the Efficiency of the Dutch Legislative Process. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. & Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2012). De opmars van de antidemocratische geest. Tijdschrift voor de sociale sector, 2012(4), 15-18. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (14-03-2012). De Crisis is Vooral een Moreel Tekort. Trouw Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). De Nederlandse identiteitscrisis : een verplettering van basale cultuurelementen. Denkwijzer, 2012(3), 8-11. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). De opmars van de antidemocratische geest. Socialisme en democratie, 69(7-8), 12-17. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Willen we Steeds Langer Steeds Gezonder Leven? In P. Peeters & C. Cloïn (Eds.), Onder het Mom van Zelfredzaamheid: Een Journalistieke Analyse van de Nieuwe Mantra in Zorg en Welzijn (pp. 81-84). Eindhoven: Pepijn. Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2013). Tocquevilles anti-burgers en de Europese identiteit: de homo Europaeus als zoön politikon. In A. Kinneging & F. Ankersmit (Eds.), Tocqueville, profeet van de moderne democratie : politiek-filosofische essays (pp. 181-203). Rotterdam: Lemniscaat. Overbeek, H.W. (2012, Juni 01). Dutch Politics Paralysed in the Post-Wilders Era? Government Gazette, pp. 10-10. Princen, S.B.M. (10-12-2012). Met ongenuanceerd 'nee' zet Plasterk Nederland buitenspel in Brussel. Opiniebijdrage. Volkskrant Princen, S.B.M. (23-10-2012). Regionalisten zijn niet tegen de EU. Opinieartikel. Volkskrant, pp. 30. 43 Rasmussen A., Toshkov D.D.. (2012). The inter-institutional division of power and time allocation in the European Parliament. Dynamics of change in the European Union Rasmussen A.. (2012). Early Agreements in the European Union Co-decision procedure: Democracy versus efficiency?. Newsletter of the Montesquieu Institute, the Netherlands
Reinalda, B. (2012). Nederland en de Centrale Commissie voor de Rijnvaart 1815-1868. Een moeizaam intergouvernementeel leerproces. In C. van Baalen, H. Goslinga, A. van Kessel, J. van Merriënboer, J. Ramakers & J. Turpijn (Eds.), Jaarboek Parlementaire Geschiedenis 2012. De Verenigde Staten van Europa (pp. 25-34). Amsterdam: Boom (ISBN 9789461051325). Saharso, S. & Lettinga, D. (2012). Headscarf debates as a prism for conceptions of national identity. In N. Yuval-Davis & P. Marfleet (Eds.), Secularism, racism and the politics of belonging (Runnymede Perspectives) (pp. 42-46). Runnymede Trust. Schillemans, T., Noordegraaf, M. & Yesilkagit, A.K. (2012). Tussen autonomie en sturing. Organiseren van sturing en toezicht (in het onderwijs). Utrecht: USBO Advies. Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Hartmann J.M.R., Ruiter R. de, Voermans W.J.M.. (2012). ‘Wij doen dat zo’: Onderzoek naar de grenseffecten van Europees beleid. Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Hartmann J.M.R., Ruiter R. de, Voermans W.J.M.. (2012). 'Wir machen das so': Studie zu den Grenzeffecten der europäischen Politik. Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Ruiter R. de, Voermans W.J.M.. (2012). "Wij doen dat zo": Onderzoek naar de grenseffecten van Europees beleid. Steunenberg B., Ruiter A. de. (2012). Research Note: Discussing European policy in the national poliitical arena: Research on the new scruntiny reserve of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament. Steunenberg B., Voermans W.J.M., Napel H.M.Th.D. ten, Diamant M, Groothuis M.M., Passchier R., Pack S.. (2012). Wetgevingprocessen in transitie. In: Interdeparmentale Commissie voor Constutytuinel aangelegenheden en Wetgevingsbeleid, Niet overhaast , maar wel vlug.. Steunenberg B.. (2012). Research Note: Dwang? Over het naleving van de begrotingsafspraken in de EU en de gevolgen voor de bestuursstructuur.. Toshkov D.D., Rasmussen A.. (2012). Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the EU. Dynamics of change in the European Union Toshkov D.D.. (2012). ‘The Political Economy of Noncompliance: Adjusting to the Single European Market’ by S. Siegel. Book review. Verbeek, J.A. & Vleuten, J.M. van der (2012). De interne markt: spagaat tussen economische en sociale prioriteiten. In J.M. van der Vleuten (Ed.), De bestuurlijke kaart van de Europese Unie (pp. 143-156). Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho (ISBN 9789046903223). Verbeek, J.A. (2012). De Europese Unie als speler op het wereldtoneel. In J.M. van der Vleuten (Ed.), De bestuurlijke kaart van de Europese Unie (pp. 203-222). Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho (ISBN 9789046903223). Vleuten, J.M. van der (2012). Het Hof en de Rekenkamer: recht en controle. In J.M. van der Vleuten (Ed.), De bestuurlijke kaart van de Europese Unie (pp. 113-126). Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho (ISBN 9789046903223). Vleuten, J.M. van der (2012). Theorieën van Europese integratie. In J.M. van der Vleuten (Ed.), De bestuurlijke kaart van de Europese Unie (pp. 223-237). Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho (ISBN 9789046903223). Vollaard J.P., Berg C.F. van den. (2012). Geef euroscepsis meer ruimte. De Volkskrant
Theme 2: Multi-actor governance in complexity Articles in refereed international/English scientific journals Bakker, J.H.M. & Denters, S.A.H. (2012). Experimenting with a design experiment. Revista internacional de sociologia, 70(Extra 2), 121-141. Bakker, J.H.M., Denters, S.A.H., Oude Vrielink, M.J. & Klok, P.J. (2012). Citizens Initiatives : How Local Governments Fill their Facilitative Role. Local government studies, 38(4), 395415. Bannink, D.B.D. & Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Decentralisation. New modes of governance and administrative responsibility. Administration and Society, 44(5), 595-624. Bannink, D.B.D. & Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Decentralization: New Modes of Governance and Administrative Responsibility. Administration & society, 44(5), 595-624. Boer, C.L. de & Bressers, J.T.A. (2012). New strategies for implementing locally integrated stream restoration projects. Environmental practice, 14(1), 26-34. Boer, M.G.W. den & Buuren, J. van (2012). Security clouds: Towards an ethical governance of surveillance in Europe. Journal of Cultural Economy, 5(1, Special Issue: Datawars), 85-103. Boons, F.A.A. & Spekkink, W.A.H. (2012). Levels of institutional capacity and actor expectations about industrial symbiosis: evidence from the Dutch stimulation program 1999 - 2004. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(1), 61-69. Boons, F.A.A. (2012). Freedom versus coercion in industrial ecology: Mind the gap! Econ Journal Watch, 9(2), 100-111. Boons, F.A.A., Baumann, H. & Hall, J. (2012). Conceptualizing sustainable development and global supply chains. Ecological Economics, 83, 134-143. Brandsen, T. & Helderman, J.K. (2012). The Trade-Off Between Capital and Community: The Conditions for Successful Co-production in Housing. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, (ISSN 0957-8765), 23(4), 1139-1155. Brink, G.J.M. van den, Soeparman, S.B. & Geurz, C. (2012). Adressing the baseline or the frontline? The multiform character of credible police performance. Policing, 35(4), 687-703. Buijs, M.J. & Edelenbos, J. (2012). Connective Capacity of Program Management: Responding to Fragmented Project Management. Public Administration Quarterly, 36(1), 3-41. Buuren, M.W. van, Boons, F.A.A. & Teisman, G.R. (2012). Collaborative problem solving in a complex governance system. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and the challenge to break pathdependency. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29(1), 116-130. Buuren, M.W. van, Klijn, E.H. & Edelenbos, J. (2012). Democratic legitimacy and new forms of water management. International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 28(4), 629645. Chicago, Ill. Chinea, C., Petraru, M., Bressers, J.T.A. & Gavrilescu, M. (2012). Environmental comparison of solid waste management systems: A case study of the cities of Iasi, Romania and Enschede, Netherlands. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy. Constructions, architechture section = Institutul politehnic din Iasi, buletinul, 2012. Dassen, A. & Gemenis, K. (2012). Book review: Social science methodology: A unified framework by John Gerring. ISBN: 978-0521132770. Acta politica, 47, 472-474.Beest, F. van, Lako, C.J. & Sent, E.-M. (2012). Health insurance and switching behavior: Evidence from the Netherlands. Health, (ISSN 1949-4998), 4(10), 811-820. David, A., Barwinska-Malajowicz, A. & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). From brain drain to brain exchange : how to use better highly skilled workers, a conceptual approach. Wspólnoty Europejskie = Unia Europejska, 5, 216.
Edelenbos, J. & Eshuis, J. (2012). The Interplay between Trust and Control in Governance Processes: A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation. Administration and Society, 44(6), 675701. Faber, A. & Hoppe, T. (2012). Co-constructing a sustainable built environment in the Netherlands—Dynamics and opportunities in an environmental sectoral innovation system. Energy policy, 52, 628-638. Franco-Garcia, M.L., Sosa, A. & Bressers, J.T.A. (2012). A dynamic analysis of voluntary agreement implementation in Mexico. Journal of public affairs, 12(3), 239-249. Frantzeskaki, N., Koppenjan, J.F.M., Loorbach, D.A. & Ryan, N. (2012). Concluding editorial: Sustainability transitions and their governance: lessons and next-step challenges. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 15(1-2), 173-186. Ghinea, C., Petraru, M., Bressers, J.T.A. & Gavrilescu, M. (2012). Environmental evaluation of waste management scenarios - significance of the boundaries. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 20(1), 76-85. Groven, K., Aall, C., Berg, M.M. van den, Carlsson-Kanyama, A. & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Integrating climate change adaptation into civil protection: comparative lessons from Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. Local Environment, 17(6-7), 679-694. Helderman, J.K., Bevan, G. & France, G. (2012). The Rise of the Regulatory State in Health Care. A Comparative Analysis of the Netherlands, Italy and England. Health Economics, Policy and law, (ISSN 1744-1331), 7(1), 103-124. Heres, L. & Lasthuizen, K.M. (2012). What's the difference? Ethical leadership in public, hybrid, and private sector organisations. Journal of Change Management, 12(4), 441-466. Hoogenboom, M.J.M., Bannink, D.B.D. & Trommel, W.A. (2012). Ritzer malgré lui: Reply to "Still enamoured of the glocal: a comment on from local to grobal, and back". Business History, 54(5), 805-809. Hoomans, S & Hoppe, T. (2012). Verkenning van de waardering van duurzaamheid bij een woningbouwcorporatie; de casus Welbions. Real estate research quarterly, 11(2), 26-35. Hoppe, T. (2012). Adoption of innovative energy systems in social housing: Lessons from eight large-scale renovation projects in The Netherlands. Energy policy, 51, 791-801. Hospers, G.J. & Benneworth, P.S. (2012). Innovation in an old industrial region: the case of Twente. International journal of learning and intellectual capital, 9(1/2), 6-21 Huberts, L.W.J.C. & Six, F.E. (2012). Local integrity systems. Towards a framework for comparative analysis and assessment. Public Integrity, 14(2), 151-172. Huisman, J., Boer, H.F. de & Botas, P.C.P. (2012). Where Do We Go from Here? The Future of English Higher Education. Higher education quarterly, 66(4), 341-362. Hulst, J.R. & Montfort, A.J.G.M. van (2012). Institutional features of inter-municipal cooperation: Cooperative arrangements and their national contexts. Public Policy and Administration, 27(2), 121-144. Hulst, M.J. van (2012). Storytelling, a model of and a model for planning. Planning Theory, 11(3), 299-318. Hulst, M.J. van, Graaf, L.J. de & Brink, G.J.M. van den (2012). The work of exemplary practitioners in neighborhood governance. Critical Policy Studies, 6(4), 433-450. Klijn, E.H. & Koppenjan, J.F.M. (2012). Governance network theory: past, present and future. Policy & Politics, 40(4), 187-206. Klijn, E.H., Eshuis, J. & Braun, E. (2012). The influence of stakeholder involvement on the effectiveness of place branding. Public Management Review (print), 14(4), 499-519. Klijn, E.H., Kort, M.B. & Twist, M.J.W. van (2012). Effective Public-Private Paternerships:managerial flow or organizational form? Singapore Management Review, 34(2S), 23-28.
Koppenjan, J.F.M., Frantzeskaki, N., Loorbach, D.A., Charles, M.B. & Ryan, N. (2012). Introductory Editorial. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 15(1-2), 1-18. Koster, M. & Nuijten, M.C.M. (2012). From preamble to post-project frustrations:the shaping of a slum upgrading project in Recife, Brazil. Antipode, 44(1), 175-196. Koster, M. (2012). Mediating and getting "burnt" in the gap: Politics and brokerage in a Recife slum, Brazil. Critique of Anthropology , 32(4). Manning, S., Boons, F.A.A., Hagen, O. von & Reinecke, J. (2012). National Contexts Matter: The Co-Evolution of Sustainability Standards in Global Value Chains. Ecological Economics, 83, 197-209. Masters, A. & Hart, P. t (2012). Prime ministerial rhetoric and recession politics: Meaningmaking in economic crisis management. Public Administration, 90(3), 759-780. Moody, R. & Ast, J.A. van (2012). Implementation of GIS-Based Applications in Water Governance. Water Resources Management, 26(2), 517-529. Onderco, M. & Wagner, W.M. (2012). Of hawks and doves. Mapping policies towards Iran and North Korea. The Nonproliferation Review, 19(2), 177-195. Özerol, Gül, Bressers, J.T.A. & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Irrigated agriculture and environmental sustainability: an alignment perspective. Environmental science and policy, 23, 57-67. Petraru, M., Chinea, C., Bressers, J.T.A. & Gavrilescu, M. (2012). Analysis of environmental impact for industry products. Case study: paper manufacturing. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy. Constructions, architechture section = Institutul politehnic din Iasi, buletinul, 2012(LXI), 63-74. Qin, C., Jia, Y., Bressers, J.T.A., Su, Z. & Wang, H. (2012). Towards Better Water Governance through Implementing IWRM in the Li River Basin, China. Advanced materials research, 573-574, 578-583. Qin, C., Jia, Y., Su, Z., Bressers, J.T.A. & Wanga, H. (2012). The economic impact of water tax charges in China: a static computable general equilibirum analysis. Water international, 37(3), 279-292. Qin, C., Jiaa, Y., Su, Z., Bressers, J.T.A. & Wanga, H. (2012). The economic impact of water tax charges in China: a static computable general equilibrium analysis. Water international, 37(3), 279-292. Schiele, H., Hospers, G.J. & Zee, D.J. van der (2012). Surviving a cluster collapse: risk aversion as a core value. Journal of business strategy, 33(5), 14-21. Schillemans, T. & Brandsma, G.J. (2012). The Accountability Cube. Measuring Accountability. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 6 Schillemans, T. (2012). Double-Edged Swords: Expert-Stakeholders as (Slightly) Unreliable Instruments for Control and Autonomy of Executive Agencies. International Journal of Public Administration, 35(6), 421-433. Schillemans, T. (2012). Moving Beyond the Clash of Interests. On stewardship theory and the relationships between central government departments and public agencies. Public Management Review, 1-22. Six, F.E., Veen, M. van der & Kruithof, N. (2012). Conceptualizing integrity systems in government and banking. Public Integrity, 14(4), 361-382. Soeparman, S.B., Geurtz, J.C.H.C. & Brink, G.J.M. van den (2012). Addressing the baseline or the frontline? The multiform character of credible police performance. Policing, 35(4), 687-703. Sterkenburg, J.C. van & Knoppers, A.E. (2012). Sport as a contested racial/ethnic terrain. Processes of racialization in Dutch sport media and sport policy. Journal of Multicultural Discourses (online), 7, 119-136. Sterkenburg, J.C. van, Knoppers, A.E. & Leeuw, J.S. de (2012). Constructing Racial/Ethnic Difference In and Through Dutch Televised Soccer Commentary. Journal of sport and social issues, 36(4), 422-442. 45
Suvarierol, S. (2012). Nation-freezing: images of the nation and the migrant in citizenship packages. Nations and Nationalism, 18(2), 210-229. Thomassen, J.J.A. (2012). The blind corner of political representation. Representation, 48(1), 1327. Torre, E.J. van der, Fenger, H.J.M. & Twist, M.J.W. van (2012). Between State, Market and Community. A study of the slogans of sheltered work companies. Public Management Review (print), 14(4), 521-540. Trommel, W.A. (2012). Review of Mara. A. Yerkes 'Transforming the Dutch Welfare State: Social Risks and Corporatist Reform' [Bespreking van het boek Transforming the Dutch Welfare State: Social Risks and Corporatist Reform]. Journal of Social Policy, 41, 831-833. Trommel, W.A., Honingh, M. & Brandsen, T. (2012). Review of 'Professional Pride: a Powerful Force' [Bespreking van het boek Professional Pride: a Powerful Force]. Voluntas, 23, 834-836. Van Dooren Wouter;de Caluwé Chiara;Lonti Zsuzsanna. (2012). How to measure public administration performance : a conceptual model with applications for budgeting, human resources management, and open government. Public performance and management review Volume: 35 Nummer: 3 pag.: 489 – 508 Thousand Oaks, Calif. Verschuere, B., Brandsen, T. & Pestoff, V. (2012). Co-production: The State of the Art in Research and the Future Agenda. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, (ISSN 0957-8765), 23(4), 1083-1101. Vikolainen, V., Bressers, J.T.A. & Lulofs, K.R.D. (2012). Implementing EU Natura 2000 at the project level: Lessons from the Veluwe border lakes in The Netherlands. Public administration, 90(4), 1016-1031. Vikolainen, V., Bressers, J.T.A. & Lulofs, K.R.D. (in press). The role of Natura 2000 and project design in implementing flood defence projects in the Scheldt estuary. Journal of environmental planning and management. Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Augustijn, D.C.M. & Bressers, J.T.A. (2012). Evaluation of policy transfer interventions: lessons from a Dutch-Romanian planning project. Journal of environmental policy and planning, 14(2), 139-160. Wallenburg, I., Helderman, J.K., Bont, A. de, Scheele, F. & Meurs, P (2012). Negotiating Authority: a Comparative Study of Reform in Medical Training Regimes. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, (ISSN 0361-6878), 37(3), 439-467. Walraven, M., Koning, R. & Bottenburg, M. van (2012). The effects of sports sponsorship: a review and research agenda. The Marketing Review, 12(1), 17-38. Willems Tom;Van Dooren Wouter. (2012). Coming to terms with accountability : combining multiple forums and functions – 2012. Public management review. Volume: 14 Nummer: 7 pag.: 1011 – 1036. Londen Zouridis, S., Muller, S., Kistemaker, L. & Frishman, M. (2012). The global legal environment and its future. Four scenarios. Tilburg Law Review, 17(2), 332-345. Articles in refereed non-English scientific journals Bannink, D.B.D. & Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Hiërarchische Herregulering: De Nieuwe Risicoaanpak van de WRR. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 39(1), 85-91. Bannink, D.B.D. & Ossewaarde, M.R.R. (2012). Hiërarchische herregulering. De nieuwe risicoaanpak van de WRR. Beleid & Maatschappij, 39(1), 85-91. Brandsen, T., Oude Vrielink, M. & Collignon, L. (2012). Street-level bureaucrats tussen organisaties: de hernieuwde relevantie van Lipsky's werk. Bestuurskunde, (ISSN 0927-3387), 3(21), 46-56.
Brandsen, T., Oude Vrielink, M.J. & Collignon, L. (2012). Street-level bureaucrats tussen organisaties: De hernieuwde relevantie van lipsky’s werk. Bestuurskunde, 2012(3), 46-56. Buuren, M.W. van & Gieske, J.M.J. (2012). Niet mijmeren over gisteren maar nadenken over morgen. Water Governance (print), 4(1), 5-8. Buuren, M.W. van, Bressers, N.E.W. & Eshuis, J. (2012). Innovatie in regionaal waterbeheer. Lessen uit het kennisprogramma Waterkader Haaglanden. Water Governance (print), 2(1), 20-31. De Caluwé Chiara;Verdegem Pieter;Van Dooren Wouter. (2012). De digitale kloof en/in elektronische dienstverlening : een catch-22?. Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap. Volume: 40 Nummer: 1 pag.: 46 – 70. Houten Denters, S.A.H. (2012). A dirty job that needs to be done! De rol van het raadslid in de ogen van Nederlandse burgers. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(3), 14-34. Evers, J.G., Bressers, J.T.A. & Leussen, W. van (2012). Gebiedsontwikkeling Veilen: traditionele uitvoering versus interactieve uitvoering - een spelsimulatie. Bestuurswetenschappen, 2012(3), 35-59. Ferket, J., Twist, M.J.W. van & Steen, M. van der (2012). Bestuur belicht van buiten af. Bestuurswetenschappen, 2012(6), 69-80. Hart, P. t & Steen, M. van der (2012). Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen in de 2.0-wereld. Bestuurskunde, 21(1), 71-83. 7 Hoppe, R. (2012). Waarom uitvechten uitdenken overtroeft. Bestuurskunde, 2012(2), 7-17 Hoppe, T. & Sanders, M.P.T. (2012). Lokaal klimaatbeleid. Openbaar bestuur, 22, 7-11. Hospers, G.J. (2012). Citymarketing nog te vaak politiek speeltje: wees betrokken, maar bemoei je er niet mee. Tijdschrift voor marketing, 46(4), 88-92. Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2012). Integriteit van bestuur in perspectief. Review essay. Bestuurskunde, 21(2), 77-86. Metze, T.A.P. & Ketelaars, S. (2012). Veerkrachtige aandachtswijken: Conflict en talent in kunstzinnige ontmoetingen. Ruimte & Maatschappij: Vlaams-Nederlands tijdschrift voor ruimtelijke vraagstukken, 3(3), 25-46. Pel, B. & Teisman, G.R. (2012). Mobiliteitsbeleid als Klimaatbeleid of Watermanagement; Zelforganisatie als Aangrijpingspunt voor Effectieve Beleidsmatige Interventies. Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, 48(1), 3-20. Sanders, M.P.T. & Heldeweg, M.A. (2012). Publiek-private samenwerking: evenwichtskunst tussen juridisch-bestuurskundige waarden. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(1), 39-56. Schillemans, T. & Jacobs, S.H.J. (2012). Beeldenstrijd. Framing van en door publieke organisaties in de media. Bestuurskunde, 21(4), 21-32. Steden, R. van, Groot, I. de & Boutellier, J.C.J. (2012). Veel dynamiek, weinig slagvaardigheid: een studie naar de praktijk van lokale veiligheidsnetwerken. Bestuurskunde, 21(2), 60-70. Teisman, G.R., Buuren, M.W. van & Wolf, F.C.J. (2012). Van vast naar vloeibaar. Naar een vitaler kennis- en innovatienetwerk in de watersector. Water Governance (print), 2(1), 9-19. Tops, P.W., Smit, A. & Struijs, J.A. (2012). Professionele weerbaarheid. Cahiers politiestudies, 23(2), 107-116. Trommel, W.A. (2012). Waarom Pim nog leeft. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(2), 230-231. Twist, M.J.W. van & Steen, M. van der (2012). Overheidssturing in een netwerksamenleving. Sociale vraagstukken. Van Dooren Wouter;De Wilde Inger. (2012). Recht en publiek management : een schimmenspel? Verweij, S. & Gerrits, L. (2012). Systematische kwalitatieve vergelijkende analyse. KWALON. Tijdschrift voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek in Nederland, 17(3), 25-33. Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Bressers, J.T.A., Hulscher, S.J.M.H. & Augustijn, D.C.M. (2012). The challenges of transferring knowledge: experiences from Romania. Water Governance, 2(1), 63-70. 47
Waard, J. de & Steden, R. van (2012). De opmars van de private veiligheidszorg: een nationaal en internationaal perspectief. Justitiële Verkenningen, 38(8), 9-23. Wal, Z. van der, Steden, R. van & Lasthuizen, K.M. (2012). Overlappende waarden, wederzijdse vooroordelen. Empirisch onderzoek naar de mores van politieagenten en particuliere beveiligers. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(1), 25-42. Zouridis, S. & Tops, P.W. (2012). Sociale media: vehikels voor collectieve wijsheid of sociale verstoring? Panopticon, 33(3), 246-258. Refereed English/International books (monographs) Eshuis, J. & Klijn, E.H. (2012). Branding in Governance and Public Management (Routledge Critical studies in public management, 8). London: Routledge. Gerrits, L. (2012). Punching Clouds. An Introduction to the Complexity of Public Decisionmaking. Litchfield Park, AZ: Emergent Publications. Koppenjan, J.F.M. (2012). The New Public Governance in public service delivery. The Hague: Eleven international Publishing. Lasthuizen, K.M., Lawton, A. & Rayner, J. (2012). Ethics and Management in the Public Sector (Routledge Masters in Public Management). London (UK): Routledge. Schillemans, T. (2012). Mediatization of Public Services. How Public Organizations Adapt to News Media. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Marscha, V., Verweel, P. & Werkman, J. (2012). Kleur bekennen. Idealisering en ontkenning van de eigen huidskleur. Willemstad/Amsterdam: Caribpublishing/B.V. Uitgeverij SWP. Refereed non-English books (monographs) Bovens, M.A.P., Hart, P. t & Twist, M.J.W. van (2012). Openbaar bestuur: Beleid, organisatie, politiek, 8e herziene druk. Alphen a/d/ Rijn: Kluwer. 14 Bovens, M.A.P., 't Hart, P. & Twist, M.J.W. van (2012). Openbaar bestuur, Beleid, organisatie en politiek. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer. Hoog, J.R. de, Twist, M. van, Meijer, A.J., Steen, A. van der & Scherpenisse, J. (2012). Open data, open gevolgen. Den Haag: NSOB. Hospers, G.J. & Reverda, N. (2012). Krimp, het nieuwe denken : bevolkingsdaling in theorie en praktijk. Den Haag: Boom Lemma. Steden, R. van & Bron, E. (2012). Gemeentelijke handhavers in Amsterdam: een onderzoek naar hun werk op straat. Den Haag: Boom-Lemma. Twist, M.J.W. van & Steen, M. van der (2012). Tussen traditie en moderniteit, 100 jaar lokaal bestuur in beeld. Den Haag: VNG. Editing of refereed books Daal, A. van, Misdorp, P. & Twist, M.J.W. van (Eds.). (2012). Van waarheidsvinding naar publieke waarde, Een essay over de veranderende betekenis van onderzoek voor het strategisch vermogen van decentrale overheden. Den Haag: NSOB. Geerlings, H., Stead, D. & Shiftan, Y. (Eds.). (2012). Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: the Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions. London: Ashgate. Gerrits, L. & Marks, P.K. (Eds.). (2012). COMPACT I: Public Administration in Complexity. Litchfield Park: Emergent Publications. Heldeweg, M.A. & Seerden, R.J.G.H. (Eds.). (2012). Environmental law in the Netherlands (International Encyclopaedia of Laws). Europe: Kluwer Law International. Hoog, J.R. de, Twist, M.J.W. van, Meijer, A., Steen, M. van der & Scherpenisse, J. (Eds.). (2012). Open data, open gevolgen. Den Haag: NSOB.
Schrijver, A. de, Kolthoff, E.W., Lasthuizen, K.M. & Parys, P. van (Eds.). (2012). Integriteit en Deontologie. Special issue: Special issue of Cahiers Politiestudies, 24(3 Spek, J. van der, Twist, M.J.W. van & Steen, M. van der (Eds.). (2012). Verhullende onthullingen. Over schijn en zijn in het bestuur. Den Haag: NSOB. Steen, M. van der & Twist, M.J.W. van (Eds.). (2012). Stresstest, Scenariodenken & Strategisch gesprek; Naar schokbestendige gemeenten. Den Haag: NSOB. Steen, M. van der, Peeters, R, Schulz, M. & Twist, M.J.W. van (Eds.). (2012). Bestuursondersteuning tussen voorhoede en achtervang. Een essay over de compensatie van de onvolkomen organisatie. Den Haag: NSOB/IKPOB. Warner, J.F., Buuren, M.W. van & Edelenbos, J. (Eds.). (2012). Making space for the river. Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing. Chapters in refereed international/English books Boons, F.A.A. (2012). Zweites Geleitwort. In R. Isenmann, M. von Hauff & G. Müller-Christ (Eds.), Industrial Ecology Management - Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Unternehmensverbünde (pp. 7-8). Wiesbaden: Gabler. Boons, F.A.A., Gerrits, L. & Marks, P.K. (2012). Collective decision-making as an evolutionary process. In L. Gerrits & P.K. Marks (Eds.), COMPACT I: Public Administration in Complexity (pp. 368-385). Litchfield Park: Emergent Publications. Boons, F.A.A., Gerrits, L. & Marks, P.K. (2012). Public Administration in Complexity. In L Gerrits & P.K. Marks (Eds.), COMPACT I: Public Administration in Complexity (pp. 1-13). Litchfield Park: Emergent Publications. Bosscher, V., Bottenburg, M. van, Shibli, Simon & Knop, P. de (2012). Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success. In Y. Mano (Ed.), The Global Sporting Arms Race (pp. 7-25). Tokyo: Japanese Society of Policy for Physical Education and Sport. Bosscher, V., Shibli, Simon & Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Measuring competitiveness of nations in elite sport policies: renewing the debate on comparing nations. In C. Anagnostopoulos (Ed.), Contextualising research in sport: an international perspective (pp. 255-270). Athens: Athens Institute for Educationa and Research. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Korfball. In J. Nauright & C. Parrish (Eds.), Sports around the world: history, culture, and practice (pp. 360-360). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Speedskating. In J. Nauright & C. Parrish (Eds.), Sports around the world: history, culture, and practice (pp. 445-448). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. 10 Brandsen, T. & Helderman, J.K. (2012). The Conditions for Successful Co-Production in Housing: A Case Study of German Housing Cooperatives. In V. Pestoff, T. Brandsen & B. Verschuere (Eds.), New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production (pp. 169191). London / New York: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-89713-6). Brandsen, T., Pestoff, V. & Verschuere, B. (2012). Co-Production as a Maturing Concept. In V. Pestoff, T. Brandsen & B. Verschuere (Eds.), New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production (pp. 1-9). London / New York: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-89713-6). Brandsen, T., Verschuere, B. & Pestoff, V. (2012). Conclusion: Taking Research on CoProduction a Step Further. In V. Pestoff, T. Brandsen & B. Verschuere (Eds.), New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production (pp. 381-388). London / New York: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-89713-6). Brandstrom, A., Hart, P. t & Bynander, F. (2012). Governing by looking back: Historical analogies and crisis management. In T. Legrand & A. McConnell (Eds.), Emergency Policy: Volume III (pp. 11-39). Aldershot: Ashgate. Bressers, J.T.A. & O'Toole, L.J. (2012). The selection of policy instruments: A network-based perspective. In P. Hupe & M. Hill (Eds.), Public Policy. Los Angeles, USA: Sage Publications. 49
Bressers, N.E.W., Avelino, F. & Geerlings, H. (2012). Short-term versus Long-term dichotomies: applying Transition Management in the A15-project. In H. Geerlings, Y. Shiftan & D. Stead (Eds.), Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: the Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions (pp. 95-118). Ashgate. Buuren, M.W. van (2012). Strong sentiments on the Scheldt. Dike displacement in Flanders and the Netherlands. In J Warner, M.W. van Buuren & J. Edelenbos (Eds.), Making space for the river. Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood managemetn in the US and Europe (pp. 135-148). London: IWA Publishing. Buuren, M.W. van, Edelenbos, J. & Warner, J.F. (2012). Space for the River: governance challenges and lessons. In J.F. Warner, M.W. van Buuren & J. Edelenbos (Eds.), Making Space for the River. Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe (pp. 187-201). London: IWA Publishing. Buuren, M.W. van, Nooteboom, S.G. & Teisman, G.R. (2012). Climate adaptation in complex governance systems. Governance systems between inertia and adaptability. In G. de Roo, J. Hillier & J. van Wezemael (Eds.), Complexity and Planning: Systems, Assemblages and Simulations (New directions in planning theory.) (pp. 221-242). London: Ashgate Publishing. Coenen, F.H.J.M. & Bressers, J.T.A. (2012). Trends, drivers and dilemmas in the transition towards sustainable water management. In J. Meadowcroft, O. Langhelle & A. Rudd (Eds.), Governance, democracy and sustainable development : moving beyond the impasse (pp. 3454). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Dutch provincial sustainable development policies: Ambitions and differences. In H. Bruyninckx, S. Happaerts & K. van den Brande (Eds.), Sustainable development and subnational governments, Policy-making and multi-level interactions (pp. 120-140). New York: Pagrave MacMillan. Denters, S.A.H. & Klok, P.J. (2012). Councillor attitudes to ‘interactive’ governance. Evidence from a survey in five Dutch urban municipalties. In B. Egner, M. Haus & G. Terizakis (Eds.), Regieren, Festschrift für Hubert Heinelt (pp. 319-329). VS: Springer. Edelenbos, J., Buuren, M.W. van & Warner, J. (2012). Space for the river IJssel. Tortuous quests for striking an acceptable balance between water, nature and development. In J. Warner, M.W. van Buuren & J. Edelenbos (Eds.), Making space for the river. Governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe (pp. 33-49). London: IWA Publishing. Edwards, A.R. (2012). Tensions and new connections between participatory and representative democracy in local governance. In L. Schaap & H. Daemen (Eds.), Renewal in European local democracies: puzzles, dilemmas and options (Urban and regional research international, Volume 13) (pp. 55-77). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Geerlings, H., Lohuis, J.B. & Shiftan, Y. (2012). Transition Management: anew opportunity to introduce new policy concepts for transport policy-making. In H Geerlings & Y. Shiftan (Eds.), Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: the Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions (pp. 13-32). London: Ashgate Publishers. Geerlings, H., Stead, D. & Shiftan, Y. (2012). The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions in Promoting Sustainable Transport: Concluding Remarks. In H. Geerlings & Y. Shiftan (Eds.), The Complex Challenge of Transitions Towards Sustainable Mobility - An Introduction (pp. 1-12). Ashgate Publishers. Gerrits, L. & Teisman, G.R. (2012). Coevolutionary Planning Processes. In G. Roo, J. Hilier & J. Van Wezemail (Eds.), Complexity and Planning. Systems, Assemblages and Simulations (New Directions in Planning Theory) (pp. 199-220). Surrey: Ashgate. Hart P. 't, Wille A.C.. (2012). Bureaucratic politics: Opening the black box of executive government. Handbook of Public Administration
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Slingerland, W., Six, F.E. & Huberts, L.W.J.C. (2012). Integriteitssystemen en hun werking. In J.H.J. van den Heuvel, L.W.J.C. Huberts & E.R. Muller (Eds.), Integriteit: Integriteit en integriteitsbeleid in Nederland (Handboeken Veiligheid) (pp. 219-238). Deventer: Kluwer. Van Dooren Wouter. (2012). De stille ideologie van de besluitvorming : participatie en besluitvorming in een groot infrastructuurproject – 2012. In: Stille ideologie : onderstromen in beleid en bestuur / Montfort, Van, Cor [edit.]; e.a. pag.: 41 – 55. Den Haag : Boom/Lemma. Verhoeven, I. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). De stille ideologie van de doe-democratie Wijkontwikkelingswerk in uitvoering! In C. van Montfort, A. Michels & W. van Dooren (Eds.), Stille ideologie - Onderstromen in beleid en bestuur (pp. 55-66). Den Haag: Boom/Lemma. Wijdeven, T. van de, Oude Vrielink, M.J. & Boduijt, B. (2012). Over de stille ideologie van empowerment bij bewonersinitiatieven. In A. Michels, C. van Montfort & W. van Dooren (Eds.), Stille ideologie - Onderstromen in beleid en bestuur (pp. 67-82). Den Haag: Boom/Lemma. Professional publications Andringa, W. & Hoppe, T. (2012). Stakeholder- en krachtveldanalyse: nieuwe energie uit biomassa in Overijssel. (CSTM-SR 367). : Twente Centre for Studies in Technology and Sustainable Development. Berg, M.M. van den & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Lokale voorbereiding op klimaatverandering. Duurzaamheid, mitigatie en adaptatie in beeldvorming en beleid bij Overijsselse gemeenten. (CSTM Studies and Reports). Enschede, The Netherlands: CSTM, Universiteit Twente. Berg, M.M. van den & Coenen, F.H.J.M. (2012). Percepties van klimaatverandering bij gemeenten. Milieu, 2012(1), 40-43. Boin, R.A. & Hart, P. 't (2012). Organizing for effective emergency management: Lessons from research. Chinese Emergency Management, 3, 44-51. 8 Boons, F.A.A., Spekkink, W.A.H. & Stift, N. (2012). Duurzame industriele clusters: wat werkt? Milieu: opinieblad van de Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals (VVM), Oktober(nr 6), 45-47. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). De keizer stelt zelden teleur. Anton Geesink. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 247-250). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Een anoniem Frans jongetje. François Brand, Roelof Klein en stuurman. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 344348). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Een winnende combinatie. Adolf D.C. van der Voort van Zijp en team. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Van begin tot goud (pp. 101-103). Amsterdam: Meulenhof. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Een winnende combinatie. Adolf D.C. van der Voort van Zijp en team. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 324-326). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. 42 Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Hoog in rang. Charles F. Pahud de Mortanges. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Van begin tot goud (pp. 103-106). Amsterdam: Meulenhof. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Hoog in rang. Charles F. Pahud de Mortanges. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 327-329). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Man van wind en water. Stephan van den Berg. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 183-186). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Bottenburg, M. van (2012). Oost Europa als norm. Ronald Florijn en Nico Rienks. In W. van Buuren (Ed.), Hollands Goud. Alle Olympische kampioenen (pp. 170-173). Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Brugge, R. van der, Leeuwen, C.W.G.J. van der, Roosjen, R. & Buuren, M.W. van (2012). Uitdagingen voor adaptief deltamanagement. Water Governance (print), 2012(6), 61-62.
Buuren, M.W. van (2012). Gastredactioneel - De governance van innovaties in deltatechnologie. Water Governance (print), 2(1), 3-4. Buuren, M.W. van, Janssen, S., Ellen, G-J. & Leeuwen, C.W.G.J. van der (2012). Delta governance: samengestelde problemen, samenhangende oplossingen. Water Governance (print), 2012(6), 39-43. Delafortry A.;Van Dooren Wouter;Segers Jesse;Janvier Ria. (2012). Personeelsmobiliteit binnen de Vlaamse overheid : een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve studie naar de determinanten van (horizontale) mobiliteit – 2012. Antwerpen : Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen .- 114 p. Denters, S.A.H., Klok, P.J. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). De wijkcoach in Velve‐Lindenhof gezien door de ogen van betrokken organisaties en de wijkcoaches zelf. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Fournier, M., Larrue, C. & Bressers, J.T.A. (2012). Explaining the success of "New rurality" projects: a hypotheses assessment: report for A.N.R. Systerra ANR-08-STRA-09 in the new rurality project. : Universite Rabelais du Tours. Geerlings, H. & Sluis - van Meijeren, M. (2012). Omgaan met onzichtbaarheid en onzekerheid. De complexiteit van het gezondheidsvraagstuk in het dossier luchtkwaliteit. Tijdschrift Lucht, 8(6), 25-28. Graaf, G. de & Exel, J.. van (2012). Q is good for you! Sociologie Magazine, 20(3), 28-29. Graaf, G. de (2012). Melden binnen de Nederlandse overheid. In M. Zweegers & E. Karssing (Eds.), Jaarboek Integriteit 2012 (pp. 52-59). Graaf, L.J. de & Bodd, J. (2012). Interactie in actie 3: Een kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek naar interactieve projecten van de gemeente Eindhoven. Tilburg: Tilburg University. Graaf, L.J. de & Hendrikx, P.M.A. (2012). Gezond maar vooral ook gezellig thuis. Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg. Haase, A., Hospers, G.J., Pekelsma, S. & Rink, D. (2012). Shrinking Areas: Front-Runners in Innovative Citizen Participation. The Hague, The Netherlands: European Urban Knowledge Network. Hambleton, R., Howard, J., Denters, S.A.H., Klok, P.J. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). Public Sector Innovation and Local Leadership in the UK and the Netherlands. York,UK: University of the West of England/Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Hart, P. t (2012). De politieke leider: De balans tussen bouwen, hervormen en conserveren. In J. Boonstra (Ed.), De Leiderschapsbox (pp. 17-33). Managementboek. Hart, P. t (2012). Voorbij de romantiek van de sterke man. De Republikein: Tijdschrift voor de ware democraat, 8(4), 6-10. Heide E.J. van der, Graaf B.A. de, Weggemans D.J., Wanmaker S.. (2012). The 22nd of July trial reaches its final stage. Heldeweg, M.A. & Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2012). Law & Governance, Over de bruikbaarheid en uitdagingen van een governance concept in de rechtswetenschappen. In O. Cherednychenko (Ed.), Het publieke van het privaatrecht. NILG. Hulst, M.J. van (2012). Wiskundeleraar. 40 jaar werken in een gezellige puinhoop. In T. Jansen, G. van den Brink & R. Kneyber (Eds.), Gezagsdragers: De publieke zaak op zoek naar haar verdedigers (pp. 220-227). Amsterdam: Boom. Jeliazkova, M.I. & Hoppe, R. (2012). Kritisch denken over politieke problemen. In Margarita Jeliazkova, Rob Hoppe, Gerard Ruijs, Broer van der Hoek & Ton Olgers (Eds.), Maatschappijleer hoofdzaak: Een sociaal-wetenschappelijk denkkader voor politieke oordeelsvorming (pp. 7-40). Amsterdam: Landelijk Expertisecentrum Mens- en Maatschappijvakken. Klok, P.J., Denters, S.A.H. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). De wijkcoach in Velve‐Lindenhof gezien door de ogen van de bewoners. Enschede, Nederland: Unviersiteit Twente. 55
Klok, P.J., Denters, S.A.H. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). Notitie Effect‐ en inzetstudie wijkcoaches Velve‐Lindenhof. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Klok, P.J., Denters, S.A.H. & Oude Vrielink, M.J. (2012). Sociale stijging in Velve-Lindenhof, Effecten van het werk van de wijkcoaches. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Klok, Pieter-Jan, Denters, Bas & Oude Vrielink, Mirjan (2012). Wijkcoaches in Velve-Lindenhof: overkoepelende eindrapportage. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Levelt, M., Metze, T.A.P. & Geurtz, C. (2012). Dwarskijk op regionale samenwerking: structuurproces. In T. Lupi, M. Levelt & T. Metze (Eds.), Geloofwaardige regionale samenwerking (pp. 37-54). Den Haag: NICIS Institute. Lupi, T., Levelt, M. & Metze, T.A.P. (2012). Geloofwaardige regionale samenwerking. Den Haag: NICIS Institute. Meer F.M. van der, Berg C.F. van den, Dijkstra G.S.A.. (2012). Bied ambtenaar eigen rechtspositie. Financieel Dagblad Meer F.M. van der, Berg C.F. van den. (2012). Eurofound project on the social dialogue in central government: the Dutch Case. Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A.. (2012). Representative bureaucracy and diversity in the Netherlands,. Meer F.M. van der, Toonen T.A.J., Kenter J. (2012). Rewards for High Public Office in the Netherlands. Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America Meer F.M. van der. (2012). Johan de Witt: een 17e eeuwse Herman Achille van Rompuy?. Meer F.M. van der. (2012). Verkiezingsbeloften over snijden in overheid weerspiegelen desinteresse politiek. Metze, T.A.P. & Schaap, L. (2012). Regionale samenwerking in het Huis van Thorbecke. In T. Lupi & M. Levelt (Eds.), Geloofwaardige regionale samenwerking (pp. 21-32). Den Haag: NICIS Institute. Salet, W., Metze, T.A.P. & Levelt, M. (2012). De regio op zoek naar geloofwaardigheid. In T. Lupi, M. Levelt & T. Metze (Eds.), Geloofwaardige regionale samenwerking (pp. 11-21). Den Haag: NICIS institute. Salet, W., Metze, T.A.P. & Levelt, M. (2012). Epiloog: Conflict in samenwerking; voorbij een optelsom van belangen. In T. Lupi, M. Levelt & T. Metze (Eds.), Geloofwaardige regionale samenwerking (pp. 71-73). Den Haag: NICIS Institute. Sanders, M. & Hoppe, T. (2012). Nieuw Energielandschap: Groen Gas Hubs en leidingen die er maar niet komen. ROmagazine, 30(9), 18-19. Schrijver, A. de, Kolthoff, E.W., Lasthuizen, K.M., Parys, P. van & Devroe, E. (2012). Editoriaal. Cahiers Politiestudies, 24(3, special issue), 7-11. Six, F.E., Lunnemann, K. & Smit, W. (2012). Seksueel misbruik in de jeugdzorg: governance vanuit het kindperspectief. The Hague: Commissie Samson. Smit, M.R.H. & Lulofs, K.R.D. (2012). Monitor building with nature IJsselmeer, phase 2: cases IJsseldelta Zuid-Bypass Kampen & BwN experiments Mij. Dordrecht: Ecoshape-Building with Nature. Smit, M.R.H. & Lulofs, K.R.D. (2012). Monitor building with nature IJsselmeer, phase 3: case studies Almere IJland and TMIJ (TBES). Dordrecht: Ecoshape-Building with Nature. Spithoven, R., Graaf, G. de & Boutellier, J.C.J. (2012). Geen angst, maar onbehagen. Resultaten van een Q-studie naar subjectieve sociale onveiligheid. Tijdschrift voor veiligheid, 11(3), 3856. Steden, R. van & Posthumus, J.A. (2012). Veiligheidsbeleid en burgerparticipatie. Openbaar bestuur, 22(12), 18-21. Steden, R. van (2012). Een gevoel van dreiging [Bespreking van het boek Een gevoel van dreiging: criminologische opstellen]. Openbaar bestuur, juni, 31.
Steden, R. van (2012). Veelvormig en versnipperd: gemeentelijke toezichthouders en handhavers in het publieke domein. Den Haag: SMVP. Steden, R. van, Schuilenburg, M.B., Leemeijer, L. & Loots, L. (2012). Toezichthouders op de tram. Een studie naar de handhaving van het ov-verbod in Amsterdam en Rotterdam. Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, 3(4), 9-21. Tops, P.W., Bruijn, G.C.T., Spelier, R.F.J., Hogeboom, H. & Arkel, D. (2012). The police as a learning frontline organisation. : uitgeverij. Tops, P.W., Duin, M. van & Wijkhuijs, L.J.J. (2012). Beroepsgeheim hindert hulp na ramp onnodig. Medisch Contact, 23(67). Tops, P.W., Os, P. van, Uden, A. van & Arkel, D. (2012). De tweede frontlijn. Over intake en service in de politie. : n.v.t.. Trommel, W.A. & Berg, J.. van der (2012, April 14). Echte wederkerigheid vernedert niet. De Volkskrant Trommel, W.A. (2012). Spel zonder grenzen. In A. Verhoeff & G. de Bruin (Eds.), Ontwerpers in arbeidsverhoudingen; schets, beeld en ambitie (pp. 169-177). Den Haag: AWVN. Van Dooren Wouter;Verhoest Koen;Janvier Ria;De Wilde Inger;op de Beeck Lieve;Janssens Lieven. (2012). Beheersmatige samenwerking tussen gemeente en OCMW : studie in opdracht van de Vlaamse Overheid, Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur – 2012. Antwerpen .110 p. Wagenaar, F.P. (2012). 18- eeuwse overheidsfinanciën: kleine veranderingen met grote gevolgen (Nederlandse heruitgave van: F. Pieter Wagenaar, 'Excises, postal services, oaths of office and property taxes. How small local administrative adjustments led to large changes in intergovernmental relations', Administrative Theory & Praxis 26:4 (2004) 545-565). In H. Boels (Ed.), Overheidsfinanciën tijdens de Republiek en het Koninkrijk, 1600-1850 (pp. 119135). Hilversum: Verloren.
Theme 3: Political institutions and democracy Articles in refereed international/English scientific journals Bovens M., Wille A.C.. (2012). The education gap in participation: a rejoinder. Bovens, Mark & Wille, Anchrit (2012). The education gap in participation: A rejoinder. Acta Politica, 47(3), 1-13. Braun C., Berg C.F. van den. (2012). At a snail's pace: On the limited Europeanization of domestic consultation practices (accepted). Braun, C.H.J.M. (2012). The captive or the broker? Explaining public agency-interest group interactions. Governance, 25(2), 291-314. Costello, R., Thomassen, J.J.A. & Rosema, M. (2012). European Parliament Elections and Political Representation: Policy Congruence between Voters and Parties. West European politics, 35(6), 1226-1248. Dinas, E. & Gemenis, K. (2013). Revisiting the role of process incentives as a determinant of university students' protest. European political science review, 5(2), 225-253. Gemenis, K. (2012). Proxy documents as a source of measurement error in the Comparative Manifestos Project. Electoral studies, 31(3), 594-604. Gemenis, K. (2012). The 2010 Regional Elections in Greece: Voting for Regional Governance of Protesting the IMF? Regional and Federal Studies, 22(1), 107-115. Jacobs, F., Knoppers, A.E. & Webb, L. (2012). Making sense of teaching social and moral skills in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 7-23. Krouwel, A.P.M., Wall, M.T. & Vitiello, T. (2012). The practicalities of issuing vote advice: a new methodology for profiling and matching. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 5(3/4), 223-243. Lefevere Jonas;de Swert Knut;Walgrave Stefaan. (2012). Effects of popular exemplars in television news – 2012 Communication research . Volume: 39 Nummer: 1 pag.: 103 - 119 Loos, E.F. (2012). Senior citizens: Digital immigrants in their own country? Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 6, 1-23. 4 Lowery D., Gray V., Kirkland J., Harden J.J.. (2012). Generalist Interest Organizations and Interest System Density: A test of the competitive Exclusion Hypothesis. Metze, T.A.P. & Levelt, M. (2012). Barriers to credible innovations: Collaborative regional governance in the Netherlands. The Innovation Journal, 17(1), 1-15. Michels, A.M.B. (2012). Citizen participation in local policy making: design and democracy. International Journal of Public Administration, 35(4), 285-292. Startin, N. & Krouwel, A.P.M. (2012). Euroscepticism re-galvanized: The consequences of the 2005 French and Dutch rejections of the EU constitution. Journal of Common Market Studies, 51(1), 65-84. van Stekelenburg Jacquelien;Walgrave Stefaan;Klandermans Bert;Verhulst Joris. (2012). Contextualizing contestation : framework, design, and data Vis, B. (2012). The comparative advantages of fsQCA and regression analysis for moderately large-n analyses. Sociological Methods and Research, 41(1), 168-198. Vis, B., Woldendorp, J.J. & Keman, J.E. (2012). Economic performance and institutions: Capturing the dependent variable. European Political Science Review, 4(1), 73-96. Wagenaar, F.P. & Boersma, F.K. (2012). Zooming in on ‘Heterotopia’: CCTV-operator Practices at Schiphol Airport. Information Polity, 17(1), 7-20. Walgrave Stefaan;Lefevere Jonas;Tresch Anke. (2012). The Associative Dimension of Issue Ownership – 2012 Public opinion quarterly
Walgrave Stefaan;Wouters Ruud;Van Laer Jeroen;Verhulst Joris;Ketelaars Pauline. (2012). Transnational collective identification : May Day and climate change protesters'. Mobilization. 17(3). Pp 301-317. Wille A.C.. (2012). The Politicization of the EU Commission: Democratic Control and the Dynamics of Executive Selection. Articles in refereed non-English scientific journals Aardema, H., Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. & Korsten, A.F.A. (2012). Vallende wethouders: Een verkenning van de vertrekredenen van onvrijwillig teruggetreden bestuurders op lokaal niveau. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(2), 13-34. Aarts, C.W.A.M. (2012). De electorale positie van de VVD in 2012. Liberaal reveil, 53(3), 123-128. Braun, C.H.J.M. (2012). Laveren tussen belanghebbenden. Reële autonomie en financieel toezicht. Beleid & Maatschappij, 39(4), 419-437. Frissen, P.H.A. (2012). Fortuyns tragische erfenis. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(2), 242-243. Hendriks, F., Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van & Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Voor en na Fortuyn. Veranderingen en continuïteiten in het burgeroordeel over het democratisch bestuur in Nederland. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(2), 129-152. Hendriks, F., Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van & Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Voor en na Fortuyn : veranderingen en continuïteiten in het burgeroordeel over het democratisch bestuur in Nederland. B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij, 39(2), 129-152. Heuvelhof, E.F. ten & Twist, M.J.W. van (2012). Werkt nieuwe vorm van participerende democratie? Openbaar Bestuur, februari(2012), 24-28. Leyenaar, M.H., Wijngaarden, E. van & Fraanje, R. (2012). Kansen van sociale media voor de representatieve democratie. Beleid en Maatschappij, (ISSN 0165-1625), 3(39), 322-327. Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van (2012). De accumulatie van de Nederlandse en Rotterdamse wijkaanpak: Een studie van Rotterdam en Pendrecht. Ruimte en Maatschappij. Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van (2012). Ondertussen in de lokale politiek: De ontwikkeling van lokale politieke partijen, de leefbaar-beweging en Pim Fortuyn. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(2), 194201. Penning, L. & Metze, T.A.P. (2012). WMO raden, horizontaal tegenwicht of meewerkend voorwerp? Een verkennende casestudy naar de invloed van vijf WMO-raden. Bestuurskunde, 2012(3), 70-79. Prins, R.S., Cachet, A., Ponsaers, P. & Hughes, G. (2012). Fragmentatie en samenhang in de aanpak van veiligheid. Orde van de Dag. Criminaliteit en Samenleving, 12(57), 11-30. Vis, B. (2012). Politieke barrières op weg naar een sociale investeringsagenda. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(3), 354-356. Refereed English/International books (monographs) Budge, I., Keman, H., McDonald, M.D. & Pennings, P. (2012). Organizing Democratic Choice. Party Representation Over Time. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Krouwel, A.P.M. (2012). Party Transformations in European democracies. Albany: SUNY Press (State University of New York Press).
Chapters in refereed international/English books Aarts, C.W.A.M. & Semetko, H. (2012). The Commercialization of European Public Service Broadcasting and Political Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior. In H.A. Semetko & M. Scammell (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Political Communication (pp. 186-196). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Aarts, C.W.A.M., Fladmoe, A. & Strömbeck, J. (2012). Media, political trust and political knowledge: a comparative perspective. In T. Aalberg & J. Curran (Eds.), How media inform democracy: a comparative approach (Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research, 1) (pp. 98-118). New York: Routledge. Aarts, C.W.A.M., Jenssen, T. & Aalberg, T. (2012). Informed citizens, media use and public knowledge of parties policy positions. In T. Aalberg & J. Curran (Eds.), How media inform democracy: a comparative approach (Routledge New Developments in Communication and Society Research, 1) (pp. 138-158). New York: Routledge. Bovens, M.A.P. & Hart, P. t (2012). Assessing Policy Outcomes: Social and Political Biases. In M. Hill & P. Hupe (Eds.), Public Policy: Volume 3 Public Policy in Action (pp. 291-320). Londen: Sage. Bovens, M.A.P. & Hart, P. t (2012). Epilogue: Making Sense of Policy Fiascoes. In M. Hill & P. Hupe (Eds.), Public Policy: Volume 4 Public Policy in Progress (pp. 15-28). Londen: Sage. Celis Karen; Outshoorn Joyce;Meier Petra;Motmans Joz. (2012). Institutionalizing intersectionality in the Low Countries : Belgium and the Netherlands In: Institutionalizing intersectionality : the changing nature of European equality regimes / Krizsan, A. [edit.]; et al. pag.: 119 – 147. New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Daemen, H.H.F.M. & Schaap, L. (2012). Puzzles of Local Democracy. In Renewal in European Local Democracies: puzzles, dilemmas and options. Springer vS. Daemen, H.H.F.M. (2012). Revitalising Representative Democracy. In L. Schaap & H.H.F.M. Daemen (Eds.), Reform in European Local Democracies: puzzles, dilemmas and options (pp. 27-54). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Hollander, S.L. & Leyenaar, M.H. (2012). Towards a Direct Democratic Era? Assessing the Usage of Direct Democracy Instruments in Europe. In W. de Jong (Ed.), Creative Crises of Democracy Volume (pp. 399-420). Berlin: Peter Lang Publishers Group (ISBN 978-90-5201797-6). Jacobs, K.T.E. & Leyenaar, M.H. (2012). A Conceptual Framework for Major, Minor, and Technical Electoral Reform. In R.Y. Hazan & M.H. Leyenaar (Eds.), Understanding Electoral Reform (pp. 59-77). London: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-68889-5). Leyenaar, M.H. & Hazan, R.Y. (2012). Reconceptualising Electoral Reform. In R.Y. Hazan & M.H. Leyenaar (Eds.), Understanding Electoral Reform (pp. 1-19). London: Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-68889-5). Leyenaar, M.H. (2012). Taking Stock: 1955 – 2005. 50 Years of Women’s Political Representation in Europe. In J. Bayes (Ed.), Gender and Politics. The State of the Discipline (pp. 107-134). Leverkusen Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers (ISBN 978-3866491045). Leyenaar, M.H. (2012). Women's Parties: A Strategy for Power? In L. Freidenvall & M. Mecheletti (Eds.), Comparisons, Quotas and Critical Change (in honor of Drude Dahlerup) (pp. 77-87). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press (ISBN 978-91-637-0755-1). Pennings, P. (2012). Party government and welfare reforms: a configurational approach. In H. Keman & F. Müller-Rommel (Eds.), Party Government in the New Europe (ECPR series in European political science, 79) (pp. 163-182). London and New York: Routledge. Ringeling, A.B., Daemen, H.H.F.M. & Schaap, L. (2012). The Dynamics of Democratic Learning. In L. Schaap & H.H.F.M. Daemen (Eds.), Renewal in European Local Democracies (pp. 191205). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Sainsbury, D. & Morissens, A. (2012). Immigrants social rights across welfare states. In Diane Sainsbury (Ed.), Welfare states and immigrant rights: the politics of inclusion and exclusion (pp. 113-134). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vis, B., Kersbergen, C.J. van & Hylands, T. (2012). To what extent did the financial crisis intensify the pressure to reform the welfare state? In B. Greve (Ed.), The Times They Are Changing? Crisis and the Welfare State (Broadening Perspectives on Social Policy) (pp. 7-22). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. Wissenburg, M.L.J. (2012). Obama the Green? A Transatlantic Environmentalist Perspective. In G. Scott Smith (Ed.), The Obama Effect (pp. 53-66). Bern: Peter Lang (ISBN 978-90-5201-8768). Woldendorp, J.J. (2012). Enhancing and improving data on party government. In H. Keman & F. Müller-Rommel (Eds.), Party government in the new Europe (ECPR Studies in European political science, 79) (pp. 185-214). London: Routledge. Chapters in refereed non-English books Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van, Krieken, K.H.J. & Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Debatplatform of klaagmuur? Over het digitale debat rond de Shopping Mall Tilburg. In F. Hendriks & G. Drosterij (Eds.), De zucht naar goed bestuur in de stad: lessen uit een weerbarstige werkelijkheid (pp. 127146). Den Haag: Boom Lemma. Wissenburg, M.L.J. (2012). Politiek, Leefomgeving en Natuur. In M. Terpstra (Ed.), Onenigheid en gemeenschap (pp. 397-412). Amsterdam: Boom (ISBN 978-94-6105-260-5). Professional publications Bovens M., Wille A.C.. (2012). Wat is er mis met een geleerde kamer?. Bovens, M.A.P. & Wille, A.C. (2012). Wat is er mis met een geleerd Parlement? De Republikein: Tijdschrift voor de ware democraat, 8(4), 22-25. Frissen, P.H.A. & Steen, M. van der (2012). Perspectieven voor provincies. In Stip aan de horizon. Trendbundel. Den Haag. Frissen, P.H.A. (2012). De plek van de macht is overvol. Een pleidooi voor fatalisme. In M.C. Foblets, M. Hildebrandt & J. Steenbergen (Eds.), Liber Amicorum René Foqué (pp. 21-33). Gent: Larcier/Boom Juridische Uitgevers. Frissen, P.H.A. (2012). Van goede bedoelingen, de dingen die nooit voorbij gaan. Amsterdam: Van Gennep. Frissen, P.H.A. (23-11-2012). Kloof tussen burger en politiek is broodnodig. Volkskrant Frissen, P.H.A., Harchaoui, S., Diepen, A. van & Janssens, R. (2012). Tussen afkomst en toekomst. Etnische categorisering door de overheid. Briefadvies aan de minister van Immigratie, Integratie en Asiel. : Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling. Frissen, P.H.A., Sieckelinck, S. & Hart, P. 't (2012). Reputaties gewogen. Beelden over de rechtspraak bij beslissers en publieke opinieleiders. Research Memoranda 8(5). Den Haag: Raad voor de Rechtspraak. Frissen, P.H.A., Sorgdrager, W., Ferket, J. & Schulz, J.M. (2012). De schijn en de feiten. Een onderzoek naar mogelijke belangenverstrengeling in de gemeente Roermond. Den Haag: Uitgeverij. Gemenis, K. & Nezi, R. (2012). The 2011 political parties expert survey in Greece. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. Hoppe, R. (2012). Democratie versus Technocratie: 0-2. In Sirius Jaarboek 2012. Enschede: Studentenvereniging Sirius. Hoppe, T. & Andringa, W. (2012). Literatuurverslag duurzame bouwprocessen. (CSTM Studies en Rapporten 366). Enschede, The Netherlands: CSTM, Universiteit Twente.
Hoppe, T. (2012). Duurzame stedelijke herontwikkeling als kernopgave. In Architectuur op weg naar 2050: special over toekomst Nederlandse bouwsector (pp. 11). Hoppe, T. (2012). Kansen bij stimulering bio-energie in Overijssel. Milieu, 18(1), 44-47. Hoppe, T. (2012). Meting van duurzame ontwikkeling op lokaal niveau. Milieu, 18(4), 50-54. Hoppe, T. (2012). Schaarse energiegrondstoffen, het bedrijfsleven en de UT. In E. van Hattem (Ed.), Grondstofconflicten of duurzame energie (pp. 30-37). Enschede: Wetenschapswinkel UT. Hoppe, T. (2012). Stakeholderanalyse biomassa uit natuur en landschap. In M. Winkel: Inventarisatie biomassa uit natuur en landschap Overijssel. Assen: Provincie Overijssel / Arcadis. Hoppe, T., Arentsen, M.J., Mikkila, M. & Linnala, L. (2012). Transition management and the sustainable nutrients economy in the Netherlands: positioning paper. (Tutkimusraportti Research report 25). Lappenranta University, Finland: Lappenranta University of Technology, Faculty of Technology. Hospers, G.J. & Mulder, V. (2012). Hamburg: magneet voor Chinese investeerders. Geografie, 21(9), 14-17. Hospers, G.J. & Timmerman, P (2012). Manchester: de stad als laboratorium. Geografie, 21(8), 69. Hospers, G.J. (2012). Citymarketing en de kunst van het kiezen. Merk & reputatie: kennis voor strategie en communicatie, 18(2), 13-17. Hospers, G.J. (2012). Do Dutch villages have a future? Town and country planning, 81(7), 341344. Hospers, G.J. (2012). Experimentierfeld Stadt: das Beispiel Manchester. Standort, 36(4). Hospers, G.J. (2012). Krimpdorpen in een 'global village'. Geografie, 21(5), 24-27. Hospers, G.J. (2012). Krimpen met beleid: van afwachten tot afbreken. In Transities voor krimp: van leefbare naar vitale regio's (pp. 36-44). Arnhem: Provinciale Raad voor Omgevingsbeleid Gelderland. Huang Y., Overeem P.. (2012). A battle for values: Hong Kong and its constitutions. Lowery D.. (2012). Interest Organization Populations: Scale of Analysis and the Theoretical Purposes of Counting. The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van & Metze, T.A.P. (2012). Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen: Besturen in dialoog? The Hague: NICIS. Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van (25-03-2011). PVV buitenspel in provincies. Brabants Dagblad Overeem P.. (2012). The Politics-Administration Dichotomy: Toward a Constitutional Perspective. Overeem P.. (2012). Walter Bagehot (1826-1877). Revolutionair Verval en de Conservatieve Vooruitgang in de Achttiende en Negentiende Eeuw Schaap, L. & Dool, L.T. van den (2012). Evaluatie Súdwest-Fryslân - herindeling en bestuurskracht; deelrapport 1: bestuurskracht tot 2011. Tilburg: TSPB. Schaap, L. (2012). Decentrale autonomie? Tilburg: TSPB. Schaap, L. (2012). Portefeuillehoudersoverleggen in het Gewest Gooi en Vechtstreek. Tilburg: TSPB. Schaap, L., Hendriks, F., Boluijt, B., Frankowski, A.F.S., Geurtz, J.C.H.C. & Ostaaijen, J.J.C. van (2012). Besturen binnen Rotterdam: Inspiratiebronnen voor een nieuwe bestuurlijk model. Tilburg: TSPB. Schockaert, I., Morissens, A., Cincinnato, S. & Nicaise, I. (2012). Armoede tussen de plooien: aanvullingen en correcties op EU-SILC voor verborgen groepen armen. Leuven: KU Leuven, HIVA.
Tholen, J.H.M.M. (2012). Wordt ons migratiebeleid overspoeld door vreemde elementen? Asiel & Migrantenrecht, (ISSN 1879-8128), 3, 131-135.
Theme 4: Public Management Articles in refereed international/English scientific journals Bach, T., Verhoest, K. (2012). The influence of agencies on policy-making. The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy vol:5 issue:2 pages:143-152. NISPAcee. Bal, M., Lange, A. de, Jansen, P.G.W. & Velde, E.G. van der (2012). A socio-emotional selectivity perspective on age-related differences in reactions to psychological contract breach. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 55, 563-585. Bartelink, S. & Lako, C.J. (2012). How do the Dutch Choose their Hospitals? Results from a Survey among 311 Patients. Journal of Health & Medical Informatics, (ISSN 2157-7420), S6. Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2012). Why does e-government looks as it looks? Looking beyond the explanatory emptiness of the e-government concept. Information Polity, vol. 17,(3-4), 329342. Beyers Jan;Kerremans Bart. (2012). Domestic embeddedness and the dynamics of multi-level venue-shopping in four EU-member states – 2012 Governance: an international journal of policy and administration Volume: 25 Nummer: 2 pag.: 263 - 290 Beyers Jan;Kerremans Bart. (2012). Domestic embeddedness and the dynamics of multi-level venue-shopping in four EU-member states – 2012. Governance: an international journal of policy and administration .Volume: 25 Nummer: 2 pag.: 263 – 290. Oxford Beyers, J., Kerremans, B. Domestic Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Multilevel Venue Shopping in Four EU Member States. Governance: an International Journal of Policy and Administration vol:25 issue:2 pages:263-290. B. Blackwell. Binkhorst, J. & Kingma, S.F. (2012). Safety vs. reputation: risk controversies in emerging policy networks regarding school safety in the Netherlands. Journal of Risk Research, 15(8), 913935. Boersma, A.A., Alberts, J.F., Bruijn, J.G.M. de, Meyboom-De Jong, B. & Kleiverda, G. (2012). Termination of pregnancy in Curaçao: Need for improvement of sexual and reproductive healthcare. Global Journal of Health Science, 4(3), 30-38. Boersma, F.K. & Clegg, S. (2012). Strategies for Conceptualizing, Organizing and Managing Resilience in the Globalizing City. Journal of Change Management, 12(3), 273-277. Boersma, F.K. & Engelman, E. (2012). Organizing cross-border fire brigade response in the Dutch-German border region. Journal of Emergency Management, 10(1), 53-62. Boersma, F.K., Wagenaar, F.P. & Wolbers, J.J. (2012). Negotiating the 'trading zone'. Creating a shared information infrastructure in the Dutch public safety sector. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 9(2), 1-26. Boersma, F.K., Wagenaar, F.P. & Wolbers, J.J. (2012). Negotiating the 'trading zone'. Creating a shared information infrastructure in the Dutch public safety sector. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 9(2), 1-26. Boselie, J.P.P.E.F. & Veld, M. (2012). Human resource management and commitment in Dutch child day care. Adminstration in Social Work, 36(2), 189-211. Bouckaert, G. (2012). Trust and public administration. Administration. vol:60 issue:1 pages:91115. Institute of Public Administration, Ireland. Bouckaert, G., Oomsels, P. (2012). Bestuurlijk vertrouwen binnen de overheid: een onderzoeksagenda. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement vol:2012 issue:1 pages:17-26. Bouckaert, G.,Brans, M. (2012). Governing without Government: Lessons from Belgium's Caretaker Government. Governance: an International Journal of Policy and Administration vol:25 issue:2 pages:173-176. B. Blackwell.
Brans, M. (2012). Continuity and change in Belgium's caretaker administration. European Political Science vol:11 issue:1 pages:102-107. Brans, M., Ferraro, G. (2012). International Agreements and the Salience of Domestic Politics: Locus, Focus and Gradus. The Case of Fisheries Policy Reforms in China and Senegal. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis vol:14 issue:1 pages:9-25. Brans, M., Ferraro, G. (2012). Trade-offs between environmental protection and economic development in China's fisheries policy: A political analysis on the adoption and implementation of the Fisheries Law 2000. Natural Resources Forum vol:36 issue:1 pages:3849. Brans, M., Van Damme, J. (2012). Managing public consultation: a conceptual framework and empirical findings from Belgian case studies. Public Administration vol:90 issue:4 pages:1047-1066. Brewer, G.J., Ritz, A & Vandenabeele, W.V. (2012). Introduction to a symposium on public service motivation : an international sampling of research. International Journal of Public Administration, 35(1), 1-4. Demeulenaere, E., Weets, K.,Bouckaert, G. (2012). Resultaatgericht plannen en begroten in Vlaamse gemeenten. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement issue:4 pages:17-37. Dulk, L. den, Peters, P. & Poutsma, E. (2012). Variations in adoption of workplace work-family arrangements in Europe: the influence of welfare state regime and organizational characteristics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(13), 27852808. Ehren, M.C.M & Honingh, M.E. (2012). Risk-based school inspections in the Netherlands: A critical reflection on intended effects and causal mechanisms. Studies in Educational Evaluation, (ISSN 0191-491X), 37(4), 239-248. Enders, J., Boer, H.F. de & Weyer, E. (2013). Regulatory autonomy and performance: the reform of higher education re-visited. Higher education, 65(1), 5-23. Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. & Meijer, A.J. (2012). The Effects of Transparency on the Perceived Trustworthiness of a Government Organization: Evidence from an Online Experiment. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21-42. Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. & Welch, E.W. (2012). Developing and Testing a Theoretical Framework for Computer-Mediated Transparency of Local Governments. Public Administration Review, 78(1), 562-571. Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. (2012). A good man but a bad wizard. About the limits and future of transparency of democratic governments. Information Polity, 17(3/4), 293-302. 3 Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. (2012). Linking transparency, knowledge and citizen trust in government: An experiment. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 78(1), 50-73. Groeneveld, S.M. & Verbeek, S.R. (2012). Diversity Policies in Public and Private Sector Organizations. An Empirical Comparison of Incidence and Effectiveness. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(4), 353-381. Groeneveld, S.M., Tijdens, K.G. & Kleef, D.D. van (2012). Gender differences in academic careers. Evidence for a Dutch university from personnel data 1990-2006. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 31(7), 646-662. Hond, F. den, Boersma, F.K., Heres, L., Kroes, E.H.J. & Oirschot, E. van (2012). Giddens à la carte? Appraising empirical applications of structuration theory in management and organization studies. Journal of Political Power, 5(2), 239-264. Hond, F. den, Boersma, F.K., Heres, L., Kroes, E.H.J. & Oirschot, E. van (2012). Giddens à la carte? Appraising empirical applications of structuration theory in management and organization studies. Journal of Political Power, 5(2), 239-264. Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2012). Academic Pay in Western Europe. International higher education, 2012(68), 5-6. 65
Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2012). Academic retention in Europe - It is not all about the money. University World News, 2012(218). Keshkamat, S.S., Kooiman, A., Maarseveen, M.F.A.M. van, Veen, A. van der & Zuidgeest, M.H.P. (2012). A boundary object for scale selction-Moderating differences and synergising understanding. Ecological economics, 76, 15-24. Keshkamat, S.S., Tsendbazar, N.E., Zuidgeest, M.H.P., Veen, A. van der & Leeuw, J. de (2012). The environmental impact of not having paved roads in arid regions : an example from Mongolia. Ambio, 41(2), 202-205. Kim, S.W., Vandenabeele, W.V., Wright, L., Andersen, F., Cerase, F, Christensen, C., Desmarais, S.M., Koumenta, W., Leisink, P.L.M., Liu, Y., Palidauskaite, L., Pedersen, J.H., Perry, A., Ritz, J. & Taylor, P. (2012). Investigating the structure and meaning of public service motivation across populations: Developing an international instrument and addressing issues of measurement invariance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23(1), 79102. Kingma, S.F. (2012). Gambling For Profit [Bespreking van het boek Gambling For Profit. Lotteries, Gaming Machines, and Casinos in Cross-national Focus,]. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 53(5). Kruyen, P.M., Emons, W.H.M. & Sijtsma, K. (2012). Test Length and Decision Quality in Personnel Selection: When Is Short Too Short? International Journal of Testing, (ISSN 15305058), 12(4), 321-344. Meijer, A, Koops, B., Pieterson, W., Overman, S.P. & Tije, S. ten (2012). Government 2.0: Key Challenges to Its Realization. Electronic Journal of e-Government, (ISSN 1479-439X), 10(1), 59-69. Meijer, A.J. (2012). Co-production in an Information Age: Individual and Community Engagement supported by New Media. Voluntas, 23(4), 1156-1172. Meijer, A.J. (2012). Introduction to the special issue on government transparency. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 78(1), 3-9. Meijer, A.J. (2012). The Do It Yourself State: The future of participatory democracy. Information Polity, 17(3/4), 303-314. Meijer, A.J., Bannister, F. & Thaens, M. (2012). ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade. Information Polity, 17(3/4), 201-207. Meijer, A.J., Curtin, D.M. & Hillebrandt, M. (2012). Open government: connecting vision and voice. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 78(1), 10-29. Meijer, A.J., Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. & Brandsma, G.J. (2012). Communities of Public Service Support: Citizens engage in social learning in peer-to-peer networks. Government Information Quarterly, 29(1), 21-29. Meijer, A.J., Koops, B., Pieterson, W., Overman, S. & Tije, S. ten (2012). Government 2.0: Key Challenges to Its Realization. The Electronic Journal of e-Government, 10(1), 55-69. Noordegraaf, M. & Wit, B.C. de (2012). Responses to Managerialism. How Management Pressures Affect Managerial Relations and Loyalties in Education. Public Administration, 90(4), 957-973. Nuijten, M.C.M., Koster, M. & Vries, P.A. de (2012). Regimes of Spatial Ordering in Brazil: Neoliberalism, Leftist Populism and Modernist Aesthetics in Slum Upgrading in Recife. Singapore journal of tropical geography, 33(2), 157-170. Oosterwaal A., Payne D., Torenvlied R.. (2012). The effect of political disagreement on discretion: Mechanisms and conditions. Oosterwaal A., Torenvlied R.. (2012). Policy divergence in implementation: How conflict among decisive legislators reinforces the effect of agency preferences. Plaisier, I., Graaf, R. de, Bruijn, J.G.M. de, Smit, J.H., Dyck, R. van, Beekman, A.T.F. & Penninx, B.W.J.H. (2012). Depressive and anxiety disorders on-the-job: The importance of job 66
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Verhoest, K. & Thiel, S. van (2012). Agencification and related changes in structures of government: findings from an international comparative research network. Nispacee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, (ISSN 1337-9038), V(1), 157-165. Verloo Mieke;Meier Petra;Lauwers Sophie;Martens Saskia. (2012). Putting intersectionality into practice in different configurations of equality architecture : Belgium and the Netherlands – 2012. Social politics. Volume: 19 Nummer: 4 pag.: 513 – 538 Oxford Vries, M.S. de & Sobis, I (2012). Public accountability through soft steering. Uprava, (ISSN 15817555), X(1), 41-70. Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Towards a Better Ranking in Higher Education and Research: Critique of global university rankings and an alternative. Higher education forum, 9, 77-87. Wijk, N.Ph.L. van & Bruijn, J.G.M. de (2012). Risk factors for domestic violence in Curacao. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(15), 3032-3053. Yesilkagit, A.K. & Thiel, S. van (2012). Autonomous Agencies and Perceptions of Stakeholder Influence in Parliamentary Democracies. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, 22(1), 101-119. Yesilkagit, A.K. (2012). "The Blame Game: Spin, Bureaucracy, and Self-Preservation in Government" by Christopher Hood. West European Politics, 35(2), 437-438. 16 Yesilkagit, K. & Thiel, S. van (2012). Autonomous agencies and perceptions of stakeholder influence. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, (ISSN 1053-1858), 22(1), 101-119. Articles in refereed non-English scientific journals Ammers, M. van & Thiel, S. van (2012). Kaderwet Zelfstandige Bestuursorganen: het einde van Raden van Toezicht als toezichthouders bij ZBO’s? Bestuurswetenschappen, (ISSN 01657194), 66(4), 35-54. Boersma, F.K., Langen, H & Smets, P.G.S.M. (2012). Lokale betrokkenheid als uitdaging bij een culturele buurtinterventie. Rooilijn, 45(1), 28-33. Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). De VNG als middenbestuur: maakt de VNG provincies overbodig? Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(3), 84-89. Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Geloofwaardigheid in politiek en bestuur: Multi level democracy. Bestuurskunde, 21(1), 87-90. Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Machtsmisbruik en politieke afrekening: de valkuilen van integriteitsonderzoek in een politieke context. Bestuurskunde, 2012(1), 87-90. Borst, R., Lako, C.J. & Vries, M.S. de (2012). Is prestatiemanagement in de publieke sector toepasbaar? Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de opvattingen onder ambtenaren. Bestuurswetenschappen, (ISSN 0165-7194), 4, 14-34. Honingh, M.E. & Ehren, M.C.M (2012). Onderwijstoezicht in een polycentrisch sturingsmodel; Dilemma’s bij het vaststellen en verbeteren van de onderwijskwaliteit. Bestuurskunde, (ISSN 0927-3387), 21(4), 64-72. Meijer, A.J. & Berlo, D. van (2012). Ambtenaren als innovatoren. OCMW Visies, 127(4), 23-26. Meijer, A.J. & Berlo, D. van (2012). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Professionals worden (weer) de eigenaar van de productiemiddelen. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(4), 75-89. Meijer, A.J. & Berlo, D. van (2012). Fluïde democratie: combineren van 'oude' en 'nieuwe' democratie. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(6), 86-95. Meijer, A.J. (2012). Te compacte overheid is kostbaar: goed opdrachtgeverschap vergt in-house expertise. Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(1), 3-4. Noordegraaf, M. & Wit, B.C. de (2012). Publieke dienstverlening onder druk. Loyaliteitsconflicten van leidinggevenden in het onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 28(3), 353-371.
Opraus, L.S. & Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G. (2012). Leidt transparantie tot meer vertrouwen in rechters? Bestuurswetenschappen, 66(6), 14-35. Swarts, M. & Steijn, A.J. (2012). De gevolgen van de functiemix voor het psychologisch contract in het voortgezet onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 28(3), 376-394. Tankeren, M.H.M. van & Montfort, A.J.G.M. van (2012). Schieten we er ook wat mee op? De effectiviteit van het integriteitsbeleid van de Nederlandse politie. Cahiers Politiestudies, 2012/3(24), 131-149 Thaens, M. (2012). Vormgeven aan een evolutionaire publieke innovatiestrategie. Bestuurskunde, 21(December), 86-96. Trappenburg, M.J. (2012). Veiligheid is ook niet alles. Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(1), 83-83. Tummers, L.G. (2012). Beleidsvervreemding in de gezondheidszorg: De ervaringen van verloskundigen en echoscopisten met overheidsbeleid. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 28(3), 332-352. Tummers, L.G., Groeneveld, S.M. & Lankhaar, M. (2012). Binding en diversiteit van zorgmedewerkers. Een grootschalige analyse binnen de Verpleging, Verzorging en Thuiszorg. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 15(3), 32-55. Van de Walle, S. (2012). Overheidsmanagement: België Holland. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Overheidsmanagement, 2012(1), 4-9. Vermeulen, L.M., Scheepers, A.W.A., Adriaans, M.G.J.M., Arends, L.R., Bos, R. van den, Bouwmeester, S., Meer, F.B.L. van der, Schaap, L., Smeets, A.A.C.M., Molen, H.T. van der & Schmidt, H.G. (2012). Nominaal studeren in het eerste jaar. Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs, 30(3), 204-216. Wolters, P.J. & Lako, C.J. (2012). Hoe kiezen patiënten een ziekenhuis? Een enquête bij twee poliklinieken. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 90(1), 45-50. Yesilkagit, A.K. (2012). Handelingsperspectieven in het politiek-financieel complex. Beleid & Maatschappij, 39(4), 371-380. Refereed English/International books (monographs) Helsloot, I., Boin, R.A., Jacobs, B. & Comfort, L.K. (2012). Mega-disasters. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas. Hondeghem, A., Platteau, E. (2012). De context van personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen. In: Personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen. Slimme besturen investeren in menselijk kapitaal. pages:1-23. Vanden Broele. Thaens, M., Snellen, I. & Donk, van de, W. (2012). Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited. Amsterdam/Washington: IOS Press. Verhoest, K., Thiel, S. van, Bouckaert, G. & Laegreid, P. (2012). Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 countries. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Verhoest, K., Van Thiel, S., Bouckaert, G., Laegreid, P.. (2012). Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries. Palgrave/Macmillan. Refereed non-English books (monographs) Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2012). Beleid in Beweging: achtergronden, benaderingen, fasen en aspecten van beleid in de publieke sector. Den Haag: Boom/Lemma. De Visscher, C., Hondeghem, A., Van Dorpe, K., Randour, F., Montuelle, C. (2012). Les Mandats dans la fonction publique fédérale: une (r)évolution depuis Copernic?. Academia Press. Os, G.S. van, Noordegraaf, M. & Plaat, Aske (2012). Rijk met Wetenschap: Bestuur is Informatie. Den Haag: Boom Lemma Uitgevers. Svensson, J.S., Sollie, H. & Saharso, S. (2012). Proactief handhaven en gelijk behandelen (Politie & Wetenschap verkenningen, 58). Amsterdam: Reed Business.
Editing of refereed books Brans, M., Peters, B.G. (2012). Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America. Routledge. De Vries, C. & Marks, G.W. (Eds.). (2012). The Politics of Dimensionality. Special issue: Special Issue of European Union Politics, 13 (2). Fenger, H.J.M. & Bekkers, V. (Eds.). (2012). Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity. Public Governance and the Search for Connective Capacity (Innovation and the Public Sector). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Heijmans, A., Kuypers, P., Noordegraaf, M., Peters, K., Ringeling, A. & Schuyt, K. (Eds.). (2012). Niet de beperking, maar de ruimte. Beschouwingen over democratie en rechtsstaat. Auteur: H. D. Tjeenk Willink. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (Eds.). (2012). Public Policy. Volume Four: Public Policy in Progress. London: Sage. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (Eds.). (2012). Public Policy. Volume One: Public Policy in Perspective. London: Sage. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (Eds.). (2012). Public Policy. Volume Three: Public Policy in Action. London: Sage. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (Eds.). (2012). Public Policy. Volume Two: Towards Public Policy. London: Sage. Van Montfort Cor;Michels Ank;Van Dooren Wouter. (2012). Stille ideologie : onderstromen in beleid en bestuur. Den Haag : Boom/Lemma .- 217 p. Webster, C.W., Balahur, D., Zurawski, N., Boersma, F.K., Sagvari, B. & Backman, C. (Eds.). (2012). Living in Surveillance Societies. Iasi: Editura University. Chapters in refereed international/English books Bekkers, V.J.J.M. & Fenger, H.J.M. (2012). Beyond Fragmentation in Public Governance: The Search for Connective Capacity. In H.J.M. Fenger & V.J.J.M. Bekkers (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity: Public Governance and the Search for Connective Capacity (pp. 167-182). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Bekkers, V.J.J.M., Edelenbos, J. & Steijn, B. (2011). Linking innovation to the public sector: contexts, concepts and challenges. In VJJM Bekkers, J. Edelenbos & B. Steijn (Eds.), Innovation in the public sector. Linking capacity and leadership (Governance and Public Management, 6) (pp. 3-34). Houndsmills: Plagrave McMillan. Bekkers, V.J.J.M., Edwards, A.R. & Moody, R.F.I. (2012). Micro-mobilization, new media power and the management of strategic surprises. In I. Snellen, M. Thaens & W. van de Donk (Eds.), Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited (Innovation in the public sector, 19) (pp. 93-115). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Benneworth, P. & Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2013). Policies for promoting university-community engagement in practice. In P. Benneworth (Ed.), University engagement with socially excluded communities (pp. 243-262). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer Boin, R.A. & Egan, J. (2012). 'Hurricane Gustav'. In I. Helsloot (Ed.), Mega-Crises (pp. 119-141). Springfield: Charles Thomas. Boin, R.A. & Hart, P. t (2012). Aligning executive action in times of adversity: The politics of crisis co-ordination. In M. Lodge & K. Wegrich (Eds.), Executive Politics in Times of Crisis (pp. 179-196). Houndmills: Palgrave. 9 Boin, R.A., Hart, P. t & Esch, F.A.W.J. van (2012). Political Leadership in Times of Crisis: Comparing Leader Responses to Financial Turbulence. In L. Helms (Ed.), Comparative Political Leadership (1e druk) (pp. 119-141). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bor, S. & Boersma, F.K. (2012). Processes in R&D collaboration (re-print of Bor, S. and F.K. Boersma (2010). The management of formalization processes in R&D Collaboration, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 1(3): 1-13). In J. Wang (Ed.), Project Management Techniques and Innovations in Information Technology (pp. 200212). Hershey USA: IGI Publishing. Boselie, J.P.P.E.F. & Bos, A. (2012). Human Resource Management and Private Equity in the Public Domain: Just show me the money! In T. Redman & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Contemporary human resource management: Text and cases (pp. 20-26). Londen: Pearson. Boselie, J.P.P.E.F. (2012). Human resource management and performance. In S. Bach & T. Edwards (Eds.), Managing Human Resources: Human Resource Management in Transition (pp. 18-36). Wiley. Boselie, J.P.P.E.F., Farndale, E. & Paauwe, J. (2012). Performance Management. In C. Brewster & W. Maryhofer (Eds.), Handbook of research in comparative human resource management (pp. 273-312). Edward Elgar Publishing. Bouckaert, G. (2012). Public sector performance: managing governments by the numbers. In: Reforming the public sector: how to achieve better transparency, service, and leadership. pages: 173-193. Brookings institution press. Brans, M. (2012). Comparative Public Administration: From General Theory to General Frameworks. The Sage Handbook of Public Administration edition:2nd revised pages:511531. Sage. Brans, M. (2012). Rewards at the top in Belgium: uneasy struggles with transparency and variability in paying public office. In: Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America pages:125-140. Routledge. Brans, M., Peters, B.G. (2012). Conclusion: choosing public sector rewards. In: Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America pages:285-292. Routledge. Brans, M., Peters, B.G. (2012). Rewards for high public office: continuing developments. In: Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America pages:1-10. Routledge. Brans, M., Peters, B.G., Verbelen, B. (2012). Rewards at the top: cross-country comparisons across offices. In: Rewards for high public office in Europe and North America pages:11-30. Routledge. Delreux, T., Drieskens, E., Kerremans, B., Damro, C. (2012). The External Institutional Context Matters: the EU in International Negotiations. The Influence of International Institutions on the European Union: When Multilateralism Hits Brussels pages:58-75. Palgrave Macmillan. Dopheide, E.J.M., Meer, F.D. van der, Sliuzas, R.V., Veen, A. van der & Voinov, A.A. (2012). System earth : some theory on the system. In V.A. Tolpekin & A. Stein (Eds.), The core of GIScience : a systems - based approach (ITC Educational Textbook Series, 2012) (pp. 33-70). Enschede: University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC). Eekeren, F.J.A. van & Vermeulen, J. (2012). The sport leader and sport coach as identity agenst for youths. In R. Lidor, K.H. Schneider & K. Koenen (Eds.), Proceedings Sport as mediator between cultures (pp. 139-147). Berlin: International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. Federkeil, G., Jongbloed, B.W.A., Kaiser, F. & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Dimensions and Indicators. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional Ranking. The Design and Development of U-Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 97-124). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Federkeil, G., Jongbloed, B.W.A., Kaiser, F. & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Dimensions and Indicators. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional Ranking. The Design and Development of U-Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 97-124). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer.
Federkeil, G., Kaiser, F., Vught, F.A. van & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Background and Design. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional Ranking. The Design and Development of U-Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 85-96). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Federkeil, G., Vught, F.A. van & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). An Evaluation and Critique of Current Rankings. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional Ranking. The Design and Development of U-Multirank (Higher Education Dynamics, 37) (pp. 39-70). Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. Federkeil, G., Vught, F.A. van & Westerheijden, D.F. (2012). Classifications and rankings. In F.A. van Vught & F. Ziegele (Eds.), Multidimensional ranking: the design and development of UMultirank (Higher education dynamics, 37) (pp. 25-38). New York: Springer. Fenger, H.J.M. & Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2012). Creating Connective Capacities in Public Governance: Challenges and Contributions. In H.J.M. Fenger & V.J.J.M. Bekkers (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity: Public Governance and the Search for Connective Capacity (Innovations in the Public Sector) (pp. 3-16). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Homburg, V.M.F. & Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2012). E-Government and NPM: A Perfect Marriage? In P.L. Hupe & M. Hill (Eds.), Public Policy (Library of the Public Sector) (pp. 275-294). Los Angeles / London: SAGE. Homburg, V.M.F. & Dijkshoorn, A.J.D. (2012). Diffusion of personalized services among Dutch municipalities: evolving channels of persuasion. In V Weerakkoddy & C Reddick (Eds.), Public Sector Transformation through E-Government: Experiences from Europe and North America (pp. 183-197). London: Routledge. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (2012). Analysis in Action: The Two Faces of Public Policy. In P.L. Hupe & M.J. Hill (Eds.), Public Policy. Volume One: Public Policy in Perspective. London: Sage. Hupe, P.L. & Hill, M.J. (2012). Analyzing Policy Processes as Multiple Governance: Accountability in Social Policy. Earlier published in Policy and Politics (2006) 34 (3): 557-73. In P.L. Hupe & M.J. Hill (Eds.), Public Policy. Volume One: Public Policy in Perspective. London: Sage. Hupe, P.L. & Krogt, Th. van der (2012). Professionals Dealing with Pressures. In M. Noordegraaf & A.J. Steijn (Eds.), Professionals Under Pressure. Amsterdam: University Press. Junjan, V. (2012). Introduction to public administrative reforms in CEE and CA countries. In Juraj Nemec & Michiel.S. Vries (Eds.), Public sector dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe ; NISPAcee (pp. 21-23). Bratislava: NISPAcee press. Jongbloed, B.W.A. & Boer, H.F. de (2012). Higher Education Funding Reforms in Europe and the 2006 Modernisation Agenda. In M. Kwiek & A. Kurkiewicz (Eds.), The Modernisation of European Universities (Higher Education Research and Policy [HERP], 1) (pp. 127-148). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Jongbloed, B.W.A. & Zomer, A.H. (2012). Valorisation, Knowledge Transfer and IP. Creating Value from Academic Knowledge. In P. Temple (Ed.), Universities in the Knowledge Economy (pp. 82-102). London, New York: Routledge. Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2012). Introducing market forces in academic remuneration: the case of the Netherlands. In P.G. Altbach, L. Reisberg, M. Yudkevich, G. Androushchak & I. Pachecho (Eds.), Paying the Professoriate: A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts (pp. 234-244). New York: Routledge. Kaiser, F., Faber, M. & Jongbloed, B.W.A. (2012). U-Map, University Activity Profiles in Practice. In P. Scott, A. Curaj, L. Vlasceanu & L. Wilson (Eds.), European Higher Education at the Crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and National Reforms (pp. 887-903). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
Knies, E., Leisink, P.L.M. & Boselie, J.P.P.E.F. (2012). A high performance work system in a multi-stakeholder context. In T. Dundon & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Case Studies in Global Management: Strategy, Innovation and People Management (pp. 247-258). Melbourne: Victoria: Tilde Publishing. Mascini, P., Soentken, M.F.F. & Veen, R.. van der (2012). From welfare to workfare. The implementation of workfare policies. In M. Yerkes, R. van der Veen & P. Achterberg (Eds.), The Transformation of Solidarity. Changing Risks and the Future of the Welfare State (pp. 165-189). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Meijer, A.J. & Mulder, R. de (2012). From Trias to Tetras Politica: The Need for Additional Checks and Balances. Illustrated by Immigration Law. In I. Snellen, M. Thaens & W. van den Donk (Eds.), Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited (pp. 36-45). Amsterdam: IOS press. Meijer, A.J. (2012). Co-Production in an Information Age. In V. Pestoff, T. Brandsen & B. Verschuere (Eds.), New Public Governance, the Third Sector and Co-Production. New York/London: Routledge. 11 Montfort, A.J.G.M. van & Beck, L. (2012). Het roer kan nog zesmaal om. De recente beleidswijziging aangaande het biometrisch paspoort verklaard. In A.T. Marseille & H.B. Winter (Eds.), In wetenschap voor de praktijk, Liber Amicorum Michiel Herweijer (pp. 103110). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers. Moody, R.F.I. & Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2012). Visual Connections: The power of the visual in the policy process in two Dutch. In M Fenger & V Bekkers (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity. Public Governance and the Search for Connective Capacity (pp. 114-128). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Nispen tot Pannerden, F.K.M. van (2012). Budgeting and Finance: Budget Watcher’s Blues [Introduction to the Section on Budgeting and Finance]. In B.G. Peters & J. Pierre (Eds.), Handbook of Public Administration (pp. 463-466). London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage Publications. Nispen tot Pannerden, F.K.M. van (2012). Editor of the section Budgeting and Finance. In B.G. Peters & J. Pierre (Eds.), Handbook of Public Administration [2nd. edition] (pp. 463-509). London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage. Noordegraaf, M. (2012). The making of professional public leaders: leadership as a practical myth. In C. Teelken, E. Ferlie & M. Dent (Eds.), Leadership in the Public Sector. Promises and Pitfalls (pp. 214-236). Londen: Routledge. Ongaro, E., Salvador, P., Verhoest, K. (2012). Comparing agencification in Latin countries. Government agencies : practices and lessons from 30 countries pages:145-156. Palgrave Macmillan. Os, G.S. van, Homburg, V.M.F. & Bekkers, V.J.J.M. (2013). Contingencies and Convergence in European Social Security. In I.M. Miranda & M.M. Cruz-Cuhna (Eds.), Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Development and Applications (pp. 268-287). IGI Global. Paauwe, J., Boon, C.T., Boselie, J.P.P.E.F. & Hartog, D.N. den (2012). Human resource management and fit. In D.E. Guest, J. Paauwe & P.M. Wright (Eds.), Managing people and performance (pp. 191-287). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Sluis, A. van, Cachet, A., Os, P. van, Prins, R.S. & Marks, P.K. (2012). Dutch Cop: A Continuously Changing Constant. In A. Verna, D. Das & M. Abraham (Eds.), Global Community Policing: Problems and Challenges (pp. 229-249). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Sluis, A. van, Cachet, A., Prins, R.S. & Marks, P.K. (2012). Living apart together. The Dutch community officer and his laborious relation with local government. In B. Frevel & A. Kohl (Eds.), Recent European Trends in Policing in Europse: Reports from Denmark, The 73
Netherlands and the UK (Kooperative Sicherheitspolitik in der Stadt, 11) (pp. 37-52). Munster: European Center for Crime Prevention. Sluis, A. van, Marks, P.K., Gilleir, F. & Easton, M. (2012). Nodal Security in the Ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. In V.J.J.M. Bekkers & H.J.M. Fenger (Eds.), Beyond Fragmentation and Interconnectivity: Public Governance and the Search for Connective Capacity (Innovation in the public sector, 17) (pp. 73-94). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Steijn, A.J. & Muyzenberg, M. van den (2012). Human Resource Management in the Information Age. In I. Snellen, M. Thaens & W. Donk (Eds.), Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited (pp. 252-263). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Thaens, M. & Snellen, I. (2012). Constructive Phases of Theory since 1998. In I. Snellen, M. Thaens & W. Donk, van de (Eds.), Public Administration in the Information Age (pp. 1-17). Amsterdam/Washington: IOS Press. Thiel, S. van (2012). Comparing agencies across countries. In K. Verhoest, S. van Thiel, G. Bouckaert & P. Laegreid (Eds.), Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 countries. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Thiel, S. van (2012). Managerialism and politicization in the Dutch civil service. In L Verhey, S Vanhoonacker & C Neuhold (Eds.), Civil servants and politics: a delicate balance. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Thiel, S. van (2012). Party patronage in the Netherlands. In P. Mair, P Kopecky & M Spirova (Eds.), Party government and party patronage: public appointments and political control in European democracies (Comparative Politics Series). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Thiel, S. van (2012). Party Patronage in the Netherlands: Sharing Appointments to Maintain Consensus. In P. Mair, P Kopecky & M Spirova (Eds.), Party government and party patronage: public appointments and political control in European democracies (Comparative Politics Series) (pp. 250-271). Oxford: Oxford University Press (ISBN 978-0-19959937-0). Thiel, S. van, Verhoest, K., Bouckaert, G. & Laegreid, P. (2012). Lessons and recommendations for the practice of agencification. In K. Verhoest, S. van Thiel, G. Bouckaert & P. Laegreid (Eds.), Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 countries. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. Trappenburg, M.J. & Oversloot, H. (2012). The Dutch Social Fabric: Health Care, Trust and Solidarity. In S.J. Youngner & G.K. Kimsma (Eds.), Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective. Assessing the Dutch Experience (pp. 99-122). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 12 Trappenburg, M.J. (2012). No Regrets. In S.J. Youngner & G.K. Kimsma (Eds.), PhysicianAssisted Death in Perspective. Assessing the Dutch Experience (pp. 392-400). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Van Thiel, S., Verhoest, K., Bouckaert, G., Laegreid, P. (2012). Lessons and recommendations for the practice of agencification. In: Government agencies : practices and lessons from 30 countries pages:413-439. Palgrave Macmillan. Vandenabeele, W., Steijn, A.J., Leisink, P., Cerase, F., Egger-Peitler, I., Hammerschmid, G., Meyer, R. & Ritz, A. (2012). Public Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Various European Countries: A tale of Caution and Hope. In G. Tria & G. Valotti (Eds.), Reforming the Public Sector. How to Achieve better Transparancy, Service and Leadership (pp. 68-95). Washington: Brookings Institution Press. Vandenabeele, W.V., Steijn, B., Leisink, P.L.M., Cerase, F, Egger-Peitler, I, Hammerschmid, G, Meyer, R. & Ritz, A (2012). Public service motivation and job satisfaction in various European countries : a tale of caution and hope. In G. Tria & G. Valotti (Eds.), Reforming the public sector: how to achieve better transparency, service, and leadership (pp. 68-95). Washington: Brookings Institution.
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Chapters in refereed non-English books Boogers, M.J.G.J.A. (2012). Good governance: de politieke markt en de groeipijn van Almere. In F. Hendriks & G. Drosterij (Eds.), De zucht naar goed bestuur in de stad: lessen uit een weerbarstige werkelijkheid (pp. 147-162). Den Haag: Boom Lemma. Brans, M., Van Damme, J. (2012). Een beleidswetenschappelijk perspectief op maatschappelijke participatie. In: Participatie: what's in a neme? Een multidisciplinaire kijk op maatschappelijke participatie pages:135-154. Vandebroele Academics. Cachet, A. & Prins, R.S. (2012). Ontwikkeling van het lokaal veiligheidsbeleid. In E. Muller (Ed.), Veiligheid en veiligheidsbeleid in Nederland (pp. 477-495). Deventer: Kluwer. Conings, V., Hondeghem, A., Kaesemans, B. (2012). Een strategische benadering van personeel in de beleids- en beheerscyclus. In: Personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen. Slimme besturen investeren in menselijk kapitaal. edition:1 pages:27-47. Vanden Broele. Helsloot, I. & Vries, M.S. de (2012). Resultaten uit het verleden bieden soms wel degelijk aanknopingspunten voor de toekomst. Bestuurs- en organisatiekundige wetmatigheden voor de inrichting van professionele uitvoeringsorganisaties als de NP. In F. Vlek & P. van Reenen (Eds.), Voer voor kwartiermakers (pp. 227-252). Amsterdam: Reed Elsevier (ISBN 9789035246430). Hondeghem, A., Schreurs, F. (2012). Motivatie en tevredenheid van personeel. In: Personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen : slimme besturen investering in menselijk kapitaal pages:249-269. Vanden Broele. Kerremans, B. (2012). Amerikaanse en Europese reacties op de opkomst van de BRICS. In: Lessen voor de eenentwingste eeuw 2012. Over grenzen en generaties heen. pages:27-44. Universitaire Pers Leuven. Maesschalck, J.B. (2012). Integriteitstrainingen. In J.H.J. van den Heuvel, L.W.J.C. Huberts & E.R. Muller (Eds.), Integriteit: Integriteit en integriteitsbeleid in Nederland (Handboeken Veiligheid) (pp. 325-346). Deventer: Kluwer. Meijer, A.J., Thaens, M. & Siep, P. (2012). Sociale media: wat kan en moet de politie ermee? In F. Vlek & P. van Reenen (Eds.), Voer voor kwartiermakers. Wetenschappelijke kennis voor de inrichting van de Nationale Politie. Apeldoorn: Politie & Wetenschap. Montfort, A.J.G.M. van (2012). Klachtvoorzieningen. In L.J.A. Damen (Ed.), Bestuursrecht, Deel 2 (Rechtsbescherming tegen de overheid, Bestuursprocesrecht) (vierde druk) (pp. 439-463). Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. Noordegraaf, M. (2012). Hoe regel je ruimte? Over het belang en de betekenis van ruimte voor politieprofessionals (in de Nationale Politie). In De toekomst begint vandaag. Negen wetenschappers over het Politievak 2020-2024 (pp. 104-120). Den Haag: Directie HRM Nationale Politie. Noordegraaf, M. (2012). Kwaliteiten organiseren. Leren dat kwaliteit geen last is. In T. Hardjono, A. Oosterhoorn, K. de Vaal & J. Vos. (Eds.), Perspectieven op (pp. 198-203). Den Haag: Nederlands Netwerk voor Kwaliteitsmanagement. Ringeling, A.B. & Sluis, A. van (2012). Gezag. In P.W. Tops (Ed.), Inleiding politiekunde. Positie en functioneren van de politie in Nederland (pp. 277-292). Apeldoorn: Politieacademie. Sluis, A. van & Marks, P.K. (2012). De interventieteams. In P. Marks & A. van Sluis (Eds.), Tussen richting en rekenschap: Tien jaar werken aan een veiliger Rotterdam (pp. 71-80). Den Haag: Boom Lemma uitgevers. Thaens, M. & Meijer, A (2012). Sociale Media: Wat kan en moet de Politie ermee? In P. Reenen, van (Ed.), Voer voor kwartiermakers. Wetenschappelijke Kennis voor de inrichting van de Nationale Politie (pp. 191-205). Apeldoorn: Politie en Wetenschap. Thiel, S. van (2012). Sociaal kapitaal en verzelfstandiging van overheidsorganisaties: alternatieve verklaringen. In B. Völker (Ed.), Over gaten, bruggen en witte paters - sociaal
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