Science and Research Paradigms Presented by :
M Anang Firmansyah
Research – Knowledge – Audience Form of Knowledge Audience
Basic Research Scientific Community
Basic critical
Basic contract
Basic professional
General Public
Public intellectual
Dedicated policy
Democratic policy
Public educator
Participatory Researcher
Generalist practitioners
Democratic deliberation
Democratic contract
Democratic applied
Narrow practitioners
Dedicated deliberation
Dedicated contract
Dedicated applied
Applied Research
Basic and Applied Research Compared Aspect
Basic Research
Applied Research
Primary audience
Scientific community (others researchers)
Practitioners, participants, or supervisors (non-researchers)
Researcher peers
Practitioners, supervisors
Autonomy of researcher Research rigor
Very high
Varies, moderate
Highest priority
Verified truth
Create new knowledge
Resolve a pratical problems
Success indicated by
Publication and impact on knowledge/scientist
Direct application to address specific concern/problem 3
Science and Research Paradigms
Metoda Ilmiah Prosedur yang ketat untuk menghasilkan penelitian yang berkualitas
Norma Komunitas Ilmiah Seperangkat norma dan nilai profesional yang diinternalisasi oleh peneliti. 4
Pengetahuan (body of knowledge) yang terklasifikasi dan tersistematisasi
Terorganisasi berdasar satu atau lebih teori sentral dan sejumlah prinsip umum
Biasanya diekspresi secara kuantitatif
Pengetahuan yang memungkinkan untuk memprediksi dan, dalam beberapa situasi, untuk mengendalikan kejadian di masa datang
Validitas Penelitian Validitas Internal Pemahaman yang mendalam Identifikasi kausalitas
Validitas Eksternal Generalisasi Replikasi Alamiah
Metoda Ilmiah
Penilaian terhadap pengetahuan yang relevan Pembentukan konsep dan spesifikasi pertanyaan penelitian/hipotesis Pengumpulan data Pengorganisasian dan analisis data dengan cara yang relevan Evaluasi dan pembelajaran dari temuan/hasil riset Penyebaran informasi riset Memberikan penjelasan Membuat prediksi Melakukan aktifitas pengendalian yang diperlukan
The Hallmarks of Scientific Research PURPOSIVENESS The manager must start with a defined aim or purpose for the research. It means the scientific research must be purposive. RIGOR Rigor connotes carefulness, scrupulousness, and the degree of exactitude in research investigations. TESTABILITY Scientific research let itself to test logically developed hypotheses to see whether or not the data support the educated conjectures or hypotheses that are developed after a careful study of the problem situation. REPLICABILITY Our hypotheses would not have been supported merely by chance, but is reflective of the true state of affairs in the population.
The Hallmarks of Scientific Research PRECISION AND CONFIDENCE Precision refers to how close the findings, based on a sample, are to “reality” Confidence refers to the probability that our estimations are correct OBJECTIVITY The conclusions drawn through the interpretation of the results of data analysis should be objective; that is, they should be based on the facts resulting from the findings from actual data. GENERALIZABILITY Generalizability refers to the scope of applicability of the research findings in one organizational setting to other settings. PARSIMONY Simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problems that occur, and in generating solutions for the problems, is always preferred to complex research frameworks that consider an unmanageable number of factors. 9
Norma Komunitas Ilmiah 1. Universalism: Penelitian dinilai semata-mata atas dasar sumbangannya terhadap ilmu pengetahuan; tanpa melihat pihak yang melakukan penelitian dan tempat penelitian dilakukan 2. Organized Skepticism: Ilmuwan harus selalu bersikap kritis dan berhati-hati dalam menerima ide baru 3. Disinterestedness: Ilmuwan harus netral dan terbuka terhadap hal-hal baru.
Norma Komunitas Ilmiah (lanjutan) 4. Communalism: Pengetahuan ilmiah harus disebarluaskan dan dimiliki bersama. Temuan ilmiah merupakan milik publik yang dapat digunakan oleh semua orang. Proses riset harus dipaparkan secara rinci 5. Honesty: Merupakan norma budaya yang utama bagi seorang peneliti dan ilmuwan. Ketidak jujuran merupakan tabu besar.