András RÁCZ Last Update: May 2008 Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs Western-NIS, EU Security and Defense Policy, Hungarian foreign and security policy
EMPLOYMENT 2007 2007 2006 2003 - 2006 2006 2004 - 2006 2004 - 2006
Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs Guest lecturer, Pannon University, Veszprém Guest lecturer, NATO PfP trainings, Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University Research Fellow, Teleki László Institute Guest lecturer, Matthias Corvinus Collegium of Excellence Guest lecturer, Eötvös Collegium of Excellence Guest lecturer, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences
2004 2004
Ph.D. in Modern History and International Relations, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences (Thesis : The Development of the EU Military Capabilities 1999-2004) M.A. in History, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences M.A. in Political Science, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences
FELLOWSHIPS AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Spring 2008 (TSPMI), Spring 2007 Summer 2006 Winter 2006 Summer 2005 Summer 2005 Poland Autumn 2004 Summer 2004 Autumn 2002
Institute of International Relations and Political Science Vilnius, research scholarship Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), internship Minsk State Linguistic University, Russian language studies ISODARCO Winter School, Andalo (Trento), Italy (The War on Terror: Results and Costs from Europe to Central Asia.) Vidzeme College, Baltic International Summer School, Valmiera Villa Decius Association, Visegrad Summer School, Krakow, Dom Europejski, Opole, Poland (European Integration and the EU enlargement - European security) Yad Vashem Institute, JOINT Jewish Distribution Committee, "Tolerance" Award and research internship, Jerusalem Beloit College, scholarship, Beloit, USA
coordinator, Visegrad Strategic Grant, (Strenghtening Visegrad Cooperation via Foreign Policy Research - Chanelling
Experiences, 2006 - 2007
2006 - 2007
and Learning from Each Other) national coordinator, Soros Foundation, (Exchange of experience between Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine in the fields of ethnic minority policy human rights and security policy) project manager, ICDT, (Strengthening Democracy in Belarus through Training and Education)
Over 40 conferences, in Hungary and abroad (Paris, Vienna, Prague, Kiev, Chernivtsi, Chisinau, Cluj-Napoca, Krakow, Krynica-Zdroj, Vilnius, Tallinn, Riga, Lund, Stockholm, St.Petersburg)
MEMBERSHIPS Hungarian Military Science Society, Military History Division Federation of Regions (2004 - 2006) Scientific Student Association of International and European Studies Student Committee of the Eötvös József Collegium of Excellence, president (2003 2004)
PUBLICATIONS BOOK CHAPTERS "A posztszovjet térség, mint biztonságpolitikai kihívásforrás" [The Post-Soviet Region as a Security Policy Challenge] (co-author), in: Péter Deák (ed.): Biztonságpolitikai kézikönyv [Handbook for Security Policy]. Budapest. Osiris. 2007. pp. 348-383. "Hungary: The Foreign Policy Element in the Parliamentary Elections", in Pavel Sradin and Eva Bradová (eds.): Visegrad Votes: Parliamentary Elections 20052006. Olomouc. Palacký University. 2006. pp. 38-58. "EU and Visegrad: The Foreign Policy Consequences of the Elections" (co-author) in: Pavel Saradin and Eva Bradová (eds.): Visegrad Votes: Parliamentary Elections 2005-2006. Olomouc. Palacký University. 2006. pp. 188-209. "Végtelen történet - a Moldova-Transznyisztria konfliktus" [Never-Ending Story - The Moldova-Transnistria Conflict], in: Államok és államkudarcok a globalizálódó világban. [States and State Failure in a Globalizing World] Teleki László Institute Centre for Foreign Policy Studies. Budapest. 2006. pp. 146-71. f
"Az Európai Unió szerepvállalása a balkáni válságok kezelésében" [The Role of the European Union in the Management of the Balkan Crises], in: Viktor Árvay, Erzsébet Bodnár and Gábor Demeter (eds.): A Balkán és a keleti kérdés a nagyhatalmi politikában [The Balkans and the Eastern Question in Great Power Politics] Budapest. Hungarovox. 2005. pp. 242-65. "Az Európai Unió els önálló katonai akciója Európán kívül: az "Artemis" hadm velet" [The First Independent Military Action of the European Union outside Europe - Operation Artemis]' in Béketeremtés-Békefenntartás [PeacemakingPeacekeeping] Kodolányi J ános F iskola. Székesfehérvár. 20 0 5. pp. 148-160.
ARTICLES IN REFEREED JUORNALS Foreign and Security Policy "Az EU Belarusz-politikája, és a belarusz EU-politikák" [The Belarus-Policies of the EU and the EU-Policies of Belarus], in Kül-Világ, 2008/1. pp. 4870. "Adalékok az iráni katonai fejlesztések hátteréhez" [Comments on the Background of the Military Technology Developments of Iran], in Elemzések, Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University Strategic Defense Research Centre, 2007/3. pp. 1-5. "The self-dividing Belarusian Opposition"] "Changes and Opposition in Belarus One Year after the Presidential Election" (coauthor), in Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, Newsletter, Vol. I. No. 2. p. 10. "Az Európai Unió keleti külpolitikája - demokrácia vagy stabilitás?" [The Eastern Foreign Policy of the European Union: Democracy or Stability?], in Kommentár, 2006/3. pp. 15- 27. "Az Európai Unió katonai akciója a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságban." [The EU's Military Action in the Democratic Republic of the Congo] (co-author), in Elemzések. Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University Strategic Defense Research Centre, 2006/2. pp. 1-6. "A rendszerváltás utáni magyar külpolitika válogatott bibliográfiája 1989-2005" [The Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Foreign Policy after the Transition. 19892005] (co-author), "A belarusz elnökválasztás eredménye" [Results of the Presidential Elections in Belarus], in Teleki Newsletter, Teleki Laszlo Institute Centre for Foreign Policy Studies. pp. 1-9. "Hungary: A Most Reluctant Ally" in Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 26. No.3. December, 2005. pp. 544-57.
"The EU Border Assistance Mission to Ukraine and Moldova: a Preliminary Analysis" in 11th Dec 2005. "Magyar biztonság- és védelempolitika Európai Uniós dimenziókban" [Hungarian Security and Defense Policy in European Union Dimensions] (co-author), in 30th September 2005. "Az ENSZ és az Európai Unió válságkezelési m veletei a Kongói Dem okratikus Köztársaságban" [UN and EU Crisis Management Operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo] (co-author), in Külügyi Szemle, IV. issue No. 2005/1-2. pp. 12-36. "A válságkezelési együttm ködés lehet ségei az Európai Unió szomszédságpolitikájában - a képességi oldal" [Perspectives of Crisis Management Cooperation in the European Neighbourhood Policy - the Capabilities Dimension], in Társadalom és politika, I. issue No. 1-2. May 2005. pp. 10-24. "Az Európai Unió katonai képességeinek fejl dése 1992-2004" [The Development of the Military Capabilities of the European Union 1992-2004], in Védelmi Tanulmányok, Centre for Strategic and Defence Studies, No. 80. 2005. p. 164. "A rendszerváltás utáni magyar külpolitika válogatott bibliográfiája" [The Selected Bibliography of the Hungarian Foreign Policy after the Transition, 1989-2004], in The Hungarian Foreign Policy, Teleki László Institute ''Centre of Foreign Policy Studies'', 2004, pp. 327-49. "A moldovai konfliktus rendezésének esélyei" [The Moldova-Transnistria Conflict: Possibilities of a Resolution], in Foreign Policy Papers, Teleki László Institute Centre of Foreign Policy Studies, No. 70/2004. September 2004. p. 34. "A védelmi ipar integrációjának helyzete az Európai Unióban" [Integration Tendencies in the European Defense Industry], in Foreign Policy Papers, Teleki László Institute Centre of Foreign Policy Studies, No. 59/2004. April 2004. 29 p. "A CESDP és a transzatlanti kapcsolatok jöv je" [The CESDP and the Future of Transatlantic Relations], in Köz-Beszéd. A Közpolitika melléklete, April 2003. pp. 911. "Eötvös M hely . Tanulm ány ok a XIX?XX. századi társadalom - és politikatörténetb l. Az Eötvös József Collegium Történelem M hely e" (szerk.) [Studies from the Social and Political History of the 19?20th Centuries. The History Cabinet of the Eötvös József Collegium] (ed) Budapest, 2002. Argumentum Publishing Co. - Eötvös József Collegium. "A köztársasági elnöknek a hadsereggel kapcsolatos jogairól" [About the President's Rights Related to the Army], in Magazine of Students of Political Sciences, Volume 3, No. 3. pp. 22?4.
Military History "Az izraeli páncélos er k m úzeum a (Latrun)" [The Museum of the Israeli Armored Corps (Latrun)], in Haditechnika (Military Technology), Issue 2005/4. pp. 86-7. "60 éve tette le a fegyvert Japán" [Japan Surrendered 60 Years Ago], in History Portal. Published on 15 August 2005. "Auschwitz-Birkenau bom bázásának katonai lehet ségei" [The Military Possibilities of Bombing Auschwitz-Birkenau], in Hadtörténeti Közlemények (Military History Bulletin), Vol. 117. Issue 2004/3. pp. 947-983. "Miért nem bombázták a szövetségesek Auschwitzot?" [Why the Allies Have Not Bombed Auschwitz?], in History Portal. Published in August 2004. "A német SdKfz 167. Sturmgeschütz IV-es rohamlöveg" [The German Sd.Kfz. 167. Sturmgeschutz IV Assault Gun], in Haditechnika (Military Technology), Special Issue, 2003. pp. 46-51. "A Luftwaffe.' A német nehézbombázó program" [The Luftwaffe. The German Heavy Bomber Program], in Élet és Tudomány (Life and Science), Volume 58, No. 38. pp. 1203-05. "Rodosz 1480-as török ostroma. A johannita lovagrend és a török terjeszkedés a Földözi-tenger keleti medencéjében" [The Siege of Rhodes in 1480. The Hospitallers and the Ottoman Expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean], in Sic Itur ad Astra, Volume 14, No. 3-4. 2002. pp. 41?84.
CONFERENCE PAPERS Foreign and Security Policy "The ENP towards Eastern Europe - Problems and Perspectives" in European Union and its New Neighbourhood: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities. Volume of Papers. Mykolas Romeris University. Vilnius. 2006. pp. 265-81. "Nations and Minorities in the Western-NIS region" (co-author), Working paper, in background material for the International Conference organized in the framework of the 'Minorities in transition' project of the International Centre for Democratic Transition. Budapest. 24th May, 2007. pp. 31-54. "Participation of the EU in the Settlement Process of the Moldova-Transnistria Conflict" in European Union and Its New Neighbourhood: Different Countries, Common Interests. Volume of Papers. Mykolas Romeris University. Vilnius. 2005. pp. 129-46. "Security and Defense Policy since Enlargement" in EU Enlargement - One Year On. Tallinn. Audentes University - British Council. 2005. pp. 42-51. "Possibilities of Crisis Management Cooperation in the Framework of the European
Neighborhourhood Policy" in European Union and its New Neighborhood. Volume of Papers. Mykolas Romeris University. Vilnius. 2005. pp. 92-106. "Egy 'ismeretlen' európai válságövezet: Moldova" [An "Unknown" Conflict Zone of Europe: Moldova], in Zoltán Kaponya (ed.): Adsumus III. Studies of the V. Eötvös Conference. Budapest. Student Committee of the Eötvös József Collegium. 2005. pp. 59-71.
Military History "Ingabom bázás ? a FRANTIC J OE hadm veletek" [Shuttle Bom bing. The FRANTIC JOE Operations], in János Bárth M. (ed.): Adsumus II. Studies of the IV. Eötvös Conference. Budapest. Student Committee of the Eötvös József Collegium. 2004. pp. 51-66. "A német éjszakaivadász légier a m ásodik világháborúban" [The Germ an Night Fighter Air Force in the Second World War], in János Bárth M. (ed.): Adsumus. Studies of the III. Eötvös Conference. Budapest. Student Committee of the Eötvös József Collegium. 2002. pp. 135?44.
MEDIA Approximately 30 interviews and talks conducted by different media organizations and companies. (, Info Radio, Hungarian Catholic Radio etc.). 'Orosz-belarusz kapcsolatok' [Russia-Belarus Relations], interview, Inforádió, Aréna, 2007.01.14. /www.inforádió.hu/arena/2277/
LANGUAGE SKILLS Hungarian English German Polish Russian Latin Lithuanian
Native Fluent reading,speaking reading,speaking readingspeaking reading basic