Chief, FEW
Acting Chief of Station, Karlsruhe
2 June 1948_
Operational Hungarian Intelligence Net
1. Inclosed is a proposal for a Hungarian: I5tólligence network under US sponsorship, submitted by farmer Hungarian intelligence officer, and last Chief of the Second Section of the Hungarian General Staff (October_loak) 2. LAJEO and a
the US Zone, app.ared at General in Munich on 19 Marc With complaints about the manner the US ::::::: te _ in which US intelligence agencies, es
lives in
operat ions into Hunga, rs y.AKO was interviewed by/ as
3. During the interview, i.A.K0 charged CIC and other agencies with insecurity, lack of substantial production, and loss of life due to loose operating methods. Instead, he proposed to organize a professional service, based upon his own former G-2 personnel. He was requested to put both his complaints and Els proposals in writing and return with them to the Consulate. The attached material is the result. 4. The translation of iLKO's proposal is an edited version of a rough job done by an ex-Hungarian employee of the Consulate. It was through this employee that =0 first approached the Consulate. A staff member of the Consulate has vouched for the translator's security. The latter's English leaves much to be • desired, and the translation is apt to be inaccurate in spots. . 5. A records check at Karlsruhe and EUCOM revealed that PARKAS is a leading personality among Hungarian emigreA in the US Zone, and that iA.K0 became a US IV in May 1945, as claimed. c/—
CLASSIFICATION Eng,Repro.Plaw-M.Oci47-288
- "'G1STRY
An WM/Pat rti 40( 1146.1-#§§1 1 1F II 6f OW II CTEILIL OVUM .At MY(
itifM§NtildeosEmiPtiOk hJ1WA CR IMES 01 sciOSURE ACt CAI( tope
svc.PET -2-
6. It is probable that other stations, especially Vienna, are familiar with the case, and we request advice on how to handle it from here on. ELKO Who lives in Innsbruck, French Zone of Austria, will reappear at the Consulate from time to time, and can be conveniently turned off or picked up.
Distribution: 2 - FBM (with all Inas) 1 - . Vienna (with English Incl) 1 - COB (with English Incl) 1(with EnglishIncl) 1 1 - Flles-Xwith English Incl)
ZAKO's proposal LAKO's curriculum vitae 3 maps and 1 financial proposal
German s
1 newspaper clipping
English s Rough translation of LAKO's proposal ZAKO's curriculum vitae from rough translation and direct interview.
Members of the anti-Bolshevik underground military organisation KOPJAS in Hungary, of which I am the leader, have advised me that numerous members have entered into various intelligence activities for the United States. I welcome this fact, recogniving our common goal, and seeing that many of my followers have been able to improve their living conditions through such work. When I learned of the disappearance or a great number of casual agents, I paid special attention to these events. After a thorough investigation, I must state the following weaknesses of US intelligence with regard to Hungarian (and through it Eastern European) affairs, which I. have the honor respectfully to point out: I. Intelligence Efforts in Hungary at Present. Both opposing sides have acknowledged the significance of intelligence operations in Hungary. Superficial information suggests that the Russians have developed their intelligence efforts exceedingly well. The US, on the other hand, although it is the nation most directly affected, has not yet made the extreme effort required by the importance of Hungarian intelligence and by the need to combat an extremely strong and effective defensive intelligence service. In detail: 1. The strentth of Soviet defensive intelligence: Strict leadership; coordinated, energetic execution; experts familiar with local circumstances. a. The Hungarian Communist leadership has been painstakingly cleaned of all undesirables in the fields of political, economic, and military operations. b. It maintains a political police of 100,000 men with almost exclusively defensive intelligence duties. c. The duties of the military political branch have recently been restricted to military intelligence.
SECRET -2 d.
The entire Communist party, down to house agents,
is doing defensive intelligence duty.
e. The critical western border is guarded not only by reliable Communist border police, but also by special political police and Russian military guards. f. Raids occur with increasing frequency in the border areas, and non-indigenous personnel cannot operate there. g. Only reliable Communists are allowed to leave the country. SZASZI Frigyes and NAGY Lajos died recently while attempting to cross the border. h. The population is frightened %intentionally spread rumors and blown-up espionage cases ( NKBSTITY, SZEGYI, KOVACS Bela, PEYER, PISKI, TOTE Janos, NEMET-FRITZ P41, and others). i. Hungarian emigre circles and DP centers are penetrated by well instructed and excellently equipped agents and investigators.
2. The weakness of US intellicence in Runearv. a. The activities of different US intelligence agencies (CC, OSS, Hq, etc) are coordinated neither in tasks, nor in territories. Both here and in Hungary agents hinder each other. b. American agents charged with conducting intelligence operations are only superficially acquainted with Eastern European conditions, not to speak of spiritual and other peculiarities. Not even the Germans had confidence in their own ability in this field and made constant use of Hungarian intelligence in Eastern European affairs. Hungarians employed as advisers by the Americans very rarely had previous intelligence experience. c. Many American agents employed in the intelligence service have had no experience. Frequent transfers and resignations have had particularly disturbing effects. d. Espionage agents are sent across the border without selec.ion; ability, training and appropriate equipment.. In the present intelligence jungles, each black marketeer and idler serves at the same time as a spy in return for a travel permit or a couple of packs of cigarettes. The results are miserable; agents frequently disappear; and the publicity is great.-
SECRET -3e. US intelligence, as can be proven, at least in its lower echelons, goes after quantity production. It should instead attempt to obtain quality production in view of the fearsomely well-organised Soviet defensive service. f. Frequent disappearances of US-employed agents cause much difficulty and offer profitable propaganda material to the Hungarian defensive services. g. This disorganired state of affairs is uneconomical. Agents working for hunger wages pad their material and sell it to many customers. Under these circumstances, it is very hard to estimate the value of information received. . h. The majority of willing agents work on a temporary basis. They quit if they see any danger, or if the job ceases to be profitable. Under these conditions it is feared that the intelligence service would not function in a critical period. The time has come to organi,e a professional service, before the iron curtain is rolled down entirely. I. The protection of agents working in Hungary, and counter-intelligence measures against Hungarian agents here, are not sufficiently effective. It took long weeks until an agent who had worked efficiently in Hungary and had bden forced to escape through no fault of his own, was absorbed into the German economy as a DP. It is characteristic of the deficiency of the intelligence situation that it is even ironically assailed by nonexert journalists. (See enclosed clipping from the Swiss "Die Wochenpost" of 14 February 1948.)
PROPOSAL I have the honor to propose the establishment of a separate Hungarian intelligence organi , ation in Central Europe, with experts and official agents, which would eventually operate In other countries of Eastern Europe also. Advantages. a. Experts familiar with Hungarian conditions, and able to do professional work, will then deal with the matter. b. There will be an end to superfluous publicity and bartering of information. c. The establishment of professional agents and their training will become possible. developed.
Leads of value from Hungary could be properly
SECRET _ 4 e. The procurement of intelligence would function during critical periods. puties of the Oreanir4tioa. The procurement of military, political, industrial and economic intelligence from Bolsharist-Ldominated areas. Spotting and recruiting of suitable personnel. Establishment of an uninterrupted flow of intelligence, and liaison in case of grave tension or conflict. Fields of Operation. 1. Directed at the Soviet Union. a. Using the countries surrounding the Eastern Block as a base for penetrating the territory of the Eastern Block itself. b. Similar use of other countries from which this task can be accomplished. 2. Directed at Hungary. Procurement of positive intelligence from Hungary, and using Hungary as a base for the penetration of surrounding . countries. Preparations for cooperation with Hungarian resistance organiTations willing to prepare for an active part in the , liberation. Cover. The most effective cover would be afforded by US business interests. Other cover may be obtained in registration offices for Hungarian DPs, welfare offices, Hungarian industrial police units, etc. Ortanivation. See enclosure (charts). Employment. By individual contracts. If my proposal is received favorably, I shall obtain the necessary professional personnel. III. Supportins Arguments. 1. The significance of Hungarian Intelligence. Hungary is in a decisive position from a militarypolitical and an intelligence point of view. 11.,1
sEC14 -5a. , Her geographical position puts her in a key spot in any Soviet action aimed at Austria, Italy (Trieste), or the Balkans (Greece). b. Hungary is crossed by the main transportation routes in these directions. c. Hungary- is the air base of Central Europe. There are a great number of air fields, favorable weather conditions, etc. d. Her machine, aluminum (bauxite), and chemical industries are significant war-economic factors. e. Hungary is the most intransigeantly anti-Communist country in Central Europe. f. Through her national minorities in surrounding countries, she is able to penetrate this area deeply. 2. The Sirnificance of Runrarians in Intellirence. As a result of World War II, the most valuable Hungarian elements were scattered almost over the whole world. This is a regrettable fact from the Hungarian national point of view, but the eyes of the soldier and intelligence expert perceive and exploit the idle forces and possibilities created in this situation. One characteristic of the strong national feeling among Hungarians is that they will never become indifferent to the fate of their country, and are always ready to act for its liberation. Hungarians require no convincing propaganda against Bolshevism, because they are well acquainted with its destructive practises. The hatred Hungarians have for Russian bolshevism can be exploited and will result in valuable information, especially through contacts with their brethren living in the countries of the west. These statements are not pure theory, but are based on experience in the intelligence service.
20/-/)174 Name:-Xnal_taggss. Alias: Date of Birth: 23 March 1898.
__ICEI_Layan. With alias: Same.
Place of Birth: Brasov (Hungary). With alias: Koloszvar (Hungary). Address: Under alias in Innsbruck, French Zone of Austria, Solbad Hall, Absom. Cover profession on papers alternately given as laborer and lawyer. Papers for his alias were issued by French who know his real identity. Subject's father was an engineer who died in
Subject completed the Military Academy and was commissioned an officer in the Austro-Hungarian army in August 1916. After fighting in Galicia against the Russians in the first war, he remained in the Hungarian Army as a 1st Lt. after the defeat. He became an intelligence officer, went through the Special Military Academy, and became a General Staff Officer. 1938: Chief of the General Staff (?). 1939-40: Chief of Genera/ Staff of Supreme Defense Council. (?) 1940: Mobilisation. Chief of the General Staff's Special Branch (press, propaganda, sabotage).
1940-42: As
Lt. Col. of the General Staff, Commander of the Military Academy.
1942-43: General Staff commander of VI Corps.
1943-44: Commander
of 27th Light Div. of First Hungarian Army, defending the Carpathians against the Russians.
October 1944: Chief of the Intelligence Service and the Home Defense Center. In that capacity he organi,ed the anti-Bolshevist "KOPJAS" stay-behind movement. Rank of General.
1945: US captivity. January 1946: Re-enteved
Hungary illegally to revive KOPJAS. Stayed until May 1947, under cover as a protestant minister.
, v-
971 -
SECRET -2Claims is resistance movement has 35,000 members, now inactive, including some 50 - 60 trained intelligence personnel placed in various cities of Hungary, several with government jobs. Also claims to have a following of some 1,000 Hungarians outside Hungary, of whom 20 - 30 are trained inte/11gence personnel. Says 12 - 16 couriers to Hungary are available. Subject said that the French IS is interested in him, but that he would prefer to work for the US. He also stated that his sole previous contacts with US intelligence consisted of interviews with a Mr. Jacob of CIC Passau, and a Mr. Ringer of CIC Sal-burg. (There is no record of these conversations on file at EUCOM).
XAVASLAT, A kelet-eurdpai hirszerzisnek magyarokkal vald vigrehajtasars.
' Tavaslat•a Szovjet elleni Kelet-Eurdpa-i hirszerzis megszervezieirel / A javaslat tev5 a magyar vezirkar hirszerz5 osztdlyanak egyik volt „ vezetoje. Curiculum vitee-jit 'az elsa melliklet_tartalTazza.. / A vezetisem alatt d116 antibolsevista magyar.ftildalatti katonai mozgalom, az ugynevezett " Koppis szervezet tagjaiva1 . va16 irintkez5seim soran megdllapitottam, hogy szAmos tag killOnbOz5 U.S.A. szerv hirszerz5 tevikenysigbe kapcsah6olattebe„ Ezt Ortimmel fogadtam,. mert a .kOztis cil mellett az ilyen munka'rivin eMbereim 41etlehet5siOn is tOanyitte lIttam. nillintisebben azonbanekkor figyeltem fal ; a delgokra, amid5n. Magyar..orszagrO1 nag7obb szdmu'ilyen alkalmi hirszerz5egy4n lebukds5r51 kept= hirt. A dolgok tftetesebb tanuloadnyozdaa kOzepette az U.S.A. hirszerzisnek magyar / is ezen a riven keleteurOpai / vonatkozdsaiban aldbbi gyengesigi --momentumait-allaoitottam meg, amit legyen szabad tisztelettel el5adnom , I. - A jelenlegi magyar vonatkozasu hirszerzia. A magyar hirszerzda fontossdgAt a szembennallO felek feliamertik. Ameddig azonban a rendelkezaare 6.116 felfiletes adatok fis 6rtesa14eek azerinta Szovjet az elhdritc5 rendezeret a legnagyobb AtikEllyre fejleszt-i .tette ki, addig az U.S.A. , mint eleaorban firintett 1'51 mig nem kOvetett el mfndent, emit a magyar hirszerzis fontossdga is az igen_erfis elh4ritds lekUzddse megkivdnna. Riszleteiben 1./ A.Szovjet elhdritaz ereje: • Feszes vezetis, Osszehangolt, erdlyes vigrehajtds, a viszonyokkal ismerOs . szakemberek, a./ MO-i koMmunista vezetis e le:i.1r 1.11tekint5,bb ciltudatossdggel, kistipOrte a politikai, állajnL, gazdastigi is katonai ilet 1etir51 a neki megbizhatatlan szemilyeket. • b./ A 100,000 fa kitev5 politikalrendOrsigen belll in vilogatott tekintilyes alakulatot.tart fenn, kimondottan deffenztv szolgdlatok elldtd•
. c./ A Icaonapolitikai osztaly f5 fe1adatdt4 a katonei deffenziv szolgdlatot tettik. • •• d./ Az egisz c kommunista part a hdzmegbizottakig lemen5leg a deffenv rizolgz1tba4 von Allitvo. . e./ A legveszilyesebb riugati hatdrt nempsak megOizhet6 kommunista hatararsiggel 5rizteti, de killOnleges politikai rend5r alskulatokkell is o-
rosz katonsi Orsigekkel is biztositja. / 0rosz csapatok elhelyezise. / f./ A liarzindbon, ahbl ecyre : .7a.korib'elc-lerznek- e rezzi6k nen ottIek6nak. mozogni nen lehet. L./ Az orszdgot csak kommunista szem p ontb61 teljesen meblzhat6k • ..hagyhatji.k el legdlisan. 7 Hat:r :Atlrie.:eOzben isAletit vesztette Szazi Frigyes, ragy Lajos ic mdsok.A fegyver hasznAlOnak mindig h
jutalom jr. Stb, / h./ Leleplezett, vagy felfujt hirszerz5 Ugyek dobra vervelal7
land:San izgalomban tartjAk vz e11C3rit6, szervezetet is megfilemlitik propsgandisztikusan a lakassagot. / PLin1th, SzUgyi, Kowiss Bile, Peyer, Tdth Ianos, rimet-Fritz Pal, stb esete. / .1./ Ugyesen eligezitott is tekiletesen felszerelt 17:11.tet6ital is aganozditO1 hemsegnek a megyar emignIticis is D.P. kezpontok. 2,/1 4tz USA.maaar vonatkozasu.hirezerzeaftAkgyengije: Sz1tes5, a myar problame el6tt t8.naestalatul:a116 vezet6kkel is alkelmatlen, kikipzetlen emberekkel vigzett tbmegmunkat: a./ A legkillönbdeat hirazerziesel:foglalkotd szervek / CIC., OSS., HQ., Itb/ . munkaja sem feladatokban, sem teraletekben nem 5sszhangolt. / Kint is otthon egyms terUleteibe belenyulva, az adott k6r11 4ainyek khz5tt szolgalAatot vd11a16 kevis szem41Ort versengve:sokszor ogyms e Len futnak versenyt. Konkritum, hogy hzzameneteli szandikt dobrevert e8y-nimet vonalt61 kapott ajdnletot./ tiszt rOvid ldBn beltil harot , • b../ A r hirezerz6S iezetisiVel megbizott USA kftegek sokszor mg - feIdletesen . Sem ismerik a Magyar f's keltteurbPai viszonyokat,: nem besz5lve az egiszen $ajAtsigos lelkiagr6l e *-adottedgokr6i.. Ezen a tirtn:. Mig a kon• :.tinentalit ndmetek sem voltaic egiimen otthon t,Is ligy a hdburu e35tt, thint • latt illanddan iginybe vettik a ma=ar hirsmerzst 17.e1eteurdila-i vonatkozdsban. / E hirszerz6 szerveknil tandcsaddkIntalkaImazott magyorok k5zUI Osak egLiszen elenyisz6 szamban vinnak,skikvalaha is dorgomtakandrszeriisben. / c./Szdmos hirszerzisseI megbizott amerikai szemily e szakMaban teljesen-jdratlan. / KU1OnOsen zavvrdlag hstnak a gyakori 1e/d1tAsokkal is g thelyezisekkel jrci szemily cseri-k.; d./ A hirszerzire vllalkozh szemIlyeketvalogstIls, ratermetts4g, kikipz4s Is kell6 felszerelis vetik be. /Az uralkodd hirszerz6 dzsunrelben ma minden feketiz5,kinden Munkakeria6 legalAbb kit helyen hirszerz5 is, ski egy-egy utatdsi engedilyhrt vagy egy-kIt doboz cinrettdirt hirt is szerez. AZ eredminy siliny, lebukasulc cyskori, viszont e16rma annd1 nagyobb,/ e./ Az USA hirszerzIs megdllapithatdan - legalbb is ells& to- kimondotton mennyisigi, holott a filelmetesen jl szervezett Szovjet elhdritassal szemben ketelezden esak e gondosan el5kiszitett min5siginek volna szabad mUkedni. / Hinosen CIC., melyik ne dolgozna lega.lbb et-hat Ugynekkel./'. f./ A gyakori lebukasok so!': 1:ellemetlensigne!: kipezik forrasdt;elijesztik a komoly, otthoni tippeket is hasinos anyagot szolltetnak
. e6.‘
a deffenziv. propaganda-ak
• / A z6m i ben fiatal vállalkoadk ismeretsigi kiire Otthon ezonos. El6fordult, hogy egy megkapaszkodott drtikesebb tipphez ardnylag rbvid 1d6 alatt francia, angel, is hArom kUl6nb6z6 USA. vonalril forclultak ajdnlattal. Erthet6, hogy egyiket sem vdllalta. / g./ A azdtfoly6 Munka gazdesagtelan. Az Ohberert hirszerzisre vd1 lalkoz6 t6bb helyen irtekesiti is 6ssz-e-vissza cserin anyagdt. Ilyenforman - a hir validisdgénak bemetazise igen megnehezUl. h./ A hirszerz6 egyinek z6me alkalmi; a munkdt &mak Atmenetileg vdllelja, ameddig abban 1cUl6n6sebb veszilyt nem 1át, vegyipmeddig rd. van -ezorulva. Ilyen kbrUlminyek ktabtt f616, hogy a kritikus 1d6pontban a hir-
-szerzes nem fog mUk6dni.' Az 1d6 is sUrgeti a szakszeril hirszerzes mogszervszisit, a vasnee:Stip teljes legeordUldsdig. Ekkorralftervezetaak, ki.1cel1 pfflve lennie es mUk6cl6sre kdszen kell Allnia, i./ Az otthon munkAt vallalik videlme is az otthoni Usyn6k6k elleni elhdritds nem elig slOpos. /Bcoszu hetekbe kerUlt, ameddig egy otth'on eredmenyeten mUk6- d6 szemily, aki sajdt hibtijAn kivUl volt kinytelen kisz6kni, meg car& P. ilet Alta/ nyujtottakban is elhelyezkedhetett./ a A hirszerz6 helmet hidnyoesdgaire jel1emegy-mig s nem szakember ujaAgird is irbnialelva-pertraktdlja, amint azt e eveici " Die Wochenpost " cimU lap 1948. februir_14.-i-smdmAnek ideme1/6keli cikke is bizwayit. II. Xavaslat. Tiaztelettel javaslom -0 npiprEnr6pdban mUk6d6 legmagasebb USA. hirszerz6 szerven belUl 6nnA116_magyar hirszerz5 szerlaa litesAgset szak' emberekb61, hivatdaos hirszerz6kkel, melY a magyar vonatkozdau hirszerzist esetleg az seism Kelet-Euripeit egysigesen vezeti. - -. E16nyed : a./ 'X magyar helyzettel ismer6s szakemberek kezibe kertil , az Ugy ds lehet5v6 vdlik iszakeserti munka. b./ MegszUnik a feles1eges ldrma, hirbdrze is linyegesebbenlkisell lesz a lebukAs. Meglesz a 1ehet5sig a hivatdsoe hirszerz6 eg#inek bevetisire,' illetve ilyenek kikipzisere. d./ Bekaposel-hatók lesznek az otthon eddig visazehuz6d6 rtikes --tippek, midltal a min6sigi munka biztositva lehet. e./ Ezen a riven a hirazerzis a kritikus id6ben is biztosMott - Inez. A szerv feladata: 'A boltevizatssai szembeni katonai, politikai, ipari, 6e . gezdasdei felderit i s v3grehajtdsa. Erre alkalmae egyinek felkutatdia, beAllitdee is mUkddtetise. Egy eeetleg bed116 sulyos feszUltsig, vagy konfliktus ese-
n a felderit•Is
-- tovdbbm. Likbh.r./ Inztosit&sa ... •
IdUkOdist terUlet: • Szovjet viazonyle tban 2./,:gyarorszagi viszomrlatban, ••
1••••„ 1.7
1-hez el A tolseviota.. tirdekkOrbe tartoz6 allemok /kele.ti blokk/
onszAgokb01 lciindulva behttolas a blokk teril1et5ra. arezagokban,-.melyekben 1ehet6sg nyib/ Azonos
. 11.1c-• a-•teladat megoldg:sAra.•• • •
Mag,, , arorszligon is bnna.n • kindurve. a' ktizvetlen kOrnycz.5 Jill:amok- • L'.ea:•••aroroz,Agi olyon ktirOkke.1..',valt5 egy.Uttmiikbd,5.e
ban val6
hajland6k adett esetben a- felezebadit6 • er5k sztimars cmelekvaleg, ' ..4; • lajt enkiszi tent, illbettLye .a telszabr, ditashan magu.k kOzrem(Akadni. • -Re • t4s-: •v.ez.et4s•-•alatt:411:.:5-.• A lege5lszertibb ra6don, mely .lehet: iranyittls -alatt 6116. saervezet magyar D.P. -. • kereekedelmt vallalat, ••j.s. nyilvantartasara,--lellet.',161.iti menekilltekt-5zminy 16kItircndeltaige, magyar • 6r.alakulat tif•rzse esttit.: •Szervezes. : • A masbdi!..: -szamu. mell4klet szer•int.'• • ••• A :szemalyzet alkalmaztatasa: Szerz6d4s ale/pp:in. Javaslatom el-fogadtatlsa eF• s szUkeiges szr,kazerni13'rzetet a szervezet szan.:Ira ren.delkez . IndokolLis. . • • _ .. • • • .• :magyar.. h.irszer_z-ie Tontos sap.. .. Magyarors.zig a .j-elenlegi ,katonapalitikai.,telyzetben.•h.irsze.rz6 • vonatcoz-Anban dOnt5 szerepet.- ti-.51 ,t, bet. .. • -• • -
• i) atif
a./ FOldrajzi fekvise kiivetkeztiben kuluspozielOt jelent minden ausztriat, olaszorszagi : -/Tr :leeztlybalkani ./GOrb-gor.azitg/. iranybn tervezett szovjet al:ci6ben.
i L.
b./ Az ea, irti•nyokb,a vezeti5-. k-Ozlekedisi :vonalak legfontoaabbjai raj-to vezetnelc keresztfil. /Vasut viziut/ Fontossagukat -az , er6ltetett • ha-.dAszati kOzlekedisi undipitisek elkigge.,:tizonyitjak.:. • •
_.. • .• •
c ./ Kijzip-Eurcipa repLa6c.lopja. /1,1agysttimu:ki rlpitett - :reptil5tere, •Icodvez.5 •i•-d-Oj tiras-k•viazonyai 6 . a .ilieraanyagtorrOsei•./.--::.. d. / G.5p, c.:1,urainium vegri pare , jelent6s:•hodice:zdastiai ttirzrezOk.e ./ Az Osszes kOz incur6pai .11am.ok kOzU1 a leg1ntranzing.enseben kommunistr, egyetlen • f kbrnyez6 6.11amokbe ca ,31yen. bele tud
neweti. kisebbs,igel •r i-7 in sz beszes 1 .f
Ars ' •
• 4. A maaar
modik v13 jr....boru kdvetkez7 A msrc:rsc: lertilzesebb r4sze tben ty 7,61vdn az e L;isz zz4trz6r6dott. Bdrmennyire szomoru tiny is mngyar nemzeti szemnontb61, r ketone 4s szekirt5 szeme ebben helyzetben is meTlAtje :rt4keli kihaszndletlan cr6t 4s lehet3sgeket. A megys:r cr5s nemzeti i. z.3s;nek egyik racznyilvAnulasa, hogy az idegen kOrnyezet is neniz viszonyok cem tudjAk kOzOmbdrsi tenni hszd.ja sorsaval szemben ir 1,:szen All mindig, hoizy ennek felszabeditAsd6rt ceelekedj5k. A magyarnak nem !cell sem felvingosit6, tern meggy6z5 propaganda a bol•evi .zmus ellen, mert annak gyakorlatt elkalma: volt -van megismernie otthon. A nyugeti hatalmak minden er•feszitise r viligot fenyeget5 vesz611yel szemben bel5le cg7Utt5rz4st ha !icy kell cselekv5 egyUttmUk6(List vdlt ki. F5leg sz::mos _rtikes hirforrdst'. ad ez orosz bolsevizmust 1516 magyorsg, he.scjt nyuaeton 11v5 vireivel kern e tiren 1-• rintkezisbe. Az elmo .ridottak nem jelntenek 3.rileti. fejtegetist, t..rnem ip p e hirszerz6 szolgAlatb61 leszUrt tepasztalctokon elapuld megAllapitAsoket. C7
) (:5a.=•-•-r A r.iyar vezirer hirszerz5 osztAlyAnak volt venP:t6je.
or:1Z 1.`"Ibitt,
1.számu melldklet.
Curriculum vitae. Nevem: reszneki Zdk6 Andras. SzUlettem 1898.mrcius . 23-An Brass6ban, Magyarorszigon. ApAm mirndk volt, 1938-ban halt meg, anybin meg 1931-ben. Katonai tanulmanyaim vigeztivel 1916. aug. 18-dn avattak tisztti Budapesten a Honvid Ludovika Akedimidn a 24. szikely gyalogezredhez. Tanulmdnyeimat mindvigig jeles ill. kitdn6 aredminynyel vdgeztem. Az e1s6 vildghAborut 1916-18-ig megszakitds nilkUl az els5 vonalban Ilarcoltam vigig, mint szakasz is szzaciprancsnok a 24, szikely gyelogezredben is a 38. rohamzAsz16e1jb8n. Az orosz hadszintiran, kelet Oalicidban is az olasz hadszint:ren a Hitkdzsig dr'ennsikon harcoltam. Ez id5 1att kdvetkez5 hadikit(lntetiseket kaptam: Tiszti ezdst vitizsigi irmet, III.o.-u katonai irdemkeresztet a hadidiszitminnyel is kardokkal, 8Z EzUst is Bronz katonei irdemirmet, KAroly-csapat keresztet, HabOrus emlikirmet. A hdboru uttin, mint f6hadnagy a magyar vezirker mdsodik osztdlydn, mint hirszerz5 tiszt teljesitettem szolgdlatot, majd ismit csepetszolgdlatot, mint szdzadpk. a 9: gyalogezrednil, mai d vezirkeri kikipzisemmel kapcsolatosan a mdsodik Tdbori tUzirezrednil. • A Hediakadimia elvigzise utdn ismit a vezirkar mdsodik osztdlyanak hirszerz5 alosztdlyanAl teljesitettem szolgdlatot, majd a budepesti I. Hadtestpkag. vezirkari osztAlydn a kikipzis vezet6je, majd mind vezirkari 5rnagy a vezirkari osztdly vezet6je voltam. Az 1938-as Csehszlovikiai mozg6sitds soran a ).k6nnyd A , hadosztdly vezirkari f5n6kekint milk6dtem. 1939-1940-ben a Legfels5bb Honvidelmi Tandcs vezirtitkdrsagdnak vezirkeri f5n6ke voltam, mint vezirksri alezredes. 1940,4 Romania elleni mozg6sitis soran a . t6parancsnoksAg kiildnleges csoportjAnak /sajt6, propaganda is szabotage Ugyek/ voltam a Vezet5je. 1940-42-ben a Hadi Akadimilin, mint vezirkeri.ezredes -a hadmUveleti vezirkari szolgdlat cimd tantargy tendra voltam. •; 1942-43-ban a debreceni VI. Hadtestnek voltam a vezdr-: kari f6n6ke. 1943 8szin a marosvAsarhelyi 27. szikely k6nnydhadosztdly narancsnokdvd neveztek Id. 1944. mareius 21-in mozg6sitottdk a . hadosztallyt, mely felvonult az oroszok ellen as '.iszakketeti Kdrpdtok-. ban. Hikiben kapott kitUntetiseim: Magyar .E:rdem.rend Tiszti keresztje, D:Igyar 'rdemrend tovegkeresztjeignum Laudis, Erdilyi Emlikirem. . Hadi beosztisban mint hadosztAlyperencsnok r szt vettem 6 K&rpdtok videlmiben, ezutdn a Tisza ,,M100:7.: val6 visPzavonuldsban Erdilyen keresztUl. 1944. okt3beriben a vezir)::ar masodik osztdlyAnak is az Allamvidelmi K6zpontnak lettem a vezet5je is az voltam as 6sszeomlAsig... Ebben a min5sigben alapitottam meg is szerveztem "A koOds" mozgalmat a bolsevistak ellen. Ekkori rendfokozatom vezir5rnagy volt. 1945. mdjus mdsodikdn az . USA 5. hadosztdly fogsdgaba kcrultem. A mdsodik vildghdboruben szerzett hadikittintetiseim: Magyar irdemren d y_dzipkeresztje hadiszalegon kardokkal, Tdzkereqzt kerdokkal, II.o-u Vimet Veskereszt.
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Spionage in den Trlimmern von Berlin Barite 1M Winter NM: Walnut, ileheitodtanates bottagee. halt or ens:. -Home Maar tree:Wen Maatd. Zu Oboe. Made/son end swei iunge Bnainhan gionanbt eines toil Zynianus 'stn. tone nod see dann alma denoted: :WNW. Sole flume. *twee ',broom hareageholt mid steam Welt
teaelo. von debriger Labour:tier bolt. tieob erlenchteten Vends: Totentanz billiger Litho in verltweenen Luttschetzkellern: tifsekenzenber dee Schwarzhandele m rehtlierodeo Nachttokalem und morgendlioben regenenseen Trammerstrailen. Si. Web Mellon irgendwo in den }Crater, Landechstten serlicreo uud Floraeeabbat dor Seim:mgt., .1a. es wird opioniert in Berlin. Din Gebel ni dbaste dor Beentannaw :nicht° mallet) unto:eh:wider in einem unerhiltliebes. wenn ouch friedbotMillen -Kempf". Illor gulteo :debt die AilLsozen der Oregon Polittk und Sep Weltetrategia titers/labile hetee die Miebte ihre Gehatianiese voreinander wad suehen wagekehrt In den Beate von (maiden za kommen. Dad dial hobos *a Ste otobt ,nOtig. Are eigenen Lents in dau Feuer der Onconsptonage debt:Ikea. Dor devitalize Seim — Care- oder ..Stalittpaketo- edeben both Inn Kern — tot etn TleadLanger nod or erbellet ewer oboe Begoteterung. shot In den toni• sten Men mit denteeher Gewissenbattigkeit. hBn aiptonageprolotarter" &pried Wit khans in edam Wohneng H a I exta•4. lialenisem dee :err Ma-
ma! elne tele* DOtrotid. howtakeri yen Kiassetranew die Wad Gabon 1929 die Nigel not tarblea. ale dlee tru gen Europa wash almutted tat, von Bankleme Fiimleuton und dem. wee Goebbole die „Infelligetesbestioa" neartto Dente let von der bransew Se, t rhstbmieierten die allerdings our node sin ine/aoesholleeber Drehorgekeng brig goWeber, &nob die Wohnung dos Dobaize:m*0ton Waller N., bet dem win uns 1:diadem. let nun eoch elohntw iettea von Ettbeadnest end raisarilehens Sindorwiechogeruch erMites Eiendequertier- Weller K.. oluunalivor Vonemsholletirer
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'idiot end titer dem eta.. Dinblete ale detn etees Spionagegewaltigen idludeludou Oesicht *Wench ..tarko mac ps Erregueg. „Aber", on eaten er setatmend hinzu. „ear babel) who Standee Tett und vithrend dieser tette allandin beandet stela der Agent bet einem ..Porctekolle geo-. d,r in iin ee re p Berliner Zone 'venni.. WI boben keine Sot no verlieren. kotnmee Sie eine belle Nocht. ho uiuorn nun lartunholo rortertigion llawitor Kehl sin dent:letter Sebutunanu wad unterhalt (doe atieterrid. &her Well, lIeb reeht ,roundenhafttleb tint einem dilater dreonblinkenden. unglaubliuh *Jarrett:tem Incilvithrum. Da or node•oe Wagons anitiehtlic wird, &prima or me nod gritit. die Reetito on der Matzo. die Linke ea der Bo. eminaht, In boner „StillgoolandenRattan; . Doe Jeep halt mit sobertem Ruck. NV koban rot einem hohen, vas den Donates vStlig vereshontee. antohninend maharani-DO:ion Moo Diner tier Soldaten will en tine lieusier peahen. ..Gravr ruruzabst thu der Offizier argerileb• Dann nitrunt or aim seiner Dome'teem aloe= telt Buorrizakan sowohl-
vezesboatto Sehillealbund, deli Soder Berntseittbreotier Lae um daises Bo clii beneiden witrdo Noah elaigon
Venn:ohm direct :deb dee Tor knarread. Wit &Wimp die dental' Tempe both. For other V7ohatusgelar, awl donee Wagon LitIllt dring VOTOCOM unser Poltseleinsnblatober desealbe Bpi& Aber man bat (h p anecheinend drInuen 031160: I l ia Tilt 01/uot
Geafebt tie die Wand Mellen. DIN Lelbeer nod Rensunt.orsnehun g be' g loat. die vulle deal Standen danera Wahroeddemen stein. der 01ileler enharte Fromm lot Tone nut. Ereuz. verhars an den Mann, der one die . Tar genffnot hat Dieser entwertet mit der energioehen Snapplzett eines • goton Plorottiochtere Dor Snag* Xfauu von, CM. mut) onbilealloh nitutiemo. be wird itichis votage gottirdert„ W ye Doke:neat.% botherhat BeDOE90 far nine Spiona getitiekeit Aergerilettee Tone. wird don. • entwoder onglaoklinben oder toot I loch gesehlekten Brant-linger dee Lieboebrietce beds:dot. daft at et& "no nun ab ieden sweiten Tag bob der Military-Polies lei midden babe.War die Thitglusit alter vier Go. • b &tad iaasto cut dent:ohm Radon heobeehtet hat, don send -anlehe 141,B* grids koineowage unbegreifiltib., Do dor Tat ist Spionago in Berlie..te WO Stadium getrano. darin akirsieb intolge Muir ItyportrOokte toil pel aufhobt. Win crinnern htebel our an don Fall Rine. Agent= eeph Schealler, von dote slob tioneas. otellta dcli or tatallohlteh tar alto vier allilertee Spionegoapparato arbeite. Witte. • Use aUsemeine Idifitranew.t.despuss anmittelbare Volga die ilbereptilia Bidonage ist, bat au elixir wangles*, don Deworganterition der iildiglast Menet° notalirL Nicht wanly/vela,' durrhenheittlinti MOOD anciersillad rehuldigungebriefo intuten tkilietrtiort Itsuntbdre dos CM. rein. Ihrokanaatid Matti allein beenhattigt eiwealleellektel lietzte 4.0 L Diu VortolguOg Edge 'U' tdesSIP rtionidawilit*riveoariorkitiik
und mit omen, ,.Was dean loo. goo: Diem hold:Wig° Brietlein labels:a di. Neebriebt, dai 4lt4Pe 11;estiltYenteitt kkkOttfos N flr doihmitaigish Woo in utwo lt . E.obtP ft atibtlaz Or- Delth..**4•11401, noobanillitaboismilko get, Affirialbkleamitio 6; rn I wornegilaioUlliaseti • -.whet," dele .eato .11, alb .Intartrat 115164SMIM*Tilket: jaiotut rtsit a ye 3441-14:11i(silki -1.1meor, "theSefunitNi, zrostu,ar: •tatiV4 atID it-,413.1ault -Memo.< 134 .410 /444469eCtii.b..
Chief of Station, Munich
8 July 1948
, Chief of Station, Viers
tellig!ce Net
: MINA-757, dated 13 January 1948; RCM -A -541, dated 2 June 1948; 187A1 #102; dated 22 June 19
1. Attached for your information is a copy of a memorandum from Source CJ regarding the MOMS organisation, as well as • copy of MAYA-757, which was not originally distributed to you.
Distribution: 2-Munich v2-Wash. 1-Earl. 3.-File
FORM NO. 51-28
(788) Druck: F. SAILER. Wien IX. Porzellugasse 43