Low Cost Rural Water Supply Slide 01-12 (15 min) from Lucy till 1960 Slide 13-24 (15 min) from 1960 till 2000 Slide 25-36 (15 min) from 2000 till 2050
At the end of this presentation please let us hear your idea’s about this subject
Afrika, Ontwikkelingshulp en China Veronderstelde voorkennis voor deze presentatie 1) De kaart van Afrika met de Rift Valley (100 mln jaar) Bodemschatten langs Rift Valley, meeste in Congo,Uganda, Rwanda 2) De eerste mensen woonden bij de Rift Valley (Lucy 3.5 mln jaar) Rondtrekkende veehouders. (naar Azië 2 mln, naar Europa 1.5 mln) 3) Afrikaanse koninkrijken, vee en slaven (pyramiden ca 6000) Strooptochten, daarna kolonisatie (1600) en missie/zending (1850) 4) Dromers: Martin Luther King (1963), Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela Schuldgevoel, ontwikkelingshulp, eigenbelang en misrekeningen. 5) China, nijvere (over)bevolking, zonder aardolie en/of grondstoffen Momenteel (2011) contracten met Congo c.a. voor “Afrochina” en verbetering van infrastructuur van buurlanden (exportwegen) 6) Chinese angst voor de toekomst in ca 2050, wanneer aardolie verbruikt en de Arabische wereld failliet is.
The Rift Valley
PEOPLE of AFRICA in total 1 billion colonial division (1885) ca 50 countries In total ca Tanzania Kenia Nigeria
3000 tribes 120 tribes 80 tribes 370 tribes
Tribal area Tribal language Tribal chief Village’s and family’s
(Kigoma 1871) Doctor Livingstone, I presume?
Missionaries, gold diggers, slave traders and war lords have been seen there for thousands of years
Village people without registration (number of houses)
a man is earning somewhere, some money, for some time the woman has a garden where she grows food for the family
no money trade
the purse, the savings and the pension
Cooking is a must
first savanna
then sahel
finally desert
Village school
Teacher’s place in the shadow
13 years, who is the father?
In a village there are boys and there are girls and both have their own responsibilities
in colonial times just “sisal” was the main crop
Nylon is cheaper and better Which crop, when the dry season takes 7 months?
Without a cash crop a government can’t build and/or maintain anything
Modern high ways and railroads from the harbour to the mining district can only be build by a mining company
water level may rise up to 5 m in the wet season
The long, long downhill progress
An old colonial water distribution system in villages
Is not anymore allowed by Nyerere
Ca 750 million rural population in Africa When agriculture, livestock, labour or minerals yields nothing of any value, the situation will not improve This situation can only be improved by outside influences (market) Beautiful dreams or gifts from missionaries or politicians will create just unrealistic expectations and disappointments What’s the consequence? A paid job (no matter for what kind of work) is accepted by everybody The ultimate dream/goal of most Africans is to leave the country for once and for ever.
Water supply for the rural populaton from a cattle pool
The government can not be responsible for the rural population
Water supply for the rural population
from a dry river bed
Swedish gift in 1970 2.500 pumps, total costs $ 7.5 million
By 1974 there was not a single pump in operation anymore Only 10 pumps could be repaired, All brass pump-cylinders were stolen (bracelets are sold) Wooden structures were used for fire wood, All risers/rods taken by local water office for other purposes
What has been constructed in the villages?
Mostly open wells, without lining, no cover, no pump Everybody uses her own dirty bucket and her own dirty rope In the well may be rubbish, a dead dog, cat or snake What can we do? Making a better well cpl with hand pump?
at what depth is the groundwater during the dry season?
The first requirement: a set of handdrilling survey tools, suitable for depth to 25 m, in stony soils
Is the groundwater suitable to drink?
There are generally two options: this groundwater or no water at all Is the inflow sufficient? Handpump 250 (people) x 20 l = 5000 l/d Villagers have black teeth? Too much fluoride? Too salty (NaCl) water: it may be stored in unglazed pottery? Some people prefer an open well, without a handpump.
Digging a water well (1) only if you cannot afford drilling equipment and/or you you cannot keep a handpump in operation
Water Level
(1) Dig conical pit to WL, build a brick wall, then lower rings till below WL (2) Dig a conical pit to WL, install the rings till below WL (3) Lower 115/100 cm rings till WL, then lower 90/75 cm rings below WL
Digging a water well (2)
Advantages Simple equipment and tools No special skills required No handpump required
Disadvantages Hard work when digging in stony soils and rock, Construction may take weeks to months Heavy transport required
well digging equipment inner mould
outer mould
a set of moulds
Drilling a (large diameter) water well (1)
A truck or trailer mounted drilling rig, suitable for stony/rocky soils is very expensive and you do need a (hand) pump on each well. The total cost of such a well may go up to over € 15,000. At this moment, just in Tanzania there is a need for another 50,000 to 100,000 wells. Who can afford this, just for Tanzania?
(Some € 1,500,000,000)
Drilling a (large diameter) water well (2)
With hand drilling equipment a group of just 10 men will do the job
noble gifts from local “service clubs”
indicating the shortest distance to civilization
A very big problem in Africa ph of water in lateritic (vulcanic) soils may be 4 to 6 The pump stand, the risers, the rods and the cylinder are constantly in contact with the water. Ordinary galvanished or pvc piping cannot be used. The riser is a thick walled 1½” and the cylinder inside calibrated 2” special high quality plastic piping The rods are 10 mm ss bar, with metric 10 mm thread connectors. A thin walled pe pipe is installed over the full lenght of the rods, to prevent scratching the inside of the riser The piston and the foot valve are high-quality valve units as used in a 200 bar hydraulic pumping unit
Pump stand “Kangaroo” maintenance free construction
The spring is pressed by the weight of a person. Small children can’t operate the pump if the water is deeper than 10 metres.
Handpump testing Spring type pumps Handle type pumps
All donor countries (7) for Tanzania, all Regions (25), all NGO’s (15), all missionaries, in fact all people in Tanzania and in Kenya, have their own specific ideas about the construction of a pump. In fact, there is just one good pump. It does not matter what it looks like, as long it operates properly and it is maintenance free for at least 25 years.
The SWN handpump suitable for depths to 25m continuously improved and thoroughly tested
SWN handpump
The moral of the story 1)The government can not take the responsibility for any construction in the rural area’s
2) a private owner will take care of his well 3) Water and vegetables could be sold
4) Let the well be a money maker and not the place from which one is infected by cholera or malaria
What can we do? 1) Clearing environs from mines and other explosives 2) Teach how to build small hand drilled wells 3) Train on management of small scale agriculture In general: Just buid privetaly owned constructions; No tarmac roads, no houses, no schools, no hospitals Don’t introduce any tool or equipment that requires special skill for operation or maintenance Introduce simple, low cost, sturdy, mobile, privately owned, solar driven radio’s and TV’s for educational use, which must be African proof for at least 25 years. More than 90% of all executed development projects in Africa during the periode 1965 – 2010 did not achieve the intended objectives
The Great Rift Valley
The soil of Congo: $24,000 billion worth of untapped resources
China’s interest
European Voluntary Services or Army Engineers - Given the power and proximity of China, India, Japan, Korea and Australia: Europe’s role in East Asia is a very modest one. - We must avoid involvement with Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other Asian oil states. Their dominance will be over in a short time. - Action by terrorists in Africa will be curtailed by the Chinese presence and their interest in resources. - At this moment there is equipment to locate physical features with a centimetre accuracy every where in the world and that is even capable to determine and record the occurence of underground water, minerals and disturbance of the soil profile. (roadside bombs)
samenvatting 1)
In midden-Africa, ten westen van de Rift Valley liggen de meeste en de grootste bodemschatten van de wereld.
China heeft zelf nauwelijks grondstoffen, maar wil zich tot de grootste industriële en economische wereldmacht ontwikkelen met gebruikmaking van Afrikaanse bodemschatten.
Tot 2050 is er nog aardolie voldoende, daarna wil China ook de grootste leverancier worden van apparatuur voor duurzame energie.
Congo, Uganda, Ruanda, worden door China verbouwd tot de meest moderne show-natie ter wereld, een centrum van toerisme, van kunst en cultuur, van theater en film, een ware opvolger van Hollywood.
De landen rondom “Afrochina” kunnen verder nog een bescheiden bestaan leiden als vazalstaat voor levering van grondstoffen en diensten
Misschien mogen speciale eenheden in de vazalstaten mijnen ruimen en de rurale bevolking de kunst van overleven bijbrengen.