This CD contains the following appendices.
Appendix 1: Approval of Human Ethics Committee (Victoria University of Wellington) (Phase 2) ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Appendix 2: Dean’s permission for Phase 2 .............................................................................. 4 Appendix 3: Ethics for Phase 2................................................................................................... 5 Appendix 3.1 Information sheet for students (Phase 2) ....................................................... 5 Appendix 3.2: Letter of consent for students (Phase 2) ........................................................ 9 Appendix 3.3: Information sheet for teachers (Phase 2) .................................................... 13 Appendix 3.4: Letter of consent for teachers (Phase 2) ...................................................... 17 Appendix 3.5: Information sheet for program directors (Phase 2) ..................................... 21 Appendix 3.6: Letter of consent for programme directors (Phase 2) ................................. 25 Appendix 3.7: Demographic questionnaire for teachers and programme directors (Phase 2) .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Appendix 3.8: Demographic questionnaire for students (Phase 2) .................................... 31 Appendix 3.9: Semi- structured interview questions for teachers (Phase 2) ...................... 33 Appendix 3.10: Stimulated recall interview questions for teachers Phase 2) ..................... 35 Appendix 3.11: Semi- structured interview questions for programme directors (Phase 2)36 Appendix 3.12: Focus-group interview questions for Students (Phase 2) .......................... 38 Appendix 4: Approval of Human Ethics Committee (Victoria University of Wellington) (Amendment, Phase 3) ............................................................................................................ 40 Appendix 5: Dean’s permission for Phase 3 ............................................................................ 41 Appendix 6: Ethics for Phase 3................................................................................................. 42 Appendix 6.1: Information sheet for student (Phase 3) ...................................................... 42 1
Appendix 6.2: Letter of consent for student (Phase 3) ....................................................... 46 Appendix 6.3: Questionnaire and interview questions for students (Phase 3) ................... 50 Appendix 6.4: A pair/group rubric (Phase 3) ....................................................................... 53 Appendix 6.5: Rubric for small group discussions (Phase 3) ............................................... 56 Appendix 6.6: Guideline for student self-reflection (Phase 3) ............................................ 58 Appendix 6.7: Student’s weekly journal reflection guideline .............................................. 60 Appendix 7: The 2002 programme for S1E .............................................................................. 64 Appendix 8: The 2012 programme for S1E .............................................................................. 68 Appendix 9: The 2009 programme for D3E ............................................................................. 73 Appendix 10: The 2013 programme for D3E ........................................................................... 75
Appendix 1: Approval of Human Ethics Committee (Victoria University of Wellington) (Phase 2)
Appendix 2: Dean’s permission for Phase 2
The address of the university
The name of the university
A stamp, a signature, and the name of the dean
Appendix 3: Ethics for Phase 2 For each ethics document, the English version will be presented first, and then the Indonesian version will be provided.
Appendix 3.1 Information sheet for students (Phase 2)
PARTICIPATION INFORMATION SHEET (STUDENT VERSION) Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
I am Fenty Siregar. I am undertaking a research project in order to complete a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). I have received approval from the VUW Human Ethics Committee to conduct this study. My PhD project investigates the role of English language teaching in developing intercultural understanding. I would like to invite you to participate in this study. Should you agree to participate in this study, I will observe you when you attend your class and copy your worksheets for the class. I will also invite you to join focus group interviews. The interviews will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you. All data will be gathered reported on a confidential basis and only I and my supervisors, Dr Jonathan Newton and Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, will have access to the data.
The results of the research will be anonymously presented in my thesis. You will not be identified in any way in the thesis, which will be publicly available. The research may also be presented at academic conferences, and published in academic journals, or books, also without identifying any participants. All collected data will be destroyed two years after the end of the project. Since your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to decline without giving any reason and withdraw any data provided, up to two months from the date on which you provide such data. In that case, the data collected will be destroyed. Both your participation and withdrawal will not affect your grade. If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at the information provided below. Thank you for your cooperation.
School of Linguistics and Applied Language
Fenty Siregar
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140
Dr Jonathan Newton
New Zealand
[email protected]
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
Lembar informasi keikutsertaan untuk mahasiswa/i (Tahap 2)
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
Nama saya Fenty Siregar. Sekarang ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian untuk menyelesaikan studi S3 saya di jurusan linguistik terapan di Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Saya sudah menerima ijin dari VUW Human Ethics Committee untuk melakukan penelitian saya. Penelitian S3 saya meneliti peranan dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam peningkatan pemahaman interkultural. Saya ingin mengajak saudara untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Jika saudara setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, saya akan mengobservasi ada ketika mengikuti kelas saudara dan mengajak saudara untuk mengikuti wawancara- wawancara fokus grup, Jadwal wawancara- wawancara akan disesuaikan dengan waktu saudara. Semua data akan disimpan secara rahasia dan hanya saya dan dosen- dosen pembimbing saya, Dr Jonathan Newton dan Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, yang memiliki akses terhadap data tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan ditulis dalam dissertasi saya tanpa menyebutkan nama- nama peserta penelitian. Identitas saudara tidak akan ditulis dalam dissertasi yang nantinya
terbuka untuk publik. Penelitian ini mungkin dipresentasikan di seminar- seminar dan dipublikasikan di jurnal- jurnal akademik atau buku- buku, tanpa mengidentifikasi peserta penelitian. Semua data akan dihancurkan dua tahun setelah penelitian ini selesai. Karena partisipasi saudara bersifat sukarela, saudara berhak menolak untuk menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini tanpa memberi penjelasan dan berhak berhenti dan mengambil semua data yang telah diberikan selambat- lambatnya dua bulan dari hari saudara memberikan data tersebut. Jika itu terjadi data saudara akan dihancurkan. Keikutsertaan saudara dalam penelitian ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara. Jika saudara memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini, saudara dapat menghubungi saya melalui alamat yang disediakan dibawah ini. Terima kasih atas kerjasama saudara.
Rincian Kontak Peneliti:
School of Linguistics and Applied Language
Fenty Siregar
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
Dosen pembimbing:
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Dr Jonathan Newton
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
[email protected] Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
Appendix 3.2: Letter of consent for students (Phase 2) School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Researcher: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LETTER OF CONSENT (Student Version)
1. I have read the Information Sheet for this study and have understood the procedure of this research.
2. I have been given an opportunity to ask and I have had my questions about the study answered to my satisfaction.
3. I understand that I have the right to ask further questions at any time.
4. I also understand that I am free to withdraw within a period of two months after I have given you information, or to decline to answer any particular questions in the study. 9
5. I agree to participate in this study and provide information needed by the researchers.
6. I understand that any information I give will not affect my course results in any way and will be under the conditions of confidentiality set out on the information sheet and pseudonyms will be used.
Participant’s Name
: _____________________________________
Participant’s Signature
: _____________________________________
If you would like to receive a copy of a written summary of the study at the end of the research, please tick here
and provide me your e-mail address to which this summary
can be sent:
Lembar persetujuan untuk mahasiswa/i (Tahap 2)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Peneliti: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Dosen pembimbing: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN (Versi Mahasiswa/i)
1. Saya sudah membaca Lembar Informasi dari penelitian ini dan mengerti prosedur dari penelitian ini.
2. Saya telah diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya mengenai penelitian ini telah dijawab dengan memuaskan.
3. Saya mengerti bahwa saya memiliki hak untuk bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini di waktu yang lain.
4. Saya juga mengerti bahwa saya bebas menolak memberi jawaban untuk pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini.
5. Saya bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dan menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti.
6. Saya mengerti bahwa informasi yang saya berikan tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai-nilai saya bersifat rahasia seperti disebutkan di Lembar Informasi dan nama samaran akan digunakan.
Nama peserta
: _____________________________________
Tanda tangan peserta
: _____________________________________
Jika saudara ingin menerima ringkasan tertulis dari penelitian ini ketika penelitian ini selesai, tolong beri tanda centang (√) dikotak yang disediakan disini email saudara untuk pengiriman ringkasan tersebut
dan tuliskan alamat
Appendix 3.3: Information sheet for teachers (Phase 2)
PARTICIPATION INFORMATION SHEET (TEACHER VERSION) Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
I am Fenty Siregar. I am undertaking a research project in order to complete a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). I have received approval from the VUW Human Ethics Committee to conduct this study.
My PhD project investigates the role of English language teaching in developing intercultural understanding.
I would like to invite you to participate in this study. Should you agree to participate in this study, I will observe your class and also invite you to be interviewed about the class and about your general approach to intercultural understanding. The interview will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.
All data will be gathered reported on a confidential basis and only I and my supervisors, Dr Jonathan Newton and Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, will have access to the data.
The results of the research will be anonymously presented in my thesis. You will not be identified in any way in the thesis, which will be publicly available. The research may also be presented at academic conferences, and published in academic journals, or books, also without identifying any participants.
All collected data will be destroyed two years after the end of the project. 13
Since your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to decline without giving any reason and withdraw any data provided, up to two months from the date on which you provide such data. In that case, the data collected will be destroyed.
If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at the information provided below. Thank you for your cooperation.
School of Linguistics and Applied
Fenty Siregar
Language Studies
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New
Dr Jonathan Newton
[email protected]
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
Lembar informasi keikutsertaan untuk dosen (Tahap 2)
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
Nama saya Fenty Siregar. Sekarang ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian untuk menyelesaikan studi S3 saya di jurusan linguistik terapan di Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Saya sudah menerima ijin dari VUW Human Ethics Committee untuk melakukan penelitian saya. Penelitian S3 saya meneliti peranan dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam peningkatan pemahaman interkultural. Saya ingin mengajak saudara untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Jika saudara setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, saya akan mengobservasi kelas saudara dan mewawancarai saudara mengenai metode umum saudara dalam hal pemahaman interkultural. Jadwal wawancara- wawancara akan disesuaikan dengan waktu saudara. Semua data akan disimpan secara rahasia dan hanya saya dan dosen- dosen pembimbing saya, Dr Jonathan Newton dan Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, yang memiliki akses terhadap data tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan ditulis dalam dissertasi saya tanpa menyebutkan nama- nama peserta penelitian. Identitas saudara tidak akan ditulis dalam dissertasi yang nantinya terbuka untuk publik. Penelitian ini mungkin dipresentasikan di seminar- seminar dan 15
dipublikasikan di jurnal- jurnal akademik atau buku- buku, tanpa mengidentifikasi peserta penelitian. Semua data akan dihancurkan dua tahun setelah penelitian ini selesai. Karena partisipasi saudara bersifat sukarela, saudara berhak menolak untuk menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini ini tanpa memberi penjelasan dan berhak berhenti dan mengambil semua data yang telah diberikan selambat- lambatnya dua bulan dari hari saudara memberikan data tersebut. Jika itu terjadi data saudara akan dihancurkan. Jika saudara memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini, saudara dapat menghubungi saya melalui alamat yang disediakan dibawah ini. Terima kasih atas kerjasama saudara.
Rincian Kontak Peneliti:
School of Linguistics and Applied
Fenty Siregar
Language Studies
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
Dosen pembimbing:
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New
Dr Jonathan Newton
[email protected]
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
Appendix 3.4: Letter of consent for teachers (Phase 2) School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Researcher: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Supervisors: Dr. Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LETTER OF CONSENT (Teacher Version)
1. I have read the Information Sheet for this study and have understood the procedure of this research.
2. I have been given an opportunity to ask and I have had my questions about the study answered to my satisfaction.
3. I understand that I have the right to ask further questions at any time. 17
4. I also understand that I am free to withdraw within a period of two months after I have given you information, or to decline to answer any particular questions in the study.
5. I agree to participate in this study and provide information needed by the researchers.
6. I understand that any information I give will be under the conditions of confidentiality set out on the information sheet and pseudonyms will be used.
Participant’s Name
: _____________________________________
Participant’s Signature
: _____________________________________
If you would like to receive a copy of a written summary of the study at the end of the research, please tick here
and provide me your e-mail address to which this summary
can be sent:
Lembar persetujuan untuk dosen (Tahap 2)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Peneliti: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Dosen pembimbing: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN (Versi dosen) 1. Saya sudah membaca Lembar Informasi dari penelitian ini dan mengerti prosedur dari penelitian ini.
2. Saya telah diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya mengenai penelitian ini telah dijawab dengan memuaskan.
3. Saya mengerti bahwa saya memiliki hak untuk bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini di waktu yang lain.
4. Saya juga mengerti bahwa saya bebas menolak memberi jawaban untuk pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini.
5. Saya bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dan menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti.
6. Saya mengerti bahwa informasi yang saya berikan bersifat rahasia seperti disebutkan di Lembar Informasi dan nama samaran akan digunakan.
Nama peserta
: _____________________________________
Tanda tangan peserta
: _____________________________________
Jika saudara ingin menerima ringkasan tertulis dari penelitian ini ketika penelitian ini selesai, tolong beri tanda centang (√) dikotak yang disediakan disini email saudara untuk pengiriman ringkasan tersebut
dan tuliskan alamat
Appendix 3.5: Information sheet for program directors (Phase 2)
PARTICIPATION INFORMATION SHEET (PROGRAMME DIRECTORS VERSION) Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
I am Fenty Siregar. I am undertaking a research project in order to complete a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). I have received approval from the VUW Human Ethics Committee to conduct this study.
My PhD project investigates the role of English language teaching in developing intercultural understanding.
I would like to invite you to participate in this study. Should you agree to participate in this study, I will invite you to be interviewed about English language education policy at your department and your general approach to intercultural understanding. The interviews will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.
All data will be gathered reported on a confidential basis and only I and my supervisors, Dr Jonathan Newton and Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, will have access to the data.
The results of the research will be anonymously presented in my thesis. You will not be identified in any way in the thesis, which will be publicly available. The research may also be presented at academic conferences, and published in academic journals, or books, also without identifying any participants.
All collected data will be destroyed two years after the end of the project. Since your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to decline without giving any reason and withdraw any data provided, up to two months from the date on which you provide such data. In that case, the data collected will be destroyed.
If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at the information provided below. Thank you for your cooperation.
School of Linguistics and Applied
Fenty Siregar
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Jonathan Newton
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140
[email protected]
New Zealand
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
[email protected]
Fax: 4635604
Lembar informasi keikutsertaan untuk pimpinan program (Tahap 2)
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
Nama saya Fenty Siregar. Sekarang ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian untuk menyelesaikan studi S3 saya di jurusan linguistik terapan di Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Saya sudah menerima ijin dari VUW Human Ethics Committee untuk melakukan penelitian saya. Penelitian S3 saya meneliti peranan dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam peningkatan pemahaman interkultural. Saya ingin mengajak saudara untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Jika saudara setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, saya akan mewawancarai saudara mengenai kebijakan- kebijakan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di program saudara dan metode umum saudara dalam hal pemahaman interkultural. Jadwal wawancara- wawancara akan disesuaikan dengan waktu saudara. Semua data akan disimpan secara rahasia dan hanya saya dan dosen- dosen pembimbing saya, Dr Jonathan Newton dan Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, yang memiliki akses terhadap data tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan ditulis dalam dissertasi saya tanpa menyebutkan nama- nama peserta penelitian. Identitas saudara tidak akan ditulis dalam dissertasi yang nantinya terbuka untuk publik. Penelitian ini mungkin dipresentasikan di seminar- seminar dan 23
dipublikasikan di jurnal- jurnal akademik atau buku- buku, tanpa mengidentifikasi peserta penelitian. Semua data akan dihancurkan dua tahun setelah penelitian ini selesai. Karena partisipasi saudara bersifat sukarela, saudara berhak menolak untuk menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini tanpa memberi penjelasan dan berhak berhenti dan mengambil semua data yang telah diberikan selambat- lambatnya dua bulan dari hari saudara memberikan data tersebut. Jika itu terjadi data saudara akan dihancurkan. Jika saudara memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini, saudara dapat menghubungi saya melalui alamat yang disediakan dibawah ini. Terima kasih atas kerjasama saudara.
Rincian Kontak Peneliti:
School of Linguistics and Applied
Fenty Siregar
Language Studies
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
Dosen pembimbing:
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New
Dr Jonathan Newton
[email protected]
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
Appendix 3.6: Letter of consent for programme directors (Phase 2)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Researcher: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Supervisors: Dr. Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
1. I have read the Information Sheet for this study and have understood the procedure of this research.
2. I have been given an opportunity to ask and I have had my questions about the study answered to my satisfaction.
3. I understand that I have the right to ask further questions at any time.
4. I also understand that I am free to withdraw within a period of two months after I have given you information, or to decline to answer any particular questions in the study.
5. I agree to participate in this study and provide information needed by the researchers.
6. I understand that any information I give will be under the conditions of confidentiality set out on the information sheet and pseudonyms will be used.
Participant’s Name
: _____________________________________
Participant’s Signature
: _____________________________________
If you would like to receive a copy of a written summary of the study at the end of the research, please tick here
and provide me your e-mail address to which this summary
can be sent:
Lembar persetujuan untuk pimpinan program (Tahap 2)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Peneliti: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Dosen pembimbing: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN (Versi pimpinan program) 1. Saya sudah membaca Lembar Informasi dari penelitian ini dan mengerti prosedur dari penelitian ini.
2. Saya telah diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya mengenai penelitian ini telah dijawab dengan memuaskan.
3. Saya mengerti bahwa saya memiliki hak untuk bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini di waktu yang lain.
4. Saya juga mengerti bahwa saya bebas menolak memberi jawaban untuk pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini.
5. Saya bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dan menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti.
6. Saya mengerti bahwa informasi yang saya berikan bersifat rahasia seperti disebutkan di Lembar Informasi dan nama samaran akan digunakan.
Nama peserta
: _____________________________________
Tanda tangan peserta
: _____________________________________
Jika saudara ingin menerima ringkasan tertulis dari penelitian ini ketika penelitian ini selesai, tolong beri tanda centang (√) dikotak yang disediakan disini email saudara untuk pengiriman ringkasan tersebut
dan tuliskan alamat
Appendix 3.7: Demographic questionnaire for teachers and programme directors (Phase 2) Name : ________________ (In the thesis your name will be given a pseudonym) Gender Age
: ________________
: a. 30 or under
b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. 50 or over (please circle)
When did you start learning English?_____________________________
How many languages do you speak? ____________________________
What are the languages? _____________________________
Which language(s) do you usually use to communicate with the following people: -
a. Friends
b. Parents
c. Teacher
d. Colleagues
Have you ever lived or studied abroad? If yes, how long and where was it?
Have you ever lived outside the city where you grew up? If yes, how long and where was it?
Did you take any culture classes during your study (BA/MA/PhD)? Please write the name of the classes?
Are you teaching any culture classes now? What is/are it/they?
What courses do you usually teach?
10. How long have been teaching English?
Data dosen dan pimpinan program (Tahap 2)
: ________________ (Di dalam thesis nama saudara akan disamarkan)
Jenis kelamin : ________________ Usia
: a. 30 atau dibawah b. 31-40
c. 41-50
d. 50 atau lebih (lingkari jawaban
yang sesuai) 1.
Kapan saudara mulai belajar Bahasa Inggris??_____________________________
Berapa bahasa yang saudara kuasai? ____________________________
Apa saja bahasa tersebut? _____________________________
Bahasa apa yang biasa saudara gunakan ketika berkomunikasi dengan orangorang di bawah ini:
a. Teman- teman
b. Orangtua
c. Dosen- dosen:___________________________
d. Teman kantor
Apakah saudara pernah tinggal di luar negeri? Jika, iya, berapa lama dan di mana itu?
Apakah saudara pernah tinggal di kota lain selain kota kelahiranmu? Jika, iya, berapa lama dan di mana itu?
Apakah saudara mengikuti kelas tentang kebudayan selama belajar (s1/s2/s3)? Tolong tulis nama kelas- kelas tersebut)
Apa saudara mengajar kelas tentang kebudayaan sekarang? Apa saja kelas- kelas tersebut?
Apa mata kuliah yang biasa saudara ajar?
10. Sudah berapa lama saudara megajar Bahasa Inggris?
Appendix 3.8: Demographic questionnaire for students (Phase 2) Name : ________________ (In the thesis your name will be given a pseudonym) Gender Age
: ________________
: a. 20 or below
b.21- 25
d. 26 or over (please circle)
When did you start learning English?_____________________________
How many languages do you speak? ____________________________
What are the languages? _____________________________
Which language(s) do you usually use to communicate with the following people: -
a. Friends
b. Parents
c. Teachers
Have you ever lived or studied abroad? If yes, how long and where was it?
Have you ever lived outside the city where you grew up? If yes, how long and where was it?
Have you taken any culture classes during your study? Please write the name of the classes?
Are you taking any culture classes now? What is/are it/they?
Data dosen dan pimpinan program (Tahap 2)
: ________________ (Di dalam thesis nama saudara akan disamarkan)
Jenis kelamin : ________________ Usia
: a. 20 atau dibawah b. 21- 25 1. Kapan
c. 26 atau diatas (lingkari jawaban yang sesuai)
Inggris??_____________________________ 2.
Berapa bahasa yang saudara kuasai? ____________________________
Apa saja bahasa tersebut? _____________________________
Bahasa apa yang biasa saudara gunakan ketika berkomunikasi dengan orangorang di bawah ini:
a. Teman- teman
b. Orangtua
c. Dosen- dosen
Apakah saudara pernah tinggal di luar negeri? Jika, iya, berapa lama dan di mana itu?
Apakah saudara pernah tinggal di kota lain selain kota kelahiranmu? Jika, iya, berapa lama dan di mana itu?
Apakah saudara pernah mengikuti kelas tentang kebudayan? Tolong tulis nama kelas- kelas tersebut)
Apa saudara mengambil kelas tentang kebudayaan sekarang? Apa saja kelaskelas tersebut?
Appendix 3.9: Semi- structured interview questions for teachers (Phase 2)
1. Are you involved in the making and developing _____________in this programme: •
The curriculum?
The syllabus?
Teaching materials?
Test materials?
2. Think of when you were learning English yourself at under(graduate), how would you describe your style as an EFL learner? 3. Think of yourself in your own classroom, how would you describe your style as an English teacher? 4. Think back to the first time you decided to be an English teacher, what made you decide to be a teacher? 5. Think of any how has the experience influenced the way to teach English? 6. Think of an English teacher who had a great impact on you, why do you think he/she had a great impact on you? 7. Think of when you took your (under)graduate, what was your favourite subject? Why? 8. From all of the subjects you usually teach, which subject do you enjoy teaching the most? Why? 9. Think of any topic in your previous classes which your students really liked. Why do you think the students liked the topic? 10. Do you have time to read articles about your subject area or conduct any research? 11. In recent years, English has become the de facto language for international communication. Do you think this phenomenon has influenced the way English is taught at school and university? 12. MoEC’s recent regulation requires English teachers to include character building in their teaching. In what way do you think English language teaching can meet this requirement?
Pertanyaan wawancara untuk dosen (Tahap 2)
1. Apa saudara terlibat dalam pembuatan dan pengembangan _____di program ini?
Bahan mengajar
Bahan ujian
2. Ketika saudara dulu belajar Bahasa Inggris, bagaimana cara saudara belajar? 3. Ketika saudara dulu belajar Bahasa Inggris, bagaimana cara guru/dosen saudara mengajar? 4. Apa yang membuat saudara menjadi dosen? 5. Apa ada pengalaman yang mempengaruhi cara saudara mengajar? 6. Apa ada guru/ dosen Bahasa Inggris yang berkesan buat sauadra? 7. Ketika kuliah S1 apa mata kuliaj yang saudara sukai? Mengapa? 8. Dari semua mata kuliah yang saudara ajar, mata kuliah mana yang saudara sangat senangi? Mengapa? 9. Di kelas- kelas yang pernah saudara ajar topik apa yang mahasiswa/i sukai? Menurut saudara mengapa mereka menyukai topik tersebut? 10. Apa saudara memiliki waktu untuk membaca artikel mengenai mata kuliah yang saudara ajar atau untuk melakukan penelitian? 11. Beberapa tahun ini Bahasa Inggris dianggap sebagai alat untuk komunikasi di dunia internasional. Menurut saudara, apakah fenomena ini mempengaruhi bagaimana Bahasa Inggris di ajarkan di sekolah dan universitas? 12. Kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan baru- baru ini mengharuskan guru/ dosen Bahasa Inggris untuk memasukan pendidikan karakter ketika mengajar. Menurut saudara bagaimana pengajaran Bahasa Inggris bisa memenuhi peraturan ini?
Appendix 3.10: Stimulated recall interview questions for teachers Phase 2)
1. What were the objectives of the lesson? 2. Was there anything that you think you should have/have not done during the lesson? 3. What was your aim of using the teaching method/activities when………………….? 4. I would like you to view some scenes from your recorded teaching and share with me what your thoughts about action/activities were.
Interview setelah pengajaran untuk dosen (Tahap 2) 1. Apa objektif- objektif pelajaran hari ini? 2. Adakah hal- hal yang menurut saudara seharusnya/tidak seharusnya saudara lakukan dalam pelajaran hari ini? 3. Apa tujuan saudara mengunakan menggunakan metode/aktivitas …….ketika……? 4. Saya ingin mengajak saudara menonton beberapa cuplikan dari pengajaran saudara dan mendengarkan pendapat saudara menengenai tindakan/aktivitas di dalamnya.
Appendix 3.11: Semi- structured interview questions for programme directors (Phase 2)
1. Including previous times, how many times have you taken this role? In total, how long have you been an administrator? 2. Who is in charge of making and developing ______________in this programme: a) Curriculum? b) Syllabus? c) Teaching material? d) Test material? 3. To what extent are teachers involved in the previously mentioned activities? 4. Who are responsible for checking the implementation of curriculum in this programme? Can you tell me the procedure of the checking? 5. How often is the curriculum of this programme reviewed or changed? 6. In recent years, English has become the de facto language of international communication, has this phenomenon influenced the goal of English language teaching in this programme? 7. Has the new MoEC’s regulation about character building influenced the English language teaching in this programme? How? 8. Is there any directive for teachers in this program to teach the culture(s) of the English speaking countries? What aspects of the culture(s) do they have to discuss in their class(es)? 9. What is the reason for having/not having culture classes in the EFL curriculum in this programme? 10. What is the reason of the programme for putting culture classes in this semester/ level in the EFL curriculum? 11. How are teachers recruited and assigned to teach courses in this programme? 12. Are different criteria used for assigning teachers to teach culture and language skills? Why?
Pertanyan wawancara untuk pimpinan program (Tahap 2)
1. Sudah berapa kali saudara menjadi pimpinan program? Secara keseluruhan sudah berapa lama saudara menjadi pimpinan program? 2. Siapa yang bertanggung jawab dalam pembuatan dan pengembangan _____di program ini?
Bahan mengajar
Bahan ujian
3. Sejauh mana dosen- dosen dilibatkan dalam kegiatan tersebut diatas? 4. Siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk memantau penerapan kurikulum di program ini? 5. Seberapa sering kurikulum di program ini ditinjau ulang atau diganti? 6. Beberapa tahun ini Bahasa Inggris dianggap sebagai alat untuk komunikasi di dunia internasional. Menurut saudara, apakah fenomena ini mempengaruhi bagaimana Bahasa Inggris di ajarkan di sekolah dan universitas? 7. Apakah peraturan Kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan baru- baru yang mengharuskan pendidikan karakter ketika mempengaruhi bagaimana Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di program ini? 8. Apakaha ada peraturan bagi dosen- dosen untuk mengajarkan kebudayan dari negara- negara penutur Bahasa Inggris di program ini? Aspek- aspek kebudayan apa yang harus mereka diskusikan di kelas- kelas mereka? 9. Apa saja yang menjadi pertimbangan untuk memasukan/ tidak memasukan kelaskelas tentang kebudayaan di kurikulum program ini? 10. Apa saja yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam menentukan peletakan mata kuliah kebudayaan di kurikulum? 11. Bagaimana penentuan dan perekrutan dosen- dosen yang akan mengajar mata kuliah di program ini? 12. Apakah ada kriteria khusus dalam menentukan siapa yang mengajar mata kuliah kebudayaan dan keterampilan berbahasa? 37
Appendix 3.12: Focus-group interview questions for Students (Phase 2)
1. Why are you learning English? 2. Think of any topic from your previous classes that you really like. Why do you like the topic? 3. Think of any learning activity from your previous classes that you really like. Why do you like the activity? 4. Have you ever joined a special class that teaches culture such as British Culture/American Culture/ Cross –cultural understanding/ Sejarah dan kebudayan Indonesia (the history and culture of Indonesia? If yes, what do you think about it? Do you think they are beneficial for helping you improve your English? If not, would you like to have that kind of classes? Why? 5. Is there any particular culture that you want to learn or interested in? Why? 6. Think of any activities you have had outside the classroom that allow you to learn about other/foreign culture(s), what do you like and dislike about the activities? Please explain! 7. Think of any opportunities you had that allowed you to communicate in English with people from different culture? What do you like/dislike about the opportunities?
Pertanyan wawancara focus group untuk mahasiswa/i (Tahap 2)
1. Mengapa kamu memilih jurusan Bahasa Inggris? 2. Coba ingat- ingat salah satu topik dari salah satu kelas Bahasa Inggris yang pernah kamu ikuti dan sangat kamu sukai? Mengapa kamu menyukai sangat topik tersebut? 3. Coba ingat- ingat aktivitas-aktifitas apa saja yang kamu sangat sukai dari kelaskelas Bahasa Inggris yang kamu pernah ikuti? Mengapa kamu menyukai aktifitasaktifitas tersebut? 4. Apa kamu pernah mengambil mata kuliah yang mengajarkan kebudayaan seperti British Culture/American Culture/ Cross –cultural understanding/ Sejarah dan kebudayan Indonesia (the history and culture of Indonesia? Jika pernah, apa pendapat kamu mengenai kelas tersebut? Menurut kamu apa kelas- kelas tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan kemmapuan Bahasa Inggris kamu? Jika tidak pernah, apakah kamu ingin mengikuti kelas- kelas tersebut? Mengapa? 5. Apa ada kebudayaan khusus yang kamu ingin pelajari atau senangi? Mengapa? 6. Coba kamu ingat- ingat kembali aktivitas- aktivitas yang kamu ikuti di luar kelas yang membantu kamu mempelajari kebudayaan asing atau orang lain, apa yang kamu sukai atau tidak sukai mengenai aktivitas tersebut? 7. Coba kamu ingat-ingat kembali kesempatan- kesempatan yang pernah kamu yang memberi kamu kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan orang memiliki budaya yang lain, apa yang kamu sukai atau tidak sukai mengenai kesempatan tersebut?
Appendix 4: Approval of Human Ethics Committee (Victoria University of Wellington) (Amendment, Phase 3)
A signature
Appendix 5: Dean’s permission for Phase 3
The address of the university
A stamp, a signature, and the name of the dean
Appendix 6: Ethics for Phase 3 For each ethic document, the English version will be presented first, and then the Indonesian version will be provided (if available)
Appendix 6.1: Information sheet for student (Phase 3)
Title of the research: In Pursuit of Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University I am Fenty Siregar. I am undertaking a research project in order to complete a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). I have received approval from the VUW Human Ethics Committee to conduct this study. My PhD project investigates the role of English language teaching in developing intercultural understanding. I would like to invite you to participate in this study. Should you agree to participate in this study, I will teach you, invite you to be interviewed about your interests and experiences of learning English language before the new semester begins and your engagement in the class after the mid and final tests, and copy your worksheets for the class. The interviews will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you. All data will be gathered reported on a confidential basis and only I and my supervisors, Dr Jonathan Newton and Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, will have access to the data.
The results of the research will be anonymously presented in my thesis. You will not be identified in any way in the thesis, which will be publicly available. The research may also be presented at academic conferences, and published in academic journals, or books, also without identifying any participants. All collected data will be destroyed two years after the end of the project. Since your participation in this study is voluntary, you are free to decline without giving any reason and withdraw any data provided, up to one month from the date on which you provide such data. In that case, the data collected will be destroyed. You will be put in another regular class which is taught by another teacher. Both your participation and withdrawal will not affect your grade. If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at the information provided below. Thank you for your cooperation.
School of Linguistics and Applied
Fenty Siregar
Language Studies
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140
Dr Jonathan Newton
New Zealand
[email protected]
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
Fax: 4635604
[email protected]
Lembar informasi keikutsertaan untuk Mahasiswa/i (Tahap 3)
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
Nama saya Fenty Siregar. Sekarang ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian untuk menyelesaikan studi S3 saya di jurusan linguistik terapan di Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Saya sudah menerima ijin dari VUW Human Ethics Committee untuk melakukan penelitian saya. Penelitian S3 saya meneliti peranan dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam peningkatan pemahaman interkultural. Saya ingin mengajak saudara untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Jika saudara setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, saya akan mengajar saudara dan mengajak saudara untuk mengikuti wawancara- wawancara fokus grup, dan kegiatan pembelajaran lainnya untuk mengetahui minat dan pengalaman saudara belajar Bahasa Inggris. Jadwal wawancara- wawancara dan kegiatan- kegiatan tersebut akan disesuaikan dengan waktu saudara. Semua data akan disimpan secara rahasia dan hanya saya dan dosen- dosen pembimbing saya, Dr Jonathan Newton dan Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe, yang memiliki akses terhadap data tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan ditulis dalam dissertasi saya tanpa menyebutkan nama- nama peserta penelitian. Identitas saudara tidak akan ditulis dalam dissertasi yang nantinya terbuka untuk publik. Penelitian ini mungkin dipresentasikan di seminar- seminar dan dipublikasikan di jurnal- jurnal akademik atau buku- buku, tanpa mengidentifikasi peserta penelitian. Semua data akan dihancurkan dua tahun setelah penelitian ini selesai. 44
Karena partisipasi saudara bersifat sukarela, saudara berhak menolak untuk menjawab pertanyaan- pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini tanpa memberi penjelasan dan berhak berhenti dan mengambil semua data data yang telah diberikan selambat- lambatnya dua bulan dari hari saudara memberikan data tersebut. Jika itu terjadi data saudara akan dihancurkan. Saudara akan dipindahkan ke kelas regular lainnya yang diajar oleh dosen lain. Partisipasi saudara dan ketidakikutsertaan sauadara tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara. Jika saudara memiliki pertanyaan atau membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini, saudara dapat menghubungi saya melalui alamat yang disediakan dibawah ini. Terima kasih atas kerjasama saudara.
Rincian Kontak
School of Linguistics and Applied Language
Fenty Siregar
[email protected]
Victoria University of Wellington
Dosen pembimbing:
PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Dr Jonathan Newton
Phone: +64 4 463 5600
[email protected]
Fax: 4635604
Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe
[email protected]
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Appendix 6.2: Letter of consent for student (Phase 3)
Researcher: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Title of the research: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LETTER OF CONSENT (Student Version)
1. I have read the Information Sheet for this study and have understood the procedure of this research. 2. I have been given an opportunity to ask and I have had my questions about the study answered to my satisfaction. 3. I understand that I have the right to ask further questions at any time. 4. I understand that I am free to withdraw within a period of two months after I have given you information, or to decline to answer any particular questions in the study. 46
5. I agree to participate in this study and provide information needed by the researchers.
6. I understand that any information I give will not affect my course results in any way and will be under the conditions of confidentiality set out on the information sheet and pseudonyms will be used.
Participant’s Name
: _____________________________________
Participant’s Signature
: _____________________________________
If you would like to receive a copy of a written summary of the study at the end of the research, please tick here
and provide me your e-mail address to which this summary
can be sent:
Lembar persetujuan untuk mahasiswa/i (Tahap 3)
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 463 5600
Peneliti: Fenty Siregar (
[email protected]) Dosen pembimbing: Dr Jonathan Newton (
[email protected]) Assoc. Prof. David Crabbe (
[email protected])
Judul Penelitian: A Case Study of English Language Education Policy in an Indonesian Private University
LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN (Versi Mahasiswa/i)
1. Saya sudah membaca Lembar Informasi dari penelitian ini dan mengerti prosedur dari penelitian ini. 2. Saya telah diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya mengenai penelitian ini telah dijawab dengan memuaskan. 3. Saya mengerti bahwa saya memiliki hak untuk bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai penelitian ini di waktu yang lain. 4. Saya juga mengerti bahwa saya bebas menolak memberi jawaban untuk pertanyaan tertentu dalam penelitian ini dan saya dapat mengundurkan diri selambat- lambatnya dua bulan setelah saya memberikan informasi. 48
5. Saya bersedia untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dan menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para peneliti. 6. Saya mengerti bahwa informasi yang saya berikan tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai-nilai saya, bersifat rahasia seperti disebutkan di Lembar Informasi dan nama samaran akan digunakan.
Nama peserta
: _____________________________________
Tanda tangan peserta
: _____________________________________
Jika saudara ingin menerima ringkasan tertulis dari penelitian ini ketika penelitian ini selesai, tolong beri tanda centang (√) dikotak yang disediakan disini email saudara untuk pengiriman ringkasan tersebut
dan tuliskan alamat
Appendix 6.3: Questionnaire and interview questions for students (Phase 3) Questionnaire and Interview 1 1. Why did you choose the English major? 2. Think of any topic from your previous classes that you really liked. Why did you like the topic? 3. Think of any learning activity from your previous classes that you really liked. Why did you like the activity? 4. Have you ever joined a special class that teaches culture such as British Culture/American Culture/ Cross –cultural understanding/ Sejarah dan kebudayan Indonesia (the history and culture of Indonesia? If yes, what did you think about it? Did you think they are beneficial for helping you improve your English? If not, would you like to have that kind of classes? Why? 5. Is there any particular culture that you want to learn or interested in? Why? 6. Think of any activities you have done/are doing outside the classroom that allow(ed) you to learn about other/foreign culture(s), what do/did you like and dislike about the activities? Please explain. 7. Think of any opportunities you had that allowed you to communicate in English with people from different culture? What did you like/dislike about the opportunities? 8. What are your ideal English course and teacher?
Interview 2 and 3 1. I would like you to view some scenes from a recording of our lessons and share with me what your thoughts about activities/aspects of the lessons and your engagement were. 2. In your opinion, how different were the activities from other activities in your other classes? 3. Which learning activities did you really like? What particular insights did you obtain from these activities? 4. Overall, how did you feel about the teaching and learning approach used in the lesson? 50
Pertanyaan dikuesioner dan wawancara (Tahap 3)
Kuesioner dan wawancara 1 1. Mengapa kamu memilih jurusan Bahasa Inggris? 2. Coba ingat- ingat salah satu topik dari salah satu kelas Bahasa Inggris yang pernah kamu ikuti dan sangat kamu sukai? Mengapa kamu menyukai sangat topik tersebut? 3. Coba ingat- ingat aktivitas-aktifitas apa saja yang kamu sangat sukai dari kelaskelas Bahasa Inggris yang kamu pernah ikuti sebelum masuk D3 Bahasa Inggris? Mengapa kamu menyukai aktifitas- aktifitas tersebut? 4. Apa kamu pernah mengambil mata kuliah yang mengajarkan kebudayaan seperti British Culture/American Culture/ Cross –cultural understanding/ Sejarah dan kebudayan Indonesia (the history and culture of Indonesia)? Jika pernah, apa pendapat kamu mengenai kelas tersebut? Menurut kamu apa kelas- kelas tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan kemmapuan Bahasa Inggris kamu? Jika tidak pernah, apakah kamu ingin mengikuti kelas- kelas tersebut? Mengapa? 5. Apa ada kebudayaan khusus yang kamu ingin pelajari atau senangi? Mengapa? 6. Coba kamu ingat- ingat kembali aktivitas- aktivitas yang kamu ikuti di luar kelas yang membantu kamu mempelajari kebudayaan asing atau orang lain, apa yang kamu sukai atau tidak sukai mengenai aktivitas tersebut? 7. Coba kamu ingat-ingat kembali kesempatan- kesempatan yang pernah kamu yang memberi kamu kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan orang memiliki budaya yang lain, apa yang kamu sukai atau tidak sukai mengenai kesempatan tersebut? 8. Coba ceritakan kelas dan guru/dosen Bahasa Inggris yang ideal bagi kamu!
Wawancara 2 dan 3 1. Saya akan memutarkan beberapa cuplikan dari rekaman kelas kita, apa kamu bisa memberi pendapat mengenai kegiatan- kegiatan/ aspek dari proses belajarmengajar dan juga keterlibatan kamu pada saat itu? 2. Menurut kamu apa bedanya aktifitas- aktifitas tersebut dari aktifitas- aktifitas kamu di kelas- kelas yang lainnya? 3. Aktifitas mana yang kamu sukai? Hal apa yang kamu dapatkan dari aktifitas tersebut? 4. Secara keseluruhan apa yang kamu rasakan mengenai proses belajar dan mengajar pada saat itu?
Appendix 6.4: A pair/group rubric (Phase 3) TASK: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Scorer's Name: ___________________ Week:_________________________ Your specific responsibility (ies) is/are _______________________________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA Names of your
pair/all group members Responsibility (ies)
Attendance & participation score Contribution score SCORE
Attendance at group
Attended all
Attended most group
Attended half the
Attended about half the
Attended very few or
meetings &
meetings, arrived
mtgs. &/or was
group mtgs. &/or
group mtgs. &/or was
on time
sometimes late or left
was present for only
present for only part of
group mtgs. w/ little or
& participated fully
early; contacted a
part of the meetings;
the meetings;
no participation
group member if going
participated partially
participated to a
to be late or unable
when in attendance
minimum degree when
to attend; participated
in attendance
most of the time or made up for absence w/ alternate contributions to the group project ATTITUDE and
Willingly took on a
Reluctantly willing to
Unwilling to take on
proportional share
accept a share of the
Responsibility for
of the project work
project work &
facilitate group work
group work or
facilitation of
to successful
facilitation of the group
clarity & equity of
OR 54
did nothing for the
completion of group's task
(adapted from “Rubric”, 2014)
Reference: Rubric. (2014). [James Cook University]. Retrieved from
Appendix 6.5: Rubric for small group discussions (Phase 3)
Task Description: Criteria
Exemplary 10 Contributes to discussion by
Minimal 4
Contributes to
Unsatisfactory 0 Fails to contribute to class
offering quality ideas and
discussions by offering
contributes to
asking appropriate questions
ideas and asking
discussions by offering
on a regular basis
questions on a regular
ideas and asking
comment/opinions from
other students
Actively engages others in Level of
Effective 8
discussions by inviting their comments Constructively challenges the accuracy and relevance of statements made
Often engages others in discussions by
Sometimes engages others in discussions Sometimes has an
inviting their comments
understanding of main
Challenges the
accuracy and relevance of statements made
activities Fails to invite
Demonstrates little understanding of main points
Always supportive of other Attitude
students’ ideas
Often supportive of other students’ ideas
Sometimes supportive of other students’ ideas
Rarely if ever participates and occasional disruptive behaviour
Assignment Score and note ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Adapted from “Rubric for classroom discussion,” 2012) References Rubric for classroom discussion. (2012). [Statewide instructional resources development center]. Retrieved from
Appendix 6.6: Guideline for student self-reflection (Phase 3)
To be submitted on 21 October 2014/ Next week This self-reflection should enable you to express feelings and self-evaluate your learning engagement- the first half semester-what you have learned about all the topics and yourself as an independent learner. Using one full page (250- 300 words), double-spaced and in 11 point Calibri font, type an organized, honest response in an essay form and in INDONESIAN or ENGLISH. Use your rubrics and your reflection on your performance records as data for your reflection. Use the following questions to organize your self-reflection essay/recordings: 1. How many performances did you do this half of semester? 2. What knowledge, skill, and awareness, have you gained as result of the rehearsals, performances and group discussions? 3. Is there any of your attitude toward the use of English that you would like to change or adjust? 4. What do you consider to be the greatest strengths of your performance(s)? 5. What did you learn about yourself by doing your performances? How will this experience impact you as a lifelong learner? 6. Did you plan and utilize your time effectively in every rehearsals and performances? Please elaborate your answer with examples! 7. What resources did you usually utilize in completing your performances or assignments? (eg, a dictionary, books) 8. Knowing there is always room for improvement, what would you do differently in order to improve the quality of your rehearsals and performances if you were to undertake them again? 9. The final sentence in the reflection should be: I feel my engagement during the rehearsals and performances were excellent/good/average/fair/poor (select one) ___________________________________________________________________________
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: Prepared 2-3 questions for the international students that will come to our class
1. Questions related to the topics that you have learnt (such as asking direction, describing appearance, etc 2. Questions related to their experience in using English and Indonesian at campus and outside campus 3. Questions related to how they cope with the linguistic and cultural differences 4. Questions related to their attitude towards people’s communication and interaction here
Write the questions on a piece of paper and bring them on 21 October 2014/NEXT WEEK
Appendix 6.7: Student’s weekly journal reflection guideline
“We do not learn so much from experience as we do from reflecting on our experience.” – John Dewey
‘In school, we think about math, and we think about spelling, and we think about grammar. But who ever heard of thinking about thinking? … If we think about electricity, we can understand it better, but when we think about thinking, we seem to understand ourselves better.” Harry Stottlemeier (Lipman, 1982, p. 17).
The purpose of the reflective “writing” in this Speaking for Everyday Survival is to help you, become aware of the way you learn English, English, your culture, other culture, and culture-in- language and develop necessary intercultural awareness, knowledge, skills and attitude for life-long learning.
Writing your reflection involves a process of doing a self-assessment on meaningful and memorable classroom activities, performances, assignments and rehearsal conducted in and outside the classroom. So, you have to look back critically at what you have done, what your and your group member did and what the outcomes were.
1. Identify what you leanrt for each activity including group/pair discussion (reading a text, making dialogue in Indonesian, compare dialogues and answer some questions), role play (rehearsal, performance, and feedback time), a class discussion (when teacher led the discussion and asked questions) 2. How did you feel about each activity? 3. Choose two significant activities for you and reflect on how they have contributed or developed your awareness, knowledge, skills and attitude? Give real examples of each one of them! How did you feel them and what questions did you ask to yourself during and after that particular part of the lesson?
You also might want to use these questions to guide your reflection: 4. What significant knowledge, skill, and awareness, have you gained as result of the rehearsals, performances and group discussions? 5. Having joining the lesson today, how will you behave and communicate your response to a similar situation in the future? 6. How has the lesson prepared you to engage and negotiate effectively in a similar situation in the future? 7. What practices related to culture in language will you adopt or reject? Why? 8. What attitudes will you continuously try to cultivate to be a good learner and language user?
Write your reflection in Indonesian or English. Here are some possible words to use in reflective writing
For me
the significant aspect(s)
was or were
important element(s) relevant experience(s) useful issue(s)
thought/did not think
At the time
felt/ did not feel
At first
knew/ I did not know
noticed/ I did not notice
could be
because of
is probably
due to explained by
related to This
reveals demonstrates is different from is similar to
Having [something]:
I now
Know Question
I have learned
Most importantly
- I have
Develop/ improve
my skills in my understanding
- However, I have not
my knowledge of my ability to
This knowledge
To me as a
This understanding
Could be
learner because
This skill
Will be
I did not…
I will now need to….
I have not yet… Am not yet certain about… Am not yet confident about… Do not yet know… Do not yet understand… 62
On top of that, as a next step, I need to…..
(Adapted from “Vocabulary to use in reflective writing,” 2014)
Reference: Vocabulary to use in reflective writing. (2014). [Queen Margareth University]. Retrieved from
Appendix 7: The 2002 programme for S1E (BA in English literature, Applied Linguistics, and Applied linguistics in Education) Semester 1 Course
Semester 2 Credits
Rhythm and intonation
Appreciative Reading
Factual reading
Appreciative and Accurate Listening
Selective and gist listening
Grammar: Basic principles about Parts of Speech
Grammar: Basics of sentence and
construction Paragraph and Narrative Writing
Speech and descriptive writing
Introduction to linguistics
Appreciation of literature
Bahasa Indonesia
Preparation for conversation
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan (Civic
Semester 3 Course
Semester 4 Credits
Scientific reading
Critical and reflective reading
Combo listening
Critical and argumentative listening
Grammar: Verb patterns
Grammar: Noun patterns
Letter Writing
Argumentative and reflective writing
Phonetics and phonology
Survey of English Literature
Functional grammar
British culture and Institution
Theory of literature
Daily conversation
Survey of American literature
Dasar filsafat (The foundation of philosophy)
Argumentative conversation
Semester 5 Course
Grammar: Adjective Patterns
Critical Essay Writing
Contemporary Novel
Contemporary Poetry
Contemporary Drama
American culture and institution
Formal conversation
An elective course 1
An elective course 2
2 Semester 6
Grammar: connecting ideas
Translation: principles and awareness
Conversation for business purposes
An elective course 3
An elective course 4
Semester 6 (English Literature)
Semester 6 (linguistics)
Classical novel
Classical poetry
Discourse Analysis
Classical drama
Metodologi penelitian sastra (Literature research methodology)
Metodologi penelitian linguistik (linguistics research methodology)
Semester 7 Course
Etika (ethics)
History of Indonesian culture
Komputer (computers)
An elective course 5
An elective course 6
Semester 7 (English Literature)
Semester 7 (linguistics)
Literature: thematic analysis
Linguistics: thematic analysis
Proposal Seminar Sastra (Literature proposal seminar)
Proposal Seminar linguistik (Linguistics proposal seminar)
Semester 8 Course
Semester 8 (English Literature)
Semester 8 (linguistics)
(choose a or b)
(choose a or b)
a. Skripsi (thesis)
Skripsi (thesis )
b. Literary interpretation
Discussion on linguistics issues
Tugas akhir (Final paper)
Tugas akhir (a final paper)
Appendix 8: The 2012 programme for S1E (BA in English literature, Applied Linguistics, and Applied linguistics in Education) Semester 1 Course
Semester 2 Credits
Rhythm and intonation
Appreciative Reading
Factual reading
Appreciative and Accurate Listening
Selective and gist listening
Grammar: Basic principles about Parts of Speech
Grammar: Basics of sentence and
construction Paragraph and Narrative Writing
Speech and descriptive writing
Introduction to linguistics
Survey of English literature
Introduction to TEFL
Bahasa Indonesia
Preparation for conversation
Logika (Logic)
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan (Civic
Semester 3 Course
Semester 4 Credits
Scientific reading
Critical and reflective reading
Combo listening
Critical and argumentative listening
Grammar: Verb patterns
Grammar: Noun patterns
Letter Writing
Argumentative and reflective writing
Phonology and morphology
Functional grammar
Theory of prose
Survey of American Literature
Theory of drama and poetry
Techniques for TEFL
Material adaption and design
Methods and Approaches in ELT
Argumentative conversation
British culture and Institution
Dasar filsafat (The foundation of philosophy)
Daily conversation
Semester 5 Course
Grammar: Adjective Patterns
Formal conversation
Theatre Production
American culture and institution
History of Modern thought
An elective minor course
Semester 5 (English Literature)
Semester 5 (Applied linguistics)
Semester 5 (Applied linguistics in Education)
Critical essay writing
Academic writing
Academic writing
Contemporary novel
Psychology for Language Teachers
Contemporary poetry
Discourse analysis
Class Management
Contemporary drama
Intercultural Teaching and learning
Semester 6 Course
Grammar: connecting ideas
Translation: principles and awareness
Conversation for business purposes
A general elective course 1
An elective minor course 2
Semester 6 (English Literature)
Semester 6 (Applied linguistics)
Semester 6 (Applied linguistics in Education)
Classical novel
Teaching English to Young Learners
Classical poetry
Second language acquisition
Second language acquisition
Classical drama
Language Testing and Evaluation
Literature research methodology
Semester 7 Course
Translating style
Indonesian culture
Etika (ethics)
A general elective course 2
Semester 7 (English Literature)
Semester 7 (Applied linguistics)
Semester 7 (Applied linguistics in
Education) Proposal Seminar Sastra (Literature Proposal Seminar linguistics (Linguistics proposal seminar)
proposal seminar)
Teaching practice
Semester 8 Course
A general elective course 3
Semester 8 (English Literature)
Semester 8 (Applied linguistics)
Semester 8 (Applied linguistics in
(choose a or b)
(choose a or b)
(choose a or b) a. Skripsi (thesis)
a. Skripsi (thesis )
a. Skripsi (thesis )
b. Literary interpretation
a. Discussion on linguistics issues
b. Lesson planning
Tugas akhir (final paper)
Tugas akhir (final paper)
Tugas akhir (final paper)
Appendix 9: The 2009 programme for D3E Semester 1 Course Bahasa Indonesia Word pronunciation Structure for high-beginning levels Fundamental reading Listening for everyday survival Speaking for everyday survival Vocabulary for everyday survival Sentence & paragraph construction Learning styles & strategies Religion Campus life management
Semester 3 Course Ethics Introduction to TEFL Pre-intermediate grammar in contexts Exploratory reading Listening for business purposes
Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credits 2 2 3 2 2 73
Semester 2 Course Pronunciation in phrases Structure for pre-intermediate level Expository reading Listening for social interactions Speaking within business environment Vocabulary for social interactions Narrative and descriptive writing History of Indonesian culture Computer for business Civic Education Pancasila
Credits 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Semester 4 Course Intermediate grammar in contexts Vocabulary for business interactions Speaking skills in business negotiation Critical reading Critical writing
Credits 2 2 3 2 2
Speaking skill for news and business presentations Vocabulary for supporting business contact Reflective writing Speech in action Principles of translation Introduction to business Semester 5 Course Interpreting for specific purposes Upper-intermediate grammar in contexts Internship Entrepreneurship Cross cultural understanding
Listening for business presentations
Interpreting for teaching and business purposes Translation for specific purposes Techniques for TEFL Elective course 1 Elective course 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
Semester 6 Course
Business choice Introduction to marketing
2 2
English for secretary English for tourism Public relations communication
3 2 2
2 2 2 2
Credits 2 2 2 2
Emotional intelligence in the workplace Computer for web design Leadership Final paper An elective course
Language education Classroom management Language teaching strategy Teaching English to young learners Psychological approach to teaching Internship (for students who have not done it in the 5th semester) Final paper (for students who have not done it in the 5th semester)
2 2 2 3 2
2 2 2 2 3 4
Appendix 10: The 2013 programme for D3E Semester 1 Course Vocabulary for everyday survival Communicative grammar: Basics of sentence construction Listening for everyday survival Speaking for everyday survival Fundamental reading Sentence and paragraph construction Word pronunciation Learning styles and strategies Bahasa Indonesia Religion Campus life management
Semester 3 Course Communicative grammar: verb pattern Listening for business purposes Speaking skills for news and business presentations Exploratory reading
Semester 2 Course Vocabulary for social interactions
Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Basics of communicative grammar Listening for social interactions Speaking within business environment Expository reading Narrative and descriptive writing Pronunciation in phrases Introduction to TEFL Computer for business Civic education Pancasila
Semester 4 Course Communicative grammar: noun & adjective patterns Listening for business presentations and negotiations Speaking skill in business negotiation
Credits 2 2 3 2
Critical reading 75
Credits 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credits 2 2 3 2
Reflective & argumentative writing Correspondence in English Speech in action Techniques for TEFL Introduction to business Principles of translation Ethics Semester 4/5 Course Business choice Introduction to marketing English for tour guiding Hospitality in tourism Public relations communication Language education Teaching English to young learners Psychological approach to teaching Methods and approaches in ELT Intercultural teaching & learning Language & culture (#) Introduction to linguistics
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Business reports and proposals Classroom management Cross cultural understanding Translation for specific purposes Interpreting for general purposes An elective course 1 An elective course 2 Semester 6 Course Communicative grammar: adverbial patterns Interpreting for specific purposes Indonesian culture Entrepreneurship Effective oral presentation Emotional intelligence in the workplace Computer for a web design Leadership An elective course 3 (choose from semester4) Communicative grammar: adverbial patterns An elective course 4 Internship (for students who have not done it in the 5th semester) Final paper (for students who have not done it in the 5th semester)
Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Survey of English literature
Japanese culture & cooking Western cooking
2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Credits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4