Setiap Tahun
4800 Jam
2400 Jam
1200 Jam
600 Jam
300 Jam
3. Pembersihan Filter Oli Sentrifugal
4. Penggantian Filter Oli
6. Periksa kejernihan air radiator
7. Bersihkan radiator dan ganti air radiator
9. Bersihkan filter udara
10. Ganti filter udara 11. Periksa level / ketinggian bahan bakar pd tanki
. 1
3 .
12. Bersihkan Filter Bahan Bakar & Water Separator
13. Ganti Filter Bahan Bakar
. 1
14. Ganti Filter Water Separator
15. Periksa Injector
16. Periksa kondisi alt. charge / pengisian accu
8. Periksa indikator tekanan pada filter udara
100 Jam
400 jam
2. Penggantian Oli
5. Periksa level / ketinggian air radiator
Start Pertama
1. Periksa level / ketinggian Oli mesin
Pertama kali Setiap hari
Periode waktu utk Aplikasi Standby : 200 Jam = 3 bulan 400 Jam = 6 bulan 1200 Jam = 1 Thn 2400 Jam = 2 Thn
Untuk Genset dgn Aplikasi Standby Perawatan harian dan mingguan : 1. Periksa Level Oli Mesin 2. Periksa air radiator 3. Periksa indikator filter udara 4. Periksa level bahan bakar 5. Periksa air accu dan alt.charge
17. Bersihkan accu dan terminalnya
18. Periksa sensor level / ketinggian air radiator
19. Periksa sensor temperatur mesin
20. Periksa sensor oli mesin
21. Periksa sensor stop mesin / solenoid /governor
22. Periksa kondisi ketegangan fan belt 23. Periksa apakah ada kebocoran yg tampak pd mesin
24. Periksa dan adjust jarak katup inlet,outlet & Injector
Keterangan : 1. Lebih sering jika diperlukan 2. Untuk genset yang jarang beroperasi (standby) 3. Lebih awal bila indikatornya sudah menunjukkan hrs diganti 4. Jika radiator tidak menggunakan coolant,maka air radiator hrs diganti
LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM, page 30 1. Checking oil level 2. Oil change 3. Cleaning oil cleaner 4. Changing the oil filter and filter for closed crankcase ventilation COOLING SYSTEM, page 36 5. Checking coolant level 6. Checking coolant 7. Cleaning cooling system AIR CLEANER, page 42 8. Test reading low pressure indicator 9. Cleaning the coarse cleaner 10. Cleaning or changing filter element 11. Changing safety cartridge FUEL SYSTEM, page 44 12. Checking fuel level 13. Changing the main filter and water separating filter ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, page 46 14. Checking electrolyte level in batteries 15. Checking state of charge in batteries 16. Cleaning batteries 17. Checking coolant level monitor MISCELLANEOUS, page 48 18. Checking drive belt 19. Look for leakage, rectify as necessary 20. Checking/adjusting valve clearances 21. Checking/adjusting PDE injector rocker arms
1 1 1
3 1
1. More often if required. 2. Earlier if low pressure indicator shows red. 3. If inhibitor has not been topped up for five years, the coolant should be changed.
Every 5th year
4800 h
At least
2400 h
1200 h
400 h
200 h
400 h
First start
First time at
Lepaskan mur dan angkat
Cuci semua part tersebut
cover oil cleaner.
didalam solar.
Perhatian : Hati-hati pada saat membuka tutup, kemungkinan oli masih panas.
Pasangkan kembali O-ring ke mangkuk rotor. Pastikan O-ring tidak rusak. Ganti jika memang diperlukan.
Tarik rotor dan longgarkan
Memasang rotor kembali.
mur pada mangkuk rotor sebanyak 3 putaran.
Kencangkan kembali mur pelan-pelan dengan tangan.
Jika mur macet : jepitkan mur (bukan rotornya) pada ragum dan putar rotor
Sesuaikan kembali posisi rotor.
sebanyak 3 putaran
Pastikan bahwa rotor dapat
menggunakan tangan atau
berputar dengan mudah.
dengan memakai obeng. Pastikan O-ring mangkuk rotor Ketuk mur pelan-pelan dengan menggunakan tangan atau palu plastik, untuk melepaskan mangkuk rotor dari Bottom plate.
tidak rusak. Ganti jika O-ring mengeras atau rusak. Tutup mangkuk dan kencangkan mur. Jika mur dikencangkan memakai alat, hal ini dapat
Lepaskan mur dan angkat
merusak shaft rotor, mur dan
mangkuk rotor.
mangkuk rotor.
Ungkit pelan-pelan untuk melepaskan saringan dari Bottom plate.
Rotor akan terus berputar beberapa saat setelah mesin dimatikan. Matikan mesin jika suhu rotor
Bersihkan endapan kotoran di
dalam mangkuk rotor. Jika tidak
Dengarkan suara desingan dari
ada endapan, hal ini menandakan
rotor atau rasakan getaran dari
bahwa cleaner tidak berfungsi
bagian luar cleaner.
dengan baik.
Rotor normalnya terus berputar selama 30-60 detik setelah mesin
Jika tebal endapan melebihi 20mm :
Harus lebih sering dibersihkan !
Jika tidak, bongkar dan periksa !
3. Every 400 hours: CLEANING THE OIL CLEANER (at same time as an oil change) - Clean the cover. Unscrew the nut and remove the cover.
Open the cap carefully. The oil may be hot. - Lift out the rotor and loosen the nut on the rotor bowl three turns.
- If the nut is jammed: Clamp the nut, absolutely not the rotor, in a vice and turn the rotor three turns by hand or with a screwdriver.
- Tap the nut lightly with your hand or a plastic hammer, to detach the rotor bowl from the bottom plate.
- Unscrew the nut and remove the rotor bowl. - Remove the strainer located on the rotor. If the strainer is stuck, you can prise its bottom edge carefully until it comes loose from the bottom plate.
- Scrape off the deposits from the inside of the rotor bowl. If there are no deposits, this indicates that the cleaner is not working properly. - If the deposits are thicker than 20 mm: clean more often.
- Wash all parts in diesel oil. - Make sure the nozzles on the rotor are not blocked or damaged. - Make sure the bearings are not damaged.
- Fit the O-ring in the rotor bowl. Make sure it is not damaged. Change if necessary.
- Reassemble the rotor.
- Tighten the rotor nut firmly by hand. - Make sure the shaft is not loose. If it is loose, use locking compound 561 200 and tighten it to a torque of 34 Nm.
- Refit the rotor. - Check that it rotates easily by rotating it manually.
- Check that the O-ring in the bowl is undamaged. A hardened or damaged O-ring must be changed. - Screw on the bowl and tighten the lock nut to 15 Nm. Tighten the nut carefully so as not to damage the rotor shaft, nut or bowl.
Functional inspection The rotor rotates very fast and should continue to rotate when the engine has stopped. - Stop the engine when it is warm. - Listen for a whirring sound from the rotor or feel whether the cleaner housing is vibrating. The rotor normally continues spinning for 30 - 60 seconds after the engine has stopped. If it does not: dismantle it and inspect the component parts.