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Japan International Cooperation Agency
Elevation (m-MSL)
Studi Rehabilitasi Hutan Lindung dan Lahan Kritis Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tondano
Volume (MCM)
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
PLN (1994) JICA (2000) 660
Gambar II-1.8.3 Perbandingan Hasil Sounding (Bathymetry) untuk DanauTondano
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Studi Rehabilitasi Hutan Lindung dan Lahan Kritis Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tondano Republik Indonesia
Minister of Forestry Senior Advisors to the Minster (5)
Secretariat General
Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation
Bureau of Personnel
Bureau of Finance
Bureau of Law and Organization
Inspectorate General
Bureau of Public Relations
Bureau of General Affairs
Inspectorate General Secretariat Regional Inspectorate I-V
Gambar II-1.11.1
Struktur Organisasi Departemen Kehutanan
Directorate General of Nat ure Protection and Conservation
Directorate General of Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry
Directorate General of Protection Forest Management
Forestry Planning and Programming Agency
Forestry Research and Development Aency
Directorate General Secretariat
Directorate General Secretariat
Directorate General Secretariat
Agency Secretariat
Agency Secretariat
Directorate of Forest Protection
Directorate of Land Rehabilitation and Soil Conservat ion
Directorate of Production Forest Utilizat ion
Center for Forest ResourcesInventory
Center for Forest Development and Nature Conservation Research
Directorate of Social Forestry
Directorate of Natural Forest Development
Directorate of Nat ure, Forest , and Tourism Development Directorate Geeral of Nature Protection and Conservation
Directorate of Forest Enterprise Development
Directorate of Plantation Forest Development
Directorate of Forest Plantation Seeds
Directorate of Forestry Contribution and Forest Product Distribution Development Directorate of Forest Product Processing
Directorate of Area Conservation Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation
Forestry Extension Development Cent er
Forestry Training and Education Cent er
Forestry Standardization & Enviroment Center
Center for Forestry Crops Planning Center for Data and Mapping Center for Forest Area Land Use and Gazettement Center for Forest Management Area Establishment
Note:As of January 2001
Center for Forest Product Research Center for Social Economic Research Center for Biot echnology Development and Forest Plantation Improvement
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Studi Rehabilitasi Hutan Lindung dan Lahan Kritis Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tondano Republik Indonesia
Directorate General of Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry Directorate General Secretariat
Gambar II-1.11.2 Struktur Organisasi Direktorat Jenderal Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Perhutanan Sosial
Sub-Diretorate of Nursery
Section Nursery in the Western Region
Section Nursery in the Eastern Region
Directorate of Land Rehabilitation and Soil Conservation
Division of Program and Budgeting
Division of Evaluation & Reporting
Division of Personnel Affairs
Division of Legislation & Organization
Division of Administration & General Affairs
Sub-Divison Budget Preparation
Sub-Divison Evaluation & Report ing
Sub-Divison Personnel Administration
Sub-Divison Legislation
Sub-Divison Administration
Sub-Divison T echnical Cooperation
Sub-Divison Data & St atistics
Sub-Divison T ransfer Officer
Sub-Divison General Affairs
Sub-Divison Budget Administration
Sub-Divison Information Presentation
Sub-Divison Functional Position
Sub-Divison Legal Judgement and Accomplishment
Sub-Divison Acounting & Augit ing
Sub-Divison Organization and Management
Directorate of Forest Plantation Seeds
Directorate of Forest Enterprise Development
Sub-Directorate of Forest Rehabiltation
Sub-Direstorate of Coastal Area Rehabilitation
Sub-Directorate of Soil Conservation
Sub-Directorate of Reforestoration
Section Protected Forest Rehabilitation
Section Coastal Area Rehabilitation T echnique
Section Soil Conservation T echnique
Section Reforestration T echnique
Section Logged Over Area Forest Rehabilitationt
Section Coastal Area Management
Section Watershed Management
Section Coastal Area Rehabilitation Evaluation
Section Watershed Evaluation
Section Forest Rehabilitation Evaluation
Directorate of People Forest Development
Sub-Directorate of Seeds Distribution & Certificat ion
Sub-Directorate of Seedling Cultivat ion
Sub-Directorate of Non T imber Forest Products I
Sub-Directorate of Non T imber Forest Products II
Sub-Directorate of Food Reserve Forest
Sub-Diretorate of Community Forest in the West Region
Sub-Directorate of Community Forest in the Eastern Region
Section Seeds Distribution and Certfication in the Western Region
Section Seeding Cultivat ion Preparation
Section Silk Production
Section Rattan
Section Honey Bee Production
Section Fruit & Resin
Section Food Reserve Forest T echnique
Section Community Forest Preparation
Section Community Forest Preparation
Section Intercropping and Floor Vegetation
Section Community Forest Development
Section Community Forest Development
Section Seeds Distribution and Certfication in the Eastern Region
Section Management of Seeding Cultivat ion
Section Medicine Plants
Section Evaluation of Seeding Cultivat ion
Section Community Forest Development
Section Non T imber Forest Product Evaluation II
Section Environmental Reqreening
Section Food Reserve Forest Evaluationt
Sub-Directorate of People Forest
Sub-Directorate of Forest Village Community Institution
Section People Forest Preparation
Section Institution Identification
Section People Forest Development
Section Institution Development
Section People Forest Evaluation
Section Shifting Cult iVat ion Control
Note:As of April 30, 2000
North Sulawesi Province Forestry Service Office Head of Forestry Service Office Administration Division General Affairs Sub Division
Civil Service Sub Division
Finance Sub Division
Euipment Sub Division
M anagement Sub Division
Programme Department
Production Department
Farm Enterprise Department
Forest Establishment Department
Safety and Extension Department
Forest Inventory Section
Production M ethod Section
Trial Forest Production Section
Seeds and Seedlings Section
Legistration Section
Forest Area Section
Forest Production Prep aration Section
Income Tax Section
Reforesting and Land Rehabilitation Section
Forest Patrol Section
Planning Section
Forest Production Tax Section
M arket Information Section
Forest Versatile Section
Extension Services Section
Estimate and M apping Section
Technical Section
Legality Reward Section
Forest Protection Section
Forest Services Branch Office Sangihe Talaud
Forest Services Branch Office Gorontalo
Forest Services Branch Office Bolaang M ongondow
Forest Services Branch Office M nahasa
Note: As of January 2001
Minahasa District Forestry Service Office Head of Forestry Service Office Administration Division Programme & Reporting Section
Functional Forestry Staff
Finance Section
Public Services Section
Distribution Forestry Produce Section
Social Forestry Section
Technical Guidance & Land Conservation Section
Distribution Sub Section
M aintenace Sub Section
Programme Sub Section
M arketing Sub Section
Development Sub Section
HR Sub Section
Protection Sub Section
Land Conservation Sub Section
Technical Imp lementation Unit
Studi Rehabilitasi Hutan Lindung dan Lahan Kritis Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tondano Republik Indonesia Japan International Cooperation Agency
Note: As of January 2001
Gambar II-1.11.3 Struktur Organisasi Kantor Dinas Kehutanan di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara dan Kabupaten Minahasa
Basic Concept Sustainable Land Use
The Study Area
Selection Criteria for Zoning (a) Sensitivity on hydrological cycle (b) Fragileness on ecosystem (c) Potential for soil degradation
Evaluation on Three Criteria (a) Distribution of potential critical area for soil degradation Indicators: Slope gradient, Rainfall, Soil and geology (b) Distribution of fragileness of ecosystem Indicator: Land use (c) Distribution of sensitive area on hydrological cycle Indicators: Slope gradient, and hydrological network
Preparation of Three Evaluation Maps
Overlaying of Three Evaluation Maps
Simple Scoring Evaluation by Overlaying (a) Point 3: High priority to be protected (b) Point 2: Second priority to be protected (c) Point 1 or 0: Low priority for special conservation measures Minor Adjustment by Other Factors (a) Present boundary of Protection Forest (b) Continuity (c) Government regulation for protected area like riverbanks (d) Present land use (Present farming activities)
Preparation of Zoning Map for Study Area
Studi Rehabilitasi Hutan Lindung dan Lahan Kritis Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Tondano Republik Indonesia
Gambar II-3.2.1 Alir dari Proses Pembagian Zona
Japan International Cooperation Agency
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