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http://rindyriantika.blogspot.com akses 27/9/2013, 03:10 http://www.koran-sindo.com akses 1/10/2013, 09:10 http://www.facebook.com/AsyikBeratID akses 2/10/2013, 22:30 http://twitter.com/ AsyikBeratID akses 2/10/2013, 22:30 http://johngudil.wordpress.com akses 26/7/2013, 04:47 www.asyikberat.com akses 2/10/2013, 21:00 www.youtube.com/user/ AsyikBeratID akses 2/10/2013, 21:00 www.mayora.com akses 2/10/2013, 21:00 www.topbrand-award.com akses 2/10/2013, 21:00 http://www.socialbakers.com(akses 24/11/2013, 17:30)
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