CONGRESS PAPERS AND LECTURES Lei DELSEN Delsen, L. (2012) Verdwijnt het pronkstuk van de Nederlandse verzorgingsstaat?, lezing georganiseerd door PGGM/PFZW, Figi hotel, 20 september, Zeist. Delsen. L (2012) Will the new Dutch Vitality Scheme be a success?, paper for the International Labour and Employment Association 16th World Congress, “Beyond borders: Governance of work in a global economy”, 2-5 July, Philadelphia, USA. (with J. Smits) Delsen, L. (2012) Een armoedig beeld van Nederland, lezing tijdens de themamiddag ‘Armoede in Nederland’, georganiseerd door gemeente Hoogeveen, 11 april, Hoogeveen. Delsen, L. (2012) Van economische crisis naar economische crisis, lezing tijdens de themamiddag “De financiële crisis en Islamitisch financieren”, georganiseerd door Moslim Studenten Vereniging Nijmegen, 12 maart, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (2011) Is de euro nog te redden?, Lezing voor de JOVD Rijk van Nijmegen, 13 december, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (2011) invited paper to the conference ‘Strategic trends in multinationals’ policies on work-life balance and their implications for Human Resources Law’, organised by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 28 November, Dublin, Ireland. Delsen, L. (2011). Globalisation and social protection: Friends or foe?, paper presented at the International Economic Association (IEA) Congress 2011, 4-8 July, Tsinghua University, Beijing. (with J. Pacolet)
Delsen, L. en J. Pacolet (2010) globalisering en nationale systemen van sociale zekerheid, basisreferaat gepresenteerd tijdens het Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres “Lokaal beleid voor een globale markt? Concurrentie of Coördinatie binnen de EU?”, 19 november, Gent. Delsen, L. (2010) Active ageing policy in the Netherland, invited contribution to the symposium Work Opportunity for Older People: Vision and Strategy, organised by the Korean Gerontological Society (KGS), June 7, Seoul, Korea. Delsen, L. (2010) Welfare state reform in the Netherlands, 2003-2010, Paper presented at the Fourth European Conference on the State of the Welfare State in EU, organized by the Higher Institute for Labour Studies for the European Center for Workers Questions (EZA), 19 April, Leuven, Belgium. Delsen, L. (2010) Poldermodel is een blijvertje, bijdrage aan het debat Overlegcrisis: Nederland uitgepolderd?!, georganiseerd door CREA Universiteit van Amsterdam, 18 maart, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2009) Time sovereignty and work-life balance over the life cycle, Melbourne Institute od Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, 15 October Melbourne.
Delsen, L. (2009) Working times and employee choices - a win-win situation?, School of Management, RMIT University, 14 October, Melbourne. Delsen. L. (2009) Does Extending Workers’ Freedom of Choice Contribute to Balancing Work-Life over the Life Cycle?, paper for Track 3 Work, Family and Community of the International Industrial Relations Association 15th World Congress, “The New World of Work, Organisations & Employment”, 24-27 August, Sydney (with J. Smits). Delsen, L. (2009) Gevolgen crisis voor arbeidsmarkt van financiële professionals, Recruitment in Finance seminar, georganiseerd door Elsevier, 4 juni, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2009) Gevolgen recessie voor flexbranche, lezing tijdens Flexmarkt Seminar 2009, georganiseerd door Elsevier, 28 mei, Driebergen. Delsen, L. (2009) Distribution of risk in Dutch pension funds, Contribution to the workshop “Distribution of Risk in Occupational Pension Systems”, organized by Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (AK) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), 15 March, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2009) Effects of the financial crisis on Dutch pension funds, contribution to panel discussion on the “Effects of the financial crisis on capital funded occupational pension schemes”, organized by Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (AK) and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), 15 March, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2008) Armoedebestijding in Nederland, lezing tijdens informele raadsvergadering gemeente Heumen, 3 september, Malden. Delsen, L. (2008) discussant Workshop: Feminist Perspectives on Labor Markets, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen School of Management, March 7, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (2008) Investing in human capital, invited spreaker to the Joint Parliamentary Meeting on the "Lisbon Strategy", organised by the European Parliament, 11 and 12 February Brussels. Delsen, L. (2007) Do individualised life course plans improve work-life balances?, invited paper for the workshop “Balancing Work and Family Life - Comparative Assessment and Institutional Reform”, Organised by IZA-Institute for the Study of Labor and the Bertelsmann Foundation, November 23-24, Bonn. Delsen, L. (2007) Bijdrage aan Symposium ontslagbescherming, georganiseerd door De Burcht, 7 november, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2007) Governance in Dutch pension funds, invited paper for the conference on pension funds management, organised by the Federal Chamber of Labour of Austria, October 1, Vienna. Delsen, L. (2007) Ins and outs of the Dutch Life Course Savings Scheme, invited paper for the seminar on the “Life risks, life course and social policy", organised by the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), May 31- June 1, Paris.
Delsen, L. (2007) Foute economische analyses en conclusies door ‘samenstellingsfout’, commentaar op “pleidooi voor open grenzen” door Henk van Houtum tijdens symposium “Mythen en misverstanden over migratie” georganiseerd door het Thijmgenootschap, 27 april, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (2007) Taking stock of the 2006 Dutch Life Course Savings Scheme, invited paper for the 5th international research conference “Social Security and the Labour Market: A Mismatch?", Organised by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the Polish Social Security Institution (ZUS), March 5-7, Warsaw (with J. Smits). Delsen, L. (2006) Actual choices within the Life course plan in the Netherlands, paper for the International conference “Innovating Labour Market Policies. Transitional Labour Markets and Flexicurity”, organized by the Institute for Labour Studies (OSA) and Tilburg University, Utrecht University and Amsterdam University, 30 November and 1 December, Amsterdam. (with C. Guntrum) Delsen, L. (2006) Education and Training: from Consumption Goods to Investment Goods, Invited paper for the Plenary Session of Track 3 Productive Employment and Education of the IIRA 14th World Congress "Social Actors, Work Organization and New Technologies", September 11–14, Lima. Delsen, L. (2006) Operating time and working time management in the Netherlands, Paper for IIRA Study Group 10 Flexible work patterns meeting at the IIRA - 14th World Congress "Social Actors, Work Organization and New Technologies", September 14, Lima. (with J. Smits) Delsen, L (2006) Determinants of Operating Time in the Netherlands, paper presented at the Business & Economics Society International conference, July 15-19, Florence. (with J. Smits) Delsen, L. (2006) Pension funds in the Netherlands, paper presented during seminar “Pension funds in Europe”, organised by the European Trade Union Institute and Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, March 21, Prague. Delsen, L. (2005) Right to work: an effective, efficient and sustainable plan, paper for the 47th Annual Labour Economics Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, organised by the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning and the Centre for the Study of Regional Development, December 15-17, New Delhi.
Delsen, L. (2005) Welfare state reform in the Netherlands, paper for the conference “State of the welfare state anno 1992 and 10 years later in the EU and with Ten New Member States” organised by the Higher Institute for Labour Studies for the European Center for Workers Questions (EZA), October 17-18, Leuven. Delsen, L. (2004) Choices within Collective agreements à la carte in the Netherlands, Paper for the International Symposium on Working Time 9th meeting “Flexibility in working time and the break-up of social time”, February 26-28, Paris. (with J. Smits and J. Benders) Delsen, L. (2004) Kippigheid in de polder, lezing tijdens Ottonecongres “Arbeid, tijd & flexibiliteit”, Ottonekerk, 16 maart, Utrecht.
Delsen, L. (2004) Occupational pension funds in the Netherlands, paper presented during workshop of the Network on occupational pension funds, European Trade Union Institute, June 1-2, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2004) Effects of migration in the Dutch labour market, intervention in workshop 4 'Assessing the (un)desirability of borders towards migration, mobility and flows after enlargement of the European Union: One month of 'de-bordered' immigration from new EU member states in the Netherlands', at congress 'Mind the GaP organised by research group Government and Places, June 4, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (2004) Labor market institutions and economic performance in the Netherlands, Paper for the international conference "Flexibility and Performance: International Perspectives on Labor Market Institutions", organised by the Korea Labor Institute (KLI), KDI School of Public Policy Management (KDIS), and International Economic Journal (IEJ), July 19-20, Seoul. (with E. Poutsma) Delsen, L. (2004) The right direction? Comments on paper by Byung You Cheon and Sungteak Kim “Labor Market Policies for the Challenges in Korean Labor Market after the 1997 Financial Crisis” presented at the international conference "Flexibility and Performance: International Perspectives on Labor Market Institutions", organised by the Korea Labor Institute (KLI), KDI School of Public Policy Management (KDIS), and International Economic Journal (IEJ), July 19-20, Seoul. Delsen, L. (2004) Flexicurity: combining water and oil, Paper presented at the "Work, Employment and Society" conference, September 1-3, Manchester. Delsen, L. (2004) Working time flexibility: two cheers for regulation, one for the market, paper presented at the international conference "Arbeitszeit und soziale Sicherung in der Lebensperspektive", organised by the European Commission, SISWO and the Hans Böckler Stiftung, September 9-10, Berlin. Delsen, L. (2004) Nieuwe arbeidstijden in Nederland, Lezing tijdens workshop "Arbeidstijdmodellen in de Euregio Maas-Rijn - Het voorbeeld Nederland", georganiseerd door Kreis Aachen, Regio Wallonië en Stad Heerlen, 14 oktober, Heerlen. Delsen, L. (2003) Is the Dutch model an example for the necessary changes in Germany?, Contribution to expert meeting ‘Towards a new labour market order in Germany’, organised by SISWO and Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam, January 30-31, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2003) A Dutch fourth pension pillar miracle?, Contribution to the joint conference of the Geneva Association, the Club of Rome and the Risk Institute, "Work beyond 60: Preparing for the Demographic Shock", March 6-7, Vienna. Delsen, L. (2003) Meetproblemen rond informeel werk, MOO-Lezing, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Voorburg, 2 april. Delsen. L. (2003) Working time flexibility, invited paper presented at the seminar of the Network "Managing social risks through transitional labour markets", Wissenschftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, May 22, Berlin.
Delsen. L. (2003) Uitzendwerk: Zo flexibel als Barbapapa?, Lezing tijdens congres "Conjunctuur en uitzendarbeid", georganiseerd door de Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen en de Universiteit van Amsterdam, 14 november, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2003) Arbeidstijdmodellen in Nederland, Lezing tijdens startbijeenkomst van het project "Moderne arbeidstijden - Met Euro-Mobilzeit een blik over de grenzen heen", georganiseerd door Kreis Aachen, Regio Wallonië en Stad Heerlen, 24 november, Heerlen. Delsen, L. (2002) Trends op de arbeidsmarkt. Waar kan men groei verwachten? (en waar krimp?), lezing tijdens Flexmarkt Conferentie 2002 “Groeikansen en bedreigingen voor arbeidsintermediairs”, georganiseerd door Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, 6 juni, De Doelen, Rotterdam. Delsen, L. (2002) The issues of incentives/disincentives to be active in the labour market rising from the operation of the tax and social protection systems, paper presented at the seminar on the ETUI project “Active strategies for older workers” organised by the European Trade Union Institute, June 12, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2002) Ist die private Arbeitsvermittlung ein Modell fuer Deutschland, lezing tijdens conferentie “Chancen und Perspektiven des grenzueberschreitenden Arbeitsmarktes” georganiseerd door het Ministerie voor Arbeit und Soziales Nordrhein-Westfalen en het Zentrum fuer Niederlande-Studien van de Universiteit van Muenster, 28 Juni, Gelsenkirche. Delsen, L. (2002), Ageing and work in the Netherlands, Paper for the International Workshop “Ageing and work”, Georganiseerd door het Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO), 2. September 2002, Bonn. Delsen, L. (2002) Gradual retirement: European experience, Paper for the conference New organisation of time over working life, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, November 14-15, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2002) Positive versus negative policy competition, paper presented at the 2002 ENEPRI Conference Policy Competition and the Welfare State, organised by the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, November 29-30, The Hague. Delsen. L. (2002) Race to the bottom?, Inleiding gehouden tijdens WRR workshop "Sociaal beleid in het Europa van de 21e eeuw", georganiseerd door de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, 18 december, Den Haag. Delsen, L. (2001) Working time policies in the Netherlands, lezing tijdens conferentie “Learning from One's Neighbours': Employment Promotion Oriented Working Time Policy in Europe” organised by the Ministry of Work of Northrhine-Westfalia, March 1, Cologne. Delsen, L. (2001) Gradual retirement, lezing tijdens workshop “Organisation of time throughout workling life”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, March 12-13, Dublin.
Delsen, L. (2001) Active strategies for older workers. Dutch particularities and strategies for the future, paper presented at the second workshop of the ETUI project on “Active strategies for older workers, April 20-21, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2001) Bedrijfseconomische gevolgen van individualisering en flexibilisering, lezing tijdens congres “Gezocht: aantrekkelijke werkgever (m/v) Over mens en organisatie in het flextijdperk” georganiseerd door Studievereniging INPUT, 26 april, Tilburg. Delsen, L. (2001) Het vergeten prijskaartje van flexibilisering en individualisering, bijdrage aan het centrale debat tijdens "De arbeidsmarktonderzoekersdag 2001. Wetenschapsbeurs over onderzoek naar de arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen", georganiseerd door het Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming, Universiteit van Antwerpen, 25 september, Antwerpen. Delsen, L. (2001) Is eine bezahlte Stelle das Heilmittel gegen Armut? Fachtagung: „Von Europa lernen? Sozial- und Arbeitsmarktpilitik in den Niederlanden“, Universität des Saarlandes, 19 Oktober, Saarbrücken. Delsen, L. (2001) Arbeitszeitpolitik in den Niederlanden, Fachtagung: „Praxisfelder des sozialen Arbeitsschutzes“, georganiseerd door Landesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz NordrheinWestfalen, 6 November, Maastricht. Delsen, L. (2001) The issues of incentives/disincentives to be active in the labour market rising from the operation of the tax and social protection systems, paper presented at the third workshop of the project “Active strategies for older workers” organised by the European Trade Union Institute, December 14, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2000) Economic study on supporting and encouraging employers in the employment of disabled people in Europe, Paper for the conference "Positive action for jobs for disabled people - the continuing challenge", organised by EUG-IPWH, May 25-26, Hotel DORINT, Brussels. Delsen, L. (2000) Latest International trends in labour market flexibility and atypical employment, invited paper presented at the seminar of the Industrial Relations Association of South Africa (IRASA) and South Africa Society for Labour Law (SASLAW), July 20, University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, Cape Town. Delsen, L. (2000) International developments in atypical employment, University of Cape Town Gradual School of Business Seminar Series, July 28, Cape Town, South Africa. Delsen, L. (2000) Das Niederländische Witschaftsmodell: Arbeitsmarktpolitik und -modelle, wirtschaftlicher Erfolg und die Tarifpartner, lezing tijdens de seminar Das Niederländische Wirtschaftswunder - ein Modell für den Aufschwung in Deutschland?, georganiseerd door de Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft en het Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam, 8 Oktober, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (2000) Die Niederlanden: die erste Teilzeitwirtschaft?, lezing tijdens de conferentie "Arbeitsmarktpolitik im Zentrum Europas - Ein Ländervergleich" georganiseerd door Ministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Qualification und Technologie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, , 14 Dezember, Düsseldorf.
Delsen, L. (1999) Economic theory and moral, bijdrage aan de studiedag "Arbeidsverdeling. Een vraag voor moraal en religie in een geseculariseerde samenleving, georganiseerd door de Werkgroep " Religie, Economie, Arbeid" van de Faculteit der Godsgeleerdheid, 22 januari, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (1999) Bündnis für Arbeit und seine Wirkungen, bijdrage aan de conferentie "Was können wir von den Nachbarn lernen?", 29 januari, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Duitsland. Delsen, L. (1999) Research on operating hours in the Netherlands, Contribution to the Workshop on the State of Research on Operating Hours in Great Britain, The Netherlands, France and Germany, organised by the Institut zur Erforschung sozialer Chancen (ISO), February 26, Cologne. Delsen, L. (1999) EMU and the social environment, invited paper presented at the international conference "Les Mutations du Travail en Europe", organised by the Université du Littoral, 18 Mars, Dunkerque. Delsen, L. (1999) Bedrijfstijden versus arbeidstijden?, bijdrage aan de bijeenkomst van de Arbeidsmarktgroep van SISWO/Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappen over "Zeggenschap over arbeidstijden, 23 maart, SISWO, Amsterdam. Delsen. L. (1999) Managing redundancies in the Netherlands, contribution to the workshop "The management of labour redundancies in Europe: instruments and prospects", organised by the Italian National Labour and Economic Board (CNEL), 9 July, Rome. Delsen, L. (1999) Human Capital and Labour Productivity, Integration of Institutions and Endogenous Growth, Paper for the annual conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE), Regensburg. (with M. Schonewille) Delsen, L. (1999) Beleidsleren: over wat werkelijk leren is en wat we vergeten zijn, bijdrage aan de conferentie "The Dutch "Miracle" revisited", Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 21 december, Nijmegen. Delsen, L. (1998) Overleginstituties en de accumulatie van menselijk kapitaal, paper gepresenteerd tijdens de seminar "Labour Markets and Institutions", georganiseerd door het Landelijk Netwerk Institutionele Economie i.s.m. de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, vrijdag 23 januari, Nijmegen Delsen, L. (1998) Flexibele arbeidscontracten: de implicaties voor de organisatie, lezing gehouden tijden de studiedag "De flexmarkt in beweging", georganiseerd door Studiecentrum voor Bedrijf en Overheid, Musis Sacrum, 18 mei, Arnhem. Delsen, L. (1998) The Dutch model: fact or fiction?, lezing te houden tijdens de Studiedag georganiseerd door de Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, 22 juni, Hannover. Delsen, L. (1998) Flexibilisering van de arbeid: zijn er grenzen?, bijdrage aan het congres 'Flexibilisering van de Arbeid; buigen of barsten' georganiseerd door Alcmaeon, de Utrechtse Faculteitsvereninging der Sociale Wetenschappen, 19 november, Utrecht.
Delsen, L. (1997) Korte en lange termijn consequenties van flexibele arbeid, Lezing gehouden tijdens het congres "Flexibel en toch betrokken", georganiseerd door Focus, Holiday Inn, 15 & 16 januari, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (1997) Flexibiliteit, waar liggen de grenzen?, Lezing gehouden tijdens het jaarcongres "Flexibiliteit, waar liggen de grenzen" van de Interregionale Vakbondsraad in de Euregio Maas-Rijn, 21 februari, Tongeren. Delsen, L. (1997) Schaduwzijden van het poldermodel, Lezing voor bestuurders en medewerkers van de Bouw- en Houtbond FNV, 27 mei, Tulip Inn Hotel, Amersfoort. Delsen, L. (1997) De Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, bijdrage aan het centrale debat tijdens "De arbeidsmarktonderzoekersdag 1997. Wetenschapsbeurs over onderzoek naar de arbeidsmarkt in Vlaanderen", georganiseerd door het Steunpunt Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming, Vlaams-Europees Congrescentrum, 29 mei, Brussel. Delsen, L. (1997) Bestaat er een afruil tussen numerieke flexibiliteit en employability, lezing gehouden tijdens het congres "In banen geleid. Allocatie en nieuwe vormen van sturing op de arbeidsmarkt in België", georganiseerd door SISWO, i.s.m. Regioplan, 18 september, Congrescentrum Engels, Rotterdam. Delsen, L. (1997) Het Nederlandse werkgelegenheidsmodel, lezing gehouden tijdens de studiedag van de Interregionale Vakbondsraad Schelde-Kempen, 22 september, Provinciaal Vormingscentrum, Malle. Delsen, L. (1996) Gradual retirement in Sweden, principle speech during the forum on "Gradual retirement" at the 8th annual conference organised by the National Council on Aging (NCOA), April 27, Washington D.C., USA. Delsen, L. (1996) When do men work part-time?, Paper presented to the seminar on Part-time Employment Paradoxes, Wissenschafszentrum Berlin (WZB), September 12-14, Berlin. Delsen, L. (1996) A new concept of full employment, paper presented at the 8th annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), July12-14, Geneva. Delsen, L. (1996) Social work and the safety net in the Dutch social security system, paper presented at the international workshop of the Phare Consensus Programme "Model (Pilot) Community Centre for Social Work", organised by the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, November 20-22, Ljubljana. Delsen, L. (1996) International trends in temporary and part-time employment, invited paper presented at the international conference "New Strategies for Everyday Life. Work, Free Time and Consumption", organised by the Department of Leisure Studies, Tilburg University, December 12-14, Tilburg. Delsen, L. (1995) Trends in arbeidstijden: de huidige ontwikkelingen omtrent tijd en werk, Lezing gehouden tijdens het congres "OR & Flexibilisering van Arbeidstijd: Kiezen of Delen?, georganiseerd door CNV en SBI, SBI-conferentiecentrum Zonheuvel, 13 juni, Doorn.
Delsen, L. (1995) Flexibilisering van de arbeid: Nederland gids- of ontwikkelingsland, Lezing gehouden tijdens het congres "Interne en externe personeelsflexibiliteit". georganiseerd door Focus, SAS Hotel, 20 juni, Amsterdam. Delsen, L. (1994) International Quantitative Comparision of Part-time and Temporary Employment, Paper for the Meeting of the International Industrial Relations Association Study Group 10 on Flexible Work Patterns, August 26, Helsinki. Delsen, L. (1994) Trends in arbeidstijden: de huidige ontwikkelingen omtrent tijd en werk, Lezing gehouden tijdens het congres "OR & Flexibilisering van Arbeidstijd: Kiezen of Delen?, georganiseerd door CNV en SBI, SBI-conferentiecentrum Zonheuvel, 1 december, Doorn. Delsen, L. (1992) Part-time employment and the utilisation of labour resources, Paper prepared for the Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, University of Warwick, September 3-6, Warwick. Delsen, L. (1991) Demographic developments, participation rates and part-time employment in Europe, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of the Geneva Association on Strategic Issues and Planning in Insurance, October 28-30, London. Delsen L. (1990) Integration des handicapés dans le processus du travail: la politique néerlandaise, Paper for the interantional congress “Vieillisement et Travail”, 18-19 mars, St.Amand-Montrond (Cher). (with S. Klosse) Delsen, L. (1990) Flexible labour contracts and government policy in Europe, Paper for the conference "Labour Market and Labour Market Policy in Europe in the 1990s" of the European Assiciation of Labour Economists, September 20-23, Lund. Delsen, L. (1989) Part-time early retirement in Europe, Paper for the inaugural conference "Employment in Europe in the 1990's: the chances for a new deal" held by the European Association of Labour Economists, September 8-10, at the ILO Centre, Turin. Delsen, L. (1988) Flexibel labour contracts and inflexible trade unions, Paper presented at the conference "Trade unions in market economies: deficiencies and developments in the economic theory of trade unions" of the "Arbeidskreis Politische Oekonomie", June 10-12, Maastricht. Delsen, L. (1987) Improving the employability of the disabled: A practical Approach, Paper presented during the IRTAC International Consultation on Counselling Disabled People and their Families, July 5-8, Vienna.