DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21. Név:…………………………………………. Neptunkód:…………………………………………… MEGOLDÓLAP
1. feladat 1. ............................................................................................................... 2. ............................................................................................................... 3. ............................................................................................................... 4. ............................................................................................................... 5. ............................................................................................................... 6. ............................................................................................................... 7. ............................................................................................................... 8. ............................................................................................................... 9. ............................................................................................................... 10. ............................................................................................................... Elért pontszám:……….
2. feladat 1.
Elért pontszám:……….
3. feladat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Elért pontszám:……….
DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21.
1. Alkosson helyes mondatokat az alább megadott szavakkal úgy, hogy a megfelelő sorrendbe teszi őket! Minden szót fel kell használnia, és a szavak alakján nem változtathat! VÉGLEGES VÁLASZAIT A MEGOLDÓLAPRA ÍRJA!
Elérhető pontszám: 15 pont
1. short/Joe/bed/went/to/ago/time/a. ________________________________________________________. 2. least/sport/week/try/twice/to/some/do/a/at. ________________________________________________________. 3. this/there/any/facilities/are/in/sports/area? ________________________________________________________? 4. secretary/I/see/some/about/need/to/the/papers. _________________________________________________________. 5. the/believe/candidate/this/I/job/for/am/right/I. _________________________________________________________. 6. you/the/to/mustn’t/you/want/show/late/if/go/be/to. _________________________________________________________. 7. local/granny/the/market/my/always/ingredients/at/fresh/buys/the. _________________________________________________________. 8. Hungary/afternoon/they/me/this/send/may/parcel/a/from. _________________________________________________________. 9. which/stayed/minutes/centre/we/a/hotel/fifteen/from/at/is/the. _________________________________________________________. 10. own/better/month/is/than/to/buy/it/to/your/pay/flat/rent/the/every? _________________________________________________________?
DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21.
2. Egészítse ki a szöveget a megadott szavakkal! Elérhető pontszám: 15 pont
The modern Mother's Day is …1… on various days in many parts of the world, most ...2… in March, April, or May as a day to honour mothers and motherhood. …3… the UK and Ireland, it follows the …4… traditions of Mothering Sunday, celebrated in March/April. Historically, the celebration has its …5… in ancient customs and traditions. The ancient Greeks kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. The ancient Romans also had …6… holiday, Matronalia, which was dedicated to Juno (an ancient Roman goddess), though mothers were usually given … 7… on this day. In …8… there were several long-standing traditions where a specific Sunday was set aside to honour motherhood and mothers such as Mothering Sunday, which is a Christian ...9… celebrated throughout Europe, and which falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent. One of the early calls to celebrate Mother's Day in the United States …10 … the "Mother's Day Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe. Written in 1870, the Proclamation was tied to Howe's feminist belief that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level. Today the holiday has become very …11… around the world. People take the day as an …12… to pay tribute to their mothers and …13… them for all their love and support. There is also a tradition of gifting …14… , cards and other gift to mothers …15… the occasion.
a) popular
f) old
k) in
b) gifts
g) on
l) was
c) flowers
h) another
m) festival
d) Europe
i) celebrated
n) commonly
e) opportunity
j) thank
o) origin
DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21. 3. Olvassa el az alábbi szöveget és válassza ki a helyes megoldást! Elérhető pontszám: 15 pont
The colour red We live surrounded by colours. Take a minute and imagine the world around you without colours, how boring and unexciting life would be. Colours play a vital role in our daily lives. A new baby sees very little, because he can't focus his eyes well, and concentrates mostly on objects within 8 to 10 inches of his face, according to the American Optometric Association. Research suggests that red is the first colour that a baby sees. Does this mean that new parents should wear red to greet their new-borns? Not exactly. Human babies don’t begin to differentiate colours until a few weeks after they are born. The first sign of this may be when a baby is fixated on something red. Studies suggest that humans continue to have a special reaction to the colour red throughout their lives. At a young age, children learn that red is a sign of caution or danger. After all, red is the colour of blood as well as fire. Some athletes use red to intimidate their opponents. Tiger Woods wears red on the final day of his major golf tournaments. Is this because he wants to be fierce or because it’s his lucky colour? Historically, red has been associated with royalty and luck. Red carpets are laid out for celebrities and leaders before important events. Red carpets also line the entranceways to luxury hotels and restaurants. This may help guests feel more special. It may also help them spend more money. According to some studies, the colour red actually makes you hungry. 1) This article is mainly about… a) humans’ response to the colour red. b) colours. c) babies. 2) New babies see very little because… a) they cannot concentrate on objects. b) they can only see red. c) they notice only objects close to their faces. 3) We can understand from the reading that… a) new parents should wear red to greet their new babies. b) new parents shouldn’t wear red to greet their new babies. c) babies begin to make a difference between colours some weeks after their birth. 4) The text suggests that… a) red is a lucky colour for most people. b) red can represent different things to people. c) Tiger Woods never wears red. 5) According to the text,… a) hotels and restaurants don’t use red carpets. b) red is thought to make people hungry. c) colours in hotels and restaurants don’t affect people. 4
DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21. 4. Írjon fogalmazást vagy levelet (kb. 120-150 szó terjedelemben) a megadott szempontok felhasználásával! Térjen ki röviden minden megadott szempontra és alkosson egységes, összefüggő szöveget!
A) Írjon fogalmazást nyaralási szokásairól!
mely nyaralóhelyeket részesíti előnyben itthon és külföldön,
általában milyen szálláshelyeket keres, mik ezeknek az előnyei,
hogyan oldja meg az utazást és az ellátást,
mivel tölti a szabadságát az adott üdülőhelyen.
B) Nemrégiben volt az esküvője. Írjon levelet angol barátjának, melyben
elújságolja a fontos hírt,
elmeséli, hol és hogy zajlott a szertartás és/vagy a lagzi ( kik voltak a meghívott vendégek, mi volt a lakodalmi menü, milyen ajándékokat kaptak a vendégektől, stb.),
leírja, hogyan töltik/töltötték a mézesheteket,
beszél arról is, hogy milyen érzései/tervei vannak most az új, közös élet küszöbén.
DF HELYETTESÍTŐ NYELVVIZSGA 1. (Angol nyelv) 2014. február 21. 4. feladat:
………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………... Tartalom:
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