Declarations of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept Supplement Declarations below have been signed by the following music pedflgogues and representatives of organisations 1. Magyar Kodaly Tarsasag I Hungarian Kodaly Society- dr. Mihilly Ittzes, president 2. British Kodaly Academy- Margaret 0/iver, Chair of Trustees 3. Kodruy Society of Ireland- Daniel Walsh, chairman 4. Antoni, Andrea (on behalf of the community of music teachers)- Kodaly Zoltan Enekzenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimmizium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Mfiveszeti Iskola 5. Ubrizsy-Ersek, Eva- Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimmizium, Szakkozepiskola es AlapfokU Mfiveszeti Iskola 6. Ittzes-Kovendi, Kata- Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei Altahinos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola 7. Kiss, Lasz/6- Muzsika Zeneiskola, Nyiregyhaza 8. Vida Sziics, Maria- Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola, Kisvarda 9. Darvas Nikoletta- Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola, Szigetvar 10. Banith, Zoltan- Farkas Ferenc Zene- es Aranymetszes Miiveszeti Iskola, Nagykanizsa 11. Nagyne Soltra, Monika- Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola, Kaposvar 12. 6ri, C.'iilla (headmistress), Uhereczky, Eszter (choir conductor), Preszter, N6ra (deputy director of music) Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Zenei Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola 13. National Youth Choir of Scotland- Lucinda Geoghegan, Education Director 14. Institute ofMusic Education, CCOM (China) -ProfessorJianjin Gao, Dean
MAGYAR KODALY TARSASAG Alapitva: 1978 - Kozhasznu szervezet: 2009 1064 Budapest, Vor<>smarty u. 35. Ad6szam: 19040437-1-42 Bankszamlaszam: OTP 11706016-20822228 Tei.jFax:+36-1/322-1802 Email:
[email protected] Honlap:
DECLARATION I, the undersigned dr. Mihaly Ittzes hereby declare that in my own studies and during 50 years of personal practice as a music teacher I have used the Kodaly concept of music education. I found this method very useful in the development of general musical abilities, in ear training and also in practising musical reading and writing. I have taught according to the Kodaly concept in various school types like musical elementary and secondary school, secondary school specialized in music for ,:would-be musicians as well as in tertiary level. I taught both for Hungarian and foreign students (wouldbe music teachers). It is my firm conviction based on personal experiences that the great variety ofthe methodological tools of this system can be used in any level of music education. The well~prepared methodology helps the teacher's work but freedom for the creativity of music pedagogues is also obvious in it. Its most important role is in the education of music lovers. As a conductor of school choirs I found that the preparation of new materials needs shorter time if the singers (children) are trained in relative solfa as it is adapted into the Kodaly concept. Many of my former and present colleagues in schools and in the Kodaly Society witness that the well-selected and well-ordered material from children's game songs and folksongs up to the different styles of music history help the development of the musical sensitivity and good taste of those who are taught according to the Kodaly concept. Besides the material and the methodological process the relatively higher number of singing lessons (tluee or four times a week and singing in choir) is also a basic requirement in the Kodaly concept. Those children who study according to such a programme in the socalled musical primary schools usuaJly become more sensitive and more disciplined. As a professor of the Kodaly Institute in Kecskemet I saw many times that how foreign students (often young music teachers) became enthusiatic follower of the Kodaly concept because they received personal experiences of its effectivness in the development of musical abilities (musical hearing and musical reading and writing) on a vocal basis and in the deeper understanding of music. I am sure that the HUNGARIAN METHOD OF EDUCATION FOR MUSIC AND HUMANITY, THE KODALY CONCEPT is worthy of being registered in the list of the best cultural practices. Budapest, January 8, 2014
dr. Miha~ Ittzes President of the Hungarian Kodaly Society
1 (UNESCO declaration)
The Kodaly Concept- statement on behalf of the British Kodaly Academy
Music Teachers who belong to The British Kodaly Academy (BKA) recognise the enormous advantages of Kodalv's approach to music education and the relevance it continues to offer to us in the United Kingdom. We value this music learning process which is structured and sequential- moving by logical steps from simple, unconscious learning at Early Years through to later conscious understanding of musical elements, and thence to development of musicians who are skilled for tife to tackle challenging and complex music of all genres with confidence and musicality. Kodaly's approach to music education, based on teaching, learning and understanding music through the experience of singing, offers teachers simple tools so that they can introduce music to very young children through songs, and so provide the vital foundation on which understanding and appreciation of musical complexity can be built. The tools with which we practise with the young are relative solfa, rhythm names and handsigns- guidelines rather than a "method"- and still useful for adults too. Singing involves hearing the sound in the head before producing it- inner hearing· so we begin with the voice, the instrument we all possess. We are convinced of the value of using relative solfa, appreciating that practice in it enables singing in any key, as all major/minor scales are reduced to one pattern. Each solfa name has a function within the given tonality and an understanding of this helps with hearing intervals, triads and so on. We see in our work with children how it helps them to develop their sight reading skills and, for musicians of all ages, it offers understanding of form, harmony and so on. We hear in our choirs how relative solfa helps not only with sight reading but with intonation and good tuning. The rhvthm names convey the length of musical sounds and help children who can say the rhythm names accurately, to clap and play accurately as well. We find it helpful to teach rhythm in a way that enables people to overcome the difficulties of complicated rhythmic patterns later on. We find that the handsigns are a really useful visual aid, helping children to understand the relative positions of each pitch· and they are helpful as the introduction to two-part singing as well. They are still relevant to musicians of all ages: it is amazing to be gathered with people from many countries and guided through a new song via handsignsemphasising that music is a universal language. We value the holistic benefits of the Kodaly approach in our schools: the inner well-being brought about through singing spreads subconsciously, contributing to the whole ethos of the school and making a positive impact on children's behaviour. On discovering the Koda!y approach, teachers at a BKt, course feel they have received a "life-changing experience" which inspires their future music teaching journey. Kodaly recognised the value of music's uplifting qllality when he said that "music is the expressive tool of the human soul which is equally accessible to everyone 1' and this is how we see our privilege and role as music teachers in applying Kodaly's concepts to our work.
Margaret Oliver- BKA Chair of Trustees December 2013
Kodaly Society of Ireland C/0 95 Glasnevin Avenue, Dublin 11, Ireland
To Whom lt May Concern
The Kodaly Concept is very useful to me in my professional work in the area of music education. The concept offers several teaching tools that help teachers to make some difficult concepts in music to be easily understandable by students, even when the students are very young. The particular learning points covered are in the areas of developing an understanding and experience of pulse, rhythm and metre, aural imagination of and recognition and identification of sounds in exact relation to each other and, most importantly, bringing all these together holistically to develop good musical understanding. The significance of this is progress in musical understanding is rapid, musical development occurs at a rate suited to each student and the student becomes confident as a musician at his level. This can be measured against other ways of teaching where the student makes good progress, but despite his achievements, may not have inner confidence and security that arises from understanding fully and knowing completely. Specifically, these teaching tools suited to beginners are Tonic Sol-fa, Hand Signs, French Time Names, Printed Teaching Materials (a large collection of published printed works in ~music notation and sol-fa), Use ofFolksongs (especially from the national repertoire of each student) and Singing. While some of these tools were the original ideas and works of other music educators, the assembling of them into the collection associated with the music teaching ideas of the Kodaty Concept is unique to Kodaly (the man). Most importantly, the words of Kodaly describing his philosophy of music teaching which are in print offer persuasion, encouragement and direction to music teachers individually, collectively and even worthy enough to be considered at the level of State. In my country, Ireland, the syllabus for the primary curriculum music is heavily influenced by the Kodaly Concept despite giving any special mention or credit to it explicitly. The movement of Music Schools in Hungary is another example of how Kodaly's music teaching ideals resulted in a style of schooling that has benefits for students. He was concerned with both the musical development of potential professional musicians and also the development of a nation of musically informed people who could benefit from the nourishing nature of music and its capacity for offering a more meaningful life. For more advanced students, the approach is experience-based: practice precedes theory. This approach supports meaningful learning. Students benetit by having highly trained and sharpened listening skills whereby they may identify or recognise what they hear, have a capacity to deal with larger memory chunks and instantly recognise musical forms and textures. Kodaly's work has been developed in these ways by the teachers which follow his lead as living colleagues and also as subsequent generations of disciples devoted to his concept.
Personally, my commitment to the Kodaly Concept has caused me to devote much of my free time working voluntarily to spread awareness about it to music teachers, musicians and national school teachers: I organise a successful in-career development course annually.
l recommend the Kodaly Concept as a significant part of human culture worthy of recognition and protection for future generations. So much could be said to support the concept. However, best recommendations are brief. Further detailed information may be retrieved from the website of the Kodaly Society of Ireland (listed below). Any follow-up questions about the above are welcome and will be answered quickly.
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Walsh M.A. (Hons)(Mus) Chairman: Kodaly Society of Ireland (Web: Director, Annual In-career course: Active Music Making: The Kodaly Approach Director, Playright Music Ltd., Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 842 2463
Kodaly koncepcio - Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfokii Miiveszeti Iskola Iskolankban 1950. okt6ber 26.-an kezd&H>tt el az oktat6- nevelo munk:a Nemesszeghyne Szentlcinilyi Marta igazgat6 iranyftasaval. A zenetanar pedag6gusok, szam szerint jelenleg 8 enekta.nar a KodaJy koncepci6 alkalma.zAsavaJ vegeztek es vegzik az enek - zenei nevelest immar 63 eve. A mas tanszakokon tanft6 koltegaink is a KodaJy koncepci6t megismerve, es elismerve leptek be a tantestUlet k6ros munkajaba, nagy szazalekban konibbi ,.,Kodaly - iskol.askent" A mindennapos enek6rak:on, k6rusfoglalkozasokon, ahogyan az egyeb tan6rak:on is
igyekszUnk megval6sitani Kodaly Zoltan 1947-ben megfogalmazott lOO eves tervet: A kottaolvasas, kottairas, lwncert /Qtogatas altaltinossa lite/et, a magyar zenei lriizizles eme/eset, a folyamatos haladtist a jobb es magyarabb fele, a vilagirodalom remeketnek lriizkinccse lite/et_ A kottaolvasas, kottainis keszsege fejleszti a figyelmet, a koncentnilast, a rendezett
irask.epet az olvasas- Ws feladatokjavara is. Felismerhet6 a zenei neveles kapcsolt hatasa a matematik:ai - Iogikai, valamint az idegen nyelvi tanulmanyokban is. A zenei tananyag a magyar nepzenere alapul, atfvel a nemzetek nepzenei anyagan es a zeneirodalom minden milveszeti korszalain. Olyan alapokat biztosit ez a tananyag, ami meghatarozza a felnl>vekv<S genenici6k kultunilis erdeklMeset, igenyesseget is.
A tanuloink nagy szazaleka tanul hangszerjlitekot, ahol hangszertanaraink is alkalmazzak. a Kodaly koncepci6 elemeit mindennapos munk.ajukban. A tanulo is e15ad6va valik, megtanulja az aprolekos, rendszeres, gyakorllist, amely erteketjelent a maga es a koncert ballgat6i szamara is.
Az 1934-ben kezdemenyezett Eneklo Jfjll.sag mozgalomban, Kodaly Zoltan hitvallasa szerint
a mindennapos enekles, ahogyan a korusenekles is, oJyan elmenyhez juttatja a fiatalokat, ami hatast gyakorol a szemelyisegre, a k~z6ssegfonnal3sra, a k6z6ssegben megtanulhat6 pozitiv magatartasformak:ra, a fegyelemre. Iskolankban 9 enekkar milkl>dik, a 3. osztalyosokt6l a 12. oszWyosokig. Ketevente Eneklo Ifjusag hangversenyeken vesmek reszt k6rusairik, .Arany diploma es Ev K6rusa dmet elnyerve. A hangsze.res tanu16k zenek:arban jatszanak. Gyermekeink tiszta lelkii gyerekek, fiataljaink kis szazalekban veszelyeztetettek a k:aros tarsadalmi folyamatokban, szenvedelybetegsegekben. Kecskemet, 2013. december 11.
Iskolank enek tanszaka neveben: Antoni Andrea munkak6zl:lsseg vezetlS
Kodaly koncepcio - Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altahinos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola [Kodaly Concept- Kodaly Zoltan Singing and Music Primary, Secondary and Vocational Schools and School of Arts in Kecskemet] Education and instruction began at our school on the 26th of October 1950, under the direction ofMarta Szentkinilyi Nemesszeghyne, Principal. Music teachers at the school (currently there are eight singing teachers) have employed the Kodaly Concept in music instruction for 63 years. Teachers in other faculties are also familiar with and acknowledge the Kod:ily Concept - many having been former students of the method themselves- contributing to the joint work of the teaching staff. In the daily singing classes, choral classes, as well as in other subjects we strive to carry out the lOO-year plan Zoltan Kodaly proposed in 1947: Making musical score reading, musical notation and regular concert going a general practice, elevating the level of musical taste in Hungary, providing for constant develgpment toward better quality and more Hungarian-style music, and providing for a general awareness of the masterpieces of world literature. The ability to read and write music notation enhances and develops attention spans and concentration and organizational abilities and improves performance in reading and writing tasks. Music training also has a concomitant effect on mathematical skills, logical thinking and foreign language learning. The music curriculum is based on Hungarian folk music, encompasses the folk music of other ethnic groups as well as the various artistic periods of music. This knowledge shapes the foundation of up coming generations for a genuine interest in culture and a refined taste in music. The majority of our students also learn how to play an instrument with our teachers also applying elements of the Kodaly Concept in daily musical instrument instruction. The student thus becomes a performer, learning how to rehearse and work on something systematically, with regular, thorough and meticulous practice. This is an asset for students and audiences alike. In The Singing Youth Movement started in 1934, children and youth experienced the rewards of day-to-day singing in a choir, which Zoltan Kodaly believed had a positive effect on personality development and conununity cohesion. These youth learned self-discipline and positive social behavioral norms. Nine choirs operate in our school for students from the third to the twelfth grade. Every two years our choirs take part in the Singing Youth Competition, regularly bringing home the Golden Certificate and Choir ofthe Year awards. Instrumental students also play in the school orchestra.
Kodaly koncepcio- Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altabinos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola Our students are pure in spirit and a much smaller percentage of our youth are affected by detrimental social processes or hannful addictions. Kecskemet, 11 December 2013.
Written on behalf of the singing faculty of the Music School of Kecskemet by: Andrea Antoni Head of Staff
Kodaly koncepcio- Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola Ubrizsyne Ersek Eva nyugalmazott enektamir kollegank szemelyes gondolatait csatolom koz()s velemeny(inkhoz: A Magyarorszagon els6kent elindul6 enek-zenei altalanos iskohibajartam 1950-1958-ig. Enek-t<:hienelem szakos
tanar lettem es voltam 44 even at a hajdani iskolamban.
A2 6rnim legnagyobb reszeben eneket tanitottam az als6 tagozatban, es 33 evig a 3. - 4. osztalyos tanu16k Kicsinyek k6rusat is vezettem. A2 enek-zeneiMI hozott szellemi es emberi tobblet vezetett az enektanari palyara, az ott kapottak indftottak el ezen az uton.
Mi is volt ez a szellemi tlibblet? Nemcsak a mindennapos enek6rak- a zenei Ws- olvasas elsajatitasa, a sok-sok dal megtanuhisa, hanem a k6t'US6nekles, a 2. osztailyt61 indul6 hangszertanulas, a von6s kamara egyllttesben-, a zenekarban val6 jatek, az a sok neptanc produkci6, amit a 2. osztilyt61 osztalyig tart6 neptanc Orakon megtanultunk. A k6russal, zenekarra~ a neptanccal nagyon sokat szerepeJtllnk, elmenyekben es sikerekben gazdag gyermekkorunk volt.
Az elmenyek mellett akarva-akaratlanul a szemelyisegilnk is fonn8.l6dott, hiszen a kozlis enekles, zeneles:
figyelemre, fegyelemre szok:tatott - ha egy ember rontott, akkor mindenki eneket tOnkretette sz6rakoztatott a sz6 nemes ertelmeben sikere i:inbecsnlest hozott, osztonro hatassal bfrt a tovabbi munkara ori:imet, boldog erzest jelentett, ha a mu tisztan, szepen, j61 megsz61alt emsitette az osszetartoz!s erzeset, az enekkar egy k0z6sseg, amiben minden ember fontos /a batrabb enekes meger()sfti a gyengebbet/ az emlekezetet is javitotta. a miivek legtiibbjet kotta nelkUI sz6laltattuk meg a k6zi:inseg ellStti szereples hatarozottabb8, batrabb fellepesiive tett minket a mindennapi eJetben is igenyessegre szoktatott, mert a megsz6lalta'tott miivek a zeneirodalom jelent6s miivei voltak, es tanaraink igyekeztek a legjobb el6adast megsz6laltatni veUlnk.
Nagyon szerettn.k a neptanc 6nikat is, mert a sok nehez, szellemet igenybe vevli ora k<>zben j61 esett a mozgas, pihenest jelentett, javftotta az allokepessegilnket, igy hatassal volt az egeszsegi allapotunkra is. Sokat beszelnek arr61, bogy az enek targy transzferllatassal bir mas tantargyak:ra. Mi ezt ugy erzekeltiik, bogy a kifinomult hallas segitett a helyesinisban, kes6bb a gimnaziumi evekben a nyelvtanulasban. A zeneelmeletben nagyon sok a matematika, tehat egymast erosM targyak. A zeneileg kifejlesztett memoria altal k6nnyebb volt a hosszu versek 2
Kodaly koncepdo - Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altahinos Iskola, Gimmizium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola A valamikori osztalyomb61 sokan lettek pedag6gusok, tahm nem veletlennl. Erzekenyebbek, nyitottabbak: vagyunk embertarsaink inint, sok bennnnk a szeretet, a derii, a j6kedv, szeprej6ra fogekonyak vagyunk, k(}rossegi szellemii, humanus emberek lettnnk. A zene szeretete mind a mai napig el bennilnk, sokan enekelnek k6rusban, koncerthitogat6k vagyunk, minden evben taJ.alkoz6t tartunk az altalanos iskolai osztalytarsakkal. A "kerek" evfordul6kra miisorral kesznlnnk, iinnepelyesen t61tjUk el azokat. HisszUk, hogy a "vihig zene altaljobb lesz!" Boldogok es bnszkek vagyunk, hogy az enek-zenei iskola els{) tanul6i voltunk!
Kodaly koncepcio - Kecskemeti Kodaly Zoltan Enek- zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola [Kodaly Concept • Kod:ily Zoltan Singing and Music Primary~ Secondary and Vocational Schools and School of Arts in Kecskemet]
In addition to our joint statement, I also enclose the thoughts of Eva Ersek Ubrizsyne, retired former singing teacher at our school: From 1950-1958 I attended the first singing and music elementary school to open its doors in Hungary. I became a choral and history teacher and taught at my former alma mater. Most of my class hours were singing classes for primary school grades and for 33 years I also lead the 'Little Ones' Choir' for third and fourth graders. The additional personal and mental skills and that something extra instilled in me and~honed in my early schooling at the singing and music school lead me to a embark on a career in teaching singing. What were these additional benefits? Not merely the daily singing classes~ learning how to read and write music and learning the hundreds of songs, but also the choral singing, learning to play a musical instrument (from the second grade onward), playing in the chamber string group and the orchestra, numerous folk dance productions that we learned in the folk dance classes from second to eighth grade, the countless opportunities to perform in the choir, the orchestra and the folk dance group. These activities provided new experiences and successes in our childhood. Along with the experiences and skills learned comes an automatic shaping of personality since singing and playing music together also resulted in: focusing of concentration and attention and development of self-discipline - for if one person made a mistake that ruined the overall performance a form of entertainment in the pure sense of the world successes that brought a sense of self-esteem and served as an incentive for continued work a sense of joy and happiness if the piece is played/sung precisely and well and sounds as it should strengthening of group cohesion, for in a choir each individual is important (stronger, daring singers encourage the weaker, more timid ones) improvement in memory and recall, for most pieces were performed by heart a decisiveness and confidence from performing in front of an audience that carried over into other aspects of our lives
Kodaly koncepci6 - Kecskemeti KodaJy Zoltan Enek- zenei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium, Szakkozepiskola es Alapfoku Mfiveszeti Iskola a striving for perfection and meticulousness, for the pieces we sang were significant masterpieces of great composers, which sounded as they should with the guidance of our teachers. We thoroughly enjoyed the folk dance classes, for physical movement and a different type of learning were a break from the hours of concentration. It also improved our stamina and endurance, thereby having a positive effect on our overall health and physical fitness. Much is said about the transfer effects of music learning on the learning of other subjects. We experienced that our keen sense of hearing led to an improved spelling ability and later in high school facilitated the learning of foreign languages. Learning music theory with all of its mathematics had a reciprocal effect on the learning of math, as well. Memory development gained through music learning also helped in literature class facilitating the memorization of long poems. It is not by accident that many of my former classmates became teachers themselves. We are perhaps more open and sensitive to the needs of others; we have a lot of love, joy and cheerfulness to impart on others; we have a refined sense of esthetics and values, are community oriented and benevolent.
A love of music still lives in all of us. Many of us are active members of choirs and we are regular concert-goers. We meet for annual class reunions and for the big anniversaries we prepare and celebrate with a performance. We honestly believe that 'music makes the world a better place'. We are overjoyed and proud to be the first alumni of the singing and music school.
Eva Ersek Ubrizsyne Singing teacher
A Kodaly koncepci6 haszmllata tanari munkamban
Tl5bb mint 40 eves tanari tapasztalat van mogl5ttem. EbblH 22 ev zenetanftas angol nyelven. Val6jaban zeneakademista korom elott a magyarok tobbsegevel egytitt en sem tudtam, hogy a ,Kodaly koncepci6" valami kiilonlegesseg. Nepdalokat tanultunk, szolmizAltunk, kottat olvastunk es irtunk a legtermeszetesebb m6don. Reszben a kiilroldiek erdeklodesebol, reszben a magam nemzetkozi tapasztalataib61 dertilt ki, hogy a ,magyar m6dszer" paratlan a vilagon.
Mar enektanarkent is tudatositottam ezt diakjaimban, az angolul val6 zenetanitasban pedig a tananyagnak is resze mas m6dszerek megismerese.
igy a diakokban is tudatosul, hogy mennyivel konnyebb a relatfv szolmizaci6val a hallasfejlesztes, a lapr61 olvasas, a harm6niai elemzes, a formatan. Angol es amerikai nepdalok elemzesenel is a magyar m6dszert hasznaljuk.
Nagyon tanulsagos szamukra is, hogy ha kiilfoldi zenetanarok latogatnak az 6rajukra, neheznek talaljak ami tananyagunkat, gyakran nem tudnak olyan szinten kottat olvasni, mint a 15-16 eves diakok.
Kodaly munkassagaval is megismerkedunk, mindannyiunk szemelyisege gazdagodik az o zenemiiveibol es irasaib6l, nemcsak a koncepci6 gyakorlati alkalmaz3.sab61.
Kecskemet, 2013. december 9.
~kO~~ Ittzesne Kovendi Kata kozepiskolai enek- es angoltam1r Kodaly Iskola, Kecskemet
Using the Kodaly Concept in my Teaching
I have over 40 years experience as a teacher of music and English and I have taught Music in English for 22 years.
Before studying at the Liszt Academy of Music, I was not aware, together with most Hungarians, that ,the Kodaly Concept" was something special. It was natural for us to sing folksongs, use relative solfa, and read and write music. Only when I saw foreign music teachers interested in the Hungarian method and I myself experienced different ways of teaching music in various foreign countries, had I realised the uniqueness of the ,Hungarian method".
I already made students conscious of this as a music teacher and when I started teaching ,Music in English" as an optional subject in the Kecskemet Kodaly School, I made getting acquainted with other ways of music education a part of my programme. Thus pupils have become aware how much easier ear training, sight-reading, harmonic analysis or the learning of musical forms is with relative solfa. In folksong analysis we also use the Hungarian method.
Pupils see proof of the method when foreign music teacher attend our lessons who find the material of our 15-16-year-olds too difficult and are often unable to sight-read as fluently as pupils educated in Hungary.
We also get acquainted with Kodaly's oeuvre and our personality is enriched not only through the practical application of the concept but also through his music and writings.
Kecskemet, December 9, 2013
~ ~-ko~ Kata Ittzes-Kovendi Teacher ofMusic and English Kodaly School, Kecskemet
Muzsika Zeneiskola Alapfo.h."111Iuveszeti Iskola 4400 ::-lyiregyhaza, Csillag u. 4<5/A. Tel.: (42) 462-260
Nyilatkozat a ,,Kodaly Modszer" hasznalatarol a nyiregyhazi Muzsika Zeneiskola ban
Zeneiskolan:k szolfezstanari munkakowssegenek mott6ja: KodcHy Zoltan minden az enekes alapu zenei nevelessel kapcsolatos kerdesre elmeleti es gyakorlati megoldast adott, ujat kitahllni nem sziikseges, csak megerteni, es szakszeriien alkalmazni kell hagyatekat. Ezert mi a Kodaly Zoltan altal irtakat sz6 szerint vettiik, es ezek alapjan sajat kottarendszert dolgoztunk ki, aminek hasznalataval eredmenyesen tudjuk hasznalni a ,Kodaly m6dszer" -t. Zeneiskolank.ban 6 alland6 enekkar miikodik. Felevi es ev vegi hangversenyeinken minden szolfezscsoport enekkar szeriien bemutatkozik. V arosi, orszagos es nernzetkozi esemenyeken, versenyeken vesznek reszt enekkaraink. Es ami a leg fontosabb, hogy a zeneiskolankba jar6 gyermekek nevelesehez nagyban hozzajarul a ,Kod:ily m6dszer"- rei vegzett tanitas. Gyakorlati tapasztalatunk, hogy aki enekes alapu zenetanitassal akar nevelni, annak megkeriilhetetlen a ,Kodaly m6dszer"- rei val6 tanitas, mert az a zene alaptOrvenyszeriisegeibol fakad. Barki szeretne ~jjat Ietrehozni- e targyban, mindig a ,Kodaly m6dszer"- hez fog kilyukadni.
Nyiregyhaza 2013-12-05
Statement on the application of the Kodaly Method at the Muzsika School of Music in Nyiregyhaza
The motto of the solfege teaching body at our school can be summarized as: Zoltan Kodaly has provided the theoretical and practical solutions to all questions pertaining to the teaching of music through singing. No further newer methods need to be developed, merely his has to be correctly interpreted and applied. We took Zoltan KodaJy's words literally and based on his teachings developed a system of musical notation with which we can effectively and successfully apply the Kodaly Method. Six choirs operate in our music school on a permanent basis. At mid-term and year end concerts each solfege group performs in choir form. These choirs then perform at city, national and international events and competitions. What is more, and perhaps the most important, teaching according to the Kodaly Method greatly contributes to the nurturing and development of children enrolled in our school of music. In our practical experience we find that nurturing and education through singing based music instruction is impossible without application of the Kodaly Method. This stems from the fundamental essence and system of music. Any attempts to reformulate or develop a new method will always end up at the Kodaly Method.
Nyiregyhaza, December 5, 2013
Laszl6 Kiss Principal Muzsika School of Music, Nyiregyhaza
Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola Vida Szucs Maria zeneiskolai tanar KlSVARDA Szent Laszl6 u. 42. Liszt Ferenc Zenemuveszeti Egyetem Kodaly Zoltan Zenepedag6giai Intezet reszere 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
Alulirott VIDA SZUCS MARIA, a kisvardai Weiner Leo Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola tanara nyilatkozom, hogy tanari es kultunllis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t, mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A Kodaly koncepci6 elonye mas m6dszerekkel szemben: • A gyerekek megismerkednek sajat nepzenejiikkel. • Izlesformal6, mert az alapja ertekes zenei anyag. • A relativ szolrnizaci6 segitsegevel gyors a kottaolvasas es tanulas. • Minden mas m6dszemel gyorsabban es eredmenyesebben fejleszti a relatfv hallast, segfti a tiszta intonaci6t, illetve a hangz6 anyag (dallam, harmonia) felismereset es reprodukalast, ezert elengedhetetlen az alkalmazasa a zeneoktatasban.
A fentiek alapjan tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere.
2013. december 12. .ll ·..!; J 11 ('-> I ' V\ a· •t hA-< ....., ( vV1.-M
Vida Sziics Maria
Weiner Leo Primary School for the Arts Maria Vida Sziics - Music school teacher KISVARDA Szent Laszl6 u. 42. Franz Liszt Academy of Music Kodaly Institute 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
The undersigned, MARIA VIDA SZUCS, teacher at the Weiner Leo Primary School for the Arts in Kisvarda, do declare that I have applied the Kodaly Concept as a method in my teaching and cultural work. Advantages of the Kodaly Concept over other methods: • children become familiar with the folk music of their own country • develops their taste, for it is based on valuable pieces of music • relative solmization enables children to learn music and read music faster • it is faster and more effective in developing relative hearing, clear intonation, recognition and reproduction of melodies and harmonies and is therefore essential in music education.
Based on the above points, I whole-heartedly support the nomination of the Kodaly Concept for inscription on the UNESCO Register of Best Safeguarding Practices.
12 December 2013
Maria Vida Sziics
9 Szigetvari Weiner Leo Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola
A Kodaly koncepci6hoz
A Koda.Iy-koncepci6 gyakorlati alkalmazasaval a szolfezstanitasban rendkivilli eredmenyeket tudunk elemi a XXI. sz. gyermekenel is. A mai felgyorsult vilagba szocializa.I6dott gyerekek szamara testhezall6ak Koda.Iy pedag6giai elkepzelesei, egyszerfisegiik es hatekonysaguk miatt. A ritmusegysegek elnevezesevel es azok mozgassal egybekotott gyakorlasaval igen rovid idon beltil hatekonyan lehet fejleszteni a metrum- es ritmuserzeket. A relativ szolmiz::lci6val viszonylag hamar rogzillnek a hangok kozti viszonyok, az intonaci6 pantos lesz, a kottairas- es olvasas egyszeriive valik, a tonalitas erzek fejlodik. A kezjeles szolmizalas segiti a hangrel
Darvas Nikoletta szolfezstanar Szigetvari Weiner Le6 AlapfokU Muveszeti Iskola
Szigetvar, 2013. december 12.
7900 Szigetvar Zarda u. 2. t: 73-310-315 e-mail:
[email protected]
Weiner Leo Primary School for the Arts - Szigetvar
Statement regarding the Kodaly Concept
Our application of the Kodaly Concept in the teaching solfege in practice has produced dramatic results even with children of the 21st century. The simplicity and efficacy of Kodaly's pedagogical vision makes it suitable even for children raised in today's fast-paced world. Naming and practicing rhythmic units through movement results in the quick development of senses of rhythm and musical meter. In learning relative solmization the relation of individual notes to each other can quickly be mastered, intonation becomes precise, the reading and writing of musical notes becomes easy and a sense of tonality is achieved. Solmization with the use of hand-signing facilitates the understanding of the intervals between notes in relation to each other as the distance between signs corresponds to the size of the musical interval. Singing together in solfege classes enables children to overcome their inhibitions; they get used to paying attention to each other and undergo positive social development. Over the years of their training, children learn a large number of folk songs and become familiar with their own 'musical mother tongue'. Discovering and becoming familiar with folk songs is an exciting endeavor. If we manage to instill an affinity for our folk songs and music, then our students in turn will become nurturers and eventually conveyors of our traditional heritage. Children learn through playful, age- and development level-specific activities with an emphasis on their understanding of what they have learned and on their ability to apply it independently on their own.
Nikoletta Darvas Teacher of sofege Weiner Le6 Primary School for the Arts- Szigetvar
Szigetvar, December 12,2013.
7900 Szigetvar Zarda u. 2. t: 73-310-315 e-mail:
[email protected]
Targy: Nyilatkozat Kodaly m6dszer mellett
felad6: Barath Zoltan
Datum: 2013.12.11. 9:42 Cimzett: [email protected] Nyilatkozat
Az. elso kiemelkedo elmenyemet felesegem felkeszitese jelentette szamomra a m6dszer hatasossagaval kapcsolatban. 6 zenei altalanosban vegzett, ahol kival6an, ,Kodaly m6dszer" szerint tanitottak. Osztalyab61 tobben lettek profi zeneszek, illetve maig amator muzsikusok, k6rusenekesek. Felesegemet a kozepfok kihagyasa nelkOI kellet felkesziteni a foiskolai felvetelire, ami az alapos altalanos iskolai elozmenyekre alapul6 felkeszOies utan olyan j61 sikerOit, hogy a vegen meg a szolfezs-zeneelmelet szakot is felajanlottak neki. Kesobb igazgat6kent is mindig kialltam a m6dszer mellett, mert alland6an fejlesztett valtozata mindenkeppen korszerQ es magyar hungarikum. Tobbszor meglepett egy kiserlet, amelyet akkor vegeztem, amikor kOifOidi gyerek kerult az iskolaba. Miutan improvizaci6t is tanitok, ezeket a gyerekeket eloszeretettel megimprovizaltatom. Az. a tapasztalatom, hogy a magyar gyerekek sokkal job ban improvizalnak elsore, mint a kOifoldiek. Ennek aka, hogy a mi gyerekeink a nepdalokon, a ,Kodaly m6dszeren" nonek fel, ami a belso hallast es az egyszerG formaerzeket jobban fejleszti a korai szakaszban, mint barmi mas. J6 a ,Kodaly m6dszer", csak j61 kell hasznalni! Barath Zoltan igazgat6 Farkas Ferenc Zene- es Aranymetszes Alapfoku Muveszeti lskola Nagykanizsa
Statement of Consent
My first significant experience exemplifying the effectiveness of the Koctaly Concept was in preparing my wife for admission to teachers college. She had attended a music elementary school where education was based on the Kodaly Method. Many of her classmates went on to be professional musicians or pursue music as members of amateur orchestras or choirs. I offered to prepare my wife for the admissions procedure to teachers college without her having attended conservatory. Her elementary school music training proved to be so thorough that her preparation was easy and her application was so successful that they offered her a place in the solfege and music theory department. Later in my position as school director, I continued to stand by the method, for I found the continually developed versions to accommodate the changing times. Furthermore the Kodaly Method is a truly unique domestic product. I was repeatedly amazed by an experiment I conducted when students of foreign countries enrolled in our school. As a teacher of improvisation, I regularly have my students improvise. I found that Hungarian children were much better at improvising from the start for they were educated according to the Kodaly Method, using folk songs - which accelerates development of their sense of inner hearing and artistic form early on in their formative years. The KodcHy Method is good, though it also needs to be applied welL
Zoltan Barath Principal Parkas Ferenc Music and Golden Ratio Primary School of Arts - Nagykanizsa
Kodaly koncepci6 Az 1960-as evekben, altalanos iskolas koromban kezdtem tanulni a kaposvari liszt Ferenc Zeneiskolaban. Akkor nem tudtam, hogy a Kodaly-modszer szerint tanulom a szolfezst. Akkor szolmizaltam, a kUionbfele elojegyzesek eseteben megkerestuk, hol a "d6". A T6th Lajos (most Kodaly Zoltan) altalanos iskolaban nagyon j6 k6rus muki:idott Zakanyi Zsolt tanar ur vezetesevel, akinek volt szerencseje szemelyesen is talalkozni Kodaly Zoltannal. Dics6seg volt k6rusban enekelni. Akkor Kaposvaron minden altalanos es kozepiskolanak volt k6rusa. Versengtunk, hogy melyik iskolae a legjobb k6rus. Nekem elonyom volt a tobbiekkef szemben - zeneiskolas tanulmanyimnak koszonhet6en- mivel en mindig tudtam hol a ,d6", es m indent le tudtam szolmizalni, en segithettem a tobbieknek. Az enek6rakon es a szoltezs 6rakon rengeteg magyar gyermekdalt, nepdalt tanultunk. EnekeltUk szolmizalva, szoveggel, ABC-s newel, tapsoltuk a ritmusat. Nagyon szerettem ezeket az alkalmakat. 12 evesen 200 nepdal, gyermekdal szerepelt a repertoaromban, es egy szolfezsversenyt is megnyertem. A zeneszeretet es a 1<6rusenekh~s vegigkfserte a kozepiskolas eveimet is. Azert valasztottam a kaposvari Munkacsy Gimnaziumot, mert ott egy nagyon j6 kamarak6rus mukodott, Merenyine Papp Eva vezetesevel. Csodalatos muhelymunkaval csiszoltuk a k6rusmuveket, lelkesen enekeltOk. A kozismereti iskolak mellett a zeneiskohiban is tanultam. J61 zongoraztam, majd fuvolazni is elkezdtem. llyen zenei Mtterrel, es zeneszeretettel a Pecsi Zenemuveszeti F6iskolan tanultam tovabb, es tulajdonkeppen akkor tudatosult bennem, hogy am it csinalok, ahogy csinalom, az a Kodaly-koncepci6 szerint tortenik. Mit adott nekem a "Kodaly-m6dszer"? Kozosseget (k6rusok, kamarazene, zenekar), baratokat, a logikus gondolkodast (d6-valtas, ABC es szolmiz;ki6 kapcsolata, harmashangzatok, negyes hangzatok felepftese, harm6niak elemezesek, stb.), a megosztott figyelem kepesseget (kottakep es hangszerjatek osszekapcsolasa, masik sz61amok figyelese, sajat sz6Jamom beillesztese az egeszbe), a magyar nepzene szeretetet, a hazam szeretetet, kitekintest a vilag nepeinek zenejebe, a mOveszetek szeretetet, magabiztossagot, onbizalmat, kitartast, lelki kiegyensulyozottsagot, hasznosan idotoltest. A Kodaly-m6dszer nem csak a szolmizaci6b61 all, anmU sokkal osszetettebb dolog, kis tulzassal eletutnak is nevezhetnem. Aki ralepett erre az utra, aki megismerte ezt az utat az vegig is megy rajta egesz eleten at, legyen kepzett muzsikus, amator hangszerjatekos, lelkes k6rusenekes, vagy csak hangversenyre jar6, zenekedvel6 ember.
Nagvne Soltra Monika zenetanar Kaposvar
The Kodaly Concept In the 1960s as an elementary school student I started attending the Liszt Ferenc School of music in Kaposvar. At the time I had no I idea I was learning solfege according to the Kodaly Method. We were doing so-mization and could find the 'do' in any key. The T6th Lajos (now Kodaly Zoltan) Elementary School had a very good choir under the direction of Zsolt Zarkanyi, who had the good fortune of having met Zoltan Kodaly in person. At the time choral singing was a coveted honor. All the elementary and secondary schools in Kaposvar had a choir and competitions were held to determine the best. Thanks to my music school training, I could determine where 'do' was and could sight read any music. This comparative advantage enabled me to help the others. In singing and in solfege class we learned an immense number of Hungarian children's songs and folk songs. We sang them with solmization, with lyrics and with the letters of notes and we clapped out the rhythm. I loved these classes and by the age of twelve I knew at least 200 folk and children's songs and had won a solfege competition. The love of music and choral singing continued during secondary school. In fact it determined my choice of high schools- for the Munk;ksy High School of Kaposvar had a very strong chamber choir operating under the leadership of tva Papp Merenyine. We refined and polished choral pieces together with enthusiasm. Apart from my studies in the general public school, I also attended music school. I played piano well and also embarked on learning the flute. With this solid musical background and love of music I continued my studies at the Academy of Music in Pecs. That is when I realized and became conscious of the fact that what I am and have been doing and my approach to music is according to the Kodaly Concept. What did I gain from the Kodaly Concept? Sense of fellowship and community belonging (choruses, chamber choirs and orchestras) friendship, logical thinking (with the transposition of 'do', the relation between the names of notes and the so-mi version, the structure of triad and tertiad chords, the analysis of harmonies, etc.), the ability to divide attention multiple ways (reading the score, and hearing the various instrumental parts, paying attention to the other parts, blending one's own part into the others for the harmony of the whole), a love of Hungarian folk music and my country, exposure to the folk music of other peoples, a love of the arts, self confidence, self esteem, perseverance, inner balance and a useful leisure time activity. The Kodaly method is much more complex than mere solmization; it's practically a way of life. All who step on this path- whether trained musician, amateur instrumentalist, enthusiastic choral singer or avid concertgoer- will continue to follow it for the rest of their lives.
Monika Soltra Nagyne Music Teacher Kaposvar, Hungary
e-maif: /prlaftt@kptfa/11-6f;.sufinet, hu J J I
fef. ~t256Bo, 2.f2.4t8;
hrmlap: www.kpfa&. . ¥·mfmdhu
Kodaly javaslatara, az otvenes evek elejen kezdodott a zenei tagozatos iskolak szervet~se. nap volt enek6ra, es a karenek
az 6rarend resze, quasi kotelezo volt. Az ezekben az. iskolakban foly6 munka
roppant hatekonynak bizonyult, mlnden hozza filz5tt remenyt val6ra valtott. Eredmenye az 1970-es evekre
lgazan, amikor az orszagban 150 ilyen tipus0 iskola mukodott. Az els6 1950-ben Kecskemeten, ahol Nemesszeghyne Szentkiralyi Marta volt Kodaly munkatarsa, a masodik 1954-be.n Budapesten, Bors lrma vezetesevel, a lorantffy Zsuzsanna utcaban (ma Marczibanyitil!'ri Kod~Jy lskola}.
mutatkozott meg
A zenei tagozatos osztaly, a nehany parhuzamos Molyam egyiket jelentette, lgy lehetl5seget nyithatott az akar napi szinten torten6 osszehasonlit~sra. ~onos korosrtaly, azonos intezm~ny, al(arazonos kozismereti szaktanarok es nagyon hasonlo szocialis hathk A1. egyetlen l
szetvalaszthato, meddig tart a pedag6gia, hol kezdOdik az el6ad6 mOves:Z:et Az iskbla, ilL a osztalyok tanulo!nak kepzesehez homitartoiik a k6n.isenel
pantos iranytlikent tamaszkodhatunk az enek6rakon rnegalapoiott hcittertudiisra, igenyessegre. A folyamat visszafele is i~az,ily m6don·ellent'lrizhetjuk az enekorai zeoeHzh!sform~las Megleheti:lsen
hatekonysagat. A gyermekk6rusok tagjai nem kialakult,
kiforrott egyenisegek, nem kesz muveszek. A zene, illetve a
zenti!les szerepe eletOkben j6val osszetettebb, mint a felnlftt el6ad6m0veszek vilagaban. Egy-egy zenemu
megismerese, megertese es ihletett interpretalasa nyilv
alapfeltetele. Azaz nemcsak a zenei ismeretaryag elsajiltftasa es .a kes~egek kiala~Msa okab6f l!:?tfontossagu. EnelkUI az esztetikai neveh~s eredmenvrissege kerdojefez()dik meg, eszh~tikal neveles pedig a neveles. Jelenleg lskolankban. a Marczibanyi teri Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenel Altalanos lskola, Gimnazium
rendszerben, alapelv az egym
hegy enek-
zene6ra szakmai munkajara epul.
A negyedik otodik osztalyosok alkotjak az Apr6k kar
Az otodikesek hetl egy el6keszft6 k6rusprob
A gimnalistak {9-12.o)
.es evzaro nangversenyen a
hagyomanyos kanksonyi, .
n6ikarkeot mb'kodnek,
de a:z
zenel tagozatos fiul< konem'Okbd~seve1
nehany vegyeskari mu Is megsz61al. A
bemutatasara specializal6dott. A k6rusokat ugyanaz a ket karnagy,
Csilla e~ Uherec.zky Eszter vezeti, teh
hozzaszoknak awkhoz a zenei igenyekhez, amlben munkajuk klteljesedhet a gyerroekkar az ifjusagi noikar, a kamarak6rus munkaban egyanint. A kovetkezetes
meghozta eredmenyet, mert iskolank karusai
ldmagasl6 eredmenyeket ertek el a legki.Honfelebb megmeretteteseken.
Ez ne m csak pedag6gia 1 ha ne mszemleletm6d, filoz6fla, hi.tvallas. A kozos alkot6 szakaszban, a k6ruspr6bak sorAn igazi, fajsulyos elmenyekkel gi:rzdagodhatunk. Egy-
egy felejthetetlen z.enei mozzanatot nemcsak szi.iletese pi!lanataban elunk meg mindannyian egyOtt, h'aneril evekre biztositja azt a lelki osszekapcsol6dast, osszetartozastl ami a kozos muveszetl tevekenyseg sine qua
non-ja. Nem alomkep, hanem tapasztalhato val6sag, hogy a gyerekek felismerik
elismerik ;u; iddtall6
ertekeket. Osztonosen is raereznek a befektetett munka es a sikeres el6adas osszefUggesere; Varjalc es igenylik az igazi klhfvast jelentli feladatokat. Szeretnek kepessegeik felso hatanln teljesfteni, es pontosan aterzik az igy sziileto eredmeny sulyat, rangjat. A korusversenyeken a gyerekek szamos uj tapasztalattal gazdagodnak, zenei latokoruk Mviil, mindez
kedvezoen befolyasolja. Egy-egy rendezveny utan akar 6k is megvalaszolhatnak, hol van a magyar nemzeti kultttra he lye Eur6paban, mindarr61, .ami szamukra termffietes, llyen hel~etben
szemefyisegfejl6des0ket is
derulhet ki, mekkora kivaltsag e~ lehetoseg. Kozvetlen kozvetlt6- ennel. pontosabban aligha lehetne meghatarozni az enektanari-k6rusvezet6ilet igazi
kozvetlen ahhoz, hogy motiva!o legyen, hogy biztonsagerzetet nyujtS;On, hogy
megkerdojelezhetetlen szakmai felkeszultseg birtokaban, eros emocion;i!is kotOdes meflett vezethesse a
A k6ruspr6ba intim helyzet. A karnagy-'- esetunkben karnagyok - il .zenelesben felold6dva; mioden vedoreteg nelki.ll, kendozetlenUI teszik bele sajat magukat egy-egy zenei tortenesbe, kOionosen a k6ruspr6bak heveben.
Ezek a m11ak neheten detinialhatoak, muki:ides- es hatasmechahizmusuk aligha
magyara:zhat6, de h~tiik alapvet6, nelki.iluk nincsenek .oda-visszaivelo zenei folyamatoic Olyar\ dimenzi6k vilaga ez, ahol a ti::irvenyszer(isegekel nehez felfedezni vagy kialakltarii, de rendre tapasztaljuk, hogy ami ilyenkor tortenik, az minden szempontb61 orokervenyu. Ez formalja, es vegul kialakitja azt a senki masra nem jellemz6 eldad6i specifikumot, amit a hangszeres eload6k eseteben a muvesz es hangszere jelentenek, esetUnkben pedig a karnagy es a korus k6zi:is auraja. A gyerekek egy resze ezt inkabh erzi, mint erti. Az erzes viszont semmivel nem 6sszehasonlithat6.
Emiatt kepesek a tanftasi 6rak utan is v~gigenekelni a ket6ras
probat, es az utols6nak sorra kerul6 munek is orUini,.... ha j61,
A jovo zeneszei, k6rusenekesei es karnagyai, zenehallgat6 es zeneszeretd kozonsege, meghataroz6 szemelyisegei es atlagemberei, a gyermekeiket zenere vagy
hozzaterhetove, erthetove es letsziikseglette wiljon.
Egy tarsadalom viszonya a kulturahoz nem egy adat a sok kozul. Ujabb tavlatok, ujabb feleiOsseg. A gyermekkarok m(lkodesi teriilete az Lskola. Joval :r
A gyerekek muv~szetl h!tasm6djanak alakftasakor il tanar h!gkezenfekV6bb eszkoie saj~t miiveszetf kommunik
szemelyisege. A nyithatunk.
Budapest, 2014. januar 14.
~~ Karnagy
Preszter Nora tenei'igh.
Zoltan Kodaly Singing and Music Primary and Secondary School and Music School for the Arts Winner ofthe Hungarian Heritage Award and the Hungarian Arts Education Award
H-1022 Budapest Marczibanyi ter 1
tel: +36-1-212-5680, +36-1-212-4185
Based on Kodaly's vision, public schools in Hungary started offering a specialization in music in the 1950's. The curriculum included daily singing dasses, and in addition choral singing was practically a compulsory subject. Education in these schools proved to be very effective achieving the purported aims and hopes. The results were dramatic became obvious in the 1970's when 150 such schools operated around Hungary. The first opened in Kecskemet in 1950, directed by Marta Szentkinilyi Nemesszeghyne, a former associate of Kodaly, the second on L6rantffy Zsuzsanna Street in Budapest in 1954 (the precursor of today's Kodaly School on Marczibanyi ter, Budapes) under the directorship of lrma Bors. Assessing the effects of the Kodaly Method was relatively straight forward even on a daily basis, for among the simultaneous classes in each grade level one became a specialized music class· thereby resulting in ready control groups matched for age, type/quality of school attended, teachers of other subjects and nearly identical socio-economic backgrounds. The only significant difference was exposure to the Method In the form of daily singing and frequent music and art related activities. The setting, therefore, also provided for an assessment of the transfer effects of an increased number of music class hours on learning in other subjects, and what is perhaps more important, its effects on personality and individual development compared with students in simultaneous grade levels without exposure to the method. The topic is still a subject of research today, according to studies by Dr. Valeria Csepe professor and researcher in experimental psychology and neurology. Regular and active music playing significantly contributes to the development of individual creativity. Music training has a marked positive effect on the development of emotional intelligence and physical movement, while singing training specifically greatly facilitates improvement in language attainment related competencies. Where the effects of pedagogy end and those of performing arts begin are not readily discernible. Choral singing was a compulsory element of the school and the specialized music classes. A precondition of choral interpretation is an appropriate knowledge of the 'musical mother-tongue'. Acquisition of this knowledge happens in the singing class hours, ideally with the same individual serving as both singing teacher and choral director. Cause and effect, aims and means are so tightly intertwined in such a system that it is nearly impossible to separate them. lt is in our national interest to ensure and provide the institutional means for the mental, emotional and moral development of future generations. We can confidently depend and build on the foundation of general background knowledge, discerning taste and sense of high standards acquired in singing classes. The process is also similar in reverse· making it easy to monitor the efficacy of singing training on development of taste and sense of aesthetics.
Members of children's choirs are not performing artists, not fully developed individuals with mature personalities. Music and the making of music takes on a much more complex role in their lives than it does in the adult artist in the performing arts world. Naturally, the process of studying, becoming familiar with, understanding and interpreting a musical piece has an effect on the personality of an adult performer as well. However, in the case of a child the process not only has an effect, but actually markedly shapes the entire course of his/her development. Frequent singing and the repeated immersion in the musical experience is a basic premise of child personality development. lt is essential, therefore, not only for the acquisition and development of music skills and competencies in and of themselves. Without musical training the efficacy of nurturing a sense of aesthetics in children is in jeopardy; without nurturing a sense of aesthetics their education and development is compromised. Currently in the Zoltan Kodaly Singing and Music Primary and Secondary School and Music School for the Arts on Marczibanyi ter four choirs operate at various grade levels, one building upon the next. Rehearsals in each of the choirs builds on the singing classes held 4 hours per week in each of the twelve grade levels starting from first grade upwards. Fourth and fifth graders belong to the Apr6k [ little Ones] Choir, while third graders attenq a choral preparatory class. Fifth graders additionally attend a preparatory class in anticipation for membership to the Children's choir. For high school level students (grades 9-12) primarily a female youth choir operates. However, at the annual school Christmas and year-end concert male youth in the specialized music program also participate in the presentation of mixed choral pieces. The most devoted choral members also have the opportunity to sing in the Chamber Choir, which specializes in performing choral works from contemporary composers. As the choirs are directed by the same two directors Csilla Ori and Eszter Uhereczky, the upward progression is further ensured. Children are exposed to and become familiar with the musical quality that gradually comes to fruition through their practice in initially the Children's, then in the female Youth Choir and eventually in the Chamber Choir. The consistent, systematic, and structured work paid off, for the choirs of our school consistently achieve distinctions in various choral competitions. In reference to the model we are speaking not merely of pedagogy but of a philosophy, a mission, an outlook on life. Through the process of creating something together in the choral rehearsals we produce and gain significant far-reaching experiences. We not only witness and live the creation of individual musical elements as a group, but develop an emotional link and sense of belonging to each other that is an essential condition of art activity. The result is not an impalpable vision, but an experiential reality. Children recognize and acknowledge timeless values and intuitively see the causative connection between the work and practice invested and a successful performance. Children intuitively enjoy and expect tasks that challenge them. They relish working to their fullest capacity as well as the concomitant results and well earned successes.
In choral competitions children amass numerous new experiences, their musical perspective broadens - all having a beneficial effect on their personality development. In the wake of these events children easily recognize the place of Hungarian culture - something they are intimately familiar with - within the scope of the greater European culture; and they fully appreciate the magnitude of the benefits and opportunities it affords. Direct intermediary is perhaps the most appropriate term to describe the true essence of the singing
teacher and choral director. An individual characterized by openness and geniality to motivate and instill a sense of security, yet possessing the competence and preparedness, coupled with strong emotional commitment to leading children. A choral rehearsal is an intimate situation. The director - in our case directresses - meld with the music, putting their own bared heart and soul into the music created - especiafly in the midst of the passion and vehemence of a choral rehearsal. The strands of these elements, the mechanisms of their operation and effect are difficult to define, but their existence is fundamental and necessary for the creation of reciprocally arching musical processes. We are speaking of a realm of dimensions where systemic elements are not readily defined or formed, yet we consistently experience that what comes about is eternal. lt shapes and eventually gives form to the unique specificity of each performer, that is different from all others. For a musician it develops between the artist and his/her instrument. In our case it Is the joint aura forming between choral conductor and the choir. Most children have a sense of this rather than consciously comprehend it. However, the feeling is second to none. lt is precisely this feeling that motivates the children to come to choral rehearsal after a typical school day's other classes and participate with enthusiasm lasting through to the last piece sung- if we planned appropriately. Determinant and ordinary members of the community of musicians, choral singers, musical directors, music listeners and enthusiasts, as well as parents aware of the importance of music education or education their children through music were all once among our students. Anyone who experienced this in childhood can truly value and appreciate the dimensions described above. lt is only in this way that music can truly become everyone's- accessible, understandable and a vital element for all. A society's attitude to culture is not merely another piece of data. lt offers new future potential and also new commitment/responsibility. The operational domain of the children's choir is the school. We have a great advantage compared. to the teachers of other school subjects for in music and In joint music-making bridges of communication inherently form where the flow of both emotional and intellectual communication takes place in a different dimension. In shaping the artistic sense and view of children the teacher's most effective tool is his/her own personality. Communicating and teaching of the arts truly leads to boundless horizons. Budapest, 14 January 2014 [signatures of] Csilla 6ri Principal, Choral Director
Eszter Uhereczky Choral Director
N6ra Preszter Musical Director
Evidence to sue@rt the P;t9Posal of the kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible CUltural Heritage Regi~~r of 86t Practices. Our bell.ef is that singing and musicianshjp go hand in hand, and that the singi08feducation eJ
the folk>wlng strands of NVCoS work:
Mini Music Makers: 18 dasses around Scotland. Classes from 0- S years. At the core of these classes is music education through singing- experiencing music concepts through participation with parents. Our guidance for these ctasses very much follows the words of Katalin Forrai. The core resource Is the NVCoS pub!ia~Uon, Singing Games and Rhymes for Tiny Tots.
Active t.eamg throu&b Music- (For children age 4- 7) Training and resources building on the experiences in Mini Music Maker aasses. Resources consist of step by step guidance to support the speciaf1$t/non specialist teacher in the delivery of a music education programme based on the Kodaly Philosophy- the early packs consist of material to prepare the child for musical reading and writing and the later packs introduce the children to early thythm and pitch reading. Supporting this programme is the publiation Singing Games and Rnymes for Early Years • .School worbhops!Teacher trplnlmt in Pmaa Schook (for children age 7 ~ U)- based on our musldanshJp programme Go for Sronze/Go for Silver- uslng thE tools of the Kodaly Philosophy- Rhythm names/Handsigns/ SoJfa, the children are taken through a progressive programme with Singing Games at it's heart, preparing the children for musical readll'lg based on the sound before symbol approach. SUpporting this programme in Primary Schools is the publication Sin&ii"'S Games and Rhymes for Middle Years. Area Choirs: ( 1 - 18) There are currently 15 Area Cholrs around Scotland with around 2000 children in total rehearsing weekly using the Go for Bronze/Silver/Gold musicianship programme. Each ofthese musicianship levels is tested and the children rnove through the six levels (2 Bronze, 2 Silver, 2 Gold}. A pass a~ the fmal Gold level has recent1y been recognised by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music and is accepted as an
alternative to Grade V theory. Musicianship is a core part of every rehearsal evening alonaslde the choral 5fng1ng rehearsal itsetf. National Choir$: There are currently a number of National Choirs: National Boys Choir (consisting of Junior Corps/National Boys Choir limd a Changed Voice Section) Age 10 - 16 Nattonal Girls Choir (consisting of a Training Choir and National Choir) Age 12 - 16 National Youth Choir (consisting of a trO!Iining choir and the National Youth Choir itself- age 16 • 24)The vounger choirs receive m1.ulic:ianship training at the resider1tlal courses every
year. National Choirs
Arel!l Choirs
Mini Music Mak•rlli
National Youth Choir of Scotland, The MitcheU, North Street. Glasgow G3 7DN 1elephone: 0141 2S7 285£
fax: .0!41 287 2ess
Training Opportunities; We offer training throughout the year in varwu:s formats; One day in~roductorv courses on early years, primary music education, Go for
Bronze/Sflver/Gold as well :as training for our Choir Staff. Partnership organisations: We work with other organisations e.g. Scottish Booktfust, delivering training in order to raise the standard of singing across St:otland. Manv local authorities have also adopted the Kodaty approach to music education,. and are using it within school settings and after school activities. creative Scotland (formerly the Scottish Arts Council), supports many of these programmes. Annual Kodaly Summer School: At whkh we offer musicianship training, pedagogical courses for early years/primary and secondary teachers as well as instrumental teachers and choral conductors. Or laszl6 Nemesis a regular tutor at this course.
December 2013
Artistic Director, National Youth Choir of Scotland
lucinda Geoghegan
Education Director. National Youth Choir of Scotland
Report for UNESCO on the Kodaly method in China A1though China sent professional musician$ to Hun~ry to study in the 19$&.>, tbQse mu.fiician.~ didntt pass on Kodaly's philosophy lo the Chinese people. It was not until the 1980s, when Chinese students went to study in Hungary that Kodaly1s methods were introduced to the mainland. However during that time, this method did not spread tlrroughuut the nation~s music colleges, and therefore gained the image of being a method to teach children. and beginners. Soon after, the Chinese Kodaly Society was built in Beijing, but it was not active enough to spread this philosophy to the whole of China. By that time. the ¥lord nKodaly method" only meant some tecb.n:«;al key wor
In bringing the Kodaly system to China, the fmt steps taken by IOME were; to invite Kodaly specialist~ from Hungary to teach for extended periods of time, among those im'ited were Borbala Szirany and Professor Peter Erdei. The fmt gool was to improve the musical abilities of the students who woold become future music educators., while at the same time introducing the fundamentals ofthe Kodaly !."}'stem. These students, '".Jlo woold later become the firs-t generation of teachers for the lOME, were then taught how to integrate and apply Kodalts methodologies to their own teaching. At first the Kodaly specialists were invited to teach a large portion of the classes~ but as the IOME~s own students began to take over some of the teaching, the specialists were asked more and more to observe and guide these young teachers. Finally, IOME was greatly fortunate to have the help and guidance of Hungary's Dr. Katalin Kiss and Dr. Lasz:lo Nemes in creating a detailed, workable music education curriculum and textbook for music teachers across the country. The results ofiOMH's efforts to improve music education have been sub~tantial. The goal of improving China's music education has received strong governmental .support~ which has, among other things. lead to the creation of Chinats first music primary school~ located in Beijtng. Also, for the last
three yeani, the IOME has successfully hosted a short tenn music teacher training program that accepts teachers from all over China and introduces them to the Kodaly method as well a.~ other philosophies. This program has given over 1500 teachers from over 20 provinces the chance to experience modern teaching philosophies in practice~ an opportunity they could not have had otherwise. Currently, IOME teachers are using their experience in the classroom and knowledge ofKodaly's teaching method to create textbooks and other teaching material:s. suitable for use with primary school students, and more importantly, suitable for Chinese students' unique experience and cultural background. The project to create suitable Chinese music teaching materials highlights the larger objective of the program. That objective is to not just duplicate the Hungarian teaching methods, but to adapt and integrate them into the larger context of Chinese education. The research in how to "'localize.. different teaching methods has been an ongoing goal of IOME.
Professor Jianjin Gao
Dean of the Institute of Music Education, CCOM
FERENC LISZT ACADEMY OF MUSIC ZOLTAN KODALYPEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE Of MUSIC H-6000 Kecskemet, Kettemplom koz 1. Postal address: H-6001 Kecskemet, P.O.B. 188. Tel.: +36 76 481 518 Fax: +36 76 320 160 E-mail: !2!:!1!~~l¥Jlli Website: =~\hll~!lli
This declaration below has been signed by the following music pedagogues and representatives of organisations:
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept The undersigned ............................................................. .......................................... (name) as representative I member of .............................................................................................. . institution I NGO hereby declare that I regularly utilize/partake in the Kod1Hy concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
1) National Youth Choir of Scotland- Christopher Bell /Scotland/ 2) International Kodaly Sociaty- Dr. Jerry- Louis Jaccard, vice president I Australia/ 3) Music Education Institute of Central Conservatory of Music- Jianjin Gao, rector /China/ 4) Kodaly Society of the Philippines - Caroly nK. Cheng, president /Philippines/ 5) Kodaly Society of Ireland - R6isin Blunnie, member /Ireland/ 6) Kodaly Society of Ireland - Daniel Walsh, member /Ireland/ 7) Escola Superior de Musica de Lisboa- Cristina Brito da Cruz, teacher /Portugalia/
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept I, the undersigned, Christopher Bell, as Artistic Director of the National Youth Choir of Scotland hereby declare that I regularly utilise/partake in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected tor inscription on the Register, l commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding ofiCH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'. Date January 26 2013
0141 287 2856 Scottish Charity No: SC024899
fax: 0141 287 2858 Registered in Scotland No: SC165149
Area Choirs
Mini Music Makers
e-mail: VAT RegNo: 699 6829 40
Registered Office: Capella Building (Tenth Floor), 60 York Street Glasgow
Declaration of Consent to the Proposaof the Kodaly Concept
The undersigned
.J)n..J.e.r..t-D": .....lQ.~i.~- ..)9c.'-C<;:g,4······· (~~)
as representative I member of
::t;}!!.e ....±.ll.l~-&&,t_t<2a!..Ci/. .iidaff. S.«::!.e(j
institution I J:!Q.Q. hereby declare that I regularly utilie/partake in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiflltly informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary enitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for ill!ription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmmtal Committee for Safeguarding ofiCH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best pracfce'.
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept
The undersigned Jianjin Gao as representative of Music Education Institute of Central Conservatory of Music, hereby declare that I regularly utilize in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
Date: Feb. 19, 2103
Jianjin Gao
KOD·ALY SOCIETY OF THE PHILIPPINES Affiliated National Institutional Member of the International Kodaly Society fj]6 PRI NC:f.TON ST., WACJ~WA<.K fjllll MANDALUYONG CITY, PHI LIP PINES
Telefax: {632) 634- 7847
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the
Carolyn K. Cheng, President
Kodaly Concept
Chair, Keyboard Department UP College of Music
Daisy N. Marasigan, Vice-President Faculty Ateneo de Manila Grade School
Rea L. Jimenez, Correspondence Secretary
member of the
International Kodaly Society and President of the Kodaly Society of the Philippines hereby declare that I regularly utilize/partake in the Kod.:Uy
St Scholastica's College High School Unit
concept during the course of my cultural activity.
Roselle Elinore H. Matias,
Recording Secretary
I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and
Subject Area Coordinator- Music
do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary
Ateneo de Manila Grade School
entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Cielito Margo E. Mirandilla, Treasurer Faculty
Register of Best Practices.
St. Scholastica's College Grade School Unit
Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Venitta Marie Victoria S. Magpantay, PRO
Faculty The Upa Academy for Math and Science
Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
Board Members: Princess Joyce C. Galicia Ma. Elena N. Mendoza
Date February 27, 2013
Veralyn D. Monte Joyce Bendicion- Tan Andrea Mae G. Tamayo-Magboo
[email protected]
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept
The undersigned R6isin Blunnie, as representative/member of the Kodaly Society of Ireland and Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin City University, hereby declare that I regularly utilize/partake in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of I-lungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept
The undersigned Daniel Walsh (name) as representative I member of The Kodaly Society of Ireland institution I NGO hereby declare that I regularly utilize/partake in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity. I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
Date: 13/Feb/2013
Declaration of Consent to
Isabcl Capello Brito
Mitsica de
declare that J
the Escola utilize
- Porrugal),
concept during
as a
course of my cultural
do declare my
been primly sufficiently
firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary
concept to
[nta:ngib!e Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Fwrtht~mmre.
should the nomination be selected
inscription on the
to iuUy cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovemmental in their endeavo.r to
I commit f(;r """'""'!;:,"'''"
The declaration below has been signed by the following NGOs, representatives of music and art schools, and music teachers:
Nyilatkozat Alulirott ... .. ............................ ....... ...................... ... ..... ................... .. ..... .... .... ............... (nev) a(z) ........................................................................................................................................ intezmeny I szervezet kepviselOjekent I tagjakent (kerjuk a megfelelot atahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kultura1is tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint modszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepciO cimii felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyuttmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag , legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a , Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerul.
Declaration of Consent to the Proposal of the Kodaly Concept The undersigned ....................................................................................................... (name) as representative I member of .............................................................................................. . institution I NGO hereby declare that I regularly utilize/partake in the Kodaly concept during the course of my cultural activity.
I also hereby declare that I have been priorly sufficiently informed, and do declare my firm consent to the nomination proposal of Hungary entitled Kodaly concept to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Register of Best Practices. Furthermore, should the nomination be selected for inscription on the Register, I commit to fully cooperating with the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of ICH in their endeavor to disseminate such 'best practice'.
List of organisations ands schools:
1. Magyar Kodaly Tarsasag- dr. Ittzes Mihaly, president 2. Kodaly Zoltan Enek-.Znei Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Zeneiskola AMI- Budapest Ori Csilla igazgat6 3. Czovek Ema Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Budakeszi a. Juhos-Kiss Eszter b. Kurucz Andrea c. Somogyine Tassi Valeria d. Barcsik Hedi 4. Miskolci Egressy Beni- Erkel Ferenc Zeneiskola - Miskolc a. M6cz Ferenc
5. Martonvasarhelyi Miiveszeti Iskola- Martonvasar a. Nemes J6zsef 6. Kodaly Zoltan Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Szekesfehervar a. Kneifel Imre b. Feke Mariann c. Polgar Zoltanne d. Kapasne Levai Edit e. Borbas Karoly 7. MAAMIPSZ Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny - Mezokovesd a. Mozeme Horga Stefania 8. Bartok Bela Zeneiskola, Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny- Papa a. Nagy Tibor 9. SZIE ABPK Jaszberenyi Campus- Jaszbereny a. Viragne Dr. Juhasz Nyit6 Klara 10. Peceli Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Pecel a. Pribay V aleria b. Rig6ne Farag6 Zsuzsanna 11. ETUD Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny es Zenemiiveszeti Szakkozep - Budapest a. Urbanne Vass Agnes 12. FONIX Zenei es Nyelvstudi6- Budapest a. Urbanne Vass Agnes 13. R6zsavolgyi Mark Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny- Balassagyarmat a. Ember Csaba 14. Kecskemeti miiveszeti 6voda, altalanos iskola, kozepiskola es alapfoku miiveszetoktatasi intezmeny Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei Iskolaja Kecskemet a. Alfoldyne Dobozi Eszter b. Ubrizsy Laszl6ne c. K6kai-Szab6ne Antal Noemi d. Kovacs Tamasne e. Szegedine T6th Ildik6 f. Ittzesne Kovendi Kata g. Antoni Andrea h. Balogne Papp Boglarka 1. G6r-Hainfart Marta J. Ladies Tamasne k. Duranyik Laszl6 1. Danfy Benone 15. Godolloi Frederic Chopin Zeneiskola- Godollo a. Ferenczi Anna 16. Magyar Zeneiskolak es Miiveszeti Iskolak Szovetsege - Budapest a. Ember Csaba
17. Bartok Bela Zeneiskola, Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola- Hajduboszormeny a. Tanyi Zoltan 18. Bartok Bela Zeneiskola- Szombathely a. Brandisz Marton 19. Muzsika Zeneiskola Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Nyiregyhaza a. Kiss Laszlo
b. 20. Weiner Leo Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Tagintezmeny- Szigetvar a. Deichler Andnis 21. ,MAGYAR-KUT" AMK Javor Zoltan Nemzetisegi Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi IntezmenyeEtyek a. Csige Ildiko 22. Farkas Ferenc Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Dunakeszi a. Dr. Ruszinkone Czermann Cecilia 23. Nemeth Laszlo Altalanos Iskola es Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny- God a. Bajko Ildiko 24. Lukin Laszlo Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola- Erd a. Stiblo Anna 25. Jardanyi Pal Zeneiskola- Budapest a. Vimmer Erika 26. Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola- Gyor a. Szakacs Erika 27. Teleki- Wattay Miiveszeti Iskola- Pomaz a. Polanyine Takacs Judit 28. Weiner Leo Alapfoku Zene- es Miiveszeti Iskola- Kisvarda a. Agardi Gabome b. Vida Szucs Maria c. Toth-Tomor Agnes 29. ZETA Zenetanarok Tarsasaga- Budapest a. Csillag Ferenc 30. Molnar Antal Zeneiskola- Budapest a. Kiss Tiinde 31. Bartok Bela Zeneiskola AMI Vac a. Ferenczi Hajnal Aniko 32. Foldi Janos Kettannyelvii Altalanos Iskola es AMI - Hajdllhadhaz a. Wermeser Maria
MAGYAR KODALY TARSASAG Hungarian Kodaly Society 1064 Budapest, Vorosmarty u. 35. Adoszam: 19040437-1-42 Bankszamlaszam: OTP 11706016-20822228 Tel: +361/3221-802
Alulirott dr. Ittzes Mihaly, a Magyar Kodaly Tarsasag elnokekent, az elnokseg megbizasab61 kijelentem, hogy Tarsasagunk 815 fOs tagsaga kulturalis tevekenysege soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazza. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatunkkal tamoga-ljuk a KodaJy koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmiikodiink az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" teljesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra keriil.
Budapest, 2013. marcius 20. Dr. Ittzes Mihaly elnok
Czovek Erna Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola
Czovek Erna AMI
2092 Budakeszi, Iskola koz 3. Tel.: 23/451-395 Honlap: e-mail: [email protected] Akkreditalt Tehetse ont
Alulirott .............. .
.............................................. (nev) a(z)
intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimm1 felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmuukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Datum: Budakeszi, 2013.februar 25.
Juhos- Kiss Eszter szolfezs tanar Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Czovek Erna Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola
Czovek Erna AMI
2092 Budakeszi, Iskola koz 3. Tel.: 23/451-395 Honlap: e-mail: [email protected] Akkreditalt Tehetsegpont
.................................................... (nev) a(z)
Alulirott ...... .
intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I -~akent (kerjuk a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturcllis te,rekenysegem sorcln a Kod31y koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom.
A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimm1 felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmuiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Budakeszi, 2013.februar 25.
Kurucz Andrea szolfezs tanar Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Czovek Erna Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola 2092 Budakeszi, Iskola k6z 3. Tel.: 231451-395 Honlap: http:llceami.atw.hul e-m ail: [email protected]
Czovek Erna AMI
Akkreditalt Tehetse ont
Al ulirott ..............~.. Q.1':1. ,?. .0. Xl. lY. E........ T.f..~.... ).......... .
................................... (nev) a(z)
....~l~;{.~.t ......~.K~.A .... A.~.A.f.f.O..K.0. ...... H0.v.e.~l.-.0.t ....... !.~!0.!r:A.. ....................... . intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I E:gj~ (kerjuk a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kultur31is te,r6kenys6gem
a Kod81y k:oncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom.
A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimuii felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmuiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Budakeszi, 2013.februar 25.
Somogyine Tassi Valeria szolfezstanar Alciiras (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Czovek Erna Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola
Czovek Erna AMI
2092 Budakeszi, Iskola koz 3. Tel.: 23/451-395 Honlap: e-m ai I: [email protected] Akkreditalt Tehetse ont
..•...1...••.........•...... :.....................................................•......•..••.•...•... (nev) a(z)
intezmeny I szervezet ,kepviselojeke~t I tagjakent (kerji.ik a megfelelot ahihuzni!) kijelentem, hogy k:ulturUlis tevekenyrsegem soran a Kodily koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom.
A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimuii felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmuiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Budakeszi, 2013.februar 25.
'Barcsik Hedi- igazgat6 Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Miskolci Egressy Beni-Erkel Ferenc Zeneiskola Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny 3525 Miskolc, Paloczy u. 4.
M6cz Ferenc a(z) Miskolci Egressy Beni-Erkel Ferenc Zeneiskola AMI
Miskolc, Pal6czy. u. 4. intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjlik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6feszfteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerill.
Datum: Miskolc, 2013. februar 26.
Alafnis (nyomtatott betl\kkel is kifrva) I pecset
MRRTORVAIORI MUVESZETI III(OlR 2462 Martonvasar, Beethoven ter l. Tei/Fax: +36 22/460-083; Tel: +36 22/569-013; e-mail: [email protected]
.................... NEMES
JOZSEF ............................ .
(nev) I
a(z) szervezet
kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfdelot ahihuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cfmii
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum:2013. februar 27.
NEMES JOZSEF Alainis (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I pecset
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy Ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselo jekent I tagjakent (ke1jlik a megfelelo t alahuzni 1) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo
informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
benyUjtasat az U1'JESCO Legjobb MegOrzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. IZtszsegesen egylitt1nu
felterjesztes kOdOin
UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,Jegjobb gyakorlatok'. terjesztesere tett ero fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy Ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
a(z) szervezet
kepviselo jekent I
a megfelelo t alahtizni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a
Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo
infonnaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmu kodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,Jegjobb gyakorlatok'' terjesztesere tett ero fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre
Alairas (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirv~)/pecser
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy Ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: l.!!J~~~~~~:£!~~!!! E-mail: ==""'-'-=.:==~=== Honlap: wvvw.koda!v-isko!a.lm
a(z) szervezet
kepviselo jekent
a megfelelo t alahUzni!) kijelentem, hogy blturalis tevekenysegem soran a
Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo
inforn1aci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmu kodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,.legjobb gyakorlatok'' terjesztesere tett ero fesziteseiben, ame1myiben a .,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Alairas (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselo jekent / t_agjakent (kerjtik a megfelelo t al
infom1aci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatonn11al tamogatom a Kodaly koucepcio cimu
benyujtasat az lJNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmu kodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Ortikseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,Jegjobb gyakorlatok'' te1jesztesere tett ero fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es tetjesztesre keriil.
Alairas (nyomtatott beti.ikkel is kiirVZJ;)fpec;se.t
'>tfn::szi:tl <')vont. ALT \Lbos Il-lt~OL.t.
R6zt::!'tsr-mLA r':s Al. wFor.:( !In''. :(~s:r.l•:rcJKf.·\ I i~r rrx1 I'.ZI\!~.1\\ t.:orl:\LY :ZOI.TAN f:SFR-/.J':NF:t JS.KOJ.AJA
6000 Kt'cSI\t'met, D6zsa (;yiirgy tit 22. ·n:lcfOJt;. 06· 76/508,821. 508·824 Fax: ml-76/481.:7.10
kepvi:.tdG JCkcnt 1 mgjakcnl(ker}.Lik a mcgre[cln t nlcihLll-:ni! J lq_fe.l~1nl2"nl . l)(lgy kuJwn1lb
Ktlduly ktm~cpcit"1t n1im mndszeni
A mcgfch:lo h~nyt'•jtasitl
inf~JmtitC!il].; hirtol;itban nyilatkn!mmal 1<'\JU(>!;
az U NLSCO Legj.:.>bb tvkgiiu.6s1
K (~sJ;,cgcsen egyil11nm
gyak or Ia.tuk ··
li:ltcrjL'sn<':;; k.:'>ckiJll ;1z ltH
MAAMIPSZ Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Intezmeny Mez6kovesd, Matyas kiraly ut 130.
Tel: 49/ 500-329; 412-628; fax: 49/412-628 e-mail:
Alulfrot Mozerne Horga Stef{mia, a mez6kovesdi Miiveszeti Iskola (MAAMIPSZ AMI) intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent kijelentem,
hogy kultunllis
tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimii
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyilttmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerill.
Datum: 2013.02.19.
Kecskemeti miiveszeti 6voda, altalanos iskola, kozepiskola es alapfoku miiveszetoktatasi intezmeny Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei iskolaja
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap: www
(nev) intezmeny I szervezet
a(z) kepviselojekent I tagjakent
alahllzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a
Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyilttmiikodi:im az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Ori:ikseg Kormanyki:izi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Kecskemeti miiveszeti 6voda, altahinos iskola, kozepiskola es alapfoku miiveszetoktatasi intezmeny Kodaly Zoltan Enek-zenei iskolaja
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
\f VA J ~~' n ' Li ................ ,',4 ..'............ .I.~,!;. !S:. /.: J. .................................................................... . i~~z~
(nev) I szervezet
kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelel6t alahUzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Alafras (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I pecset
Kecskemeti miiveszeti 6voda, :lltallinos iskola, kozepiskola es alapfoku miiveszetoktat:lsi intezmeny Kod:lly Zoltiin Enek-zenei iskoliija
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyi:irgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap: www
(nev) a(z)
intezmeny I szervezet
kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelelot ahihUzni!) kijelentem, hogy kultunilis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodlily koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
ETUD Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny es Zenemiiveszeti Szakkozepiskola
Alulirott Urbanne Vass Agnes
az ETUD Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny es
Zenemiiveszeti Szakkozepiskola kepvisel6jekent kijelentem, hogy oktatasi/kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyuttmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerul.
Budapest, 2013. februar 21.
Urbanne Vass Agnes igazgat6
FONIX Zenei es Nyelvstudio Oktatasi, Szervez6i, Szolgaltat6 Beteti Tarsasag 1071 BUDAPEST, Bajza u. 1. V. 2. Ad6szam: 28861856-1-42
Alulirott Urbanne Vass Agnes a FONIX ZENEI es NYELVSTUDIO Oktatasi, Szervez6i., Szolgaltat6 Bt. kepvisel6jekent kijelentem, hogy oktatasi/kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerlil.
Budapest, 2013. februar 21.
kozepiskolai enektanar es k6rusvezet6
ROZSAVOLGYI MARK ALAPFOKU M0VESZETOKTATASI INTEZNIENY H-2661 Balassagyarmat, 6wiros ter 11. OM azonosit6:039951 Pf:10
+36 35 301-433 ~ Igazgat6/telefax:+36 35 301-841 E-mail: music({i)
Alulfrott Ember Csaba a balasaagyarmati R6zsavolgyi Mark Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Intezmenyintezmeny kepvisel6jekent kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis 6rokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terj esztesre kertil.
Datum: Balassagyarmat, 2013. februar 27.
Ember Csaba Alairas (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I pecset
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: Honlap:
(m\v) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselojekent , tagjakent (kerjUk a megfeleiot alahuzni 1) kijeientem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A
megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu felte1jesztes
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyUttmukOdom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag .,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben. amennyiben a .,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre
Alairas (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I pecset
D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. 06-7 6/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kulturaJis tevekenysegem sonin a
egytittmu kodom az terjesztesere tett 1'
6000 D6zsa Gyorgy Ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
(nev) intezrneny
a(z) szervezet
kultunilis tevekenysegern sonin a szert alkalmazom. A
a Kodaly koncepci6 cfmu - felterjesztes Keszsegesen egyilttmu kodom az ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett keriil.
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06·-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710
(nev) intezmeny ~lentem,
a(z) szervezet
hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a
szert alkalmazom. cimu
Keszsegesen egytittmu. 'ki:idom az terj esztesere tett
kivahsztasra es
Fax: 06-76/481-710
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821,508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
a(z) szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (ketjtik a megfelelot alahUzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A
megfele16 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozat01runal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimi.i feltetjesztes
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmftkodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis 6rokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" tetjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset/
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselojekent I tagjakent (ketjtik a megfelel6t alahuzni') kijelentem, bogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A
megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatmmnal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu feltetjesztes
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmiikodi:im az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis 6rokseg Konnfmyki:izi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerUl.
Alairas (nyomtatott betukkel is kiirva) I pecset
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: titkarsag(a! E-mail: gazdhiv({ Honlap: W\
a(z) szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjtik a megfelelot ai<'ihuzni
kijelentem, hogy kultunllis tevekenysegem sor<'m a
Koditly koncepci6t mint m6dsze1i alkalmazom. A
megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kod:ily koncepcio cimii felterjesztes
benyt:1jtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" te1jesztesere tett er6feszitesciben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kiva!asztasra es te1jesztesre kertil.
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pe2set
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-761508-821,508-824 Fax: 06-761481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
intezmeny I
a(z) szervezet
kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjuk a megfelelot alahlizni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfele\6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyuttmukOdom az UNESCO Szellemi Kultunilis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, ame1myiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerul.
~.A. laira~{nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset ~
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-821, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: titkarsagla{ E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselo jekent /~tagjakent (ketjUk a megfelelo t alahUzni!) kijelentem, bogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom.
informaci6k bitiokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
beny(tjtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyUttmu -~kodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett ero fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es tetjesztesre
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
6000 Kecskemet, D6zsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefon: 06-76/508-82 I, 508-824 Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Honlap:
(nev) intezmeny
a(z) szervezet
kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelelot alah(Izni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dsze1i alkalmazom. A
megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu felterjesztes
benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Alalras (nyomtatott betu.kkel is kiirva) I pecset
Fax: U6-76/41Sl-710
6000 Kecskemet, Dozsa Gyorgy ut 22. Telefom 06-76/508-821, 508-824
Fax: 06-76/481-710 E-mail: [email protected] E-maih [email protected] Honlap: royw.kodaly-iskola.bu
ZEl'l~ISKAOLA nyugalmazott igazgatoja, a V ARR6 MARGIT ALAPITvANY
kuratoriumi tagja
elnokhelyettese intezmeny I szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjUk a megfelelot alahilzni!) kijelentem, hogy kultunllis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepciot, mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo infonmiciok birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimii
felterjesztes benyU.jtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere.
Keszsegesen egyilttmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kultun\lis Orokseg Konnanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,,Kodaly
koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: G&iollo, 2013. februar 25.
AUtiras (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Magyar Zeneiskohik es Muveszeti Iskohik Szovetsege Association of Hungarian Music and Art Schools Ikt. sz ...................................... .
Alulirott Ember Csaba., mint a Magyar Zeneiskohik es Miiveszeti Iskohik Szovetsege elnoke a szervezet kepviselojekent kijelentem, hogy kultunllis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimi.i
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmi.ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" teljesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es teljesztesre keriil.
Budapest, 2013. 03. 25.
Ember Csaba a Magyar Zeneiskolak es Miiveszeti Isko_la_'. . . . . . "" elnoke H
1064 Budapest, Vorosmarty u. 65. T/F.: (36-1) 269-3553, (36-1) 269-3946 http:/ / e-m ail: [email protected] Szamlaszam /account OTP 11707024/20309442
Rl\11\11> B~l:1 Z..-ntl•kul~ ,Uapfukll !\l!h-fn.rfulWlt:'i~i Inffzmfny
Bartok Bela Zeneiskola, Alapfoku Miiveszeti lskola OM: 039608
4220 HAJD(JBOSZORMENY, II. Rakoczi Ferenc u. 31. T: (52) 561-704 Fax: (52) 561-705 E-mail: [email protected] Iktat6 szam:
Dgyirat szam:
....................................... TANYI
hajduboszormenyi Bartok Bela Zeneiskola Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola intezmeny I szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelelot alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" te1jesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Datum: Hajduboszormeny, 2013. februar 15.
Tanyi Zoltan igazgat6
Bartok Bela Zeneiskola Alapfokll Miiveszeti Iskola
9700 Szombathely, Rak6czi F. u. 3. Telefon: 06/94/512 890
Fax: 06/94/512 899 Mobil: 06/20/503 10 34; 06/20/503 OS 74 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Alulfrott Brandisz Marton a szombathelyi Bartok Bela Zeneiskola Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6feszfteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil. Datum: Szombathely, 2013. februar 15.
Brandisz Marton igazgat6
Muzsika Zeneiskola Alapfuku Nliiveszeti Iskola Nyiregyhaza Csillag iitca 46/A
Alulirott Kiss Uiszl6 a Muzsika Zeneiskola Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola igazgat6ja
I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjUk a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kultur
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalaszt
Datum: Nyiregyhaza 2013 02-21
Kiss Laszl6 igazgat6 Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Baranya Megyei II. Bela Kozepiskola Weiner Leo Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Tagintezmenye
Alulirott Deichler Andn'is a Baranya Megyei II. Bela Kozepiskola Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Muveszetoktatasi Tagintezmeny vezet6je kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyuttmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerul.
Szigetvar, 2012. februar 18.
Deichler Andras
7900 Szigetvar Zarda u. 2. t: 73-310-315 e-mail: [email protected]
Javor Zoltan ~ Alaplol\u Muveszetoldata!ll lntezmenye OM azonosit6: 200438
Alulirott CSIGE ILDIKO (nev) a(z) JAVOR ZOLTAN NEMZETISEGl ALAPFOKU MUVESZETI ISKOLA- ETYEK intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjiik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cfmu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittm(ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" tetjesztesere tett er6feszfteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es tetjesztesre keriil.
Etyek, 20 13. februar 19.
Alafnis (nyomtatott betukkel is kifrva) I pecset
Farkas Ferenc Alapfoku 1\lliiveszeti Iskola 2120 Dunakeszi, Bern utca 27. tel.lfax: 27/341-896; 27/342-889 [email protected]; igazgat6: Dr. Ruszink6ne Czermann Cecilia Ikt.: 13/2013
Alulirott Ruszink6ne Czermann Cecilia a Farkas Ferenc Alapfoku Muveszeti Iskola kepvisel6jekent kijelentem, hogy kultunilis tevekenysegem sodm a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6feszfteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepcio" kivaiasztasra es tetjesztesre kertil.
Dunakeszi, 2013. februar 19.
/Dr. Ruszink6ne Czermann Cecilia/
N emeth L~iszlo Altahinos Is kola es Alapfokii Muveszetoktatasi Intezmeny 2 1 3 2 God, I fj us ag u. 1 - 3 . P f. 2 3 . ii'/ : (27) 532-115
szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (ke1jtik a megfel{llVOfcalaHu~IiiP)' ~kijelentem, hogy kultunllis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A
megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimii
felte1jesztes benyt:Ijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittm(ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben, arnennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es te1j esztesre kerti I.
Alairas (1{yomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset
Lukin Laszlo Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola 2030. Erd, Felso u. 33. OM 039974
Alulirott STIBLO ANNA a(z) erdi Lukin Uiszl6 Alapfok:U Muveszeti Iskola intezmeny I szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent kijelentem, hogy kultunilis tevekenysegem sonin a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k bi1iokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly km;.cepci6 cimu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre keriil.
Datum: 2012. 02. 20.
JJi<J?...(])Ji:NYJ PJi£ ZP..:NP.IS1(0£)l )lfapjof(,u :Mif:veszeti IsR.9fa 1022 illudapest, :Marczi6tinyi ter 1. 'Td./Pa:c (+36}1-212-5049
P..-mai(.jardanyi@ enternet. fiu www.JardanyizeneisR.9fa-6p. liu
N yilatkozat
Alulirott, Vimmer Erika a J ardanyi Pe:il Zeneiskola AMI intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benyujtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Meg6rzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorJatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Budapest, 2013. februar 19.
Vimmer Erika Igazgat6 Alairas I pecstst
Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola Alapfoku Miiveszetoktatasi Intezmeny 9022 Gyor, Liszt F. u. 6. Tel./fax: (96) 519-362 e-mail:
Alulirott Szakacs Erika a Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskola AMI intezmeny vezetoje kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu felterjesztes benylijtasat az UNESCO Legjobb Megorzesi Gyakorlatok Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egytittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" teljesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Gyor, 2013. februar 15.
Szakacs Erika igazgat6
I Nyila1tkozat
Alulirott-Poh1nyine Takacs Judit, a Teleki-Wattay Miiveszeti Iskola, Alapfoku Miiveszeti Iskola
kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjlik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy
kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cfmu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalaszt:isra es terjesztesre kerlil. Pomaz, 2013 februar 20.
\ Polanyine\Takacs Judit igazgat6
Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Zene-es Muveszeti Iskola Agardi Gaborne zeneiskolai tanar 4600 Kisvarda Szent Laszl6 u.42.
Liszt Ferenc Zenemuveszeti Egyetem Kodaly Zoltan Zenepedag6giai Intezet reszere 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
Alulirott Agardi Gaborne, a Weiner Le6 Alapfoku Zene- es Miiveszeti Iskola intezmeny I
szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent kijelentem,
tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t, mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cfmu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittm(ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" tetjesztesere tett erOfesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerlil.
Datum: 2013. februar 20.
Alafras I pecset
Weiner Le6 Alapfokt.'t Zene-es Miiveszeti Iskola Vida Sz(ics Maria zeneiskolai tanar 4600 Kisvarda Szent Laszl6 u.42.
Liszt Ferenc Zenemiiveszeti Egyetem Kodaly Zoltan Zenepedag6giai Intezet reszere 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
Alulirott Vida Sziics Maria, a Weiner Leo Alapfoku Zene- es Miiveszeti Iskola intezmeny I
kepviselojekent I tagjakent kijelentem,
tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t, mint m6dszeii alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cim(i
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittm(ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakor!atok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es tetjesztesre kerlil.
Datum: 2013. februar 20.
Alafras I
Weiner Leo Alapfoku Zene-es M(iveszeti Iskola 4600 Kisvarda Szent Laszl6 u.42.
Liszt Ferenc Zenem(iveszeti Egyetem Kodaly Zoltan Zenepedag6giai Intezet reszere 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
Nyila tk,oza t
Alulirott T6th-TomorAgnes, a Kisvardai Weiner Leo Alapfoku Zene- es Miiveszeti
lskola intezmeny I szervezet kepviselojeke[:t I tagjakent kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t, mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelelo informaci6k birtoldban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cimu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egyiittm(ikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis 6rokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" tetjesztesere tett erofeszfteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es tetjesztesre keriil.
Datum: 2013. februar 20.
T6th-Tomor Agnes igazgat6 Alafras I pecset
M~.~-~~.I.~.~~~~r~~.A~~~-~-~~~~Qn, 1068 Budapest, Varosligeti fasor 38. Telefon: 321-1120/136 Fax: 479-5172
Alulfrott Csillag Ferenc (nev) a Zenetanarok Tarsaaga (ZETA) intezmeny I szervezet kepviseloiekent I tagjakent (kerjlik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepci6 cfmii
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi
Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben,
amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerlil.
Budapest, 2013. februar 24.
Csillag Ferenc a ZETA elnoke A!afras (nyomtatott beti.ikkel is kifrva) I pecset
Alulfrott KISS TUNDE (nev) a(z) MOLNAR ANTAL ZENEISKOLA intezmeny I szervezet kepviselojekent I tagjakent (kerjlik a megfelelot alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t, mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimu
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmukodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett erofesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kerlil.
Datum: Budapest, 2013. februar 21.
Ferenczi Hajnal Aniko 2600 Vac, Gyoker u.6. Dr. Nemes Laszlo Norbert s.k. igazgato Liszt Ferenc Zenemiiveszeti Egyetem Kodaly Zoltan Zenepedagogiai Intezet 6000 Kecskemet Kettemplom koz 1.
Nyilatkozat Alulfrott Ferenczi Hajnal Aniko fuvola, szolfezs es altaltmos iskolai enektanar.(nev) a(z) .............. vaci Bartok Bel a Zeneiskola AMI.. ................................. intezmeny I szervezet kepvisel6jekent I tagjakent (kerjlik a megfelel6t alahuzni!) kijelentem, hogy kulturalis tevekenysegem soran a Kodaly koncepci6t mint m6dszert alkalmazom. A megfelel6 informaci6k birtokaban nyilatkozatommal tamogatom a Kodaly koncepcio cimii
Regiszterere. Keszsegesen egylittmiikodom az UNESCO Szellemi Kulturalis Orokseg Kormanykozi Bizottsag ,legjobb gyakorlatok" terjesztesere tett er6fesziteseiben, amennyiben a ,Kodaly koncepci6" kivalasztasra es terjesztesre kertil.
Datum: Vac, 2013. februar 20.
~~·~·~~-V ················································· Ferenczi Hajnal Anik6
Alairas (nyomtatott betiikkel is kiirva) I pecset