De weg naar het sourcen van commodity
Piet Beentjes Oktober 2013
Context praktijkcase o Actuele Sourcing Strategie Sourcing aanpak o RFP-proces o Contractopbouw o Regie aanpak Bevindingen en aanbevelingen
Context van de case
o Nog veel maatwerk o Transparantie kan beter o 2 generaties exclusief o Gebundeld
. .
Infrastructuur / Integrator Gemeenschappelijke KPIs
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Commodity IT-services zijn voldoende voor het bedrijfsleven
ABN AMRO IT sourcing strategie anno 2013
Lange termijn strategie ABN AMRO Operations
IT implicaties TOPS 2020
Service Guardian
Print & Output
Owner: Kirsten Renner (CT) M. van Dassen, P Huis in ‘t Veld (PS) Hosting
2b. SWOT Analysis Solutions NL (Support and Development Chain)
Owner: Kirsten Renner (CT) M. van Dassen, P Huis in ‘t Veld (PS)
Print & Output
Print & Output
Service Guardian
Lagere kosten Beperking risico’s Verbeteren kwaliteit
Operational excellence
2b. SWOT Analysis Solutions NL (Support and Development Chain) Strenghts, Weaknesses, Threats Opportunities Strenghts, Weaknesses, Threats
Satisfaction rating Q3 2012 Solutions NL
Satisfaction rating Q3 2012 Solutions NL
Client focus Overall
Verhoogde transparantie en eenvoud van onze leverings kernprocessen Belonen standaardisatie van ABN AMRO applicatie en infrastructuur landschap
M. van Dassen, P Huis in ‘t Veld (PS) Divers and competitive ADM vendor landscape. Global (Indian vendors) and Local + Further study on sizing inhouse function might provide right sizing opportunities: (Cap Gemini en Logica) IT / Banking knowledge is widely available to IT S&S with • Cash pooling project is seen as an example (value 6.000.000, # of sufficient possibilities to select and switch (eg Channels selects local) in house staff is 4) + Staff base of ADM vendors is flexible (up and down scaling), knowledgeable (good • PM commuinty might be oversized control on+retention) andcompetitive capable (content, technical skills, user experience Divers and ADM vendor landscape. Global (Indian vendors) and Local Rulestudy of thumb for outsourced function is 65-70% relation to opportunities: + •Further on sizing inhouse function might provideinright sizing understanding) (Cap Gemini en Logica) IT / Banking knowledge is widely available to IT S&S with overall effort • Cash pooling project is seen as an example (value 6.000.000, # of + Strong Operational Vendor Controltofunction results in smooth and challenged vendor sufficient possibilities select and switch (eg Channels selects local) in house staff is 4) operations + Staff base of ADM vendors is flexible (up and down scaling), knowledgeable (good + Develop SAAS solutions •for selected businessmight drivenbe‘verticals’ . E.g. ABN AMRO PM commuinty oversized + Cost efficiency delivered by ADMand vendors through offshore centers and user best control on+retention) and capable (content, technical skills, experience Divers competitive ADM vendor landscape. Global (Indian vendors) and Local Service Centre (Logica cloud Trade/Guarantees. Rough indication •Further Rule of offering) thumb fororoutsourced function is 65-70% inright relation to opportunities: +Private study on sizing inhouse function might provide sizing practices on ADM services(Cap Gemini en Logica) IT / Banking knowledge is widely available to IT S&S with understanding) of ASC business case is 1 miooverall Euro running costpooling saving project is seen as an example (value 6.000.000, # of effort • Cash + Strong Operational Vendor Controltofunction results in smooth and challenged vendor sufficient possibilities select and switch (eg Channels selects local) in house staff is 4) operations + Staff base of ADM vendors is flexible (up and down scaling), knowledgeable+(good Further consolidation landscape + Develop ADM SAASvendor solutions businessmight drivenbe‘verticals’ . E.g. ABN AMRO •for selected PM commuinty oversized - Weakness: are of poor quality and cost efficiency level: High + IBM Costservices efficiency delivered by ADM vendors through offshore centers and user best experience control on retention) and capable (content, technical skills, •Service Consolidate Cognizant Infosys/TCS (10-20%function cost saving Centre (Logica Private cloud Trade/Guarantees. Rough indication • portfolio Rule oftooffering) thumb fororoutsourced is 65-70% in relation to bureaucracy practices (operational insufficient dedication to solutions, fragmented IBM on rules), ADM services understanding) on Cognizant turnover) of ASC business case is 1 miooverall Euro running effort cost saving service teams, no real+intend to change relationship (monopolist behavior), contract Strong Operational Vendor Control function results in smooth and challenged vendor • Consolidate portfolio of small package vendors to strategic vendors has no service levels on Change the Bank, implementation phase is more and more operations in order improve quality and landscape riskfor profile + Further consolidation ADM vendor + toDevelop SAAS solutions selected business driven ‘verticals’ . E.g. ABN AMRO at critical-pathWeakness: aredelivered of poor quality and cost efficiency High + IBM Costservices efficiency by ADM vendors through level: offshore centers and best •Service Consolidate Cognizant portfolio Infosys/TCS (10-20% cost saving Centre (Logica Private cloudtooffering) or Trade/Guarantees. Rough indication - Weakness: ‘Keten’ knowledge at and between Vendorsto(Infra and ADM) bureaucracy (operational rules), insufficient dedication solutions, fragmented IBM practices oncooperation ADM services + Improve local capabilities of Strategic Stimulate strategic partnerships with on Cognizant turnover) ASC business is 1 mio Euro running cost saving is too low resulting step behavior of AABto(coordination). Solutioning depended on serviceinteams, no real intend change relationship (monopolist behavior), contract local vendors. Sweep external staff to strategic vendors. (5-10% costvendors saving on • Consolidate portfolio of small package to strategic vendors key mans has no service levels on Change the Bank, implementation phase is more and more external staffing spend) in order to improve quality and landscape risk profile + Further consolidation ADM vendor - Weakness; Package have often difficultare operation to insufficient at criticalsolutions -pathWeakness: IBM aservices of poordue quality and cost efficiency level: High • Consolidate Cognizant portfolio to Infosys/TCS (10-20% cost saving interaction the infra vendors and means resolve issues. Also the scale of the - with Weakness: ‘Keten’ knowledge attoand cooperation between Vendors and ADM) bureaucracy (operational rules), insufficient dedication to(Infra solutions, fragmented IBM + Develop new, more simple and high level KPI models forturnover) Run and Change + Improve local capabilities Strategic vendors. Stimulate strategic(e.g. partnerships with on Cognizant package vendor and/or the nature of the relationship (often only operational) hinders is too low resulting step behavior of AABto(coordination). Solutioning depended on serviceinteams, no real intend change relationship (monopolist behavior), contract NIPO based).local Simplifying reducing overhead. vendors.contract, Sweep external staff to strategic vendors. (5-10% costvendors saving on • Consolidate portfolio of small package to strategic vendors a smooth operation. key mans has no service levels on Change the Bank, implementation phase is more and more external staffing spend) in order to improve quality and risk profile - Weakness; Package have often a difficult operation due to insufficient at criticalsolutions path + Added value of the various steps in the support chain, especially the degree of - Threats: Increased risk fraud and disruption of business operations requires interaction with the infra vendors and meansattoand resolve issues. Alsomore the scale of the - on Weakness: ‘Keten’ knowledge cooperation between Vendors (Infra and ADM) contribution incidentnew, is insufficiently known require analysis. + toDevelop more simple and high level KPIand models forfurther Run and Change +resolution, Improve local capabilities Strategic vendors. Stimulate strategic(e.g. partnerships with expert knowledge andvendor better time-to-market for solutioning package and/or the nature of thebehavior relationship (often only operational) hindersdepended is too low resulting in step of AAB (coordination). Solutioning on study might This provide significant opportunities. First impression is that vendors. the NIPO based). Simplifying contract, reducing overhead. local vendors. Sweep external staff to strategic (5-10% cost saving on - Threats: Diversity in vendor a smooth operation. keylandscap. mans Less economics of scale. More governance consolidation of AS run the bank towards external staffingeither spend)the in house functional beheer overhead - Weakness; Package solutions have often a difficult operation due to insufficientgroups or+theAdded ADM vendors might be aingood option. To be investigated. value of (FPPA) the various steps the support chain, especially the degree of - Threats: Increased risk on and disruption of business requires interaction withfraud the infra vendors and means tooperations resolve issues. Alsomore the scale of the contribution incidentnew, resolution, is insufficiently known require analysis. + toDevelop more simple and high level KPIand models forfurther Run and Change (e.g. expert knowledge andvendor better time-to-market for of solutioning package and/or the nature the relationship (often only operational)+hinders Output basedThis KPIstudy management on runsignificant the bank vendor (a.o. availability development might provide opportunities. First impression is that the NIPO based). Simplifying contract, reducing overhead. - Threats: Diversity in vendor landscap. Less economics of scale. More governance a smooth operation. and test environments) consolidation of AS run the bank towards either the in house functional beheer overhead groups or+theAdded ADM vendors might be aingood option. To be investigated. value of (FPPA) the various steps the support chain, especially the degree of IBM TCS Infosys Cognizant Capgemini Logica - Threats: Increased risk on fraud and disruption of business operations requires more contribution to incident resolution, is insufficiently known and require further analysis. expert knowledge and better time-to-market for6,25 solutioning6,75 + Output basedThis KPIstudy management on runsignificant the bank vendor (a.o. availability development might provide opportunities. First impression is that the Workordering 5,01 7,16 6,66 7,00 Threats: Diversity in vendor landscap. Less economics of scale. More governance and test environments) consolidation of AS run the bank towards either the in house functional beheer Solution delivery 5,42 7,03 6,92 6,71 6,28 7,29 overhead groups or the ADM vendors (FPPA) might be a good option. To be investigated. Application support 5,27 7,31 7,36 7,67 Cognizant na Capgemini 6,33 IBM TCS Infosys Logica
Hoofdthema’s sourcing
Service Guardian
Owner: 2b. SWOT Analysis Solutions NL (Support and Development Chain) Strenghts, Weaknesses, Threats Opportunities Kirsten Renner (CT)
Eisen aan nieuwe IT sourcing model
7,26 5,42 5,27 5,07
7,03 7,03 7,31 IBM 7,58
6,98 6,92 7,36 TCS 7,27
and test environments) 6,60 6,60 6,71 6,28 7,29 7,67 Cognizant na Capgemini 6,33 Infosys Logica Work in Progress, Confidential: Content to be shared only within MT IT S&S and IT productivity core team members 6,92 7,25 8,00
Workordering Solution delivery 5,22
5,01 7,26 5,42 5,27 5,07
7,16 7,03 7,03 7,31 7,58
6,66 6,98 6,92 7,36 7,27
Workordering Solution delivery 5,22 Client focus Overall
Application support 20121203_IT Productivity_MT Workshop_v5b.pptx Client focus Overall
Satisfaction rating Q3 Solutions 5,01 7,16 6,66 2012 7,00 6,25 NL6,75
Application support 20121203_IT Productivity_MT Workshop_v5b.pptx
20121203_IT Productivity_MT Workshop_v5b.pptx
Output based KPI management on run the bank vendor (a.o.45availability development
7,00 6,25 6,75 45 6,60 6,60 6,71 6,28 7,29 7,67 na 6,33 Work in Progress, Confidential: Content to be shared only within MT IT S&S and IT productivity core team members 6,92 7,25 8,00
Work in Progress, Confidential: Content to be shared only within MT IT S&S and IT productivity core team members
IT sourcing SWOT analyses
Verbeterde schaalbaarheid van onze product en diensten leveringsprocessen Verbeterde aanpasbaarheid van ons sourcing model
Aanpasbaarheid en flexibiliteit
Context praktijkcase o Actuele Sourcing Strategie Sourcing aanpak o RFP-proces o Contractopbouw o Regie aanpak Bevindingen en aanbevelingen
Vertaling strategie in RFP aanpak
Netwerk Telefonie
Kavel 1: WAN NL Kavel 2: DC - DC
Best Value Procurement
Netwerk overig kavels Mobiele telefonie Vaste telefonie kavels
Infrastructuur / Integrator Gemeenschappelijke KPIs
Presenteer ons uw commodity service naar onze functionele behoefte Stop met leveren maatwerk en als het echt moet, zeer transparant Bied op technische eenheden, die we in de toekomst los kunnen sourcen Wij gaan anders aansturen
Voorspellen vraag Competitief
Niet operationeel 7
Even de opinie polsen
Aanbieders bieden zelfde commodity diensten aan
Na ongeveer 6 maanden doorlooptijd zijn alle besluiten genomen
Netwerk Telefonie
Kavel 1: WAN NL Kavel Kavel 2: 2:DC-DC DC - DC Netwerk overig kavels Mobiele telefonie Vaste telefonie kavels
Infrastructuur / Integrator
Flink verschillend aanbod onderling, op prijs en kwaliteit Op 1 uitzondering na weten alle leveranciers om te gaan met de commodity vraag Op DC - DC is door commodityinzichten duidelijk geworden dat we verder onderzoek moeten doen naar de oplossing Nieuwe uitdagingen door minder eenvoudig te forceren multivendor model Stevige uitdaging verandermanagement
Gemeenschappelijke KPIs
Hoe is een dergelijk contract dan opgebouwd?
Niet standaard diensten
Minimaal vereiste diensten
Extra transparant en flexibel (Activity Based Sourcing) • Tarievenlijst • Spreek werkeenheden af • Voorspel aantal werkeenheden • Nadelen bij onjuist voorspellen
Basis dienst
Grens van expliciet gecontracteerde activiteiten • Maatwerk is niet uit te bannen, maar houd dit beperkt • Stevige commitments zijn hier mogelijk
Even de opinie polsen
ABN AMRO kan leveranciers goed aansturen
Hoe laat je dit contract werken in de praktijk? Strategisch A
Business Alignment K
Service Alignment N
Tactisch Afspraken
L Management
O Delivery
Service delivery
Source: Kirkman Company
Sourcing manager Demand manager Supply manager Dienstenmanager
Een entiteit met end to end verantwoordelijkeid, gericht op een functioneel aandachtsgebied
Klantrelatiemanager Portfoliobeheerder Service Level Manager Technology Manager Service Delivery Manager Contractbeheerder Sourcinganalist
Opdrachtgever(business) Afdelingsmanager(business) Gebruiker(s)(Business) Accountmanager opdrachtnemer (vendor) 12 Delivery manager (vendor) Servicedesk (vendor)
Context praktijkcase o Actuele Sourcing Strategie Sourcing aanpak o RFP-proces o Contractopbouw o Regie aanpak Bevindingen en aanbevelingen
Even de opinie polsen
De leverancier levert liever maatwerk (procentueel hogere marge)
De belangrijkste bevindingen van de commodity aanpak
Scherpe quotes op de gevraagde basis dienstverlening
Goede discussies met de leveranciers, vooral op de competitieve kavels
Flinke impact op de organisaties van leverancier en afnemer
Veel eenvoudiger contracten en proces contracteren
Verrassende verschillen in leveranciersportfolio waar het commodity betreft
Eindelijk duidelijkheid over wat nu echt maatwerk is
Forecasting ambitie wordt gewaardeerd
Even de opinie polsen
Commodity is het nieuwe sourcen
Commodity aanpak wordt zeer aanbevolen, maar let wel op…
Faciliteer de dialoog -
Relatief weinig vragen aan je leverancier, veel luisteren
In RFP proces ruimte inbouwen om nieuwe inzichten te kunnen verwerken
Creëer bereidheid te veranderen bij de interne organisatie -
Laat de gebruikersorganisatie in vroeg stadium weten dat ze los moeten laten
Ook stakeholders als compliance en cost management moeten loslaten
De beheerorganisatie moet bereid zijn te transformeren
Zet sterke verandermanagers in
Blijf zelf in de lead als het op besluiten aan komt -
Laat je door leverancier niet om de oren slaan met ‘je wilt toch standaard’
Besef dat je de leveranciersorganisatie op zijn kop zet, wat tot defensief gedrag kan leiden (vooral bij exclusief)
De beheerorganisatie zal ‘het vereiste minimum’ proberen op te rekken
Wees voorzichtig met claimen resultaat -
Besef dat de potentiële besparing niet gelijk is aan werkelijke besparing
Laat de beheerorganisatie het potentieel resultaat omarmen