performance / dance 12 November - 14 November 2015 NL Het is exact 20 jaar geleden dat PARTS zijn deuren opende. Dat wordt dit seizoen uit-gebreid gevierd. In de zomer van 1994 beslisten choreografe Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker en Bernard Foccroulle, toenmalig directeur van De Munt, om een nieuwe school voor hedendaagse dans op te richten. Nauwelijks een jaar later was de opening een feit, met een eerste generatie van 30 dansers en choreografen uit verschillende continenten. Tien generaties studenten – uit alle windstreken en continenten – hebben gestudeerd aan PARTS: dat zijn meer dan 400 dansers en choreografen. Zeer velen onder hen zijn een succesvolle carrière als danser en choreograaf begonnen, in België en daarbuiten. De rijkdom hiervan kan je zien aan de 13 producties in het ‘PARTS20’-programma in het Kaaitheater dit seizoen, of op de pas gelanceerde website, die een lijst bevat met honderden voorstellingen van en met voormalige studenten dit seizoen, in België en daarbuiten. Voor de 3 avonden in de Beursschouwburg ontwikkelde PARTS een bijzonder project. Eerder dan de onmogelijke verantwoordelijkheid te moeten nemen om zelf een ‘best-of’ van de school of het werk van de ex-studenten samen te stellen, wilde PARTS een stem geven aan drie generaties oud-studenten, met de opdracht om onder elkaar en op korte termijn een avond samen te stellen. Generatie IX, Generatie I en Generatie VI kregen carte blanche, en trommelden zo veel mogelijk mensen uit hun groep op: sommige zijn bekende gezichten in de Brusselse scène, anderen werken al jaren in het buitenland of begonnen ondertussen een andere carriere... Elke avond wordt gecoördineerd door een kunstenaarsduo uit de betreffende generatie, maar de ontwikkeling van de avond gebeurde zo veel mogelijk collectief. Het resultaat zijn zeer uiteenlopende programma’s, met bestaand en nieuw werk, re-enactments van oude PARTS formats of improvisaties op het moment zelf, live of via geprojecteerd beeld,video-installaties, workshops, muziek en feest. Een brug tussen wat toen was en nu is. Of iets anders … FR Le 4 septembre 1995, P.A.R.T.S. ouvrait ses portes à une première generation d’étudiants danseurs. Depuis, environ 400 danseurs et chorégraphes y ont étudié. 10 générations d’étudiants, issus de tous les horizons et de tous les continents, y ont suivi un trajet complet: d’abord de trois ans, ensuite de quatre, avant que la 11e generation ne passe cette année à cinq. Nous avons demandé à trois générations de diplômés de mettre une soirée sur pied. Chaque génération déterminera le contenu du programme à sa guise: oeuvres existantes ou nouvelles, anciens formats de l’école remis au goût du jour ou improvisation totale sur le pouce, live ou projetée en différé. Objectif: faire le lien entre le passé et le présent. À moins qu’il en décide encore autrement! Nous donnons véritablement carte blanche aux générations Neuf (2008-2012), Six (20022006) et Une (1995-1998). Chaque soirée sera coordonnée par un duo d’artistes issus de la generation concernée.
EN On the 4th of September 1995, P.A.R.T.S. opened its doors to a first generation of dance students. Over the years, more than 400 dancers and choreographers have studied at P.A.R.T.S. Ten generations of students – from every corner of the world – have finished the entire trajectory: initially three years, later on four years, and five years from the present 11th generation onwards. We have asked three generations of graduated students to put together an evening. Each generation is free to determine the contents of the programme: existing or new work, re-enactments of old P.A.R.T.S.-formats or improvisations, impromptu, live or through projected images. A bridge between what was and what is. Or something else altogether. Generations Nine (who studied from 2008 till 2012), Six (2002-2006) and One (1995-1998) have received a carte blanche. Each evening is coordinated by an artist duo from the generation in question.
Deze voorstelling vindt plaats in het kader van het project ‘[DNA] Departures and Arrivals’, gecofinancierd door het Creative Europe programma van de Europese Commissie. PARTS werd opgericht door Rosas en De Munt. De school wordt gesubsidieerd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en krijgt aanvullende steun via het project [DNA]. [DNA] wordt gecofinancierd door de Europese Commissie (Creative Europe). PARTS en HES-SO/Manufacture (Lausanne, CH) zijn partnerinstellingen voor de hogere opleiding in hedendaagse dans 2013-2017.
Part of Brussels Dance
Generation 1: Coordinated by Salva Sanchis & Heine Avdal
17.00 – 24.00 Rode hal
Video Videos and excerpts from performances Arco Renz Recent works of Kobalt Works Roberto Olivan de la Iglesia Compilation of his work Saskia Höbling 20 Jahre Dans.Kias Stefanie Bodien Babette Sonia Gomez Audition A film by Takashi Miike (2006) Idea: Joan Morey Camera: Txalo Toloza. Thomas Plischke Tom Plischke 1998 / Thomas Plischke 2015 / Dialog
22:00 Gouden zaal
20 years - 2 days - 1 performance Performance The ex-students of the first generation of PARTS have chosen to keep things simple. After not seeing each other for almost 20 years, they have gone in the studio for 2 days (yesterday and today), and are tonight showing a performance. They have offered each other excerpts of their own existing work, as well as new proposals/ideas, as a way to re-meet each other. Everybody in the group has the opportunity of not just witnessing what their colleagues have been doing the last 20 years, but also to perform it live. Just as 20 years ago, they become each other’s subjects of work, each other’s performing accomplices. The result belongs to no one in particular and to all at the same time, just as anyone’s history does. Credits: A project with and by: Anabel Schellekens, Anna Katariina Saastamoinen, Alix Eynaudi, Carlos De Haro, Diana Tomsová, Giulia Sugranyes, Heine Avdal, Hélène Benabbad, Jennifer Regidor, Maria Clara Villa Lobos, Nicolas Turicchia, Rina Wertheim, Salva Sanchis, Sandra Schär, Silvia Ubieta, Sofia Brito, Susan Hengartner, Sylvie Huysman.
Bios of the performers: Heine Avdal (NO) studied dance, choreography and video College of the Arts) and at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. He companies in Norway and with Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods. collaborating closely with Yukiko Shinozaki and formed fieldworks.
at KHIO (Oslo National has worked for various Since 2000 he has been a structure called
After PARTS Hélène Benabbad (FR) studied with Mathilde Monnier at EX.E.cR.C.E in Montpellier. She danced in different pieces with Oodile Azagury (cie Les Clandestins) and she created her company La Suerte in 2003 in Poitiers France. Sofia Brito (PT) works as a performing artist, choreographer, contemporary dancer, singer and martial arts practitioner in Portugal. Forces of Nature, and the meaning of life have been the guideline of her research trough Art. She teaches Release Technique, Floor work, Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation, Composition and Yoga on regular courses, workshops and coaching in solo creations. After PARTS, Carlos de Haro (ES) worked with Pierre Droulers and Wim Vandekeybus. He then started researching movement for his own work, and created solos. He currently works with textile design. Susan Hengartner (CH) worked as a dancer with Arco Renz (Brussels) and VA Wölfl/ Neuer Tanz (Düsseldorf). For ten years, she was a member of ‘PAK – Praxis für angewandte Kunst’ in Zürich. Currently, she develops dance mediation practices in collaboration with the Schweizer Tanzarchiv, and is a member of the Tanzkommission Zürich. Sylvie Huysman (BE) performed with Michèle Noiret (Brussels) and Truus Bronkhorst (The Netherlands), and continued her education at the Amsterdam Theaterschool bridging dance, theatre and performance. Later she collaborated with Sanja Mitrovic, Lotte van den Berg, Orkater and hetPaleis. In 2009 she came back to Belgium to teach contemporary dance and make performances for children with the company Bonnie Attempts. After PARTS, Jennifer Regidor (BE) obtained a diploma in dance pedagogy and started teaching at the Municipal Academy in Leuven, Kunsthumaniora Antwerp and several private schools. She founded the dance studio Zenit which is the base of her dance company Lune (1999) and the youth company Cocon. She is still active as a freelance dancer and assists her husband in his roof construction business. She is the mother of two and plays alto sax and percussion in two orchestras. Salva Sanchis (ES) has produced over 20 choreographic works, including collaborations with Marc Vanrunxt and Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker. After working independently and as guest choreographer with Rosas, Salva joined the company Kunst/Werk in 2010 to continue creating his own work. Parallel to his choreographic activity, he has developed an extensive pedagogic career, teaching workshops across many countries, and being closely associated to P.A.R.T.S. since 2004 as teacher, program coordinator and responsible for the selection of new students. After her studies in PARTS, Sandra Schär Chiper (CH) started working with figure skating, developing artistic skills and creating choreographies on ice. Living in Zürich, she currently runs a skating academy, with her husband. She is the mother of two children of 8 and 15. Anabel Schellekens (BE) mainly creates projects for specific and special locations. Contact with the audience, space and poetry are the main lines in her work. Currently she is touring ‘Marcella’, a duet performed in private living rooms. After graduating from PARTS in 98, Giulia Sugranyes (ES) collaborated with Arco Renz, Brice Leroux, Christina Gaigg and Anabel Schellekens and joined Rosas in 2001. She studied Interior architecture at the Fine Arts Academy in Brussels and graduated in 2011. Nowadays, Giulia combines design, scenography and teaching. She founded the npo Labolobo that aims solidarity between generations through art and creativity.
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Turicchia (CH) lives between Paris and Switzerland. He just particithe creation of "Moses and Aaron" at the Bastille Opera in Paris with Romeo Castelluci and choreographer Cindy Van Acker. As a choreograwill create a new piece for November 2016 in coproduction with the TLH in Switzerland.
Diana Tomsova (CZ) has performed with Salva Sanchis (Brussels), Michael Purucker (Munich) and Petr Tyc (Prague). She has taught contemporary dance in Brussels and Great Britain, and currently lives in Prague where she makes choreographies, participates in advertisements and films, teaches dance classes and works as a concierge in the Aria music hotel. After studying dance in Seville, Paris and PARTS, Silvia Ubieta (ES) has worked with artists such as Pierre Droulers , Yo Claux , Sarah Goldfarb, Veerle Bakelants , Kosmas Kosmopoulos and Anabel Schellekens, before starting her own work. Since 2007 she works at ESAC (Graduate School of Circus Arts ) where she leads research workshops, creates different projects, and also mentors students. Silvia is continuously learning and researching; she is currently training in Choreology Studies at Trininty Laban Conservatoire in London. Maria Clara Villa Lobos (BR) is a Brazilian dancer and choreographer based in Brussels since 1995, when she came to study at PARTS. She has been creating pieces since 1998, amongst which are "XL, because size does matter", "M, an average piece", "XXL" and " MAS-SACRE", as well as several choreographies for the Bal Moderne. She's currently artist in residence at Théâtre Les Tanneurs in Brussels. After leaving PARTS, Rina Wertheim (IL) joined the Vertigo Dance Company in Jerusalem, and danced there for 18 years, also taking up the roles of assistant choreographer, dramaturge and main teacher of the company. Meanwhile she has been researching her own language of the connection of body and soul. Riina Saastamoinen (FI) has worked with Jan Fabre/Troubleyn, Jan Decorte, Davis Freeman and Manuela Rastaldi. In 2003 she presented Bla Bla Bla with Gregor Asch (DJ Olive) at the Venice Biennial. From 2005 until 2008 she was the manager of cie Galothar. Since 2000 she has been creating her own work.