2012 FÜRED
Secrets Dr Garami tells you his secrets. But only just on the spot. Page 2
Free issue How to win Previous Ivan Krisztinicz winners: Dr. Nemeth and Dr. Pipicz Page 5
Returning guest Adam Riba returns to HMAA Fured. He would like to be cardiologist. Page 3
Significant advances in our knowledge about interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) have occurred since publication of the first female-specific recommendations for preventive cardiology in 1999. Despite research-based gains in the treatment of CVD, it remains the leading killer of women in the United States and in most developed areas of the world. In the United States alone, more than one half million women die of CVD each year, exceeding the number of deaths in men and the next 7 causes of death in women combined. This translates into approximately 1 death every minute. Coronary heart disease (CHD) accounts for the majority of CVD deaths in women, disproportionately afflicts racial and ethnic minorities, and is a prime target for prevention. Because CHD is often fatal, and because nearly two thirds of women who die suddenly have no previously recognized symptoms, it is essential to prevent CHD. Other forms of atherosclerotic/thrombotic CVD, such as cerebrovascular disease and peripheral arterial disease, are critically important in women. Strategies known to reduce the burden of CHD may have substantial benefits for the prevention of noncoronary atherosclerosis, although they have been studied less extensively in some of these settings. In the wake of the reports of the Women’s Health Initiative and the Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), which unexpectedly showed that combination hormone therapy was associated with adverse CVD effects, there is a heightened need to critically review and document strategies to prevent CVD in women. These studies underscore the importance of evidence-based practice for chronic disease prevention. Optimal translation and implementation of science to improve preventive care should include a rigorous process of evaluation and clear communication about the quantity and quality of evidence used to support clinical recommendations. Recently, there has been an increase in the number and proportion of women that have participated in clinical trials, although many early CVD prevention trials did not fully include women and other important subpopulations.Therefore, it is important to consider the full range of available evidence, including data on men as appropriate, to develop recommendations for diverse populations of women. Furthermore, because many patients seen in clinical practice may have characteristics that are not similar to those of clinical trial participants, it is necessary to draw inferences about the likelihood that data will generalize from research to clinical settings. The objective of this collaborative effort was to develop the first set of evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of CVD in adult
HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY – 19 August 2012,
women with a broad range of cardiovascular risk. The technology for identifying CVD in its earliest stages has improved over the past decade, and this has led to a blurring of the distinction between primary and secondary prevention. The concept of CVD as a categorical, “have-or-have-not” condition has been replaced with a growing appreciation for the existence of a continuum of CVD risk. Clinical diagnoses and scenarios that broadly group women into categories of high, intermediate, and lower risk. This scheme allows healthcare providers to match the intensity of risk intervention to the baseline level of CVD risk. A scoring sheet for use in clinical practice to calculate absolute 10-year CHD risk in women. The recommendations herein are designed to assist healthcare providers in optimizing CVD preventive care for all women age 20 years and older. Implementation of these guidelines may differ among countries and regions for cultural, medical, and economic reasons. In addition, application of these guidelines should also take into consideration individual factors such as frailty and life expectancy. Dr. Tárnoki Dávid (Source: AHA,
- Elnök Úr, először is engedje meg hogy gratuláljak a Dr. Csáthy László kinevezéséhez! A HMMA HC előző elnöke Dr. Bodnár Eszter HMAA Hungary Chapter elnöke volt. Most Ön a következő akinek össze kell fogni a csapatot, Dr. Csáthy László 1980-ban végzett a megoldani az esetleges nehézségeket. Milyen érzés a tagozat Semmelweis Egyetemen. 1980 és vezető emberének lenni? Kérem, ossza meg velünk. 2005 között a Hajdú-Bihar megyei Köszönöm. A Magyar Tagozat megalakulásakor megfogalmazott Önkormányzat Kenézy Gyula Kórház elveket próbáljuk követni. Összejött egy jó csapat, akikkel könnyű Csecsemő- és Gyermekosztályán jól dolgozni. dolgozott. 2005 és 2008 között a - Mik azok a pontok, amikben szeretne változtatni? Vannak-e Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház célkitűzések, nagy tervek melyek megvalósításra várnak a Csecsemő- és Gyermekosztályát HMAA magyarországi tagozatának életében? vezette. A Fővárosi Önkormányzat Fő cél a Balatonfüredi Diákkongreszus szervezése. Úgy tűnik Jahn Ferenc Dél-Pesti Kórház Dr. Csáthy László PhD sikerrel jártunk eddig. A Kongresszus ismertsége, elfogadottsága Neonatológiai Intenzív Centrum IInő. A visszajelzések szerint a résztvevők jól érezték magukat és ben 2008 augusztusa óta dolgozik, visszatérnek. Remélem sikerül támogatni a tudományos életben megtett első lépéseiket. 2009-től osztályvezető főorvosként. Emellett a Buffalói cseregyakorlattal kapcsolatos tennivalóink jelentősek. Az Orvosi Hetilap külső munkatársa, - Ön immár nagyon sok éve jelentős helyet foglal el a balatonfüredi konferencia számos hazai és külföldi szakmai társaság tagja. Hobbija a életében. Mint az idei évben a konferencia elnökeként, hogyan értékeli az elmúlt fényképezés, a vitorlázás, a vitorlázó éveket? Lát változást, fejlődést az első füredi konferenciákhoz képest? repülés. A szervezést mi is megtanultuk. A jelentkezés immár elektronikusan történik, könnyebb, gyorsabb. A helyszint változatlan feltételekkel kapjuk a Szívkórháztól, ami nélkül nem jöhetett volna létre az immár hagyományos Kongresszus. - Ön szerint milyen területeket, témákat lehetne még jobban hangsúlyozni a konferencián? A Kongresszust a jelentkezők szerkesztik, az Ő előadásaik hangzanak el. Mint szervezők arra törekszünk, hogy az előadások utáni megbeszélésből, a kiscsoportos beszélgetésekből minél többet tanuljanak és hasznosíthassák a továbbiakban. - Elnök Úr, még egy személyes kérdést szeretnék feltenni. Amikor éppen nem dolgozik, és nem a HMAA ügyeit intézi, akkor hogyan pihen? Mi a hobbija? A vitorlázórepüléssel időhiány miatt felhagytam, maradt a fotózás, a Balatoni vitorlázás és a könyvek. Sok sikert kívánok a munkájához és köszönöm a beszélgetést! Adel Racz MD
- What do you expect from the Fured congress? Terrible weather – so everybody will stay inside and listen to the lectures. - What was your first impression upon visiting the congress two years ago? Why we did not have the same conference organized during my student years, too…this is more fun than TDK! - How do you prepare for the neuroimaging session? White wine and fishing gear! - Which innovations can you highlight in neurosonology? Well, I cannot tell you yet, please come and listen to my lecture. - What do you prefer on the Fured congress which is unique in your point of view? I think we are together to learn and teach each other something new. Also to polish our students' presentation skills with some water polo game and "tere- Dr. Garami on TV fere". About Zsolt Garami, M.D. Instructor, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Director, TCD Center, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, The Methodist Hospital Dr. Garami has a clinical background in Radiology and is EU board certified in that specialty. He has also received further specialization in intracranial ultrasound in Europe and the United States. In recent years, Dr. Garami has become a nationally 2 recognized leader in transcranial Doppler (TCD). Dr. Garami´s research focuses on understanding and treating intracranial flow HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY – 19 August 2012,
disturbances that cause stroke. He has numerous publications on the monitoring of the cerebral vasculature during vascular procedures such as coronary artery bypass grafting, and carotid artery surgery. His current studies aim to reveal critical patterns of distal intracranial embolization in LVAD patients. Meet Dr. Garami today at: 13:00-13:45, Eszterhazy hall, Lunch session, Title: Neurosonology – stetoscope for the brain! Adam Domonkos Tarnoki MD
Adam Riba medical student University of Pécs Meet Adam Riba today at 9am, Cardiology session, Eszterhazy hall
- Milyen az egyetemi élet a POTE-n? Ahogy Pécs is egy "gyalogléptékkel mérhető" város, a POTE is, viszonylag kicsi egyetemi kar lévén, mindig is híres volt családias, közvetlen légköréről. Ha nem találod az ismerősödet a koliban vagy a POTE klubban, akkor a Sétatér folyamatos és fiatalos rendezvénysorozatain biztosan összefuthatsz vele. A kifejezetten hallgatóknak szánt programok folyamatosan követik egymást egész évben, így Pécsen nem lehet unatkozni. - Röviden mesélj az idei előadásodhoz kapcsolódó kutatómunkádról, illetve egyéb kutatási területeidről? Idén nem előadóként, hanem zsűritagként veszek részt a konferenián a Kardiológia szekció II-ben. Már több, mint 2 éve végzek kutatómunkát a PTE Belgyógyászati Klinika Kardiológiai Osztályán. Szívelégtelenség, hypertenzív érfalkarásodás és sok más kardiovaszkuláris betegség kivédésének lehetőségeit vizsgáljuk állatkísérletes modelleken. - Egyetem után milyen szakterületen szeretnél dolgozni, illetve miért ezt választanád? Az egyetem után szeretném, ha sikerülne kardiológiai területen elhelyezkednem. A 3. év utáni nyári, belgyógyászat gyakorlatomat a Zala Riba Ádám Megyei Kórház Kardiológia Osztályán töltöttem, amelyet nagyon élveztem. Szerintem ez egy nagyon változatos feladatköröket kínáló és rendkívűl gyorsan fejlődő orvosi ágazat. - Mi a véleményed a nagy számú kezdő orvos külföldi munkavállalásáról? Több olyan ismerősömmel is volt szerencsém beszélni, aki az egyetem után rögtön külföldön kezdett el dolgozni. Volt, akinek bejött. Volt, akinek fel kellett adnia az álmát, hogy gyermekgyógyász lehessen. Nekem, az ilyesmi semmiképp sem opció. A kezdő orvosokat elsősorban a magasabb fizetés motiválja kivándorlásra. Én olyan helyen szeretnék dolgozni, ahol szakmailag a legtöbbet fejlődhetek. Úgy gondolom, hogy Magyarországon is vannak ilyen helyek. - Mi a kedvenc hobbid? Riba Ádám Isztanbulban Most, az 5. évben kicsit több szabadiőm volt, végre sikerült újra "igazi" könyveket is a kezembe vennem. Igyekszem sportolni is minél többet. Ha otthon vagyok Zalaegerszegen lemegyek a régi klubomba judo edzésre, vagy futok, biciklizek. A nyaraim egy részét a Balaton északi partján, Vonyarcvashegyen töltöm. Szeretek úszni is, régi álmom, hogy egyszer megtanuljak vitorlázni. - Mit gondolsz, mennyire lesz izgalmas az idei HMAA Balatonfüredi Konferencia? Ha a tavalyi konferenciából indulok ki, akkor biztos vagyok benne, hogy az idei konferencia is nagyon izgalmas lesz, érdekes előadásokkal, jó programokkal. Miklos Palotai
- Could you please describe the dentist Andras Pushkariov residency in Ukraine? dentistry resident, Department of Dentist residency in Ukraine has it's own Dentistry, Uzhgorod National plusses and minuses. There are lots of University, Ukraine patients who have need in dental Presentation: Today 14:00 treatment but, the residency is provided by Dentistry session, Cinema hall state clinics, but the patients better pay Prevention and correction of negative attitude to dental more money in to the private doctor, and they go to private clinics to get more state treatment in school children of the art treatment. Also one of the minuses is the salary it’s only 100 euros per month. So young residents can pay only for the rent of the apartment or to buy food. (and only 25% of graduates of our university have wage, another 75% have to pay for the residency for 2 years) Andras Pushkariov - What does the life like in Transcarpathia? Life in Transcarpathia is diverse great mountains perfect landscapes clean, unpolluted air vs little towns without infrastructure, but in last years it’s a little progress, so I hope everything is going to get better. - Could you please tell us a few words about the university life of the dentist students in Ukraine? The university life of the dentist students in Uzhgorod is great! We have a great modern faculty with all new equipment our university has a lot of international relations with faculties of Debrecen, Kosice ets. As for my student life I ‘ve made lots of friends, had learned a lot. It was the best part of my life. - What is your favorite hobby? My favorite hobby… I think it’s swimming, and playing piano. - What do you expect from the HMAA conference in 2012? I expect lots of new information, making new friends, and seeing old ones, and of course the waterpolo! - What is the most beautiful region of Ukraine and Hungary? The most beautiful region of Ukraine is the Krimea mountains as for Hungary, it’s Balaton, because I have only best memories about Tihany, Balatonfured. Miklos Palotai
A NAP FONTOS PROGRAMJAI / HIGHLIGHTED PROGRAMS OF THE DAY 08:30-09:00 08:30-09:00 10:00-10:30 10:00-11:35 11:00-11:45 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:10 12:10-14:00 12:10-14:00 14:00-14:45 14:00-15:00 14:30-15:30 14:45-15:40 15:30-16:30 15:50-16:55 16:30-17:30 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00
GOOD MORNING AND BREAKFAST SESSION (Eszterhazy hall) Fatty bread party (Poster area) Tere-fere workshop: How to become a good researcher? (Young sc. l.) SPECIAL FOCUS SESSION: O. Neuroimaging session (Eszterhazy hall) How to present a difficult presentation? (CIBA hall) Music for our ears (Eszterhazy hall) Csoportfénykép / Group photo (Eszterhazy hall) Ebéd / Lunch (1st turn: 12:15-13:00, 2nd turn: 13:00-13:55) Lunch symposium (Eszterhazy hall) SPECIAL TEACHING SESSION: Cardiovascular prevention (Eszterhazy hall) Future goals: residency or PhD education? Advices from residents and PhD students for medical students (CIBA) Rainbow session – colorful actual questions: RETURN, languages and olympics (Cinema hall) HOW-TO-SESSION - HMAA session (Eszterhazy hall) TEACHING SESSION - Iron metabolism session (Cinema hall) HANDS-ON-SESSION - Emergency care session (Eszterhazy hall) FREE KAPLAN COURSE (Cinema hall) STATE-OF-THE-ART SESSION (Eszterhazy hall) Announcement of the awardees (Eszterhazy hall)
4 HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY – 19 August 2012,
THE WHOLE STORY BEGAN.... KAROLY NEMETH, FIRST KRISZTINICZ AWARDEE HOT STORY The whole story began on an afternoon in Karoly Nemeth MD March. I was hanging around with my friends PhD student when my lab leader, Ágnes Nemeskéri called Semmelweis University me. She informed me that the Hungarian Department of Transplantation and Medical Association of America (HMAA) Surgery would organize a conference in Balatonfüred with outstanding prizes this August, and I should check their homepage. So I did. The main prize caught my eyes immediately: a one-week trip to Sarasota in Florida, where the HMAA holds its next conference – the travel cost and accomodation will be covered by the HMAA. I really liked the idea of making such a huge journey so I thought I should take a chance. I gave my lecture on the surgical anatomy of the liver on the 21st August in Füred. At the awarding ceremony I was very excited whether I could win the 1st prize or not. Dr. Karoly Nemeth, the first Ivan Well, I did. When the president of the HMAA, Tamas Peredy MD read out my name I Krisztinicz awardee in 2010 couldn’t even believe that I had the opportunity to travel to Florida. My airplane departed on the 23rd October and after a 18-hour-long travelling I finally arrived at Sarasota. Our fancy hotel was located right on the beach of the Gulf of Mexico, this is where the conference took place as well. Lecturers came from all over the United States and also from Hungary. I must admit that I got such a warm-hearted welcome from literally everyone that I would not have expected. Many of the participants came to me to chat and to ask me about my lecture, I could speak with world-famous professors – all the people were extremely kind, polite and surprisingly generous. I can say that I took part in a conference of a friendly athmosphere. Beside the scientific activity we also had the chance to have a good time and entertainment. Including the fight waged against the different kinds of crabs at a seafood restaurant, the American Hungarian vs. Hungarian Hungarian waterpolo game, the long hours spent on the beach and at a famous candy shop, the so called „Kocsmaparty” and the banquet held at the yacht club of Sarasota. On my way home I almost dropped with surprise. At Miami Airport I was waiting for my plane to Paris when I took notice of an old man sitting in front of me. At the beginning I did not know who he was, but I suddenly recognized him by his smile. He was JeanPaul Belmondo, the world-famous French actor. I walked up to him at once and began a conversation – and after a picture was taken of us I asked him to sign one of my postcards and my surgery book. In summary I can say that this one-week trip to America was an experience to always remember – because of the professional aspect, the relationships established and the exciting adventures as well. Hereby I’d like to express my thanks to the HMAA, to my lab leaders: Dr. Ágnes Nemeskéri and Dr. Mátyás Kiss, to all of the members of the Clinical Anatomy Research Laboratory and to all those who made possible for me to attend at such a remarkable event. I’d like to encourage everybody to take part in the HMAA Balatonfüred conference in the following years, to join the HMAA – because you can never know when you’ll have an opportunity like this. Szilvia Berkes MD
- Please tell us the whole story, how you Márton Pipicz M.D. won the award! University of Szeged Medical School Visiting the United States of America has Wi nner of the Is tva n Mechtl er Sr. never been part of my “bucket list”. Never Award as the bes t Engl i s h in my wildest dreams have I thought that pres entati on i n 2011 with the help of an award I will have a lifetime experience there. At the Hungarian Medical Association of America Hungary Chapter summer conference, which was held in Balatonfured in 2011, I managed to win the Istvan Mechtler Sr. Award which included a travel sponsored by the association to Sarasota, the cultural capital city of state Florida. This is where the annual scientific meeting of HMAA was held in 2011 October for the 43rd time. The almost 5600-mi-long journey in itself is a great memory especially because I met with a small group of Hungarians heading for the aforementioned conference, Marton Pipicz receives the Fured2011 best whom immediately took me under their wings. Throughout the lectures of the 5day-long accredited conference I acquainted myself with the actualities of different English lecture award medical disciplines such as gastroenterology, immunology, neurology, pediatric, cardiology, public health, etc. Distinguished lecturers like Peter Ganz (son of William Ganz), Istvan Somkuti and Gyorgy Baffy – the president and president elect of HMAA – or the renowned radiologist Zsolt Garami presented their fields of studies’ current achievements. During this conference several young researchers got the opportunity to demonstrate their accomplishments. After I presented my lecture in the biotechnology session I got constructive professional feedbacks and suggestions which contributed immensely to my academic progress. At the annual water polo game unfortunately we had been defeated however, at the banquet winners and losers celebrated together as a united Hungarian team. The picturesque sunsets, the barbeques at night on the seashore, the bird and alligator sightings at Myakka River State Park, the excursion in Tampa Bay by motor boat, the visiting Salvador Dali Museum, the dinner at Madame Annuska or the Kocsma Party were all parts of my amazing trip. Our flight back to home was canceled due to the heavy snowfall in New York City. After spending a memorable night at the airport we set out to discover the HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY – 19 August 2012,
city. We could see the awakening Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty – albeit only from afar – which were wondrous sights. Being able to visit the Empire State Building and to walk on the Time Square was an inexpressible feeling. I cherish these experiences as unforgettable memories. With hard work, diligence and faith these can also come true for you in 2012. Szilvia Berkes MD
A HMAA Hungary Chapter (HMAA HC) pályázatot ír ki az alábbi helyre hallgatói kapcsolattartói pozíció betöltésére 2012-2013 évre: - Debreceni Tudományegyetem (DEOEC) ÁOK HMAA HC hallgatói kapcsolattartója (1 fő) - Szegedi Tudományegyetem (SZTE) ÁOK HMAA HC hallgatói kapcsolattartója (1 fő) - Pécsi Tudományegyetem (PTE) ÁOK HMAA HC hallgatói kapcsolattartója (1 fő) - Semmelwe Egyetem (SE) ÁOK HMAA HC hallgatói kapcsolattartója (1 fő) Feltételek: - nem végzős magyar hallgató - előnyt élvez HMAA Hungary Chapter tagság - korábbi/jelenlegi hasonló hallgatói aktív tevékenység
Megéri egy jó csapathoz csatlakozni
Feladatkör: - A HMAA Hungary Chapter rendezvényeinek, a buffaloi csereprogram népszerűsítése - A HMAA HC rendezvényein való aktív részvétel, koordinálási és egyéb feladatkörök - Új tagok beszervezése a HMAA HC-be A pályázathoz benyújtandó dokumentumok: - rövid fényképes önéletrajz Csatlakozz hozzánk! - motivációs levél A pályázati dokumentumokat az alábbi email címre szíveskedjenek beküldeni:
[email protected] Pályázati határidő: 2012. szeptember 1. A nyertes pályázót 2012. szeptember 15-ig emailben értesítjük. Dr. Tárnoki Dávid
1) Long and Short of the Problem: Adam, an elderly man was seated in the doctor's waiting room. When he was called in to see the doctor, Adam slowly got up, and, grasping his cane and hunching over, slowly made his way into the examining room. After only a few minutes, Adam emerged from the room, walking completely upright. Paul, another patient who had watched him hobble into the room all hunched over, stared in amazement. 'That must be a miracle doctor in there.' he exclaimed. 'What treatment did he give you? What's his secret?' Adam stared at Paul and said, 'Well, the doctor looked me up and down, analysed the situation, and gave me a cane that was four inches longer than the one I had been using.' 2) Struck Down?: Ronan kept going to the ophthalmic doctor because his eye hurt and the doctor finally discovered his problem. The Doc told him, 'Your eye hurts when you drink tea, so you can't drink tea.' Ronan stuttered, 'But I love tea.' The doctor replied, 'Okay, as long as you take the spoon out.' 3) Time Cures: 'Doctor Mayo,' John says, 'Whenever I get up after a sleep, I feel dizzy for half an hour, then I'm all right.' 'Then wait for half an hour before getting up,' replies Doctor Mayo conclusively. 4) Home - Or Away? A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa. When he came back, his colleagues asked him how it had been. 'Oh, it was very disappointing,' he said. 'I didn't kill a thing. I'd have been better off staying here in the hospital.' 5) Father - Or Son? Iain speaks frantically into the phone, 'My wife is pregnant, and her contractions are only two minutes apart.' 'Is this her first child?' the doctor queries. 'No, you idiot.' Iain shouts. 'This is her husband.'
HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY ©2012 Editors: Adam Domonkos Tarnoki MD, David Laszlo Tarnoki MD, Levente Lanczi MD. Issued by Hungarian Medical Association of America Hungary Chapter, Füred2012meeting. Contact:
[email protected],,
HMAA FÜRED2012 TODAY – 19 August 2012,