Teguh Kurniawan Associate Professor (Lektor Kepala) Head of Public Administration Study Program, Regular and Parallel Undergraduate Program Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Auditor Employee ID number: 197606262010121001, Employee card number: Q-101319
Phone: +62-21-78844539 (home phone and fax) +62-811833093, +62-818763093 (mobile) +62-21-7866561, +62-21-78849125 (office phone and fax) Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Website:, Born 26 June 1976, Jakarta, Indonesia Married, two children
EDUCATION PhD in Public Administration, University of Indonesia (on progress), 2010-now MSc in Urban Environmental Management, Wageningen University & Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), the Netherlands, 2003 Master in Geography Program (resign), University of Indonesia, 2000-2001 Bachelor in Public Administration, University of Indonesia, 2000
SHORT COURSES Socio Legal Studies, Short Course, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, The Netherlands in collaboration with Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 16-20 April 2010 New Directions in Local and Regional Development, Refresher Course of the STUNED Alumni, International Institute of Social Studies Erasmus University, The Netherlands in collaboration with The Netherlands Education Support Office (NESO), Depok, Indonesia 18-30 January 2010 New Trends in Educational Science, Refresher Course of the STUNED Alumni, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, University of Twente, The Netherlands in collaboration with The Netherlands Education Support Office (NESO), Jakarta, Indonesia 26 October – 6 November 2009
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CERTIFICATION Certify, Education and Training Organizer for Public Servant, September 2009, Public Administration Institute Certify, Professional Lecturer, November 2008, Ministry of National Education Certify, Sustainability Reporting Specialists, March 2008, National Center for Sustainability Reporting, Indonesia, accredited by Global Report Initiative, Amsterdam
WORKING EXPERIENCE Lecturer and Researcher, University of Indonesia, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Administrative Sciences Department (permanent teaching staff with PNS / civil servant status), current academic rank is Lektor Kepala / associate professor), 31 December 2003 – present Team Member in Preparing Academic Manuscript and Draft of Law on Administrative Procedure, Ministry of Administrative Reform, 2004-2005 Instructor, National Center for Sustainability Reporting, 2008 Lecturer, State Intelligent College, 2008-2009 Research Fellow, The Habibie Center, 01 June 2009 – May 2010 Consultant, GTZ-Advisory Support Services for Decentralization – CIDA – Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency), March 2009 – October 2009 Lecturer, Postgraduate Program on Administrative Sciences (Master of Administrative Sciences), Muhammadiyah University in Jakarta, 2009 Strategic Advisor on Central/Local Relations & Environmental Infrastructures, Urban Climate Protection Programme: Consulting Services for the Preparation of a Feasibility Study for the Urban Climate Protection Programme, Ministry of Public Works and KfW-German Development Bank, implemented by Fichtner,Kwarsa-Hexagon and PEACE, 2010 Expert on Urban Management, Local Government Watch (LOGOWA), University of Indonesia and Partnership,, 2011 – present Expert Member, Bureaucratic Reform of the Province Government of West Sumatera, 2011 National Researcher, Indonesia SIAP 1 Project by Management Systems International Inc (MSI), Working for Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in preparing the Academic Manuscript and Draft of the Law on The Internal Government Monitoring System, 1 April – 31 July 2013 National Management Member, Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA), 20102013, 2013-2016 Auditor, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA), 2013-2015 Academic Team Member in Preparing the Government Regulations on Civil Service, Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, 2014
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Researcher, Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) under Research Triangle Institute (RTI), Study on Addressing University Barriers to Research, August 5, 2015 – March, 30, 2016
TRAININGS / COURSES Preparation of Information and Communication Technology based Module, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia, 25-27 August 2014 Peer Reviewed Journal Article Writing, University of Indonesia and AUSAID, Depok, Indonesia, 17-21 September 2012 Indonesia-Taiwan Dialogue: Indonesia-Taiwan Relations Toward Regional Challenges, The Habibie Center (THC) and Taiwan Economic and Trade Office (TETO), Lido, 6-8 December 2009 The Third Training of Training Managers (ToTM), Public Administration Institute, Jakarta 8-10 September 2009 The Third Southeast and East Asian Teaching Session on International Humanitarian Law (The rd 3 SEATS-IHL), ICRC and University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 21-28 August 2008 Certify Sustainability Reporting Specialists, National Center for Sustainability Reporting, March 2008 System Dynamic, Administrative Sciences Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Indonesia, 2007 PEKERTI Training, University of Indonesia, 2007 Dissemination of Warfare Law on the Sea, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Navy’s Staff and Command School, 25-26 January 2006 Basic Course on International Humanitarian Law, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Plaza Hotel, 19-24 December 2005 European Workshop in Sustainable Tourism, Urban Environmental Management-7 Participants, Wageningen University and Research Center and Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) Rotterdam, Municipality of Turgutreis, Bodrum Peninsula., Turkey, 26 May– 1 June 2002 Workshop on Development Research Activities for Lecturers at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia., 29-31 January 2001 Natural Resources Accounting: An Integrated Approach of Natural Resources Management in the Era of Local Autonomy, Directorate of Information Technology for Natural Resources, (BPPT) Development and Application of Technology Board., Jakarta 04 - 06 December 2000 Training on basic Counseling Methods for Lecturers of University of Indonesia., 25-26 May 2000 Operational Banking Training for the Trainer, Lippo Bank, Karawaci 04-13, 28-29 May 1998
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Study on Addressing University Barriers to Research, Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), 20152016 Kajian Membangun sistem Merit dalam Reformasi Kepegawaian Negara Indonesia: Preferensi Aktor, Kapabilitas Kelembagaan dan Model dan Model Perubahan (Studi pada Pemerintahan Sub Nasional) (Study on Development of Meritocracy System in Indonesian State Personnel: Actor Preferences, Institutional Capability Model, and Change Model (Study on Sub National Government)), University of Indonesia, 2015 Kajian Pengarusutamaan Prinsip-Prinsip Tata Pemerintahan yang Baik (Study on Mainstreaming the Principles of Good Governance), BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Board), 2014 Kajian Pelembagaan Democratic Governance dalam Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Daerah: Studi Terhadap Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Bali, Papua, Bengkulu, Sulawesi Utara dan Maluku Utara (Study on Institutionalization of Democratic Governance in Regional Government: Study in Special Province of Yogyakarta, Bali, Papua, Bengkulu, North Sulawesi and North Maluku), University of Indonesia, 2014 Kajian Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Moratorium Penerimaan CPNS di Daerah (Study on Evaluation of the Implementation of the Moratorium of Civil Servant Recruitment in Regional Government), Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia (Office of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia), 2013 Kajian Penguatan Kapabilitas dan Peran Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah dalam Pencegahan Korupsi (Study on Strengthening the Capability and Role of Internal Auditors of the Government in Preventing Corruption), Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia (Office of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia), 2013 Kajian Evaluasi Kebijakan Strategis Nasional Iptek 2010-2014 dan Penyusunan Naskah Akademik Kebijakan Strategis Nasional Iptek 2015-2019 (Study on Evaluation of the National Strategic Policy on Science and Technology 2010-2014 and Drafting the Academic Manuscript of the National Strategic Policy on Science and Technology 2015-2019), Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia), 2013 Kajian Analisis Implementasi Regulatory Impact Assessment di Indonesia (Study on Analysis of the Implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment in Indonesia), Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia (Office of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia), 2012 Kajian Analisis Doing Business untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Bidang Investasi: Studi Kasus di Kota Yogyakarta, Jakarta, dan Batam (Study on Analysis of Doing Business to Improve Public Service Quality in Investment: Case Study in Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Batam), Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia (Office of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia), 2012 Kajian Good Governance dan Best Practices di Indonesia (Study on Good Governance and Best Practices in Indonesia), HIVOS, 2012 Kajian Pemekaran Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan (Study on Proliferation of Halmahera Selatan Regency), Pusat Kajian Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan (Administrative Sciences Study Center, University of Indonesia and Regency Government of Halamahera Selatan, 2011 Kajian Tata Kelola Sumberdaya Manusia Universitas Indonesia (study on Human Resources Governance at the University of Indonesia), DRPM UI (Research and Community Services Directorate, University of Indonesia), 2010
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The Corrupting Influences in the Delivery of Public Services in Jakarta, UI-CSG and USAID, 2010 Kebijakan Pengembangan Larasita untuk Penguatan Kapasitas Aparat Desa dalam Pembenahan Administrasi Pertanahan di Desa (Development Policy of Larasita for Strengthening the Capacity of Villages Official in order to Improve Land Administration in Villages), Badan Pertanahan Nasional (National Land Agency), 2010 Strategi Implementasi Pencegahan Conflict of Interest (Implementation Strategy in Preventing Conflict of Interest), Commission of Eradication of Corruption (KPK) – DANIDA and UI-CSG (University of Indonesia-Center for the Study of Governance), please refer to for some relevant information, 2009 Birokrasi di Jawa Timur dan Sulawesi Selatan: Tinjauan Kritis Perspektif Politik dan Kelembagaan (1999-2009) (Bureaucracy in East Java and South Sulawesi: Critical Analysis from the Political and Institutional Perspectives 1999-2009), The Habibie Center, 2009 Dampak Desentralisasi terhadap Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam dan Kerusakan Lingkungan (The Impact of Decentralization on the Utilization of Natural Resources and Environmental Degradation), University of Indonesia, 2009 Evaluasi Kinerja Pemerintah Kota Batam dalam Persepsi dan Penilaian Warga (Performance Evaluation of the Municipality Government of Batam in the Perception and Judgment of the Citizen), Pemerintah Kota Batam (Municipality Government of Batam), 2008 Evaluasi Peraturan Daerah Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia (Evaluation of Local Regulations from the Human Rights Perspective), Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan HAM Departemen Hukum dan HAM (Research and Development of Human Rights Board Ministry of Law and Human Rights), 2008 An Analysis of the Government Systems in Indonesia, Korea – Australasia Research Centre (KAREC) University of New South Wales and University of Indonesia, 2007 Studi Penyusunan Strategi Pengembangan Pulau Kalimantan dan Pulau Sulawesi, (Study on Development Strategy of Kalimantan and Sulawesi Islands), BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Board), 2007 Evaluasi Proses Perijinan dalam Mempermudah Investasi di Indonesia (Evaluation of Permit Process in order to Improve Investment in Indonesia), Ministry of Administrative Reform, 20072008 Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kota Tarakan, (Identification and Mapping of Innovation Program in Municipality of Tarakan), Administrative Sciences Department University of Indonesia and Yappika Foundation, 2007 Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen, (Identification and Mapping of Innovation Program in Regency of Sragen), Administrative Sciences Department University of Indonesia and Yappika Foundation, 2006 Strategi Pengelolaan Kawasan Perkotaan di Indonesia: Kasus Jakarta dan Wilayah Sekitarnya, (Urban Management Strategy in Indonesia: Case from Jakarta and Its Surrounding Regions), Individual Research, 2006 Studi Penyusunan Prakarsa Strategis Kebijakan Pembangunan Nasional Berbasis Daya Saing: Aspek Pembangunan Wilayah, (Study on Development of Strategic Initiatives for Competitive-
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Based National Development Policy: Regional Development Aspect), BAPPENAS (National Development Planning Board), 2005 Studi Mendorong Pelayanan Publik Yang Melibatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat (Study on Pushing Public Services that Involving more Participation of the Community), YAPPIKA Foundation, Jakarta, 2005 Naskah Akademik dan RUU Pemerintahan Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (Academic Manuscript and Draft of Law on Special Province of Jakarta), Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (Local Representative Council), 2005 Study on Strategy and Corruption Eradication Patterns in Governmental Agencies, Partnership Reform for Good Governance, 2005 Inventarisasi dan Pembuatan Model jejaring Kemitraan Multipihak Guna Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di DKI Jakarta (Inventory and Development of Networking Model among Stakeholder in order to Support Sustainable Development in Jakarta), BPLHD (Local Environmental Management Board) Province of Jakarta, 2005 Survei Pilkada di DKI Jakarta (Survey on Local Election in Jakarta), LKAP (Study and Advocating of Election Institute) Jakarta, 2005 RUU Tata Hubungan Kewenangan Pusat dan Daerah (Draft of Law on Relationship Arrangement on Authority between Central and Local Government), Ministry of Administrative Reform, 2005 2007 Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kabupaten Jembrana (Identification and Mapping of Innovation Program in Regency of Jembrana)., TIFA Foundation and Center for City and Local Administrative Development Studies, University of Indonesia. This research become main reference in article “Making Service Work for the Poor in Indonesia”, 2004 Naskah Akademik dan RUU Administrasi Pemerintahan (Academic Manuscript and Draft of Law on Administrative Procedure), Ministry of Administrative Reform, 2004-2005 Evaluasi Pengawasan Pemilu 2004 oleh Panwaslu (Evaluation of National Election 2004 by National Election Monitoring Committee., LKAP (Study and Advocating of Election Institute) Jakarta, 2004 Analisa Penerapan Pelelangan Penyerahan Kemudian (Analysis the Implementation of Auction Forward), Economic Affairs Bureau, Government of Jakarta, 2004 Studi Analisis Transformasi/Reformasi Regulasi Bentuk dan Struktur Industri Pariwisata di DKI Jakarta (Study on Analysis of Regulation Transformation on Tourism Industry Forms in Jakarta), Economic Affairs Bureau, Government of Jakarta, 2003 Studi Pengembangan Konsep Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) Kewilayahan (Study on Development Concept of Regional-based Special Allocation Fund), Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, 2003 Studi Peningkatan Peran DPR/DPRD dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (Study on Improving Role of Local Parliament in Environmental Management), Ministry of Environment, 2003 Studi Hubungan Legislatif-Eksekutif Versi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung (Study on Relationship between Legislative and Executive on the Direct Election of Governor/Mayor), Ministry of Home Affairs, 2003
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Kajian Hubungan Pusat dan Daerah Dalam Rangka Pembangunan Pertanian (Study on CentralLocal Relationship in Agricultural Development), Ministry of Agriculture, 2003 Sustainable City Management in Indonesia: Indicators for Developing Sustainable City Policies by Municipality Governments in Indonesia (a Case Study from Municipalities of Depok, Bogor, and Bandung), Individual research, 2002-2003 Kesiapan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia Pasca Diberlakukannya UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah: Kesiapan Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah khususnya Kabupaten Bandung sebagai Studi Kasus (The Readiness on the Implementation of Local Autonomy post of the Law 22 Year 1999 about Regional Governance: Study on the Readiness of Central Government and Local Government especially Municipality of Bandung as Case Study), Individual Research, 1999-2000 Kajian Potensi Pasar Produk Penginderaan Jauh Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Study on Market Potential of Remote Sensing Products of National Aerospace Institute), National Aerospace Institute, 1999 Pelayanan Umum pada Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api (Perumka): Ke Arah Service Excellent Quality (Public Services of National Train Company: Toward Service Quality), University of Indonesia Research Institute, 1998 Local Community Development: Learning from One Village One Product Experience, Japan Foundation and Center for City and Local Administrative Development Studies, University of Indonesia, 1998 Kualitas Pelayanan BNI Kampus UI Depok (Service Quality in Bank Negara Indonesia Branch Office in University of Indonesia), University of Indonesia Research Institute, 1997 Kualitas Pelayanan PDAM Jakarta (Service Quality in Jakarta Water Company), University of Indonesia Research Institute, 1997 Kualitas Pelayanan Sub Bagian Akademik FISIP UI Depok (Service Quality in Academic Sub Division, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia), University of Indonesia Research Institute, 1996
BOOKS Prasojo, Eko, 2010, Dampak Desentralisasi terhadap Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam dan Kerusakan Lingkungan, Depok, Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI (The Impact of Decentralization on the Utilization of Natural Resources and Environmental Degradation) Sumarno (Editor), 2009, Perempuan di Lembaga Legislatif: Panduan Bagi Perempuan Menjadi Anggota Legislatif, Jakarta: The Habibie Center and Hanns Seidel Foundation (Women in Legislative Institutions: Guidance for Women when Become Legislative Member) Prasojo, Eko, Irfan Ridwan Maksum, Epakartika, and Teguh Kurniawan, 2007, Deregulasi & Debirokratisasi Perizinan di Indonesia, Depok: Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI (Deregulation & De-bureaucratization of Permits in Indonesia) Prasojo, Eko, Teguh Kurniawan, and Defny Holidin, 2007, State Reform in Indonesia, Depok Administrative Sciences Department Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Indonesia
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Prasojo, Eko, Teguh Kurniawan and Defny Holidin, 2007, Reformasi & Inovasi Birokrasi: Studi di Kabupaten Sragen, Jakarta: Yappika & Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI, (Bureaucratic Reform & Innovation: Case Study in Regency of Sragen) Prasojo, Eko, dkk, 2007, Pemerintahan Daerah, Buku Materi Pokok, Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka (Regional Government) Kurniawan, Teguh (editor), 2006, Kinerja Pelayanan Publik: Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Kinerja, Keterlibatan dan Partisipasi dalam Pelayanan Bidang Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Kependudukan, Jakarta: Yappika, (Public Services Performance: Community Perception on Performance, Involvement and Participation in Education, Health and Population Administration System Sectors) Prasojo, Eko, Irfan Ridwan Maksum and Teguh Kurniawan, 2006, Desentralisasi & Pemerintahan Daerah: Antara Model Demokrasi Lokal dan Efisiensi Struktural, Depok: Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UI (Decentralization & Local Governance: Between Local Democracy and Structural Efficiency Models) Prasojo, Eko, Teguh Kurniawan & Azwar Hasan, 2004, Reformasi Birokrasi dalam Praktek: Kasus di Kabupaten Jembrana, Depok: Pusat Kajian Pembangunan Administrasi Daerah dan Kota (Bureaucratic Reformation in Practices: A Case from the Regency of Jembrana)
JOURNAL ARTICLES Santoso, Tulus & Teguh Kurniawan, “Analisis Kinerja Bagian Pengaduan Masyarakat Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI” (Performance Analysis of Public Complaints Sections of General Secretary of the House of Representatives of the Republic Indonesia), Mimbar (ISSN: 028-175, EISSN: 23032499), Vol. 31, No. 1 Juni 2015 Zakiyah, Isnaeni Nur & Teguh Kurniawan, “Kajian Pembangunan Pariwisata Pantai Suwuk Kabupaten Kebumen ditinjau dari Partisipasi Masyarakat: Studi pada Masyarakat Dukuh Suwuk Desa Tambakmulya” (Tourism Development in Suwuk Beach Regency of Kebumen from The Perspectives on Citizen Participation: Study on Citizen of Suwuk Hamlet of Tambakmulya Village), Pariwisata (Tourism, Scientific Journal, ISSN: 1411-1527), Vol. 19, No. 2Juli 2014 Asterina, Nina and Teguh Kurniawan, “The Policy Implementation of Modern Market Land-Use Control in Municipality of Cirebon”, Bisnis & Birokrasi (Journal Business & Bureaucracy, ISSN: 0854-3844), Vol. 20, No. 3 September 2013, pp 137-143 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Paradoks Implementasi Good Governance Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Inovasi Daerah: Kasus di Kota Parepare” (Paradox in the Implementation of Good Governance on Regional Innovation Program: Case in Municipality of Parepare), Analisis CSIS (ISSN: 18295908), Vol. 42, No. 1, Maret 2013, pp 131-160 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Peranan Akuntabilitas Publik dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pemberantasan Korupsi di Pemerintahan: Perspektif Teoritis” (The Role of Public Accountability and Citizen Participation on Eradication of Corruption at Governments: Theoretical Perspectives), Bisnis & Birokrasi (Journal Business & Bureaucracy, ISSN: 0854-3844), Vol. 16, No. 2 Mei 2009, pp 112-116 Kurniawan, Teguh, “After the 2009 Election: Some Suggestions to Improve Capacity of Regional Government Apparatus in SBY-Boediono Administration”, PostScript (ISSN: 2087-1619), Vol. VI, No. 4, July-August 2009, pp 17-23
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Kurniawan, Teguh, “Pergeseran Paradigma Administrasi Publik: Dari Perilaku Model Klasik dan NPM ke Good Governance” (Shifting Paradigm in Public Administration: From Classical Model Behaviour and NPM to Good Governance), Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara—JIANA (Public Administration Journal, ISSN: 1411-948X), Vol. 7, No. 1 Januari 2007, pp 52-70 Kurniawan, Teguh, "Masalah dan Tantangan dalam Pengelolaan Jakarta: Aspek Populasi, Ruang Muka Bumi dan Infrastruktur Kota" (Problems and Challenge in Managing Jakarta: Population, Land Space and City Infrastructure Aspects), Bisnis & Birokrasi (Journal Business & Bureaucracy, ISSN: 0854-3844), Vol. XIV, No. 4 December 2006, pp 732-743 Kurniawan, Teguh, "Kepemerintahan Kawasan Metropolitan: Sumbangan Pemikiran untuk Revisi UU 34/1999" (Metropolitan Governance: Critical Though for Revision of law 34/1999), Jurnal Industri dan Perkotaan (Journal of Industry and Urban, ISSN: 1410-3575), Vol. X, No. 18, August 2006, pp 1188-1207 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Perbaikan Pelayanan Publik di Era Otonomi: Antara Harapan dan Kenyataan” (Improvement of Public Services in the Era of Local Autonomy: between Hope and Reality), Aliansi (ISSN: 1412-5927), Media for Strengthening Civil Society published by YAPPIKA Foundation, Vol. 27, No. XXXI, January 2006 Prasojo, Eko & Teguh Kurniawan., “Bebas Iuran Sekolah dan JKJ: Inovasi Pro Masyarakat Miskin di Jembrana” (No School Fee and Jembrana Health Insurance: Innovation Pro Poor Community in Jembrana), Paper, submitted in Research Competition on Poverty 2004 held by World Bank Jakarta Office and selected as top 10 papers (finalists). This article also published in Jurnal PSPK (Journal of Development Areas Study Center, ISSN: 1412-3479), VIII edition, 2006, pp 100-135 Prasojo, Eko, Teguh Kurniawan & Azwar Hasan, “Efisiensi Anggaran Sebagai Faktor Kunci Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan Program Inovasi di Kabupaten Jembrana” (Budget Efficiency as Key Success Factor in the Implementation of Innovation Program in the Regency of Jembrana), Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal, ISSN: 1978-7243), published by Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Vol. V, No. 2, March-August 2005, pp 77-189 Prasojo, Eko, Teguh Kurniawan & Azwar Hasan, “Peran Kepemimpinan dalam Program Inovasi Daerah: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Jembrana” (The Role of Leadership in the Local Innovation Program: A Case Study from Regency of Jembrana), Bisnis & Birokrasi (Journal Business & Bureaucracy, ISSN: 0854-3844), Vol. XII, No. 3 September 2004, pp 52-60 Kurniawan, Teguh., “Manajemen Kota Berkelanjutan di Indonesia: Indikator dalam Upaya Mengembangkan Kebijakan Kota Berkelanjutan oleh Pemerintah Kota di Indonesia: Studi Kasus pada Kota Depok, Bogor, dan Bandung” (Sustainable City Management in Indonesia: Indicators for Developing Sustainable City Policies by Municipality Governments in Indonesia: a Case Study from Municipalities of Depok, Bogor, and Bandung), Bisnis & Birokrasi (Journal Business & Bureaucracy, ISSN: 0854-3844), Vol. XI, No. 1 January 2003, pp 28-36
PUBLICATIONS ON SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH NETWORK (SSRN) Asterina, Nina and Teguh Kurniawan, The Policy Implementation of Modern Market Land-Use Control in Municipality of Cirebon (March 17, 2015). Available at SSRN: Kurniawan, Teguh, Regional Governments, Good Governance and Corruption Eradication in Indonesia (December 25, 2012). Available at SSRN: or
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Kurniawan, Teguh, ICT Development and Regional Governments Transparency in Indonesia: Some Issues and Prospects (October 23, 2011). EROPA 2011, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, 23rd General Assembly and Conference, October 2011. Available at SSRN:
CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS Kurniawan, Teguh, “The Corrupt of Head of Regions in Indonesia”, Biannual International Conference on Indonesian Politics and Government (BICOIPG) 2015: Directions of Democratic Reforms and Government Effectiveness, Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia, Depok. Indonesia, 2-3 November 2015 Wangsaatmaja, Setiawan and Teguh Kurniawan, “Bureaucratic Reform through Implementation of Admission Selection for Public Servants in Indonesia by using Computer Assissted Test (CAT) st for Strengthen the Nation Competitiveness”, 1 KF-KRI Regional Policy Workshop: State Capacity for Public Sector Reform for National Growth, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 24 April 2015 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Internal Government Monitoring (IGM) Systems in Indonesia: A New Model in Arranging IGM Institutions at National and Local Level”, Asian Group on Public Administration (AGPA) Conference 2013, Singapore, 26-28 September 2013 Kurniawan, Teguh, Muh. Azis Muslim and Eko Sakapurnama, “The Challenges and Obstacles in Implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA's) in Indonesia: Case Studies From Central and Local Government”, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference 2012, Jakarta, 29 October - 1 November 2012 Rahayu, Amy, Rachma Fitriati and Teguh Kurniawan, “Analysis of Doing Business to Promote Quality Improvement in Public Service for Investment Sector (Case Study in Jakarta, Batam, and Yogyakarta)”, EROPA 2012, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration Conference, Jakarta, 29 October - 1 November 2012 Kurniawan Teguh, “ICT Development and Regional Governments Transparency in Indonesia: Some Issues and Prospects”, EROPA 2011, Eastern Regional Organization for Public rd Administration, The 23 General Assembly and Conference, Bangkok, 20-23 February 2012 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Democratic Decentralization and Corruption in Indonesia: Why Decentralization has Caused Head of Regions Affected by Corruption Cases”, the 2011 Conference on Decentralization and Democratization in Southeast Asia, held by the Freiburg Southeast Asia Study Group, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, June 15-17, 2011 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Mewujudkan Otonomi Daerah sebagai Penggerak Pembangunan Bangsa” (Creating the Local Autonomy as Locomotive of Nation Development), Adm Days, Student of Administrative Sciences Association, University of Indonesia, Depok, 13 October 2009 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Membasmi Korupsi di Birokrasi” (Eradicating Corruption at Bureaucracy), a Public Talk on The Fight against Bureaucratic Corruption, UI-Center for the Study of Governance, 28 May 2009, one of the reportage about this talk could be find at Kurniawan, Teguh, “Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial vs Parlementer” (Presidential versus Parliamentary Systems of Government), Badan Kesbang DKI (National Entity Board, Government of Jakarta), Cisarua, 27 May 2009
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Kurniawan, Teguh, “Isu dan Masalah dalam Upaya Menggali Potensi Pajak/Retribusi Daerah dari Sektor Informal” (Issues and Problems in the Efforts to Taxing/Charging the Informal Sector by Regional Governments), Seminar “Menggali Potensi Pajak dari PKL di Jakarta dan Bandung: Kesempatan dan Tantangan”, Social Welfare College, Bandung, 21 January 2009 Prasojo, Eko and Teguh Kurniawan, “Reformasi Birokrasi dan Good Governance: Kasus Best Practices dari Sejumlah Daerah” (Bureaucratic Reformation and Good Governance: Best Practices Cases from Several Regions), the 5th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia, Banjarmasin, 22-25 July 2008 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Calon Perseorangan di Masa Transisi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Secara Langsung” (Individual Candidates in the Era of Transition of the Direct Election of Governor/Mayor/Regent), Konferensi “Administrasi Negara”, Postgraduate Program in Public Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 27-28 June 2008, the proceeding of the conference than published as a book by Graha Ilmu in 2009 with the title “Administrasi Negara: Isu-Isu Kontemporer” (Public Administration: Contemporary Issues), ISBN 978-979-756-501-5 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Penerapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Perspektif Administrasi Publik” (The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): a Public Administration Perspective), Seminar “SEBUMI”, Malaysia National University and University of Indonesia, Depok, 24-25 June 2008 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Perspektif Kelembagaan dalam Strategi Pembangunan Wilayah di Indonesia” (Institutionali Perspective in Indonesian Regional Development Strategy), Seminar “SEBUMI”, Malaysia National University and University of Indonesia, Depok, 24-25 June 2008 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Global Warming: Perspective Politics and Policy”, Diskusi Publik Hizbut Tahrir Kota Depok (Public Discussion of Hizbut Tahrir Depok Chapter), Depok, 30 December 2007 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Penguatan Civil Society di Era Otonomi Daerah” (Strengthening Civil Society in the New Era of Autonomy), Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Nasional KAMMI Pusat (National Leadership Training, KAMMI National Chapter), Cisarua, 23 December 2007 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Mewujudkan Good Governance di Era Otonomi Daerah: Perspektif UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 dan UU No. 32 Tahun 2004” (Forming Good Governance in Local Autonomy Era: From Perspectives of Law No. 22 Year 1999 and Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government), The 1st Accounting Conference, Faculty of Economic University of Indonesia, Depok, 7-9 November 2007 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Kerangka Kebijakan dalam Bidang Administrasi Umum (Perizinan dan Non Perizinan/Kependudukan): Telaah Kritis Berdasarkan Pendekatan Berbasis Hak” (Policy Framework in General Administration (Permit and Non Permit/Citizenship): Critical Study based on Right Based Approach), Diskusi Isu Administrasi Umum untuk Aktivis LSM Aceh (Discussion on General Administration Issue for NGO Activists in Aceh, Jakarta, 9 February 2007 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Sistem Pengawasan Birokrasi di Era Governance” (Bureaucratic Control System in the New Era of Governance), Lokakarya Sosialisasi Sistem Pengawasan (Workshop on Socialization of Control System), Ministry of Agriculture, 13 December 2006 Kurniawan, Teguh, "Strategi Pengelolaan Kawasan Perkotaan di Indonesia: Kasus Jakarta dan Wilayah Sekitarnya (Sebuah Temuan Awal)" (Urban Management Strategy in Indonesia: Case from Jakarta and Its Surrounding Regions, A Preliminary Findings), Research Days 2006, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Indonesia, Depok 13 September 2006
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Presenter, “Sosialisasi Implementasi Kebebasan Berserikat dan Berpendapat bagi Tokoh Masyarakat, Ormas dan LSM di Provinsi DKI Jakarta” (Socialization Forum of the Implementation of Freedom of Speech and Organizer for Community Elites, CSO and NGO in Jakarta), Badan Kesbang DKI (National Entity Board, Government of Jakarta), Cisarua, 24 August 2006 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Pengawasan Kinerja Pemerintahan oleh DPRD: Perspektif Teori” (the Control of Government Performance by Local Legislative: a Theorethical Perspective), Workshop Bimbingan Teknis Bidang Pengawasan DPRD Kota Depok (Workshop on Technical Assistance in Controlling for Local Legislative of the Municipality of Depok), Depok 27 Juli 2006 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Penerapan Kovenan Ecosoc dalam Pemenuhan Hak Pendidikan dan Kesehatan melalui Internalisasi Kovenan Ecosoc dalam Kebijakan Publik di Daerah” (The Implementation of Ecosoc Convention in Fulfilling Educational and Healthy Rights through the Internalisation of Ecosoc Convention in Local Public Policy), Seminar Pemenuhan Hak Pendidikan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat melalui Kovenan Ecosoc (Seminar on Fulfilling Educational and Healthy Rights through Ecosoc Convention), Pattiro Banten, Serang 26 July 2006 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Telaah Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah: Upaya Memperkuat DPRD dalam Pembangunan” (Regional Development Planning Study: Efforts to Enhance the Capacity of Local Legislative in Development)”, Capacity Building for Local Council (Legislative) in Pandeglang, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Carita, 12 May 2006 Kurniawan, Teguh, “Hambatan dan Tantangan dalam Mewujudkan Good Governance melalui Penerapan E-Government di Indonesia” (Obstacles and Challenges in Implementing Good Governance through E-Government in Indonesia), National Conference on Information System 2006, Information Technology Department Pasundan University and Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 18 February 2006, published as a book Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi 2006 by Penerbit Informatika, ISBN 979-3338-71-7 Kurniawan, Teguh (team member), “Hasil Pandangan Masyarakat tentang Kinerja Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kabupaten Bulukumba” (Results of People View on The Healthy Services Performance in the Regency of Bulukumba), Workshop Studi Pelayanan Publik yang Melibatkan Partisipasi Rakyat di Kabupaten Bulukumba (Workshop on Public Services that Involving People Participation in the Regency of Bulukumba), Bulukumba, 13 December 2005 Kurniawan, Teguh (team member), “Hasil Pandangan Masyarakat tentang Kinerja Pelayanan Pendidikan di Kota Makassar” (Results of People View on The Educational Services Performance in the Municipality of Makassar), Workshop Studi Pelayanan Publik yang Melibatkan Partisipasi Rakyat di Kota Makassar (Workshop on Public Services that Involving People Participation in the Municipality of Makassar), Makassar, 12 December 2005 Resource Person, “Expert Meeting Penguatan Reformasi Birokrasi Melalui Penggalangan Kesadaran Publik dalam Pengadaan PNS 2005” (Expert Meeting on Strengthen Bureaucracy through Public Awareness Campaign in Civil Service Selection 2005), PIRAC, Jakarta 4 October 2005 Presenter, “Forum Dialogis antara DPRD, Eksekutif dan Civitas Akademika” (Dialog Forum between Legislative, Executive and Civitas Academica), Badan Kesbang DKI (National Entity Board, Government of Jakarta), Cisarua, 22 September 2005 Epakartika and Teguh Kurniawan, “Integrasi Komunikasi Penyelenggaraan Pasar Lelang di Indonesia” (Communication Integration in Indonesian Forward Auction Market), Pertemuan Mitra Praja Utama, Jakarta, 2 December 2004 Kurniawan, Teguh., “Sustainable City Management in Indonesia: Indicators for Developing
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Sustainable City Policies by Municipality Governments in Indonesia (a Case Study from Municipalities of Depok, Bogor, and Bandung)”, the 5th IRSA (Indonesian Regional Science Association) International Conference on “Regional Development in a Decentralized Era: Public Services, Poverty, and the Environment”, Session 2.C (Agriculture and Sustainable Development), Bandung, July 18-19, 2003.
NEWSPAPERS ARTICLES Populasi, Ruang Muka Bumi, dan Infrastruktur Kota (Population, Land Spaces, and Infrastructure of the City), Sinar Harapan (National Newspaper), Saturday, June 28, 2003. Available Online, Manajemen Transportasi dan Kualitas Udara Jakarta (Transportation Management and Air Quality of Jakarta), Sinar Harapan (National Newspaper), Tuesday, June 24, 2003. Available Online, Jakarta Kota Partisipatif (Jakarta as a Participative City), Warta Kota (Local National Newspaper), Thursday, May 22, 2003 Otonomi Daerah, Manajemen Lingkungan, dan Masa Depan Kota Yang Berkelanjutan (Local Autonomy, Environmental Management, and the Future of Sustainable City), Sinar Harapan (National Newspaper), Saturday, May 10, 2003. Available Online,
PRESENTER IN CONFERENCES Presenter, Biannual International Conference on Indonesian Politics and Government (BICOIPG) 2015: Directions of Democratic Reforms and Government Effectiveness, Department of Political Science, University of Indonesia, Depok. Indonesia, 2-3 November 2015 st
Presenter, 1 KF-KRI Regional Policy Workshop: State Capacity for Public Sector Reform for National Growth, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 24 April 2015 Presenter, Asian Group on Public Administration (AGPA) Conference 2013, Singapore, 26-28 September 2013 Presenter,Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference 2012, Jakarta, 29 October - 1 November 2012 Presenter, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference 2011, rd The 23 General Assembly and Conference, Bangkok, 20-23 February 2012 Presenter, “the 2011 Conference on Decentralization and Democratization in Southeast Asia”, the Freiburg Southeast Asia Study Group, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, June 15-17, 2011 Presenter, “Adm Days”, Student of Administrative Sciences Association, University of Indonesia, Depok, 13 October 2009 Presenter, “a Public Talk on the Fight against Bureaucratic Corruption”, UI-Center for the Study of Governance, Depok, 28 May 2009 Presenter, “Seminar on Regional Taxation / Charge”, Bandung 21 January 2009
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Presenter, the 5th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia, Banjarmasin 22-25 July 2008 Presenter, “Public Administration Conference”, Yogyakarta, 27-28 June 2008 Presenter, “Seminar SEBUMI”, Depok, 24-25 June 2008 Presenter, “The 1st Accounting Conference”, Depok, 7-9 November 2007 Presenter, "Research Days 2006", Depok, 13 September 2006 Paper Presenter, “National Conference on Information System 2006”, Bandung, 18 February 2006 Paper Presenter, Bimonthly Discussion of Administrative Sciences Department, Depok August 14, 2003 Paper Presenter, the 5th IRSA (Indonesian Regional Science Association) International Conference on “Regional Development in a Decentralized Era: Public Services, Poverty, and the Environment”, Session 2.C (Agriculture and Sustainable Development), Bandung, July 18-19, 2003
THESIS REPORTS “Sustainable City Management in Indonesia: Indicators for Developing Sustainable City Policies by Municipality Governments in Indonesia (a Case Study from Municipalities of Depok, Bogor, and Bandung)”, MSc Thesis, Supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. Gert Spaargaren., the Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University and Research Center, January 2003 “Kesiapan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia Pasca Diberlakukannya UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah: Kajian terhadap Kesiapan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Otonom khususnya Kabupaten Bandung sebagai Studi kasus” (The Readiness on the Implementation of Local Autonomy post of the Law 22 Year 1999 about Regional Governance: Study on the Readiness of Central Government and Local Government especially Municipality of Bandung as Case Study), Bachelor Thesis, Supervised by Prof. Dr. Bhenyamin Hoessein, Administrative Sciences Department, University of Indonesia, January 2000
GRANTS Yappika Foundation, Research Grant, 2007, "Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kota Tarakan" (Identification and Mapping of the Innovation Program in the Municipality of Tarakan) Yappika Foundation, Research Grant, 2006, "Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kabupaten Sragen" (Identification and Mapping of the Innovation Program in the Regency of Sragen) TIFA Foundation, Research Grant, 2004, “Identifikasi dan Pemetaan Inovasi Program Pemerintah Kabupaten Jembrana” (Identification and Mapping of the Innovation Program in the Regency of Jembrana) The Japan Foundation, Research Grant under J2RC Program, 1998, “Local Community Development: Learning from One village One Product Experience”
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SERVICE TO JOURNALS Reviewer, Administrative Culture (, 2016 (Scopus Indexed) Reviewer, International Review of Administrative Sciences (, 2015 (Scopus Indexed) Reviewer, Lex Localis (, 2015 (Scopus Indexed) Reviewer, Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi, STIA LAN Bandung, 2015 Task Force, Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi (Business & Bureaucracy Journal), 2013-2014 (Proquest Indexed) Staff Editor, Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi (Business & Bureaucracy Journal), 2003-2005 Secretary Editor, Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi (Business & Bureaucracy Journal), 1996-2001
SERVICE FOR THE COMMUNITY Team member in the production of the text of problems for the recruitment of civil servant candidates (CPNS) of the Attorney General Office Republic of Indonesia for fiscal year 2009, The Attorney General Office 2009 Facilitator for Topic “Ecosystems & Wildlife Conservation”, ASEAN LOGICS, International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia and ASEAN Foundation, 2007 Board Member, Sustainability Report Standard Board, National Center for Sustainability Reporting, 2007-2008 Judge Panel, Mahasiswa Berprestasi 2007 & 2008 (Student Achievement Award 2007 & 2008), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia Judge Panel, Olimpiade Ilmu Sosial 2007 (Social Sciences Olympic 2007), Student Council Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia Judge Panel, Indonesian Sustainability Report Award 2006, 2007 & 2008, Management Accountant Chamber: Indonesian Institute of Accountant Applications Reviewer, STUNED Scholarship Program 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, Netherlands Education Center Jakarta Assessor, the Indonesia Development Marketplace 2005, World Bank and Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)
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COURSES TAUGHT Regional Development / Planning (Undergraduate) Decentralization and Regional Autonomy (Undergraduate) Environmental Administration (Undergraduate) Management Information System and Electronic Government (Undergraduate) Strategic Planning in Public Sector (Undergraduate) Human and Indonesian People (Undergraduate) Democracy, Public Policy and Institutions (Post Graduate) Ethics and Corruption in Public Sector (Post Graduate)
--- since 2003 --- since 2003 --- since 2005 --- since 2003 -- since 2003 --- since 2012 --- since 2012 --- since 2013
Jakarta, March 2016
Teguh Kurniawan
CV – Teguh Kurniawan – March 2016