Curriculum Vitae: Johan VANNEROM Personal details Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality
19 December 1984 Vilvoorde (Belgium) Belgian
[email protected]
Positions Academic Current 2012-
PhD researcher, Studycentre for Consumer Law, KU Leuven Doctoral thesis: "Consumer Protection during the Currency of the Credit Agreement" Supervisor: Prof. dr. Evelyne TERRYN
2012-2013 Past 2012
Tutor, Property Law & Property Law II, UHasselt
Visiting PhD-Student, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London
Tutor, Consumer Law, UHasselt
Tutor, Commercial Law, KU Leuven
President of the Representation of the Assistant Academic Staff, Faculty of Law KU Leuven
Member of the Executive Board of the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven (as representative of the Assistant Academic Staff)
Member of the Council of the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven (as representative of the Assistant Academic Staff)
Member of the Educational Board of the Faculty of Law, KU Leuven (as representative of the Assistant Academic Staff)
Member of the Educational Board of the Faculty of Canon Law, KU Leuven (as representative of the canon law students) Public Advisory Work
Current 2012-
Past 2009-2010
Member of the research group on consumer indebtedness ("VZW Vlaams Centrum Schuldenlast"), Flemish government
Member of the academic research group on the transposition of Directive 2008/48/EC on Consumer Credit
Doctoraatsbursaal, Centrum voor Europees Economisch Recht
Member of the research group on consumer indebtedness ("Vlaams Platform voor Schuldoverlast") Editorial Work
Current 20082008-
Secretary of the editorial board of DCCR ("Droit de la Consommation / Consumentenrecht") Member of the editorial board of DCCR Bar
Past 2007-2008
Lawyer-Trainee, Corporate and Finance, Marx Van Ranst Vermeersch & Partners, Brussels Bar
Education 2012
Visiting PhD-Student, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London Research Stay (February-April 2012) Supervisor: Prof. Eva LOMNICKA
KU Leuven Master of Canon Law (J.C.L.), Magna Cum Laude
Universität Wien, Austria Certificate "Internationales Privatwirtschaftsrecht und Rechtsvergleichung", "mit Auszeichnung" (highest Austrian distinction)
Universität Wien, Austria Erasmus exchange student
KU Leuven Master of Laws, Magna Cum Laude
KU Leuven Certificate "Procedural aspects of European Competition Law
KU Leuven Bachelor of Laws, Cum Laude
Jan-van-Ruusbroeckollege, Brussels Latin – Modern Languages
Awards and scholarships 2008-2012
PhD Scholarship, KU Leuven
"Deutschkurs 2006" award, Universität Wien
Languages Dutch English German French Italian
native speaker fluent fluent fluent good
Speaking Engagements Kortrijk 6 September 2012 – Conference on the interaction between European and Belgian Private law (with Prof. dr. E. TERRYN and dra. J. GODDAER) "The impact of the European law on Belgian consumer contract law " Leuven 20 December 2011 – Workshop Commercial Law KU Leuven "Interest Rate Restrictions as a method of consumer protection " London 27-29 June 2011 – IACL Conference on consumer protection in economic recessions "The Limits of Information and a Proposed Way Forward" Gent 1 December 2010 and Aarschot 16 December 2010 – Conference on the new Belgian Consumer Credit Act "De bijzondere kredietvormen in de nieuwe Wet op het Consumentenkrediet"
Leuven 17 November 2010 – PhD-Day KU Leuven "Information Paradigm: a Succes Story?" Kortrijk 11 December 2009 – Conference on Mortgage Credit "Privacy Protection in the Credit Acts " Leuven 6 March 2009 – VRG-Alumnidag (with Prof. dr. E. Terryn) "The transposition of Directive 2008/48/EC in Belgian law" Brussels 28 November 2008 – Flemish Platform on Consumer Insolvency "Responsible Lending" Publications Contributions in books •
GODDAER, J., TERRYN, E. and VANNEROM, J., "Invloed van het Europese recht op het consumenten(contracten)recht" in I. SAMOY, V. SAGAERT and E. TERRYN (eds.), Invloed van het Europese recht op het Belgische privaatrecht, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2012, 467-558.
POELMANS, O. and VANNEROM, J., "De Cheque" in E. TERRYN and B. TILLEMAN (eds.), Beginselen van Belgisch Privaatrecht. Ondernemingsrecht. Algemeen deel. Liber Amicorum Gabriel Luc Ballon, Mechelen, Kluwer, 2011, 1841-1865.
VANNEROM, J., "De bijzondere kredietvormen in de nieuwe Wet op het Consumentenkrediet" in D. MEULEMANS (ed.), De grondige hervorming van de Wet op het Consumentenkrediet, Gent, Story-Scientia, 2012 (to be published).
VANNEROM, J., "Bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer van de kredietnemer" in CH. BIQUET-MATHIEU and E. TERRYN (eds.), Hypothecair Krediet – Crédit Hypothécaire, Brugge, Die Keure, 2010, 789-842.
TERRYN, E. and VANNEROM, J., "De implicaties van de nieuwe Richtlijn consumentenkrediet voor het Belgisch recht" in R. BLANPAIN and R. TAS (eds.), Recht in beweging, Antwerpen, Maklu, 2009, 19-49.
Journal articles •
VANNEROM, J., "Keine Nachtragsliquidation nach belgischem Recht: zu den Rechtsfolgen, wenn nach Auflösung einer Gesellschaft noch Vermögen zu Tage tritt", ZfRV 2007, 226-231.
Case notes •
VANNEROM, J., "And the question remains… 'Who is (actually) protected?'" (ECJ C-288/10, WAMO BVBA v. JBC NV and Modemakers Fashion NV, 2011), REDC 2012, nr. 1, 151-162.
VANNEROM, J., "De exclusiviteitsverhouding tussen kredietgever en leverancier" (ECJ C-509/07, Luigi Scarpelli v. NEOS Banca SpA, 2009), DCCR 2009, nr. 83., 46-52.
Short contributions •
VANNEROM, J., "Het verbod van aankondiging van prijsverminderingen tijdens de sperperiode binnenkort zelf versperd?", DCCR 2011, nr. 91, 106-109.
VANNEROM, J., "Actualiteitsbijdrage over Hof van Justitie 13 maart 2008", TBH 2008, 837-839.
Legal reports •
TERRYN, E. and VANNEROM, J., "EU Project on interest rate restrictions Questionnaire for Legal Expert; National Report for Belgium", March 2010.