CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Ian Curry-Sumner, BA, MA (Cambridge), PhD (Utrecht)
Persoonlijke gegevens Naam: Ian Curry-Sumner Geboren: 15 september 1978, Liverpool, Verenigd Koninkrijk Burgerlijke stand: Gehuwd, met 1 dochter Nationaliteit: Nederlands en Brits Werk adres: Telefoon: Fax: Mobiel: E-mail:
Goeman Borgesiuslaan 77, 3515ET Utrecht, Nederland +31 (0) 30 253 7184 +31 (0) 87 784 1926 +31 (0) 6 4709 4427
[email protected]
Opleiding 2012-2013 2010-2012 2001-2005
Master Nederlands Recht (Privaatrecht), Universiteit Utrecht Bachelor Nederlands Recht, Universiteit Utrecht (momenteel 8.5) Proefschrift verdedigd: All’s well that ends registered? The substantive and private international law aspects of non-marital registered relationships in Europe. A comparison of the laws of Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK Promotor: Prof. dr. Katharina Boele-Woelki
1999-2000 1997-2001 Werkervaring 2010-2012 2008-2010 2006-2008 2005-2006 2001-2005
Erasmus uitwisselingsjaar, Utrecht Universiteit (8.6 gemiddeld) Bachelor en Master, Engels Recht, Christ’s College, Universiteit Cambridge (cum laude) Universitair hoofddocent, international privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking en familierecht, Universiteit Utrecht (0,8 fte) Universitair hoofddocent, international privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking en familierecht, Universiteit Utrecht (1,0 fte) Universitair docent, international privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking en familierecht, Universiteit Utrecht (1,0 fte) Junior universitair docent, international privaatrecht, rechtsvergelijking en familierecht, Universiteit Utrecht (1,0 fte) Assistent in Opleiding, Universiteit Utrecht (1,0 fte)
Onderwijs • Internationaal Privaatrecht (Master), tevens coördinator • Comparative Law Methodology (Bachelor), tevens coördinator • Introduction to English Law (Bachelor), tevens coördinator • European Family Law (Bachelor) • Personen- en Familierecht (Bachelor) • Internationale adoptierecht (Rechtbank Rotterdam) • International alimentatierecht (Rechtbank Rotterdam en Rechtbank Utrecht) • Internationale namen-, afstamming en adoptierecht (Bestuursacademie) • Internationale alimentatierecht (Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdragen) • Tutor van eerstejaars (2005, 2006 en 2011) Bestuur • Beoordelaar voor VSNU Undergraduate Research Conference SRC (2010 en 2011) • Adviseur, NWO Mozaïek Competitie (2009, 2010, 2011) • Redacteur van Tijdschrift Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (sinds 2009) • Redacteur van Jurisprudentie Personen- en Familierecht (sinds 2009) • Medewerker van International Family Law (sinds 2004) • Voorzitter Molengraaff Verhuiscommissie (2011) • Coördinator Onderzoeksvaardigheden Lijn Faculteit Utrecht (sinds 2010) Prijzen • De Hart Law Prize, 2001, for Outstanding Achievement (4th Highest Law Degree at University of Cambridge in 2001) (£1,000). • Ius Commune Prize, 2005, for submission of the article “Uniform Trends in NonMarital Registered Relationships in Europe” (€1,250). • NWO Travel Scholarship for short study trips in 2003, in connection with research activities in Lausanne, Switzerland (€1,855). • Travel Scholarship under auspices of the Washburn School of Law Visiting Foreign Scholar Program in 2003 from the Washburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, USA ($1,500). • NWO-British Council Conference Fund, Organisation of Multidisciplinary, international conference on child maintenance (€7,000) • NWO VENI subsidy for innovational research (€200,000) • UU Research Grant (€10,000) • Swiss Institute for Comparative Law Prize 2008 for PhD (5,000 CHF) • Utrecht University Young Lecturer of the Year Award 2008 (€2,000) Publicaties A.
Internationale tijdschriften
1. I.Sumner, “Comparative analysis and assessment of the gradual recognition of homosexuality with respect to The Netherlands and England”, Maastricht Journal, 2002, p. 29-56. 2. I.Sumner, “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Sexual Orientation”, International Family Law, 2002, p. 156-165. 3. I.Sumner, “Transformers: Marriages in Disguise?”, International Family Law, 2003, p. 15-23. 4. I.Sumner, “Dissolution of partnerships: An excursion in conversion!”, International Family Law, 2004, p. 231-237. 5. I.Curry-Sumner, “Uniform patterns regarding same-sex relationships”, International Law Forum, 2005, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 9-14. 6. I.Curry-Sumner, “General Patterns in Registration Schemes for Unmarried Couples and the Implications for Ireland”, Irish Journal of Family Law, 2005, p. 187-195. 7. I.Curry-Sumner, “It’s marriage Jim, but not as we know it”, Irish Journal of Family Law, 2006, p. 2-10.
8. K.Boele-Woelki, I.Curry-Sumner, M.Jansen, and W.Schrama, “The evaluation of same-sex marriages and registered partnerships in The Netherlands”, Yearbook of Private International Law, 2007, p. 27-37. 9. I.Curry-Sumner, “An age-old dilemma: is it time for a “revolutionary approach”? A commentary on Harding v. Wealands”, Yearbook of Private International Law, 2007, p. 85-96. 10. I.Curry-Sumner, “European recognition of same sex relationships: we need action now!, International Family Law, 2008, p.102-109. 11. I.Curry-Sumner and S.Curry-Sumner, “Is the union civil? Same-sex marriages, civil unions, domestic partnerships and reciprocal benefits in the United States of America”, Utrecht Law Review, 2008, 12. I.Curry-Sumner and S.Curry-Sumner, “Where will it all end? Common trends in American same-sex relationship recognition”, Equal Opportunities International, 2008 13. I.Curry-Sumner, “E.B. v. France: A missed opportunity?”, Child and Family Law Quarterly, 2009, Vol. 21(3), p. 356-366. 14. I.Curry-Sumner, “Same-sex relationships in Europe: Trends towards tolerance?”, Amsterdam Law Forum, 2011, Vol. 3(2), p. 27-42. 15. I.Curry-Sumner, “The theory and practice of teaching and guiding legal research skills”, Recht en Methode, 2011, Vol. 1, pp (ter perse) (in cooperation with M. van der Schaaf). B.
Nationale tijdschriften
1. I.Sumner, “Will the sky fall in above England? The Proposed Registered Partnership Bill”, Tijdschrift voor Familie en Jeugdrecht, 2002, p. 24-28. 2. I.Curry-Sumner and M.Vonk, “Adoptie door paren van hetzelfde geslacht. Wie probeert de wet te beschermen?”, Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht, 2006, p. 39-44. 3. K.Boele-Woelki, I.Curry-Sumner, M.Jansen and W.Schrama, M, “Het geregistreerd partnerschap de rechtsorde uit. Of juist niet?”, Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht, 2007, p. 60-65. 4. I.Curry-Sumner and M.Vonk, “Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van internationale adoptie”, Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht, 2008, p. 264-272. 5. I.Curry-Sumner and M.Vonk, “Nieuwe maatregelen ten aanzien van adopties uit de VS”, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 2009, p. 270-277. 6. I. Curry-Sumner, “Administrative co-operation and free legal aid in international child maintenance recovery. What is the added value of the European Maintenance Regulation?, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 2010, pp. 611-621. C.
Boeken en bijdragen aan boeken
Boeken 1. I.Curry-Sumner, All’s well that ends registered? The substantive and private international law aspects of non-marital registered relationships in Europe, Intersentia: Antwerpen 2005 (PhD thesis) 2. K.Boele-Woelki, I.Curry-Sumner, M.Jansen en W.Schrama, “Evaluatie Wet Openstelling Huwelijk en Geregistreerd Partnerschap”, Kluwer: Deventer 2007. 3. K.Boele-Woelki, I.Curry-Sumner en W.Schrama, Juridische status polygame huwelijken in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief, Boom: Den Haag 2010. 4. I.Curry-Sumner, F.Kristen, T. van der Linden-Smith, en J.Tigchelaar, Onderzoeksvaardigheden – Instructie voor juristen/Research Skills – Instruction for lawyers, Ars Aequi: Nijmegen 2010. 5. K.Boele-Woelki, I.Curry-Sumner, W.Schrama en M.Vonk, Draagmoederschap en illegale opneming van kinderen, Boom: Den Haag 2012.
Tekst- en Commentaar 1. G.E.Schimdt en I.Curry-Sumner, “Internationale alimentatierecht”, in: Koens, M.J.C. en Vonken, A.P.M.J. (reds.), Tekst & Commentaar. Personen- en Familierecht, Kluwer 2010, pp. 2417-2541. 2. I.Curry-Sumner, “Internationale alimentatierecht”, in: Koens, M.J.C. en Vonken, A.P.M.J. (reds.), Tekst & Commentaar. Personen- en Familierecht, Kluwer 2010, pp. 2417-2541 (met commentaar van Haags Alimentatie Verdrag, Haags Alimentatie Protocol, Europese Alimentatie Verordening). Bijdragen aan boeken 1. I.Goldrein et al (eds.), Commercial Litigation: Pre-Emptive Remedies, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2003, 4th Edition (contributing editor). 2. I.Sumner, “The Legal Position of Same Couples in English Law” in: Boele-Woelki, K. and Fuchs, A. (eds.), Legal Recognition of Same Sex Couples, Intersentia, Antwerp, 2003, p. 99-121, EFL series: Vol. 1. 3. I.Sumner and C.Forder, “Bumper Issue: All you ever wanted to know about Dutch family law (and were afraid to ask)” in: A.Bainham (ed.), The International Survey of Family Law 2003, Jordans, London, 2003, p. 263-321. 4. I.Sumner, “Registered partnerships and private international law: Great Britain and The Netherlands compared”, in: A.Bonomi and B.Cottier (eds.), Aspects de droit international privé des partenariats enregistrés en Europe, Zurich: Schultess, 2004, No. 49. 5. I.Sumner, “Happy Ever After? The problems of Terminating Registered Partnerships” in: M.Digoix and P.Fetsy (eds.) Same-sex couples, same-sex partnerships, and homosexual marriages. A focus on cross-national differentials, Paris: INED, 2004, Report No. 124. 6. I.Sumner, “The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Sexual Orientation”, in P.Lødrup and E.Modvar (eds.), Family life and human rights, Oslo: Gyldendal, 2004, p. 869-889. 7. I.Sumner, and C.Forder, “Proposed revision of matrimonial property law, a new inheritance law and the First translation of the Dutch Civil Code, Book One (Family Law) into English” in: A.Bainham (ed.), The International Survey of Family Law 2003, Jordans, London, 2004, p. 337-369. 8. I.Curry-Sumner and C.Forder, “The Dutch Family Law Chronicles: Continued parenthood notwithstanding divorce”, in: A.Bainham (ed.), International Survey of Family Law: 2006 Edition, Family Law: Bristol, 2006, p. 261-304. 9. I.Curry-Sumner, “Private international law aspects of homosexual couples: The Netherlands Report”, in J.H.M.van Erp and L.P.W.van Vliet (eds.), Netherlands reports to the Seventeenth Internatinal Congress of Comparative Law, Intersentia: Antwerpen, 2006, p. 147-175. 10. I.Curry-Sumner “Party autonomy and responsibility”, in: B. Atkin (ed.), International Survey of Family Law: 2008 Edition, Family Law: Bristol, 2008, p. 255-275. 11. I.Curry-Sumner and S.Curry-Sumner, “Is the union civil? Same-sex marriages, civil unions, domestic partnerships and reciprocal benefits in the United States of America”, in: K.Boele-Woelki (ed.), Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Intersentia: Antwerp, 2008, p.339-396. 12. K.Boele-Woelki, B.Braat, I.Curry-Sumner, C.Jeppesen de Boer, P.Lokin, M.Vonk, Vries and W.Schrama, “Research questions in family law derived from a comparative synthesis of general trends and developments”, in: K.Boele-Woelki (ed.), Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Intersentia: Antwerp, 2008, p.339-396. 13. I.Curry-Sumner, “International recovery of child maintenance: Administrative cooperation in incoming child maintenance cases, in: Actualiteiten in het Familierecht: Derde UCERF symposium, 2009, p. 43-68. 14. I.Curry-Sumner and M.Vonk, “It all depends on who you ask! The Kalsbeek Reports”, in: B.Atkin (ed.), International Survey of Family Law: 2009 Edition, Family Law: Bristol, 2009, 329-351.
15. I.Curry-Sumner, “Titel 5a: Geregistreerd partnerschap” in: W.Schrama (ed), Familierecht Geschetst, Ars Aequi: Deventer, 2009, p. 39-41. 16. I.Curry-Sumner, “Titel 12: Adoptie” in: W.Schrama (ed), Familierecht Geschetst, Ars Aequi: Deventer, 2009, p. 141-151. 17. I. Curry-Sumner, “International Recovery of child support. Are Central Authorities thwe way forward?”, in: B. Verschragen (ed.), Family Finances, 2009, p. 175-193. 18. C. Skinner and I. Curry-Sumner, “The UK Child Support Policies: Principles and Formulae”, in: I. Curry-Sumner and C. Skinner (eds.), Persistent Problems, Finding Solutions, WLP: Nijmegen, 2009, p. 31-51. 19. C. van Baalen-van IJzendoorn and I. Curry-Sumner, “Determining child maintenance: A view from The Netherlands”, in: I. Curry-Sumner and C. Skinner (eds.), Persistent Problems, Finding Solutions, WLP: Nijmegen, 2009, p.53-67. 20. I. Curry-Sumner, “The Future of international child maintenance recovery in Europe”, in: I. Curry-Sumner and C. Skinner (eds.), Persistent Problems, Finding Solutions, WLP: Nijmegen, 2009, p. 151-168. 21. I.Curry-Sumner, “Polygamie in het Engelse Recht”, in: K.Boele-Woelki, I.CurrySumner and W.Schrama (eds.), De juridische status van polygamie huwelijken in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief, Den Haag: Boom 2010, 109-137. 22. I.Curry-Sumner, “De erkenning van polygame huwelijken in Nederland”, in: UCERF, Actuele ontwikkelingen in het familirecht, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi, UCERF Reeks 4, p. 17-32. 23. I.Curry-Sumner, “National and international surrogacy: An Odyssey”, in: B. Atkin (ed.), International Survey of Family Law 2011, Bristol: Jordans Family Law, 2011, pp (ter perse) (in cooperation with M. Vonk). 24. I.Curry-Sumner, “A patchwork of partnerships: comparative overview of registratiom schemes in Europe”, in: K. Boele-Woelki and A. Fuchs (ed), Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples in Europe, European Family Law Series No. 32, 2011, pp. (ter perse). D. Annotaties 1. Rechtbank Utrecht, 21 januari 2009, LJN: BH3029, JPF 2009, nr. 85 2. Gerechtshof Arnhem, 18 november 2008, LJN: BG5709, JPF 2009, nr. 100 3. Rechtbank Haarlem, 16 december 2008, LJN: BG8143, JPF 2009, nr. 100 4. Rechtbank Roermond, 4 maart 2009, LJN: BH6462, JPF 2009, nr. 101 5. Gerechtshof ‘s-Gravenhage, 7 oktober 2008, LJN: BH3764, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 6. Gerechtshof ‘s-Gravenhage, 10 oktober 2008, FA RK 08-4995, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 7. Rechtbank ‘s-Gravenhage, 19 november 2008, LJN: BH6539, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 8. Rechtbank ‘s-Gravenhage, 19 november 2008, LJN: BH3526, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 9. Gerechtshof ‘s-Gravenhage, 7 januari 2009, LJN: BI0366, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 10. Gerechtshof ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 20 mei 2009, LJN: BI6353, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 11. Rechtbank Maastricht, 11 juni 2009, LJN: BI7943, JPF 2009, nr. ?? 12. Gerechtshof ’s-Gravenhage, 27 mei 2009, LJN: BJ1434, JPF 2010, nr. 41 13. Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage,17 december 2009, LJN: BL0773, JPF 2010, nr. 53 14. Gerechtshof ’s-Hertogenbosch, 27 november 2008, LJN: BG6114, JPF 2010, nr. 62 15. Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage, 3 november 2008, LJN: BG8815, JPF 2010, nr. 63 16. Rechtbank Haarlem, 13 april 2010, LJN: BM5937, JPF 2010, nr. 82 17. Rechtbank Maastricht, 15 december 2009, BK8066, JPF 2010, nr. 83 18. Gerechtshof ’s-Gravenhage, 27 mei 2010, BM5037, JPF 2010, nr. 87 19. Vrzg Rechtbank Breda, 19 november 2009, BK8853, JPF 2010, nr. 88 20. Vrzg Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage, 8 mei 2009, BL4972, JPF 2010, nr. 89 21. Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage, 19 oktober 2009, BL0893, JPF 2010, nr. 90 22. Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage, 3 november 2009, BL0625, JPF 2010, nr. 91 23. Rechtbank ’s-Hertogenbosch, 24 november 2009, BL0988, JPF 2010, nr. 92 24. Gerechtshof ’s-Gravengae, 1 december 2010, LJN: BO7387, JPF, 2011, nr. 33 25. Rechtbank Leeuwarden, 1 december 2010, LJN: BO6148, JPF, 2011, nr. 35 26. Rechtbank ’s-Gravenhage, 14 september 2009, LJN: BK1197, JPF, 2011, nr. 36 27. Gerechtshof Leeuwarden, 24 juni 2010, LJN: BN2042, JPF, 2011, nr. 59
Vertalingen 1. I.Sumner en H.Warendorf, Family law legislation of The Netherlands, 2003, Antwerpen: Intersentia. 2. I.Sumner en H.Warendorf, Inheritance law legislation of The Netherlands, 2005, Antwerpen: Intersentia. 3. I.Sumner en H.Warendorf, Family law and the law of persons. Book 1 of the Netherlands Antilles Civil Code, 2005, Antwerpen: Intersentia. 4. H.Warendorf, R.Thomas en I.Curry-Sumner, Civil Code of the Netherlands, 2009, Deventer: Kluwer. 5. H.Warendorf, R.Thomas en I.Curry-Sumner, Civil Code of Suriname, 2011, Deventer: Kluwer (ter perse). 6. H.Warendorf, R.Thomas en I.Curry-Sumner, Book 10: Private International Law, 2011, Sdu: The Hague. Redactiewerk 1. K.Boele-Woelki, B.Braat en I.Sumner (reds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume I: Grounds for Divorce, Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2003, EFL Serie: Deel 2. 2. K.Boele-Woelki, B.Braat en I.Sumner (reds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume II: Maintenance Between Former Spouses, Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2003, EFL Serie: Deel 3. 3. K.Boele-Woelki, B.Braat en I.Curry-Sumner (reds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume III: Parental Responsibilities, Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2005, EFL Serie: Deel 9. 4. K.Boele-Woelki, B.Braat en I.Curry-Sumner (reds.), European Family Law in Action. Volume IV: Property Relationships Between Spouses, Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2009, EFL Serie: Deel 25. Editorials 1. I.Curry-Sumner, “Editorial”, Volume 3, NIPR 2011, pp. (ter perse).