Prof. Dr. RNDr. Lubomír SMUTNÝ, Ing. Jaromír ŠKUTA, Ph.D, Ing. Marek BABIUCH, Ph.D, Ing. Renata WAGNEROVÁ, Ph.D.
CONSORCIAL APPROACH FOR CONTROL LABORATORY EDUCATION ON VŠB-TU FME OSTRAVA 1. Introduction The paper deals with summarizing for the last (third) year solving of the grant project GA ČR No. 102/03/0625 at the Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation 352 as a co-proposer with Institute of Informatics of Czech Science Academy. Fundamental part of university education creates connection between of theoretical or simulation approaches with experimental methods for verification of laboratory stands coincidence. Illustration of practical physical models properties is cardinal importance for engineering experimental exercises, for comparing of the computer simulation tasks with practical experiences and with real-time measured signals from the technological aggregates. 2. Design, production and utilization of experimental stands for teaching purposes Basic requirements for design and production of laboratory experimental stands were described in [SMUTNÝ 2004a, SMUTNÝ 2005c] with these main topics: * similarity of physical laboratory model with real industrial apparatus, * good dynamical responses of output signals, * miniaturization of dimensions and power input,, * unified input and output electrical signals, * good possibility of connection with PC computer, * easy production in condition of Department workshop, * availability of model function parts and their low price. On the Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation of VŠB-TU FME Ostrava were designed and produced at the last years quantity of laboratory experimental stands, models and education tools [SMUTNÝ, 2004a,b], [SMUTNÝ & ŠKUTA 2004b]. These stands there were utilized for practical exercises in subjects Measurement and Sensors, Means of Automatic Control, Microcomputer Measurement Systems, Design of Process Systems, Signal Processing, etc. On the next few figures we can see the main results of GACR project from FME VŠB – TU Ostrava. It is a project realization output and there are shown the technical design (HW) and properties verification of the laboratory stand HAA (Hot-Air Aggregate) as a physical model of air-conditioning and examples of program support (SW) for easy utilization of models at education tasks. On the Figure 1 and Figure 2 we can see a block schema or 3D computer model of experimental laboratory model HAA – new variation from year 2005. This model can be used for two control variables (temperature and air flow) with adjusted disturbances (second ventilator with opposite flow direction). On the Figure 3 and Figure 4 there are photo documentation of real experimental laboratory model HAA 2005 on the final mobile version with transport case and its connection with PC computer by miniature microprocessor unit CTRL V3.
WORKSHOP 2006 Fotorezistor Ochranný tunel
Hlavní ventilátor
Termistory Žárovka
Senzor KTY82
Vrtulkový průtokoměr
Vedlejší (poruchový) ventilátor
Ucc =220 V
EXTERNÍ Napájecí zdroj
Miniaturizovaný přístrojový modul k TVM
2 analogové výstupy 0 – 10 V Mikropočítačová jednotka (CTRL v3)
4 analogové vstupy 0 – 10 V 4 digitální I/O
Počítač PC
RS 232
Figure 1 Block schema of experimental model HAA (Hot-Air Aggregate), the last innovative sample 2005
Figure 3 Photo of final version of experimental model HAA2005 in mobile form with transport case (5 prototypes was produced)
Figure 2 Schema of 3D model HAA2005 with two opposite ventilators, bulb, and 3 sensors of temperature, light intensity and airflow sensors.
Figure 4 Final version of HAA2005 with two ventilators, external power unit, new electronic unit CTRL V3 and with its connection to PC
3. Program support of control tasks with model HAA2005 Programs support solving of measuring and control HAA tasks, with personal computer PC connection and with interface environment unit (new CTRL V3 or analog/digital card AD 512). In the project there were designed a innovative program module WinCTRL in versions 2.0 and 2.1 [SMUTNÝ, 2004a, b] for Real-Time control of two values (temperature, air-flow) with 4 basic types of control algorithms (On-Off, On-Off with penalization, PID, Fuzzy control). The next program module was designed on MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation system. It allows solved the experimental identification of dynamic system properties, it contains 16 synthesis methods for PID controller algorithms and support of method of aggregation variables [Wagnerová 2005]. On the next figures we can see the programs screens with air-flow control task (Figure 5) and robust control with method of aggregation variables (Figure 6).
Figure 5 The main screen of MATLAB-Simulink program module with menu and air-flow control task
Figure 6 The screen with robust control submenu with method of aggregation variables
On the Figure 7, and Figure 8 we can see two charts from MATLAB and WinCTRL programs with measurement and control tasks support on the Real Time and after finishing of control task as a final chart. f
napětí na žárovce napětí na ventiláto teplota baňky vrtulkový průtoko napětí na ventiláto
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0
Figure 7 The response of adjustment controller by Figure 8 The chart with 2 controlled values by the selected method and input signal type WinCTRL program (by fuzzy control)
4. Conclusions Fundamental part of university education creates connection of theoretical approaches with experimental or simulation methods for verification of coincidence. Experimental stands allow easy understanding to principles of industrial plant parts, measurement and control devices, signals character, noise, dynamic responses and easier crossing to the real technological systems. The HAA model (Hot-air aggregate), as an air handler (airconditioning), it is a dynamic system with multiple inputs and outputs. The two basic controlled outputs (action values from controller) are the power of the bulb and power to the main fan (ventilator). Measured inputs to CTRL module from TVA there are signals from one of the temperature transducers (by this position of 3 sensors the time delay of the system is
t [s]
changed), photo resistor sensor and from axial air-flow meter. As disturbances of lab stand can use the secondary fan with opposite air flow direction (the complementary action value). Project contributes to development of new experimental models and to getting new knowledge related to automatic control theory and practice. Another contribution lies in the deeper cooperation of proposing universities and institutes. 5. References [1]
[5] [6]
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KONSORCIONÁLNÍ PŘÍSTUP K LABORATORNÍ VÝUCE ŘÍZENÍ NA VŠB-TU FS OSTRAVA Cílem projektu GAČR bylo vytvoření konsorcia pěti univerzit pro inovaci jejich laboratoří moderními experimentálními fyzikálními modely. Jednotliví spoluřešitelé navrhli své laboratorní modely, které umožňují efektivně použít metody analýzy a syntézy systémů řízení s důrazem na koncepčně nové přístupy. Simulační experiment s laboratorními fyzikálními či virtuálními modely, při kterém se prakticky ověřují teoretické poznatky je důležitou etapou verifikace jejich matematických, simulačních a experimentálních modelů. Přínos projektu lze vidět v metodice vývoje nových fyzikálních modelů (např. model HAA2005 jako klimatizační jednotka s regulací teploty a průtoku vzduchu)) s výraznou počítačovou podporou, ve vývoji a aplikaci nových poznatků o syntéze řízení a v prohloubení vědecké a odborné spolupráce Ústavu informatiky AV ČR s pěti vysokými školami, při výrazné inovaci experimentální vybavenosti zúčastněných pracovišť. Abstract
CONSORCIAL APPROACH FOR CONTROL LABORATORY EDUCATION ON VŠB-TU FME OSTRAVA Paper deals with important role of the laboratory experimental stands with microcomputers for quality control engineering education, design and verification of new control algorithms. Innovative instrumental laboratory stands of five university co-proposers there were presented on IFAC World Congress (Prague 2005). On the DCSI VŠB-TU FME Ostrava there was designed and produced HAA2005 model (Hot-air aggregate) of climate unit with two controlled variables (temperature, air flow). Experimental laboratory models allow easy understanding principles of the aggregate parts, measurement and control devices, signals character, noise, dynamic responses and easier crossing to the real technological systems. The project there was supported by Grant Agency of CZ and was solved on the group of five universities – VŠB-TU FME Ostrava, UTB FT Zlín, Univ. Pardubice, TU FM Liberec and ČVUT FME Prague with main proposer Institute of Informatics of Czech Academy of Science in Prague. Project is supported by Czech Grant Agency GACR 102/03/0625 and by R&D project MŠMT FRVŠ 2189/F1a.
Prof. Dr. RNDr. Lubomír SMUTNÝ, Ing. Jaromír ŠKUTA, Ph.D, Ing. Marek BABIUCH, Ph.D, Ing. Renata WAGNEROVÁ, Ph.D.
CONSORCIAL APPROACH FOR CONTROL LABORATORY EDUCATION ON VŠB-TU FME OSTRAVA KONSORCIONÁLNÍ PŘÍSTUP K LABORATORNÍ VÝUCE ŘÍZENÍ NA VŠB-TU FS OSTRAVA Cílem projektu GAČR bylo vytvoření konsorcia pěti univerzit pro inovaci jejich laboratoří moderními experimentálními fyzikálními modely. Jednotliví spoluřešitelé navrhli své laboratorní modely, které umožňují efektivně použít metody analýzy a syntézy systémů řízení s důrazem na koncepčně nové přístupy. Simulační experiment s laboratorními modely, při kterém se prakticky ověřují teoretické poznatky je důležitou etapou verifikace jejich matematických a simulačních modelů. Přínos projektu lze vidět v metodice vývoje nových fyzikálních modelů s výraznou počítačovou podporou, ve vývoji a aplikaci nových poznatků o syntéze řízení a v prohloubení vědecké a odborné spolupráce Ústavu informatiky AV ČR s 5 vysokými školami, při výrazné inovaci experimentální vybavenosti zúčastněných pracovišť.
a) New realization of experimental model HAA2005 with two opposite ventilators, impulse excitation bulb, new miniature electronic unit CTRL V3 and external power unit in transport case. b) The main screen of MATLAB program module for identification and control tasks with HAA2005
Abstract Paper deals with important role of the laboratory experimental stands with microcomputers for quality control engineering education, design and verification of new control algorithms. Innovative instrumental laboratory stands of five university co-proposers there were presented on IFAC World Congress (Prague 2005). On the DCSI VŠB-TU FME Ostrava there was designed and produced HAA2005 model (Hot-air aggregate) of climate unit with two controlled variables (temperature, air flow). Experimental laboratory models allow easy understanding principles of the aggregate parts, measurement and control devices, signals character, noise, dynamic responses and easier crossing to the real technological systems. The project there was supported by Grant Agency of CZ and was solved on the group of five universities – VŠB-TU Ostrava, UTB Zlín, Univ. Pardubice, TU FM Liberec and ČVUT FME Prague with main proposer Institute of Informatics of CAS of Prague. Project is supported by Czech Grant Agency GACR 102/03/0625 and by R&D project – MŠMT FRVŠ 2189/F1a.