Conference Contributions, Talks, Reports General Physics 1. Máté Z., Quantum measurement and practice in nuclear physics (Book of Abstracts Ed.:M.Ferrero and S.F.Huelga. p.135), International Symposium on Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. Oviedo, Spain, 21-26 July 1996 (1996)
Nuclear and Particle Physics 1. Gizon, J., Nyakó B.M., Zolnai L., et al., Terminating States in 102Pd, International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Crete, Greece, June 11–13, 1996 2. Farget, F., Józsa M., Nyakó B.M., Zolnai L., et al., Feeding and deexcitation of the superdeformed yrast band in 132Ce, International Conference on Nuclear Physics. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April, 1996. (1996) 3. Lévai G., Cseh J., Semimicroscopic algebraic approach to nuclear clusterization. I., II., III., Hokkaido University, Department of Physics. Sapporo, Japan, 11,12,24 April 1996 (1996) 4. Cseh J., Egzakt és sérült kvantummechanikai szimmetriák, Habilitációs elôadás, Debrecen, Magyarország, KLTE, 1996. március 7. (1996) 5. Lévai G., Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and solvable potentials, Niigata University. Niigata, Japan, 17 May 1996 (1996) 6. Krasznahorkay A., Scientific activities on nuclear spectroscopy in Debrecen, RCNP, Osaka University. Osaka, Japan, 10 April 1996 (1996) 7. Krasznahorkay A., Experimental study of exotic nuclear shapes, RIKEN (Japan Institute for Physical and Chemical Research). Tokyo, JApan, 25 April 1996 (1996) 8. Cseh J., Lévai G., Hess, P.O., Pál K.F., Varga K., Scheid, W., Algebraic and geometric Hamiltonians of nuclear molecules (Group 21, Goslar 1996, Arnold Sommmerfeld Inst., p.56), 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics. Goslar, Germany, July 16-20, 1996 (1996) 9. Gizon, J., Nyakó B.M., Zolnai L., et al., Band terminations in 102Pd, Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits. Argonne, USA, July 22-26, 1996 (1996)
10. Cseh J., Introduction to dynamic symmetries, Hokkaido University, Physics Department. Sapporo, Japan, April 9, 1996 (1996) 11. Cseh J., Introduction to algebraic nuclear models I.-II., Hokkaido University, Physics Department. Sapporo, Japan, 10–11 April 1996 (1996) 12. Cseh J., Spectrum of the 56Ni nucleus in terms of 28Si + 28Si configuration (Abstract Book C301, p. 189), 4th International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams. Omiya, Japan, 4–7 June 1996 (1996) 13. Cseh J., Exotic clusterization in heavy nuclei, Hokkaido University, Department of Physics, Sapporo, Japan, 29 May 1996 (1996) 14. Cseh J., Algora, A., Cold binary fission and the pseudo SU(3) symmetry, Niigata University, Department of Physics. Niigata, Japan, 13 June 1996 (1996) 15. Cseh J., Algora, A., Cold binary fission and the pseudo SU(3) symmetry, Institute of Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan, 17 June 1996 (1996) 16. Dankó I., Nuclear structure of odd-odd land, 19–30 Aug 1996 (1996)
6th International Summer School. Jyväskylä, Fin-
17. Kiss A.Z., Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) using particle-particle reactions, 3rd Summer School "Nicolas Cabrera" Materials Analysis by Ion Beam Techniques. Madrid, Spain, 15–20 Sept. 1996 (1996) 18. Kiss A.Z., Particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE and DIGE), 3rd Summer School "Nicolas Cabrera" Materials Analysis by Ion Beam Techniques. Madrid, Spain, 15–20 Sept. 1996 (1996) 19. Csatlós M., Krasznahorkay A., Hunyadi M., Gulyás J., Máté Z., Molnár J., Tímár J., Végh J., Properties of 236U at the third-minimum deformation, 31st Zakopane School of Physics. Trends in Nuclear Physics. Zakopane, Poland, Sept. 3–11, 1996 (1996) 20. Somorjai E., Fülöp Zs., Kiss A.Z., Rolfs, C., Trautvetter, H.P., Oberhummer, H., Arnould, M., Rayet, M., Greife, U., Junker, M., Experimental cross section of 144Sm(α, γ)148Gd, Fourth International Conference on Nuclei in the Cosmos, University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, India, USA, June 20–27, 1996 (1996) 21. Algora, A., Fényes T., Dombrádi Zs., Sohler D., Podolyák Zs., Jolie, I., Supersymmetry studies in the As region, 9th International Symposium on Capture GammaRay Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8–12 Oct. 1996 (1996)
22. Sohler D., Algora, A., Podolyák Zs., Gulyás J., Dombrádi Zs., Brant, S., Paar, V., Kern, J., Cejnar, P., Nearly complete level schemes of 72,73,74As, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8–12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 23. Dankó I., Fayez, F.M., Hassan, M., Gulyás J., Dombrádi Zs., Brant, S., Paar, V., Core polarization in odd-odd I nuclei, 9th International Symposium on Capture GammaRay Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8–12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 24. Sohler D., Dombrádi Zs., Nyakó B.M., et al., Structure of neutron deficient 65,67Ga and 65,67Ge nuclei, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8–12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 25. Sohler D., Dombrádi Zs., Nyakó B.M., et al., Structure of 68As, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct.,1996 (1996) 26. Algora, A., Rubio, B., Bartual, R., Tain, I.L., Gadea, A., Bea J., Garcia-Raffi, L.M., Keller, H., Kirchner, R., 3 excitations in 151Dy, 9th International Symposium on Capture First identification of νf 7/2 Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8–12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 27. Fayez, F.M., Hassan, M., Dombrádi Zs., Gulyás J., Gácsi Z., Brant, S., Paar, V., Normal and intruder multiplet states in odd-odd Sb nuclei, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 28. Dankó I., Gácsi Z., Dombrádi Zs., Gulyás J., Krasznahorkay A., Study of the 106Cd(α, nγ)109Sn reaction, 9th International Symposium on Capture GammaRay Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 29. Cseh J., Lévai G., Nuclear clusterization and dynamic symmetries, GANIL, CAEN, France, 27 Sept. 1996 (1996) 30. Cseh J., Algebraic scattering theory and light heavy-ion reactions (Book of Abstracts), Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering. Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 3–7 Sept. 1996 (Book of Abstr.) (1996) 31. Lévai G., Cseh J., Nuclear molecular excitations: an algebraic approach, Proceedings of the 5th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics. “New perspectives in nuclear structure”, E.: A. Covello. Singapore, World Scientific, (1996) 527 32. Baye, D., Sparenberg, J.-M., Lévai G., Phase-equivalent complex potentials, Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering Theory, Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 3–7 Sept. 1996 (1996) 33. Lévai G., Baye, D., Sparenberg, J.-M., Analytical results on generating phase-equivalent potentials by supersymmetry: removal and addition of bound states, Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering Theory, Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 3-7 Sept. 1996 (1996)
34. Lévai G., Non-compact groups and solvable potentials, 21st International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Goslar, Germany, July 16-20, 1996 (1996) 35. Cseh J., Multichannel dynamic symmetry, Symmetries in Science. Bregenz, Austria, 6-10 Aug. 1996 (1996) 36. Ditrói F., Meyer, J.D., Michelmann, R.W., Bethge, K., Investigation of the combined channeling method on cyclotron (Abstract book ), International Symposium on Materials Science Applications of Ion Beam Techniques. 9-12 Sept. 1996 (1996) 37. Somorjai E., Fülöp Zs., Kiss A.Z., Rolfs, C., Trautvetter, H.P., Greife, U., Junker, M., Rauscher, T., Oberhummer, H., Arnould, M., Rayet, M., Study of radiative capture reactions in the astrophysical p-process, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 38. Cseh J., Lévai G., Kato, K., The semimicroscopic algebraic cluster model. Application to various configurations of 24Mg, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 39. Lévai G., Cseh J., Electromagnetic transitions in light nuclei: an algebraic approach, 9th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 812 Oct. 1996 (1996) 40. Kiss A.Z., Atommagfizikai gyorsítóberendezések új szerepkörben, BGyTF Fizikai Tanszék 30 éves jubileumi tudományos ülésszak. Nyíregyháza, Magyarország, 1996. október 11-12. (1996) 41. Hunyadi M., Hyperdeformed states in 236U, University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä, Finland, 30 Aug. 1996 (1996) 42. Krasznahorkay A., Hunyadi M., Csatlós M., Gulyás J., Máté Z., Molnár J., Timár J., Végh J., Gassman, D., Gollwitzer, A., Graw, G., Hyperdeformed states in 236U, International Symposium on Large-Scale Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei. Brolo (Messina), Italy, 15-19 Oct. 1996 (1996) 43. Tárkányi F., Radioisotope production by small size cyclotron: gas targetry and nuclear data, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 31 Oct. 1996 (1996) 44. Gizon, J., Nyakó B.M., Zolnai L., et al., Band termination in 102Pd (ANL/PHY-96/1 p. 79, 1996), Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits. Argonne, Illinois, USA, July 22-26, 1996 (1996) 45. Kownacki, J., Dombrádi Zs., Nyakó B.M., Perez, G.E., Algora, A., et al., Systematic features in the properties of the neutron deficient nuclei close to the doubly magic 100Sn (ANL/PHY-96/1 p.120, 1996), Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits. Argonne, Illinois, USA, July 22-26, 1996 (1996)
46. Takács S., Tárkányi F., Shonk, M., Hermanne, A., Sudár S., Study fo deuteron induced reactions on natural iron and copper and their use for monitoring beam parameters and for thin layer activation technique (Book of abstracts p. 123), Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, USA, 6-9 Nov. 1996 (1996) 47. Ditrói F., Mahunka I., Recoil implantation for thin layer activation (TLA) and wear measurements. (Book of Abstr. p. 124), Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, USA, 6-9 Nov. 1996 (1996) 48. Lévai G., Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and solvable potentials, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, Nov. 14, 1996 (1996) 49. Vertse T., Liotta, R. J., Nazarewicz, W., Sandulescu, N., Kruppa A.T., New method for calculating shell correction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, Nov. 12, 1996 (1996) 50. Vertse T., Gamow states and their use in nuclear physics. I. Introduction, Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research. Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA, Oct. 23, 1996 (1996) 51. Vertse T., Gamow states and their use in nuclear physics. II. Calculation of Gamow states, Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, Oak Ridge, Tenn, USA, Oct. 30, 1996 (1996) 52. Vertse T., Gamow states and their use in nuclear physics. III. Using Gamow states in nuclear problems, Joint Insitute for Heavy Ion Research. Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA, Nov. 6, 1996 (1996) 53. Takács S., Azzam, A., Tárkányi F., Sonck, M., Hermanne, A., Activation cross section measurement of deuteron induced reactions on nat Ni with special reference to monitoring the beam performances and production of 61Cu medical isotope, Egyptian–Russian School and Workshop on Cyclotrons and Applications. Cairo, Egypt, March 23-27, 1996 (1996) 54. Krasznahorkay A., Hunyadi M., Csatlós M., Diószegi I., Gulyás J., Máté Z., Timár J., Hyperdeformed nuclear shape in 236U, University of Liverpool, Department of Physics. Liverpool, UK, June 11, 1996 (1996) 55. Krasznahorkay A., Hyperdeformed states in 236U, Institute of Physics of the Jagellonian University. Cracow, Poland, Dec. 12, 1996 (1996) 56. Tárkányi F., Status report of the Debrecen Nuclear Data Group (Co-ordination of the Nuclear Reaction Data Centers, Report on an IAEA Advisory Group Meeting, Brookhaven, USA, 3-7 June 1996. Ed.: O.Schwerer et al. Vienna, IAEA, 1996, INDC(NDS)-360, p. 87, Co-ordination of the Nuclear Reaction Data Centers, IAEA Advisory Group Meeting. Brookhaven, USA, 3-7 June 1996 (1996) 57. Cseh J., Algora, A., Spontaneous cold fission and pseudo-SU(3) symmetry, Centro Dati Nucleari del Dipartimento Energia. Bologna, Italy, Nov. 26, 1996 (1996) 110
58. Cseh J., Lévai G., Algebraic description of nuclear clusterization, Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universita di Milano. Milano, Italy, Dec. 2, 1996 (1996) 59. Hunyadi M., Krasznahorkay A., Kruppa A.T., Csatlós M., Diószegi I., Gulyás J., Máté Z., Timár J., Hyperdeformed states in 236U (Abstract booklet. Bp., 1996, p. 116), Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 60. Nyakó B.M., G., Gamma-spectroscopic study of some A 100 nuclei, and development of a CsI charged-particle detector system, Centre d’Etudes Nucl aires de Bordeaux Gradignan. Bordeaux, France, April 11, 1996 (1996) 61. Fenyvesi A., Molnár J., Végh J., Neutron radiation tolerance test and activation studies, CERN, 28th FERMI Collaboration Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 Jan. 1996 (1996) 62. Lovas R.G., Néhánytest-problémából többtest-probléma, Új Eredmények a Részecske- és a Nagyenergiájú Fizikában. Az MTA Közgyûléséhez csatlakozó tudományos ülésszak. Budapest, Magyarország, 1996. május 8. (1996) 63. Lovas R.G., Resonant and decaying states in nuclear physics, Department of Physics. Niigata University. Niigata, Japan, Sept. 18, 1996 (1996) 64. Rauscher, T., Thielemann, F.-K., Mohr, P., Oberhummer, H., Fülöp Zs., Somorjai E., Prediction of 144Sm(α, γ)148Gd reaction rates in the statistical model, 9th International Symposium and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrocopy and Related Topics. Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 Oct. 1996 (1996) 65. Lipoglavšek, M., Sohler D., et al., In-beam studies of 98Cd and 102Sn, Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits. Argonne, USA, July 22-26, 1996 (1996)
Atomic Physics 1. Papp T., Campbell, J.L., Varga D., X-ray natural widths, level widths and Coster-Kronig transition probabilities (Abstr.: p.159), 17th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes. Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 2. Kövér Á., Electron ejection from positron-atom collisions, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus. Aarhus, Denmark, March 21, 1996 (1996) 3. Tôkési K., Classical trajectory Monte Carlo calculations during the 3-body dynamics, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, March 8, 1996 (1996) 111
4. Tôkési K., Some application of CTMC method, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, March 11, 1996 (1996) 5. Biri S., Status of the Hungarian ECRIS program computer simmulation of ECRIS magnetic traps, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, March 27, 1996 (1996) 6. Biri S., Status of the Hungarian ECRIS program computer simmulation of ECRIS magnetic traps, NIRS - Nuclear Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, April 1, 1996 (1996) 7. Biri S., Recent results of model calculations on ECR ion sources, Institute of Nuclear Study (INS) of Tokyo University. Tokyo, Japan, April 4, 1996 (1996) 8. Víkor L., Electron loss into continuum states from H– and He–, Institut für Kernphysik J.W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt a M. Frankfurt a M., Germany, May 6, 1996 (1996) 9. Sarkadi L., Dynamics of cusp formation, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 29, 1996 (1996) 10. Tôkési K., Kövér Á., Calculation of triple differential cross section for 54.4 eV positron-Ar collisions. (Abstr.:MP16/164), 5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry, Lillafüred, Hungary, June 9-14, 1996 (1996) 11. Kövér Á., Finch, R.M., Laricchia, G., Charlton, M., Double differential cross section in positron-Ar collisions. (Abstr.:MP6/154), 5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry, Lillafüred, Hungary, June 9-14, 1996 (1996) 12. Víkor Gy., Post-collision interaction in fast ion-atom collisions, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, July 30, 1996 (1996) 13. Víkor Gy., Poslesudarna interakcija u jon-atomskim sudarima, Institute of Physics, Beograd, Yugoslavija, July 11, 1996 (1996) 14. Mukoyama, T., Tôkési K., Ito, Y., Monte Carlo code for the study of the response function of Si(Li) detectors for X-ray, 17th International Conference X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 15. Tôkési K., Hock G., Angular distributions of low energy electrons from proton-atom collisions (Abstr.: p. 49), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 16. Víkor Gy., Ricz S., Sulik B., Kövér Á., Tóth L., Végh J., Paripás B., The Auger-line intensity enhancement due to the fast ion-atom post-collision interaction (Abstr.: p. 24), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 112
17. Víkor Gy., Ricz S., Tóth L., Sulik B., Végh J., Kövér Á., Angular distribution of KVV Auger-line intensities from N 2 molecules induced by 1.5 and 2 MeV protons (Abstr.: p. 48), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 18. Végh J., Background handling strategies in XPS, Ninth International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, UK., 15-19 July 1996 (1996) 19. Végh J., EWA: an XPS spectrum evaluation program, Ninth International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, UK., 15-19 July 1996 (1996) 20. Osborne, S.J., Soundin, S., Ausmees, A., Svensson, S., Saethre, L.J., Svaesen, O., Végh J., Karvonen, J., Aksela, S., Kikas, A., The vibrationally resolved Carbon 1s core photoelectron spectra of methane and ethane, 17th International Conference X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes. Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 21. Báder A., Takács E., Sarkadi L., Pálinkás J., Shape studies of convoy-electron peak at impact of light projectiles (Abstr.:p. 22), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 22. Kövér Á., Laricchia, G., Finch, R.M., Charlton, M., Electron capture to continuum process by positron impact (Abstr.: p. 25), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 23. Tóth L., Ricz S., Takács E., Sulik B., Végh J., Kádár I., Study of Ne KLL satellite Auger spectra ionized by 700-2000 keV proton impact (Abstr.: p. 47), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 24. Skogvall, B., Tschersich, M., Tanis, J.A., Sulik B., Gulyás L., Grether, M., Stolterfoht, N., Ionization of Li by fast, highly charged ion-impact, 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 25. Papp T., Campbell, J.L., Maxwell, J.A., Si(Li) detector lineshapes: contributions from atomic physics and detector properties (Abstr.: p. 23), European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry. Lisboa, Portugal, 23-29 June 1996 (1996) 26. Papp T., Varga D., Végh J., Kalinka G., Application of photoelectron spectroscopy for high resolution line shape analysis of X-rays (Abstr.: 91), 17th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes. Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 27. Papp T., Campbell, J.L., Varga D., X-ray natural widths, level widths and Coster-Kronig transition probabilities (Abstr.: p. 159), 17th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes. Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 28. Papp T., Varga D., Végh J., Kalinka G., M4 and M5 level widths of tungsten (Abstr.: p. 69), 6th Workshop on Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996)
29. Tôkési K., Ion-atom ütközési és elektron-transzport folyamatok modellezése Monte Carlo módszerrel, Számítógépes szimuláció és informatikaoktatás. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996, szept. 2627. (1996) 30. Ditrói F., Meyer, J.D., Michelmann, R.W., Bethge, K., Investigation of the combined channeling method on cyclotron (Abstract book), International Symposium on Materials Science Applications of Ion Beam Techniques. 9-12 Sept. 1996 (1996) 31. Sulik B., Kövér Á., Ricz S., Berényi D., Continuous electron spectra from N+ (100, 150 keV/u) + He collisions in the angular region 0–180 degrees (Book of Abstr.: p. 321), X’96. Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 9-13, 1996 (1996) 32. Kovács Zs., Kövér L., Adachi, H., Charge transfer in Al-Ni alloys: a spin selective study (Program and abstracts p. 24), First International Workshop on DV-Xα Method. Debrecen, Hungary, Sept. 2-3, 1996 (1996) 33. Víkor L., Sarkadi L., Tanis, J.A., Báder A., Závodszky, P.A., Kuzel, M., Groeneveld, K.O., Berényi D., Cusp-electron production due to transfer ionization in 25-250 KeV/amu He2 + Ar collisions, Fast Ion Atom Collisions. FIAC’96. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 34. Török I., Forgotten (?) X-ray intensity enhancement in solids at lines related to not completely filled shells (Abstracts. Edited by J.L. Duggan et al. Abstract No. CI2 p. 41), Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, USA, 6-9 Nov. 1996 (1996) 35. Sarkadi L., Kuzel, M., Víkor L., Závodszky, P.A., Maier, R., Berényi D., Groeneveld, K.O., How can a neutral atom capture an electron to continuum states?, Fast Ion Atom Collisions. FIAC’96. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 36. Jalowy, T., Kuzel, M., Wünsch, R., Neugebauer, R., Hofmann, D., Sarkadi L., Báder A., Víkor L., Víkor Gy., Focke, P., Jakubassa-Amundsen, D.H., Lucas, N.W., Sigaud, G., Groeneveld, K.O., Quasifree electron scattering of atoms in the inverse kinematic system, Fast Ion-Atom Collisions. FIAC’96. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996) 37. Víkor L., Cusp peak associated with the neurtal projectile in the final state, University of Oulu. Oulu, Finland, July 31, 1996 (1996) 38. Víkor L., Gubitak elektrona kod negativnih jona u visoko-energijskim sudarima, Institut za Fiziku, Beograd, Jugoslavija, July 12, 1996 (1996) 39. Török I., From the history of the Kβ5 x-ray line, IJS - Institut "Jozef Stefan", Univerza v Ljubljani. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov. 28, 1996 (1996) 40. Berényi D., Concepts, instrumentation and results on atomic collision physics, JWG-Universität, IKF, Frankfurt, Nov. 25, 1996 (1996)
41. Berényi D., The scientific approach to reality, JWG-Universität, IKF, Frankfurt, Nov. 26, 1996 (1996) 42. Papp T., Si(Li) detector lineshapes: contribution from atomic physics and detector properties, Institut Jozef Stefan. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec. 5, 1996 (1996) 43. Kovács Zs., Kövér L., Sanjinés, R., Pálinkás J., Weightma, P., The N6,7 O4,5 O4,5 Auger transitions in metallic Au and in Au3Cu, AuCu3 and AuZn alloys (Abstr. p. 77), 9th International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, U.K., 15-19 July 1996 (1996) 44. Cserny I., Studies of the valence band of tetrahedral oxyanions, First International Workshop on DVXα Method. Debrecen, Hungary, 2-3 Sept. 1996 (1996) 45. Takács E., Ónodi-Szûcs Z., Gillaspy, J.D., Báder A., Sarkadi L., Pálinkás J., Interaction of very highly charged ions with solid surfaces, 6th Workshop on Fast IonAtom Collisions. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 Sept. 1996 (1996)
Materials Science and Analysis 1. Kiss A.Z., Elemanalízis ionnyalábokkal a Louvre-ban (Párizs) és az Atomki-ban, A DAB jubileumi közgyûlése. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996. január 31. (1996) 2. Tôkési K., High resolution reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy studies in Debrecen (Abstr. I/ 2), JSPS-141 Committee Meeting. Tokyo, Japan, 14-15 March 1996 (1996) 3. Ditrói F., Mahunka I., Investigation of the implantation profile by using the 9Be(3He, αn)7Be reaction for thin layer activation and wear measurement, IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting. Nuclear Methods in Monitoring Wear and Corrosion in Industry. Debrecen, Hungary, 4-8 June 1996 (1996) 4. Bacsó J., Uzonyi I., MacPherson, A., A study of toxic heavy metal content in beard samples, 7th International Trace Element Symposium. Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 June 1996 (1996) 5. Uzonyi I., Bacsó J., MacPherson, A., Comparison of major and trace element concentrations in beard and hair samples using an energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence method, 7th International Trace Element Symposium. Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 June 1996 (1996) 6. Reményi G., Saint-Paul, M., Hegman N., Monceau, P., Dhalenne, G., Revcolevschi, A., Ultrasonic study of magnetoelastic effects in the spin-Peierls state of CuGeO3, 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. Prague, Czech, 8-14 Aug. 1996 (1996)
7. Reményi G., Sahling, S., Lasjaunias, J.C., Hegman N., Monceau, P., Dhalenne, G., Revcolevschi, A., Heat capacity of the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3 under magnetic field up to 22 T, 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. Prague, Czech, 8-14 Aug. 1996 (1996) 8. Kiss L.F., Kaptás D., Hegman N., Absence of field cooling effect on the hysteresis loop in amorphous Fe93Zr7, Magnetic Hysteretis in Novel Materials. NATO Advanced Study Institute. Myckonos, Greece, 1-12 July 1996 (1996) 9. Mukoyama, T., Tôkési K., Ito, Y., Monte Carlo code for the study of the response function of Si(Li) detectors for X-ray, 17th International Conference X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes. Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 Sept. 1996 (1996) 10. Tôkési K., Kövér L., Varga D., Tóth J., Mukoyama, T., Effects of surface loss in REELS spectra of silver, 5th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces. Aix en Provence, France, 8-12 July 1996 (1996) 11. Kármán F.H., Kálmán E., Cserny I., Telegdi J., Nagy P., Comparative study of inhbitor adsorption in neutral, aerated and deaerated media, Nanoscale Modification of Surface and Thin Films: Physical and Chemical Aspects (IUVSTA Workshop) Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 16-19 Sept. 1996 (1996) 12. Kurokawa A., Ichimura S., Yoshihara K., Jeong J.I., Tóth J., Surface observation with surface electron spectroscopic tomography (SET), Nanoscale Modification of Surface and Thin Films: Physical and Chemical Aspects (IUVSTA Workshop) Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 16-19 Sept. 1996. (1996) 13. Sundararajan R., Petô G., Koltay E., Guczi L., Investigation of Pt-C and Co-C surfaces from non hydrocarbon sources: Photoemission studies on the nature of interaction between transition metal and carbon, Nanoscale Modification of Surface and Thin Films: Physical and Chemical Aspects (IUVSTA Workshop) Balatonföldvár, Hungary, 16-19 Sept. 1996. (1996) 14. Gergely G., Konkol A., Menyhárd M., Lesiak B., Jablonski A., Varga D., Tóth J., Determination of the inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of electrons in Ge and Si by elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) using an analyser of high resolution (Abstracts Book, Ed.: J.L. de Segovia, et al. p. 44), 10th International Conference on Thin Films and the 5th European Vacuum Conference, Salamanca, Spain, 23-27 Sept. 1996 (1996) 15. Rajta I., Borbély-Kiss I., Bartha L., Kiss A.Z., The scanning proton microprobe as a versatile tool in the study of art and archeological objects (Abstr.: p. 693), 5th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing, Microanalytical Methods and Environmental Evaluation for Study and Conservation of Works of Art. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 Sept. 1996 (1996) 16. Borbély-Kiss I., Gesztelyi T., Elekes Z., Rajta I., Koltay E., Kiss A.Z., Investigation of classical ring-stones and their imitations, 5th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing, Microanalytical Methods and Environmental Evaluation for Study and Conservation of Works of Art. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 Sept. 1996 (1996)
17. Ditrói F., Meyer, J.D., Michelmann, R.W., Bethge, K., Investigation of the combined channeling method on cyclotron (Abstract book ), International Symposium on Materials Science Applications of Ion Beam Techniques. 9-12 Sept. 1996 (1996) 18. Szabó S., Beke D.L., Harasztosi L., Daróczi L., Kis-Varga M., Correlation between the grain-shape and magnetic properties in monocrystalline iron (Abstr., p. 193), Third International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Nano’96. Kona, Hawaii, 8-12 July 1996 (1996) 19. Hunyadi I., Application of SSNTDs in microanalysis: Determination of radium content in thermal waters; Micromapping of boron and nitrogen in plant tissues, Xth National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors SSNTD-96. Kurukshetra, India, 3-5 Oct. 1996 (1996) 20. Tárkányi F., Radioisotope production by small size cyclotron: gas targetry and nuclear data, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 31 Oct. 1996 (1996) 21. Tárkányi F., Takács S., Heselius, S.-J., Solin, O., Bergman, J., Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets used for medical isotope production. (Abstr.: Centre de Rescherches Nucléaires, Strasbourg, France, 1996), 18th World Conference of the INTDS (International Nuclear Target Development Society). Strasbourg, France, 7-11 Oct. 1996 (1996) 22. Kovács Zs., Kövér L., Adachi, H., Charge transfer in Al-Ni alloys: a spin selective study (Program and abstracts p. 24), First International Workshop on DV-Xα Method. Debrecen, Hungary, Sept. 2-3, 1996 (1996) 23. Kövér L., Kovács Zs., Sanjinés, R., Weightman, P., Pálinkás J., Varga D., Margaritondo, G., Charge transfer in Au3Cu and AuCu3 alloys from Auger parameter analysis. (Abstracts p. 15), 9th International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, U.K., 1519 July 1996 (1996) 24. Ditrói F., Mahunka I., Recoil implantation for thin layer activation (TLA) and wear measurements. (Book of Abstr. p. 124), Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, USA, 6-9 Nov. 1996 (1996) 25. Rajta I., Ontalba, M.A., Koltay E., Kiss A.Z., Study of white lead paint layers by the Debrecen nuclear microprobe (Abstr. Q-04 p.116), 5th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 10-15 Nov. 1996 (1996) 26. Imre A., Lendjel, D., Mishak, A., Kikineshi, A., Beke D.L., Daróczi L., Kis-Varga M., Steinber, J., Structure and thermal stability of As2S3/AsSe-type nanolayered films, International Workshop on Advanced Technologies of Multicomponent Solid Films and Structures and Their Applications in Photonics. Dubrinich, Ukraine, 2-6 Oct. 1996 (1996) 27. Reményi G., Sahling, S., Lasjaunias, J.C., Hegman N., Buzdin, A.I., Brison, J.P., Dhalenne, G., Revcolevschi, A., Heat capacity of the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3 under magnetic fields up to 22 Tesla, 15. Conference Gale de la division "Matiere Condense" de la Societe Europeenne de Physique. Stresa, Italy, 22-25 April 1996 (1996) 117
Earth and Cosmic Sciences, Environmental Research 1. Ormai P., Fritz A., Solymosi J., Gresits I., Hertelendi E., Hungarian program for inventory determination of LLW/ILW of Paks NPP origin, WM’96 (Waste Management). Tucson, Arizona, USA, 25-29 Febr. 1996. (1996) 2. Szakmány Gy., Józsa S., Árva-Sós E., A Mecsek-hegységi alsó-középsô miocén konglomerátum kavicsanyagának eddigi vizsgálati eredményei (OTKA részbeszámoló), Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Alföldi Területi Szervezetének rendezvénye. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996. ápr. 2. (1996) 3. Barabás A., Máthé Z., Árva-Sós E., A Nyugat-Mecseki Neogén rétegösszlet kutatásának újabb eredményei, különös tekintettel a vulkáni tufák vizsgálatára, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Alföldi Területi Szervezetének rendezvénye. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996, ápr. 2. (1996) 4. Konecny, V., Balogh K., Lexa, J., Orliczky, O., Vass, D., A szlovákiai szarmata utáni bazaltvulkánosság K/Ar kronológiája, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Alföldi Területi Szervezetének rendezvénye. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996, ápr. 2. (1996) 5. Szöôr Gy., Schweitzer F., Hertelendi E., Balázs E., Thermoanalytical and isotope geochemical investigation of Quaternary and Neogene freshwater limestones with faciological and stratigraphical evaluations (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 43, 1996), Israel-Hungary Binational Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of Materials. Jerusalem, Israel, 17-19 March 1996 (1996) 6. Hertelendi E., Svingor É., A horvátországi Cres szigetén lévô Vrana-tó vizének eredete és az átlagos tarózkodási idô meghatározása, Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Alföldi Területi Szervezetének rendezvénye. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996, ápr. 2. (1996) 7. Lakatos I., Bauer K., Lakatos-Szabó J., Csige I., Hakl J., Kretzschmar, H.-J., Diffusion of radon in gels and clay barriers applied in environmental protection, International Conference on Environmental Pollution. Budapest, Hungary, April 15-19, 1996. (1996) 8. Hertelendi E., Karsztvíz-tározók izotópanalitikai vizsgála, Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete – Tömegspektrometriai Társaság által rendezett Opauszky István emlékülés. Budapest, Magyarország, 1996. május 3. (1996) 9. Pamiæ, J., Pécskay Z., Geološke i izotopne starosti tercijarnih vulkanskih formacija savsko-dravskog meðurjeèje, Hrvatsko Geološko Drustvo. Zagreb, Croatia, 25 April, 1996 (1996) 10. Pécskay Z., Kovács, M., Gábor, M., K-Ar dating of Neogene volcanic rocks from Baia-Mare region, Romania, CUART S.A. Baia Mare, Romania, 22. Febr. 1996 (1996) 11. Borbély-Kiss I., Koltay E., Szabó Gy., Elemental composition of rural aerosol collected in Hortobágy National Park, Hungary (Abstr.: Journal of Aerosol Science Supplement, 27 1996 p. S91), The 1996 European Aerosol Conference. Delft, The Netherlands, 9-12 Sept. 1996 (1996) 118
12. Vásárhelyi A., Csige I., Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Spatial distribution of radon content of soil gas and well waters measured with etched track radon monitors, 18th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Cairo, Egypt, 1-5 Sept. 1996 (1996) 13. Hunyadi I., Csige I., Géczy G., Hakl J., Lénárt L., Vásárhelyi A., Radon in caves, 18th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Cairo, Egypt, 1-5 Sept. 1996 (1996) 14. Carannante, G., Hertelendi E., Mindszenty A., Simone, L., Paleohydrological features at a regional unconformity. Sedimentological observations supported by stable isotopes analyses examples from the Cretaceous of Campania (S. Apennines), Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 15. Cserny T., Hertelendi E., Tarján S., Environmental isotope study of Lake Balaton, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 16. Hámor T., Hertelendi E., S,O,C isotopes signatures of the Ilate Miocene Pannonian lake, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 17. Hámor-Vidó M., Hertelendi E., The effects of early diagenesis on organic stable carbon isotope ratio changes and maceral composition of Miocene lignites in N-Hungary, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 18. Hertelendi E., Svingor É., Rank, D., Futó I., The origin of the water in Lake of Vrana, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 19. Hertelendi E., Svingor É., Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in carbonates deposited from hot water emerged from a well Demjén No. 42, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 20. Vetô I., Hertelendi E., Sulphure isotope ratios in the laminated Tard Clay (lower Oligocene of Hungary) reflect a salinity cycle, Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 21. Hertelendi E., Szûcs Z., Csongor J., Gulyás J., Svingor É., Ormai P., Fritz A., Solymosi J., Gresits I., Vajda N., Molnár Zs., Application of scaling technique for estimation of radionuclide inventory in radioactive waste, 3rd Regional Meeting Nuclear Energy in Central Europe. Portoroz, Slovenia, 16-19 Sept. 1996 (1996) 22. Csige I., Vásárhelyi A., Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Radon transport studies in solid at a "test house" located in a radon-prone area (Abstr.: p. 18), International Workshop on Radioecological Modelling under Normal and Accidental Condition. Timisoara, Romania, 3-4 Oct. 1996 (1996) 23. Balogh K., Koneèný, V., Orliczký, O., Lexa, J., Vass, D., Method, experiences and results of K-Ar dating of alkali basalt volcanism in central and southern Slovakia (West Carpathians), Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996)
24. Palinkaš, A.L., Balogh K., Bermanec, V., Zebec, V.S., Svingor É., On use of hyalophane for K-Ar dating in the Central Bosnian Schists Mts., Isotope Workshop III. Budapest, Hungary, 24-28 June 1996 (1996) 25. Balogh K., Pécskay Z., Árva-Sós E., A debreceni K/Ar laboratórium tevékenysége és eredményei. (Program és kivonatok. Magyar Földtani Társulat, Bp., 1996, p. 13), Hungeo 96. Budapest – Balatonalmádi – Vörösberény, Magyarország, 1996. aug. 15-22. (1996) 26. ¢ivkoviæ, P., Kne²eviæ, V., Karamata, S., Pécskay Z., Cvetkoviæ, V., Remišiæ, K., Petrogenesis of magnetic rocks of the Coka Marin area (TMC). (Abstr.: p. 68), Terranes of Serbia. Brezovica, Jugoslavia, 23-27 Sept. 1996 (1996) 27. Fedkin, V., Karamata, S., Cvetkoviæ, V., Balogh K., Two stories of metamorphism presented by amphibolites from two different terranes of Serbia (Abstr. p. 20), Terranes of Serbia. Brezovica, Jugoslavia, 23-27 Sept. 1996 (1996) 28. Szûcs Z., Hertelendi E., Svingor É., Ormai P., Fritz A., 129 I és 99Tc aktivitáskoncentrációja atomerômûvi hulladékban, Vegyész Konferencia’96. Eger, Magyarország, 1996. július 2-9. (1996) 29. Hertelendi E., Futó I., Svingor É., Szûcs Z., Ormai P., Pintér T., Volent G., Barnabás I., Fritz A., Uchrin G., Csaba E., Radiokarbon, trícium és 129I atomerômûvi hulladékban, Vegyész Konferencia’96. Eger, Magyarország, 1996. július 2-9. (1996) 30. Pintér T., Ormai P., Fritz A., Hertelendi E., Szûcs Z., Solymosi J., Gresits I., Zagyvai P., Vajda N., Molnár Zs., Bódizs D., Atomerômûvi radioaktív hulladékok komplex minôsítési programjának kidolgozása, Vegyész Konferencia’96. Eger, Magyarország, 1996. július 2-9. (1996) 31. Uray I., Egy tudományos program anatómiája, KLTE Izotópalkalmazási Tanszék. Debrecen, Magyarország, 1996. november 7. (1996) 32. Uray I., Ki egyenlíti ki a Csernobil-számlát?, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület Évi Tudományos ülésszaka. Kolozsvár, Románia, 1996. október 26. (1996) 33. Uray I., Sugárzási viszonyok a Csernobil által elszennyezett területeken 10 évvel a baleset után, Ember, környezet, sugárzás. Debrecen, DAB, Magyarország, 1996. október 15. (1996) 34. Uray I., A csernobili baleset és következményei, 10 évvel Csernobil után. (Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület). Kolozsvár, Románia, 1996. május 31. (1996) 35. Uray I., Heinemann, K., Hill, P., Hille, R., General aspects of the German Chernobyl project (Book of extended synopses, pp. 304305), One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident. Vienna, Austria. 8-12 April 1996 (1996) 36. Uray I., LIF neutron-gamma dozimetria, XXI. Sugárvédelmi Továbbképzô Tanfolyam. Balatonkenese, Magyarország, 1996. május 22-24. (1996) 120
37. Hakl J., Csige I., Hunyadi I., Várhegyi A., Géczy G., Long term underground radon measurements in Hungary, Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping. Prague, Czech Republic, 16-19 Sept. 1996 (1996) 38. Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Csige I., Vásárhelyi A., Underwater radon measurements utilizing radon permeable foils etch track technique, theory and applications, Xth National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors SSNTD-96. Kurukshetra, India, 3-5 Oct. 1996 (1996) 39. Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Csige I., Várhegyi A., Radon measurements in caves – study of morphology linked transport phenomena in fractured, porous environment, Xth National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors SSNTD-96. Kurukshetra, India, 3-5 Oct. 1996 (1996) 40. Hunyadi I., Application of SSNTDs in microanalysis: Determination of radium content in thermal waters; Micromapping of boron and nitrogen in plant tissues, Xth National Symposium on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors SSNTD-96. Kurukshetra, India, 3-5 Oct. 1996 (1996) 41. Hunyadi I., Hakl J., Csige I., Vásárhelyi A., Radon enriched deep earth gas upflow in a seismically active area in Hungary, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology. Dehra Dun, India, 10 Oct. 1996 (1996) 42. Bilik I., Ditrói-Puskás Z., Árva-Sós E., Gál-Sólymos, K., Jurassic-Cretaceous Dike System in SE-Transdanubia: Results of a passive margin rifting, Workshop "Magnetic Events in Rifted Basins" under the aegis of IGCP. Budapest, Mecsek, Bükk, Hungary. 14-21 July 1996 (1996) 43. Józsa S., Árva-Sós E., K/Ar age of North Hungarian Mesozoic Ophiolite, Workshop "Magnetic Events in Rifted Basins" under the aegis of IGCP. Budapest, Mecsek, Bükk, Hungary, 14-21 July 1996 (1996) 44. Csige I., Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Várhegyi A, Varga M., Hardi Á., A radonkoncentráció változásai a tapolcai Kórház- és Tavas-barlangban, Barlangkutatók Szakmai Találkozója. Badacsonylábdihegy, Magyarország, 1996. november 8-10. (1996) 45. Koltay E., Borbély-Kiss I., Szabó Gy., Kiss A.Z., Rajta I., Somorjai E., Mészáros E., Molnár Á., Bozó L., Characterization of regional atmospheric aerosols over Hungary and qualification of individual volcanic particulates by PIXE elemental analysis, 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting on Applied Research on Air Pollution Using Nuclear-related Analytical Techniques. Kingston, Jamaica, 24 Oct. 1996 (1996) 46. Borbély-Kiss I., Koltay E., Szabó Gy., Debrecenben és a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Parkban gyûjtött aeroszol minták PIXE analízise (Az aeroszolok dinamikája, hatása és vizsgálati módszerei. Szerk.: Czitrowszky A. Bp., MTA KFKI SzFKI p. 41), III. Magyar Aeroszol Konferencia. Budapest., Magyarország, 1996. nov. 14-15. (1996) 47. Detre Cs., Borbély-Kiss I., Don Gy., Dosztály L., Kákai-Szabó D., Solt P., Szferulák és aeroszolok (Az aeroszolok dinamikája, hatása és vizsgálati módszerei. Szerk.: Czitrowszky A. Bp., MTA KFKI SzFKI p. 87), III. Magyar Aeroszol Konferencia. Budapest, Magyarország, 1996. nov. 14-15. (1996) 121
48. Koltay E., Rajta I., Borbély-Kiss I., Kiss A.Z., Morales, J.R., Proton mikroszonda alkalmazása vulkáni eredetû egyedi aeroszolszemcsék elemanalízisére (Az aeroszolok dinamikája, hatása és vizsgálati módszerei. Szerk.: Czitrowszky A. Bp., MTA KFKI SzFKI p. 48), III.Magyar Aeroszol Konferencia. Budapest., Magyarország, 1996. nov. 14-15. (1996) 49. Géczy G., Hunyadi I., Hakl J., Csige I., Barlangterápia lehetôségei Magyarországon, Környezeti ártalmak és a légzôrendszer. Hévíz, Magyarország, 1996. okt. 24-26. (1996) 50. Kertész Zs., Hunyadi I., Borbély-Kiss I., Géczy G., Antropogén szennyezôk nyomai a Szemlôhegyi-barlang levegôjében, Környezeti ártalmak és a légzôrendszer. Hévíz, Magyarország, 1996. okt. 24-26. (1996) 51. Várhegyi A., Hakl J., A hazai geológiai viszonyok sajátosságai és az ebbôl eredô radon-expozíció lehetôségei, Környezeti ártalmak és a légzôrendszer. Hévíz, Magyarország, 1996. okt. 24-26. (1996) 52. Várhegyi A., Hakl J., Beszámoló a Cserszegtomaji-kútbarlangban 1996-ban végzett radiometriai mérésekrôl, Környezeti ártalmak és a légzôrendszer. Hévíz, Magyarország, 1996. okt. 24-26. (1996)
Biological and Medical Research 1. Kiss M., Lakatos Gy., Bohátka S, A nádpusztulás lehetséges okainak laboratóriumi tanulmányozása, XXXVII. Hidrobiológus Napok, Biomonitorozás-biodiverzitás. Tihany, Magyarország, 1995. szept. 20-22. (1995) 2. Szelecsényi F., Boothe, T.E., Tavano, E., Fenyvesi A., Tárkányi F., Evaluation of cross sections / thick target yields for 201Tl production (Abstract booklet), Sixth Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry. Vancouver, B.C. Canada, 13-17 Aug. 1995 (1995) 3. Takács S., Azzam, A., Tárkányi F., Sonck, M., Hermanne, A., Activation cross section measurement of deuteron induced reactions on natNi with special reference to monitoring the beam performances and production of 61Cu medical isotope, Egyptian-Russian School and Workshop on Cyclotrons and Applications. Cairo, Egypt, March 23-27, 1996 (1996) 4. Szûcs Z., Hamkens, W., Qaim, S.M., Radionuclidic purity of the irradiated target gas used in the synthesis of 15O-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for PET-diagnostics. (Abstr.: Magyar Radiológia l. kötet Supplement, 1996, p. 16), XVIII. Magyar Radiológus Kongresszus. Tihany, Magyarország, 1996. május 8-11. (1996) 5. Bohátka S., Anyagcsere megfigyelése fermentorokban és növényekben membrán mintavevôs tömegspektrometriával, Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete – Tömegspektrometriai Társaság által rendezett Tamás József emlékülés. Budapest, Magyarország, 1996. május 3. (1996)
6. Bacsó J., Uzonyi I., MacPherson, A., A study of toxic heavy metal content in beard samples, 7th International Trace Element Symposium. Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 June 1996 (1996) 7. Uzonyi I., Bacsó J., MacPherson, A., Comparison of major and trace element concentrations in beard and hair samples using an energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence method, 7th International Trace Element Symposium. Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 June 1996 (1996) 8. Bacsó J., Uzonyi I., MacPherson, A., A calcium-anyagcsere non-invasive vizsgálata röntgenemissziós analitikai (REA) módszerrel (Abstr.: p. 65), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei Tudományos Testület tudományos ülése. Nyíregyháza, Magyarország, 1996. szeptember 28. (1996) 9. Dobránszky I., Bacsó J., Simics E., Horkay I., Tanderon okozta gyógyszer exanthema, Bôrgyógyász Nagygyûlés, Budapest, Magyarország, 1996. dec. 13-14. (1996) 10. Béres Cs., Fenyvesi A., Raschi, A., Ridder, H.-W., Field experiment on water transport of oak trees studying by computer tomograph (Book of Abstracts p. 136), Stress Factors and Air Pollutions: 17th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems. Firenze, Italy, Sept. 14-19, 1996 (1996) 11. Fenyvesi A., Béres Cs., Ridder, H.-W., Raschi, A., Sap-flow velocities and wet-wood cross sections in trunk of Quercus cerris and healthy and sickened Quercus petralo trees in a decaying forest in Hungary (Book of Abstracts p. 124), Stress Factors and Air Pollutions: 17th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems. Firenze, Italy, Sept. 14-19, 1996 (1996) 12. Bohátka S., Gál J., Hegyesi Gy., Szádai J., Feurer, T., Sauerbrey, R., Fast-pulse-mode quadrupole mass spectrometer for the detection of laser induced dissociation in molecular beams (Abstr.: Edited by J.L de Segovia, J.M. Martinez-Duart. Madrid, 1996, p. 43), 5th European Vacuum Conference. Salamanca, Spain, 23-27 Sept. 1996 (1996) 13. Hunyadi I., Microscoping of boron and nitrogen in plant tissue, GND University. Amritsar, India, 15 Oct. 1996 (1996) 14. Tárkányi F., Radioisotope production by small size cyclotron: gas targetry and nuclear data, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 31 Oct. 1996 (1996) 15. Tárkányi F., Takács S., Heselius, S.-J., Solin, O., Bergman, J., Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets used for medical isotope production. (Abstr.: Centre de Rescherches Nucléaires, Strasbourg, France, 1996), 18th World Conference of the INTDS (International Nuclear Target Development Society). Strasbourg, France, 7-11 Oct. 1996 (1996) 16. Kovács Z., PET chemistry in Debrecen, Tohoku University, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center. Sendai, Japan, Oct. 31, 1996 (1996)
17. Takács S., Tárkányi F., Shonk, M., Hermanne, A., Sudár S., Study fo deuteron induced reactions on natural iron and copper and their use for monitoring beam parameters and for thin layer activation technique (Book of abstracts p. 123), Fourteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, Texas, USA, 6-9 Nov. 1996 (1996) 18. Sarkadi É., The synthesis of 11C-methionine for PET diagnostic, Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori. Milano, Italy, April 19, 1996 (1996)
Development of Instruments and Methods 1. Tôkési K., Electrostatic analysers developed at the Atomki, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, March 5, 1996 (1996) 2. Nyakó B.M., Kalinka G., Gamma-spectroscopic study of some A 100 nuclei, and development of a CsI charged-particle detector system, Centre d’Etudes Nucl aires de Bordeaux Gradignan. Bordeaux, France, April 11, 1996 (1996) 3. Biri S., Status of the Hungarian ECRIS program computer simulation of ECRIS magnetic traps, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, March 27, 1996 (1996) 4. Biri S., Status of the Hungarian ECRIS program computer simulation of ECRIS magnetic traps, NIRS - Nuclear Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, April 1, 1996 (1996) 5. Biri S., Recent results of model calculations on ECR ion sources, Institute of Nuclear Study (INS) of Tokyo University. Tokyo, Japan, April 4, 1996 (1996) 6. Molnár J., Dajkó G., Fenyvesi A., Végh J., 60Co gamma radiation tolerance test, 30th FERMI Collaboration Meeting, Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm, Sweden, 13-14 June 1996 (1996) 7. Fenyvesi A., Molnár J., Végh J., Neutron radiation tolerance test and activation studies, CERN, 28th FERMI Collaboration Meeting. Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 Jan. 1996 (1996) 8. Vásárhelyi A., Csige I., Hakl J., Hunyadi I., Spatial distribution of radon content of soil gas and well waters measured with etched track radon monitors, 18th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Cairo, Egypt, 1-5 Sept. 1996 (1996) 9. Csige I., Post-irradiation sensitization of CR-39 track detector in carbon dioxide atmosphere (in Book of Abstracts), 18th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Cairo, Egypt, 1-5 Sept. 1996 (1996)
10. Végh J., Background handling strategies in XPS, Ninth International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, UK., 15-19 July 1996 (1996) 11. Végh J., EWA: an XPS spectrum evaluation program, Ninth International Conference on Quantitative Surface Analysis. Guildford, UK., 15-19 July 1996 (1996) 12. Dajkó G., Fenyvesi A., Kerek, A., Molnár J., Végh J., Radiation tolerance test and activation studies for the FERMI collaboration, LEB-Second Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Balatonfüred, Hungary, Sept. 23-27, 1996 (1996) 13. Kalinka G., Gál J., Particle discrimination with CsI(Tl) + PIN photodiode scintillation detectors, National Institute of Nuclear Physics Legnaro National Laboratories. Legnaro, Italy, 7 Febr. 1996 (1996) 14. Valek A., Beam transport system of compact cyclotrons (Book of Invited Lectures. Nuclear Research Center Atomic Energy Authority, 1996), Egyptian-Russian School and Workshop on Cyclotrons and Applications. Cairo, Egypt, March 23-27, 1996 (1996) 15. Dajkó G., The effect of etching solution combination on the response of an electrochemical etched CR-39 detector, 18th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Kairo, Egypt, 31 Aug. - 5 Sept. 1996 (1996) 16. Valek A., Vacuum system of compact cyclotrons (Book of Invited Lectures. Nuclear Research Center Atomic Energy Authority, 1996), Egyptian-Russian School and Workshop on Cyclotrons and Applications. Cairo, Egypt, March 23-27, 1996 (1996) 17. Székely G., Eide, .J., Lindblad, Th., Lindsey, C.S., Minerskjöld, M., Sekhniaidze, G., Wavelets and signal processing, Applications and Science of Artifical Neural Networks. Orlando, Florida, USA. 9-12 April 1996 (1996)
Other Topics 1. Hertelendi E., Veress M., Futó I., Svingor É., Mikó L., Lénárt L., Environmental isotope study of karst systems. National Report of Hungary, Karts groundwater protection. Final Report of COST Action 65, EUR 16547. Ed.: B. Biondic, M. Bakalowicz. Brussels, Office for Official Publications of the European Committies (1996) 133 2. Berényi D., A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Kutatásértékelési Bizottságának feladatai és tapasztalatai. Tasks and experiences of the Research Evaluation Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, Kutatási eredmények értékelése. Magyar Akadémiai Tudományos és Technikai Közös Alap (1996) 29
3. Kovách Á., A debreceni Atommagkutató Intézet, Studia Physica Savariensia II. Játékos, gondolkodtató fizikaoktatás. Szerk.: Kovács L., Szombathely, Berzsenyi Dániel Tanárképzô Fôiskola (1996) 45 4. Zolnai L., Az MTA Atommagkutató Intézete 40 évének tudománymetriai vizsgálata (Abstr. p. 67), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyei Tudományos Testület tudományos ülése. Nyíregyháza, Magyarország, 1996. szeptember 28. (1996) 5. Lakatos T., Madarász E., Molnár J., Jelfeldolgozó eljárás és a jelfeldolgozási eljárás adaptív megvalósítási módja nukleáris spektrométerekhez. Bejelentés idôpontja: 1986. május 7. Elfogadás idôpontja: 1996. február 7., Szabadalom száma: 210 832 (1996) 7 6. Jenko, M., Bohátka S., Milun, M., Leisch, M., Proceedings of Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian 6. Joint Vacuum Conf. and 3. Meeting of the Slovenian and Croation Vacuumologists. Bled 4-7 April 1995. Part 3. No.2, Fizika "A" 5 (1996) 49