This chapter discusses data presentation and analysis of the research in order to answer the research questions, i.e. The Quality of Translation Agencies in Translating English Text into Bahasa Indonesia and the methods used in translating process. The description is initiated by the presentation of data then followed by the discussion and analysis.
4.1. Findings 4.1.1. The Quality of Translation Agencies in Translating English Text into Bahasa Indonesia This part described how the quality of translation was translated by translation agencies according to experts who knew more about translation in both theory and practice. The quality was viewed from the aspects of accuracy, clarity and naturalness. The table below is the result of translation that was translated by three translators: Source Language
Target Language (the 1st Translator)
Target Language (the 2nd Translator)
A Picture from the Ramparts
Gambaran Seseorang dari Kubu Pertahanan Ini adalah musim gugur, kami berdiri di atas kubu-kubu di sekitar benteng
Sebuah Gambaran dari Kubu Tahanan
It is autumn, and we are standing on the ramparts round the citadel,
Saat ini musim gugur dan kita sedang berdiri di atas kubu pertahanan yang dikelilingi benteng sambil
Target Language (the 3rd translator) Gambaran dari benteng pertahanan Saat ini musim gugur dan kami sedang berdiri di atas benteng yang
looking at the ships sailing on the sound, and at the opposite coast of Sweden which stands out clearly in the evening sunlight.
pertahanan, melihat kapal-kapal yang berlayar di selat, dan di pantai seberang Sweden yang menonjol jelas di bawah sinar matahari sore.
melihat kapal-kapal yang sedang berlayar di laut sound, dan di seberang pantai swedia yang terlihat jelas cahaya mataharinya di waktu menjelang malam.
Behind us the ramparts fall away steeply; around are stately trees from which the golden leaves are falling fast.
Di belakang kami kubu-kubu tinggi curam; sekitarnya pohon-pohon megah yang darinya daundaun emas berjatuhan.
Di belakang tempat kita berdiri terdapat reruntuhan bentengbenteng yang disekelilingnya pohonpohon dengan daun-daun emasnya berjatuhan.
Down below us we see some dark and gloomy buildings, surrounded with wooden palisades, and inside these, where the sentries are walking up and down, it is darker still, yet not so gloomy as it is behind yon iron grating; that is where the worst convicts are convined.
Di bawah kami, kami melihat beberapa bangunan yang gelap dan suram, dikelilingi dengan pagar kayu runcing, dan di dalamnya, di mana para penjaga berjalan naik turun, bangunan itu masih gelap, namun tidak begitu suram karena berada di belakang jeruji besi; yaitu dimana para narapidana terburuk dikurung.
Di bawah kita kita, terlihat beberapa bangunan tua dan suram yang dikelilingi pagarpagar kayu, dan di dalam bangunan-bangunan itu dimana para prajurit juga sedang mondar-mandir masih tampak lebih gelap, tetapi tempat itu belum para narapidana kelas kakap dikurung disana.
A ray from the Sebuah sinar dari Cahaya matahari setting sun falls matahari terbenam menyinari ruang kosong.
dikelilingi oleh tembok pertahanan, sambil melihat kapal-kapal yang sedang berlayar di perairan sound, dan di sebelah pantai swedia yang terlihat jelas cahaya matahari menjelang malam. Di belakang kita terdapat reruntuhan benteng yang disekelilingnya terdapat pohonpohon yang daundaun emasnya berjatuhan. Di bawah kita berdiri kita melihat beberapa bangunan yang gelap dan suram, yang dikelilingi dengan pagar bambu, dan di dalamnya dimana para prajurit sedang berjalan mondar-mandir, dimana waktu masih gelap, tetapi tidak sesuram bangunan jeruji besi yang berada di belakang dimana para narapidana ditahan disana. Sinar cahaya matahari
into the room.
bare jatuh ke dalam ruangan kosong.
The sun shines upon good and bad like! The gloomy, savage prisoner looks bitterly at the chilly sunbeam.
Matahari bersinar di atas yang baik maupun yang buruk! Narapidana yang murung, ganas melihat pahit pada sinar matahari yang dingin.
Matahari menyinari secara merata baik itu kepada orang baik atau orang jahat! Si muram, narapidana yang kejam terlihat sengit diterpa sinar matahari.
A little bird flutters against the grating. The bird sings to good and bad alike! It twitters softly for a little while, and remains perched, flutters its wings, picks a feaher from its breast, and puffs its flumage up.
Seekor burung kecil mengepak-kepak di kisi jeruji. Burung itu bernyanyi bagi yang memiliki rupa baik maupun buruk! Ia berkicau lembut sejenak, dan tetap bertengger, mengepak-kepakkan sayapnya, mematuk bulu dari dadanya, dan menghembuskannya ke udara.
Burung kecil melewati jeruji
The bad man in chains look at it, a milder expression steals over his hideous face.
Manusia buruk dalam rantai melihatnya, sebuah ekspresi yang lebih sopan menyerobot di wajah mengerikan itu.
A thought which is not quite clear to himself steal into his heart; it is related to the sunshine coming through the grating, related to the scent of
Sebuah pikiran yang tidak cukup jelas untuk dirinya sendiri mencuri dalam hatinya, pikiran itu berhubungan dengan sinar matahari yang masuk melalui kisikisi, terkait dengan
Burung bernyanyi tak pandang bulu baik itu kepada orang baik maupun orang jahat! Burung itu berkicau merdu untuk sesaat dan tetap bertengger, mengepakkan/mengibask an sayap-sayapnya membukakan bulu dadanya dan kemudian bulu-bulunya terlihat mengembang. Lelaki jahat yang dirantai tangannya memperhatikan burung itu dengan memperlihatkan ekspresi wajah yanng mengerikan.
Pikirannya yang tidak begitu jelas memasuki hatinya dalam-dalam sehubungan dengan datangnya cahaya matahari melalui jerujijeruji dan wangi bunga violet yang sedang tumbuh lebat diluar
menerangi ke dalam ruangan kosong. Matahari terbit pada baik dan buruknya hal yang sama! Si muram, narapidana yang kejam terlihat sengit saat tersorot sinar matahari. Burung kecil terbang melewati jeruji Burung berkicauan sejenak, mengepakkan sayapnya yang membukakan bulunya dan tampak bengkak.
Lelaki yang jahat yang sedang dirantai melihat burung tersebut seperti mengerikan pada ekspresi wajahnya. Pikirannya yang tidak terlalu jelas terhadap dirinya sendiri merenung ke dalam hatinya, saat terjadi sinar matahari masuk melewati jeruji besi, saat aroma
violets, which in spring grow to thickly outside the window.
aroma bunga violet, jendela musim semi ini. yang pada musim semi tumbuh tebal di luar jendela.
Now is heard the music of a huntsman’s horn clear and lively, the bird flies away from the grating, the sunbeam disappers, and all is dark again in the narrow cell, dark in the heart of the bad man.
Karena mendengar musik klakson pemburu yang nyaring dan hingarbingar, burung itu terbang jauh dari kisi-kisi, sinar matahari tenggelam, dan semua gelap lagi di dalam sel yang sempit, gelap di dalam hati laki-laki yang jahat.
Saat ini tedengar musik yang nyaring dari terompet seorang pemburu, burung-burung beterbangan dari jeruji, sinar matahari menghilang dan semuanya kembali gelap di sel-sel yang sempit, sama halnya seperti kegelapan di hati lelaki yang jahat itu.
Yet the sun has shone into it, and the bird has sungs its song.
Namun demikian matahari telah bersinar ke dalamnya, dan burung telah menyanyikan lagunya. Lanjutkan catatan gembiramu! Malam itu ringan, laut itu tenang dan terang layaknya cermin.
Namun matahari sudah bersinar dan burung sudah berkicau.
Continue ye merry notes! The evening is mild, the sea is calm and bright as any mirror.
Lanjutkan catatan-catatan suka citamu! Malam ini dingin, laut tenang dan terang seperti cermin.
bunga violet yang mekar di halaman luar jendela pada saat musim semi ini. Sekarang terdengar musik dari terompet seorang pemburu, burung pun beterbangan dari jeruji, sinar matahari pun lenyap, dan semuanya kembali gelap di sel-sel yang sempit, di dalam hati lelaki kejam itupun terasa gelap. Tetapi matahari telah menyinarinya, dan burung telah berkicau.
Lanjutkan catatan sukacitamu! Malam ini terasa dingin, laut pun tenang dan terang seperti cermin.
From table above, there are differences between a translator and another that can be seen by us. To make it clearly, the writer was made a discussion about that differences below.
44 Accuracy This refers to the precise understanding of the source message and the transfer of the message meaning as accurate as possible into the target language. Means that it conveys all the information that is in the source text. Sometimes the translator struggles with reformulating the message and may include information that is not in the source text or meant in the source text. This information should be removed from the translation. Nida and Taber state that implicit information should be made explicit in some cases depending on the nature of the culture and language associated with the target text. The table below was the experts’ measurement about the quality of the text translated by freelance translators in accuracy aspect.
Accuracy The 1 Expert The 1st The 2nd The 3rd translat translat translat or or or D B C st
Indicator Is the explicit meaning revealed? Is the structural meaning changed? Is the implicit meaning revealed? Is the pragmatic meaning changed? Is the meaning coherent? Does the meaning decrease from dsource meaning? Does the meaning increase from
The 2nd Expert The 1st The 2nd The 3rd translat translat translat or or or D B C
source meaning? Is there any meaning deviation?
Based on the data, the experts gave fair (D) score in accuracy to the first translator. It was because the first translator did not express explicit and implicit meaning of the source text well. In the 8th paragraph, the first translator translated the phrase ‘the bad man’ into „Manusia buruk‟, whereas, the appropriate word for it in the context of that story was „lelaki jahat’. Besides, much incoherence meaning that was found in the translation text, i.e. the 4th paragraph, he translated the words ‘a ray’ into „sebuah sinar‟. In addition, there was a deviation of translated meaning. It was because many words mistranslated and he used word for word method in translating the text. The experts were given very good (B) score in accuracy aspect of translated text by the second translator. He could express explicit and implicit meaning well. The meaning of his translated text was coherent and only had a little deviation in meaning. Here was one of the examples of coherent expression as one of criteria which was referred to accuracy: Source language: Behind us the ramparts fall away steeply; around are stately trees from which the golden leaves are falling fast. Target Language: Di belakang tempat kita berdiri terdapat reruntuhan benteng-benteng yang disekelilingnya pohon-pohon dengan daun-daun emasnya berjatuhan. (Translator 2)
The experts gave good (C) score to the third translator in accuracy aspect. It was because the meaning was coherent enough, although there was still meaning deviation. Here was the example: Source language: A ray from the setting sun falls into the bare room. Target Language: Sinar cahaya matahari menerangi ke dalam ruangan kosong.(translator 2) Clarity Since there are many different ways to reveal ideas, so a translator should put forward the message in the target language in a way that can be understood by many people. Means that the translation must be understandable to the people who are depending on it for information. A translation may be accurate without being clear. It tends to contain ambiguity. Ambiguity is when a phrase or sentence could have more than one meaning in a specific context so the target audience is not sure of the intended meaning. The table below was the experts’ measurement about the quality of the text translated by freelance translators in clarity aspect. Clarity Indicator
The 1 Expert The 2nd Expert nd rd st The 1 The 2 The 3 The 1 The 2nd The 3rd translator translator translator translator translator translator D B C E C D st
Does the expression work? Is the meaning clear? Is the
expression easy to understand? Is the expression organized well? Is the expression logic? Is the expression coherent? Are diction and idiom match? Is spelling correct?
In clarity aspect, the expert gave poor (E) score to the first translator. It was because the meaning of the translation text was unclear and not easy to understand. There were many grammatical error and mistranslated. For example: Source language: Behind us the ramparts fall away steeply; around are stately trees from which the golden leaves are falling fast. (The second paragraph) Target language: Di belakang kami kubu-kubu tinggi curam; sekitarnya pohon-pohon megah yang darinya daun-daun emas berjatuhan. (Translator 1)
The second translator got good (C) score in clarity aspect. It meant that the translated text was clear enough which made the text understandable. Besides, it was acceptable because it had the right word order. The expression was cohesive enough, there was little mistake in diction and grammatical error.
Below was one of the examples which showed clarity: Source language: The bad man in chains look at it, a milder expression steals over his hideous face. Target Language: Lelaki jahat yang dirantai tangannya memperhatikan burung itu dengan memperlihatkan ekspresi wajah yang mengerikan. (Translation 2)
In the clarity aspect, the third translator got fair (D) score from the experts. The translated text which was translated by the third translator was considered as a translation that was not easy to understand. Although it was good enough in diction, the translated text which was translated by the third translation had expression which was not cohesive. Source Language: The sun shines upon good and bad like! The gloomy, savage prisoner looks bitterly at the chilly sunbeam. Target Language: Matahari terbit pada baik dan buruknya hal yang sama! Si muram, narapidana yang kejam terlihat sengit saat tersorot sinar matahari.(Translator 3) Naturalness A translation can be accurate and clear and still not be natural. A natural translation is idiomatic and uses the grammatical forms ordinarily used in the target language. The use of natural target language structure is important if the translator is expected to be effective and acceptable. A translator should be natural and is not read strange. The table below was the experts’ measurement about the quality of the text translated by freelance translators in naturalness aspect.
Is the expression effective? Is the composition of sentence acceptable? Does it use source language structure? Is the structure of phrase acceptable? Do vocabularies function exactly? Are the elements of sentence complete?
Naturalness The 1st Expert The 1st The 2nd The 3rd translat translat translat or or or D B C
The 2nd Expert The 1 The 2nd The 3rd translat translat translat or or or D B C st
The last aspect in quality of translation was naturalness. Based on the experts’ measurement, the first translator got fair (D) score in this aspect. In translating text, he used ineffective expressions which caused it unacceptable. There were many vocabularies which function was inappropriate. Below was one of the examples of ineffective expression: Source language: The sun shines upon good and bad like! The gloomy, savage prisoner looks bitterly at the chilly sunbeam. Target Language: Matahari bersinar di atas yang baik maupun yang buruk! Narapidana yang murung, ganas melihat pahit pada sinar matahari yang dingin. (Translator 1) According to the experts’ measurement, the second translator had an acceptable translated text, because it did not sound strange. The
experts gave very good (B) score in naturalness aspect of the second translator. It could be seen from one of the examples below: Source Language: A little bird flutters against the grating. Target Language: Burung kecil terbang melewati jeruji. (Translator 2)
The third translator was given good (C) score by the experts. The result of translation which was made by the third translation was not effective enough in expressing meaning. Word order in his translation was acceptable enough. Below was the example: Source Language: It is autumn, and we are standing on the ramparts round the citadel, looking at the ships sailing on the Sound, and at the opposite coast of Sweden which stands out clearly in the evening sunlight. Target Language: Saat ini musim gugur dan kami sedang berdiri di atas
benteng yang dikelilingi oleh tembok pertahanan, sambil melihat kapal-kapal yang sedang berlayar di perairan sound, dan di sebelah pantai swedia yang terlihat jelas cahaya matahari menjelang malam.(Translator 3) The summary of the experts’ judgment in the form of the table. Table 4.1. Experts’ Judgment Translator
Accuracy A B
T#1 T#2
4.1.2. The methods used by the translation agencies in doing works of translation From seven methods which stated by Larson, there were only three methods that used in translation product of translation agencies based on data found in this research. They were very literal translation, inconsistent mixture translation and near idiomatic translation. Questionnaire Result Related to Testing the Translation Methods There were nine questions which the writer asked the translation agencies to answer. The writer provided the questionnaires as the second data and as an instrument to test and predict the translation agencies comprehension of the translation theory. So, it was expected that the result could support information to the research questions. For making the explanation easier, the writer discussed them one by one.
1. The strategy in translating text Related to the translation strategy, the first and the third translator used very literal translation and inconsistent mixture translation method in translating the texts and near idiomatic translation method was used by the second translator. Based on the assesment from the expert, the quality of second translator was better than the first and the third translator. That was because the second translator could use the apropriate strategy in translating text.
For clear explanation concerning the strategy that the translator use, the researcher took one part of the text as below: “It is autumn.......” The first translator translated it “ini adalah musim gugur....” From that example above, the researcher considered that the first translator used very literal translation. It also appeared in the word “sweden” which was translated “sweden”. 2. The frequency in reading a source text About the frequency in reading a source text, the first translation agency did not read the source text at all and directly translate word for word. In addition, the second and the third translator read once before translating. Based on Newmark’s theory, the translator have to read the text at least twice in order to get the feeling tone of the text and find the intention, register, tone, mark, the difficult words and passage and start translating when translator has found the apropriate equivalent for the difficult words and passages. 3. The consideration of the target reader All the translation agencies did not consider for who the translation was. 4. The consideration of the related source Since the source text about learning language and actual news, all the translation agencies did not use the related dictionary to translate the
text. To practice compelling lists and building a reference library should be done because dictionaries do not have all words and terms a translator needs, nor do they contain all of the information which specialized references may have. (Sofer, 1997:40) 5. The strategy in evaluating the result of translation Related to the evaluating, the translation agencies only read once the target language after translating the source text. 6. The difficulties in translating Considering the difficulties of translating, the writer found that the first and the third translation agencies had the same problem. Both had difficulty in understanding English grammar. The second translation agency had problem in reconstructing the meaning of the source language into target language. 7. The mastery of translation theory Since that the people who worked in translation agencies were graduated from Language Department both English or other languages, they had already known the translation theory. 8. The mastery of translation method About the translation, all of the translation agencies were able to differentiate the translation method. However they tend not to able to apply the method into the translation work. It could be seen in the result of translation work. 9. The most common method that used in translation
Related to the using of translation method in the process of translation, it found that very literal translation method was the most common method used in translation work. Very Literal Translation A word for word translation which is in the original text is translated nothing is omitted (Larson 1984). The data that were taken from questionnaire show that very literal method used by translator agencies in translating the text. The experts said that the two of three translators were used that method. The followings are the examples of the text which is translated by using very literal translation method: Source text: It is autumn, and we are standing on the ramparts round the citadel,... (Paragraph 1) Target Language: Ini adalah musim gugur, kami berdiri di atas kubu-kubu di sekitar benteng pertahanan,... (Translator 1)
Source Text: The sun shines upon good and bad like! (Paragraph 5) Target language: Matahari terbit pada baik dan buruknya hal yang sama! (Translator 3) Source Text: Down below us we see some dark and gloomy buildings, surrounded with wooden palisades, and inside these, where the sentries are walking up and down, it is darker still, yet not so gloomy as it is behind yon iron grating; that is where the worst convicts are convined.
Target language: Di bawah kami, kami melihat beberapa bangunan yang gelap dan suram, dikelilingi dengan pagar kayu runcing, dan di dalamnya, di mana para penjaga berjalan naik turun, bangunan itu masih gelap, namun tidak begitu suram karena berada di belakang jeruji besi; yaitu dimana para narapidana terburuk dikurung. Not only based on the experts’ measurement, but also from the questionnaire that was given to the translator, they (Translator 1 and Translator 3) said that they were used very literal translation method in translating the text. Inconsistent Mixture Translation Although many translators try to translate idiomatically, translations are often a mixture of a literal transfer of the grammatical units along with some idiomatic translation of the meaning of the text. It is not easy to consistently translate idiomatically. Sometimes, a text is translated in modified literal way, and then the text occurs again in near idiomatic way. This kind of translation is often called inconsistent mixture translation (Larson 1984, p.15). Inconsistent mixture translation method found in translated text by the translator agencies. The followings are the examples of translated text which used inconsistent mixture translation: Source language: A ray from the setting sun falls into the bare room (Paragraph 4)
Target Language: Sinar cahaya matahari menerangi ke dalam ruangan kosong. (Translator 3)
Source Language: Behind us, he ramparts fall away sleepy; around are stately trees from which the golden leaves are falling fast. (Paragraph 2) Target Language: Di belakang kita terdapat reruntuhan benteng-benteng yang disekelilingnya erdapa pohon-pohon yang daun-daun emasnya berjatuhan. (Translator 3)
Source language: The bad man in chains look at it, a milder expression steals over his hideous face.(Paragraph 8) Target Language: Lelaki yang jahat yang sedang dirantai melihat burung tersebut seperti mengerikan pada ekspresi wajahnya. (Translator 3) Near Idiomatic Translation In near idiomatic translation, there is one mistranslated word but not far meaning and does not change the whole meaning. Sometimes, the lack of idea in the main idea of one sentence signifies this kind of translation. Although many translators try to translate idiomatically, translations are often a mixture of a literal transfer of the grammatical units along with some idiomatic translation of the meaning of the text (Larson 1984, p.15).
It is found that near idiomatic translation method also used in translated text by translation agencies. The translated text that used this method almost included into perfect translation. The followings are the examples of translated text which was included into near idiomatic translation:
Source language: A ray from the setting sun falls into the bare room. (Paragraph 4) Target language: Cahaya matahari menyinari ruang kosong. (Translator 2) Source Language:The sun shines upon good and bad like! The gloomy, savage prisoner looks bitterly at the chilly sunbeam. (Paragraph 5) Target language: Matahari menyinari secara merata baik itu kepada orang baik atau orang jahat! Si muram, narapidana yang kejam terlihat sengit diterpa sinar matahari. (Translator 2) Source language: A little bird flutters against the grating. (Paragraph 6) Target language: Burung kecil terbang melewati jeruji. (Translator 2)
4.2. Discussions 4.2.1. How is the quality (accurate, clear and natural) of translation product of translation agencies? Finding # 1 One of the translators is consider as having better quality than others. Bell (1991: 7) defines translator as a communicator who is involved in written communication. Moreover, the professional translator must have a thorough, knowledge of both the source language and target languages (Soffer, 1997:33). Newmark adds that in terms of professionalism, a translator should have sensitivity to language, the ability to write neatly, plainly, nicely in a variety of registers in the target language as well as having good knowledge of its cultural background, have the ability to research often temporally the topic of the text being translated, and have a
good reading knowledge of two or more foreign languages with their cultural backgrounds (1991:46). The experts gave a very good score to the second translator. It means that the translation product of the second translator was good in accuracy, clarity and naturalness. He can transfer message from the source text accurately. Larson states that a translation may be accurate but still not communicative to the people who use it (1984). In that case, the experts considered that the translation product of the second translator can be understood by the reader. In addition, Larson states that a good translation should be acceptable by the reader and sounds naturally. It means that the translation product should not read strange. It fact shown the second translator could be called as a qualified translator. As Barnwell states that a qualified translator has to transfer the message meaning as accurate as possible into the target language.
4.2.2. If any, what kind of translation methods used by the translation agencies in doing their works of translation? Finding # 2 All the translation agencies were able to differentiate the translation methods. Such finding shows that the translation agencies were known about translation methods before they decided to translate the text. It was shown from the answer of the questionnaire which asked whether they know or
not about translation theory and about translation method that they used. Both Newmark (1981: 23) and Larson (1984: 17) explain that the selection of the appropriate translation methods plays an important role in making a good translation. Highest priority of translation is not only reproducing the content message but also making sense the meaning to the reader. The translator knowledge about translation method did not assure the good quality of his translation product. Because, the main point in translation is to carry messages in source language into the target language well.
Finding # 3 The most frequent method that found in translation product of translation agencies is very literal translation. A word for word translation which is in the original text is translated nothing is omitted (Larson 1984). Most of the translators could not leave the source language. It was shown from their translation product which translated the text word for word without make it senses. Most of them just translated the text without further understanding about the topic or what the text says. In other words, they emphasized their translation toward the source language. It happened because the translators only read the text once. To translate sentence by sentence in order
to get the feeling tone of the text and reads the rest of SL text and reading the whole text two or three times, and find the intention, register, tone, mark, the difficult words and passage and start translating when translator
has found the appropriate equivalent for the difficult words and passages (Newmark, 1988:21). The habit of translator which only read the text once indicated the lack of translation agencies knowledge of translation theory. They just stated their opinion without understanding what the topic about.