A. Background of the study Language is one of human characteristics, because there is no human who is living without language. Language is considered to be an exclusively human mode of communication. Whereas, Indonesia is well known of Indonesian language as the national language, and also the traditional languages (from each ethnicity). Traditional language has an important role towards the society. Javanese language is acquainted with three language stratification, they are krama inggil, krama madya, and ngoko. Ngoko is the lowest level and it is used when addressing someone of the same status, of the same age, or the lower status, such as close friends, younger persons, and subordinates. Krama madya is the middle level and it is used when addressing a second person who is fairly respected for example for a new acquainted. Krama inggil is the highest level and it is used when addressing a second person or talking about third person who is highly respected, such as teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. Language can be said as a means of communication which is not only in form of written language but also in spoken language. The success of communication process is affected by the meaning of words. Some words have a unique characteristic in meaning; some of them have a meaning with a
form of word, while some of them have many forms of words represented one meaning. It is always called as homonyms. Homonyms are several words with the same form. Homonyms is divided into two categories; they are homophone and homograph. Homograph is some words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced differently. Besides, homophone is some words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way. Wonorejo’s Javanese language is very unique and interesting to study and analyze. It is because Wonorejo’s Javanese language has homonyms words that make ambiguous meaning as the effect of homonyms. The homonyms will exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with Javanese dictionaries. Something that makes Wonorejo’s Javanese language is interesting and unique to be analyzed because there are several words with the same shape; it has different usage if it is compared with the Javanese dictionaries. To make it clear, the writer gives an example that is : “Marah” in general, it is used to express bad feeling, but in Wonorejo’s Javanese language “marah” is used to invite someone. So that, it is interesting and unique to be analyzed. Because there is different usage of the same word between Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with Javanese dictionaries. Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang has different meaning if it is compared with another area even for the same political district as Wonorejo. Wonorejo’s Javanese language has homonyms
words, because the society always uses the same words to express different purpose. It is always called as homograph. Besides, why homonyms words exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language is also because Wonorejo’s society uses some words which are spelt differently, but pronounced in the same way. It is called as homophone. There are some words having homonymous words in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang, those are : “nylampar, bongko, meni, mbaon, warung keli, kali, kasak, penek, sak, boros, kenteng, cemet, luweh, mberuh, ora esak, lambung, marah, bantah, mbok, katisen, cepak, mboso, leden, mainan, semang, pasar krempyeng, bener, mangkel, eyong, gembeng, brokoan, sementek, antep, bantah, basang, pelita, metoan, tebas, kesliring, merat, jaduman, kerok, nggoto, mendheng, bloboh, surup, gandik, payon, ngrinciki, melek pasian, gambreng, gogoh, tetek, maesan, trenten, enthek, dunak, irik, ngayap, nyendekke, jimpitan, metetah, kecret, gupruk, nyekek, mahal, mremen, mremo, barut, amben, ambeng, mloto, kemplung, musim mareng, ngaron, monyeng, demenan, koak, nimpar, sedetan, dadah, ponyong, puang, ciplis, ciblek, kentis, mboreg, kloyong, kenthip, toklo, keni, rungkut, bentik, setriwel, bongkrek, glandir, cikri, klowor, betem, dipan, sengkrek, cengek, denggel, kemplakaren, anyit, njedodot, oto, cupar, doso, bongkro, membo, dlondong, pongge, bajang, momrot, kedik, lagang, mercak-mercak, mangas, laut, kebo-kebonan, irengan, suker, kondang, kepyak, pitek horen, pacen, ora nggaleboh, kodo, purunan, nyamari, enyah, sangkan paran, kobokan, otah-atuh, dipotengpoteng, rengket, dioso-oso, blendrek, madal, mbandang, gasik, ogleng, tom-
tomen, cetil, matean, mendreng, kuneng, slempitan, akon, manjeng, temonjo, nyepatani, ngatang-atang, cekak, metoto, gandrik, kieng, kayul, jarang, ngasak, tritipen, sayah, karipen, monteng, cuntel, diwelehke, kecis, lengo gas, dideh, putek, jo ngasi, angkringan, lhas-lhes, kemanjon, mbanggel, dileleh, nyluruk, ra ka iki, mbeler, toklek, liwat cangking, yi, larak, nyetatel, anut, diwalek, cengklek, sikep, bongkok, emak, gelorot, mekekelen, amoh ra amoh, medok merok, metotolen, sareh, nglagreng, stereg, kurop, onclang, mekakon, kerentepen, ora pinter, sentet, cubluk, mengangah, mrantasi, parisiseten, ra kendat, metal, kiyel, seluntur, lagang, mbengkuk, din tangntang, kreangan, menjuluk, mbregudul. Because too many words have homonyms words as above the writer tries to study and analyze the language that is used by Wonorejo’s societies. The writer compares Javanese language in Wonorejo’s society with Javanese language in Javanese dictionaries as reference. Because of the opinion as above, the writer decides to take Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang as object of research with the title “HOMONYMS IN WONOREJO’S JAVANESE LANGUAGE, WONOREJO, PESANTREN, MIJEN, SEMARANG”. B. Scope of the study Scope of the study in this research are : 1. What are the homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language ? 2. How do they exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language ?
3. Why Wonorejo’s Javanese language is different from Javanese language in Javanese dictionaries ? C. Purpose of the research Herewith this research, the writer hopes that the results can give the description about language that is used by Wonorejo’s societies. There are some purposes of this research, they are : 1. To explain about homonyms and to classify homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. 2. To analyze the process in forming the homonyms in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. 3. To identify why the people use this variation or homonym rather than the other variation. D. Underlying theory The writer adopts the meaning of ambiguous from Jerrold J. Katz opinion that is : “semantic ambiguity is multiplicity of senses versus uniqueness of sense that more than one sense and the fact that the sentences have two or more senses (1964:296). The writer takes this opinion because ambiguous is the effect of homonyms words that exists in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The writer also uses semantic books written by F.R Palmer as reference in writing and researching this this book, the writer takes Bloomfield opinion about behaviorism. The writer tries to look for and analyze the connection between homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese
language and behaviorism theory. Bloomfield said that “we can define the meaning of a speech form accurately when this meaning has to do with the same matter of which possess scientific knowledge” (1981:58). The opinion can help the researcher in identifying the causes of homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s
Javanese language. Because behaviorism is influencing
language acquisition so that, it certainly has connection to the homonyms word that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. In this research, the writer adopts Hymes opinion with his theories that is called SPEAKING. The writer will identify the connection between homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language and Hymes SPEAKING model. By using this theory, the writer can look for and identify the relationship between the participant, setting, and another aspect that will help this research. The writer takes Hymes opinion from Jan Renkema’s book with the title “Discourse Studies” published in 1993. The researcher takes this opinion, because the writer will look for the background knowledge of Wonorejo’s society. It is used to point the reason why Wonorejo’s choose this variant and not another variant. E. Research method 1. Type of Research Type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The writer adopts Moleong’s opinion about descriptive qualitative research. Moleong (1988:2) affirms that qualitative research is a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Further Moleong explains that a qualitative
research is the research of which the data in the form of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed. Based on this, the type of this study is descriptive, since the data are not enumerating., but they are written and oral words. 2. Method of Collecting data a. Data Sources The writer categories the data in this research into 2 categories those are : i. Primary data Primary data are the data directly collected from the research, observed, and noted for the first time (Marzuki, 1995). Primary data that the writer used in this research are collected from observing and interviewing some people who have competence about homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observation is done by the writer through observing and collecting homonyms words that are found in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observer interviewed some people who have competence about homonyms, especially the opinions that show the causal factor of homonyms words; so that, the writer can identify the causal factor of how homonyms word exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language.
b. Technique of Collecting Data The writer applied some methods in collecting the data. They are Simak Libat Cakap method, observation method, interview method. In this research, the writer uses observation method. The writer observes the object that will be examined (Gorrys Keraf, 1980:163). The writer did directly observation to the Wonorejo’s Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang.. The writer uses Simak method in collecting data. Metode simak adalah suatu cara pemerolehan data dengan cara menyimak penggunaan bahasa baik bahasa lisan maupun bahasa tulis (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). Technique to collect data that is used by the writer is sadap technique. Teknik sadap adalah peneliti menyadap penggunaan bahasa seseorang atau beberapa orang yang menjadi informan. Data yang disadap bisa berupa bahasa lisan maupun data bahasa tulis. Penyadapan data lisan bisa diperoleh dari pemakaian bahasa seseorang yang sedang pidato, kotbah, atau anak yang sedang berbicara. Sedangkan sadap bahasa tulis dilakukan terhadap pemakaian bahasa dalam wujud bahasa tulis (bukan bahasa tutur lisan/cakap/wicara). Misalnya, naskah teks pidato, teks narasi, naskah kuno, brosur, liflet, atau teks media masa (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). In this research, the writer uses metode simak libat cakap (SLC). Simak
Libat Cakap
adalah peneliti melakukan
penyadapan dengan cara menyimak dan terlibat langsung dalam percakapan serta berpartisipasi dalam percakapan yang terjadi di Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang (Sudaryanto, 1993:133-
136). The writer uses this method to collect the data needed in researching and writing this research. Besides, the writer uses interview method. The method in collecting data is giving question that have connection with this research to get relevant answer with the purpose of the research (Anto Dajan, 2000:34). In this case, the writer interviews the writer’s husband as the informant that is also one of Wonorejo’s communities. Because he is a direct object that has all information about homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. On the other hand, the writer interviewed some people or the neighbor of husband families in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang and recorded their daily conversation. The writer uses rekam technique to get a documentation of Wonorejo’s people conversation. Teknik rekam adalah tindak merekam setiap peristiwa kebahasaan dengan media recorder (tape recorder, kamera recorder, atau digital recorder). In this case the writer records her husband families conversation. Further the recorder is noted by using catat technique. Teknik catat adalah peneliti menyadap dengan menyimak dan mencatat setiap peristiwa kebahasaan yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu peneliti harus membawa alat catat dan mencatat berbagai hal seperti situasi tutur, penutur, dan mitra tutur, keadaan pertuturan, norma pertuturan dan berbagai hal sekiranya membantu peneliti dalam analisis data khususnya untuk menjawab latar belakang/konteks pertuturan (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). The writer uses catat technique in the transcript formation. Further the transcript is used by the writer as a data in this research.
The writer takes some references from books having correlation with this research as theory and standard of comparison in report (Gorrys Keraf, 1980:165). In this matter, the observer reads, studies, and takes a note about the content of some books having relationship with this analysis. c. Method of Analyzing Data The next is analyzing the data prior to be classified. Analyzing data is organizing process and ordering data in the pattern categories, and analyzing base unit. Therefore, the observer can get the topic and formulate hypothesis work likes the data suggested (Moleong, 2000:103). The writer begins the analysis by making a list of homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language and grouping the data of homonyms word. So that, the writer can get the topic that there are some homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with the Javanese dictionaries. In analyzing data, the writer takes padan pragmatics method. Padan pragmatics method is a method that is used to point the purpose content in sayer statement, by doing interpretation to the sayer statements. F. Writing Organization CHAPTER I
The content of introduction are background of the study, reasons to take the title, scope of the study, purpose of the study, underlying theory, research method (type of research, method of collecting data, data sources, technique of collecting data, method of analyzing data), writing organization. CHAPTER II
LITERARY REVIEW The content of literary review is underlying theory which is used to support the research.
METHODOLOGY The content of methodology are method of collecting data, technique of collecting data, method of analyzing data, the population and sample, steps to analyze data.
ANALYSIS It contains Homonyms and its forming process (homophone, homograph, dialek asli Wonorejo, affixational process, a new word coming into Indonesia, acronym and shorting process, phoneme adding process, phoneme losing process, phoneme changing, phoneme substitution.
Conclusion contains result of the research and suggestion.
CHAPTER II LITERARY REVIEW In writing this thesis the writer uses some theories to explain about homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. By using these theories, hopefully the analysis can describe the homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The theories used to look for the causal factor of homonyms words and the effect of homonyms that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. Research is a form of social action which introduces its own outcomes into the social field. In complex societies, research becomes a process of metacommunication, a self-reflective learning process. Providing an account of the plurality and tensions constituting collective life, which can contribute to the practice of freedom (Alberto Melucci, 1996:367). Homonyms is a relation holding between two or more etic expressions that have the same form but a different meaning. Complete homonyms have the same pronunciation and the same spelling (Allan, 1986). Alan also divides homonyms into two categories, they are homography and homophony. Homophony is some words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning, whereas homography is some words that have the same spelling but different meaning (Alan, 1986). In this research, the writer adopts Hymes opinion with his theory that is called SPEAKING. The writer will identify the connection between homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language and Hymes SPEAKING
model. By using this theory, the writer can find and identify the relationship between the participant, setting, and another aspect that will help this research. The writer takes Hymes opinion from Jan Rankema’s book with the title “Discourse Studies” published 1993. The researcher takes this opinion, because the writer will look for background knowledge of Wonorejo’s society. It is used to look for the causal factor of homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. S
Setting, it is about the time, place, and other physical conditions surrounding the speech act. Scene, it is about the psychological counterpart to setting. What is meant here is that a setting can be changed, for example, from formal to in formal, by participants.
Participant, The speaker or Sender, the Addressor, the Hearer, Receiver or Audience, and the Addressee.
Ends, the purpose-outcomes and purpose-goals.
Act Squence, the form and the content of the message.
Keys, The tone of the conversation, for example, serious or mocking.
Instrumentalitis, The channels; written, telegraph, etc, and the forms of interpretation, for example how a listener’s suddenly looking away must be interpreted.
Norms, The norms of interaction; e.g. interruption and norms of interpretation, for example how a listener’s suddenly looking away must be interpreted.
Genre, Fairly tale, advertisement, etc. To find out the causal factor of homonyms word the writer takes I dewa putu wijana’s opinion, Wijana’s said that “pengalaman membuktikan bahwa mereka yang baru masuk bidang linguistik kadang-kadang membiarkan diri digoda untuk lebih memperhatikan ejaan (ortografis) daripada bentuknya dalam bahasa lisan, sejauh yang berhubungan dengan homonymi antar kata dalam bahasa Indonesia Wijana menyebutkan sebab pembentukan homonim karena empat hal di samping kebetulan ada dua buah leksem atau lebih memiliki bentuk yang sama juga karena empat hal di antaranya karena adanya afiksasi, masuknya kata-kata ke dalam kosa kata bahasa Indonesia” (Wijana,2004). Wijana’s opinion above is an answer of Verhaar opinions who is
classified homonyms just homophony. Verhaar said that “hanya homofon yang layak diperlakukan sebagai homonim dengan dasar bahwa tulisan (ortografi) bukanlah merupakan objek primer linguistic” (Verhaar, 1977). Because there are too many gejala bahasa as part of the causal factor of homonyms, Wijana classifies in his book with the title “Semantik” . Wijana’s classifies gejala bahasa into gejala bahasa karena penambahan fonem, gejala bahasa penghilangan fonem, gejala pertukaran letak fonem, gejala perubahan fonem (Wijana, 2004). “Gejala bahasa adalah peristiwa yang menyangkut bentukan-bentukan kata, atau kalimat dengan segala macam proses pembentukanny (Badudu, 1980, 47). According to Weijnen dialect is “dialek adalah sistem kebahasaan yang digunakan masyarakat untuk membedakannya dari masyarakat lain yang bertetangga dengan mempergunakan system yang berlainan walaupun erat hubungannya” (Weijnen, 1975).
Guiraud said that “pembeda dialek dalam hal semantik terciptanya kata-kata baru berdasarkan perubahan fonologi dan geseran bentuk. Geseran tersebut ada dua bentuk, yaitu pemberian nama berbeda untuk linambang sama di tempat berbeda, geseran ini pada umumnya dikenal sebagai sinonim, padan kata atau sama makna. Sedangkan pemberian nama sama untuk hal berbeda di beberapa tempat berbeda geseran ini disebut homonim (Guiraud, 1970)”. The writer takes an opinion that is
proposed by Chaer that is
“Homonyms is formed from two words. They are “onoma” that means as “name”, and “homo” that means as “same” so homonym is some words that have same name but different meaning (Chaer, 1990:96)”. Keraf says “Homonim adalah kata-kata yang bunyinya sama tetapi berbeda arti” (Keraf, 1984:37). In homonyms it is usually called as homograph, because there are some words which are spelt in the same way, but pronounced differently. Besides, there are some words which are spelt differently, but they are pronounced in the same way. It is called as homophone. On the other hand, homonyms is some words with the same shape. Sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and society, the context in which it is used. It identifies the social function of language and the ways it is used to convey social meanings (J. Holmes, 1992). This theory used to look for the causal factor of homonyms and the effect of homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. Hopefully, this research can give a little description about Wonorejo’s Javanese Language. Because of Wonorejo’s Javanese Language has different meaning if it is compared with the Javanese dictionaries, the writer takes Halim opinion about 16
traditional language. Hopefully, the reader or Wonorejo’s society especially all of the Javanese societies are proud with their traditional language. Halim (1984:22) said that “traditional language’s position in Indonesia is guaranteed by UUD 1945 which state that traditional language are one of culture’s potential wealths which can influence, support, enrich national language which have to maintain by all parts of the nation. Javanese language is one of the regional languages in Indonesia. Besides, it has an old age and deeply rooted of literature tradition; until recent days, it is still used on daily communication by large number of its speech communities. It is observed from the amount of the users, Javanese language is used by over than 60 millions of Javanese people (Djojodigoeno, 1976:1). The writer takes this opinion because Wonorejo’s Javanese language is a language that has different interesting thing to analyze. According to Geertz (1977), Javanese language is acquainted with three language stratification. They are karma inggil, krama madya, and ngoko. Ngoko is the lowest level. It is used when addressing someone of the same status, of the same age or of lower status, such as close friends, younger persons, and subordinates. Krama madya is the middle level which is used when addressing a second person who is fairly respected, for example a new acquaintance and respected younger persons. Krama inggil is the highest level. It is used when addressing a second person or talking about third person who is highly respected, such as teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. the writer
takes this opinion to find out the Javanese language level that Wonorejo’s societies choose in their spoken. Since a kid “each individuals is absorbed by culture’s value of their society, the culture’s conception becomes rooted into their mentality and difficult to substitute by other culture’s value for brief periods” (Koentjaraningrat, 1969:18). Actually, every body is a part of certain culture in their own environment. The culture is influencing their attitude and behavior which can develop their personality. This pattern is reflected in the society’s daily life related to their views (Sastroatmaja, Suryanto, 2001). This condition concerns on the language of Javanese teenagers will be maintained and restored their language because the value of traditional culture has particularistic feature. And teenagers are the only hope who can continue the perpetuation of traditional heritage. It means that the value occurs generally and gradually in culture region of certain tribes. The writer adopts the meaning of ambiguous from Jerrold J. Katz opinion that is “semantic ambiguity is multiplicity of senses versus uniqueness of sense that have more than one sense and the fact that the sentences have two or more senses (1964:296). The writer takes this opinion because ambiguous is the effect of homonyms words that exists in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The writer also uses semantic books written by Palmer as reference in writing and researching this research. In this book, the writer takes Bloomfield opinion about behaviorism. The writer tries to look for and analyze the connection between homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language and
behaviorism theory. Bloomfield said that “we can define the meaning as a speech form accurately when this meaning has to do with same matter of which possess scientific knowledge” (1981:58). This opinion can help the researcher in identifying the causal factor of homonyms word which exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. Because behaviorism influences language acquisition, it has connection to the homonyms word that presence in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. According to Wijana’s opinion about homonyms, he divided homonyms into two categories, they are homography and homophony. He said that “homografi kesamaanya terletak pada keidentikan oftografi (tulisan atau ejaan), seperti kata “seri” yang dapat bermakna ‘sinar/sari/ dan ‘jilid’ /seri/, semi yang bermakna ‘tumbuh’ /sami/. Sementara iu, homofoni menyandarkan kesamaanya pada keidentikan bunyi atau pengucapan. Misalnya kata ‘bang’ dapat bermakna ‘kakak’ (dari abang), ‘yayasan keuangan’ dari (bank), ‘suara azan’, dan ‘tiruan bunyi peti jatuh” (Wijana, 1995:192). The writer adopts Leech’s Seven Types of Meaning to look for the relationship between homonym expression presence in Wonorejo’s Javanese language with this theories. Geofrey Leech (1981:9-23). i.
Conceptual meaning
Connotative meaning
Social meaning, i.e. what is communicated of the social circumstances of language use.
Affective meaning, i.e. what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer.
Reflected meaning, i.e. what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression.
Collocative meaning, i.e. what is communicated through association with words which tent to occur in the environment of another word. Example : pretty and handsome is the same meaning for good looking word expression.
Thematic meaning, i.e. what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms or order, focus, and emphasis.
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY In this chapter the writer will describe about the method that is used in this research. The writer will explain about type of research, method of collecting data (population and sample), method of analyzing data. A. Type of research Type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The writer adopts Moleong’s opinion about descriptive qualitative research. Moleong (1988:2) affirms that qualitative research is a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Further Moleong explains that a qualitative research is the research of which the data in the form of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed. Based on this, the type of this study is descriptive, since the data are not enumerating., but they are written and oral words (Moleong, 1982).
B. Population and sample 1. Population Population is the entire group from which the sample is chosen (Hadi, 2001:2). Nawawi (1991:141) says that population is all research objects consisting people, animal, things, plants or score test. Based on Koentjaraningrat (1977:115) population is the whole research data. The population of this research are all the homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language which are found in the writer’s family conversation and some of the writer neighbor’s conversation. Total of the 21
homonyms words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language are 200 homonyms words. The words are collected on December 12, 2008 and august 28, 2009. The process in collecting data is recording the writer’s family conversation with her neighbor’s. The writer uses rekam technique in recording her family’s conversation with her neighbor’s. 2. Sample According to Sugiyono the writer adopts the opinion about sample. Sugiyono (1999:73) says that a sample is the part of the population’s member which has special characteristic that connects to the research. It means, a sample is an individual which has special characteristic that connects to the research taken from the population that are composed in generalizing the result of the population. In general there are two ways in collecting the sample namely probability and non-probability sampling. Then probability is classified into random, proportionate random, disproportionate random, and area random; while, non-probability sampling is classified into sistematis, kuota, aksidental, purposive, total/jenuh and snowball sampling. In this research the writer uses purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling adalah suatu penelitian sample yang dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata/random/daerah tertentu tetapi didasarkan pada adanya tujuan tertentu tetapi didasarkan pada adanya tujuan tertentu yang disebabkan adanya pertimbangan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga atau biaya sehingga seorang peneliti tidak dapat mengambil sample yang banyak atau letaknya jauh dari jangkauan (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136).
C. Method of collecting data a. Data Sources The writer categories the data in this research into 2 categories those are : i. Primary data “Primary data are the data directly collected from the research, observed, and noted for the first time (Marzuki, 1995). Primary data that the writer used in this research are collected from observation, and interview some people who have competence about homonyms words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observation is done by observing and collecting homonym expression found in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The observer is also interviewing some people who have competence about homonyms, especially the opinions that show the factor of homonym expression; so that the writer can identify the causal factor of how homonyms expression exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. b.
Technique of collecting data
The writer applied some methods in collecting the data. They are Simak Libat Cakap method, observation method, interview method. In this research, the writer uses observation method. The writer observes the object that will be examined (Gorrys Keraf, 1980:163). The writer did directly observation to the Wonorejo’s Javanese language in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang..
The writer uses Simak method in collecting data. Metode simak adalah suatu cara pemerolehan data dengan cara menyimak penggunaan bahasa baik bahasa lisan maupun bahasa tulis (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). Technique to collect data that is used by the writer is sadap technique. Teknik sadap adalah peneliti menyadap penggunaan bahasa seseorang atau beberapa orang yang menjadi informan. Data yang disadap bisa berupa bahasa lisan maupun data bahasa tulis. Penyadapan data lisan bisa diperoleh dari pemakaian bahasa seseorang yang sedang pidato, kotbah, atau anak yang sedang berbicara. Sedangkan sadap bahasa tulis dilakukan terhadap pemakaian bahasa dalam wujud bahasa tulis (bukan bahasa tutur lisan/cakap/wicara). Misalnya, naskah teks pidato, teks narasi, naskah kuno, brosur, liflet, atau teks media masa (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). In this research, the writer uses metode simak libat cakap (SLC). Simak Libat Cakap adalah peneliti melakukan penyadapan dengan cara menyimak dan terlibat langsung dalam percakapan serta berpartisipasi dalam percakapan yang terjadi di Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang (Sudaryanto, 1993:133-136). The writer uses this method to collect the data needed in researching and writing this research. Besides, the writer uses interview method. The method in collecting data is giving questions that have connection with this research to get relevant answer with the purpose of the research (Anto Dajan, 2000:34). In this case, the writer interviews the writer’s husband as the informant that is also one of Wonorejo’s communities, because he is a direct object that has all information about homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. On the other hand, the writer interviewed some people or the neighbor of
husband families in Wonorejo, Pesantren, Mijen, Semarang and recorded their daily conversation. The writer uses rekam technique to get a documentation of Wonorejo’s people conversation. Teknik rekam adalah tindak merekam setiap peristiwa kebahasaan dengan media recorder (tape recorder, kamera recorder, atau digital recorder). In this case the writer records her husband families conversation. Further the
(Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). Teknik catat adalah peneliti menyadap dengan menyimak dan mencatat setiap peristiwa kebahasaan yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu peneliti harus membawa alat catat dan mencatat berbagai hal seperti situasi tutur, penutur, dan mitra tutur, keadaan pertuturan, norma pertuturan dan berbagai hal sekiranya membantu peneliti dalam analisis data khususnya untuk menjawab latar belakang/konteks pertuturan (Sudaryanto,1993:133-136). The writer uses catat technique in the transcript formation. Further the transcript is used by the writer as a data in this research. The writer takes some references from books having correlation with this research as theory and standard of comparison in report (Gorrys Keraf, 1980:165). In this matter, the observer reads, studies, and takes a note about the content of some books having relationship with this analysis. c. Method of Analyzing Data The next is analyzing the data which are classified before. Analyzing data is organizing process and ordering data in the pattern categories, and analyzing base unit. We can get the topic and formulate hypothesis work likes the data suggested (Moleong, 2000:103). The writer
begins the analysis by making a list of homonym word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language, so that, the writer gets some homonym words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language if it is compared with the Javanese dictionaries. In analyzing data, the writer takes padan pragmatics method. Padan pragmatic method is a method that is used to point the purpose content in speaker statement, by doing interpretation to the speaker statements. d. Steps to analyze data In analyzing the data there are some steps that the writer takes as follows: 1. The writer observes the research object that is Wonorejo’s Javanese language. 2. Making a list of homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language and classifying the data that will be analyzed in a research. The writer gets the data from the informant that is interviewed before. The informants are the writer’s husband and her husband’s family and so some of the writer’s neighbor’s. 3. Finding and comparing homonyms word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language with the Javanese dictionaries.
4. Using some references in analyzing homonym expression in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The references are used to support the analysis. 5. Arranging data into a report of the research.
Homonym may be defined as a relation holding between two or more etic expressions that have the same form but a different meaning. Complete homonyms have the same pronunciation and the same spelling. The writer identifies Wonorejo’s Javanese language as the object of
research. In
Wonorejo’s Javanese language the writer finds several words which have different meaning and usage but the same form. There is an example to explain language phenomenon that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The example is ‘marah’. It has different meaning and usage. ‘marah 1’ means /get angry/, it is used to express bad feeling. On the other hand, ‘marah 2’ means /inviting someone/, it is used to request helping. If there are several words with the same shape or form but different meaning exist in a language, it will make homonyms expression forming. Homonym is divided into two categories, they are homophone and homograph. The writer begins the analysis from homophone classifications and its forming process also another explaination about homophone. A.
Homophone may be defined as several words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way. The writer found 85 homophone words in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The words classified into a table as follows :
Homophone classifications
1. bongko /bόŋkό/
nylampar /nylΛmpΛr/
mangkel /mΛŋkəl/
mbaon /mbΛόn/
sak /sΛk/
cemet /cεmεt/
menek /mεnεk/
lambung /lΛmbόŋ/
marah /mΛrΛh/
mbok /mbόk/
gembul /gəmbόl/
bener /bənər/
kasak /kΛsΛk/
15. 16
gembeng /gəmbεŋ/ semang /šəmλŋ/
bantah /bλntλh/
basang /bΛsΛŋ/
tebas /təbλs/
Meaning in Meaning in Javanese Wonorejo’s Javanese dictionary language perasaan jengkel, buah lauk dari gudhe atau yang matangnya tidak sayur gudhe. sempurna atau kurang matang. membuat tambang menggoda, kurang ajar yang digunakan untuk memanjat buah bibir, masalah pembohong rasa pegal atau sakit jengkel atau perasaan yang sangat pada marah punggung lading kosong atau tempat menanam padi, banyak aroma jagung, kacang. saku baju atau celana, karung, wadah kekecilan atau sempit. kurang ajar, intinya adalah umpatan tapi kurang nafsu makan untuk bercanda membangun rumah, memetik, memanjat contohnya membetulkan genting. pinggang, punggung perut menyuruh, meminta, rasa tidak suka atau mengundang benci tante ibu-ibu, ibu kumpul, bersama, gendut, perut yang campur besar tepat, hari h. betul gosok, sikat, isu membersihkan penakut cengeng, kecil hati tidak usah, jangan tiba-tiba, susah diskusi, ngobrol, menyangkal bercakap-cakap jualan, memetik, bersama-sama, mengumpulkan memasang menjual dalam partai tak perduli, tega sekali besar, memotong, membersihkan rumput.
20. 21.
kesliring /kəšlιrεŋ/ surup /šurόp/
gandik /gλn₤εk/
23. 24.
payon /pλyόn/ gambreng /gλmbrεŋ/ tetek /£εtεk/ gupruk /guprόk/
25. 26.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
nyekek /nyəkεk/ mahal /mλhλl/ barut /bλrόt/ ambeng /λmbəŋ/ mloto /mlόtό/ kemplong /kəmplόŋ/ ngaron /ŋλrόn/
koak /kόλk/
35. 36. 37. 38.
dadah /dλdλh/ ciplis /cιplεs/ ciblek /cιblεk/ toklo /£όklό/
39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
klowor /klόwόr/ betem /bə£əm/ dipan /dιpλn/ sengkrek /šəŋkrεk/ cengek /cəŋεk/ anyit /λnyιt/ cupar /cu:pλr/
46. 47.
bongkro /bόŋkro/ songkro /šόŋkrό/
bajang /bλjλŋ/
kaki yang keseleo memasukkan benang dalam jarum anak kecil pendamping nikah terjual cengeng
sakit punggung sore
buruh bertengkar
khitan ramai berbincangbincang, asik mengobrol mencekik tak terjangkau besi tipis kepung dan jaga lucu palu
makan berat, puas, mantap gedong bayi silahkan dimakan besar kepala, sombong bodoh kwali dari tanah
buah yang tergantung atap rumah bau yang menyengat
menanak nasi setengah matang sebelum dikukus mencangkul atau berteriak melubangi tanah dengan cangkul khusus untuk ditanami kacangkacangan dan padi pagar bamboo pijat kecil dibunuh cerewet pelacur kayu baker tanduk sapi atau kerbau yang turun ke bawah idiot badanya besar, longgar pipi yang cabi beton kluwih lemari hias tempat tidur rusak patah, sobek banyak omong mengiba lembek bau busuk pelit tidak percaya pada isteri rusak tua gerobak sudah tua sekali, usang, rusak tidak lebat kecil, kuntet, orok 30
49. 50. 51. 52.
momrot /mόmrόt/ kedhik /kəθιk/ mangas /mλŋλs/ laut /lλόt/
luka akibat kekerasan repot rakus istirahat
53. 54.
suker /šukər/ kondang /kόndλŋ/
55. 56.
kepyak /kəpyλk/ pacen /pλcεn/
57. 58.
rengket /rəŋkət/ blendrek /blεndrεk/
kotor amat sangat, terhingga mengerahkan orang sesaji untuk orang meninggal dekat, lengket memalsukan
59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.
79. 80. 81.
sedikit murka samudera, hamparan air yang luas susah, sulit tak gotong royong, hajatan mengumumkan `kebun mengkudu
kebanyakan bawaan membuka dengan paksa madal /mλdλl/ ancang-ancang maju berkilah gasik /gλšιk/ pagi buta, cepat bersih ogleng /όglεŋ/ koplak, gila menancapkan keris cetil /cə£εl/ pelit gila manjeng /mλnjeŋ/ kelunturan masuk Temonjo /təmόnjό/ ada hasilnya atau ada wujudnya kiyeng /kιyəŋ/ berotot kuat lhas-lhes /lhλs-lhəs/ bekerja dengan cepat boros nyluruk /nylurόk/ lari yang tak beraturan terjerembab sikep /šιkəp/ peluk membawa, bersedia bongkok /mόŋkok/ ikat dahan kelapa amoh ra amoh tidak karu-karuan baru /λmoh r5λ λmoh/ sareh /ŠΛreh/ redam sabar kurop /kurόp/ untung seimbang Onclang /όnclΛŋ/ daun bawang lari ora pinter /rλ pιntər/ tidak berbakti bodoh senthet /šən£εt/ retak panas ndiler /ndιlər/ tidur ngantuk parisiseten parises luka /pλrιsιsεtən/ janggol /jλŋgol/ minta makanan pada kuli tetap di kelurahan, orang yang mempunyai mendengarkan orang acara hajatan, mengemis yang berbincangbincang. mbregudul pemarah kain yang berbulu atau /mbrəguθl/ akan rusak Lurug /lurόg/ main atau bertandang ke pergi berperang rumah teman lorot /lorόt/ tarik longsor, pulung 31
82. 83.
lireh /lιrεh/ maton /mλtόn/
sayuran tetap
njepaplang /jəpa:plλŋ/ tempat /təmpλt/
baskom, rantang
lirih mencabuti rumput disela-sela padi membuka tangan mangkok, letak, daerah
From the data collected the writer takes ‘nylampar’ word as the example to make the analyzes clear. ‘nylampar’ has similar sound likes ‘nyəlampar’ word. Whereas, ‘nylampar’ has two meanings. ‘nylampar’ means /make something fall or a net to climb/, and /nyəlΛmpΛr/ means /tease thing/. ‘nylampar’ also has different spelling that is /nyəlampar/ and /nylΛmpΛr/ but pronouncing in the same way nylΛmpΛr/ . ‘Nylampar’
is representative
all of homophone
classifications because it has the same forming process as all of homophone classifications on the homophone table above. Homophone in Wonorejo’s Javanese language has the same spelling and pronunciation but different meaning. It is complete homonyms because it has the same spelling and the same pronunciation. The phenomenon about homophone expression exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language as a part of homonym expression. Homophones are formed as the effect of several words which are spelt in different way but pronounced in the same way. B. Homograph Several words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced in different way and the words have different meaning. The meaning have no 32
correlation each other. The data found are : ‘bongko, amben, mboso, gembul, bener, eyong, doso, kodo, kuneng. The writer analyzes the data that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language by giving and taking a word from the data as the example to support the language phenomenon in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The example is ‘amben’ word. This word has two meanings, ‘amben’ /Λmben/ means /sleeping bad/ and ‘amben’ /Λmbən/ means /baby’s vest/. This phenomenon is called as homograph because there are some words which are spelt in the same way but pronounced in different way. ‘amben’ is spelt ‘amben’ but pronounced /Λmbən/ . ‘a’ letter in ‘amben’ word becomes ‘ə’ in the second ‘amben’ word shows different pronounciation. This indicaton makes homonym expression exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. Homograph classifications
Meaning in Wonorejo’s Javanese language gurita atau pakaian bayi. /Λmbən/ getah karet yang sudah jatuh ke tanah /mbỏso/ kumpul, bersama, campur /gəmbỏl/ tepat, hari h. /mbənər/ rasa tidak enak hati, sungkan /εyoŋ/ marah /ө:šo/
keras kepala /kỏ£o/
C. Homonyms in forming process
Meaning in Javanese dictionary ikat pinggang kuda, tempat tidur /Λmben/ setengah hati /mboso/ gendut, perut yang besar /gəmbu:l/ betul /bənər/ kesakitan /i:oŋ/ mengeluh /£ošo/ tidak buta, harus, bodoh /ku:du/
Homonyms is formed by affixational process, a new word coming into Indonesia, acronym and shorting process, and language indications (phoneme adding process, phoneme losing process, phoneme changing process, and phoneme substitutions process). a.
Affixational process
There are several homonym words caused by affixational process, they are classified into table below :
nylampar /nylλmpλr / nyendekke /nyendekk ε/ katisen /kλtιsən/ mainan /mλιnλn/ demarene n /dəmεrεnə n/ metoan /mətόλn/ nggoto /ŋgόto/ kenthip /kən£ιp/ njedodot /jədόdot/ purunan /pu:runλn/ dipotengpoteng /di:po£eŋpo£eŋ/ kobokan
3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Affixational process Prefiks Sufiks Infiks Afiks nye-
Basic forms slampar
menjatuhkan sesuatu tanpa sengaja. gadai
/kόboλn/ 13.
16. 17.
slempitan /sləmpιtλn / nyepatani /nyəpλtλnι / diwelehke /dιwəlehkε / ngrincikki /ŋrιnci:kι/ angkringa n /λŋkrιŋλn/ nyetatel /nyə£λtəl/
piring tangan terjepit
sumpah serapah
membalikkan omongan
membersihka n tempat nongkrong
The writer finds some words added with affixes in the basic unit. The writer finds it in front of the word, in the middle of word, and in the last of word. The writer found prefix adding in some words that are : ‘dipothengpotheng, dintang-ntang, diwelehke, nggoto’. The writer takes ‘diphotengpotheng’ as an example of prefix adding process. ‘dipotheng-potheng’ /dΙpό£eŋ-pό£eŋ/ means /cutting something/ and ‘dipotheng-potheng’ /dΙpό£eŋ-pό£eŋ/ means /make doodles or rough sketches on something/. ‘diphoteng-potheng’ is formed from ‘di+potheng-potheng’. ‘pothengpotheng’ /pό£eŋ-pό£eŋ / means /torture someone/. Because of prefixational adding process in front of ‘potheng-potheng’ word, there is different meaning exist in this word. Added affixes in the basic unit of word makes homonym expression exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language.
The second affixational adding process is added affixes in the middle of word for example,”nyetatel” words,”nyetatel” has two meanings, “nyetatel 1” / nyə£a:tel/ means / flank something/ and “nyetatel 2” / nyə£a:tel/ means / bend over of confined / this word is formed from “ nye + ta + tel “. The base unit of “nyetayel” word is ‘nyetel’ / nyətel/ means /turn on something/. Because of affixatonal added process by adding infix in the middle of ‘nyetel’ word, ‘nyetel’ becomes ‘nyetatel’. The writer also finds affixational adding process in the last words. There are several words which are found in Wonorejo’s Javanese languages, they are : ‘katisen, mainan, demarenen, metoan, njedodot, purunan, kobokan, slempitan, nyepatani, ngrincki, angkringan’ words. The writer takes ‘metoan’ word as the example of affixational adding process in the last of words. ‘metoan’ /mətόΛn/ means /meeting/ and ‘metoan’ /mətόΛn/ means /fetching someone/. ‘metoan’ is formed from /meto’/ words. /meto’/ means /inviting someone/. It becomes /metoan/ word because there is affixational adding process in the last of /meto’/ word.
A New Word Coming into Indonesia
There is interesting thing found by the writer in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. There is ‘meni’ word that has the similar sound to /many/ in Englsish language. The writer analyzes that ‘meni’ is shorted from /men+iki/. For example : ‘akeh men to ace iki’, it is the example of Javanese language
in Central Java province in general. In Wonorejo’s Javanese language the writer finds /ekeh meni ace iki/. The writer analyzes is false that /meni/ is formed from /men+iki/. ‘meni ‘ is naturally formed from /meni/ word. It is influenced by a new word coming into Wonorejo’s Javanese language. ‘meni’ is influenced by ‘many’ word From English language. Because of different pronounciation, ‘many’ becomes ‘meni’ in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The influencing is looked into pronunciation and meaning similarities. The phenomenon in ‘meni’ /mən/ forming shows the effect of globalization era. In globalization era a country has to learn different language as introductory language to communicate with different country. This phenomenon influenced local language indirectly. The society inclined to borrow and use a new word to make conversation simple. The writer not only finds English language influencing Wonorejo’s Javanese language but also finds regional language influencing. The regional language influences looked into ‘bakul’ words. ‘bakul’ means /little trader/ and ‘bakul’ means /rice bowl made from bamboo/. Whereas, Wonorejo’s Javanese society always say ‘besek’ to say ‘rice bowl’. Because of regional language influences ‘besek’ word becomes lost. ‘besek’ is substituted by ‘bakul’ word. c.
Acronym and Shorting Process
The writer finds ‘mberuh, monteng, and pelita’ words. The writer analyzes ’mberuh, monteng, and pelita’ words forming. ‘mberuh’ is formed from /mboh ora weruh/. ‘monteng’ is formed from /montang-manteng/.
‘pelita’ is formed from /mutual cooperation every Sunday/. The writer found shorting process in ‘mberuh’ and ‘monteng’ words. ‘mberuh’ means /do not know something/ and ‘monteng’ means //unstable/. Whereas, ‘monteng’ and ‘mberuh’ has different meaning from the Javanese dictionaries. In dictionaries ‘monteng’ means /confuse/ and ‘mberuh’ means /as you wish/. Wonorejo’s society is shorting /mboh ora weruh/ becomes /mberuh/ because ‘mberuh’ forms is simpler in spelling and pronouncing than /mberuh ora weruh/ forms. The writer does not only analyze ‘mberuh’ and ‘monteng’ words but also analyzes ‘pelita’ words. ‘Pelita’ means /mutual cooperation every Sunday/. It is different from ‘pelita’s’ meaning in general. Generally, ‘pelita’ means /five-year plan/ in general forming. ‘pelita’ is acronym process in Indonesian becomes a word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. This cases make ambiguous meaning because there is a word with different usage and meaning from general ‘pelita’s’ meaning. It is a part of interesting and unique things that the writer found in Wonorejo’s Javanese language.
Acronym and shorting process No Words 1. 2. 3.
mberuh /mbərόh/ Monteng /mόnteŋ/ pelita /pəlιtλ/
Kepanjangan dari mboh ora weroh montangmanting pembangunan lima tahun
Arti tidak tahu oleng kerja bakti tiap hari minggu
language indications 1. Phoneme Adding Process
There are several language indications which are found by the writer in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The writer found phoneme added in front of the word, in the middle of word, and in the last of word. Besides, the writer also finds word losing in the word, phoneme substitution, and phoneme changing. The writer found phoneme adding process in front of the word on ‘esak’ and ‘mbaon’ words. ‘esak’ means /unhealthy/. It is formed from ‘sak’ word. ‘sak’ means /sack or bag/. ‘sak’ added by ‘E’ in front of this word so that ‘sak’ words become /esak/. Because of phoneme added in front of ‘sak’ words, automatically the meaning of ‘sak’ words changes. So, phoneme adding process in a word is causing changing meaning, forming, and using. ‘esak’ example process has the same as ‘mbaon’ word adding phoneme process. Absolutely ‘esak’ phoneme adding process representative for ‘mbaon’ process.
The writer also finds phoneme adding process in the middle of word. The writer finds this cases in ‘mbonggel’ words. It is formed from ‘bonggel’ word as the base unit of ‘mbonggel’. ‘mbonggel’ means /be obstinate/. Besides, ‘bonggel’ means /undergraduate/. ‘bonggel’ is added ‘mb’ letters in front of ‘bonggel’ but it is pronounced added ‘ng’ letter in the middle of ‘bonggel’ word.
Adding phoneme in the last of word exists in Wonorejo’s Javanese language e.g. ‘luweh’ word. ‘luweh’ is formed from ‘luwe+h’. ‘h’ phoneme added in the last of ‘luwe’ word so that ‘luwe’ becomes /luweh/. ‘luweh’ means /up to you/ but ‘luwe’ means /hungry/. Phoneme adding process makes the word changing and forming a new word with different forming and meaning. The writer appendiexes phoneme adding process into table below. To make the research clear in reading the writer gives phonetic transcription. Phoneme adding process No kata 1. 2. 3. 4.
luweh /lu:weh/ esak /εšΛk/ mbaon /mba:on/ mbonggel /bỏŋgεl/
Penambahan fonem -h em-ng
Bentuk dasar luwe /lu:wε/ sak /šλk/ baon /ba:on/ bogel /bỏgel/
arti lapar karung kebun putus sekolah
2. Phoneme Losing Process There are several words which are losing a phoneme in those words. They are ‘mbandang and njanggol’ words. ‘mbandang’ /mbΛndΛŋ/ means /lost/. Generally, ‘mbandang’ /mbΛndΛŋ/ is the same as ‘mblandang’ /mbla:ndΛŋ/ in Javanese language. This word is formed from ‘mblandang’ word. ‘mblandang’ /mbla:ndΛŋ/ means /run off/. Phoneme losing in the
middle of ‘mblandang’ word by deleting ‘l’ becomes ‘mbandang’make homonym expression exist in this word. The phenomenon above also happens in ‘janggol’ word. ‘janggol’ /jΛŋgόl/ means /having eaten in someone’s ceremonial/. It is formed from ‘n+janggol’. There is phoneme losing ‘n’ in front of ‘janggol’ word. So that ‘njanggol’ becomes ‘janggol’. Losing phoneme makes a new word formation forming with different spelling and pronunciation. A new word forming also makes a new meaning. phoneme losing process No kata 1. 2.
mbandang /mbλndλŋ/ janggol /jλŋgỏl/
Penambahan fonem -l
Bentuk arti dasar mblandang Kabur
njanggol /ənjλŋgol/
Meminta makan pada orang punya hajat.
3. Phoneme Changing Process Phoneme changing found by the writer on some words as follows : kudu→kodo
Phoneme changing makes a new word forming with different spelling, pronunciation, and meaning. The witer takes ‘kudu’ becomes ‘kodo’ as the example to make this analysis clear. ‘Kudu’ /ku:θu/ means /must/ and ‘kodo’ /kόθo/ means /bad-tempered/. Phoneme changing makes a new meaning different from the words before phoneme changing. 4. Phoneme Substitutions Process There are two words having phoneme substitutions that are found by the writer in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The words are : ‘loncang’ becomes ‘onclang’, and ‘kemekelen’ becomes ‘mekekelen’. Phoneme substitution only makes a new word forming with different spelling and pronunciation from the word before substitution process but the same meaning. ‘Loncang’ becomes ‘onclang’. Oncl positions is subtituted ‘lonc’ in ‘loncang’ words so that ‘loncang’ /loncΛŋ/ words become ‘onclang’ /onclΛŋ/ words. D. Dialek Asli Wonorejo Dialek Asli Wonorejo may be formed by social meaning, reflected meaning, affective meaning, behaviorism, Setting, Ends. Dialek asli Wonorejo NO
sali /šΛlΙ/
meni /mənΙ/
solu /sỏlu/
leden /leden/
sementek /səmεntεk/
metoan /mətỏλn/
Meaning in Wonorejo’s Javanese language tajir tak terhingga, banyak sekali sanjung, pura-pura membantu, menyumbangkan tenaga untuk mengatakan bayi yang gendut dan berat pertemuan di malam maulidan, menjemput 42
Meaning in Javanese dictionary -
merat /merΛt/ bloboh /blỏboh/ melek pasian /məlεk pλšιλn/ maesan /mæsλn/
trenten /trəntən/
dunak /du:nλk/
ngayap /ŋa:yλp/ nyendekke /nyendek:kε/ metetah /mə£εtλh/ mremen /mrεmen/ mremo /mrεmo/ monyeng /mỏnyεŋ/ nimpar /nιmpλr/
sedetan /šə£εtλn/
ponyong /pỏnyoŋ/
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
puang /pu:λŋ/ kentis /kən£i:s/ mboreg /mbỏrək/ kenthip /kən£i:p/ striwel /štri:wəl/ glandir /gə:lλnder/ cikri /ci:krι/ denggel /өəŋgel/ njedodot /jə:dodot/ membo /mεmbo/ momrot /mỏmrot/ pitik horen /pΙtek ayam potong horən/ ora nggaleboh /rΛ tidak tahu gΛləboh/ otah-atuh /o£a:h mengeluh kesakitan a:£uh/ orang yang merebus air di matean /mΛteΛn/ acara hajatan mendreng tukang kredit /mendreŋ/
6. 7. 8.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
kabur dermawan malam persiapan sebelum acara hajatan digelar batu nisan keranjang dari bamboo yang berukuran besar keranjang dari bamboo yang berukuran sedang jalan-jalan
telentang melebar jualan musiman
menanam padi di lading kayu yang sudah dibelahbelah tapi belum digunakan nonong atau dahi yang kemerahan tempat sampah lumayan mendorong tinggi sekali kaos kaki daun ketela rambat daun kenikir peyang duduk jongkok tak bergeming menjelma, menyerupai luka akibat kekerasan
temonjo /təmonjo/
38. 39. 40.
cekak /cəkΛk/ metoto /mətoto/ gandrik /gΛndrek/
ngasak /ŋa:sΛk/
42. 43.
tritipen /tri:tιpən/ kecis /kəces/ lengo gas /ləŋo gΛs/ jo ngasi /jỏ ŋa:sІ/ mbonggel /bỏŋgel/ liwat cangking /li:wΛt cΛŋkεŋ/ cengklek /cεŋklek/ metotolen /mə£ỏtolən/ nglagreng /ŋla:grəŋ/ stereg /stεrək/ mekakon /məkλkon/
44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
njlemo /njəmo/ ncrandu /ncrλndu:/ kiyel /ki:əl/ seluntur /səluntor/ di ntang-ntang /di:ntΛŋ-ntΛŋ/ kreangan /krεΛŋΛn/ mercak-mercake /mərca:-mercΛke/ klejetan /klejeεtΛn/ bedigasan /bdI:gΛsΛn/ meges /mə:gəs/ krenyeh /krənyεh/ nakori /na:korІ
ada hasilnya atau ada wujudnya pendek bengkak halilintar, petir nencari sisa-sisa, memulung pakaian yang terkena noda bohong, dusta
minyak tanah
tak sudi ngotot
diobatkan kemana saja
gampang, mudah, rewel menggoda, bikin kurang ajar kenyal meluruskan kaki
tidak onar,
bikin onar
sama persis pecundang, penakut mencakar
The writer found several words which have no meaning in Javanese dictionaries. The writer called those words as Dialek Asli Wonorejo. The words that exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language is used to make something different in Wonorejo’s Javanese language from their neighbor’s language. Wonorejo’s language has special characteristic by adding ‘ra’ in the last of sentence. Besides, Njambon village as Wonorejo’s neighbor village is added ‘ju’ in the last of sentence. In expressing and reflecting language, Wonorejo’s society is inclined to use and choose coarse word. For example they will say ‘cemet’ /cεmet/ to express and reflects bad feeling. Besides, ‘cemet’ is used to joke. Another Wonorejo’s language characteristic is ‘a’ phone becoming ‘e’ letter. For example ‘ngantenan’ becomes ‘ngentenan’, ‘karetan’ /kΛretΛn/ becomes ‘keretan’ /kεretΛΛn/. ‘A’ letter becoming ‘e’ letter almost exist in all of Wonorejo’s vocabularies that includes ‘a’ letter. The writer takes Hymes’ theories to analyze Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The theories called as Hymes’ SPEAKING model. The writer uses this theory to look for the correlation between the participants, setting or scene, act, keys, instrumentalities, and another aspect in SPEAKING model that influent communication process in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. Hymes analysis focus on the societies culture with looking the language from 8 aspects that is called as SPEAKING. S
Setting, it is about the time, place, and other physical conditions surrounding the speech act.
Scene, it is about the psychological counterpart to setting. What is meant here is that a setting can be changed, for example, from formal to in formal, by participants. P
Participant, The speaker or Sender, the Addressor, the Hearer, Receiver or Audience, and the Addressee.
Ends, the purpose-outcomes and purpose-goals.
Act Squence, the form and the content of the message.
Keys, The tone of the conversation, for example, serious or mocking.
Instrumentalitis, The channels; written, telegraph, etc, and the forms of interpretation, for example how a listener’s suddenly looking away must be interpreted.
Norms, The norms of interaction; e.g. interruption and norms of interpretation, for example how a listener’s suddenly looking away must be interpreted.
Genre, Fairly tale, advertisement, etc. By looking Setting or Scene the writer knows where and when the
communication takes place, and another physical condition surrounding the speech act. There is a different usage of the same word in different situation or setting. Because Wonorejo’s people use the same words to say different purpose. For example ‘marah’ words. They use this word to express bad feeling and inviting someone or helping request. There are two sentence that show the different usage of ‘marah’ words. ‘pak, wis marah song-wong kon leden durong?’ and ‘bapak marah-marah terus’. In the first sentence ‘marah’
/mΛrΛh/ means /inviting someone/ and /mΛrΛh/ in the second sentence means /bad feeling/. It makes confuse especially for the stranger, because Wonorejo’s people are only use their language in their community. In Participant aspect the writer looks the relationship between the speaker and hearer. Wonorejo’s society will use different language as the introductory language with their speaking partner if they speak with a new stranger in their village. It makes Wonorejo’s language only know by Wonorejo’s community. The writer uses Ends to show the purpose, comes out and purpose; goals of the communication. We want to know the variation in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. It concludes about the words choosing and expression in communication process. For example, in saying ‘weight’ Wonorejo’s society always use two words. The words are ‘antep’ /Λntəp/ and ‘sementek’ /səmentek/. To express the biggest and the weight baby they do not say ‘antep’ /Λntəp/ because baby is human. For human they will say ‘sementek’ /səmentek/; if you say ‘Λntəp’ they will say ‘it is taboo’. Act sequence in Wonorejo’s Javanese language is relatively organized. It is suitable with the topic that is discussed. It makes the communication is going well. Because of the constantly topic and good turn taking system. Keys, the tone of the conversation. it is serious talk or not. Generally, it depends on the context. But, in Wonorejo’s Javanese language there is no different keys; eventhough it is formal or informal, serious or not, they will
use the same languae. Because there is no different language usage in their communication, for example, from ngoko to kromo rarely happen. Instrumentalities; the channels; written, telegraph, etc, and the forms of speech; dialect, standard language, etc. Wonorejo’s society just using the instrumentalities in formal situation. In habitually, they speak verbal forms. Verbal communication is communication with oral. Norms, the norms of interaction. In habitual living, Wonorejo’s community is less attention about the norms aspect in interaction with their speaking partner. Because they give more attention to reach out for the purpose of speaking. There is no norms of interaction using both verbal communication and written. Besides, there is less norms using in their attitude. Genre; fairly tale, advertisement, etc. Wonorejo’s society is only use special text type in formal and educational ceremonial. For example, in formal situation; they are definitely use different text. It is adapting to the context of ceremonial. So, special text is depending on the context and situation. By using Hymes’ SPEAKING models, the writer concludes that Dialek Asli Wonorejo as part of homonym expression in Wonorejo’s Javanese language exist as the effect of Participant aspect and Ends. If we look from Ends, there is words variation that use to show the same expression. For example they are using two words in expressing ‘weight’ by using ‘antep’ and ‘sementek’. It is affected ambiguous meaning for the speaker partner or
hearer. Especially for the stranger because Wonorejo’s people do not use their language in the out side of their village.
A. Conclusion This is the result of the research that the writer did from the analysis of homonym word in Wonorejo’s Javanese language. The writer takes some conclusion about the homonym expression exist in Wonorejo’s Javanese language as follows : homonym expression presence in Wonorejo’s Javanese language because there are affixational process, new word coming into Indonesian, there are shorting and acronym process and there are any language indications Beside, it exists in Wonorejo’s Javanese language because there are conceptual meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, simple word choosing usage in conversation, different spelling (‘a’ becomes ‘e’), Wonorejo’s society want to make special characteristic on their language by adding ‘ra’ in the last of sentence in their spoken, and behaviorism. The process of homonym expression formed by : Gejala penambahan fonem, gejala penghilangan fonem, gejala perubahan fonem, gejala pertukaran letak fonem. It is also because geseran homonim (pemberian nama berbeda untuk hal berbeda di beberapa tempat berbeda). B. Suggestion
The writer suggests Wonorejo’s society develop and keep their language because it is their special characteristic that make their language different from another area in their village circumstances. The teenager wants to use and introduce their language to the outsider when they exist in the out side of their village so that miscommunication can minimize.
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Table of Homonyms Word in Wonorejo’s Javanese Language NO
5. 6.
berdondi solu
16. 17.
esak lambung
Meaning in Wonorejo’s Meaning in Javanese Javanese language dictionary tajir tak terhingga, banyak sekali membuat tambang yang menggoda, kurang ajar digunakan untuk memanjat perasaan jengkel, buah lauk dari gudhe atau yang matangnya tidak sayur gudhe. sempurna atau kurang matang. buah bibir, masalah pembohong sanjung, pura-pura ikat pinggang kuda, gurita atau pakaian bayi tempat tidur rasa pegal atau sakit yang jengkel atau perasaan sangat pada punggung marah ladang kosong atau tempat menanam padi, jagung, banyak aroma kacang. pemalas keras sekali saku baju atau celana, karung, wadah kekecilan atau sempit. kurang ajar, intinya adalah umpatan tapi untuk kurang nafsu makan bercanda digunakan untuk membangun rumah, menyebut semua aktivitas contohnya membetulkan memetik sesuatu, genting. memanjat pohon terserah, tak peduli lapar tidak tahu, digunakan untuk menjawab hal-hal semaunya sendiri yang tidak diketahui tidak nyaman karung, sakit hati pinggang, punggung perut menyuruh, meminta, rasa tidak suka atau mengundang benci tante ibu-ibu, ibu dingin sekali, demam, sakit kedinginan dekat, terjangkau tersedia, menyediakan 54
38. 39.
kesliring merat
41. 42.
nggoto bloboh
membantu, menyumbangkan tenaga getah karet yang sudah jatuh ke tanah perhiasan untuk anak kecil khususnya bayi perempuan yang berupa cincin, kalung, gelang, anting-anting. kumpul, bersama, campur anak kecil yang demam karena saudaranya ada yang hamil muda tepat, hari h. gosok, sikat, membersihkan penakut rasa tidak enak hati, sungkan tidak usah, jangan untuk mengatakan bayi yang gendut dan berat diskusi, ngobrol, bercakap-cakap pertemuan di malam maulidan, menjemput jualan, memetik, mengumpulkan kerja bakti tiap hari minggu menjual dalam partai besar, memotong, membersihkan rumput. kaki yang keseleo kabur
koreng, bolot, kalah yang terus-menerus dalam bermain kerja dermawan memasukkan benang dalam jarum anak kecil pendamping 55
setengah hati
tidak konsekuen mengingkari.
gendut, perut yang besar sakit-sakitan betul isu cengeng, kecil hati kesakitan tiba-tiba, susah menyangkal bersama-sama, memasang cahaya, penmbangunan lima tahun tak peduli, tega sekali sakit punggung -
alat untuk membersihkan bulu keras kepala sore buah yang tergantung
melek pasian
48. 49. 50.
gambreng tetek maesan
53. 54. 55.
ngayap nyendekke metetah
nikah terjual memotong atau membersihkan dahan pohon malam persiapan sebelum acara hajatan digelar cengeng buruh batu nisan keranjang dari bambu yang berukuran besar keranjang dari bambu yang berukuran sedang jalan-jalan menggadaikan telentang
57. 58. 59. 60. 61.
nyekek mahal mermen mremo barut
makan berat, puas, mantap melebar jualan musiman gedong bayi
gurita bayi
63. 64. 65.
ambeng mloto kemplong
silahkan dimakan besar kepala, sombong bodoh
kwali dari tanah
67. 68.
monyeng demenan
72. 73.
dadah ponyong
kurus selingkuhan mencangkul atau melubangi tanah dengan cangkul khusus untuk ditanami kacang-kacangan dan padi menanam padi di ladang kayu yang sudah dibelahbelah tetapi belum digunakan pagar bambu nonong atau dahi yang 56
atap rumah rewel bau yang menyengat khitan ramai berbincangbincang, asik mengobrol mencekik tak terjangkau besi tipis tempat tidur, ikat pinggang kuda atau pelana kepung dan jaga lucu palu menanak nasi setengah matang sebelum dikukus tidak rewel
pijat -
74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
puang ciplis ciblek kentis mboreg kenthip
kemerahan tempat sampah kecil cerewet lumayan mendorong tinggi sekali
kayu bakar
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91.
striwel bongkrek glandir cikri klowor betem dipan sengkrek cengek denggel anyit
93. 94. 95.
cupar doso bongkro
kaos kaki luka bakar atau melepuh daun ketela rambat daun kenikir idiot pipi yang cabi lemari hias rusak banyak omong peyang lembek duduk jongkok tak bergeming pelit marah rusak
97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102.
membo dlondong bajang momrot kedhik mangas
103. laut 104. kebo-kebonan 105. irengan 106. 107. 108. 109.
suker kondang kepyak pitik horen
110. pacen
dibunuh pelacur tanduk sapi atau kerbau yang turun ke bawah bonggol badanya besar, longgar beton kluwih tempat tidur patah, sobek mengiba bau busuk -
tidak percaya pada isteri mengeluh tua sudah tua sekali, usang, gerobak rusak menjelma, menyerupai si anu tinggi besar tidak lebat kecil, kuntet, orok luka akibat kekerasan repot sedikit rakus murka samudera, hamparan air istirahat yang luas diperas tenaganya, disia- mainan anak-anak siakan, dipekerjakan berbentuk kerbau sawah yang belum cincau ditanami kotor susah, sulit amat sangat, tak terhingga gotong royong, hajatan mengerahkan orang mengumumkan ayam potong sesaji untuk orang `kebun mengkudu meninggal 57
111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.
ora nggaleboh kodo purunan enyah kobokan otah-atuh
tidak tahu keras kepala keponakan, sepupu ini air untuk mencuci piring mengeluh kesakitan
117. dipoteng-poteng
118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125.
138. tritipen
dekat, lengket memalsukan ancang-ancang maju lari pagi buta, cepat koplak, gila ketakutan, trauma pelit orang yang merebus air di acara hajatan tukang kredit terbiasa simpanan kelunturan ada hasilnya atau ada wujudnya menyumpahi pendek bengkak halilintar, petir berotot nencari sisa-sisa, memulung pakaian yang terkena noda
139. karipan
140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145.
oleng membalikkan omongan bohong, dusta minyak tanah darah kental tak sudi
rengket blendrek madal mbandang gasik ogling tom-tomen cetil
126. matean 127. 128. 129. 130.
mendreng kuneng slempitan manjeng
131. temonjo 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.
nyepatani cekak metoto gandrik kiyeng
137. ngasak
monteng diwelehke kecis lengo gas dideh jo ngasi
146. angkringan
warung nasi kucing
147. lhas-lhes
bekerja dengan cepat
148. kemanjon
tidak bias tidur 58
tidak buta, harus, bodoh malu, mau pergi panik memotong-motong ayam kebanyakan bawaan membuka dengan paksa berkilah terjun bersih menancapkan keris terngiang-ngiang gila kuning papan untuk menjepit masuk supaya kuat mengantuk karena bergadang semalaman bingung bosan mendidih alat atau gerobak untuk berjualan soto, sate. boros tidurnya belum cukup atau masih kurang tidur
149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159.
mbonggel dileleh nyluruk mbeler liwat cangking diwalek nyetatel cengklek sikep bongkok emak
ngotot dibaringkan lari yang tak beraturan bandel, nakal diobatkan kemana saja dibanting mengapit gendong peluk ikat tidak mau
160. gelorot
161. mekekelen
162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173.
tidak karu-karuan kedinginginan redam gendut sedang untung daun bawang busuk padat tidak berbakti retak tidur mampu menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan parises gampang, mudah, tidak rewel menggoda, bikin onar, kurang ajar pisah kenyal meluruskan kaki
amoh ra amoh metotolen sareh nglagreng stereg kurop onclang mekakon kerentepen ora pinter senthet ndiler
174. mrantasi 175. parisiseten 176. njlemo 177. ncrandu 178. metal 179. kiyel 180. seluntur 181. janggol 182. di ntang-ntang 183. kreangan 184. mbregudul
luluh, sedih terjerembab melukai menyendiri meringkuk membawa, bersedia dahan kelapa ibu membawa dalam suguhan terbahak, kekal, terlalu matang baru sabar seimbang lari taraf, berjejer bodoh panas ngantuk putus/hampir putus luka -
logam kuli tetap di kelurahan, minta makanan pada mendengarkan orang orang yang mempunyai yang berbincangacara hajatan, mengemis bincang. diulur-ulur kesakitan kain yang berbulu atau pemarah akan rusak 59
185. tritikan 186. mercak-mercake 187. lurug 188. lorot
189. senthong
190. mogatan 191. klejetan 192. mbarep 193. lireh 194. maton 195. 196. 197. 198. 199.
bedigasan meges krenyeh njepaplang nakori
200. tempat
teras rumah ikat, gambar membagi-bagi main atau bertandang ke pergi berperang rumah teman tarik longsor, pulung papan untuk tidur, tempat atau bagian gentong tempat air rumah untuk mempertemukan pengantin setelah berniat kesakitan anak pertama, anak sore, magrib paling tua sayuran lirih mencabuti rumput tetap disela-sela padi bikin onar sama persis pecundang, penakut telentang membuka tangan mencakar baskom, mangkok, letak, daerah rantang
A :
Lha Kecuk neng ndi?
B :
Bek kae neng omah.
A :
B :
Gek bek awakke
A :
Lha ngopo, sayah po piye?
B :
Umat po pye opo rak reti
A :
opo sih.
B :
A :
B :
he’e. wis kulino.
A :
berarti yo<2> opo ono turunane sopo kok.
B :
A :
sok mak mu laden ning paler ? adang.
B :
Mboh rak mudheng aku.ra pati galebo an.
A :
Lha Pae tau rene ro wedho’e/
B :
yo rene.
A :
karo wedho’e, wah edan digedek-gedekke keto’e. 61
B :
A :
disewakke padi-padi barang?
B :
Tak takono rak.
A :
B :
mboh tenan rak ngerti ngene iki, kan ngene seng jelas kan ngene.
Wingi kangdi ko kene ngomong
opo, yo ngomong. A :
lha pye.
B :
Mbokaku ki tekoni arep duwe gawe, narti rene, ha’a aku ngene. Kono takon ngono, trus bar kuwi
A :
Wong disewakke deklit barang-komplit deklit/
B :
Kang Di nak opo kabar-kabar rono yo mboh paling
A :
Kae digedek-gedekke wong di sewakke deklit.sak
B :
Sak ngertine Kangmu sak omah sak adine ki rak
yo ora.
ngertine kangmu
roso raga.Aku ki sak drimo nemplek masalah kabeh tetek bengekke kono kabeh. A :
Makmu sing adang lha seng matean sopo? Seng matean rak dikon golekke makmu san.
B :
kene ki rak pak mu rak ragat.
A :
Rak iso wong pak ku ki nylampar. Wong ngerti wis tuo jane rak ngono nak dinganu ki masalahe nak
dinganu pa’e wonge ki kodo si, aku yo kodo ngko nak tak tako’i ngko kodo karo kodo di adu yo berat, masalah rak bar-bar/ B :
kwi nak masalah kwi aku rak mudeng rak ngurusi pak mu.
A :
Wingi kae koyo toklo-toklo kae digowo rono.
B :
kayu toklo opo sih/
A :
kayu sing dibongko’i sing go adang-kayu bakar kaeto wis go rono kabeh.
B :
oh: :ngono
A :
wes ngai kayu. Bayangake aku ndisik Wan, rak ono wong bojoku oprasi wes rak ono opo-opo men malah saiki ngono, ngomong-ngomong sayah awake golek kyu trus ngrinciki kayu terus saiki. Wong jenenge mantu duite yo rak sak yuto rong yuto kok Wan kene rak an, kene rak ono bentukke blas. Po rak sakit hati jenenge.
B :
tapi nak ngomoh sih, rak ngaku sih.
A :
ah opo dobol kurosatun.
B :
nak aku rak nyengkake, aku nyengkake ngene tapi aku rak tekan. Nak sampean rak ragat rak mungkin wong lanang moro kok rak go ragat. Isin aku. Aku jene arep ngomong ngono saiki sampean rono kok.
A :
Ndabek no.
B :
saiki sampean rono kok.
A :
aku malah mbededek, ngrasakke ngonoki yo mbededek. Rep lungo aku iki ngantuk ni aku mo mbengi melek-melek to…karo jogo.
B :
trus kwe…
A :
nganti esuk kok do dolanan kertu
B :
lha ngopo jimpitan rak tau dijupuki, rak tau dijupuki rak enthuk kas no.
A :
gawehene akeh no. kwe rak nduwe sedetan ra.
rak nduwe
yo ge bahan-bahan.
bahan opo?
yo lemari.
kae lemari digelar
rak karo dipan.
B :
po kwe arep pesen dipan? Pesen ngomong tak gawekke kog
A :
kayune wong rak nduwe sedetan
B :
penting tuku dadi bar kok. Koyo ngene Ndar kae to njero.
A :
tileki ko ngono kae
B : A
lha kuwi nak dipan piro regane? nak koyo gone Ndar kae 550 aku.
anu wes dadi
B :
dadi komplit.
A :
dadi komplit-wes plituran-wes tetek mbengek.
B :
Wes plituran to ya/
A :
wes ono galare?
B :
A :
enak meni
B :
lha kae gek udan kae tileki monying kamare udan. Sak monokae. Rak masalah modal no iso diubah. Sing penting iso digawe dowo.
A :
ki garapane akeh ki.
B :
A :
garapane ekeh.
B :
wes garapane gerek iki, gerek iki to gawe lawang.
A :
he sok belek mudik rono Wan
B :
suk to bar bodo/
A :
bar bodo.
B :
nanggung to ya
A :
ko nak mengkono kan tani.
B :
tani opo?
A :
nimpar. Po nimpar pari po opo.
B :
rak ono. Kono neng nggunung ngawur.
A :
rak ono tanduran pari blas?
B :
onone the karo kopi.
A :
penen kopi? Lha kowe iso dadi, mborek pari to kwe?
B :
go to
A :
E…engko kwe nak wes dadi mloto kwe.
B :
bedo mengkono bubek kwe. Neng kene kerjo ngene, neng kono kerjo ngono yo wegah.
A :
kae nak menurutmu esak ning ndi?
B :
Esak ning kene bagi aku. Carane wong tenan golek duite gampang neng kene mengkono gawehene sabak eret-eretan.
A :
B :
nak ono sawah.
A :
B :
rak ono.
A :
kono yo kebon koyo ngene iki.
B :
tapi tandurane kopi karo cengkeh.
A :
akeh. lha kono rak ono mbaon?
B :
rak ono.
A :
tanahe bedo-bedo yo Wan?
B :
tanahe bedo. Kene tanahe dewe-dewe rak gawe perlu tani.
A :
tanahe dewe-dewe?
B :
ora tanahe perhutani.
A :
kono musim dingin terus rak ono marengmarengan?
B :
yo rak ono to. Rak ono to yo.
A :
B :
eh kwe tau dibel boleng po rak?
A :
B :
A :
aku dikabari cah-cah kae. Urung ngerti aku barbodo jarene kan.
B :
wedo’e wes ning kene?
A :
B :
rak gelem rene rak gelem bali rak duwe duit.
A :
lha ko iso nggoto neng sangkan parane kok.
B :
nak jarene Kalimantan di aku kai ngerti.
A :
lungo ning parang sangkane. Boro.
B :
A :
mengkono dagang sukses jarene.