Buku Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) © Badan Kerja Sama Antar-Parlemen DPR RI 2016 Badan Kerja Sama Antar-Parlemen (BKSAP) adalah alat kelengkapan DPR RI yang bertugas membina, mengembangkan dan meningkatkan hubungan persahabatan dan kerja sama antara DPR RI dengan parlemen-parlemen negara lain baik secara bilateral maupun multilateral, termasuk organisasi regional/internasional yang menghimpun parlemen-parlemen dan/atau anggota-anggota parlemen. Lebih lanjut lihat www.dpr.go.id Semua pertanyaan tentang hak dan izin, termasuk hak-hak tambahan sekaligus saran dan masukan dialamatkan ke: Sekretariat Kerjasama Organisasi Regional Biro Kerja-Sama Antar-Parlemen Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI Gedung Nusantara III Lantai 6 Jl Jend Gatot Subroto Jakarta 10270 Indonesia Telepon +6221 5715842, +6221 5715210 Faks +6221 5715295 E-mail
[email protected] x+ 136 halaman; 21cm x 28cm ISBN : 978-602-74746-2-8
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) merupakan salah satu organisasi antar parlemen yang di inisiasi oleh Indonesia. Dalam prosesnya, Indonesia berperan sangat aktif dalam setiap agenda AIPA. Termasuk pada kesempatan Sidang Umum AIPA Ke-37 di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, tanggal 29 September – 3 Oktober 2016. Melalui AIPA, DPR RI melakukan peran second track diplomacy di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan meneguhkan peran parlemen dalam mewujudkan Visi Masyarakat ASEAN 2025. Komitmen DPR RI tercermin dalam beberapa poin yang telah kami sampaikan pada pertemuan kali ini. Antara lain mengenai komitmen untuk menjaga stabilitas kawasan terutama keamanan maritim di tengah tantangan-tantangan non-tradisional seperti illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing, tindak pidana perdagangan orang, dan penyelundupan obat-obatan terlarang. Selain itu tentu saja kami tegaskan mengenai komitmen untuk pemajuan demokrasi di kawasan. Tanpa demokrasi substansial yang berporos pada pemenuhan hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan fundamental, rakyat ASEAN belum dapat dikatakan menikmati pembangunan dan kesejahteraan secara menyeluruh. Saat menyampaikan kata sambutan saat membuka Sidang tersebut, State Councilor Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi menggarisbawahi 4 (empat) prioritas nasional Myanmar saat ini yakni: (1) rekonsiliasi nasional dan pembentukan Federal Democratic Union melalui negosiasi dan kompromi politik; (2) penyelesaian isu Rakhine State dengan melakukan upaya kompleks melalui Central Committee for the Implementation of Peace, Stability, and Development in Rakhine dan membentuk Advisory Commission; (3) pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan dengan meluncurkan kebijakan ekonomi yang mendukung rekonsiliasi nasional, mengentaskan kemiskinan, membangun infrastruktur, mendorong investasi yang bertanggung jawab, dan menciptakan lapangan kerja; dan (4) memenuhi kewajiban internasional dengan meratifikasi UN Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), ASEAN Agreement on Privileges and Immunities, Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, dan ASEAN Convention against Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children (ACTIP). Poin kedua dari empat prioritas tersebut yang saat ini masih menjadi keprihatinan kita bersama. Dalam kesempatan pertemuan bilateral dengan Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (House of Representatives) dan Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House), kami telah menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia tetap mendukung proses demokrasi
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
dan rekonsiliasi nasional Myanmar. Sebagai salah satu pendiri ASEAN, Indonesia tentunya selalu menempatkan ASEAN principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of one another sebagai landasan dalam hubungan dengan sesama negara anggota ASEAN. Namun dalam hal ini tetap harus kita harus sampaikan keprihatinan mendalam atas krisis di Rakhine State. Kami teringat buku Aung San Suu Kyi, Letters from Burma, yang pertama kali diterbitkan tahun 1996. Dalam buku tersebut termuat surat-surat yang dituliskan untuk menyalurkan kecintaannya pada negaranya. Keindahan kata-kata tidak hanya memberikan gambaran mengenai keindahan lanskap Myanmar tetapi juga merangkum pandangan-pandangan politis Daw Aung San, dampak kebijakankebijakan politis yang diambil bagi rakyat Myanmar, dan apresiasi yang mendalam terhadap semua pihak yang telah mendukung partainya National League of Democracy (NLD). Sebaris kalimat penutup buku tersebut, “It is a time for us to decide that we should resolve the problems of our country through political rather than military means”. Terkait konteks saat ini, semoga Pemerintah Myanmar senantiasa mengelakkan diri dari invasi militer dan krisis di Rakhine dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu dekat melalui cara-cara bermartabat serta dialog-dialog politis. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Fahri Hamzah Ketua Delegasi/Wakil Ketua DPR RI
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Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
DASAR PENGIRIMAN DELEGASI Partisipasi Delegasi DPR RI dalam Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) pada tanggal 29 September – 3 Oktober 2016 di Myanmar, didasarkan pada Surat Keputusan Pimpinan DPR-RI Nomor: 125/PIMP/I/2016-2017 tanggal 22 September 2016.
SUSUNAN DELEGASI Adapun susunan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, SE Ketua Delegasi/ Wakil Ketua DPR RI bidang Korkesra
Yth. Sdri. Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul,M.M. Anggota Delegasi/ F-PAN
2. Yth. Sdr. Ir. Nazarudin Kiemas Anggota Delegasi/ F-PDIP
Yth. Sdr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya Anggota Delegasi/ F-PGERINDRA
Yth. Sdri. Hj. Nurhayati Monoarfa Anggota Delegasi/ F-PPP
Selama persidangan berlangsung, Delegasi DPR RI didampingi oleh Dubes RI untuk Myanmar dan staff, Pejabat/ Staff Setjen DPR RI, Tenaga Ahli BKSAP, Pejabat/ Staff Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, Interpreter dan Jurnalis.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Wakil Ketua DPR RI, Yth.Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, selaku Ketua Delegasi, menyampaikan statement Indonesia pada Sidang Pleno Pertama
MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN PENGIRIMAN DELEGASI Sejalan dengan Tata Tertib DPR RI pasal 75 poin a yaitu membina, mengembangkan, dan meningkatkan hubungan persahabatan dan kerjasama antara DPR dengan parlemen negara lain, baik secara bilateral maupun multilateral, termasuk organisasi internasional yang menghimpun parlemen dan/atau anggota parlemen negara lain; serta pasal 76 poin c yaitu mengadakan kunjungan dan/atau menghadiri pertemuan persahabatan mengenai hal yang termasuk dalam ruang lingkup tugasnya atau penugasan atau persetujuan pimpinan DPR, maka partisipasi aktif DPR RI dalam kerangka ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Selanjutnya, Undang-Undang MD3 pasal 116 mengamanatkan kepada DPR RI periode 20142019 mandat untuk menjalankan fungsi second-track diplomacy. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh meningkatnya dampak dinamika politik internasional terhadap kehidupan masyarakat. Terlebih lagi, Indonesia sebagai salah satu inisiator pembentukan ASEAN dan AIPA memiliki komitmen terhadap perwujudan visi Masyarakat ASEAN 2025. DPR RI sebagai perwakilan rakyat Indonesia memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan pelibatan Indonesia dalam berbagai kerangka kerja sama regional maupun internasional sejalan dengan kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia.
MISI DELEGASI Adapun misi Delegasi DPR RI mengikuti Sidang Umum AIPA ke-37, antara lain adalah: 1. Memberikan dukungan dan komitmen terhadap tercapainya visi Masyarakat ASEAN 2025. 2. Memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya menciptakan kawasan ASEAN yang damai, stabil, dan lebih sejahtera. 3. Mempererat kerja sama bilateral dengan negara-negara anggota AIPA dan organisasiorganisasi yang menjadi mitra wicara AIPA 4. Mendorong AIPA agar menghasilkan resolusi-resolusi yang implementatif dan mampu memberikan solusi terhadap berbagai tantangan regional.
PERSIAPAN PELAKSANAAN TUGAS a. Persiapan Materi Materi yang dijadikan referensi bagi Delegasi DPR RI diolah oleh Tenaga Ahli dan Sekretariat BKSAP dan disusun berdasarkan masukan yang komprehensif dari Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. b. Rapat Delegasi Sebelum pelaksanaan Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA, Delegasi DPR RI telah mengadakan rapat delegasi yaitu pada tanggal 27 September 2016 dengan mengundang Kementerian Luar Negeri untuk menerima masukan mengenai isu-isu terkait dan melakukan koordinasi persiapan materi Delegasi untuk setiap sesi persidangan.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Wakil Ketua DPR RI, Yth.Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, selaku Ketua Delegasi, menyampaikan statement Indonesia pada Sidang Pleno Pertama
Delegasi Perempuan DPR RI, Yth. Sdr. indira Chunda Thita Syahrul, MM dan Yth. Sdri. Hj. Nurhayati Monoarfa menghadiri Sidang WAIPA
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
URAIAN TENTANG SITUASI UMUM PERSIDANGAN Sidang Umum ke-37AIPAtelah berlangsung pada tanggal 29 September – 3 Oktober 2016 di Myanmar International Convention Centre I dan Royal ACE Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw - Myanmar dengan tema “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community”, dihadiri oleh 10 (sepuluh) Parlemen Anggota AIPA yaitu: Brunei Darussalam, Kamboja, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Dihadiri pula oleh Guest of the Host yaitu: Deputi Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN, Dr. AKP Mochtar, dan Sekretaris Jenderal Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Mr. MartinChungong. Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA terdiri dari rangkaian sidang sebagai berikut: Pada tanggal 30 September 2016 telah dilaksanakan Handing Over of Office Ceremony Presiden AIPA dan Sekretaris Jenderal AIPA pada pukul 08.30 dilanjutkan dengan Sidang Executive Committee pada pukul 09.00.Serah terima jabatan Presiden AIPA antara Ketua Dewan Rakyat Malaysia Hon. Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Mulia, yang diwakili oleh Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, dengan H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Ketua Pyadungsu Hluttaw. Selain itu dilakukan serah terima jabatan Sekretaris Jenderal AIPA antara Mr. Periowsamy Otharam (dari Singapura) dengan Mr. Isra Sunthornvut (dari Thailand) untuk masa jabatan 3 tahun (2016-2019). Sidang Executive Committee (EXCOM) dibuka dan dipimpin oleh Presiden AIPA, H.E. Mahn Winn KhaingThann, dengan dihadiri oleh para Ketua Delegasi dan perwakilan anggota Delegasi dari setiap Parlemen Anggota AIPA. Pada Sidang EXCOM disepakati agenda-agenda Sidang AIPA ke-37 yang akan dibahas pada Sidang Komisi Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Organisasi. Selain itu Excom menyetujui komposisi di masing-masing Komisi. Selanjutnya, Excom menyetujui Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meetingdi LuangPrabang, Laos dan Report of the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of AIPA during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit di Vientiane, Laos untuk diadopsi di Komisi Politik. Pada pukul10.00,dilaksanakan Courtesy Call para Ketua Delegasi Anggota AIPAdan Guest of the Host dengan Presiden ke-37 AIPA, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Delegasi Indonesia dihadiri oleh Wakil Ketua DPR RI, Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, selaku Ketua Delegasi. Selanjutnya, Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA secara resmi dibuka oleh State Councillor Myanmar Hon. Mrs. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi dalam acara Opening Ceremony pukul 11.00. Dalam sambutannya, State Councillor menyatakan bahwa salah satu fokus AIPA dalam menegakkan hak asasi manusia sejalan dengan prioritas domestik Myanmar untuk mencapai tingkat demokratisasi yang penuh. Terdapat 4 (empat) prioritas nasional Myanmar saat ini yakni: (1) rekonsiliasi nasional dan pembentukan Federal Democratic Union melalui negosiasi dan kompromi politik; (2) penyelesaian isu Rakhine State dengan melakukan upaya kompleks melalui Central Committee for the Implementation of Peace, Stability, and Development in Rakhine dan membentuk Advisory Commission; (3) pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan dengan meluncurkan kebijakan ekonomi yang mendukung rekonsiliasi nasional, mengentaskan kemiskinan, membangun infrastruktur, mendorong investasi yang bertanggung jawab, dan menciptakan lapangan kerja; dan (4) memenuhi kewajiban internasional dengan meratifikasi UN Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), ASEAN Agreement on Privileges and Immunities, Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms, dan ASEAN Convention against Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children (ACTIP). Sebelumnya, Presiden AIPA H.E. U Mahn Winn Khaing Thann juga menyampaikan kata sambutan. Dalam sambutannya, Presiden AIPA menyambut baik karakter demokrasi yang dimiliki oleh seluruh Negara Anggota ASEAN dan sebagai parlemen termuda di kawasan, Myanmar berkomitmen
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
untuk mendukung AIPA dan menegakkan demokrasi. Rasa tanggung jawab sebagai representasi rakyat mutlak diperlukan untuk menghadapi tantangan ekonomi (perlindungan hak pekerja, terutama pekerja migran), tindak pidana perdagangan orang (memastikan kondisi ekonomi yang kurang baik di suatu negara tidak menyebabkan berkembangnya praktek perdagangan orang ke negara lain), kesamaaan hak gender terhadap akses pendidikan, serta pelestarian lingkungan hidup di tengah upaya memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya alam. Setelah Opening Ceremony, pada pukul 13.00 diselenggarakan Sidang Pleno Pertama SIUM ke37 AIPA yang dipimpin oleh Presiden AIPA/Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar. Dalam kata sambutannya, Presiden AIPA H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann menjelaskan sejumlah agenda yang telah disepakati melalui pertemuan Sidang Executive Committee. Selanjutnya dalam Sidang Pleno Pertama, seluruh Ketua Delegasi AIPAdan Guests of the Host diberikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan statement. Pada hari yang sama dilaksanakan pula Sidang Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) dan Organisasi secara paralel dengan Sidang Pleno Pertama. Sidang Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) dilaksanakan pada pukul 14.00-17.00 dan Sidang Organisasi dilaksanakan pada pukul 15.15-18.00. Pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2016, dilaksanakan Sidang-sidang Komisi Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Organisasi secara paralel pada pukul 09.00-12.00. Di hari yang sama, pada pukul 16.30 – 18.00 dilaksanakan Sidang Joint Communique yang membahas inti sari/hasil dari diskusi yang telah dilaksanakan melalui Pertemuan Executive Committee, Sidang Komisi Politik, Komisi Ekonomi, Komisi Sosial, WAIPA, dan Komisi Organisasi. Joint Communique juga memuat ringkasan statement para Ketua Delegasi yang telah disampaikan pada Sidang Pleno Pertama.
Seluruh rangkaian persidangan AIPA berakhir pada Sidang Pleno Kedua yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2016 dengan agenda penyampaian dan pengadopsian Report dari masingmasing Ketua Sidang Komisi, sekaligus mengesahkan sejumlah Rancangan Resolusi AIPA. Agenda dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan Joint Communique oleh para Ketua/Wakil Delegasi AIPA sebagai salah satu pencapaian Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA. Presiden 37th General Assembly AIPA menjelaskan beberapa hal sehubungan dengan penyelenggaraan Pertemuan AIPA. Pertama, Filipina telah menyatakan kesediaan untuk menjadi tuan rumah 38th General Assembly di Manila pada bulan September 2017. Kedua, jabatan presiden AIPA diserahterimakan dari Myanmar ke Filipina. Dengan demikian, Myanmar hanya menjabat sebagai Presiden AIPA selama pelaksanaan 5 (lima) hari persidangan Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA saja. Sidang Umum AIPA ke-37 kemudian secara resmi ditutup melalui Sidang Pleno Kedua.
AGENDA SIDANG Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA membahas sejumlah agenda dan Rancangan Resolusi yang sudah disepakati melalui Sidang Executive Committee, yaitu sebagai berikut: Political Matters 1. Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface at the 28th and 29thASEAN Summit. 2. Report of the 8thMeeting of the AIPA Caucus 3. Draft Resolution on Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Reform and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation
Ketua Delegasi, Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah dan anggota Delegasi, Yth. Sdr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya sedang menyampaikan posisi Indonesua pada Sidang Komisi Politik
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
4. Draft Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN 5. Draft Resolution on Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN Economic Matters 1.
Draft Resolution on Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development 2. Draft Resolution on Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation 3. Draft Resolution on Resolution on Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation Social Matters 1.
Draft Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection 2. Draft Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection 3. Draft Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change 4. Draft Resolution on Sustainable Tourism Women of AIPA (WAIPA): 1.
Draft Resolution on theAmendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) 2. Draft Resolution on Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity 3. Draft Resolution on Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN Organizational Matters: 1. Draft resolution on (A) Continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA & The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), (B) Cooperation between Freeland Foundation & AIPA Secretariat, and (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); 2. Draft resolution on Memorandum of Understanding to Develop AIPA’s Capacity on Matters Concerning ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Economic Integration in Various Areas between the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and A S E A N I n t e r - P a r l i a m e n t a r y A s s e m b l y ( AIPA); 3. Draft Resolution on Accrediting the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 4. Draft Resolution on Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN InterParliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 5. Draft resolution on Amendments to (1) Staff Regulations of the AIPA Secretariat, (2) Instruction Manual for Staff (IMS); 6. Draft resolution on (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the Period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 and; (2) Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2017 to 30 September 2017 (FY 2017/ 2018);
7. Draft resolution on Financial Report of The AIPA Secretariat for the Period of 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016; 8. Draft resolution on Adoption of the Work Plan 2016 of the AIPA Secretariat; 9. Draft resolution on the Appointment of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA; 10. Draft resolution on Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA from September 2014 to August 2016; 11. Draft resolution on Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mann Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA; 12. Draft resolution on Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Third AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam; 13. Draft resolution on Date & Venue of the 38th General Assembly.
PARTISIPASI DELEGASI DPR RI Delegasi DPR RI telah berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap persidangan baik dalam Sidang-sidang Komisi dan Joint Communique. Berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tahun ini tidak ada agenda Dialogue With Observers. Sidang WAIPA Sidang Women Parliamentarian of AIPA (WAIPA) dipimpin oleh Hon. Ms. Su Su Lwin, sebagai Ketua Sidang, dan Hon. Ms. Pyone Kathi Naing, sebagai Rapporteur, dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil parlemen negara-negara ASEAN yang menangani isu perempuan. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Yth. Sdri. Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul dan Yth. Sdri. Nurhayati Monoarfa. Pertemuan WAIPA kali ini membahas 3 (tiga) Rancangan Resolusi. Pertama, mengenai Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO)yang merupakan upaya penguatan kelembagaan WAIPA sebagai salah satu struktur di bawah AIPA. Amandemen Rules of Procedure diharapkan dapat memberdayakan pengurus WAIPA selama satu tahun masa jabatannya dan WAIPA dapat berperan secara proaktif dalam pembahasan solusi-solusi isu terkait kesetaraan gender di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Rancangan Resolusi kedua adalah mengenai Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunityyang pada intinya menekankan bahwa isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan kesetaraan gender, promosi dan perlindungan hak-hak perempuan, kelompok rentan dan terpinggirkan tetap memerlukan penanganan serius. Resolusi ini juga menekankan pada perlindungan hak-hak pekerja migran. Delegasi yang hadir bersepakat untuk mendorong ratifikasi internasional dan pembentukan UU nasional yang menjamin perlindungan sosial sejalan dengan konvensi internasional and perjanjian regional. Selain itu resolusi menitikberatkan pada peran proaktif anggota parlemen perempuan bagi penguatan kebijakan responsif gender terutama dalam menjamin pekerjaan layak bagi perempuan di ASEAN. Delegasi Indonesia aktif memberikan masukan dan intervensi. Secara khusus, Delegasi Indonesia menyampaikan pentingnya perlindungan dan promosi hak-hak pekerja migran perempuan di ASEAN sejalan dengan implementasi ASEAN Declaration on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers. Masyarakat ASEAN yang menjadi visi bersama harus menekankan prinsip inklusivitas termasuk di dalamnya menjamin hak pekerja migran perempuan. Rancangan Resolusi ketiga berjudul Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN yang menekankan pada jaminan hak-hak perempuan untuk mendapatkan asuransi kesehatan, tunjangan kehamilan dan fasilitas penitipan anak di tempat kerja. Resolusi juga
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
mendorong peran ayah dalam berbagi tanggung jawab pengasuhan. Dalam hal ini WAIPA juga mendorong negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk menjamin perlindungan kehamilan dan pasca melahirkan serta menyesuaikan legislasi nasional dengan standar internasional. Dengan demikian, WAIPA berharap terjadi perluasan perlindungan persalinan dan pasca melahirkan terutama bagi wanita bekerja melalui penguatan mekanisme dan alokasi anggaran bagi manfaat persalinan dan pasca melahirkan. Sidang WAIPA menyetujui ketiga Rancangan Resolusi tersebut untuk selanjutnya diadopsi pada Sidang Pleno Kedua. Sidang Executive Committee Pertemuan ini dipimpin oleh H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann selaku Ketua Pyidaungsu Hluttaw dan Presiden AIPA. Ketua Delegasi DPR RI, Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah menghadiri Sidang Executive Committee, dengan didampingi oleh Yth. Sdr. Nazarudin Kiemas dan Yth. Sdr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya. Dalam Sidang Excom, Delegasi AIPA membahas seluruh rencana kegiatan yang akan diselenggarakan dalam rangkaian Sidang Umum AIPA ke-37, termasuk mengenai topik-topik yang akan didiskusikan di berbagai pertemuan komisi dan komposisi pimpinan sidang (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, dan Rapporteur) di setiap pertemuan. Selain itu, dalam pertemuan executive committee kali ini, para Delegasi mengenai AIPA Distinguished Service Award. Setelah mencermati berbagai usulan negara anggota AIPA, Excom memutuskan bahwa penganugerahan AIPA Distinguished Service Award akan ditunda pada SIUM AIPA berikutnya yang bertepatan dengan perayaan 40th Anniversary of the AIPA. Berdasarkan Statuta AIPA, Ketua Parlemen dari negara yang akan menjadi tuan rumah Sidang Umum AIPA berikutnya (SIUM AIPA 38), akan menjabat sebagai Vice-Chairperson Sidang Executive Committee dan setelah pelaksanaan SIUM AIPA 37, akan langsung menjabat sebagai
Presiden AIPA periode 2016-2017. Filipina yang mendapat giliran untuk menjadi tuan rumah SIUM AIPA tahun depan telah menyatakan kesediaan dan kesiapannya, sehingga dalam pertemuan Excom kali ini Ketua Delegasi Filipina menjabat sebagai Vice-Chairperson. Sidang Pleno Pertama Pada Sidang Pleno Pertama, Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, selaku Ketua Delegasi Indonesia, menyampaikan Ketua Delegasi Indonesia menekankan stabilitas kawasan sebagai prasyarat bagi keberhasilan implementasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Stabilitas tersebut diperlukan di tengah tantangan keamanan yang ada, khususnya keamanan maritim. Secara khusus Ketua Delegasi RI menyampaikan isu illegal, unreported, unregulated(IUU) fishing, tindak pidana perdagangan orang, dan penyelundupan obat-obatan terlarang sebagai contoh dari tantangan keamanan nontradisional. Selain itu, pemajuan prinsip demokrasi yang menjamin pemenuhan hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan fundamental mutlak diperlukan agar masyarakat ASEAN dapat menikmati kemakmuran bersama dalam damai dan secara bermartabat. Demokrasi substansial hendaknya menjadi tujuan dan prioritas dibandingkan demokrasi yang hanya bersifat electoral. Dalam kaitan
Anggota Delegasi Indonesia menghadiri Sidang Pleno Pertama
ini, pendekatan business as usual tidak lagi dirasa cukup dan AIPA sebagai mitra legislatif utama ASEAN dituntut untuk mengimbangi dinamika kawasan di tengah ketidakpastian global. AIPA yang aktif dan efektif sangat dibutuhkan dalam mendukung pencapaian visi ASEAN 2025. Selain itu Ketua Delegasi Indonesia menekankan pula pada pentingnya konektfitas dan pembangunan infrastruktur kawasan guna mendorong pemerataan kesejahteraan di antara negara-negara anggota AIPA. Parlemen memiliki kekuatan legislasi dan anggaran guna mendorong percepatan pembangunan guna mencapai visi konektifitas ASEAN 2025 yang berpegang pada ASEAN Master Plan Connectivity (AMPC) 2025. Senada dengan yang disampaikan oleh Indonesia, para Ketua Delegasi AIPA menekankan pula pada pencapaian visi Masyarakat ASEAN setelah implementasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN pada 31 Desember 2015. Seluruh Ketua Delegasi menyampaikan rasa optimis akan terciptanya Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Masyarakat ASEAN yang inklusif dan kohesif. Terutama dengan didukung oleh implementasi demokrasi di ASEAN sebagai salah satu faktor pendorong terpenting bagi harmonisasi kebijakan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Sidang Komisi Politik Sidang Komisi Politik dipimpin oleh anggota Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Hon. U Htun Htun Hein sebagai Chairperson dan Hon. U Aung Kyi Nyunt sebagai Rapporteur dan dihadiri oleh para delegasi anggota AIPA. Delegasi DPR RI terdiri dari Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah dan Yth. Sdr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya. Komisi Politik membahas sejumlah Rancangan Resolusi. Pertama, mengenai “Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Process and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation,” yang pada dasarnya menekankan bahwa proses demokratisasi memiliki arti penting dalam menjamin perdamaian, keamanan, dan stabilitas kawasan. Selain itu, dalam menangani potensi konflik, diperlukan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang memberi penenekanan kepada cara damai dan menekankan kepada karakter ASEAN yang mengutamakan negosiasi dan konsultasi. Perlu dicatat dalam pembahasan resolusi ini, Vietnam berulang kali berupaya untuk memasukkan referensi terkait South China Sea (SCS), dan hal ini memancing argumentasi yang cukup alot. Meski demikian, Delegasi RI berusaha menengahi dan memberikan solusi bahwasanya pembahasan mengenai SCS dapat dilakukan pada pembahasan resolusi terkait keamanan maritim. Usulan RI dapat diterima oleh seluruh peserta pertemuan. Rancangan Resolusi kedua berjudul “Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN.” Rancangan resolusi ini menekankan pentingnya upaya pencegahan ancaman cybersecurity di kawasan Asia Tenggara, khususnya terkait dengan meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi komunikasi dan informatika dalam layanan dan transaksi sehari-hari. Resolusi ini mendorong agar ASEAN dapat membentuk suatu kerangka kerja sama yang mengikat secara hukum untuk memastikan keamanan cyber dapat terjamin. Rancangan Resolusi ketiga berjudul “Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN,” yang merupakan usulan Indonesia. Usulan resolusi ini dilandasi dengan semangat agar parlemen dapat mendukung level eksekutif dalam menjaga keamanan maritim di kawasan. Dalam hal ini keamanan maritim yang dimaksud berdasarkan pembagian yang tertera dalam ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025 yakni keamanan di Laut China Selatan, kebebasan bernavigasi, dan upaya memberantas kejahatan lintas negara di lingkup maritim. Pembahasan dalam resolusi ini berjalan dengan lancar dan kondusif. Isu SCS tidak menimbulkan perdebatan dan putusan Permanent Court of Arbitration tidak disinggung oleh Filipina dan Vietnam. Kamboja juga tidak menentang penggunaan frasa “full respect for legal and diplomatic process” yang biasanya memancing argumentasi dalam pertemuan ASEAN lainnya. Secara umum seluruh negara anggota AIPA menyadari bahwa menangani isu keamanan maritim pada umumnya, dan SCS khususnya, memerlukan pendekatan damai dengan berlandaskan pada negosiasi dan tidak mempergunakan ancaman dan kekerasan militer. Rancangan Resolusi keempat berjudul “Formalizing the Support Provided by (1) the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and (2) ASEAN Ambassadors to ASEAN Member States to ASEAN Inter – Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).” Komite bersepakat untuk menunda pembahasan rancangan resolusi yang diusulkan oleh Sekretariat AIPA ini. Rancangan resolusi akan dibahas pada SIUM AIPA berikutnya di Filipina. Hal ini dikarenakan rancangan resolusi ini baru disampaikan beberapa hari sebelum diselenggarakannya SIUM AIPA ke-37 yang menyebabkan kurangnya persiapan negara anggota AIPA dalam mendiskusikan substansi resolusi ini.
Di akhir pertemuan, Sidang Komisi Politik dapat menyepakati tiga Rancangan Resolusi untuk diadopsi tahun ini. Para Delegasi AIPA juga menerima Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit serta mengadopsi Laporan Pertemuan AIPA Caucus ke-8 yang disampaikan oleh Lao PDR. Sidang Komisi Ekonomi Sidang Komisi Ekonomi dipimpin oleh anggota Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung sebagai Chairperson dan Hon. Ms. Htoot May sebagai Rapporteur, dan dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil parlemen anggota AIPA. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Yth. Sdr. Nazarudin Kiemas dan Yth. Sdri. Nurhayati Monoarfa. Sidang Komisi Ekonomi membahas 3 (tiga) Rancangan Resolusi. Pertama, mengenai “ Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development.” Rancangan Resolusi ini membahas sejumlah isu yang berkaitan dengan komitmen untuk menjamin tersedianya perangkat perundang-undangan bagi perlindungan hak pekerja dan penghapusan tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi di tempat kerja; membuka peluang kerja secara merata bagi laki-laki dan wanita; memberi kesempatan belajar dan pelatihan vokasi; dan pemberian gaji sesuai pekerjaannya. Pada awalnya pembahasan resolusi ini mengarah pada perlakuan terhadap wanita, namun Delegasi RI dengan didukung oleh Filipina berhasil mengarahkan kembali pembahasan resolusi ke pokok substansi resolusi tentang ketersediaan lapangan kerja, mengingat isu pekerja wanita telah dibahas di Komite WAIPA. Usulan Indonesia untuk memasukkan isu penghormatan terhadap hak fundamental pekerja dan keluarganya berhasil diterima dengan penambahan perlindungan sosial. Rancangan Resolusi kedua berjudul “Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation.” Melalui rancangan resolusi ini, AIPA mendorong para anggotanya untuk memberikan dukungan bagi usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) untuk berpartisipasi dalam global value chain, penguatan perundang-undangan nasional sesuai dengan kesepakatan ASEAN untuk memperbaiki produktivitas, inovasi dan kondisi kerja, daya saing, peningkatan kemitraan dan pengembangan modal bagi UMKM, peningkatan kerja sama regional dan internasional bagi peningkatan akses pasar, serta peluang bisnis bagi UMKM. Pada pembahasan isu ini tidak terdapat perbedaan pendapat yg berarti mengingat setiap anggota AIPA menyadari pentingnya untuk membuat regulasi yang dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi UMKM untuk memperoleh akses pasar, akses finansial, akses terhadap inovasi dan teknologi, serta pengembangan kemitraan. Rancangan Resolusi ketiga berjudul “Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation,” yang merupakan usulan Indonesia. Usulan Indonesia ini didasarkan atas kesadaran akan kebutuhan dukungan bagi implementasi ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 dan pengembangan green policy serta penyediaan anggaran bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan. Melalui rancangan resolusi ini, para Delegasi AIPA menegaskan urgensi peran parlemen di kawasan ASEAN demi mengawal integrasi regional yang telah dimulai dengan implementasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015. AIPA juga menyuarakan pentingnya peningkatan daya saing sektor UMKM dari segi produktivitas dan daya saing, dukungan pembiayaan maupun aspek-aspek regulasi yang membantu UMKM baik dalam menghadapi implikasi MEA maupun persaingan dalam nilai rantai global. Selanjutnya, ditekankan pula mengenai peningkatan konektifitas sebagaimana telah disepakati dalam Master Plan of ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2015-2025. Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Resolusi ini diterima negara-negara anggota AIPA dengan penambahan mengenai dukungan bagi implementasi Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III. Resolusi ini diterima oleh negara anggota AIPA lainnya dengan penambahan dukungan bagi implementasi Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III. Sidang Komisi Ekonomi menyetujui ketiga Rancangan Resolusi tersebut untuk disampaikan dan diadopsi pada Sidang Pleno Kedua. Sidang Komisi Sosial Sidang Komisi Sosial dipimpin oleh anggota Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Hon. Mr. San Shway Wynn (Dr) sebagai Chairperson dan Hon. Mr. Khin Zaw Linn sebagai Rapporteur, dan dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil parlemen anggota AIPA. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Yth. Sdri. Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul. Sidang ini membahas sejumlah Rancangan Resolusi. Pertama, mengenai “ Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection.” Melalui rancangan resolusi ini, para Delegasi AIPA menekankan pada urgensi peningkatan kerjasama di antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dalam pencegahan maupun pengobatan virus Zika. Aspek surveilan dan pelibatan masyarakat ASEAN melalui programprogram berbasis komunitas menjadi penekanan resolusi ini. Resolusi memberikan amanat bagi pembentukan pusat riset virus Zika dan penyakit arboviral lainnya, serta pembentukan sistem peningkatan kewaspadaan kesehatan masyarakat di ASEAN. Rancangan Resolusi kedua berjudul “Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection.” Melalui rancangan resolusi ini, para Delegasi AIPA mendorong negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk meningkatkan upaya dalam mewujudkan Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection. Rencana Aksi tersebut memberikan jaminan perlindungan sosial menyeluruh di ASEAN sehingga selayaknya parlemen meningkatkan koordinasi dengan eksekutif dalam memperkuat koordinasi AIPA-ASEAN dalam mengeksplorasi potensi kerjasama bagi implementasi yang efektif, terutama dalam memberikan jaminan sosial bagi perempuan, anak-anak, pemuda, orang tua, penyandang cacat, dan pekerja migran. Dalam pembahasan resolusi ini, Indonesia memberikan dukungan dan penekanan pada pekerja migran terutama dalam hal mendapatkan hak perlindungan sosial seperti di negara asal. Rancangan Resolusi ketiga berjudul “Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change.” Resolusi ini memberikan dukungan parlemen bagi implementasi Declaration on ASEAN Post2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Agenda melalui adopsi ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment. Selain itu, Resolusi ini mengajak negara-negara anggota AIPA untuk mengakselerasi ratifikasi Paris Agreement 2015 yang merupakan hasil COP-21. Dalam pembahasan mengenai resolusi ini, delegasi Indonesia berhasil mempertahankan kepentingan nasional dengan menolak usulan Thailand untuk memasukkan isu asap lintas batas. Argumentasi Indonesia dan Filipina bahwa isu asap lintas batas tidak memiliki keterkaitan dengan perubahan iklim dapat diterima oleh seluruh peserta komite. Sebagai catatan, delegasi Filipina membuka kemungkinan untuk menjadikan isu asap lintas batas sebagai resolusi tersendiri. Untuk dapat diantisipasi, mengingat Filipina memegang keketuaan AIPA dan akan menjadi tuan rumah Sidang Umum AIPA tahun 2017. Rancangan Resolusi keempat berjudul “Sustainable Tourism,” yang merupakan usulan Indonesia. Rancangan Resolusi ini diusulkan Indonesia berdasarkan kesadaran bahwa pariwisata merupakan
salah satu agenda utama ASEAN. Pembangunan sektor pariwisata meningkat sebanyak 8 persen di tahun 2014 dan membuka lapangan kerja bagi 29 juta warga ASEAN. Sejalan dengan adopsi ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2016-2025 di ASEAN Summit 2016, pariwisata berkelanjutan menjadi visi-misi utama rencana strategis tersebut. Pada tahun 2025, ASEAN akan menjadi tujuan wisata yang menawarkan kualitas, pengalaman ASEAN yang unik beragam, dan akan berkomitmen untuk pengembangan pariwisata yang bertanggung jawab, berkelanjutan, inklusif dan seimbang, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan terhadap sosial ekonomi kesejahteraan masyarakat ASEAN. Rancangan Resolusi usulan Indonesia disetujui dengan beberapa amandemen mengenai standar pekerja pariwisata dan dukungan terhadap usaha bidang pariwisata berbasis komunitas.
Sidang menyetujui keempat Rancangan Resolusi tersebut untuk disampaikan dan diadopsi pada Sidang Pleno Kedua. Sidang Komisi Organisasi Sidang dipimpin oleh anggota Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Hon. Mr. Than Win (Dr) sebagai Chairperson, dan Hon. Mr. Khin Maung Win sebagai Rapporteur, dan dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil parlemen anggota AIPA. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Yth. Sdr. Nazarudin Kiemas. Sidang ini membahas berbagai isu keorganisasian seperti anggaran, struktur organisasi, amandemen Statuta AIPA, serta rencana kerja AIPA. Sidang membahas juga mengenai keberlanjutan kerjasama antara penguatan kapasitas antara AIPA dengan Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), Freeland Foundation dan Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC), serta rancangan kerjasama penguatan kapasitas terkait integrasi regional dengan Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Sidang Komisi Organisasi menyetujui 11 (sebelas) Rancangan Resolusi untuk disampaikan dan diadopsi pada Sidang Pleno Kedua. Sidang menunda (defer) usulan resolusi mengenai “Accrediting
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)” dan Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).” Komite menilai dibutuhkannya suatu kriteria dan panduan terhadap akreditas status pengamat dalam AIPA dan memberikan mandat terhadap Sekretariat AIPA untuk menyusun panduan dimaksud. Panduan kemitraan dengan pengamat harus berlandaskan prinsip saling menguntungkan serta memiliki batasan yang jelas terkait peran dan hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh parlemen yang berstatus sebagai pengamat. Kedua usulan resolusi tersebut akan dibahas lebih lanjut pada Sidang Umum tahun 2017 di Filipina. Selain itu, Sidang Komisi Organisasi juga menyetujui Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat.
SIDANG JOINT COMMUNIQUE Sidang Joint Communique dipimpin oleh Anggota Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Hon. U. T. Khun Myat sebagai Chairperson dan Hon. U Zaw Thein sebagai Rapporteur, serta dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil parlemen anggota AIPA. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Yth. Sdr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya. Dalam kesempatan ini delegasi Indonesia memberikan highlight pidato Ketua Delegasi RI, Yth. Sdr. Fahri Hamzah, yang disampaikan pada Sidang Pleno Pertama dan juga menyampaikan beberapa masukan redaksional terhadap isi Join Communique. Sidang ini juga memberikan apresiasi kepada Parlemen Myanmar yang telah menjadi host SIUM ke-37 AIPA kali ini.
LAIN-LAIN Pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2016, di sela-sela persidangan, Ketua Delegasi RI juga melaksanakan Courtesy Call dan bilateral meeting dengan pemimpin Myanmar sebagai berikut: Courtesy Call dengan Presiden Myanmar, H.E. Htin Kyaw Pertemuan bilateral ini dilaksanakan secara bersama dengan Ketua Delegasi AIPA Singapura. Secara umum Ketua Delegasi RI menyampaikan kesiapan Indonesia untuk membantu Myanmar dalam proses transisi demokrasi yang tengah dijalankan. Presiden Myanmar menyampaikan pesan dan salam hormat kepada Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Bapak H.M. Jusuf Kalla, dan menyinggung tindak lanjut dari rencana bantuan dari Perwakilan Umat Buddha Indonesia (Walubi) untuk membangun beberapa rumah sakit di Myanmar. Bilateral Meeting dengan Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (House of Representatives), H.E. Mr. Win Myint Selain menyampaikan komitmen untuk membantu proses demokrasi dan rekonsiliasi nasional Myanmar, Ketua Delegasi Indonesia menyatakan bahwa sebagai sesama sahabat dalam kerangka demokrasi, pilar eksekutif dan legislatif RI-Myanmar harus bekerja sama dengan erat agar memudahkan kerja sama berikutnya dari aspek business to business dan people to people. Ketua Delegasi Indonesia juga menyampaikan pesan terkait maksud Garuda Indonesia untuk menjajaki dibukanya rute penerbangan langsung dari Jakarta ke Yangon dan Nay Pyi Taw. Ketua DPR Myanmar menyampaikan terima kasih dan kesiapannya untuk bekerja sama dengan lebih erat serta menyampaikan bahwa rencana Garuda Indonesia tersebut sebaiknya segera ditindaklanjuti pada level eksekutif.
Bilateral Meeting dengan Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House), H.E. Mr. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann Ketua Delegasi Indonesia menyampaikan pengalaman dan praktek-praktek terbaik yang dimiliki Indonesia selama menjalankan proses transisi di era reformasi. Ketua Delegasi Indonesia juga menyampaikan undangan kepada Parlemen Myanmar untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia dan mempelajari langsung praktek demokrasi dan pembahasan legislasi di DPR RI.
HASIL-HASIL YANG DICAPAI Setelah melalui sidang-sidang yang diwarnai dengan perdebatan yang cukup hangat dan panjang guna melakukan pembahasan terhadap agenda sebagaimana tersebut di atas, Sidang Umum ke37 AIPA di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, telah mengadopsi 15 (lima belas) resolusi di bidang Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan WAIPA dan juga mengadopsi 11 (sebelas) resolusi di bidang Organisasi. Selain itu, Sidang ini juga menghasilkan 8 (delapan) Report Sidang, yaitu: Report of the Executive Committee Meeting; Report on the 37th AIPA General Assembly; 5 (lima) Report Sidang-sidang Komisi (Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, WAIPA, dan Organisasi); Report of the Committee on Joint Communique; serta Joint Communique yang ditandatangani oleh seluruh Ketua Delegasi Parlemen Anggota AIPA. Dari uraian tersebut, lima belas resolusi yang berhubungan dengan isu regional dibahas dalam Sidang Komisi Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan WAIPA. Secara singkat, kesepakatan para Parlemen Anggota AIPA tercermin dalam resolusi-resolusi berikut: WAIPA 1.
Resolution on the Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO)
Mengingat Rules of Procedure (RoP) WAIPA belum pernah mengalami penyempurnaan sejak AIPO berubah nama menjadi WAIPO, maka diperlukan amandemen RoP guna penguatan WAIPA sebagai platform bagi anggota parlemen perempuan ASEAN untuk menjadi proaktif dalam mempromosikan kesetaraan gender dan perlindungan hak-hak perempuan dan anak-anak; memajukan kewirausahaan perempuan; memantau pencapaian, tujuan dan sasaran kesetaraan gender; untuk mengembangkan strategi kesetaraan gender; serta memfasilitasi anggota parlemen perempuan di ASEAN untuk membangun network.
2. Resolution on Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity Melalui Resolusi ini, anggota WAIPA menghimbau penguatan komitmen bagi implementasi 20162020 Work Plan of ASEAN Committee on Women; penyediaan jaminan sosial yang layak untuk tenaga kerja wanita baik di negara asal maupun di negara tujuan; serta pembentukan UndangUndang dan perangkat hukum sensitif gender sebagai landasan bagi kebijakan responsif gender untuk pekerjaan layak bagi perempuan di kawasan ASEAN. 3. Resolution on Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN Melalui Resolusi ini, WAIPA menghimbau negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk menerapkan kebijakan dan program yang tepat guna mendukung perlindungan kehamilan seperti cuti hamil, jaminan kesehatan di tempat kerja bagi wanita hamil dan menyusui, advokasi penyediaan kas dan Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
tunjangan kesehatan, non-diskriminasi dalam pekerjaan, dan fasilitas menyusui di tempat kerja. Political Matters 1.
Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Reform and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation
Negara-negara ASEAN perlu terus membangun komunitas yang konstruktif dan memadai guna menghadapi tantangan ASEAN baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Saat ini sedang berlangsung sebuah proses untuk menciptakan iklim demokrasi yang langgeng dan menguntungkan yang meningkatkan inklusivitas politik, mengakui dan menyeimbangkan keragaman etnis dan agama, mengurangi kesenjangan ekonomi, mengelola sumber daya yang transparan dan akuntabel, dan mencapai resolusi atas berbagai konflik melalui konsultasi dan negosiasi. Negara-negara ASEAN hendaknya mengintensifkan upaya bersama mereka untuk mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan khususnya dalam melaksanakan UN 2030 Agenda, guna menyeimbangkan pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial, sambil menjaga dan melindungi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, yang akan menciptakan siklus politik dan stabilitas sosial, menciptakan kemakmuran ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Hal tersebut pada gilirannya akan menciptakan stabilitas politik dan sosial di ASEAN. Resolusi mendorong Pemimpin ASEAN dan Parlemen Anggota AIPA untuk tetap mempertahankan status regional ASEAN sebagai daerah bebas senjata nuklir dan senjata pemusnah massal dan juga menjamin keamanan wilayah maritim ASEAN. 2. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cyber Security in ASEAN Mengingat masih terdapat keterbatasan dan tantangan dalam kerjasama di bidang Cybersecurity di antara negara anggota ASEAN, terutama yang berhubungan dengan respon ancaman, prosedur hukum dan pembagian informasi, maka negara-negara anggota AIPA mengajukan resolusi ini. Menyadari peran penting dari lembaga legislatif negara-negara anggota ASEAN dalam mempromosikan kebijakan dan mekanisme kerjasama di bidang Cybersecurity, maka dibutuhkan sebuah kerangka hukum bersama untuk memastikan Cybersecurity, mencegah cybercrime dan kejahatan transnasional antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dan antara ASEAN dan mitra-mitranya. Parlemen Anggota AIPA menyepakati pentingnya kerjasama di bidang cybersecurity guna menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan dunia maya serta menanggapi tantangan cybersecurity guna menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas regional dan global. Melalui resolusi ini, Parlemen Anggota AIPA mendorong penguatan koordinasi ASEAN Network Security Action Council (ANSAC), Interpol, dan ASEANAPOL untuk memastikan keamanan informasi, terutama untuk melalui mekanisme ASEAN Single Window. Resolusi ini juga merekomendasikan negara-negara anggota ASEAN dan mitra mereka untuk mendukung peningkatan kapasitas untuk negara anggota ASEAN melalui kerjasama di ahli pelatihan, penasehat kebijakan; dan pembangunan infrastruktur teknologi informasi. 3. Resolution on Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN Ekosistem laut yang sehat merupakan sumber daya yang penting untuk keamanan pangan, kesehatan manusia, dan ekonomi kesejahteraan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kerjasama maritim untuk mengatasi tantangan bersama dan mnenjaga sentralitas regional melalui mekanisme yang dipimpin ASEAN dan badan-badan regional lainnya. Kerjasama dan dialog konstruktif perlu ditingkatkan guna membahas berbagai isu-isu maritim, termasuk pencarian dan penyelamatan, peningkatan kapasitas maritim, kejahatan di laut, penelitian ilmiah kelautan, keamanan maritim dan keamanan, konservasi sumber daya hayati laut, perampokan bersenjata di laut, serta Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing. Melalui relolusi ini, Parlemen Anggota AIPA mendorong legislasi dan peraturan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kerja sama dalam konservasi dan reservasi ekosistem laut, keselamatan dan keamanan laut. Disamping
itu, Parlemen Anggota AIPA juga menggarisbawahi pentingnya dukungan parlemen untuk memperluas kerjasama maritim di negara anggota ASEAN sebagaimana Framework of Trilateral Cooperative Arangement antara Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina. Economic Matters 1.
Resolution on Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development
Parlemen Anggota AIPA menyadari pentingnya kesempatan kerja dan kondisi kerja yang layak guna meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan, pemberantasan kemiskinan, ketimpangan dan pengucilan, dan memelihara perdamaian dan keamanan di wilayah ASEAN. Pembangunan sosial-ekonomi di berbagai negara anggota ASEAN juga tidak terlepas dari keterlibatan para buruh migran. Oleh karena itu, negara anggota ASEAN dan parlemen anggota AIPA perlu menciptakan kebijakan dan kerangka hukum berdasarkan konvensi buruh global yang melindungi hak-hak pekerja, menghilangkan segala macam kekerasan dan diskriminasi di tempat kerja, dan untuk memfasilitasi pekerja lintas batas. Negara anggota ASEAN juga perlu menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan yang layak bagi semua pria dan wanita, termasuk orang-orang muda dan penyandang cacat. Semua hal tersebut pada akhirnya akan mempromosikan keadilan ekonomi, membuat pasar tenaga kerja lebih efisien dimana para pekerja akan memperoleh upah yang sama untuk pekerjaan yang sama nilainya. Melalui resolusi ini, Parlemen Anggota AIPA merekomendasikan negara anggota ASEAN untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja yang layak dengan mempromosikan budaya daerah dan produk melalui tujuan wisata tunggal ASEAN. 2. Resolution on Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation Kesadaran akan partisipasi UMKM di ASEAN dalam rantai nilai global akan membantu pembentukan jaringan untuk UMKM di wilayah ASEAN untuk bersama-sama mengembangkan UMKM dan mengoptimalkan rantai nilai global. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan peran AIPA dan Parlemen Anggota AIPA dalam membentuk kerangka hukum, penguatan peraturan perundangundangan yang sejalan perjanjian ASEAN sebelumnya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, inovasi, kondisi kerja yang layak, persaingan yang adil dan untuk meningkatkan pembangunan dan partisipasi UMKM ke rantai nilai global. Melalui resolusi ini, parlemen anggota AIPA mendorong UMKM untuk menerapkan teknologi informasi, berinovasi untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam jaringan produksi dan nilai rantai global; meningkatkan nilai tambah perekonomian nasional dan regional, dan meningkatkan keikutsertaan perempuan dan pemuda dalam kegiatan ekonomi mereka. Disamping itu, resolusi ini juga menekankan pentingnya pelaksanaan ASEAN Single Window dalam mendukung pemerataan pembangunan dan kerjasama ekonomi jangka panjang yang menguntungkan. 3. Resolution on Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation Parlemen anggota AIPA semestinya mempercepat kerjasama dan harmonisasi legislatif implementasi penuh dari Cetak Biru Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dapat terlaksana pada tahun 2025. Oleh karena itu, parlemen anggota AIPA perlu melakukan mekanisme pemantauan dan evaluasi untuk melacak dan memastikan pelaksanaan cetak biru tersebut. Melalui reslolusi ini, parlemen anggota AIPA didorong agar mengembangkan kebijakan hijau dan menyediakan anggaran yang cukup untuk mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan dan inklusif. Disamping itu, resolusi ini juga mendesak parlemen anggota AIPA untuk mengalokasikan dukungan anggaran yang memadai untuk meningkatkan konektivitas ASEAN dan pembangunan infrastruktur, mempromosikan produktivitas, teknologi dan inovasi; meningkatkan akses pembiayaan; memfasilitasi dan meningkatkan akses pasar dan internasionalisasi UMKM agar UMKM dapat terintegrasi ke dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Social Matters 1.
Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection
Resolusi ini mendesak negara-negara anggota AIPA untuk menyatakan infeksi virus Zika sebagai Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) sesuai dengan deklarasi oleh WHO. Oleh karena itu, kerjasama AIPA-ASEAN perlu dipekuat untuk pemberlakuan dan penegakan hukum, kebijakan, strategi dan tindakan regional untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan wabah potensi infeksi virus Zika serta penyakit menular lainnya di wilayah ASEAN. Melalui resolusi ini, AIPA meminta parlemen anggota AIPA untuk melembagakan program berbasis masyarakat untuk mengendalikan penularan virus Zika dan mendorong setiap rumah tangga bertanggung jawab untuk mencegah sumber penularan. Disamping itu, resolusi ini juga meminta negaranegara anggota ASEAN untuk mengaktifkan mekanisme kesiapsiagaan dan respon nasional mereka, dan membangun Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat ASEAN untuk memastikan pemantauan dan pengendalian infeksi virus Zika yang komprehensif. 2. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection Koordinasi AIPA-ASEAN dalam mengeksplorasi potensi kerjasama untuk pelaksanaan Rencana Aksi untuk mewujudkan Deklarasi ASEAN tentang Penguatan Perlindungan Sosial perlu ditingkatkan. Oleh karena itu, resolusi ini mendorong negara anggota ASEAN untuk lebih banyak berinvestasi dalam mewujudkan Deklarasi ASEAN tentang Penguatan Perlindungan Sosial. Parlemen anggota AIPA juga diharapkan mendorong negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk mempertimbangkan layanan perlindungan sosial dasar yang penting bagi perempuan, anakanak, remaja, orang tua, penyandang cacat, dan terutama pekerja migran di wilayah yang paling rentan terhadap gejolak dengan mendukung perlindungan sosial untuk pekerja migran secara legal. Parlemen anggota AIPA juga meminta negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk menerapkan target terhadap Agenda SDG 2030 dan untuk mengikutsertakan perlindungan sosial ke dalam kerangka kebijakan dan perundang-undangan nasional. 3. Resolution on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change in ASEAN Melalui resolusi ini, parlemen anggota AIPA hendak membantu ASEAN untuk mengimplementasikan ASEAN Post-2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Agenda dan mengadopsi ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment (ASPEN) sesegera mungkin. Oleh karena itu, hubungan kerjasama dalam ASEAN dan antara anggota ASEAN dengan mitra eksternal untuk memobilisasi sumber daya keuangan ke dalam proyek-proyek yang berkaitan dengan teknologi bersih, teknologi hemat energi, serta pengembangan Pusat Bantuan dan Penelitian Perubahan Iklim ASEAN. Parlemen anggota AIPA mendorong negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk melembagakan mekanisme koordinasi kerjasama dalah hal kesiapsiagaan, bantuan dan rehabilitasi bencana. Di samping itu, parlmen anggota AIPA juga mendorong peningkatan kerja sama, dialog, informasi dan berbagi pengalaman dalam menanggulangi efek negatif dari perubahan iklim dalam kerangka mekanisme yang dipimpin ASEAN, forum regional dan internasional lainnya seperti Paris Agreement.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Ketua Delegasi Indonesia pada Bilateral Meeting dengan Ketuan Parlemen Myanmar, H.E. Mr. Win Myint
Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA tanggal 29 September – 3 Oktober 2016 di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, telah berlangsung dengan lancar. Sidang telah mengesahkan 23 (dua puluh tiga) resolusi terkait bidang Politik (2 resolusi), Ekonomi (3 resolusi), Sosial (4 resolusi), Organisasi (11 resolusi) dan WAIPA (3 resolusi). 2. Misi Delegasi DPR RI telah tercapai antara lain melalui peran aktif selama rangkaian acara SIUM dan diterimanya 3 (tiga) Rancangan Resolusi yang diajukan Indonesia. Rancangan Resolusi tersebut terkait keamanan maritim, dukungan parlemen terhadap implementasi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, dan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Indonesia juga berhasil mempertahankan kepentingan dalam isu pemajuan hak-hak dan perlindungan pekerja migran serta dalam isu kabut asap lintas batas di rancangan resolusi lainnya 3. Partisipasi Delegasi DPR RI dalam SIUM AIPA 37 merupakan wujud nyata komitmen DPR RI dalam mendukung terbentuknya Masyarakat ASEAN yang inklusif, yaitu dengan menyuarakan kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia di forum regional/internasional 4. Delegasi DPR RI juga telah mengadakan pertemuan bilateral Presiden Myanmar, H.E. Htin Kyaw, Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (House of Representatives), H.E. Win Myint, dan Speaker of Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House), H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thannyang diharapkan dapat menunjang kerja sama yang lebih erat antara Indonesia dan Myanmar sebagai negara demokrasi baru di ASEAN dan peluang kerjasama ekonomi yang potensial.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Delegasi Indonesia pada sesi penandatanganan Joint Communique
Hasil Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA berupa resolusi-resolusi di bidang WAIPA, Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Organisasi memerlukan tindak lanjut implementasi dari masing-masing parlemen dan pemerintah negara-negara anggota AIPA. Oleh karena itu, resolusi yang telah disepakati dalam SIUM AIPA 37 sebaiknya segera didistribusikan ke Komisi-Komisi yang terkait di DPR RI untuk disampaikan keDepartemen/Institusi/ Kementerian terkait untuk ditindaklanjuti 2. DPR RI diharapkan dapat meneruskan komitmennya untuk mendukung pembentukan Masyarakat ASEAN 2025, antara lain dengan mempromosikan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai ASEAN dan menyusun kebijakan yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing sektor usaha nasional 3. DPR RI diharapkan dapat berkontribusi demi tercapainya kesepakatan para Parlemen Anggota AIPA dalam menangani isu-isu/tantangan baru yang muncul di kawasan. AIPA sudah mengadopsi sejumlah Resolusi yang cukup komprehensif. Di masa mendatang, repetisi dalam pembahasan suatu isu perlu dikurangi. AIPA membutuhkan ide-ide baru yang dapat menjawab tantangan pasca pembentukan Masyarakat ASEAN
Foto session para Ketua Delegasi
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
A. ANGGARAN Biaya yang digunakan untuk melakukan perjalanan 5 (lima) Anggota DPR RI, 4 (empat) orang Pejabat dan Staf Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI (Sekretaris Delegasi), 1 (satu) orang Tenaga Ahli, 1 (satu) orang Penerjemah, 1 (satu) orang wartawan dari TV Parlemen adalah sebesar Rp.576.570.500,-
KETERANGAN LAMPIRAN Laporan ini dilengkapi oleh lampiran hasil-hasil persidangan sebagai berikut: • List of Delegates • Report of the Executive Committee Meeting • Report of the 37thAIPA General Assembly • Report of Committee on Political, Economic, Social, WAIPA, and Organizational Matters • Report of Committee on Joint Communiqué • Joint Communiqué • Resolutions • Dokumentasi Foto
KATA PENUTUP Demikianlah pokok-pokok Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 AIPA yang berlangsung pada tanggal 29 September – 3 Oktober 2016 di Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. Dokumen terkait akan dijadikan lampiran. Atas nama delegasi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada delegasi untuk melaksanakan tugas berat yang mulia demi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Jakarta, Oktober 2016 Ketua Delegasi,
Fahri Hamzah, S.E. Wakil Ketua DPR RI /A-118
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Delegasi DPR RI seusai mengikuti Sidang WAIPA
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
List of Names of AIPA Member Delegations
1. H.E Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib
2. Hon. Pehin Dato Haji Judin Haji Asar 3. H.E. Pehin Dato Rahmani Basir
Clerk to the Legislative Council
4. Ms. Rose Aminah Haji Ismail
Administrative Officer Special Grade
5. Mr. Omsarule 6. Haji Omar 7. Ms. Ajeerah Najib
Public Relations Officer
8. Datin Hajah Edah Haji Mohamed Noor 9. Datin Hajah Zaharah Haji Ja’afar
Spouse of Speaker
Deputy Clerk
Spouse of Honourable Clerk
1. Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin
President of the National Assembly
2. H.E. Post Dr. Cheam Yeap
Chairperson of the Commission on Economy, Finance, Banking and Audit of the National Assembly, and Chairman of the Cambodian AIPA National Group,MP.
3. H.E. Mr. Chheang Vun
Chairperson of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media of the National Assembly, MP.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
4. H.E. Dr. Pen Pannha
Chairperson of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly, MP.
5. H.E. Mrs. Nin Saphon
Chairperson of Commission on Public Works, Transport, Telecommunications, Post, Industry, Mines Energy, Commerce, Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
6. H.E. Mrs. Krouch Sam An
Secretary of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly, MP
7. H.E. Mr. Keo Piseth
Member of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly, MP. and Chief of Cabinet of the President of the National Assembly
8. H.E. Mr. Chay Borin
Member of the Commission on Economic, Finance, Banking and Audit of the National Assembly, MP.
9. H.E. Mr. Hou Sry
Vice-Chairman of the Commission on Planning, Investment, Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment and Water Resources,MP
10. H.E. Mr. Nhem Thavy 11. H.E. Mr. Yang Sem
Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, Reception of Complaints Investigation of the National Assembly and Senate Relations (Senate)
12. H.E. Mr. Chhit Kimyeat
Vice-Chairperson of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media ( Senate)
13. H.E. Mr. Keo Phirum
Member of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media of the National Assembly, MP
14. H.E. Mr. Son Chhay
Vice-Chairman of the Commission on Economic, Finance, Banking and Audit of the National Assembly, MP.
15. H.E. Mr. Khieu Muth
16. H.E. Mr. Prom Virak
Director General of International Relations, Protocol and Media
17. H.E. Mr. Phy Tara
Deputy Director-General of Administration and Finance of the National Assembly
18. H.E. Mr. Heang Thul
Director of International Relations Department
19. Mr. Tim Vanna
Director of Protocol Department
20. Mrs. Nun Thavy
Deputy Director of International Relations Department
21. Mr. Koy Malayvireak
Deputy Director of Int. Relation and Protocol Department of Senate
22. Mr. Sam Oeurn Mardy
Deputy Director of Research Department of Senate
23. Mr. Nhep Navin
Deputy Director of Media Department
24. Mr. Meas Siphandorn
Chief of Bilateral office
25. Mr. Phalla Socheata Mony
26. Mr. Top Saroun
27. Mr. Chhorn Vannak
Medical Doctor
28. Mr. Kan Pha
Body Guard
29. H.E. Mrs. Hak Chou
30. H.E. Mrs. Hor Kim Sok
31. H.E. Mrs. Chheang Sounnaroeun
1. H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah
Vice Speaker / Head of Delegation
2. Hon. Mr. Nazarudin Kiemas
Member of Parliament
3. Hon. Mr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya
Member of Parliament
4. Hon. Mrs. Indira Chunda Thita Syarul
Member of Parliament
5. Hon. Mrs. Nurhayati Monoarfa
Member of Parliament
6. H.E. Ito Sumardi
7. Mr. Salman Al Farisi
Advisor to Delegation
8. Mr. Saiful Islam
Senior Secretary
9. Mr. Chairil Patria
Secretary to Delegation
10. Ms. Anne Widyana
Secretary to Delegation
11. Ms. Dewi Amelia Tresna Wijayanti
Advisor to Delegation
12. Mr. Wiryawan Narendro Putro
Secretary to Delegation
13. Mr. Doni Suharno
Secretary Delegation
14. Mr. Erwin Sudarman
Advisor to Vice Speaker
15. Mr. Tontowi Djauhari Anwar
Secretary to Vice Speaker
16. Mrs. Palupi Sukiyantini Mustajab
Foreign Ministry
17. Mr. Wili Kurniawan
Foreign Ministry
18. Ms. Yuliana Tansil
19. Mr. Budimansyah
Indonesian Embassy
20. Dr. Kyaw Myint Maung
Indonesia Embassy
21. Mr. Deny Hariyatna
Indonesian Embassy
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
22. Ms. Ary Icha Supratiwi
Secretary to Hon. Mrs. Nurhayati Monoarfa
23. Mr. Rizky Emirdhani Utama
Secretary to Hon. Mr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya
1. H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou
President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR, (MP) Head of Delegation
2. Hon. Dr. Bounpone Bouttanavong
Vice-President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR
3. Hon. Prof. Dr. Eksavang Vongvichith
Chairman of ForeignAffairs Committee (MP)
4. Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath
Chairman of Economic Technology and Environment Committee (MP)
5. Hon. Dr. Somphou Douangsavan
Chairman of Cultural and Social Affairs Committee (MP)
6. Hon. Ms. Suansavanh Vignaket
Secretary General of the National Assembly of Lao PDR (MP)
7. Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonephet Boupha
Vice-Chairperson of Cultural and Social Affairs Committee (MP)
8. Hon. Mr. Ouan Phommachack
Vice-Chairman of LawCommittee (MP)
9. Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly
Vice-Chairman of Planning, Finance and Auditing Committee (MP)
10. Hon. Ms. Thatsadaphone Sengsoulyya
President of Women Parliamentarians Caucus (MP)
11. Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thepphachanh
Vice-Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee (MP)
12. Hon. Lee Ying Xayasang
Ambassador of Lao PDR to Myanmar
13. Mr. Phetla Thanthavongsa
Director General of Department of Bilateral Parliamentary
14. Ms. Kantina Paneinhvan
Secretary to the President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR
15. Mr. Alavanh Phanthavong
Chief of Education and Culture Division
16. Mr. Soutsakhone Anantha
Deputy Chief of Inter- Parliamentary Cooperation Division
17. Mr. Somchith Phomthavong
Deputy Chief of Economic, Technology and Environment Division
18. Ms. Silanin Sengsilavong
Secretary (3rd) to the Ambassador
19. Ms. Siriphone Southammavong
Officer of Department of Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation
20. Ms. Anyphet Keola
Officer of Department of Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation
21. Mr. Asoka Rasphone, Interpreter
Chief of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
22. Ms. Sengouthai Chandara
Chief of Protocol Division
23. Mr. Bounkeud Vongxayya
Deputy Chief of Press Division
1. Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and Head of Delegation
2. Hon. Haji Hashi Hj Habibollah
Member of Parliament
3. Hon. Datuk Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid
Member of Parliament
4. Hon. Datuk Linda Tsen Thau Lin
Member of Parliament
5. Hon. Datuk Koh Nai Kwong
Member of Parliament
6. Hon. Dato’ Sri Dr. Haji Irmohizam Ibrahim
Member of Parliament
7. Hon. Hajah Normala Abdul Samad
Member of Parliament
8. Hon. Dr. Tan Seng Giaw
Member of Parliament
9. Hon. Dato’ Haji Kamarudin Jaffar
Member of Parliament
10. Hon. Khoo Soo Seang
Member of Parliament
11. Hon. Senator Hajoh Khairiah Mohamed
Member of Parliament
12. Datuk Roosme Hamzah
Secretary of the House of Representatives
13. Mr. Chyairreil Annwar Akmal
Undersecretary of International Affairs and Protocol Department
14. Ms. Nurhidayu Abdul Kahar
Private Secretary to Deputy Speaker
15. Mdm. Kamala Bhaei A/P M.G Pillai
Research Officer to the Deputy Speaker
16. Ms. Emilda Md Yusop
Secretary to the Delegation I
17. Mr. Mohsin Abdul Malek
Secretary to the Delegation II
Accompanying Person
18. Datin Zubaidah Binti Kassim
Spouse to Hon. Datuk Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd. Harun Narrashid
19. Mdm. Woo Teck Ping
Spouse to the Hon. Khoo Soo Seang
20. Mr. Samad Jambri
Private Secretary to the Deputy Speaker
21. Mr. Iswan Sonteng
Accompanying Person to the Deputy Speaker
1. H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann
Speaker of House of Nationalities
2. H.E. Win Myint
Speaker of House of Representatives
3. H.E. U Thar Aung
Deputy Speaker of House of Nationalities
4. H.E. U T. Khun Myat
Head of Delegation, Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives
5. Hon. Mr. Tun Aung@U Tun Tun Heinn
Member of House of Representatives
6. Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung
Member of House of Representatives
7. Hon. Dr. San Shwe Win(Mr)
Member of House of Representatives
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
8. Hon. Dr. Than Win(Mr)
Member of House of Nationalities
9. Hon. Ms. Su Su Lwin
Member of House of Representatives
10. Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein
Member of House of Representatives
11. Hon. Mr. Than Soe@Than Soe (Eco)
Member of House of Nationalities
12. Hon. Dr. Tin Aung(Mr)
Member of House of Representatives
13. Hon. Mr. Tin Maung Win
Member of House of Representatives
14. Hon. Ms. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt
Member of House of Nationalities
15. Hon. Mr. Aung Kyi Nyunt
Member of House of Nationalities
16. Hon. Ms. Htoot May
Member of House of Nationalities
17. Hon. Mr. Sa Khin Zaw Lin
Member of House of Nationalities
18. Hon. Mr. Khin Maung Win
Member of House of Representatives
19. Hon. Ms. Pyone Kathi Naing
Member of House of Representatives
20. Hon. Mr. Khun Maung Thaung
Member of House of Representatives
21. Hon. Mr. Hla Myint Than@ U Hla Myint
Member of House of Nationalities
22. Hon. Mr. Kan Oo
Member of House of Representatives
23. Hon. Mr. Phay Tin
Member of House of Nationalities
24. Hon. Mr. Kin Aye
Member of House of Representatives
25. Hon. Mr. Yan Lin
Member of House of Representatives
26. Hon. Mr. That Lwin@ U Paw Khin
Member of House of Representatives
27. Hon. Mr. Naing Ko Ko
Member of House of Nationalities
28. Hon. Ms. Mi Kun Chan
Member of House of Representatives
29. Hon. Mr. Kyi Moe Naing
Member of House of Representatives
30. Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt
Member of House of Representatives
31. Hon. Mr. Sai Saii Mai
Member of House of Representatives
32. Hon. Dr. Win Myint(Mr)
Member of House of Nationalities
33. Hon. Mr. Aung Min
Member of House of Representatives
34. Hon. Dr. Zaw Linn Htut(Mr)
Member of House of Nationalities
35. Hon. Mr. Zar Ni Min
Member of House of Representatives
36. Hon. Dr.Wai Phyoe Aung(Mr)
Member of House of Representatives
37. Hon. Mr. Khun Thein Phay
Member of House of Nationalities
38. Hon.Major Za Wa Na(Mr)
Member of House of Nationalities
39. Hon. Ms. Shi Lar Nan Taung @ An Nan Taung
Member of House of Nationalities
40. Hon.Dr May Win Myint(Ms)
Member of House of Representatives
41. Hon. Ms. Khin San Hlaing
Member of House of Representatives
42. Hon. Ms. Phyu Phyu Thin
Member of House of Representatives
43. Hon. Ms. Naw Hla Hla Soe
Member of House of Nationalities
44. Mrs. Aye Aye Mu
Member of Commission on Legal Affairs and Special Issues
45. Hon. Mr. Kyaw Soe
Director General Pyidaungsu Hluttaw
46. Hon. Mr. Tin Win Aung
Director General Pyithu Hluttaw
47. Hon. Mr. Kyi Min
Director General Amyotha Hluttaw
1. Deputy Speaker Raneo E. Abu
Deputy Speaker House of Representatives
2. Rep. Linabelle Ruth R. Villarica
Representative, House of Representatives
3. Rep. Rose Marie J. Arenas
Representative, House of Representatives
4. Rep. Dakila carlo e. Cua
Representative, House of Representatives
5. Rep. Rodel M. Batocabe
Representative, House of Representatives
6. Rep. Lorna C. Silverio
Representative, House of Representatives
7. Secretary General Cesar S. Pareja
Advisor to the Head of Delegation
8. Deputy Secretary General Arlene Dada-Arnaldo
Advisor on AIPA Matters
9. Dr. Romulo Miral, Jr.
Advisor to the Delegation
10. Director General Antonio De Guzman, Jr.
Advisor on ASEAN Affairs
11. Executive Director Corazon Alano
AIPA Task Force
12. Deputy Executive Director lourdes Rajini Rye
Delegation Secretary
13. Director Novel Bangsal
Delegation Secretary
14. Mr. Pedro M. Aguirre II
Accompanying Person to Deputy Speaker Abu
15. Mr. Joel C. Atienza
Accompanying Person to Deputy Speaker Abu
16. Ms. Ma. Elena A. So
Accompanying Person to Rep. Arenas
17. Ambassador Alex G. Chua
Member (Embassy)
18. Minister & Consul General Maria Lourdes M. Salcedo
19. Mr. Santiago Sucaldito
20. Mr. Saw Eh Soe
1. H.E. Madam HALIMAH Yacob
Speaker of Parliament, Leader of Delegation
2. Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
3. Dr. Teo Ho Pin
Mayor, North-West District
4. Hon. Mr Ang Hin Kee
Member of Parliament
5. Hon. Mr Pritam SINGH
Member of Parliament
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
6. Hon. Ms Tin Pei Ling
Member of Parliament
7. Hon. Miss Cheryl Chan
Member of Parliament
8. Hon. Mr Saktiandi Supaat
Member of Parliament
9. Hon. Mr Yee Chia Hsing
Member of Parliament
10. Ms. Chua Lin Hwee
Secretary of Delegation
11. Ms. Anne Quah
Secretary of Delegation
12. Ms. Dawn Koh
Secretary of Delegation
13. Ms. Angeline Seow
Secretary of Delegation
14. Mr. Rober Cheua
15. Ms. Sarah Yan
Embassy Staff
16. Ms. Ohmar Tin Aye
Embassy Staff
17. Madam Goh Siew Khoon
Spouse of Dr. Teo Ho Pin
1. Hon. Peerasak Porjit
Second - Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly
2. Hon. Mr. Chainarong Keratiyuwong
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
3. Hon. Mrs. Kanchanaratt Leevirojana
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
4. Hon. ACM Charlie Chandruang
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
5. Hon. ACM Chanat Ratana-ubol
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
6. Hon. Mr. Nipon Narapitakkul
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
7. Hon. ADM. Polawat Sirodom
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
8. Hon. Gen. Marut Patchotasingh
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
9. Hon. ADM. Yuttana Phagpolngam
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
10. Hon. Mr. Witawad Boonyasatid
Member of the National Legislative Assembly
11. Hon. ADM. Saksith Cherdboonmuang
12. Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol
13. Mrs. Chollada Kunkloy
14. Mr. Saisit Jetsiktat
15. Ms. Sirawasa Testhomsap
16. Ms. Steejit Taipiboonsuk
17. Mrs .Natasumon Somsaman
18. Mr. Natee Chiamcharoen
19. Mr .Surapong Iampongpaiboon
20. Ms. Isaraporn Prompriengpun
21. Mr. Saritpon Satawedin
22. Mr. Jirutsakorn Tippayaruk
23. Ms. Utumporn Meecharoen
Accompanying Person
1. H.E. Madame. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam, Head of the Delegation
2. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Giau
Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
3. Hon. Mr. Nguyễn Hanh Phuc
Secretary General of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
4. Hon. Mrs. Luan Thuy Duong
Ambassador of Vietnam to Myanmar
5. Hon. Mr. Vu Hong Thanh
Chairman of the Committee for Economic Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
6. Hon. Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh
Chairwoman of the Committee for Social Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
7. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Manh Tien
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
8. Hon. Mr. Vuu Hai Ha
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
9. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Financial and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
10. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
11. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Hoang Mai
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Social Affairs of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
12. Mrs. Nguyen Tuong Van
Vice Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
13. Mrs. Tran Kim Chi
Staff of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
14. Mrs. Nguyen Thuy Linh
Staff of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
15. Mr. Ba Đinh Truc
Staff of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
16. Mr. Nguyen Đuc Thang
Vice Director of the ASEAN Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
17. Mrs. Bui Le Thu
staff of the Social Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
18. Mr. Ta Le Thanh
staff of the Economic Affairs Department of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
19. Mrs. Nguyen Mai Phuong
staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, interpreter
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
20. Mr. Luu Anh Tuan
staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, interpreter
21. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu
Staff of the Department of Protocol of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
22. Mr. Vu Đai Phuong
Staff of the Department of Protocol of the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam
23. Mr. Nguyen The Hieu
Staff, Department of Information, Office of the National Assembly
24. Mrs. Nguyen Thanh Chi
Reporter, Quan Doi Nhan Dan Daily Newspaper
Secretary General (Outgoing)
2. H.E. Isra Sunthornvut
Secretary General (Incoming)
3. Ms. Darumuti Ratmoko
Deputy-Secretary General
4. Mr. Zulkamal Hidayat Zakaria
Director of Committees
5. Ms. Sofia Ariani
Director of Policy, Education, and Publicity
1. H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan
Deputy Secretary General of Corporate and Community Affairs
2. Mr. Lee Yoong Yoong
Director of Community Affairs
3. Ms. Destya Lukita Pahnael
Technical Officer Community Relation
Secretary General
2. Ms. Norah Babic
Manager Technical Cooperation
Director of Governance Department
2. Ms. Yang Sallie Chia Wei
Senior Program Officer and Legal Support Program Coordinator
Country Director
THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND 1. Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut
Secretary General of AIPA (as per 1 October 2016)
First Secretary, ASEAN Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Indonesia
2. Ms. Nicole Heppner
Principal Advisor, GIZ
3. Mr. Bernardo R. Agawin, Jr
Advisor, GIZ
Executive Director
2. Ms. Mann Chantrea
Mr. Liam Laurence Smyth
Clerk of Legislation
2. Mr. Kyota Yamamoto
Deputy-Director General
3. Ms. Noviawaty
Secretary to the President
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
The The Executive Committee, comprising of the Heads of Delegations from AIPA Member Parliaments and their delegations was held on Friday, 30 September 2016 at 9.00 a.m.
2. Pursuant to the Statute of AIPA, Article 10 (6), the President of AIPA shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee. The EXCOM meeting was chaired by H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar. 3. The EXCOM was attended by delegations from AIPA Member Parliaments. The Delegations from Brunei Darussalam led by H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Speaker of the Legislative Council of Brunei Darussalam; the Kingdom of Cambodia led by Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly of Cambodia; the Republic of Indonesia led by H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Indonesia; Lao People’s Democratic Republic led by H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou, the President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR; Malaysia led by Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia; Republic of the Union of Myanmar led by H.E. U T. Khun Myat, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Myanmar; Philippines led by Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines; Singapore led by H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob, Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore; Thailand led by Hon. Peerasak Porjit, Second-Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam led by H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam. 4. The EXCOM agreed to appoint Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Philippines as Vice-Chairperson and Hon. U Zaw Thein as Rapporteur.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
5. The EXCOM agreed on the following:
Programme of Activities for the 37th AIPA General Assembly;
Agenda for the 37th AIPA General Assembly;
Composition of Committees;
To consider the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR;
e. to consider the Report of the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of AIPA during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR; f.
to defer the Consideration of the AIPA Distinguished Service Award to the next Executive Committee Meeting due to time constraint; and
that the House of Representatives of Philippine has accepted the hosting of the 38th AIPA General Assembly which will be held in Manila in September 2017.
H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann
Hon. U Zaw Thein
The Thirty Seventh General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) was held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar from 29 September to 3 October 2016 at Myanmar International Convention Centre 1 and the Hotel Royal ACE with the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community.
Head of Delegation H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib
Brunei Darussalam
Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin
Kingdom of Cambodia
H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah
Republic of Indonesia
H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee
H.E. U T. Khun Myat
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu
H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob
Hon. Mr. Peerasak Porjit
H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Guests Head of Delegation H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan
ASEAN Secretariat
Hon. Mr. Martin Chungong
Inter-Parliamentary Union
Mr. Timo Goosmann
The Federal Republic of Germany in Indonesia
Mr. Brian Gonzales
Freeland Foundation
Mr. Dararith Kim-Yeat
Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC)
Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura
Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
Mr. Peter Batchelor
United Nation Development Programme (UNDP)
Mr. Liam Laurence Smyth
House of Commons of the United Kingdom
The list of delegates from AIPA Member Parliaments and Guests is attached as Annex A. III.
HANDING OVER OF OFFICE OF THE 37th PRESIDENT OF AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2. The Handing Over Ceremony of the Office of the President of AIPA was held before the Executive Committee Meeting, on Friday, 30 September 2016 at 8.30 a.m. and ended at 8.50 a.m. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee on behalf of the President of AIPA, H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Mulia handed over the post of the President of AIPA to the Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann. 3. Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee on behalf of the President of AIPA, H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Mulia delivered his speech during the ceremony. The speech by H.E. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee is attached as Annex B. 4. Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee and H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann signed the Instrument of Transfer of Office followed by the handing over of the gavel and AIPA Flag. The signed Instrument of Transfer of Office is attached as Annex S. 5. The incumbent President of AIPA and the Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, Mahn Winn Khaing Thann delivered his acceptance speech.
6. In his Acceptance Speech, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann mentioned that the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw was really honored to be able to host the AIPA General Assembly for the first time. He also conveyed his deepest appreciation to His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Mulia, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, for his leadership of AIPA and H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, the outgoing Secretary General of AIPA, for his tireless efforts in holding the AIPA General Assembly in accordance with the AIPA Statutes. The acceptance speech by H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann is attached as Annex C.
Signings of the Working Agreement and the Instrument of Transfer of Office of the Secretary General 7. H.E. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the newly appointed Secretary General for the period from 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2019 signed the Working Agreement followed by signing the Instrument of Transfer of Office of the Secretary General of AIPA from H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, the outgoing Secretary General to H.E. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the incoming Secretary General. Instrument of Transfer of Office of the Secretary General of AIPA is attached as Annex S. IV.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 8. The Executive Committee, comprising of the Heads of Delegations from AIPA Member Parliaments and their delegations was held on Friday, 30 September 2016 at 9.00 a.m. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the President of AIPA. 9. The Executive Committee also agreed to appoint Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives as Vice-Chairman; and Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein as Rapporteur. The report of the Executive Committee Meeting is attached as Annex V. 10. The Meeting of the Executive Committee of AIPA, chaired by His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, discussed the Agenda and Programme of Activities for the 37th AIPA General Assembly and agreed on the following: a. Programme of Activities for the 37th AIPA General Assembly; b. Agenda for the 37th AIPA General Assembly; c. Other relevant matters: i. Composition of Committees; ii. Date and Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly; iii. Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR; iv. Report of the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of AIPA during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR; and v. To defer the Consideration of the AIPA Distinguished Service Award to the next Executive Committee Meeting due to time constraint. The Programme of Activities, Agenda, and Composition of Committees are attached as Annexes D, E, and F respectively.
COURTESY CALL ON HIS EXCELLENCY MAHN WINN KHAING THANN, PRESIDENT OF AIPA AND SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF THE UNION ASSEMBLY OF MYANMAR. 11. On Friday, 30 September 2016, at 10.30 a.m., the Heads of Delegations of Member Parliaments and Guests paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and the Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar. 12. In his Courtesy Call Remarks, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, highlighted that the Myanmar Hluttaw is the youngest parliament among parliaments in ASEAN. It became a Member of the AIPA only at the 32nd AIPA General Assembly in 2012 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He mentioned that the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is honoured to host the AIPA General Assembly in 2016. The Programme of Activities of the General Assembly has been shortened and the programme for the Observer Parliaments are not included. Notwithstanding the circumstance, he assured the leaders of the delegation that Myanmar holds high regards towards Observer Parliaments and will continue to cooperate with them. Remarks by the President of AIPA is attached as Annex G. Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 37th AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 13. The Opening Ceremony of the 37th General Assembly of AIPA was held on Friday, 30 September 2016 from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at Myanmar International Convention Centre 1 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann and State Counsellor of Myanmar, H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered the Welcoming Address and Keynote Address respectively followed by the striking of gong to commence the 37th AIPA General Assembly. 14. In his Welcoming Address, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and President of AIPA, extended a warm welcome to the delegates attending the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw. He emphasized that representing the people at the national level is one of the highest and noblest aspirations that a person could have and it also carried the highest level of responsibility to face challenges loomed before AIPA Member Parliaments. He concluded his remarks by urging the participating parliamentarians to ponder and debate on the challenges AIPA is facing and to propose resolutions and legislations to prove AIPA’s determination to serve the people, the friendship, goodwill and cooperation in ASEAN Community. The Welcoming Address is attached as Annex H. 15. In her Keynote Speech, H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, mentioned that at a national level, it is arguably the institution of parliament that best embodies the approach of rules based people-oriented and people-centered. That is why the strong partnership between AIPA and ASEAN over many years has proven so valuable, morally and practically. She also emphasized all legislators that there is no honour greater than that to be an elected representative of the people to discharge their responsibilities to the people, to stand for the people against world challenges, and to be able to say at the end of their term in office that they have truly done their duty. 16. She enlightened the Assembly on the main areas of work of the Government of Myanmar on the process of national reconciliation to secure the lasting peace that Myanmar people have longed for. She also mentioned that Myanmar is now striving to bring harmony and understanding between the different communities in Rakhine State as well as to bring about sustainable economic development. In view of this, she informed the Assembly that Myanmar has launched economic policy that aims to support national reconciliation The Keynote Address is attached as Annex I.
FIRST PLENARY SESSION 17. The First Plenary Session of the 37th General Assembly of AIPA was held on Friday, 30 September 2016 at Myanmar International Convention Centre 1 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The first Plenary Session was presided by H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA. 18. The First Plenary Session agreed to adopt the program, agenda and other relevant matters considered by the Executive Committee.
Appointment of the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly 19. Pursuant to Article 10 (1) of the Statutes of AIPA, the Heads of Delegation of the other Member Parliaments (or their representatives) sat as Vice-Presidents of the 37th General Assembly of AIPA.
Statements by Heads of the Delegations of AIPA Member Parliaments and by Heads of States 20. The following Heads of Delegation of AIPA delivered their statements. Head of Delegation
H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib
Brunei Darussalam
Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin
H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah
H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee
H.E. Mr. Ti Khun Myat
Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu
H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob
Hon. Mr. Peerasak Porjit
H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
Brunei Darussalam 21. H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib mentioned that this year’s General Assembly theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community”, prompts an expectation for AIPA to continue to face and address the ever-increasing issues that affect the lives of the people represented by parliaments. He hoped that AIPA will be able to push its desire and collective will to live in a region of lasting peace, security and stability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social progress; and forging ahead together towards ASEAN 2025. Cambodia 22. Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin emphasized a “Vibrant AIPA” as being the vital and potential driving force in expediting implementation of ASEAN’s plans and objectives. Likewise, AIPA plays a very central and active role in the establishment of the ASEAN community by way of adopting more resolutions to speed up the closer cooperation between ASEAN and AIPA. He further stated that Cambodia has been contributing significantly to the progress of AIPA and actively engaging in the settlement of major common issues within AIPA’s framework.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Indonesia 23. H.E. Fahri Hamzah highlighted that political stability serves as prerequisite to the successful implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community. The enhancement of maritime security cooperation is important as maritime security has become one of the main political security challenges in the region. He also emphasized that illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing needs to be comprehensively addressed and eradicated. In his remarks, the need for a substantive democracy in ASEAN was also underlined and that a vibrant AIPA has a vital role to support this endeavor. Lao People’s Democratic Republic 24. H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou emphasized that under the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community”, AIPA should be a pro-active cooperation forum for parliamentary cooperation with firm, systematic and efficient coordination mechanism to become forces fostering success and progress of the ASEAN Community in achieving the vision of ASEAN 2025, aiming at building an ASEAN Community, which is politically harmonious, economically integrated, socially responsible community that respects the rule of law. Malaysia 25. H.E Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, the Deputy Speaker of Malaysian Parliament stressed that only AIPA had the ability, the desire, the connection and the commitment to take ASEAN and its community to great heights. He mentioned the 2015 Blueprint and the 2025 Blueprint for regional integration, cooperation and coordination in various fields such as politics, economy and security. He proposed eight (8) measures to achieve a progressive ASEAN Community : concentrated and continuous efforts, addressing critical and strategic risks like terrorism and illegal immigrants, multilateral cooperation, priority for dealing with transboundary issues such as drugs and kidnapping, check-and-balance mechanism on drug trafficking, promoting the ASEAN way of quiet diplomacy, issuing accountable statements and eradicating extremism. Myanmar 26. H.E. U.T. Khun Myat stated that close cooperation among the legislative bodies enabled the promotion of the people’s participation in ASEAN nations and building a politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible, truly rules-based, people-oriented and peoplecentered ASEAN Community. He urged for stronger partnership between ASEAN and AIPA to meet the targets of the ASEAN Vision 2025. He also raised the importance of social protection of migrant workers and strengthening of domestic economy and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Philippines 27. Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu conveyed that this year’s theme of AIPA General Assembly which is “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community” is very appropriate. He noted the long history and close relationship between ASEAN and AIPA and that both institutions share a common vision to promote regional peace, stability and prosperity. He mentioned that the mode of institutional cooperation and regular channels of communication between AIPA and ASEAN should be identified and established. He also mentioned that if AIPA should decide to play a greater role in ASEAN, AIPA should actively consider the idea of establishing an ASEAN Parliament. He invited the Assembly to Manila as the Philippines assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN coinciding with its 50th foundation anniversary with theme “ Partnering for Change, Engaging the World.”
Singapore 28. H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob stressed that ASEAN can look forward to achieving its true economic potential with the establishment of the ASEAN Community. As the regional forum for ASEAN Parliamentarians, a vibrant AIPA can play an integral role in educating the citizens of ASEAN of the numerous opportunities that await them, and in galvanising the ASEAN spirit of enterprise. She also hoped that Governments of ASEAN would give greater support and promote greater collaboration with AIPA in promoting the goals of ASEAN for the benefit of our people. Thailand 29. Hon. Mr. Peerasak Porjit highlighted that the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community” is consistent with the Community’s vision to intensify its collective efforts to achieve another phase of the deeper integration process. He added that drafting and amending the internal laws in accordance with the ASEAN Framework together with the ratification of the ASEAN Agreements should be accelerated to realize the ASEAN Community. He also suggested that AIPA should promote closer ties amongst people in the region in order to build inclusive and truly people-centred community. Viet Nam 30. H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan shared concerns over the common challenges including terrorism, the East Sea situation, environment and climate change. Therefore, she welcomed the outcomes of the ASEAN Summits and meetings, including the AMM-49 that underscore the importance of peaceful settling of the East Sea issue in accordance with international law, 1982 UNCLOS, full and effective implementation of the DOC and early conclusion of the COC. She emphasized that amid the rising challenges, ASEAN should continue to uphold solidarity and unity, maintain its centrality in addressing regional issues. AIPA should continue to urge its member governments to deliver commitments in line with the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. AIPA also needs to strengthen its oversight role on the implementation of intra cooperation plans as well as cooperation between ASEAN and external partners in addressing the regional issues. 31. Viet Nam recommended AIPA to (1) uphold ASEAN’s behavioral principles and norms, compliance with international law, solidarity, and unity; (2) implement the post-2015 ASEAN Agenda on environmental sustainability and climate change; (3) promote the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for the Development of SME; (4) step up IT cooperation within ASEAN, in the region and the world; (5) intensify communication activities, raise public awareness about the benefits brought by ASEAN and the ASEAN Community building, heading towards celebrations of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the 40th anniversary of AIPA in 2017 and (6) facilitate the implementation of ASEAN agreements and legal documents 32. In addition, all AIPA Member Parliaments have also submitted Statement from their Head of State. The Statements by Heads of Delegations of AIPA Member Parliaments and their Heads of States are attached as Annex J. Statements by Representatives of ASEAN and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) 33. H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN and H.E. Mr. Martin Chungong, the Secretary General of IPU delivered their statements at the First Plenary Session of the General Assembly.
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34. In his statement, H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy-Secretary General for Community and Corporate Affairs of ASEAN Secretariat, conveyed his heartfelt appreciations to the House of Representatives of Myanmar for the impeccable arrangements and generosity extended to the delegation attending the General Assembly. He underlined that it is indeed an exciting and dynamic time for ASEAN as it is in its inaugural year of the ASEAN Community. AIPA is well placed to strengthen ASEAN’s integration process and it also holds a crucial role in transposing regional agreements into local actions where the ASEAN citizens are directly involved and their sense of ASEAN identity and ownership are built. Being the people’s representatives, AIPA is well placed to reach out directly to the people of ASEAN and promote the importance of an ASEAN Community and its benefits. 35. In his statement, H.E Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary General of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), noted that that the theme of this year’s AIPA General Assembly “A Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN” could not have been better chosen, given the context of times. He mentioned that parliaments, as the pillars of democracy, have a crucial role to play in giving voice to the people. For them to fulfill that role effectively, they must meet a number of criteria as laid out by the IPU and endorsed by AIPA Member Parliaments. They must be inclusive, open and transparent, accessible and accountable. Above and beyond this, parliaments must be tolerant, serve as the guardians of human rights and the rule of law and act as peacemakers. The Statements by Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN and Secretary General of IPU are attached as Annex K. VIII. COMMITTEES MEETINGS Date of Meetings 36. The meetings of Committee on Women of AIPA (WAIPA) was held over two days from 30 September to 1 October 2016. The Committee on Organizational Matters was held on Friday 30 September 2016. The Committees on Political Matters, Economic Matters, Social Matters were held on Saturday, 1 October 2016 at 9 a.m. Thereafter the Committee on Joint Communiqué was held on Saturday, 1 October 2016 at 4.30 p.m. Committee on Women of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA) 37. The Committee on WAIPA was chaired by Hon. Ms. Su Su Lwin as Chairperson and Hon. Ms. Pyone Kathi Naing as Rapporteur. The Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA discussed and approved 3 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on the Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) The meeting agreed to amend the Rules of Procedure with the aim to empower the women parliamentarians and office bearers to carry out their function proactively throughout the year. The draft resolution and proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) were reviewed in detail and through a very interactive process among the delegates. b. Resolution on Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity The delegates of the Committee on WAIPA recognized that the issues related to gender equality, promotion and protection of the rights of women and of those belonging to vulnerable and marginalized groups remain to be seriously addressed. The committee meeting also focused on the urgency and importance of ensuring the rights of migrant workers, unpaid and low paid workers. Thus, the members of the delegations agreed to work further in the respective countries for the enactments and enforcements of laws which will guarantee social protection
in line with international conventions, regional agreements, national laws and policies related to labour issues. Moreover, the meeting also called upon woman parliamentarians to be proactive in global and regional networks to strengthen the progress of gender responsive decent work for women in ASEAN region.
c. Resolution on Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN The resolution is mainly concerned with the provisions and rights of women to receive health protection, maternity related benefits and childcare facilities at work including paternity benefits which encourage fathers to share their responsibilities for the care of children. The meeting also encouraged ASEAN Member States to implement appropriate policies and programs which support maternity protection and to enable national legislation to adhere to international standards on extending maternity protection to working women in ASEAN. The meeting urged respective Governments of ASEAN to create enabling environments to strengthen existing mechanisms, and to allocate funds intended for maternity benefits for women in ASEAN.
Committee on Political Matters 38. The Committee on Political Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Htun Aung @ Tun Tun Heinn as Chairperson and Hon. Mr. Aung Kyi Nyunt as Rapporteur. The Committee on Political Matters of AIPA discussed 6 draft resolutions and approved 5 Resolutions, namely:
a. Adoption of the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR The Committee on Political Matters approved the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus held in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR from 8 to 12 August 2016 and approved the resolution on its adoption unanimously. b. Resolution on the Adoption of the Report of the Interface between ASEAN Heads of States/ Governments and Representatives of AIPA Held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic The Committee on Political Matters approved the Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit held in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 6 September 2016 and approved the resolution on its adoption unanimously. c. Resolution on Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Reform and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation The Committee on Political Matters encouraged the ASEAN Member States to intensify their joint efforts to promote sustainable development particularly in implementing the UN 2030 Agenda. The Committee also agreed to request the ASEAN Member States to continue to build a community that can constructively and adequately meet the challenges that affect ASEAN internally and externally. Furthermore, the Committee called upon the ASEAN Member States to continue the ongoing process of creating a lasting and beneficial democratic process and urged the ASEAN Leaders and all AIPA Member Parliaments to ensure that the nuclear-free and weapons of mass-destruction free status of the region should be maintained
d. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN The Committee on Political Matters called upon AIPA to urge ASEAN to set up a common legal framework to ensure cybersecurity, prevent cybercrime and transnational crime among ASEAN Member States and between ASEAN and its partners.
e. Resolution on Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN The Committee on Political Matters agreed to promote the cooperation and constructive dialogues on maritime issues of common interests and concerns as well as to support the strengthening of ASEAN-led mechanisms and the adoption of internationally accepted maritime conventions and principles. Furthermore, the Committee underscored the importance of Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
parliamentary support to the initiatives to expand maritime cooperation within ASEAN Member States and encourage cooperation and exchanges of experiences and techniques on marine ecosystem conservation and restoration. The Committee agreed to defer the draft Resolution on Formalizing the Support Provided by (1) the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and (2) ASEAN Ambassadors to ASEAN Member States to ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) (Proposed by AIPA Secretariat) to the next General Assembly. Committee on Economic Matters 39. The Committee on Economic Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung as Chairperson and Hon. Ms. Htoot May as Rapporteur. The Committee on Economic Matters discussed and approved 3 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development The Committee on Economic Matters urged ASEAN Member States and AIPA Member Parliaments to commit in creating an enabling policy and a legal framework based on global labour conventions, to protect worker’s rights, to eliminate all kinds of abuse and against discrimination in the work place and to facilitate the trans-border movement of workers. The Committee also recommended ASEAN Member States to create decent jobs by promoting regional cultures and products for ASEAN single tourist destination. b. Resolution on Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation The Committee on Economic Matters recognized the important role of MSMEs as main driven of the ASEAN economy, in job creation, poverty alleviation, delivering technology and innovation and social progress promotion in the ASEAN Member States. Thus, urging Governments of ASEAN Member States to issue policies facilitating and supporting the MSMEs to form and take part in industrial clusters and get full access to information, enhanced the added value of the national and regional economies and supported MSMEs associations to participate effectively in national and regional dialogues.
c. Resolution on Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation The Committee on Economic Matters called on AIPA Member Parliaments to accelerate legislative cooperation and harmonization, create national monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and allocate sufficient budgetary support to ensure the full implementation of ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and also previous AIPA resolutions.
Committee on Social Matters 40. The Committee on Social Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. San Shway Wynn (Dr) as Chairperson, and Hon. Mr. Sa Khin Zaw Lin as Rapporteur. The Committee on Social Matters discussed and approved 4 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection Zika virus infection was declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by WHO and AIPA Member Parliaments urged to convene experts and stakeholders such as the World Health Organization and any kinds of foreign and domestic contribution and assistance for human resource, expertise and documentation, medical access, and sharing of experiences to support disease investigation, control and case management of Zika virus infection and to strengthen AlPA–ASEAN cooperation in the enactment and enforcement of national laws and policies, strategies and regional actions to prevent and control potential
outbreaks of Zika virus infection. Finally, all the delegations agreed to request AIPA member states to institutionalize community based programs and to activate their national preparedness and response mechanisms and to establish ASEAN Public Health Alert Centre to ensure Zika virus infection control measures. b. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection The meeting decided to encourage the member states to invest more resources to materialize the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection in order to strengthen the AIPAASEAN coordination in exploring potential cooperation for effective implementation of the Plan of Action, especially for women, children, youth, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and migrant workers in the region. All delegations agreed to streamline the social protection into the national policy and legislation framework to meet the target of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). c. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change The meeting decided to assist the ASEAN Governments to implement the Declaration on ASEAN Post- 2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Agenda by adopting the ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment with the focus on information and experience sharing to enhance capabilities to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change. All delegations agreed to establish Centres for Climate Change Assistance and Research in the region for the purpose of cooperation and assistance on disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation. d. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Sustainable Tourism The meeting decided to encourage all AIPA Member Parliaments to consider participatory planning and stringent environmental policy for the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage by enacting harmonized laws and adapting policies on sustainable ecotourism development. All delegations agreed to use continuous evaluation system, monitoring and accreditation of tourism services via the adoption of environmentally friendly and energy conservation initiatives, alongside partners such as World Tourism Organizations and UNEP Committee on Organizational Matters 41. The Committee on Organizational Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Than Win (Dr) as Chairperson and Hon. Mr. Khin Maung Win as Rapporteur. The Committee on Organizational Matters discussed 13 draft resolutions and approved 11 Resolutions, namely a. b. c. d. e.
Resolution on (A) Continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA & The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), (B) Cooperation between Freeland Foundation & AIPA Secretariat, and (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); Memorandum of Understanding to Develop AIPA’s Capacity on Matters Concerning ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Economic Integration in Various Areas between the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA); Amendments to (1) Staff Regulations of the AIPA Secretariat, (2) Instruction Manual for Staff (IMS); Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat for the Period of 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016; (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the Period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017
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f. g. h. i. j. k.
and; (2) Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2017 to 30 September 2017 (FY 2017/ 2018); Adoption of the Workplan 2016 of the AIPA Secretariat; The Appointment of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA; Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA from September 2014 to August 2016; Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA; Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Third AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam; Date & Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly.
42. The Committee on Organizational Matters agreed to defer 2 draft resolutions namely Accrediting the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) to the 38th AIPA General Assembly. The Committee considered that there should be guidelines drawn on the accreditation of Observers and Partners to AIPA and directed the AIPA Secretariat to do so with the help of the AIPA Member Parliaments. The basis of the guidelines should be beneficial to both parties. Committee on Joint Communiqué 43. The Committee on Joint Communiqué was chaired by Hon. U T. Khun Myat as Chairman, Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein as Rapporteur and H.E. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut as Secretary of the meeting. 44. The Committee on Joint Communiqué of the 37th AIPA General Assembly finalized its report for General Assembly’s consideration and adoption. IX.
MEETING BETWEEN AIPA NATIONAL SECRETARIATS AND AIPA SECRETARY GENERAL 45. During the meeting, Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the Secretary General of AIPA introduced himself to National Secretariats. There were several topics discussed, namely (1) the deadline for the circulation of the draft resolution for AIPA General Assembly by the Member Parliaments as well as the AIPA Secretariat; (2) creating another platform of communication through Facebook Messenger; and (3) the circulation of AIPA’s Calendar of Activities.
Report on the Meeting between AIPA National Secretariats and AIPA Secretary General is attached as Annex R. X.
SECOND PLENARY SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 46. The Second Plenary Session of the General Assembly was held on Sunday, 2 October 2016 at 9.00 a.m. and was presided by H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann.
Order of Business a. Presentation of Reports of the Committees 47. The Chairpersons of the Committees on WAIPA, Political Matters, Economic Matters, Social Matters, Organizational Matters and Joint Communiqué presented their respective reports. The reports were approved by the General Assembly. The reports of the respective Committees are attached as Annexes L, M, N, O, P and Q.
Date and Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly 48. Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, Head of Delegation of the House of Representatives of the Philippines referred to the letter from H.E. Pantaleon D. Alvarez, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines to H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, Secretary General of AIPA, dated 26 September 2016 confirming the hosting of the 38th AIPA General Assembly which will be held in Manila in September 2017. The exact date and venue will be finalised in due time.
c. Signing of the Joint Communiqué 49. H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Heads of Delegation of AIPA Member Parliaments signed the report of Committee on Joint Communiqué.
Transfer of Office of the AIPA President 50. H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the outgoing President of AIPA handed over the AIPA Gavel and the AIPA Flag to Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, the Head of Delegation on behalf of H.E. Pantaleon D. Alvarez the Speaker of the House of Representative of the Philippines and the incumbent President of AIPA.
The signed Instrument of Transfer of Office of the President of AIPA is attached as Annex S.
Closing Speech by the Outgoing President of AIPA 51. In his Closing Speech, His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, extended his appreciation to the outgoing Secretary General of AIPA, H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, for his outstanding endeavors for the success of the General Assembly as well as to welcome H.E. Mr. Isra Suthornvut, the newly appointed Secretary General of AIPA. He highlighted that the 37th AIPA General Assembly has adopted resolutions on issues of common interest which were of utmost significance to the ASEAN Community. He said that to be a progressive community, the implementation of AIPA resolutions should be more emphasized. AIPA needs to work closely with ASEAN to overcome the new challenges as ASEAN is moving towards ASEAN Vision 2025.
The Closing Speech is attached as Annex T.
Acceptance Speech by the Incumbent President of AIPA 52. H.E. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Congress of the Philippines and Head of Delegation of the Philippines, extended his congratulations to H.E. Mann Winn Khaing Tann, President of AIPA, for the successful conduct of the 37th AIPA General Assembly. He noted that the success of the Assembly constitutes another milestone in continuing the work of AIPA, and it should embolden AIPA to move forward with greater resolve in enabling parliaments of ASEAN Member States to work closer together in promoting development, cooperation and understanding. He suggested that AIPA Member Parliaments must strengthen their partnership with ASEAN so it can realize a rules-based, people-oriented, people-centered community. He concluded his remarks by accepting the Presidency of the 38th AIPA General Assembly on behalf of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, H.E. Mr. Pantaleon D. Alvarez, and proposed the theme “AIPA and ASEAN: Partnering for Inclusive Change”.
The Acceptance Speech is attached as Annex U. 53. With the conclusion of the Closing Ceremony, the 37th AIPA General Assembly was officially closed.
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REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON POLITICAL MATTERS Excellency President: 1. I have the honour to submit the report of the Committee on Political Matters. 2. The Committee on Political Matters was convened on Saturday, 1 October 2016, with Hon. U Htun Htun Hein as Chairperson and Hon. U Aung Kyi Nyunt as Rapporteur. The following AIPA parliamentarians attended the Meeting: Brunei Darussalam 1. Mr. Omsarule Haji Omar Cambodia 1. H.E. Dr. Pen Pannha 2. H.E. Mr. Chhit Kimyeat 3. H.E. Mr. Keo Phirum 4. H.E. Mr. Nhem Thavy 5. H.E. Mr. Prom Virak 6. Mr. Meas Siphandorn Indonesia 1. H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah 2. Hon. Mr. Andika Pandu Puragabaya Lao PDR 1. Hon. Dr.Bounpone Bouttanavong 2. Hon. Prof. Dr. Eksavang Vongvichit 3. Hon. Viengthavisone Thepphachan 4. Ms. Anyphet Keola
Malaysia 1. Hon. Dato Haji Irmohizam Ibrahim 2. Hon. Datuk Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid 3. Hon. Datuk Linda Tsen Thau Lin 4. Hon. Dato Haji Kamarudin Jaffar 5. Datuk Roosme Hamzah Myanmar 1. Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 2. Hon. Khun Maung Thaung 3. Hon. Mr. Hla Myint Than 4. Hon. Mr. Kan Oo 5. Hon. Mr. Phe Tin Philippines 1. Hon. Dakila Carlo E. Cua Singapore 1. Hon.Dr. Teo Ho Pin 2. Hon. Miss Cheryl Chan
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Thailand 1. Hon. Adm. Saksith Cherdboonmuang 2. Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol 3. Hon. Mr. Nipon Narapitakkul 4. Mr. Natee Chiamcharoen 5. Ms. Isaraporn Prompriengpun
Vietnam 1. Hon. Mr. Vu Hai Ha 2. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Giau 3. Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang
3. The Committee Meeting on Political Matters was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following resolutions were approved: a. Adoption of the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus held in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR The Committee on Political Matters approved the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus held in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR from 8 to 12 August 2016 and approved the resolution on its adoption unanimously. b. Adoption of the Resolution on the Adoption of the Report of the Interface between ASEAN Heads of States/Governments and Representatives of AIPA Held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic The Committee on Political Matters approved the Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit held in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 6 September 2016 and approved the resolution on its adoption unanimously. c. Resolution on Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Process and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation The Committee on Political Matters encouraged the ASEAN Member States to intensify their joint eforts to promote sustainable development particularly in implementing the UN 2030 Agenda. The Committee also agreed to request the ASEAN Member States to continue to build a community that can constructively and adequately meet the challenges that affect ASEAN internally and externally. Furthermore, the Committee called upon the ASEAN Member States to continue the ongoing process of creating a lasting and benefical democratic process and urged the ASEAN Leaders and all AIPA Member Parliaments to ensure that the nuclear-free and weapons of mass-destruction free status of the region should be maintained. d.
Strengthening Cooporation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN The Committee on Political Matters called upon AIPA to urge ASEAN to set up a common legal framework to endure Cybersecurity, prevent cybercrime and transnational crime among ASEAN Member States and between ASEAN and its partners.
e. Enhancing Maritime Security Cooporation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN The Committee on Political Matters agreed to promote the cooperation and constructive dialogues on maritime issues of common interests and concerns as well as to support the strengthening of ASEAN-led mechanisms and the adoption of internationally accepted maritime conventions and principles. Furthermore, the Committee underscored the importance of parliamentary support to the initiatives to expand maritime cooperation within ASEAN Member States and encourage cooperation and exchanges of experiences and techniques on marine ecosystem conservation and restoration. f.
Resolution on Formalizing the Support Provided by (1) the Committee of Permanent Reprensentatives to ASEAN (CPR) and (2) ASEAN Ambassadors to ASEAN Member States to ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) The Committee on Political Matters agreed to defer this resolution to the next General Assembly to be held in the Philippines in September 2017.
The approved resolutions are attached as Annexes in this report.
4. I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Political Matters to the 37th General Assembly.
Thank you
Chairperson Rapporteur
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RESOLUTION ON THE ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE 8TH AIPA CAUCUS HELD IN LUANG PRABANG PROVINCE, LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC TheThirty-Seventh AlPA General Assembly; Recalling Resolution No 28GA/2007/Pol/03 on the Establishment of an AIPA Caucus to provide a platform for a regular interaction amongst AIPA Member Parliaments; Nothing Resolution No. 36GA/2015/Org/09 on Strengthening Law Enforcement and Regional Cooperation to Combat Wildlife Crime which resolved that AIPA Member Parliaments agreed to have a country report during the AIPA Caucus on combating wildlife crime; Acknowledging the theme for Working Groups discussions which are “Enhancing Parliamentary Cooperation to Support ASEAN Connectivity Initiatives including Cooperation on Legiaslating Migrant Workers” and “Wildlife and CITIES Implementation (promotion for preservation and protection, best practices, response to crimes)” respectively; Appreciating the hosting of the 8th AIPA Caucus bby the National Assembly of Lao PDR in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR from 8 to 12 August 2016.
Hereby resolves to: Adopt the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus held in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. Urge the establishment of a Joint Task Force between AIPA and ASEAN as suggested in the Report. Agree that the Host Parliament of the Cauces make a summary report of its findings at the First Plenay Session of the General Assembly and that the findings or part thereof be included in the AIPA Statement to be delivered at the next ASEAN-AIPA Interface. Adopted on the First day of October 2016 at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in NayPyiTaw Myanmar.
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RESOLUTION ON THE ADOPTION OF THE REPORT OF THE INTERFACE BETWEEN ASEAN HEADS OF STATES/GOVERNMENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF AIPA HELD IN VIENTIANE, LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC TheThirty-Seventh AlPA General Assembly; Recalling the first Informal Meeting between the delegation of the President of the ASEAN InterParliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and the ASEAN Heads of States/Governments held during the 14th ASEAN Summit in 2009 in Cha-am, Thailand; Nothing that the Interface between ASEAN and AIPA has been organised annually at the ASEAN Summit by the state holding ASEAN Chairmanship with the exception during the 22nd ASEAN Summit; Further nothing that a day before the Interface, a Preparatory Meeting was held among representatives from AIPA Member Parliaments to discuss the AIPA Statement to be delivered by President of AIPA at the Interface; Appreciating the hosting of Preparatory Meeting by the National Assembly of Lao PDR in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 5 September 2016; Appreciating the hosting of Interface between ASEAN Heads of States/Governments and representatives of AIPA by Lao PDR as the ASEAN Chairman 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 6 September 2016;
Hereby resolves to: Adopt the Report of Interface between ASEAN Heads of States/Governments and Representatives if AIPA at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit. Adopted on the First day of October 2016 at the 37th AIA General Assembly in NayPyiTaw, Myanmar.
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RESOLUTION ON RESOLVING INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CHALLENGES THROUGH DEMOCRATIC PROCESS AND ACHIEVING PEACE AND STABILITY THROUGH CONSULTATION, CONSENSUS, AND NEGOTIATION The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Recalling that the 2025 ASEAN Community Vision’s Political-Security Community resolved to realize an inclusive and responsive community that ensures the people of ASEAN enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms and to thrive in a just, democratic, harmonious and gender-sensitive environment in accordance with the principles of democracy, good governance and the rule of law; a community that embraces tolerance and moderation, fully respects the different religions, cultures and languages of the people of ASEAN, upholds common values in the spirit of unity-in-diversity as well as addresses the threat of violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations; Recalling that the Political-Security Community resolved to create a region that settle differences and disputes by peaceful means, to refrain from the threat or use of force by adopting peaceful dispute settlement mechanisms, and to strengthen and promote confidence-building measures, preventive diplomatic activities, and conflict-resolution initiatives, coordinating our common position on strategic security challenges in the region and maritime security; Reiterating the principles of the ASEAN Charter, the Charter of the United Nations, 1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action in ensuring respect of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries, as well as respecting the particularity of each nation; Recognizing the fact that the ongoing democratization and peace processes of Myanmar aims at fulfilling all the above aims and objectives, and that the success of the above processes are successes not only for Myanmar but for ASEAN as a whole; Hereby Resolves To: Request the ASEAN Member States to continue to build a community that can constructively and adequately meet the challenges which affect ASEAN internally and externally through increasing mutual efforts to boost cooperation and promote dialogue among ASEAN partners to ensure mutual benefit and interests; Call upon the ASEAN Member States to continue the ongoing process of creating a lasting and beneficial democratic process that can solve the common challenges of increasing political inclusiveness, acknowledging and balancing ethnic and religious diversity, reducing economic disparity, building Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
transparent and accountable resource management, and achieving conflict resolution through consultation and negotiation; Encourage the ASEAN Member States to intensify their joint efforts to promote sustainable development particularly in implementing the UN 2030 Agenda, which balances the needs of both economic and social development while preserving and protecting the natural resources and environment, which will create a virtuous cycle of political and social stability creating sustainable economic prosperity which in turn will create further political and social stability; Urge the ASEAN Leaders and all AIPA Member Parliaments to ensure that the nuclear-free and weapons of mass-destruction free status of the region should be maintained as such, and also ensure the security of the ASEAN maritime area which is essential for the security and prosperity of both ASEAN and international communities. Adopted on the First day of October, 2016 at the 37 AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY (AIPA) 37th AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 29 September – 3 October 2016 Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar Res/37GA/2016/Pol/04
RESOLUTION ON STRENGTHENING COOPERATION TO ENSURE CYBERSECURITY IN ASEAN The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Aware that ASEAN has made important progress in building ASEAN Community with 3 pillars: Political Security (APSC), Economic (AEC) and Cultural – Social ASEAN (ASCC) and spared no efforts to implement measures to realize ASEAN Community Vision 2025; Further mindful of the importance of cybersecurity in ensuring the regional peaceful and stable environment and the urgency of cybersecurity cooperation against today’s cyber threats and misuse; Being cognizant that thanks to modern science and technology, the more prosperous ASEAN Member States have become, the more ASEAN people using internet and e-tools in everyday transactions and ASEAN is a highly profitable target for cybercriminals. Knowing that cybercrime, in any form, has negative impact on ASEAN economy. Welcoming ASEAN’s discussions about cybersecurity cooperation within ASEAN and with ASEAN dialogue partners through meetings such as ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN Defense Minister’s Meeting Plus (ADMM+), ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC), ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC); ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers Meeting (TELMIN); ASEAN Telecommunications Senior Officials Meeting (TELSOM); ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators’ Council (ATRC); Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2010; ASEAN Network Security Action Council (ANSAC); Mactan Cebu Declaration 2012; ASEAN ICT Master-plan 2020 (AIM 2020), ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Cybersecurity. Acknowledging the outcomes of the 10th ASEAN Defence Minister’s Meeting Plus (ADMM 10) in 5/2016 in Lao PDR which adopted the Concept Paper on the Establishment of the ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on Cybersecurity to promote effective and practical cooperation among ASEAN Member States and other countries to enhance capability to protect the regional cyberspace as well as to deal with Cybersecurity challenges. Being concerned that despite some efforts, there remains limitation and difficulties in Cybersecurity cooperation among ASEAN Member States and between ASEAN and its partners particularly relating to threat response, legal procedures and information sharing.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Further aware of the important role of legislative bodies of ASEAN in promoting cooperation policies and mechanisms to ensure Cybersecurity. HEREBY RESOLVES TO: Call upon AIPA to urge ASEAN to set up a common legal framework to ensure Cybersecurity, prevent cybercrime and transnational crime among ASEAN Member States and between ASEAN and its partners. Further strengthen cooperation in cybersecurity within ASEAN and between ASEAN and its partners, contributing to further enhancement of confidence building and mutual understanding, ensuring security and safety of cyberspace in response to cybersecurity challenges to jointly maintain regional and global peace and stability. Promote communication and information sharing in global and regional cybersecurity situation among ASEAN Member States and between ASEAN and its partners; experience and measure sharing to ensure information security and safety to meet the requirements for warning, preventing and in-time responsive measures in the event of attacks and intrusion into information network system of every country. Strengthen coordination with ASEAN Network Security Action Council (ANSAC), Interpol, and Aseanapol to support ASEAN countries to ensure information security, especially for the e-ports of ASEAN Single Window mechanism. Recommend ASEAN Member States and their partners to support the capacity enhancement for ASEAN Member States through cooperation in training experts, policy advisory; information and technology infrastructure development. ADOPTED on the First day of October 2016 during the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
RESOLUTION ON ENHANCING MARITIME SECURITY COOPERATION AND PROTECTION OF MARINE RESOURCES IN ASEAN The Thirty-Seventh General Assembly of AIPA: Recognizing that regional peace and stability is vital to a vibrant and dynamic ASEAN Community beyond 2015; Recalling the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together adopted during the 27th ASEAN Summit, which include the aspiration of ASEAN to be a community that enhances maritime security and maritime cooperation for peace and stability in the region and beyond, through ASEAN and ASEAN-led mechanisms and adopts internationally-accepted maritime conventions and principles; Further recalling the ASEAN Political-Security Blueprint 2025 that aims to maintain the South China Sea as a sea of peace, prosperity, and cooperation, to promote maritime cooperation to comprehensively address maritime issues, and to ensure peaceful, safe, free, and unimpeded international navigation and overflight, in accordance with relevant international laws; Welcoming the Joint Statement of the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN Member States on the Maintenance of Peace, Security, and Stability in the Region as ASEAN’s shared commitment to ensure a peaceful, secure, and stable Southeast Asia region, to promote mutually beneficial relations, to uphold international law, to exercise self-restraint and refrain from activities that might raise tension, and to enhance ASEAN’s unity, solidarity, and centrality as well as to call on other states to respect ASEAN’s norms and principles; Recalling also the Nay Pyi Taw Declaration on the ASEAN Community’s Post 2015 Vision, incorporating the overarching element to promote Southeast Asia as a region of peace, stability and prosperity, as well as an inter-connected, and a caring and sharing community with unity in diversity; Recognizing that seas and oceans connect the countries in the region as well as connecting Southeast Asia with other regions in the globe, and that maritime stability affect the regional stability; Emphasizing that healthy marine ecosystems and resources are vital to food security, human health, and economic well-being in the Southeast Asian region; Emphasizing the importance of promoting maritime cooperation to address common challenges through ASEAN-led mechanism and in cooperation with other regional bodies while maintaining ASEAN centrality;
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Hereby resolves to: Promote cooperation and constructive dialogues on maritime issues of common interests and concerns including search and rescue, maritime capacity building, crimes at sea, maritime scientific research, maritime security and safety, conservation of marine living resources, and combating armed robbery at sea, and addressing the issue of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing; Support the strengthening of ASEAN-led mechanisms and the adoption of internationally accepted maritime conventions and principles; Reaffirm our commitment to enhance mutual trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint and pursue peaceful resolution of maritime disputes including full respect for legal and diplomatic processes, in accordance with international law, including the UN Charter and 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); as well as the full and effective implementation of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), and the early conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC). Ensure that all countries enjoy and exercise freedom of navigation and overflight in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); Encourage national and regional efforts to address transboundary challenges in maritime areas such as IUU fishing, degradation of the marine environment and natural disasters at sea, including through exploring appropriate legislation and regulations and strengthening existing ASEAN arrangements for enhanced cooperation in this regard. Encourage also cooperation and exchanges of experiences and techniques on marine ecosystem conservation and restoration, as well as sharing of best practices and cooperation on capacity building in the areas of marine safety and security; Underscore the importance of parliamentary support to the initiatives to expand maritime cooperation within ASEAN Member States such as the Framework on the Trilateral Cooperative Arrangement among Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Adopted on the First day of October 2016 at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC MATTERS Excellency President: 1. have the honour to submit the report of the Committee on Economic Matters. 2. The Committee on Economic Matters was convened on Saturday, 1 October 2016 at the Tanintharyi Hall, Bagan Building, Hotel Royal Ace, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung was the Chairperson and Hon. Ms. Htoot May was the Rapporteur. The following AIPA parliamentarians attended the Meeting: Brunei Darussalam 1. Mrs. Rose Aminah binti Haji Ismail Cambodia 1. H.E. Mr. Chheang Vun 2. H.E. Mr. Son Chhay 3. Mr. Heang Thul 4. Mr. Sam Oeurn Mardy 5. Mr Phalla Socheata Mony Indonesia 1. Hon. Mr. Nazarudin Kiemas 2. Hon. Mrs. Nurhayati Monoarfa Lao PDR 1. Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath 2. Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly 3. Mr. Somchith Phomthavong Malaysia 1. Hon. Datuk Koh Nai Kwong 2. Hon. Senator Khairiah Mohamed 3. Hon. Dr. Tan Seng Giaw
Myanmar 1. Hon. Mr. Than Soe @ Than Soe 2. Hon. Mr. Khin Aye 3. Hon. Mr. Yan Lin 4. Hon. Mr That Lwin @ Pawl Khin 5. Hon. Mr. Naing Ko Ko 6. Hon. Ms. Mi Kon Chan Philippines 1. Hon. Lorna C. Silverio 2. Hon. Rose Marie J. Arenas 3. Hon. Linabelle Ruth R. Villarica Singapore 1. Hon. Ms. Tin Pei Ling Thailand 1. Hon. Mr. Witawad Boonyasatid 2. Hon. Adm, Yuttana Phagpolngam 3. Hon. Gen. Marut Patchotasingh 4. Mr. Saritpon Satawedin Vietnam 1. Hon. Mr. Vu Hong Thanh 2. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang 3. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Manh Tien 4. Mr. Ta Le Thanh 5. Mrs. Nguyen Thuy Linh
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3. The Committee Meeting was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following resolutions were discussed and approved, namely: a. Resolution on Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development The Committee on Economic Matters urged ASEAN Member States and AIPA Member Parliaments to commit in creating an enabling policy and a legal framework based on global labour conventions, to protect worker’s rights, to eliminate all kinds of abuse and against discrimination in the work place and to facilitate the trans-border movement of workers. The Committee also recommended ASEAN Member States to create decent jobs by promoting regional cultures and products for ASEAN single tourist destination. b.
Resolution on Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation The Committee on Economic Matters recognized the important role of MSMEs as main driven of the ASEAN economy, in job creation, poverty alleviation, delivering technology and innovation and social progress promotion in the ASEAN Member States. Thus, urging Governments of ASEAN Member States to issue policies facilitating and supporting the MSMEs to form and take part in industrial clusters and get full access to information, enhanced the added value of the national and regional economies and supported MSMEs associations to participate effectively in national and regional dialogues.
c. Resolution on Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation The Committee on Economic Matters called on AIPA Member Parliaments to accelerate legislative cooperation and harmonization, create national monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and allocate sufficient budgetary support to ensure the full implementation of ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and also previous AIPA resolutions.
The approved resolutions are attached as Annexes in this report.
4. I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Economic Matters to the 37th General Assembly.
Thank you
RESOLUTION ON CREATING JOB OPPORTUNITIES AND DECENT WORKING CONDITIONS IN THE PROCESS OF ENHANCING SUBSTAINBLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Recognising the vital role of creating job opportunities and decent work conditions in enhancing sustainable economic development, combating poverty, inequality and exclusion, and maintaining peace and security in the region; Fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goal-8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; Recalling ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, adopted at the 12th ASEAN Summit in Cebu, Philippines in 2007; Recalling further Chairman Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Summit, issued in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam in 2013, which reiterated the importance of job creation; Welcoming the adoption of the ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems and the ASEAN Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Viewing with appreciation the Vientiane Declaration on Transition from Informal Employment to Formal Employment towards Decent Work Promotion in ASEAN, issued at the 24th ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting held in Lao PDR on 6 May 2016; Recognising the significant involvement of migrant workers in the socio-economic development of both receiving and sending states of ASEAN. Hereby resolves to: Urge ASEAN Member States and AIPA member parliaments to commit in creating an enabling policy, and a legal framework, based on global labour conventions, to protect workers’ rights, to eliminate all kinds of abuse and against discrimination in the work place, and to facilitate the trans-border movement of workers; Call on ASEAN Member States to rationalize the distribution of capital and labor in public spending to generate decent jobs for all men and women including the young people and persons with disabilities;
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Ensure equal and effective fundamental rights, dignity and social protection for all migrant workers and family members already residing with them, to promote economic equity and make labour markets more efficient; Improve work options for people in the rural areas by making available high-quality infrastructure including electricity, telecommunication and transportation; Encourage ASEAN Member States to support the development of institutions for lifelong learning and vocational training for increasing skilled labour and labour productivity; benchmark against the international vocational training standard; Encourage all stakeholders to closely coordinate and cooperate for equal pay for work of equal value; Recommend ASEAN Member States to create decent jobs by promoting regional cultures and products for ASEAN single tourist destination. Adopted on 1st October 2016 during the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
RESOLUTION ON STRENGTHENING THE GROWTH OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) IN ENTERING AND OPTIMIZING THE GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS BY IMPROVING ACCESS TO FINANCE AND TECHNOLOGY, AND ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY AND INNOVATION The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Recognizing the crucial role of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as main drivers of the ASEAN economy, in job creation, poverty reduction, delivering technology and innovation and social progress promotion in the ASEAN Member States (AMS); Welcoming the efforts and substantial progress of AMS in encouraging the development of MSMEs in the region through the implementation of related frameworks and documents such as ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016-2025 (SAPSMED 2025); Chairman’s Statement of the 28th and the 29th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 6-8 September, 2016 appreciating the proposals from the private sectors combining the objectives of SAPSMED 2025 to create synergy and drive MSMEs development in ASEAN; the adoption of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits. Recalling AIPA Resolution No. 34GA/2013/EC0/01 on Fostering the Growth and Sustainable Development of SME, adopted in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam in 2013 and AIPA Resolution No. 36GA/2015/ ECO/01 on enhancing inter-regional cooperation and intra-regional integration in trade and industry adopted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015, which urged AMS to strengthen MSMEs development; Further recalling AIPA Resolution No. 32GA/2011/Eco/01 on Promoting Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Towards Narrowing Development Gap in ASEAN; Noting with satisfaction the Joint Media Statement of the 48th ASEAN Economic Ministers’(AEM) Meeting, issued in Vientiane, Lao PDR on 3 August, which encouraged the relevant agencies and parties involved to intensify their efforts towards delivering the SAPSMED 2025 strategic goals; Affirming that global value chains exert forceful impacts on international labor division, bring about economic structural changes, promote economic growth and cooperation scale in many developing countries as well as emerging economies; Emphasizing that against today’s integration background, MSMEs entering global value chains shall create opportunities for market access, promoting technology transfer and modernization, enhancing Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
understanding about international quality standards, market trend and knowledge, strengthening human resource development and improving competitiveness of MSMEs, contributing to the regional economic growth; Affirming the role of AIPA in promoting the development of MSMEs in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as well as effectively taking part in the global value chains; Hereby resolves to:
Raise the awareness of the participation of ASEAN MSMEs in the global value chains, that helps promote the formation of a network for MSMEs in the region to jointly develop MSMEs and optimize the global value chains; Promote the role of AIPA and its Member Parliaments in forming the legal frameworks, strengthening domestic legislations in line with the ASEAN legal documents and agreements to improve productivity, innovation, decent work conditions, fair competition and to enhance the development and participation of MSMEs into the global value chains; Strengthen support for ASEAN Governments to implement fully and effectively SAPSMED 2016-2025, especially the five key strategies namely (1) promote productivity, technology and innovation; (2) increase access to finance; (3) enhance market access and “internationalization”; (4) enhance policy and regulatory environment; and (5) promote entrepreneurship and human capital development. Urge Governments of AMS to issue policies facilitating and supporting the MSMEs to form and take part in industrial clusters, get full access to information, reviews, in-depth analysis of the ASEAN’s international economic integration commitments, implications for the economic sectors to grasp the mechanisms and rules of the global economic market, taking advantages of opportunities brought about by the FTAs between ASEAN and its dialogue partners; Encourage MSMEs to apply information technology, innovate to actively participate in the global production network and value chains; enhance the added value of the national and regional economies and also for the long term planning, the ASEAN Member States should emphasize the importance of the implementation of ASEAN Single Window in supporting and equitable development and a long term beneficial economic cooperation; Promote entrepreneurship and human capital development with respect to women and youth entering into the MSMEs workforce; Support various forms of economic cooperation regionally and internationally which helps expand market access and business opportunities for MSMEs as well as many efforts to optimize the global value chains; Encourage and support MSMEs associations to participate effectively in national and regional dialogues that help set the strategic frameworks for sustainable development. th
Adopted on 1st October 2016 during the 37 AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
RESOLUTION ON PARLIAMENTARY SUPPORT FOR ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC) IMPLEMENTATION The Thirty-Seventh General Assembly of AIPA: Recalling the following AIPA Resolutions, Resolution No. 28GA /2007/Eco/02 on the Acceleration of ASEAN Integration; 29GA/2008/Eco/02 on Economic Integration; 32GA/2011/Eco.02 on Promoting Economic Growth and Sustainable Development towards Narrowing Development Gap in ASEAN; 33GA/2012/ ECO/04 on Better Access to Technology, Market, and Financing for Small Medium Enterprises adopted in Lombok in 2012; 34GA/2013/Eco/02 on Promoting The Role of AIPA in Response to Challenges of ASEAN Economic Community and Supporting Green Growth; 35GA/2014/Eco/01 on Fostering Green Growth Development Strategy in ASEAN; 35GA/2014/ECO/02 on Promoting Development of Entrepreneurship in the Process of Narrowing Development Gap among AMS; and 36GA/2015/ECON/01 on Enhancing Inter-Regional Cooperation and Intra-Regional Integration in Trade and Industry; Welcoming the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 as a guide to achieve the following objectives: (i) A Highly Integrated and Cohesive Economy; (ii) A Competitive, Innovative, and Dynamic ASEAN; (iii) Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation; (iv) A Resilient, Inclusive, People-Oriented, and People-Centered ASEAN; and (v) A Global ASEAN; Recognizing the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016-2025 that aims to create globally competitive, resilient and innovative MSMEs, which is seamlessly integrated to the ASEAN community and to achieve inclusive growth in the region, by 2025; Noting the adoption of Work Plan III of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI Work Plan III) which support CLMV countries to meet the implementation of ASEAN-wide-commitments in five strategic areas; Food and Agriculture, Trade Facilitation, MSMEs, Education and Health and Well Being; Noting further the adoption of Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 (MPAC 2025) which focuses on five strategic areas: sustainable infrastructure, digital innovation, seamless logistics, regulatory excellence and people mobility; Bearing in mind the important role of the parliamentary in promulgating a national development framework, making the government’s work accountable and allocating adequate budgetary support for programs in pursuit of a common ASEAN vision anchored on regional economic integration, peace and prosperity
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Hereby resolves to: Call on AIPA Member Parliaments to accelerate legislative cooperation and harmonization towards the full implementation of ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and also previous AIPA resolutions; Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to create national monitoring and evaluation mechanism to track and ensure the full implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 to actively develop green policies and provide sufficient budgets to achieve sustainable and inclusive development; Urge AIPA Member Parliaments to allocate adequate budgetary support to enhance ASEAN connectivity and infrastructure development; Promote transparency and accountability on the implementation of ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025; Support the ASEAN Member States to implement the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and Work Plan III of IAI through legislative, budgetary and oversight functions of AIPA Member Parliaments; Empower the partnership among AIPA Member Parliaments to promote productivity, technology and innovation; increase access to finance; facilitate and enhance market access and internationalization of MSMEs; enhance policy and regulatory environment; and promote entrepreneurship and human capital development to seamlessly integrate MSMEs to ASEAN Economic Community; Adopted on 1st October 2016 at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SOCIALMATTERS Excellency President: 1. I have the honour to submit the report of the Committee on Social Matters. 2. The Committee on Social Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. San Shway Wynn (Dr) as Chairperson, and Hon. Sa. Khin Zaw Linn as Rapporteur. The following AIPA parliamentarians attended the Meeting: Brunei Darussalam 1. Ms. Siti Ajeerah binti Najib Cambodia 1. H.E. Mr. Yang Sem 2. H.E. Mr. Khieu Muth 3. H.E. Mr. Chay Borin 4. Mr. Koy Malayvireak Indonesia 1. Hon. Mrs. Indira Chunda Thita Syarul Lao PDR 1. Hon. Dr. Somphou Duangsavanh 2. Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonepheth Boupha 3. Mr. Alavanh Phanthavong Malaysia 1. Hon. Haji Hasbi Haji Habibollah 2. Hon. Dato’ Hajah Normala Abdul Samad 3. Hon. Khoo Soo Seang
Myanmar 1. Hon. Mr. 2. Hon. Mr. 3. Hon. Mr. 4. Hon. Mr. 5. Hon. Mr.
Tin Aung (Dr) Kyi Moe Naing Sai Saii Mai Maung Maung Latt Win Myint (Dr)
Philippines 1. Hon. Rodel M. Batocabe Singapore 1. Hon. Hon. Mr. Ang Hin Kee 2. Hon. Mr. Saktiandi Supaat 3. Ms. Angeline Seow Thailand 1. Hon. Adm. Polawat Sirodom 2. Hon. Mrs. Kanchanaratt Leevirojana 3. Hon. ACM. Chanat Ratana-Ubol Vietnam 1. Hon. Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh 2. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet 3. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Hoang Mai 4. Mrs. Bui Le Thu 5. Mrs. Tran Kim Chi
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3. The Committee Meeting was held in the ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following resolutions were discussed and approved: a. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection Zika virus infection was declared as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by WHO and AIPA Member Parliaments urged to convene experts and stakeholders such as the World Health Organization and any kinds of foreign and domestic contribution and assistance for human resource, expertise and documentation, medical access, and sharing of experiences to support disease investigation, control and case management of Zika virus infection and to strengthen AlPA–ASEAN cooperation in the enactment and enforcement of national laws and policies, strategies and regional actions to prevent and control potential outbreaks of Zika virus infection. Finally, all the delegations agreed to request AIPA member states to institutionalize community based programs and to activate their national preparedness and response mechanisms and to establish ASEAN Public Health Alert Centre to ensure Zika virus infection control measures. b.
Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection The meeting decided to encourage the ASEAN Member States to invest more resources to materialize the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection in order to strengthen the AIPA-ASEAN coordination in exploring potential cooperation for effective implementation of the Plan of Action, especially for women, children, youth, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and migrant workers in the region. All delegations agreed to streamline the social protection into the national policy and legislation framework to meet the target of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
c. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change The meeting decided to assist the ASEAN Governments to implement the Declaration on ASEAN Post- 2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Agenda by adopting the ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the – Environment with the focus on information and experience sharing to enhance capabilities to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change. All delegations agreed to establish Centres for Climate Chage Assistance and Research in the region for the purpose of cooperation and assistance on disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation. d.
Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Sustainable Tourism The meeting decided to encourage all AIPA member to consider participatory planning and stringent environmental policy for the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage by enacting harmonized laws and adapting policies on sustainable eco-tourism development. All delegations agreed to use continuos evaluation system, monitoring and accreditation of tourism services via the adoption of environmentally friendly and energy conservation initiatives, alongside partners such World Tourism Organizations and UNEP.
4. I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Social Matters to the 37th General Assembly.
RESOLUTION ON STRENGTHENING COOPERATION AMONG AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENTS ON PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE TO ZIKA VIRUS INFECTION The 37thAlPAGeneral Assembly, Recalling ASEAN Community Vision 2025, an d ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Declaration 12.3: a resilient community, with enhanced capacity and capability to adapt and response to social and economic vulnerabilities, disasters, climate change as well as emerging threats and challenges; Further recalling resolution Res28GA/2007/Soc/08 on the Reaffirmation of the Resolution on the Prevention of Pandemic Diseases; Taking note of WHO Director General’s announcement on 1st February 2016 following on the advice of Emergency Committee, the recent cluster of microcephaly and other neurologic disorders reported in Brazil to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC); Deeply concerned that ASEAN communities are vulnerable to Zika virus infection due to the lack of information on potential exposure, transmission risks and no vaccine for Zika virus infection and lack of capacity for possible collective action for preparedness and response to Zika virus infection; Aware of social impact and economic burden of arboviral disease outbreaks and epidemics Taking into account the shared responsibilities and as appropriate to the needs and priorities of AIPA member states; to address the potential transmission of Zika virus infection and engage in international cooperation as well as timely sharing of information on the disease in order to proactively contain the domestic and international spread of Zika virus infection. Hereby resolves to: Urge AIPA member states to declare the Zika virus infection as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) according to the declaration by WHO Emergency Committee Strengthen AlPA–ASEAN cooperation in the enactment and enforcement of national laws and policies, strategies and regional actions to prevent and control potential outbreaks of Zika virus infection and other infectious diseases in the region;
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Call on ASEAN member states to convene experts and stakeholders for the purpose of sharing information, data and evidence gathering towards better understanding of the disease, its treatment, and community guidance Increasing public awareness by providing adequate information to the public and set up public information and warning center whenever it is needed; Taking into consideration the oversight role of AlPA parliamentarians in strengthening the preparedness and response of Zika virus infection including cross border transmission; Request AIPA member states to institutionalize community based programs to control Zika virus contagion and to step up efforts to encourage every household to be responsible to prevent any source of contagion. Request ASEAN Member States to activate their national preparedness and response mechanisms and to establish ASEAN Public Health Alert Centre to ensure the implementation and monitoring of comprehensive Zika virus infection control measures; Acknowledge and welcome the leading role of the World Health Organization and any kinds of foreign and domestic contribution and assistance for human resource development in the health sectors, expertise and documentation, medical access, and sharing of experiences to support disease investigation, control and case management of Zika virus infection; Adopted on the first day of October, Two Thousand and Sixteen at the 37thAIPA General Assembly, in Nay Pyi Taw, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
RESOLUTION ON STRENGTHENING COOPERATION AMONG AIPAMEMBER PARLIAMENTS ONTHE IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN OF ACTION TO MATERIALIZE ASEAN DECLARATION ON STRENGTHENING SOCIAL PROTECTION The 37th AIPA General Assembly, Recalling ASEAN Social and Cultural Community Blueprint 2025, 5.2, an inclusive community that promotes high quality of life, equitable access to opportunities for all and promotes and protects human rights of women, children, youths, the elderly, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and vulnerable and marginalized groups; Further recalling ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection adopted at the 23rd ASEAN Summit in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam in 2013; Recognizing the Plan of Action to implement the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015; Noting the Hanoi Declaration “The Sustainable Development Goals: turning Words into Action” adopted by the 132nd IPU General Assembly March 2015,the United Nations Sustain Development Goals adopted in September 2015, and the Chairman’s statement of the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits in Vientiane, Lao DPR in September 2016; Acknowledging the commitments of individual ASEAN member states to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and other related international instruments; Mindful of the primary goal of the ASEAN Social and Cultural Community to contribute to realizing an ASEAN Community that is people-centered and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the nations and peoples of ASEAN by forging a common identity and building a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and harmonious where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of peoples are enhanced; Bearing in mind that AIPA shall encourage ASEAN to take action on implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection;
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Hereby resolves to: Strengthen the AIPA-ASEAN coordination in exploring potential cooperation for effective implementation of the Plan of Action to materialize the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection; Encourage ASEAN Member States (AMSs) to invest more resources in implementing Plan of Action to materialize the ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection; Encourage ASEAN Member States to take into special consideration the essential basic social protection services for women, children, youth, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and especially the migrant workers in the region who are the most vulnerable to multi-shock by supporting social protection standards for legal migrant workers. Request ASEAN member states to implement the target of 2030 Agenda for SDG and to streamline the social protection into the national policy and legislation framework. Adopted on the first day of October, Two Thousand and Sixteen at the 37th AIPA General Assembly, in Nay Pyi Taw, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
RESOLUTION ON ENHANCING COOPERATION IN RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ASEAN The 37th General Assembly of AIPA: Deeply concerned that climate change is exerting adverse impacts on sustainable development in ASEAN and its members, causing serious losses and damages across the region. Cognizant that with the rise of frequency and intensity of extreme weather events due to climate change, ASEAN faces huge challenges in implementing the 2025 ASEAN Community Vision. Taking note of important outcomes of the Climate Change Negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),, especially the groundbreaking adoption of the , Paris Agreement at the 21st Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 21) in December 2015; Recalling AIPA Resolutions on response to climate change i.e. the 28GA/2007/Soc/ 07: Resolution on Climate Change as a regional challenge; 31GA/2010/Soc/01 Resolution on climate change, disaster management and pandemic prevention; Welcoming ASEAN’s adoption of documents relating to climate change such as ASEAN Declaration on Environmental Sustainability (2007), ASEAN Declaration on COP-13 to the UNFCCC and CMP-3 to the Kyoto Protocol (2007), ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to COP-15 to the UNFCCC and CMP5 to the Kyoto Protocol (2009), ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on Climate Change to COP 17 and CMP 17 (2009); ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to the COP 21 (2015), ASEAN Joint Statement on Climate Change to the COP 22 recently adopted by the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit (September, 2016); Appreciating efforts and actions by ASEAN member countries in response to climate change such as announcing targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transform green growth models to mitigate the impact of climate change . Reaffirming the important roles played by ASEAN Member Parliaments to adopt laws, approve the budgets and national-level projects and programs to respond to climate change in conformity with requirements for a low-carbon sustainable development . HEREBY, RESOLVES TO: Enhance people’s awareness and understanding about climate change across the ASEAN Community; Call upon AIPA Member Parliaments to expedite the ratification of the Paris Agreement 2015,
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Assist the ASEAN Governments to implement the Declaration on ASEAN Post- 2015 Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Agenda; adopt the ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment (ASPEN) as soon as possible and stand ready to implement the ASPEN once it is adopted with focus on information and experience sharing to enhance capabilities to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change, especially the issue of rising water level, draught and soil salinization; Urge ASEAN Member countries to pursue sustainable development opportunities that can enable mitigation and adaption efforts to be included in their INDCs as appropriate, noting that mitigation and adaption efforts can have strong regional co-benefits which contribute, inter alia, to foods, water, energy security and local culture. Recommend ASEAN Governments to make reforms in their systems of administrative management to enhance the adaptability to respond to climate change; Expand cooperation relations within ASEAN and between ASEAN Members and external partners to mobilize at most financial resources to invest in projects relating to clean technology, energy-saving technology, establish Centers for Climate Change Assistance and Research in ASEAN; Encourage ASEAN member states to institutionalize a coordinating mechanism for the purpose of cooperation and assistance on disaster preparedness, relief and rehabilitation. Enhance cooperation, dialogue, information and experience-sharing in combating the negative effects of climate change within the framework of ASEAN, ASEAN-led mechanisms and other regional and international forums and frameworks, especially the Paris Agreement; ADOPTED on 1st October 2016 at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar,
RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE TOURISM The Thirty-Seventh General Assembly of AIPA: Recalling the following resolutions (a) Resolution on “Promoting cultural and eco-tourism to stimulate economic growth” (Res. 26GA/2006/Eco/01), (b) Resolution on “Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change” (Res. 29GA/2008/Soc/04), (c) Resolution on “Promoting Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Towards Narrowing Development Gap in ASEAN” (Res. 32GA/2011/Eco/01), (d) Resolution on “the Creation of a Green Economy to Promote Sustainable Development” (Res.33GA/2012/ Eco/02), and (e) Resolution on “Promoting the Role of AIPA in Response to Challenges of ASEAN Economic Community and Supporting Green Growth” (Res.34GA/2013/Eco/02) all of which promote sustainable economies through green growth economic policies; Noting the overall contribution of tourism sector in ASEAN to reduce poverty and increase economic welfare and thus enhance the living standard in the region Recognizing the fact that ASEAN enjoys a unique eco-system, there is a challenge to balance the sustainable environmental development goals, economic benefits and tourism growth; Also noting the possible impact of tourism sector in causing pressure on the environment and natural heritage. Recognizing the importance of eco-tourism to promote economic development as well as cultural exchanges and environmental preservation. Recognizing the adoption of ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2016-2025 and its vision to provide a quality tourism destination while offering a unique, diverse ASEAN experience, and to be committed to responsible, sustainable, inclusive and balanced tourism development, so as to contribute significantly to the socio-economic well-being of ASEAN people Being aware that the development of tourism would enhance better understanding about multi-culture within ASEAN which helps uphold the spirit of mutual respect, friendship, cooperation and harmony among different cultural communities in the region; Hereby resolves to: Urge ASEAN member states to exert efforts to enact laws and adapt policies that will grant incentives to promote and develop eco-tourism.
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Call upon ASEAN Member Governments to implement AIPA’s recommendations; strengthen cooperation for better mutual understanding and respect for cultural diversity of ASEAN. Encourage all AIPA members to consider participatory planning and stringent environmental policy for the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage ; Request all AIPA members to continuously utilize ASEAN Tourism Standards for green hotels and to provide funding for climate change adaptation and mitigation in tourism sector; Request AIPA to create a joint cooperation with ASEAN Tourism Committee to conduct a study on the issues of sustainable tourism development and to harmonize laws for sustainable tourism; Enhance cooperation within ASEAN and between ASEAN and international community to mobilize technical support as well as investment in sustainable tourism projects for green growth in ASEAN Promote regional cooperation that raise capacity and capability of tourism professionals towards the concept of sustainable tourism and to further disseminate the concept of sustainable tourism in national and local government level; Promote the use continuous evaluation system; monitoring and accreditation of tourism services, the adoption of environmentally friendly and energy conservation initiative and to encourage the development of ASEAN Sustainable Tourism indicators alongside partners such as World Tourism Organizations, UNEP and other related stakeholders. Urge the ASEAN Member Governments to create favorable conditions for their people to develop tourism business, make incentives and policies for community-based tourism for a people-centred sustainable tourism Adopted on the first day of October 2016 at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
REPORT OF THE MEETING OF COMMITTEE ON WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OFAIPA (WAIPA) Your Excellency, Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the President of the 37th AIPA GA, the Speaker of the Union Assembly and the House of Nationalities, Excellencies Speakers and Vice-Speakers of ASEAN Member States; Honorable Parliamentarians; Ladies and Gentlemen, It is an honor for me to submit the report of the meeting of Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA). The Meeting of Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) was convened on Friday, 30 September 2016 and Saturday, 1 October 2016. Her Excellency Daw Su Su Lwin, Member of Parliament of the Pyithu Hluttaw, Thon Gwa Constituency, Yangon Region was the Chairperson and Hon. Daw Pyone Kathy Naing, Member of Parliament of the Pyithu Hluttaw, Kalaw Constituency, Shan State was the Rapporteur. The meeting was attended by WAIPA delegates from Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Singapore, Kingdom of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The participants list is attached as Annex of the report. The Committee Meeting was conducted with the ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The three resolutions submitted for the discussion were adopted by consensus of all the delegation members present at the committee meeting. The first resolution discussed and adopted is “The Amendments of the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO)” Regarding this resolution, the meeting agreed to amend the Rules of Procedure with the aim to empower the women parliamentarians and office bearers to carry out their function proactively throughout the year. The draft resolution and proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) were reviewed in detail and through a very interactive process among the delegates. After agreeing to some amendments and additions to the draft resolution, theCommittee on WAIPA reached a consensus to adopt the resolution that is now presented to this assembly. The second draft resolution proposed by the Myanmar delegation is the resolution on “Decent Work for ASEAN Women by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity”. Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
This draft resolution was adopted by a consensus reached through dynamic discussions which were centered on the following issues and concerns. The delegates of the Committee on WAIPA recognized that the issues related to gender equality, promotion and protection of the rights of women and of those belonging to vulnerable and marginalized groups remain to be seriously addressed. The committee meeting also focused on the urgency and importance of ensuring the rights of migrant workers, unpaid and low paid workers. Thus, the members of the delegations agreed to work further in the respective countries for the enactments and enforcements of laws which will guarantee social protection in line with international conventions, regional agreements, national laws and policies related to labour issues. Moreover, the meeting also called upon woman parliamentarians to be proactive in global and regional networks to strengthen the progress of gender responsive decent work for women in ASEAN region. The third draft resolution proposed by the Philippines delegation was discussed on the second day of WAIPA meeting. The resolution is titled as “Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN”. This draft resolution is mainly concerned with the provisions and rights of women to receive health protection, maternity related benefits and childcare facilities at work including paternity benefits which encourage fathers to share their responsibilities for the care of children. The meeting also encouraged ASEAN Member States to implement appropriate policies and programs which support maternity protection and to enable national legislation to adhere to international standards on extending maternity protection to working women in ASEAN. The meeting urged respective Governments of ASEAN to create enabling environments to strengthen existing mechanisms, and to allocate funds intended for maternity benefits for women in ASEAN. The meeting called upon AIPA Member Parliaments to stengthen collaboration and to monitor the implementation of international conventions, regional agreements, and national laws relevant to extending maternity benefits. This resolustion was agreed upon after thorough discussions and reflections on existing international instruments and mechanism. I hereby present the report of the meeting of Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) together with the aforementioned resolutions attached to this report as annex B for consideration and adoption by the 37th General Assembly.
RESOLUTION ON THE AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OF AIPO (WAIPO) The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Recognizing that women parliamentarians play a pivotal role in the decision-making process and in advancing women’s capacity in social, political and economic development; Recalling the 18th AIPO General Assembly Resolution on the Promotion of the Role of Women in ASEAN and the 19th AIPO General Assembly and Working Committee Resolutions on the Formation of Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) and on the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO); Desirous of strengthening the Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) as a platform for ASEAN women parliamentarians to be proactive to promote gender equality and the protection of the rights of women and children; to promote female entrepreneurs; to monitor the achievement, goals and targets of women advancement; to develop a strategy for gender equality; to monitor progress on gender equality; to facilitate and establish networking and communication among women parliamentarians of ASEAN and with other organizations on gender issues; Agreeing that the Resolution 19WC-GA/W/98/02 on the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) which was passed 18 years ago is outdated and needs to be amended to provide the platform for ASEAN women parliamentarians to work from; Hereby resolves to: Approve and adopt the amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) as contained in the Annex 1 attached hereto; Entrusting the Committee on WAIPA to monitor and evaluate the implementation of WAIPA resolutions annually. Adopted on the day of the Thirtieth of September, Two Thousand and Sixteen at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
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Existing Rules
Proposed Amendments
The term “AIPO” is now replaced by “AIPA” and hence the abbreviation is now “Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA)”.
The Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO) shall consist of women parliamentarians from Member Parliaments.
2 A woman delegate of the National Parliament of the country in which the AIPO General Assembly is to be held shall sit as President of the WAIPO. She shall be designated by the Speaker of the host country.
A woman delegate of the National Parliament of ASEAN Member States in which the AIPA General Assembly is to be held shall sit as Chairperson of WAIPA. She shall be appointed by the Speaker of the host parliament.
The term of office of the President of the WAIPO shall commence immediately upon the conclusion of a General Assembly and last until the conclusion of the following General Assembly.
The term of office of the Chairperson of WAIPA shall commence immediately upon the conclusion of the current General Assembly and last until the conclusion of the following General Assembly.
The members of the WAIPO may elect from among themselves such officer as they deem necessary.
Amended. The Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) shall consist of women parliamentarians from AIPA Member Parliaments. Men parliamentarians of AIPA are encouraged to participate to the work of WAIPA.
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The WAIPO shall meet once a year during and in the venue of AIPO General Assembly at the time allotted by the AIPO Executive Committee, unless decided otherwise.
The WAIPA shall meet once a year after the Executive Committee has met to prepare the programme and agenda for the Committee Meeting of WAIPA.
The existing Rule No. 5 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 4. This is following the AIPA Statutes Article 11, point 2.b on Executive Committee.
A brief Opening Ceremony 5 shall precede the WAIPO Meeting which shall be opened by the President of the WAIPO. The Opening Ceremony shall be attended by the President of AIPO and the heads of delegation.
In the event WAIPA meets before the Executive Committee has met, a brief Opening Ceremony shall precede the Committee Meeting of WAIPA which shall be opened by the President of AIPA. The Opening Ceremony shall be attended by members of each delegation and guests invited to sit in by the Chairperson of the Committee.
The existing Rule No. 6 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 5.
The President of the WAIPO Meeting shall have charge of the conduct of the Meetings.
The Chairperson of WAIPA shall be in charge of the conduct of the meeting.
The existing Rule No. 7 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 6.
Discussions in the WAIPO Meeting may be held on subjects placed on the agenda by the AIPO Executive Committee.
Discussions in the Committee Meeting of WAIPA will be based on subjects specified on the agenda by the AIPA Executive Committee. The agenda and draft resolutions of WAIPA shall be sent to AIPA Member Parliaments at least six weeks before the opening of the meeting.
The existing Rule No. 8 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 7.
Discussions on other matters may be conducted if the meeting unanimously agrees to consider them after having heard a brief explanation from their proponents.
The existing Rule No.9 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No.8.
Decision of the Committee Meeting of WAIPA shall be made by general consensus. Matters on which consensus cannot be attained shall be dropped.
The existing Rule No.10 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 9.
Matters of procedure not expressly provided for in these Rules shall be decided upon by the President, whose decision shall be final.
Matters of procedure not expressly provided for in these Rules shall be deliberated at the Committee Meeting of WAIPA subject to General Assembly’s approval.
The existing Rule No. 11 is now amended and renumbered as Rule No. 12.
The proceedings of the Meeting shall be in English
The proceedings of the Meeting shall be in English
Retained and renumbered as Rule No. 10.
Coordinating Committee
Coordinating Committee
The existing Rule No. 13 in now renumbered as No.11
The functions of the Coordinating Committee shall be as follow:
Amended and renumbered as paragraph H.
Amended and renumbered as point H1.
8 Discussions on other motions and proposals may be held if the Meeting unanimously decides to consider them after having heard a brief explanation from their originator.
Decision on any subject at WAIPO Meetings shall be made by consensus. Matters on which consensus cannot be attained shall be dropped.
There shall be a Coordinating Committee of the WAIPO which shall have the following functions:
To be responsible for and to ensure the smooth running of the Meetings of WAIPO.
To be responsible for and ensure the smooth conduct of the Committee Meeting of WAIPA;
To assist in the implementation of the decisions, resolutions and recommendations of the Meetings of WAIPO.
To assist and monitor the Amended and renumbered as point H2. implementation of the decisions, resolutions and recommendations of the Committee Meeting of WAIPA;
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To designate a woman parliamentarian to serve as the focal point for each National Group for purposes of gathering data and disseminating information. H3.
To act as a channel of formal communication between WAIPA and ASEAN and other international and regional organisations, governments, and parliaments;
The inclusion of point H3 is now proposed.
To be fully responsible in pursuing any tasks assigned by the Committee on WAIPA immediately upon the conclusion of the current General Assembly until the conclusion of the following General Assembly;
The inclusion of point H4 is now proposed.
To organise conferences, The inclusion of point H5 is now meetings, and workshops proposed. with the support of the AIPA Secretariat;
To designate a member of the Coordinating Committee to attend conferences, meetings, and workshops organised by other international and regional organisations, governments, and parliaments within the scope of the aims and purposes of WAIPA;
The inclusion of point H7 is now To source funding for proposed. WAIPA activities. All such funding shall be deposited in the AIPA Special Fund and shall be audited annually by the auditors of AIPA.
The inclusion of point H6 is now proposed.
The Coordinating Committee shall be composed of two representatives from each National Group of AIPO. For this purpose, the women parliamentarians shall elect two representatives from their respective parliaments to serve in the Coordinating Committee until the next General Assembly.
There shall be a Coordinating Committee consisting of two parliamentarians from each AIPA’s Members Parliament and they shall be appointed by their Speakers.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph A.
The officers of the Coordinating Committee shall be:
The office bearers of the Coordinating Committee are the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph B.
The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur of the Coordinating committee shall be women representatives of the National Group hosting the General Assembly. They shall be so designated by the Speaker of their Parliament.
The Chairperson shall be the woman parliamentarian of the AIPA’s Members Parliament hosting the current General Assembly and the ViceChairperson shall be the woman parliamentarian of the AIPA Member Parliaments hosting the following General Assembly.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph C.
D. The term of office of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteur shall commence immediately upon the conclusion of the General Assembly and last until the conclusion of the following General Assembly.
The term of the office of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall commence immediately upon the conclusion of the current General Assembly and last until the conclusion of the following General Assembly.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph D.
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If the office of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or Rapporteur falls vacant, the respective Parliament shall elect a replacement to complete the term of office of the predecessor.
The Coordinating Committee shall meet at least once before the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPO.
If the office of the Chairperson and ViceChairperson falls vacant, the Speaker shall appoint replacement for the remaining term of office.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph E.
The member of the Coordinating Committee shall serve as the focal point between the Parliament and Coordinating Committee.
The inclusion of paragraph F is now proposed.
The inclusion of paragraph G is The National Secretariat now proposed. of each AIPA’s Members Parliament shall assist their parliamentarians who have been appointed as members of Coordinating Committee in the discharge of their functions.
The Coordinating Committee shall meet at least once prior to the Committee Meeting of WAIPA, unless decided otherwise.
Amended and renumbered as paragraph I.
RESOLUTION ON DECENT WORK FOR WOMEN IN ASEAN BY PROMOTING SOCIAL PROTECTION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Reaffirming the Resolution 36GA/2015/WAIPA/01 on Recognition of Post-2015 Development Agenda on Gender Equality, and the Resolution 36GA/2015/WAIPA/02 on Promoting a Culture of Respect and the Rights of Women and Girls towards Inclusiveness adopted at the 36th AIPA General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in September 2015; Recalling the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2025: “Forging Ahead Together” adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015 in which it was decided to undertake the realization of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community towards an inclusive community that promotes high quality of life, equitable access to opportunities for all and promotes and protects human rights of women, children, youth, the elderly/older persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and vulnerable and marginalized groups; Reminding the importance of gender equality, equal opportunities, safety, health care, reproductive rights, and improved access to finance for women in respective workplaces stated in the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) article 11, 12 and 13; Welcoming the Chairman’s Statement of the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits adopted at Vientiane, Lao PDR in September 2016 which noted the adoption of the 2016-2020 Work Plan of the ASEAN Committee on Women and supported the initiative of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Women (AMMW) to develop a strategy or gender mainstreaming mechanisms in the three pillars of ASEAN, and the decision of the 24th ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Meeting (ALMM) to finalize the draft ASEAN instrument on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers prior to the ASEAN Summit in 2017; Recognizing that women, particularly migrant workers, are dominant in the group of poor and low income labour, and more prone to be underemployed, unemployed and in precarious/unstable employment than men. Being aware that while paid work is assigned a monetary value in the GDP, the value of unpaid work and informal work of the majority of women in ASEAN labour markets is not reflected in the GDP, and consequently remain neglected in consideration of the economic policy development of a country;
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Understanding that women’s double burden of work and care and the preconceptions about traditional gender roles hinder their participation in the paid work, particularly work in formal sector; Recognizing that social security is the foundation of gender equality; social security and ensuring decent work which contribute to promoting growth, economic development and reduce poverty; Recognizing that the lack of equal opportunity for women is a disadvantage in the realm of work, whether paid or unpaid; Hereby Resolves to: Urge ASEAN Member States and AIPA Member Parliaments to commit to the implementation of the 20162020 Work Plan of the ASEAN Committee on Women to promote social protection and equal opportunity for women at workplace; Recommend that both receiving and sending countries in ASEAN to strengthen collaboration among their government bodies to find a measure for improving social protection and equal opportunities for women migrant workers; Urge all ASEAN Member States and their parliaments to monitor the adherence of international conventions, regional agreements, national laws and policies related to labour issues; Call upon women parliamentarians from AIPA to initiate the enactment and enforcement of gender perspective laws, and to participate actively in global and regional networks to strengthen the progress of gender responsive decent work for women in the ASEAN region; Adopted on the 30th Day of September 2016 during the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
RESOLUTION ON EXTENDING THE MATERNITY BENEFITS OF WORKING WOMEN IN ASEAN The Thirty-Seventh AIPA General Assembly: Mindful that ASEAN Member States are signatories to various international human rights instruments enshrining women’s right to maternity protection; Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 in Paris which sets the fundamental human rights to be universally protected by all nations, declares that motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance; Noting Article 10(2) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which entered into force on 3 January 1976, provides that special protection should be accorded to mothers during the reasonable period before and after childbirth; Being aware of the provisions of the Maternity Protection Convention 2000 (No. 183) and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 191) which to set a higher and more comprehensive standard on population coverage, health protection, maternity leave and leave in case of illness or complications, cash benefits, employment protection and non-discrimination, and breastfeeding; Noting Article 11 (2) of the CEDAW 1979 which provides for the prevention of discrimination against women on the grounds of marriage or maternity and assuring their right to work. Adhering to the ASEAN Charter ratified by ASEAN Member States in 2008, which states that ASEAN shall enhance the well-being and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by providing them with equitable access to opportunities for human development, social welfare and justice; Reiterating the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on ASEAN 2025: “Forging Ahead Together” adopted at the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015 in which Member States committed to undertake the realisation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community towards an inclusive community that promotes high quality of life, equitable access to opportunities for all and promotes and protects human rights of women, children, youth, the elderly/older persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and vulnerable and marginalised groups; Acknowledging that while there are ASEAN Member States who already streamlined international agreements on extending maternity benefits into their national legislation, there are ASEAN Member States who are yet to comply with international standards on maternity protection;
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Knowing the fact that there are women workers in ASEAN who are still denied of their right to maternity benefits. Hereby Resolves to: Advocate for the crafting of enabling national legislation in accordance with international standards on extending maternity protection to working women in ASEAN; Ensure that ASEAN Member States implement appropriate policies and programs which support the key elements of maternity protection, such as: (1) maternity leave; (2) health protection at the workplace for pregnant and breastfeeding women; (3) advocating for the provision of cash and medical benefits; (4) employment protection and non-discrimination; and (5) breastfeeding support and childcare facilities at work; Call upon AIPA Member States to develop paternity /parental leave policies in order to encourage fathers to share their responsibilities for the care of children; Encourage respective Governments of ASEAN to realize the benefits of extending reasonable maternity schemes for women workers which include promotion of economic development, protection of women’s health, creation of a more stable and loyal workforce, and reduction of employee absenteeism, among others; Urge respective Governments of ASEAN to create enabling environment, strengthen existing mechanisms, and allocate funds intended for maternity benefits of women in ASEAN; Call upon AIPA Member Parliaments to strengthen collaboration and monitor the implementation of international conventions, regional agreements, and national laws relevant to extending maternity benefits for the working women in ASEAN. Adopted on the 1st Day of October 2016 during the 37th
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS Excellency President: 1. I have the honour to submit the report of the Committee on Organizational Matters. 2. The Committee on Organizational Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Than Win (Dr) as Chairperson, and Hon. Mr. Khin Maung Win as Rapporteur. The following AIPA parliamentarians attended the Meeting: Brunei Darussalam 1. Hon. Pehin Dato Haji Judin bin Haji Asar Cambodia 1. H.E. Mr. Chhit Kim Yeat 2. H.E. Mr. Hou Sry 3. H.E. Mr. Nhem Thavy 4. H.E. Mr. Heang Thul 5. Mr. Koy Malayvireak Indonesia 1. Hon. Mr. Nazarudin Kiemas Lao PDR 1. Hon. Ms. Suansavanh Vignaket 2. Hon. Mr. Ouan Phommachack 3. Mr. Phetla Phanthavongsa 4. Mr. Soutsakhone Anantha 5. Ms. Anyphet Keola Malaysia 1. Hon. Dr. Tan Seng Giaw 2. Hon. Khoo Soo Seang Myanmar 1. Hon. Mr. Tin Maung Win 2. Hon. Mr. Aung Min 3. Hon. Mr. Zaw Lin Htut (Dr) Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
4. 5. 6. 7.
Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon.
Mr. Zar Ni Min Mr. Wai Phyo Aung (Dr) Mr. Khun Thein Phay Major Za Wa Na
Philippines 1. Hon. Lorna C. Silverio Singapore 1. Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 2. Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh 3. Hon. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing 4. Ms. Chua Lin Hwee Thailand 1. Hon. Mr. Anuasart Suwanmongkol 2. Hon. Mr. Nipon Narapitakkul 3. Hon. Gen. Marut Patchotasingh Vietnam 1. Hon. Mr. Nguyen Hanh Phuc 2. Hon. Mr. Vu Hai Ha 3. Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang 4. Mrs. Tran Kim Chi 5. Mr. Ba Dinh Truc 3. The Committee Meeting was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following 11 resolutions were approved, namely: 1. (A) Continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA & The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), (B) Cooperation between Freeland Foundation & AIPA Secretariat, and (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); 2. Memorandum of Understanding to Develop AIPA’s Capacity on Matters Concerning ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Economic Integration in Various Areas between the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA); 3. Amendments to (1) Staff Regulations of the AIPA Secretariat, (2) Instruction Manual for Staff (IMS); 4. Financial Report of The AIPA Secretariat for the Period of 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016; 5. (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the Period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 and; (2) Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2017 to 30 September 2017 (FY 2017/ 2018); 6 Adoption of the Workplan 2016 of the AIPA Secretariat; 7. The Appointment of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA; 8. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA from September 2014 to August 2016; 9. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA; 10. Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Third AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam; 11. Date & Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly.
The approved resolutions are attached as annexes in this report.
4. The Committee on Organizational Matters agreed to defer 2 draft resolutions namely Accrediting the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary (AIPA) to the 38th AIPA General Assembly. The Committee considered that there should be guidelines drawn on the accreditation of Observers to AIPA and directed the AIPA Secretariat to do so with the help of the AIPA Member Parliaments. The basis of the guideline should be beneficial to both parties to increase the effectiveness of the cooperation between Observers Parliaments and AIPA member Parliaments. In addition, to further study the participation of the Observer Parliaments at future AIPA General Assemblies. 5. The Committee on Organizational Matters conveyed its highest appreciation for the service of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA, His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA and to Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam as the Secretary General of AIPA for period of March 2013 to 30 September 2016. 6. Hon. Lorna C. Silverio from Philippines said that she prepared to provide a 40th AIPA Anniversary Book as suggested by the Secretaru General of AIPA, as long as with the assistance from the AIPA Secretariat and all Member Parliaments. 7.
I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Organizational Matters to the 37th General Assembly.
Thank you,.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 37th AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY September 29 – October 3 , 2016 Nay Pyi Taw, Republic of the Union of Myanmar 37GA/2016/REP/JC
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON JOINT COMMUNIQUE Your Excellency Mr. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of 37th AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Excellency Speakers/ Deputy Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments, Honourable Delegates of the 37th AIPA General Assembly, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed a great honour and pleasure for me to present the report of the Committee on Joint Communique here to the Plenary Session of the 37th AIPA General Assembly. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the President of AIPA and the Secretary General of AIPA. The Committee on Joint Communique met in the afternoon of the 1st October 2016 from 4:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. The meeting was attended by all AIPA Member Delegations with myself T. Khun Myat as the Chairperson and Hon. U Zaw Thein as the Rapporteur. With the conclusion of all activities of the 37th AIPA General Assembly today, please allow me to report briefly on the decisions that we had achieved in this Assembly. This year’s theme of a “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community” is highly relevant and reflects the current issues of ASEAN. The Executive Meeting has adopted the Agenda of the 37th AIPA General Assembly and the Programme of Activities as well as topics for discussions at each committee meeting. Kicking off the 37th AIPA General Assembly, the Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) met on 30th September and they deliberated and adopted three resolutions, namely: (1) The Amendments of the Rules of Procedure of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO); (2) Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity; and (3) Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN. With regard to the recent development in the region, AIPA, through the Committee on Political matters, delivered and adopted two reports, namely: 1. Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR; 2. Report of the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of AIPA during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
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The Committee also adopted three resolutions, namely: 1. Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Process and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus and Negotiation; 2. Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN; and 3. Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN. The Committee agreed to defer the draft Resolution on Formalizing the Support Provided by (1) the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and (2) ASEAN Ambassadors to ASEAN Member States to ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) (Proposed by AIPA Secretariat) to the next General Assembly. The Committee on Economic Matters discussed and adopted three resolutions, namely: 1. Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development; 2. Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation; and 3. Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation. The Committee on Social Matters deliberated and adopted four resolutions, namely: 1. Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection; 2. Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection; 3. Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change; and 4. Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Sustainable Tourism. The meeting of the Committee on Organizational Matters was held on the second day of the General Assembly and 11 resolutions were adopted namely: 1. Resolution on (A) Continuation of the Joint Programme Between AIPA & the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), (B) Cooperation Between Freeland Foundation & AIPA Secretariat, and (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); 2. Memorandum of Understanding to Develop AIPA’s Capacity on Matters Concerning ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Economic Integration in Various Areas between ERIA and AIPA; 3. Amendments to (1) Staff Regulations of the AIPA Secretariat and (2) Instruction Manual for Staff; 4. Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat for the Period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 (FY 2017/2018); 5. (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 and (2) Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2017 to 30 September 2017 (FY 2017/ 2018); 6. Adoption of the Work Plan 2016 of the AIPA Secretariat; 7. The Appointment of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA; 8. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA from September 2014 to August 2016; 9. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA; 10. Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Third AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam; and 11. Date & Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly. The Committee on Organizational Matters agreed to defer 2 draft resolutions namely: Accrediting the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) to the
38th AIPA General Assembly. The Committee considered that there should be guidelines drawn on the accreditation of Observers and Partners to AIPA and directed the AIPA Secretariat to do so with the help of the AIPA Member Parliaments. The basis of the guidelines should be beneficial to both parties. These achievements are truly constructive outcomes of the 37th AIPA General Assembly as a platform for the aspirations of our people in ASEAN. To complement and further our common vision and goals, we worked together to enhance mutual trust and beneficial cooperation, as well as contribute to maintaining regional peace and stability, and vigorously promoting regional development and prosperity. AIPA extends its sincere appreciation to the President of the 37th AIPA General Assembly, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, for his able leadership and endeavors in the harmonious implementation of our AIPA activities from 29th September to 3rd October 2016. The Executive Committee has resolved that the 38th AIPA General Assembly will be held in Manila, Philippines no later than September 2017. TMay I, on behalf of the Committee on Joint Communique, submit this report of the Committee on Joint Communique to the plenary session of 37th AIPA Genereal Assembly for its consideration and adoption. I thank you very much for the kind attention.
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
The 37th AIPA General Assembly was held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar from 29 September to 3 October 2016 at Myanmar International Convention Centre 1 and the Hotel Royal ACE with the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community.”
DELEGATIONS 2. The Delegations from Brunei Darussalam led by H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Speaker of the Legislative Council of Brunei Darussalam; the Kingdom of Cambodia led by Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly of Cambodia; the Republic of Indonesia led by H.E. Mr. Fahri Hamzah, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Indonesia; Lao People’s Democratic Republic led by H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou, the President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR; Malaysia led by Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia; Republic of the Union of Myanmar led by H.E. U T. Khun Myat, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Myanmar; Philippines led by Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines; Singapore led by H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob, Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore; Thailand led by Hon. Peerasak Porjit, Second-Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam led by H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam. 3.
The Guests include H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN; H.E. Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary General of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU); Mr. Timo Goosman, First Secretary, ASEAN Affairs, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in Indonesia; Mr. Brian Gonzales, Director of Governance Department, Freeland; Mr. Dararith Kim-Yeat, Executive Director of Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, President of Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA); Mr. Peter Batchelor, Country Director of the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP); and Mr. Liam Laurence Smyth, Clerk Legislation of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.
HANDING OVER OF THE OFFICE OF THE 37th PRESIDENT OF AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4. The Handing Over Ceremony of the Office of the President of AIPA was held before the Executive Committee Meeting, on Friday, 30 September 2016 at 8.30 a.m. and ended at 8.50 a.m. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, Hon. Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee on behalf
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of the President of AIPA, H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Pandikar Amin Mulia handed over the post of the President of AIPA to the Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann.
H.E Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the newly appointed Secretary General for the period from 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2019 signed the Working Agreement followed by signing the Instrument of Transfer of Office of the Secretary General of AIPA from H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, the outgoing Secretary General to H.E. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the incoming Secretary General.
MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF AIPA 6. The Meeting of the Executive Committee of AIPA, chaired by His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, adopted the Agenda and Programme of Activities of the 37th AIPA General Assembly and agreed on the following: a. Programme of Activities for the 37th AIPA General Assembly; b. Agenda for the 37th AIPA General Assembly; c. Other relevant matters: i. Composition of Committees; ii. Date and Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly; iii. Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR; iv. Report of the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of AIPA during the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit in Vientiane, Lao PDR; v. To defer the Consideration of the AIPA Distinguished Service Award to the next Executive Committee Meeting due to time constraint. COURTESY CALL ON HIS EXCELLENCY MAHN WINN KHAING THANN, PRESIDENT OF AIPA AND SPEAKER OF THE UNION ASSEMBLY OF MYANMAR. 7. On Friday, 30 September 2016, at 10.30 a.m., the Heads of Delegations of Member Parliaments and Guests paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, President of AIPA and the Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar. OPENING CEREMONY OF THE 37th AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 8.
The Opening Ceremony of the 37th General Assembly of AIPA was held on Friday, 30 September 2016 from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at Myanmar International Convention Centre 1 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann and State Counsellor of Myanmar, H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered the Welcoming Address and Keynote Address respectively followed by the striking of gong to commence the 37th AIPA General Assembly.
9. In his opening remarks, H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the Speaker of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and President of AIPA, extended a warm welcome to the delegates attending the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Nay Pyi Taw. He emphasized that representing the people at the national level is one of the highest and noblest aspirations that a person could have and it also carried the highest level of responsibility to face challenges loomed before AIPA Member Parliaments. He concluded his remarks by urging the participating parliamentarians to ponder and debate on the challenges AIPA is facing and to propose resolutions and legislations to prove AIPA’s determination to serve the people, the friendship, goodwill and cooperation in ASEAN Community.
In her Keynote Speech, H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, mentioned that at a national level, it is arguably the institution of parliament that best embodies the approach of rules-based people-oriented and people-centered. That is why the strong partnership between AIPA and ASEAN over many years has proven so valuable, morally and practically. She also emphasized all legislators that there is no honour greater than that to be an elected representative of the people to discharge their responsibilities to the people, to stand for the people against world challenges, and to be able to say at the end of their term in office that they have truly done their duty.
She enlightened the Assembly on the main areas of work of the Government of Myanmar on the process of national reconciliation to secure the lasting peace that Myanmar people have longed for. She also mentioned that Myanmar is now striving to bring harmony and understanding between the different communities in Rakhine State as well as to bring about sustainable economic development. In view of this, she informed the Assembly that Myanmar has launched economic policy that aims to support national reconciliation.
VICE-PRESIDENTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 12. As stipulated in article 10 of the Statutes of AIPA, the Heads of Delegations of other National Parliaments shall sit as Vice-Presidents. In the event that the President of AIPA is unable to preside at the General Assembly for any reason whatsoever, one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside over the Assembly. STATEMENTS OF HEADS OF DELEGATIONS 13. The Heads of Delegation of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand andViet Nam delivered their respective statements during the First Plenary Session of the General Assembly. Brunei Darussalam 14.
H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib mentioned that this year’s General Assembly theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community”, prompts an expectation for AIPA to continue to face and address the ever-increasing issues that affect the lives of the people represented by parliaments. He hoped that AIPA will be able to push its desire and collective will to live in a region of lasting peace, security and stability, sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and social progress; and forging ahead together towards ASEAN 2025.
Cambodia 15.
Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin emphasized a “Vibrant AIPA” as being the vital and potential driving force in expediting implementation of ASEAN’s plans and objectives. Likewise, AIPA plays a very central and active role in the establishment of the ASEAN community by way of adopting more resolutions to speed up the closer cooperation between ASEAN and AIPA. He further stated that Cambodia has been contributing significantly to the progress of AIPA and actively engaging in the settlement of major common issues within AIPA’s framework.
Indonesia 16.
H.E. Fahri Hamzah highlighted that political stability serves as prerequisite to the successful implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community. The enhancement of maritime security cooperation is important as maritime security has become one of the main political security challenges in the region. He also emphasized that illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing needs
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to be comprehensively addressed and eradicated. In his remarks, the need for a substantive democracy in ASEAN was also underlined and that a vibrant AIPA has a vital role to support this endeavor.
Lao PDR 17.
H.E. Mme. Pany Yathotou emphasized that under the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community”, AIPA should be a pro-active cooperation forum for parliamentary cooperation with firm, systematic and efficient coordination mechanism to become forces fostering success and progress of the ASEAN Community in achieving the vision of ASEAN 2025, aiming at building an ASEAN Community, which is politically harmonious, economically integrated, socially responsible community that respects the rule of law.
Malaysia 18. H.E Datuk Seri Dr. Ronald Kiandee, the Deputy Speaker of Malaysian Parliament stressed that only AIPA had the ability, the desire, the connection and the commitment to take ASEAN and its community to great heights. He mentioned the 2015 Blueprint and the 2025 Blueprint for regional integration, cooperation and coordination in various fields such as politics, economy and security. He proposed eight (8) measures to achieve a progressive ASEAN Community : concentrated and continuous efforts, addressing critical and strategic risks like terrorism and illegal immigrants, multilateral cooperation, priority for dealing with transboundary issues such as drugs and kidnapping, check-and-balance mechanism on drug trafficking, promoting the ASEAN way of quiet diplomacy, issuing accountable statements and eradicating extremism. Myanmar 19.
H.E. U.T. Khun Myat stated that close cooperation among the legislative bodies enabled the promotion of the people’s participation in ASEAN nations and building a politically cohesive, economically integrated, socially responsible, truly rules-based, people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN Community. He urged for stronger partnership between ASEAN and AIPA to meet the targets of the ASEAN Vision 2025. He also raised the importance of social protection of migrant workers and strengthening of domestic economy and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Philippines 20. Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu conveyed that this year’s theme of AIPA General Assembly which is “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community” is very appropriate. He noted the long history and close relationship between ASEAN and AIPA and that both institutions share a common vision to promote regional peace, stability and prosperity. He mentioned that the mode of institutional cooperation and regular channels of communication between AIPA and ASEAN should be identified and established. He also mentioned that if AIPA should decide to play a greater role in ASEAN, AIPA should actively consider the idea of establishing an ASEAN Parliament. He invited the Assembly to Manila as the Philippines assumes the chairmanship of ASEAN coinciding with its 50th foundation anniversary with theme “ Partnering for Change, Engaging the World.” Singapore 21.
H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob stressed that ASEAN can look forward to achieving its true economic potential with the establishment of the ASEAN Community. As the regional forum for ASEAN Parliamentarians, a vibrant AIPA can play an integral role in educating the citizens of ASEAN of the numerous opportunities that await them, and in galvanising the ASEAN spirit of enterprise. She also hoped that Governments of ASEAN would give greater support and promote greater collaboration with AIPA in promoting the goals of ASEAN for the benefit of our people.
Thailand 22. Hon. Mr. Peerasak Porjit highlighted that the theme “Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN Community” is consistent with the Community’s vision to intensify its collective efforts to achieve another phase of the deeper integration process. He added that drafting and amending the internal laws in accordance with the ASEAN Framework together with the ratification of the ASEAN Agreements should be accelerated to realize the ASEAN Community. He also suggested that AIPA should promote closer ties amongst people in the region in order to build inclusive and truly people-centred community. Viet Nam 23. H.E. Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan shared concerns over the common challenges including terrorism, the East Sea (South China Sea) situation, environment and climate change. Therefore, she welcomed the outcomes of the ASEAN Summits and meetings, including the AMM-49 that underscore the importance of peaceful settling of the East Sea issue in accordance with international law, 1982 UNCLOS, full and effective implementation of the DOC and early conclusion of the COC. She emphasized that amid the rising challenges, ASEAN should continue to uphold solidarity and unity, maintain its centrality in addressing regional issues. AIPA should continue to urge its member governments to deliver commitments in line with the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. AIPA also needs to strengthen its oversight role on the implementation of intra cooperation plans as well as cooperation between ASEAN and external partners in addressing the regional issues. 24. Viet Nam recommended AIPA to (1) uphold ASEAN’s behavioral principles and norms, compliance with international law, solidarity, and unity; (2) implement the post-2015 ASEAN Agenda on environmental sustainability and climate change; (3) promote the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for the Development of SME; (4) step up IT cooperation within ASEAN, in the region and the world; (5) intensify communication activities, raise public awareness about the benefits brought by ASEAN and the ASEAN Community building, heading towards celebrations of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the 40th anniversary of AIPA in 2017 and (6) facilitate the implementation of ASEAN agreements and legal documents. STATEMENTS OF GUESTS 25. H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN and H.E. Mr. Martin Chungong, the Secretary General of IPU delivered their statements at the First Plenary Session of the General Assembly. 26. In his statement, H.E. Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy-Secretary General for Community and Corporate Affairs of ASEAN Secretariat, conveyed his heartfelt appreciations to the House of Representatives of Myanmar for the impeccable arrangements and generosity extended to the delegation attending the General Assembly. He underlined that it is indeed an exciting and dynamic time for ASEAN as it is in its inaugural year of the ASEAN Community. AIPA is well placed to strengthen ASEAN’s integration process and it also holds a crucial role in transposing regional agreements into local actions where the ASEAN citizens are directly involved and their sense of ASEAN identity and ownership are built. Being the people’s representatives, AIPA is well placed to reach out directly to the people of ASEAN and promote the importance of an ASEAN Community and its benefits. 27. In his statement, H.E Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary General of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), noted that that the theme of this year’s AIPA General Assembly “A Vibrant AIPA for a Progressive ASEAN” could not have been better chosen, given the context of times. He mentioned that parliaments, as the pillars of democracy, have a crucial role to play in giving voice to the people. For them to fulfill that role effectively, they must meet a number of criteria as laid out by the IPU and endorsed by AIPA Member Parliaments. They must be inclusive, open and transparent, accessible and accountable. Above and beyond this, parliaments must be tolerant, serve as the guardians of human rights and the rule of law and act as peacemakers. Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEES Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) 28. The Committee on WAIPA was chaired by Hon. Ms. Su Su Lwin as Chairperson and Hon. Ms. Pyone Kathi Naing as Rapporteur. The Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA discussed and approved 3 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on the Amendments to the Rules of Procedures of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPO (WAIPO); b. Resolution on Decent Work for Women in ASEAN by Promoting Social Protection and Equal Opportunity; and c. Resolution on Extending the Maternity Benefits of Working Women in ASEAN Political Matters 29. The Committee on Political Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Htun Aung @ Tun Tun Heinn as Chairperson and Hon. Mr. Aung Kyi Nyunt as Rapporteur. The Committee on Political Matters of AIPA discussed 6 draft resolutions and approved 5 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on the Adoption of the Report of the 8th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR; b. Resolution on the Adoption of the Report of the Interface between ASEAN Heads of States/ Governments and Representatives of AIPA Held in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic; c. Resolution on Resolving Internal and External Challenges through Democratic Process and Achieving Peace and Stability through Consultation, Consensus, and Negotiation; d. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation to Ensure Cybersecurity in ASEAN; and e. Resolution on Enhancing Maritime Security Cooperation and Protection of Marine Resources in ASEAN. 30. The Committee agreed to defer the draft Resolution on Formalizing the Support Provided by (1) the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) and (2) ASEAN Ambassadors to ASEAN Member States to ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) (Proposed by AIPA Secretariat) to the next General Assembly. Economic Matters 31. The Committee on Economic Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung as Chairperson and Hon. Ms. Htoot May as Rapporteur. The Committee on Economic Matters discussed and approved 3 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on Creating Job Opportunities and Decent Working Conditions in the Process of Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development; b. Resolution on Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation; c. Resolution on Parliamentary Support for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Implementation. Social Matters 32. The Committee on Social Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. San Shway Wynn (Dr) as Chairperson, and Hon. Mr. Sa Khin Zaw Lin as Rapporteur. The Committee on Social Matters discussed and approved 4 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on Preparedness and Response to Zika Virus Infection; b. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Strengthening Social Protection;
c. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change; d. Resolution on Strengthening Cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments on the Implementation of Plan of Action to Materialize ASEAN Declaration on Sustainable Tourism. Organizational Matters 33. The Committee on Organizational Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Than Win (Dr) as Chairperson and Hon. Mr. Khin Maung Win as Rapporteur. The Committee on Organizational Matters discussed 13 draft resolutions and approved 11 Resolutions, namely: a. Resolution on (A) Continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA & The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ), (B) Cooperation between Freeland Foundation & AIPA Secretariat, and (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC); b. Memorandum of Understanding to Develop AIPA’s Capacity on Matters Concerning ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Economic Integration in Various Areas between the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA); c. Amendments to (1) Staff Regulations of the AIPA Secretariat, (2) Instruction Manual for Staff (IMS); d. Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat for the Period of 1 August 2015 to 31 July 2016; e. (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the Period 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 and; (2) Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2017 to 30 September 2017 (FY 2017/ 2018); f. Adoption of the Workplan 2016 of the AIPA Secretariat; g. The Appointment of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA; h. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Bin Haji Mulia as President of the 36th AIPA from September 2014 to August 2016; i. Appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mahn Winn Khaing Thann as President of AIPA; j. Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Third AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam; k. Date & Venue of the 38th AIPA General Assembly. 34. The Committee on Organizational Matters agreed to defer 2 draft resolutions namely Accrediting the Parliament of the Republic of Georgia as Observer of ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and Accrediting the Parliament of Ukraine as Observer of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) to the 38th AIPA General Assembly. The Committee considered that there should be guidelines drawn on the accreditation of Observers and Partners to AIPA and directed the AIPA Secretariat to do so with the help of the AIPA Member Parliaments. The basis of the guidelines should be beneficial to both parties. MEETING BETWEEN SECRETARY GENERAL OF AIPA AND NATIONAL SECRETARIATS 35. During the meeting, Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, the Secretary General of AIPA introduced himself to National Secretariats. There were several topics discussed, namely (1) the deadline for the circulation of the draft resolution for AIPA General Assembly by the Member Parliaments as well as the AIPA Secretariat; (2) creating another platform of communication through Facebook Messenger; and (3) the circulation of AIPA’s Calendar of Activities. The 38th AIPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 36. Hon. Raneo E. Abu, Head of Delegation of the House of Representatives of the Philippines referred to the letter from H.E. Pantaleon D. Alvarez, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
to H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, Secretary General of AIPA, dated 26 September 2016 confirming the hosting of the 38th AIPA General Assembly which will be held in Manila in September 2017. The exact date and venue will be finalised in due time.
APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW SECRETARY GENERAL OF AIPA 37. H.E. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut has been appointed as the new Secretary General of AIPA from the period of 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2019. 38. Delegations attending the General Assembly further extended their sincere gratitude and appreciation to H.E. Mr. Periowsamy Otharam, the outgoing Secretary General for his valuable contributions to the success of AIPA during his term of office. APPRECIATION TO THE HOST PARLIAMENT 39. The Delegations attending the General Assembly expressed their sincere appreciation to the Government and Parliament of Myanmar as well as to the Myanmar people for their warm welcome, generous hospitality and the excellent arrangements for the 37th AIPA General Assembly. APPRECIATION TO PRESIDENT OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 40. The Delegations attending the General Assembly extended their sincere gratitude and appreciation to H.E. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin bin Haji Mulia, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia as the President of AIPA for the period from 20 September 2014 to 30 September 2016 and H.E. Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the outgoing President of AIPA and Speaker of the Union Assembly of Myanmar for their able leadership in further strengthening AIPA and AIPA-ASEAN cooperation in the spirit of solidarity, friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding.
Done in Nay Pyi Taw, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, on the Second day of October, the year of Two Thousand and Sixteen
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-37 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)