Plastic waste for making recycled handicrafts, Labuan Bajo, Flores.
WISATA 6th Edition April - June 2016
Cover Story:
Solid Waste Management Program Delivers Economic Progress for Community
Upgrading Tourism Workers’ Skills with ToST
Tanjung Puting
Tourism Branding Efforts Underway for Tanjung Puting
Toraja Official Website Goes Live
A ToST in Housekeeping for Wakatobi’s Local Trainers
WISATA Program
Succsess Story Barata Kahedupa Festival, Wakatobi
Team of Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic Indonesia interviews principal of SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi
Home Affairs Ministry Reviews WISATA’s Wakatobi Programs By Ferry Samosir – Deputy Program Manager
Pada bulan Februari lalu, Tim Terpadu Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) melakukan kunjungan ke Wakatobi sebagai salah satu destinasi binaan Swisscontact WISATA. Dipimpin oleh Direktur Sinkronisasi Urusan Pemerintah Daerah (SUPD) III, tim Kemendagri meninjau pelaksanaan program pengembangan wisata, termasuk berbagai kemajuan, tantangan, serta keberlanjutannya.
Peninjauan dilakukan terhadap pihak pemerintah daerah dan penerima manfaat langsung program WISATA. Diawali pertemuan dengan sekretaris Bappeda Sulawesi Tenggara di Kendari, kunjungan dilanjutkan ke Pulau Wangi-wangi di mana tim tersebut bertemu dengan Bupati, Dinas Pendidikan, dan ketua forum tata kelola pariwisata Kabupaten Wakatobi beserta seluruh tim WISATA. Sementara itu, pertemuan dengan para penerima manfaat program WISATA diawali dengan kunjungan ke desa wisata Liya Togo dan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi bersama ketua asosiasi penyelam professional Wakatobi serta kunjungan ke SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi. Dalam diskusi paska kegiatan peninjauan, tim terpadu menyatakan hasil positif dari pelaksanaan program WISATA di Wakatobi. Hal tersebut dilihat dari meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pariwisata sebagai sarana pembangunan, di mana keterlibatan masyarakat nampak meningkat, bersamaan dengan perkembangan potensi wisata yang ditawarkan, baik kelautan maupun keunikan destinasi. Tim peninjau juga menilai adanya kerja sama dan komunikasi yang baik antara WISATA dan pemerintah setempat dan dukungan program yang positif dengan adanya penularan pengetahuan kepada penerima manfaat. Mereka kemudian mendorong program untuk terus memastikan keberlanjutan pengembangan pariwisata Wakatobi dengan dukungan teknis dan pelatihan keterampilan.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
The integrated team from the Ministry of Home Affairs in February held a trip to Wakatobi to review tourism developments in the archipelago as one of several destinations supported by Swisscontact WISATA. Led by the Director of Regional Government Synchronization Body (LUPD) III, the local government and WISATA’s beneficiaries became the source person of the review on the implementation of tourism development programs in the region, including any progress made, obstacles faced, as well as the sustainability of each project.
The review kicked off with a meeting with the Sulawesi Tenggara Development Planning Board (Bappeda) secretary in Kendari, followed by a meeting in Wangi-wangi Island with the local regent, education office, and head of the tourism management forum. The officials also took time to visit Liya Togo, the tourism village, to review WISATA’s beneficiaries, after which they joined the head of Wakatobi’s professional divers’ association and SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi for a discussion. The team is said to have found a great number of positive results from the implementation of WISATA’s programs in Wakatobi. One example would be an increasing awareness among the local communities towards the importance of tourism as a development tool, which can be seen from community members’ eager involvement as well as the growth of tourism attractions, from marine tourism to local cultural offerings. Communication and cooperation efforts between WISATA and the local government was also considered to be well done, with an effective transfer of knowledge with beneficiaries. The team urged WISATA to continue focusing on the sustainability of tourism developments in Wakatobi through technical support and training skills.
Kaledupa Island Tourism Group to Organize Barata Kahedupa Festival By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer for Communications
Sebagai salah satu pulau di Wakatobi, Pulau Kaledupa tentunya memiliki keindahan alam dan potensi pariwisata yang begitu menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sebut saja Pulau Hoga yang terkenal dengan keindahan bawah lautnya di kalangan para pecinta wisata bahari, juga kekayaan budaya lokal yang dapat menjadi pilihan alternatif bagi wisatawan.
Tahun ini, kekayaan potensi wisata tersebut akan dipromosikan melalui Festival Barata Kahedupa, bagian dari rangkaian acara yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Wakatobi untuk diadakan di tiap-tiap pulau. Kelompok Pariwisata Pulau Kaledupa (KITG), wadah pemangku kepentingan yang menjembatani sinkronisasi perencanaan pengembangan pariwisata di tingkat pulau dan kabupaten, telah ditetapkan sebagai penyelenggara festival dan akan bertanggungjawab menyiapkan materi promosi, penggalangan dana, serta penyusunan acara yang akan dilangsungkan. Dalam festival tersebut, para pengunjung akan dapat menyaksikan tradisi Karia’a sebagai acara utama, sebuah tradisi pingitan bagi anak perempuan dan sunatan bagi anak laki-laki yang kemudian diarak keliling desa. Selain tradisi tersebut, KITG juga akan menggalakkan promosi desa wisata berbasis masyarakat, kuliner, kerajinan tangan, dan berbagai budaya lokal lainnya selama festival berlangsung. Para pemerintah kecamatan, seksi II Taman Nasional Wakatobi, pelaku usaha, asosiasi, kelompok adat, dan masyarakat setempat yang aktif terlibat dalam KITG berharap Festival Barata Kahedupa dapat menjadi sarana promosi wisata yang efektif dalam mengundang lebih banyak lagi pengunjung ke Kaledupa.
Part of the Wakatobi archipelago, Kaledupa Island is home to a plethora of tourism potential, with destinations such as Hoga as its main attraction offering mesmerizing underwater beauty for lovers of marine tourism and interesting local culture adding to travelers’ experience.
Highlighting the region’s tourism richness is the Barata Kahedupa Festival 2016, an event that stands as part of the Wakatobi district government’s efforts to showcase the region’s beauty by assigning each of its islands to host a regular festival. Organized by Kaledupa Island Tourism Group (KITG), which is established as a bridge connecting the islands’ needs with the district government on tourism development issues, the organization will be responsible for preparing promotional materials, fund raising, planning the events, and selecting the venue for each activities. The team comprises representatives from the government, section II of the Wakatobi National Park, elderly chiefs, associations, businesses, and local communities. Guests attending the festival will be able to witness the Karia’a ceremony as one of the main events, a local tradition held to purify the souls of little girls within the community and to carry out circumcision for boys reaching their adolescence. Other highlights also include the local community-based tourism village, handicraft made by the island’s artisans, delicious culinary selections, and other cultural elements during the festival, as KITG believes that events such as this are important tools in promoting the region as a tourism destination.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Content & Publisher’s Note
Vocational & Higher Education Ruedi Nuetzi
Swisscontact WISATA Program Manager
04 FLORES Upgrading Tourism Workers’ Skills with ToST
Apa Kabar?
Students and teacher of SMK Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar holds the internship journal, Bali ToT and tryout of internship tools in SMKN 1Kaledupa, Wakatobi
Internship Pocket Books Boost Student-Teacher Coordination By Yorsi Nuzulia - Program Officer for Vocational Education and Training
Selama satu tahun belakangan, sebanyak delapan sekolah dampingan Swisscontact WISATA dan empat SMK model telah berhasil mengembangkan perangkat Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL). Buku saku siswa, guru, dan orang tua, serta jurnal siswa dan pembimbing, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan koordinasi selama masa PKL siswa. Rencananya, perangkat akan diluncurkan pada bulan November, meski beberapa sekolah telah melaksanakan pelatihan dan uji coba penggunaan dalam kegiatan WISATA Sister School Program bulan Mei silam.
Buku saku siswa dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakter budaya tiap destinasi dampingan dan materi yang digunakan pun bertujuan membuat siswa lebih cakap budaya, sehingga lebih percaya diri dan mampu beradaptasi saat PKL. Terdapat pula lembar penilaian diri, yang diharapkan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk mengenal diri mereka dengan lebih baik dan meningkatkan kompetensi mereka. Jurnal siswa itu sendiri merujuk pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional (SKKNI) dan dapat menjadi portfolio bagi siswa ketika lulus SMK dan mencari kerja nantinya.
Over the past year, eight schools and four vocational high schools supported by Swisscontact WISATA has been busy putting together an internship pocket book and a special journal, both of which are aimed for collaborative use by teachers, students, and parents and are slated for a November launch date.
Having been tested out during WISATA Sister School Program’s earlier in May, the student pocket book is set to help students better understand their culture and more confidently and easily adapt when the time comes for them to pursue their internship program. It comes with a self-assessment form, which will motivate students to know themselves better and increase their competency skills, while student journals were created based on the national competency standard (SKKNI) and can later on be used as a portfolio for students upon graduating or entering the job market.
“Dengan adanya jurnal siswa maupun pembimbing siswa, maka semua keluhan hotel bisa ditampung dengan lebih terperinci karena dilengkapi dengan waktu dan uraian kegiatan,” tukas Alfiani Saputera, guru Akomodasi Perhotelan SMKN 1 Kaledupa. “Kita juga bisa mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi siswa selama PKL dengan melihat jurnal tersebut. Saya sebagai pembimbing menjadi lebih terarah dalam pelaksanaan prakerin siswa.”
“With the student and supervisor journal, any complaints from the hotel can be collected in detail, with a timeline and detailed activity,” says Alfiani Saputra, a Hotel Accommodation teacher for SMKN 1 Kaledupa. “We can monitor the problems faced by students during their internship and I as the supervisor can get a guideline about their internship program.”
Siswa SMK Pariwisata Harapan dan SMKN 1 Kaledupa menjadi salah satu sekolah yang pertama menggunakan perangkat tersebut dalam kegiatan PKL mereka sejak Mei lalu, sementara 10 sekolah lainnya akan menyusul di tahun 2017.
Students from SMK Pariwisata Harapan and SMKN 1 Kaledupa have been actively using the pocket book since May for their internship period, while ten more schools are set to follow next year.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In this issue of Berita WISATA, we would like to introduce to you our solid waste management program, which was piloted in Labuan Bajo, Flores. The island of Flores, as one of the 10 new priority destinations appointed by the Tourism Ministry, has seen a rapid growth in its tourism industry, accompanied by an increase in the use of resources. Therefore, as part of its tourism development, Flores stakeholders have moved to minimize and even reduce any negative environmental impacts that may arise from this fast growth. As a first step, Swisscontact WISATA initiated a solid waste management program in Labuan Bajo, involving both the local government and stakeholders. This year, a local women’s group succeeded in developing a wide range of handicrafts made from recycled plastics, which they showcased at their gallery, while WISATA supported members with trainings to improve their design and production techniques as well as marketing skills and financial literacy. As of late, members of this group have shown interest in conducting their activities in environmentally responsible and sustainable ways as they also generate additional income for their households. They have moved forward to become trainers for other groups and organizations across Flores, advocating the use of recycled plastics for the handicrafts business. Meanwhile, in different locations around Flores, regular “clean-up” activities have been conducted with the involvement of local organizations, communities, schools, and relevant government bodies. I wish you all an enjoyable reading experience and hope these initiatives can contribute to the protection of our environment. Warmest regards from all of us.
Publisher Publisher Swisscontact WISATA Jl. Batur Sari No. 20SB, Sanur Denpasar - Bali 80227 Indonesia Photography Swisscontact WISATA Design & Layout Swisscontact WISATA Printer PT Cintya Grafika The project is supported by SECO in cooperation with Ministry of Tourism, implemented by Swisscontact *No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form by any means.
06 TANJUNG PUTING Tourism Branding Efforts Underway for Tanjung Puting
14 TORAJA Toraja Official Website Goes Live
16 WAKATOBI A ToST in Housekeeping for Wakatobi’s Local Trainers
08 COVER STORY Solid Waste Management Program Delivers Economic Progress for Community
18 VOCATIONAL & HIGHER EDUCATION Internship Pocket Books Boost StudentTeacher Coordination
Correction Pada tulisan “Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with Destination Branding Efforts” di Berita Wisata, Edisi 5 (Januari-Maret 2016), halaman 7, kalimat keterangan foto yang benar seharusnya: “Michael R. Juanda, Ketua Badan Pelaksana Harian Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) Tanjung Puting mepresentasikan mengenai Destinasi Tanjung Puting.” Demikian kesalahan diperbaiki. -Redaksi
In the article “Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with Destination Branding Efforts” appeared on Berita Wisata, 5th Edition of January-March 2016, page 7, the correct caption for picture appeared should read: “Michael R. Juanda, Chief of Daily Operational Body of Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) Tanjung Puting is presenting about Tanjung Puting Destination” We apologize for the error. -Editor
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
A discussion about the importance of partnership building between schools and industries, Wakatobi
Master and local trainers practice on how a waiter serves the guest, Flores
WISSPRO: A Promise of Progress through Education By Marcella Tasha Maretti – Project Officer for Internal Destination Development Wakatobi
Wakatobi menyadari pentingnya mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan bagi wisatawan. Salah satu strategi untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah dengan memastikan adanya perbaikan mutu pendidikan dalam sistem Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) pariwisata di kawasan tersebut, mulai dari para guru hingga sistem pengelolaan sekolah, yang kemudian diharapkan dapat mencetak lulusanlulusan berkualitas tinggi yang nantinya akan berkontribusi positif bagi industri lokal.
Upgrading Tourism Workers’ Skills with ToST By Jos Hazenbosch – Intern for Quality and Standards
Para pelaku usaha pariwisata menyadari pentingnya mengembangkan keterampilan para pekerjanya secara berkala. Pada 13-16 Juni, DMO Flores bersama Swisscontact WISATA mengadakan pelatihan bagi para pelatih lokal (ToT) dengan fokus khusus pada bidang pramusaji restoran dan praktek dapur yang baik di Luwansa Beach Resort, Labuan Bajo.
Pelatih lokal dari Flores Timur dan Flores Barat menghadiri program tersebut, di mana seluruh peserta diminta untuk mempresentasikan bagian-bagian tertentu dari modul pada para peserta lainnya. Selanjutnya, para pelatih lokal akan menyampaikan hasil ToT tersebut pada partisipan lain dari hotel kecil dan restoran di destinasi mereka masing-masing. Penyelenggara menyadari pentingnya ToT bagi keberlanjutan dan dampak kegiatan pelatihan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, para pelatih lokal pun tak hanya dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan baru, namun juga disiapkan untuk menguasai cara-cara melakukan presentasi materi yang baik dan juga mempratekkan keterampilan teknis. Kegiatan ini diharapkan akan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan pendapatan bagi bisnis lokal melalui usaha pengembangan kualitas layanan yang efektif.
In a bid to improve the skills of its tourism workers, the Flores DMO on June 13-16 partnered with Swisscontact WISATA for a training of trainers (ToT) program on Food & Beverage Service for Waiters and Waitresses and Good Kitchen Practice at Luwansa Beach Resort, Labuan Bajo.
The program was attended by local trainers from all over Flores Timur and Flores Barat, all of whom were requested to present specific parts of the module to one another. Local trainers will then pass on the knowledge obtained from this program to industry participants from small hotels and restaurants in their respective destinations. The organizer saw the ToT as an important element for the sustainability and impact of these training sessions and moved to equip local trainers not just with knowledge but also the necessary presentation and technical skills. These sessions are expected to translate into an increased income for local businesses through improvements made to the quality of their services. Through a series of tourism skill training (ToST) modules that have been developed based on the national competency standards (SKKNI), in reference to the high-impact tourism training (HITT) program, Swisscontact WISATA aims to provide relevant training courses that have been localized for workers in the hospitality sector with the aim of building and upgrading their qualifications and skills.
Melalui WISATA Sister School Program (WISSPro), diinisiasi terjalinnya kerja sama antara SMKN 6 Makassar sebagai sekolah model dengan SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi dan SMKN 1 Kaledupa sebagai sekolah dampingan. Diadakan pada tanggal 2-4 Mei, kepala sekolah dan perwakilan guru dari masing-masing sekolah menyaksikan penandatanganan rencana kerja bersama, diskusi mengenai kondisi sekolah masing-masing, serta merumuskan strategi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi. Salah satu topik utama yang diangkat adalah adanya usaha peningkatan minat siswa yang akan melanjutkan sekolah ke SMK pariwisata serta kesempatan untuk menjalin hubungan dengan industri lokal untuk mengakomodir program praktek kerja industri (prakerin) bagi siswa dan penyerapan tenaga kerja lulusan SMK. Diadakan pula pelatihan dan uji coba buku saku prakerin yang dikembangkan oleh guru SMK bersama Swisscontact WISATA bagi para siswa, guru, dan orang tua murid yang bertujuan mempermudah pemantauan persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan prakerin siswa. Di akhir acara, sekolah-sekolah yang berpartisipasi juga menyampaikan niat untuk menjalin program pertukaran siswa dan guru guna memperkuat perkembangan inisiatif tersebut.
Wakatobi is aware of the need to up the quality of its human resources in order to improve its services for visiting tourists. One way of doing so is by ensuring the quality of education at vocational schools (SMK), from its teachers to the management, are up to par and are therefore able to produce high-quality graduates who can be expected to offer positive contribution to the industry.
WISATA Sister School Program (WISSPro) has recently assisted in the establishment of a partnership between SMKN 6 Makassar as model school with SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi and SMKN 1 Kaledupa as partner schools. During the visitation on May 2-4, attended by principals and teachers from each schools, a MoU signing was held along with a session wherein school representatives were given the opportunity to share the different issues faced at their respective schools. One of the main focus of these discussions was the apparent increase in the number of student who are showing interest in continuing their studies in tourism vocational schools as well as strategic opportunities for businesses to provide room for student internships, and to recruit SMK graduates. Teachers, students, and parents were also involved in a trial run of an internship guidebook put together in partnership with Swisscontact WISATA, which is aimed at easing the preparation, execution, and reporting process for student internships. As the program came to a close, participating schools also expressed their interest in pursuing a potential student and teacher exchange to further strengthen this development.
Untuk program tersebut, Swisscontact WISATA mengembangkan serangkaian modul pelatihan keahlian pariwisata (ToST) yang mengacu pada program pelatihan berdampak besar (HITT) dan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI). Modul ditujukan untuk menyediakan kursus pelatihan yang mengacu pada unsur lokal agar para pekerja pariwisata dapat membangun dan meningkatkan kualifikasi dan keterampilan mereka.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Plastic Reduction Initiative Program Launching in Bajawa, Flores
Nyong Tomia, one of local trainer explains the training material during ToST Houskeeping, Wakatobi
A ToST in Housekeeping for Wakatobi’s Local Trainers By Putri Wilda Kirana – Program Officer for External Destination Marketing Wakatobi
Keterampilan tata graha merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam peningkatan kualitas dan standar pelayanan industri pariwisata sebuah destinasi. Wakatobi, sebagai destinasi yang kian berkembang, menyadari pentingnya upaya mempertajam keterampilan dan kualifikasi para pekerja pariwisatanya, dan oleh karena itu pada Mei 21-22, sebanyak tujuh individu berlatar belakang tata graha, baik dari ranah pendidikan maupun industri, mengikuti kegiatan tourism skills training (ToST). Program tersebut dipimpin oleh Halim Perdana Sulung, seorang praktisi senior yang sudah 15 tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang perhotelan.
Dalam dua hari pelatihan, para peserta mengikuti metode mengajar yang bersifat aktif partisipatif, dengan modul yang dikembangkan dari materi pelatihan inisiatif global high impact tourism training (HITT) dan disesuaikan dengan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) dengan harapan dapat mempersiapkan para peserta menghadapi ujian kompetensi. PHRI Kabupaten Wakatobi dan delapan perwakilan dari lima hotel di Pulau Wangi-wangi juga turut hadir dalam kegiatan pelatihan tersebut. Bagi Hamrinah dan Muhammad Fajri, program ToST tersebut adalah sebuah kesempatan yang lama dinantikan dan mereka bersemangat untuk membagikan ilmu perhotelan yang dimiliki kepada para pelaku industri pariwisata lainnya di Wakatobi kemudian. Ke depannya, para peserta telah merencanakan pembentukkan jaringan pelatih lokal Wakatobi, yang nantinya akan dinamakan Wakatobi Local Trainer (WaLoTa).
“Saya akan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang saya dapat dari ToST dalam beberapa pelatihan di Pulau Tomia,” Nyong Tomia, partisipan dari Pulau Tomia
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Housekeeping skills play a major role when it comes to raising the standards and quality of services within the tourism industry and Wakatobi, as a growing destination, is aware of just how important it is to improve the skills and qualifications of its hospitality workers in order to appeal to more travelers. On May 21-22, seven individuals from the education and industry sectors with a background in housekeeping attended a two-day tourism skills training (ToST) as local trainer candidates, led by Halim Perdana Sulung, a senior practitioner with 15 years of experience in the industry.
Throughout the program, each participant was able to practice interactive materials and teachings methods, with modules referenced from the global high impact tourism training (HITT) initiative’s training materials, which have been adopted from the national working competency standard (SKKNI) with hopes of preparing participants in the professional competence test. The Wakatobi Regency PHRI, along with eight representatives from five hotels in the Wangi-wangi Island were also present during the training sessions. For Hamrinah and Muhammad Fajri, the opportunity to join the program is one they have been looking forward to, as they hoped to be able to share their hospitality knowledge to other tourism stakeholders in Wakatobi. Following the training, participants of the program plan to establish what it calls the WaLoTa (Wakatobi Local Trainer), a network for local trainers within the archipelago.
“I will apply the knowledge I received from the ToST into several trainings in Tomia Island,” Nyng Tomia, a housekeeping worker from Tomia Island.
Flores Goes Green with Plastic Reduction Initiative By Boyke Hutapea and Anggoro Prasetianto - Project Officers for Internal Destination Development Flores
Swisscontact WISATA, bekerja sama dengan DMO Flores, mengembangkan program Inisiatif Pengurangan Plastik (PRI), yang juga telah dijalankan di Labuan Bajo. PRI resmi diluncurkan di kantor DMO Ende pada tanggal 8 Juni, diikuti dengan acara yang sama di kantor Bappeda Kabupaten Ngada keesokan harinya. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan sekaligus dalam rangka memperingati Hari Lingkungan Sedunia yang jatuh setiap tanggal 5 Juni.
Paola Cannuciari, selaku konsultan lingkungan Swisscontact WISATA, menyampaikan presentasi mengenai berbagai kegiatan PRI di hadapan para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata yang hadir, baik dari pemerintah, dinas, dan asosiasi terkait. PRI sendiri berupaya untuk mengurangi pemakaian botol dan kantong plastik dengan menyediakan botol minum dan tas yang dapat digunakan kembali, serta menyediakan air galon untuk isi ulang. Guna menekankan motif tersebut, DMO Flores bersedia menyediakan tas dan botol minum tersebut bagi para pelaku usaha yang berpartisipasi, beserta penutup galon berlogo destinasi Flores dan tulisan dukungan terhadap PRI. Program yang ditujukan pada para pemilik dan pengelola usaha pariwisata tersebut mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta yang hadir. Ke depannya, diharapkan para pelaku usaha dapat turut mendukung kegiatan PRI dan berkontribusi dalam berbagi program-program lingkungan hidup yang nantinya akan diadakan kembali di Ende dan Bajawa.
Swisscontact WISATA, in cooperation with the Flores DMO, on June 8 officially launched its Plastic Reduction Initiative (PRI) program, which it has also developed in Labuan Bajo. Taking place at the Flores DMO office in Ende and at the Ngada District’s Regional Planning Board (Bappeda) the next day, the event was held to commemorate World Environment Day, which falls on June 5 annually.
Paola Cannuciari, Swisscontact WISATA’s environment consultant, presented the activities planned under PRI in front of an audience that included representatives from local stakeholders including related local government, government offices, and associations. The establishment of PRI is aimed at reducing the use of plastic water bottles and plastic bags by emphasizing the importance of recycling and providing water dispensers that can be used to refill water bottles. Emphasizing its goals, the Flores DMO provided participants with reusable water bottles and bags, along with a cover for gallon water bottles, which had the Flores tourism destination and PRI campaign logo designed on it. Aimed mainly at businesses within the tourism industry, the launch was met with positive responses from participants, all of whom are also expected to continue supporting activities related to PRI’s development in Ende and Bajawa.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Tourism Branding Efforts Underway for Tanjung Puting
Group discussion on value chain of local product in Toraja, Toraja
By Dwi Setjio Widodo – Destination Office Manager of Tanjung Puting
Strategi pencitraan merupakah sebuah alat promosi penting bagi sebuah destinasi wisata. Sayangnya, kurangnya kesadaran pemangku kepentingan akan hal tersebut masih menjadi masalah di beberapa destinasi.
Merupakan sebuah kemajuan bagi destinasi Tanjung Puting di tahun 2016 ini, di mana para pemangku kepentingan mulai membuka diri untuk menginisasi pengembangan pencitraan destinasi usai melalui dua kali kegiatan lokakarya dan beberapa diskusi selama dua tahun terakhir. Pada Februari lalu, tiga kandidat konsultan pencitraan diundang untuk menyampaikan ide dan strategi mereka bagi destinasi. Akhirnya, satu konsultan disepakati untuk membantu merumuskan konsep jangka panjang atas keputusan bersama dari Badan Pelaksana Harian Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata Tanjung Puting serta perwakilan dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin Barat.
Pada tanggal 1-7 Mei, konsultan terpilih kemudian mengadakan perjalanan observasi ke Tanjung Puting, diikuti dengan presentasi hasil observasi tersebut kepada tim pengembangan pencitraan destinasi pada tanggal 2 Juni. Tim tersebut terdiri dari perwakilan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin Barat, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kotawaringin Barat, Balai Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) SKW II Pangkalan Bun, anggota BPH FTKP, perwakilan asosiasi pariwisata, Orangutan Foundation International, dan Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, masing-masing organisasi mengemukakan berbagai masukan mereka, yang akan dirumuskan ke dalam konsep yang dipaparkan dalam pertemuan berikutnya di bulan Juli. Pembuatan brosur destinasi yang kemudian akan digunakan sebagai materi promosi dalam Bali & Beyond Travel Fair 2016 juga disepakati dalam pertemuan kali ini.
Introducing Value Chain Analysis to Toraja Producers and Sellers By Edwardus Ada – Project Officer for Community Development Toraja
“Awalnya, kami mengira lokakarya ini cukup rumit dan sulit untuk dipahami. Namun, ternyata setelah mendengarkan pemaparan konsultan dan melakukan praktek lapangan, analisa rantai nilai ini memberikan banyak manfaat, terutama dalam hal berjejaring dan meningkatkan nilai usaha kami,” kata Yoseph Rande, seorang petani kopi di desa Suloara’, Toraja Utara.
Sebagai model pendekatan yang digunakan untuk memahami proses perjalanan suatu produk atau jasa dari produsen hingga konsumen terakhir, Analisa Rantai Nilai (VCA) merupakan sebuah elemen penting yang memberikan informasi pada tiap pelaku dalam rantai nilai untuk memastikan efisiensi biaya dan sebaliknya dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah terhadap produk atau jasa tersebut.
Swisscontact WISATA bersama dengan seorang konsultan belum lama ini memperkenalkan model VCA pada produsen dan penjual beberapa produk dan jasa di Toraja dalam sebuah pelatihan yang berlangsung selama tiga hari. Materi pelatihan yang disampaikan memadukan teori dan praktek lapangan dengan fokus khusus pada tiga jenis produk lokal, yaitu bambu, tenun, dan kopi. Para peserta pelatihan terlihat sangat antusias dan termotivasi selama mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dan menganggap program tersebut penting dan relevan dalam pekerjaan keseharian mereka.
Active discussion among stakeholders during the first presentation of destination branding consultant, Tanjung Puting
While the use of specific branding strategies is recognized by many as a necessary step in promoting tourism destinations, there remains low awareness of its importance among tourism stakeholders—key actors in a region’s tourism development.
The year 2016, however, marks progress for Tanjung Puting, with the region’s Daily Operational Body of the Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) and representatives from the Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office agreeing to solicit the assistance of a consultant to develop a branding strategy for the region. The move is a follow-up to a series of workshops and discussions held throughout the past two years, which aimed to raise stakeholders’ awareness towards the importance of destination branding. In February, three candidates were selected to present their ideas and strategies. The selected branding consultant was subsequently invited for an observational trip to Tanjung Puting on May 1 to 7, before presenting their findings to the destination branding development team on June 2. This team includes representatives from the Culture and Tourism Office as well as the Industry and Trade Office of Kotawaringin Barat, individuals from the Tanjung
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Puting National Park, the Natural Resources Conservation SKW II Pangkalan Bun, members of the BPH FTKP, as well as tourism association representatives, the Orangutan Foundation International, and the Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN). Representatives present at the event contributed inputs from their respective offices, which are then formulated and presented during a follow-up meeting held in July 2016. During this meeting, it was also agreed that a destination brochure will be produced to be used as a promotional tool in Bali & Beyond Travel Fair 2016.
As a model used to understand the flow of products or services, Value Chain Analysis is an important element that needs to be understood by individuals whose task it is to produce or market items to consumers. VCA provides necessary information to each actor on the value chain so as to ensure those involved in the process are able to exercise efficiency in product and service cost and increase value added of the product or service.
Swisscontact WISATA, together with a consultant, recently held a three-day workshop with a special focus on three types of local products, namely bamboo, traditional woven cloths, and coffee. The training program introduced the VCA model through theory sessions as well as a series of practical exercises. Participants of the workshop were well-motivated and shared their enthusiasm during the training program, highlighting the importance and relevance of the VCA model in their line of work.
“At first, I thought the workshop would be complicated and difficult to understand. However, after the training, it turned out to be a useful tool, particularly in networking and increasing our business value.” Says Yoseph Rande, a coffee farmer from Toraja Utara’s Suloara’ Village.
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Tanjung Puting A Prayer of Safety through Ngobat Tongang By Febrasius Massal – Project Officer for Internal Destination Development Tanjung Puting
Bagi wisatawan, tidak ada pengalaman yang lebih berkesan selain menjadi bagian dari sebuah tradisi lokal, dan di Desa Lopus di Kabupaten Lamandau, para pengunjung akan berkesempatan mengikuti sebuah tradisi unik yang disebut “ngobat tongang.” Ketika tiba di Desa Lopus, wisatawan akan disambut dengan pemasangan tongang pada pergelangan tangan kanan. Pemasangan tali tersebutlah yang disebut ngobat tongang, yang artinya memasangkan tali pengikat yang terbuat dari serat akar kayu tongang dan umum digunakan suku Dayak, Ngobat tongang awalnya merupakan prosesi dalam upacara adat tradisi Dayak Tomun yang ditujukan sebagai doa bagi keselamatan orang yang mengenakan tongang. Prosesi ini hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh Demang, Mantir, tokoh adat, atau tetua Kaharingan — kepercayaan asli suku Dayak.
Toraja Official Website Goes Live
Head of Bappeeda Tana Toraja delivers his opening speech on Toraja Destination’s Website Launching, Toraja
By Made Wiranatha - Project Officer for External Destination Marketing Toraja
Para wisatawan yang hendak mengadakan perjalanan ke Toraja kini dapat dengan lebih mudah merencanakan kunjungan mereka setelah dilansirnya situs resmi destinasi Toraja. Beberapa penampilan membuka program peluncuran situs tersebut pada tanggal 3 Juni di Hotel Misiliana. Acara tersebut merupakan kelanjutan dari upaya pencitraan kembali Toraja sebagai destinasi pariwisata yang mampu bersaing dengan destinasi lainnya di Indonesia. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Yohan Tangkesalu, selaku perwakilan Organisasi Pengelola Destinasi (DMO) Toraja, mempresentasikan proses pembuatan portal pada para pemangku kepentingan dan juga menekankan betapa pentingnya portal tersebut bagi kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran destinasi ini.
Bupati Toraja Utara, Kalatiku Paembonan, turut hadir untuk meresmikan situs destinasi Toraja bersama dengan ketua DMO Toraja, ketua Bappeda Tana Toraja, ketua HPI Toraja, komandan Kodim Toraja, serta para perwakilan dari Kementerian Pariwisata, DPRD serta Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) di kedua kabupaten. Dilengkapi dengan berbagai informasi tentang pariwisata Toraja, diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi efisien bagi para wisatawan untuk mencari lokasi, ragam seni budaya, tradisi, kuliner, dan segala aktivitas yang dapat ditemui atau dilakukan di Toraja. Selain itu, informasi mengenai berbagai akomodasi serta kalender acara yang dibutuhkan para wisatawan juga akan tersedia. Nantinya, pemangku kepentingan, termasuk industri pariwisata Toraja, diharapkan dapat mengakses dan memanfaatkan informasi dalam portal tersebut.
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Travelers with plans to visit Toraja can now enjoy the convenience of planning their trip more easily thanks to the recent launch of, an official website of Toraja destination. Held at Misiliana Hotel on June 3, some performances opened the website’s launch event. The launch follows a series of rebranding activities that seeks to prepare Toraja as a competitive tourism destination in Indonesia and saw Yohan Tangkesalu, a representative from the Toraja Destination Management Organization (DMO) present the process behind the making of and emphasize the importance of destination branding as a promotional and marketing tool.
Toraja Utara regent, Kalatiku Paembonan, was present at the program to officially launch the website, along with the head of the Toraja DMO, representatives of the Tourism Ministry, head of the Tana Toraja Bappeda, representatives from both legislative councils (DPRD) and heads districts’ Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) branch, head of the Indonesia Tour Guide Association’s (HPI) Toraja branch, and chief of the Toraja district military command. Filled with important information on Toraja tourism, is expected to be a one-stop solution for the tourists in search of information on attractions, local arts and culture, tradition, culinary, and any other activities available within the region. The website also includes information on accommodations as well as a calendar of events for visitors. It is also hoped that the platform will be a useful tool for tourism stakeholders and other businesses in the near future.
Tongang dipasangkan dan diikat dengan daun sangkoba kering yang dilipat kecil. Daun sangkoba adalah daun hutan yang sering dijadikan bumbu dan penyedap masakan bagi suku Dayak. Dalam proses ini, tali tongang menjadi simbol dari urat dan otot, sedangkan daun sangkoba sebagai simbol dari kulit. Setelah memasangkan tongang, tamu diminta untuk menggigit mata belayung (sejenis kapak khas suku Dayak), menaburkan sejumput beras, dan mencicipi sedikit tuak. Bagi yang tidak bisa meminum tuak, cukup hanya menyentuh gelas tersebut. Penyuguhan tuak merupakan lambang suka cita dan penerimaan tamu yang dihormati dan dihargai seperti saudara sendiri.
For travelers, there is no experience quite like being included in a local village’s long standing tradition, and at Lamandau district’s Lopus Village, visitors will get to be a part of what locals call the ngobat tongang procession. Ngobat Tongang literally means “tightening a rope” and is part of the Dayak tribe’s tradition, which will see visitors receive a rope on their right wrist upon arriving in the village, typically made of fiber taken from the roots of a tongang wood.
The tradition initially started from the Dayak Tomun community, with each rope symbolizing a prayer for the safety of its wearer. This procession can only be conducted by local elders and chiefs, such as head of the village, mantir, elderly chief, and Kaharingan leaders (leaders of a local spiritual belief among the Dayak tribe).
Ikat tongang of Dayak Tomun in Lopus Village, Lamandau District
The tongang will be handed over wrapped within a folded dried sangkoba leaf, a common ingredient in many of the Dayak tribe’s cooking. In this process, tongang rope becomes a symbol of one’s veins and muscles, while sangkoba leaf stands to symbolize the skin. After receiving tongang, visitors will be asked to bite an ax called belayung, sprinkle a handful of rice, and taste a small portion of tuak or rice wine. Those who cannot take a sip of the tuak will simply have to hold the glass containing the drink. The serving of a glass of tuak is a symbol of joy and respect for the guest, who by then is seen as their own kin.
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Cover Story
World Ocean Day
Solid Waste Management Program Delivers Economic Progress for Communities By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer for Communications
Pariwisata merupakan industri multisektoral yang perkembangannya dapat membuahkan peningkatan ekonomi di wilayah tertentu. Namun, pada saat yang bersamaan, dampak negatif merupakan hal yang hampir tak terhindarkan dari perkembangan tersebut.
Salah satunya masalah lingkungan. Pengembangan pariwisata yang tidak terarah dan terkontrol tentunya akan membawa permasalahan lingkungan yang semakin parah. Sebut saja masalah sampah yang makin menumpuk dengan meningkatnya kedatangan wisatawan.
To commemorate World Ocean Day, the women’s group also initiated a beach clean-up activity in Kampung Ujung, Bajo Island, and the Pasar Lama and Kampung Tengan areas. The program was attended by approximately 200 local residents, including the Dive Operator Community Komodo, trash heroes, local schools, and businesses, where participants joined in a number of fun games aimed at sharing more information on recyclable waste. This activity is an extension of the Friday cleanup program, which has been regularly held in Labuan Bajo in partnership with local communities.
rencana bersama. Dengan melibatkan beberapa ketua RT yang aktif dalam mengelola kebersihan lingkungan, WISATA mendukung serangkaian kegiatan yang berawal dari gotong royong membersihkan lingkungan di sekitar tempat tinggal dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Robert Kennedy Diaz, selaku ketua RT 03, adalah inisiator kegiatan pembersihan lingkungan, yang pada awalnya diikuti oleh lima RT dan akhirnya berkembang di 11 RT lainnya. Tak hanya sekedar bersih-bersih, masyarakat juga dibekali pengetahuan mengenai cara pemilahan sampah dan WISATA memfasilitasi pemasangan beberapa papan informasi di beberapa titik yang mencantumkan Peraturan Daerah No. 12 tahun 2012 pasal 44A tentang sanksi bagi mereka yang membuang sampah sembarangan. Menurut Paola Cannuciari, konsultan lingkungan Swisscontact WISATA, permasalahan yang perlu dihadapi selanjutnya terdapat pada sistem pengangkutan sampah yang masih minim akibat keterbatasan kendaraan. Beberapa pendekatan dan advokasi pun dilakukan, hingga akhirnya sekarang pengangkutan sampah dilakukan tiga kali sehari.
Children join the clean-up beach activity on the world ocean day, Labuan Bajo, Flores
Sebagai pulau yang kini masuk dalam deretan 10 destinasi prioritas Kemeterian Pariwisata, data statistik menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Flores belakangan ini. Dan sebagai destinasi yang kian berkembang dan dibanjiri pengunjung, Flores pun tak luput dari permasalahan lingkungan yang kian kompleks. Hasil exit survey 2015 yang diadakan oleh Swisscontact WISATA menunjukkan bahwa masalah lingkungan, terutama sampah, dianggap sebagai permasalahan terbesar para wisatawan di Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat. Dalam usaha menanggulangi isu tersebut, Swisscontact WISATA menginisiasi pengembangan program pengelolaan sampah trepadu (SWM). Pemerintah daerah menyambut baik program SWM ini dan kemudian membentuk kelompok kerja yang terdiri dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk membuat
“Awalnya saya hanya membuat keranjang dari sampah plastik. Sejak tahun 2016 ini, saya bergabung dalam kelompok PKK. Saya senang sekali bisa mendapat banyak pengetahuan dari berbagai pelatihan yang diadakan. Sekarang, saya bisa membuat variasi kerajinan lain. Hasil penjualan juga bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga.”
“I started out making baskets from plastic waste. This year, I joined the women’s group and I’m glad to have learned a lot of new knowledge from the various trainings that they held. Now I am able to diversify my skills in creating other crafts that can be sold to generate income for my family.”
Women group with the trained children hold waste recycled handicrafts, Labuan Bajo, Flores
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“Sejak 2014, saya sudah membuat buku dari bahan daur ulang. Sejak bergabung dengan kegiatan PKK, saya sekarang bisa membuat dompet dari kemasan kopi dan lampion. Saya sangat bangga sekarang bisa mendapat tambahan penghasilan dari hasil berjualan kreasi daur ulang.”
“I’ve been making books from recycled materials since 2014. Since joining the women’s group, I am now able to create wallets from coffee packages and lanterns. I am very proud that I can now earn extra income by selling recycled handicrafts.”
– Aburandi Nazarudin from Kampung Ujung
– Rahmatia from Pulau Bajo
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Cover Story
Hari Samudera Sedunia Dalam rangka merayakan Hari Samudera Dedunia, kelompok PKK Kelurahan Labuan Bajo berinisiatif untuk mengadakan kegiatan pembersihan pantai. Acara tersebut dilakukan di Kampung Ujung, Pulau Bajo, dan daerah pasar lama dan kampung tengah, dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 200 orang dari beberapa komunitas seperti Dive Operator Community Komodo dan Trash Hero, serta beberapa sekolah dan pelaku usaha. Selain kegiatan tersebut, diadakan pula beberapa permainan untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai jenis sampah yang bisa dan tidak bisa didaur ulang. Acara ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian program pembersihan lingkungan yang sudah rutin diadakan tiap hari Jumat di Labuan Bajo bersama masyarakat setempat dan berbagai komunitas lokal.
As a multi-sectoral industry, tourism no doubt has a positive impact on the economic development of a region. But the growth of a destination and an increase in the number of tourist arrivals can bring with them negative repercussions, especially in the environmental sector, where arrivals could subsequently translate to an increasing amount of waste.
Flores has recently been included as one of the 10 priority destinations appointed by the Tourism Ministry, and while the number of tourists visiting the island have continued to grow in recent years, the developing destination faces complex environmental issues that need to be addressed. In a recent exit survey conducted by WISATA, tourists have pointed in the direction of the environment sector, specifically waste management, as the second biggest problem in Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat.
not littering. Under the leadership of program initiator Robert Kennedy Diaz, chief of RT 03, the activity saw up to five different neighborhoods involved in cleaning their respective areas and later on expanded to 11 other neighborhoods. Not wanting to limit itself to cleaning activities, the program also taught local residents how to properly sort their waste and saw WISATA facilitate the installation of information boards about a local government regulation on imposing sanctions for littering in a number of areas. For Paola Cannuciari, an environment consultant from Swisscontact WISATA, the next issue to tackle has to do with waste transportation, a problem faced by locals due to a limited number of vehicles. After a series of advocacy and lobbying efforts, the transportation of waste within the city is now held up to three times every day.
To tackle this problem, Swisscontact WISATA initiated to develop a solid waste management program, partnering with the Labuan Bajo local government in establishing a working group to develop a sustainable plan. Involving a number of neighborhood unit (RT) chiefs who share a similar concern for the environment, WISATA supported a neighborhood clean-up day and emphasized the importance of appropriately disposing one’s garbage or
Clean-up the beach activity on the world ocean day, Labuan Bajo, Flores
The Eco Heroes
“Permasalahan yang ada di Flores adalah masyarakat terbiasa membuang sampah sembarangan. Kurangnya sosialisasi mengenai pengelolaan sampah membuat keadaan makin parah. Dengan dukungan dari WISATA, saya mulai menginisiasi kegiatan membersihkan lingkungan sekitar rumah. Rumah-rumah RT 03 dan total 12 RT sekarang sudah bisa menjaga kebersihan lingkungan rumah mereka. Salah satu galeri kreasi daur ulang ditempatkan di rumah saya. Di situ kelompok PKK berlatih membuat kerajinan daur ulang sampah sekaligus melatih kelompok anak peduli sampah untuk juga bisa belajar membuat kerajinan tersebut. Saya yakin, kelompok PKK akan bisa melanjutkan program pengelolaan sampah dengan kemandirian dan keterampilan mereka.”
“The problem in Flores is that locals are used to littering. There is not enough effort in promoting waste management, which makes matters worse. Thanks to WISATA’s support, I have started initiating clean-up activities in my neighborhood and now residents from RT 03 and a total of 12 other RTs are also able to observe the cleanliness of their neighborhoods. One of the galleries for recycled crafts is at my house. There, the women’s group is able to practice creating handicrafts from recycled waste and train children’s groups to be more aware of waste management issues and create crafts. With their skills and their independent attitude, I’m confident that the group will be able to continue with their waste management program.”
– Robert Kennedy Diaz, chief of RT 03, Labuan Bajo
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WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story Women’s Group Showcases Economic Value in Plastic Waste In response to the environment care program in Labuan Bajo, a number of communities took up the opportunity to initiate their own waste management activities. This includes a local women’s group, which moved to empower other women in nearby neighborhoods by turning plastic waste into beautiful handicrafts to be sold as a source of additional income.
To further boost their program, Swisscontact facilitated a number of technical and administrative skills trainings by establishing a synergy between the group’s activities with other working groups focusing on cleanliness and skills development. In the past year, Swisscontact WISATA has assisted this women’s group in developing their awareness towards the economic value of waste, teaching recycling techniques, as well as conducing financial workshops and exhibiting their creations for sale. To date, a total of two large-scale exhibitions have been held to showcase their crafts with the support of Swisscontact and a number of other corporate social responsibility programs. In its first exhibition alone, the group was able to raise Rp 14.000.000. However, organizers were quick to realize an issue in the flow of product sales during this exhibition. WISATA then responded to this issue by facilitating a financial literacy workshop, during which members of the group were also trained to calculate their
One of women group member trains the children on how to make recycled handcrafts from newspaper, Labuan Bajo, Flores
Kelompok PKK Menyulap Sampah Plastik Menjadi Nilai Tambah Ekonomi Melihat adanya usaha untuk menggalakkan kesadaran masyarakat setempat terhadap isu lingkungan, beberapa kelompok masyarakat di Labuan Bajo menginisiasi kegiatan penanggulangan masalah sampah. Kelompok PKK Kelurahan Labuan Bajo, contohnya, telah berhasil mengelola dua galeri kreasi daur ulang sampah plastik dengan memberdayakan ibu-ibu sekitar. Kelompok ini menyulap tumpukan sampah plastik menjadi hasil kerajinan menarik yang kemudian dapat dijual dan menjadi sumber pendapatan tambahan bagi mereka.
Dengan menggabungkan kegiatan PKK dengan kelompok kerja kebersihan dan keterampilan, Swisscontact memfasilitiasi adanya beberapa pelatihan teknis dan administratif. Selama setahun belakangan, Swisscontact WISATA mendampingi kegiatan kelompok PKK, mulai dari penyadaran terhadap nilai ekonomis yang dapat diperoleh dari sampah, cara membuat kreasi daur ulang sampah, pelatihan keuangan, dan pameran hasil kreasi mereka agar bisa dikenal dan laku dijual. Kelompok PKK telah mengadakan dua kali pameran besar untuk memasarkan hasil kreasi daur ulang sampah mereka dengan dukungan dari Swisscontact dan beberapa program tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) perusahaan. Dalam pameran perdananya, PKK berhasil mengumpulkan keuntungan sabanyak Rp14.000.000, namun tim penggerak PKK kemudian melihat adanya kendala dalam mengkoordinasi alur jual-beli produk. Untuk memperbaiki situasi tersebut, WISATA kemudian menginisiasi rangkaian acara pelatihan keuangan untuk membuka wawasan para anggota kelompok terhadap pembukuan dan pencatatan serta memperbaiki alur keunganan mereka. Selain itu, tim PKK dilatih untuk dapat menghitung harga pokok barang yang dijual. Dalam rangka merayakan hari Kartini, kelompok PKK mengorganisir pameran kreasi daur ulang sampah berikutnya,
yang kali ini berlangsung selama lima hari. Hasil penjualan produk menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan, yaitu mencapai Rp 22.000.0000. Disadari bahwa terbatasnya bahan baku untuk membuat kreasi daur ulang merupakan salah satu kendala dalam proses produksi. Untuk memastikan keberlangsungan usaha tersebut, diperlukan beberapa pelatihan tambahan untuk menambah kemampuan para anggota kelompok agar dapat membuat kreasi mereka menggunakan jenis sampah lain seperti koran dan botol.
2. 3.
A member of children waste care group holds trash sack on clean up day event, Labuan Bajo, Flores One of recycled handicrafts gallery organized by women group, Labuan Bajo, Flores Fruit basket made by plastic waste from drinking bottle, Labuan Bajo, Flores
production cost. Commemorating Kartini Day, a second exhibition was held for five days, where they saw a significant increase in revenue at Rp 22.0000.000. For these craftswomen, the limited availability of raw materials to create their crafts was one of the biggest challenges they had to face and additional trainings on the use of other materials, such as newspaper and bottles, may be necessary. The skills displayed by the women’s group attracted the attention of the local government, who saw huge potential in their crafts for the sustainability of Labuan Bajo’s waste management program. The State Electricity Firm (PLN) head office recently moved to grant a CSR fund dedicated to recycled handicrafts training for KSU Sampah Komodo, TPS3R, and the operational team for women’s groups in the district and sub-district level, with the women’s group from Labuan Bajo Administrative Village appointed as trainers. With the new program, members of the group were again able to earn additional income from the training fee. To date, WISATA has successfully established a solid partnership between the women’s group and PLN, Bank Mandiri, and the Economic and Maritime Ministries, all of whom will be in support of the groups’ environmental cause. The group has also been entrusted to manage Komodo Island’s waste bank, which showcases their ability to independently grow and earn a reliable income under WISATA’s guidance using skills that can then be shared to many others.
Keterampilan yang dimiliki ibu-ibu PKK tersebut kemudian ditangkap sebagai salah satu modal bagi keberlanjutan program pengelolaan sampah di Labuan Bajo. PLN pusat pun tergerak untuk mempercayakan dana program tanggung jawab sosialnya pada kelompok tersebut untuk mendanai usaha kebersihan kota Labuan Bajo. Tak hanya itu, kelompok tersebut juga diberikan tanggung jawab untuk mengadakan rangkaian pelatihan kerajinan daur ulang untuk KSU sampah Komodo, TPS3R, serta tim penggerak PKK di kecamatan dan kabupaten dan juga melatih anak-anak di empat sekolah di Kecamatan Lembor. Biaya jasa melatih yang diterima kemudian dapat menjadi pemasukan tambahan bagi para anggota kelompok PKK. Hingga saat ini, WISATA telah berhasil menghubungkan kelompok PKK dengan PLN, Bank Mandiri, dan Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kemaritiman, yang seluruhnya telah berkomitmen untuk mendukung berbagai kegiatan PKK terkait isu lingkungan. Kelompok PKK juga dipercayai untuk mengelola bank sampah di Pulau Komodo, yang menunjukkan bahwa kelompok dampingan WISATA ini sudah mampu mandiri secara keuangan dan memiliki keterampilan yang dapat ditularkan kepada masyarakat setempat.
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Cover Story Women’s Group Showcases Economic Value in Plastic Waste In response to the environment care program in Labuan Bajo, a number of communities took up the opportunity to initiate their own waste management activities. This includes a local women’s group, which moved to empower other women in nearby neighborhoods by turning plastic waste into beautiful handicrafts to be sold as a source of additional income.
To further boost their program, Swisscontact facilitated a number of technical and administrative skills trainings by establishing a synergy between the group’s activities with other working groups focusing on cleanliness and skills development. In the past year, Swisscontact WISATA has assisted this women’s group in developing their awareness towards the economic value of waste, teaching recycling techniques, as well as conducing financial workshops and exhibiting their creations for sale. To date, a total of two large-scale exhibitions have been held to showcase their crafts with the support of Swisscontact and a number of other corporate social responsibility programs. In its first exhibition alone, the group was able to raise Rp 14.000.000. However, organizers were quick to realize an issue in the flow of product sales during this exhibition. WISATA then responded to this issue by facilitating a financial literacy workshop, during which members of the group were also trained to calculate their
One of women group member trains the children on how to make recycled handcrafts from newspaper, Labuan Bajo, Flores
Kelompok PKK Menyulap Sampah Plastik Menjadi Nilai Tambah Ekonomi Melihat adanya usaha untuk menggalakkan kesadaran masyarakat setempat terhadap isu lingkungan, beberapa kelompok masyarakat di Labuan Bajo menginisiasi kegiatan penanggulangan masalah sampah. Kelompok PKK Kelurahan Labuan Bajo, contohnya, telah berhasil mengelola dua galeri kreasi daur ulang sampah plastik dengan memberdayakan ibu-ibu sekitar. Kelompok ini menyulap tumpukan sampah plastik menjadi hasil kerajinan menarik yang kemudian dapat dijual dan menjadi sumber pendapatan tambahan bagi mereka.
Dengan menggabungkan kegiatan PKK dengan kelompok kerja kebersihan dan keterampilan, Swisscontact memfasilitiasi adanya beberapa pelatihan teknis dan administratif. Selama setahun belakangan, Swisscontact WISATA mendampingi kegiatan kelompok PKK, mulai dari penyadaran terhadap nilai ekonomis yang dapat diperoleh dari sampah, cara membuat kreasi daur ulang sampah, pelatihan keuangan, dan pameran hasil kreasi mereka agar bisa dikenal dan laku dijual. Kelompok PKK telah mengadakan dua kali pameran besar untuk memasarkan hasil kreasi daur ulang sampah mereka dengan dukungan dari Swisscontact dan beberapa program tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) perusahaan. Dalam pameran perdananya, PKK berhasil mengumpulkan keuntungan sabanyak Rp14.000.000, namun tim penggerak PKK kemudian melihat adanya kendala dalam mengkoordinasi alur jual-beli produk. Untuk memperbaiki situasi tersebut, WISATA kemudian menginisiasi rangkaian acara pelatihan keuangan untuk membuka wawasan para anggota kelompok terhadap pembukuan dan pencatatan serta memperbaiki alur keunganan mereka. Selain itu, tim PKK dilatih untuk dapat menghitung harga pokok barang yang dijual. Dalam rangka merayakan hari Kartini, kelompok PKK mengorganisir pameran kreasi daur ulang sampah berikutnya,
yang kali ini berlangsung selama lima hari. Hasil penjualan produk menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan, yaitu mencapai Rp 22.000.0000. Disadari bahwa terbatasnya bahan baku untuk membuat kreasi daur ulang merupakan salah satu kendala dalam proses produksi. Untuk memastikan keberlangsungan usaha tersebut, diperlukan beberapa pelatihan tambahan untuk menambah kemampuan para anggota kelompok agar dapat membuat kreasi mereka menggunakan jenis sampah lain seperti koran dan botol.
2. 3.
A member of children waste care group holds trash sack on clean up day event, Labuan Bajo, Flores One of recycled handicrafts gallery organized by women group, Labuan Bajo, Flores Fruit basket made by plastic waste from drinking bottle, Labuan Bajo, Flores
production cost. Commemorating Kartini Day, a second exhibition was held for five days, where they saw a significant increase in revenue at Rp 22.0000.000. For these craftswomen, the limited availability of raw materials to create their crafts was one of the biggest challenges they had to face and additional trainings on the use of other materials, such as newspaper and bottles, may be necessary. The skills displayed by the women’s group attracted the attention of the local government, who saw huge potential in their crafts for the sustainability of Labuan Bajo’s waste management program. The State Electricity Firm (PLN) head office recently moved to grant a CSR fund dedicated to recycled handicrafts training for KSU Sampah Komodo, TPS3R, and the operational team for women’s groups in the district and sub-district level, with the women’s group from Labuan Bajo Administrative Village appointed as trainers. With the new program, members of the group were again able to earn additional income from the training fee. To date, WISATA has successfully established a solid partnership between the women’s group and PLN, Bank Mandiri, and the Economic and Maritime Ministries, all of whom will be in support of the groups’ environmental cause. The group has also been entrusted to manage Komodo Island’s waste bank, which showcases their ability to independently grow and earn a reliable income under WISATA’s guidance using skills that can then be shared to many others.
Keterampilan yang dimiliki ibu-ibu PKK tersebut kemudian ditangkap sebagai salah satu modal bagi keberlanjutan program pengelolaan sampah di Labuan Bajo. PLN pusat pun tergerak untuk mempercayakan dana program tanggung jawab sosialnya pada kelompok tersebut untuk mendanai usaha kebersihan kota Labuan Bajo. Tak hanya itu, kelompok tersebut juga diberikan tanggung jawab untuk mengadakan rangkaian pelatihan kerajinan daur ulang untuk KSU sampah Komodo, TPS3R, serta tim penggerak PKK di kecamatan dan kabupaten dan juga melatih anak-anak di empat sekolah di Kecamatan Lembor. Biaya jasa melatih yang diterima kemudian dapat menjadi pemasukan tambahan bagi para anggota kelompok PKK. Hingga saat ini, WISATA telah berhasil menghubungkan kelompok PKK dengan PLN, Bank Mandiri, dan Kementerian Ekonomi dan Kemaritiman, yang seluruhnya telah berkomitmen untuk mendukung berbagai kegiatan PKK terkait isu lingkungan. Kelompok PKK juga dipercayai untuk mengelola bank sampah di Pulau Komodo, yang menunjukkan bahwa kelompok dampingan WISATA ini sudah mampu mandiri secara keuangan dan memiliki keterampilan yang dapat ditularkan kepada masyarakat setempat.
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WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia 1
Cover Story
Hari Samudera Sedunia Dalam rangka merayakan Hari Samudera Dedunia, kelompok PKK Kelurahan Labuan Bajo berinisiatif untuk mengadakan kegiatan pembersihan pantai. Acara tersebut dilakukan di Kampung Ujung, Pulau Bajo, dan daerah pasar lama dan kampung tengah, dihadiri oleh kurang lebih 200 orang dari beberapa komunitas seperti Dive Operator Community Komodo dan Trash Hero, serta beberapa sekolah dan pelaku usaha. Selain kegiatan tersebut, diadakan pula beberapa permainan untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai jenis sampah yang bisa dan tidak bisa didaur ulang. Acara ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian program pembersihan lingkungan yang sudah rutin diadakan tiap hari Jumat di Labuan Bajo bersama masyarakat setempat dan berbagai komunitas lokal.
As a multi-sectoral industry, tourism no doubt has a positive impact on the economic development of a region. But the growth of a destination and an increase in the number of tourist arrivals can bring with them negative repercussions, especially in the environmental sector, where arrivals could subsequently translate to an increasing amount of waste.
Flores has recently been included as one of the 10 priority destinations appointed by the Tourism Ministry, and while the number of tourists visiting the island have continued to grow in recent years, the developing destination faces complex environmental issues that need to be addressed. In a recent exit survey conducted by WISATA, tourists have pointed in the direction of the environment sector, specifically waste management, as the second biggest problem in Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat.
not littering. Under the leadership of program initiator Robert Kennedy Diaz, chief of RT 03, the activity saw up to five different neighborhoods involved in cleaning their respective areas and later on expanded to 11 other neighborhoods. Not wanting to limit itself to cleaning activities, the program also taught local residents how to properly sort their waste and saw WISATA facilitate the installation of information boards about a local government regulation on imposing sanctions for littering in a number of areas. For Paola Cannuciari, an environment consultant from Swisscontact WISATA, the next issue to tackle has to do with waste transportation, a problem faced by locals due to a limited number of vehicles. After a series of advocacy and lobbying efforts, the transportation of waste within the city is now held up to three times every day.
To tackle this problem, Swisscontact WISATA initiated to develop a solid waste management program, partnering with the Labuan Bajo local government in establishing a working group to develop a sustainable plan. Involving a number of neighborhood unit (RT) chiefs who share a similar concern for the environment, WISATA supported a neighborhood clean-up day and emphasized the importance of appropriately disposing one’s garbage or
Clean-up the beach activity on the world ocean day, Labuan Bajo, Flores
The Eco Heroes
“Permasalahan yang ada di Flores adalah masyarakat terbiasa membuang sampah sembarangan. Kurangnya sosialisasi mengenai pengelolaan sampah membuat keadaan makin parah. Dengan dukungan dari WISATA, saya mulai menginisiasi kegiatan membersihkan lingkungan sekitar rumah. Rumah-rumah RT 03 dan total 12 RT sekarang sudah bisa menjaga kebersihan lingkungan rumah mereka. Salah satu galeri kreasi daur ulang ditempatkan di rumah saya. Di situ kelompok PKK berlatih membuat kerajinan daur ulang sampah sekaligus melatih kelompok anak peduli sampah untuk juga bisa belajar membuat kerajinan tersebut. Saya yakin, kelompok PKK akan bisa melanjutkan program pengelolaan sampah dengan kemandirian dan keterampilan mereka.”
“The problem in Flores is that locals are used to littering. There is not enough effort in promoting waste management, which makes matters worse. Thanks to WISATA’s support, I have started initiating clean-up activities in my neighborhood and now residents from RT 03 and a total of 12 other RTs are also able to observe the cleanliness of their neighborhoods. One of the galleries for recycled crafts is at my house. There, the women’s group is able to practice creating handicrafts from recycled waste and train children’s groups to be more aware of waste management issues and create crafts. With their skills and their independent attitude, I’m confident that the group will be able to continue with their waste management program.”
– Robert Kennedy Diaz, chief of RT 03, Labuan Bajo
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WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Cover Story
World Ocean Day
Solid Waste Management Program Delivers Economic Progress for Communities By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer for Communications
Pariwisata merupakan industri multisektoral yang perkembangannya dapat membuahkan peningkatan ekonomi di wilayah tertentu. Namun, pada saat yang bersamaan, dampak negatif merupakan hal yang hampir tak terhindarkan dari perkembangan tersebut.
Salah satunya masalah lingkungan. Pengembangan pariwisata yang tidak terarah dan terkontrol tentunya akan membawa permasalahan lingkungan yang semakin parah. Sebut saja masalah sampah yang makin menumpuk dengan meningkatnya kedatangan wisatawan.
To commemorate World Ocean Day, the women’s group also initiated a beach clean-up activity in Kampung Ujung, Bajo Island, and the Pasar Lama and Kampung Tengan areas. The program was attended by approximately 200 local residents, including the Dive Operator Community Komodo, trash heroes, local schools, and businesses, where participants joined in a number of fun games aimed at sharing more information on recyclable waste. This activity is an extension of the Friday cleanup program, which has been regularly held in Labuan Bajo in partnership with local communities.
rencana bersama. Dengan melibatkan beberapa ketua RT yang aktif dalam mengelola kebersihan lingkungan, WISATA mendukung serangkaian kegiatan yang berawal dari gotong royong membersihkan lingkungan di sekitar tempat tinggal dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Robert Kennedy Diaz, selaku ketua RT 03, adalah inisiator kegiatan pembersihan lingkungan, yang pada awalnya diikuti oleh lima RT dan akhirnya berkembang di 11 RT lainnya. Tak hanya sekedar bersih-bersih, masyarakat juga dibekali pengetahuan mengenai cara pemilahan sampah dan WISATA memfasilitasi pemasangan beberapa papan informasi di beberapa titik yang mencantumkan Peraturan Daerah No. 12 tahun 2012 pasal 44A tentang sanksi bagi mereka yang membuang sampah sembarangan. Menurut Paola Cannuciari, konsultan lingkungan Swisscontact WISATA, permasalahan yang perlu dihadapi selanjutnya terdapat pada sistem pengangkutan sampah yang masih minim akibat keterbatasan kendaraan. Beberapa pendekatan dan advokasi pun dilakukan, hingga akhirnya sekarang pengangkutan sampah dilakukan tiga kali sehari.
Children join the clean-up beach activity on the world ocean day, Labuan Bajo, Flores
Sebagai pulau yang kini masuk dalam deretan 10 destinasi prioritas Kemeterian Pariwisata, data statistik menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Flores belakangan ini. Dan sebagai destinasi yang kian berkembang dan dibanjiri pengunjung, Flores pun tak luput dari permasalahan lingkungan yang kian kompleks. Hasil exit survey 2015 yang diadakan oleh Swisscontact WISATA menunjukkan bahwa masalah lingkungan, terutama sampah, dianggap sebagai permasalahan terbesar para wisatawan di Labuan Bajo, Flores Barat. Dalam usaha menanggulangi isu tersebut, Swisscontact WISATA menginisiasi pengembangan program pengelolaan sampah trepadu (SWM). Pemerintah daerah menyambut baik program SWM ini dan kemudian membentuk kelompok kerja yang terdiri dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk membuat
“Awalnya saya hanya membuat keranjang dari sampah plastik. Sejak tahun 2016 ini, saya bergabung dalam kelompok PKK. Saya senang sekali bisa mendapat banyak pengetahuan dari berbagai pelatihan yang diadakan. Sekarang, saya bisa membuat variasi kerajinan lain. Hasil penjualan juga bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga.”
“I started out making baskets from plastic waste. This year, I joined the women’s group and I’m glad to have learned a lot of new knowledge from the various trainings that they held. Now I am able to diversify my skills in creating other crafts that can be sold to generate income for my family.”
Women group with the trained children hold waste recycled handicrafts, Labuan Bajo, Flores
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
“Sejak 2014, saya sudah membuat buku dari bahan daur ulang. Sejak bergabung dengan kegiatan PKK, saya sekarang bisa membuat dompet dari kemasan kopi dan lampion. Saya sangat bangga sekarang bisa mendapat tambahan penghasilan dari hasil berjualan kreasi daur ulang.”
“I’ve been making books from recycled materials since 2014. Since joining the women’s group, I am now able to create wallets from coffee packages and lanterns. I am very proud that I can now earn extra income by selling recycled handicrafts.”
– Aburandi Nazarudin from Kampung Ujung
– Rahmatia from Pulau Bajo
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Tanjung Puting A Prayer of Safety through Ngobat Tongang By Febrasius Massal – Project Officer for Internal Destination Development Tanjung Puting
Bagi wisatawan, tidak ada pengalaman yang lebih berkesan selain menjadi bagian dari sebuah tradisi lokal, dan di Desa Lopus di Kabupaten Lamandau, para pengunjung akan berkesempatan mengikuti sebuah tradisi unik yang disebut “ngobat tongang.” Ketika tiba di Desa Lopus, wisatawan akan disambut dengan pemasangan tongang pada pergelangan tangan kanan. Pemasangan tali tersebutlah yang disebut ngobat tongang, yang artinya memasangkan tali pengikat yang terbuat dari serat akar kayu tongang dan umum digunakan suku Dayak, Ngobat tongang awalnya merupakan prosesi dalam upacara adat tradisi Dayak Tomun yang ditujukan sebagai doa bagi keselamatan orang yang mengenakan tongang. Prosesi ini hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh Demang, Mantir, tokoh adat, atau tetua Kaharingan — kepercayaan asli suku Dayak.
Toraja Official Website Goes Live
Head of Bappeeda Tana Toraja delivers his opening speech on Toraja Destination’s Website Launching, Toraja
By Made Wiranatha - Project Officer for External Destination Marketing Toraja
Para wisatawan yang hendak mengadakan perjalanan ke Toraja kini dapat dengan lebih mudah merencanakan kunjungan mereka setelah dilansirnya situs resmi destinasi Toraja. Beberapa penampilan membuka program peluncuran situs tersebut pada tanggal 3 Juni di Hotel Misiliana. Acara tersebut merupakan kelanjutan dari upaya pencitraan kembali Toraja sebagai destinasi pariwisata yang mampu bersaing dengan destinasi lainnya di Indonesia. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Yohan Tangkesalu, selaku perwakilan Organisasi Pengelola Destinasi (DMO) Toraja, mempresentasikan proses pembuatan portal pada para pemangku kepentingan dan juga menekankan betapa pentingnya portal tersebut bagi kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran destinasi ini.
Bupati Toraja Utara, Kalatiku Paembonan, turut hadir untuk meresmikan situs destinasi Toraja bersama dengan ketua DMO Toraja, ketua Bappeda Tana Toraja, ketua HPI Toraja, komandan Kodim Toraja, serta para perwakilan dari Kementerian Pariwisata, DPRD serta Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) di kedua kabupaten. Dilengkapi dengan berbagai informasi tentang pariwisata Toraja, diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi efisien bagi para wisatawan untuk mencari lokasi, ragam seni budaya, tradisi, kuliner, dan segala aktivitas yang dapat ditemui atau dilakukan di Toraja. Selain itu, informasi mengenai berbagai akomodasi serta kalender acara yang dibutuhkan para wisatawan juga akan tersedia. Nantinya, pemangku kepentingan, termasuk industri pariwisata Toraja, diharapkan dapat mengakses dan memanfaatkan informasi dalam portal tersebut.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Travelers with plans to visit Toraja can now enjoy the convenience of planning their trip more easily thanks to the recent launch of, an official website of Toraja destination. Held at Misiliana Hotel on June 3, some performances opened the website’s launch event. The launch follows a series of rebranding activities that seeks to prepare Toraja as a competitive tourism destination in Indonesia and saw Yohan Tangkesalu, a representative from the Toraja Destination Management Organization (DMO) present the process behind the making of and emphasize the importance of destination branding as a promotional and marketing tool.
Toraja Utara regent, Kalatiku Paembonan, was present at the program to officially launch the website, along with the head of the Toraja DMO, representatives of the Tourism Ministry, head of the Tana Toraja Bappeda, representatives from both legislative councils (DPRD) and heads districts’ Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) branch, head of the Indonesia Tour Guide Association’s (HPI) Toraja branch, and chief of the Toraja district military command. Filled with important information on Toraja tourism, is expected to be a one-stop solution for the tourists in search of information on attractions, local arts and culture, tradition, culinary, and any other activities available within the region. The website also includes information on accommodations as well as a calendar of events for visitors. It is also hoped that the platform will be a useful tool for tourism stakeholders and other businesses in the near future.
Tongang dipasangkan dan diikat dengan daun sangkoba kering yang dilipat kecil. Daun sangkoba adalah daun hutan yang sering dijadikan bumbu dan penyedap masakan bagi suku Dayak. Dalam proses ini, tali tongang menjadi simbol dari urat dan otot, sedangkan daun sangkoba sebagai simbol dari kulit. Setelah memasangkan tongang, tamu diminta untuk menggigit mata belayung (sejenis kapak khas suku Dayak), menaburkan sejumput beras, dan mencicipi sedikit tuak. Bagi yang tidak bisa meminum tuak, cukup hanya menyentuh gelas tersebut. Penyuguhan tuak merupakan lambang suka cita dan penerimaan tamu yang dihormati dan dihargai seperti saudara sendiri.
For travelers, there is no experience quite like being included in a local village’s long standing tradition, and at Lamandau district’s Lopus Village, visitors will get to be a part of what locals call the ngobat tongang procession. Ngobat Tongang literally means “tightening a rope” and is part of the Dayak tribe’s tradition, which will see visitors receive a rope on their right wrist upon arriving in the village, typically made of fiber taken from the roots of a tongang wood.
The tradition initially started from the Dayak Tomun community, with each rope symbolizing a prayer for the safety of its wearer. This procession can only be conducted by local elders and chiefs, such as head of the village, mantir, elderly chief, and Kaharingan leaders (leaders of a local spiritual belief among the Dayak tribe).
Ikat tongang of Dayak Tomun in Lopus Village, Lamandau District
The tongang will be handed over wrapped within a folded dried sangkoba leaf, a common ingredient in many of the Dayak tribe’s cooking. In this process, tongang rope becomes a symbol of one’s veins and muscles, while sangkoba leaf stands to symbolize the skin. After receiving tongang, visitors will be asked to bite an ax called belayung, sprinkle a handful of rice, and taste a small portion of tuak or rice wine. Those who cannot take a sip of the tuak will simply have to hold the glass containing the drink. The serving of a glass of tuak is a symbol of joy and respect for the guest, who by then is seen as their own kin.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Tourism Branding Efforts Underway for Tanjung Puting
Group discussion on value chain of local product in Toraja, Toraja
By Dwi Setjio Widodo – Destination Office Manager of Tanjung Puting
Strategi pencitraan merupakah sebuah alat promosi penting bagi sebuah destinasi wisata. Sayangnya, kurangnya kesadaran pemangku kepentingan akan hal tersebut masih menjadi masalah di beberapa destinasi.
Merupakan sebuah kemajuan bagi destinasi Tanjung Puting di tahun 2016 ini, di mana para pemangku kepentingan mulai membuka diri untuk menginisasi pengembangan pencitraan destinasi usai melalui dua kali kegiatan lokakarya dan beberapa diskusi selama dua tahun terakhir. Pada Februari lalu, tiga kandidat konsultan pencitraan diundang untuk menyampaikan ide dan strategi mereka bagi destinasi. Akhirnya, satu konsultan disepakati untuk membantu merumuskan konsep jangka panjang atas keputusan bersama dari Badan Pelaksana Harian Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata Tanjung Puting serta perwakilan dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin Barat.
Pada tanggal 1-7 Mei, konsultan terpilih kemudian mengadakan perjalanan observasi ke Tanjung Puting, diikuti dengan presentasi hasil observasi tersebut kepada tim pengembangan pencitraan destinasi pada tanggal 2 Juni. Tim tersebut terdiri dari perwakilan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kotawaringin Barat, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kotawaringin Barat, Balai Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) SKW II Pangkalan Bun, anggota BPH FTKP, perwakilan asosiasi pariwisata, Orangutan Foundation International, dan Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, masing-masing organisasi mengemukakan berbagai masukan mereka, yang akan dirumuskan ke dalam konsep yang dipaparkan dalam pertemuan berikutnya di bulan Juli. Pembuatan brosur destinasi yang kemudian akan digunakan sebagai materi promosi dalam Bali & Beyond Travel Fair 2016 juga disepakati dalam pertemuan kali ini.
Introducing Value Chain Analysis to Toraja Producers and Sellers By Edwardus Ada – Project Officer for Community Development Toraja
“Awalnya, kami mengira lokakarya ini cukup rumit dan sulit untuk dipahami. Namun, ternyata setelah mendengarkan pemaparan konsultan dan melakukan praktek lapangan, analisa rantai nilai ini memberikan banyak manfaat, terutama dalam hal berjejaring dan meningkatkan nilai usaha kami,” kata Yoseph Rande, seorang petani kopi di desa Suloara’, Toraja Utara.
Sebagai model pendekatan yang digunakan untuk memahami proses perjalanan suatu produk atau jasa dari produsen hingga konsumen terakhir, Analisa Rantai Nilai (VCA) merupakan sebuah elemen penting yang memberikan informasi pada tiap pelaku dalam rantai nilai untuk memastikan efisiensi biaya dan sebaliknya dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah terhadap produk atau jasa tersebut.
Swisscontact WISATA bersama dengan seorang konsultan belum lama ini memperkenalkan model VCA pada produsen dan penjual beberapa produk dan jasa di Toraja dalam sebuah pelatihan yang berlangsung selama tiga hari. Materi pelatihan yang disampaikan memadukan teori dan praktek lapangan dengan fokus khusus pada tiga jenis produk lokal, yaitu bambu, tenun, dan kopi. Para peserta pelatihan terlihat sangat antusias dan termotivasi selama mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dan menganggap program tersebut penting dan relevan dalam pekerjaan keseharian mereka.
Active discussion among stakeholders during the first presentation of destination branding consultant, Tanjung Puting
While the use of specific branding strategies is recognized by many as a necessary step in promoting tourism destinations, there remains low awareness of its importance among tourism stakeholders—key actors in a region’s tourism development.
The year 2016, however, marks progress for Tanjung Puting, with the region’s Daily Operational Body of the Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) and representatives from the Kotawaringin Barat Culture and Tourism Office agreeing to solicit the assistance of a consultant to develop a branding strategy for the region. The move is a follow-up to a series of workshops and discussions held throughout the past two years, which aimed to raise stakeholders’ awareness towards the importance of destination branding. In February, three candidates were selected to present their ideas and strategies. The selected branding consultant was subsequently invited for an observational trip to Tanjung Puting on May 1 to 7, before presenting their findings to the destination branding development team on June 2. This team includes representatives from the Culture and Tourism Office as well as the Industry and Trade Office of Kotawaringin Barat, individuals from the Tanjung
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Puting National Park, the Natural Resources Conservation SKW II Pangkalan Bun, members of the BPH FTKP, as well as tourism association representatives, the Orangutan Foundation International, and the Indigenous People’s Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN). Representatives present at the event contributed inputs from their respective offices, which are then formulated and presented during a follow-up meeting held in July 2016. During this meeting, it was also agreed that a destination brochure will be produced to be used as a promotional tool in Bali & Beyond Travel Fair 2016.
As a model used to understand the flow of products or services, Value Chain Analysis is an important element that needs to be understood by individuals whose task it is to produce or market items to consumers. VCA provides necessary information to each actor on the value chain so as to ensure those involved in the process are able to exercise efficiency in product and service cost and increase value added of the product or service.
Swisscontact WISATA, together with a consultant, recently held a three-day workshop with a special focus on three types of local products, namely bamboo, traditional woven cloths, and coffee. The training program introduced the VCA model through theory sessions as well as a series of practical exercises. Participants of the workshop were well-motivated and shared their enthusiasm during the training program, highlighting the importance and relevance of the VCA model in their line of work.
“At first, I thought the workshop would be complicated and difficult to understand. However, after the training, it turned out to be a useful tool, particularly in networking and increasing our business value.” Says Yoseph Rande, a coffee farmer from Toraja Utara’s Suloara’ Village.
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Plastic Reduction Initiative Program Launching in Bajawa, Flores
Nyong Tomia, one of local trainer explains the training material during ToST Houskeeping, Wakatobi
A ToST in Housekeeping for Wakatobi’s Local Trainers By Putri Wilda Kirana – Program Officer for External Destination Marketing Wakatobi
Keterampilan tata graha merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam peningkatan kualitas dan standar pelayanan industri pariwisata sebuah destinasi. Wakatobi, sebagai destinasi yang kian berkembang, menyadari pentingnya upaya mempertajam keterampilan dan kualifikasi para pekerja pariwisatanya, dan oleh karena itu pada Mei 21-22, sebanyak tujuh individu berlatar belakang tata graha, baik dari ranah pendidikan maupun industri, mengikuti kegiatan tourism skills training (ToST). Program tersebut dipimpin oleh Halim Perdana Sulung, seorang praktisi senior yang sudah 15 tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang perhotelan.
Dalam dua hari pelatihan, para peserta mengikuti metode mengajar yang bersifat aktif partisipatif, dengan modul yang dikembangkan dari materi pelatihan inisiatif global high impact tourism training (HITT) dan disesuaikan dengan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) dengan harapan dapat mempersiapkan para peserta menghadapi ujian kompetensi. PHRI Kabupaten Wakatobi dan delapan perwakilan dari lima hotel di Pulau Wangi-wangi juga turut hadir dalam kegiatan pelatihan tersebut. Bagi Hamrinah dan Muhammad Fajri, program ToST tersebut adalah sebuah kesempatan yang lama dinantikan dan mereka bersemangat untuk membagikan ilmu perhotelan yang dimiliki kepada para pelaku industri pariwisata lainnya di Wakatobi kemudian. Ke depannya, para peserta telah merencanakan pembentukkan jaringan pelatih lokal Wakatobi, yang nantinya akan dinamakan Wakatobi Local Trainer (WaLoTa).
“Saya akan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang saya dapat dari ToST dalam beberapa pelatihan di Pulau Tomia,” Nyong Tomia, partisipan dari Pulau Tomia
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Housekeeping skills play a major role when it comes to raising the standards and quality of services within the tourism industry and Wakatobi, as a growing destination, is aware of just how important it is to improve the skills and qualifications of its hospitality workers in order to appeal to more travelers. On May 21-22, seven individuals from the education and industry sectors with a background in housekeeping attended a two-day tourism skills training (ToST) as local trainer candidates, led by Halim Perdana Sulung, a senior practitioner with 15 years of experience in the industry.
Throughout the program, each participant was able to practice interactive materials and teachings methods, with modules referenced from the global high impact tourism training (HITT) initiative’s training materials, which have been adopted from the national working competency standard (SKKNI) with hopes of preparing participants in the professional competence test. The Wakatobi Regency PHRI, along with eight representatives from five hotels in the Wangi-wangi Island were also present during the training sessions. For Hamrinah and Muhammad Fajri, the opportunity to join the program is one they have been looking forward to, as they hoped to be able to share their hospitality knowledge to other tourism stakeholders in Wakatobi. Following the training, participants of the program plan to establish what it calls the WaLoTa (Wakatobi Local Trainer), a network for local trainers within the archipelago.
“I will apply the knowledge I received from the ToST into several trainings in Tomia Island,” Nyng Tomia, a housekeeping worker from Tomia Island.
Flores Goes Green with Plastic Reduction Initiative By Boyke Hutapea and Anggoro Prasetianto - Project Officers for Internal Destination Development Flores
Swisscontact WISATA, bekerja sama dengan DMO Flores, mengembangkan program Inisiatif Pengurangan Plastik (PRI), yang juga telah dijalankan di Labuan Bajo. PRI resmi diluncurkan di kantor DMO Ende pada tanggal 8 Juni, diikuti dengan acara yang sama di kantor Bappeda Kabupaten Ngada keesokan harinya. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan sekaligus dalam rangka memperingati Hari Lingkungan Sedunia yang jatuh setiap tanggal 5 Juni.
Paola Cannuciari, selaku konsultan lingkungan Swisscontact WISATA, menyampaikan presentasi mengenai berbagai kegiatan PRI di hadapan para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata yang hadir, baik dari pemerintah, dinas, dan asosiasi terkait. PRI sendiri berupaya untuk mengurangi pemakaian botol dan kantong plastik dengan menyediakan botol minum dan tas yang dapat digunakan kembali, serta menyediakan air galon untuk isi ulang. Guna menekankan motif tersebut, DMO Flores bersedia menyediakan tas dan botol minum tersebut bagi para pelaku usaha yang berpartisipasi, beserta penutup galon berlogo destinasi Flores dan tulisan dukungan terhadap PRI. Program yang ditujukan pada para pemilik dan pengelola usaha pariwisata tersebut mendapatkan respon positif dari peserta yang hadir. Ke depannya, diharapkan para pelaku usaha dapat turut mendukung kegiatan PRI dan berkontribusi dalam berbagi program-program lingkungan hidup yang nantinya akan diadakan kembali di Ende dan Bajawa.
Swisscontact WISATA, in cooperation with the Flores DMO, on June 8 officially launched its Plastic Reduction Initiative (PRI) program, which it has also developed in Labuan Bajo. Taking place at the Flores DMO office in Ende and at the Ngada District’s Regional Planning Board (Bappeda) the next day, the event was held to commemorate World Environment Day, which falls on June 5 annually.
Paola Cannuciari, Swisscontact WISATA’s environment consultant, presented the activities planned under PRI in front of an audience that included representatives from local stakeholders including related local government, government offices, and associations. The establishment of PRI is aimed at reducing the use of plastic water bottles and plastic bags by emphasizing the importance of recycling and providing water dispensers that can be used to refill water bottles. Emphasizing its goals, the Flores DMO provided participants with reusable water bottles and bags, along with a cover for gallon water bottles, which had the Flores tourism destination and PRI campaign logo designed on it. Aimed mainly at businesses within the tourism industry, the launch was met with positive responses from participants, all of whom are also expected to continue supporting activities related to PRI’s development in Ende and Bajawa.
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A discussion about the importance of partnership building between schools and industries, Wakatobi
Master and local trainers practice on how a waiter serves the guest, Flores
WISSPRO: A Promise of Progress through Education By Marcella Tasha Maretti – Project Officer for Internal Destination Development Wakatobi
Wakatobi menyadari pentingnya mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan bagi wisatawan. Salah satu strategi untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah dengan memastikan adanya perbaikan mutu pendidikan dalam sistem Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) pariwisata di kawasan tersebut, mulai dari para guru hingga sistem pengelolaan sekolah, yang kemudian diharapkan dapat mencetak lulusanlulusan berkualitas tinggi yang nantinya akan berkontribusi positif bagi industri lokal.
Upgrading Tourism Workers’ Skills with ToST By Jos Hazenbosch – Intern for Quality and Standards
Para pelaku usaha pariwisata menyadari pentingnya mengembangkan keterampilan para pekerjanya secara berkala. Pada 13-16 Juni, DMO Flores bersama Swisscontact WISATA mengadakan pelatihan bagi para pelatih lokal (ToT) dengan fokus khusus pada bidang pramusaji restoran dan praktek dapur yang baik di Luwansa Beach Resort, Labuan Bajo.
Pelatih lokal dari Flores Timur dan Flores Barat menghadiri program tersebut, di mana seluruh peserta diminta untuk mempresentasikan bagian-bagian tertentu dari modul pada para peserta lainnya. Selanjutnya, para pelatih lokal akan menyampaikan hasil ToT tersebut pada partisipan lain dari hotel kecil dan restoran di destinasi mereka masing-masing. Penyelenggara menyadari pentingnya ToT bagi keberlanjutan dan dampak kegiatan pelatihan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, para pelatih lokal pun tak hanya dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan baru, namun juga disiapkan untuk menguasai cara-cara melakukan presentasi materi yang baik dan juga mempratekkan keterampilan teknis. Kegiatan ini diharapkan akan berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan pendapatan bagi bisnis lokal melalui usaha pengembangan kualitas layanan yang efektif.
In a bid to improve the skills of its tourism workers, the Flores DMO on June 13-16 partnered with Swisscontact WISATA for a training of trainers (ToT) program on Food & Beverage Service for Waiters and Waitresses and Good Kitchen Practice at Luwansa Beach Resort, Labuan Bajo.
The program was attended by local trainers from all over Flores Timur and Flores Barat, all of whom were requested to present specific parts of the module to one another. Local trainers will then pass on the knowledge obtained from this program to industry participants from small hotels and restaurants in their respective destinations. The organizer saw the ToT as an important element for the sustainability and impact of these training sessions and moved to equip local trainers not just with knowledge but also the necessary presentation and technical skills. These sessions are expected to translate into an increased income for local businesses through improvements made to the quality of their services. Through a series of tourism skill training (ToST) modules that have been developed based on the national competency standards (SKKNI), in reference to the high-impact tourism training (HITT) program, Swisscontact WISATA aims to provide relevant training courses that have been localized for workers in the hospitality sector with the aim of building and upgrading their qualifications and skills.
Melalui WISATA Sister School Program (WISSPro), diinisiasi terjalinnya kerja sama antara SMKN 6 Makassar sebagai sekolah model dengan SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi dan SMKN 1 Kaledupa sebagai sekolah dampingan. Diadakan pada tanggal 2-4 Mei, kepala sekolah dan perwakilan guru dari masing-masing sekolah menyaksikan penandatanganan rencana kerja bersama, diskusi mengenai kondisi sekolah masing-masing, serta merumuskan strategi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi. Salah satu topik utama yang diangkat adalah adanya usaha peningkatan minat siswa yang akan melanjutkan sekolah ke SMK pariwisata serta kesempatan untuk menjalin hubungan dengan industri lokal untuk mengakomodir program praktek kerja industri (prakerin) bagi siswa dan penyerapan tenaga kerja lulusan SMK. Diadakan pula pelatihan dan uji coba buku saku prakerin yang dikembangkan oleh guru SMK bersama Swisscontact WISATA bagi para siswa, guru, dan orang tua murid yang bertujuan mempermudah pemantauan persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan prakerin siswa. Di akhir acara, sekolah-sekolah yang berpartisipasi juga menyampaikan niat untuk menjalin program pertukaran siswa dan guru guna memperkuat perkembangan inisiatif tersebut.
Wakatobi is aware of the need to up the quality of its human resources in order to improve its services for visiting tourists. One way of doing so is by ensuring the quality of education at vocational schools (SMK), from its teachers to the management, are up to par and are therefore able to produce high-quality graduates who can be expected to offer positive contribution to the industry.
WISATA Sister School Program (WISSPro) has recently assisted in the establishment of a partnership between SMKN 6 Makassar as model school with SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi and SMKN 1 Kaledupa as partner schools. During the visitation on May 2-4, attended by principals and teachers from each schools, a MoU signing was held along with a session wherein school representatives were given the opportunity to share the different issues faced at their respective schools. One of the main focus of these discussions was the apparent increase in the number of student who are showing interest in continuing their studies in tourism vocational schools as well as strategic opportunities for businesses to provide room for student internships, and to recruit SMK graduates. Teachers, students, and parents were also involved in a trial run of an internship guidebook put together in partnership with Swisscontact WISATA, which is aimed at easing the preparation, execution, and reporting process for student internships. As the program came to a close, participating schools also expressed their interest in pursuing a potential student and teacher exchange to further strengthen this development.
Untuk program tersebut, Swisscontact WISATA mengembangkan serangkaian modul pelatihan keahlian pariwisata (ToST) yang mengacu pada program pelatihan berdampak besar (HITT) dan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI). Modul ditujukan untuk menyediakan kursus pelatihan yang mengacu pada unsur lokal agar para pekerja pariwisata dapat membangun dan meningkatkan kualifikasi dan keterampilan mereka.
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WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
Content & Publisher’s Note
Vocational & Higher Education Ruedi Nuetzi
Swisscontact WISATA Program Manager
04 FLORES Upgrading Tourism Workers’ Skills with ToST
Apa Kabar?
Students and teacher of SMK Pariwisata Harapan Denpasar holds the internship journal, Bali ToT and tryout of internship tools in SMKN 1Kaledupa, Wakatobi
Internship Pocket Books Boost Student-Teacher Coordination By Yorsi Nuzulia - Program Officer for Vocational Education and Training
Selama satu tahun belakangan, sebanyak delapan sekolah dampingan Swisscontact WISATA dan empat SMK model telah berhasil mengembangkan perangkat Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL). Buku saku siswa, guru, dan orang tua, serta jurnal siswa dan pembimbing, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan koordinasi selama masa PKL siswa. Rencananya, perangkat akan diluncurkan pada bulan November, meski beberapa sekolah telah melaksanakan pelatihan dan uji coba penggunaan dalam kegiatan WISATA Sister School Program bulan Mei silam.
Buku saku siswa dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakter budaya tiap destinasi dampingan dan materi yang digunakan pun bertujuan membuat siswa lebih cakap budaya, sehingga lebih percaya diri dan mampu beradaptasi saat PKL. Terdapat pula lembar penilaian diri, yang diharapkan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk mengenal diri mereka dengan lebih baik dan meningkatkan kompetensi mereka. Jurnal siswa itu sendiri merujuk pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional (SKKNI) dan dapat menjadi portfolio bagi siswa ketika lulus SMK dan mencari kerja nantinya.
Over the past year, eight schools and four vocational high schools supported by Swisscontact WISATA has been busy putting together an internship pocket book and a special journal, both of which are aimed for collaborative use by teachers, students, and parents and are slated for a November launch date.
Having been tested out during WISATA Sister School Program’s earlier in May, the student pocket book is set to help students better understand their culture and more confidently and easily adapt when the time comes for them to pursue their internship program. It comes with a self-assessment form, which will motivate students to know themselves better and increase their competency skills, while student journals were created based on the national competency standard (SKKNI) and can later on be used as a portfolio for students upon graduating or entering the job market.
“Dengan adanya jurnal siswa maupun pembimbing siswa, maka semua keluhan hotel bisa ditampung dengan lebih terperinci karena dilengkapi dengan waktu dan uraian kegiatan,” tukas Alfiani Saputera, guru Akomodasi Perhotelan SMKN 1 Kaledupa. “Kita juga bisa mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi siswa selama PKL dengan melihat jurnal tersebut. Saya sebagai pembimbing menjadi lebih terarah dalam pelaksanaan prakerin siswa.”
“With the student and supervisor journal, any complaints from the hotel can be collected in detail, with a timeline and detailed activity,” says Alfiani Saputra, a Hotel Accommodation teacher for SMKN 1 Kaledupa. “We can monitor the problems faced by students during their internship and I as the supervisor can get a guideline about their internship program.”
Siswa SMK Pariwisata Harapan dan SMKN 1 Kaledupa menjadi salah satu sekolah yang pertama menggunakan perangkat tersebut dalam kegiatan PKL mereka sejak Mei lalu, sementara 10 sekolah lainnya akan menyusul di tahun 2017.
Students from SMK Pariwisata Harapan and SMKN 1 Kaledupa have been actively using the pocket book since May for their internship period, while ten more schools are set to follow next year.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
In this issue of Berita WISATA, we would like to introduce to you our solid waste management program, which was piloted in Labuan Bajo, Flores. The island of Flores, as one of the 10 new priority destinations appointed by the Tourism Ministry, has seen a rapid growth in its tourism industry, accompanied by an increase in the use of resources. Therefore, as part of its tourism development, Flores stakeholders have moved to minimize and even reduce any negative environmental impacts that may arise from this fast growth. As a first step, Swisscontact WISATA initiated a solid waste management program in Labuan Bajo, involving both the local government and stakeholders. This year, a local women’s group succeeded in developing a wide range of handicrafts made from recycled plastics, which they showcased at their gallery, while WISATA supported members with trainings to improve their design and production techniques as well as marketing skills and financial literacy. As of late, members of this group have shown interest in conducting their activities in environmentally responsible and sustainable ways as they also generate additional income for their households. They have moved forward to become trainers for other groups and organizations across Flores, advocating the use of recycled plastics for the handicrafts business. Meanwhile, in different locations around Flores, regular “clean-up” activities have been conducted with the involvement of local organizations, communities, schools, and relevant government bodies. I wish you all an enjoyable reading experience and hope these initiatives can contribute to the protection of our environment. Warmest regards from all of us.
Publisher Publisher Swisscontact WISATA Jl. Batur Sari No. 20SB, Sanur Denpasar - Bali 80227 Indonesia Photography Swisscontact WISATA Design & Layout Swisscontact WISATA Printer PT Cintya Grafika The project is supported by SECO in cooperation with Ministry of Tourism, implemented by Swisscontact *No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any form by any means.
06 TANJUNG PUTING Tourism Branding Efforts Underway for Tanjung Puting
14 TORAJA Toraja Official Website Goes Live
16 WAKATOBI A ToST in Housekeeping for Wakatobi’s Local Trainers
08 COVER STORY Solid Waste Management Program Delivers Economic Progress for Community
18 VOCATIONAL & HIGHER EDUCATION Internship Pocket Books Boost StudentTeacher Coordination
Correction Pada tulisan “Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with Destination Branding Efforts” di Berita Wisata, Edisi 5 (Januari-Maret 2016), halaman 7, kalimat keterangan foto yang benar seharusnya: “Michael R. Juanda, Ketua Badan Pelaksana Harian Forum Tata Kelola Pariwisata (FTKP) Tanjung Puting mepresentasikan mengenai Destinasi Tanjung Puting.” Demikian kesalahan diperbaiki. -Redaksi
In the article “Tanjung Puting Moves Forward with Destination Branding Efforts” appeared on Berita Wisata, 5th Edition of January-March 2016, page 7, the correct caption for picture appeared should read: “Michael R. Juanda, Chief of Daily Operational Body of Tourism Management Forum (FTKP) Tanjung Puting is presenting about Tanjung Puting Destination” We apologize for the error. -Editor
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WISATA Program
Succsess Story Barata Kahedupa Festival, Wakatobi
Team of Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic Indonesia interviews principal of SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi
Home Affairs Ministry Reviews WISATA’s Wakatobi Programs By Ferry Samosir – Deputy Program Manager
Pada bulan Februari lalu, Tim Terpadu Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) melakukan kunjungan ke Wakatobi sebagai salah satu destinasi binaan Swisscontact WISATA. Dipimpin oleh Direktur Sinkronisasi Urusan Pemerintah Daerah (SUPD) III, tim Kemendagri meninjau pelaksanaan program pengembangan wisata, termasuk berbagai kemajuan, tantangan, serta keberlanjutannya.
Peninjauan dilakukan terhadap pihak pemerintah daerah dan penerima manfaat langsung program WISATA. Diawali pertemuan dengan sekretaris Bappeda Sulawesi Tenggara di Kendari, kunjungan dilanjutkan ke Pulau Wangi-wangi di mana tim tersebut bertemu dengan Bupati, Dinas Pendidikan, dan ketua forum tata kelola pariwisata Kabupaten Wakatobi beserta seluruh tim WISATA. Sementara itu, pertemuan dengan para penerima manfaat program WISATA diawali dengan kunjungan ke desa wisata Liya Togo dan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi bersama ketua asosiasi penyelam professional Wakatobi serta kunjungan ke SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi. Dalam diskusi paska kegiatan peninjauan, tim terpadu menyatakan hasil positif dari pelaksanaan program WISATA di Wakatobi. Hal tersebut dilihat dari meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pariwisata sebagai sarana pembangunan, di mana keterlibatan masyarakat nampak meningkat, bersamaan dengan perkembangan potensi wisata yang ditawarkan, baik kelautan maupun keunikan destinasi. Tim peninjau juga menilai adanya kerja sama dan komunikasi yang baik antara WISATA dan pemerintah setempat dan dukungan program yang positif dengan adanya penularan pengetahuan kepada penerima manfaat. Mereka kemudian mendorong program untuk terus memastikan keberlanjutan pengembangan pariwisata Wakatobi dengan dukungan teknis dan pelatihan keterampilan.
WISATA - Tourism Development for Selected Destinations in Indonesia
The integrated team from the Ministry of Home Affairs in February held a trip to Wakatobi to review tourism developments in the archipelago as one of several destinations supported by Swisscontact WISATA. Led by the Director of Regional Government Synchronization Body (LUPD) III, the local government and WISATA’s beneficiaries became the source person of the review on the implementation of tourism development programs in the region, including any progress made, obstacles faced, as well as the sustainability of each project.
The review kicked off with a meeting with the Sulawesi Tenggara Development Planning Board (Bappeda) secretary in Kendari, followed by a meeting in Wangi-wangi Island with the local regent, education office, and head of the tourism management forum. The officials also took time to visit Liya Togo, the tourism village, to review WISATA’s beneficiaries, after which they joined the head of Wakatobi’s professional divers’ association and SMKN 1 Wangi-wangi for a discussion. The team is said to have found a great number of positive results from the implementation of WISATA’s programs in Wakatobi. One example would be an increasing awareness among the local communities towards the importance of tourism as a development tool, which can be seen from community members’ eager involvement as well as the growth of tourism attractions, from marine tourism to local cultural offerings. Communication and cooperation efforts between WISATA and the local government was also considered to be well done, with an effective transfer of knowledge with beneficiaries. The team urged WISATA to continue focusing on the sustainability of tourism developments in Wakatobi through technical support and training skills.
Kaledupa Island Tourism Group to Organize Barata Kahedupa Festival By Shyerly Hariyanto – Project Officer for Communications
Sebagai salah satu pulau di Wakatobi, Pulau Kaledupa tentunya memiliki keindahan alam dan potensi pariwisata yang begitu menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sebut saja Pulau Hoga yang terkenal dengan keindahan bawah lautnya di kalangan para pecinta wisata bahari, juga kekayaan budaya lokal yang dapat menjadi pilihan alternatif bagi wisatawan.
Tahun ini, kekayaan potensi wisata tersebut akan dipromosikan melalui Festival Barata Kahedupa, bagian dari rangkaian acara yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Wakatobi untuk diadakan di tiap-tiap pulau. Kelompok Pariwisata Pulau Kaledupa (KITG), wadah pemangku kepentingan yang menjembatani sinkronisasi perencanaan pengembangan pariwisata di tingkat pulau dan kabupaten, telah ditetapkan sebagai penyelenggara festival dan akan bertanggungjawab menyiapkan materi promosi, penggalangan dana, serta penyusunan acara yang akan dilangsungkan. Dalam festival tersebut, para pengunjung akan dapat menyaksikan tradisi Karia’a sebagai acara utama, sebuah tradisi pingitan bagi anak perempuan dan sunatan bagi anak laki-laki yang kemudian diarak keliling desa. Selain tradisi tersebut, KITG juga akan menggalakkan promosi desa wisata berbasis masyarakat, kuliner, kerajinan tangan, dan berbagai budaya lokal lainnya selama festival berlangsung. Para pemerintah kecamatan, seksi II Taman Nasional Wakatobi, pelaku usaha, asosiasi, kelompok adat, dan masyarakat setempat yang aktif terlibat dalam KITG berharap Festival Barata Kahedupa dapat menjadi sarana promosi wisata yang efektif dalam mengundang lebih banyak lagi pengunjung ke Kaledupa.
Part of the Wakatobi archipelago, Kaledupa Island is home to a plethora of tourism potential, with destinations such as Hoga as its main attraction offering mesmerizing underwater beauty for lovers of marine tourism and interesting local culture adding to travelers’ experience.
Highlighting the region’s tourism richness is the Barata Kahedupa Festival 2016, an event that stands as part of the Wakatobi district government’s efforts to showcase the region’s beauty by assigning each of its islands to host a regular festival. Organized by Kaledupa Island Tourism Group (KITG), which is established as a bridge connecting the islands’ needs with the district government on tourism development issues, the organization will be responsible for preparing promotional materials, fund raising, planning the events, and selecting the venue for each activities. The team comprises representatives from the government, section II of the Wakatobi National Park, elderly chiefs, associations, businesses, and local communities. Guests attending the festival will be able to witness the Karia’a ceremony as one of the main events, a local tradition held to purify the souls of little girls within the community and to carry out circumcision for boys reaching their adolescence. Other highlights also include the local community-based tourism village, handicraft made by the island’s artisans, delicious culinary selections, and other cultural elements during the festival, as KITG believes that events such as this are important tools in promoting the region as a tourism destination.
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