Beoordelingsmemorandum Nederlandse bijdrage tot en met € 1.000.000 OF ophoging tot 25% van het oorspronkelijke bedrag I
Voor toelichtingen op de OS beleidsgegevens wordt verwezen naar het OS gegevenswoordenboek Activiteitennummer
Naam activiteit
DMM/MP Article 19
Korte omschrijving
Promotion of freedom of expression of HRDs, journalists, bloggers, media workers and marginalized groups, by combining advocacy activities in multilateral fora with national initiatives.
Datum ontvangst aanvraag
Uitvoerende organisatie(s)
Article 19
Juridische relatie
Committering in vreemde valuta (indien van toepassing)
Corporate rate Committering in euro
Begindatum activiteit
1 juni 2014
Einddatum activiteit
1 juli 2016
Begindatum contract
1 juni 2014
Einddatum contract
1 juli 2015
Overige Programmatische hulp
Donor rol
Lead or active donor
Technische assistentie
Land/regio begunstigde
Tunisia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico
Landen binnen de regio (indien van toepassing)
Locatie binnen het land (zo specifiek mogelijk)
CRS Code *
Beleidskenmerken gewicht
Naam locatie(s):
‘principal’ zoals ingevoerd in Piramide
Beleidskenmerken gewicht ‘significant’ zoals ingevoerd in Piramide
Specifieke toezeggingen van de Minister en/of Staatssecretaris (special pledges)
Bijdrage activiteit aan beleidsdoelstellingen van BZ (beleidsrelevantie)
The project fits well within the Dutch human rights policy as it aims to support freedom of expression. The promotion of freedom of expression, which is inextricably linked with internet freedom, constitutes a substantial part of the Dutch HR-strategy, and is explicitly named in the Dutch human rights policy document of 2013 “Justice and Respect for All” (see page 34). Article 19 was established in 1987 with the aim to actively campaign for freedom of expression and information. The organization has gained major experience with implementing human rights projects. Article 19’s work of building the capacity of human rights defenders is complemented by standard setting and advocacy work at the international policy level on the right to protest or assembly and the human rights of LGBTI. Article 19’s international structure and experience at the domestic and regional levels, coupled with their technical expertise, uniquely situates them to set the agenda at the United Nations. By bringing experienced voices from regions and supporting this through international expertise, they are able to influence standard-setting initiatives and negotiations at the UN. The organization also provides a model for using international mechanisms, including the Human Rights Council, to amplify a domestic agenda, with standards and commitments made by States at the international level being translated to implementation on the ground. 2.1.2
Geef de beoordeling van de beleidsrelevantie van het project in onderstaande tabel. Geef de totale score en licht toe waarom de maximale niet wordt gehaald. Indien bepaalde criteria niet van toepassing zijn op de activiteit, graag aangeven waarom. Nr.
Criteria 2.1
Indicatoren (score 0, 1, 2)
Beleidsrelevantie 2.1.1
De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij een van de operationele doelstellingen van de MvT en daaraan gerelateerde beleidsnotitie (beleidstheorie en interventielogica).
2 2 De voorgestelde interventie sluit zowel aan bij de hoofddoelstellingen als bij de subdoelstellingen.
Article 19’s program fits very well within the Dutch human rights policy. The freedom of expression and internet freedom (3.5 Policy paper), human rights defenders (3.1 Policy paper), and equal rights for LGBT (3.2 Policy paper) are explicitly men-
De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij de speerpunten (alleen voor OS). De voorgestelde interventie sluit aan bij het jaarplan en de resultaatketen van het MIB/MJSP.
tioned as Dutch priorities in the Dutch policy paper on human rights, whereas the named subjects are also an integral part of Article 19’s program. Nv.t. geen OS. 0 0 Niet van toepassing.
1 1 De voorgestelde interventie sluit geheel aan bij het jaarplan en de resultaatketen van het MIB/MJSP.
De bijdrage van de voorgestelde interventie aan de (doorsnijNiet van toepassing. dende) thema’s vrouwenrechten en gendergelijkheid/ klimaat/ PSD/beleidscoherentie en versterking maatschappelijke organisaties (alleen voor OS).
Totale score (maximaal
van 8 punten)
Probleemanalyse en geleerde lessen
N.v.t. geen OS. 0 0
3 3
Beschrijf en motiveer in het kort en voor zover van toepassing:
Welk probleem de voorgestelde activiteit adresseert;
On a global scale, freedom of expression has been subjected to intense pressure lately, both by governments and non-state actors like organized crime groups. The safety and security situation of journalists and human rights defenders is getting steadily worse, whereas an increase in the number of people taking to the streets has been accompanied with an increase in the number of heavy crackdowns. Moreover, hate speech legislation has increasingly been adopted in an attempt to target marginalized communities like LGBTI.
Wat de doelstelling is van de activiteit in relatie tot het probleem; 4
Article 19 aims to protect defenders of freedom of expression and information. The organization wishes to foster an environment which supports freedom of expression and ensures that those on the front lines of defending human rights, such as human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and media workers are well protected. In order to create such an environment, Article 19 provides legal, policy and practical measures and assistance to protect these individuals and allow for them to express themselves and share information across borders.
Geef de beoordeling van de contextanalyse van het project in onderstaande tabel. Geef de totale score en licht toe waarom de maximale score niet wordt gehaald en hoe daarmee wordt omgegaan. Indien bepaalde criteria niet van toepassing zijn op de activiteit, graag aangeven waarom. Nr.
Criteria 2.2
Indicatoren (score 0,1,2)
Het voorstel is gebaseerd op een contextanalyse waaruit een logische probleemdefinitie en doelstelling voortvloeit.
Het voorstel is gebaseerd op een zorgvuldige, gedegen analyse en resulteert in een logische probleemdefinitie en doelstelling.
Het voorstel beschrijft hoe resultaten uit evaluaties en/of studies meegenomen zijn in de formulering van het voorstel.
Het voorstel verwijst niet naar resultaten uit evaluaties en/of studies.
2 2
0 0
Motivatie en verwijzing naar relevante passages uit projectvoorstel The project proposal is based on increasing risks to the safety and security of journalists and human rights defenders in many countries. The project proposes various topics and methods to counter this worrying development at the international and national level. The application does not contain specific remarks on previous conducted evaluations and/or studies. Although a paragraph on ‘Control’ is included (page 23 proposal) on monitoring, reporting, and planning of project missions for monitoring, technical advice or evaluation, there is no reference to previous evaluations etc. and their role in the process of formulating the pro-
posal. Totale score (maximaal
van 4 punten)
2 2
2.3 Doelstellingen (outcome), resultaten (outputs), activiteiten en middelen, op basis van het SMART principe 2.3.1
Goal: to foster an enabling legal and policy environment that supports Freedom of Expression and ensure that those on the front line of defending human rights, including human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and media workers are well protected. Pillar 1: Freedom of expression and vulnerable groups
Successfully defeat attempts to undermine the universality of human rights at the UN HRC o Maintained consensus of Resolution 16/18 Advocacy strategy against return of defamation of religious languages to Resolution 16/18 and any other that incorporates defamation of religion concept. o Resolution on traditional values introduced in September 2014 is opposed at HRC Advocacy strategy implemented, including events and roundtables on the subject in Geneva Published report/policy paper on Traditional Values Resolution. Article 19 network of allies in government and civil society is mobilized to rapidly respond to regressive resolutions at HRC. o Support the implementation of Rabat Plan of Action Develop Rabat Plan Action (RPA) Toolkit materials to assist in the implementation by States, in particular guidelines to judiciary and civil society, as well as development of ‘best practices’ materials to assist in understanding of what States should be doing
Support universality of human rights through the development of positive country examples and countering arguments in favor of traditional values. o Two national projects to showcase implementation of RPA implemented by A19 RPA toolkit implemented in two countries (Tunisia, Indonesia, and/or SouthSudan) in conjunction with the OHCHR Engagement of national human rights institutions and civil society in Tunisia, Indonesia, and/or South-Sudan to implement toolkit Develop case studies on the implementation of RPA to demonstrate positive examples. o Established standard on hate speech and support for LGBTI individuals Developed and published integrated policy documents and set of case studies to be used for advocacy at national level Legal support provided to CSOs opposing FoE restrictions and hate speech targeting LGBTI. o FoE Violations on basis of identity, religion and sex orientation in Bangladesh are monitored leading to a plan of action to combat those violations Advocacy campaign based on monitoring activities A civil society action network is developed Planned and implemented roundtables with key ministries and media houses 6
Pillar 2: Protection of civic space: Human Rights in the Context of Protest
Ensure the upcoming UN guidance includes a progressive interpretation of human rights in the context of protest. o Article 19 Principles on the Right to Protest Finalized and published A19 Principles on Right to Protest Advocacy strategy for dissemination among key international bodies and decision makers o UN guidelines on protest reflect A19 Protest Principles Dissemination events and national outreach on A19’s Principles at regional consultations on protest (consultation countries to be announced) o Advocacy for a General Comment on Article 21 of the ICCPR Agreement to draft General Comment o Advocate for the protection of civic space at HRC and monitor developments in this area. Adoption of Resolution on protection of civic space at HRC
Stop restrictive protest legislation in Brazil and advocate for protection of protest in line with agreed principles Comparative report on FoE violations during protests to A19’s 2013 one. New restrictive legislation monitored. Advocacy strategy to improve protest legislation in lien with A19’s Principles
Pillar 3: Fight against Impunity -
Protect a safe and enabling environment for civil society through progressive international standards and state implementation of those standards o Holistic Protection approach endorsed by the HRC A19 position on impunity strongly represented in the June 2014 Panel discussion. September 2014 outcome document reflecting A19’s recommendation on impunity. Positive response by States to the September 2014 Outcome Document generate strong civil society-government network around the Outcome Document. o Strong Resolution on the safety of journalists issued in September 2014 by UNHRC UNHRC Resolution reflecting A19’s position and based on international HR laws and principles. o Strong Resolution on human rights defenders issued by UNHRC UNHRC Resolution reflecting A19’s position and based on international HR laws and principles o Strong report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders. Special Rapporteur’s report (March 2015) containing recommendations on protection of human rights defenders.
Promote strong state responses to impunity through research and advocacy o June HRC Panel reflects A19 country reports for Mexico, Brazil and East-Africa Panel discussion with journalists in June fed by the reports on violence against journalists in those countries o A19’s staff trained on methodology to monitor and report against violation of protection Protection Methodology Training implemented in all five regional offices. National violations reports produced, based on standardized approach to the protection methodology. o Enhancing safety and protection of journalists and human rights defenders in Kenya. 7
Capacity building programme for journalists on safety. Emergency support fund provided assistance. Safety and protection measures applied in 2 leading media houses. Capacity building programme for journalists and human rights defenders on FoE advocacy. Improved effectiveness of the Mexican National Protection Mechanism Annual report on National Protection Mechanism Capacity building program for mechanism staff. Key performance indicators. Cases presented by journalists to the Mechanism
Pillar 4: Cross-cutting, Sustainable Development Goal
Strong, measurable FoE targets are included in post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals o 1 Side event at the June 2014 High level event on human rights at the UN PGA in New York. o 1 High level inter-governmental roundtable at the September 2014 UNGA. o Friends of Governance group fostered and supported among the delegations at the UN. o Common Position of Civil Society coming out the UN DPI conference includes strong language on FoE. o National civil society coalitions in Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, Bangladesh and Indonesia. o 5 roundtables between governments and civil society in the above named countries.
Geef een beoordeling van het logical framework van het project in onderstaande tabel. Geef de totale score en licht toe waarom de maximale score niet wordt gehaald en hoe daarmee wordt omgegaan. Indien bepaalde criteria niet van toepassing zijn op de activiteit, graag aangeven waarom. Nr.
Criteria 2.3
Outcomes, ouputs, activiteiten en middelen, op basis van het SMART principe 2.3.1
De doelstellingen op het niveau van outcome zijn concreet geformuleerd, vallen binnen de invloedsfeer van het voorstel en zijn realistisch. De outcomes vloeien logisch voort uit het geformuleerde probleem.
de outcomes zijn specifiek geformuleerd.
de doelstellingen vloeien logisch voort uit het geformuleerde probleem.
Motivatie en verwijzing naar relevante passages uit projectvoorstel
The outcomes are broad but include practical measures of how they are to be achieved. The mentioned outcomes relate to the three pillars of Article 19, and they include specific goals resulting from advocacy work in multilateral fora, as well as from local initiatives. Both the former and the
de doelstellingen vallen binnen de invloedsfeer van het voorstel en zijn realistisch (ook gezien de looptijd en de lokale omstandigheden).
de doelstellingen zijn acceptabel voor de doelgroep en andere stakeholders.
de geformuleerde doelstellingen zijn realistisch in relatie tot de omvang van de activiteiten en de beschikbare capaciteit van de (lokale) organisatie(s).
De voortgang van de realisatie van de outcomes kan op objectieve wijze worden vastgesteld aan de hand van
voor iedere outcome zijn relevante prestatieindicatoren geformuleerd.
latter support the main aim of the project, which is the promotion of FoE and the protection of HRD’s as a result. Although the duration of the project has been set at one year only, Article 19, as an organization, has proven over the last couple of years to be able to exert influence in the decisionmaking process at the international level and attain results. The project proposal is a continuation of the work the organization has being doing for years. Article 19 has since its establishment in 1987 been campaigning for freedom of expression and information as part of a broader narrative on strengthening democracy and a range of human rights. The current strategic plan places emphasis on supporting the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. Article 19 works through its own regional offices as well as a large number of regional organizations on a grassroot level. This is a precondition for the goals they attempt to achieve. For every outcome, Article 19 has formulated several outputs which give an indication to which extent the organization has suc-
meetbare prestatie indicatoren.
ceeded in the realization of the outcomes. The proposal does not contain any baselines.
voor iedere prestatieindicator is een baseline en een meetbare streefwaarde geformuleerd (kwalitatief en/of kwantitatief).
De geformuleerde outputs zijn concreet en vallen binnen de span of control van het voorstel. De outputs vloeien logisch voort uit de geformuleerde outcomes.
de outputs hebben een duidelijke relatie met de outcomes, m.a.w. het is te verwachten dat de outputs een bijdrage zullen leveren aan de realisatie van de outcomes.
de geformuleerde outputs zijn realistisch in relatie tot de omvang van de activiteiten en de beschikbare capaciteit van de (lokale) organisatie(s).
De voortgang van de realisatie van de outputs kan op objectieve wijze worden vastgesteld aan de hand van meetbare prestatieindicatoren.
voor iedere output zijn relevante prestatieindicatoren geformuleerd.
The formulated outputs have a clear and direct relationship with the outcomes. This is the case for Article 19’s advocacy work as well as for local initiatives. The realization of the various outputs depend on the capacity of Article 19’s regional offices and the organizations they cooperate with. The managerial relations between A19 and regional offices and organizations are not thoroughly elaborated upon in the proposal, but cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the past has always been a positive affair in terms of the realization of outputs / activities. General performance indicators are included in the proposal. For example, an output is: A19 position on impunity strongly represented in June 2014 panel. Performance levels of advocacy is difficult to determine in more concrete and measurable terms. Although this has not been included in the proposal, especially in
voor iedere prestatieindicator is een baseline en een meetbare streefwaarde geformuleerd (kwalitatief en/of kwantitatief).
De beoogde resultaten van de activiteit zijn hebben aan het einde van de looptijd van de activiteit een duurzaam effect voor de uiteindelijke doelgroep.
het voorstel omvat een duidelijke visie met doelstellingen over hoe de activiteiten voortgezet zullen worden aan het einde van de looptijd van de interventie.
het voorstel passende criteria aan de hand waarvan de voortgang m.b.t. voortzetting van de activiteiten kan worden gemeten.
De beoogde resultaten hebben aan het einde van de looptijd een duurzaam effect op de lokale partners.
1 het voorstel omvat een duidelijke visie met doelstellingen over hoe de kwaliteit van de activiteiten en/of de financiële onafhankelijkheid van de lokale partner wordt versterkt.
het voorstel beschrijft passende criteria aan de hand waarvan de voortgang m.b.t. de institutionele duurzaamheid kan worden gemeten.
the field of advocacy work it may be difficult to formulate particular baselines and / or qualitative or quantitative targets. The proposal lacks an exact vision with goals on how activities will be conducted after the lifespan of the project. Yet, the impact and sustainability of A19’s work, for example the inclusion of A19’s protest principles into UN guidelines on Protest, will extend beyond the life of the grant due to the policy advocacy and capacity building that is at its core. Also, the capacity-building at the local level will arguably increase the safety of for example journalists and human rights defenders. The proposal includes a clear strategy on control; on how the project will be monitored, reported, and evaluated. Article 19 aims to establish capacity building programs on a local level, but also reports and strategies which aim to enhance the quality of A19’s activities. The proposal does not include criteria which give an indication on how the institutional sustainability can be measured.
Totale score (maximale score 15 punten)
Samenwerking, harmonisatie en meerwaarde (alleen OS)
Geef aan wat de totale kosten zijn van de activiteit en overhead. Vermeld op de regels de verschillende kostenplaatsen (activiteiten of resultaten) Output/directe kosten Freedom of Expression Protection of Civic Space Fight against Impunity Cross-cutting: Sustainable Development Direct Program Management and Support Overhead Totaal
Kosten 130.018 103.408 173.888 54.600 13.320 23.762 498.996
Inhoudelijke en financiële rapportages
Jaarlijkse inhoudelijke en financiële rapportage volstaat. 5.3.2
Geen accountantsverklaring nodig. 5.3.3
Jaarplannen + overige rapportages
Geen additionele rapportages vereist. 5.3.4
Ten behoeve van de correcte verwerking in de beschikking / overeenkomst, specificeer in onderstaande tabel de rapportage eisen. Type
Soort + evt. specifieke eisen*
Eind inhoudelijk **
1-6-2014 –
1-7-2015 Eind financieel
Rapportage om EUR
1-6-2014 – 12
1-7-2015 * Inhoudelijk verslag: rapporteert over bijdrage van derden (inputs), outputs, outcome, duurzaamheid en de besteding van de Nederlandse bijdrage conform de laatst goedgekeurde begroting. Indien een financiële rapportage (anders dan de A-verklaring!) separaat ingediend wordt, regel invoegen. ** Zie ook uitkomsten van paragraaf 5.3.1, indien aanvullende eisen wenselijk zijn hier specificeren. 5.3.5
Motiveer de planning en uitvoering van evaluatieonderzoek. Gebruik hiervoor de beslisboom evaluatieonderzoek Geen evaluatieonderzoek vereist. Annex I 2014-2015 The Netherlands Human Rights Fund Estimated Cost
Freedom of Expression and Vulnerable Groups UN Activities Staffing and related costs Legal Officer: 10%
Senior Legal Director: 2% Advocacy Officer: 3% Communications Officer: 5% Regional officers: 3x 5%
1.440 1.368 2.040 3.240
estimated employment costs for time worked on the activity based on an annual salary Same same Same Average annual cost per regional program staff = 18000. Three staff would contribute to this activity
Program Costs Travel and Accomodation
UN HRC session costs divided into three to cover our participation for our three protection areas, including costs of bringing contributors to Geneva: 6000 per session
Rabat Plan of Action Toolkit
Workshops and events National events: pre and post HRC session: x 4 Publications and Media
3.000 4.000 5.000
National Activities Rabat Plan of Action Implementation Staffing Costs Regional program staff: 10% Regional Communications staff: 10% Regional Directors: 5%
Program Activities Events and Roundtables Local Travel and Accomodation
Publications and media
guidelines to judiciary and civil society; as well as develop 'best practices' materials UN HRC events, one each in four countries toolkits and outreach materials, included dedicated website for RPA Implementation
Two countries: Tunisia and Indonesia
Estimated costs for two staff on a annual basis
Estimated costs for two staff on a annual basis
Estimated costs for two staff on a annual basis
16.000 20.000
2 events per country includes costs to bring parties from around the two countries together for 2 workshops toolkits and outreach materials, included dedicated website for RPA Implementation at a national level
Standard on Hate Speech and Support for Individuals Legal officer: 5% Legal Director: 5% Regional program officers: 5% x 6
Communications Staff:5%
Publications and Media
2.580 3.600 5.400
Time to support engagement by regional program staff in 6 A19 offices
3.000 14
layout and design for toolkit and website
Bangladesh Staffing Cost Program Officer: 25% Regional Director: 10% Local Finance officer: 10%
Program Costs Research and Monitoring Support for Activist Network
Roundtable and events Publications and Media Local Travel Protection of Civic Space: the right to protest UN Activities Staffing Costs Legal Officer: 10% Senior Legal Director: 2% Advocacy Officer: 3% Communications Officer: 5% Regional officers: 3x 5%
Program Costs Travel and Accomodation
Advocacy network activities
3.250 3.500 800
2.750 4.000
2.750 2.000 1.000
consultancy fee includes materials, hosting of website, event coordination and travel support for participants 2 events report layout, printing and translation for monitoring activities
5.160 1.440 1.368 2.040 2.700
2.000 15
Average annual cost = 18000; time to support engagement of three regional staff in UN preparations and events
UN HRC session costs divided into three to cover our participation for our three protection areas, including costs of bringing contributors to Geneva: 6000 per session coordination, events and travel support
Workshops and events National events pre and post HRC- x 4 countries Publications and Media
Brazil Program Staff: 15% Local Communication Officer: 15% Local Legal Officer: 10% Regional Director: 5% Local Finance Officer: 2%
Program Activities Monitoring and Research
Events and Workshops
Publications and Media
Travel and Accomodation
Fight Against Impunity UN Activities Legal Officer: 5% Senior Legal Director: 2% Advocacy Officer: 3% Communications Officer: 5% Regional officers: 3x 5% Global Protection Officer: 5%
3.000 4.000 3.000
1 UN HRC events one event each in four countries Principles translation and dissemination in local languages
6.300 4.500 3.000 2.500 400
including consultancies fees, expert consultations and related activities
civil society and government workshops and roundtables, pre and post report release
layout, design and printing, including creation of a website specifically for the protest work to support research and monitoring
5.160 1.440 1.368 2.040 2.700 1.500 16
Average cost = 18000
Program Activities June HRC Panel organisation
Travel and Accomodation
National events to input into Special Rapporteurs report x 4
National sessions: pre and post HRC- 4 countries
Publications and Media National Activities Protection Training Global Protection Officer: 15% Regional Program Officers: 2% x 5
Program Costs travel and accomodation Publications, Webinars and media
Workshop Facilities- x 5 Kenya Staffing Costs Regional Program Officer: 50% Regional Director: 5% Communications Officer: 5% Local Finance Officer: 10%
Program Activities Journalist Protection Training-
Includes facility fees, printing, per diems, and travel support for participants UN HRC session costs divided into three to cover our participation for our three protection areas, including costs of bringing contributors to Geneva: 6000 per session one per four countries 2 per four countries
4.500 1.800
8.000 3.500
for protection officer to travel to regional offices for training translation of training materials and methodology into local languages, and support for the e-learning platform
9.000 2.040 2.040 1.800
20.000 17
training of trainers- 20 individuals trained
Work with 2 regional media houses to develop security assessments and internal protocols 15.000
includes fees for 2-3 working sessions per media houses, including transportation and per diems
Monitoring Report
consultancy fees, design, layout, printing and web design
fund for legal support for journalists
Legal Assistance Emergency Fund
Mexico Staffing Cost Protection Staff: 30% Regional Director: 5% Local Communication Staff: 10% Local Finance Officer 5%
Program Activities Annual Report on Protection Mechanism Training mechanism staff Support services for Journalists Promotion of Mechanism in Mexico
to cover emergency costs according to our guidelines for emergency support
9.000 3.000 2.000 1.000
layout, design, printing, web support
workshops, transportation, food, consultancy fees
6.000 5.000
legal and consultancy fees media (social and traditional) and outreach campaign
Cross- Cutting: Sustainable Development Goals UN Activities Staffing Costs Senior Legal Counsel 20% Deputy Executive Director 10%
Program Activities Publications and Media
UN Consultant
12.960 6.960
4.000 18
translation, layout and printing of advoacy materials, production of website for civil society to facilitate activities in NY with delegations
Events and Workshops Travel and Accomodation
National Activities Staffing Costs Regional Staff: 10% x 3 countries Advocacy Officer: 5%
Program Costs Events and Roundtables Publications Local travel
Direct program managment and support Complex Project Manager: 10% M&E: 10% Finance Assistant: 10% TOTAL TOTAl with Overhead
1 side event and 1 High Level roundtable
three trips to New York from London and Washington DC
5.400 2.280
1 in each of our five target countries
1000 per country for translation and local dissemination
To bring participants to workshops
4.560 5.160 3.600 475.234 498.996
Annex II 1. Freedom of Expression and Vulnerable Groups 1.1 UN Activities Staffing and Related Costs Program Costs 1.2 National Activities 1.2.1 Rabat Plan of action Implementation Staffing and Related Costs Program costs 1.2 2 Standard on Hate Speech and Support for Individuals Staffing and Related Costs Program costs 1.2.3 Bangladesh Staffing and Related Costs Program costs Sub-total FoE and Vulnerable Groups 2. Protection of Civic Space: the right to protest 2.1 UN activities Staffing and Related Costs Program costs 2.2 National Activities 2.2.1 Brazil Staffing and Related Costs Program costs Sub-Total protection of civic space 3. Fight against impunity 20
€ 13,248 € 24,000
€ 13,000 € 43,000 € 13,620 € 3,000 € 7,550 € 12,500 € 130,018
€ 12,708 € 18,000
€ 16,700 € 56,000 € 103,408
3.1 UN activities Staffing and Related Costs Program costs
€ 14,208 € 25,000
Staffing and Related Costs Program costs
€ 6,300 € 14,000
Staffing and Related Costs Program costs
€ 14,880 € 59,000
3.2 National activities 3.2.1 Protection Training
3.2.2 Kenya
3.2.3 Mexico Staffing and Related Costs Program costs Sub-Total Fight against impunity 4. Cross- Cutting: Sustainable Development Goals 4.1 UN Activities Staffing and Related Costs Program costs 4.2 National activities
€ 15,000 € 25,000 € 173,888
€ 19,920 € 13,000 € 7,680
Staffing and Related Costs Program costs Sub-Total SDG Direct Program Management and Support TOTAL (Including overhead)
€ 14,000 € 54,600 € 13,320 € 498,996