Lesson 17 Kesehatan dan Tubuh/ Badan Manusia Health and the Human Body
In this lesson, you will learn the vocabulary that is used to describe the human body. You will also learn how to ask questions regarding one’s health and to respond to such questions.
1. Listen to the audio and repeat after the speaker. Human Body Tubuh/ Badan Manusia
Vocabulary Body Head Hair Cheek Face Forehead Eyebrow Eyes Nose Mouth Lips Tooth/Teeth Chin Jaw Neck Throat Ears Shoulder Chest Stomach/Abdomen Arm Elbow Hand Fingers Fingernails Thumb Upper Back Lower back
Badan/ Tubuh Kepala Rambut Pipi Muka/ Wajah Dahi Alis Mata Hidung Mulut Bibir Gigi Dagu Rahang Leher Tenggorokan Telinga/ Kuping Pundak/ Bahu Dada Perut Lengan Siku Tangan Jari-jari tangan Kuku jari tangan Ibu jari Punggung Belakang 224
Pelvis Waist Genitals Buttocks Hip Groin Leg Thigh Knee Calf Foot Ankle Toes Hurt/ Pain Health Healthy Cigarette To smoke a cigarette To feel To feel hurt To feel dizzy To feel nauseous To use To be injured Wounded
Panggul Pinggang Alat kelamin Pantat/ Bokong Pinggul Selangkangan Kaki Paha Lutut Betis Kaki bawah Mata kaki Jari-jari kaki Sakit Kesehatan Sehat Rokok Merokok Rasa/ Merasa Merasa sakit Merasa pusing Merasa mual-mual Pakai/ Memakai Terluka Luka-luka
Grammar Notes Adjectives: Noun modifiers, such as adjectives and possessives, always follow the word being modified. The relative pronoun yang (the one, whose, or which) may sometimes intervene. Sakit Sakit gigi Dimana yang sakit? Saya punya gigi yang sakit. Sakit kepala Dia punya sakit kepala. Saya merasa sakit.
Hurt, hurtful, pain, painful Toothache Where does it hurt? I have a toothache. Headache She has a headache. I feel sick.
Note: Use the word sakit with certain body parts if you want to say a certain body part hurts. Sakit kepala Sakit perut Sakit gigi Sakit kuping
Headache Stomach ache Toothache Earache
Possessive Pronouns: Like adjectives, possessives follow the nouns they modify. Kepala saya Kepala saya sakit. Badan anak itu panas.
My head My head hurts. The child's body is feverish.
Negatives: Tidak (no or not) is used to negate verbs and adjectives. Saya tidak merasa sakit. Dia tidak punya sakit kepala. Melody tidak sakit.
I don't feel sick. She doesn’t have a headache. Melody is not sick.
Bukan (nor or not) is used to negate nouns and pronouns. Bukan isterinya yang sakit, tetapi anaknya. It's not his wife who is sick but his child. Question markers: Apa, which literally means “what,” is used in sentences that ask questions. However, when used in questions (interrogatives), it takes on the meaning of a question marker rather than a word. Apa dia sakit? Apa itu sakit?
Does he hurt? Does it hurt?
Dimana, which means “where,” also becomes a question marker in interrogatives. Dimana yang sakit? Saya punya mata kiri yang sakit.
Where does it hurt? My left eye is hurting
Apa, as a noun modifier meaning “what kind” or “what sort,” is added after the noun and is at the end of the sentence. Dia sakit apa?
What kind of illness does he have?
Prefixes: The prefix me precedes a root word or a base to form a verb. The noun preceding the verb performs the action of the verb. Rasa means “feel.” Saya tidak merasa sakit.
Merasa means “to feel.” I don't feel pain.
Rokok means “cigarette.”
Merokok means “to smoke a cigarette.”
Merokok tidak baik untuk badan anda.
Smoking is not good for your body.
2. List all body parts and organs that come in pairs. Check your answers with the Answer Key.
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate body part. A. Saya pakai __________ saya untuk membaca. B. Saya dengar musik dengan __________ saya. C. Berjalan adalah baik untuk __________ saya. D. Saya pakai sepatu dan kaus kaki di__________ saya. E. Pada musim dingin, saya pakai topi di __________ saya, sarung tangan di __________ saya dan syal di sekitar __________ saya. F. Saya makan dan minum dengan __________ saya. G. Makan banyak gula-gula membuat __________ saya sakit. H. Merokok adalah buruk untuk __________ saya.
4. Read along while listening to each question and answer and repeat after the speaker. a.) How do you feel? a.) Anda merasa apa?
I feel sick. Saya merasa sakit.
b.) What is the matter with him? b.) Ada apa dengan dia?
He is wounded. Dia luka-luka.
c.) What is the matter with her? c.) Ada apa dengan dia?
Her leg hurts. Kakinya sakit.
d.) How do you feel? d.) Anda merasa apa?
My head hurts. Kepala saya sakit.
e.) Are you in pain? e.) Apa anda merasa sakit?
Yes, my arm is injured. Ya, tangan saya terluka.
f.) Where does it hurt? f.) Dimana yang sakit?
My stomach. Perut saya.
g.) Are you sick? g.) Apa anda sakit?
I feel dizzy. Saya merasa pusing.
h.) Are you OK? h.) Apa anda baik-baik saja?
I don’t feel good. Badan saya tidak enak
How do you feel?
I feel sick. I have a sore throat. I have a headache. I feel nauseous.
Anda merasa apa?
Saya tidak enak badan. Saya punya tenggorokan sakit. Saya punya sakit kepala. Saya merasa mual-mual.
Where does it hurt?
My leg is injured. My left ankle hurts. My back hurts. My stomach hurts.
Dimana sakitnya?
Kaki saya terluka. Mata kaki kiri saya sakit. Punggung saya sakit. Perut saya sakit.
5. Read along while listening to the audio and repeat after the speaker. How do you feel? What is the matter? Are you in pain? Where does it hurt? Are you taking any medication? Sick/Pain/Ache/Ill Severe pain Seriously ill Injury Injured Wounded Cut Pregnant To feel Symptoms Sore throat
Anda merasa apa? Ada apa? Apa anda sakit? Dimana sakitnya Apa anda minum obat? Sakit Sakit sekali Sakit keras Cedera Terluka Luka-luka Luka Hamil Merasa Gejala-gejala Sakit tenggorokan
Fever Nausea/ Feel sick to the stomach Flu/Influenza Cold Congestion Pneumonia Coughing Sneezing Bruise Swelling Sprain Strain Broken bone Body aches Normal Bleeding Abnormal
Demam Mual Flue Pilek/ Selesma, masuk angin Hidung sesak Sakit paru-paru Batuk-batuk Bersin Memar Bengkak Keseleo/ Salah urat Keseleo Patah tulang Sakit pegel-pegel Normal Perdarahan Tidak normal
6. Match each of these pictures with its corresponding statement. Check your answers with the Answer Key.
Dia hamil Dia demam Dia sakit perut Kakinya patah
7. List the typical symptoms for each ailment. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. Flue ____________________________________________________ B. Sakit selesma ____________________________________________________ C. Patah tulang ____________________________________________________ D. Keseleo ____________________________________________________
8. Read along while listening to the following terms and repeat after the speaker. Medical history Heart disease Heart attack Cancer To be pregnant Diabetic Remedies Bandage Dressing Sterile/Sterilize Medicine Painkillers Aspirin Pulse Blood pressure High blood pressure Low blood pressure Severe bleeding Head injury Vomiting Spinal injury Concussion Gunshot wound Stabbed/ Knife wound Breathing/ Stopped breathing Dead/ Dying/ To die Hypothermia
Latar belakang kesehatan Penyakit jantung Serangan jantung Kanker Hamil Diabetis Obat penyembuh Perban Pembalut Steril Obat-obatan Obat penahan sakit Aspirin Denyut nadi Tekanan darah Tekanan darah tinggi Tekanan darah rendah Perdarahan besar Cedera kepala Muntah-muntah Cedera tulang belakang Geger otak Luka-luka tembakan Luk-luka tikaman Bernafas/ Berhenti bernafas Mati/ Sekarat/ Meninggal dunia Hipotermia
Heat stroke/ Heat exhaustion Medical emergencies CPR You must see a doctor I am allergic to… Ambulance Call an ambulance Help! Rest
Kena serangan pada otak sebab kepanasan/ Lelah sebab udara panas Keadaan darurat medikal Pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan (P3K) Anda harus ke dokter Saya alergik kalau Mobil ambulans Panggil ambulans Tolong! Istirahat
9. Complete the dialogue by adding the missing questions. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. _______________________________?
Saya merasa mual di perut.
Tidak, saya tidak hamil.
Ya, saya alergik pada kacang.
D. ________________________________?
Ya, saya minum obat untuk sakit darah tinggi.
Kaki kiri saya...............saya kira patah.
End-of-Lesson Tasks
1. Answer the following questions in Indonesian. Check translation for the questions in the Answer Key. A. Berapa denyut nadi anda yang normal? _________________________________________ B. Berapa tekanan darah anda yang normal? _________________________________________ C. Apa ada obat yang anda alergik? _________________________________________ D. Apa anda minum obat? _________________________________________ E. Apa anda pernah kena patah tulang? _________________________________________ F. Kalau benar, yang mana? _________________________________________
2. Translate the following into Indonesian. Check your work with the Answer Key.
A. How do you feel?
B. Where does it hurt?
C. What’s the matter with him?
D. He is wounded.
E. We’ll help you.
Vocabulary Abnormal Ambulance Ankle Are you in pain? Are you taking any medication? Arm Aspirin Bandage Bleeding Blood pressure Body aches Body Breathing/ Stopped breathing Broken bone Bruise Buttocks Calf Call an ambulance! Cancer Cheek Chest Chin Cigarette Cold Concussion Congestion Coughing CPR kecelakaan (P3K) Cut Dead/ Dying/ To die Diabetic Dressing Ears Elbow Eyebrow Eyes Face Fever Fingernails Fingers Flu/Influenza Foot Forehead
Tidak normal Mobil ambulans Mata kaki Apa anda sakit? Apa anda minum obat? Lengan Aspirin Perban Perdarahan Tekanan darah Sakit pegel-pegel Badan/ Tubuh Bernafas/ Berhenti bernafas Patah tulang Memar Pantat/ Bokong Betis Panggil ambulans! Kanker Pipi Dada Dagu Rokok Pilek/ Selesma, masuk angin Geger otak Hidung sesak Batuk-batuk Pertolongan pertama pada Luka Mati/ Sekarat/ Meninggal dunia Diabetis Pembalut Telinga/ Kuping Siku Alis Mata Muka/ Wajah Demam Kuku jari tangan Jari-jari tangan Flue Kaki bawah Dahi
Genitals Groin Gunshot wound Hair Hand Head injury Head Health Healthy Heart attack Heart disease Heat stroke/ Heat exhaustion kepanasan/ Lelah sebab udara panas Help! High blood pressure Hip How do you feel? Hurt/ Pain Hypothermia I am allergic to… Injured Injury Jaw Knee Leg Lips Low blood pressure Lower back Medical emergencies Medical history Medicine Mouth Nausea/ Feel sick to the stomach Neck Normal Nose Painkillers Pelvis Pneumonia Pregnant Pulse Remedies Rest Seriously ill Severe bleeding
Alat kelamin Selangkangan Luka-luka tembakan Rambut Tangan Cedera kepala Kepala Kesehatan Sehat Serangan jantung Penyakit jantung Kena serangan pada otak sebab
Tolong! Tekanan darah tinggi Pinggul Anda merasa apa? Sakit Hipotermia Saya alergik kalau Terluka Cedera Rahang Lutut Kaki Bibir Tekanan darah rendah Belakang Keadaan darurat medikal Latar belakang kesehatan Obat-obatan Mulut Mual Leher Normal Hidung Obat penahan sakit Panggul Sakit paru-paru Hamil Denyut nadi Obat penyembuh Isirahat Sakit keras Perdarahan besar
Severe pain Shoulder Sick/Pain/Ache/Ill Sneezing Sore throat Spinal injury Sprain Stabbed/ Knife wound Sterile/Sterilize Stomach cramps Stomach/Abdomen Strain Swelling Symptoms Thigh Throat Thumb To be injured To be pregnant To feel dizzy To feel hurt To feel nauseous To feel To smoke a cigarette To use Toes Tooth/Teeth Upper Back Vomiting Waist What is the matter? Where does it hurt? Wounded You must see a doctor
Sakit sekali Pundak/ Bahu Sakit Bersin Sakit tenggorokan Cedera tulang belakang Keseleo/ Salah urat Luka-luka tikaman Steril Keram perut Perut Keseleo Bengkak Gejala-gejala Paha Tenggorokan Ibu jari Terluka Hamil Merasa pusing Merasa sakit Merasa mual-mual Rasa/ Merasa Merokok Pakai/ Memakai Jari-jari kaki Gigi Punggung Muntah-muntah Pinggang Ada apa? Dimana sakitnya? Luka-luka Anda harus ke dokte
Answer Key Exercise 2 Eyes Ears Arms Legs Hands Feet Lungs Kidneys
Mata Kuping/ Telinga Lengan Kaki Tangan Kaki Paru-paru Ginjal
Exercise 3 A. Saya pakai mata saya untuk membaca. B. Saya dengar musik dengan telinga saya. C. Berajalan adalah baik untuk kaki saya. D. Saya pakai sepatu dan kaus kaki di kaki saya. E. Pada musim dingin, saya pakai topi di kepala saya, sarung tangan di tangan saya dan syal di sekitar leher saya. F. Makan terlalu banyak gula-gula membuat gigi saya sakit. G. Merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatan. A. I use my _____eyes_____ to read. B. I listen to music with my _____ears_____. C. Walking is good exercise for my ____body______. D. I wear shoes and socks on my ____feet______. E. In the winter, I wear a hat on my ____head______, gloves on my ____hands______, and a scarf around my ______neck____. F. I eat and drink with my ____mouth______. G. Eating too many sweets makes my ____thees______ hurt. H. Smoking is bad for my_____health_____. Exercise 6
Dia demam
Kakinya patah
Dia hamil
Dia sakit perut
Exercise 7 A. Flu Sore throat Sneezing Coughing Congestion Body aches A. Flue Sakit tenggorokan Bersin Batuk-batuk Hidung sesak Sukit pegel pegel B. Cold Congestion Sore Throat Sneezing Coughing B. Sakit selesma Hidung sesak Sakit tenggorokan Bersin Batuk-batuk C. Broken Bone Swelling Bruise Severe Pain Bleeding C. Patah tulang Bengkak Lemar Sakit sekali Perdarahan D. Sprain Bruise Swelling In Pain
D. Keseleo Memar Bengkak Merasa sakit Exercise 9 Your questions could be different. A. Apa yang sakit? (Where does it hurt?) I feel sick to my stomach. (Saya merasa mual di perut.) B. Apa anda hamil? (Are you pregnant?) No, I’m not pregnant. (Tidak, saya tidak hamil.) C. Apa anda alergik kalau makan kacang? (Are you allergic to peanuts?) Yes, I’m allergic to peanuts. (Ya, saya alergik kalau makan kacang.) D. Apa anda minum obat untuk tekanan darah tinggi? (Do you take medicine for your high blood pressure?) Yes, I’m taking medicine for high blood pressure. (Ya, saya minum obat sakit darah tinggi.) (lit., drinking medicine for high blood pressure illness) E. Dimana sakitnya? (Where does it hurt?) My left leg. I think it’s broken. (Kaki kiri saya. Saya kira patah.) End-of-Lesson Tasks 1. A. What is your normal pulse? B. What is your normal blood pressure? C. Are you allergic to any medications? D. Are you taking any medications? E. Have you ever broken a bone? If yes, which one(s)? F. Have you ever had a head injury? A. Berapa denyut nadi anda yang normal? Denyut nadi saya yang normal adalah_____. B. Berapa tekanan darah anda yang normal? Tekanan darah normal saya adalah_____. C. Apa ada obat yang anda alergik? D. Apa anda minum obat? E. Apa anda pernah kena patah tulang? (lit., hit by a broken bone) Kalau benar, yang mana? F. Apa anda pernah kena cedera di kepala? (lit., hit by injury to the head)
2. A. Anda merasa apa? B. Dimana sakitnya? C. Ada apa dengan dia? D. Dia terluka. E. Kami akan menolong anda.