BÁBEL - A 4 KORSZAK 5-6. OSZTÁLY 3.FORDULÓ KORAI ÚJKOR A csapat neve:______________________________________ Iskolátok: __________________________________________
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Beküldési határidő: 2016. május 9. Beküldési cím: Abacusan Stúdió, 1193 Budapest, Klapka u. 47.
Kedves Versenyzők! Elérkeztünk a 2015/16. évi Bábel – A 4 korszak angol nyelvi verseny 3. fordulójához! Kalauzotok továbbra is a korábbi fordulóban megismert család: az építész apuka, Adalbert, biokémia kutató mama, Wilhelmina, bakfis korba lépett lányuk, Eufrozina, és a kisöccse, Martin. Míg tavaly Eufrozina különleges iránytűjének köszönhetően a 4 égtáj épített és természeti csodáival ismerkedhetett meg a család és a versenyzők, idén Martin kotnyeleskedő csínytevéseinek köszönhető a kalandos időutazás. A kis család derűsen töprengve ült a tengerparton. „Milyen izgalmas volt! A várak! És a vikingek!” szólt Eufrozina. “Igen! És emlékszel azokra az érdekes középkori ételekre? Húúú, meg a fekete halál!” töprendett Martin. Martin és Eufrozina e beszélgetés közben is az időgépet szemlélgették. „Nézd, Eufrozi, ezt a gombot eddig nem is vettem észre! Mi lenne, ha megnyomnám?” „Jaj Martin, neee!” A következő pillanatban Martin, Eufrozina, Adalbert és Wilhelmina egészen más tájon, más időben találták magukat.
Task 1 Legends
10p / __
Draw and colour your interpretations of the mythical places explorers in the Age of Exploration believe existed:
Ponce de Leon was Searching for the Fountain of Youth when he discovered Florida. The Fountain of Youth was said to make those who drank its waters young forever.
Francisco Coronado was searching for the Seven Cities of Cibola when he found the Grand Canyon. The roads of Cibola were said to be paved in gold and the buildings were said to be made of gold.
Prince Henry was among several early explorers who hoped to find the legendary Kingdom of Prester John. The kingdom was said to contain more gold, precious stones, and variety of animals than any other place in the world.
Jacques Cartier was searching for a legendary Iroquoian kingdom called Saguenay. Saguenay was said to have vast silver and gold mines and its inhabitants had blond hair and lots of furs.
Task 2 Shakespeare Game
10p / __
Click on the Games – William Shakespeare Take part in the To Be or Not To Be? game show. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/famouspeople/william_shakespeare/ Answer the questions in a whole sentence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Where is the show held ? _______________________________________________________ Which word “Aye” refers to? ____________________________________________________ When was he born? ___________________________________________________________ Where was he born? ___________________________________________________________ How much is a seat with a cushion in the Globe? ____________________________________
Fill in the gaps after you played the game for several times: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
______________ as a doornail All that _________________ is not gold All is well if it _______________ well At school as a punishment, children were given _________________ Jesters tell ____________________ and ________________________ nobles.
Task 3 French Revolution
10p / __
Watch the video then fill in the gaps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEZqarUnVpo 1. French society was divided into 3 social classes: a. 1st estate: _____________________ b. 2nd estate : ______________________________ c. 3rd estate : _______________________ d. And _________________________ was above all. 2. This hierarchy was questioned by the ____________________ , a movement of Intellectuals. 3. When was the King beheaded? _____________________________ 4. What was Marie Antoinette telling when she heard that the poor peasants had no bread? ____________________________________ . 5. What is the meaning of the three colours in the French flag superimposed many years later? _______________________, _________________________________, ___________________
Task 4 The Renaissance Inventions and Technology Match the photos with the inventors and find the name of the invention:
10p / __
1. Leonardo da Vinci 2. Johann Gutenberg 3. Copernicus 4. Zheng He 5. Christian Huygens
A. ______________________
B. _______________________ C. ___________________________
D. ___________________________ 1
E. ______________________________ 3
Task 5 Age of Exploration
10 p/ __
Look at this interactive game. Play it then fill in the gaps. http://mrnussbaum.com/explorers/explorersflash2/ 1. __________________________________ travelled through deserts explored China and wrote a book about products never seen before in Europe. 2. ______________________________________ sponsored explorations from Portugal. 3. During the discovery of the Aztec capital city ___________________________ killed the leader and many of the Aztec people as well. 4. ________________________________________ were roving bands of sea mercenaries. 5. Christopher Columbus thought that he could reach ___________________________ by sailing west. 6. Francisco Vazquez de Coronado brought an army of __________________ to find __ ______ __________ _____ _____________________________ . 7. De Leon was looking for the fountain of youth but at the end he discovered ______________ . 8. ______________________________ was looking for gold in Florida and nearby lands. 9. Prince Henry the Navigator was a _________________________ explorer, soldier and prince. 10. Magellan’s journey was the first ______________________________________ of the earth.
Task 6 Horrible History – Song Listen to the horrible history song - Shakespeare, and do the exercise below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Cy4-rfd24 I.
What popular phrases did he write? 1. __________________________ to be kind 2. ________________________ days 3. _______________________ is not strained 4. ________________________ and long of it 5. ________________________ soul of wit 6. It's __________________ to me 7. If music be _______________________ , play on 8. Et tu, ____________________ 9. Forever _____________________ 10. All the _________________________ stage
10p/ __