a. Definisi Bullying
Bullying adalah keadaan dimana seseorang melakukan tindak kekerasan atau
intimidasi terhadap orang lain. Berdasarkan katagorinya bullying dapat dibedakan
menjadi dua. Pertama, diskriminasi langsung yang berupa kekerasan fisik seperti,
memukul, menendang, dan penganiayaan. Kedua, diskriminasi tidak langsung yang
berupa kekerasan verbal seperti, menyebarkan gosip, mengancam, mengeluarkan kata-
kata penghinaan contoh : penghinaan ras, status sosial ekonomi, fisik, dan lain-lain.
Banyaknya kasus bullying di Negara Indonesia menempati urutan kedua setelah
Jepang. Mengalahkan kasus bullying yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat yang menempati
urutan ketiga.
Namun perlu kita tambahkan dalam kategori ini yaitu, bullying dalam bentuk
cyber. Kekerasan verbal yang terjadi di media sosial.
Cyber bullying
a. Definisi Cyberbullying
Cyber bullying adalah keadaan dimana seorang remaja diejek, dihina, dan
diintimidasi melalui media sosial atau alat elektronik. Misalnya, email, sms, facebook,
twitter, dan Instagram. Bullying dapat berpengaruh pada kepribadian remaja korban
bully. Aksi bullying dapat dikatagorikan sebagai tindak diskriminasi apabila hal tersebut
mempengaruhi korban dan membuatnya mengambil tindakan negative. Cyber bullying
bermula karena adanya interaksi melalui media sosial. Ketika salah satu berinteraksi
melalui media sosial kemudian muncul prasangka negative menyebabkan konflik saling
judge, mengejek, menghina, dan hal-hal yang bersifat menyudutkan.
b. Sasaran Cyberbullying
Sasaran cyberbullying kebanyakan berasal dari kalangan artis terutama artis
remaja yang banyak digandrungi para remaja. Hal ini dikarenakan artis adalah seorang
public figure yang selalu jadi sorotan masyarakat. Sehingga setiap hal yang mereka
katakan dan lakukan akan selalu jadi pusat perhatian masyarakat.
c. Penyebab Cyberbullying
Penyebab terjadinya cyber bullying karena kecemburuan sosial, iri atau rasa
tidak suka yang berlebihan, prasangka negative tanpa mengetahui kejelasan informasi,
adanya satu persepsi yang menghujat dan memicu orang lain untuk ikut menghujat.
d. Bentuk Cyberbullying
Bentuk dari cyberbullying lebih bersifat verbal yaitu semacam hinaan, ejekan,
cemoohan, bahkan bisa berupa ancaman.
e. Dampak Cyberbullying
Dampak yang terjadi pada korban cyberbullying dapat menimbulkan masalah
psikologis, dan emosional. Seperti, menyebabkan korban depresi, mengurung diri,
memiliki pribadi yang tertutup, kehilangan kepercayaan diri, stress, bahkan cenderung
banyak melakukan hal-hal yang menyimpang bahkan paling parah melakukan bunuh
Pengaruh dari
cyber bullying berbeda-beda pada setiap orang. Bergantung
bagaimana orang tersebut menyikapi kritik-kritik negative dari masyarakat. Contoh
kasus yang terjadi pada Yoga Cahyadi seorang promotor music effort creative
Yogyakarta yang bunuh diri dengan menabrakkan diri ke kereta api karena tidak tahan
dengan penghinaan dan caci maki terus menerus dari para netizen. Ada lagi baru-baru
ini kasus Sonya Depari yang terlibat percekcokan dengan polwan dan mengaku anak
dari Deputi Bidang Pemberantasan BNN Arman Depari. Sonya sempat menjadi
trending topic di twitter dan banyak dikecam netizen. Sulit juga mengembalikan
prespektif positif masyarakat terhadap mereka. Bahkan fenomena cyber bullying juga
marak dikalangan para artis. Namun mereka menanggapi ini dengan sudut pandang lain
tentu saja dengan cara yang berbeda-beda. Banyak juga artis yang memilih acuh dengan
tidak melihat komentar negatif dari para haters dan melakukan hal positif yaitu terus
berkarya dan menjadi seniman Indonesia yang berkualitas.
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f. Teori Handbook Psychology
Pendapat saya pada bab sebelumnya didukung teori dari Dion yang menyatakan;
“Not all members of oppressed groups will suffer the stress of discrimination in the
same way or to the same extent. The personality construct of hardiness—a composite of
self-esteem and sense of control—may be one factor that buffers the stress of experiencing or perceiving discrimination to-ward oneself and one’s group. Dion et al. (1992)”1
g. Pengalaman Penulis
Saya sendiri pernah mengalami ketika SMP, teman saya di bully lewat akun
facebook karena perbedaan agama. Karena di sekolah saya ketika itu mayoritas
beragama islam dan dia Kristen. Ada semacam diskriminasi karena hal itu. Namun
ketika saya membelanya, saya ikut di bully dan di cap mencari perhatian, sok pahlawan
dan tidak menghargai agama saya. Saya sempat menangis seharian namun salah seorang
teman saya memberi nasehat bahwa saya tidak sendiri dan masih punya seseorang yang
Handbook of Psychologi, chapter 21, hal.529
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ada disisi saya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, hal tersebut reda dengan sendirinya. Saya
kira orang-orang sadar bahwa toleransi itu penting.
h. Rekomendasi
Untuk mengantisipasi cyberbullying korban bisa meng-block akun media
sosialnya agar tidak sembarang orang bisa berkomentar miring. Atau kita bisa istirahat
dari dunia maya sejenak dengan mencari hal-hal yang positif. Karena setiap orang di
seluruh dunia punya persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang kita, tidak setiap orang
berpikiran positif tentang apa yang kita lakukan.
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Begitu mengerikannya media sosial hingga kritikan-kritikan dapat membuat
orang depresi, bahkan tanpa menyadari bahwa kata-katanya dapat menghilangkan
nyawa seseorang. Terkadang seseorang mengambil informasi yang belum lengkap atau
bias atau belum valid yang menimbulkan prasangka-prasangka negative yang berakibat
fatal. Hendaknya kita sebagai remaja yang berpendidikan tidak asal mengambil berita
kemudian menjudge seseorang dengan seenaknya sendiri tapi pastikan kebenaran dari
informasi berita tersebut. Perlu kita garis bawahi media sosial lebih mengarah ke sebuah
tontonan dari pada tuntunan. Banyak hal-hal kecil dari berita yang dilebih-lebihkan agar
dapat menarik massa yang banyak bahkan tanpa ragu menambahkan hal-hal yang
provokatif untuk membuat berita semakin menarik.
13 | F e n o m e n a
Millon, Theodore and Lerner, Melvin J, 2003, Handbook of Psychology, United States
of America, Simultaneously in Canada. Chapter 25
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The phenomenon of Bullying among adolescents in Social Media
Adolescence is a period of transition or the transition from childhood to get to
adulthood, both in terms of biological, cognitive, and social. Task teens to handle these
changes is to adapt to the environment and way of life that is before him. But sometimes
these changes make teenagers are faced with conflicts and social demands are greater.
In this period the expected role of parents as the child's first media learning can assist
and monitor the growth in the past puberty.
In this technological era, also developed new communication media that
connects one person to another. This period is a time of birth of children generation Z.
Generation Z or the internet generation are those who from childhood already familiar
with the technology and are familiar with the gadget, whatever is done mostly
associated with the virtual world. As if the teens are required or should have social
media. The socialization process can indirectly affect adolescent personality. We do not
have a social media was regarded as a kuper, outdated or may not have any friends.
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Social media is where we share information from the public until things even the
smallest can search. Starting from online games, video chat, youtube, news, sports
information, dietary information, and much more. As if we refer to as google knows
everything. Many positive things we can take from the development of technology, like
meeting old friends and sharing knowledge or share information and experiences. But
we should not just focus on social media without a filter where are positive and which
are negative. Many sites are not responsible that can damage a nation's next chip. As for
this time I will discuss one of the effects of advanced technological developments.
Namely, the emergence of the phenomenon of cyber bulliying which may be seen in
various social media.
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a. The Definition of Bullying
Bullying is a situation where a person committing acts of violence or
intimidation of others. Based katagorinya bullying can be divided into two. First, direct
discrimination in the form of physical violence such as hitting, kicking, and persecution.
Second, indirect discrimination include verbal abuse, such as spreading rumors,
threatening, insulting words issuing example: humiliation race, socioeconomic status,
physical, and others.
The number of cases of bullying in the State Indonesia ranks second after Japan.
Beating bullying cases that occurred in the United States, which ranks third.
But we need to add in this category, namely, in the form of cyber bullying.
Verbal violence that occurs in social media.
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Cyber Bullying
a. The Definition of Cyberbullying
Cyber bullying is a situation where a teenager mocked, insulted and intimidated
through social media or electronic device. For example, email, sms, facebook, twitter,
and Instagram. Bullying can affect the personality of young victims of bullying. Action
bullying can be considered discrimination if it affects the victim and make him take
negative action. Cyber bullying started because of an interaction through social media.
When one interacting through social media then appear negative prejudices cause
conflict with each other judge, ridicule, insult, and the things that are cornering.
b. Target of Cyberbullying
Target of cyberbullying mostly come from the artists, especially artists much
loved teenager teenagers. This is because the artist is a public figure who is always so
public spotlight. So every thing they say and do will always be the center of public
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c. Causes of Cyberbullying
The cause of cyberbullying because of jealousy, envy or dislike excessive,
negative prejudices without knowing the clarity of the information, their perception of
the blasphemous and trigger other people to blaspheme.
d. Forms of Cyberbullying
Forms of cyberbullying is more a kind of verbal insults, taunts, ridicule, and
even could be a threat.
e. The Impact of Cyberbullying
Impacts that occur in victims of cyberbullying can cause psychological
problems, and emotional. Like, causing her depression, was in seclusion, has a private
covered, loss of confidence, stress, and even tend to do a lot of things that deviate even
the most serious suicide.
The effects of cyber bullying is different in each person. Depending how the
person is responding to negative criticism from the public. Examples of cases that
occurred in Yoga Cahyadi a creative effort Yogyakarta music promoter who committed
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suicide by crashing into the train because it does not stand the humiliation and scorn
continuously from netizens. There is another recent case involved Sonya Depari
squabbles with the policewoman and a confessed child of Deputy Eradication BNN
Arman Depari. Sonya had become a trending topic on twitter and many netizens
criticized. Difficult also restore a positive perspective on their community. Even the
phenomenon of cyber bullying is also rife among the artists. But they responded with
another point of course in a way that is different. There are also many artists who chose
not indifferent to see the negative comments from the haters and do positive things that
continue to work and be a qualified Indonesian artists.
f. Theory of Psychology Handbook
My opinion in the previous chapter supported the theory of Dion stated;
"Not all members of Oppressed groups will suffer the stress of discrimination in the
same way or to the same extent. The personality construct of hardiness-a composite of
self-esteem and sense of control-may be one factor that buffers the stress of
experiencing or perceiving discrimination to-ward oneself and one's group. Dion et al.
(1992) "
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g. The Author’s Experience
I myself have experienced when junior high school, my friends via facebook
account bullied because of religious differences. Because in my school when the
majority of the Islamic religion and he is a Christian. There is a kind of discrimination
because of it. But when I defend, I participated in the bully and the cap for attention,
self-styled hero and did not respect my religion. I had cried all day but one of my
friends advise that I am not alone, and still have someone there beside me. Over time,
these things blow over. I think people realize that tolerance is important.
h. Recommendation
In anticipation of cyberbullying victims can either block social media accounts
so that not just anyone can comment tilted. Or we could break out of the virtual world
for a moment to look for things that are positive. Since everyone in the world have
different perceptions about us, not everyone is positive about what we do.
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So terrible social media to criticism can make people depressed, even without
realizing that words can take the life of someone. Sometimes someone takes
information that is incomplete or biased or not valid causing negative prejudices were
fatal. Should we as educated teenager not home to take the news then menjudge
someone with their own wishes but make sure the truth of the news information. We
need to underline the social media leads to a spectacle of the guidance. Lots of little
things on the news that is exaggerated in order to attract the masses that much even
without a doubt add things that are provocative to make the news more interesting.
22 | F e n o m e n a
Millon, Theodore and Lerner, Melvin J, 2003, Handbook of Psychology, United States
of America, Simultaneously in Canada. Chapter 25
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Tentang penulis
Firdatul Azizah, lahir 17 April 1996 di Kediri, Jawa
Timur. Saat ini ia tengah menempuh kuliah S1 jurusan
Sosiologi di Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. Buku ini
adalah karya pertama penulis untuk memenuhi tugas akhir
semester mata kuliah Psikologi Sosial. Keseharian penulis berkumpul untuk berdiskusi
dengan teman-temannya. Penulis menyukai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan travelling.
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Kesan Pesan
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