Autor: Taťána Konečná Datum vytvoření: duben 2012 Ročník: 3. a 4. ročník středních škol s maturitní zkouškou, úroveň B1/B2 Klíčová slova: environment, disaster, greenhouse effect, global warming Cíl práce a způsob použití: práce je určena studentům připravujícím se na maturitní zkoušku. Slouží k nácviku slovíček daného tematického okruhu (list 3), poskytuje krátký text pro čtení s porozuměním (list 2), pomáhá studentům zformulovat odpovědi na možné otázky (listy 4, 5). Správné odpovědi jsou řešeny formou animace (po kliknutí).
ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER In March a massive underwater earthquake occurred off the eastern coast of Japan. This huge shift in the earth caused a gigantic tsunami which washed over part of the island of Honshu (Japan‘s largest island), killing more than 15,000 people. Consequently, nuclear reactors at the Fukushima power plant were severely damaged and radiation leaks caused damage to the environment not only in Japan, but also in other countries. The Fukushima drama once again raise the global question of nuclear safety. With the effects or the 1986 disaster in Chernobyl still present, experts and governments are now calling for tighter controls on nuclear power and agreements on common nuclear safety standards. Many people believe such safety standards should be agreed on in other energy sectors, too. occur = odehrát se
shift = posun
consequently = následně
leak = únik
The nuclear disaster in Fukushima affected only the Japan‘s greatest island. T The Chernobyl area is safe nowadays. T F Nuclear safety standards should be improved. T F Safety standards in other energy sectors should be discussed as well. T F
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, jeTaťána Konečná. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Střední školou technickou a řemeslnou Nový Bydžov.
průmysl industry
skládka/ landfill dump
energeticky energyúsporný saving
vyhynout become extinct
divoce žijící wildlife zvířata animals
bezolovnatý unleaded benzin petrol
greenhouse skleníkový effect efekt
save šetřit water vodou
teplota temperature rises stoupá
sort třídit rubbish odpadky
protect chránit / damage zničit
natural přírodní disaster katastrofa
životní environment prostředí
deštný rainforest prales
zemětřesení earthquake
záplavy floods
sluneční solar energie power
water vodní power energie
znečištění pollution
nuclear atomová power energie
power elektrárna station / plant
thermal tepelná power elektrárna station
klimatická climate změna
šetřící environmentally životní friendly prostředí
tání melting of arktických arctic ice ledovců
zabránit prevent (čemu)
vyhnout avoid se (čemu)
výfukové (exhaust) plyny fumes
kyselé acid rains deště
What do „climate changes“ mean? Climate changes are the changes caused by people that change the conditions for living on the Earth. That‘s the reason of frequent earthquakes and floods, lots of wildlife animals are becoming extinct. The great rain forests (the lungs of the Earth) are being destroyed (firewood, building materials, acid rains).
What is the „greenhouse effect“? An overproduction of greenhouse gases (nitrogen oxide) prevents the heat of the Earth to escape. The result is a rise of the Earth’s temperature, the melting of arctic ice, …. There are many animals and plants that are not able to adapt to new conditions and die-out.
What should people do to improve the situation? First or all, people should try to use alternative sources of energy, such as solar, water, wind, geothermal … energies, or at least to burn smokeless fuels and to use energies more effectively. To switch the transport of goods from roads to railways and to support public transportation. To encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide. Water pollution is getting better nowadays because the water from industrial process has being controlled.
And what about domestic rubbish? Many of them can be avoided by recycling. Plastic containers, paper containers, bottle bin containers, can containers, ……should be installed everywhere and they can reduce the amount of landfills.
Match the labels A-B-C-D to the descriptions 1-2-3-4
1 ecosystem
2 global warming
3 ozone layer
4 environmentally friendly
A Protects us from the harmful rays of the Sun. It is in the atmosphere and surrounds the Earth like a clear blanket.
B A group of living things and the whole place where they live. They are all together and need each other. C The general increase in air and water temperatures around the world. It‘s normal for temperatures to sometimes be cooler for many hundreds of years, and then sometimes to be warmer. But this time, humans have caused the increase, with carbon from cars and factories.
D These products use recycled materials. There is a symbol of this on the package. Použité materiály: časopisy Bridge
Použité materiály: časopisy Bridge materiály shromážděné v průběhu pedagogické praxe materiály získané v průběhu DVPP