4th High-Level Meeting of Mayors for Inclusive Cities – DENPASAR OPENING REMARKS Prof. Hubert Gijzen Director and Representative UNESCO Office Jakarta Inna Grand Bali Beach- Sanur 20 February 2014
Yang Terhormat Gubernur Denpasar, Bapak I Made Mangku Pastika Yang Terhormat Walikota Denpasar, Bapak Ida Bagus Rai Mantra Yang saya hormati Para Walikota, Wakil Walikota, Bupati atau yang mewakili Para Kepala Bappeda, Kepada Dinas, atau yang mewakili Perwakilan CSO serta Organisasi Penyandang Disabilitas Kolega dari Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa ILO Serta Ibu Bapak Sekalian yang saya hormati
Selamat Pagi, Atas nama UNESCO, saya sangat senang sekali dapat kembali menyambut anda semua pada Pertemuan Tingkat Tinggi Walikota untuk Kota Inklusif yang keempat. Saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada para perwakilan dari pemerintah kota serta organisasi penyandang disabilitas yang hari ini berada disini, terimakasih juga saya ucapkan khusus kepada mereka yang telah menempuh perjalanan jauh untuk bergabung bersama kami hari ini. Kotmitmen yang anda tunjukkan melalui kehadiran anda semua disini
merupakan langkah penting untuk mempromosikan dan meningkatan hakhak penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia.
Terimakasih kepada Bapak Gubernur I Made Mangku Pastika yang telah hadir pada pertemuan ini dan telah memberikan dukungan kepada penyandang disabilitas. Tak lupa saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada Bapak Walikota yang telah menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan ini dan memimpin usaha promosi hak-hak penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia.
I am pleased to announce that Denpasar will be the next host of UNESCO inter-municipal training on the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This will not only increase the capacity of both DPOs and government officials but will also provide opportunity to strengthen cooperation between municipalities.
I am glad to hear that municipalities from different regions in Indonesia are interested to be involved in this initiative.
I must say we are working in the right direction and I am sure that with your support a ‘Network of Inclusive Cities’ that will be established with support of UNESCO will be able to provide a platform for sharing best
practices regarding the design and implementation of policy initiatives for the inclusion of disabled people.
As you already know, in our previous meetings in Yogyakarta, Banda Aceh, Banjarmasin, and Metro-Lampung we have discussed among others the challenges and opportunities for the fulfilment of the rights of disabled people in areas such as education, participation in social and political life and the role of ICTs. Today, we will explore the role of budgeting for disability in improving the life of disabled people.
UNESCO is proud to support this commendable initiative and our meeting today testifies to your commitment to make our cause your own. It is a marvellous sight to see Mayors, Vice-Mayors and Officials from all across Indonesia collaborating and taking a proactive stance when it comes to the defence of the rights of disabled people. With your help, we can erase the barriers that prevent people living with disabilities from meaningfully contributing to the life of his or her community
The lives of many citizens of Indonesia who are affected by mental or physical disabilities can improve dramatically.
Ladies and Gentlemen, We have already started to make a difference. In 2013 UNESCO has successfully supported capacity building of Disabled People Organisations and government officials from various regions of Indonesia: from Ambon to Banda Aceh, from Banjarmasin to Yogyakarta and Metro. As a result, Banjarmasin has initiated the establishment of an action plan for inclusive city and I believe more municipalities will follow Banjarmasin. The action plan is important to not only show commitment from the government to promote and fulfil the rights of people with disability but also secure the budget for inclusive cities. UNESCO is now looking forward to work closely not only with Municipality of Denpasar, but also with the other municipalities in conducting similar initiative.
UNESCO is privileged to work with you and cherishes your active contributions.
Today, we also look forward to the positive engagement of DPOs. We look forward to the increased involvement of DPO leaders in advising policies at the local government level, and expect to see DPOs-led initiatives on social inclusion particularly in education and participation in social and political life being supported in different regions of Indonesia.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, and in the coming months and years, your support will be essential for the full implementation of the UNCRPD across Indonesia.
Bapak Ibu Sekalian,
diperlukan kesadaran atas kemitraan serta usaha
bersama dari kita semua untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu mendukung hak-hak penyandang disabilitas, kami secara khusus berterimakasih atas kerjasama yang baik dengan Pemerintah Denpasar. UNESCO sangat mengapresiasi masukan dari Pemerintah Kota Denpasar serta dukungan yang luar biasa atas iniatif ini. Atas nama UNESCO, saya berterimakasih kepada Bapak Walikota Ida Bagus Rai Mantra yang telah menjadi tuan rumah Pertemuan Tingkat Tinggi Walikota untuk Kota Inklusif yang keempat. Terimakasih juga saya ucapkan kepada seluruh walikota & Bupati, para Kepala Dinas, pejabat pemerintah, serta perwakilan organisasi penyandang disabilitas atas partisipasinya.
Saya berharap untuk mendengar dan berdiskusi dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang ada disini pada hari ini mengenai usaha kita bersama untuk memperkuat hak-hak penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia.
Pada kesempatan ini tak lupa saya ucapkan selamat ulang tahun kota Denpasar yang ke 226 (Dua ratus dua puluh enam). 5
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.