Scheme documents: ASC Shrimp Standard, Version 1.0 March 2014 ASC Certification and Accreditation Requirements, Version 2.0 December 2015
ASC Audit Report - Opening (Laporan Audit ASC - Pembukaan) General Requirements C1 Audit reports shall be written in English and in the most common language spoken in the areas where the operation is located. Laporan audit harus ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di tempat operasi berada. Report Languague: English Bahasa Laporan : Inggris
Common Language: Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Umum: Bahasa Indonesia
C2 Audit reports may contain confidential annexes for commercially sensitive information. Laporan audit mungkin berisi lampiran rahasia untuk informasi yang sensitif secara komersial. C2.1 The CAB shall agree the content of any commercially sensitive information with the applicant, which can still be accessible by the ASC and the appointed accreditation body upon request as stipulated in the certification contract. CAB harus menyetujui isi dari setiap informasi yang sensitif secara komersial dengan pemohon, yang masih dapat diakses oleh ASC dan badan akreditasi yang ditunjuk sesuai permintaan sebagaimana diatur dalam kontrak sertifikasi C2.2 The public report shall contain a clear overview of the items which are in the confidential annexes. Laporan publik harus memuat gambaran yang jelas tentang barang-barang yang berada dalam lampiran rahasia C2.3 Except for the annexes that contain commercially sensitive information all audit reports will be public. Kecuali untuk lampiran yang berisi informasi sensitif komersial, semua laporan audit akan dipublikasikan Declaration of confidential annexes: n/a Deklarasi lampiran rahasia: n / a Client Signature:
C3 The CAB is solely responsible for the content of all reports, including the content of any confidential annexes. CAB bertanggung jawab penuh atas isi semua laporan, termasuk isi dari setiap lampiran rahasia. Nanda Agung Pratama declares that all the information in the report is true and that is responsible for it. Nanda Agung Pratama menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam laporan tersebut benar dan bertanggung jawab untuk itu. Auditor Signature: Nanda agung Pratama
C4 Reporting Deadlines* for certification and re-certification audit reports Batas Waktu Pelaporan * untuk laporan audit sertifikasi dan sertifikasi ulang C4.1 Within thirty (30) days of the completing of the audit the CAB shall submit a draft report in English and the national or most common language spoken in the area where the operation is located. Dalam waktu tiga puluh (30) hari setelah menyelesaikan audit, CAB harus menyerahkan draf laporan dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa nasional atau bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di wilayah dimana operasi berada.
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
C4.2 Within five (5) days the ASC should post the draft report to the ASC website. Dalam waktu lima (5) hari, ASC harus mengirimkan draf laporan ke situs ASC. C4.3 The CAB shall allow stakeholders and interested parties to comment on the report for fifteen (15) days. CAB mengizinkan pemangku kepentingan dan pihak yang berkepentingan untuk mengomentari laporan tersebut selama lima belas (15) hari. C4.4 Within twenty (20) days of the close of comments, the CAB shall submit the final report to the ASC in English and the national or most common language spoken in the area where the operation is located. Dalam waktu dua puluh (20) hari dari penutupan komentar, CAB harus menyerahkan laporan akhir ke ASC dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa nasional atau bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di wilayah C4.5 Within five (5) days the ASC should post the final report to the ASC website. Dalam waktu lima (5) hari, ASC harus mengirimkan laporan akhir ke situs ASC. C4.6 Audit reports shall contain accurate and reproducable results. Laporan audit harus berisi hasil yang akurat dan dapat digandakan C5 Reporting Deadlines* for surveillance audit reports Batas Waktu Pelaporan * untuk laporan audit surveilans C5.1 Within ninety (90) days of the completing of the audit the CAB shall submit a final report in English and the national or most common language spoken in the area where the operation is located. Dalam sembilan puluh (90) hari setelah menyelesaikan audit CAB harus menyampaikan laporan akhir dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa nasional atau bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di wilayah di mana operasi berada. C5.2 Within five (5) days the ASC should post the final report to the ASC website. Dalam waktu lima (5) hari, ASC harus mengirimkan laporan akhir ke situs ASC. C5.3 Audit reports shall contain accurate and reproducable results. Laporan audit harus berisi hasil yang akurat dan dapat digandakan
1 Title Page 1.1 Name of Applicant Nama Pendaftar 1.2 Report Title (select only one type of unit of certification in the list) Judul Laporan (pilih hanya satu jenis unit sertifikasi dalam daftar) 1.3 CAB name Nama Lembaga Sertifikasi
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
Client Name: PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Nama Klien : PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Client Number: PRJ. 851422 Public Certification Report/Final Certification Report Laporan Sertifikasi Umum / Laporan Sertifikasi Akhir
Control Union Peru S.A.C.
* working days
1.4 Name of Lead Auditor Nama Ketua Auditor
Lead Auditor: Nanda Agung Pratama Ketua Auditor : Nanda Agung Pratama Social Auditor: Nur Hadi Auditor Sosial : Nur Hadi
1.5 Names and positions of report authors and reviewers Nama dan posisi penulis laporan dan reviewer
Nanda Agung Pratama (Lead Auditor, Environment Part) Nur Hadi (Auditor, Social part) Sandra Midori (Reviewer/Certifier) Nanda Agung Pratama (Pemimpin Auditor, Bagian Lingkungan) Nur Hadi (Auditor, bagian Sosial) Sandra Midori (Peninjau/ Certifier) 1.6 Client's Contact person: Name and Name/Nama: Shin Ho Chen Title Title/Jabatan: Vice President Kontak Klien: Nama dan Jabatan Address/Alamat: PT Mustika Mina Nusa Aurora; update address: Jalan Gajah Mada RT. 15 Kelurahan Karang Rejo Kecamatan Tarakan Barat, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Telp. (0551) 21112 ; 21589; Fax. (0551) 24508 Email:
[email protected]
1.7 Date/Tanggal
Name/Nama: Wellyono Hiu Title/ Jabatan: Director Purchasing Address/Alamat: PT Mustika Mina Nusa Auirora Email:
[email protected] 23-mar-17
Table of Contents 2 Daftar Isi Section 1: Front Sheet/Lembar Depan Section 2: Audit Report Opening/Laporan Audit-Pembukaan Section 3: Audit Template - Shrimp/Template Audit - Udang Section 4: Audit Report - Traceability/Laporan Audit - Ketelusuran Section 5: Non Conformity Report form/Laporan Ketidaksesuaian Section 6: Audit Report Closing/Penutup 3 Glossary
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
Terms and abbreviations that are specific to this audit report and that are not otherwise defined in the ASC glossary Persyaratan dan singkatan yang spesifik untuk laporan audit ini dan yang tidak didefinisikan secara lain dalam glosarium ASC
PT MMA (PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora) ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) DO (Dissolved oxygen)
4 Summary/Kesimpulan A concise summary of the report and findings. The summary shall be written to be readable to the stakeholders and other interested parties. Ringkasan ringkas dari laporan dan temuan. Rangkumannya harus dibaca agar mudah dibaca oleh pemangku kepentingan dan pihak terkait lainnya. 4.1
A brief description of the scope of the audit Uraian singkat tentang ruang lingkup audit
PT MMA registered 2 site for ASC Shrimp ponds program (multisite). The Sites name are Rusli/Dahari site and Suminto site. The site located at North Kalimantan province, nearby to Borneo Island. Specificly, for Rusli/Dahari located at binai island, Tias Binai village, Tanjung Palas Tengah sub disitrict (4 ponds, total 100 ha) and Suminto at Sungaibara island, Bara River, Tanjung Palas Timur subdistrict, Bulungan district (3 ponds, total 15 ha). Species cultured is P. Monodon with traditional system, without aeration and not using any kind of feed at ponds. PT MMA mendaftarkan 2 situs untuk program tambak udang ASC (multisite). Nama situsnya adalah situs Rusli / Dahari dan situs Suminto. Situs yang berada di provinsi Kalimantan Utara, dekat dengan Pulau Kalimantan. Secara khusus, untuk Rusli / Dahari yang berada di pulau binai, desa Tias Binai, sub-pohon Bustan Tanjung Palas Tengah (4 kolam, total 100 ha) dan Suminto di sungaibara, sungai bara, sub-distrik Tanjung palas Timur, kabupaten Bulungan (3 kolam, total 15 Ha). Spesies yang dikultur adalah P. Monodon dengan sistem tradisional, tanpa aerasi dan tidak menggunakan pakan jenis apapun di kolam.
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
A brief description of the operations of the unit of certification deskripsi dari operasional budidaya dari unit yang akan disertifikasi
PT MMA does not have its own operated farms, but only buy from growers and collectors of shrimp in the city of Tarakan. System shrimp sales force in North Borneo is a free trading system in which farmers or collectors of shrimp can sell shrimp to the company which gives the higest price. Shrimp farming systems conducted in North Borneo was traditional without feed without aeration by relying on natural feed plankton and sea water using gravity (tidal) to enter the water and to harvest. The period of shrimp culture is generrally approximately 3-4 months. The shrimp wil be taken from the pond to the Tarakan in containers and given ice to maintain the quality of the shrimp. PT MMA cooperate with 2 farmers which have to managed under internal company regulation regarding shrimp grow out farm. In this case, farm has to manage under ASC regulation. Registered farm are Suminto/Dahari site and Rusli site. PT MMA has developing these 2 site to prepare against international standard (i.e ASC and next will be for BAP) PT MMA tidak memiliki tambak sendiri, namun hanya membeli udang dari petambak dan pengumpul udang di kota Tarakan dan sekitarnya. Sistem pembelian dan penjualan udang di Kalimantan Utara adalah sistem perdagangan yang bebas dimana petambak atau pengumpul udang bisa menjual udang ke perusahaan yang memberi harga paling tinggi. Sistem budidaya tambak udang yang dilakukan di Kalimantan Utara bersifat tradisional tanpa menggunakan pakan dan tanpa aerasi dengan mengandalkan plankton sebagai pakan alami, serta untuk sumber air berasal dari air laut/air payau dengan mengandalkan gravitasi (pasang surut) untuk penggantian air dan saat panen. Periode siklus budidaya udang umumnya sekitar 3-4 bulan (panen). Udang akan diambil dari tambak, dikirim ke Tarakan dalam palkah/wadah dan diberi es untuk menjaga kualitas udang. PT MMA bekerja sama dengan 2 petani yang akan mengelola tambaknya berdasarkan peraturan perusahaan internal mengenai budidaya udang. Dalam hal ini, petambak harus dikelola berdasarkan peraturan ASC. petambak yang terdaftar adalah tambak Suminto / Dahari dan tambak Rusli. PT MMA telah mengembangkan 2 tambak ini untuk mempersiapkan diri menurut standar internasional (yaitu ASC dan selanjutnya untuk BAP)
Type of unit of certification (select
Multi site
only one type of unit of certification in the list)
Jenis unit sertifikasi (pilih hanya satu jenis unit sertifikasi dalam daftar))
Type of audit (select all the types of
Initial/ Awal
audit that apply in the list)
Jenis audit (pilih semua jenis audit yang masuk dalam daftar)
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
A summary of the major findings Ringkasan temuan utama
7.5.5, Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen (DO) relative to DO at saturation in receiving water body. In this criteria Client/operator has provide the data to auditor however during witness measurement, operator measure the DO in the Ponds and the DDO calculation is not correct. 2.5.4. Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration in adjacent land ecosystems and agricultural fields. in this criteria Client provide Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration measurement in adjacent land in one station (each site) however the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring not define in BEIA. and cant arange for measurement. 4.4.1a. Percentage of workers trained in health and safety practices, procedures and policies relevant to the job. in this criteria, operator has not conducting training regarding safey aspect and hazardous work for farmer Dahari and two workers for farmer Rusli (Empo and Asdar). 7.5.5, Persentase perubahan oksigen terlarut diurnal (DO) relatif terhadap DO pada saturasi dalam penerimaan badan air. Dalam kriteria ini, Klien / operator telah menyediakan data ke auditor namun selama pengukuran saksi, operator mengukur DO di Kolam dan perhitungan DDO tidak benar. 2.5.4. Konduktansi spesifik tanah atau konsentrasi klorida di ekosistem darat yang berdekatan dan ladang pertanian. Dalam kriteria ini, Klien menyediakan pengukuran konduktansi spesifik atau pengukuran konsentrasi klorida di lahan berdekatan di satu stasiun (masing-masing lokasi), namun stasiun pengambilan sampel dan frekuensi pemantauan tidak ditentukan di BEIA. Dan cant arange untuk pengukuran. 4.4.1a. Persentase pekerja yang dilatih dalam praktik, prosedur dan kebijakan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang relevan dengan pekerjaan. Dalam kriteria ini, operator belum melakukan pelatihan mengenai aspek aman dan pekerjaan berbahaya bagi petani Dahari dan dua pekerja untuk petani Rusli (Empo dan Asdar).
The Audit determination Ketentuan Audit
PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms are recommended for the ASC farm certification after providing appropriate action plans for major and minor NCs. PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms direkomendasikan untuk sertifikasi pertanian ASC setelah memberikan rencana tindakan yang sesuai untuk NCs besar dan kecil.
CAB Name Nama Lembaga Sertifikasi
Control Union Perú S.A.C.
CAB Mailing Address Surat-menyurat Lembaga Sertifikasi
Av. Petit Thouars 4653, Piso 6 Miraflores,Lima-Perú
Email Address Alamat Email
[email protected] [email protected]
CAB Contact Information Kontak Lembaga Sertifikasi
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
Other Contact Information Informasi Kontak lainnya
6 Background on the Applicant 6.1 Information on the Public Disclosure Form (Form 3) except 1.2-1.3 All information updated as necessary to reflect the audit as conducted. Informasi mengenai Formulir Pengungkapan Informasi Publik (Form 3) kecuali 1.2-1.3 Semua informasi yang dimutakhirkan diperlukan untuk mencerminkan audit yang telah dilakukan. 6.2 A description of the unit of certification (for initial audit)/ changes, if any (for surveillance and recertification audits) Penjelasan tentang unit sertifikasi (untuk audit awal) / perubahan, jika ada (untuk audit surveilans dan sertifikasi ulang)
Phone: +511 7190400 Fax: + 5117190410
Form 3 was sent at least one month before the audit. Formulir 3 dikirim setidaknya satu bulan sebelum audit.
Unit registered is PT MMA for multi site. The Sites name are Rusli/Dahari site and Suminto site. The site located at North Kalimantan province. For Rusli/Dahari located at binai island, Tias Binai village, Tanjung Palas Tengah sub disitrict (4 ponds, total 100 ha) and Suminto at Sungaibara island, Bara River, Tanjung Palas Timur subdistrict, Bulungan district (3 ponds, total 15 ha). Species cultured is P. Monodon with traditional system, without aeration and not using any kind of feed at ponds. Unit yang terdaftar adalah PT MMA untuk multi site. Nama situsnya adalah situs Rusli / Dahari dan situs Suminto. Situs yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Bagi Rusli / Dahari yang berada di pulau binai, desa Tias Binai, sub-pohon Bustan Tanjung Palas Tengah (4 kolam, total 100 ha) dan Suminto di sungaibara, sungai bara, sub-distrik Tanjung palas Timur, kabupaten Bulungan (3 kolam, total 15 ha) . Spesies yang dikultur adalah P. Monodon dengan sistem tradisional, tanpa aerasi dan tidak menggunakan pakan jenis apapun di kolam.
Other certifications currently held by the unit of certification Sertifikasi lainnya saat ini dipegang oleh unit sertifikasi
Other certification(s) obtained before this audit Sertifikasi lainnya diperoleh sebelum audit ini
Estimated annual production volumes of the unit of certification of the current year Estimated production volumes in 2017 : H. Dahari = 6000 Kg ; Rusli/ H.Nurdin = 4800 Kg. Perkiraan volume produksi tahunan unit sertifikasi tahun Perkiraan volume produksi tahun 2017: H. Dahari = 6000 Kg; Rusli / H.Nurdin = 4800 Kg berjalan
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
Actual annual production volumes of the unit of Initial audit/Audit Awal certification of the previous year (mandatory for surveillance and recertification audits) Volume produksi aktual aktual dari unit sertifikasi tahun sebelumnya (wajib untuk audit surveilans dan sertifikasi ulang
Production system(s) employed within the unit of certification (select one or more in the list) Sistem produksi yang dipekerjakan di dalam unit sertifikasi (pilih satu atau lebih dalam daftar)
Number of employees working at the unit of certification 8 workers/8 Pekerja Jumlah karyawan yang bekerja di unit sertifikasi
Ponds (kolam tambak)
7 Scope / cakupan 7.1 The Standard(s) against which the audit was conducted, ASC Shrimp Standard, Version 1.0 March 2014 including version number stadard ASCV, versi 1.0 Maret 2014 Standard terhadap audit yang dilakukan, termasuk nomor versi 7.2
The species produced at the applicant farm (Including latin name) Spesies yang diproduksi di peternakan pemohon (termasuk nama latin)
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
P. Monodon
* working days
A description of the scope of the audit including a description of whether the unit of certification covers all production or harvest areas (i.e. ponds) managed by the operation or located at the included sites, or whether only a sub-set of these are included in the unit of certification. If only a sub-set of production or harvest areas are included in the unit of certification these shall be clearly named. Deskripsi ruang lingkup audit termasuk deskripsi apakah unit sertifikasi mencakup semua area produksi atau panen (yaitu tambak) yang dikelola oleh operasi atau berada di lokasi yang disertakan, atau apakah hanya sub-set di antaranya termasuk dalam Unit sertifikasi Jika hanya sub-set area produksi atau panen yang termasuk dalam unit sertifikasi, ini harus diberi nama dengan jelas.
Description of the scope: Unit registered is PT MMA for multi site. The Sites name are Rusli/Dahari site and Suminto site. The site located at North Kalimantan province. For Rusli/Dahari located at binai island, Tias Binai village, Tanjung Palas Tengah sub disitrict (4 ponds, total 100 ha) and Suminto at Sungaibara island, Bara River, Tanjung Palas Timur subdistrict, Bulungan district (3 ponds, total 15 ha). species cultured is P. Monodon with traditional system, without aeration and not using any kind of feed at ponds. Receiving water is from brackish river that flowing to Celebes (Sulawesi) sea Activities audited: Reviewed documents and records, interviewed workers at the farm, visited storages of chemicals and feeds, observed daily activities in the farm such as feeding, pumping, discharging water, inspecting trapping devices, harvest Crop or production cycle assed: 2016 Deskripsi ruang lingkup: Unit yang terdaftar adalah PT MMA untuk multi site. Nama situsnya adalah situs Rusli / Dahari dan situs Suminto. Situs yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Bagi Rusli / Dahari yang berada di pulau binai, desa Tias Binai, sub-pohon Bustan Tanjung Palas Tengah (4 kolam, total 100 ha) dan Suminto di sungaibara, sungai bara, sub-distrik Tanjung palas Timur, kabupaten Bulungan (3 kolam, total 15 ha) . Spesies yang dikultur adalah P. Monodon dengan sistem tradisional, tanpa aerasi dan tidak menggunakan jenis pakan apapun di kolam. Menerima air berasal dari sungai payau yang mengalir ke Sulawesi (Sulawesi) Kegiatan yang diaudit: Meninjau dokumen dan catatan, pekerja yang diwawancarai di peternakan, mengunjungi penyimpanan bahan kimia dan pakan, mengamati kegiatan sehari-hari di peternakan seperti memberi makan, memompa, mengeluarkan air, memeriksa perangkat perangkap, panen Tanaman atau siklus produksi diasumsikan: 2016
The names and addresses of any storage, processing, or Not applicable. distribution sites included in the operation (including Tidak sesuai subcontracted operations) that will potentially be handling certified products, up until the point where product enters further chain of custody. nama dan alamat gudang, unit pengolahan atay distribusi yang termasuk dalam operasional (termasuk subkontraktor) yang mungkin akan menangani produk tersertifikasi
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
Description of the receiving water body(ies). Deskripsi sumber air dalam kolam/tambak
8 Audit Plan/ Rencana Audit 8.1 The names of the auditors and the dates when each of the following were undertaken or completed: conducting the audit, writing of the report, reviewing the report, and taking the certification decision. Nama auditor dan tanggal kapan masing-masing hal berikut dilakukan atau diselesaikan: melakukan audit, penulisan laporan, meninjau laporan, dan mengambil keputusan sertifikasi. 8.2
Previous Audits (if applicable): Audit sebelumnya (jika ada) 8.2.1
Initial audit - mm/yyyy
Farms located in the different island of Kalimantan (Borneo Island). There are a lot of islands located at north Kalimantan province which separated from Kalimantan island. Villager used to call Binai island and sungai Bara island. farmers ponds located in 2 different island with the sources of receiving water body from brackish water, that mainly from Sulawesi (Celebes) sea, that near to local Tarakan city regional sea. tambak yang berlokasi di pulau yang berbeda dengan pulau Kalimantan . Ada banyak pulau yang terletak di provinsi Kalimantan utara yang terpisah dari pulau Kalimantan. Penduduk desa biasa memanggil pulau Binai dan pulau sungai bara. Kolam tambak petani terletak di 2 pulau yang berbeda dengan sumber penerimaan air dari sungai air payau, yang terutama berasal dari Sulawesi (Sulawesi), yang dekat dengan kota Tarakan.
Auditor(s): Nanda Agung Pratama and Nur Hadi Audit dates/Tanggal Audit : 20-23 March 2017 Report finished at/Laporan Audit diselesaikan pada : 07/April/2017 Report reviewed at/peninjauan laporan pada : 28/April/2017 Date of the certification decision/tanggal Keputusan Sertifikasi: Justification of the change of the team members: Initial audit, there is no change in audit team./Pembenaran perubahan anggota tim: Audit awal, tidak ada perubahan dalam tim audit.
NC reference number Standard clause reference Nomor ketidaksesuaian Standar referensi klausul NA, Initial audit.
Closing deadline - status - closing date of each NC Batas akhir - status - tanggal penutupan setiap NC
Audit plan as implemented including: Rencana audit sebagaimana diimplementasikan meliputi: 8.4.1
Desk Reviews / Peninjauan Dokumen
Onsite audits/ Audit Lapangan
Stakeholder interviews and Community meetings/ Wawancara dan Pertemuan
Draft report sent to client/ konsep laporan dikirim ke klien
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
Cu Indonesia office
20-23 March 2017
Rusli and Suminto site
Tias Village and Rusli site
CU Indonesia office
* working days
Draft report sent to ASC/ konsep laporan dikirim ke ASC
Final report sent to Client and ASC/ Laporan Akhir dikirim ke klien dan ASC
Audit duration, justification/ Waktu Audit/ Pembenaran
CU Peru office
Audit duration: 4 days Area: 115 ha Number of sites: 2 Workers interviewed: 8 Traceability risk: Medium durasi audit: 4 hari luasan area: 115 Ha jumlah pekerja yang diwawancara: 8 orang resiko keterlacakan: medium
Names and affiliations of individuals consulted or otherwise involved in the audit including: representatives of the client, employees, contractors, stakeholders and any observers that participated in the audit. Nama dan afiliasi individu yang dikonsultasikan atau dilibatkan dalam audit termasuk: perwakilan klien, karyawan, kontraktor, pemangku kepentingan dan setiap pengamat yang berpartisipasi dalam audit
Mr Septiono (PT MMA, Factory Manager) Pak Septiono (PT MMA, MAnager Pabrik PT MMA) Mr Armando (PT MMA, QC Manager) PAk Armando Manager QC PT MMA Mr Ansar (PT MMA, QC Supervisor) Pak Ansar QC Supervisor PT MMA Mr Mohammad Sentosa (NGO, WWF Indonesia) Pak Mohammad Sentosa (LSM, WWF INdonesia) Mr Firman (NGO) (PAk Firman, LSM) Mr Dini Yuntia (Local Authorities) Pak Dini Yuntia (PNS DKP TArakan) Mr M. Ali (Local Villager) PAk M. Ali (Masyarakat setempat) Mr Abdul (Local Villager) Pak Abdul (Masyarakat setempat)
Stakeholder submissions, including written or other documented information and CAB written responses to each submission. Masukan pemangku kepentingan, termasuk informasi tertulis atau informasi terdokumentasi lainnya dan tanggapan tertulis CAB terhadap setiap penyerahan.
Name of stakeholder (if permission given to make name public) Nama pemangku kepentingan (jika izin diberikan untuk membuat nama publik)
Relevance to be contacted Relevansi untuk dihubungi
Date of contact Tanggal komunikasi
CAB responded Yes/No Respon lembaga sertifikasi
Use of comment by Response sent to Brief summary of points Raised CAB stakeholder Ringkasan Singkat beberapa poin Ulasan/komentar dari Tanggapan dikirim ke yang diangkat Lembaga Sertifikas stakeholder
NA, No commenst from stakeholder yet tidak ada masukan/komentar
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Opening
* working days
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
AUDIT MANUAL - ASC Shrimp Standard Created by the Shrimp Aquaculture Dialogue Scope: the ASC Shrimp Standard currently covers species under the genus Liptopenaeus and Penaeus. The ASC Shrimp Standard and related Audit Manual is oriented toward the production for L. vannamei and P. monodon . Other species of shrimp are eligible for certification if they can meet the performance thresholds specified in this document.
PRINCIPLE 1. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS Criterion 1.1: Documented compliance with local and national legal requirements Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
A. Verify farm has all registrations as required by local and national authorities. A. verifikasi tambak sudah memiliki registrasi usaha sesuai dengan aturan daerah dan nasiunal.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Farm Rusli (4 ponds): Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No.523.3/2039/B.3/DISKAN/2006 ); Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/0585/B.3/DISKAN/2006 ); Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/2025/B.3/DISKAN/2006); Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries a. Maintain records to show the farm has all registrations as required by local and Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/2021/B.3/DISKAN/2006). national authorities. Auditors will need to contact farms pre-audit and request list Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 12 April 2006; : issued and valid from 5 April 2006; issued and valid from 5 April 2006; issued and valid from 5 April of legal compliant permits necessary to ensure they are cognizant of national legal 2006 Last update/inspection: N/A requirement. P1 also looks at government inspection reports (if/when
governments do this regularly) as verification that permists are not 'merely' documents with stamps but also reflect an ongoing relationship re compliance to the permit conditions. a. Mengurus pencatatan yang memperlihatkan tambak memiliki semua persyaratan pendaftaran sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh otoritas lokal dan nasional. Auditor perlu menghubungi petambak sebelum dilakukan audit dan meminta daftar izin kepatuhan hukum yang dibutuhkan untuk memastikan bahwa mereka menyadari persyaratan legal nasional. P1 juga meninjau laporan inspeksi pemerintah (jikalau dilakukan secara reguler) sebagai verifikasi bahwa izin bukan 'hanya' dokumen dengan cap tetapi juga merefleksikan hubungan yang terus berlangsung mengenai kepatuhan pada kondisi izin
Land Permit 1 name: Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.2712/Tapem-Tambak/I/2004); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.855/Tapem-Tambak/IX/2003); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.009/Tapem-Tambak/IX/2004); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.2711/Tapem-Tambak/I/2004); Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 2 Jan 2004; issued and valid from 16 Sept 2003; issued and valid from 11 June 2004; issued and valid from 2 Jan 2004 Last update/inspection: N/A Farm Sumin (3 ponds) Permit pond 1 name: Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/0456/B.3/DISKAN/2005) ; Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/0458/B.3/DISKAN/2005); Surat Ijin Usaha perikanan (Fisheries Bussiness Licenses, No. 523.3/0457/B.3/DISKAN/2005). Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 17 Dec 2005; issued and valid from 17 Dec 2015; issued and valid from 17 Dec 2015. Last update/inspection: N/A Land Permit (1.2.3) name: Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.173/Tapem-Tambak/III/2003,). additional evidence: Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, C.2/523.3/406/1987 k)- issued and valid from 2 June 1987 Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 21 MAr 2003 Last update/inspection: N/A
b. Be in possession of an aquaculture farming license (as applicable). b. Berada dalam kepemilikan izin budidaya (sebagaiman berlaku)
Indicator: Compliance with local and national laws or regulation. Requirement: Proofs of permits or other relevant documentation available for applicable regulations. Applicability: All
c. Be in possession of a commercial license (as applicable). c. Berada dalam kepemilikan izin komersial (sebagaimana berlaku)
B. Verify farm has aquaculture farming licen se (as applicable). B. verifikasi tambak memiliki ijin usaha budidaya (disesuaikan dengan aturan) License number: refer to 1.1.1. a ijin usaha : sesuai dengan kriteria 1.1.1.a Issue and expire date: refer to 1.1.1. a diterbitkan dan validitas: sesuai dengan kriteria 1.1.1.a C. Verify farm has a commercial licen se (as applicable). C. verifikasi terkait kepemilikan izin komersial License number: N/A. Nomor ijin: N/A commercial license not require in traditional/small farmer. Izin komersial tidak disyaratkan untuk petambak kecil.tradisionao Issue and expire date: N/A diterbitkan dan validitas: N/A
1.1.1 D. Verify compliance. Rusli site: Land Permit 1 name: Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.2712/Tapem-Tambak/I/2004); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.855/Tapem-Tambak/IX/2003); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.009/TapemPersyaratan: Bukti keberadaan izin atau dokumen lainnya yang relevan Tambak/IX/2004); Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.2711/Tapem-Tambak/I/2004); dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 2 Jan 2004; issued and valid from 16 Sept 2003; issued and valid from 11 June 2004; issued and valid d. Be in possession of any other contracts, licences, or permits as required by local from 2 Jan 2004 Penerapan : Semua and national authorities, including (if applicable) but not limited to right to Last update/inspection: N/A land/and/or water use, importation and movement of broodstock or postlarvae, medicine or chemical use, waste disposal, wastewater discharge, labor and Land used tax. no.0160722, no. 0160723, no. 0160724, no.0160725 (update at 2017) predator control (also see 1.1.3. and 1.1.4). issued/valid: N/A Last update: 2017 d. Berada dalam kepemilikan dokumen lainnya, kontrak, lisensi, atau izin, sebagaimana diwajibkan oleh otoritas lokal dan nasional, termasuk (sebagaimana Farm Sumin (3 ponds) berlaku) tetapi tidak terbatas pada hak terhadap penggunaan tanah/dan/atau Land Permit (1.2.3) name: Izin Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, No.173/Tapem-Tambak/III/2003,). additional evidence: Izin air, impor dan perpindahan induk atau postlava, obat-obatan atau penggunaan Penggunaan Tanah untuk Tambak (Licences of land used, C.2/523.3/406/1987 k)- issued and valid from 2 June 1987 bahan kimia, pembuangan limbah, pembuangan air, ketenagakerjaan dan kontrol Issue and/or expire date: issued and valid from 21 MAr 2003 predator (lihat juga 1.1.3. dan 1.1.4) Last update/inspection: N/A Indikator: Kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan perundangan lokal dan nasional yang berlaku
Land used tax. no.20186236, no. 20186237, no. 20186238 (update at 2017) issued/valid: N/A Last update: 2017
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
E. Verify that the list is available and complete. List of procedures available? yes Mention main procedures related to environment, animal welfare and workers health and safety: menyebutkan prosedur uatam yang terkait dengan lingkungan, kesejahteraan/kesehatan hewan dan keselamatan & kesehatan pekerja
e.Show a written or digital list of all opeartional activiites for which the farm has procedures. Procedures are required for actions that require training of common types of farm workers, or for activities that represent risk management needed for SOP Ponds Preparation No. 002/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 & NO. (prosedur persiapan tambak) th farm. SOP Predator Control No. 012/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 (prosedur kontrol predator) SOP Shrimp Diease Monitoring No. 014/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 (prosedur pemantauan/monitor penyakit udang) e. Memperlihatkan daftar tertulis atau digital mengenai seluruh kegiatan SOP Net Monitoring, No 023/SOP/MMA-ASCXii/2015 (prosedur pengecekan jaring) operasional dimana tambak memiliki prosedur. Prosedur dikehendaki untuk SOP Safety Procedure, No.025//SOP/MMA-ASCXii/2015 (prosedur keselamatan) tindakan yang mengharuskan pelatihan mengenai jenis-jenis umum pekerjaan SOP Shrimp monitoring, no. 015/SOP/MMA-ASCXii/2015 (prosedur pemantauan/monitor udang) tambak, atau untuk kegiatan yang mewakili pengelolaan resiko yang dibutuhkan SOP Conflict Solution, No. 016//SOP/MMA-ASCXii/2015 ( prosedur dalam penanganan/solusi dalam konflik) untuk tambak SOP Waste Plan, No. 017/SOP/MMA-ASCXii/2015 (prosedur penanganan sampah/limbah)
f. Others, please describe a. Make government permits and licenses (as applicable) publicly available. “Publicly available” is defined as “in a manner easily accessible to or observable by the public,” which includes, but is not limited to, the following: consistently and reliably posted in a public place (e.g., farm signage, storefront window or on the wall of an office that is accessible to the public), or available by email, post upon request or posted on internet websites. a. Menjadikan agar surat izin dan lisensi (sebagaimana berlaku) tersedia secara publik. "Tersedia secara publik" didefinisikan sebagai " dalam suatu cara sehingga dapat diakses atau dapat diamati dengan mudah oleh masyarakat/publik," yang mana termasuk, tapi tidak terbatas pada, hal-hal berikut: secara konsisten dan dapat dipercaya dipublikasikan pada tempat umum (misal papan tanda tambak, jendela depan toko atau di dinding Requirement: Government-issued operational permits and licenses are kantor yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat umum)atau tersedia melalui email, publicly available one month after request. diterbitkan berdasarkan permintaan atau ada di website internet.
Indicator: Transparency on legal compliance.
Applicability: All 1.1.2 Indikator: Transparansi mengenai kepatuhan hukum Persyaratan: Surat izin operasional dan lisensi yang dikeluarkan pemerintah tersedia kepada publik satu bulan setelah permintaan Penerapan: Semua
Minor A. Verify farm has made legal compliance publicly available. Place of publication: in the house (shall be put in front of house) tempat publikasi : didalam rumah bedeng (seharusnya ditempatkan diluar) Documents availble: yes keberadaaan dokumen : ya/ada If documents are online, website address: N/A apabila dokumen ada secara online, situs alamat : N/A website is functional and easy to access? N/A situs berfungsi dan mudah untuk di akses? N/A
Government-issued operational permits and licenses not publicly available. Licences information put in the farm houses izin operasional yang dikeluarkan pemerintah tidak tersedia untuk umum. Informasi lisensi diletakkan ke dalam rumah tambaknya.
B .Government-issued operational permits are publicly available one month after issued by government authorities through the means they chose to provide public information Cek B. ijin operasioanal budidaya dimiliki dan dipublikasikan dalam satu bulan setelah diterbutkan oleh pemerintah setempat, dengan maksud mereka memilih untuk dipublikasi secara umum. b. Maintain records of requests of information from the public. Records shall Updated documents available? yes include date of request, name of person requesting, information requested, response taken, date when response was taken and, if response was taken after 14 dokumen terbaru ada? ya A format to record information request is available? yes working days of receiving the request, justification for the delay. format untuk mencatat permintaan ada? ya b. Mengurus pencatatan permintaan informasi dari masyarakat. Pencatatan harus If request are available (Not available yet) termasuk tanggal permintaan, nama orang yang meminta, informasi yang diminta, respon yang diberikan, tanggal respon dilakukan dan, jika respon dilakukan setelah 14 apabila permintaan ada (sejauh ini belum ada) hari kerja setelah menerima permintaan, alasan penundaan Person: N/A. no request (nama orang: N/A, tidak ada permintaan) Information requested: N/A. no request (informasi yang diminta: n/a tidak ada) response taken and time: N/A. no request (tidak lanjut dari permintaan dan waktu : n/a. tidak ada) Justification for more than 14 days: N/A. no request (justifikasi/pembenaran karena lebih dari 14 hari: n/a. tidak ada) c. Others, please describe
A. Verify farm has a B-EIA report and that the methodology adopted complied with Appendix I. Go through Appendix A checklist point by point. Ensure farm is following B-EIA recommendations and monitoring protocol. Verify the farm is familiar with Appendix A, the B-EIA and that they have been implementing the findings. Verify that workers are aware of the BEIA content and the measures needed to palliate/compensate the operation effects on the environment. Additional comment: During local community interviews, verify that stakeholders were consulted in the B-EIA research by the ecologist. Records from meeting with a. Present a B-EIA report. In countries where there is no formalized accreditation stakeholders (community) to collect information for the B-EIA development. process, there is the option to use an academic (university-employed) ecologist, or During surveillance audits verify the implementation of the B-EIA action/monitoring plan. an ecologist with peer reviewed publications within the last 5 years. The name of A. verifikasi tambak memiliki laporan BEIA, dan metodenya sesuai dengan lampiran I, lanjutkan ke daftar cek lampiran A. pastikan tambak mengikuti the ecologist will appear in the publically available report to ensure accountability. Indicator: laporan BEIA. Farm has to demonstrate that they are implementing recommendations made in Farm owners shall commission a participatory B-EIA and disseminate verifikasi tambak mengerti dengan lampiran A, pada laporan BEIA dan pastikan mereka menerapkan temuan dari BEIA. verifikasi bahwa pekerja the B-EIA and that a B-EIA monitoring protocol is established. Reviewed every 6 results and outcomes openly in locally appropriate language. The B-EIA mengerti dengan laporan BEIA serta langkah yang diambil uterkait operasional tambak dengan dampaknya dengan lingkungan. years by relevant assessors or ecologist. During each surveillance audit the B-EIA process and document must follow the outline in Appendix A. pada saat wawancara dengan masyarakat sekitar, verifikasi bahwa masyyarakat/instansi terkait telah dikonsultasikan/diberikan laporan BEIA-nya. action/monitoring plan will be monitored. catatan dari rapat dengan masyarakat/instansi terkait untuk memperoleh informasi untuk pengembangan laporan BEIA Requirement: Report available and complies to B-EIA Appendix I pada saat pengawasan audit(audit tahun kedua) verifikasi penerapan laporan BEIA dan langah lanjutannya. The TORs refer to the obligation of using past EIAs as inputs, which would naturally process result in the consideration of impacts already listed using guidance framework and BEIA Author: methodology. In Appendix I. Applicability: All Cut Desyana, S.Si, M.Mar.St (Master of MArine Sciences). ASC Shrimp training at 2-4 Dec. 2013. Dandy Eko Prasetiyo, M.Si (Master of Science and Biology Conservation) Mempresentasikan laporan B-EIA, untuk dilakukan oleh ahli ekologi indikator : Pemilik tambak harus melakukan Penilaian Dampak Dr. Idm Darma Setiawan (MAster of Economic and Agriculture ) akademik/konsultan LSM (bagi tambak kecil) dan ahli profesional yang Lingkungan Keberagaman Hayati (BEIA) dan mensosialisasikan Firman Zulfikar, M.Si (MAster of Coastal Resource management). terakreditasi (bagi tambak besar) menggunakan kerangka kerja dan metodologi hasilnya secara terbuka dalam bahasa yang dapat dipahami (Proses Sulastiti Ismuningrum, S.Sos (Bachelor Degree in Social) panduan. Di Lampiran I. dan dokumen BEIA harus mengikuti panduan pada Lampiran I)
Author references and/or local accreditation number: Date of issue: Mar 2016 Appendix A checklist complete? yes Workers were trained and aware in relation to BEIA? yes (pekerja diberikan pelatihan terkait BEIA: ya) Date: 15 May 2017 (tanggal : 15 Mei 2017) b. Others, please describe
Criterion 2.2: Conservation of protected areas [13] or critical habitats
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
A. Verify that the geographical coordinates are available and accurate and whether the farm is established not on a PA. Farm is in PA? farm not in protected area. (tambak berada dalam PA? tambak tidak di lokasi yang dilindingi) Coordinates (koordinate) Rusli ponds (tambak Rusli) pond 1, N. 02° 47.023; E. 117° 41.461 a. Provide the geographical coordinates of the farm (in degrees and minuets pond 2, N. 02° 46.729; E. 117° 41.487 latitude and longitude) with an accuracy of two decimals in the geographical pond 3, N.02° 46.773; E.117° 41.675 minutes (e.g., 15º 22,65' N ; 22º 43,78' E using World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) Pond 4, N. 02° 46.572, E. 117° 41.585 coordinates). The center of the production site in case of farms smaller than 1 hectare, corners of the contours of larger farms. Suminto ponds (Tambak suminto) pond 7 N. 03° 14.664"; E 117° 39.498 a. a. Memberikan koordinat geografis tambak (lintang dan bujur dalam derajat pond 8 N. 03° 14.360; E 117° 39.464 dan menit) dengan tingkat akurasi dua desimal dalam menit geografis (mis., 15º pond 9 N.03° 13.210; 117 °39.352' 22,65' LU ; 22º 43,78' BT menggunakan koordinat World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84)). Pusat lokasi produksi untuk tambak berukuran lebih kecil dari satu Rusli site and Suminto site are ponds with traditional farming system. hektar, dan titik-titik sudut area tambak berukuran lebih besar. (tambak rusli dan suminto merupakan tambak yang menerapkkan sistem tradisional) Verified at (diverifikasi pada situs and (dan situs ) site location not in protected area (lokasi tambak tidak di daerah yang dilindungi)
Indicator: Allowance for siting in Protected Areas (PAs).
b. If the farm is established within a PA provide evidence of the designation of the PA.
Requirement: None, except within PAs with IUCN category V if the b. Bila tambak dibangun di dalam kawasan lindung, sediakan bukti penetapan farming system is regarded as traditional land use [14], or category VI if kawasan lindung. the farm was built legally prior to the designation of the PA and in both cases is in compliance with the management objectives and plan of the PA, and shrimp farming is no more than 25% of the total PA area [15].
B. Verify that the designation is accurate and that the area was not designated as a Category I-IV PA at the time of construction/or relevant permissions were obtained at the time of construction. PA name: n/a IUCN category: n/a Year of designation: 1992 (tahun penunjukan: 1992) Year of farm construction: 1996 (tahun konstruksi : 1996) Permits obtained: N/A not in protected area (N/A. tambak tidak di area yang dilindungi)
C. Verify that evidence is available and credible , and that the farm does not occupy more than 25% of the PA area. Auditors should register and consult IBAT on Conservation International website Auditors should verify that farm location and activities are compatible with PA zoning and management plan. c verifikasi keberadaan bukti dan kredibel, dan pastikan tambak tidak menempati lebih dari 25% dari area yang dilindungi. auditr sebaiknya daftar indikator: Penempatan tambak di Area Dilindungi/ Protected Areas dan mengkonsultasikan IBAT ke situs internasional konservasi sebaiknya verifikasi bahwa lokasi dan aktifitas tambak sesuai dengan lokasi zonasi area dilindungi dan perencanaaanya syarat: Tidak diperbolehkan % area occuppied more than 25%? n/a Kecuali areal tambak masuk kategori V IUCN yaitu dikembangkan % area yang ditempati lebih dari 25%: N/A c. Untuk tambak yang dibangun di dalam kawasan lindung dengan kategori IUCN V, secara tradisional dan ramah lingkungan atau masuk kategori VI yaitu menyediakan bukti bahwa sistem pengelolaan tambak dapat dianggap sebagai IBAT result: n/a hasil dari IBAT : N/A dibangun untuk mendukung keberadaaan Daerah Perlindungan dan penggunaan lahan secara tradisional. Bukti dapat berupa artikel yang telah melalui other sources of information: and untuk kedua kondisi tersebut harus sesuai dengan tujuan dan rencana proses peer-review atau laporan dari organisasi yang ternama. Informasi lain: dan pengelola daerah perlindungan serta tambak udang tidak lebih dari 25 refer to and farms/ponds area not in protected area % total area yang dilindungi. menurut dan, tambak tidak berlokasi di area dilindungi D. Verify that evidence is available and credible. Auditors should register and consult IBAT on Conservation International website penerapan: semua d. for farms established on PA with IUCN category VI, provide evidence that the . Auditors should verify that farm location and activities are compatible with PA zoning and management farm was built legally prior to the designation of the PA. Evidence may include plan. government declarations, peer-reviewed articles or reports from reputable D. verifikasi keberadaan bukti yang kredibel. auditor sebaiknya dafatar dan konsultasi ke IBAT situs internasional konservasi organizations. . auditor sebaiknya verifikasi bahwa lokasi tambak dan aktifitasnya sesuai dengan zonasi area dilindungi dan perencanaanya d. Untuk tambak yang dibangun di dalam kawasan lindung dengan kategori IUCN Year of designation: n/a VI, menyediakan bukti bahwa tambak tersebut telah secara legal berdiri sebelum Year of farm construction: n/a penetapan kawasan lindung. Bukti dapat berupa pernyataan dari pemerintah, IBAT result: n/a artikel yang telah melalui proses peer-review atau laporan dari organisasi yang Other sources of information: refer to and farms/ponds area not in protected area articles or reports from reputable organizations. menurut dan, tambak tidak berlokasi di area dilindungi Applicability: All
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
c. for farms established on PA with IUCN category V, provide evidence that the farming system can be considered traditional land use and that the farm does not occupy more than 25% of the total PA area. Evidence may include formal PA maps, peer-reviewed articles or reports from reputable organizations.
e. for farms established on PA with IUCN category IV, provide evidence to the ASC that farm location and activities are compatible with PA zoning and management plan and that the ASC TAG approved for the farm to be considered for ASC certification. e. Untuk tambak yang dibangun di dalam kawasan lindung dengan kategori IUCN IV, menyediakan bukti bahwa ASC TAG yang telah disetujui untuk tambak tersebut agar bisa dipertimbangkan untuk sertifikasi ASC.
E. Verify that evidence is available and credible. Auditors should register and consult IBAT on Conservation International website . Auditors should verify that farm location and activities are compatible with PA zoning and management plan. ASC TAG approved certification consideration? n/a Date: n/a Farm is according to PA managemen plan? n/a Documentation: n/a IBAT result: n/a refer to and farms/ponds area not in protected area
f. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
A. Verify that the declaration is accurate during local community interviews. If mangrove or wetland conversion occurred after May 1999 for reasons other than establishment of pumping stations or canals, raise a NC. Auditor should use land use maps of the area before and after 1999, and should refer to the B-EIA which should include the baseline ecological conditions prior to farm establishment. These documents are usually available at the local government offices (Planning department). Satelite images before and after 1999 are also admissable when available. A. verifikasi penyataan akurat pada saaat wawancara dengan masyarakat sekitar. apabila konversi lahan bakau atau lahan basah setelah mei 1999 karena alasan selaiin untuk pompa/kanal, beri ketidak sesuaian dengan standar. auditor sebaiknya menggunakan peta lahan sebelum dan sesudah a. Provide a declaration that identifies the year of farm construction, specify dates mei 1999. dan sebaiknya merujuk ke laporan BEIA. dokumen ini biasanya ada di kantor pemerintah setempat. gambar satelit sebelum dan sesudah of any subsequent farm expansions and specify date and reason of any mangrove mei 1999 bisa diterima bila ada. or wetland conversion conducted after May 1999. Additionally, auditor should use Rusli land use maps of the area before and after 1999. These documents are usually Farm Construction year: 1996 available at the local government offices (Planning department). Satelite images There was mangroove destruction after may 1999? no (apakah ada pengrusakan bakau setelah tahun 1999: tidak) Indicator: Allowance for siting in mangrove ecosystems [16] and other before and after 1999 are also admissable when available. Confirmed by (maps, sattelite images): provide maps. but not clearly define each pond's location/coordinate (only general map) that descript before natural wetlands [17], or areas of ecological importance as determined and after 1999 that located at ponds Rusli and ponds Suminto. by the B-EIA or national/state/local authority plans/list. a. menyediakan suatu deklarasi/surat pernyataan yang mengidentifikasikan dikonfirmasi pada peta : menyediakan peta, tetapi tidak menjelaskan secara jelas pada tiap tiap lokasi tambak/koordinat (hanya peta unum), yang tahun berapa tambak dibangun, tentukan tanggal perluasan tambak berikutnya mendeskripsikan sebelum dan sesudah 1999 pada lokasi tambak pak rusli dan pak suminto. Requirement: None for farms built (with or without permits) after May dan tentukan tanggal dan alasan apabila dilakukan konversi mangrove atau Local community declaration: 1996 (pernyataan dari masyarakat sekitar: 19996) 1999, except for pumping stations and inlet/outlet canals provided they lahan basah setelah 1999 , sebagai tambahan auditr harus menggunakan peta have been permitted by authorities and an equivalent area is lahan dari area yang dimaksud sebelum dan sesudah tahun 1999. dokumen2 ini Suminto rehabilitated [18] as compensation. For farms built or permitted before biasanya ada pada pemerintah daerah setempoat (departement perencanaan). Farm Construction year : 1991 May 1999, farmers are required to compensate/offset impacts via peta/gambar satelit sebelum dan sesudah tahun 1999 . There was mangroove destruction after may 1999? no (apakah ada pengrusakan bakau setelah tahun 1999: tidak) rehabilitation as determined by the B-EIA, or the national/state/local Confirmed by (maps, sattelite images): Confirmed by (maps, sattelite images): provide maps. but not clearly define each pond's location/coordinate authority plans/list, or 50% of the affected ecosystem (whichever is (only general map) that descript before and after 1999 that located at ponds Rusli and ponds Suminto. greater) [19]. dikonfirmasi pada peta : menyediakan peta, tetapi tidak menjelaskan secara jelas pada tiap tiap lokasi tambak/koordinat (hanya peta unum), yang mendeskripsikan sebelum dan sesudah 1999 pada lokasi tambak pak rusli dan pak suminto. Applicability: All however client provide local authority statement, with the map of ponds area. he allow to to convert mangrove into shrimp ponds with conditional condition (No. 02.13/PPL-TB/Ket/87 and No.C.2/523.3/406/1987k) , by province east Kalimantan, District Bulungan on 1987.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Not clearly define each pond's location/coordinate (only general map) that descript before and after 1999 that located at ponds Rusli and ponds Suminto tidak menjelaskan secara jelas pada tiap tiap lokasi tambak/koordinat (hanya peta unum), yang mendeskripsikan sebelum dan sesudah 1999 pada lokasi tambak pak rusli dan pak suminto.
b. For farms having converted mangrove/natural wetland ecosystems prior to May 1999, provide location and description (including surface area) of the area being rehabilitated. If natural regeneration has started in cleared areas and if propagules B. Verify that the rehabilitated area conforms to the requirements and that has a surface area as indicated in the B-EIA, as stated in legislation or of are establishng well, then this should be counted as "rehabilitation". Under these at least 50% of the area converted, whichever is greater. circumstances, regrowth is even more valuable than attempted rehabilitation that B. verifkasi area yang direhabilitasu sesuai dengan persyaratan dan sesuai dengan hasil masukan laporan dari BEIA, dan yang dijelaskan oleh aturan syarat: Tidak ada untuk tambak-tambak yang dibangun (dengan atau may or may not take successfully. setempat sekurang kurangnya 50% dari area. tanpa izin) setelah bulan Mei 1999, kecuali untuk stasiun pemompaan Mangroove hectares converted: Rusli 50 Ha, Suminto 10 Ha (luasanbakau yang dikonversi: Rusli 50 Ha, suminto 50Ha) Recommend that uuditors should be provided with evidences of the conditions of dan kanal air masuk/keluar dan hanya jika pembangunannya seizin Local legislation % rehabilitation requirement: 50% (pernyaratan dari peraturan setempat: 50%) the affected area that demonstrate rehabilitation pihak berwajib dan telah melakukan rehabilitasi kawasan yang Mangrove reahibilitation location: Liago Island, Kecamatan Sekatak, North Kalimantan Province. ekuivalen [18] sebagai kompensasi. Untuk tambak yang telah dibangun lokasi rehabilitasi bakau: pulau liago, kalimantan utara b. Untuk tambak yang telah melakukan konversi kawasan bakau/ekosistem lahan atau mendapatkan izin sebelum Mei 1999, pengusaha tambak wajib (coordinate: N. 3 16 5.5848; E. 117 20 12.1272) basah alami sebelum bulan Mei 1999, perlu menyediakan lokasi dan deskripsi melakukan kompensasi/pengimbangan dampak melalui rehabilitasi Mangroove hectares rehabilitation area: PT MMA preparing 125 Ha for Mangrove restoration (termasuk luas daerah) kawasan yang direhabilitasi. sebagaimana ditentukan oleh B-EIA, atau rencana/daftar dari pihak Area rehabiilitasi mangroveL PT MMA menyiapkan 125 Ha untuk pemulihan bakau) nasional/daerah/setempat yang berwajib, atau 50% dare ekosistem yang mengalami dampak (tergantung yang mana yang lebih besar) [19]. penerapan : semua C. Verify that the rehabilitated area conforms to the requirements and that has a surface area as indicated in the B-EIA, as stated in legislation or is c. For farms having converted mangrove/natural wetland ecosystems to construct at least as big as the area converted, whichever is greater. Auditors should be provided with evidence of the conditions of the affected area that pumping stations or inlet/oulet canals, provide location and description (including demonstrate rehabilitation, whether it is man-made, or natural, or a combination of both. The surface and the condition of the area rehabilitated surface area) of the area being rehabilitated. should be confirmed. Refer to Appendix A at the end of the auditor manual. c. Untuk tambak yang telah melakukan konversi kawasan bakau/ekosistem lahan Mangroove conversion reason: before 1999 the site location is Mangrove area. farm build at arround 1992 and 1996. basah alami untuk membangun stasiun pemompaan atau kanal air masuk/keluar, Area converted: 50 Ha and 10 Ha perlu menyediakan lokasi dan deskripsi (termasuk luas daerah) kawasan yang Local legislation % rehabilitation requirement: 50% direhabilitasi. Mangroove hectares rehabilitation area: PT MMA preparing 125 Ha for Mangrove restoration indikator: apakah diperbolehkan menempati area ekosistem mangrove [16] dan lahan basah lain [17], atau daerah dengan ekologi yang sangat penting yang ditetapkan pada laporan B-EIA atau nasional/negara bagaian/pemerintah daerah.
d. Others, please describe Criterion 2.3: Consideration of habitats critical for endangered species
a. Present B-EIA report indicating whether the farm is located in an area Indicator: Allowance for siting farms [26] in critical habitats of considered a critical habitat for endangered species. Auditors should reference endangered species [27] as defined by the IUCN Red List, national listing the interactive map on the AZE website: processes [28] or other official lists [29]. a. Mempresentasikan laporan B-EIA yang memberikan indikasi apakah lokasi tambak terletak di dalam kawasan yang dianggap sebagai habitat kritis bagi Requirement: None spesies yang terancam punah. Auditors should reference the interactive map on the AZE website: Applicability: All indikator: Penempatan tambak pada habitat kritis bagi spesies langka atau masuk dalam Red List IUCN, peraturan nasional maupun peraturan lainnya. syarat: tidak boleh penerapan: semua.
b. Others, please describe
a. Do a search of published and grey (e.g. local newspapers, magazines) literature to identify endangered species that occur in the area. a. Melakukan pencarian literatur, baik yang terpublikasi maupun yang abu-abu (mis.koran lokal, majalah) untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap spesies terancam punah yang terdapat di lokasi.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
A. Review B-EIA report and confirm that the farm is not located in an area considered a critical habitat for endangered species. Auditors should reference the interactive map on the AZE website: Is the farm in critical habitats according to website?no. based on Is detailed in the B-EIA? yes. part IV BEIA report. Nasalis Larvatus is endemic species in Indonesia especially found at all Kalimantan island, one of listed endengered species on IUCN red list. A. review laporan BEIA dan konfirmasi tambak tidak berlokasi di habitat hewan terancam punah. auditor sebainya merujuk pada ,peta di situs apakah tambak di area kritis untuk hewan terancam punahL: tidak, disebutkan pada laporan BEIA: ya, bagian IV Nasalis LArvatus spesies endemik di Indonesia, terutama di pulau kalimantan. salah satu daftar hewan terancam punah pada IUCN
A. Review search results for adequacy and completeness and that workers are aware of the endangered species and protection measures Number of endangered species in the area: 1 (kalimantan island) Source of information: Goverment Regulation no.7 1999 Worker are aware of presence of endangered species and protection measures? yes A. review pencarian dan kelengkapan serat pekerja mengetahui adanya hewan terancam punah jumlah daftar hewan terancam punah: 1 (pulau kalimantan) sumber informasi: Peraturan Pemerintah no.7 tahun 1999 pekerja mengetahui terkait adanya hewan terancam punah : ya
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Review the source and accuracy of the list. National list available? yes b. Determine whether any species occurring in the area are listed as endangered Issued by (authority): Government Regulation (no 7 1999) by relevant national authorities. Date: 27 Jan 1999 b. Menentukan apakah di antara spesies yang terdapat di lokasi terdaftar sebagai B. review daftar sumber dan keakuratannya terancam punah oleh pihak berwajib nasional yang relevan. daftar nasional ada: ya diterbitkan oleh : Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) no. 7 tahun 1999 tanggal 27 Jan 1999 C. Review list for completeness. Compare with results from search of IUCN database for red list species. Auditor should verify that farm continues to implement the recommendations made by the BEIA consultant to maintain the habitat. Farm list of endangered species is coherent to the audit IUCN search? yes c. Prepare a list of all endangered species occurring in the area by combining Briefly describe recommendations in BEIA to maintain habitat of endangered species: client has rule/policy regarding restriction to kill any animal that results from 2.3.1(a) and 2.3.1(b) with results from the IUCN database search. potentially occur in the farm (whether protedted or not protected). it is publicly available/state at in front of the ponds before entry each ponds (see c. Menyiapkan daftar yang mencakup semua spesies terancam punah yang BEIA report chapter V) terdapat di lokasi dengan mengkombinasikan hasil-hasil dari 2.3.1(a) dan 2.3.1(b) c. review kelengakapan. bandingkan dengan hasil dari data IUCN untuk dafatar merah. auditor sebaiknya verivikasi bahwa tambak melanjutkan Indicator: Maintain habitats critical for endangered species within farm dengan hasil dari pencarian di database IUCN. untuk menerapkan rekomendasi laporan BEIA boundaries and implement protection measures of such areas. daftar hewan terancam punah sesuai dengan audit dalam daftar IUCN: ya rekomendasi dari BEIA untuk habitat hewan terancam punah: klien ada aturan/kebijakan untuk melarang membunuh/berburu hewan apapun yang Requirement: Implement protection measures of habitats identified by memungkinkan muncul di areal tambak. diumumkan di tambak pada saat memasuki gerbang tambak. the B-EIA process [30]. 2.3.2
Applicability: All indikator : Menjaga habitat kritis bagi spesies langka di dalam area tambak dan menerapkan upaya perlindungan di sekitar areal pertambakan tersebut. syarat: Upaya-upaya perlindungan habitat berdasarkan identifikasi dalam proses BEIA. penerapan: semua
D. Review procedures for adequacy. The farm's assessment of impacts on IUCN listed species should consider: (1) the regional Red List Category, (2) the global Red List Category, and (3) an estimate of the proportion (%) of the global population occurring within the region. Decisions on how these three variables, as well as other factors, are used for establish procedures on the farm to avoid negative impacts. It is d. Prepare written procedures describing how the farm avoids negative impacts to important that if a regional population is more or less stable but constitutes only a small percentage of the global population, which is experiencing endangered species that may occur on the farm. Procedures shall include a a net decline. that such species be given particular attention by the farml because protective actions that farms undertake will ultimately description of habitat being restored, if applicable. contribute to actions with global conservation siginficance. d. Menyiapkan prosedur tertulis yang menjelaskan bagaimana tambak berusaha Procedures according 1, 2 and 3 are available? yes menghindari dampak buruk terhadap spesies terancam punah yang mungkin Describe impact assessment and measures: client (PT MMA) provide training to all farmers and workers, regarding restriction to kill any animal that terdapat di kawasan tambak. Bila berlaku, maka prosedur ini juga perlu potentially visiting the farms/ponds. furthermore PT MMA also give announcement letter in the houses of workers, for their awarness. mencakup deskripsi akan habitat yang direstorasi. D. kecukupan prosedur: (1) dafatr merah lokal, (2) daftar merah secara global, (3) estimasi proporsi. keputusan terkait variabel ketiganya. prosedur terkait no.1,2,3 ada: ya penilaian dampaknya dan langkahnya: klien (PT MMA) memberikan pelatihan kepada semua petani dan pekerja terkait larangan membunuh hewan yang kemungkinan muncul di tambak. lebih jauhlagi PT MMA juga memberikan pengumuman di dalam rumah pekerja untuk pengetahuan lebihnya.
E. During local community interviews, verify there is no evidence that the farm is presently having a negative impact on endangered species by ensuring that town meetings are "minuted" and the local xcommunity has been made aware of the critical species & what actions the farm is implementing to protect those species. The meeting summary should also contain a list of participants. Meetings with community : yes Date: 2 Mar 2017 Number of participants: 8 At interview community memebers were informed about endangered species in the farm? yes E. pada saat wawancara dengan masyarakat sekitar, verifikasi bahwa tidak ada bukti tambak mempunyai dampak buruk terhadap hewan terancam punah degan meyakinkan rapat daerah, serata pastikan apakah langkah yang diambil tambak dalam penerapannya melindungi hewan tersebut. ringkasan rapat harus ada daftar partisipan rapat dengan masyarakat sekitar : ada/ya, tanggal 2 mar. 2017, jumlaj: 8 orang
f. Others, please describe Criterion 2.4: Ecological buffers, barriers and corridors
Indicator: Coastal barriers: Minimum permanent barrier (or natural) between farm and marine environments [34].
a. Provide a map or sketch of the farm indicating coastal buffers and measurements of buffer width. Menyediakan peta atau sketsa kawasan tambak mengindikasikan pembatas dan Requirement: As defined in legislation at the time of construction, or as ukuran lebar penyangga. determined by the B-EIA, or following the indications in the Guidance below, whichever is greater. 2.4.1
A. Consulting legislation applicable at the time of construction and the BEIA report, verify that the width and status (by direct observation) of the buffer is adequate. Barrier wide in m: 16 - 90 meters (range of barriers for both site. explain at BEIA report) Conditions of barrier (material, vegetation): mangrove (replanting) A. konsultasi aturan yang terkait pada saat konstruksi dan laporan BEIA. verifikasi lebar dan status dengan melihat langsung, lebar barier: 16-90 meter (kisaran barier untuk kedua tambak. dijelaskan pada laporan BEIA) kondisi barier: penanaman kembali bakau
Applicability: All indikator: Pembatas pantai: Pembatas permanen (atau alami) minimum antara tambak dan lingkungan perairan laut [34]. syarat : Sebagaimana dijelaskan/didefinisikan di dalam peraturan pada saat pembangunan, atau sebagaimana ditentukan oleh B-EIA, atau mengikuti indikasi di dalam Bimbingan di bawah (pilih salah satu yang paling besar). penerapan: semua
Indicator: Riparian buffers: Minimum width of permanent native and natural vegetation between farms and natural [35] aquatic/brackish environments [36]. Requirement: As defined in national legislation at the time of construction, or as determined is necessary by the B-EIA, or following the indications given in the Guidance below, whichever is greater. 2.4.2
A. Consulting legislation applicable at the time of construction and the BEIA report, verify that the width and status (by direct observation) of the buffer is adequate. Barrier wide in m: N/A (riparian) Conditions of barrier (material, vegetation): mangrove replanting nearby brackish river N/A. farms located at riparian (river brackish water) A. konsultasi aturan yang terkait pada saat konstruksi dan laporan BEIA. verifikasi lebar dan status dengan melihat langsung, lebar barrier: N/A kondisi barier (material/vegetasi): bakau yang dekat air sungai payau N/A. tambak berlokasi di tepian pantai
b. Others, please describe
a. Provide a map or sketch of the farm indicating buffers and measurements of buffer width. a. Menyediakan peta atau sketsa kawasan tambak mengindikasikan penyangga dan ukuran lebar penyangga.
Riparian buffer according to Government regulation at least 50 meters. At Rusli farm there are ponds that the riparian buffer is 24 meter (BEIA, pages 47) daerah penyangga untuk tepian pantai menurut aturan pemerintah sekurang kurangnya 50 meter. Di lahan tambak pak rusli hanya 24 meter
Applicability: All
indikator: Penyangga tepian sungai: Lebar minimum vegetasi permanen asli dan alami di antara tambak dan lingkungan alami [35] perairan tawar/payau [36]. syarat: Sebagaimana didefinisikan di dalam peraturan pada saat Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 atauCouncil. sebagaimana ditentukan olehStewardship B-EIA, atau Copyright (c) 2013pembangunan, Aquaculture Stewardship All rights reserved by Aquaculture Council mengikuti indikasi di dalam Bimbingan di bawah (pilih salah satu yang paling besar). penerapan : semua.
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Minor Indicator: Riparian buffers: Minimum width of permanent native and natural vegetation between farms and natural [35] aquatic/brackish environments [36].
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Requirement: As defined in national legislation at the time of construction, or as determined is necessary by the B-EIA, or following the indications given in the Guidance below, whichever is greater. 2.4.2
Evaluation (Per indicator, select one category in the drop-down menu)
A. Consulting legislation applicable at the time of construction, B-EIA report and P-SIA report, verify that the width and status (by direct observation) of the corridors (if any) is adequate. It is appropriate that issues of "corridors" within farm boundries be discussed in periodic town meetings. Map available: yes Area or number of corridor sites: no corridors at farms Corridor vegetation type: riparian (brackish river) and no bounderies at farm A. konsultasi aturan yang terkait pada saat konstruksi dan laporan BEIA dan PSIA. verifikasi lebar dan status dengan melihat langsung, kecukupan koridor dalam areal tambak. peta ada: ya vegetasi koridor: tepian pantai (sungai air payau) tidak ada tembok/garis pembatas di tambak
A. Review description, assess accuracy and verify (also by direct observation) that there is no discharge of saline water into freshwater bodies. Auditors need to review BEIA report to review how surrounding water salinity monitoring occurs in reference to BEIA recommendations and that farm water is not affecting a salinity impact. Location and name of fresh water body: N/A BEIA recommendations to avoid salinity contamination: N/A Farms are not located near to fresh water body and not discharge to freshwater bodies (river salinity: 10-12) A. review deskripsi, menilai keakuratan (bisa juga dengan observasi langsung), bahwatidak ada pembuangan air payau/asin ke sumber air tawar. auditor bisa merujuk ke laporan BEIA, bagaimana salinitas air di pantau sesuai dengan rekomendasi laporan BEIA. lokasi dan nama sumber air tawar: N/A rekomendasi BEIA untuk mengurangi kontaminasi : N/A
N/A. Farms not located in or connected to natural freshwater bodies
A. Review description, assess accuracy and verify (also by direct observation) that there is no use of fresh ground water in ponds. Fresh water source of the farm: rain water Does the farm use freshwater in ponds? no Evidence observed: farm not use freshwater well, source of freshwater from rain water. source of intake and outlate water for ponds from river brackish water. A. review deskripsi, menilai keakuratan dan verifikasi bahwa tidak menggunakan sumur air tawar di tambak sumber air tawar di tambak: air hujan apakah tambak menggunakan air tawar di tambak: tidak bukti saat observasiL: tambak tidak menggunakan sumur air tawar, sumber air tawar di tambak berasal dari air hujan. air masuk dan air keluar di tambak dari sungai air payau.
N/A, Not use fresh groundwater in ponds
N/A , Farms are not located near freshwater wells N / A, tambak tidak terletak di dekat sumur air tawar
Applicability: All indikator: Penyangga tepian sungai: Lebar minimum vegetasi permanen asli dan alami di antara tambak dan lingkungan alami [35] perairan tawar/payau [36]. syarat: Sebagaimana didefinisikan di dalam peraturan pada saat pembangunan, atau sebagaimana ditentukan oleh B-EIA, atau mengikuti indikasi di dalam Bimbingan di bawah (pilih salah satu yang paling besar). penerapan : semua.
Indicator: Corridors: Minimum width of permanent native and natural vegetation through farms to provide human or native wildlife movement across agricultural landscapes. indikator: Koridor: Lebar minimum vegetasi permanen asli dan alami yang melalui kawasan tambak untuk menyediakan pergerakan baik bagi manusia maupun satwa liar setempat melalui kawasan pertambakan.
Riparian buffer according to Government regulation at least 50 meters. At Justification of classification NC the riparian buffer is 24 meter (BEIA, pages Rusli farm there are pondsof that Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or non47) applicability daerah penyangga untuk tepian pantai menurut aturan pemerintah sekurang kurangnya 50 meter. Di lahan tambak pak rusli hanya 24 meter
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Requirement: As defined in national legislation at the time of construction, or as determined necessary for wildlife by the B-EIA, or access issues identified during B-EIA/p-SIA. Needs for wildlife movement identified during B-EIA. syarat: Sebagaimana didefinisikan di dalam legislasi nasional pada saat pembangunan, atau sebagaimana dianggap perlu untuk satwa liar oleh B-EIA, atau isu-isu akses yang teridentifikasi ketika melakukan B-EIA/p-SIA. Kebutuhan pergerakan satwa liar diidentifikasi ketika melakukan B-EIA. Applicability: All penerapan : semua
b. Others, please describe
a. Provide a map or sketch of the farm indicating corridors and measurements of corridor width. It is appropriate that issues of "corridors" within farm boundries be discussed in periodic town meetings. a. Menyediakan peta atau sketsa kawasan tambak mengindikasikan koridor dan ukuran lebar koridor.
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 2.5: Prevention of salinization of freshwater and soil resources
a. Provide description of water management in the farm, specifying intake and Indicator: Allowance for discharging saline water to natural freshwater discharge water bodies. Discription shall include a written explanation of how the bodies [44]. farm avoids intrusion of brackish or saltwater into freshwater aquifer areas. Requirement: None a.Menyediakan deskripsi manajemen perairan di kawasan tambak, dengan Applicability: Farms located in or connected to natural freshwater menyebutkan dengan spesifik aliran sumber air yang menyediakan aliran air bodies masuk dan yang menerima aliran air keluar. indkator: Pembuangan air asin ke perairan tawar alami [44]. Syarat: tidak boleh penerapan: tambak yang berlokasi di atau terkoneksi dengan sumber air tawar alami.
Indicator: Allowance for the use of fresh groundwater in ponds indikator: Diperbolehkannya penggunaan air tawar didalam tabak/kolam Requirement: None (tidak) Applicability: All (penerapan semua)
b. Others, please describe
a. Provide description of water management in the farm, specifying intake and discharge water bodies, and the location of freshwater wells (even if seasonal) . A.Menyediakan deskripsi manajemen perairan di kawasan tambak, dengan menyebutkan dengan spesifik aliran sumber air yang menyediakan aliran air masuk dan perairan yang menerima aliran air keluar.
b. Others, please describe
Indicator: Water-specific conductance or chloride concentration in freshwater wells used by the farm or located on adjacent properties [45]. iindikator: Konduktansi spesifik untuk air atau konsentrasi klorida di sumur air tawar yang digunakan di kawasan tambak atau terletak di kawasan yang bersebelahan [45].
Requirement: For all freshwater wells (identified prior to full assessment), specific conductance may not exceed 1,500 μS/cm and/or chloride concentration may not exceed 300 mg/L [46]. syarat: Tidak ada kenaikan netto konduktansi spesifik di atas 1,500 μmhos per sentimeter atau konsentrasi kloridadi atas 300 milligram per liter bila dibandingkan dengan hasil kegiatan monitoring tahun pertama [46]. Applicability: All well water. This criteria applies only to well water and or
does not apply- version to surface water. Farms located near freshwater wells Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013abstracting Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights freshwater from the reserved Aquaculture Stewardship Council
penerapan: semua sumur air tawar. criteria ini berlaku hanya untuk sumur air tawar dan tidak berlaku untuk air permukaan. tambak yang berlokasi dekat dengan sumur airn tawar atau terpisah airtawar dari dasar.
a. Maintain monthly records of specific conductance measured in a freshwater well on, or in proximity to the farm (within 1km radius or the closest well), or any well used by the farm whatever its distance from the farm is. Continue at least every six months after the first audit at periods of highest and lowest values, as determined during the initial monthly monitoring.
A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for water-specific conductance or chloride concentration that begin prior to the date of the first audit and continue every six months thereafter, at periods of highest and lowest values, as determined during the inital monthly monitoring. For all freshwater wells. Number of fresh water wells: First audit Initial value: Sampling date: Next audits: Last year sampling dates: Values: N/A. farm not located near fresh water wells. A. konfirmasi tambak memiliku kelengkapan dan keakuratan catatan konduktansi air atau konsentrasi klorida bahwa dimulai sebelum audit awal dan dilanjutkkan tiap 6 bulan. saat periode tertinggi dan terendah yang ditentukan saat awal pemantauan bulanan untuk semua sumber air tawar. N.A. tambak tidak berlokasi di dekat sumber air tawar.
N/A , Farms are not located near freshwater wells N / A, tambak tidak terletak di dekat sumur air tawar
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: Water-specific conductance or chloride concentration in freshwater wells used by the farm or located on adjacent properties [45]. iindikator: Konduktansi spesifik untuk air atau konsentrasi klorida di sumur air tawar yang digunakan di kawasan tambak atau terletak di kawasan yang bersebelahan [45].
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Requirement: For all freshwater wells (identified prior to full assessment), specific conductance may not exceed 1,500 μS/cm and/or chloride concentration may not exceed 300 mg/L [46]. syarat: Tidak ada kenaikan netto konduktansi spesifik di atas 1,500 μmhos per sentimeter atau konsentrasi kloridadi atas 300 milligram per liter bila dibandingkan dengan hasil kegiatan monitoring tahun pertama [46]. b. Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement to be taken in presence of the auditor. Applicability: All well water. This criteria applies only to well water and does not apply to surface water. Farms located near freshwater wells or abstracting freshwater from the ground. penerapan: semua sumur air tawar. criteria ini berlaku hanya untuk c. . If water in freshwater wells exceeds conductance/salinity limits given by the sumur air tawar dan tidak berlaku untuk air permukaan. tambak yang requirement and such increase was due to a phenomenon outside the control of berlokasi dekat dengan sumur airn tawar atau terpisah airtawar dari the farmer, provide evidence from the B-EIA report. dasar.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Auditor supervises measurement and confirms compliance to the requirements. Audit value: N/A. farm not located near fresh water wells. B. auditor menyaksikan pengukuran dan konfirmasi sesuai dengan persyaratakn N.A. tambak tidak berlokasi di dekat sumber air tawar. C. Provide evidence from the B-EIA report that such increase was due to a phenomenon outside the control of the farmer. Phenomenon that cause the increase: Explained in BEIA? N/A. farm not located near fresh water wells. C. menyediakan bukti dari laporan BEIA bahwa kenaikan disebabkan oleh faktor lain diluar kegiatan petani penyebab kenaikan: N/A tambak tidak berlokasi di dekat sumber air tawar.
d. Others, please describe Major
Indicator: Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration in adjacent land ecosystems and agricultural fields [47] [48]. Konduktansi spesifik untuk tanah atau konsentrasi klorida di ekosistemekosistem darat dan kawasan pertanian yang bersebelahan [47] [48]. 2.5.4
Requirement: No net increase when compared to the first year of monitoring Tidak ada kenaikan netto bila dibandingkan dengan hasil kegiatan monitoring tahun pertama. Applicability: All farms (penerapan : semua tambak)
a. Maintain records for every six months of specific conductance measured in in adjacent land ecosystems and agricultural fields. The B-EIA should identify the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring. Auditors should refer to footnote [48] for specific guidance on monitoring criteria. a. Mempertahankan catatan bulanan konduktansi spesifik yang diukur di ekosistem darat atau lahan pertanian yang bersebelahan.BEIA harus mengidentifikasi titik sampling dan frekuensi pemantauan. auditor harus merujuk ke catatan [48] untuk panduan khusus dalam kriteria pemantauan.
b. Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement to be taken in presence of the auditor b.Menyelenggarakan pengukuran konduktansi spesifik yang dilakukan di hadapan auditor. c. If specific conductance has shown a net increase since the year of first monitoring. Provide evidence from an independent official organization (government agency, university) that such increase was due to a phenomenon outside the control of the farmer. c. Bila konduktansi spesifik menunjukkan peningkatan netto sejak tahun pertama monitoring, maka perlu menyediakan bukti dari organisasi yang memiliki reputasi baik bahwa peningkatan tersebut diakibatkan fenomena yang berada di luar kuasa pengusaha tambak.
A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records of specific conductance and that specific conductance did not show any net increase (fluctuations that do not indicate an increasing trend are not considered a net increase). A cross check should be conducted to verify that the B-EIA reports sampling stations and frequency of monitoring are adhered to. Auditors should validate monitored data at least four points within the farm perimeter (one station per perimeter side). Monitored station should remain the same across years and identified on farm map. Number of sampling stations: only 2 station deteced Map available: no Sampling frequency: not mention Initial value: Last year values: Increasing trend?
Client provide Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration measurement in adjacent land in one station (each site) however the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring are not define in BEIA report (which location). Cant Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement. Klien menyediakan pengukuran konduktansi tanah atau konsentrasi klorida spesifik di lahan yang berdekatan di satu stasiun (masing-masing lokasi) namun stasiun sampling dan frekuensi pemantauan tidak ditentukan dalam laporan BEIA (lokasi mana). tidak dapat mengatur waktu untuk pengukuran konduktivitas spesifik tanah
A. konfirmasi tambak memiliki kelengakapan dan keakuratan pencatatan dari konduktansi khusus, dan tidak menunjukkan kenaikan (fluktuasi bahwa tidak ada indikasi kenaikan). kros cek sebaiknya dilakukan dengan verifikasi laporan BEIA, lokasi sampling dan frekuensi pemantauan. auditor sebaiknya memvalidasi data pemantauan sekurangnya 4 titik di tambak (satu stasiun per parameter), stasiun/lokasi pemantauan jumlah stasiun pemantauan: hanya 2 peta ada: tidak frekuensi sampling: tidak disebutkan nilai awal: , nilai tahun lalu: , kenaikan? B. Auditor supervises measurement and confirms compliance to the requirements Audit values: cant arrange B. auditor menyaksikan pengukuran dan konfirmasi sesuai dengan persyaratan pengukuran saat audit: tidak bisa menyusun C. Provide evidence from an independent official organization (government agency, university) that such increase was due to a phenomenon outside the control of the farmer. Phenomenon that cause the net increase: n/a C. menyediakan bukti dari organisasi resmi (pemerintah, universitas) bawa peningkatannya bukan disebabkan oleh aktifitas tambak yan menyebabkan kenaikan: n/a
d. Others, please describe
Indicator: Specific conductance or chloride concentration of sediment prior to disposal outside the farm. indikator: Konduktansi spesifik atau konsentrasi klorida sedimen sebelum pembuangan di luar tambak. 2.5.5
a. Maintain records of specific conductance of sediment prior to disposal outside the farm and of specific conductance in the disposal area. a.Mempertahankan catatan konduktansi spesifik sebelum pembuangan di luar kawasan tambak, dan konduktansi spesifik di kawasan pembuangan.
Requirement: The specific conductance or chloride concentration values must not exceed those of the soil in the disposal area [49]. syarat: Nilai konduktansi spesifik atau konsentrasi klorida sedimentidak b. Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement on the disposal area to be boleh melebihi nilai yang terukur di tanah area pembuangan [49]. taken in presence of the auditor. B.Menyelenggarakan pengukuran konduktansi spesifik yang dilakukan di Applicability: All farms hadapan auditor. penerapan: semua
A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records and compliance to the requirement. Main records: Examples: Conductance values: n/a Chloride concentration values: n/a n/a. Farm not dispose any soil/sediment outside the farm A. konfirmasi tambah memiliki kelengkapan dan keakuratan catatan dan sesiao denngan aturan catatan utama: contoh: konduktansi : N/a konsentrasi klorida: n/a B. Auditor supervises measurement and confirms compliance to the requirement. Was Auditor Measurement possible?: n/a Conductance values: n/a Chloride concentration values: n/a Values do not exceed?: n/a. Farm not dispose any soil/sediment outside the farm
Client culturing Black tiger traditional farming, and in the whole farm did not dispose any sediment to outside the farm/ponds. and the indicator said , "Specific conductance or chloride concentration of sediment prior to disposal outside the farm." During document review and site visit not found any evidence farm has dispose sediment outside farm. sludge and even there is sediment, it was used for dykes maintenance. klien memBudidayakan tambak tradisional udang hitam, dan di seluruh tambak tidak membuang lumpur/sedimen ke luar tambak/ kolam dan indikatornya mengatakan," "Konduktansi khusus atau konsentrasi klorida sedimen sebelum dibuang ke luar pertanian." " Selama peninjauan dokumen dan kunjungan lapangan tidak ditemukan bukti tambak telah membuang sedimen di luar tambak Lumpur dan bahkan ada sedimen, itu digunakan untuk perawatan tanggul.
c. Others, please describe PRINCIPLE 3:DEVELOP AND OPERATE FARMS WITH CONSIDERATION FOR SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES [50][51] Criterion 3.1: All impacts on surrounding communities, ecosystem users and land owners are accounted for and are, or will be, negotiated in an open and accountable manner
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Compliant Indicator: Farm owners shall commission or undertake a participatory Social Impact Assessment (p-SIA) [52] and disseminate results and outcome openly in locally appropriate language. Local government and at least one civil society organization chosen by the community shall have a copy of this document. The p-SIA process and document includes a participatory (shared) impact and risk analysis with surrounding communities and stakeholders [53]. The participatory element (community input and response) is visibly included in the report. Outcomes as agreed between farm and surrounding community on how to manage risks and impacts are included in the report. Requirement: The p-SIA report adheres to the steps outlined in Appendix II; is available in the local government, the community and through the chosen community civil organization; and the report lists dates of meetings and names of participants.
a. Provide a p-SIA inclusive of all items reported in Appendix II. For large scale farms (e.g. vertically integrated operations) the p-SIA must be commissioned to professional experts. A new p-SIA should be conducted at least every 3-years. > pre-audit preparations to include liaising with stakeholders provided by farms and also the NGO or union and local government. > triangulation is applied as audit technique: the verification of p-SIA reports and process includes at least one randomly chosen intervieuwee from the community stakeholders list the farm provides, and one from the local organisation the farm included in p-SIA processes, and one by audit firm identified local organisation that can be expected to know the area. a.Menyediakan p-SIA yang mencakup semua hal yang dilaporkan dalam Lampiran II. Untuk tambak skala besar (mis. Operasi yang terintegrasi secara vertikal), p-SIA harus dikomisikan kepada tenaga ahli profesional. Studi p-SIA baru harus dilakukan sedikitnya setiap 3 tahun sekali.
Applicability: All 3.1.1
indikator: Pemilik tambak perlu melakukan, baik melalui komisi ataupun sendiri, sebuah Analisis Dampak Sosial partisipatif (participatory Social Impact Assessment (p-SIA)) [52] dan menyebarluaskan hasilnya secara terbuka dalam bahasa yang sesuai untuk masyarakat setempat. Pemerintah setempat dan paling tidak satu organisasi masyarakat sipil setempat yang dipilih oleh masyarakat harus menerima salinan dari dokumen ini.Proses dan dokumen p-SIA mencakup analisis dampak dan risiko partisipatif (bersama) yang melibatkan masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan daerah setempat [53]. Elemen partisipasi (masukan dan respon masyarakat) harus disertakan dengan jelas dalam laporan. Hasil akhir sebagaimana disetujui antara pengelola tambak dan masyarakat sekitar mengenai bagaimana cara mengelola risiko dan dampak perlu disertakan di dalam laporan. syarat: Laporan p-SIA mengikuti langkah-langkah yang digariskan dalam Lampiran II; tersedia melalui pemerintah setempat, melalui masyarakat, dan melalui organisasi masyarakat yang terpilih; dan laporan memiliki rincian tanggal pertemuan dan nama peserta yang berpartisipasi. penerapan: semua
b. For large scale farms, provide evidence of the experience of the professional experts commissioned. Verify the CV or resume and previous participatory consultation of the professional experts commissioned for the P-SIA conduction. B.Untuk tambak skala besar, perlu menyediakan bukti pengalaman dari tenaga ahli yang menerima komisi untuk melakukan p-SIA. Bukti tersebut harus berupacatatan kerja selama minimal 3 tahun melakukan konsultasi partisipatif dengan masyarakat pedesaan.
PSIA author (penulis PSIA) Cut Desyana, S.Si, M.Mar.St (Master of MArine Sciences). ASC Shrimp raining at 2-4 Dec. 2013. Dr. Idm Darma Setiawan (MAster of Economic and Agriculture ) Firman Zulfikar, M.Si (MAster of Coastal Resource management). Dandy Eko Prasetiyo, M.Si (Master of Science and Biology Conservation) Sulastiti Ismuningrum, S.Sos (Bachelor Degree in Social) Date of issue: March 2016 PSIA According to appendix II checklist? Yes For recertifications (3 years) a new PSIA was done? NA Stakeholders interviewed (mention only organization name!): Representative of Tias Village, Workers, Mr. Didit (form Fishery and Marine Department), WWF Indonesia, and buyers (PT. MMA)
Evidence: SIA Rusli Nurdin March 2016 available in English and Bahasa Professional experts names: Cut Desyana, S.Si, M.Mar.St = more than 10 years in aquaculture Dr. I Dewa Made Darma Setiawan = more than 10 years in social Firman Zulfikar, S.Pi., M.Si. = more than 3 years in community development Dandy Eko Prasetiyo, M.Si (Master of Science and Biology Conservation) Sulastiti Ismuningrum (Titik) = more than 10 years in social welfare Verified CV Of expertise team (keahlian tem diferifikasi) CVs verified?: YES PSIA Author field of expertice and experience: Expertise and Aquaculture, and more than 10 years in aquaculture and environment and 10 years in social welfare (Mrs Sulastiti) Other PSIA or similar studies done by the author: None penulis PSIA keahlian dan pengalaman: keahlian dan perikanan budidaya, lebih dari 10 tahun di budidaya serta lingkungan dan 10 tahun pengalaman di sosial (Mrs Sulastiti)
c. Others, please describe
Criterion 3.2: Complaints by affected stakeholders are being resolved a. Prepare and ensure the application of a conflict resolution policy for local communities. Verify that the Conflict resolution policy tracks and addresses all the complaints identified by the P-SIA. A.Menyiapkan dan memastikan penerapan kebijakan resolusi konflik untuk masyarakat setempat.
Indicator: Farm owners shall develop and apply a verifiable conflict resolution policy for local communities. The policy shall state how conflicts identified in the p-SIA and new complaints will be tracked transparently, how third party mediation can be part of the process and explain how to respond to all received complaints. Complaint boxes, complaint registers and complaint acknowledgement receipts (in local language(s)) are used. Requirement: Completed Applicability: All 3.2.1
indikator: Pemilik tambak akan mengembangkan dan menerapkan kebijakan resolusi konflik untuk masyarakat setempat yang dapat diverifikasi. Kebijakan tersebut akan menyatakan bagaimana konflikkonflik diidentifikasi di dalam p-SIA dan keluhan-keluhan baru akan dilacak secara transparan, bagaimana mediasi pihak ketiga dapat menjadi bagian dari proses dan menjelaskan bagaimana cara merespon terhadap semua keluhan yang diterima. Kotak keluhan, catatan keluhan, dan tanda pengakuan penerimaan keluhan (dalam bahasa setempat) telah dipergunakan. syarat: terselesaikan penerapan: semua
b. Maintain records of all the people having received copy of the policy and also local NGO or Union and local government. Methods to document interactions with stakeholdersshould demonstrate that communication channels are effective, rather than stipulating distribution of a conflict resolution procedure. b.Membuat pencatatan semua orang yang menerima salinan kebijakan tersebut dan termasuk NGO lokal atau perserikatan dan pemerintah setempat. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencatat interaksi dengan para pemangku kepentingan harus mendemonstrasikan bahwa jalur komunikasi yang dilakukan efektif, daripada menentukan distribusi prosedur resolusi konflik.
c. Maintain records of meetings (at least twice per year) held with local communities to identify and resolve conflicts. Records must include list of participants, agendas and agreed action plan and summaries. For first audits records must cover at least one meeting (this could be part of the p-SIA process if the p-SIA was conducted less than 6 months before the audit). c. Menjaga pencatatan pertemuan-pertemuan yang dilakukan (paling kurang dua kali per tahun) dengan masyarakat lokal untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan konflik. Pencatatan harus termasuk daftar peserta, agenda, dan rencana kerja yang disetujui dan rangkuman pertemuan. untuk audit pertama pencatatan harus termasuk paling kurang satu pertemuan (hal ini dapat termasuk bagian dari proses p-SIA apabila p-SIA dilakukan kurang dari 6 bulan sebelum audit).
Conflict resolution format availbale? yes Complaints case example: n/a complaints were tracked and solved? n/a. No complaint case from the stakeholders yet since 2016 format konflik ada: ya contoh komplain : n/a komplain terlacak dan terselesaikan: n/a. tidak ada komplain dari masyarakat sekitar sejak 2016
Number of copies delivered: 3 Organizations communicated: 4 Copy of policy shared to NGO, also published in the notice board on-site Organizations communicated: WWF Indonesia and PT. MMA (as a buyer and fund raiser), Tias Village, Tarakan Fishery and Marine department. SOP and policy for conflict resolution have been made by the Farmers, and the copy of policies were shared to NGO (WWF Indonesia), minutes meeting and discussion also maintained (included in the p-SIA), verified last 6 month records, no complaint yet from the stake holder. posting of complaint also can be triggered VIA guest log book. jumlah copy yang diserahkan: 3 organisasi yang dikomunikasikan terkait : 4 salinan kebijakan diberikan ke LSM, serta diumumkan di papan pengumuman organisasi yang dikomunikasikan: WWF indonesia dan PT MMA , penduduk tias, nelayan tarakan dan departement kelautan. prosedur dan kebijakan konflik telah dibuat, sert salinan kebijakan diberikan pula ke WWF indonesia. catatan rapat dan diskusi ada, diverifikasi catatan 6 bulan terakhir. tidak ada komplain dari masyarakat sekitar. komplain juga bisa dilakukan melalui buku log-book tamu.
First audit audit pertama Meeting date: 6-11 January 2016 tanggal : 6-11 januari 2016 Number of participants: 59 participants partisipan: 59 orang Minutes with agenda are available in the p-SIA report hasil rapat dan agenda ada di laporan PSIA Next audits audit lanjutan Meetings dates:na, initial audit tanggal rapat: n./a audit pertama Number of participants: partisipan: minutes available? hasil rapat ada:
d. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Areas of conflict [54] or dispute are recorded and shared among farm, local government and surrounding community representatives. At least 50% of the conflicts shall be resolved [55] within one year from the date of being filed, and a total of 75% in the period between two successive audits. Requirement: Completed
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Complaint format available? YES format komplain ada: ya Number of complaints recorded in 1 year: 0 jumlah komplain dalam setahun: 0 Number of complaints solved in one year: 0 jumlah komplain terseselaikan: 0 solved =>NA Number of complaints recorded since last audit: NA jumlah komplain sejak audit terakhir: n/a Number of complaints solved since last audit: NA jumlah komplain terselesaikan: n/a solved =>NA a. Maintain a register of complaints, clearly identifying what complaints have been Complaint example: NA contoh komplain: n/a resolved and the resolution date. Verify application of policy (written or verbal) Complaint date: NA tanggal: n/a with at least one complainant. Check documentation on all actions taken in Resolution date: NA resolusi: n/a response to complaints. And verify with at least one attendant the accuracy of Meeting date: 6-11 January 2016 tanggal: 6-11 januari 2016 meeting minutes, agenda, agreements, actions. Number of participants: 59 participants jumlah partisipan: 59 partisipan Minutes with agenda are available in the p-SIA report hasil rapat dengan agenda ada dalam laporan BEIA a.Melakukan registrasi keluhan dan masalah, melakukan identifikasi keluhan/masalah yang telah diselesaikan dan tanggal penyelesaian. Verifikasi Form of complaint from the workers to the farmers is available, format of complaint form for raising the issue from stakeholder to the intended penerapan kebijakan (tertulis atau lisan) dengan setidaknya satu pelapor. Periksa farmer is in place. dokumentasi pada semua tindakan yang diambil dalam menanggapi keluhan. form komplain dari pekerja ke petambak ada, format komplain untuk komplain dari masyarakat sekitar ada Dan memverifikasi dengan setidaknya satu petugas. Number of complaints recorded in 1 year: 0 jumlah komplain dalam setahun: 0 Number of complaints solved in one year: 0 jumlah komplain terselesaikan: 0
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
3.2.2 Applicability: All Indikator: Area konflik atau sengketa dicatat dan dibagikan ke petambak, pemerintah daerah dan perwakilan masyarakat sekitar. Setidaknya 50% dari konflik harus diselesaikan dalam satu tahun dari tanggal yang diajukan, dan total 75% pada periode antara dua audit berturut-turut.
b. Maintain minutes of community meetings showing issues discussed and issues resolved. b. Membuat catatan pertemuan masyarakat, yang menunjukkan masalahmasalah yang didiskusikan dan diselesaikan. c. Maintain minutes of local government and community representatives (if applicable) meetings showing issues discussed. c. Membuat catatan pertemuan dengan pemerintah dan wakil masyarakat setempat (jika ada), dan pertemuan melakukan pembahasan penyelesaian masalah.
Evidnces verified: (bukti terverifikasi) nr. 07/TATA CARA PENYAMPAIAN KELUHAN/12/2015 DD 16-06-16 nr. I/SPD/I/2015 = Surat Perjanjian Kerja Formulir Penyampaian Keluhan/Pelecehan Bagi Pekerja Tambak dan Masyarakat Suggestion BOX Minutes for all complaints available? NA catatan komplain ada: ya Complain example: NA contoh komplain: n/a number of attendants: NA jumlah peserta: n/a date: NA Based on the last PSIA in March 2016 till now, no issues form the community yet menurut laporan PSIA bulan maret 2016 sampai dengan sekarang tidak ada komplain dari masyarakat sekitar. Minutes for all complaints available? No complaints yet catatan komplan ada: tidak ada komplain Complaint example: NA contoh komplain: n/a local goverment or representatives pemerintah daerah/perwakilan date: NA no issues form the community yet tidak ada komplain
d. Others, please describe Criterion 3.3: Transparency in providing employment opportunities within local communities [56]
a. Provide evidence of local advertising of positions hired where employees are coming from a location other than the location area of the farm. Can be verified during interviews with workers. a. Menyediakan bukti iklan lokal lowongan pekerjaan dimana pekerja yang Indicator: Farms shall document evidence of advertising positions to people living within daily traveling distance from the farm before hiring berasal dari suatu lokasi yang bukan lokasi dimana tambak berada. Hal ini dapat diverifikasi selama wawancara dengan pekerja. people who cannot travel to and from home on a daily basis [57]. Indikator: Pemilik tambak harus mendokumentasikan bukti iklan yang ditujukan untuk pekerja yang bisa mengakkses tambak dalam 1 hari perjalanan dan pekerja yang tidak dapat melakukan perjalanan ke dan dari rumah setiap hari. 3.3.1
Requirement: Proof of dated job opening advertisements in surrounding villages, by means of either/or signposts, billboards or ads in local magazines or newspapers. syarat : Bukti penayangan (hari/tanggal/ bulan/ tahun) iklan lowongan pekerjaan di desa-desa sekitarnya, baik itu dilakukan dengan pemasangan pengumuman, billboard atau iklan di majalah atau koran lokal.
b. Present a list containing name, address and contact number of all the people consulted to advertise the posistion in the local community. Can be verified during interviews with workers. B. memberikan daftar nama, alamat dan nomor telepon dari semua orang yang dikonsulkan untuk mengrnformasikan posisi/jabatan dalam masyarakat setepat. dapat juga diverifikasi saat wawancara dengan pekerja.
Applicability: Medium and large scale farms: those who hire more than one permanent worker, non local worker. Penerapan: tambak menengah dan besar: mereka yang mempekerjakan lebih dari satu buruh tetap, pekerja non lokal.
Local advertisement done by verbally, last advertisement was in October 2016, he asked to the neighbor and within 1 week there is a person coming to his house asking for job, he did an interview of asking the trustness, willingness and experience, and he accepted the cultivators. Mechanism confirmed by local workers? based on partner interview, no such case of asking religion, gender, sex orientation, ethnics, etc during hiring by the farmers. No new hiring since 2015, all workers were from Sulawesi, which is the neighbour island. Sample of job vacancy by Mr. Rusli
pengumuman lokal dengan cara verbal, pengumuman terakhir pada bulan oktober 2016, dia menanyakan kepada tetangga dan dalam waktu seminggu orang tersebut datang ke rumahnya untuk menanyakan terkait pekerjaan, dia melakukan wawancara dan menanyakan terkait kepercaya, kemauan dan pengalaman kemudian diterima. mekanisme dikonfirmasi oleh pekerja lokal: saat wawancara, tidak ada yang pertanyaan terkait agama, jenis kelamin, etnis, dll saat mempekerjakan seseorang. semua pekerja berasal dari luar daerah (sulawesi) , contoh iklan kerja oleh pak Rusli.
List of name available?: Yes Does it contain names, address and contact number?: Yes Number of people contacted to advertise the position: 7 N° Interviews: 7 daftar nama ada: ya apakah terkmasuk nama, alamat dan no.telp: ya jumlah wawancara: 7
c. Others, please describe
There are 7 contracted partners with partnership/sharing scheme of 25% to the workers/partner and 75% to the landowner, Number of people contacted to advertise the position: NA as the farmers search it directly with viral method. Accoroding to workers and farmer, there is none from the local community (from Tias Villave that is willing to work with him as there are most likely having the same business as farmers. thus the farmer can only hire the workers from different location/island. ada 7 orang dikontrak kerja sama dengan skema 25% untuk pekerja dan 75% untuk pemilik tambak.jumlah orang yang dikontrak dalam iklan : NA. petani mencari sendiri. menurut pekerja dan pemilik, tidak ada masyarakat sekitar (dari desa tias yang ingin bekerja karena sebagian besar masyarakat tias memiliki usaha yang sama (tambak) . oleh sebab itu pemilik hanya bisa mempekerjakan dari luar daerah/pulau lain.
a. Maintain employee register also indicating place of origin. a. Membuat registrasi pegawai termasuk daerah asal.
Employee record detail place of origin (actual living area)? Register of partner/workers are available, copy of ID is also kept by the farmer catatan detail pekerja :daftar kerjsama/pekerja ada, salinan KTP disimpan oleh pekerja sendiri
Indicator: Justifications for employment of each worker are available, and based on profile and merits (skills, experience or CV in the case of hired migrant worker). Indikator : Rekruitmen dilakukan sesuai dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia, dan berdasarkan profil dan kemampuan pekerja (keterampilan, pengalaman sesuai CV) Requirement: Written and dated records of applications and interviews Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 with applicants, including stating whether they are from an outside Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
community or from the local area. Records must also state reasons for successful or unsuccessful applications. Name and contact details of applicants will make verification possible. Kebutuhan : Catatan kapan lamaran disampaikan dan kapan
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Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Justifications for employment of each worker are available, and based on profile and merits (skills, experience or CV in the case of hired migrant worker). Indikator : Rekruitmen dilakukan sesuai dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia, dan berdasarkan profil dan kemampuan pekerja (keterampilan, pengalaman sesuai CV)
Requirement: Written and dated records of applications and interviews with applicants, including stating whether they are from an outside community or from the local area. Records must also state reasons for successful or unsuccessful applications. Name and contact details of applicants will make verification possible. Kebutuhan : Catatan kapan lamaran disampaikan dan kapan wawancara dengan pelamar dilakukan, termasuk membuat catatan apakah pelamar berasal dari komunitas luar atau dari daerah setempat. Catatan juga harus memberikan alasan untuk pelamar diterima atau gagal. Applicability: Medium and large scale farms: those who hire more than one permanent worker, non local worker. Penerapan : tambak menengah dan besar: mereka yang mempekerjakan lebih dari satu buruh tetap, pekerja non lokal.
Indicator: Written contract agreements Indikator: Tersedia Kontrak Kerja Requirement: The contracts are written in an appropriate language [59], and co-signed copies are kept by both parties. Persyaratan : Kontrak yang ditulis dalam bahasa yang bisa dipahami kedua belah pihak, dan masing-masing memiliki salinan kontrak yang ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak. Applicability: Producers practicing contract farming
Indicator: Contract provisions Indikator: Ketentuan Persyaratan Kontrak Requirement: The contracts comply with the Appendix III (part A) on content of basic provisions to ensure that conditions of the agreement are mutually understood. Persyaratan : Kontrak sesuai dengan Lampiran III (bagian A), memastikan bahwa isi perjanjian yang dituangkan dalam kontrak saling dipahami oleh kedua belah pihak.. Applicability: Producers practicing contract farming Penerapan : Pemilik tambak belajar membuat kontrak yang benar.
Indicator: Transparency and openness of negotiations. Indikator : Transparansi dan keterbukaan dalam melakukan negoisasi Requirement: Meetings between the purchaser and the contract farmers to discuss and negotiate agreements are held at least twice a year and documented. Meetings are attended by at least three representatives of the farm group or cooperative. All members contributing to the supply contract must sign their agreement to the negotiated terms. Persyaratan : Dokumentasi catatan rapat antara perusahan (pembeli) dengan pemilik tambak untuk mendiskusikan dan menegosiasikan perjanjian yang akan dituangkan dalam kontrak, dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya dua kali dalam satu tahun. Pertemuan dihadiri oleh setidaknya tiga wakil dari kelompok tani atau koperasi. Semua anggota berkontribusi dalam penyusunan butir-butir persyaratan yang akan dituangkan dalam kontrak dan harus menandatangani kontrak yang telah disetujui bersama. Applicability: Producers practicing contract farming Penerapan : Pemilik tambak belajar membuat kontrak yang benar
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
b. Provide dated records of applications and interviews. Can be verified during interviews with workers b. Menyediakan catatan aplikasi dan wawancara yang memiliki tanggal. Dapat diverifikasi selama wawancara dengn pekerja.
Number of Job Application forms reviewed: NA ,no job application form from the workers, they just come to the employer and ask for job, simple interview Number of interviews results reviewed: 1 (Rusli), Confirmed by interviews with workers? 1 (Sahar dd 1 September 2016) jumlah daftar pekerja yang direview: NA. tidak ada form aplikasidari pekerja, mereka hanya datang ke pemilik dan menanyakan pekerjaan kemudian pemilik mewawancara pekerja.
c. Provide a written explanation for employing workers outside the local community. c. Menyediakan penjelasan tertulis untuk pegawai yang dipekerjakan yang bukan masyarakat lokal.
Number of not local workers hired: Rusli's site 7 , Suminto's site 1. Written explanation available for all cases? Yes Example of explanation: workers from Sulawesi Island is easier to get as most of the Tarakan people are fisherman jumlah pekerja bukan dai daerah setempat: rusli 7, suminto 1 penjelasan tertulis ada : ya contoh penjelasan: pekerja dari sulawesi lebih mudah didapatkan dikarekanan hampir semua orang tarakan adalah nelayan.
d. Others, please describe
Partners and farmer interview: As all workers are considered transmigran, there is written explanatory and justification that workers from the local(Tias Village are also act as farmer and doesn want to be worker) pekerja (kerjasama) dan pemilik petani mewawancara: semua pekerja merupakan transmigram, ada penjelasan tertulis dan penilaian bahwa pekerja lokal (desa tias juga memiliki tambak sehingga tidak ingin bekerja).
a. Ensure that all contracted farms have copies of contracts in an appropriate language and co-signed copies are available to both parties (i.e. contractor and contracted party). a. Pastikan seluruh tambak yang dikontrak memiliki salinan kontrak dalam bahasa yang layak dan salinan yang telah ditandatangani kedua belah pihak tersedia pada kedua belah pihak (pemberi kontrak dan pihak yang dikontrak)
Farm has a copy of contract? Contracts are signed by both, farm and contractor?n/a Farm has not applied a contract farming tambak memiliki kontrak? Kontrak ditanda tangani oleh keduanya: n/a tambak tidak menerapkan kontrak (tapi dengan skema kerja sama)
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC Compliant (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Farm has not applied a contract farming tambak tidak menerapkan kontrak (tapi dengan skema kerja sama)
NA, Farm has not applied a contract farming
NA, Farm has not applied a contract farming NA, tambak tidak menerapkan kontrak kerja (skema kemitraan)
b. Others, please describe
a. Ensure that all farm contracts comply with the requirements in Appendix III. Additionally, verification with workers working for the smaller party in the contract relationship to verify the application of the contracted conditions. a. Pastikan kontrak seluruh tambak sesuai dengan persyaratan pada lampiran III. Selanjutnya, verifikasi kepada pekerja yang bekerja pada pihak yang lebih kecil dalam hubungan kontrak mengenai penerapan kondisi-kondisi yang berada dalam kontrak.
All appendix III requiements covered in contracts? NA, Farm has not applied a contract farming Compliance in contracts conditions confirmed by workers? NA persyaratan pada lampiran III ada dalam kontrak? n/a. tidak menerapkan kontrak kerja sesuai dalam kondisi kontrak dikonfirmasi oleh pekerja? n/a
b. Others, please describe
a. Maintain minutes of meetings with at least three representatives of the contracted farmers showing issues discussed. a. Membuat catatan pertemuan dengan paling kurang tiga perwakilan pembudidaya yang dikontrak yang memperlihatkan bahwa masalah telah didiskusikan
Dates of meetings: NA, Farm has not applied a contract farming # of Participants: Number of members signed agreement: tanggal rapat: n/a, tambak tidak menerapkan kontrak kerja partisipan: jumlah anggota yang tanda tangan :
b. Others, please describe
PRINCIPLE 4: OPERATE FARMS WITH RESPONSIBLE LABOR PRACTICES [60] Criterion 4.1: Child labor and young workers [62]
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Minimum age of hired workers [61] indikator : batas minimal umur pekerja [61] 4.1.1.
Requirement: 18 years of age syarat: 18 tahun Applicability: All penerapan: semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Employee record includes: sample for one worker Ritahudin/Riank Date of birth? YES 01-12-1983 Starting date? 21 January 2016 Number of records reviewed: 7 Child labor policy available? None Number of confirmations of working age: minimum 18 years old catatan pekerja termasuk: contoh untuk satu pekerja, ritahudin tanggal lahir: yas 01-12-1983 tanggal bekerja: 21 jan. 2016 jumlah catatan: 7 kebijakan pekerja anak: tidak umur pekerja: minimum 18 tahun
a. Maintain a list of all employees employed in the farm indicating date of birth. > verify employee list for age and criterion (or ID) on which this was determined. > verify starting dates of employment. > verify child labour policy statement. > use observation on site and random interviews with workers a. Membuat daftar seluruh pegawai yang dipekerjakan di tambak mengidentifikasikan tanggal lahir. > verifikasi daftar pegawai untuk umurdan kriteria (atau tanda pengenal)dimana hal ini dtentukan.>verifikasi tanggal dimulai kepagawaian.>verifikasi pernyataan kebijakan buruh anak.>gunakan observasi ditempat dan wawancara acak dengan pekerja. b. Maintain copies of the official ID of all the employees listed showing date of birth. b. Membuat salinan tanda pengenal resmi seluruh pegawai yang menunjukkan tanggal lahir
ID copies available? Yes salinan KTP ada: ya
c. Ensure that no employee is younger than 18 years old (use birthdate to calculate exact age), see footnote. c. Pastikan tidak ada pegawai yang lebih muda dari 18 tahun (gunakan tanggal lahir untuk menghitung umur sebenarnya), lihat catatan kaki.
Are there employees under 18 years old? None (ada pekerja dibawah 18 tahun ? tidak ada) Sample: Date of birth: 01-12-1983 tanggal lahir: yas 01-12-1983 Date of audit: 22-03-2017 tanggal audit: 22-03-2017 Exact age: 34 years Old umur: 34 tahun and Sample: Date of birth: 01-12-1983 sampel: tanggal lahir: 01-12-1983 Date of audit: 11-02-1981 tanggal lahir 11-02-1981 Exact age: 36 years Old umur: 36 tahun
d. Provide a declaration stating that the farm is against child labor and will not employ anybody younger than 18 years old. Employment procedures for the farm cite that employment will not be offered to individuals under 18 years of age. Declaration available stating not employ or offer wor to individuals under 18 years old? Yes, also posted onsite d. Sediakan deklarasi yang menyatakan bahwa tambak menentang pekerja anak pernyataan yang menyatakan tidak mempekerjakan atau menawarkan ke individu dibawah 18 tahun? Ya, juga di tampilkan dilapangan. dan tidak akan mempekerjakan orang yang lebih muda dari 18 tahun. Prosedur kepegawaian untuk tambak menyatakan bahwa kepegawaian tidak akan ditawarkan kepada individu dibawah 18 tahun e. Others, please describe Criterion 4.2: Forced, bonded compulsory labor [66] Compliant a. Ensure that all contracts clearly state workers' freedom to terminate their employment and receive full payment until the last day of their employment. > interview randomly workers as to their rights and obligations in ending a contract. > interview random workers if deposits have been lodged. > verify their understanding of farm policies. > verify with left workers whether payments have been made appropriately and no debts left behind.
Indicator: Right to full final payment and benefits Indikator: Hak untuk pembayaran penuh penuh dan manfaat akhir
contracts of agreement mentions term and conditions, rights and obligations, temination period, end date of employment, income scheme (25%) and benefit, does not state freedom to termante work and full payment, however it is available in the farmer's policy Clause number or page of Doc name: Contract cluase "Gaji Pokok dan Tunjangan", also dco Pernyataan Sikap Workers showed awareness at interview? yes a. Memastikan bahwa semua kontrak dengan jelas menyatakan kebebasan pekerja untuk Number of interviews: 8 menghentikan kepegawaiannya dan menerima pembayaran sampai dengan hari akhir There is evidence of deposit lodged or debts? no proof of lodging or deposit of original certificate, ID nor elses. bekerja.>wawancara secara acak pekerja mengenai hak dan kewajibannya dalam kontrak kerjasama disebutkan kondisi dan lamanya, hak dan kewajiban, periode penghentian dan tanggal mempekerjakan, pendapatan dengan mengakhiri kontraknya.>wwancara acak pekerja menganai apabila ada deposit yang pembagian 25% dan keuntungan lain. tidak menjelaskan terkait penghentian kerja dan dibayarkan full, akan tetapi ada dalam kebijakan pemilik tersangkut.>verifikasi pemahaman mereka mengenai kebijakan tambak.>verifikasi kepada petambak yang sudah keluar apakah pembayaran telah dilakukan dengan layak dan tidak ada hutang yang tersisa.
Requirement: Employers will not withhold any part of employee salary, property or benefits upon the termination of employment. b. Ensure that workers' rights as indicated in this Requirement are duly respected. Is the requirement respected? Yes perssyaratan sesuai? ya Persyaratan : Pengusaha tidak akan menahan sebagian dari gaji b. Memastikan bahwa hak-hak pekerja sebagaimana disyaratkan dihormati Records reviewed: Jan 2017 catatan direview: Jan 2017 karyawan, properti atau manfaat atas pemutusan hubungan kerja. dengan sepatutnya. dates: Jan 2017 tanggal jan 2017. Applicability: All penerapan: semua
c. Ensure that the farm does not withhold any part of workers’ salaries, benefits, property or documents in order to oblige them to continue working for the employer. c. Memastikan tambak tidak menahan sebagian gaji, manfaat, hak milik atau dokumen milik pekerja dengan tujuan untuk mewajibkan mereka bekerja kepada majikan. d. Ensure that no employee is obligated to work at the farm to repay debt. d. Memastikan bahwa tidak ada pegawai yang diwajibkan bekerja di tambak untuk melunasi hutang.
Farm withhold any money from workers to keep them working? No tambak menahan uang dari pekerja agar dia tetap bekerja? tidak Verified by: Auditor's interview to workers and farmer. Diverifikasi : auditor mewawancara pekerja dan pemilik petambak Records: NA catatan: n/a interviews number: 8 person wawancara: 8 orang Workers are obligated to work to repay debts? No Verified by: Auditor's interview to workers and farmer. Records: recipt ref. salary slip Dec-Jan 2017, and worker interview Interviews number: 8 workers
e. Others, please describe
Indicator: Employees have the right to keep identity documents and work permits Indikator: Karyawan memiliki hak untuk menjaga dokumen identitas dan izin kerja. Requirement: Hired workers are not required to surrender original identity documents with their employer upon commencing employment. Persyaratan : Pekerja yang di pekerjakan di tambak tidak diharuskan untuk menyerahkan dokumen identitas yang asli (KTP asli) dengan majikan mereka saat mulai bekerja. Applicability: All Penerapan : Semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
a. Ensure that nobody in the farm or on behalf of the employer withholds employee’s original identity papers. > Verify with random verification with workers a. Memastikan tidak seorangpun di tambak atau perwakilan majikan menahan dokumen asli identitas pekerja.>verifikasi dengan verifikasi acak pekerja
Compliant Workers original iD are kept? No Verified by: worker interview and observation of ID checking KTP pekerja ditahan : tidak diverifikasi: mewawancara pekerja dan observasi serta cek KTP.
b. Others, please describe
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Hired workers have the freedom of movement outside working hours Requirement: Hired workers shall be free to leave the workplace and manage their resting time Applicability: All Indikator : Pekerja tambak memiliki kebebasan bergerak di luar jam kerja. Persyaratan: pekerja tambak harus bebas untuk meninggalkan tempat kerja dan mengelola waktu istirahat mereka Penerapan : Semua
a. Ensure that employee are free to leave the workplace and manage their resting time. > Verify by reviewing any emplyee introduction packages or worker manuals. > check logbooks and clocking records. > verification interviews with workers and guards. a. Pastikan karyawan yang bebas untuk meninggalkan tempat kerja dan mengelola waktu istirahat mereka . Lakukan pengecekan logbook, dan verifikasi dengan mewawancarai pekerja dan penjaga tambak
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Are workers free to manage resting time? Yes Stated at: verbally confirmed by farmer and workers, and contract Records verified: contract of worker/partner Number of interviews: 8 Working day ends at: flexible as long as not more than 8 hrs per day, 6 day per week. apakah pekerj bebas mengatur waktu istirahat? ya pernyataan : dikonfirmasi saat wawancara dengan pekerja dan ada dalam kontrak catatan diverifikasi: kontrak kerjasama jumlah diwawancara: 8 hari kerja kerakhir pada: fleksibel selama tidak lebih dari 8 jam per hari 6 hari seminggu
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 4.3: Discrimination [70] in the work environment a. Provide and ensure the implementation of an anti-discrimination policy, stating that the company does not engage/support discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, age or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination. Verify that all the workers have received a copy of the anti-discrimination policy and/or are aware and understand the policy. Confirm that they are aware of its content. Indikator: Kebijakan Anti-diskriminasi di tempat kerja, tidak terbatas pada, a. Memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai bebas untuk meninggalkan tempat kerja bagaimana menghadapi diskriminasi di tempat kerja tetapi juga pekerja memperoleh akses yang sama terhadap semua pekerjaan yang berhubungan dan mengelola waktu istirahatnya. (verifikasi dengan wawancara paket dengan jenis kelamin, usia, asal pekerja (lokal vs pendatang), ras atau agama. perkenalan atau manual pekerja, cek buku harian dan catatan waktu kerja, Perusahaan memiliki prosedur yang jelas dan transparan untuk menanggapi lakukan wawancara verifikasi dengan pekerja dan penjaga) Indicator: Anti-discrimination policy in place, including, but not limited to, how to deal with discrimination in the workplace and equal access to all jobs in relation to gender, age, origin (locals vs. migrants), race or religion, and outlining clear and transparent company procedures are to raise/file and respond to discrimination complaints. Clear and transparent company procedures are outlined to raise/file and respond to discrimination complaints.
keluhan diskriminasi pekerja.
Requirement: Policy document is available on farm and its content is known by workers. Evidence that the procedures are in place and being used. No complaints from workers as to adherence to it. Applicability: All Persyaratan : Dokumen Kebijakan Anti Diskriminasi tersedia di tambak, dan isinya diketahui olehseluruh pekerja. Bukti bahwa prosedur ini dilakukan ditempat kerja. Tidak ada keluhan dari pekerja untuk kepatuhan untuk ini. Penerapan : Semua
Indicator: Number of incidences of discrimination Indikator: Jumlah kejadian diskriminasi Requirement: None (tidak ada) Applicability: All (semua)
Indicator: Equality of salaries and opportunities. All hired workers, independent of their gender, origin, race or religion, receive equal pay, benefits, promotion opportunities, job security arrangements and training opportunities for equal work at equal role and experience levels within the same hierarchical position. 4.3.3
Indicator: Respect of maternity rights and benefits Indikator: Menghormati hak bersalin Requirement: Employers shall not test for pregnancy and shall not sanction and/or dismiss on the basis of marital status and shall guarantee legal rights to pregnancy/maternity leave. Persyaratan : Pemilik tidak akanmemberikan sanksi dan / atau memberhentikan pekerja tambak atas dasar status perkawinan dan harus menjamin hak hukum untuk cuti hamil / melahirkan. Applicability: All (semua)
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
b. Others, please describe
a. Maintain a register with complaints (including complains on discrimination). a. Membuat registrasi keluhan (termasuk keluhan menganai diskriminasi)
Complaint format available? Yes in complaint form, suggestion box, also recorded in the guest log book Descrimination complaints recorded: base on record not complaint yet on site Example of 1 case and solution: NA Based on interview, no complaint from the workers yet. format komplain: ada dalam komplain form, kotak saran dan juga tercatat dalam buku tamu komplain terkait diskriminasi tercatat: berdasarkan catatan todak ada komplain contoh: n/a
b. Others, please describe
From the interview, all partners confirmed all treated equally, same regarding working hour, job desc and salary based on sharing mechanism. Dari wawancara, semua dikonfirmasi diperlakukan secara sama terkait jam kerja, tugas kerja dan gaji, berdasarkan mekanisme bagi hasil
a. Maintain records of employees' salary changes, promotions and training opportunities. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Membuat catatan perubahan gaji pegawai, promosi dan kesempatan pelatihan. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus termasuk ≥6 bulan.
Number of promotions or salary changes recorded: NA dates: NA Workers are paid base on percentage that relates to his perfomance eg. 25% from the net sales for Rusli and 10% for Suminto/Dahari. No female workers, and only workers from one Island which is Sulawesi base on plan of advertisement/vacancy format, no such gender or discrimination related in the application. jumlah promosi atau perubahan gaji: n/a tanggal: n/a
b. Others, please describe
Workers/partners are on a simple structure/scheme no other posisiton, and all terated equally. Sistem kerjasama, tidak ada posisi/jabatan, semua diperlakukan secara sama rata
Indikator: Kesetaraan dalam kesempatan kerja dan gaji. Semua pekerja yang dipekerjakan di tambak (dengan peran dan tingkatan yang sama) menerima gaji yang sama, tidak ada perbedaan gender, asal, ras atau agama, kesempatan promosi, pengaturan keamanan kerja dan kesempatan pelatihan untuk pekerjaan yang sama.
Requirement: Evidence of equality of salaries and opportunities. Applicability: All Persyaratan : Bukti kesetaraan gaji dan peluang penerapan : semua
Is a anti-discrimination policy in place? Available under doc name: Kebijakan Anti Diskriminasi Signed by: Farm owner Suminto Issue date: no date Includes all conditions in the requirment? 5 points except poliitical and union membership. Number of workers receiving a copy: it is posted in the noticeboard onsite, so all workers could not read and access it. Understanding confirmed at interviews? yes Number of interviews: 8 kebijakan anti diskriminasi ada: ada, dalam dokumen ditandatangani oleh: pemilik tambak (suminto) dikeluarkan tanggal, tidak ada tangga termasul dalam semua kondisi di dalam persyaratan: 5 hal kecuali politik dan keanggotaan pekerja pemahaman dikonfirmasi saat interview: ya jumlah wawancara : 8
Pregnant and lactating mothers protection policy available? NA Signed by:NA issue date:NA Cases of pregant mothers in the last 6 months (initial audit) /year (next audits):NA Working hours:NA Company ask in any way to inform when worker is pregnant?NA Medical record available?NA Health and safety risk assessment includes pregnant women?NA a. Menyediakan dan memastikan implementasi suatu kebijakan perlindungan ibu hamil Issue/review date:NA dan menyusui. Minimal mengikuti kebijakan umum, namun apabila hal tersebut tidak ada, beberapa level perlindungan harus diterapkan dan dihargai.>cek ketersediaan daftar kebijakan terkait hamil dan ruang menyusui ada: n/a kerja yang telah disesuaikan untuk wanita hamil dan menyusui.>catatan medis ditandatangani oleh: n/a merefleksikan kehamilan/laktasi (catat larangan terhadap menyatakan seseorang kejadian kehamilah dalam 6 bulan terakhir: n/a hamil!).>terdapat analisa resiko mengenai kehamilan/laktasi dan kesehatan dan jam kerja: n/a keselamatan pekerja. perusahaan menginformasikan ketika pekerja hamil? n/a a. Provide and ensure the implementation of a policy protecting pregnant and lactating mothers. Minimally adhere to public policy, but even in absence thereof, some degree of protection must be applied and accounted for. > check existence of special/adjusted work schedules for pregnant or lactating women. > medical records reflect pregnancy/lactation (do note the prohibition on demanding to be told one is pregnant!). > there is a risk analysis regarding pregnancy/lactation and worker health and safety.
No female workers/partners onsite
No female workers/partners onsite
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: Respect of maternity rights and benefits Indikator: Menghormati hak bersalin Requirement: Employers shall not test for pregnancy and shall not sanction and/or dismiss on the basis of marital status and shall guarantee legal rights to pregnancy/maternity leave. Persyaratan : Pemilik tidak akanmemberikan sanksi dan / atau memberhentikan pekerja tambak atas dasar status perkawinan dan harus menjamin hak hukum untuk cuti hamil / melahirkan. Applicability: All (semua)
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
b. Others, please describe Criterion 4.4: Work environment health and safety Major
Indicator: Percentage of workers trained in health and safety practices, procedures and policies relevant to the job. Safety equipment provided and maintained and in use. Indikator: Persentase pekerja terlatih di bidang keselematan dan kesehatan kerja, serta prosedur dan kebijakan yang relevan dengan pekerjaan. Peralatan keselamatan tersedia dan dipelihara dan bisa digunakan.
Requirement: 100% of workers trained. Certificates of training issued by the relevant competent national or provincial authority or by such an authority-recognized training center are required for operations with more than five employees [71] and evidence that safety equipment is in use by workers. Persyaratan : Seluruh pekerja sudah dilatih. Sertifikat pelatihan yang dikeluarkan oleh otoritas ditingkat nasional atau provinsi yang menyatakan bahwa yang bersangkutan kompeten, diberlakukan untuk operasional tambak dengan lebih dari lima karyawan serta bukti bahwa peralatan keselamatan bisa digunakan oleh pekerja.
Applicability: Farms with more than 5 employees Penerapan : Tambak dengan lebih dari 5 karyawan
a. Maintain records and copies of training certificates for all employees. Where governments programs don't offer training private training from independent companies and from an HR department with a well structured plan. > Auditors should check and verify the credentials of the organisation providing the training.
Health and Safety training date/s: not performed yet for Sudarman , farmer has a risk analysis base on activity. Trained by: farmer Trainer references: NA pelatihan kemanan dan keslamatan kerja: belum ada pelatihan tersebut untuk pak sudarman. berdasarkan analisa ada resiko dalam kegiatan di tambak. pelatih: pemilik tambak
Based on document review, no record of training for safey aspect and hazardous work for farmer Dahari and two workers for farmer Rulsi (Empo and Asdar). Berdasarkan review dokumen, tidak ada catatan terkait pelatihan kemamanan dan keselamatan kerja terkait pekerjaan yang berbahaya untuk petambak (dahari) dan 2 pekerja pak rusli (empo dan asdar)
Activities observed requiring PPE: monitoring pond, repel the animals PPE used: PPE used when perform activity on the farm are gloves and booth/safety shoes, and ear plug (for repel the animals) PPE available in a sufficient quanity for workers? yes PPE operative? yes Based on worker interview, he confirmed that the farmer did inform him about safety and what PPE to use during the work, also safety working b. Ensure that all workers use safety equipment as applicable. For equipment that instruction published in the notice board. How ever not recorded yet in the document. is on site, it should show signs of (recent) use, and is in effective working condition. aktifitas yang memerlukan APD: pementauan kolam, APD digunakan: digunakan saat aktivitas disekitar tambak, sarung tangan dan sepaty keselamatan. APD ada dan cukup? ya, APD digunakan: ya berdasarkan wawancara dengan pekerja, dikonfirmasi bahwa pemilik telah memberitahukan terkait keselamatan dan penggunaan APD saat kerja, dan pengumuman terkait keamanan kerja di papan pengumuman, namun tidak ada catatn di dokumen terkait instruksi tersebut.
c. Others, please describe
a. Maintain records of of all accidents and corrective actions taken. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Membuat catatan seluruh kecelakaan dan tindakan korektif yang dilakukan. Indicator: Monitoring of accidents and incidents and corrective actions. Untuk audit pertama, tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan Indikator: Pemantauan kecelakaan dan insiden, serta tindakan korektif. b. Ensure that corrective actions are in place as relevant. In cases where continued Requirement: All job-related accidents and incidents must be recorded repetition of same class of accidents are reported, a historical trend of decreasing and corrective actions must be documented and implemented. frequency should be demonstrated. Persyaratan : Semua kecelakaan dan insiden yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan harus dicatat dan tindakan korektif harus didokumentasikan dan diterapkan.
Applicability: All (semua)
b. Memastikan tindakan korektif dilakukan secara relevan. Pada kasus dimana terdapat pelaporan mengenai pengulangan menerus pada kelas kasus yang sama, suatu tren sejarah yang menunjukkkan pengurangan frekuensi harus terjadi.
There is an accidents and corrective actions format available? Yes for accident record, and corrective action format Number of recorded accidents cases in the last 6 months: Jan-June filled in by the farmer, no accident found in the record Example of case and corrective action: NA keberadaan format bila terjadi kecelakaan kerja : ya, jumlah catatab kecelakaan kerja dalam 6 bulan terakhir: Jan - juni diisi oleh petambak, tidak ada kecelakaan kerja contoh kasus dan tindakan koreksi. n/a There is an accidents and corrective actions format available? Yes for accident record, not for corrective action format Number of recorded accidents cases in the last 6 months: not filled in by the farmer Example of case and corrective action: NA Confirmed by all workers no accident yet during the work, first aid kit is also available onsite keberadaan format bila terjadi kecelakaan kerja : ya, jumlah catatab kecelakaan kerja dalam 6 bulan terakhir: tidak diisi, tidak ada kecelakaan kerja contoh kasus dan tindakan koreksi. n/a dikonfirmasi ke pekerja tidak ada kecelakaan kerja, P3K tersedia di rumah tambak.
c. Others, please describe Minor
Indicator: Medical expenses coverage. Requirement: Employer must provide a proof of coverage of all expenses related to any accident/injury occurring under the responsibility of the employer when not covered under national law. Applicability: All Indikator: cakupan biaya medis Persyaratan: Majikan harus memberikan bukti cakupan semua biaya yang berkaitan dengan setiap kecelakaan / cedera yang terjadi di bawah tanggung jawab majikan jika tidak tercakup dalam hukum nasional. Penerapan: Semua.
a. Provide evidence of the list of all permanent workers and evidence of health insurance coverage for all workers. a. Sediakan bukti dari seluruh daftar pekerja permanen dan bukti asuransi kesehatan untuk seluruh pekerja
Number of workers: 8 jumlah pekerja: 8 Number of workers with insurance: 8 jumlah pekerja yang diasuransikan: 8 Verfied by: labor contract, and farmer interview vdiverifikasi dengan: kontrak dan wawancara All workers are not provided by health insurance yet tidak ada asuransi kesehatan untuk pekerja.
All workers are not provided by health insurance yet e.g BPJS therefore the Farmers has to cover all injury/accident expense during the working time. Semua pekerja tidak disediakan jaminan asuransi kesehatan (BPJS) sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah, sehingga petani harus menanggung semua kejadian kecelakaan saat kerja
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 4.5: Minimum and fair wages [73] or “decent wages” Local legal minimum wage: 2,948,067 Payment form: cash Payment frequency: after the harvesting Number of payrolls reviewed: 7 Dates: Dec-January Harvest 2017 upah minimum: Rp. 2,948,067 a. Memiliki dokumen legal yang menunjukkan upah minimum untuk lokasi dimana pembayaran : cash tambak beroperasi.>verifikasi kontrak; catatan upah, dan slip pembayaran.>verifikasi upah lembur.>verifikasi catatan pemberhentian.>verifikasi hutang dan pengurangan frekuesni pembayaran, setelah panen dan/atau deposit.>cek acak pekerja apakah mereka mengetahuiupah minimum legal dan jumlah kwitansi pembayaran yang direview: 7 apakah catatan menunjukkan kenyataan. tanggal: Des - Jan. panen 2017 Contracts mention payment according minimum legal wage? Partnership Agreement b. Maintain copies of employees' contract and ensure that at least minimum wages Clause/page number:n/a are paid to employees. n/a. pertnership/sharing scheme b. Membuat salinan kontrak pekerja dan memastikan bahwa paling kurang upah dalam kontrak disebutkan terkait upah minimim: kontrak kerja sama minimum dibayarkan kepada pegawai. halaman: n/a n/a. skema upah berdasarkan kerja sama (sharing) a. Be in possession of legal documents showing minimum wages for the location where the farm operates. > verify contracts; wage records, and pay slips. > verify overtime rates. > verify the termination records. > verify for debts and deductions and/or deposits. > random check with workers whether they know legal minimum wage and whether records reflect reality.
Indicator: Minimum wage level as applicable to their specific job/task description. Indikator: Tingkat upah minimum yang berlaku sesuai deskripsi spesifik pekerjaan / tugas mereka.
Requirement: All hired [74] workers, including temporary workers, must receive pay greater than or equal to legally set minimum wage according to country or region in country (whichever applies). Payments must be done: in legal tender, at the workplace or in the worker’s bank account, at the frequency specified in the contract, with clearly documented pay slips given to workers, including identification of any deductions, advanced payments and/or agreed contributions.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version pekerja 1.0 Persyaratan : Semua yang disewa, termasuk pekerja sementara, Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
harus menerima bayaran lebih besar dari atau sama dengan upah minimum yang berlaku di wilayah tersebut. Pembayaran harus dilakukan di tempat kerja atau di rekening bank pekerja, pada frekuensi yang ditentukan dalam kontrak, dengan slip gaji jelas, dicatat diberikan kepada pekerja, termasuk identifikasi setiap pemotongan, atau kontribusi yang telah disepakati.
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Minimum wage level as applicable to their specific job/task description. Indikator: Tingkat upah minimum yang berlaku sesuai deskripsi spesifik pekerjaan / tugas mereka.
Requirement: All hired [74] workers, including temporary workers, must receive pay greater than or equal to legally set minimum wage according to country or region in country (whichever applies). Payments must be done: in legal tender, at the workplace or in the worker’s bank account, at the frequency specified in the contract, with clearly documented pay slips given to workers, including identification of any deductions, advanced payments and/or agreed contributions. Persyaratan : Semua pekerja yang disewa, termasuk pekerja sementara, harus menerima bayaran lebih besar dari atau sama dengan upah minimum yang berlaku di wilayah tersebut. Pembayaran harus dilakukan di tempat kerja atau di rekening bank pekerja, pada frekuensi yang ditentukan dalam kontrak, dengan slip gaji jelas, dicatat diberikan kepada pekerja, termasuk identifikasi setiap pemotongan, atau kontribusi yang telah disepakati.
Applicability: All (semua)
c. Maintain receipts of salary payments, signed by workers. For first audit, receipts must cover ≥ 6 months. c. Membuat tanda terima pembayaran gaji, ditandatangani oleh pekerja. Untuk audit pertama, tanda terima harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan.
d. Ensure that payslips given to workers include identification of any deductions, advanced payments and/or agreed contributions. d. Memastikan bahwa tanda terima diberikan kepada pekerja, termasuk jika ada pengurangan, pembayaran dimuka dan/atau kontribusi yang disepakati.
e. Others, please describe
Indicator: Permanent workers are paid fair wages. Salaries, if not already at a “fair wage” level, are gradually increased to include sufficient funds for a worker’s basic needs plus a discretionary income that allows for savings and/or pension payments Requirement: Evidence available confirming fair wages or gradual pay rises through time-series of pay slips in farm administration and in the hands of workers Applicability: All (semua) Indikator: Pekerja tetap mendapat upah yang adil. Gaji yang diterima pekerja jika belum mencapai tingkat "upah yang adil", meningkat secara bertahap sehingga mencukupi untuk kebutuhan dasar seorang pekerja, ditambah pendapatan tambahan yang memungkinkan untuk tabungan dan / atau dana pensiun. Persyaratan : Bukti yang menegaskan pekerja menerima upah yang adil atau pembayaan kenaikan gaji secara bertahap, serat slip gaji ada di tangan pekerja
Indicator: Punishment through infringement of workers’ rights or wages. Requirement: No allowance for withholding any part or all of worker salaries, benefits or rights acquired or stipulated by law. Not even as punishment of (alleged) wrongdoings on the part of the worker (cf. ILO 29 and 105). Applicability: All Indikator: Hukuman melalui pelanggaran hak atau upah pekerja. Persyaratan : Tidak ada penyisihan menahan sebagian atau seluruh dari gaji pekerja, tunjangan atau hak-hak yang diperoleh atau ditetapkan oleh hukum. Bahkan sebagai hukuman dari (dugaan) kesalahan dilakukan oleh pekerja (lih ILO 29 dan 105). Penerapan : Semua
Indicator: There is a mechanism for setting wages and benefits (including, if applicable, the combination of pay and harvest sharing arrangements). Requirement: Decision-making criteria and processes for wage and benefit adjustments are known by all workers Applicability: All Indikator: Ada mekanisme untuk menetapkan gaji dan tunjangan (termasuk, kombinasi gaji dan pengaturan pembagian hasil saat di panen). Persyaraatan: Kriteria dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk upah dan penyesuaian penerimaan diketahui oleh semua pekerja Penerapan : semua
Indicator: Revolving labor-contract schemes designed to deny longtime workers full access to fair and equitable remuneration and other benefits Requirement: Prohibited Applicability: All Indikator: Skema kontrak kerja berulang yang dilakukan untuk menghindari kontrak kerja penuh (tetap), dan akses pekerja untuk mendapatkan remunerasi yang adil. Persyaratan: Larangan (kontrak kerja berulang). Penerapan : Semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
a. If minimum wage has not been established by law, calculate basic needs wages, in consultation with workers and their representative organizations, and cost of living assessments from credible sources. Document the process and ensure that all workers have access to it at reasonable times. a. Apabila upah minimum tidak ada secara hukum, kalkulasikan upah kebutuhan dasar, dengan berkonsultasi dengan pekerja dan organisasi perwakilannya, dan penilaian biaya hidup dari sumber terpercaya. Catat prosesnya, dan pastikan bahwa seluruh pekerja memiliki akses terhadap hal tersebut pada waktu yang masuk akal.
b. Maintain records of salary payments as in 4.5.1c, showing fair wages or progressive pay increase. b. Membuat catatan pembayaran gaji sebagaimana pada 4.5.1c, yang menunjukkan upah yang adil atau peningkatan upah progresif.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Are salary payments signed by workers? n/a Number of records reviewed: Dates: n/a. pertnership/sharing scheme apakah updah ditandatangani pekerjanya? n/a jumlah catatatn yang direview? n/a tanggal: n/a. skema upah berdasarkan kerja sama (sharing) Paylips include clear description of deductions and advanced payments?Yes Number of records reviewed:Dec 2016- 2017 Dates: n/a. pertnership/sharing scheme pembayaran termasuk deskripsi dari pengurangan dan pembayaran ? Ya jumalh yang direview: Des 2016 - 2017 tanggal: n/a. skema upah berdasarkan kerja sama/kemitraan (sharing) The wage is not defined as per local minimum wage scheme, it is as per partnership/sharing scheme partner are paid base on 25%, beside that the workers can earn from another commodities eg. Snapper and Crab from the farmer's field and based on partners interview, they can earn at minimum 3,000,000 per month which is higher than the minimum wage as per 2017 in Tarakan ( IDR 2.948.067 ) updah/gaji tidak berdasarkan skema daerah setempat, updah berdasarkan skema kerjasama/ sharing. rekandibayar 25% dari pendapatan, selain itu rekan/pekerja bisa mendapatkan uang dari komodotas lain yang ada di tambak pemilik (co.: kakap, kepiting). berdasarkan wawancara dengan pekerja mereka bisa mendapatkan 3 juta per bulan, yang mana lebih tinggi dari syarat upah minimum regional/lokal tarakan (Rp. 2,948,067) Calculation components: n/a Cost living assessment sources: Calculation and sources available for workers? Frequency: Basic wage at audit: N/A. no permanent workers; this is partnership scheme perhitungan komponen: n/a penilaian biaya hidup: n/a, tidak ada pekerja permanen, skema kerja berdasarkan kemitraan/ kerja sama bagi hasil Payslips show basic wage: yes kwitansi pembayaran: ya Number of records reviewed: Dec 2016- 2017 catatan yang direview: Des 2016 - 2017 Dates: N/A. no permanent workers ; this is partnership scheme n/a, tidak ada pekerja permanen, skema kerja berdasarkan kemitraan/ kerja sama bagi hasil
refer to 4.5.1, no permanent workers;this is partnership scheme
c. Others, please describe
a. Ensure that all employees are consistenly treated with dignity and respect (e.g. no physical abuse). a. Memastikan semua pekerja secara konsisten diperlakukan dengan bermartabat dan rasa hormat (contoh. tidak ada kekerasan fisik)
Interviews declarations: no such punishment applicable, farmers are open mind and understand the requirement. Number of workers interviewed: 8 wawancara pernyataan: tidak ada hukuman, petambak terbuka dan mengerti terkait aturan jumlah pekerja yang diwawancara: 8 Are deduction for disciplinary actions made? No deduction related to disciplinary action b. Ensure that no deductions in pay and/or benefits for disciplinary actions (e.g. for Number of records reviewed: 8 the accidental breaking of equipment). Deductions examples: no deduction b. Memastikan bahwa tidak ada pengurangan pembayaran dan/atau manfaat keberadaan pengurangan upah terkait tata tertib: tidak ada pengurangan gaji untuk tindakan disipliner (contoh. Karena tidak sengaja memecahkan alat) jumlah yang direview: 8 contoh pengurangan: tidak ada pengurangan gaji
c. Others, please describe
a. Provide a declaration stating the mechanism used for setting wages. a. Menyediakan deklarasi yang menyatakan mekanisme yang digunakan untuk menetapkan gaji
Is the setting wages mechanism declared? Yes based on the interview, the sharing is 25%, other commodity e.g Crab is 100% for the partners/workers Date: 31-May 2016 mekanisme updah ada? Ya, berdasarkan wawancara pekerja, pembagian hasil 25% dan untuk komodoitas lain di tambak 100 unruk pekerjanya.
b. Ensure that employees are aware of the mechansim used for setting wages. b. Memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai mengetahui mengenai mekanisme yang digunakan untuk menetapkan gaji.
Workers are aware of mechanism? Yes Number of workers interviewed: 8 pekerja mengetahui terkait mekadisme nya? Ya jumalh yang diwawancara: 8
c. Others, please describe
a. Ensure that contracting schemes does not deny long-time workers full access to fair and equitable remuneration and other benefits. a. Memastikan bahwa skema kontrak tidak mengingkari akses penuh pekerja jangka panjang kepada remunerasi yang adil dan berkeadilan dan manfaat lainnya.
Contracts duration: permanent If renewed periodicaly, frecuency: yearly The contracting scheme avoid payment of long-term benefits? No evidence of such indication. Number of contracts reviewed: 8 durasi kontrak: permanen jika diperbaharui secara periodik: tiap tahun skema kontrak menghindari keuntungan jangjka panjang: tidak ada bukti jumlah kontrak yang direview: 8
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: Revolving labor-contract schemes designed to deny longtime workers full access to fair and equitable remuneration and other benefits Requirement: Prohibited Applicability: All Indikator: Skema kontrak kerja berulang yang dilakukan untuk menghindari kontrak kerja penuh (tetap), dan akses pekerja untuk mendapatkan remunerasi yang adil. Persyaratan: Larangan (kontrak kerja berulang). Penerapan : Semua
Criterion 4.6: Access to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Indicator: Percentage of workers with access to trade unions, worker organizations, and/or have the ability to self-organize and the ability to bargain collectively [75] or to have access to representative(s) chosen by workers without management interference Requirement: 100% of workers have access, if they so choose, to worker organizations capable of representing them independently from the employer. Applicability: All Indikator: Persentase pekerja dengan akses ke serikat pekerja, organisasi pekerja, dan / atau memiliki kemampuan untuk mengatur dirinya sendiri dan kemampuan untuk berunding bersama [75] atau untuk memiliki akses ke perwakilan yang dipilih oleh pekerja tanpa campur tangan manajemen. Persyaratan: 100% dari pekerja memiliki akses kebeasan berserikat, jika mereka memilih demikian, organisasi pekerja yang mampu mewakili mereka secara independen dari majikan. Penerapan : semua
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
b. Others, please describe
a. Maintain copies of employees' contracts and ensure that co- signed contracts don't explicitly restrict the right to associate freely. a. Membuat salinan kontrak pegawai dan memastikan bahwa kontrak yang sudah ditandatangani bersama tidak secara eksplisit membatasi hak kebebasan ber-asosiasi
Contracts terms restrict right of association? Not restricted Ketentuan kontrak membatasi hak asosiasi? Tidak dibatasi
b. Ensure that workers have the freedom to form and join any trade union and/or worker association, and are free of any form of interference from employers or competing organizations set up or backed by the employer. ILO specifically prohibits “acts which are designated to promote the establishment of worker organizations or to support worker organizations under the control or employers or employers’ organizations. b. Memastikan bahwa pekerja memiliki hak untuk membentuk atau bergabung dengan serikat dagang dan/atau asosiasi pekerja manapun dan bebas dari campur tangan majikan atau diatur oleh organisasi kompetitor
Are workers free to form and join union or workers organizations that are not in control of employer? Not required as it is not more than 12 workers, however it was stated in the document that the workers are free to make association Verified by: workers and farmer interview Workers declarations: confirm that he has freedom to join assosiation or union if available. Apakah pekerja bebas membentuk dan bergabung dengan serikat pekerja atau organisasi pekerja yang tidak memegang kendali atas majikan? Tidak diwajibkan karena tidak lebih dari 12 pekerja, namun tercantum dalam dokumen bahwa pekerja bebas untuk melakukan perhimpunan Diverifikasi oleh: wawancara pekerja dan petani Deklarasi pekerja: pastikan bahwa dia memiliki kebebasan untuk bergabung dengan assosiation atau union jika ada
c. Ensure that trade unions and/or civil society organizations involved in Labor rights, are able to access/inform all workers directly (posters, pamphlets, visits). c. Memastikan bahwa serikat dagang dan/atau organisasi masyarakat sipil yang terlibat dalam hak-hak buruh, dapat meng-akses/menginformasikan seluruh pekerja secara langsung (poster, pamflet, kunjungan).
Unions or organization names operating in the farm (if any): not required by local law Evidence of free operation: n/a Serikat pekerja atau nama organisasi yang beroperasi di peternakan (jika ada): tidak diwajibkan oleh undang-undang setempat Bukti operasi bebas: n / a
d. Ensure that trade union and/or civil society representatives have access to their members in the workplace at at mutually agreed time with farm management. d. Memastikan bahwa perwakilan serikat pekerjadan/atau perwakilan masyarakat umum memiliki akses kepada anggotanya di tempat kerja pada waktu yang disepakati dengan pengelola tambak.
Are union/organization representatives able to meet members at workplace? NA Last meeting date: Apakah perwakilan serikat / organisasi dapat bertemu anggota di tempat kerja? NA Tanggal pertemuan terakhir:
Explicit declaration form (meeting, published, etc): not available on paper, however, farmers and worker aware that workers have access for bargaining and freedom to join organisation. If meeting or training, date:NA e. Provide a declaration explicitly stating the employer's commitment to freedom If published, places:NA of association and collective bargaining rights of all. > Not absolutely necessary on Workers are aware at interview?NA paper. This declaration is known by workers as well as its intent. In very restricted For restricted environments (islands, isolated farms), name of civil organization present:NA environments this mutual agreement (= to allow + not to abuse) has been known Verified by:NA to exist verbally in the presence of trusted civil society organisations. Employers Date of meeting:NA can indicate how they did this and auditors can verify that. No permanent workers (partnership scheme) e. Menyediakan deklarasi yang secara eksplisit menyatakan komitmen majikan Formulir deklarasi disebutkan (pertemuan, publikasi, dll): tidak tersedia di atas kertas, namun petani dan pekerja sadar bahwa pekerja memiliki akses untuk kebebasan ber-asosiasi dan hak menawar kolektif.>Tidak mutlak pada untuk tawar menawar dan kebebasan untuk bergabung dalam organisasi. kertas dokumen. Deklarasi ini diketahui oleh pekerja sebagaimana dimaksud. tanggal pertemuan atau pelatihan,: NA Dalam lingkungan yang terbatas persetujuan mutual yang disepakati ini (=untuk dipublikasikan, tempat: NA diperbolehkan + tidak dengan kekerasan) telah diketahui ada secara verbal Pekerja sadar saat wawancara? NA dengan adanya organisasi masyarakat umum yang dipercaya. Majikan dapat Untuk lingkungan yang dibatasi (pulau, peternakan terisolasi), nama organisasi sipil yang hadir: NA menindikasikan bagaimana mereka melakukan hal ini dan auditor dapat menDiverifikasi oleh: NA verifikasinya. Tanggal pertemuan: NA Tidak ada pekerja tetap (skema kemitraan)
f. Others, please describe
Indicator: Members of unions or worker organizations are not discriminated against by employers Requirement: Employers shall not interfere with or penalize workers for exercising their right of representation. Applicability: All Indikator: Anggota serikat atau organisasi pekerja tidak didiskriminasikan oleh majikan. Persyaratan: Pengusaha tidak akan mengganggu atau menghukum pekerja untuk menggunakan hak reperesentasi (perwakilan) mereka. Penerapan : semua
Are Union/worker organization members discriminated? NA, no union Number of union members interviewed: a. Ensure that employees are not hindered in exercising their right of Union members declarations: representation. no permanent workers (partnership shceme) a. Memastikan seluruh pegawai tidak dibatasi dalam uji coba hak perwakilannya. Apakah anggota serikat pekerja / buruh / pekerja / pekerja / pekerja / pekerja / buruh anggotanya diskriminasi? NA, tidak ada persatuan Jumlah anggota serikat yang diwawancarai: Deklarasi anggota serikat: Tidak ada pekerja tetap skema kemitraan)
No worker union onsite
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 4.7: Harassment and disciplinary practices in the working environment causing temporary or permanent physical and/or mental harm
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Disciplinary actions types: no disclipinary action been applied in this farm activity Records available detailing action, to whom and reason? None, however based on workers interview, no such case of harassment and phisical abuse/verbal abuser from the farmers, positive feedback raised by the workers to the farmers. a. Ensure that disciplinary measures are fair and that there are no instances of abuses. Auditor should review records of diciplinary actions taken by employer; to Records reviewed: labor contract, policy of farmer and information on the notice board whom; and the reason for doing so. In this way, auditor can quantify the different dates: observed in notice board during onsite audit on 21 Mar 2017 1 case example: NA DAs rendered a. Memastikan tindakan disipliner adalah wajar dan tidak ada hal-hal kekerasan. Auditor Jenis tindakan disipliner: tidak ada tindakan indisipliner yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan tambak. Catatan yang tersedia merinci tindakan, kepada siapa dan alasannya? Tidak ada, bagaimanapun berdasarkan wawancara pekerja, tidak ada kasus harus meninjau catatan tindakan disipliner yang diambil oleh atasan; kepada siapa; dan alasan melakukan hal tersebut. Dengan cara ini, auditor dapat mengukur perbedaan pelecehan dan pelecehan fisik / pelecehan verbal dari petani, umpan balik positif yang diajukan oleh pekerja kepada petani. tindakan disipliner yang dilakukan. Rekaman yang direview: kontrak kerja, kebijakan petani dan informasi di papan pengumuman Tanggal: diamati di papan pengumuman selama audit di tempat pada tanggal 21 Mar 2017 1 contoh kasus: NA Indicator: Fairness of disciplinary measures Requirement: No instances of abuses [76]. Applicability: All 4.7.1 Indikator: Keadilan tindakan-tindakan disipliner karyawan Persyaratan: Tidak ada kasus pelanggaran Penerapan : Semua
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Cases of abusive disciplinary actions reported? none Number of Cases: 0 b. Maintain records of any action taken in response to instances of harassment or Date: NA 1 example and actions taken by employer: NA abusive disciplinary actions. Response shall be appropriate and intended to For no records or incomplete records, WA, union or NGO verified: Confirmed by NGO (WWF Indonesia). prevent re-occurrence. > in cases where no written records exist or are incomplete: verify with union or WA or NGO as indicated by the workers. Auditors Cases adressed in PSIA? None Meeting date: 6-11 Jan 2016 should cross-check that issues were addressed in community meetings through compliance with the PSIA and where an "alert incidence" exists, should verify with there is any alert incident? None Verified with labor commission agent? NA external labor commissioner/agent. Kasus tindakan disipliner yang dilanggar dilaporkan? Tidak ada b. Membuat catatan segala tindakan yang dilakukan dalam me-respon terhadap hal-hal Jumlah Kasus: 0 gangguan atau tindakan disipliner yang kasar. Respon yang diberikan harus layak dan Tanggal: NA diniatkan untuk mencegah kemunculan ulang.> dalam kasus dimana tidak terdapat 1 contoh dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan: NA catatan tertulis atau tidak lengkap: verifikasi kepada serikat atau WA atau NGO sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh pekerja. Auditor harus melakukan cek silang bawa Tanpa catatan atau catatan yang tidak lengkap, WA, serikat pekerja atau LSM diverifikasi: Dikonfirmasi oleh LSM (WWF Indonesia). masalah tersebut telah ditangani dalam pertemuan masyarakat melalui kepatuhan Kasus adressed di PSIA? Tidak ada terhadap PSIA dan dimana terdapat suatu "tanda insiden", harus men-verifikasi kepada Tanggal pertemuan: 6-11 Januari 2016 komisioner pekerja/agen. Ada kejadian yang dilaporkan? Tidak ada Diverifikasi dengan agen tenaga kerja? NA
c. Others, please describe
Indicator: Clear, fair and transparent disciplinary policies and procedures Requirement: Evidence of documentation and communication to all workers Applicability: All Indikator: Kebijakan dan prosedur disiplin yang adil dan transparan. Persyaratan: Bukti dokumentasi dan komunikasi untuk semua pekerja. Penerapan : Semua
Indicator: Prohibition of harassment Requirement: Evidences that any instances have been addressed and resolved Applicability: All Indikator: Larangan pelecehan. Persyaratan: Bukti-bukti dan contoh-contoh telah ditangani dan diselesaikan. Penerapan : Semua
a. Provide and ensure the implementation of an anti-harassment and absusive disciplinary action policy. Auditor should ascertain that copies of the antiharassment and abusive disciplinary policies are annexed to the worker contractts and that the worker was fully verbally briefed on the policy. a. Menyediakan dan memastikan penerapan kebijakan anti-gangguan dan tindakan disipliner kasar. Auditor harus memastikan bahwasalinan kebijakan anti -gangguan dan tindakan disipliner kasar terlampir kedalam kontrak pekerja dan bahwa pekerja telah dijelaskan secara verbal dengan gamblang mengenai kebijakan tersebut.
Policy issue date: 4 April 2016 under point B and G available in contract? yes Workers showed awareness at interview? yes Number of workers interviewed: 7 parners and 2 wifes. Tanggal penerbitan kebijakan: 4 April 2016 di bawah titik B dan G Tersedia dalam kontrak? iya nih Pekerja menunjukkan kesadaran saat wawancara? iya nih Jumlah pekerja yang diwawancarai: 7 orang tua dan 2 wifes
b. Others, please describe Cases of harassment reported? NIL Number of Cases: NIL Date: NA 1 example and actions taken by employer: NA For no records or incomplete records, WA, union or NGO verified: verified by WWF Indonesia Membuat catatan tindakan apapun yang dilakukan untuk menanggapi hal-hal gangguan. Kasus pelecehan dilaporkan? NOL Jumlah Kasus: NIL Tanggapan harus tepat dan dimaksudkan untuk mencegah kemunculan ulang masalah tersebut.>pada kasus dimana tidak ada catatan tertulis atau tidak lengkap: verifikasi Tanggal: NA kepada serikat atau WA atau NGO sebagaimana ditunjukkan pekerja. 1 contoh dan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan: NA Tidak ada catatan atau catatan yang tidak lengkap, WA, serikat pekerja atau LSM yang diverifikasi: telah diverifikasi oleh WWF Indonesia
a. Maintain records of any action taken in response to instances of harassment. Response shall be appropriate and intended to prevent re-occurrence. > in cases where no written records exist or are incomplete: verify with union or WA or NGO as indicated by the workers.
b. Others, please describe Criterion 4.8: Overtime compensation and working hours
Indicator: Maximum number of regular working hours: Eight hours/day or 48 hours/week (maximum average over 17 week period) including “stand-by” hours; with at least one full day (including two nights) off in every seven-day period Requirement: Reflected in records available on the farm and 100% compliance expressed in worker interviews [77]. Applicability: All Indikator: Jumlah maksimum jam kerja biasa: Delapan jam / hari atau 48 jam / minggu (rata-rata maksimum periode lebih dari 17 minggu) termasuk jam "stand-by"; dengan setidaknya satu hari penuh (termasuk dua malam) libur setiap tujuh hari. Persyaratan: Tercermin dalam catatan yang tersedia di tambak dan 100% kepatuhan dinyatakan dalam wawancara pekerja penrapan: semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Legal local working hours/week: Not mandatory if it is paid above the minimum wage. Legal local working hours / day: 14hrs per week Period Working hours records reviewed: flexible as it is not more than 8hrs per day or 40hrs per week a. Maintain timesheets or worker attendance roll document signed by the worker. Signatures available: NA For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. Jam kerja / minggu kerja legal: Tidak wajib jika dibayar di atas upah minimum. a. Membuat dokumen jadwal kerja atau kehadiran yang ditandatangani oleh Jam kerja / hari kerja legal: 14hrs per minggu pekerja. Untuk audit pertama, tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. Periode Catatan jam kerja ditinjau: fleksibel karena tidak lebih dari 8 jam per hari atau 40 jam per minggu Tanda tangan tersedia: NA b . Ensure that the regular time worked by farm workers does not exceed 8h/day or 48h/week. b. Memastikan waktu kerja reguler pekerja tidak melebihi 48 jam/minggu.
Average working hours day / week: 40 hrs per week Any case of exceed working hours? None If yes number of cases and dates: NA Rata-rata jam kerja hari / minggu: 40 jam per minggu Ada kasus yang melebihi jam kerja? Tidak ada
c. Others, please describe
Confirmed by workers, no overtime taken as they have flexible working time, no punihment nor forcing from the farmer to have overtime. Dikonfirmasi oleh para pekerja, tidak ada waktu lembur yang diambil karena mereka memiliki waktu kerja yang fleksibel, tidak ada hukuman atau pemaksaan dari petani untuk waktu lembur.
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
a. Ensure that workers can leave the farm during their allocated free time (i.e. any time when they are not working). Indicator: Right to leave the farm after completion of daily work duties a. Memastikan bahwa pekerja dapat meninggalkan tambak selama alokasi waktu bebasnya (contoh. Waktu manapun ketika mereka tidak bekerja) Requirement: Evidence of freedom of movement for all employees Applicability: All b. Maintain copies of employees contract and ensure that labor contracts clearly Indikator: Hak untuk meninggalkan tambak setelah selesai tugas state workers' right to leave. melaksanakan pekerjaan sehari-hari. b. Membuat salinan kontrak pekerja dan memastikan kontrak pekerja dengan Persyaratan: Bukti kebebasan bergerak bagi seluruh karyawan. jelas menyatakan hak pekerja untuk cuti. Penerapan : semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Working time ends at: flexible Workers are free to leave? yes Confirmed by: farmer and workers, their wife and NGO Waktu kerja berakhir pada: fleksibel Pekerja bebas pergi? iya nih Dikonfirmasi oleh: petani dan pekerja, istri dan LSM mereka Contracts states the righ to leave at free time? yes Number of contracts reviewed: 8 Kontrak menyatakan hak untuk pergi pada waktu senggang? iya Jumlah kontrak yang ditinjau: 8
c. Others, please describe Local legal rest days /week or month: confirmed by partners, they have at least 4 days a month for resting day Workers have time off in or out the farm? YES a. Ensure that all workers have at least 4 days/month off. Is the time off respected? YES a. Memastikan seluruh pekerja memiliki paling kurang 4 hari/bulan tidak bekerja. Hari istirahat / minggu legal setempat: dikonfirmasi oleh mitra kerja, mereka memiliki minimal 4 hari dalam sebulan untuk beristirahat Pekerja memiliki waktu istirahat di atau di luar pertanian? IYA NIH Indicator: Minimum time off from work, with the right but not the obligation Apakah waktu libur dihormati? IYA NIH to leave farm premises if accommodations are on the farm, except where both
the employer and employee agree that off-days cannot be accommodated on the farm Requirement: Four full 24-hour periods per month Applicability: All Indikator: waktu libur yang merupakan hak karyawan, namun tetapi tidak diwajibkan untuk meninggalkan tambak, kecuali ada perjanjian kedua pihak, majikan dan karyawan, setuju bahwa hari libur tidak ditampung di tambak. Persyaratan: Empat hari libur penuh per bulan ( 1 hari = 24 jam). penerapan: semua
Indicator: Transport provided to workers (in cases where farm locations are remote) to allow workers to enjoy relaxation at home, with family or in places of recreation of their choosing. Requirement: The farm owner shall provide transport to and from the first location from which regular public transport is available. Applicability: All Indikator: Transport diberikan kepada pekerja (dalam kasus di mana lokasi peternakan terpencil) untuk memungkinkan pekerja untuk menikmati relaksasi/libur di rumah, dengan keluarga atau di tempat-tempat rekreasi yang mereka pilih. Persyaratan: Pemilik tambak harus menyediakan transportasi ke dan dari lokasi angkutan umum reguler tersedia. penerapan: semua
Indicator: Overtime compensation is provided Requirement: Paid at a premium rate[78] of at least 25% above the wage for normal hours Applicability: All Indikator: Lembur bersifat sukarela, dan tidak lebih dari 12 jam / minggu. Persyaratan: Kadang-kadang saja ( tidak teratur) Penerapan : semua
b. Maintain timesheets for all employees. For first audits, farm records must cover Period of time off records reviewed: NA ≥ 6 months. Periode waktu ditinjau: NA b. Membuat daftar waktu kerja untuk seluruh pegawai. Untuk audit pertama, harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
c. Others, please describe
Both farmer and workers are confirmed if the working hour is flexible, farmer provides accomodation/house on the farm and agreed that workers may off whenever they want as long as the critical jobs are delivered. Eg. Repairing the damage of the dam, water buffer, harvesting, fertilizing and monitoring the water level. Baik petani dan pekerja dipastikan jika jam kerjanya fleksibel, petani menyediakan akomodasi / rumah di pertanian dan setuju bahwa pekerja dapat pergi kapanpun mereka inginkan selama pekerjaan kritis tersebut disampaikan. Misalnya. Memperbaiki kerusakan bendungan, penyangga air, pemanenan, pemupukan dan pemantauan ketinggian air. Transport is provided? NA Kind of transport:NA First location with public transportation:NA Transportasi disediakan? NA Jenis transportasi: NA Lokasi pertama dengan transportasi umum: NA
a. Ensure that employees receive transport to and from the first location from which regular public transport is available. a. Memastikan semua pegawai mendapatkan transport ke dan dari lokasi pertama dimana transportasi publik tersedia.
Farmer's accomodation is located on farm, therefore no transport applicable. Akomodasi pekerja petambak terletak di tambak, oleh karena itu tidak ada angkutan yang berlaku.
Local legal premium for regular overtime hours: NA Farm premium for regular overtime hours: NA Premi legal lokal untuk jam lembur reguler: NA Premi pertanian untuk jam lembur reguler: NA Is Overtime premium of at lest 25% paid? NA Period reviewed: NA Apakah premi lembur minimal 25% dibayarkan? NA Periode ditinjau: NA
No overtime applied in this farming activity.
Overtime is voluntary? NA Verified by: Lembur adalah sukarela? NA Diverifikasi oleh: Local legal overtime hours/week: n/a Period reviewed: n/a Number of overtime cases reviewed: Is 12 hour/week maximum overtime respected? n/a Jam lembur jam /minggu: n / a Periode ditinjau: n / a Jumlah kasus lembur yang ditinjau: Apakah jam kerja maksimal maksimal 12 jam / minggu dihormati? n/a Period reviewed: n/a Numbers of workers that did overtime? Reasons: The reasons are exceptional an not part of regular activities? n/a eriode ditinjau: n / a Jumlah pekerja yang lembur? Alasan: Alasannya luar biasa bukan bagian dari kegiatan rutin? N / a
refer to 4.8.5 both farmer and workers are confirmed if there are no overtime scheme applicable. The agreement is Based on partnership scheme. The need of Overtime based on the worker it self, Mengacu pada 4.8.5 baik petani dan pekerja dipastikan, tidak ada skema lembur yang berlaku. Kesepakatan tersebut didasarkan pada skema kemitraan Kebutuhan lembur berdasarkan pekerja itu sendiri,
b. Others, please describe
a. Ensure that for all employees, overtime hours are paid at a premium rate of at least 25% above the wage form normal hours. a. Memastikan bahwa bagi seluruh pegawai, jam lembur dibayar pada tarif yang premium paling kurang 25% diatas upah harian normal. b. Maintain records of payments for overtime hours. b. Menyimpan catatan pembayaran kerja lembur
c. Others, please describe a. Ensure that for all employees, overtime hours are voluntary. a. Memastikan bahwa bagi seluruh pegawai, jam lembur merupakan tindakan sukarela.
b. Ensure that for all employees, overtime hours do not exceed a maximum of 12h/week. b. Memastikan bahwa bagi seluruh pegawai, jam lembur tidak melebihi 12 jam/minggu.
Indicator: Overtime is voluntary, and not longer than 12 hours/week. Requirement: Occasionally (not on a regular basis). Applicability: All Indikator: Lembur bersifat sukarela, dan tidak lebih dari 12 jam / minggu. Persyaratan: Kadang-kadang saja ( tidak teratur) Penerapan : semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
c. Ensure that for all employees, overtime hours occur on an exceptional basis. c. Memastikan bahwa bagi seluruh pegawai jam lembur terjadi hanya pada dasar pengecualian
lembur yang berlaku. Kesepakatan tersebut didasarkan pada skema kemitraan Kebutuhan lembur berdasarkan pekerja itu sendiri,
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: Overtime is voluntary, and not longer than 12 hours/week. Requirement: Occasionally (not on a regular basis). Applicability: All Indikator: Lembur bersifat sukarela, dan tidak lebih dari 12 jam / minggu. Persyaratan: Kadang-kadang saja ( tidak teratur) Penerapan : semua
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
d. Maintain timesheets for all employees. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. Random check for time sheet accuracy. d. Menjaga daftar jam kerja/timesheet bagi seluruh pegawai.Untuk audit pertama, harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. Cek acak untuk keakuratan timesheet. e. Maintain copies of employees' contracts and ensure that employees' contracts state the overtime conditions and associated rights. e. Menjaga salinan kontrak pegawai dan memastikan kontrak pegawai menyatakan kondisi lembur dan hak-hak terkait.
Indicator: Rights to maternity leave, including daily breaks or a reduction of hours of work to address child care needs. Requirement: Maternity leave is a minimum of 14 weeks (total period off-duty period including before and/or after moment of birth) and includes a guarantee to return to the job. Payment during this period shall minimally be at the level of social insurance offered by the country. Applicability: All Indikator: Hak untuk cuti hamil, termasuk istirahat harian atau pengurangan jam kerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perawatan anak. Persyaratan: Cuti melahirkan adalah minimal 14 minggu (termasuk sebelum dan / atau setelah saat kelahiran) dan termasuk jaminan untuk kembali ke pekerjaan. Pembayaran selama periode ini harus minimal berada pada tingkat asuransi sosial yang ditawarkan oleh negara. Penerapan : semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Type of record: n/a Period reviewed: Time sheets sampled enis catatan: n / a Periode ditinjau: sampel lembur Contracts mention overtime contitions (voluntary, no more than 12 hours and exceptional)? NA Clause or page: NA Kontrak menyebutkan terkait lembur (sukarela, tidak lebih dari 12 jam dan luar biasa)? NA Klausa atau halaman: NA
f. Others, please describe
Confirmation from Farmer, workers and wife's of workers Konfirmasi dari Petani, pekerja dan istri pekerja N/A
a. Ensure that all women employees are aware (and benefit) of their right to receive maternity leave with a minimum of 14 weeks and with a continuation of payment. a. Memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai wanita menyadari (dan manfaat) hakhaknya untuk menerima cuti melahirkan minimal 14 minggu dan pembayaran dilanjutkan.
Local legal maternity leave: NA Number of cases of maternity leave reviewed: Dates: Proof of payment at maternity leave available? Women workers aware at interview? n/a. no female workers onsite. Cuti persalinan hukum lokal: NA Jumlah kasus cuti hamil yang ditinjau ulang: Tanggal: Bukti pembayaran cuti hamil tersedia? Pekerja wanita sadar saat wawancara? N / a. Tidak ada pekerja wanita di tempat
Copies of contracts available for workers? Labor contract is available at group manager. Copy shared to the workers Verified by: workers Salinan kontrak tersedia untuk pekerja? Kontrak tersedia di group manager. Salinan dibagikan kepada para pekerja Diverifikasi oleh: wawancara pekerja
a. Ensure that employees have written copies of their labor contracts. a. Memastikan bahwa pegawai memiliki salinan kontraknya. b. Ensure that no employee works with an apprendice contract for longer than six months. b. Memastikan bahwa tidak ada pegawai yang bekerja dengan kontrak magang selama lebih dari 6 bulan.
Apprendice contract period: There is no apprendice, NA Masa kontrak apprentice: Tidak ada magang, NA
c. Ensure that employees understand their labor contracts. c. Memastikan bahwa pegawai memahami kontrak kepegawaiannya.
Comments: Employees understand their contracts N° of interview: 8 Komentar: Karyawan memahami kontrak mereka N ° wawancara: 8
No female workers onsite. Tidak ada pekerja wanita
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 4.9: Worker contracts are fair and transparent
Indicator: Allowance for labor-only contracting relationships [79] or false apprenticeship schemes [80] including revolving / consecutive labor contracts to deny benefit accrual. Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: Kontrak kerja kerja tidak dilakukan berulang-ulang, karena pemilik tambak menghindari kewajiban untuk memberikan hak sebagai karyawan tetap. Persyaratan: tidak ada Penerapan : Semua
d. Others, please describe N/A
Indicator: All workers have the appropriate and applicable permits for working in the country. Requirement: Employer has a list of permit reference numbers or copies of permits for all concerned workers. Applicability: All Indikator: Semua pekerja memiliki izin yang sesuai dan berlaku untuk bekerja di negara itu. Persyaratan: Majikan memiliki daftar referensi nomor izin atau salinan izin untuk semua pekerja yang bersangkutan. Penerapan : Semua
Indicator: Workers are fully aware of their employment conditions and confirmed their agreement (verbal or written). Written employment policies and procedures are required when there are more than five hired workers. Requirement: Evidence of contract agreement for all workers. Written contracts: a complete contract is filed in the office, mutually signed and copies are available to the worker. Verbal agreements: employer and worker cite consistent employment conditions in independent interviews. Applicability: All Indikator: Pekerja sepenuhnya menyadari kondisi kerja mereka dan menegaskan kesepakatan mereka (lisan atau tertulis). Kebijakan dan prosedur kerja tertulis yang diperlukan bila ada lebih dari lima pekerja yang dipekerjakan. Persyaratan: Bukti perjanjian kontrak untuk semua pekerja. Kontrak tertulis: kontrak lengkap dilakukan di kantor, ditandatangani semua pihak dan salinan kontrak dimiliki pekerja. Kesepakatan verbal: majikan dan pekerja mengutip kondisi kerja yang konsisten dalam wawancara independen. Penerapan : semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
a. Maintain a list of permit reference numbers or copies of permits (as applicable) for all employees a. Membuat daftar surat isin bekerja atau salinannya (kalau berlaku) bagi semua pegawai.
Permit applicable for workers: all workers are local Indonesian No. Of permits sampled: there is no permits. ijin berlaku untuk pekerja: semua pekerja adalah orang Indonesia lokal jumlah sampel ijin yang direview : tidak ada izin
No permit applicable as all workers are Indonesian Tidak ada izin yang berlaku karena semua pekerja adalah orang Indonesia
b. Others, please describe
a. If Written contracts: Ensure that all employee contracts are mutually signed and copies are available to the employee. a. Apabila kontrak tertulis: pastikan kontrak telah ditandatangani berama dan salinan kontrak tersedia bagi pegawai. b. If Verbal contracts: Ensure that all employee understand and can cite employment conditions. If verbal additional policies should be provided printed to the worker. b. Apabila kontrak verbal: pastikan seluruh pegawai dapat menyebutkan kondisi kontrak. Apabila ada tambahan kebijakan verbal, maka harus dicetak bagi pekerja. c. If more than 5 hired workers, develop and implement written employment policies and procedures c. Apabila terdapat lebih dari 5 pekerja, buat dan terapkan kebijakan dan prosedur kepegawaian tertulis.
Contracts muttually signed: signed by both parties No. Of contracts sampled: 8 Kontrak ditandatangani : ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak Tidak ada kontrak sampel: 8 Number of interviews: 8 workers comments: workers are aware of their employment conditions. Additional policies: NA Jumlah wawancara: 8 pekerja Komentar: pekerja menyadari kondisi pekerjaan mereka. Kebijakan tambahan: NA No. Of workers hired: 8 Printed policies: 8 umlah pekerja yang dipekerjakan: 8 Kebijakan dicetak: 8
Compliant Indicator: Workers are fully aware of their employment conditions and Audit report _Audit evidence_ their ASC Shrimp Standard(verbal v.1.0 confirmed agreement or written). Written employment policies
and procedures are required when there are more than five hired workers. Requirement: Evidence of contract agreement for all workers. Written contracts: a complete contract is filed in the office, mutually signed and copies are available to the worker. Verbal agreements: employer and worker cite consistent employment conditions in independent interviews. Applicability: All Compliance Criteria Indikator: Pekerja sepenuhnya menyadari kondisi kerja mereka dan (Use as guidance for audit only) menegaskan kesepakatan mereka (lisan atau tertulis). Kebijakan dan prosedur kerja tertulis yang diperlukan bila ada lebih dari lima pekerja yang dipekerjakan. Persyaratan: Bukti perjanjian kontrak untuk semua pekerja. Kontrak tertulis: kontrak lengkap dilakukan di kantor, ditandatangani semua pihak dan salinan kontrak dimiliki pekerja. Kesepakatan verbal: majikan dan pekerja mengutip kondisi kerja yang konsisten dalam wawancara independen. d. Others, please describe Penerapan : semua
Indicator: Probation period stipulated in contract Requirement: The probation period shall follow prevalent law in the country, but not be more than 30 days in cases laws do not exist or are not applicable [81]. Applicability: All Indikator: Masa Kerja Percobaan ditetapkan dalam kontrak. Persyaratan: Masa percobaan harus mengikuti hukum lazim di negeri ini, tetapi tidak lebih dari 30 hari dalam kasus-kasus hukum tidak ada atau tidak dapat digunakan. Penerapan: Semua.
a. Maintain copies of contracts of employees and ensure that the probation time is clearly stated in compliance with the local laws and in the absence of legal probationary period then the probationary period is not to exceed 1 month. a. Auditor harus men-verifikasi bahwa surat kepada penyedia jasa sub-kontrak yang meminta para pekerja agar dikontrak secara legal. Auditor harus menverifikasi bahwa tambak memiliki surat dari sub-kontraktor yang menyatakan nama dan umur pekerja dan mereka dikontrak secara legal.
b. Ensure that probation times are understood by employees and respected.. b. Menyediakan bukti bahwa penyedia jasa telah diseleksi mengenai kemungkinan penyalahgunaan hak-hak dasar pekerja.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
No probation applied, contract stated only 1 year contract and will be evaluated again every year. Tidak ada masa percobaan yang diterapkan, kontrak hanya menyatakan kontrak 1 tahun dan akan dievaluasi lagi setiap tahun
No subcontracting nor home working applied in this farm activity. Tidak ada subkontrak atau pekerjaan rumah yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan tambak ini
Local probationary period (if there is any): NA (3 month) Farm probationary period: no probation period Verified by: interview Masa percobaan lokal (jika ada): NA (3 bulan) periode Masa percobaan : tidak ada masa percobaan Diverifikasi dengan: wawancara
Comments:no probation period N° of interview: No. Of workers at probationary period at audit: no probation period applied komentar: tidak ada masa percobaan N ° wawancara: Jumlah pekerja pada masa percobaan di audit: Tidak ada masa percobaan
c. Others, please describe
a. Auditors should verify that farms have sent sub-contracting service providers letters requesting that their workers were contracted legally. Auditors should verify that farms have in their posession letters from sub-contractors stating the names and ages of their workers and that they are legally contracted. a. Auditor harus men-verifikasi bahwa surat kepada penyedia jasa sub-kontrak Indicator: In subcontracting [82] or home-working arrangements, the yang meminta para pekerja agar dikontrak secara legal. Auditor harus menfarm owner shall assure that labor laws, social security laws and ratified verifikasi bahwa tambak memiliki surat dari sub-kontraktor yang menyatakan ILO provisions have been duly respected and complied with nama dan umur pekerja dan mereka dikontrak secara legal. Requirement: Confirmation that sub-contractors and intermediaries have contracts with their workers that are in accordance with laws and regulations b. Provide evidence that service providers have been screened on possible Applicability: Producers adopting subcontracting or home-working violations of basic worker rights. arrangements b. Menyediakan bukti bahwa penyedia jasa telah diseleksi mengenai Indikator: Dalam hal dilakukan sub-kontrak kerja oleh pihak ketiga, kemungkinan penyalahgunaan hak-hak dasar pekerja. pemilik tambak harus memastikan bahwa undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, telah menghormati dan mentaati ketentuan jaminan c. Ensure that all workers employed by subcontractors or intermediaries and sosial sesuai ketentuan ILO. Persyaratan: Konfirmasi bahwa sub-kontraktor dan perantara memiliki conducting activities of relevance to the farm abide to the farms health and safety regulations/procedures kontrak dengan pekerja mereka yang sesuai dengan peraturan c. Memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai dipekerjakan oleh sub-kontraktor atau perundang-undangan. Penerapan: Produsen mengadopsi subkontrak atau pengaturan rumah- penghubung, dan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yag relevan dengan tambak dan mematuhi peraturan/prosedur mengenai kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di kerja. tambak.
Letter requesting legal contracting date: List of workers and ages available: Name of sub-contractors: n/a. no subcontracting nor home working applied in this farm activity. "Surat yang meminta tanggal kontrak legal: Daftar pekerja dan usia yang tersedia: Nama sub-kontraktor: N / a. Tidak ada subkontrak atau pekerjaan rumah dalam kegiatan tambak ini. Screening procedure: Verified by: n/a. no subcontracting nor home working applied in this farm activity. prosedur penyaringan: Diverifikasi oleh: N / a. Tidak ada subkontrak atau pekerjaan rumah yang diterapkan dalam tambak Subcontractor workers have knowledge of health and safety regulations by: No. Of subcontractor workers interviewed: Showed knoledge at interview or at farm activities: n/a. no subcontracting nor home working applied in this farm activity. Petugas subkontraktor memiliki pengetahuan tentang peraturan kesehatan dan keselamatan dengan: jumlah Para pekerja subkontraktor mewawancarai: Menunjukkan knoledge saat wawancara atau di kegiatan pertanian: N / a. Tidak ada pekerja subkontrak atau pekerjaan rumah yang diterapkan dalam tambak
d. Others, please describe
Criterion 4.10: Fair and transparent worker-management systems [83]
Indicator: The employer ensures that all workers have access to appropriate channels of communication with managers on matters relating to labor rights and working conditions. Requirement: Management and the full workforce meet at least twice per year on the basis of written agendas and written minutes of the meetings are available. Applicability: All farms with >5 workers Indikator: Pemiliki tambak memastikan bahwa semua pekerja memiliki akses ke saluran komunikasi yang sesuai dengan manajer (pengelola tambak) mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak buruh dan kondisi kerja. Persyaratan: Manajemen (pengelola tambak) bertemu tenaga kerja setidaknya dua kali per tahun atas dasar agenda tertulis, serta ada catatan tertulis (notulen) pertemuan tersebut. Penerapan : semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
a. Ensure that workers can file complaints and critical issues anonymously (suggestion: maintain complaint boxes for employees throughout the farm). a. Memastikan pekerja dapat menyampaikan keluhan dan isu-isu kritis secara anonimus (saran: buat kotak keluhan bagi pekerja diseputar tambak)
Are there complaint boxes? Yes in their premises N° interviews: 8 Comments: there is one complaint raised by the workers to the farmer, verified the complaint record dated 2nd October 2016, and also the record of grievance/complaint from the worker to the farmer: Subject of complaint: the worker asked to the farmer to increase the seed from 50,000 to 100,000 to gain more volume during harvest time, however the owner/farmer answred that the request could not be realised due to the capacity of the farm is inadequate to cultivate 100,000 seeds. Apakah ada kotak pengaduan? Ya di tempat mereka jumlah wawancara: 8 Komentar: Ada satu keluhan yang diajukan oleh pekerja kepada petani, diverifikasi pada catatan pengaduan tertanggal 2 Oktober 2016, dan juga catatan keluhan / keluhan dari pekerja kepada petani: Subjek keluhan: pekerja tersebut meminta petani tersebut untuk meningkatkan benih dari 50.000 menjadi 100.000 untuk mendapatkan volume lebih banyak pada saat panen, namun pemilik / petani tersebut menjawab bahwa permintaan tersebut tidak dapat direalisasikan karena kapasitas lahan pertanian tersebut tidak memadai untuk 100.000 bibit. "
b. Ensure that workers are aware of the farm's complaints procedure and are encouraged to use them by farm management. b. Memastikan bahwa pekerja memahami prosedur keluhan di tambak dan didorong untuk menggunakannya oleh pengelola tambak.
Complaints procedure code: nr. 07/TATA CARA PENYAMPAIAN KELUHAN/12/2015 DD 16-06-16 N° interviews: 8 Comments: well knowledge Kode prosedur pengaduan: nr. 07 / TATA CARA PENYAMPAIAN KELUHAN / 12/2015 DD 16-06-16 N ° wawancara: 8 Komentar: pengetahuan baik
c. Maintain records of meetings (at least twice per year) held with the workforce. Records must include list of participants, agendas and agreed action plan and summaries. For first audits records must cover at least 1 meeting. c. Membuat catatan pertemuan (paling kurang dua kali setahun) yang dilakukan dengan pekerja. Catatan harus termasuk daftar peserta, agenda, dan rencana kerja yang disepakati dan rangkuman rapat. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup paling kurang satu pertemuan.
No. Of meetings: 1 Number of participants: 8 Date: June 13th, 2016 jumlah pertemuan: 1 Jumlah peserta: 8 Tanggal: 13 Juni 2016
per year on the basis of written agendas and written minutes of the meetings are available. Applicability: All farms with >5 workers 4.10.1 Indikator: Pemiliki tambak memastikan bahwa semua pekerja memiliki akses ke saluran komunikasi yang sesuai dengan manajer (pengelola Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0 tambak) mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak buruh dan kondisi kerja. Persyaratan: Manajemen (pengelola tambak) bertemu tenaga kerja setidaknya dua kali per tahun atas dasar agenda tertulis, serta ada catatan tertulis (notulen) pertemuan tersebut. Penerapan : semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
Indicator: Percentage of issues raised by workers which are recorded, responded to and monitored by employer. Requirement: 100% Applicability: All farms with >5 workers Indikator: Manajemen (pengelola tambak) bertemu tenaga kerja setidaknya dua kali per tahun atas dasar agenda tertulis, serta ada catatan tertulis (notulen) pertemuan tersebut. Persyaratan: 100% Penerapan :semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
d. Others, please describe
Meeting on the farmer and full workfoce in relation to grievance and workers suggestion/complaint etc. dd June 13th, 2016; rapat dengan petani dan tenaga kerja penuh sehubungan dengan keluhan dan saran / keluhan pekerja dll. 3tanggal 13 Juni 2016
a. Maintain a register recording issues raised by workers (including complaint forms), date and response taken. For first audit, register must contain all records of the previous ≥ 6 months. a. Membuat catatan daftar registrasi isu-isu yang kemukakan oleh pekerja (termasuk formulir keluhan), tanggal dan respon yang dilakukan. Untuk audit pertama, register harus mencakup seluruh catatan selama ≥ 6 bulan sebelumnya.
Records code: title of form "formulir penyampaian keluhan pekerja tambak" (Doc. Of complaint form) Period reviewed: month of May to October 2016 Example of complaint and action taken: Complaint about seed volume, the worker asked to increase the number from 50,000 to 100,000 Kode cattatan: judul formulir" "formulir penyampaian keluhan pekerja tambak" "(Dok. Dari formulir keluhan) Periode ditinjau: bulan Mei sampai Oktober 2016 Contoh keluhan dan tindakan yang diambil: Keluhan tentang volume benih, pekerja tersebut meminta untuk menambah jumlahnya dari 50.000 menjadi 100.000
b. Ensure that employees have access to the register at reasonable times. > verify, in the absence of complaints, with union or WA or NGO as indicated by workers. b. Memastikan bahwa seluruh pegawai memiliki akses untuk registrasi pada waktu yang memungkinkan. >verifikasi tidak adanya keluhan kepada serikat, atau WA, atau NGO sebagaimana ditunjuk oleh pekerja.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Register is accesible to workers: yes, suggestion box onsite/form available in the archive No. Of complaints registered: 1 from May to October 2016 If no complaints verified with union, WA, NGO name: verified by WWF Indonesia Pendaftaran masuk ke pekerja: ya, kotak saran di tempat / formulir yang tersedia di arsip Tidak ada keluhan yang terdaftar: 1 dari bulan Mei sampai Oktober 2016 Jika tidak ada keluhan yang diverifikasi dengan serikat pekerja, WA, nama LSM: diverifikasi oleh WWF Indonesia
c. Others, please describe
a. Maintain a register recording issues raised by workers and including the plan (including actions and timeframe) for addressing yet to be resolved conflicts. a. Membuat registrasi isu-isu yang dikemukakan pekerja da termasuk rencana (termasuk tindakan dan jangka waktu) untnuk penanganan dan bakan konflik Indicator: Clear plan, with process actions and timeframe, is developed yang akan ditangani. to address complaints, and comply with. Requirement: List of complaints, corresponding action plan and timeframe for resolution is available. Applicability: All farms with >5 workers Indikator: Rencana kerja dengan penjadwalan waktu untuk mengatasi b. Ensure that the plan is adhered to. keluhan dan masalah Persyaratan: Daftar keluhan dan masalah sesuai rencana aksi untuk b. Memastikan rencana dipatuhi resolusi keluhan/masalah sesuai kerangka waktu. Penerapan : semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
Records code: 07/TATA CARA PENYAMPAIAN KELUHAN/12/2015 DD 16 JUNE 2016; (doc complaint mechanism) Period reviewed: March 2016 to February 2017 Example of complaint and action taken: dd 02 Oct 2016 Kode catatan: 07 / TATA CARA PENYAMPAIAN KELUHAN / 12/2015 DD 16 JUNI 2016; (mekanisme pengaduan dokumen) Periode ditinjau: Maret 2016 sampai Februari 2017 Contoh keluhan dan tindakan yang diambil: dd 02 Oct 2016
Records code: Form catatan keluhan penjaga Tambak; (doc record of compliant/grievance of partner) Period reviewed: dd 02-10-2016 Example of complaint and action taken: complaint to raise the seed from 50k to 100k Action was adhered to plan? Solved within 3 days kode Catatan : Formulir catatan keluhan penjaga Tambak; (catatan doc compliant / keluhan pasangan) Periode ditinjau: dd 02-10-2016 Contoh keluhan dan tindakan yang diambil: keluhan Untuk mengumpulkan benih dari 50 k sampai 100k Aksi dilaksanakan sesuai rencana? Dipecahkan dalam waktu 3 hari
c. Others, please describe
a. Maintain evidence of issues raised by workers and being resolved. Evidence may include letters signed by employees or their representatives. a. Membuat bukti isu-isu yang dikemukan pekerja dan telah diselesaikan. Bukti termasuk surat yang telah ditandatangai pekerja atau perwakilannya.
Indicator: Percentage of complaints that are resolved within three months after being received. Requirement: 90%, according to the timeframe of 4.10.3. Applicability: All farms with >5 workers
b. Record the issues being resolved in the register as for 4.10.2. b. Mancatat isu-isu yang telah diselesaikan pada registrasi sebagaimana pada 4.10.2
4.10.4 Indikator: Persentase keluhan yang diselesaikan dalam waktu tiga bulan setelah diterima. Persyaratan: 90%, sesuai dengan kerangka waktu 4.10.3. Penerapan : semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
c. Maintain monthly summaries and calculations of the percentage of issues resolved within 1 month. c. Membuat rangkuman bulanan dan kalkulasi persentasi isu yang telah diselelsaikan dalam 1 bulan
Date of letter: 02-10-2016, Via verbal Responsable: Suminto Verified by: Suminto and worker/partner Tanggal surat: 02-10-2016, Via verbal Responsable: Suminto Diverifikasi oleh: Suminto dan pekerja / mitra kerja Record code: Form catatan keluhan penjaga tambak; (doc record of compliant/grievance of partner) record date: 05-10-16 verify by: Suminto Kode catatan: Formulir catatan keluhan penjaga tambak; (catatan doc compliant / keluhan pasangan) Tanggal rekaman: 05-10-16 Verifikasi oleh: Suminto Issues recorded: 1 Issues solved: 1 % of issues resolved: 100 responsable: Farmer Isu yang tercatat: 1 Isu dipecahkan: 1 % Masalah diselesaikan: 100 verifikasi oleh: Petani
Habitation construction of: wood and stage Is rainproof? yes Sanitary considered as natural Clean? As similar as available in common houses in this area Pembangunan hunian: kayu dan panggung Apakah hujan? iya Sanitasi dianggap alami Bersih? Mirip seperti tersedia di rumah umum di daerah ini
refer to 4.10.1
d. Others, please describe Criterion 4.11: Living conditions for workers accommodated on the farm
a. Ensure that employees accommodated on the farm have access to decent and Indicator: Living conditions for workers accomodated on the farm are suitable living habitation with facilities that are clean, sanitary and rainproof. a. Memastikan pekerja yang tinggal di tambak memiliki akses kepada tempat decent and safe. tinggal yang layak dan sesuai dengan tempat tinggal yang bersih, higenis, dan Requirement: All facilities are clean, sanitary, rainproof, safe and suitable for habitation. Shared quarters need to include provisions that tidak terkena hujan. allow for visibility privacy, such as walls, curtains or movable rattan/bamboo screens. Potable water and cooking facilities or catering b. Ensure that shared quarters include provisions that allow for visibility, privacy, facilities are available to all accomodated workers on the farm suc as walls, curatins or movable rattan/bamboo screems. premises. b. Memastikan fasilitas yang ditinggali bersama termasuk provisi yang Applicability: All memungkinkan visibilitas, privasi, seperti dinding, gorden atau penyekat Indikator: Kondisi hidup bagi pekerja yang ditampung di tambak, rotan/bambu. layak dan aman Persyaratan: Semua fasilitas yang bersih, sehat, tahan hujan, aman dan layak huni. Rumah penampungan pekerja bersama, memungkinkan untuk privasi pekerja, seperti dinding, tirai rotan / bambu. Fasilitas air minum dan memasak atau fasilitas katering yang tersedia untuk semua pekerja yang di tampung di tambak. Penerapan : semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Privacy is given by: room privasi diberikan oleh: ruangan
Compliant Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: Living conditions for workers accomodated on the farm are decent and safe. Requirement: All facilities are clean, sanitary, rainproof, safe and suitable for habitation. Shared quarters need to include provisions that allow for visibility privacy, such as walls, curtains or movable rattan/bamboo screens. Potable water and cooking facilities or catering facilities are available to all accomodated workers on the farm premises. Applicability: All Indikator: Kondisi hidup bagi pekerja yang ditampung di tambak, layak dan aman Persyaratan: Semua fasilitas yang bersih, sehat, tahan hujan, aman dan layak huni. Rumah penampungan pekerja bersama, memungkinkan untuk privasi pekerja, seperti dinding, tirai rotan / bambu. Fasilitas air minum dan memasak atau fasilitas katering yang tersedia untuk semua pekerja yang di tampung di tambak. Penerapan : semua
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
c. Ensure that all accommodated employees have access to potable water and cooking facilities or the availability of catering facilities. c. Memastikan seluruh pegawai yang tinggal memiliki akses kepada air minum, fasilitas memasak, atau ketersediaan fasilitas katering.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Potable water source (pipe, well, commercial brands): rainfall, cooked first When is treated in the farm test results and date: 7 September 2016 under nr. 052/UNS.1.2/PM/LAB-FPIK/KA/2016 Food for workers is provided by: them selve sumber air minum (pipa, sumur, merk dagang): air hujan, dimasak terlebih dahulu Saat diobati dalam hasil uji coba dan tanggal: 7 September 2016 di bawah nr. 052 / UNS.1.2 / PM / LAB-FPIK / KA / 2016 Makanan untuk pekerja disediakan oleh: mereka sendiri
d. Others, please describe
Indicator: Adequate facilities for women. Requirement: Separate and suitable sanitary and toilet facilities are available for men and women, with the possible exception of married couples being accommodated together. Applicability: All farms with >5 workers Indikator: Fasilitas yang memadai bagi perempuan. Persyaratan: sanitasi dan fasilitas toilet terpisah, tersedia untuk pria dan wanita, dengan kemungkinan pengecualian dari pasangan suami istri yang ditampung bersama-sama. Penerapan : semua tambak yang memperkerjakan > 5 orang pekerja
a. Provide separate and suitable sanitary and toilet facilities are available for men and women, with the possible exception of married couples being accommodated together. > if women are present in the workforce (worker and payslip records): verify existence and condition of seperate sanitary facilities. a. Menyediakan fasilitas sanitasi dan toilet yang terpisah dan sesuai, bagi wanita dan laki-laki, dengan kemungkinan pengecualian bagi pasangan menikah yang tinggal bersama.> Apabila terdapat wanita pekerja (pekerja dan slip pembayaran):verifikasi keberadaan dan kondisi fasilitas sanitasi
No female workers onsite
No clear procedure to address main actions to avoid spread pathogens within the farm. tidak ada prosedur yang jelas untuk untuk menghindari penyebaran patogen di dalam kolam tambak.
Are there restrooms for women and men separate? No female workers Comments: as this is considered for male workers only, and from 4 houses there is only one toilet located in center (within 500m-1km distance) Apakah ada toilet untuk wanita dan pria terpisah? Tidak ada pekerja wanita Komentar: karena ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi pekerja laki-laki, dan dari 4 rumah hanya ada satu toilet yang berada di pusat (dalam jarak 500m1km)
b. Others, please describe
Indicator: Develop and maintain an operational health plan addressing: 1) Pathogens that can come from the surrounding environment into the farm (e.g., predator and vector control), 2) Pathogens that can spread from the farm to the surrounding environment (e.g., effluent filtration/sterilization, and waste such as dead-shrimp management) 3) Spreading of pathogens within the farm. Critical to avoid cross contamination, detect and prevent emerging pathogen(s), and monitor external signs of pathologies and moribund animals Requirement: Demonstration that the operational health plan is functional Applicability: All Indikator: Menyediakan dan menjaga rencana kesehatan operasional yang menangani: 1) patogen yang berasal dari lingkungan sekitarmemasuki tembak (contoh: kontrol predator dan vektor) 2) Patogen yang menyebar dari tambak ke lingkungan sekitar (contoh:filtrasi/sterilisasi limbah, dan sampah seperti pengelolaan udang yang mati) 3)Penyebaran patogen didalam tambak. Kritikal untuk menghindari kontaminasi silang, medeteksi dan mencegah kemunculan patogen, dan
a. Provide and maintain an operational health plan that addresses: 1) Pathogens that can come from the surrounding environment into the farm (e.g., predator and vector control) 2) Pathogens that can spread from the farm to the surrounding environment (e.g., effluent filtration/sterilization, and waste such as dead-shrimp management) 3) Spreading of pathogens within the farm. Critical to avoid cross contamination, detect and prevent emerging pathogen(s), and monitor external signs of pathologies and moribund animals. a. Menyediakan dan menjaga rencana kesehatan operasional yang menangani: 1) patogen yang berasal dari lingkungan sekitar memasuki tembak (contoh: kontrol predator dan vektor) 2) Patogen yang menyebar dari tambak ke lingkungan sekitar (contoh:filtrasi/sterilisasi limbah, dan sampah seperti pengelolaan udang yang mati) 3)Penyebaran patogen didalam tambak. Kritikal untuk menghindari kontaminasi silang, medeteksi dan mencegah kemunculan patogen, dan memonitor adanya tanda-tanda eksternal patologis dan hewan yang hampir mati a. Menyediakan dan menjaga rencana kesehatan operasional yang menangani: 1) patogen yang berasal dari lingkungan sekitar memasuki tembak (contoh: kontrol
A. Review health plan for compliance. Health plan code: 014/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 Responsable: farm owner 1) Main actions for external pathogens: yes 2) Main actions to avoid spread pathogens to the environment: yes 3) Main actions to avoid spread pathogens within the farm: no A. Tinjau rencana kesehatan untuk kepatuhan. Kode rencana kesehatan: 014 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2015 penanggung jawab: pemilik 1) Tindakan utama untuk patogen eksternal: ya 2) Tindakan utama untuk menghindari penyebaran patogen ke lingkungan: iya 3) Tindakan utama untuk menghindari penyebaran patogen di dalam peternakan: tidak ada
b. Others, please describe Compliant
Indicator: Filtration of inlet water for minimizing the entry of pathogens Requirement: Nets, grills, screens or barriers of the appropriate mesh size [85] are present on all farm or pond inlets. Applicability: All Indikator: Proses filtrasi air masuk untuk meminimasi masuknya patogen. Memastikan bahwa semua inlet tambak dan kolam memiliki jaring, saringan, layar atau penghalang dengan ukuran mata jaring yang sesuai. Persyaratan: keberadaan jaring, jala, filter, dan pembatas dengan ukuran yang sesuai[85] pada saluran air masuk. Penerapan: Semua
a. Ensure that all farm or pond inlets have nets, grills, screens or barriers of appropriate mesh size. a. Memastikan bahwa semua inlet tambak dan kolam memiliki jaring, saringan, layar atau penghalang dengan ukuran mata jaring yang sesuai.
A. Confirm the presence of these nets, grills, screens or barriers at farm or pond inlets. Ponds inspected: Rusli (7,8) and Suminto 1,2,3,4 Mesh size: three screen (30 microns and 1 inchi, wood and terpauline, 30 micron and 1 inchis) Justification of mesh size based on local disease risk factors (e.g. presence, likely vectors, etc): screen used appropriate A. Konfirmasikan adanya jaring, panggangan, layar atau rintangan di saluran pertanian atau kolam. Kolam yang diperiksa: Rusli (7,8) dan Suminto 1,2,3,4 Ukuran Mesh: tiga lapis (30 mikron dan 1 inchi, kayu dan terpauline, 30 mikron dan 1 inci) Pembenaran ukuran mesh berdasarkan faktor risiko penyakit lokal (misalnya kehadiran, kemungkinan vektor, dll): layar yang digunakan sesuai
b. Others, please describe
a. Farm should demonstrate actual farm on-farm counting work sheets and they may or may not correlate with purchase receipts. Maintain records to show the total number of shrimp stocked into each enclosure during the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months and records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). In case supplying hatchery is vertically integrated to farm, exit countings at hatcheries can be used instead. Indicator: Annual average farm survival rate [86] (SR): 1) Unfed and non-permanently aerated pond systems 2) Fed but non-permanently aerated pond [87] systems 3) Fed and permanently aerated pond systems. Requirement: SR >25% SR >45% SR >60% Applicability: All 5.1.3
Indikator: Survival Rate tahunan rata-rata (SR)[86] , yang meliputi tiga sistem berbeda. Persyaratan: (1) anpa pakan dan tanpa aerasi, SR > 25% (2) dengan pakan tanpa aerasi [87] , SR > 45%, dan (3) dengan pakan dan aerasi, SR > 60%. Persyaratan: SR ≥ 25 % SR ≥ 45% SR ≥ 60% Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp StandardSemua - version 1.0 Penerapan: Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
A. review farm post-larvae counting work sheets. Farm post larvae work sheets shall not exceed 5% margin of error. If company is integrated (larvae supplier + farm) 1 count is sufficient. Auditor will need to confirm the accuracy of the method used by the farm. Receipts number: Period reviewed: Rusli (June 2016 - January 2017), Suminto May 2016 - Feb 2017) Total number of shrimp stocked: Rusli 2,930,000 , Suminto 452,000, Grand Total : 3,382,000 Counting method used by farm: 1% sample (random) of bags of PL recieved from seed supplier. a. Tambak harus mendemonstrasikan lembar kerja penghitungan aktual di tambak, yang A. review lcatatan pasca-larva . penghitungan tambak tidak melebihi margin kesalahan 5%, Jika perusahaan terintegrasi (pemasok larva + pertanian) dapat berkorelasi atau tidak dengan tanda terima pembelian. Membuat catatan yang 1 jumlah sudah mencukupi. Auditor perlu mengkonfirmasi keakuratan Metode yang digunakan oleh petambak. memperlihatkan jumlah tebar udang pada setiap pembagian lahan tambak pada 12 bulan Nomor penerimaan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan dan catatan Periode ditinjau: Rusli (Juni 2016 - Januari 2017), Suminto Mei 2016 - Feb 2017) harus mencakup satu siklus penuh per lokasi (lihat pembuka). Dalam kasus hatchery Jumlah udang yang terisi: Rusli 2.930.000, Suminto 452.000, Grand Total: 3,382,000 pensuply terintegrasi secara vertikal dengan tambak, penghitungan keluar dapat Menghitung metode yang digunakan oleh pertanian: 1% sampel (acak) dari plastik tas PL yg diterima dari pemasok benih. digunakan. b. Maintain harvest records for each crop (e.g. selling receipts or processing plant receipts) that are sufficient to show the total number of shrimp harvested from each enclosure. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). b. Memiliki catatan panen tiap siklus (misal catatan penjualan) yang dapat digunakan sebagai bukti total panen tiap siklus. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya satu siklus penuh dari tiap lokasi.
Annual Average Survival Rate: 6.24% ponds criteria 1) shall be >25% Tingkat Survival Rata-rata Tahunan: 6,24% Kriteria kolam 1) seharusnya > 25% "
B. Review records. Confirm that farm records are sufficient to determine number of shrimp harvested from each enclosure. Selling receipt number: No. 00722-00725 (21 Aug.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept 2016) Period reviewed: Rusli (June 2016 - January 2017), Suminto May 2016 - Feb 2017) Total number of shrimps harvested: 2,938 kg B. Kaji ulang catatan Konfirmasikan bahwa catatan pertanian cukup untuk menentukan jumlah udang yang dipanen dari masing-masing kandang. nomor tanda terima: No. 00722-00725 (21 Agustus.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept. 2016) Periode ditinjau: Rusli (Juni 2016 - Januari 2017), Suminto Mei 2016 - Feb 2017) Jumlah udang yang dipanen: 2.938 kg
Indicator: Annual average farm survival rate [86] (SR): 1) Unfed and non-permanently aerated pond systems 2) Fed but non-permanently aerated pond [87] systems Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0 3) Fed and permanently aerated pond systems. Requirement: SR >25% SR >45% SR >60% Applicability: All 5.1.3
Indikator: Survival Rate tahunan rata-rata (SR)[86] , yang meliputi tiga sistem berbeda. Persyaratan: (1) anpa pakan dan tanpa aerasi, SR > 25% (2) dengan pakan tanpa aerasi [87] , SR > 45%, dan (3) dengan pakan dan aerasi, SR > 60%. Persyaratan: SR ≥ 25 % SR ≥ 45% SR ≥ 60% Penerapan: Semua
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
c. Calculate the weighted average of the Real Percentage Mortality (see above). Provide calculations to the auditor. Calculation should be based on hatchery postlarvae count if hatchery is vertically integrated to the farm. For farms that have independent hatchery suppliers, calculations should be based on farm counts and cross reference with the hatchery counts. c. Menghitung rata-rata berat dari udang yang mati. Penghitungan didasarkan pada jumlah postlarvae jika hatchery menjadi satu dengan tambak. Untuk tambak yang mendapatkan postlarvae dari hatchery luar, penghitungan dilakukan di tambak dan dicocokkan dengan penghitungan yang dilakukan oleh supplier.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
C. Review farm's calculations to verfiy accuracy cross reference with the hatchery counts. Categorise the farming system into 1 of the 3 categories and confirm that average real percentage mortality confirms to the requirement Farm Category: (1) Lower pond survival rate in the dataset: 0.28%; Higher pond survival rate in the dataset: 30.51% Annual Average Survival Rate: 6.24% C. Tinjau penghitungan tambak untuk mengetahui akurasi penghitungan dengan hatchery/pembenihan. Kategorikan sistem tambak menjadi 1 dari 3 kategori dan konfirmasikan bahwa persentase kematian rata-rata nyata menegaskan persyaratan Pertanian Kategori: (1) Tingkat ketahanan kolam yang lebih rendah dalam dataset: 0,28%; Tingkat ketahanan kolam yang lebih tinggi dalam dataset: 30,51%
d. Others, please describe Minor A. If the country and species is listed by the farmer as a country/species for which 100% SPF/SPR postlarvae is required, confirm that all postlarve stocked originated from SPF or SPR broodstock. Receipts number: No. 00722-00725 (21 Aug.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept 2016) Status of hatchery broodstock : SPF a. Memiliki tanda terima dan/atau pernyataan dari suplier PLs yang menunjukkan status Evidence reviewed: Declaration letter No. 07/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/IX/2016 (Fish Quarantine Department, Ministry Marine Affair and Fisheries) SPF dan SPR induk hacheri dan patogen dimana PLs telah diuji. Menjaga catatan selama A. Jika negara dan spesies terdaftar oleh petani sebagai negara / spesies yang diperlukan 100% SPF / SPR PL, konfirmasikan bahwa semua stok postlarve berasal dari induk SPF atau SPR. 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. a. Memiliki tanda terima dan/atau pernyataan dari suplier PLs yang menunjukkan status SPF Tanda terima nomor: No. 00722-00725 (21 Agustus.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept. 2016) dan SPR induk hacheri dan patogen dimana PLs telah diuji. Menjaga catatan selama 12 Status induk hatchery: SPF bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. Bukti yang tertuang: Surat Pernyataan No. 07 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / IX / 2016 (Departemen Karantina Ikan, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) a. Be in possession of receipts and/or statements from postlarvae supplier indicating SPF and SPR status of hatchery broodstock and the pathogens for which the postlarvae was tested. Maintain records during the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months.
Indicator: Percent of stocked postlarvae (PLs) that are Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) [88] or Specific Pathogen Resistant (SPR) [89] for all important pathogens [90]. Requirement: 100% if commercially available [91], i.e., if for any given species, at least 20% of the PLs stocked in the country are from SPF or SPR stocks, then the supply is deemed commercially available. If not b. Maintain list of OIE for which postlarvae diseases must be tested (see commercially available, PLs screened for all important pathogens can be Instructions above). used. b. Menyimpan/memiliki daftar penyakit yang termasuk list OIE Applicability: All Indikator: Persentase postlarvae Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) [88] atau Specific Pathogen Resistant (SPR) [89] terhadap semua penyakit yang penting (misal apakah SPF-WSSV, atau SPF untuk beberapa virus) [90] . Persyaratan: 100% SPF atau SPR jika tersedia[91], atau setidaknya 20%. Jika jumlah ini pun tidak tersedia, maka proses screening dapat dilakukan Penerapan: Semua
c. If any of the OIE listed diseases is not relevant (see Instruction), present evidence (e.g. peer reviewed papers or copies of official statement from the Competent Authority). c. Jika ada penyakit di dalam daftar OIE tidak relevan, diperlukan bukti penguat misal paper ilmiah atau sumber lain.
There are 8 OIE listed diseases is not relevant, client provide evidence (official statement from the Competent Authority, that saying for P. Monodon, commonly tested only WSSV evidence not accurate ada 8 penyakit yang terdaftar di OIE tidak relevan, klien memberikan bukti (pernyataan resmi dari Otoritas Kompeten, yang mengatakan bahwa untuk P. Monodon, yang biasa diujikan hanya WSSV. bukti yang disediakan tidak akurat.
B. Confirm that the OIE list is accurate and that postlarvae was tested for the relevant OIE listed diseases. Relevant OIE diseases tested: WSSV Results: negative B. Konfirmasikan bahwa daftar OIE akurat dan postlarvae diuji untuk penyakit yang terdaftar di OIE. Penyakit OIE yang relevan diuji: WSSV Hasil: negatif C. Review evidence and confirm its accuracy. OIE disease not relevant: 8 desease not relevant Peer reviewed papers: not available Official statement from the Competent Authority: No.571/33.0/TU.210/VIII/2016 (only WSSV commonly test for P. Monodon in Indonesia) C. review bukti dan konfirmasikan keakuratannya. Penyakit OIE tidak relevan: 8 penyakit tidak relevan Makalah yang dikaji : tidak tersedia Pernyataan resmi dari pemerintah setempat: No.571 / 33.0 / TU.210 / VIII / 2016 (hanya WSSV yang biasa diujikan untuk P. Monodon di Indonesia)
d. Others, please describe Criterion 5.2: Predator [93] control
Indicator: Allowance for intentional lethal predator control of any protected, threatened or endangered species as defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List [94] national listing processes [95], or other official lists [96]. Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: Kelonggaran untuk mengontrol predator mematikan dari spesies yang dilindungi atau terancam punah, yang masuk daftar merah International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)[94], daftar nasional[95], atau daftar resmi lain[96] Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
a. Maintain a list of all predator control devices and their locations. a. Memiliki daftar alat kontrol predator dan lokasinya.
A. Review predator control procedure and list of predator control devices. Predator control devices: sounds (screamer) Location of these devices: site Quantities of devices: 2 Which animal scare: birds A. Tinjau kembali prosedur pengendalian predator dan daftar perangkat kontrol predator. Alat kontrol predator: suara (screamer) Lokasi perangkat ini: tambak Jumlah perangkat: 2 Yang menakut-nakuti binatang: burung
b. Maintain a list of all protected, threatened or endangered species potentially visiting the farm and display list with relevant species at relevant places on-farm b. Memiliki daftar spesies baik yang dilindungi, terancam punah, dan kemungkinan dapat ditemukan di tambak
B. Review list for accuracy Protected, threatened or endangered species : list of protected animal (according to local authority) available B. review daftar untuk akurasi Spesies yang dilindungi, terancam atau hampir punah: daftar satwa yang dilindungi (menurut otoritas setempat): tersedia
C. Inspect sites to verify no use of lethal predator controls which may cause mortality of protected, threatened or endangered species Is lethal predator controls use? no Interviews: 8 Comments: not use any lethal predator control. C. Periksa lokasi untuk memverifikasi keberadaan penggunaan predator kontrol yang mematikan, yang dapat menyebabkan kematian pada spesies yang dilindungi, terancam atau hampir punah Apakah kontrol predator mematikan digunakan? tidak Wawancara: 8 Komentar: tidak menggunakan kontrol pemangsa yang mematikan. "
d. Others, please describe
Indicator: Allowance for use of lead shot and select chemicals for predator control. Requirement: None Applicability: All 5.2.2
a. Farm controls predators and maintains a list of predator control devices (as per 5.2.1a). A.predator kontraol yang ada di tambak dan memiliki daftar alat-alat pengontrol predator (sesuai dengan 5.2.1a)
A. Review list of predator control devices and confirm that no lead shots or non-approved chemicals are used for predator control List of predator control devices: 012/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 Are lead shots or non-approved chemicals used for predator control?: no A. review daftar perangkat kontrol predator dan konfirmasikan bahwa tidak ada alat tembak atau bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan predator Daftar perangkat kontrol predator: 012 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2015 Apakah tembakan timbal atau bahan kimia yang tidak disetujui digunakan untuk kontrol predator ?: tidak
Indikator: kelonggaran penggunaan tembakan atau bahan kimia terlarang untuk mengontrol predator. Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliant Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Allowance for use of lead shot and select chemicals for predator control. Requirement: None Applicability: All 5.2.2
Indikator: kelonggaran penggunaan tembakan atau bahan kimia terlarang untuk mengontrol predator. Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Inspect sites to verify no use of lead shots or non-approved chemicals for predator controls. Are lead shots or non-approved chemicals used for predator control?:no Evidences: verified during site visit B. Periksa tambak untuk memverifikasi tidak ada penggunaan alat tembak atau bahan kimia yang tidak dibolehkan untuk mengendalikan predator. Apakah tembakan atau bahan kimia yang tidak dibolehkan digunakan untuk pengendalian predator?: Tidak Bukti: diverifikasi selama kunjungan lapangan "
c. Others, please describe
Indicator: In case lethal predator control is used, a basic monitoring program must be in place for documenting the frequency of visits, variety of species and number of animals interacting with the farm. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All Indikator: jika kontrol predator yang mematikan digunakan, program monitoring harus ada untuk mendokumentasikan jumlah kunjungan, jenis spesies, dan jumlah hewan. Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua
a. If lethal predator control is used, develop and maintain a monitoring program. a. jika kontrol predator yang mematikan digunakan, program monitoring harus ada untuk mendokumentasikan jumlah kunjungan, jenis spesies, dan jumlah hewan.
b. farm shall idenfity and monitor all incidents where lethal predator control was used, specifying the date, species, method used an rationale for using lethal force instead of non-lehtal alternatives. b. Tambak harus mengidentifikasikan dan monitor seluruh kejadian dimana semua insiden dimana predator kontrol yang mematikan digunakan, menyebutkan tanggal, spesies, metode yang digunakan yang rasional untuk penggunaan kontrol mematikan dibandingkan alternatif non-letal
A. Review the results of the monitoring program and verify its appropriatedness and accuracy of results Lethal control by: N/A,not use any lethal predator control Species controled: N/A Monitoring program available: N/A A. review hasil program pemantauan dan verifikasi kesesuaian dan akurasi hasilnya predator kontrol yang mematikan oleh: N / A, tidak menggunakan alat mematikan untuk predator Spesies dikontrol: N / A Program pemantauan tersedia: N / A B. Verify the farm's monitoring program of endangered species protection. Lethal control record record available? No, not use any lethal predator control Period reviewed: N/A Reason to use lethal control: N/A B. Verifikasi program pemantauan tambak untuk perlindungan spesies yang terancam punah. Rekaman predator kontrol yang mematikan tersedia? Tidak, tidak menggunakan alat predator kontrol yang mematikan Periode ditinjau: N / A Alasan untuk menggunakan kontrol mematikan: N / A
A. Review farm's list of medicines, chemicals and biological products. Farm's list of medicines, chemicals and biological products code: list available Main Medicines: n/A Main Chemicals products: fertilizer (NPK, TSP, Urea), organic fertilizer (compost) Main Biological products: saponin (tea seed) A. Tinjau kembali daftar obat-obatan, bahan kimia dan produk biologis pertanian. Daftar obat-obatan, bahan kimia dan kode produk biologis: daftar tersedia Obat Utama: n / A Produk Bahan Kimia Utama: pupuk (NPK, TSP, Urea), pupuk organik (kompos) Produk Biologi Utama: saponin (biji teh) B. Review records to confirm farm usage of products. During on-site inspection, verify there is no evidence for unrecorded use of any veterinary medicines, chemicals or biological products (i.e. no empty containers or non-inventoried warehouse supplies). Record reviewed: Rusli (June 2016 - January 2017), Suminto May 2016 - Feb 2017) Medicines used: not use medicine Chemicals products used: not used (during period) Biological products used: saponin (tea seed) B. Kaji ulang catatan untuk mengkonfirmasi penggunaan produk oleh petani Selama inspeksi di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti penggunaan obatobatan, bahan kimia atau produk biologis hewan yang tidak tercatat (yaitu tidak ada wadah kosong atau persediaan gudang yang tidak diinventarisasi). catatan ditinjau: Rusli (Juni 2016 - Januari 2017), Suminto Mei 2016 - Feb 2017) Obat yang digunakan: tidak menggunakan obat-obatan Produk bahan kimia yang digunakan: tidak digunakan (selama periode) Produk biologis yang digunakan: saponin (biji teh)
Not use any lethal predator control tidak menggunakan alat predator kontrol yang mematikan
c. Others, please describe Criterion 5.3: Disease management and treatment
a. Farm to prepare a list of all veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products used on the farm in the past 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Tambak mempersiapkan daftar semua obat-obatan hewan, produk kimia dan biologi yang digunakan di tambak selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
Indicator: Allowance for use of antibiotics and medicated feed on ASClabeled products (farm can be certified but specific product receiving medicated feed will not be authorized to carry ASC label). Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: kelonggaran penggunaan antibiotik atau pakan yang mengandung fungsi obat pada produk berlabel ASC. Persyaratan: Tidak boleh Penerapan: Semua
b. Provide records detailing the use of any veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products on each enclosure in the farm in the last 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). b. Sediakan catatan yang mendetilkan penggunaan onat-obatan hewan, produk kimia dan biologi yang digunakan disetiap lahan di tambak pada 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
c. If any antibiotics or medicated feed is used, detail and maintain a traceability system to ensure that no treated product is sold as ASC labeled. In these cases farm needs to hold a valid ASC Chain of Custody Certification. c. Apabila antibiotik atau pakan dengan tambahan obat digunakan, detilkan dan jaga sistem ketelusuran untuk bahwa tidak ada produk yang diberi tambahan dijual sebagai produk dengan abel ASC. Dalam kasus seperti ini, tambak perlu memiliki Sertifikasi lacak balak (ketelusuran)
C. Capture sufficient evidence that an organization operates an accurate traceability system. If farm uses/used any antibiotics or medicated feed is used, check validity of farm's Chain of Custody. Antibiotics used: no Medicated pond Traceability excersice (pond, date of harvest, segregation form): ASC CoC code: N/A. not use any medicine/antibiotic at ponds C. mendapatkan bukti yang cukup bahwa organisasi tersebut mengoperasikan sistem penelusuran yang akurat. Jika menggunakan / menggunakan antibiotik atau pakan obat pertanian, periksa validitas lacak balaknya. Antibiotik yang digunakan: tidak menggunakan kolam yang menggunakan obat-obatan: (kolam, tanggal panen, bentuk segregasi): Kode COC ASC: N / A. Tidak menggunakan obat / antibiotik di kolam "
d. Others, please describe N/A A. Review list of antibiotics used. List of antibiotic used: N/A Period:N/A not using any medicine or antibiotic at ponds A. Tinjau daftar antibiotik yang digunakan. Daftar antibiotik yang digunakan: N / A Periode: N / A Tidak menggunakan obat atau kolam antibiotik B. Cross check list of antibiotics used by the farm against the WHO list of antibiotics critical to human medicine and antibiotics as banned by the competent national authorities. b. Farm did not use any antibiotics critically important for human medicine as WHO List of antibiotic available: N/A categorized by the WHO and antibiotics as banned by the competent national Is there any critical or banned antibiotic that the farm use? N/A authorities in the last 12 months. Responsable:N/A b. Tambak tidak boleh menggunakan antibiotik yang penting dan kritis bagi obat- not use any antibiotic at farms (ponds) obatan manusia sebagaimana di kategorikan oleh WHO dan antibiotik yang B. periksa antibiotik yang digunakan oleh tambak terhadap daftar antibiotik dari WHO, daftar yang kritikal untuk pengobatan manusia dan antibiotik dilarang oleh otoritas kompeten nasional selama 12 bulan yang dilarang oleh otoritas nasional setempat. Daftar antibiotik WHO tersedia: N / A Apakah ada antibiotik kritis atau dilarang yang digunakan oleh peternakan? N / A
not using any medicine or antibiotic at farms (ponds)
a. Maintain a list of all antibiotics used on the farm in the last 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Kelola daftar semua antibiotik yang digunakan di tambak selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
Indicator: Allowance for the use of antibiotics categorized as critically important by the World Health Organization [97] (WHO), even if authorized by the pertinent national authorities. Requirement: None Applicability: All 5.3.2 Indikator: Kelonggaran penggunaan antibiotik yang dilarang berdasarkan daftar WHO, meskipun jika peraturan nasional membolehkan. Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 SemuaCouncil. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council Copyright (c) 2013Penerapan: Aquaculture Stewardship
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Allowance for the use of antibiotics categorized as critically important by the World Health Organization [97] (WHO), even if authorized by the pertinent national authorities. Requirement: None Applicability: All
c. Demonstrate working knowledge of critically important WHO antibiotics and antibiotics as banned by the competent national authorities and show that they are not used on the farm. c. Demonstrasikan pengetahuan kerja mengenai antibiotik penting kritikal yang ditetapkan oleh WHO dan antibiotik yang dilarang oleh otoritas kompeten nasional adan perlihatkan bahwa antibiotik tidak digunakan di tambak
C. Review farmer's knowledge on banned antibiotics. Animal health responsible: N/A Comments: N/A not use any antibiotic at farms (ponds) C. Tinjau pengetahuan petani tentang antibiotik terlarang. Kesehatan hewan bertanggung jawab: N / A Komentar: N / A Tidak menggunakan antibiotik di peternakan (kolam) "
D. During on-site visits, verify there is no evidence of use of antibiotics critical for human medicine through direct observation and inspection. Evidence: not found any medicine or antibiotic at farms Comments : not found any medicine or antibiotic at farms D. Selama kunjungan di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti penggunaan antibiotik yang kritikal untuk pengobatan manusia melalui pengamatan langsung dan pemeriksaan. Bukti: tidak ditemukan obat atau antibiotik di tambak Komentar: tidak ditemukan obat atau antibiotik di tambak
5.3.2 Indikator: Kelonggaran penggunaan antibiotik yang dilarang berdasarkan daftar WHO, meskipun jika peraturan nasional membolehkan. Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
e. Others, please describe
a. Maintain storage spaces for all veterinary medicines, chemical and biological products provided in 5.3.1a a. Kelola ruangan penyimpanan untuk seluruh obat-obatan yang digunakan, produk kimia dan biologi sebagaimana pada 5.3.1a
A. Verify that storage spaces are available and adequate for safety and preservation of quality. Location of storage: Good Storage conditions: Good Lookable: Yes Iluminated: Yes Ventilated: Yes Spilage contention: No Spillage collection kit: Yes Rainproof: Yes, A. Pastikan ruang penyimpanan tersedia dan memadai untuk keamanan dan untuk menjaga kualitas. Lokasi penyimpanan: Bagus Kondisi penyimpanan: Bagus Tampak: Ya Iluminasi: Ya Berventilasi: Ya Pertengkaran spilage: tidak Kit koleksi tumpahan: Ya Tahan hujan: Ya
b. Provide records detailing the use of any veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products on each pond in the farm in the last 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). b. Sediakan catatan yang mendetilkan penggunaan onat-obatan hewan, produk kimia dan biologi yang digunakan disetiap lahan di tambak pada 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
B. Review records to confirm farm usage of products. During on-site inspection, verify there is no evidence for unrecorded use of any veterinary medicines, chemicals or biological products (i.e. no empty containers or non-inventoried warehouse supplies). Chemicals verified: Suminto, Saponin (19 Oct 2016 and 20 July 2016), Rusli 13 Nov 2016 and 28 july 2016) Period reviewed: May 2016 - Feb 2017 B. Kaji ulang catatan untuk penggunaan produk antibiotik oleh petani. Selama inspeksi di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti penggunaan obat-obatan, bahan kimia atau produk biologis hewan yang tidak tercatat (yaitu tidak ada wadah kosong atau persediaan gudang yang tidak diinventarisasi). Bahan kimia diverifikasi: Suminto, Saponin (19 Okt 2016 dan 20 Juli 2016), Rusli 13 Nov 2016 dan 28 Juli 2016) Periode yang ditinjau: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017
Indicator: Information on chemical storage and usage. Requirement: Records of stocks and usage are available for all products. Applicability: All Indikator: Informasi penyimpanan dan penggunaan bahan kimia Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan:Semua
c. Others, please describe
a. Develop Standard Operating Procedures for the use of veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products. a. Kembangkan prosedur operasi standar (SOP) untuk penggunaan obat-obatan dan produk kimia dan biologi
Indicator: Proper use of chemical products by farm workers Requirement: Evidences of worker awareness / training and instructions are available Applicability: All b. Ensure that employees are familiar with the SOP. Indikator: penggunaan bahan kimia secara benar oleh pekerja tambak. b. Pastikan seluruh pekerja familiar dengan SOP Persyaratan: ada bukti bahwa pekerja tambak memiliki awareness/kesadaran/training dan instruksi/petunjuk tersedia. Penerapan: Semua
A. Review SOP for content of the safe use and implementationof veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products. SOP code: SOP 002/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 andno. 018/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 Verify by: farm manager SOPs for all chemiicals? Yes A. Tinjau prosedur untuk penggunaan dan penerapan obat-obatan hewan, bahan kimia dan produk biologis yang aman. Kode SOP: SOP 002 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2015 andno. 018 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2015 Verifikasi oleh: manajer tambak SOP untuk semua bahan kimia? Iya
B. Verify through interviews that employees are aware of procedures for proper chemical usage and that they have access to current instructions. Number of interviews: 6 Comments: workers know very well regarding how using chemical and saponin (te seed) B. Verifikasi melalui wawancara bahwa karyawan mengetahui prosedur penggunaan kimia yang tepat dan mereka memiliki akses terhadap instruksi terkini. Jumlah wawancara: 6 Komentar: pekerja tahu betul tentang bagaimana menggunakan bahan kimia dan saponin (bungkil benih teh) C. During on-site visits, verify there is no evidence of failure to comply with the SOP. Chemicals use observed: not using chemical, only saponin (tea seed) C. Selama kunjungan di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti kegagalan sesuai dengan prosedur. Penggunaan bahan kimia yang diamati: tidak menggunakan bahan kimia, hanya saponin (biji teh)
d. Others, please describe
Indicator: Allowance for treating water with pesticides banned or restricted by the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) or classed as “extremely hazardous” or “highly hazardous” (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Requirement: None 5.3.5 Applicability: All Indikator: Kelonggaran penggunaan pestisida untuk mentreatment air yang dilarang atau dibatasi oleh Konvensi Rotterdam mengenai Prior Informed Consent (PIC), atau konvensi Stockholm tentang Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) atau tergolong sangat berbahaya oleh WHO Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 TidakCouncil. diperbolehkan Copyright (c) 2013persyaratan: Aquaculture Stewardship All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council Penerapan: Semua
a. Maintain a list of all products used on the farm (as per 5.3.1a) in the last 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Kelola daftar semua produk yang digunakan di tambak (seperti 5.3.1a) selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
A. Review list of products used for completeness. List of all products used: N/A, Not using any pesticide at ponds Example of products: N/A not using pesticide at ponds A. Tinjau daftar produk yang digunakan untuk kelengkapan. Daftar semua produk yang digunakan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan pestisida di kolam Contoh produk: N / A
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliant Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Allowance for treating water with pesticides banned or restricted by the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) or classed as “extremely hazardous” or “highly hazardous” (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: Kelonggaran penggunaan pestisida untuk mentreatment air yang dilarang atau dibatasi oleh Konvensi Rotterdam mengenai Prior Informed Consent (PIC), atau konvensi Stockholm tentang Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) atau tergolong sangat berbahaya oleh WHO persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
b. Prepare declaration stating that farm did not use any pesticides banned or restricted by the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) or the World Health Organization (WHO). b. Persiapkan deklarasi yang menyatakan bahwa tambak tidak menggunakan pestisida yang dilarang atau dibatasi menurut peraturan Indonesia, Konvensi Roterdam PIC, POPs dan WHO
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Review declarations and during on-site visits, verify there is no allowance for treating water with pesticides banned or restricted by the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), or classed as “extremely hazardous” or “highly hazardous” (classes Ia and Ib) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Declaration date: 30 Jan 2017 Verify or signed by: Farm Manager And Supervisor. B. Meninjau ulang deklarasi dan selama kunjungan di tempat, pastikan tidak ada penggunaan pestisida yang dilarang pemerintah lokal atau dilarang oleh Konvensi Rotterdam (PIC), Konvensi Stockholm tentang Polutan Organik Persisten (POPs), atau digolongkan Sebagai "sangat berbahaya" atau "sangat berbahaya" (kelas Ia dan Ib) oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Tanggal pernyataan: 30 Jan 2017 Verifikasi atau ditandatangani oleh: Manajer Pertanian dan Supervisor
c. Others, please describe
a. Maintain SOP at in 5.3.4a and ensure that they include procedures for neutralization. a. Kelola SOP sebagaimana 5.3.4a dan pastikan hal tersebut mencakup prosedur netralisasi tambak
Indicator: Allowance for discharge of any hazardous chemicals [98] without previous neutralization[99]. Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: Kelonggaran pembuangan bahan kimia berbahaya tanpa proses netralisasi Persyaratan: Tidak diperbolehkan Penerapan: Semua
b. Ensure that employees are familiar with the SOP. b. Pastikan seluruh pekerja familiar dengan SOP
A. Review SOP for appropriatness. Chemicals that need neutralization:N/A. not using any chemical (fertilizer) at ponds SOP code: Verify by: Is that include procedure of neutralization? A. Tinjau ulang prosdur untuk kelayakan Bahan kimia yang membutuhkan netralisasi: N / A. Tidak menggunakan bahan kimia (pupuk) di kolam Kode SOP: Verifikasi dengan: Apakah itu termasuk prosedur netralisasi? B. Interview employees and assess compliance. Number of interviews: Comments: not using any chemical (fertilizer) at ponds B. Wawancara karyawan dan menilai kesesuaian Jumlah wawancara: Komentar: tidak menggunakan bahan kimia (pupuk) di kolam C. During on-site visits, verify there is no evidence of failure to comply with the SOP. Neutralized chemicals observed: not using any chemical (fertilizer) at ponds C. Selama kunjungan di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti kegagalan untuk mematuhi SOP. Bahan kimia yang dinetralisir diamati: tidak menggunakan bahan kimia (pupuk) di kolam
d. Others, please describe A. Review records to confirm farm usage of products. During on-site inspection, verify there is no evidence for unrecorded use of any veterinary medicines, chemicals or biological products (i.e. no empty containers or non-inventoried warehouse supplies). Provide an inventory detailing the probiotics used and dosing over the past 12 months. a. Provide records detailing the use of any biological products on the farm in the Biological products used: saponin (tes seed) last 12 months. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see Period reviewed: May 2016 - Feb 2017 preamble). Not use any probiotic in farms a. Sediakan catatan yang mendetilkan penggunaan produk biologis di tambak A. Tinjau ulang catatan untuk mengkonfirmasi penggunaan produk obat oleh petani Selama inspeksi di tempat, pastikan tidak ada bukti penggunaan selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama , catatan harus mencakup 1 siklus obat-obatan, bahan kimia atau produk biologis hewan yang tidak tercatat (misalnya tidak ada wadah kosong atau persediaan gudang yang tidak per lokasi (lihat pembukaan) diinventarisir). Persediaan yang merinci probiotik yang digunakan dan dosis selama 12 bulan terakhir. Produk biologis yang digunakan: saponin (benih teh) Periode ditinjau: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017 Tidak menggunakan probiotik di tambak
Indicator: Use of probiotic bacterial strains excluding the use of fermented product to seed further batches. Requirement: Only probiotic products approved by the appropriate competent authorities can be used. Applicability: All Indikator: Penggunaan strain bakteri probiotik tidak termasuk penggunaan produk fermentasi untuk membibitkan sejumlah berikutnya. Persyaratan: hanya probiotik yang diijinkan melalui peraturan yang diperbolehkan. Penerapan: Semua
b. For the list provided in 5.3.7a, show that each item is approved for aquaculture by relevant national authorities. If the regulatory agency in charge of aquaculture does not approve probiotics or other biological agents, that producers should be capable of showing purchase records, invoicing and product information associated with any probiotics used. b. Untuk daftar yang tercantum pada 5.3.7a, perlihatkan bahwa semua poin telah diizinkan untuk penggunaan di budidaya oleh otoritas nasional yang relevan. Apabila dinas pengatur kebijakan terkait buddaya tidak mengizinkan penggunaan probiotik dan agen biologis lainnya, maka rodusen harus mampu memperlihatkan catatan pembelian, invoice dan informasi produk yang terkait dengan probiotik yang digunakan.
B. Confirm that listed products used are approved for aquaculture. Authority that approves biological products: Ministry of Manrine Affair and Fisheries (Ministry Regulation, list of allowable substance in shrimp ponds) Approval number or reference: Tea seed produce by PT CPB Approval no. DKP RI No.I 0910121 FTS 5 oct 2009 If there is no authority, records available: yes Not use any probiotic in farms B. Konfirmasikan bahwa produk yang terdaftar yang digunakan diperbolehkan untuk kegiatan budidaya Otoritas yang menyetujui produk biologis: kementerian kelautan dan Perikanan (Peraturan Menteri, tentang daftar bahan yang diijinkan di tambak udang) Nomor atau referensi persetujuan: Biji teh yang diproduksi oleh PT CPB Approval no. DKP RI No. I 0910121 FTS 5 okt 2009 Jika tidak ada otoritas, Catatan tersedia: iya Tidak menggunakan probiotik di tambak
C. Verify that protocols are available, appropriate and complied with. Protocol code: n/a. doesn’t practice on site fermentation Verify by: n/a Is the procotolo appropriate?: n/a .C Verifikasi bahwa protokol tersedia, tepat dan sesuai. Kode protokol: n / a. Tidak menerapkan fermentasi Verifikasi dengan: n / a Apakah procotolo yang tepat ?: n / a D. Verify through site visit and employee interviews that there are no signs of fermented products having been used for seeding further d. If on site fermantation is practiced, ensure that fermented products are not used for seeding further fermentation batches and that all batches must be seeded fermantation batches. Doesn’t practice on site fermentation using a commercial probiotic. D. Verifikasi melalui kunjungan lapangan dan wawancara karyawan bahwa tidak ada tanda-tanda produk fermentasi yang telah digunakan untuk d. Apabila fermentasi ditambak dilakukan, pastikan bahwa produk fermentasi tidak digunakan untuk membibitkan produk fermentasi turnan lanjutan, dan seluruh batches pembibitan batch fermantasi lebih lanjut. dibibitkan menggunakan probiotik komersil. Tidak menerapkan fermentasi di tambak c. If on site fermantation is practiced, maintain and comply with the protocol provided by the suppliers, including taking all required precautions to ensure that they do not have contaminant strains. c. Apabila dilakukan fermentasi di tambak, kelola dan patuhi protokol yang disediakan suplier, termasuk memperhatikan peringatan untuk memastikan bahwa produk tersebut tidak mengandung strain kontaminan.
e. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
PRINCIPLE 6: MANAGE BROODSTOCK ORIGIN, STOCK SELECTION AND EFFECTS OF STOCK MANAGEMENT Criterion 6.1: Presence of exotic or introduced shrimp species a. Auditors to check by inspection of farm documents that postlarvae supplier has identifed the species (Latin name) of shrimp farmed. Maintain records of postlarval purchases over the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Auditor akan mengecek pada inspeksi dokumen-dokumen tambak dimana supllier PL telah mengidentifikasi spesies (nama Latin) udang yang dibudidayakan. Menjaga catatan pembelian PLs selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untu audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
Compliant A. Confirm that the farmed species is accurately identified in purchase records. Receipt number: No. 00722-00725 (21 Aug.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept 2016) Record reviewed: May 2016 - Feb 2017 Specie identified: Peneus Monodon(indigenous Species) A. Konfirmasikan bahwa spesies yang dibudidayakan diidentifikasi secara akurat dalam catatan pembelian. Tanda terima nomor: No. 00722-00725 (21 Agustus.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept. 2016) Rekam ditinjau: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017 Spesies diidentifikasi: Peneus Monodon (spesies asli) B. Confirm that documentation shows the farmed species is indigenous to the water system if the farmed species is indigenous to the water system, provide documentary evidence (peer-reviewed papers, IUCN, FAO or other international organization). If species is not indigenous, please refer to c and d (below). Evidence reviewed: WWF Indonesia (Best Management Practices) Budidaya Udag Windu (P. Monodon), version 2 Dec. 2014 and FAO Culture Aquatic b. Prepare documentary evidence (peer-reviewed papers, IUCN, FAO or other species infromation programme, P.Monodon (fabricius, 1978) international organization). If species is not indigenous, please refer to c and d cpecies cultured is P.Monodon (indigenous Species in Indonesia) (below). B. Mengkonfirmasi melalui dokumentasi yang menunjukkan bahwa spesies dibudidayakn berasal dari lokal, jika spesies bertani berasal dari sistem air b. Persiapkan bukti dokumen (makalah peer review, IUCN, FAO atau organisasi lokal, memberikan bukti dokumenter (dokumen penelitian, IUCN, FAO atau organisasi internasional lainnya). Jika spesies tidak asli , Silahkan lihat c internasional lainnya). Apabila spesies tidakasli, rujuklah padac dan d dibawah) dan d (bawah). Bukti yang ditinjau: WWF Indonesia (Praktik Terbaik Pengelolaan) Budidaya Udag Windu (P. Monodon), versi 2 Des. 2014 dan FAO Culture Aquatic species infromation program, P.Monodon (fabricius, 1978) species yang dibudidayakan adalah P.Monodon (Spesies asli di Indonesia) C. Confirm that documentation shows the farmed species is commercially farmed locally if the species is not indigenous, provide Prepare documentary evidence (peer-reviewed papers, official government [competent authority] statements or other comparable references that the species is commercially produced locally. Indicator: Use of non-indigenous shrimp species [104]. Specie commercially farmed locally evidence: Requirement: Allowed, provided it is in commercial production locally c. Prepare documentary evidence (peer-reviewed papers, official government WWF Indonesia (Best Management Practices) Budidaya Udag Windu (P. Monodon), version 2 Dec. 2014 and FAO Culture Aquatic species infromation [105] AND there is no evidence [106] of establishment or impact on [competent authority] statements or other comparable references that the species programme, P.Monodon (fabricius, 1978) adjacent ecosystems by that species AND there is documentation is commercially produced locally. Species cultured is P.Monodon (indigenous Species in Indonesia) (hatchery permits, import licenses, etc.) that demonstrates compliance c. Persiapkan bukti-bukti dokumen (makalah peer review, pernyataan pemerintah C. Konfirmasikan bahwa dokumentasi menunjukkan bahwa spesies dibudidayakan secara komersial dibudidayakan secara lokal, jika spesiesnya tidak with introduction procedures as identified by regional, national and resmi [otoritas kompeten] atau referensi sebanding lainnya bahwa spesies asli/lokal, berikan bukti dokumenter (makalah penelitian, pernyataan resmi pemerintah [kompeten] atau rujukan lain yang sebanding bahwa spesies international importation guidelines (e.g., OIE and ICES [107]). diproduksi lokal secara komersil tersebut diproduksi secara komersial di tingkat lokal. Applicability: All Spesies secara komersial bertani bukti lokal: WWF Indonesia (Praktik Pengelolaan Terbaik) Budidaya Udag Windu (P. Monodon), versi 2 Des. 2014 dan FAO Culture Aquatic species infromation Indikator: Penggunaan spesies udang bukan asli setempat [104] program, P.Monodon (fabricius, 1978) Spesies yang berbudaya adalah P.Monodon (Spesies asli di Indonesia) Persyaratan: Diperbolehkan, dengan kondisi tersedia secara komersil D. Review, as a minimum, evidience of no negiative impact and assess its accuracy and appropriatenes by means such as an internet review, ditingkat lokal [105] DAN tidak ada bukti [106] ketersediaan atau including, as a minimum, a Google search. dampak terhadap ekosistem sekitarnya oleh spesies tersebut DAN Note: These documents have to assert explicitly that there is no negative enviromental impact. Uploaded a copy on CUSI. terdapat dokumentasi (izin hacheri, izin impor, dll) yang d. If the species is not indigenous, provide documentary evidence (peer-reviewed No negative impact evidence: N/A. indigenous species mendemonstrasikan kepatuhan pada prosedur introduksi sebagaimana papers, official government [competent authority] statements or other Peer-reviewed papers: diidentifikasikan oleh panduan importasi regional, nasional dan comparable references indicating no negative impacts. Link of google search: internasional. Negative impact by a self-recruiting stock includes but is not restricted to: Official government statements/ competent authority: - changing the genetic diversity of wild shrimp through interbreeding Link of google search: Penerapan: Semua - competition (e.g. displacement of local species) Other reference: - habitat destruction Link of google search: d. Apabila spesies bukan asli setempat, sediakan bukti dokumen (makalah peer N/A. indigenous species review, pernyataan pemerintah resmi [otoritas kompeten] atau referensi lainnya D. Tinjau, minimal, tidak ada dampak negatif dan taksir akurasi dan kesesuaiannya dengan cara seperti ulasan internet, termasuk minimal pencarian Google. yang sebanding yang menunjukkan tidak ada dampak negatif. Catatan: Dokumen-dokumen ini harus menegaskan secara eksplisit bahwa tidak ada dampak lingkungan yang negatif. Mengunggah salinan di CUSI. Dampak negatif yang diakibatkan oleh induk yang recruitingsendiri termasuk tapi Tidak ada bukti dampak negatif: N / A. Spesies asli/lokal tidak terbatas pada: Makalah yang diulas rekan kerja: - perubahan diversitas genetik pada udang alam melalui interbreeding Tautan penelusuran google: Pernyataan resmi pemerintah / pejabat yang berwenang: - kompetisi (misal. pemindahan spesies lokal) Tautan penelusuran google: - kerusakan habitat Referensi lainnya Tautan penelusuran google: N / A. Spesies asli/lokal
e. If the species is not indigenous, provide documentary evidence (hatchery permits, import licenses, etc.) that demonstrates compliance with introduction procedures as identified by regional, national and international importation guidelines (e.g., OIE and ICES) e. Apabila spesies tidak asli, sediakan bukti dokumenasi (izin hacheri, lisensi impor, dll) yang mendemonstrasikan kepatuhan pada prosedur introduksi sebagaimana diidentifikasikan oleh panduan importasi regional, nasional dan internasional (misal. OIE dan ICES)
E. Review evidence and assess its accuracy and appropriateness including hatchery documentation on OIE compliance and regional and national importantion laws. Hatchery permits: NA. indigenous species Import licenses: NA. E. Tinjau bukti dan kaji ketepatan dan kelayakannya termasuk dokumentasi pembenihan tentang kepatuhan OIE dan undang-undang penting regional dan nasional. Izin penetasan: NA. Spesies asli Izin impor: NA
f. Others, please describe Indicator: Prevention measures in place to prevent escapes at harvest and during grow-out include (A-F): a. Provide farm records indicating shrimp sizes (e.g. average weight recorded monthly). For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Sediakan catatan tambak yang menunjukkan ukuran udang (contoh. Catatan berat rata-rata bulanan). Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup paling kurang 1 siklus penuh per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
A. Effective screens or barriers of appropriate mesh size for the smallest animals present; double screened when non-indigenous species. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All A. Jaring atau penahan yang efektif pada ukuran mata jaring yang sesuai dengan keberadaan hewan yang terkecil; jaring ganda ketika spesies non-asli digunakan Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
A. Review records for shrimp size in different holding units. Size Sampling frecuency: once a week. Size record verified: yes (record shrimp size per pond) A. Tinjau ulang catatan untuk ukuran udang di tambak. Ukuran Frekuensi sampling: seminggu sekali. Ukuran record diverifikasi: ya catatan ukuran udang per kolam)
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliant Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Review records for mesh or grill size. Confirm that the mesh /grill size that was selected was appropriate for the smallest animals present at the time used. Ponds verified: Rusli 1, 2,3,4 and Suminto 7,8 b. Maintain records indicating the size of net mesh or grills for the entire farm, and Shrimp size: 30 day - 8.08 gr, 53 day - 11.10 gr, 76 day - 20.1 gr A. Effective screens or barriers of appropriate mesh size for the smallest record how selected mesh size is most appropriate for the smallest animals Mesh size: three screen per crop period (30 micron and 1 icnhi mesh size, wood and terpauline, 30 micron and 1 icnhi mesh size) animals present; double screened when non-indigenous species. present at the time used. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. Is appropiate? yes Requirement: Yes b. Mengurus catatan yang menunjukkan ukuran jaring atau kisis-kisi untuk B. Tinjau ulang catatan untuk ukuran mesh atau grill. Pastikan ukuran mesh / grill yang dipilih sesuai untuk hewan terkecil yang ada pada saat Applicability: All seluruh tambak, dan catatan bagaimana suatu ukuran mata jaring yang dipilih digunakan. A. Jaring atau penahan yang efektif pada ukuran mata jaring yang sesuai untuk hewan terkecil yang ada pada saat digunakan. Untuk audit Kolam yang diverifikasi: Rusli 1, 2,3,4 dan Suminto 7,8 sesuai dengan keberadaan hewan yang terkecil; jaring ganda ketika pertama, catatan harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan Ukuran udang: 30 hari - 8,08 gr, 53 hari - 11,10 gr, 76 hari - 20,1 gr spesies non-asli digunakan Ukuran Mesh: tiga lapis per periode panen (30 mikron dan 1 ukuran mesh icnhi, kayu dan terpauline, 30 mikron dan 1 ukuran mesh icnhi) Persyaratan: Ya Apakah yang tepat iya Penerapan: Semua
c. If the species is not indigenous, ensure that double screens are used on both intake and discharge points at all times c. Apabila spesies bukan asli setempat, pastikan saringan ganda digunakan pada keduanya di inlet dan outlet pada sepanjang waktu
C. During the on-site visit, inspect the size of net mesh or grills to confirm compliance. Where non-indigenous species are in culture, confirm that the farm has used double screens. Non indigenous: no (indigenous species) Double screen available: yes .C Selama kunjungan di tempat, periksa ukuran jaring . Bila spesies non-asli ada dalam tambak, konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut telah menggunakan layar ganda. Non asli/lokal: tidak (spesies asli) Layar ganda tersedia: ya
d. Others, please describe A. Review records covering ≥ 25 years or statement from government agencies to establish the maximum height of high water when flooding occurs. Maximum level in the last 25 years: 2.9 meter (tide/river level) Reference: Statsiun Meterologi Juata tarakan A. Tinjau ulang catatan yang mencakup ≥ 25 tahun atau pernyataan dari instansi pemerintah untuk menetapkan tinggi maksimum air saat terjadi banjir. B. Perimeter pond banks or dykes are of adequate height and Tingkat maksimum dalam 25 tahun terakhir: 2,9 meter (tingkat pasang surut / sungai) construction to prevent breaching in exceptional flood events [108]. Referensi: Stasiun Meterologi Juata tarakan Requirement: Yes B. Review statement and map. During the on-site visit . Review evidence and verify that the lowest bund height is sufficient to cope with 25 years Applicability: All height. B. Perimeter pinggir atau tanggul kolam sesuai ketinggiannya dan b. Be in possession of a statement from local authorities or reputable organisation Lowest bund height : 4 m kontruksi mencegah pelanggaran pada kejadian banjir yang luar biasa reporting the altitude (m above sealevel) of the bund in its lowest point. Show Declaration date: No. KP.015/ /TAR/VII/2016 [108] location of bund low-point on a map of the farm. Organization name: Statsiun Meterologi Juata tarakan Persyaratan: Ya b. Memiliki pernyataan dari pemerintah lokal atau organisasi yang memiliki B. Kaji ulang ulasan dan peta Selama kunjungan di tempat Tinjau bukti dan verifikasi bahwa ketinggian berkas terendah cukup untuk mengatasi Penerapan: Semua reputasi baik melaporkan altitude (m diatas permukaan laut) pada bund pada ketinggian 25 tahun. poin terendah. Perlihatkan lokasi bund poin rendah pada peta tambak Tinggi berkas terendah: 4 m Tanggal Pernyataan: No. KP.015 / / TAR / VII / 2016 Nama organisasi: Stasiun Meterologi Juata tarakan
a. Provide official records or statement showing local maximum water level (river levels, tide levels, flooding levels, etc) in the previous 25 years. a. Sediakan catatan resmi atau pernyataan yang menunjukkan level air maksimum lokal (level sungai, level banjir, dsb) pada 25 tahun sebelumnya
c. Others, please describe
C. Regular, timely inspections are performed and recorded in a permanent register. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All C. Secara reguler, inspeksi dilakukan tepat waktu dan dicatat pada registrasi yang permanen Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua
a. Provide farm records in a permanent register for periodic and regular inspection of net mesh or grills used in production (e.g. grow-out) units. a. Sediakan catatan tambak pada daftar permanen untuk inspeksi periodik dan reguler terhadap ukuran mata jaring yang digunakan pada unit produksi (yaitu pemeliharaan)
b. Arrange for the auditor to observe an inspection during the on-site visit. b. Atur bagi auditor agar dapat melihat salah satu inspeksi pada saat dilakukan kunjungan lokasi
A. Review records to verify inspections are regular and timely. Record code: monthly dyke and net maintanance forms Time frame: daily Responsable name: supervisor and farm manager (Mr Rita, Mr Daming) A. Tinjau ulang catatan untuk memverifikasi pemeriksaan yang teratur dan tepat waktu. Catatan kode: tanggul bulanan dan formulir pemeliharaan jaring Kerangka waktu: setiap hari pennanggung jawab: supervisor dan manajer peternakan (Mr Rita, Mr Daming) B. Witness the farm performing an in spection of meshes and grills to confirm that the program is effective. How do they do the inspection?: visual observation Is it appropriate?: yes B. menyaksikan tambak melakukan pemeriksaan mesh size dan jaring untuk memastikan bahwa program tersebut efektif. Bagaimana mereka melakukan inspeksi ?: pengamatan visual Apakah tepat ?: ya
A. Review the register to verify repairs are performed and recorded. Records of mitigation and repairs code: monthly dyke and net maintanance forms Verify by: farm manager Responsable name: Mr Rita, Mr Daming A. Tinjau ulang register untuk memverifikasi perbaikan tambak dan tercatat. Rekaman kode mitigasi dan perbaikan: bulanan dan formulir pemeliharaan tanggul dan jaring Verifikasi oleh: manajer peternakan Nama yang dapat diterima: pak Rita, pak Daming
A. Review how the farm uses trapping devices to monitor escapees. Number of trapping devices: 1 per pond Location of all trapping devices: in gate of pond How are they use it?: using different type of net mesh size. And farmers will check the net periodically incase found A. Tinjau kembali bagaimana tambak menggunakan perangkap untuk memantau lolos udang Jumlah perangkap perangkat: 1 per kolam Lokasi semua perangkat perangkap: di gerbang kolam Bagaimana mereka menggunakannya ?: Menggunakan berbagai jenis ukuran mesh size. Dan petambak akan memeriksa jaring secara berkala, bila ditemukan yang lolos .
c. Others, please describe
D. Timely repairs to the system are recorded. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All D. Perbaikan tepat waktu kepada sistem dicatat Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua
a. Keep records of mitigation and repairs in a permanent register. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Simpan catatan mitigasi dan perbaikan pada daftar permanen. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencapai paling kurang 1 siklus penuh per lokasi (lihat pembukaan)
b. Others, please describe
a. Identify the quantity and location of all trapping devices. The term 'trapping device' does not include mesh or grid barriers. a. Identifikasi kuantitas dan lokasi seluruh alat penjebak. Terminasi 'alat penjebak' tidak termasuk mata jaring atau kisi kisi penghalang E. Installation and management of trapping devices to sample for the existence of escapes; data is recorded. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All E. Instalasi dan pengelolaan alat perangkat untuk mengambil sampel keberadaan pelepasan (escapes), data tercatat Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
E. Installation and management of trapping devices to sample for the existence of escapes; data is recorded. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All E. Instalasi dan pengelolaan alat perangkat untuk mengambil sampel keberadaan pelepasan (escapes), data tercatat Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua
b. Maintain a record of regular (at least weekly) trap inspections and observed escapees. b. Urus catatan inspeksi jebakan regular (paling kurang mingguan) dan escapees yang diamati
c. Configure traps properly and located suitably to ensure effective farm-wide monitoring of escapees. c. Susunan jebakan diletakkan semestinya dan pada lokasi yang sesuai untuk monitoring escapees pada seluruh tambak
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Review records of inspection and observed escapees. Monitoring frequency: per day Record code: monthly record of escapee (update at Feb 2017) B. Meninjau catatan pemeriksaan dan pelarian yang diamati. Frekuensi pemantauan: per hari Kode catatan: catatan udang lolos bulanan (update pada Feb 2017) C. During the on-site visit, inspect to verify that traps are configured properly and located suitably to ensure effective farm-wide monitoring of escapees. Traps location:in gate of pond C. Selama kunjungan di tempat, periksa untuk memastikan bahwa perangkap dikonfigurasikan dengan benar dan sesuai untuk memastikan pemantauan pelarian menyeluruh di seluruh peternakan. Perangkap lokasi: di gerbang kolam
d. Others, please describe
F. Escape recovery protocols in place. Requirement: Yes Applicability: All F. Protokol penyelesaian escape tersedia Persyaratan: Ya Penerapan: Semua
a. Develop and implement escape recovery protocols a. Buat dan implementasikan protokol perbaikan terhadap udang yang lepas
A. Review escape recovery protocols and assess that protocols are implemented, there are records of escapes, records of actions taken and reocrds Compliant of procedural modifications to prevent reoccurrence. Protocol code: no.022/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2015 Verify by: Farm manager Is the procotolo appropriate?: yes A. Meninjau kembali protokol pemulihan dan menilai bahwa protokol diimplementasikan, ada catatan lolos, catatan tindakan yang diambil dan pengulangan modifikasi prosedural untuk mencegah terulangnya kembali. Kode protokol: no.022 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2015 Verifikasi oleh: Manajer tambak Apakah procotolnya tepat ?: ya
b. Others, please describe Compliant
Indicator: Escapes and actions taken to prevent reoccurrence. Requirement: Records are available for inspection. Applicability: All Indikator: Escapes dan tindakan yang diambil untuk mencegah kejadian berulang Persyaratan: Catatan tersedia untuk inspeksi Penerapan: Semua
a. When escapees are detected, record any actions taken to prevent reoccurrence. For first audits, these records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Ketika escapees terdeteksi, catat seluruh tindakan yang diambil untuk mencegah kejadian berulang. Untuk audit pertama , catatan ini harus mencakup 1 siklus penuh (lihat pembukaan)
A. Review the suitability of any actions taken by the farm to prevent reoccurrence. Actions taken: periodially check the screen nets, keep record if any escapee found, cross check betwen screen and gate screen, observe any any excape, ensure there is no damage of drainage bag. put back to ponds incase escapee found Record code: form escapee per/month (update at Jan. 2017) no escape found at Rusli and found 1 escapee at Suminto. . A. Tinjau kesesuaian segala tindakan yang diambil oleh tambak untuk mencegah terulangnya kembali. Tindakan yang dilakukan: periksa jaring layar secara berkala, simpan catatan jika ada yang lolos yang ditemukan, cek silang antara layar layar dan gerbang, amati setiap ada yang lolos, pastikan tidak ada kerusakan pada drainase. Masukkan kembali ke kolam berisi pelarian yang ditemukan Catat kode: lembar lolos per / bulan (update pada Januari 2017) tidak ada yang lolos yang ditemukan di Rusli dan menemukan 1 yang lolos di Suminto
b. Others, please describe Criterion 6.2: Origin of postlarvae or broodstock
a. Provide documentary evidence proving testing of postlarvae for all relevant pathogens (see list in 5.1.4b and additional evidence in 5.1.4c) unless the pathogens is not present in the country. Maintain records of postlarvae purchases or receptions over the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Sediakan bukti dokumentasi yang membuktikan uji pada PLs untuk seluruh patogen yang relevan (lihat daftar 5.4.1c) kecuali patogen tidak ada di suatu negara. Urus catatan pembelian PL atau penerimaan selama 12 bulan. Pada Indicator: PL and broodstock have appropriate disease-free status and audit pertama, catatan tambak mencakup ≥ 6 bulan sources meet regional, national and international importation b. For all farms using broodstock other than wild monodon and for farms stocking guidelines (e.g., OIE and ICES) postlarvae from wild monodon broodstock from the 1st January 2015 onwards. Requirement: Documentation provided demonstrating compliance Provide documentary evidence proving testing of shrimp broodstock for all within two years of standard's publication date for wild monodon relevant pathogens (see list in 5.1.4b and additional evidence in 5.1.4c). Maintain broodstock sourced locally; applicable immediately in all other cases records of postlarvae purchases over the last 12 months. For first audits, farm Applicability: All records must cover ≥ 6 months. Indikator: PL dan induk memiliki status bebas penyakit yang memadai b. Untuk semua tambak yang menggunakan induk selain monodon alam dan dan sumber/asalnya memenuhi panduan importasi regional, nasional tambak yang melakukan tebar PL dari induk monodon alam sejak 1 Januari 2015 kedepan. Sediakan bukti dokumentasi membuktikan uji induk udang terhadap dan internasional (contoh. OIE, ICES) seluruh patogen (lihat daftar pada 5.1.4b dan bukti tambahan pada 5.1.4c). Urus Persyaratan: Dokumentasi tersedia untuk mendemontrasikan catatan pembelian PL selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan kepatuhan selama dua tahun dari tanggal publikasi standar, bagi induk monodon yang tersedia secara lokal; berlaku segera pada kasus tambak mencakup ≥ 6 bulan lainnya Penerapan: semua
c. If farm is vertically integrated with it's hatchery, staff should have working knowledge of the introduction/importation guidelines referred to in this requirement. c. Apabila tambak terintegrasi secara vertikal dengan hacherinya, staff harus memiliki pengetahuan kerja mengenai panduan introduksi/importasi yang diacu pada persyaratan ini
Compliant A. Review evidence and confirm its accuracy. Test of pathogens code: No. 05/PCR/LHU/LABKESLINGKAN/XI/2016 Laboratory name: Laboratorium Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan (DKP) Verify by: Ir. Nurmayanti, M.Si A. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan keakuratannya. Uji kode patogen: No. 05 / PCR / LHU / LABKESLINGKAN / XI / 2016 Nama Laboratorium: Laboratorium Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan (DKP) Verifikasi dengan: Ir. Nurmayanti, M.Si
B. Review evidence and confirm its accuracy. Receipt number: date 25 Nov. 2016, and date 20 Nov 2016 Evidence: No. 011/PCR/LHU/LABKESLINGKAN/XI/2016 (rusli), No. 18/PCR/LHU/LABKESLINGKAN/XI/2016 Laboratory name: Laboratorium Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan (DKP) (Laboratory of Environment and Fish Health, Departement of Marine and Fisheries) B. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan keakuratannya. Nomor tanda terima: tanggal 25 Nov. 2016, dan tanggal 20 Nov 2016 Bukti: No. 011 / PCR / LHU / LABKESLINGKAN / XI / 2016 (rusli), No. 18 / PCR / LHU / LABKESLINGKAN / XI / 2016 Nama Laboratorium: Laboratorium Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan (DKP) (Laboratorium Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Ikan, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) C. Assess farm management's working knowledge of guidelines. Record of training: N/A, farm not integrated Number of interviews: N/A Comments: N/A C. Menilai pengetahuan tambak tentang pengetahuan pedoman kerja Catatan pelatihan: N / A, pertanian tidak terintegrasi Jumlah wawancara: N / A Komentar: N / A
d. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Percent of total postlarvae from closed loop hatchery (i.e., farm-raised broodstock) Requirement: P. vannamei, P. indicus, P. stylirostris 100% P. monodon must be increased over time, and reach 100% within six years after the publication of the standard. Applicability: All Indikator: Persentasi PL total dari hacheri tertutup (yaitu induk yang dibudidayakan di tambak) Persyaratan: P.vannamei, P. Indicus, P.stylirosis 100% P.monodon harus meningkat seiring waktu, dan mencapai 100% dalam 6 tahun setelah publikasi standar ini Penerapan: semua
a. Provide a declaration from postlarvae supplier identifying the species (Latin name) of shrimp farmed and the source of broodstock (including whether it is wildcaught or captive-reared). Maintain records of postlarvae purchases over the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Sediakan sebuah deklarasi dari pensuplai PL yang menunjukkan spesies (nama latin) dari udang yang dibudidayakan dan sumber induk (termasuk apakah induk tersebut ditangkap alam atau pematangan gonad di hacheri). Urus catatan pembelian pl selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
A. Review declarations and verify that only captive-reared broodstock is used for all species other than P. monodon and from the 1st January 2019, Compliant also for P. monodon broodstock. Declaration number: 08/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/Xi/2016 and 04/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/XII/2016 Postlarvae supplier: PT MMA HAtchery Specie of shrimp: Penaeus Mondon Record code: N/A A. Tinjau ulang deklarasi dan verifikasi bahwa induk yang dipelihara digunakan untuk semua spesies selain P. monodon dan dari tanggal 1 Januari 2019, juga untuk induk P. monodon. Nomor pernyataan: 08 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / Xi / 2016 dan 04 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / XII / 2016 Pemasok Postlarvae: PT MMA HAtchery Spesies udang: Penaeus Mondon Kode catatan: N / A
b. Others, please describe
Indicator: Origin of wild-caught broodstock Requirement: Sourced from locally fished broodstock only [114]. Applicability: Farms using seed generated from wild-caught P. monodon Indikator: Sumber/asal induk tangkapan alam Persyaratan: Hanya berasal dari induk yang ditangkap lokal [114] Penerapan: Semua
a. Provide a declaration from postlarvae supplier identifying the source (coast where harvested and country of harvesting) of broodstock. Maintain records of postlarvae purchases over the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. a. Sediakan suatu deklarasi dari pensuplai PL yang menunjukkan sumber/asal induk (pantai tempat induk ditangkap dan negara). Urus catatan pembelian PL selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
A. Review declarations and verify that only broodstock fished along the same coasts of the same country where the farm is located is used Declaration number: 08/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/Xi/2016 and 04/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/XII/2016 Broodstock: coast of harvest: nearby Tarakan Sea, by (Pukat Hela) Country of harvest: Indonesia Verify by: Mr Hsu Chen Kuang (Director of PT MMA Hatchery) A. Tinjau ulang pernyataan dan verifikasi bahwa hanya induk yang dipancing di sepanjang pantai yang sama dari negara yang sama dengan lokasi petambak yang digunakan. Nomor pernyataan: 08 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / Xi / 2016 dan 04 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / XII / 2016 Stok induk: pantai panen: dekat Laut Tarakan, oleh (Pukat Hela) Negara panen: Indonesia Verifikasi oleh: Bapak Hsu Chen Kuang (Direktur Pembubaran PT MMA)
b. Others, please describe
Indicator: Allowance for wild-caught PL other than natural tidal flow into ponds Requirement: None Applicability: All Indikator: Kelonggaran untuk PL tangkapan alam selain aliran arus alami kedalam kolam. Persyaratan: Tidak boleh Penerapan: Semua
a. Be in possession of statement from seed supplier(s) that the seed is not wildcaught (e.g. seed is derived from a broodstock held in captivity). a. Memiliki pernyataan dari pensuplai PL bahwa benur bukan ditangkap alam (misal, benur didapatkan dari induk yang dipelihara)
b. Maintain seed receipts for all stocking events. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. b. Simpan tanda terima seluruh bibit yang ditebar. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
A. Verify that farm has statements from seed suppliers. Declaration number or code: 08/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/Xi/2016 and 04/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/XII/2016 Seed supplier: PT MMA Hatchery Seed origin: hatchery PT MMA (nearby Tarakan sea, Indonesia) A. Verifikasi bahwa peternakan memiliki pernyataan dari pemasok benih. Nomor atau kode pernyataan: 08 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / Xi / 2016 dan 04 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / XII / 2016 Pemasok benih: PT MMA Hatchery Asal bibit: hatchery PT MMA (laut Tarakan di dekatnya, Indonesia)
B. Verify the farm maintains accurate records for sourcing of seed. Recipt number: No. 00722-00725 (21 Aug.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept 2016) Frequency of seed buy: per 3-4 month Not using PL from wild cought B. Verifikasi tambak memiliki catatan yang akurat untuk sumber benih. Nomor recipt: No. 00722-00725 (21 Agustus.16), No. 001254, 001257 & 001060 (Sept. 2016) Frekuensi pembelian benih: per 3-4 bulan Tidak menggunakan PL dari penangkapan liar
c. Others, please describe Criterion 6.3: Transgenic shrimp [116]
a. When GM shrimp are commercially available to the industry; farms should provide a declaration from its' source hatchery that the farm does not use Indicator: Allowance for the culture of transgenic shrimp (including the genetically engineered (transgenic) shrimp. offspring of genetically engineered shrimp) a. Ketika udang GM tersedia secara komersil untuk industri; tambak harus Requirement: None menyediakan sebuah deklarasi dari sumber hacherinya bahwa tidak Applicability: All menggunakan udang yang diproduksi dengan modifikasi genetis (transgenik) Indikator: Kelonggaran untuk budidaya udang transgenik (termasuk anakan dari udang yang secara genetis direncanakan) b. Deleted due to redundancy with a. Persyaratan: Tidak boleh Penerapan: Semua
A. Verify declaration of no use of genetically engineered strains. Declaration number: 08/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/Xi/2016 and 04/ASAL-BENUR/MMA/XII/2016 Verify by: Mr Hsu Chen Kuang (Director PT MMA Hatchery) Does the farm use transgenic shrimps?no A. Verifikasi deklarasi tidak menggunakan udang dari rekayasa genetika. Nomor pernyataan: 08 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / Xi / 2016 dan 04 / ASAL-BENUR / MMA / XII / 2016 Verifikasi oleh: Bapak Hsu Chen Kuang (Direktur PT MMA Hatchery) Apakah peternakan menggunakan udang transgenik? Tidak ada
B. Deleted due to redundancy with A.
c. Others, please describe PRINCIPLE 7: USE RESOURCES IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY EFFICIENT AND RESPONSIBLE MANNER Criterion 7.1 - Traceability of raw materials in feed A. Confirm that farm has records Feed supplier name: N/A, no use any feed in ponds Declaration number or code: N/A a. Be in possession of a statement (on feed manufacturer company letterhead) of Verify by: N/A the feed supplier identifying all the feed ingredients making up more than 2% of Ingredients: N/A the feed A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak memiliki catatan a. Memiliki pernyataan (pada kepala surat perusahaan) dari penyedia pakan yang Nama pemasok pakan: N / A, tidak menggunakan pakan apa pun di kolam merinci semua bahan pakan yang kandungannya dalam pakan melebihi 2%. Indicator: Evidence of basic traceability of feed ingredients, including Nomor atau kode deklarasi: N / A source, species, country of origin and harvest method demonstrated by Verifikasi oleh: N / A the feed producer [118]. Bahan: N / A Requirement: List of all ingredients making up more than 2% of the feed available provided on company letterhead. 7.1.1 Applicability: All Indikator : Bukti keterlacakan dasar bahan-bahan pakan, termasuk sumber, spesies, negara asal dan metode penangkapan ditunjukkan oleh produser pakan Persyaratan : Dokumentasi tersedia untuk inspeksi Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 : SemuaCouncil. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council Copyright (c) 2013Penerapan Aquaculture Stewardship
Not use any feed at ponds tidak menggunakan pakan
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Evidence of basic traceability of feed ingredients, including source, species, country of origin and harvest method demonstrated by the feed producer [118]. Requirement: List of all ingredients making up more than 2% of the feed available provided on company letterhead. Applicability: All Indikator : Bukti keterlacakan dasar bahan-bahan pakan, termasuk sumber, spesies, negara asal dan metode penangkapan ditunjukkan oleh produser pakan Persyaratan : Dokumentasi tersedia untuk inspeksi Penerapan : Semua
b. For all feed ingredients making up more than 2%, provide copies of 3rd party statements as stated at invoice from feed ingredient supplierindicating the country of origin and (for fish products), fishing area according to FAO major fishing areas and subdivisions. (, species and harvest method. Note: not all major areas have subdivisions for reporting to the FAO. b. Untuk semua bahan pakan yang kandungannya dalam pakan tersebut melebihi 2%, menyediakan pernyataan pihak ketiga yang mengindikasikan negara asal dan (untuk produk ikan) area penangkapan, spesies, dan metode penangkapan.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Not use any feed at ponds tidak menggunakan pakan
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Review statements for completeness and confirm compliance Feed ingredients making up more than 2%: N/A, no use any feed in ponds Declarations:N/A not use any feed at ponds B. Kaji ulang pernyataan untuk kelengkapan dan konfirmasikan kepatuhan Bahan pakan terdiri lebih dari 2%: N / A, tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam Deklarasi: N / A Tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam
c. Others, please describe
a. Provide 3rd party evidence (through an ISEAL member or ISO 65 compliant certification scheme that incorporates the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries) demonstrating chain of custody and traceability for all marine ingredients other than products of trimmings. A list of suitable schemes is available on the ASC website . Following steps can be followed: 1. Identify all feed suppliers to the farm. 2. Prepare a list of all feed types purchased during the last 12 months. 3. For each type of feed, request from the feed supplier a list of all fisheries Indicator: Demonstration of chain of custody and traceability for products that were used as feed ingredients. fisheries products in feed through an ISEAL member or ISO 65 4. Where feed ingredients include certified inputs (as per this requirement), compliant certification scheme that also incorporates the FAO [119] request the feed supplier to provide evidence of 3rd-party traceabiliy certification Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. (e.g. chain of custody certificate). Requirement: Yes Menyediakan bukti pihak ketiga (melalui anggota ISEAL atau skema sertifikasi Applicability: All yang mematuhi ISO 65 yang juga memperhitungkan Code of Conduct for Indikator : Menunjukkan rantai pertanggungjawaban dan Responsible Fisheries dari FAO) yang menunjukkan rantai tanggungjawab dan keterlacakan produk perikanan dalam pakan melalui anggota ISEAL keterlacakan semua produk perikanan kecuali produk ikan sisa (trimming). Daftar atau skema sertifikasi yang mematuhi ISO 65 yang juga semua skema yang sesuai tersedia di website ASC. memperhitungkan Kode Tindakan Perikanan Bertanggungjawab (Code langkah-langkah dibawah ini bisa dilakukan: of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries) dari FAO 1. identifikasi suplier pakan ke tambak Persyaratan : Dokumentasi tersedia untuk inspeksi 2. persiapkan daftar semua pakan selama 12 bulan Penerapan : Semua 3. di tiap pakan, meminta kepada suplier pakan daftar semua komposisiproduck perikanan yang digunakan 4. pada saat komposisi pakan termasuk dalam prduk tersertifikasi, meminta kepada supler pakan untuk menyediakan bukti dari pihak ke-3 terkait sertifikat keterlacakannya.
Not use any feed at ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
A. Review evidence and confirm compliance. Certified fisheries in fish meal: N/A, Not use any feed at ponds Feed suplier coc certificate code: N/A A. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan kepatuhan. sertifikat dalam makanan ikan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam Kode sertifikasi suplier : N / A
b. Others, please describe Criterion 7.2 - Origin of aquatic and terrestrial feed ingredients
Indicator: Timeframe for 100% (mass balance) fishmeal and fish oil used in feed to come from fisheries [122] certified by a full ISEAL member [123] that has guidelines specifically promoting ecological sustainability of forage fisheries Requirement: Within five years following the date of standards publication Applicability: All, after March 2019 Indikator : Kerangka waktu untuk mendapatkan 100% (keseimbangan massa) tepung ikan dan minyak ikan yang digunakan dalam pakan didapatkan dari perikanan yang tersertifikasi oleh anggota ISEAL penuh yang memiliki pedoman yang secara spesifik mempromosikan keberlanjutan ekologis perikanan pakan. Persyaratan : Dalam jangka waktu lima tahun setelah tanggal penerbitan standar Penerapan : Semua, setelah maret 2019
a. Be in possession of a statement from feed manufacturer identifying the origin of all marine meals and oils products used as feed ingredients (to specify genus, species and region of harvest). For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months and all the feed requirements apply only to marine meals and oils on site. a. Memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan, mengidentifikasi sumber dari semua produk perikanan yang digunakan sebagai bahan dalam pembuatan pakan (merinci genus, spesies, dan lokasi penangkapan). Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan, dan semua persyaratan pakan berlaku hanya untuk penangkapan in situ (fish on site).
A. Confirm that farm has statement from feed manufacturer identifying the origin of all marine meals and oils products used as feed ingredients (to specify genus, species and region of harvest). feed supplier:Not use any feed at ponds statement code: statement date: A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan yang mengidentifikasi asal usul semua makanan laut dan produk minyak yang digunakan sebagai bahan pakan (untuk menentukan genus, spesies dan wilayah panen). Pemasok pakan: Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Kode pernyataan: tanggal pernyataan
b. Provide evidence that fish meal and fish oil products used in feed are from sources certified as compliant to the standards of an ISEAL member. b. Menyediakan bukti bahwa produk tepung ikan dan tepung minyak yang digunakan dalam pakan berasal dari sumber yang tersertifikasi sebagai patuh kepada standar-standar anggota ISEAL.
B. Review evidence and confirm compliance. mention the sources:Not use any feed at ponds origin of fishmeal/fishoil: ISEAL member name: B. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan kepatuhan. Sebutkan sumbernya: Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Asal fish meal / fishoil: Nama anggota ISEAL: "
c. Others, please describe
Indicator: FishSource score [122] [124] [125], for the fishery(ies) from which a minimum of 80% of the fishmeal and fish oil by volume is derived (See Appendix IV, subsection 3 for explanation of FishSource scoring) a. for Fishsource Criteria 4 (spawning biomass assessment) b. for Fishsource Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 5 Requirement: a. 8 b. 6 7.2.1b or compliance with alternative interim proposal 7.1.1c Applicability: All Indikator : Nilai FishSource [124] [125], untuk perikanan dari mana 80% dari tepung ikan dan minyak ikan berasal (lihat Appendix III, pasal 3 untuk penjelasan penilaian FishSource) Audit Manual - ASC Standard - version 1.0 a.Shrimp untuk Kriteria Fishsource 4 (penilaian biomassa pemijahan) Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council b. untuk Kriteria Fishsource 1, 2, 3, 5 Persyaratan : untuk poin a : 8 untuk point b : . 6 atau kepatuhan melalui proposal interim alternatif
a. Be in possession of statement from feed manufacturer as for Indicator 7.2.1a. If fish products include products non complaint to the FS scores set in this requirement or not part of an Improver Program (IP) as defined in the requirement, the statement shall indicate also the maximum level of inclusion of non compliant fish products (mass balance calculations can be used). For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months and all the feed requirements apply only to fish on site. a. Memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan sebagaimana Indikator 7.2.1a. Bila produk perikanan mengandung bahan yang tidak mematuhi nilai FS sebagaimana diatur dalam standar ini, atau bukan merupakan bagian dari Program Perbaikan (Improver Program – IP) sebagaimana didefinisikan di dalam standar, pernyataan harus mengindikasikan tingkat maksimum penyertaan produk perikanan yang tidak memenuhi syarat (kalkulasi keseimbangan massa boleh digunakan). Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus
A. Verify that farm possesses information about feed ingredients. feed supplier:Not use any feed at ponds statement code: statement date: mention the main ingredients: A. Pastikan tambak memiliki informasi tentang bahan pakan. Pemasok pakan: Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Kode pernyataan: tanggal pernyataan: Sebutkan bahan utamanya
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Indicator: FishSource score [122] [124] [125], for the fishery(ies) from which a minimum of 80% of the fishmeal and fish oil by volume is derived (See Appendix IV, subsection 3 for explanation of FishSource scoring) a. for Fishsource Criteria 4 (spawning biomass assessment) b. for Fishsource Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 5 Requirement: a. 8 b. 6 or compliance with alternative interim proposal 7.1.1c Applicability: All Indikator : Nilai FishSource [124] [125], untuk perikanan dari mana 80% dari tepung ikan dan minyak ikan berasal (lihat Appendix III, pasal 3 untuk penjelasan penilaian FishSource) a. untuk Kriteria Fishsource 4 (penilaian biomassa pemijahan) b. untuk Kriteria Fishsource 1, 2, 3, 5 Persyaratan : untuk poin a : 8 untuk point b : . 6 atau kepatuhan melalui proposal interim alternatif Penerapan : Semua
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
b. For farms not using feed containing fish meal and fish oil from a manufacturer part of an Improver Program (IP). Provide a FS score for each species used as a feed ingredient (or for all species indicated in 7.1.1b.b) in all feeds used by the farm during the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months and all the feed requirements apply only to fish on site. b. Untuk tambak yang tidak menggunakan pakan yang mengandung tepung ikan dan minyak ikan yang berasal dari produsen yang tengah terlibat program perbaikan (Improver Program – IP). Menyediakan skor FS untuk semua spesies yang digunakan sebagai bahan pakan (atau untuk semua spesies yang diindikasikan dalam 7.2.1b.b) di dalam semua pakan yang digunakan di tambak selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan, dan semua persyaratan pakan berlaku hanya untuk penangkapan in situ (fish on site).
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Not use any feed at ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
B. Review FS scores for species used in feed and confirm compliance. Cross check against species listed in feed supplier declarations. FS score by each species:Not use any feed at ponds B. Tinjau kembali skor FS untuk spesies yang digunakan dalam pakan dan pastikan kepatuhan. Periksa ulang terhadap spesies yang tercantum dalam deklarasi pemasok pakan. Nilai FS masing-masing spesies: Tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam
c. Others, please describe
Indicator: Lacking a FishSource assessment a fishery could be engaged in an Improvers Programme. (transparent and public Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) with periodic public reporting (refer to Appendix VII). Requirement: See Appendix VII for details on compliance Applicability: All indikator : mencari penilaian fishsource yang terikat pada program peningkatan (secara transparan dan dipublikasi dalam project peningkatan bidang perikanan (FIP) dengan laporan yangteratur
c. For farms using feed containing fish meal and fish oil from a manufacturer part of an Improver Program (IP). Provide evidence (e.g. communications, agreements, meeting minutes, etc.) that the fish meal and fish oil manufacturer has joined an IP with a publically available workplan and reports on progress at least annually. A consulting party shall ensure that the milestones in the Action Plan are being adhered to annually, and reports on progress are to be posted publicly. c. Untuk tambak yang menggunakan pakan yang mengandung tepung ikan dan minyak ikan yang berasal dari produsen yang tengah terlibat program perbaikan (Improver Program – IP). Menyediakan bukti (mis. Komunikasi, perjanjian, notulensi rapat, dll.) bahwa produser tepung ikan dan minyak ikan tersebut telah bergabung dengan IP.
C. Review evidence and confirm accuracy (compliance with Appendix VII) A consulting party shall ensure that the milestones in the Action Plan are being adhered to annually, and reports on progress are to be posted publicly. Consulting party name:Not use any feed at ponds Mention briefly the action plan: Action plan record: Deadline to implement: . C. Meninjau bukti dan mengkonfirmasi keakuratan (sesuai dengan Lampiran VII) lembaga yang konsultasi harus memastikan bahwa tonggak dalam Rencana Aksi dipatuhi setiap tahun, dan laporan kemajuan diposkan ke publik. Nama pesta konsultasi: Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Sebutkan sebentar rencana tindakan: Rekaman rencana tindakan: Tenggat waktu untuk menerapkan
b. Others, please describe
a. Be in possession of a statement from feed manufacturer identifying the percentage of soy and palm ingredients that are certified by an ISEAL guideline compliant standard for environmental and social sustainability.
Indicator: Percentage of non-marine ingredients from sources certified by an ISEAL member’s certification scheme that addresses environmental and social sustainability Requirement: 80% for soy and palm oil within five years from the date of the ASC Shrimp Standard's publication Applicability: All, after March 2019 7.2.2 Indikator : Persentase bahan non-laut dari sumber-sumber yang tersertifikasi oleh skema sertifikasi anggota ISEAL yang membahas keberlanjutan lingkungan dan sosial Persyaratan : 80% kedelai dan minyak sawit dalam lima tahun sejak publikasi standar ShAD Penerapan : Semua, setelah maret 2019
a. Memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan yang merinci asal usul (termasuk rincian lokasi) semua produk kedelai dan minyak sawit. Bila sumber kedelai atau minyak sawit termasuk sumber yang tidak tersertifikasi ISEAL, indikasikan tingkat maksimum inklusi kedelai dari sumber tersebut. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan, dan semua persyaratan pakan berlaku hanya untuk penangkapan in situ (fish on site).
A. Confirm that farm has statement from feed manufacturer identifying the respective percentage of soy and palm ingredients certified to an ISEAL N/A compliant standard. Feed supplier:Not use any feed at ponds Statement code: Statement date: Percent of soya and palm: A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan yang mengidentifikasi persentase masing-masing bahan kedelai dan kelapa yang memenuhi standar ISEAL. Pemasok umpan: Tidak menggunakan pakan apa pun di kolam Kode pernyataan Tanggal pernyataan: Persentase kedelai dan palem:
Applicable after March 2019
B. Review evidence and confirm compliance. Auditor should witness photocopy of certificate as well as statement of compliance by feed manufacturer. b. Provide evidence that soy products and palm oil used in feed (as listed in 7.2.2a) mention SOYA and PALM source:Not use any feed at ponds certificate number: are from sources certified as compliant to the standards of an ISEAL member. certified by: b. Menyediakan bukti bahwa produk kedelai dan minyak sawit yang digunakan dalam pakan (sebagaimana terdaftar dalam 7.2.2a) adalah berasal dari sumber yang B. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan kepatuhan Auditor harus menyaksikan fotokopi sertifikat dan juga pernyataan kepatuhan oleh produsen pakan. tersertifikasi mematuhi standar anggota ISEAL. Sebutkan sumber SOYA dan PALM: Tidak menggunakan pakan apa pun di kolam nomor sertifikat: Disertifikasi oleh:
c. Others, please describe Criterion 7.3: Use of genetically modified (GM) ingredients in feed Indicator: Allowance for feed containing ingredients that are genetically modified ONLY when information regarding the use of GM ingredients in shrimp feed is made easily available to retailers and end consumers, including: a. Disclosure on the audit reports if GMO ingredients were used in the feed fed to shrimp b. Disclosure if GMO ingredients were used in the feed fed to ASCcertified shrimp all along the supply chain up to the retailer. Total disclosure on the
revised auditor reports are published on an easy-access database on the ASC web page (when available). This database, when available, should be made available on demand to retailer and consumers. c. Use of the most adequate, fast and user-friendly communication tools to inform retailers and consumers on all certified products Requirement: Yes [132] Applicability: All
Indikator : Pakan yang mengandung bahan yang mengalami modifikasi genetik (GM) HANYA bila informasi mengenai penggunaan bahan-bahan GM dalam pakan udang dibuat tersedia secara mudah kepada pengecer dan konsumen akhir, termasuk: a. Pengungkapan laporan audit bila bahan-bahan organisme modifikasi genetik (GMO) digunakan dalam pakan yang diberikan kepada udang b. Pengungkapan bila bahan-bahan GMO digunakan kepada udang yang menerima sertifikasi ASC dalam rantai penyediaannya hingga tingkat Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 pengecer. Pengungkapan penuh terhadap laporan auditor yang telah direvisi Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council diterbitkan di dalam database yang mudah diakses di situs internet ASC. Database ini harus dibuat tersedia berdasarkan permintaan dari pengecer dan konsumen. c. Penggunaan alat komunikasi yang paling mencukupi, cepat, dan mudah
a. Be in possession of a statement (on feed manufacturing company letterhead) of the feed supplier identifying all the feed ingredients making up more than 2% of the feed (as per 7.1.1a). Statement shall indicate the GMO status of each ingredient as follows: - GM-free (DNA-testing lab results required to accompany feed manufacturer's statement). - GM - unknown
Not use any feed at ponds
A. Confirm that farm has records. Communicate information to the ASC for posting on a dedicated database Statement code: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds Supplier name: N/A Feed volume purchased: N/A . A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak memiliki catatan. Komunikasikan informasi ke ASC untuk dikirim ke database khusus
a. Memiliki pernyataan (pada kepala surat perusahaan) dari penyedia pakan yang merinci Kode pernyataan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan apa pun di kolam Nama pemasok: N / A semua bahan-bahan pakan yang kandungannya dalam pakan melebihi 2%. Pernyataan Volume pakan dibeli: N / A akan mengindikasikan status GMO dari setiap bahan sebagai berikut: - Bebas GM - GM - tidak diketahui
Indicator: Allowance for feed containing ingredients that are genetically modified ONLY when information regarding the use of GM ingredients in shrimp feed is made easily available to retailers and end consumers, including: a. evidence_ Disclosure theStandard audit v.1.0 reports if GMO ingredients were used in the Audit report _Audit ASC on Shrimp feed fed to shrimp b. Disclosure if GMO ingredients were used in the feed fed to ASCcertified shrimp all along the supply chain up to the retailer. Total disclosure on the
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
revised auditor reports are published on an easy-access database on the ASC web page (when available). This database, when available, should be made available on demand to retailer and consumers. c. Use of the most adequate, fast and user-friendly communication tools to inform retailers and consumers on all certified products Requirement: Yes [132] Applicability: All
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Not use any feed at ponds
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Indikator : Pakan yang mengandung bahan yang mengalami modifikasi genetik (GM) HANYA bila informasi mengenai penggunaan bahan-bahan GM dalam pakan udang dibuat tersedia secara mudah kepada pengecer dan konsumen akhir, termasuk: a. Pengungkapan laporan audit bila bahan-bahan organisme modifikasi genetik (GMO) digunakan dalam pakan yang diberikan kepada udang b. Pengungkapan bila bahan-bahan GMO digunakan kepada udang yang menerima sertifikasi ASC dalam rantai penyediaannya hingga tingkat b. Others, please describe pengecer. Pengungkapan penuh terhadap laporan auditor yang telah direvisi diterbitkan di dalam database yang mudah diakses di situs internet ASC. Database ini harus dibuat tersedia berdasarkan permintaan dari pengecer dan konsumen. c. Penggunaan alat komunikasi yang paling mencukupi, cepat, dan mudah digunakan untuk memberi informasi kepada pengecer mengenai semua produk yang tersertifikasi Persyaratan : Ya Penerapan : Semua
a. (as per 7.3.1a) Be in possession of a statement (on company letterhead) of the feed supplier identifying all the feed ingredients making up more than 2% of the feed. Statement shall indicate the GMO status of each ingredient as follows: - GM-free Indicator: List (footnote) of feed ingredients does not contain any GMO - GM Requirement: Yes - unknown Applicability: Farmers using GM-free feed a. Memiliki pernyataan (pada kepala surat perusahaan) dari penyedia pakan yang Indikator : Daftar (Catatan Kaki) bahan-bahan pakan tidak merinci semua bahan-bahan pakan yang kandungannya dalam pakan melebihi mengandung GMO 2%. Pernyataan akan mengindikasikan status GMO dari setiap bahan sebagai Persyaratan : ya berikut: Penerapan : Pengelola tambak yang menggunakan pakan bebas - Bebas GM modifikasi genetik - GM - tidak diketahui
not use any feed in ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
A. Confirm that farm has records and that none of the ingredients has a "GM" status Statement code: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds Supplier name: N/A any ingredient GMO? N/A A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak memiliki catatan dan tidak ada bahan yang memiliki status" "GM" " Kode pernyataan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan apa pun di kolam Nama pemasok: N / A Bahan apa saja transgenik? N / A
b. Others, please describe
A. Review list and supporting documents generated through the literature search and confirm the accuracy of the list including, if available, the Identity Preservation (IP) certificates Statement code: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds Supplier name: N/A any ingredient GMO? N/A a. Feed manufacturers to supply a list to farmer of all ingredients that have a Checked document code: N/A potential to be GM sources Checked document date: N/A. Indicator: Non-GMO feed traceability by the feed producer and on the a. Mempertahankan daftar semua bahan-bahan pakan yang mungkin memiliki . A. Tinjau daftar dan dokumen pendukung yang dihasilkan melalui penelusuran literatur dan konfirmasikan keakuratan daftar termasuk, jika sumber yang telah dimodifikasi secara genetis. Daftar akan dikembangkan setelah farm tersedia, sertifikat Identitas Pelestarian (IP) melalui pencarian literatur publikasi/abu-abu. Requirement: Yes Kode pernyataan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan apa pun di kolam Applicability: Farmers using GM-free feed Nama pemasok: N / A Indikator : Keterlacakan pakan non-GMO (organisme modifikasi Bahan apa saja transgenik? N / A genetik) oleh produsen pakan dan oleh tambak Kode dokumen yang diperiksa: N / A Persyaratan : Ya Tanggal dokumen yang diperiksa: N / A Penerapan : Pengelola tambak yang menggunakan pakan bebas B. Verify the traceability of the ingredient list back to the primairy source modifikasi genetik b. Maintain records indicating the source (including country of origin) of all Checked document code: N/A, Not use any feed at ponds ingredients listed in 7.3.3a Checked document date: N/A b. Mempertahankan catatan yang mengindikasikan sumber (termasuk lokasi B. Verifikasi ketertelusuran daftar bahan kembali ke sumber utama spesifik) semua bahan yang terdaftar dalam 7.3.3a Kode dokumen yang diperiksa: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan di kolam Tanggal dokumen yang diperiksa: N / A c. Others, please describe
Indicator: Samples taken randomly by the auditor are tested negative by PCR Requirement: Yes Applicability: Farmers using GM-free feed Indikator :Sampel diambil secara acak oleh auditor dan pengujian PCR hasilnya negatif Persyaratan : Ya Penerapan : Pengelola tambak yang menggunakan pakan bebas modifikasi genetik
a. Allow the auditor to take samples from different kinds of feed available at the farm a.Mengizinkan auditor untuk mengambil sampel dari beragam jenis pakan yang tersedia di tambak
A. Collect samples and submit them to a laboratory ISO 17025 accredited or laboratories operated by universities/governmental offices for using PCR or other molecular test capable of identifying GM products. Confirm the GM-free status of the feed samples Briefly describe the sampling methodology: N/A, Not use any feed at ponds Laboratory ISO 17025 accredited/ university name: N/A Auditors comments: N/A A. Kumpulkan sampel dan kirimkan ke laboratorium yang terakreditasi ISO 17025 atau laboratorium yang dioperasikan oleh universitas / kantor pemerintah untuk menggunakan PCR atau tes molekuler lainnya yang dapat mengidentifikasi produk GM. Konfirmasikan status bebas GM dari sampel umpan Jelaskan secara singkat metodologi sampling: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan di kolam Nama terakreditasi / universitas ISO 17025: N / A Komentar auditor: N / A
b. Others, please describe Criterion 7.4: Efficient use of wild fish [136] for fishmeal and oil
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Indicator: Feed Fish Equivalence Ratio (FFER) [137] L. vannamei and P. monodon Requirement: L. vannamei ≤1.35:1 and P. monodon ≤1.9: 1 Applicability: All Indikator : Rasio Ekuivalen Ikan Pakan (Feed Fish Equivalence Ratio – FFER) [137] L. vannamei P. Monodon Persyaratan : L. vannamei 1.35:1 P. monodon 1.9: 1 Penerapan : semua
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
A. Verify that farm possesses information about percent inclusion of fish meal and fish oil for all feed types. Feed manufacturer name 1:Not use any feed at ponds statement(s) from feed manufacturer a. Be in possession of statement(s) from feed manufacturer indicating the average statement date: percentage of fish meal and fish oil in each type of feed used. For first audits, farm Percent inclusion of fish meal records must cover ≥ 6 months. Percent fish oil: a. Memiliki pernyataan dari produsen pakan yang mengindikasikan inklusi A. Verifikasi bahwa tambak memiliki informasi tentang persentase penyertaan tepung ikan dan minyak ikan untuk semua jenis pakan. maksimum persentase tepung ikan dan minyak ikan dalam tiap jenis pakan yang Nama produsen pakan 1: Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam digunakan. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. Pernyataan dari produsen pakan tanggal pernyataan: Persentase pemasukan tepung ikan Persentase minyak ikan: B. Verify the farm keeps records showing weight of shrimp harvested. Records code: N/A, Not use any feed at ponds Records date: N/A b. Maintain records (e.g. receipts) showing weight of shrimp harvested. For first Total weight of shrimp harvested: N/A audits, records must cover at least 1 full production cycle per site (see preamble). not use any feed in ponds b. Mempertahankan catatan (mis. tanda terima) yang menunjukkan berat udang . B. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan yang menunjukkan bobot udang yang dipanen. yang dipanen. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen Kode catatan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan apa pun di kolam penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan). Tanggal rekaman: N / A Total berat udang yang dipanen: N / A Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam C. Review calculations to verify accuracy. Confirm compliance. c. Calculate the weighted average FFER Weighted average FFER: N/A. not use any feed in ponds c. Menghitung FFER C. Tinjau ulang perhitungan untuk memverifikasi ketepatan. Konfirmasikan kepatuhan. Rata-rata tertimbang FFER: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
Not use any feed at ponds
Not use any feed at ponds
d. Others, please describe A. Review records to confirm that farm has records for all seed. Statement code: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds Supplier name: N/A Feed volume purchased: N/A N/A. not use any feed in ponds . A. Tinjau ulang catatan untuk memastikan bahwa tambak memiliki catatan untuk semua pakan Kode pernyataan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan pakan apa pun di kolam Nama pemasok: N / A Volume umpan dibeli: N / A N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam B. Confirm that farm has complete and accurate records for feed. records code:Not use any feed at ponds record date: b. Maintain records showing the type of feed and the total weight used. total weight used: b. Memiliki pernyataan yang relevan untuk % konten protein dari penyedia pakan N/A. not use any feed in ponds untuk semua pakan yang digunakan kepada udang-udang yang dipanen yang B. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut memiliki catatan pakan yang lengkap dan akurat. dimasukkan dalam kalkulasi. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup Kode catatan: Tidak menggunakan umpan di kolam setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan). Catatan tanggal: Berat total yang digunakan: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam C. Verify the farm keeps records by ponds showing weight of shrimp harvested. Weight of shrimp harvested pond 1: N/A ,Not use any feed at ponds Weight of shrimp harvested pond 2: N/a Total harvested shrimp: N/a c. Maintain records (e.g. receipts) showing weight of shrimp harvested by ponds. Period: N/A For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). N/A. not use any feed in ponds c. Mempertahankan catatan (mis. tanda terima) yang menunjukkan berat dari C. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan dengan kolam yang menunjukkan bobot udang yang dipanen. udang yang dipanen. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 Berat tambak udang 1: N / A, Tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan). Berat tambak udang 2: N / a Total panen udang: N / a Periode: N / A N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam D. Review calculations for accuracy and completeness. d. Calculate eFCR and yield for each crop harvested during the last 12 months using eFCR: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds the formulas given in the Standard. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 Yield for each crop harvested: N/A full crop per site (see preamble). N/A. not use any feed in ponds d. Menghitung eFCR dan jumlah dari hasil panen yang didapatkan selama 12 D. Tinjau perhitungan untuk akurasi dan kelengkapan. bulan terakhir menggunakan formula yang tersedia dalam standar. Untuk audit EFCR: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan di kolam pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi Hasil untuk setiap panen dipanen: N / A (lihat pendahuluan). N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam E. Review calculations for accuracy. e. Calculate weighted average eFCR for the complete production cycle using the Weighted average eFCR for the complete production cycle: Not use any feed at ponds formula given in the Standard. N/A. not use any feed in ponds e. Menghitung rata-rata tertimbang maksimum eFCR untuk siklus produksi E.. Tinjau perhitungan untuk akurasi. lengkap menggunakan rumus yang diberikan dalam standar. Rata-rata tertimbang eFCR untuk siklus produksi yang lengkap: Tidak menggunakan pakan di kolam N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam a. Be in possession of receipts and/or statements from feed supplier indicating feed volume purchased. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months and records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Mempertahankan catatan yang menunjukkan tipe pakan dan jumlah pakan yang digunakan. Persyaratan ini berlaku untuk semua pakan yang digunakan kepada udnag-udang yang dipanen yang dimasukkan dalam kalkulasi. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
Indicator: Economic Feed Conversation Ratio (eFCR) Requirement: Records are available 7.4.2a
Applicability: All Indikator : Efisiensi Retensi Protein (Protein Retention Efficiency - PRE) Persyaratan : Catatan tersedia Penerapan : Semua
f. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
a. Maintain records showing the type of feed and the amount used. This requirement applies to all feed used in the crops that are included in the calculation. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Mempertahankan catatan yang menunjukkan tipe pakan dan jumlah pakan yang digunakan. Persyaratan ini berlaku untuk semua pakan yang digunakan kepada udnagudang yang dipanen yang dimasukkan dalam kalkulasi. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
Indicator: Protein Retention Efficiency Requirement: Records are available 7.4.2.b
Applicability: All
b. Be in possession of relevant documentation of % protein content from feed suppliers for all feed used in the crops included in the calculation. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble).
Indicator: Protein Retention Efficiency Requirement: Records are available Applicability: All
b. Memiliki pernyataan yang relevan untuk % konten protein dari penyedia pakan untuk semua pakan yang digunakan kepada udang-udang yang dipanen yang dimasukkan dalam kalkulasi. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
c. Use results of 7.4.2.a. and the protein content for the whole shrimp animal that is referenced in scientific literature to calculate the PRE. c Menggunakan hasil dari 7.4.2a dan konten protein untuk semua udang,
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for feed used. records code: N/A,Not use any feed at ponds record date: N/A Type of feed: N/A Amount used: N/A N/A. not use any feed in ponds A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut memiliki catatan yang lengkap dan akurat untuk pakan yang digunakan. Kode catatan: N / A, Tidak menggunakan umpan di kolam Catatan tanggal: N / A Jenis pakan: N / A Jumlah yang digunakan: N / A N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam
Not use any feed at ponds
B. Verify the farm posseses documentation for % protein. For those that use TN, conversion to protein is done by calculating TN * 6.25. Documentation could be labels on feed bags or claims on feed invoice statements. Type of documents: N/A, Not use any feed at ponds Name of the document: N/A Author: N/A Document code: N/A document date: N/A % of protein: N/A. not use any feed in ponds B. Verifikasi bahwa tambak memiliki dokumentasi untuk % protein. Bagi mereka yang menggunakan TN, konversi ke protein dilakukan dengan menghitung TN * 6.25. Dokumentasi dapat berupa label pada kantong pakan atau klaim pada laporan faktur umpan. Jenis dokumen: N / A, Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Nama dokumen: N / A Penulis: N / A Kode dokumen: N / A Tanggal dokumen: N / A % Protein: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam C. Review farm's calculations. Cross-check purchase records against the feed quantities reported by the farm. Farm's calculations: N/A Feed quantities reported by the farm: N/A. not use any feed in ponds C. Tinjau ulang perhitungan tambak. Catatan pembelian terhadap jumlah pakan yang dilaporkan oleh tambak Perhitungan tambak: N / A Jumlah pakan yang dilaporkan oleh tambak:N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam
d. Others, please describe Criterion 7.5: Effluent contaminant load
a. maintain records for daily water exchange ratess, including diagram showing general water flows through the farm. For first audits records must cover 1 full crop per site. (see pre-amble). a. Mempertahankan catatan yang menunjukkan jenis pakan dan pupuk dan jumlah yang digunakan. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
b. Maintain records showing the type of feed and fertiliser and the amount used. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). b. Maintain records showing the type of feed and fertiliser and the amount used. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble).
Minor A. Verify farm keeps records showing daily water exchange rates including diagram showing general water flows through the farm. Average daily water exchange: N/A. not operate daily water exchange verified by: Last updating: N/A. not operate daily water exchange A. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan yang menunjukkan pergantianr air setiap hari termasuk diagram yang menunjukkan aliran air umum melalui tambak Rata-rata pergantian air harian: N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pergantian air setiap hari diverifikasi oleh: Update terakhir: N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pergantian air harian B. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for feed used. Period: May 2016 - Feb 2017 Total feed used Kg: N/A. not using any feed in ponds Total fertilizer used Kg: not using fertilizer in the period Veriified by: document review (ponds diary) . B. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak memiliki catatan yang lengkap dan akurat untuk pakan yang digunakan. Periode: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017 Total pakan yang digunakan Kg: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun di kolam Jumlah pupuk yang digunakan Kg: tidak menggunakan pupuk pada periode tersebut Veriified oleh: review dokumen (buku harian kolam)
c. Maintain records (e.g. receipts) showing weight of shrimp harvested. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). c. Mempertahankan catatan (mis. tanda terima) yang menunjukkan berat udang yang dipanen. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
C. Verify the farm keeps records showing weight of shrimp harvested. Period: May 2016 - Feb 2017 Total shrimp harvested MT: 2,9382 Kg C. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan yang menunjukkan bobot udang yang dipanen. Periode: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017 Total udang yang dipanen MT: 2,9382 Kg
d. Farms that operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% or lower: Be in possession of evidence (either from the manufacturer, from an independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by universitiy's/governmental offices) indicating N content in each feed and fertilizer used. d. Tambak yang mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: Memiliki bukti (baik dari produsen maupun dari laboratorium terakreditasi 17025) yang mengindikasikan kandungan N dalam tiap pakan dan pupuk yang digunakan.
D. Verify the farm posseses evidence. Independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory name: Feed N content: Fertilizer N content: N/A. not operate daily water exchange .D Verifikasi tamba memiliki bukti. Nama laboratorium terakreditasi ISO 17025 yang terakreditasi: Konten Feed N: Kandungan N Pupuk: N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pergantian air harian
Farms cant provide a diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure, and no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. tambak tidak dapat memberikan diagram yang menggambarkan ukuran dan volume masing-masing kolam. dan tidak ada bukti yang mengindikasikan pergantian air rata-rata per hari
Indicator: Nitrogen effluent load per ton of shrimp produced over a 12Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard version 1.0 month period -[138]. Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Requirement: Less than 25.2 kg N per ton of shrimp for L. vannamei. Less than 32.4 kg N per ton of shrimp for P. monodon. Applicability: All
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
e. Farms that DO NOT operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% or lower: - Submit results of N concentration in effluent water from a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental offices. - Submit results of N concentration in supply water from a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental offices. e. Tambak yang TIDAK mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian Indicator: Nitrogen effluent load per ton of shrimp produced over a 12- air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: month period [138]. - Mengirimkan hasil konsentrasi N air limbah yang didapatkan oleh laboratorium Requirement: terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen. Less than 25.2 kg N per ton of shrimp for L. vannamei. Less than 32.4 kg -- Mengirimkan hasil konsentrasi N air masuk yang didapatkan oleh laboratorium N per ton of shrimp for P. monodon. terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen. Applicability: All Indikator: Jumlah nitrogen (Total N) yang dilepaskan dari sistem f. Farms that DO NOT operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% budidaya per ton udang yang diproduksi or lower: Maintain records of water intake. For first audits, records must cover at Requirement: least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). < 25.2 kg Total N /ton udang untuk L. vannamei. f. Tambak yang TIDAK mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian < 32.4 kg/ ton udang untuk for P. monodon. air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: Mempertahankan catatan aliran air masuk. Maintain records of water intake. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
E. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water testing. Review test results Independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory name: N/A Results of N concentration in effluent water: N/A N/A. not operate daily water exchange .E. Pastikan laboratorium memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan pengujian air. Tinjau hasil tes Nama laboratorium terakreditasi ISO 17025 yang terakreditasi: N / A Hasil konsentrasi N dalam air buangan: N / A N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pergantian air harian
F. Verify the farm keeps complete records of water intake. Records date: N/A Record code: Verified by: N/A. not operate daily water exchange F. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan lengkap air masuk Tanggal rekaman: N / A Kode catatan Diverifikasi oleh: N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pergantian air harian G. Verify accuracy through direct observation. For first time audits: auditors should cross-check the accuracy of the farm's map of at least 1 pond g. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume chosen randomly using Google Maps, satellite images or similar means (if detailed information is available). of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall provide a Farm Volume m3: no data recorded diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure Pond verified: g. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: menyediakan Verified by: diagram yang menggambarkan kawasan tambak dengan ukuran dan volume G. Verifikasi akurasi melalui observasi langsung Untuk audit pertama kali: auditor harus memeriksa kembali keakuratan peta tambak, setidaknya 1 setiap kandang kolam yang dipilih secara acak menggunakan Google Maps, gambar satelit atau cara yang serupa (jika informasi rinci tersedia). Volume Peternakan m3: tidak ada data yang tercatat H. Review records and verify accuracy of the calculation h. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume Records date: May 2016-Feb 2017 of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall provide Record code: stoclking & harvesting record records of stocking and harvest events in each enclosure and a calculation of the Verify by: farm manager and QC. average number of production cycles per pond over 12 months . H. Tinjau catatan dan verifikasi keakuratan perhitungannya h. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: menyediakan Tanggal rekaman: Mei 2016-Feb 2017 catatan peristiwa penyebaran dan panen di setiap kandang dan perhitungan Catat kode: catatan pembenihan dan panen jumlah rata-rata siklus produksi selama periode 12 bulan. Verifikasi oleh: manajer tambak dan QC. " i. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall submit results of N concentration in pond water from a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental offices. i. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: Mengirimkan hasil perhitungan konsentrasi N dalam air kolam yang dilakukan oleh laboratorium terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen. j. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall provide evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. j. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: Menyediakan bukti yang mengindikasikan % rata-rata pembaharuan air harian.
k. Apply the relevant formula and calculate N discharge per ton of shrimp produced k. Mengaplikasikan rumus yang relevan dan menghitung pembuangan N per ton udang yang dihasilkan
I. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water testing. Review test results Independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory/university name: Government office (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Results of N concentration in pond: 0.001 g N/L (Suminto), 0.001 mg/L(Rusli) I. konfirmasikan laboratorium sesuai kualifikasi untuk melakukan pengujian air. Ulas hasil uji coba Nama laboratorium / universitas terakreditasi ISO 17025 yang independen: Kantor Pemerintah (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Hasil konsentrasi N di kolam: 0,001 g N / L (Suminto), 0,001 mg / L (Rusli) J. Review evidence and confirm accuracy Average daily water exchange: no data recorded verified by: Last updating: J. Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan keakuratannya Rata-rata pertukaran air setiap hari: tidak ada data yang tercatat diverifikasi oleh: Update terakhir K. Review farm's calculations to confirm the farm complies with the Requirement. formula used: N/A. using laboratory test Kg N / TM shrimp: 2,9382 Kg K. Tinjau kembali perhitungan tambak untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa tambak sesuai dengan persyaratan Formula yang digunakan: N / A. Menggunakan uji laboratorium Kg N / TM udang: 2.9382 Kg
l. Others, please describe a. Maintain records showing the type of feed and fertilizer and the amount used. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). a. Mempertahankan catatan yang menunjukkan jenis pakan dan pupuk dan jumlah yang digunakan. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for feed used. Average daily water exchange: N/A. not operate daily water exchange verified by: Last updating: A. Konfirmasikan bahwa tambak tersebut memiliki catatan yang lengkap dan akurat untuk pakan yang digunakan. Rata-rata pertukaran air harian: N / A. Tidak mengoperasikan pertukaran air setiap hari diverifikasi oleh: Update terakhir:
No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. tidak adadata / diagram catatan yang menggambarkan ukuran dan volume masing-masing kolsm (tambak / kolam) dan / atau tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan rata-rata% pergantian air setiap hari
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Minor Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
b. Maintain records (e.g. receipts) showing weight of shrimp harvested. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). b. Mempertahankan catatan (mis. tanda terima) yang menunjukkan berat udang yang dipanen. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan).
c. Farms that operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% or lower: Be in possession of evidence (either from the manufacturer or from an independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental offices) indicating P content in each feed and fertilizer used. c. Tambak yang mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: Memiliki bukti (baik dari produsen maupun dari laboratorium terakreditasi 17025) yang mengindikasikan kandungan P dalam tiap d. Farms that DO NOT operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% or lower: Be in possession of evidence (either from the manufacturer, from an independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental officesor laboratories operated by universitiy's/governmental offices) indicating P content in each feed and fertilizer used. d. Tambak yang TIDAK mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: - Mengirimkan hasil konsentrasi P air limbah yang didapatkan oleh laboratorium terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen. -- Mengirimkan hasil konsentrasi P air masuk yang didapatkan oleh laboratorium terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen. Indicator: Phosphorous effluent load per ton of shrimp produced over a 12-month period.
e. Farms that DO NOT operate earthen ponds at a daily water exchange rate of 10% or lower: Maintain records of water intake. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). Requirement: Less than 3.9 kg P per ton of shrimp for L. vannamei. Less e. Tambak yang TIDAK mengoperasikan kolam tanah dengan tingkat pergantian than 5.4 kg P per ton of shrimp for P. monodon. air harian 10% atau lebih rendah: Mempertahankan catatan aliran air masuk. Maintain records of water intake. Untuk audit pertama, catatan harus mencakup Applicability: All setidaknya 1 panen penuh untuk tiap lokasi (lihat pendahuluan). Indikator: Jumlah fosfor (Total P) yang dilepaskan dari sistem budidaya per ton udang Persyaratan: < 3.9 kg Total P/ ton udang untuk for L. vannamei. < 5.4 kg Total P/ ton udang untuk for P. monodon. Penerapan ; Semua
f. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: provide a diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure f. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: menyediakan diagram yang menggambarkan kawasan tambak dengan ukuran dan volume setiap kandang
g. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: provide records of stocking and harvest events in each enclosure and a calculation of the average number of production cycles per pond over 12 months g. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: menyediakan catatan peristiwa penyebaran dan panen di setiap kandang dan perhitungan jumlah rata-rata siklus produksi selama periode 12 bulan.
h. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: Submit results of P concentration in pond water from a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory or laboratories operated by university's/governmental offices. h. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: Mengirimkan hasil perhitungan konsentrasi P dalam air kolam yang dilakukan oleh laboratorium terakreditasi 17025 yang sepenuhnya independen.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation (Per indicator, select one category in the drop-down menu)
No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % Justification of classification of NC water renewal. Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for menggambarkan the classification of ukuran any NCsdan or nontidak adadata / diagram catatan yang applicability volume masing-masing kolsm (tambak / kolam) dan / atau tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan rata-rata% pergantian air setiap hari
B. Verify the farm keeps records showing weight of shrimp harvested. Period: Total feed used Kg: N/A. not using any feed Total fertilizer used Kg: N/A. not using any fertilizer Veriified by: ponds diary reviewing B. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan yang menunjukkan bobot udang yang dipanen. Periode: Total pakan yang digunakan Kg: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pakan apapun Total pupuk yang digunakan Kg: N / A. Tidak menggunakan pupuk apapun Veriified oleh: review buku harian tambak C. Verify the farm possesses evidence. Period: May 2016 - Feb 2017 Total shrimp harvested MT: 2,9382 Kg C. Verifikasi tambak itu memiliki bukti. Periode: Mei 2016 - Feb 2017 Total udang yang dipanen MT: 2,9382 Kg
D. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water testing. Review test results Independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory name: Government office (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Feed P content: Fertilizer P content: D. Pastikan laboratorium memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan pengujian air. Tinjau hasil tes Nama laboratorium terakreditasi ISO 17025 yang terakreditasi: Kantor Pemerintah (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Konten P Feed: Pupuk konten P
E. Verify the farm keeps complete records of water intake. Records date: Record code: Verified by: E. Verifikasi tambak menyimpan catatan lengkap tentang asupan air. Tanggal rekaman: Kode catatan Diverifikasi oleh F. Verify accuracy through direct observation. Cross-check the accuracy of the farm map or diagram using Google Map, satellite images or similar means (if detailed information is available). Farm Volume m3: no data recorded Pond verified: Verified by: F. Verifikasi keakuratan melalui observasi langsung. Periksa silang peta tambak atau diagram dengan menggunakan Google Map, gambar satelit atau cara serupa (jika informasi rinci tersedia). Volume tambak m3: tidak ada data yang tercatat Kolam diverifikasi: Diverifikasi oleh: G. Review records and verify accuracy of the calculation Records date: no data recorded Record code: Verify by: .G Tinjau catatan dan verifikasi keakuratan perhitungannya Tanggal rekaman: tidak ada data yang tercatat Kode catatan Verifikasi dengan H. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water testing. Review test results Independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory/university name: Government office (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Results of P concentration in pond: 0.122 mg/L (Suminto), 0.125 mg/L (Rusli) H. Pastikan laboratorium memenuhi syarat untuk melakukan uji air. Tinjau hasil tes Nama laboratorium / universitas terakreditasi ISO 17025 yang independen: Kantor Pemerintah (UPTD Balai Uji dan Sertifikasi Mutu Barang) Hasil konsentrasi P di kolam: 0.122 mg / L (Suminto), 0.125 mg / L (Rusli) "
I. Review evidence and confirm accuracy Average daily water exchange: no data recorded verified by: Last updating: i. . Tinjau bukti dan konfirmasikan keakuratannya Rata-rata pertukaran air setiap hari: tidak ada data yang tercatat diverifikasi oleh: Update terakhir J. Review farm's calculations to confirm the farm complies with the Requirement. formula used: Laboratory test j. Apply the relevant formula and calculate P discharge per ton of shrimp produced Kg P / TM shrimp: 2,9382 Kg j. Mengaplikasikan rumus yang relevan dan menghitung pembuangan P per ton J. Tinjau kalkulasi tambak untuk mengonfirmasi bahwa tambak sesuai dengan Kebutuhan. udang yang dihasilkan Rumus yang digunakan: Uji laboratorium Kg P / TM udang: 2.9382 Kg i. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: Provide evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. i. Tambak yang TIDAK MAMPU mengukur jumlah air limbah: Menyediakan bukti yang mengindikasikan % rata-rata pembaharuan air harian.
k. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
a. Provide a detailed sludge and sediment management plan. The plan will ensure that no sludge or sediments in any form is discharged directly into receiving waters or natural ecosystems. a. Menyediakan rencana pengelolaan endapan dan sedimen secara mendetail. Rencana ini akan memastikan bahwa tidak ada endapan atau sedimen dalam bentuk apapun yang dibuang langsung ke perairan atau ekosistem alami.
Indicator: Responsible handling and disposal of sludge and sediments removed from ponds and canals. Requirement: No discharge or disposal of sludge and sediments to public waterways and wetlands. Applicability: All 7.5.3 Indikator : Penanganan dan pembuangan lumpur dan sedimen dari kolam dan kanal yang benar Persyaratan : Tidak ada pembuangan lumpur atau limbah tambak langsung ke sistem aliran air dan lahan basah alami. Penerapan : All
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
A. Review the farm's sludge/sediment management plan. Farm's sludge/sediment management plan code: No. 026/SOP/MMA-ASC/XII/2016, update at 1 Jan. 2017 Record date: Nov. 2016 - Feb 2017 Last updating: Feb 2017 A. Tinjau rencana pengelolaan lumpur / sedimen pertanian. Kode rencana pengelolaan lumpur / sedimen pertanian: No. 026 / SOP / MMA-ASC / XII / 2016, diperbaharui pada 1 Januari 2017 Tanggal rekaman: Nov. 2016 - Feb 2017 Update terakhir: Feb 2017
b. Maintain records of sludge sediment disposal and or movements. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 3 months. b. Mempertahankan catatan pembuangan endapan/sedimen untuk menunjukkan volume atau berat dan kondisi (basah atau dikeringkan)ketika dibuang. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 3 bulan.
B. Review records to confirm appropriate disposal according to plan. Review pencatatan untuk konfirmasi pembuangabn sampah sesuai dengan prosedur Records available: yes (pencatatatn ada: ya) Record date: June. 2016 - Feb 2017 (tanggal : Juni 2016 - Feb. 2017) Last updating: Feb 2017 (no discharging sludge) terakhir diperbaharui: Feb 2017 (tidak ada pembuangan lumpur)
c. If sludge/sediments is transferred to an external party, be in possession of a declaration from the receiving party that specifies the sludge volume, delivery date, and expected use. The party shall declare that the sludge will not be discharged directly into receiving waters or natural ecosystems. c. Bila endapan/sedimen dipindahkan kepada pihak eksternal, memiliki pernyataan dari pihak penerima yang merinci volume endapan, tanggal pengantaran, dan rencana penggunaan. Pihak ini harus menyatakan bahwa endapan ini tidak akan dibuang secara langsung ke perairan atau ekosistem alami.
C. If yes to (c), confirm farm has appropriate documentary evidence. C. jika iya, konfirmasi keberadaan bukti dokumentasi Declaration code: N/A (surat pernyatan: N/A sending date: N/A (tanggal kiriman: N/A) use: N/A Sludge used for (maintain) dykes construction (maintain higher dyke) lumpur/sedimen digunakan untuk perbaikan tanggul, agar lebih kuat dan tinggi di tiap2 tambak.
d. If a sludge/sediment repository is used, provide a map showing its location within the farm or documents showing legal access to the repository (either ownership or a statement from the owner of right of use). d. Bila menggunakan penyimpanan endapan/sedimen, sediakan peta yang menunjukkan lokasinya di kawasan tambak dan dokumen yang menunjukkan akses legal ke penyimpanan tersebut (baik bukti kepemilikan atau pernyataan dari pemiliknya yang memberikan hak penggunaan).
D. If yes to (d), inspect sludge repository during on-site visit. D. jika iya, inspeksi lumpur pada saat kunjungan ke lapangan. Map available: no (explained at SOP sludge management) peta ada: tidak (dijelasjakn pada prosedur lumpur/sedimen) Legal access verified by: N/A (keabsahan akses diverifikasi: N/A) Sludge used for (maintain) dykes construction (maintain higher dyke in each ponds) lumpur/sedimen digunakan untuk perbaikan tanggul, agar lebih kuat dan tinggi di tiap2 tambak.
E. During local community and employee interviews, verify there is no evidence that the farm discharged sludge/sediments directly into receiving waters on natural ecosystems at least for the previous 1 year E. pada saat interview masyarakat sekitar dan pekerja, verifikasi bahwa tidak ada bukti tambak telah membuanng lumpur/sedimen secara langsung ke sumber air/sungai di ekosistem alami dalam kurun wakty 1 tahun lalu Interviews declarations: verified by interviewing local community, they never see farm discharging sludge to natural ecosystem. pernyataan saat interview: terverifikasi pada saat wawancara dengan masyarakat sekitar, mereka tidak pernah melihat tambak membuang lumpur ke ekosistem alami.
f. Others, please describe
A. Review the farm's effluent water treatment plan. A. review pembuangan air di tambak a. Provide a detailed effluent water treatment plan including the calculation of the Effluent water treatment plan code: N/A hydraulic retention time. Record date: N/A a. Menyediakan rencana penanganan air limbah secara mendetail. Verified by N/A N/A. traditional farms. Farms not using aeration (tambak tradisional. Tambak tidak menggunakan aerasi/kincir) b. Maintain a settlement basin managed following the specifications of this B. During on-site visit, inspect the settlement basin or a suitable alternative and confirm compliance. requirement. B. pada saat di tambak, inspeksi wadah endapan dan konfirmasi kesesuaiannya. b. Mempertahankan wadah endapan atau alternatif yang sesuai, yang N/A. traditional farms. Farms not using aeration (tambak tradisional. Tambak tidak menggunakan aerasi/kincir) dikembangkan dan dikelola mengikuti spesifikasi standar ini. C. Review records to confirm appropriate effluent management according to plan. Indicator: Treatment of effluent water from permanently aerated c. Maintain records of water discharge from the settlement basin or suitable C. review pencatatan dan konfirmasi sesuai dengan perencanaan/prosedur ponds. alternative. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 3 months. Records code: N/A Requirement: Evidence that all discharged water goes through a c. Mempertahankan catatan air masuk dan keluar dari dan ke wadah Record date: N/A treatment system [139], and concentration of settleable solids in pengendapan atau alternatif dari wadah tersebut. Untuk audit pertama, catatan Last updating: N/a effluent water < 3.3 mL/L [140]. tambak harus mencakup ≥ 3 bulan. N/A. traditional farms. Farms not using aeration (tambak tradisional. Tambak tidak menggunakan aerasi/kincir) Applicability: Farms with permanently aerated ponds D. Review records for completeness and confirm compliance Indikator: Penanganan air buangan dari kolam teraerasi/ kolam IPAL d. Maintain records of settleable solids measurement on all instances of water D. review pencatatan dan kesesuaian Persyaratan : Memastikan bahwa semua air buangan melalui sistem Records code: N/A IPAL dan konsentrasi zat padat menetap dalam air buangan tersebut < discharge following the specification in [140] d. Mempertahankan catatan pengukuran zat padat yang dapat mengendap pada Record date: N/A 3.3 mL/L. semua lokasi pembuangan air mengikuti spesifikasi di [140] Last updating: N/a Penerapan: Tambak dengan kolam yang teraerasi permanen N/A. traditional farms. Farms not using aeration (tambak tradisional. Tambak tidak menggunakan aerasi/kincir)
N/A. traditional farms. Farms not using aeration
Farm measure DO at the Ponds. DO calculation not correct
E. Witness the measurement of settleable solids to confirm compliance with procedures. e. Arrange for a settleable solid measurement to take place while the auditor is at E. menyaksikan pengukuran zat padat cdan sesuaikan dengan prosedur the farm. Metodology used: N/A (metode: N/A) e. Mengatur pengukuran zat padat yang dapat mengendap agar dilakukan ketika Briedfly of equipments:N/A (deskripsi penggunaan alat: N/A) auditor berada di kawasan tambak. Does the auditor agree with client procedure?: N/A (apakah auditor setuju dengan prosedur klien? N/A)
f. Others, please describe
a. Provide DO measurements . a. Menyediakan pengukuran DO.
A. Review dataset to confirm that monitoring covers the required timeframe. A. review data untuk mengkonfirmasi Period dates: May 2016 - Feb 2017 (periode: mei 2016 - feb 2017) Minimum DO: 3.48 (min DO : 3.48) Maximum DO: 6.43 (Max DO : 6.43 Reference: N/A (referensi : N/A) Name of the reviewed document: DO calculation (nama dokumen: perhitungan DO)
Indicator: Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen (DO) relative to DO at saturation in receiving water body [141] for the water's specific salinity and temperature. Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version Requirement: ≤ 65%1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Applicability: All Indikator: Persentase perubahan oksigen terlarut (DO) relatif pada DO
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Major Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
b. Calibrate all equipment at the frequency and by the method recommended by the manufacturer. Temperature, salinity and altitude are to be adjusted for in Indicator: Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen (DO) relative calibration or calculations. to DO at saturation in receiving water body [141] for the water's specific b. Melakukan kalibrasi terhadap semua peralatan pada frekuensi dan dengan salinity and temperature. metode yang disarankan oleh pembuat peralatan tersebut. Suhu, kadar garam, dan ketinggian harus diatur dalam kalibrasi dan kalkulasi. Requirement: ≤ 65% 7.5.5
Applicability: All
c. Calculate percent change in DO for each monitoring date using the equation in Annex D. c. Menghitung persentase perubahan DO untuk semua tanggal monitoring menggunakan persamaan di Annex D.
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Farm measure DO at the Ponds. DO calculation not correct
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
B. Verify the farm technicians calibrate equipment as required. Manufacturer name: Cyberscan DO 110 Frequency recommended: before used for measurement Method recommended: before measurement Is it in compliance by manufacturer?: yes C. Review calculations to confirm accuracy. Accurate calculations? no Records code or name: DO calculation Date of recording: May 2016 - Feb 2017 (weekly)
Indikator: Persentase perubahan oksigen terlarut (DO) relatif pada DO saturasi pada perairan laut yang berjarak 200m dari titik buangan dari d. Use results of 3.2.1c to calculate the average percent change in DO over the areal pertambakan (pada suhu dan salinitas tertentu) entire 12-month monitoring period. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 Persyaratan : ≤ 65% D. Confirm the average percent change in DO is ≤ 65%. months. Penerapan : All Period: May 2016 - Feb 2017 d. Menggunakan hasil dari 3.2.1c untuk menghitung rata-rata persentase Average Percent change in DO: 57.69% perubahan DO selama 12 bulan periode monitoring. Untuk audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan. E. Witness the farm measuring DO to confirm compliance with procedures. On-site values should fall within range of farm data for DO. If an out of e. Arrange to take DO measurements while the auditor is at the farm. range measurement is observed, raise a non-conformity. e. Mengatur agar pengukuran DO dilakukan ketika auditor berada di kawasan Audit DO: 3.6, 26.3°C at 4:00 AM and 4.1, 30°C at 4:00 PM tambak. Falls in farm range data set? yes f. Others, please describe Criterion 7.6: Energy efficiency
a. Maintain a list of the activities (e.g. water aeration, water pumping, offices, internal transportation, etc.) included in the calculation of energy consumption a. Membuat daftar kegiatan yang menggunakan energi (contoh: aerasi, pompa Indicator: Energy consumption [142] by sources [143] over a 12-month air, kantor, transport internal, dll) masukkan kedalam perhitungan konsumsi energi oleh tambak period. Requirement: Records available for all activities. b. Maintain records (e.g. receipts) of farm energy consumption. Compute the Applicability: All Indikator: Konsumsi energi (142) oleh sumber (143) selama periode 12 quantity of fuel and electricity used by the farm in the last 12 months. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months. bulan b. Membuat catatan (misal: tanda terima) konsumsi energi oleh tambak. Hitung Persyaratan : Dokumen tersedia untuk seluruh kegiatan kuantitas penggunaan bahan bakar dan listrik selama 12 bulan terakhir. Untuk Penerapan : Semua audit pertama, catatan tambak harus mencakup ≥ 6 bulan
A. Review list for completeness A. review kelengkapan Energy sources: diesel, gasoline sumber energi yang digunakan: disel dan bensin Mention the main farm´s activities: trasportation (transporting shrimp from farm to processing unit) sebutkan aktivitas utama: transportasi (transfer udang dari tambak ke UPI)
B. Review calculations. Verify the farm keeps records of energy consumption. B. review perhitungan, verifikasi pencatatan tambak dalam hal penggunaan energi Record date: May 2016 - Feb. 2017 (data pencatatan: mei 2016 - Feb. 2017) Farm energy consumption in the last year (or 6 month) : Diesel 1,500 L & gasoline 800 L penggunaan energi dalam tahun terakhir (atau 6 bulan): disel 1,500 L dan bensin 800 L
c. Others, please describe
Indicator: Annual Cumulative Energy Demand (megajoules/ton of shrimp produced) [144] over a 12-month period. Requirement: Records available for verification of calculations. Applicability: All 7.6.2 Indikator: Tuntutan energi kumulatif tahunan(megajoul/ton udang yang diproduksi) (144) selama 12 bulan Persyaratan: Catatan tersedia untuk verifikasi perhitungan Penerapan: Semua
a. Using the records in 7.6.1b calculate the Annual Cumulative Energy Demand for the farm per tonne of shrimp produced (ascertain that the period corresponding to the production tonnage is equivalent to the same period of energy consumption reported). a. Dengan menggunakan catatan 6 bulan terakhir seperti pada 7.6.1b kalkulasikan Kebutuhan Energi Kumulatif Tahunan untuk tambak per ton udang yang diproduksi (pastikan bahwa periode pada saat produksi ekuivalen dengan konsumsi energi yang dilaporkan)
Compliant A. Review calculations. Verify the farm keeps records of energy consumption. And ascertain that the production period of the tonnage produced corresponds to the energy consumption. A. review perhitunga. verifikasi pencatatan penggunaan energi oleh tambak. Period: May 2016 - Feb. 2017 (periode: mei 2016 - feb. 2017) MJ / MT shrimp: 0.000227322
b. Others, please describe
Criterion 7.7: Handling and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes a. Identify all chemicals and hazardous materials used on the farm. a. Identifikasi seluruh penggunaan bahan kimia dan material berbahaya di tambak
Indicator: Safe storage and handling of chemicals and hazardous materials [145]. Requirement: Evidence of procedures in place. Applicability: All Indikator: Penyimpanan yang aman dan Penanganan bahan-bahan kimia dan bahan berbahaya Persyaratan: Bukti bahwa prosedur tersedia Penerapan : Semua
b. Prepare a procedure for their safe storage and handling of all chemicals and hazardous materials used on the farm b. Siapkan suatu prosedur penyimpanan yang aman untuk seluruh bahan kimia dan berbahaya yang digunakan ditambak
c. Ensure safe storage of all chemicals and hazardous materials. c. Pastikan terdapat tempat penyimpanan yang aman untuk material kimia dan berbahaya
d. Ensure that all employees are trained in farm procedures for safe storage and handling of chemicals and hazardous materials. d. Pastikan bahwa seluruh pekerja mendapatkan pelatihan mengenai prosedur penyimpanan dan penanganan material kimia dan berbahaya
A. During on-site inpections, verify that the farm's list of chemicals and hazardous materials is accurate. A. pada saatdi lapangan, verifikasi daftar bahan kimia yang digunakan di tambak Mention the main chemicals and hazardous material: saponin, sebutkan bahan kimia utama yang digunakan: saponin Last updating: 1 Jan. 2017 (tanggal diperbaharui: 1 Jan. 2017) B. Review the farms procedure. Verify implementation during the on-site audit. B. mereview prosedur tambak, verifikasi implementasinya pada saat audit di lapangan. Procedure available: yes (prosedur ada: ya) Record date: 23 July 2016 (tanggal pencattan: 23 Juli 2016) Record code: date 23/07/2016 (tanggal pencattan: 23 Juli 2016) Verified by: farm manager and company supervisor (diverifikasi oleh manajer tambak dan supervisor perusahaan) C. Inspect storage areas to verify that chemicals are stored safely. C. inspeksi gudang untuk memverifikasi bahwa barang kimia disimpan secara aman. Briefly describe the storage conditions: (deksripsi kondisi gudan) - closed, clean, but small storage. (tertutup, bersih tapi gudangpenyumpanan sangat kecil) - Kept in the original bags and Put in the safe rack (ddisimpan pada karung asli dan disimpan secara aman)
D. Interview farm staff to verify that employees have received training and procedures are followed. D. wawancara pekerja tambak untuk memverifikasi bahwa mereka telah menerima pelatihan Record training code: date 23/07/2016 kode catatan pelatihan training date: 23 July 2016 (tanggal pelatihan ) Given by: Mr Wawan Darmawan and Mr Ansyar (company supervisr) diberikan oleh: Pak Wawan Darmawan dan pak Ansyar
e. Others, please describe
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
a. Prepare a plan for farm waste management that is based on risk assessment and national guidelines. Ensure that the plan covers responsible handling and disposal of all farm wastes. a. Siapkan rencana pengelolaan sampah tambak yang berlandaskan pada kajian resiko dan panduan nasional. Pastikan rencana tersebut meliputi penanganan dan pembuangan sampah tambak yang bertanggungjawab
Indicator: Responsible handling and disposal of wastes based on risk assessment and possibilities of recycling. Requirement: Evidence of procedures in place. Applicability: All 7.7.2
Indikator: Penanganan dan pembuangan sampah yang bertanggungjawab berdasarkan penilaian resiko dan kemungkinan daur ulang Persyaratan: Bukti bahwa prosedur tersedia Penerapan: Semua
b. Provide evidence that no human or animal solid waste is being discharged into the natural environment and demonstrate that the use of the most reponsible disposal solutions based on what is locally available. b. Siapkan bukti bahwa tidak ada manusia atau limbah solid yang dibuang ke lingkungan alam dan perlihatkan penggunaan solusi pembuangan yang bertanggungjawab sudah berdasarkan pada ketersediaan lokal
c. Demonstrate that the farm seperates and recycles waste wherever is possible (e.g. feed bags and plastic containers). c. Perlihatkan bahwa tambak memisahkan dan mendaur ulang sampah jika hal itu memungkinkan (misal: kantung pakan dan kontainer plastik)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
A. Review the farm's waste management plan to confirm that it explicitly addresses responsible handling and disposal of all farm wastes. Inspect the farm's disposal practices while on-site to verify that the plan is implemented. A. review penanganan sampah di tambak, untuk mengkonfirmasi - bahwa sampah ditangani dan dibuang secara bertanggung jawanb . inspeksi pembuangan sampah ketika berkunjung ke tambak verifikasi apakah penanganan sesuai dengan prosedurnya. Farm's waste management plan code: No. 107/SOP/MMA-ASC/Xii/2015 kode perencanaan penanganan tambak: Plan date: 1 jan 2017 tanggal: Verify by: farm manager diverifikasi oleh: manajer/pemilik tambak.
B. Inspect the farm for any evidence of waste being discharged into the natural environment. B. Inspeksi tambah untuk mencari bukti bahwa sampah dibuang ke lingkungan alami sekitar Is there any human or animal solid waste discharged into the natural environment? no apakah ada sampah manusia atau binatang yang dibuang kel ingkungan sekitar ? tidak Does The farm implement the use of the most responsible disposal solutions based on what is locally available? yes. How ? workers at farm will separate organic and non organic waste. put waste in to designated trash (whether oganic and non organic). apakah tambak mengimplementasikan penggunaan sampah yang bertanggung jawab berdasarkan aturan lokas setempat? ya? bagainaman? pekerja ditambak memisahkan antara sampah organik dan sampah non organik. diletakkan pada tong sampah khusus sesuai dengan sifatnya.
C. Inspect the farm for any evidence that the farm seperates and recycles waste. C. Inspeksi tambak untuk mencari bukti bahwa tambaak telagh memisahkan dan mendaur ulang sampah Does the farm seperate and recycle waste?yes (apakan tambak memisahkan dan mendaur ulang sampah? ya) What is the way to seperate and recycle waste? bagaimanakan cara pemisahan dan daur ulang sampah tersebut. organic and non organic waste. put waste in to designated trash (whether oganic and non organic) also separate the waste whether its possible to recycle or not. sampah organik dan sampah non organik diletakkan pada tong sampah khusus, serta dipisahkan apakah memungkinkan untuk didaurulang atau tidak.
d. Others, please describe
APPENDIX A: Mangrove restoration This is meant as guidance for effective wetland restoration to be used by both farmers and auditors (FYI: appendix I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII can be found in the standard document) This Appendix is meant to help farmers and shrimp companies understand what is meant by ‘mangrove restoration’, describe what the benefits of restoration are to farmers, to outline the basic steps involved in mangrove restoration, and what role mangroves could play in farm planning and management. The appendix also gives a brief overview of the types of expertise required when carrying out mangrove restoration, and the types of institutions who could help with this task. It also includes a checklist for farmers and auditors to enable them to complete the ASC Shrimp standard requirements, and for auditors to verify this. Ecosystem conservation and restoration is indicated in a number of criteria in the ASC Shrimp Standard in particular Criteria 2.2, which requires farmers to “restore equivalent areas converted for pumping stations and inlet/outlet canals”. For “farms built or permitted before May 1999 in mangrove areas, farmers are required to compensate/offset impacts via restoration as determined by the B-EIA, national/state/local authority plans/list, or 50% of the affected ecosystem (whichever is greater)”. Farmers are also required under criterion 2.4 to “maintain ecological buffers, barriers and corridors”. This may also require restoration work to comply with the standards. Definitions Mangrove Ecosystems: Mangrove forests are among the world’s most productive ecosystems. They are often called as ‘tidal forests’, ‘coastal woodlands’ or ‘oceanic rainforests’. Mangroves are woody plants that grow in tropical and subtropical latitudes along the land-sea interface, bays, estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, and in the rivers, reaching upstream up to the point where the water still remains saline (Qasim, l998). These plants and their associated organisms (microbes, fungi, other plants and animals), constitute the ‘mangrove forest community’ or ‘mangal’ (See Tomlinson PB (1986) The Botany of Mangroves. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 413 p. for full list of true and associate mangrove plant species) The mangal and its associated abiotic factors constitute the mangrove ecosystem (Kathiresan and Bingham, 2001). Mangrove restoration is the re-introduction and re-establishment of assemblages of native mangrove species to sites that can support them to be developed into mangrove ecosystems which perform similar functions as those that were there originally. The objective of mangrove restoration is the re- establishment of habitats (structure) and functions such as coastal protection, contribution to fishery production and enhancement 1
The term “restoration” has been adopted to specifically mean any activity that aims to return system to a preexisting condition (whether or not this was pristine) (sensu Lewis 1990b). The term “rehabilitation” is often also used, and is applied more generally and used to denote any activity (including restoration and habitat creation) that aims to convert a degraded system to a stable alternative
Mangrove restoration: the benefits to farmers Healthy Mangroves can generate income and resources for farmers and at the same time offer protection to extreme events, e.g. storms, and more gradual processes such as salt water intrusion and shoreline erosion provided they are present in large enough areas. Near and offshore fish and shrimp catches increase and diversify with the increasing presence of mangroves in the inter-tidal zone. They also provide habitats and serve as nursery grounds for the juveniles of aquatic organisms on which near and offshore fisheries are based. Increased fish and shrimps catches nearby can function as an extra income for the farmers themselves or through a local payment scheme can generate income for the landowner who restores mangroves of which local fishermen benefit. Mangroves are primarily used for timber requirements and firewood. Non-wood products, bark (for tannin), leaves (fodder and vegetables), fruits (to make beverages), honey, wax and thatching material as well as finfish and shellfish are also collected from mangrove ecosystems. Mangrove ecosystem also sequester a large amount of carbon, this so-called blue carbon can be marketed. Farmers can sell those CO2-credits on the voluntary emission market. Mangrove restoration methods The following five ecological principles, considerations and practical suggestions are based on a well-established process called "Ecological Mangrove Restoration"2, building on lessons learnt from rehabilitation attempts worldwide3. 1. Understand the ecology of the mangrove species at the site, in particular the patterns of reproduction, propagule distribution, and successful seedling establishment. 2. Understand the hydrologic patterns (in particular the depth, duration and frequency of tidal inundation) that control the distribution and successful establishment and growth of (targeted) mangrove species. 3. Assess modifications of the original mangrove environment that currently prevent natural regeneration (recovery after damage). 4. Restore hydrology and other environmental conditions that encourage natural recruitment of mangrove propagules and successful plant establishment. For example through rehabilitation of creeks or removal of small dams further inland, to ensure appropriate tidal inundation characteristics and sufficient freshwater flow towards the mangrove stands (Lewis, 2005). Where human modifications of the coast include large-scale conversion of mangroves to aquaculture ponds, restoration of these ponds back to mangroves – through hydrological restoration, e.g. by partial removal of pond dikes - should be considered, which would also assist with coastal stabilization, providing erosion protection from storm waves (Stevenson et al., 1999; Lewis et al., 2006, Winterwerp 2013); 5. Only consider actual planting of propagules, collected seedlings, or cultivated seedlings after determining (through steps 1-4) that natural recruitment will not provide the quantity of successfully established seedlings, rate of stabilization, or rate of growth of saplings established as objectives for the restoration project.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
This practical manual offers guidance on mangrove planting: This was recently updated with a sixth step, incorporating socio-economic aspects and monitoring requirements (Lewis, 2009). Challenges of successful mangrove restoration: Much of the post-tsunami effort to restore coastal greenbelts involved simple planting of mangrove seedlings and propagules. There have been numerous failures, already, due to planting of inappropriate species, and in inappropriate locations. Failure occurs, in general, due to a lack of understanding of the restoration site itself: - What was its history? - What mangrove species grew there? - Where did they grow? - What caused the destruction or degradation of the mangroves? - What were their hydrological requirements? - How deep was the substrate in which they grew? - What were the fresh water inputs to the area? - Where did exchange of tidal and sea water take place? Priority areas for mangrove restoration Farmers should focus their mangrove restoration efforts in order of priority: 1) Areas regulated by local or national regulation – the nearest potential green belt or riparian strip When the mangrove greenbelt functionality is restored and the riverine mangrove functionality is restored: 2) Integrated with traditional and extensive aquaculture systems, through silvofisheries approach. While intensive farm can integrate mangrove in their area include water outlet, and waste management plant areas. In the case where several smallholders together restore an area, they should strive for maximum connectivity between mangrove plots to maximize the functionality of the ecosystem. Suggested checklist for farmers and guideline auditors on a complete Mangrove Restoration process and report Validated
To be improved
Understand the ecology of the mangrove species at the site, in particular the patterns of reproduction, propagule distribution, and successful seedling establishment. Understand the hydrologic patterns (in particular the depth, duration and frequency of tidal inundation) that control the distribution and successful establishment and growth of (targeted) mangrove species. Assess modifications of the original mangrove environment that currently prevent natural regeneration (recovery after damage). Restore hydrology and other environmental conditions that encourage natural recruitment of mangrove propagules and successful plant establishment.
Only consider actual planting of propagules, collected seedlings, or cultivated seedlings after determining (through steps 1-4) that natural recruitment will not provide the quantity of successfully established seedlings, rate of stabilization, or rate of growth of saplings established as objectives for the restoration project.
Relevant institutions, programs - internationally and nationally: Wetlands International IUCN - Mangroves for the Future program IUCN – Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM): Restoration Thematic group ( Society for Ecological Restoration GIZ CZM SocTrang ( Mangrove Action Project
FOOTNOTES [13] Protected Areas : A protected area is “A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values”. Source: Dudley, N. (Editor) (2008), Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. x + 86pp. PAs can be determined as National, state, provincial and local PAs. [14] Definition: “Traditional [land use] aquaculture is an indigenous form of farming and a result of the coevolution of local social and environmental systems that exhibit a high level of ecological rationale expressed through the intensive use of local knowledge and natural resources, including the management of agro/aqua-biodiversity in the form of diversified agri and aquacultural systems.” (Adapted from Miguel A. Altieri, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley). [15] Other instances of certification within PAs, for example Category IV PAs which are zoned into different use area, will have to be considered on a case by case basis by the ASC Technical Advisory Group in consultation with the specific PA Management authority. [16] Mangrove Ecosystems : Mangrove forests are among the world‟s most productive ecosystems. These are often called as „tidal forests‟, „coastal woodlands‟ or „oceanic rainforests‟. Mangroves are woody plants that grow in tropical and subtropical latitudes along the land-sea interface, bays, estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, and in the rivers, reaching upstream up to the point where the water still remains saline (Qasim, l998). These plants and their associated organisms (microbes, fungi, other plants and animals), constitute the „mangrove forest community‟ or „mangal‟ (See Tomlinson PB (1986) The Botany of Mangroves. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 413 p. for full list of true and associate mangrove plant species) The mangal and its associated abiotic factors constitute the mangrove ecosystem (Kathiresan and Bingham, 2001). [17] Natural Wetland : For the purpose of this standard, natural wetlands are non-artificial (i.e. not human made) areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. They may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands‟. (Appendix 7. Ramsar Wetland Definition (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), Classification and Criteria for Internationally Important Wetlands. Under the Convention on Wetlands „wetlands‟ are defined by Articles 1.1 and 2.1)
[18] Rehabilitation Appendix was developed as part of the testing phase in 2011. [19] Consideration of local government programs for restoration and their effectiveness is advised. Mangrove areas preserved within the farm can be considered as part of the compensation (e.g. if a farm has 2ha, but they kept 1ha with mangroves inside the farm, they can be considered in compliance). [24] [25] Similar ecological characteristics: environments with the same (not statistically significantly different at the p=0.05 level, based on at least three randomly sampled transects) density of the top five community-dominant species, species richness within 10% of the original and composition showing the same ordering of dominants. This will be determined through initial baseline monitoring during audits for established farms, or via EIAs, for new or expanding farms [26] Farms starting construction or expanding.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
[27] Also known as an species at risk; a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. Guidance interpreting application of the Red List Categories and criteria can be found here: [28] Any process that occurs at the national, provincial, state, or other level within-country that evaluates species conservation status against a set of defined criteria recognized by relevant governance. Such listing processes may legally binding (e.g. Endangered Species Act in the U.S.A. or the Species at Risk Act in Canada), or may not be legally binding. (e.g. species listings created by COSEWIC in Canada (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife), or the Red Data Book in Vietnam). [29] Issued by any governmental or inter-governmental institution [30] A B-EIA must identify critical habitats for all species at risk on the proposed site and design constructions such as protecting these areas. The first requirement is that farmers are aware of the different species on their farm. Big farms shall seek an expert opinion while small farms may consider including local stakeholders. The B-EIA will allow the farmer to demonstrate compliance. [31] [32] Mangrove Forest: A mangrove forest is an association of halophytic trees, shrubs, palms, ferns and other plants growing in brackish to saline tidal waters on mudflats, riverbanks and coastlines in tropical and subtropical regions. This vegetation has the common characteristic of living in the zone inundated by the highest tides and exposed by the lowest tides. All mangrove species also share a common characteristic of salt tolerance (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1993). [33] Mangel, M. Levin, P. &Patil, A. 2006. Using life history and persistence criteria to prioritize habitats for management and conservation. Ecological Applications. 16(2): 797-806 [34] For open coastlines and adjacent natural water bodies, the zone of natural vegetation must be 100 meters wide. [35] Artificial canals or natural waterways that have undergone considerable man-made modification are not considered in this requirement [36] For Riparian buffers, vegetation must be dominated by tree/forest/vegetation cover consistent with natural endemic riparian zones within < 5km of the farm in question. [44] Surface freshwater bodies adjacent to farm property or receiving waters discharged from the farm. Freshwater is characterized by a specific conductance of less than 1,500 μS/cm and a chloride concentration of less than 300 mg/L. These values correspond to a salinity inferior to 1 parts per thousand. Farms that can demonstrate that surrounding waters and soils have a salinity of 2 parts per thousand and above using a hand-held refractometer will not be required to provide measurements of conductance or chloride concentration. Water bodies displaying freshwater conditions only during the peak rainy season are considered as brackishwater bodies under these requirements.
[45] Exceptions are made if it can be demonstrated that seawater intrusion or other phenomenon outside the control of the farmer is responsible for the increase. [46] Specific conductance or chloride concentration must be monitored at a frequency adapted to possible fluctuations because of natural factors such as rain regime, and comparisons with first-year values [47] Exceptions are made if it can be demonstrated that seawater intrusion or other phenomenon outside the control of the farmer is responsible for the increase. [48] Soil salinity must be measured 25 meters within adjacent land ecosystems and agricultural fields every six months. If salt contamination is detected at the 25-meter station, the monitoring could be extended further out as necessary. No progressive increase of specific conductance or chloride concentration should be observed over the years when compared to the first year of monitoring. [49] If a farmer has a contract outside the farm to discharge soil in a specified location, they are permitted to do as long as no disposal occurs in a natural habitat or public property without written permission of the community. [50] Community: A group of people with possibly diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives, and are joined by collective engagements within a geographically confined area. Four indicators: - a state of organized society in small form (town, village, hamlet) that recognizes a single representative (leader, formal or informal) - The people inside a confined geographical area; small enough to allow face-to-face interaction as the main form of contact between the individuals within the group - having a common good or a common interest and recognizing that, and been recognized as having that. - A sense of common identity and characteristics („we‟ versus „them‟ feeling) on either/or social, cultural, economic, ethnic grounds. [51] This principle seeks to minimize injustice or unrest in affected communities that may result for Shrimp farming activities. The requirements recognize that it is only possible to be socially equitable to the point that legal frameworks and negotiated outcomes allow. Nonetheless, the GSC believes this standard represents a significant improvement from past and current social realities, and will seek to continuously strengthen them. The GSC has benchmarked ASC Shrimp Standard's social sustainability standards against widely accepted international public covenants and agreements, such as UN declarations on Human Rights, the Right to Development, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (IPRA), the Millennium Development Goals, and the ILO core conventions. Examples of covenants with the private sector include: OECD Guidelines for multinational corporations, the UN Global Compact on Corporate Social Responsibility and ISO 26000. A more detailed benchmark is set by existing and developing protocols in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm oil, Ethical Tea Partnership, Forest Stewardship Council and in standards such as SA8000 and ETI. See also appendix II for further reading.
[52] Participatory Social Impact Assessment (p-SIA): An assessment of positive and negative consequences and risks of a planned or ongoing project (here: a farm or farm development) undertaken in such a manner that all stakeholder groups have input in process, results, and outcome of such an assessment, and that steps taken and information gathered is openly accessible to all. See Appendix II. [53] Stakeholder definition: A person, group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies. [54] Conflicts, for the purpose of this requirement, are situations wherein one party perceives hindrance in legitimate interest as caused by the other party‟s actions or absence of actions. One party is the farm owner or manager. The other party is either a surrounding community or group of stakeholders in the community. Conflicts, for the purpose of this requirement, do exclude complaints made by single individuals unless verified/supported by a community leader or community organization. The farm may not necessarily be at fault if conflicts arise, but the farm shall exercise due diligence to avoid any harm done to the legitimate interests of people in the surrounding community. “Due diligence” is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another party. The farm may not necessarily be at fault if conflicts arise, but the farm shall exercise due diligence to avoid any harm done to the legitimate interests of people in the surrounding community. “Due diligence” is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another party. The process of resolution is documented and meeting minutes are kept. Minutes include an agenda, the list of concerns raised, resolutions or agreements reached, a list of who shall take what action by when, and a list of participants. Local government and, if available, at least one civil society or customary organization chosen by the community shall have access to the conflict resolution process and the documentation.
[55] A conflict is deemed resolved if both parties in the negotiation process have agreed to take it off the agenda (in terms of this requirement: if both parties accept external mediation and/or a legal verdict then the conflict is deemed resolved regardless of whether the mediator or legal decision has been made). [56] Only required for medium and large scale farms: those who hire more than one permanent worker, non local worker. [57] Not applicable if farm is found to hire >50% of their staff locally. [58] Contract farming: Contract farming can be defined as an agreement between farmers and processing and/or marketing firms for the production and supply of agricultural products under forward agreements, frequently at predetermined prices. The arrangement also invariably involves the purchaser in providing a degree of production support through, for example, the supply of inputs and the provision of technical advice. The basis of such arrangements is a commitment on the part of the farmer to provide a specific commodity in quantities and at quality standards determined by the purchaser and a commitment on the part of the company to support the farmer‟s production and to purchase the commodity” (FAO).
[59] Language that is common to all signing parties. If necessary, contracts must be translated. [60] Please note that many countries have national laws that address labor issues rigorously and intensively, however this is not consistent in a global context. Addressing these key issues in aquaculture is critical, given the important human rights implications and proven societal benefits of labor standards related to poverty, sustainable economic growth, good governance and political stability. The labor requirements in this document help ensure that all aquaculture operations certified against the ASC Shrimp Standard have reduced or eliminated the potential impacts of key labor issues associated with production. Moreover, the ASC Shrimp Standard's labor requirements are based on the core principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO): freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, prohibition on forced labor, prohibition on child labor, and freedom from discrimination, as well as the other elements that are considered to be the fundamental rights at work: fair wages and working hours, decent health and safety conditions and non-abusive disciplinary practices. Social Accountability International (SAI), an international and renowned social standards/labor NGO recommended ways to best align the standards with best practice labor standards, including ILO conventions.
[61] A (permanent) hired worker is defined as someone contracted for the duration of a production cycle or longer, and receiving monetary compensation in exchange for the time he/she works on the farm. Hired labor, for specific short activities with the maximum duration of two weeks, such as harvesting, is not considered permanent hired labor. A family-worker is defined as being 1st or 2nd degree bloodrelated to the primary owner (male/female) or his/her spouse AND receiving his/her compensation or benefits for work done on the farm NOT calculated on the basis of the time he/she works on the farm but proportional to the productivity or profit of the farm (e.g. a son joining his father in the family enterprise, or a 2nd-degree cousin doing work in exchange for accommodation and food, or 2 brothers sharing harvest revenues). First or 2nd degree family members agreeing to do work in exchange of payments on the basis of work-time are considered „hired workers‟. Whether agreements are verbal or on paper does not make a difference. Workers partially paid according to time/days and partially paid through share in product sales are considered „hired workers‟.
[62] Child Labor: refers to any work by a child younger than the age specified in definition of a child, except for light work as provided for by ILO Convention 138, article 7. The conventions permit children between 15 and 17 to work on farms, provided that time for school and play is guaranteed and children are excluded from hazardous, abusive and physically hard work [65] Hazardous work: work which, by its nature or circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of workers. [66] Bonded Labor: when a person is forced by the employer or creditor to work to repay a financial debt to the crediting agency.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
[70] Discrimination: any distinction, exclusion, or preferences, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment. Not all distinction, exclusion, or preference constitutes discrimination. For instance, a merit or performance based pay increase or bonus is not by itself discriminatory. Positive discrimination in favor of people from certain underrepresented groups may be legal in some countries. [71] Certificate of training issued by the relevant competent national or provincial authority or by such authority recognized or recommended training centre or institution [73] Fair or decent wages: a wage level that enables workers to support the average sized family above the poverty line. Basic needs include essential expenses such as food, clean water, clothes, shelter, transport, education, obligatory taxes, plus a discretionary income, as well as legally mandated social benefits (which may include health care medical insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement, etc). OECD countries define 50% of median-level income in a given country as the minimum income that provide such basic needs. In cases where harvest- or profit-sharing arrangements are used between those who own the farm and those who are employed to work on the farm, the financial value of legal minimum wage or 50% of median wage-level in country (whichever is highest) needs to be guaranteed income of the employee regardless of farm performance. [74] Hired workers: permanent workers and temporary workers. Permanent worker: Persons whose main job is a permanent job or with a work contract of unlimited duration and regular workers whose contract last for 12 months and over. Temporary worker: Workers whose main job is an occasional, casual or seasonal worker; daily workers, works seasonal or temporary under contract with duration of less than 12 months. In case of re-hiring the same worker: if the total of the two hiring periods, irrespective of the time between hiring periods, goes beyond 12 months total (including, if any, probation periods), then the worker is a permanent one. [75] Bargain collectively: voluntary negotiation between employers and organizations of workers in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment by means of collective (written) agreements. [76] Physically or mentally. Mental Abuse: characterized by the intentional use of power, including verbal abuse, isolation, sexual or racial harassment, intimidation, or threat of physical force. [77] Audits will check whether workers are familiar with the guidance (on 4.8.1.) and use worker interviews to check for compliance. Compliance expressed in interviews [78] Premium rate: a rate of pay higher than the regular workweek rate. Must comply with national laws/regulations and/or fair wage standard. Must be 125% of normal rate or higher. [79] Labor-only contracting arrangement: the practice of hiring workers without establishing a formal employment relationship for the purpose of avoiding payment of regular wages or the provision of legally required benefits, such as health and safety protection. [80] False Apprenticeship Scheme: the practice of hiring workers under apprentice-ship terms without stipulating terms of the apprenticeship/ wages under contract. It is a ―false‖ apprenticeship if its purpose is to underpay people, avoid legal obligations, or employ children. [81] If the law of the producing countries requires more, the law must be followed. [82] Sub-contracted worker: not directly contracted by farm but through an intermediary party (sub-contractor). [83] Applicable to farms with more than 5 workers. [85] Justification of mesh size must be demonstrated to the auditor and be based on local disease risk factors (e.g. presence, likely vectors, etc). [86] Survival rate does not include hatchery survival. [87] Permanent aeration refers to aeration capacity installed during more than 90% of the grow-out period for sustaining a high biomass that exceeds the natural carrying capacity of the culture system and for feeding at the corresponding rate to ensure the best possible growth rate. Emergency aeration is not considered as permanent aeration [88] Specific Pathogen Free: a term used for animals that are guaranteed free of particular pathogens. The certified stock claim is accompanied by a list of the absent pathogens. [89] Specific Pathogen Resistant describes a genetic trait of a shrimp that confers some resistance against one specific pathogen. SPR shrimp usually result from a specific breeding program designed to increase resistance to a particular virus. Within these requirements, programs using a ―mass selection‖ approach (e.g. taking all the survivors from a pond) are acceptable, provided the ―resistant‖ status of the stock can be scientifically demonstrated. [90] All diseases, for which the species farmed is susceptible, listed by the OIE or the national competent authority. [91] See Appendix for details on exceptions and SPR/ SPF eligibility. [92] [93] Predator: Any animal that lives by preying on other animals. [94] IUCN red lists can be accessed via [95] National listing process: Any process that occurs at the national, provincial, state, or other level within-country that evaluates species conservation status against a set of defined criteria recognized by relevant governance. Such listing processes may legally binding (e.g. Endangered Species Act in the U.S.A. or the Species at Risk Act in Canada), or may not be legally binding. (e.g. species listings created by COSEWIC in Canada (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife), or the Red Data Book in Vietnam). [96] Note: does not apply to pond water treatment and any aquatic animals that are contained within it. [97] The 3rd edition of the WHO list of critically and highly important antimicrobials was released in 2009 and is available at
[98] Hazardous chemicals need to be identified through a risk analysis. Common hazardous products used in shrimp farming are lime, disinfectants, sodiummetabisulfite, pesticides, including natural piscicides such as teaseed and rotenone (refer to Boyd and Massaut 1999 and Gräslund and Bengtsson 2001 for a review of risks with chemicals). [99] This does not mean that the discharge must be pH neutral; but need to ensure that chemicals are broken down and treated water must be held for the appropriate retention time before release to ensure that animals in the receiving waters are not killed. If water is discharged, the effect of lime would have been naturally neutralized by the time water is discharged. For chemicals applied to ponds, farmers need to wait until effect is neutralized before discharging the water. This indicator is meant to address the case of chemicals used during harvest (metabisulphite, chlorine) that could be dumped in public canals. The indicator has evolved to make it more general as some people are also worried with chemicals used in ponds. In this case, farmers just need to show that they do not discharge the water before some time. For chemicals used in harvest they need to throw the remains in some farm canal or settling pond, or neutralize it chemically before discharging to a public canal.
[104] At the time of publication of the ASC Shrimp Standard. [105] Locally: within the country of production. [106] The GSC recognizes that establishing ―no evidence‖ is difficult and this issue will be monitored by the ASC Technical Advisory Group who will evaluate this on a case by case basis to determine how this should be applied in various localities. [107] International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. [108] Exceptional Flood Events= 25-year flood events. [114] Sourced from the same country, water body, and/or genetic subpopulation. [116] Transgenic Shrimp: a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species. Some GMOs contain no DNA from other species and are therefore not transgenic but cisgenic. [118] Traceability must be at a level of detail that permits the feed producer to demonstrate compliance with the requirements in this document. Compliance would be in the form of third-party documentation of quality assurance schemes and traceability of ingredients. This requirement also assumes that the feed producer will make available to the farm a full list of feed ingredients and is aware that the relevant portion of the auditor report may be disclosed to purchasing retailers although the ingredient sources may be not revealed. [119] Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). [122] This requirement applies to fishmeal and oil from forage fisheries and not to by-products or trimmings used in feed. [123] Such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) which encourages positive steps towards promoting the sustainability of capture fisheries. [124] [125] Or equivalent score using the same methodology [132] Certified organic or GMO-Free by an accredited certifier. [136] Fisheries byproducts that meet the sustainability and traceability criteria in 7.1 and 7.2 do not count in the following wild fish for fishmeal and oil calculations and can therefore be used to assist producers with achieving compliance. [137] Feed Fish Equivalency Ratio (FFER): the quantity of wild fish used per quantity of cultured fish produced (x:x). [138] Farms are required to determine the annual nitrogen and phosphorous effluent loads using one of the methods described in Appendix VI. [139] Settling basins need to comply with characteristics given in Appendix VI. [140] The settleable solids concentration at the outlet of the effluent treatment system must be measured at the beginning and at the end of the pond draining period, when that period is less than 4 hours. For ponds draining more than 4 hours [141] measured at a station at least 200 m down current from the farm outfall. [142] Only activities carried out on the farm site are considered. Transport of personnel, materials and shrimp to and from farm site are not considered. For clarity, farms must list activities included in the records of energy consumption, including: water aeration, water pumping, offices, internal transportation, etc. [143] Records of quantities of energy consumed must be kept by type of energy source: diesel, gasoline, natural gas, electricity, etc [144] For calculating the annual CED, quantities of different energies cumulated over 12 months and expressed in different units must all be converted to megajoules. The total amount from the different energy sources expressed in megajoules is then divided by the farm production in tonnes of head-on shrimp over the same 12-month period. [145] Bunds (waterproof wall and floor built around tanks of oil or other hazardous liquids to contain them in the event of a spillage) must be built around combustible storage containers to contain any spills. Bunds must be waterproof, with a capacity of 110% of the volume of stored material, and must not have any drain (rainwater needs to be pumped or scooped out periodically). Dry chemicals must be protected from humidity inside buildings. All containers of liquid chemicals must close hermetically. Access to all chemicals should be restricted to authorized personnel.
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit report _Audit evidence_ ASC Shrimp Standard v.1.0
Compliance Criteria (Use as guidance for audit only)
Audit Manual - ASC Shrimp Standard - version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2013 Aquaculture Stewardship Council. All rights reserved by Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Audit evidence 1. Write down all audit evidence for each compliance criterion (CC). Audit evidence (including evidence of conformity and nonconformity) should be recorded so that the audit can be repeated by a different audit team. 2. Replace explanitory text in the 'Audit Evidence' column as appropriate. 3. If you see any Compliance Criteria which is not listed below, please describe in the blue cells below.
Evaluation Justification of classification of NC (Per indicator, Provide an explanation of the reason(s) for the classification of any NCs or nonselect one applicability category in the drop-down menu)
ASC Audit Report - Traceablity Laporan Audit ASC - Ketelusuran
Traceability Factor Faktor Ketelusuran
10.1 The possibility of mixing or substitution of certified and non-certified product, including product of the same or similar appearance or species, produced within the same operation. Kemungkinan pencampuran atau penggantian produk bersertifikat dengan yang tidak bersertifikat, termasuk produk dari penampilan atau spesies yang sama atau serupa, diproduksi dalam operasi yang sama.
Description of risk factor if present Deskripsi faktor risiko jika ada. HIGH, Farm has documentation system to control quantity from stocking to harvest each ponds. Each Farm also has specific identification code to ensure the ponds number (to know the source of ponds). Farmers and processing plant has standard operating procedures as well as kind of agreement to transfer registered ponds for ASC. and also has procedure from stocking, harvesting until transfer raw material to processing plant. TINGGI, Pertanian memiliki sistem dokumentasi untuk mengendalikan kuantitas dari stok ke panen setiap kolam. Setiap Farm juga memiliki kode identifikasi khusus untuk memastikan jumlah tambak (untuk mengetahui sumber kolam). Petani dan pabrik pengolahan memiliki prosedur operasi standar serta jenis kesepakatan untuk mentransfer tambak terdaftar untuk ASC. Dan juga memiliki prosedur dari stok, panen sampai transfer bahan baku ke pabrik pengolahan.
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Traceability
Describe any traceability, segregation, or other systems in place to manage the risk Jelaskan ketertelusuran, segregasi, atau sistem lain yang ada untuk mengelola risiko
Shrimp farm operation managed by each farmers which under internal rules of PT MMA. farms/ponds located in the different island with Kalimantan/Borneo island. Farm has documentation system to control quantity from stocking to harvest each ponds. Farm also has record system and standard operating procedures from stocking, harvesting until transfer raw material to processing plant. raw material (shrimp) will transfer form ponds to processing plant using vessel. farmers will seperate the shrimp in the hatch/container vessel for ASC and non ASC. Operasi peternakan udang dikelola oleh masing-masing petani yang berada di bawah peraturan internal PT MMA. Peternakan / kolam yang terletak di pulau yang berbeda dengan pulau Kalimantan / Kalimantan. Pertanian memiliki sistem dokumentasi untuk mengendalikan kuantitas dari stok ke panen setiap kolam. Farm juga memiliki sistem pencatatan dan prosedur operasi standar dari stok, panen sampai transfer bahan baku ke pabrik pengolahan. Bahan baku (udang) akan mentransfer bentuk tambak ke pabrik pengolahan dengan menggunakan kapal. Petani akan memisahkan udang di kapal penampung / kontainer untuk ASC dan non ASC.
10.2 The possibility of mixing or substitution of certified and non-certified product, including product of the same or similar appearance or species, present during production, harvest, transport, storage, or processing activities. Kemungkinan tercampurnya atau tertergantinya barang tersertifikasi dan non tersertifikasi termasuk produk yang sama atau mirip atau spesies, pada saat produksi, panen, transfer, gudang atau proses
MEDIUM, Farm has transport document from farm to processing plants (mention about vessel name, species transported, date and time of transport/harvest and arrived). Hatch/container vessel is not sealed but give identification code only. Medium tambak memiliki transfer dokumen dari tambak ke punit pengolahan (disebutkan juga nama kapal. spesies, tanggal. box/palka kapal tidak di segel tapi diberikan penanda/kode
10.3 The possibility of subcontractors being used to handle, transport, store, or process certified products. Kemungkinan menggunakan subkontrak yang None tidak menangani, transfer, menyimpan atau memproses produk tersertifikasi
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Traceability
Chance of substitution and mixing is medium, since the shrimps are in the hatch/container vessel and remarked but without sealed. Receiving record handled in the factory witnessed by farm owner site. Peluang tergantinya produk dan tercampur =nya produk normal/medium, selama udang ditaruh di box/plaka kapal dan diberi penanda meskipun tidak disegel. catatan penerimaan di tangani di unit pengolahan
Not use subcontractor tidak menggunakan subkontrak
10.4 Any other opportunities where certified product could potentially be mixed, substituted, or mislabelled with non-certified product before the point where product enters the chain of custody. Adakah peluang lain ketika produk tersertifikasi yang mungkin akan tercampur, terganti, tidak terlabel dengan produk yang tidak tersertifikasi sebelum masuk rantai lacak balak
MEDIUM, Harvested shrimp will be transfer to PT MMA processing plant at Tarakan. Transfered using vessel and farmers will give remark at hatch/container vessel. MEDIUM udang yang dipanendi transfer ke PT MMA di transfer menggunakan kapal dan petambak akan memberikan tanda di palka kapal ikannya
Farmer not using subcontractor during harvesting and transporting time. Raw material/Shrimp transfered using vessel. And farmers will give remark at hatch/container vessel. During transporting to processing plant farm owner and supervisor from PT MMA will witness the process. petambak tidak menggunakan subkontrak saat panen dan transfer udang. udang ditransfer menggunakan kapal ikan dan petambak memberikan tanda khusus di palka kapal. saat transfer ke unit pengolahan ikan pemilik dan supervisor PT MMA akan menyaksikan selama proses tersebut
10.5 Detail description of the flow of certified product within Farm has transport report document, every regusterd ponds that already harvested will send to processing plant with the operation and the associated traceability system which allows product to be traced from final sale back to the unit of certification. This shall include the traceability documentation at each stage of handling certified product and how product can be linked from each document (e.g. through batch codes, lot codes, etc.). This shall also include a detailed description of the systems used to segregate and identify certified product at each stage of handling. Uraian rinci tentang arus produk bersertifikat dalam operasi dan sistem traceability terkait yang memungkinkan produk dilacak dari penjualan akhir kembali ke unit sertifikasi. Ini harus mencakup dokumentasi ketertelusuran pada setiap tahap penanganan produk bersertifikat dan bagaimana produk dapat dihubungkan dari setiap dokumen (misalnya melalui kode batch, kode lot, dll.). Ini juga harus mencakup penjelasan rinci tentang sistem yang digunakan untuk memisahkan dan mengidentifikasi produk bersertifikat pada setiap tahap penanganan.
accompanying document (transport document). In these document only contain several information, i.e : - Name of farmer and ponds code, - species name - Verification signature from farm reporesentative and processing plant representative while arrived, - tank/hatch/container vessel was not sealed (only give with specific code for ASC) during transporting from farm to processing plant. EXAMPLE: - Rusli, site ponds no. 1A7 - identification code at hatch/container vessel 1A7 - species: Black tiger
Pertanian memiliki dokumen laporan transportasi, setiap tambak yang telah dipanen akan dikirim ke pabrik pengolahan dengan dokumen pendukung (dokumen transport). Dalam dokumen ini hanya berisi beberapa informasi, yaitu: - Nama kode petani dan kolam, - nama spesies - Tanda tangan verifikasi dari representatif perwakilan pabrik pengolahan dan repositori sementara tiba, - kapal tangki / hatch / kontainer tidak disegel (hanya diberikan dengan kode khusus untuk ASC) selama pengangkutan dari peternakan ke pabrik pengolahan. CONTOH: - Rusli, kolam situs no. 1A7 - kode identifikasi pada kapal induk / kontainer 1A7 - spesies: harimau hitam
10.6 Traceablity Determination : Penentuan Ketelusuran :
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Traceability
10.6.1 The traceability and segregation systems in the operation are sufficient to ensure all products identified and sold as certified by the operation originate from the unit of certification, or Sistem ketertelusuran dan segregasi dalam operasi cukup untuk memastikan semua produk diidentifikasi dan dijual yang disertifikasi oleh operasi tersebut berasal dari unit sertifikasi, atau
Yes, Farm has a traceability system that ensure that certified product originate from the unit of certification (using scaned code). And client will develop new system and more complete informtion will be mentioned since harvesting Ya, Farm memiliki sistem penelusuran yang memastikan bahwa produk bersertifikat berasal dari unit sertifikasi (menggunakan kode hasil scan). Dan klien akan mengembangkan sistem baru dan informasinya yang lebih lengkap akan disebutkan sejak panen
10.6.2 The point from which chain of custody is required to begin. Inti dari mana lacak balajk harus dimulai.
After Harvest, at the farm's gate when shrimp is transported to a processing unit. Setelah Panen, di pintu gerbang peternakan saat udang diangkut ke unit pengolahan.
10.6.3 The point from which chain of custody is required to begin. Inti dari mana rantai penahanan harus dimulai.
After Harvest, at the farm's gate when shrimp is transported to a processing unit. Setelah Panen, di pintu gerbang peternakan saat udang diangkut ke unit pengolahan.
10.6.4 Is a sepearate chain of custody certificate required for the producer?
No required a separate CoC for the farm. Tidak diperlukan CoC terpisah untuk pertanian.
Apakah sertifikat hak asuh terpisah yang diperlukan untuk produsen?
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Traceability
Nonconfomity Report Form 1
Text to be Ref# provided by: NCF 1 CAB NC Reference NC 266821 Acuan NC NCF 2 CAB NC Detected by Nanda Agung P NC dideteksi oleh NCF 3 CAB Date Detected 21-mar-17 Tanggal terdeteksi NCF 4 CAB Audit Reference 1.1.2 a Referensi audit NFC 5 Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that NA relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference. Memiliki variasi atau interpretasi (form 1) yang berhubungan dengan NC ini telah disetujui oleh ASC. Apabila ya, masukkan variasi ASC atau interpretasi catatan. NFC 6 Justification referensi for applying the approved variation NA or interpretation. Justifikasi untuk mengajukan variasi atau interpretasi yang disetujui Open NCF 6 CAB Status of NC Terbuka x Status NC Closed NCF 7 CAB Tertutup Major NCF 8 CAB Grade of NC Mayor Tingkatan NC Minor NCF 9 CAB Minor x Observation NCF 10 CAB Pengamatan NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity Batas waktu untuk menutup non-konformitas Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity Penjelasan untuk batas waktu dalam rangka penutupan non-konformitas Requirement Reference Source Document Referensi Persyaratan Clause Number
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
21-jun-17 NA
ASC Shrimp standard v.10 1.1.2.a
Text of Requirement Indicator: Transparency on legal compliance. Requirement: Government-issued operational permits and licenses are publicly available one month after request. Applicability: All Indikator: Transparansi pada kepatuhan hukum. Persyaratan: Perizinan dan lisensi yang dikeluarkan pemerintahan
Description of the nonconformity Deksirpsi non-konformitas
Permits and licenses (as applicable) are not publicly available Perizinan dan lisensi (yang berlaku) tidak tersedia untuk umum
Statement of evidence detected Pernyataan dari bukti temuan
Operational permits and licenses not publicly available. Licences information put in the house. Perizinan dan lisensi unit operasional tidak tersedia di muka umum. Informasi lisensi diletakkan di dalam gedung.
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the NA nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted) Pernyataan dari kesalahan pada fakta dalam nonkonformitas
Response (include the name of the author and NA date submitted) Respon (termasuk nama pengarang dan tanggal diterima) Statement of the root cause of the > Rusli Nurdin thought that the guard house nonconformity (include the name of the author is open for public, thus anyone can access and date submitted) the information Pernyataan dari akar masalah nonkonformitas (termasuk nama pengarang dan tanggal submisi) > H. Dahari thought that it was safer to keep the permit and licences in the second floor (not being rotten by the weather)
NCF 20 Client
(Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) >Rusli Nurdin mengira bahwa pos penjagaan terbuka untuk umum, maka siapapun dapat mengakses informasinya >H. Dahari mengira bahwa lebih aman untuk menyimpan perizinan dan lisensi di lantai dua (tidak rusak karena cuaca)
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted) Respon (masukkan) nama pengarang dan tanggal diterima)
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity is accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017)
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted) Pernyataan dari tindakan korektif yang diajukan dan diambil (masukkan nama pengarang dan tanggal submisi)
> Rusli Nurdin has installed the pond permits and licences outside of the guard house/stick at the terrace wall
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted) Evaluasi oleh Badan Sertifikasi Terakreditasi (masukkan nama pengarang dan tanggal submisi)
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted) Pernyataan dari tindakan preventif yang diajukan dan diambil (masukkan nama pengarang dan tanggal submisi)
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
> H. Dahari has installed the pond permits and licences outside of the guard house/stick at the terrace wall in the first floor (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) >Rusli Nurdin telah memasang perizinan dan lisensi kolam di luar pos penjagaan/memasang di dinding teras >H. Dahari telah memasang perizinan dan lisensi kolam di luar pos penjagaan/di Act for corrective action proposed accepted, client has done the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif yang diajukan diterima, klien telah melakukan koreksi dengan sesuai. Ensuring a copy of permit and licences always on the walls pond guards terrace house. If damaged, blurred immediately replaced with a new copy, so guests who visit can see a copy of the permit and licences. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Memastikan salinan perizinan dan lisensi selalu berada di dinding pos penjagaan kolam. Apabila rusak, harus diganti dengan salinan yang baru maka tamu-tamu yang datang dapat melihat salinan perizinan dan lisensinya.
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted) Evaluasi oleh Badan Sertifikasi Terakreditasi (masukkan nama pengarang dan tanggal submisi)
Act for preventive action proposed accepted, client has done the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif yang diajukan, klien telah melakukan tindakan korektif yang sesuai.
NCF 26 Client
NCF 27
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until Permintaan memperpanjang period Justification untuk for extention
request Justifikasi untuk permintaan perpanjangan Extention request approval
NCF 29
NCF 30
Persetujuan permintaan Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval Alasan-alasan untuk Date on which the nonconformity was closed Tanggal nonkonformitas ditutup
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 2
NC Reference NC 266822
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
21-mar-17 2.2.2.a Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC
Open NCF 7
CAB Closed
Grade of NC Major Minor
NCF 10
CAB Observation
NCF 11
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
NCF 12
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
NCF 13
Requirement Reference
NCF 14
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1.0 2.2.2.a
NCF 15
Text of Requirement Indicator: Allowance for siting in mangrove
ecosystems [16] and other natural wetlands [17], or areas of ecological importance as determined by the B-EIA or national/state/local authority plans/list. Indikator: Boleh untuk duduk di ekosistem mangrove dan lahan basah lainnya, atau area kepentingan ekologis yang ditentukan oleh B-EIA atau daftar/rencana wewenang nasional/wilayah/lokal Requirement: None for farms built (with or without permits) after May 1999, except for pumping stations and inlet/outlet canals provided they have been permitted by authorities and an equivalent area is rehabilitated [18] as
NCF 16
Description of the nonconformity
NCF 17
Statement of evidence detected
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Provide maps, but the map is not clearly define each pond's location/coordinate that descript before and after 1999 that located at ponds Rusli and ponds Suminto (only general map showing condition of land area within shrimp ponds in the siland/area) Menyediakan peta, namun tidak secara jelas menjelaskan yang mana lokasi/koodinat kolam yang mendeskripsikan sebelum dan sesudah 1999 yang berlokasi di kolam Rusli dan kolam SUminto (hanya peta secara umum yang menunjukkan area lahan di dalam kolam udang di pulau/area) Client cant Provide a declaration that identifies the year of farm construction, specify dates of any subsequent farm expansions and specify date and reason of any mangrove or wetland conversion conducted after May 1999 Klien tidak dapat menyediakan deklarasi yang mengidentifikasi tahun konstruksi lahan, menyebutkan tanggal perluasan lahan dan tanggal serta alasan konversi lahan mangrove setelah Mei 1999.
NCF 18
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 19
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
> Both Rusli Nurdin and H. Dahari did not aware that the map should specify the farm location as well as the declaration (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) >Baik Rusli Nurdin dan H. Dahari tidak sadar akan peta yang harus menyebutkan lokasi lahan dan juga deklarasi
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 21
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity is accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) pernyataan akar masalah nonkonformitas diterima.
NCF 22
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and > Maps have been completed with the taken (include the name of the author and date specific location and coordinates submitted) >Peta telah dilengkapi dengan lokasi spesifik dan koordinat. > Declaration signed by the farm owners and local authorities for both farm units are available >Deklarasi ditandatangani oleh pemilik lahan dan wewenang lokal untuk kedua unit lahan tersedia (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017)
NCF 23
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, client has provide the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif yang diajukan diterima, klien menyediakan korektif yang sesuai.
NCF 24
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
With the declaration signed by the farm owner and the local authorities related to land clearing ponds before May 1999 and on the map, each plots program ASC, has been given the coordinates so that the location of farms in the program ASC becomes easier to be identified.(Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Dengan deklarasi ditandatangani oleh pemilik lahan dan wewenang lokal yang berhubungan dengan kolam pembersihan lahan sebelum Mei 1999 dan pada peta, tiap plot program ASC, harus diberikan koordinat maka lokasi lahan dalam program ASC menjadi lebih mudah
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 25
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for preventive action proposed accepted, client has done the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017)
NCF 26
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
NCF 27
NCF 28
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 3
NC Reference NC 266824
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
2.4.2 Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation NA or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 2.4.2
Text of Requirement Indicator: Riparian buffers: Minimum width of permanent
native and natural vegetation between farms and natural [35] aquatic/brackish environments [36]. Requirement: As defined in national legislation at the time of construction, or as determined is necessary by the BEIA, or following the indications given in the Guidance below, whichever is greater. Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
Riparian buffer according to Government regulation at least 50 meters. At Rusli farm there is ponds that the riparian buffer in 24 meter (BEIA, pages 47) Penyangga riparian menurut peraturan pemerintah setidaknya berukuran 50 meter. Di kebun Rusli ada kolam yang penyangga ripariannya berukuran 24 meter.
Statement of evidence detected
According to government regulation, riparian buffer shall be wider Penyangga riparian menurut peraturan pemerintah harus lebih lebar
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the NA nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and NA date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the Mangrove planting on Rusli Nurdin 's farm has more nonconformity (include the name of the author focus on embankment of the pond instead of and date submitted) riparian buffer (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Penanaman mangrove pada lahan Rusli Nurdin berfokus pada kolam daripada riparian buffer
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity is date submitted) accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017)
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed > Mangrove planting program has been developed and taken (include the name of the author and for the next 2 years with the aim to increase riparian date submitted) buffer on a pond Rusli / 50 meters. > The replantation has been started since 2016, however there were plants mortality due to predator. The planting program is continuing the program (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Penanaman mangrove telah dikembangkan pada 2 tahun ke depan dengan tujuanuntuk meningkatkan riparian buffer pada kolam rusli/ 50 meter
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Penanaman kembali dimulai sejak 2015 namun Act for corrective action proposed accepted, client has provide the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif disetujui
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed Increase the supply of mangrove seedlings by means and taken (include the name of the author and of cooperation with workers / owners of ponds or date submitted) other parties (University of Borneo) regarding the procurement of mangrove seedlings, so that sufficient stock for mangrove plantations on riparian buffer ponds, and appropriate schedules and riparian buffer ponds to be increased / 50 meters. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) menambah suplai bakau yang bekerjasama dengan pekerja/pemilik kolam atau dengan Universitas Borneo berkaitan dengan perolehan bibit mangrove agar stoknya cukup dan jadwal pas dan kolam buffer riparian naik / 50 meter
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for preventive action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan pencegahan disetujui
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
April 28,2017 Date on which the nonconformity was closed Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Nonconfomity Report Form 4
NC Reference NC 266825
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
2.5.4 Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 2.5.4
Text of Requirement Indicator: Soil-specific conductance or chloride
concentration in adjacent land ecosystems and agricultural fields [47] [48]. Requirement: No net increase when compared to the first year of monitoring Applicability: All farms
Description of the nonconformity
Client provide Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration measurement in adjacent land in one station (each site) however the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring not define in BEIA report (which location). cant Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement. Klien menyediakan konduktansi spesifik atau pengukuran konsentrasi klorida pada tiap situs namun tidak ada di laporan BEIA. tidak dapat mengukur konduktansi spesifik.
Statement of evidence detected
Client provide Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration measurement in adjacent land in one station however the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring not define in BEIA report (which location). cant Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement. Klien menyediakan konduktansi spesifik atau pengukuran konsentrasi klorida pada tiap situs namun tidak ditentukan di laporan BEIAc(terkait lokasi). tidak dapat menyusun waktu untuk
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
BEIA report has stated salinity concentration in the H. Dahari's farm is 15 ppt, while outside the farm/surround the pond is 21 ppt. BEIA report has stated salinity concentration in the Rusli's farm is 21 ppt, while outside the farm/surround the pond is 13 ppt. Refer to ASC standard foot note 44: Farms that can demonstrate that surrounding waters and soils have a salinity of 2 and above using a hand-held refractometer will not be required to provide measurements of conductance or chloride concentration. Both Rusli and H. Dahari Farms are located in the coastal open area which far from residential areas. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Laporan BEIA telah menyatakan konsentrasi salinitas pada lahan dahari sebesar 15 ppt sementara di luar kolam adalah 21 ppt. laporan BEIA di dalam kolam rusli adalah 21
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity is accepted. However client need to revised the BEIA report as well as define the location of sampling station. footnote 44 for other criteria. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) pernyataan akar masalah ketidaksesuaian diterima. klien harus merevisi laporan BEIA dan juga mendefiniskan pos sampling. catatan 44 untuk kriteria lain
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and On March 30, 2017, soil samples from Rusli / taken (include the name of the author and date H. Nurdin and H. Dahari has been sent to submitted) laboratorium for chloride concentration measurement (on the process) as another additional evidence for justification for not measuring conductance. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) 30 maret 2017, sampel tanah dari rusli/h. nurdin dan dahari dikirim ke laboratorium untuk pengukuran konsentrasi klorida sebagai bukti lain tidak hanya konduktansi
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, client has provide the correction accordingly. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Perform training to workers related to measurement of cholride concentration in the station that suggested by BEIA report . (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Melakukan training ke pekerja tentang pengukuran konsentrasi klorida pada pos yg diindikasikan pada laporan BEIA
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for preventive action proposed accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 5
NC Reference NC 266827
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
5.1.1. Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 5.1.1.
Text of Requirement Indicator:
Develop and maintain an operational health plan addressing: 1) Pathogens that can come from the surrounding environment into the farm (e.g., predator and vector control), 2) Pathogens that can spread from the farm to the surrounding environment (e.g., effluent filtration/sterilization, and waste such as dead-shrimp management) 3) Spreading of pathogens within the farm. Critical to avoid cross contamination, detect and prevent emerging pathogen(s), and monitor external signs of pathologies and moribund animals
Requirement: Demonstration that the operational health plan is functional Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
No clear procedure/operational health plan that addresses: 3) Spreading of pathogens within the farm. Critical to avoid cross contamination, detect and prevent emerging pathogen(s), and monitor external signs of pathologies and moribund animals. Tidak ada prosedur yang jelas dalam mengatasi: 3. penyebaran patogen dalam lahan. penting untuk menghindari kontaminasi silang, mendeteksi dan mencegah patogen yang muncul dan hewan mati
Statement of evidence detected
Client provide Health plan code: 014/SOP/MMAASC/XII/2015, but no clear procedure to address Main actions to avoid spread pathogens within the farm klien menyediakan kode kesehatan tersebut namun bukan prosedur jelas untuk bagaimana menghindari penyebaran patogen
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Although biosecurity control has been practiced to prevent cross contamintaion between ponds, there was no awareness to write the procedure in the SOP. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) walaupun kontrol biosekuritas telah dipraktekkan untuk mencegah kontaminasi silang antara kolam, tidak ada kesadaran untuk menulis prosedur dalam SOP
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Root cause statement is accepted (Nanda Agung p, 28/4/2017) pernyataan akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and SOP on "Shrimp Disease Management" has taken (include the name of the author and date been revised with additional procedure of submitted) preventation on cross contamination between the ponds. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) SOP dalam shrimp disease management telah direvisi dengan prosedur tambahan untuk pencegahan kontaminasi silang antar kolam
NCF 24 Client
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, client has revised the procedure accordingly (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif diterima karena klien telah merevisi prosedur SOP on "Shrimp Disease Management" has been revised with additional procedure of preventation on cross contamination between the ponds and will be verified every year or if there is a change (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) SOP Shrimp Disease Management direvisi dengan prosedur tambahan dalam pencegaan kontaminasi silang antara kolam dan dicek tiap tahun
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the preventive action proposed is accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Pernyataan aksi preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 6
NC Reference NC 266828
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
5.1.3.c Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 5.1.3 c
Text of Requirement Indicator: Annual average farm survival rate [86]
(SR): 1) Unfed and non-permanently aerated pond systems 2) Fed but non-permanently aerated pond [87] systems 3) Fed and permanently aerated pond systems. Requirement: SR >25% SR >45% SR >60% Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
Annual average farm survival rate [86] (SR): 1) for Unfed and non-permanently aerated pond systems is not meet with ASC standard (SR >25%). Laju survival rata2 tahunan : untuk kelompok 1 ) tidak diberi pakan dan tidak ada aerasi permanen, tidak memenuhi standar ASC (SR > 25%)
Statement of evidence detected
Annual Average Survival Rate: 6.24% ponds criteria 1) shall be >25% survival rata-rata 6.24% Laju survival rata-rata tahunan harus >25%
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Based on research conducted by University of Borneo Tarakan, low SR is due to: > high pyrit content in the pond soil > Low PL Quality > Unfavourable weather condition and not implement best aquauclture practise correctly (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Berdasarkan riset oleh Universitas Borneo tarakan, SR rendah karena konten pyrit tinggi dalam tanah, kualitas PL rendah, kondisi cuaca tidak mendukung dan tidak mnerapkan praktek aquaculture dengan benar
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Root cause is accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017)
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and >Adding new net with smaller mesh size, taken (include the name of the author and date applyinh better management practices. submitted) (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) menambahkan net baru dengan ukuran mesh lebih kecil, melakukan praktek budidaya yang baik
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) tindakan korektif yang diajukan diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
> Apply Better Management Practices on those three issues (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) of land Preparation, selection of seeds fries, transport, means stocking postlarvae, checking water quality (salinity, temperature, water color, DO, DDO, pH and control of predatory animals with the installation of nets at the pond, etc. that SR increases. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) >Menerapkan praktek manajemen budidaya yang lebih baik dalam ketiga isu tersebut dalam persiapan lahan, pemilihan
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the preventive action proposed is accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan partial approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 7
NC Reference NC 266829
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
5.1.4.c Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 5.1.4.c
Text of Requirement Indicator: Percent of stocked postlarvae (PLs)
that are Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) [88] or Specific Pathogen Resistant (SPR) [89] for all important pathogens [90]. Requirement: 100% if commercially available [91], i.e., if for any given species, at least 20% of the PLs stocked in the country are from SPF or SPR stocks, then the supply is deemed commercially available. If not commercially available, PLs screened for all important pathogens can be used. Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
There is 8 OIE listed diseases is not relevant, but no clear evidence indicating that 8 disease is not relecan for P. Monodon in Indonesia. Ada 8 penyakit OIE yang tidak relevan, namun bukti tidak jelas
Statement of evidence detected
Client provide evidence (official statement from the Competent Authority, that saying for P. Monodon, commonly tested only WSSV) evidence not clearly accurate, becasue it was only saying commonly tested. note: Official statement from the Competent Authority: No.571/33.0/TU.210/VIII/2016 (only WSSV commonly test for P. Monodon in Indonesia) Klien menyediakan bukti (dari pemerintah
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
The statement letter from Tarakan quarantine station only mentioned WSSV test not included with detail information on other disease test. The limited information based on Ministry decree No 81 / 2015, which state in Bulungan, the compulsory test is WSSV. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) surat pernyataan dari badan karantina hanya menyebutkan tes WSSV, tidak termasuk dengan tes penyakit lain. Informasi tersebut terbatas berdasarkan keputusan menteri no.81, yang menyebutkan salah satu di tes untuk WSSV
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Root cause is accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and Farms has requested statement letter from taken (include the name of the author and date Tarakan Fish Quarantine Station to mention submitted) all disease test for monodon's PL (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Tambak meminta surat pernyataan dari Pos karantina untuk menyebutkan semua tes penyakit untuk PL Monodon
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Find another literature/paper from another source to ensure which desease is relevant to be tested for P. Monodon. And follow the instruction accordingly. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Menemukan literatur lain dari sumber lain untuk memastikan penyakit mana yang relevan untuk dites P Monodon dan mengikuti prosedur
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of the preventive action proposed is accepted. (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Pernyataan tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 8
NC Reference NC 266832
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
7.5.1.g&j Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 7.5.1.g&j
Text of Requirement Indicator: Nitrogen effluent load per ton of shrimp produced over a 12-month period [138]. Requirement: Less than 25.2 kg N per ton of shrimp for L. vannamei. Less than 32.4 kg N per ton of shrimp for P. monodon. Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
g. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall provide a diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure. j. In situations where it is impractical for farms to accurately measure the volume of effluent water (e.g. due to irregular seasonal flooding), farms shall provide evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. No evidence/record provided to address 7.5.1 g&j
Statement of evidence detected
g.Untuk situasi dimana tidak sesuai untuk tambak mengukur volume air buangan, tambak harus menyediakan diagram. No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. TIDAK ADA diagram mendeskripsikan volume dan ukuran lahan untuk tiap tiap kolam dan/tidak ada bukti menunjukkan pembaharuan air
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Lack of information regarding this issue, The existing data do not directly explain water renewal. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Kurang informasi tentang isu ini, data tidak menjelaskan pembaharuan air
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of root cause accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Pernyataan akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and Diagram describing farm and size and taken (include the name of the author and date volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) submitted) And/or indicating average daily % water renewal has been developed. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Diagram penjelasan ukuran dan volume tambak untuk tiap kolam yang mneunjukkan pembaharuan air harian dikembangkan
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
To continuously measure pond water elevation, when the water out or into the pond, so that the data can be analyzed, either in graphical or other form so easily understood. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Untuk terus mengukur kenaikan air kolam, ketika air keluar datanya dianalisis dalam grafik atau bentuk lain.
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Preventive action proposed accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Aksi penceghaan diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 9
NC Reference NC 266833
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
7.5.2. f&i Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 7.5.2. f&i
Text of Requirement Indicator: Phosphorous effluent load per ton of
shrimp produced over a 12-month period. Requirement: Less than 3.9 kg P per ton of shrimp for L. vannamei. Less than 5.4 kg P per ton of shrimp for P. monodon. Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
f. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: provide a diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure i. Farms that CANNOT measure the amount of effluent water: Provide evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. No evidence/record provided to address 7.5.2 f&i. f. tambak yang tak dapat mengukur jumlah air efluen menyediakan diagram mendeskripsikan volume dan ukuran tambak
Statement of evidence detected
i. tambak yang tidak dapat mengukur jumlah air No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. Tidak ada data atau diagram yang mendeskripsikan volume dan ukuran lahan tiap kolam dan tidak ada bkti yang menunjukkan pembaharuan air
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
> Diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal was not available > Information on water depth indicating water renewal is available at pond record book >Diagram yang mendeskripsikan lahan dan ukuran volume tiap kolam dan tidak ada bukti jelas menjelaskan pembaharuan air tidak tersedia >INformasi kedalaman air tersedia dalam Statement of errors accepted (nanda agung, 3 may 2017) Lack of information regarding this issue, The existing data do not directly explain water renewal. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Kurangnya informasi tentang isu ini, data yang sudah ada tidak secara langsung menjelaskan pembaharuan air
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of root cause accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Pernyataan akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and Diagram describing farm and size and taken (include the name of the author and date volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) submitted) And/or indicating average daily % water renewal has been developed. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Diagram mendeksripsikan volume dan ukuran lahan untuk tiap kolam atau yang menunjukkan pembaharuan air harian dikembangkan
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
To continuously measure pond water elevation, when the water out or into the pond, so that the data can be analyzed, either in graphical or other form so easily understood. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Untuk selalu mengukur kenaikan air kolam agar datanya dianalisis baik dalam bentuk grafik atau yang dapat dimengerti
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Preventive action proposed accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 10
NC Reference NC 266834
NC Detected by Nanda Agung P
Date Detected
Audit Reference
7.5.5. Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 7.5.5.
Text of Requirement Indicator: Percentage change in diurnal dissolved
oxygen (DO) relative to DO at saturation in receiving water body [141] for the water's specific salinity and temperature. Requirement: ≤ 65% Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
Client/operator measure DO in the Ponds. DDO calculation is not correct Klien mengukur DO di kolam. Perhitungan DDO tidak benar
Statement of evidence detected
Client/operator measure DO in the Ponds. Client provide DDO calculation, however the calculation is not correct. Klien mengukur DO dalam kolam, menyediakan perhitungan DDO namun tidak benar
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
The methodology for DO saturation measurement was not well understood by operator. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Metodologi untuk pengukuran saturaasi DO tidak dimengerti operator
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of root cause accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) pernyataan akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and > DO measurement in the receiving water taken (include the name of the author and date (outside the pond) has been conducted submitted) > There is a revision on DO calculation (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) pengukuran DO dalam kolam penerimaan dilakukan ada revisi perhitungan DO
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
The measurement methodology of DO saturation is well understood and the revision of the calculation of DO has been performed. Give more training to operator to perform DO measurement. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Metodologi pengukuran saturasi DO dimengerti dengan baik dan revisi perhitungan DO dilakukan. memberikan training lebih untuk operator dalam melakukan pengukuran DO
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Preventive action proposed accepted (Nanda Agung, 28/4/2017) Aksi preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 11
NC Reference NC 266837
NC Detected by Nur Hadi
Date Detected
Audit Reference
4.4.1.a Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 4.4.1.a
Text of Requirement Indicator: Percentage of workers trained in
health and safety practices, procedures and policies relevant to the job. Safety equipment provided and maintained and in use. Requirement: 100% of workers trained. Certificates of training issued by the relevant competent national or provincial authority or by such an authority-recognized training center are required for operations with more than five employees [71] and evidence that safety equipment is in use by workers. Applicability: Farms with more than 5 employees
Description of the nonconformity
Health and Safety training date/s: not performed yet for Sudarman, farmer has a risk analysis base on activity. Tanggal training belum diberikan oleh Sudarman, petambak punya analisis risiko berdasarkan aktivitas
Statement of evidence detected
Based on document review, no record of training for safey aspect and hazardous work for farmer Dahari and two workers for farmer Rulsi (Empo and Asdar) The farmer hace to ensure all workers are trained for health and safety. Berdasarkan review dokumen, tidak ada catatan training untuk aspek keselamatan dan pekerjaan berbahaya untuk Dahari dan dua pekerja untuk Rusli (eEmpo dan Asdar). petambak harus memastikan bahwa semua pekerja sudak dilatih
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Training on health and safety has been conducted several times however there were several new workers in Rusli and H. Dahari farms. Pelatihan dalam kesehatan dan keselamatan telah dilakukan beberapa kali namun ada pekerja baru di lahan Rusli dan Dahari
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of errors accepted (Nur HAdi, 3 may 2017)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
pernyataan error diterima The new workers started working only several days before the audit. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Pekerja baru bekerja beberapa hari sebelum audit
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of rootcause accepted (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); pernyataan akar maslaah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and > Training on health and safety has been taken (include the name of the author and date conducted for the new workers. The submitted) evidence are available. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Pelatihan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja telah dilakukan oleh pekerja baru. Bukti tersedia
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
All workers have been trained for health and safety. " Health and safety training will be conducted several times so that workers remember and understand (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) Semua pekerja dilatih untuk kesehatan dan keselamtan. Training kesehatan dan keselamatan akan dilakukan beberapa kali supaya pekerja ingat
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Preventive action proposed accepted (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); Tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
Nonconfomity Report Form 12
NC Reference NC 266836
NC Detected by Nur Hadi
Date Detected
Audit Reference
4.4.3. Has a variation or interpreation (Form 1) that relates to this NC been approved by ASC. If so include the ASC variation or interpretation log reference.
Justification for applying the approved variation or interpretation.
Status of NC Open
NCF 7 CAB Closed NCF 8 CAB
Grade of NC Major
NCF 9 CAB Minor
NCF 10 CAB Observation NCF 11 CAB
Deadline for closing the nonconformity
Explanation for deadline for closing the nonconformity
Requirement Reference
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Source Document Clause Number
ASC Shrimp standard v.1 4.4.3.
Text of Requirement Indicator: Medical expenses coverage.
Requirement: Employer must provide a proof of coverage of all expenses related to any accident/injury occurring under the responsibility of the employer when not covered under national law. Applicability: All
Description of the nonconformity
No evidence of the list of all permanent workers and evidence of health insurance coverage for all workers. Tidak ada bukti bahwa bukti semua pekerja permanen dan tidak ada bukti terkait asuransi kesehatan untuk semua pekerja
Statement of evidence detected
Not all workers are not provided by health insurance yet (e.g BPJS according to local law) therefore the Farmers has to cover all injury/accident expense during the working time. Tidak semua pekerja disediakan asuransi kesehatan (mis. BPJS) maka petani harus menutupi segala tunjangan kecelakaan ketika bekerja
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
NCF 18 Client
Statement of any errors of fact in the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
No health insurance coverage for all workers. Tidak ada asuransi untuk semua pekerja
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of errors accepted (Nur HAdi, 3 may 2017)
NCF 20 Client
Statement of the root cause of the nonconformity (include the name of the author and date submitted)
pernyataan Pond ownerserror and diterima workers has agree on health coverage on medical expenses for the workers, therefore it was assumed that no health insurance required. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) pemilik kolam dan pekerja telah setuju oleh tanggungan kesehatan dalam tunjangan medis untuk pekerja, maka diasumsikan bahwa tidak ada asuransi kesehatan yang dibutuhkan
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Response (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Statement of rootcause accepted (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); akar masalah diterima
NCF 22 Client
Statement of the corrective actions proposed and PT MMA and pond owners (Rusli and Dahari) taken (include the name of the author and date has provided national health insurance submitted) (BPJS) for all their workers. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) PT MMA dan pemilik kolam (Rusli dan Dahari) menyediakan BPJS untuk semua pekerja
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Act for corrective action proposed accepted, (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); Tindakan korektif diterima
NCF 24 Client
Statement of the preventive actions proposed and taken (include the name of the author and date submitted)
PT MMA and pond owners (Rusli and Dahari) has provided national health insurance (BPJS) for all their workers, If there are new workers, it will be included national health insurance (BPJS) as well. (Author : Armansyah, April 20, 2017) PT MMA dan pemilik kolam telah menyediakan bPJS. apabila ada pekerja baru maka akan diberi BPJS juga
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
Evaluation by CAB (include the name of the author and date submitted)
Preventive action proposed accepted (Nur Hadi, 28/4/2017); Tindakan preventif diterima
NCF 26 Client
Request to extend the implemetation period for corrective action(s) until
NCF 27
Justification for extention request
Extention request approval
NCF 29
Reason(s) for approval/ disapproval
NCF 30
Date on which the nonconformity was closed
CAR v.2.0 - Non-conformity Report Form
April 28,2017 Action plan approved by Certifier (Midori Kawazo)
ASC Audit Report - Closing 11 Findings / temuan 11.1 A summary table that lists all non-conformities and observations Tabel ringkasan yang mencantumkan semua temuan yang tidak sesuai dan pengamatan NC reference
NC 266821
NC 266822
NC 266824
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Closing
NC Status status NC / ketidak sesuaian
Clause Reference Description of NC deskripsi NC
Descriptions of actions pending deskripsi rencana aksi yang tertunda
1.1.2 a
Operational permits and licenses not publicly available. Licences information put in the house. Action plan in process Perizinan dan lisensi unit operasional tidak tersedia di muka umum. rencana aksi dalam proses Informasi lisensi diletakkan di dalam gedung.
Provide maps, but the map is not clearly define each pond's location/coordinate that descript before and after 1999 that located at ponds Rusli and ponds Suminto (only general map showing condition of land area within shrimp ponds in the siland/area) Menyediakan peta, namun peta tidak menjelaskan secara jelas tentang lokasi/koordinat kolam yang dideskripsikan sebelum dan sesuadah 1999 yang berlokasi di kolam Rusli dan kolam Suminto (hanya peta umum yang menunjukkan kondisi area lahan dalam kolam udang di pulau/area.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
Riparian buffer according to Government regulation at least 50 meters. At Rusli farm there is ponds that the riparian buffer in 24 meter (BEIA, pages 47) Penyangga riparian menurut peraturan pemerintah setidaknya berukuran 50 meter. Di kebun Rusli ada kolam yang penyangga ripariannya berukuran 24 meter.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
NC 266825
NC 266827
NC 266828
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Closing
Client provide Soil-specific conductance or chloride concentration measurement in adjacent land in one station (each site) however the sampling stations and the frequency of monitoring not define in BEIA report (which location). cant Arrange for a specifc conductance measurement. Action plan in process Klien menyediakan pengukuran konduktansi spesifik-tanah atau rencana aksi dalam proses konsentrasi klorida di lahan yang berdekatan pada satu pos (tiap site/tempat) namun pos sampling dan frekuensi pengawasan/ monitoring tidak didefinisikan pada laporan BEIA (lokasi yang mana). TIdak dapat melakukan pengukuran konduktansi spesifik.
No clear procedure/operational health plan that addresses: 3) Spreading of pathogens within the farm. Critical to avoid cross contamination, detect and prevent emerging pathogen(s), and monitor external signs of pathologies and moribund animals. Action plan in process Tidak ada rencana kesehatan prosedur/operasional yang memuat: rencana aksi dalam proses 3) Penyebaran patogen di dalam lahan.Penting untuk menghindari kontaminasi silang, mendeteksi dan mencegah patogen-patogen yang muncul, dan memonitor tanda-tanda eksternal patologi dan hewan yang hampir mati.
Annual Average Survival Rate: 6.24% ponds criteria 1) shall be >25% Laju pertahanan rata-rata tahunan: 6.24% kriteria kolam 1) harus >25%
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
Client provide evidence (official statement from the Competent Authority, that saying for P. Monodon , commonly tested only WSSV) evidence not clearly accurate, becasue it was only saying commonly tested.
NC 266829
NC 266832
NC 266833
NC 266834
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Closing
note: Official statement from the Competent Authority: No.571/33.0/TU.210/VIII/2016 (only WSSV commonly test for P. Action plan in process Monodon in Indonesia) rencana aksi dalam proses Klien menyediakan bukti (pernyataan resmi dari Lembaga Berkompeten, yang mengatakan bahwa P. Monodon, umumnya dites hanya WSSV) yang tidak akurat, karena hanya dikatakan bahwa hanya dites secara umum. Catatan: Penyataan resmi dari Lembaga Berkompeten: No. 571/33.0/TU.210/VIII/2016 (hanya tes general WSSV untuk P. Monodon di Indonesia)
No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. Tidak ada catatan data/diagram yang mendeskripsikan lahan dan ukuran dan volume tiap lampiran (lahan/kolam) dan/tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan %pembaharuan air harian rata-rata.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
7.5.2. f&i
No record data/diagram describing farm and size and volume of each enclosure (farm/ponds) And/or no evidence indicating average daily % water renewal. Tidak ada catatan data/diagram yang mendeskripsikan lahan dan ukuran dan volume tiap lampiran (lahan/kolam) dan/tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan %pembaharuan air harian rata-rata.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
Client/operator measure DO in the Ponds. Client provide DDO calculation, however the calculation is not correct. Klien/operator melakukan pengukuran DO di kolam-kolam. Klien menyediakan perhitungan DDO, namun perhitungan tidak benar.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
NC 266836
NC 266837
Not All workers are not provided by health insurance yet (e.g BPJS according to local law) therefore the Farmers has to cover all injury/accident expense during the working time. Belum semua pekerja diberikan asuransi kesehatan (mis. BPJS menurut hukum lokal) maka petani-petani harus menanggung segala biaya pengobatan untuk kejadian/kecelakaan yang terjadi ketika waktu kerja. Based on document recview, no record of training for safey aspect and hazardous work for farmer Dahari and two workers for farmer Rulsi (Empo and Asdar) The farmer hace to ensure all workers are trained for health and safety. Berdasarkan review dokumen, tidak ada catatan tentang training dalam aspek keamanan dan pekerjaan berbahaya untuk petani Dahari dan dua pekerja untuk petani Rusli (Empo dan Asdar) . Petani harus memastikan semua pekerja dilatih untuk kesehatan dan keamanan.
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
Action plan in process rencana aksi dalam proses
11.2 A copy of the non-conformtity report form completed for each non-conformity and observation raised. Salinan ketidak sesuaian dilengkapi dan obervasi yang ditemukan 11.3 If any approved requests for variations or interpretations have been used, a full copy of the approved variation or interpretation form shall be appended to the report. If used in raing an NC, the ASC reference number (NCF 5) and a justitification for its use (NCF 6) shall be completed in the NC report form. jika ada permintaan yang disetujui untuk setiap variasi atau interpretasi yang digunakan, salinan persetujuan variasi atau intrpretasi harus ditambahkan ke dalam laporan. jika digunakan raing sebagai ketidaksesuaian, merukuk nomor NCF 5, jastifikasi digunakan untuk NCF 6 harus dilengkapi dalam laporan. 12 Evaluation Results / hasil evaluasi 12.1 A report of the results of the audit of the operation against the Auditors team found that PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms is in compliance with all social and environmental indicators specific elements in the standard and guidance documents. Laporan hasil audit dengan elemen khusus dalam standar dan reviewed. Tim auditor menemukan bahwa PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms sesuai dengan semua indikator sosial dan lingkungan panduan dokumen yang telah diulas.
CAR v.2.0 - Audit report - Closing
12.2 A clear statement on whether or not the audited unit of certification has the capability to consistently meet the objectives of the relevant standard(s). Pernyataan lengkap tentang apakah unit sertifikasi yang diaudit telah sesuai dengan tujuan standar yang relevan
The audit team found that PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms in compliance with the requirements of the ASC Shrimp Standard v1.0. Company has demonstrated its ability to consistently meet the objectives of this standard. Tim audit menemukan bahwa PT. Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms memenuhi persyaratan standar ASC Shrimp v1.0. Perusahaan telah mendemonstrasikan kemampuannya untuk memenuhi objektif standar ini secara konsisten
123 In cases where Biodiversity Environmental Impact Assessment (BEIA) Files attached or Participatory Social Impact Assessment (PSIA) is available, it shall File terlampir be added in full to the audit report. IF these documents are not in English, then a synopsis in English shall be added to the report as well. Dalam hal BEIA atau PSIA ada, hal itu harus ditambahkan dalam laporan audit, lalu sinopsis ada dalam bahasa inggris harus ditambahakan juga
13 Decision / keputusan 13.1 Has a certificate been issued? (yes/no) apakah sertifikat sudah dikeluarkan (ya/tidak)
Certificate code: Kode sertifikat:
13.2 The Eligiblity Date (if applicable) Tanggal Kelayakan (jika berlaku) 13.3 Is a separate coc certificte required for the producer? (yes/no) No required a separate certificate for CoC apabila sertifikat yang terpisah diperlukan untuk produsen sertifikat terpisah yang dibutuhkan untuk CoC (ya/tidak) 13.4 If a certificate has been issued this section shall include: apabila sertifikat sudah dikeluarkan bagian ini harus termasuk: 13.4.1 The date of issue and date of expiry of the certificate. Tanggal diterbitkan dan tanggal kadaluarsa dari sertifikat:
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13.4.2 The scope of the certificate cakupan sertifikat
P. monodon
13.4.3 Instructions to stakeholders that any complaints or objections to the Not applicable. There is no stakeholder comments or complaints before and during the audit. CAB decision are to be subject to the CAB's complaints procedure. Tidak berlaku . Tidak ada komentar atau komplain pemangku kepentingan sebelum dan selama audit. This section shall include information on where to review the procedure and where further information on complaints can be found. instruksi untuk pemangku kepentingan, bahwa komplain atau keberatan dari keputusan lembaga sertifikasi disesuaikan dengan prosedur komplain dari lembaga sertifikasi. dan info lebih jauh terkait komplain akan dapat ditemukan
14 Surveillence/pengawasan 14.1 Next planned Surveillance/ rencana pengawasan audit selanjutkan 14.1.1 Planned date / tanggal direncanakan 14.1.2 Planned site / rencana lokasi PT Mustika Minanusa Aurora Farms 14.2 Next audit type / tipe audit selanjutnya 14.2.1 Surveillence 1 / pengawasan audit 1 14.2.2 Surveillance 2 / pengawasan audit 2 14.2.3 Re-certification / re-sertifikasi 14.2.4 Other (specify type) lainnya (tipe)
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