Appendix The Old Man And The Sea No.
Source Language 1 'No. I will make it later on. Or I may eat the . rice cold.'(1970:12.line 1) 2 Can that be the time of day? Or is it some sign . of weather that I do not know? (1970:37.line 7) 3 Now we are joined together and have been . since noon. And no one to help either one of us. (1970:48.line 5) How did I let the fish cut me with that one 4 quick pull he made? I must be getting very . stupid. Or perhaps I was looking at the small bird and thinking of him. (1970:54.line 4) He was sure then that he had the negro, who was a fine man and a great athlete, beaten. And 5 at daylight when the bettors were asking that it . be called a draw and the referee was shaking his head, he had unleashed his effort and forced the hand of the negro down and down until it rested on the wood. (1970:68.line 8) 6 The moon did not rise now until late and he had . no way of judging the time. Nor was he really
Type of Conjunctive relation
Process of Translation
Procedures of Translating
Loss and Gain
‘’Tidak usah. Biar nanti kubuat sendiri. Atau biar kumakan nasi dingin saja.’’ (1973:11.baris ke 1)
Additive (alternative)
Literal Translation
Apakah memang sudah waktunya? Atau merupakan suatu pertanda cuaca yang tak kukenal? (1973:29.baris ke 7) Kini kami sudah saling terikat, sudah sejak tengah hari. Dan tak seorangpun akan tiba memberikan pertolongan kepadanya atau kepadaku. (1973:38.baris ke 6) Kenapa sampai terluka aku oleh sendalan ikan itu tadi? Rupanya aku bertambah bodoh saja. Atau sebab akau memperhatikan burung itu dan berpikir tentangnya. (1973:42.baris ke 3) Ia yakin bahwa ia mampu menaklukkan negro yang baik dan yang juga seorang atlit itu. Dan waktu fajar ketika para petaruh mengusulkan untuk mengenggap pertandingan itu seri saja tetapi wasit menggelengkan kepala, ia mengumpulkan segenap tenaga dan memaksa tangan negro itu rebah hingga tidak bisa bergerak lagi di atas meja. (1973:52.baris ke 8) Sudah agak malam ketika bulan muncul di langit sehingga ia tak bisa mengira-ngira waktu. Iapun tak
Additive (alternative)
Literal Translation
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Additive (alternative)
Literal Translation
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Target Language
Additive (negative)
resting except comparatively. (1970: 75.line 2) 7 Keep your head clear and know how to suffer . like a man. Or a fish, he thought. (1970: 92.line 2) It is better to be light-headed than to lose your 8 strength from nausea. And I know I cannot . keep it if I eat it since my face was in it. (1970:84.line 4) 9 It is not much more than noon, he thought. And . the trade wind is rising. (1970:95.line 2)
sepenuhnya mengaso. (1973:58.baris ke 2) Jaga supaya kepalamu tetap jernih dan belajarlah bagaimana menderita sebagai seorang lelaki. Atau sebagai seekor ikan, pikirnya. (1973:71.baris ke 2) Lebih baik agak pusing kepala daripada lemas karena mual. Dan aku takkan tahan memakannya sebab mukaku tadi cukup lama bertempel padanya (1973:65.baris ke 4)
1 But I killed the shark that hit my fish, he 0 thought. And he was the biggest dentuso that I . have ever seen. And God knows that I have seen big ones. (1970: 103.line 1) 1 1 If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is . it more? (1970: 105.line 8)
Tetapi telah kubunuh hiu yang menyerang ikanku, pikirnya. Dan dia adalah dentuso paling besar yang pernah kulihat. Dan Tuhan menjadi saksi bahwa aku pernah melihat yang besar-besar. (1973:79.baris ke 1)
Belum begitu jauh lepas tengah hari, pikirnya. Dan angin musim bertiup.(1973:73.baris ke 2)
Additive (alternative)
Literal Translation
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Kalau kau mencintainya, membunuhnya bukanlah dosa . Atau malah lebih dari dosa. (1973:81.baris ke 8)
Additive (alternative)
Literal Translation
1 She is sound and not harmed in any way except 2 for the tiller. That is easily replaced. . (1970:120.line 2)
Ia masih laju dan tidak rusak kecuali tangkai kemudinya. Itu mudah diganti. (1973:92.baris ke 1)
Additive (apposition expository)
Literal Translation
1 'Get that well too,' the boy said. 'Lie down, old 3 man, and I will bring you your clean shirt.And . something to eat.' (1970:126.line 1)
“Berbariglah, sobat, kubawakan nanti kemeja mu yang bersih. Dan makanan. (1973:97.baris ke 1)
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
1 I can do it as long as he can, he thought. And in 4 the first light the line extended out and down . into the water. (1970:50.line 4)
Aku akan mampu bertahan selama iapun begitu, pikirnya. Sewaktu cahaya pertama nampak tali itu terulur lebih jauh ke dalam air. (1973:39.baris ke 4)
Additive (simple)
1 5 It is silly not to hope, he thought. Besides I . believe it is a sin. (1970: 104.line 1)
Berharap bukan berarti tolol pikirannya. Apalagi aku percaya bahwa itu adalah dosa.(1973:80.baris ke 1)
Additive (complex emphatic)
Literal Translation
1 The blood smell from my hands means nothing 6 now with all that scent in the water. Besides . they do not bleed much. (1970:111.line 4)
Bau darah di tanganku ini bukan apa-apa dibandingkan dengan bau yang sudah tersebar dalam air. Lagipula kedua tanganku ini tidak terluka parah. (1973:85.baris ke 4)
Additive (complex emphatic)
1 'Don't be silly,' he said aloud. ‘And keep awake 7 and steer. You may have much luck yet. . (1970:117.line 1)
“Jangan tolol,” katanya keras-keras. “terjagalah terus dan kemudikan perahu. Mungkin kau masih memiliki cukup nasib baik.” (1973:90.baris ke 1)
Additive (simple)
1 I am sure he would and more since he is young 8 and strong. Also his father was a fisherman. But . would the bone spur hurt him too much? (1970:67.line 3) But he was rough and harsh-spoken and 1 difficult when he was drinking. His mind was 9 on horses as well as baseball. At least he . carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone.' (1970:19.line 2) 2 Usually when he smelled the land breeze he 0 woke up and dressed to go and wake the boy. . But tonight the smell of the land breeze came very early and he knew it was too early in his dream and went on dreaming to see the white peaks of the Islands rising from the sea and then he dreamed of the different harbours and
Aku yakin ia akan betah lebih-lebih lagi ia masih muda dan perkasa. Tambahan lagi ayahnya seorang nelayan. Tetapi apakah taji tulang itu begitu menyakitkannya? (1973:51.baris ke 3) Tetapi wataknya kasar bicaranya tak sopan kalau mabuk sukar dikendalikan. Kecuali baseball ia juga pecandu kuda. Setidaknya di sakunya selalu terdapat daftar nama kuda dan ia sering terdengar menyebutnyebut nama-nama kuda kalau sedang telpon. (1973:16.baris ke 1) Biasanya ia terjaga kalau mencium bau angin darat lalu berpakaian dan pergi untuk menjagakan anak lakilaki itu. Tetapi malam ini angin darat itu dating terlampau awal dan ia tahu mimpinya belum usai dan ia terus bermimpi menyaksikan puncak-puncak kepulauan yang keputih-putihan bangkit dari laut dan kemudian bermimpi tentang pelabuhan-pelabuhan dan
Additive (simple)
Literal Translation
Adversative Correction of wording
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
roadsteads of the Canary Islands. (1970:21.line 1)
pangkalan-pangkalan di Kepulauan Kenari. (1973:17.baris ke 1)
2 He was shivering with the morning cold. But he 1 knew he would shiver himself warm and that . soon he would be rowing. (1970:22.line 11)
Tubuhnya gemetar karena angin pagi. Tapi ia tahu bahwa ia segera akan merasa hangat dan segera mendayung perahunya. (1973:18.baris ke 9)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
2 Sometimes someone would speak in a boat. But 2 most of the boats were silent except for the dip . of the oars. (1970:25.line 1)
Kadang-kadang ada nelayan yang bercakap di perahu. Tetapi kebanyakan perahu sepi saja, hanya terdengar kecupak dayung di air.(1973:20.baris ke 1)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Tetapi, aku selalu menjaga agar tali-tali itu tepat pada tempatnya, pikirnya. Hanya saja tak ada untung padaku. (1973:23.baris ke 1)
Adversative (simple)
Literal Translation
Setiap hari adalah hari baru. Memang lebih baik kalau ada untung. Tetapi aku lebih suka berusaha untuk tepat. (1973:23.baris ke 3)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Selamanya matahari pagi menyakitkan mataku,
She is kind and very beautiful. But she can be 2 so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such 3 birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with their . small sad voices are made too delicately for the sea.' (1970:26.line 12) They spoke of her as a contestant or a place or 2 even an enemy. But the old man always thought 4 of her as feminine and as something that gave . or withheld great favours, and if she did wild or wicked things it was because she could not help them. (1970:26.line 9) 2 5 But, he thought, I keep them with precision. . Only I have no luck any more. (1970:29.line 1) 2 6 Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. . But I would rather be exact. (1970:29.line 3) 2 AII my life the early sun has hurt my eyes, he
Laut memang baik hati dan indah. Tetapi ia bisa sangat kejam dan itu tiba-tiba saja datangnya sedangkan burung-burung yang terbang , menukik ke air dan berburu, dengan suara lirih dan sedih adalah terlalu lembut untuk laut. (1973: 21.baris ke 3) Mereka itu mengenggap laut sebagai saingan atau medan atau bahkan sebagai musuh. Tetapi lelaki tua itu selalu mengenggapnya sebagai perempuan atau sebagai sesuatu yang memberi atau menyimpan anugerah besar, dan kalaupun laut menjadi buas atau jahat itu karena terpaksa saja. (1973:21.baris ke 10)
thought. Yet they are still good. (1970:29.line 1) 2 8 It has more force in the evening too. But in the . morning it is painful. (1970:30.line 4)
katanya. Namun mataku masih tetap tajam. (1973:24.baris ke 1) Pada malam hari bahkan lebih tajam pandanganku. Tetapi pada pagi hari pedih sekali rasanya. (1973:24.baris ke 4)
He did not hurry and he kept his lines straight 2 up and down. But he crowded the current a 9 little so that he was still fishing correctly though . faster than he would have fished if he was not trying to use the bird. (1970:30.line 2)
Ia tidak tergesa dan menjaga agar tali-tali pancingnya tetap lencang. Tetapi ia agak mempercepat perahunya hanyut di arus sehingga ia masih bisa memancing dengan cermat meskipun agak lebih cepat dari kalau seandainya tidak ada burung yang memberinya petunjuk. (1973:24.baris ke 2)
3 They are moving out too fast and too far. But 0 perhaps I will pick up a stray and perhaps my . big fish is around them. (1970:31.line 4)
Mereka bergerak terlalu cepat dan jauh. Tetapi barangkali ada yang tersesat dan ikan besarku ada di antara mereka. (1973:25.baris ke 4)
3 1 .
3 2 .
The strange light the sun made in the water, now that the sun was higher, meant good weather and so did the shape of the clouds over the land. But the bird was almost out of sight now and nothing showed on the surface of the water but some patches of yellow, sun bleached Sargasso weed and the purple, formalized, iridescent, gelatinous bladder of a Portuguese man-of-war floating close beside the boat. (1970:32.line 10) They were immune to its poison. But men were not and when some of the filament would catch on a line and rest there slimy and purple while the old man was working a fish, he would have
Cahaya aneh yang diciptakan matahari di air – kini setelah matahari tinggi – menandakan cuaca cerah, begitu pula bentuk awan yang di atas daratan sana. Tetapi kini burung itu hamper hilang dari pandangan dan tak ada yang nampak di permukaan air kecuali cerah-cerah lumut Sargasso yang kuning memutih karena matahari dan gelembung lumut yang bagai kapal perang Portugis yang ungu, kemilau dan kilat, yang mengambang dekat perahu. (1973:24.baris ke 11) Ikan kecil-kecil itu kebal akan racunnya. Tetapi orang tidak dan kalau ada serabut lembut melekat likat dan ungu di tali pancing sementara lelaki tua itu sedang menghela ikan, maka lengannya akan merasa gatal-
Adversative (contrastive)
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Literal Translation
3 3 . 3 4 .
3 5 .
3 6 .
3 7 .
welts and sores on his arms and hands of the sort that poison ivy or poison oak can give. (1970:33.line 5) The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. But they were the falsest thing in the sea and the old man loved to see the big sea turtles eating them. (1970:33.line 1) Most fishermen hated the taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose and it was very good against all colds and grippes and it was good for the eyes. (1970:34.line 3) No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water. (1970:34.line 1) He had probably started to talk aloud, when alone, when the boy had left. But he did not remember. When he and the boy fished together they usually spoke only when it was necessary. (1970:36.line 6) They talked at night or when they were stormbound by bad weather. It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea and the old man had always considered it so and respected it. But now he said his thoughts aloud many times since there was no one that they could annoy. (1970:36.line 10) I picked up only a straggler from the albacore
gatal penuh bintik-bintik seperti kena racun pohon ivy dan oak. (1973:26.baris ke 4) Gelembung lumut yang lembut itu nampak indah. Tetapi gelembung lumut adalah hal yang paling palsu di laut dan lelaki tua itu senang kalau kura-kura laut yang besar melahapnya. (1973:26.baris ke 1) Kebanyakan nelayan tak suka akan baunya. Tetapi itu tak lebih buruk dari bangun pagi bersama-sama mereka dan di samping itu juga baik untuk mengobati rasa dingin dan linu-linu dan juga berkhasiat bagi mata. (1973:27.baris ke 3) Tidak ada seekor ikan terbangpun muncul di permukaan air, ikan-ikan umpannya juga tidak ceraiberai. Tetapi ketika lelaki itu asyik memandang, seekor ikan tuna meloncat ke udara membalik dan – dengan menjungkir – terjun ke dalam air. (1973:27.baris ke 1) Barangkali ia suka berbicara keras sendirian semenjak ditinggalkan anak itu. Tetapi ia sudah tidak ingat lagi. Biasanya mereka berdua bercakap hanya kalau perlu saja selama masih di laut. (1973:29.baris ke 1) Mereka biasanya bercakap waktu malam atau kalau diancam topan. Membungkam diri di laut adalah kebajikan dan lelaki tua itu selalu beranggapan begitu dan menghormati hal itu. Tetapi kini ia suka menyatakan pikirannya dengan suara keras berulang kali sebab tidak ada orang lain yang akan terganggu. (1973:29.baris ke 5) Aku hanya menangkap seekor yang tersesat diantara
Adversative (contrastive)
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Adversative (contrastive)
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Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
that were feeding. But they are working far out and fast. (1970:37.line 4) 3 I could just drift, he thought, and sleep and put 9 a bight of line around my toe to wake me. But . today is eighty-five days and I should fish the day well. (1970:38.line 1) As it went down, slipping lightly through the 4 old man's fingers, he stillt could feel the great 0 weight, though the pressure of his thumb and . finger were almost imperceptible. (1970:40.line 5) 4 He could ruin me by jumping or by a wild rush. 1 But perhaps he has been hooked many times . before and he knows that this is how he should make his fight. (1970:46.line 5) 4 He cannot know that it is only one man against 2 him, nor that it is an old man. But what a great . fish he is and what he will bring in the market if the flesh is good. (1970:46.line 9) 4 Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he 3 thought. But that was the thing that I was born . for. I must surely remember to eat the tuna after it gets light. (1970:48.line 1) 4 That can be replaced. But who replaces this fish 4 if I hook some fish and it cuts him off? I don't . know what that fish was that took the bait just now. (1970:49.line 5) 4 The blood ran down his cheek a little way. But
ikan-ikan albacoreyang sedang cari makan. Tetapi ikan itu berada di kejauhan sana dan bergerak sangat cepat. (1973:29.baris ke 4) Aku bisa menghanyut saja dan tidur dan mengikatkan tali di jari kaki supaya bisa terbangun, pikirnya. Tetapi hari ini genap delapan puluh lima hari dan aku harus berusaha sebaik-baiknya. (1973:30.baris ke 1) Ia masih bisa merasakan bobot ikan itu meskipun jemarinya hampir tak menekan tali yang meluncur di sela-selanya dengan lembut. (1973:31.baris ke 5) Ia bisa menghancurkanku dengan melompat-lompat atau berlarian bagai gila. Tetapi barangkali ia pernah kena kail beberapa kali sebelum ini dan tahu bahwa inilah cara terbaik untuk melawan. (1973:36.baris ke 6) Ia tidak bisa tahu bahwa lawannya hanya seorang saja, dan sudah tua pula. Tetapi betapa besar ikan ini dan betapa berharganya di pasar kalau saja dagingnya bagus. (1973:36.baris ke 10) Barangkali aku seharusnya tidak menjadi seorang nelayan, pikirnya. Tetapi untuk itulah rupanya aku telah dilahirkan. Aku harus tidak lupa makan ikan tuna itu kalau fajar tiba nanti. (1973:38.baris ke 1) Semua itu mudah diganti. Tetapi siapa bisa mengganti ikan ini kalau ia sampai lepas karena kurus ikan lain yang terkenak kail?entah macam apa ikan yang baru saja menyambar umpan. (1973:38.baris ke 6) Darah meleleh di pipinya. Tetapi segera membeku dan
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Adversative (simple)
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Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Adversative (contrastive)
it coagulated and dried before it reached his chin and he worked his way back to the bow and rested against the wood. (1970:50.line 4)
mengering sebelum mencapai dagunya dan ia kembali membungkukkan tubuh ke haluan dan bertopang pada kayunya. (1973:39.baris ke 4)
4 Certainly his back cannot feel as badly as mine 6 does. But he cannot pull this skiff forever, no . matter how great he is. (1970:50.line 3)
Tentunya punggungnya tak bisa merasakan pedih seperti halnya punggungku ini. Tetapi ia tak akan bisa menarik perahu ini terus menerus. (1973:39.baris ke 3)
4 'Fish,' he said, 'I love you and respect you very 7 much. But I will kill you dead before this day . ends.’ (1970:52.line 1) The hawks, he thought, that come out to sea to 4 meet them. But he said nothing of this to the 8 bird who could not understand him anyway and . who would learn about tire hawks soon enough. (1970:53.line 1)
Adversative (contrastive)
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Itu bukan salah si tangan dank au telah berjam-jam lamanya bersama ikan itu. Tetapi kau bisa tinggal bersamanya selama-lamannya. (1973:43.baris ke 3)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
Ia saudaraku. Tetapi aku harus membunuhnyadan
“Ikan,” katanya, “aku saying padamu dan menghormatimu setinggi-tingginya. Tetapi aku akan membunuh sebelum hari ini berakhir.”(1973:40.baris ke 1) Alap-alap berkeliaran di laut untuk memangsa burungburung lai, pikirnya. Tetapi tak dikatakannya hal ini kepada burung itu yang nyatanya memmang tidak memmahami apa yang dikatannya dan yang dengan sendirinya akan segera mengerti perihal alap-alap. (1973:41.baris ke 1)
4 You did not stay long, the man thought. But it 9 is rougher where you are going until you make . the shore. (1970:54.line 1)
Kau tidak singgah lama, piker lelaki itu. Tetapi perjalanmu akan lebih berbahaya sebelum kau capai pantai.(1973:42.baris ke 1)
5 It was only a line burn that had cut his flesh. 0 But it was in the working part of his hand. . (1970: 55.line 5)
Luka ditangannya tidak parah. Tetapi tepat dibagian yang penting untuk bekerja. (1973:43.baris ke 2)
5 It is not the hand's fault and you have been 1 many hours with the fish. But you can stay with . him for ever. Eat the bonito now. (1970:56.line 3) 5 He is my brother. But I must kill him and keep
harus tetap kuat untuk melaksanakan itu. (1973:44.baris ke 2)
5 But he seems calm, he thought, and following 3 his plan. But what is his plan, he thought. And . what is mine? (1970:58.line 1)
Tetapi namapaknya ia tenang saja, pikirnya, seperti menurut rencana. Tetapi apapula rencananya? Dan apa rencanaku? (1973:45.baris ke 1)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
5 He rubbed the cramped hand against his 4 trousers and tried to gentle the fingers. But it . would not open. (1970:58.line 1)
Ia menggosok-gosokkan tangannya yang kejang itu kecelana supaya lemas jari-jarinya. Tetapi tidak juga mau membuka.(1973:45.baris ke 1)
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Adversative (contrastive)
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Literal Translation
strong to do it. (1970:57.line 1)
5 If I have to have it, I will open it, cost whatever 5 it costs. But. I do not want to open it now by . force. (1970:58.line 4) He looked across the sea and knew how alone 5 he was now. But he could see the prisms in the 6 deep dark water and the line stretching ahead . and the strange undulation of the calm. (1970:58.line 1) He thought of how some men feared being out of sight of land in a small boat and knew they 5 were right in the months of sudden bad weather. 7 But now they were in hurricane months and . when there are no hurricanes, the weather of hurricane months is the best of all the year. (1970:59.line 1) 5 The land must make a difference too, in the 8 shape of the clouds. But we have no hurricane . coming now. (1970: 59.line 4)
Kalau nanti aku membutuhkannya aku akan membukanya dengan paksa tak peduli apa akibatnya. Tetapi takkan kupaksakan sekarang. (1973:45.baris ke 4) Ia memandang lepas ke laut dan menyadari betapa sendiri ia kini. Tetapi disaksikannya prisma-prisma dalam air yang dalam dan kelam, tali yang melreng lurus ke air dan ketenagnan tampa batas yang terasa asing.(1973:45.baris ke 1) Ia berpikir tentang betapa lelaki-lelaki merasa takut sendiri saja dalam sebuah perahu kecil di laut kalau daratan sudah tak nampak lagi; itu bisa dimaklumi kalau terjadi pada bulan-bulan tertentu kapan cuaca buruk bisa tiba mendadak. Tetapi bulan-bulan ini masa angin topan, dan kalau sedang tidak ada angin topan cuacanya adalah yang terbaik dalam setahun. (1973:46.baris ke 1) Tentunya juga ada yang berubah di daratan yakni bentuk-bentuk awan. Tetapi tak aka nada topan mendatang sekarang ini.(1973:46.baris ke 4)
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Literal Translation
It is humiliating before others to have a diarrhea 5 from ptomaine poisoning or to vomit from it. 9 But a cramp, he thought of it as a calambre, . humiliates oneself especially when one is alone. (1970: 60.line 2) 6 If the boy were here he could rub it for me and 0 loosen it down from the forearm, he thought. . But it will loosen up. (1970:60.line 1)
Orang akan sangat malu kalau muntah-muntah atau mencret di depan orang lain. Tetapi kejang urat adalah calambre, pikirnya, hal yang membuat malu orang kalau sedang sendiri.(1973:46.baris ke 2)
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Kalau saja aku bisa pamer padanya lelaki macam apa aku ini. Tetapi mungkin ia malah tahu tentang tanganku yang kejang. (1973:48.baris ke 4)
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Literal Translation
6 I don't think I can get anything but a dolphin 3 here. But if I eat him fresh enough he won't be . bad. (1970:64.line 4)
Rasanya tidak ada ikan kecuali dalfin disekitar ini. Tetapi kalau dimakan semasih segar rasanya tidaklah begitu memualkan. (1973:49.baris ke 4)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
6 Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will 4 show him what a man can do and what a man . endures. (1970:64.line 1)
Meskipun ini tak adil, pikirnya. Tetapi akan kutunjukkan padanya apa yang bisa diperbuat manusia dan apa yang diderita manusia. (1973:49.baris ke 1)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
6 It was getting into the afternoon and the boat 5 stillt moved slowly and steadily. But there was . an added drag now from the easterly breeze and
Hari menjelang sore dan perahu itu masih saja bergerak tenang dan pelahan. Tetapi angin lembut yang kea rah timur sedikit mendorongnya dan lelaki
Adversative (contrastive)
If I were him I would put in everything now and 6 go until something broke. But, thank God, they 1 are not as intelligent as we who kill them; . although they are more noble and more able. (1970:61.line 3) 6 I wish I could show him what sort of man I am. 2 But then he would see the cramped hand. . (1970:62.line 4)
Seandainya anak laki-laki itu di sini ia bisa mengurut lengan ini untuk mengendorkan kejangnya, pikirnya. Tetapi toh akan mengendor juga dengan sendirinya nanti.(1973:46.baris ke 1) Seandainya aku jadi dia, maka aku pasti melarikandiri sekarang juga sampai ada yang putus. Tetapi Tuhan adil, ikan-ikan tidaklah secerdik kami pembunuhnya – meskipun ikan-ikan itu lebih mulia dan lebih mampu berbuat. (1973:47.baris ke 4)
Literal Translation
the old man rode gently with the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly. (1970:65.line 1)
tua itu pelahan mengarung laut dan rasa pedih karena tali yang menyilang punggungnya itu timbul secara wajar dan lembut. (1973:50.baris ke 1)
6 Once in the afternoon the line started to rise 6 again. But the fish only continued to swim at a . slightly higher level. (1970:65.line 1)
Sekali sore itu talinya mulai bergerak ke atas lagi. Tetapi rupanya si ikan hanya berpindah sedikit ke atas dan melanjutkan perjalanan lagi. (1973:50.baris ke 1)
6 7 Not in the absolute dark. But almost as a cat . sees. (1970:65.line 8)
Tentunya bukan dalam gelap mutlak. Tetapi hamper seperti seekor kucinglah. (1973:50.baris ke 9)
This is the second day now that I do not know 6 the result of the juegos, he thought. But I must 8 have confidence and I must be worthy of the . great DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel. (1970:66.line 1) Then the negro, after the rum, would try for a 6 tremendous effort and once he had the old man, 9 who was not an old man, then but was Santiago . El Campeón, nearly three inches off balance. But the old man had raised his hand up to dead even again. (1970:68.line 3) 7 He had tied a few practice matches with his left 0 hand. But his left hand had always been a . traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it. (1970:69.line 10) 7 'With so much flying fish there should be 1 dolphin,' he said, and leaned back on the line to . see if it was possible to gain any on his fish,
Dua hari lamanya tak kuketahui hasil juegos itu, pikirnya. Tetapi aku harus punya keyakinan aku harus berjasa kepada DiMaggio yang agung yang sellalu mengerjakan segalanya dengan sempurna bahkan dengan sakit taji tulang pada tumitnya. (1973:51.baris ke 1) Kemudian sehabis minum tuak negro itu mencobakan seluruh teaganya dan sekali lelaki tua itu yang belum tua pada waktu itu dan yang masih dijuluki Santiago El Campeón, terdesak sampai tiga inci. Tetapi lelaki tua itu berhasil mengangkat tangannya lagi ke posisi semula. (1973:52.baris ke 3) Ia telah mencoba tangan kirinya untuk bertanding beberapa kali. Tetapi ternyata tangan kirinyaitu selalu bwerkhiata dan tak mau melaksanakan keinginnnya dan ia tak lagi mempercayainya. (1973:53.baris ke 13) Ikan terbang begitu banyak pasti ada dalfin katanya, lalu bersandar pada talinya untuk mengetahui apakah bisa agak ditariknya.Tetapi ternyata tak mungkin dan
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But he could not and it stayed at the hardness and water drop shivering that preceded breaking. (1970:70.line 1) 7 'He hasn't changed at all,' he said. But watching 2 the movement of the water against his hand he . noted that it was perceptibly slower. (1970:72.line 1)
tali itu tetap tegang sekali dan ia memandang kapal terbang itu sampai tak Nampak lagi. (1973:54.baris ke 1) “Ia tak berubah sedikitpun.” Katanya. Tetapi ketika dilihatnya air yang terbelah tangan kanannya ia tahu bahwa jalannya semakin pelahan. (1973:55.baris ke 1)
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Bulan itu melarikan diri. Tetapi bayangkan seandainya seorang setiap hari harus mencoba membunuh matahari(1973:57.baris ke 2)
Adversative (contrastive)
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Berapa banyak orang yang akan memakan dagingnya nanti pikirnya. Tetapi apakah mereka berhak memakannya?(1973:57.baris ke 4)
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7 How simple it would be if I could make the line 7 fast, he thought. But with one small lurch he . could break it. (1970: 75.line 1)
Betapa enak seandainya aku bisa mengikatkan tali ini pikirnya. Tetapi kalau ia melompat sedikit saja tali ini akan putus. (1973:58.baris ke 1)
Adversative (contrastive)
Literal Translation
7 I could go without sleeping, he told himself.
Aku tak bisa begini teus tanpa tidur, katanya pada diri
He did not truly feel good because the pain 7 from the cord across his back had almost passed 3 pain and gone into a dullness that he mistrusted. . But I have had worse things than that, he thought. (1970:73.line 1) 7 'The fish is my friend too,' he said aloud. 'I have 4 never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must . kill him. (1970:74.line 1) 7 The moon runs away. But imagine if a man 5 each day should have to try to kill the sun? . (1970:74.line 2) 7 6 How many people will he feed, he thought. But . are they worthy to eat him? (1970:74.line 7)
Sesungguhnya ia tidaklah baik-baik saja sebab rasa sakit karena tali yang menyilang punggungnya itu telah melampaui batas dan sudah berubah mati rasa yang sangat dibencinya. Tetapi aku pernah mengalami halhal yang lebih menyusahkan pikirnya. (1973:56.baris ke 1) ‘’Ikan itu kawanku juga.’’ Katanya keras-keras. ‘’Belum pernah kulihat atau kudengar tentang ikan semacam itu. Tetapi aku harus membunuhnya. (1973:57.baris ke 1)
Adversative (contrastive) Literal
But it would be too dangerous. (1970: 76.line 1) 7 He may be half asleep himself, he thought. But 9 I do not want him to rest, He must pull until he . dies. (1970:77.line 3) 8 If I had brains I would have splashed water on 0 the bow all day and drying, it would have made . salt, he thought. But then I did not hook the dolphin until almost sunset. (1970: 78.line 1) 8 Still it was a lack of preparation. But I have 1 chewed it all well and I am not nauseated. . (1970: 79.line 4) 8 'There will be bad weather in three or four 2 days,' he said. 'But not tonight and not . tomorrow. (1970: 79.line 1) 8 It is hard on the right hand. But he is used to 3 punishment. Even if I sleep twenty minutes or a . half an hour it is good. (1970:80.line 3) 8 Maybe he suddenly felt fear. But he was such a 4 calm, strong fish and he seemed so fearless and . so confident. (1970: 83.line 9) 8 5 'You're holding him again but you cannot get . line. But soon he has to circle.' (1970:83.line 2)
sendiri. Tetapi terlalu bahaya kalau tidur. (1973:59.baris ke 1)
Barangkali ia pun setengah tertidur, pikirnya. Tetapi jangan sampai ia sempat istirahat. (1973:59.baris ke 2)
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Meskipun begitu aku memang kurang persiapan. Tetapi toh telah kukunyah dengan baik dan tidak merasa mual. (1973:61.baris ke 4)
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“Cuaca buruk akan dating tiga atau empat hari lagi,” katanya. “Tetapi tidak mala mini atau besok. (1973:61.baris ke 1)
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Kalau aku berotak mestinya tadi kupercik-percikkan air ke haluan sepanjang hari, dan kalu kering menjadi garam. Tetapi nyatanya dalfin ini terkail setelah hamper senja. (1973:61.baris ke 1)
Tangan kananku harus kerja berat. Tetapi ia sudah terbiasa tersiksa. Bahkan kalau aku hanya bisa tidur dua puluh menit atau setengah jam cukuplah. (1973:61.baris ke 4) Barangkali ia tiba-tiba saja merasa takut. Tetapi ia begitu tenang dan begitu perkasa dan nampaknya tak takut pada apapun dan begitu yakin. (1973:64.baris ke 3) “Kau bisa ,menahannya lagi tetapi kau tak mampu menariknya. Tetapi ia akan segera berputar. (1973:64.baris ke 2)
8 Perhaps it was my fault in not training that one 6 properly. But God knows he has had enough . chances to learn. (1970: 84.line 2)
Barangkali memang salahku tidak melatih yang satu ini dengan semestinya. Tetapi Tuhan tahu bahwa ia punya cukup kesempatan untuk belajar. (1973:64.baris ke 2)
8 It has more nourishment than almost any fish, 7 he thought. At least the kind of strength that I . need. (1970: 85.line 1)
Khasiatnya lebih banyak daripada hamper semua ikan lain, pikirnya. Setidaknya khasiat bagi tenaga yang kini kuperlukan. (1973:65.baris ke 1)
But the fish kept on circling slowly and the old 8 man was wet with sweat and tired deep into his 8 bones two hours later. But the circles were . much shorter now and from the way the line slanted he could tell the fish had risen steadily while he swam. (1970:86.line 1) 8 The jumps were necessary for him to take air. 9 But after that each one can widen the opening . of the hook wound and he can throw the hook. (1970:87.line 4) 9 0 I can control mine. But his pain could drive him . mad. (1970:87.line 2)
Tetapi ikan itu tetap saja berputar-putar dengan tenang dan lelaki tua itu basah berkeringat dan dua jam sesudahnya merasa letih sampai ke tulang. Tetapi lingkaran-lingkaran semakin mengecil dan lereng tali itu menunjukkan bahwa ikan itu semakin mendekati permukaan. (1973:66.baris ke 1) Ia melonjak karena butuh udara. Tetapi setiap kali melonjak luka pada kailnya akan melebar dan akhirnya lepas. (1973:67.baris ke 4) Aku bisa menahannya. Tetapi ia bisa mengamuk kalau tak tahan. (1973:67.baris ke 2)
9 The sea had risen considerably. But it was a 1 fair-weather breeze and he had to have it to get . home. (1970:89.line 1)
Laut agak berombak. Tetapi itu disebabkan oleh angin lembut cuaca baik yang ia butuhkan untuk pulang nanti. (1973:68.baris ke 1)
9 On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again 2 the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. . (1970:92.line 1)
Pada kesempatan berikutnya lelaki tua itu hamper berhasil menghelanya. Tetapi lagi-lagi ikan itu meluruskan diri dan dengan tenang berenang menjauh. (1973:70.baris ke 1)
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The old man felt faint and sick and he could not 9 see well. But he cleared the harpoon line and let 3 it run slowly through his raw hands and, when . he could see, he saw the fish was on his back with his silver belly up. (1970: 94.line 1) 9 'I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish 4 which is my brother and now I must do the . slave work.' (1970: 94.line 2)
Lelaki tua merasa lemas dan mabuk dan penglihatannya mengabur. Tetapi ia menyiapkan tali kait itu dan membiarkannya terulur perlahan-lahan lewat tangannya yang kasar dan sekilas-sekilas nampak olehnya ikan itu terbalik. (1973:72.baris ke 1) “Aku adalah seorang lelaki tua yang letih. Tetapi telah kubunuh ikan ini yang tak lain adalah saudaraku dan sekarang aku harus melakukan kerja berat. (1973:72.baris ke 2)
9 'Come on, fish,' he said. But the fish did not 5 come. Instead he lay there wallowing now in . the seas, and the old man pulled the skiff up on to him. (1970: 95.line 1)
“Mari ke mari, ikan,” katanya. Tetapi ikan itu tidak mendekat. Ia berguling saja di air dan lelaki tua itu mendekatkan perahunya ke sisinya. (1973:73.baris ke 1)
9 6 He is my fortune, he thought. But that is not . why I wish to feel him. (1970: 95.line 5)
When he was even with him and had the fish's head against the bow he could not believe his size. But he untied the harpoon rope from the 9 bitt, passed it through the fish's gills and out his 7 jaws, made a turn around his sword then passed . the rope through the other gill, made another turn around the bill and knotted the double rope and made it fast to the bitt in the bow. (1970: 96.line 1) 9 I better put a small line out with a spoon on it
Ia adalah nasib baikku, pikirnya. Tetapi itu bukan alasan kenapa aku ingin merabanya. (1973:73.baris ke 5) Sewaktu ikan itu sampai di sisinya dan kepalanya sudah merapat ke perahu lelaki tua itu tak percaya betapa besar ukurannya. Tetapi ia melepaskan tali kait dari tonggak, memasukkannya ke insang dan mengeluarkannya lewat sela-sela rahang-rahangnya, melingkarkannya pada todaknya lalu memasukkannya ke insang yang lain, melingkarkannya lagi pada todaknya dan menyimpulkan tali ganda itu dan kemudian mengikatkannya pada tonggak. (1973:73.baris ke 1) Sebaiknya kupasang saja tali kecil dengan senduk
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Adversative corrective relation (internal)
and try and get something to eat and drink for the moisture. But he could not find a spoon and his sardines were rotten. So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf weed with the gaff as they passed and shook it so that the small shrimps that were in it fell on to the planking of the skiff. (1970: 97.line 3)
If I were towing him behind there would be no 9 question. Nor if the fish were in the skiff, with 9 all dignity gone, there would be no question . either. But they were sailing together lashed side by side and the old man thought, let him bring me in if it pleases him. (1970: 99.line 11) 1 Sometimes he lost the scent. But he would pick 0 it up again, or have just a trace of it, and he 0 swam fast and hard on the course. (1970: . 100.line 1) 1 0 1 .
There was only the heavy sharp blue head and the big eyes and the clicking, thrusting allswallowing jaws. But that was the location of the brain and the old man hit it. (1970: 102.line 11) 1 The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and 0 intelligent. But I was more intelligent than he 2 was. (1970: 103.line 5)
umpan dan mencoba memancing lalu memeriksa kalau masih ada yang bisa dimakan dan diminum sekedar untuk membasahi tenggorokan. Tetapi senduk umpannya tak ada dan sardin itu telah busuk. Ketika melewati lumut Teluk yang kuning ia mengaitnya secercah dan kemudian mengibas-ngibaskannya sehingga udang-udang kecil yang menempel pada lumut itu berjatuhan di lantai perahu.(1973:75.baris ke 3) Kalau seandainya ia kuhela di belakang perahu tak akan timbul keragu-raguan. Begitu juga seandainya ia kutaruh di dalam perahu, dan seluruh harga dirinya tak ada lagi, tak akan timbul lagi keragu-raguan. Tetapi keduanya berlayar berdampingan terikat satu sama lain dan lelaki tua itu berpikir, biar saja ia menguasaiku kalau memang itu maunya. (1973:76.baris ke 12) Kadang bau itu luput daripadanya. Tetapi ia segera menciumnya lagi, mengenali jejaknya, dan iapun berenang dengan tangkas dan bersemangat mengikutinya. (1973:77.baris ke 1) Yang ada hanyalah kepala yang biru tajam dan berat, sepasang mata yang lebar dan rahang-rahang yang gemeletuk menancap serta menelan segalanya. Tetapi disitulah letak benaknya dan lelaki tua itu menusuknya. (1973:78.baris ke 12) Dentuso itu kejam dan gesit dan perkasa dan cerdik. Tetapi aku lebih cerdik daripadanya. (1973:79.baris ke 5)
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1 0 Any man could do it. But do you think my 3 hands were as great a handicap as the bone . spurs? I cannot know. (1970: 104.line 5) 1 0 4 .
They had the scent and were excited and in the stupidity of their great hunger they were losing and finding the scent in their excitement. But they were closing all the time. (1970: 107.line 5)
1 0 They came. But they did not come as the Mako 5 had come. (1970: 108.line 1) .
Setiap lelaki bisa mengerjakannya. Tetapi apakah kaupikir tangan-tanganku ini hanya menyusahkan saja seperti halnya taji tulang? (1973:79.baris ke 5) Keduanya telah mencium bau itu dan menjadi begitu bersemangat dan rasa lapar yang konyol menyebabkan bau itu tertangkap dan lepas. Tetapi keduanya semakin dekat saja. (1973:82.baris ke 5)
Hiu itu mendekat. Tetapi caranya mendekat tidak seperti Mako. (1973:83.baris ke 1)
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The blow hurt not only his hands but his 1 shoulder too. But the shark came up fast with 0 his head out and the old man hit him squarely in 6 the centre of his flat-topped head as his nose . came out of water and lay against the fish. (1970: 109.line 8) 1 0 You should have brought many things, he 7 thought. But you did not bring them, old man. . (1970: 110.line 3)
Malah tangannya serta pundaknya terasa sakit setelah menusuk itu. Tetapi hiu itu segera muncul sehingga kepalanya nampak dan lelaki tua itu menusuknya tepat di tengah-tengah kepala yang datar itu ketika hidungnya mencuat dari air membentur ikannya. (1973:84.baris ke 4) Mestinya tadi kubawa macam-macam perlengkapan, pikirnya. Tetapi kau tidak membawanya, lelaki tua. (1973:85.baris ke 3)
Adversative (contrastive)
1 'God knows how much that last one took,' he 0 said. 'But she's much lighter now.' 8 (1970:111.line 1)
“Entah berapa banyak yang telah dilahap oleh hiu yang terakhir itu,” katanya. “Tetapi terasa bertambah ringan sekarang.” (1973:85.baris ke 1)
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1 0 I wish it had really been a dream, he thought. 9 But who knows? It might have turned out well. . (1970:112.line 3) 1 The old man let him hit the fish and then drove 1 the knife on the oar down into his brain. But the 0 shark jerked backwards as he rolled and the . knife blade snapped. (1970: 112.line 4) 1 1 That always fascinated the old man. But he did 1 not even watch it now. (1970: 112.line 4) . 1 1 'I have the gaff now,' he said. ‘But it will do no 2 good. I have the two oars and the tiller and the . short club.' (1970: 112.line 1) 1 1 I am too old to club sharks to death. But I will 3 try it as long as I have the oars and the short . club and the tiller. (1970: 112.line 1) 1 1 4 .
He felt the rubbery solidity as the club came down. But he felt the rigidity of bone too and he struck the shark once more hard across the point of the nose as he slid down from the fish.
Moga-moga semua ini hanya mimpi belaka, pikirnya. Tetapi siapa tahu? Barangkali nanti semuanya berakhir dengan baik.(1973:86.baris ke 3) Lelaki tua itu membiarkannya saja menyerang ikannya dan kemudian menancapkan pisau yang di dayungnya ke benaknya. Tetapi hiu itu meloncat mundur sambil berguling dan pisau itu pun patah. (1973: 86.baris ke 5) Biasanya lelaki tua itu suka menyaksikannya. Tetapi kini ia melihat sekilaspun tidak. (1973: 86.baris ke 5)
“Masih ada kait kecil,” katanya. “Tetapi tak akan banyak gunanya. Masih ada dua buah dayung dan tangkai kemudidan tongkat pemukul yang pendek. (1973: 86.baris ke 1) Aku sudah terlalu tua untuk memukul hiu sampai mati. Tetapi akan kucoba juga selama ada dayung dan tongkat pendek itu dan tangkai kemudi itu. (1973: 86.baris ke 1) Terasa olehnya seperti memukul benda kenyal. Tetapi terasa pula batok kepalanya tang bagai batu, dan ia pukulkan tongkatnya sekali lagi ke ujung hidungnya kertika si hiu melepaskan gigitannya. (1973:87.baris ke
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(1970:114.line 5) 1 1 I could have in my time. But I have hurt them 5 both badly and neither one can feel very good. . (1970:115.line 1) 1 1 There is only the boy to worry, of course. But I 6 am sure he would have confidence. (1970: . 115.line 2)
6) Dulu mungkin bisa. Tetapi aku telah melukai keduanya sampai parah dan pasti tidak bersemangat lagi. (1973:88.baris ke 1)
Tentu saja anak itu mengkhawatirkan kepergianku. Tetapi aku yakin ia teguh hati (1973: 88.baris ke 3)
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1 1 I ruined us both. But we have killed many 7 sharks, you and I, and ruined many others. . (1970:116.line 2)
Aku telah menghancurkan kau dan aku sendiri. Tetapi kita telah membunuh banyak hiu, kau bersamaku, dan melukai beberapa yang lain.(1973:89.baris ke 1)
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1 1 I should have chopped the bill off to fight them 8 with, he thought. But there was no hatchet and . then there was no knife. (1970: 116.line 2)
Seharusnya kupotong-potong paruhnya supaya menyerah, pikirnya. Tetapi tak ada kapak kecil dan tak ada pisau. (1973: 89.baris ke 3)
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1 1 I have all those prayers I promised if I caught 9 the fish, he thought. But I am too tired to say . them now. (1970:117.line 1)
Aku masih harus mengucapkan doa-doa yang kujanjikan kalau ikan ini tertangkap, pikirnya. Tetapi kini aku terlampau letih. (1973:89.baris ke 1)
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1 They will probably hit me again. But what can 2 a man do against them in the dark without a 0 weapon? (1970:118.line 1) .
Barangkali mereka akan menyerangku lagi. Tetapi apakah yang bisa dikerjakan seorang lelaki terhadap ikan-ikan itu dalam gelap dan tanpa senjata? (1973:90.baris ke 1)
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He jerked the tiller free from the rudder and beat and chopped with it, holding it in both hands and driving it down again and again. But they were up to the bow now and driving in one after the other and together, tearing off the pieces of meat that showed glowing below the sea as they turned to come once more. (1970:119.line 1)
Ia menarik tangkai kemudinya sampai copot dan memukul-mukulkannya, memegangnya dengan dua belah tangannya dan berulang-ulang mengayunayunkannya. Tetapi ikan-ikan itu di haluan maju satu persatu dan bersama-sama menyobeki gumpalangumpalan daging yang nampak memikat di bawah laut ketika mereka berbalik untuk sekali lagi. (1973:91.baris ke 1)
1 2 It was coppery and sweet and he was afraid of it 2 for a moment. But there was not much of it. . (1970:119.line 2)
Rasanya seperti tembaga dan manis dan sejenak ia menjadi khawatir. Tetapi tidak banyak. (1973:92.baris ke 2)
1 2 He tried to get up. But it was too difficult and 3 he sat there with the mast on his shoulder and . looked at the road. (1970:122.line 3)
Ia mencoba bangkit. Tetapi terasa berat dan ia tinggal duduk memanggul tiang di pundaknya dan menatap jalanan. (1973:93.baris ke 3)
1 2 1 .
The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the 1 old man's shack and sat by him until he woke. 2 Once it looked as though he were waking. But 4 he had gone back into heavy sleep and the boy . had gone across the road to borrow some wood to heat the coffee. (1970:124.line 1) 1 2 ‘I do not care. I caught two yesterday. But we 5 will fish together now for I still have much to . learn.' (1970:125.line 1)
Anak laki-laki itu membawa panic kopi panasnya ke gubuk si lelaki tua dan duduk di sisinya sampai ia bangun. Sekali ia menggeliat seperti akan bangun. Tetapi ia kembali tidur pulas dan anak laki-laki itu terpaksa menyeberang jalan untuk memijam kayu api guna memanaskan kopinya. (1973:95.baris ke 1) “Peduli amat. Kemarin kutangkap dua ekor. Tetapi sekarang kita ke laut bersama-sama lagi sebab masih banyak yang mesti kepelajari. (1973:96.baris ke 1)
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1 I do not understand these things, he thought. 2 But it is good that we do not have to try to kill 6 the sun or the moon or the stars. (1970:74.line . 1) 1 2 I suppose it was even though I did it to keep me 7 alive and feed many people. But then . everything is a sin. (1970: 105.line 3) 1 2 He noticed how pleasant it was to have 8 someone to talk to instead of speaking only to . himself and to the sea. (1970:125.line 2) 1 2 'I am sorry I cannot hoist the sail and take you 9 in with the small breeze that is rising. But I am . with a friend.' (1970:53.line 2) 'He was a great manager,' the boy said. 'My 1 father thinks he was the greatest.' 'Because he 3 came here the most times,' the old man said. 'If 0 Durocher had continued to come here each year . your father would think him the greatest manager.' (1970:19.line 1) 1 In the dark he found a water bottle and took a 3 drink. Then he lay down on the bed. 1 (1970:122.line 2) .
Aku tak paham semua ini, pikirnya. Kita beruntung bahwa tidak harus mencoba membunuh matahari atau bulan atau bintang-bintang. (1973:57.baris ke 1) Kukira memang demikian halnya meskipun aku melalukukannya supaya tetap hidup dan memberi makan orang banyak. Kalau begitu segala hal itu dosa. (1973:80.baris ke 3) Ia merasakan betapa bahagianya bisa bercakap kepada seseorang dan tidak hanya kepada diri sendiri atau kepada laut. (1973:96.baris ke 3) “Sayang akau tak bisa memasang layar dan mempersilahkanmu bersama angin yang bangkit. Tetapi sekarang ini aku tidak sendirian.” (1973:41.baris ke 2) “Ia adalah seorang manajer yang baik,” kata anak itu. Ayah bilang dia manajer terbaik.” “Itu karena ia paling sering datang kemari,” kata lelaki tua itu. “Seandainya Durocher terus datang kemari setiap tahun ayahnya pasti mengira ialah yang terbaik.” (1973:16.baris ke 1) Dalam gelap ia menemukan botol air lalu minum seteguk. Kemudian ia merebahkan diri di atas dipan. (1973:94.baris ke 2)
Adversative (contrastive)
Adversative (contrastive)
Adversative (contrastive)
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Causal (simple)
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Adversative (correction of meaning)
Causal (simple)
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1 3 'Let us take the stuff home,' the boy said. 'So I 2 can get the cast net and go after the . sardines.'(1970:11.line 1)
“Kita bawa pulang perlengkapan itu sekarang,” kata anak itu. “Supaya bisa kuurus jala itu dan pergi membeli ikan sardin.” (1973:10.baris ke 1)
1 3 The old man opened his eyes and for a moment 3 he was coming back from a long way away. . Then he smiled. (1970:15.line 1)
Lelaki tua itu membuka mata dan beberapa saat lamanya ia masih dalam perjalanan dari negeri mimpi. Kemudian ia tersenyum.(1973:13.baris ke 1)
1 3 4 .
1 3 5 .
In the darkness he loosened his sheath knife and taking all the strain of the fish on his left shoulder he leaned back and cut the line against the wood of the gunwale. 'Then he cut the other line closest to him and in the dark made the loose ends of the reserve coils fast. (1970:48.line 4) When the old man had gaffed her and clubbed her, holding the rapier bill with its sandpaper edge and clubbing her across the top of her head until her colour turned to a colour almost like the backing of minors, and then, with the boy's aid, hoisted her aboard, the male fish had stayed by the side of the boat. Then, while the old man was clearing the lines and preparing the harpoon, the male fish jumped high into the air beside the boat to see where the female was and then went down deep, his lavender wings, that were his pectoral fins, spread wide and all his
Dalam gelap itu ia buka sarung pisaunya dan sambilmenahan tegang tali dengan pundak kirinya ia agak merebahkan tubuhnya kebelakang untuk memotong tali yang meluncur itu tepat di atas papan sisi perahu. Kemudian dipotongnya pula tali lain yang terdekat dan dalam gelap ia menyambung ujung-ujung gulungan tali cadangannya.(1973:38.baris ke 4) Ketika lelaki tua itu telah mengaitnya dan memukulinya dengan tongkat, sambil memegang paruhnya yang bagai pedang yang pinggirnya seperti amril sambil terus memukuli ujung kepalanya sampai warnanya berubah menjadi seperti warna punggung kaca, dan kemudian – dengan bantuan anak laki-laki itu – mengangkatnya ke dalam perahu, ikan jantan itu masih juga berkeliaran di samping perahu. Kemudian, sementara lelaki tua itu sibuk menyingkir-nyingkirkan temali dan menyiapkan kaitnya, ikan jantan itu meloncat tinggi- tinggi di udara di samping perahu untuk mengetahui di mana betinanya, dan kemudian
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wide lavender stripes showing. (1970:47.line 10)
terjun kembali menukik jauh ke dalam air, sirip dadanya yang bagai sayap ungu kebiruan terkembang lebar dan nampaklah garis-garisnya yang lebar ungu kebiru-biruan. (1973:37.baris ke 12)
1 3 'God help me to have the cramp go,' he said. 6 'Because I do not know what the fish is going to . do.' (1970:58.line 1)
“Tuhan semoga menolongku mengusir kejang-kejang ini,” katanya.”Sebab aku tak bisa menduga tingkah si ikan selanjutnya.” (1973:45)
1 3 The sun was on the old man's left arm and 7 shoulder and on his back. So he knew the fish . had turned east of north. (1970:65.line 3)
Matahari berada di lengan kiri dan pundak dan punggung lelaki tua itu,. Jadi ia tahu ikan itu telah merubah haluannya ke timur laut. (1973:50.baris ke 3)
1 3 8 .
Many of the bettors’ had asked for a draw because they had to go to work on the docks loading sacks of sugar or at the Havana Coal Company. Otherwise everyone would have wanted it to go to a finish. But he had finished it anyway and before anyone had to go to work. (1970:69.line 16)
Para petaruh itu mengusulkan permainan seri sebab mereka harus mulai bekerja di dok mengangkat karung-karung gula atau di Perusahan Batubara Havana. Pokoknya setiap orang menginginkan agar pertandingan itu disudahi saja. Tetapi ternyata ia mampu menyudahinya sebelum orang-orang itu berangkat bekerja. (1973:53.baris ke 8)
1 The old man unhooked the fish, rebaited the 3 line with another sardine and tossed it over. 9 Then he worked his way slowly back to the . bow. (1970:71.line 1)
Lelaki tua itu mengeluarkan pancing dari mulutnya memasang umpan sardine lain lalu melemparkannya ke dalam air. Kemudian kembali ke haluan pelahanlahan.(1973:55.baris ke 1)
1 4 0 .
Dicucinya tangan kirinya dan diusap-usapkannya di celana. Kemudian ia pindahkan tali yang berat itu dari tangan kanan ke tangan kiri dan dicelupkannya tangan kananya dalam air laut sementara disaksikan nya
He washed his left hand and wiped it on his trousers. Then he shifted the heavy line from his right hand to his left and washed his right hand in the sea while he watched the sun go
Causal (reversed (simple) )
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1 4 1 .
1 4 2 .
1 4 3 .
into the ocean and the slant of the big cord. (1970: 72.line 3) He put one of his feet on the fish and slit him quickly from the vent up to the tip of his lower jaw. Then he put his knife down and gutted him with his right hand, scooping him clean and pulling the gills clear. (1970: 77.line 7) The dolphin was cold and a leprous grey-white now in the starlight and the old man skinned one side of him while he held his right foot on the fish's head. Then he turned him over and skinned the other side and cut each side off from the head down to the tail. (1970: 77.line 17) He held the line tight in his right hand and then pushed his thigh against his right hand as he leaned all his weight against the wood of the bow. Then he passed the line a little lower on his shoulders and braced his left hand on it. (1970: 79.line 1)
1 Now he got his head up from the wood and out 4 of the slice of fish that his cheek had crushed. 4 Then he was on his knees and then he rose . slowly to his feet. (1970: 82.line 3) 1 4 That means he is tired and going with the 5 current. Soon he will have to circle. Then our . true work begins. (1970: 83.line 13)
matahari masuk ke samudra dan ditatapnya lereng talinya.(1973:55.baris ke 4) Sebelah kakinya menginjak ikan itu dan dengan cekatan dibelahnya dari lubang pernapasan sampai ujung rahang bawah. Lalu ditaruhnya pisau di bawah dan dengan tangan kanan ia keluarkan isi perut ikan itu. (1973:59.baris ke 7) Dalfin itu dingin dan berwarna putih-kelabu di bawah sinar bintang dan lelaki tua itu menguliti sebelah sisinya sementara kaki kanannya menginjak kepala ikan itu. Kemudian dibaliknya, lalu dikulitinya sisi yang lain sesudah itu diirisnya daging kedua sisi itu mulai dari kepala sampai ekor. (1973:59.baris ke 17) Ia genggam tali itu kuat-kuat dengan tangan kanannya dan kemudian didesakkannya pinggulnya pada tangan kanan itu ketika ia sepenuhnya bersandar pada kayu haluan. Kemudian ia menggeser tali itu lebih rendah di pundaknya dan dikaitkannya pada tangan kirinya. (1973:61.baris ke 1) Sekarang ia menegakkan kepalanya dari kayu itu dan wajahnya terangkat dari irisan ikan yang telah hancur kena dagunya. Kemudian ia jongkok bertelekan lutut dan kemudian bangkit berdiri pelahan-lahan. (1973:63.baris ke 4) Pertanda bahwa ia sudah letih dan hanyut arus saja. Ia akan segera berputar-putar. Kemudian kerja kita yang sesungguhnya mulailah. (1973:64.baris ke 10)
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1 4 6 .
Then the line would not come in any more and he held it until he saw the drops jumping from it in the sun. Then it started out and the old man knelt down and let it go grudgingly back into the dark water. (1970:86.line 1)
1 4 He lifted some sea water with his left hand and 7 put it on his head. Then he put more on and . rubbed the back of his neck. (1970:88.line 4) 1 4 'I'll rest on the next turn as he goes out,' he said. 8 'I feel much better. Then in two or three turns . more I will have him.' (1970:88.line 2) 1 He seemed to hang in the air above the old man 4 in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a 9 crash that sent spray over the old man and over . all of the skiff. (1970: 93.line 4) 1 The old man looked carefully in the glimpse of 5 vision that he had. Then he took two turns of 0 the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and . laid his head on his hands. (1970: 94.line 1) 1 5 1 .
He cut a piece of line and tied the fish's lower jaw against his bill so his mouth would not open and they would sail as cleanly as possible. Then he stepped the mast and, with the stick that was
Kemudian tali itu tidak bisa ditarik lagi dan ia pun menahannya sampai butir-butir air nampak berloncatan daripadanya dalam sinar matahari. Kemudian tali itu mulai terulur kembali dan lelaki tua itu berjongkok melepaskannya sedikit demi sedikit masuk ke dalam air yang gelap. (1973:66.baris ke 1) Tangan kirinya mengambil sedikit air laut untuk membasahi kepala. Lalu diambilnya sedikit lagi untuk menggosok tengkuknya. (1973:67.baris ke 4) ‘’Aku akan istirahat kalau ia nanti berputar kea rah sana.’’ Katanya. “Aku merasa lebih baik sekarang. Kemudian dua atau tiga keliling lagi ia sudah akan kutangkap.” (1973:68.baris ke 2) Nampak seolah-olah tergantung di udara di atas lelaki tua yang dalam perahu itu. Kemudian ia tercebur lagi dengan suara gemuruh dan air tersembur ke lelaki tua itu dan ke seluruh perahu. (1973:72.baris ke 4) Lelaki tua itu dengan cermat memperhatikan kilasankilasan pemandangan di hadapannya. Kemudian diambilnya dua lingkar tali kait yang terikat pada tonggak haluan lalu diletakkannya kepalanya pada dua belah tangannya. (1973:72.baris ke 1) Ia memotong seutas tali untuk mengatupkan rahang bawah ke paruhnya sehingga mulutnya tidak terbuka, dengan demikian mereka bisa berlayar dengan baik. Kemudian ia memasang tiang perahu, lalu
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his gaff and with his boom rigged, the patched sail drew, the boat began to move, and half lying in the stern he sailed south-west. (1970: 97.line 3) With his mouth shut and his tail straight up and 1 down we sail like brothers. Then his head 5 started to become a little unclear and he 2 thought, is he bringing me in or am I bringing . him in? If I were towing him behind there would be no question. (1970: 99.line 7) He had come up so fast and absolutely without 1 caution that he broke the surface of the blue 5 water and was in the sun. Then he fell back into 3 the sea and picked up the scent and started . swimming on the course the skiff and the fish had taken. (1970: 99.line ) 1 The old man knew that he was dead but the 5 shark would not accept it. Then, on his back, 4 with his tail lashing and his jaws clicking, the . shark ploughed over the water as a speed-boat does. (1970: 102.line 4) 1 5 The shark lay quietly for a little while on the 5 surface and the old man watched him. Then he . went down very slowly. (1970:102.line 11) 1 But I must think, he thought. Because it is all I 5 have left. (1970: 103.line 1) 6
mengembangkan layar pada tongkat bekas kait dan pada palang tiang, dan perahu itu mulai bergerak; dan sambil terbaring di buritan lelaki itu memulai perjalanannya kea rah barat daya. (1973:74.baris ke 4) Dengan mulutnya terkatup dan ekornya tegak lurus kami berlayar seperti bersaudara. Kemudian kepalanya mulai sedikit pening dan ia berpikir, ia yang menyerah padaku atau aku yang menyerah padanya? (1973:76.baris ke 8) Ia muncul dengan gesit dan samasekali tak terduga di atas permukaan air biru di bawah matahari. Kemudian ia menyelam kembali dan mencium bau darah dan mulai berenang mengikuti jejak perahu dan ikan itu. (1973:76.baris ke 4) Lelaki tua itu tahu bahwa hiu itu sudah mati tetapi si ikan tak hendak menyerah. Kemudian dengan tubuh terbalik, hiu itu melaju membajak air bagaikan perahu motor, sambil ekornya melecut-lecut dan rahangrahangnya gemeletuk. (1973:78.baris ke 3) Beberapa saat lamanya hiu itu terapung tenang di permukaan dan lelaki tua itu menatapnya saja. Kemudian ia perlahan-lahan sekali tenggelam. (1973:79.baris ke 11) Tetapi aku harus berpikir, pikirnya. Sebab tinggal itulah yang ada padaku.(1973:79.baris ke 1)
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1 5 The old man made the sheet fast and jammed 7 the tiller. Then he took up the oar with the knife . lashed to it. (1970: 107.line 1)
Lelaki tua itu mengencangkan tali layar dan mematikan. Kemudian diangkatnya dayung yang berpisau itu. (1973:82.baris ke 1)
1 He lifted it as lightly as he could because his 5 hands rebelled at the pain. Then he opened and 8 closed them on it lightly to loosen them. (1970: . 107.line 3)
Diangkatnya dayung itu dengan hati-hati sekali sebab kedua tangannya sulit digerakkan karena sakit. Kemudian ia membukakan dan mengepalkannya pelahan-lahan supaya rasa kakunya hilang. (1973:82.baris ke 3)
1 The old man wiped the blade of his knife and 5 laid down the oar. Then he found the sheet and 9 the sail filled and he brought the skiff on to her . course. (1970:110.line 1)
Lelaki tua itu membersihkan pisaunya dan meletakkan dayungnya. Kemudian dikencangkannya kembali tali layarnya dan perahu itu pun berlayar seperti semula. (1973:84.baris ke 1)
1 Now, he said to himself. Look to the lashing on 6 the knife and see if it has been cut. Then get 0 your hand in order because there stillt is more to . come. (1970: 110.line 1)
Nah, katanya kepada diri sendiri, periksalah tali pengikat pisau itu kalau-kalau putus. Kemudian persiapkan tanganmu baik-baik sebab masih ada yang akan tiba. (1973:85.baris ke 1)
1 6 The old man watched for him to come again but 1 neither shark showed. Then he saw one on the . surface swimming in circles. (1970:114.line 1) 1 'It will be dark soon,' he said. 'Then I should see 6 the glow of Havana. (1970: 115.line 1) 2 .
Lelaki tua itu menunggu kalau-kalau ia muncul lagi, tetapi keduanya tak nampak. Kemudian terlihat yang seekor berpusing di permukaan air. (1973:88.baris ke 1) “Hari segera gelap,” katanya. “Kemudian pasti kulihat cahaya dari Havana. (1973: 88.baris ke 1)
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1 He could not talk to the fish any more because 6 the fish had been ruined too badly. Then 3 something came into his head. (1970: 115.line . 1) 1 6 But if I had, and could have lashed it to an oar 4 butt, what a weapon. Then we might have . fought them together. (1970: 116.line 1) 1 6 5 .
They were only perceptible at first as the light is in the sky before the moon rises. Then they were steady to see across the ocean which was rough now with the increasing breeze. (1970:118.line 3)
1 6 There was no one to help him so he pulled the 6 boat up as far as he could. Then he stepped out . and made her fast to a rock. (1970:121.line 6) 1 6 He unstepped the mast and furled the sail and 7 tied it. Then he shouldered the mast and started . to climb. (1970:121.line 1) 1 In the dark he found a water bottle and took a 6 drink. Then he lay down on the bed. 8 (1970:122.line 2) .
Ia tidak bisa lagi berbicara kepada ikan itu karena telah begitu hancur. Kemudian sesuatu muncul dalam pikirannya. (1973: 88.baris ke 1)
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Causal (simple)
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Causal (simple)
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Causal (simple)
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Dilepasnya tiang perahu dan digulungnya layar lalu diikatnya. Kemudian dipanggulnya tiang itu da ia pun mulai mendaki. (1973:93.baris ke 1)
Causal (simple)
Literal Translation
Dalam gelap ia menemukan botol air lalu minum seteguk. Kemudian ia merebahkan diri di atas dipan. (1973:94.baris ke 2)
Causal (simple)
Tetapi seandainya ada, dan mengikatkannya pada tangkai dayung, betapa besar dunanya. Kemudian kita bisa melawan ikan-ikan itu bersama. (1973: 89.baris ke 1) Cahaya itu mula-mula nampak karena terpantul di langit sebelum bulan terbit. Setelah itu dengan jelas nampak di seberang laut yang luas yang kini berombak sebab angin semakin kencang. (1973:90.baris ke 2) Karena tidak ada seorangpun yang menolongnya maka ia dayung saja perahunya sejauhmungkin ke darat. Kemudian ia melangkah keluar dan mengikatkan perahunya pada sebuah karang. (1973:93.baris ke 6)
Literal Translation
1 6 A cat passed on the far side going about its 9 business and the old man watched it. Then he . just watched the road. (1970: 122.line 5)
1 7 0 .
1 7 1 .
The sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out across the current. Then the sun was brighter and the glare came on the water and then, as it rose clear, the flat sea sent it back at his eyes so that it hurt sharply and he rowed without looking into it. (1970:28.line 1) The bird went higher in the air and circled again, his wings motionless. Then he dove suddenly and the old man saw flying fish spurt out of the water and sail desperately over the surface. (1970:30.line 1)
1 If I lose the glare of Havana we must be going 7 more to the eastward, he thought. For if the 2 fish's course held true I must see it for many . more hours. (1970:45.line 7) 1 7 He tried it again and it was the same. So, he 3 thought, and he felt himself going before he . started; I will try it once again. (1970: 93.line 1)
Seekor kucing lewat di sebelah sana mencari sesuatu dan lelaki tua itu memperhatikannya. Kemudian yang nampak hanya jalanan. (1973:93.baris ke 5) Matahari bangkit pelahan dari laut dan lelaki tua itu melihat perahu-perahu lain berpencar di seberang arus, jauh di sana dekat pantai. Matahari semakin terang dan cahayanya menyusur permukaan laut dan kemudian, ketika hari makin tinggi, laut yang datar itu memantulkan cahaya itu ke matanya sehingga terasa pedih dan ia terus mendayung tanpa menatap pantulan itu. (1973:23.baris ke 1) Burung itu terbang lebih tinggi lagi untuk kemudian membuat lingkaran di udara, sayap-sayapnya tak bergerak. Mendadak ia menukik dan lelaki tua itu menyaksikan seekor ikan terbang tersembul di permukaan air dan berenang sekuat tenaga. (1970:24.baris ke 1) Kalau tak nampak lagi cahaya pelabuhan Havana itu kami pastilah sudah jauh ke arah timur, pikirnya. Sebab kalau arah jalan ikan ini betul maka cahaya itu akan maih nampak beberapa jam lagi lebih lama. (1973:35.baris ke 7) Ia mencobanya lagi tetapi hasilnya sama saja. Beginilah pikirnya, dan ia merasa dirinya bersemangat sebelum memulai; akan kucoba sekali lagi. (1973:71.baris ke 1)
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Causal (conditional)
Causal (simple)
Causal (reversed) (simple)
Causal (simple)
1 The wind is our friend, anyway, he thought. 7 Then he added, sometimes. And the great sea 4 with our friends and our enemies. And bed, he . thought. (1970:121.line 1)
Tetapi angin adalah sahabat kita, pikirnya. Kadangkadang, tambahnya kemudian. Dan laut luas dengan sahabat-sahabat dan musuh-musuh kita. Dan dipan. (1973:92.baris ke 1)
1 He let it go over the side and then made it fast 7 to a ring bolt in the stern. Then he baited 5 another line and left it coiled in the shade of the . bow. (1970:30.line 4)
Dicemplungkannya kail itu ke dalam air dan kemudian diikatkannya talinya pada sebuah gelangan di buritan. Setelah itu ia pasang umpan lagi pada taliyang lain yang dibiarkannya tetap tergulung di haluan. (1970:24.baris ke 4)
1 7 'I think perhaps I can too. But I try not to 6 borrow. First you borrow. Then you beg.' . (1970:14.line 1) 1 'Do you remember when he used to come to the 7 Terrace? I wanted to take him fishing but I was 7 too timid to ask him. Then I asked you to ask . him and you were too timid.’ (1970:18.line 1) 1 7 But I would rather be exact. Then when luck 8 comes you are ready. (1970:29.line 4) . 1 7 9 .
'The bird is a great help,' the old man said. Just then stern line came taut under his foot, where he had kept a loop of the line, and he dropped his oars and felt the weight of the small tuna's shivering pull as he held the line firm and
Causal (simple)
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Literal Translation
Temporal (sequential)
Literal Translation
Tetapi aku lebih suka berusaha untuk tepat. Lalu kalau untung itu datang kita sudah sepenuhnya siap. (1973:23.baris ke 4)
Temporal (simple)
Literal Translation
“Burung itu menolongku,” kata lelaki itu. Tepat pada saat itu terasa di kakinya tali pancing yang di buritan menegang, lalu ia lepaskan dayung dan dirasakannya getar tarikan ikan tuna itu ketika ia pegang tali eraterat dan mulai menariknya. (1973:28.baris ke 1)
Temporal (Simultaneous )
‘’ Mungkin akupun bisa. Tetapi kuusahakan untuk tidak pernah pinjam uang. Mula-mula kau hanya pinjam. Nantinya ngemis. (1973:11.baris ke 1) “Kau masih ingat ketika ia sudah dating ke Teras? Aku ingin mengajaknya mincing tetapi aku takut mengatakannya. Lalu kuminta kau mengatakannya padanya tetapi kau pun takut-takut.” (1973:15.baris ke 1)
Temporal (Correlative forms)
commenced to haul it in. (1970:35.line 1) 1 8 He felt no strain nor weight and he held the line 0 lightly. Then it came again. (1970:38.line 4) .
Tak ada terasa tarikan dan ia pegang saja tali itu dengan lembut. Kemudian terasa ada yang meariknya. (1973:30.baris ke 4)
1 He felt the light delicate pulling and then a 8 harder pull when a sardine's head must have 1 been more difficult to break from the hook. . Then there was nothing. (1970:39.line 1)
Terasa sebuah tarikan lembut yang disusul dengan tarikan yang lebih tegas ketika mestinya kepala sardin itu agak sulit dilepaskan dari kail. Kemudian tak terasa apa-apa lagi. (1973:31.baris ke 1)
1 8 2 .
He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger, watching it and the other lines at the same time for the fish might have swum up or down. Then came the same delicate pulling touch again. (1970:39.line 1)
1 8 At that moment he felt him stop moving but the 3 weight was stillt there. Then the weight . increased and gave more line. (1970:41.line 6)
Iapun menunggu sambil memegang tali pancing itu dengan telunjuk dan ibu jari sambil juga mengawasi tali-tali pancingnya yang lain barangkali ikan itu bergerak ke atas barangkali ke bawah. Kemudian terasa kembali tarikan yang lembut itu. (1973:31.baris ke 1) Pada saat itu dirasakannya si ikan berhenti bergerak tetapi bobotnya masih terasa. Kemudian terasa semakin berat dan diulurnya tali lebih panjang lagi. (1973:32.baris ke 6)
1 The bird made the stern of the boat and rested 8 there. Then he flew around the old man's head 4 and rested on the line where he was more . comfortable. (1970:52.line 1)
Burung itu hinggap di buritan perahunya. Kemudian ia terbang lagi mengitari kepala lelaki tua itu lalu hinggap pada tali dimana ia rupanya lebih tenang beristrahat(1973:41.baris ke 1)
1 'Take a good rest, small bird,' he said. 'Then go 8 in and take your chance like any man or bird or 5 fish.' (1970:53.line 1)
“Mengasuhlah baik-baik, burung kecil,” katanya.”Lalu mulailah berjuang seperti manusia atau burung atau ikan.”(1973:41.baris ke 1)
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Then, with his right hand he felt the difference 1 in the pull of the line before he saw the slant 8 change in the water. Then, as he leaned against 6 the line and slapped his left hand hard and fast . against his thigh he saw the line slanting slowly upward. (1970:60.line 1) 'Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with thee. 1 Blessed art thou among women and blessed is 8 the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, 7 Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at . the hour of our death. Amen. 'Then he added, 'Blessed Virgin, pray for the death of this fish. Wonderful though he is.' (1970:63.line 1) The odds would change back and forth all night 1 and they fed the negro rum and lighted 8 cigarettes for him. Then the negro, after the 8 rum, would try for a tremendous effort and once . he had the old man, who was not an old man, then but was Santiago El Campeon, nearly three inches off balance. (1970:68.line 1) 1 For a long time after that everyone had called 8 him The Champion and there had been a return 9 match in the spring. But not much money was . bet and he had won it quite easily since he had broken the confidence of the negro from Cienfuegos in the first match. After that he had a few matches and then no more. (1970:69.line 1)
Kemudian tangan kanannya merasa bahwa tarikan tali itu berubah, lalu dilihatnya lereng talinya di air bergeser. Kemudian, ketika ia memukul-mukulkan tangan kiri keras-keras pada pinggul, disaksikannya tali itu pelahan-lahan naik ke atas. (1973:46.baris ke 1) ‘’Salam Maria penuh Rakhmat Tuhan besertamu. Terpujilah engkau di antara wanita dan terpujilah buah tubuhmu. Yesus Santa Maria, bunda Allah, doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini, sekarang dan waktu kami mati, Amin. ”Kemudian ia menambahkan, “Perawan terpuji, doakanlah kematian ikan ini. (1973:49.baris ke 1) Semalam itu mereka silih berganti mendesak lawan dan orang-orang menyediakan tuak serta menyalakan rokok bagi negro. Kemudian sehabis minum tuak negro itu mencobakan seluruh teaganya dan sekali lelaki tua itu yang belum tua pada waktu itu dan yang masih dijuluki Santiago El Campe6n, terdesak sampai tiga inci. (1973:52.baris ke 1) Setelah itu untuk waktu lama setiap orang menyebutnya Sang Kampiun dan pertandingan itu diulang lagi pada musim semi. Tetapi tak banyak terjadi pertaruhan dan ia dengan mudah bisa mengalahkan negro itu sebab pernah mengalahkannya pada pertandingan pertama sehingga lawannya yang dari Cienfuegos itu sudah kehilangan kepercayaan. Pertandingan ulangan itu diusul dengan beberapa kali pertandingan lagi, kemudian ia tak pernah bertanding
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He had no feeling of his left hand but he braked all he could with his right and the line rushed out. Finally his left hand found the line and he leaned back against the line and now it burned his back and his left hand, and his left hand was taking all the strain and cutting badly. (1970:81.line 3) The shaft of the harpoon was projecting at an angle from the fish's shoulder and the sea was discolouring with the red of the blood from his heart. First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep. Then it spread like a cloud. (1970: 94.line 8)
1 9 If he will jump I can kill him. But he stays 2 down for ever. Then I will stay down with him . for ever. (1970:58.line 2)
1 9 3 .
Back in the bow he laid the two fillets of fish out on the wood with the flying fish beside them. After that he settled the line across his shoulders in a new place and held it again with his left hand resting on the gunwale. Then he leaned over the side and washed the flying fish in the water, noting the speed of the water against his hand. (1970: 78.line 1)
lagi. (1973:53.baris ke 1) Tangan kirinya mati dan sekuat tenaga ia mengerem dengan tangan kanan dan tali terus saja meluncur. Akhirnya tangan kirinya bergerak menemukan tali dan ia merebah ke belakang menahannya dan kini tali itu membakar punggung dan tangan kirinya, dan tangan kirinya menahan tegangan tali itu sehingga parah berdarah. (1973:62.baris ke 3) Tangkai kait itu mencuat pada sebuah sudut pundak ikan itu dan laut berybah warna karena merah darah dari jantungnya. Mula-mula pekat bagai gosong di air biru yang lebih dari satu mil dalamnya. Kemudian memencar bagai awan. (1973:72.baris ke 8) Kalau saja ia melonjak aku akan bisa membunuhnya. Tetapi ia pilih jauh dalam air. Jadi akupun harus tinggal bersamanya. (1973:45.baris ke 4) Sampai di haluan ia taruh kedua irisan daging dalfin itu di kayu berjajar dengan ikan terbang itu. Kemudian ia geserkan sedikit tali yang di pundaknya dan tangan kirinya memegangnya sambil bertelekan pada sisi haluan. Ia lalu menjenguk ke air sambil mencuci ikan terbang itu, menyaksikan kecepatan air yang terbelah tangannya. (1973:60.baris ke 1)
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