The WAHID Institute Jl. Taman Amir Hamzah No. 8 Jakarta 10320 INDONESIA Phone. +62-21-392-8233 Fax. +62-21-392-8250 Email:
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The WAHID Institute
Seeding Plural and Peaceful Islam
Message from Director
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Peace be upon all of us,
The passing away of our founder as well as our great leader, KH.Abdurrahman Wahid in 2009 was a big blow for us at the Institute. But we are determined to transform the deep sorrow into an uplifting spirit by continuing to create changes as he envisioned. Entering the 7th year of our existence, we are consistent in our work to fight for tolerance and pluralism in Indonesia and the world. We continue to produce various ideas and thinking and publish numerous writings. We also strive to enhance the capacity building amongst religious leaders on the grassroots level, especially within Islamic circles. At the same time we also try to strengthen our networks in international level with special focus on the Southeast Asia. We are engaged in various research projects with many international groups with the objective of capturing more information and nuances on the reality of diversity in many countries so as to give us better understanding of the issues at stake. The continuous evaluations on our programs has led us to develop ideas and projects that we believe will have immediate impact on our target groups. Therefore, in the past few years we have been focusing on programs that enhances the quality of life of groups that are socially, economically and politically marginalized. As well as doing advocacy works, we also provide scholarships for hundreds of underprivileged middle and high school students. We aim to create educated yet peace minded and tolerant children for a better society. We are also in the process of developing an economic program to encourage small sized entrepreneurship, especially amongst women. To that end we have set up a cooperative that has started to give out loans. Our program is designed to provide small capital and access towards economic empowerment and to foster understanding and tolerance amongst members of the society at the same time. We would like to convey our sincerest gratitude to our program partners as well as many parties that have positively collaborated with us. We hope that the positive synergy will continue well into the future for the immediate fulfillment of our objective, to create a better world.
Mewujudkan prinsip-prinsip dan cita-cita intelektual Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) untuk membangun pemikiran Islam moderat yang mendorong terciptanya demokrasi, pluralisme agama-agama, multikulturalisme dan toleransi di kalangan kaum Muslim di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia.
Misi Mengemban komitmen menyebarkan gagasan muslim progresif yang mengedepankan toleransi dan saling pengertian di masyarakat dunia Islam dan Barat. The Wahid Institute juga membangun dialog di antara pemimpin agama-agama dan tokoh-tokoh politik di dunia Islam dan Barat.
The WAHID Institute seeks to expand the vision and intellectual principles of H.E. Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur for the development of moderate Islamic thought to promote democratic reform, religious pluralism, multiculturalism and tolerance amongst Muslims both in Indonesia and around the world.
Mission The WAHID Institute is committed to the exchange and dissemination of progressive Muslims thought to promote tolerance and understanding in the world. In particular, the institute is committed to developing a dialogue between the highest spiritual and political leaders in the West and Muslim world.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, With peace in mind, Zannuba Wahid (Yenny) Director
The WAHID Institute
Forum Diskusi, Seminar & Dialog
Program ini bertujuan membangun pemahaman dan mengkampanyekan Islam sebagai pembawa rahmat dan perdamaian semesta. Lingkup kerjanya untuk masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia internasional.
Discussion Forums, Seminars & Dialogues
This program seeks to build understanding and promote Islam as a bearer of grace and peace in the universe. The program’s scope includes Indonesian society and the international world.
Center for Islam and Southeast Center for Islam and Asian Studies (CISEAS) Southeast Asian Studies Divisi ini menjalin kerjasama dengan (CISEAS) kaum muslim progresif di Asia, mengkaji perkembangan muslim minoritas di Asia, antara lain Filipina Selatan, Penang, Singapura, Kamboja, V ietnam, Bali dan NTT. Pengkajian diterbitkan dalam buku dan jurnal.
Capacity Building untuk Gerakan Muslim Progresif di Indonesia
Program pengembangan kapasitas ditujukan bagi jaringan The Wahid Institute di berbagai kota di Indonesia, baik individu maupun NGO. The WAHID Institute
This division examines developments of Islam in Asia, and works with progressive Muslims throughout this region, such as from South Philippinnes, Penang, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bali and NTT. The studies are published in books and journals.
Capacity Building for Progressive Muslim Movements in Indonesia
Capacity development program for individual networks of The Wahid Institute throughout Indonesia as well as other NGOs.
Penguatan Ekonomi Rakyat
The WAHID Institute merintis penguatan ekonomi rakyat berbasis komunitas. Salah satunya dengan membentuk WI Coop, koperasi Wahid Institute yang menaungi unit-unit usaha kecil.
Program-program pendidikan informal dalam bentuk pelatihan-pelatihan digelar untuk mengembangkan visi toleransi dan pluralisme. Divisi ini sedang merintis berdirinya Universitas Abdurrahman Wahid.
isu-isu pluralisme dan toleransi agama agar regulasi, maupun penanganan kasus-kasus aktual lebih adil terhadap minoritas.
The WAHID Institute
Strengthening People Economy
The WAHID Institute initiated a program to strengthen community-based people economy. The program involves the formation of cooperatives and small business units.
Informal education programs in the form of training sessions are held to develop the Wahid Institute’s vision of tolerance and pluralism. This division is currently working on establishing the Abdurrahman Wahid University.
Tiap tahun ratusan murid SMP/Mts dan SMA/MA di seluruh Indonesia menerima manfaat beasiswa ini. Program ini bernama Beasiswa Riyanto, untuk menghormati anggota Banser NU yang gugur saat berusaha menyingkirkan Bom Natal tahun 2000 di Mojokerto. Program ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan anak-anak Indonesia yang berpendidikan dan berorientasi pada perdamaian, toleransi dan kebhinnekaan
This program advocates issues of religious tolerance and pluralism to foster government regulations as well as case settlements that are fair and just towards minorities.
Every year hundreds of junior and senior high school students from both state and religious schools in Indonesia have benefited from Riyanto scholarships. The program is named out of respect for Riyanto, an NU Banser member who was killed during his heroic act of removing a bomb on Christmas Eve of 2000 in Mojokerto. This program aims to create educated, peace-minded and tolerant children.
Program Publikasi Publications
The Wahid Institute menerbitkan beragam media untuk menginformasikan dan mengampanyekan perkembangan toleransi dan demokrasi di Indonesia. Media tersebut adalah:
The Wahid Institute publishes a variety of media to disseminate and promote tolerance and democracy in Indonesia. This includes:
Sisipan Majalah
The Wahid Institute bekerjasama dengan majalah-majalah terkemuka Indonesia menerbitkan artikel bertema wajah Islam Indonesia yang ramah.
Magazine Inserts
The Wahid Institute works with leading Indonesian magazines to publish articles that present the friendly face of Indonesian Islam. |
Situs Internet
Dua situs yaitu dan disajikan dwi bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.
Internet Site
The Wahid Institute manages two sites in both Indonesian and English, and
Sisipan Surat Kabar
Bersama koran lokal menerbitkan artikel mengenai potensi jaringan Islam progresif di daerah.
Film Dokumenter Film-film ini dibuat guna mempromosikan Islam, toleransi dan demokrasi di Indonesia.
The WAHID Institute
Documentary Films
This documentaries aim to promote and campaign Islam, tolerance, and democracy in Indonesia.
Newspaper Inserts
The Wahid Institute works with local papers to publish articles about the potentials of progressive Islamic networks in different regions throughout Indonesia.
Bulletin Nawala
Bulletin Nawala terbit setiap 3 (tiga) bulan untuk merespon dan memberi analisis berbagai isu keagamaan.
The Nawala Bulletin
The Nawala Bulletin is published every three months to respond to and analyze various religious issues.
Laporan Tahunan Situasi Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia
Sejak 2008, the WAHID Institute senantiasa membuat laporan kehidupan beragama di Indonesia, baik menyangkut tindakan intoleransi maupun pelanggaran kebebasan beragama. Laporan ini diluncurkan di setiap akhir tahun.
Annual Report on Religious Life in Indonesia
Since 2008 The Wahid Institute has prepared annual reports on religious life in Indonesia, covering both acts of intolerance and violations of religious freedom. Each report is released at the end of the year.
10 Monthly Report on Religious Issues
Bulletin ini melaporkan fakta-fakta peristiwa keagamaan dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Laporan ini disusun bekerjasama dengan sejumlah jaringan The Wahid Institute.
The WAHID Institute
Monthly Report on Religious Issues
This bulletin reports on religious events from various areas across Indonesia. The report is compiled in cooperation with a number of The Wahid Institute’s networks.
Penerbitan Buku
Penerbitan buku dimaksudkan untuk mendesiminasi gagasan dan visi intelektual the WAHID Institute kepada masyarakat secara umum agar masyarakat mempunyai wawasan yang lebih terbuka mengenai isu-isu keagamaan.
Publication of Books
Book publications disseminates The Wahid Institute’s ideas and intellectual vision to society in general so that society has a more open awareness of religious issues.