Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Regionális Pedagógiai Szolgáltató és Kutató Központ
„Vasi Géniusz- Tehetségsegítı hálózat a Nyugat-Dunántúlon” TÁMOP-3.4.4/B-08/1-2009-0014
Angol nyelv 7-8.évfolyam
Kedves Diákok!
Köszöntelek benneteket a Vasi Géniusz tehetséggondozó program angol nyelvi csoportjában. A tanév során közösen fogunk dolgozni, hogy nyelvtudásotok, országismereti tájékozottságotok tovább bıvüljön és még jobban megszeressétek az angol nyelvet. A program során öt feladatlapot kell megoldanotok. A feladatlapokat a http://pszk.nyme.hu honlapról tölthetitek le. Itt fognak megjelenni a beküldést követıen a feladatok megoldásai és az elért eredmények is. A feladatmegoldáshoz külön mellékletet találtok. Válasszatok egy négy betőbıl és négy számból álló kódot, amit a nevetek mellék írjatok. Az eredményeteket a honlapon ezzel a kóddal tudjátok majd megnézni. Beküldési határidı: 2010. november 12. A tanév során két alkalommal tehetségnapra hívunk benneteket, ahol lehetıség nyílik szakmai elıadások meghallgatására, angol nyelvi tudásotok kipróbálására is. Ezeknek az idıpontjáról külön levébıl tájékozódhattok. Jó munkát kívánok a feladatsorok megoldásához: Kovácsé Wagner Anikó
VASI GENIUS ANGOL NYELV Általános iskola I. forduló 1 THANKSGIVING. Find the answers to the following questions with the help of the following sources. Write your answers on a separate answer sheet. Válaszolj a kérdésekre, az alábbi forrásokra klikkelve, majd írd azokat a mellékelt válaszlapra. (5x2p) a) From what country did the Pilgrims come to America? http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/voyage/index.htm b) What was the name of the boat the Pilgrims travelled on to America? http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/voyage/journey.htm c) What season was it when the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth? http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/daily_life/ d) Who became a friend of the Pilgrims and introduced them to his chief? (Click on each number of the Thanksgiving Slide show to find this answer) http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/feast/slideshow.htm e) What did the Pilgrims and Indians eat at the First Thanksgiving feast? (Click on each number of the Thanksgiving Slide show to find this answer) http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/feast/slideshow.htm
2 FAMILY. Choose the best answer to the question. Write your answers on a separate answer sheet. Válaszd ki a megfelelő választ a kérdésre és jelöld azt a mellékelt válaszlapon! (5x2p)
a) When we were younger, my brother and I didn't really ______________, but now we have a good relationship. A) get on B)get off C) get away D) get to b) My brother has 2 children; the boy is my nephew and the girl is my ________________. A) cousin B) niece C) sister D) aunt c) My grandmother's mother is my _____________-grandmother (there are 4 generations) A) grand B) great C) high D) big d) Your siblings are your ____________! A) parents B)brothers and sisters C) cousins
D) friends
e) Uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews are all relatives and are sometimes known as a part of our _____________ family. A) nuclear B) outside C)distant D) extended
3 HOUSES IN ENGLAND. Read the following texts about the ways the British live. Answer the following questions. Write your answers on a separate answer sheet. Válaszolj a kérdésekre, az alábbi forrásokra klikkelve. Válaszaidat jelöld a mellékelt válaszlapon. (10p) http://www.projectbritain.com/houses.htm a) b) c) d)
What are the four main types of houses in England? What materials are the houses made of? What was the most popular type of home in England in 2001? How much did a semi-detached house cost in 2007? http://www.projectbritain.com/housenames.htm
e) What are the 7 most common themes for house names in Britain? f) Who and when introduced the numbering of houses in England? g) According to a 2003 Survey what was the 18th most typical house name? http://www.projectbritain.com/house.html h) What definition would you give about a detached house? i) What household appliances are mentioned by Erik? Give the name of at least five. j) What rooms are there downstairs?
4 SCOTLAND. Study the following websites and answer the questions. Write your answers on a separate answer sheet. Nézd meg az alábbi weboldalakat és válaszolj a kérdésekre. Válaszaidat jelöld a mellékelt válaszlapon. (10p)
http://www.projectbritain.com/nationalday.html a) What is the national emblem of Scotland? Can you draw it? b) Who was St. Andrew? What is his connection with Scotland? c) What does the Scottish national flag look like? Can you draw it? Scottish Independence The majority of people in Scotland are in favour breaking away from the rest of the UK and becoming independent, according to a poll taken just before the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union, which united Scotland and England. A pair of Acts of Parliament, passed in 1706 and 1707 that came into effect on May 1, 1707, created Great Britain. The parliaments of both countries were dissolved, and replaced by a new Parliament of Great Britain in Westminster, London. The poll showed support for independence for Scotland is running at 51%. This is the first time since 1998 that support for separation has passed 50%, and the first time since devolution gave power to the country in 1999. Six months before elections for the Scottish Parliament, these poll results come as good news to the Scottish Nationalist Party, who are hoping to make progress against Labour and further the cause of an independent Scotland. Many people have become disillusioned with devolution, and believe that the Scottish Parliament has failed to deliver what they had hoped it would; only a tenth have no opinion. In fact, only 39% of those polled want to keep things as they are.
Choose the best answer! /Válaszd ki a legjobbat! d) Scotland and England… A) have always been united B) want to break up the union. C) have been united for a long time. D) were united by war. e) Great Britain … A) was formed by an Act of Parliament in 1706. B) was formed by two Acts of Parliament in 1707. C) was formed by an Act of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707. D) was formed by Acts of Parliament that came into effect on May 1st 1707. f) People who want indepence for Scotland …. A) are the vast majority. B) are in the minority. C) are the slight majority. D) have decreased in number since devolution g) The majority of people wanted independence for the first time … A) before devolution. B) in 1999. C) after devolution. D) before and after independence. h) The results of the poll are good news… A) for Labour. B) for both parties. C) for the Scottish Nationalist Party. D) for devolution. i) Most people's opinions of devolution A) have gone up. B) have gone down. C) are the same. D) make progress against Labour j) The number of people who want to keep things as they are … A) is greater than those that don't know. B) is smaller than those that don't know. C) is increasing. D) is the majority.
5 Power Point presentation about Scotland. Prepare a presentation in maximum 6-8 slides about Scotland and send it back (4 -6 slides on a page) with your answer sheet. (10p) Készíts egy maximum 6-8 diából álló Power Point prezentációt Skóciáról és a diákról készített összesítést nyomtatott formában küldd el a válaszlapoddal együtt a megadott címre. (A teljes prezentációt nem kell elküldened, 4-6 dia legyen egy oldalon!) Examples: