ANALYZING THE CONTENT VALIDITY OF THE ENGLISH SUMMATIVE TESTS IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS (A Case Study in Odd Semester of Second Year Technology Major in Tangerang Vocational Schools) “Skripsi”
ABSTRACT SHAUMI FITRIYANTI, 2014, Analyzing the Content Validity of the English Summative Tests at Some Vocational Schools. (A Case Study in Odd Semester of Second Year Technology Major in Tangerang Vocational Schools), Skripsi, English Education Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Key Words : Content validity, summative tests.
This study was carried out to find empirical evidence which vocational school whose English summative test has a good content validity, to conclude whether three vocational schools in Tangerang have made English summative tests in a good content validity, and to get the additional information whether the English teacher in those vocational schools can construct the English summative tests that have a content validity. The object of this study is the English summative test items in three vocational schools that have been accredited A up to C by the government. The method used in this study was a qualitative and a quantitative method (a mixed method). The writer decides to use the Qual-quan model or the exploratory method because the data collection of the research in this skripsi mostly enhances the qualitative research. Continuingly, the quantitative data is used for presenting the numerical analysis in calculating the percentage of the conformity level between the English summative tests towards the syllabus for English subject. The result of the study showed that the English summative tests at the odd semester of both vocational schools SMKN 3 Tangerang and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang have attained 50% that felt into a “sufficient” level of a content validity in constructing the English summative test because the English summative tests had represented a half of the indicators in the syllabus at an odd semester. Moreover, SMKN 1 Tangerang had only 35.71% the question items that conformed to the English syllabus. It felt into a less good level. Therefore, three vocational schools in Tangerang that have accredited A up to C still had not attained a good content validity yet because it did not represent all the indicators in the English syllabus at the odd semester. However, there were SMKN 3 Tangerang and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang which attained sufficient level of a content validity in the English summative tests. In addition, the English teacher of each vocational school also still had a low ability in constructing the English summative test items that have a good content validity. It was approved by the result of semi-structured interviews towards three English teachers at those vocational schools. In addition, the English teacher of each vocational school also still had a low ability in constructing the English summative test items that have a good content validity.
ABSTRAK SHAUMI FITRIYANTI, 2014, Analyzing the Content Validity of the English Summative Tests in Vocational Schools. (A Case Study in Odd Semester of Second Year Technology Majorin Tangerang Vocational Schools),Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Kata kunci : Validitas isi, tes summative
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bukti empiris SMK manakah yang memiliki validitas isi yang bagus terhadap soal semester ganjil, menyimpulkan apakah butir soal-soal summatif SMK Tangerang tersebut sudah mencapai validatas isi yang bagus, dan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan apakah guru bahasa Inggris di masing-masing sekolah sudah mampu membuat butir soal sumatif yang memiliki validitas isi. Kemudian, objek dari penelitian ini adalah butir soal sumatif di tiga sekolah SMK di Tangerang yang sudah terakreditasi A sampai C oleh pemerintah. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif metode (metode campuran). Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif atau disebut juga sebagai metode ekploratory karena data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hampir semuanya mengarah pada penelitian kualitatif. Adapun data kuantitatif digunakan untuk menghitung prosentase kesesuaian butir soal sumatif dengan silabus bahasa Inggris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa soal ujian akhir semester ganjil didua SMK yaitu: SMKN 3 Tangerang dan SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang mencapai 50% atau level cukup terhadap validitas isi. Hal tersebut terjadi karena setengah dari indikator disilabus telah terpenuhi. Selanjutnya, SMKN 1 Tangerang hanya mencapai 35.71% atau level kurang baik terhadap validitas isi. Oleh karena itu, tiga SMK di Tangerang yang berakreditasi A-C tersebut belum dapat mencapai validitas isi yang bagus karena indikator di silabus bahasa inggris semester ganjil belum terpenuhi semua dalam soal ujian akhir semester ganjil. Akan tetapi, SMKN 3 Tangerang dan SMK Teknologi Informatika sudah memiliki validitas isi yang cukup. Kemudian, guru-guru bahasa inggris di ketiga SMK tersebut belum memiliki kemampuan yang cukup untuk membuat butir soal ujian akhir semester ganjil yang memiliki konten validitas yang bagus.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer love and blessing to finish her last assignment in her study, “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed in the different ways hence this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education. The first, the writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her beloved parents, M. Heriyanto and Rohimah whom never stop motivate her, pray for her every time, accompany her in every condition, and taking care of her until she being what she wants to be; her lovely old brother, Ahmad Kasful Anwar who always support her every time; and her lovely old sister, Djuwita Rosalina who never stop to give support to her and make an inspiration of never giving up to her. A thousand thanks for your precious time. Moreover, she would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her special friend, M. Noor Afdillah AA who has given his priceless time in giving her motivation, accompanying and supporting her in every condition. Secondly, she would like to give her sincere thanks to her advisors Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Desi Nahartini, M.Ed. who has given the writer precious help, the guidance, and the advices patiently during the completion and the development of the study. Thirdly, the writer also realized that she never finish this paper without the help of some people around her. Therefore, the writer would like to give her gratitude and appreciations to:
1. Dra. Nurlena Ri’fai M.A.,Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department. 3. Zahril Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. Dra. Farida Hamid, M.Pd, as the academic advisor of English Education students in B class. 5. All lecturers in English Education Department who always give motivation and valuable knowledge during her study. 6. The Headmaster and English Teacher of SMKN 3 Tangerang, SMKN 1 Tangerang, and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang. 7. All of her friends in English Education Department 2009 academic year, especially B class and her best friends (Siti Ulfah Herdiyani, Ismi Putri Rahmah, Amalia Putri, and Malia Ulfah). The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Moreover, the writer also realized that this paper is far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get critiques and suggestions to make this paper better.
Ciputat, March, 2014
The writer
TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval ......................................................................................................................... i Endorsement Sheet ......................................................................................................... ii Certification of Originality............................................................................................. iii Abstract .......................................................................................................................... iv Abstrak ........................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgement.......................................................................................................... vi Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... viii List of Tables.................................................................................................................. x List of Appendices ......................................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study.................................................................................... 1 B. The Identification of the Problem ...................................................................... 6 C. The Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................... 7 D. The Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................ 7 E. The Objective of the Study ................................................................................ 7 F. The Significance of the Study ............................................................................ 8 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................... 9 A. Language Test 1. The Definition of Test .................................................................................. 9 2. Kinds of Test ................................................................................................ 10 a. Summative Test...................................................................................... 10 b. Formative Test ....................................................................................... 11 c. Diagnostic Test....................................................................................... 12 d. Placement Test ....................................................................................... 13 B. The Criteria of a Good Test ............................................................................... 13 1. Validity......................................................................................................... 13 2. Reliability ..................................................................................................... 14 3. Practicality.................................................................................................... 15 C. The Test Validity................................................................................................ 16
1. Content Validity ........................................................................................... 16 2. Criterion Validity ......................................................................................... 18 3. Face Validity ................................................................................................ 19 4. Construct Validity ........................................................................................ 19 D. Curriculum and Syllabus .................................................................................... 20 1. The Definition of Curriculum ...................................................................... 20 2. Curriculum for Vocational School ............................................................... 21 3. English Subject in Curriculum for Vocational School ................................. 23 4. Syllabus ........................................................................................................ 24 a. Syllabus for English Subject in Vocational School ............................... 24 b. The Use of Syllabus ............................................................................... 26 E. Relevant Study ................................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................... 29 A. Place and Time of the Study .............................................................................. 29 B. The Object of the Study ..................................................................................... 29 C. Method of the Study ........................................................................................... 30 D. The Instrument of the Data ................................................................................ 30 E. The Data Collection ........................................................................................... 31 F. The Technique of Data Analyzing ..................................................................... 32 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS .................................................................. 34 A. The Research Findings (The Description of the Data)....................................... 34 B. Discussion of the Data ....................................................................................... 46 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................................. 51 A. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 51 B. Suggestion .......................................................................................................... 52 REFERENCES............................................................................................................... 53 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 56
LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 The Standard Competence and Minimum Standard Competence Based on KTSP Curriculum for Vocational School (SMK) ......................... 4 Table 2.1 The Indicators of English Subject in the Syllabus for the Second Grade Technology Major in Three Vocational Schools Tangerang ............. 25 Table 3.1 Criteria of Test Results Percentage .................................................... 33 Table 4.1 Criteria of Test Results Percentage .................................................... 35 Table 4.2 The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicators of the English Syllabus at SMKN 3 Tangerang ................ 36 Table 4.3 The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicators of the English Syllabus at SMKN 1 Tangerang ................ 38 Table 4.4 The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicators of the English Syllabus at SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang ............................................................................... 40
LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Data Card SMKN 3 Tangerang Appendix 2 Data Card SMKN 1 Tangerang Appendix 3 Data Card SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang Appendix 4 The English Summative Test of SMKN 3 Tangerang Appendix 5 The English Summative Test of SMKN 1 Tangerang Appendix 6 The English Summative Test of SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang Appendix 7 Transcript Interview of SMKN 1 Tangerang Appendix 8 Transcript Interview of SMKN 3 Tangerang Appendix 9 Transcript Interview of SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang Appendix 10 The English Syllabus of SMKN 3 Tangerang Appendix 11 The English Syllabus of SMKN 1 Tangerang Appendix 12 The English Syllabus of SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang Appendix 13 The Letters
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study English has been an international language whether as a first language or a second language in some countries.1 Besides, English is studied at schools in Indonesia from junior high school up to university because the purpose of teaching English in Indonesia is to develop the communication skill especially in oral and written; such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This also has been stated in UU no. 20, 2003 that English subject is an adaptive subject that has aimed for giving English communication skill to students based on a certain major whether spoken or written.2In addition, English also has been one of the subjects at school which will be tested in National Examination (UAN). Moreover, English subject is important for students in SMK or SMA. In SMK or vocational school, English subject is to acquire an English knowledge and an English basic skill for supporting the achievement of major competence, and to implement the acquisition of English capability and English skill in communication whether in oral or written in intermediate level. Besides, English subject is to give a preparation for students in daily communication based on the global demand and to develop a communication skill higher.3 However, English subject in SMA or general school, is to develop communicative competence in spoken or written for achieving informational literacy, to build a belief about the importance of English in increasing the competitive feeling in the world, and to give an understanding to the students about a relationship between language and culture.4
Jeremy Harmer, The Practical of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman Publishing, 1991), p. 1. 2 Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK, (Jakarta:2006),p. 384. 3 Ibid. 4 Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA, (Jakarta:2006), p. 308
Therefore, vocational school students need English to support their communication based on the major that they taken, while senior high school students need English in general. Additionally, it becomes the reason of the writer interested in analyzing a vocational school as an object in her skripsi. Concerning to the important of learning English, the teacher should measure the students‟ ability in acquiring English. In other word, the teachers need to lead the evaluation. As Gronlund states “Evaluation may be defined as the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information, to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving objectives.”5Furthermore, Bachman said “Evaluation which involves in making value judgments and decisions can be best understood as one possible use of assessment, although judgments and decisions are often made in the absence of information from assessment”6. Thus, evaluation is an important aspect of teaching-learning process in which the teachers judge a whole aspect, such as: the materials, the methods, the techniques, and the objective of its school. Regarding the evaluation, one of the ways to evaluate is by taking the test. Test is one of instrument to measure the students‟ achievement whether or not they have understood the materials which have been taught. A test in plain words is “a method of measuring a person‟s ability or knowledge in a given domain”. 7Test also can be called as a psychological or educational test. As stated by Carroll in Bachman‟s book states “ …is a procedure to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual”.8 Moreover, there are some advantages for conducting a test. First, teacher can use a test to find students who need additional help. Second, a test can be used to find out whether the goal of the students‟ performance is successful or 5
Norman E. Gronlund and Robert L. Linn,, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, (New York: Collier Mac-Millan Publishers, 1990), 6th edition, p.5. 6 Lyle. F. Bachman, Statistical Analyses forLanguage Assessment, (New York: Cambridge University Press,2004), p. 9. 7 H. Douglas, Second Edition, Teaching by principles (An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagody), (New York: Addison Wesley Longman,Inc, 2001), p. 384. 8 Lyle F. Bachman, Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 20.
not. Third, a test can be used to reinforce learning, as Heaton says that “A test which sets out to measure students‟ performances as fairly as possible without in any way setting traps for them can be effectively used to motivate them”.9 Generally, there are many kinds of test; such as: summative test, formative test, diagnostic test, and placement test. However, a test which is usually used to measure the students‟ achievement at the end of semester is called “summative test”. Summative test is a test to evaluate the students‟ comprehension about what they have been learnt for one semester and it is usually held at the end of a course. The writer emphasizes what she said by referring to Wood‟s definition, he says “A summative test is a test that measures the sum total of what a student has learnt at the end of a course of study.”10 As the requirement of a good language test, the test should contain three criteria of a good test based on Farhady in Coombe et al„s book11, such as: 1) validity (the validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure and nothing else)12, 2) reliability (“reliability is the extent to which a test procedures consistent scores at different administration to the same or similar group of examination”)13, and 3) practicality (practicality is the test instruments which is not expensive, has a time-efficient in making the test, can be easily measured, and the quality of the test is good). Thus, the first requirement that should be fulfilled in a good test is validity, because it is to be important to have a test which measure what should be measured. There is one of validity which should be analyzed relates to the content; it is a content validity. Content validity is the validity which measure how far content of the test confirms what it should be measured as in syllabus. As 9
J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman Group, 1998), New Edition, p. 7. 10 Caroline Woods, Professional Development for Teachers Teaching and Assessing Skills in Foreign Language, (New York: University Press Cambridge, 2005), p. 25. 11 Christine Coombe, Peter Davidson, et al (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Assessment, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 37-43. 12 Heaton, op.cit, p. 159. 13 Coombe, Davidson, et al (ed.), op.cit.,p. 39.
Heaton states that content validity measures whether the items on the test are representative and relevant examples of whatever content or abilities have been designed to measure.14 Therefore, to know whether the test has content validity, the teacher should look the content standard (SI) of the curriculum which is reflected in syllabus. Concerning to the important of content validity in question items test, the writer assumes that summative test should also reflect on the standard competence (standar kompetensi), the minimum competence(kompetensi dasar), and the indicators for one semester in the syllabus as a reflection of curriculum (KTSP) for vocational schools; it is supposed to have a good content validity. The following are the standard competence and the minimum competence based on KTSP curriculum which is revealed by the ministry of education number 22/2006 for second grade major in English subject at vocational school:
Table 1.1 Standard Competenceand Minimum Standard Competence based on KTSP curriculum for vocational school (SMK)15 Standard Competence English Communication for Elementary Level
Minimum Standard Competence a) To understand a daily conversation whether proffesionally or personnaly with non native speaker. b) To take simple messages whether direct or indirect interaction. c) To describe the background knowledge and the job whether written or spoken. d) To tell the past working experience and the
Heaton, op.cit, p. 160. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, loc.cit., p. 385.
planning of work in the future. e) To express kinds of feelings expression. f)
To understand the simple instructions.
g) To create the simple messages, the instructions and the lists by the specific vocabularies, the spellings and the correct writing.
Based on the standard competence and the minimum standard competence for second grade of vocational schools students above, thetest should have the test items which contain those points that include in the English syllabus.By having the conformity between the test and the syllabus, the test will have a good content validity.As Khodirin stated in his research thatthe test designer should concern more to the content validity in arranging a good test. To arrange a test should be based on the curriculum and syllabus.16Thus, the writer assumed that a test that has a good content validity if the test has conformed to the syllabus. In a typical Indonesian school, the ones who are responsible in designing a test for students are teachers. However, it is not easy for them to construct a good test. Based on the writer‟s experience in Praktek Profesi Keguruan Terpadu(PPKT) at one of vocational school in South Tangerang, the writer found that the English summative test was carelessly constructed by the teacher. Some of test items were not appropriate with the indicators of the English syllabus. The teachers still did not concern on the conformity of the test items with the indicators in the English syllabus. They created the questions which were not in line with the syllabus and they created the question based on the material taught in a text book. For instance: there is a
Khodirin, “Content Validity of the English Summative Test in the First Year of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok”, Skripsi of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013), p. 39, unpublished.
question test item which talks about “preposition of place”, however, there is not in line with the syllabus. Regarding this problem, the writer is curious with some English summative tests of three vocational schools in Tangerang that has been accredited from A up to C whether they have a good content validity; especially for the second grade technology major. The writer will take three English summative tests in three vocational schools which have been accredited. Moreover, the writer wants to analyze how far the content validity in each vocational school and the teacher‟s ability is as a test designer in constructing the English summative test that has a content validity. At the final of this research, the writer presents the conformity attainment of English summative test items for each vocational school in Tangerang. Based on the description of the problem above, the writer is interested in having a further research under the title “Analyzing the Content Validity of English Summative Tests in Vocational Schools”.
B. The Identification of the Problem The writer identifies some common problems which appear, like: 1. The English test items are not in line with the indicators in syllabus and the standard competence and the minimum standard competence in curriculum. 2. The teachers are still concern in making tests based on the material given which is not in line with the syllabus. 3. The inappropriate English syllabus is used by the teachers, because they just took the syllabus from many sources. They do not pay attention whether it has been appropriate with their students‟ needs, the aims and objectives of the school. It makes the test do not measure what should be measured.
C. The Limitation of the Problem The writer limits this research on the analysis of English summative tests in three vocational schools that have been accredited from A up to C; especially in terms of content validity because as the writer has explained in the background of the study that the test should measured what should be measured. The content validity has an aim for measuring whether the indicators in syllabus has been covered in the test items. Therefore, the writer analyzed the content validity of English summative test in vocational schools which is based on the English syllabus for second grade technology major.
D. The Formulation of the Problem Based on the limitation of problem above, the writer formulates the problem as follow: 1. Which vocational school whose summative test having a good content validity? 2.
Do the English summative tests for Second Grade Technology major at three vocational schools in Tangerang that has been accredited from A up to C have a content validity?
3. Have the English teachers in the three vocational schools been able to construct the English summative test items that have a good content validity?
E. The Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are to describe whose vocational school has a good content validity, to describe how many percents the English summative test of vocational schools for second grade technology major in Tangerang conform the syllabus, and to describe whether the English teachers in the three vocational schools have been able to construct the English summative test items that have a content validity.
F. The Significance of the Study There are results of this study which are expected to contribute to three important elements in education and the next researcher, they are: First, the English teachers will know how to develop the English summative test items that have a good content validity and to enrich their knowledge in arranging a good summative test. Second, the writer hopes this paper can enhance the school principal in managing, controlling, and evaluating the teaching and learning process that can lead the success of the students at school. It can be achieved in making an evaluation confirms to a syllabus and a curriculum, because a syllabus and a curriculum is a guideline in teaching-learning process. Third, the students as the object and subject in teaching-learning process will have the appropriate ability which relates to their own major after graduated from school based on what they have achieved in teaching and learning process. The last, the writer also hopes this paper can be a reference for the next researchers who are interesting in developing similar study.
A. Language Test 1. The Definition of Test Actually, there are many ways to evaluate the students‟ ability in teachinglearning process which has an aim for evaluating the progress of students‟ ability and measuring the students‟ achievement. One of the ways to evaluate is a test. In education, test is very important because it is one of devices in education to get the information about students‟ achievement and to know how far learning objectives have been achieved. By conducting the test, the teachers will know how deep the pupils acquire the materials that have been taught, and know the form of students‟ behavior and characteristic. As Bachman defined, “A test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual or a test is a particular type of measurement that focuses on eliciting a specific sample of performance”.1 Regarding this, Airasian and Russell also explain “Tests are composed of short communications called questions or items”.2 It means that tests are a device for communication which has been arranged in test items. Moreover, Desmond Allison defines test in narrow sense that test is a kind of formal assessment which has been arranged and scheduled officially and has been limited by the available guidance.3 Based on some definitions above, the writer can conclude the test into three definitions. First, the test is a means or a procedure or a standardized device to measure the students‟ achievement in acquiring knowledge about the
Lyle. F. Bachman, Statistical Analyses for Language Assessment, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004), p. 9. 2 Peter W. Airasian and Michael K. Russell, Classroom Assessment, (New York: McGrawHill Companies, Inc, 2008), p. 145. 3 Desmond Allison, Language Testing and Evaluation (An Introductory Course), (Kent Ridge Crescent: Singapore University Press, 1999), p. 5.
subject after teaching-learning process. Second, it is one of the ways to measure the goal of achieving the learning objective. The last, a test is also a systematic procedure to get information about students‟ certain characteristic.
2. Kinds of Tests In this study, the writer focuses on the summative test which relates to her research about analysis the content validity of English summative tests for second grade of technology major at three vocational schools that have been accredited A up to C. Meanwhile, to understand kinds of tests that are used by the test-makers for each purpose, the writer delivers four kinds of test based on Gronlund. They are summative test, formative test, placement test, and diagnostic test.4 Here the following four types of test based on each purpose that has been stated by Gronlund:
a. Summative Test Gronlund states “the summative test is given at the end of a course or unit of instruction, and the results are used primarily for assigning grades, or for certifying pupil mastery of the instructional objectives. The results can be also used, of course, for evaluating the effectiveness of the instruction.”5 Therefore, summative test is a kind of test to measure the students‟ achievement and the teaching-learning process of the program for one semester at the end of course. David and Roger have a similar definition with Gronlund which say “Summative assessments are conducted at the end of an instructional unit or semester to judge the final quality and quantity of student achievement and/or the success of the instructional program”.6
Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc, 1981), p. 124. 5 Ibid, p. 126. 6 David W Johnson and Roger T. Johnson, Meaningful Assessment (A Manageable and Cooperative Process), (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2002), p.7.
The summative test is also the final evaluation of instruction in tests, projects, term papers, and final exams form.7 Summative test has a meaning as an evaluation which is administered at the end of course and experience is being over.8 It means that the purpose of summative test is to measure the goal of a process at its completion.9 Similarly, summative test is usually used for measuring whether the program obtained its overall goals because the summative test covers the entire subjects unit (themes and topic) which are learnt in each semester. For this reason, the content of summative test should be based directly on a detailed course syllabus and the materials used. Thus, the test makers should pay attention in arranging the content of summative test that will be administered to the students and they should describe the objectives of the programs in the summative test. Concerning on statements above, the writer summarizes that a summative test is an assessment to find the empirical evidence about the effectiveness of teaching, so it should be confirmed to the objectives, activities, and instruction provided for the students. Similarly, by administering the summative test is given for the students; teachers are not only having a final report about the programs achievement, but also the students‟ ability in acquiring the materials. Therefore, the test-makers should select the appropriate questions and the test items which can achieve the content standards and the minimum based competencies as in syllabus.
b. Formative Test According to Gronlund, “formative tests are given periodically during instruction to monitor pupil learning progress and to provide ongoing
Airasian and Russel, op.cit., p. 124. Allison, op.cit., p. 65. 9 Airasian and Russel, loc.cit. 8
feedback to pupils and teacher”.10 However, Hughes says that a formative test is as same as a progress achievement test because they are administered to measure the students‟ progress.11 Similar with Wiersma and Stephen‟s statement which explain that formative test happens in over period of time and looks the students‟ progress.12 The other expert also defines that a formative test is made for improving instruction of the course while the course is still in progress.13 Thus, a formative test is a test which is used to alter or to improve and monitor learning progress toward the goals in the instruction of the course.
c. Diagnostic Test Diagnostic test is administered for checking the ability of the students‟ or the students‟ difficulties in acquiring materials. As Gronlund defines that a diagnostic test is a test which is made not only for diagnosing learning difficulty during the implementation of instruction, but also the whole process.14 The other experts, Arthur defined “Diagnostic tests are used to identify students‟ strengths and weaknesses”.15 While Brown claims “A diagnostic test is designed to diagnose particular aspects of language”.16 From the definition above, the writer conclude that a diagnostic test is used for analyzing the difficulties of the students or the strength of the students in some aspects of language at the starting or during the implementation of instruction.
Gronlund, op.cit., p. 125. Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), p.14. 12 William Wiersma and Stephen G. Jurs, Educational Measurement and Testing, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1990), p.19. 13 Airasian and Russell, loc.cit. 14 Gronlund,loc.cit. 15 Hughes,loc.cit., p. 15. 16 H. Douglas Brown, Second Edition, Teaching by Principles (An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy), (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc, 2001), p. 390. 11
d. Placement Test Placement test is the test that is arranged for measuring student‟s ability in language and assigning student‟s major in an appropriate grade of educational organization. Moreover, Gronlund defines placement tests are “pretests designed to measure (1) whether pupils possess the perquisite skills need to succeed in a unit or course or (2) to what extent pupils have already achieved the objectives of the planned instruction”.17 Meanwhile, Hughes states “placement tests are intended to provide information that will help to place students at the stage of the teaching program most appropriate to their abilities”.18 The writer can conclude that placement test is a test which is held before the teaching program for getting information about students‟ need and placing students‟ stage based on their ability.
B. The Criteria of a Good Test The test that will be administered should have a good quality; it is important because it decides its result. Besides, the test should also well-constructed. A well-constructed means that the test fulfills the criteria of a good test. If the test is good, its result will reflect the true information about the test-takers‟ achievement. There are three common criteria which always become a consideration to make a good test for a test-maker based on Farhady in Coombe et al „s book19: 1. Validity Validity is the essential requirement or characteristic in a test. If the test does not have validity, it is not worth much; even, it has reliability.20 Validity is also the most complex criterion of a good test which the test usually
Gronlund, loc.cit. Hughes, op.cit., p. 16. 19 Christine Coombe, Peter Davidson, et al (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Assessment, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012), p. 37-43. 20 Ibid., p. 37. 18
measures what is intended to measure.21 Besides, validity is also as the testmakers construction or as a selection of classroom assessments. Moreover, there are more explanations about a validity which defined by Gronlund; like: a. Validity refers to the result of a test or evaluation instrument for a given group of individuals, not to the instruments itself. Test makers sometimes speak the validity of the test, for the sake of the convenience, but it is more appropriate to speak of the validity of the test result, or more special, of the validity of the interpretation to be made from the result. b. Validity is a matter of degree. It doesn‟t exist in an all or none basis. Consequently, test makers should avoid thinking of evaluation results as valid or invalid. Valid is best considered in terms of categories that specify degree, such as high validity, moderate validity, and low validity. c. Validity is always specific to some particular use. It should be never considered a general quality.22 Here, the example of validity: if the test-maker wants to measure the students‟ writing ability, he or she can ask the students to write as many words as they can in fifteen minutes, then simply count the words for the final score. However, if the test-maker wants to measure the students‟ ability in speaking, he or she uses an objective test or an essay test. It means that he or she does not measure what should be measured. The writer emphasizes that validity is the important good criteria of a good test refers to the test which measure what should be measured or intended.
2. Reliability A test which is administered in different time, but it has a consistent score or the recent test score is not too different with the previous test score called 21 22
Brown, op.cit., p. 387. Gronlund, op.cit., p. 66-67.
reliability. As Gronlund says “reliability refers to the consistency of evaluation results, if the test-makers obtain quite similar scores when the same test administered to the same group on the different occasion. Then, it can conclude that the result has a high degree of reliability from one occasion to another. Similarly, if the teacher independently rate the same student in the same instrument and obtain the similar ratings, it can conclude that the result has a high degree of reliability”.23 It is similar with David and Roger Johnson‟s definition, W. Johnson and T. Johnson defines “Reliability exists when a student‟s performance remains the same on repeated measurements”.24 According to Brown, reliability is a consistent and dependable test; if the test-makers give the same test to the same subject or matched subjects on two different occasions, the test itself should have similar results.25 Likewise, Allison claims “The reliability of a test concerns the accuracy and trustworthiness of its results: if we could erase the test from students‟ memories and then repeat it, how similar would the results be?”26 As a result, a test is considered by reliability if the test-makers get the some result repeatedly. Reliability does not simply validity. It means that a reliable measures the subjects or materials given consistently, but not necessarily what it is supposed to be measured.
3. Practicality The third characteristic of a good test is practicality or usability. The term practicality refers to the cost of copiers, the time in administering the test, the ease of scoring, and other factors teachers have decided before using a particular measurement.27 Moreover, Popham uses term “practicality” as “usability”. He says:
Gronlund, op.cit., p. 65-66. W. Johnson and T. Johnson, op.cit., p. 54. 25 Brown, op.cit., p. 386. 26 Allison, op.cit., p. 85. 27 W. Johnson and T. Johnson, loc.cit. 24
Evaluators must be sensitive to the ease with which the tests can be administered. How long will they take to administer? How readily can tests be scored? How easily can tests results be interpreted? How expensive are the tests? Are they equivalent forms available for pretesting, post testing, and so forth? Is there evidence that the test is suitable for all the ethnic groups with whom it will be used?28 Therefore, Practicality is the third criteria of a good test which concerns in the cost, the time, and the ease in administering the test. If the test is expensive, difficult to be scored, and time consuming; it means the test is impractical.
C. The Test Validity 1. Content Validity Content validity is how well the test construct as representative as the subject matter which should be covered in the test. It aims for measuring what should be measured as in syllabus and curriculum. As one of experts defines “Content validity is concerned with the extent to which the test is representative of a defined body of content consisting of topics and processes”.29 Moreover, in assessing the content validity of an achievement test, one asks, To what extent does the test require demonstration by the student of the achievement that constitutes the objectives of instruction in this area?” For a test to have high content validity, it should be a representative sample of both the content/topics and the cognitive processes/abilities objectives of a given course or unit-the test should contain a representative sample of the content and uses to which the content is to be applied.30 Content validity is one of a measuring instrument which measures the similarity of certain types of situations or subject matter. The instrument can be
W. James Popham, Educational Evaluation, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993), p. 126. Wiersma and Jurs, op.cit., p. 184. 30 Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998), 8th edition, p. 72-73. 29
claimed by having high content validity if a sample of a great variety of items representing the area in which the students‟ ability is being measured.31 Content validity is also called curricular validity, because materials that will be tested are based on curriculum. As Gareis and Grand explains that content validity concerned with how far an assessment is in line with the intended learning outcomes, standards, or objectives of an instructional unit.32 Therefore, If the test which is given to the students does not have a content validity, there will be consequences, there are: the students cannot demonstrate skills that they possess if they are not tested, and also that irrelevant items are presented that students will likely answer incorrectly only because the content was not taught.33 However, there is a controversy of using the content validity in validating the test. One of the experts, who have a controversy with it, is Anastasi in the Construct of the Content Validity Journal by Sireci. She described that content validity is essential to measure the evaluation of achievement test. It means that the content validity can not be used in validating other types of test, such as: aptitude or personality test. Meanwhile, other experts; such as: Cronbach and Meehl in the Construct of the Content Validity Journal by Sireci revised that the four types of test validity is emphasized on a construct validity because it can be applied to all the test.34 Although, there is a controversy in using the content validity for validating the test, content validity still become one of the type of test validity which concern in validating the conformity of the test items with the samples of course unit. As American Psychological Association in the most recent version of Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing emphasized “a unitary
J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil Growth: Principles of Tests and Measurement, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc, 1967), 3rd Edition, p. 287. 32 Christopher R. Gareis and Leslie W. Grant, Teacher-Made Assessments: How to Connect Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Learning, (New York: Eye On Education, Inc, 2008), p. 37. 33 Wiersema, op.cit., p. 185. 34 Stephen G. Sireci, The Construct of the Content Validity, JSTOR Journal, Vol. 45, 1998, p. 90-91.
conceptualization of validity, retained the importance of content domain representation.”35 In addition, based on Hughes, there are two importance things of content validity. First, “the grater test‟s content validity, the more likely it is to be an accurate measure of what it is supposed to measure. Secondly, a test is likely to have a harmful backwash effect. Areas which are not tested are likely become areas ignored in teaching and learning. The best content is a fair reflection of these”.36 To sum up, the writer assumes that a content validity measures how well the subject matter covered in a test and it can be analyzed by using the checklist table for measuring the conformity between the tests content with what should be measured, such as: the indicators in syllabus.
2. Criterion Validity Criterion validity of a test is a relationship or a correlation between the test scores and scores on some measures which represent an identified criterion.37 Similarly, Gronlund says “Criterion validity may be defined as the extent to which the performance is related to some other valued measure of performance”.38 Besides, whenever the test scores are to be used to predict future performance or to estimate current performance on some valued measure other than the test itself, it is called criterion validity. There are two kinds of criterion validity, such as: Concurrent validity (it applies if data on the two measures- test and criterion are collected at or about the same time and if the test scores can estimate a specified present performance)39 and Predictive validity (it applies if there is an intervention
Ibid., p. 100. Hughes, op.cit., p. 27. 37 Wiersma and Jurs, op.cit., p. 189. 38 Gronlund, op.cit., p. 72. 39 Wiersma and Jurs, op.cit., p. 189-190. 36
period between the time of testing and the collection of data on the criteria and if the test scores can predict a specified future performance).40 Thus, criterion validity is a validity which compares a measurement with some objective standard and it has also two types, such as: concurrent validity and predictive validity which has own meaning.
3. Face Validity Face validity is closely related to a surface or appearance of test. As Alderson et al., says that face validity refers to the credibility or public acceptability of the test surface.41 Moreover, Heaton defines “If a test item looks right to other testers, teachers, moderators, and testers, it can be described as having at least face validity”.42 From the definition above, the writers assumes that face validity means the test appearance which is readable, acceptable, and appropriate with what supposed to test.
4. Construct Validity Hopkins and Antes says “Construct validity is an indication of the relationship between what a theory predicts and what test scores how”. 43 As Heaton also states, “If the test has construct validity it is capable of measuring certain specific characteristics in accordance with a theory of language and behavior and learning”.44 This type of validity assumes the existence of certain learning theories or constructs underlying the acquisition of abilities and skills.
Ibid., J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham, and Diane Wall, Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 172. 42 J. B Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (New York: Longman Group UK Limited, 1988), New Edition, p. 159. 43 Charles D. Hopkins and Richard L. Antes, Classroom Measurement and Evaluation, (Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc, 1990), 3 rd Edition, p.331. 44 Heaton, op.cit., p. 161. 41
In the other hand, the writer concludes that construct validity refers to validity which measures the behavior or psychological and certain characters of the students.
D. Curriculum and Syllabus 1. The Definition of Curriculum Curriculum means the basic standard or the objective which is used for guiding a success of teaching-learning process. As stated by Ornstein and Hupkins that curriculum is as a written document or a plan which contains strategies in achieving desired goals.45 Besides, curriculum also contains scopes, sequences, and methods for conducting teaching-learning process. Moreover, “a curriculum is the content, standards, or objectives from which schools hold students accountable. Others claim that a curriculum is the set of instructional strategies teachers plan to use”.46 Curriculum has four aims based on Richards; they are “to provide a clear definition of the purposes of a program, to provide guidelines for teachers, learners, and materials writers, to help provide a focus for instruction, to describe important and realizable changes in teaching”.47 In addition, every curriculum has a content based standard which will lead teaching-learning process in every institution or schools. Here the following of content based standard are: 1) The basic framework and the structure of curriculum which are as guidance in arranging a set of curriculum.
Allan C. Ornstein and Francis P. Hupkins, Curriculum: Foundations, Principles, and Issues, (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1993), 2nd Edition, p. 10. 46 George J. Posner, Analyzing the Curriculum. ( New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Incc, 2004), 3rd Edition, p. 5. 47 Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 120.
2) The quantity of subject or materials for the elementary students up to middle students. 3) A set of curriculum which will be developed by institution or schools based on an arranging guidance curriculum which does not separate from the based standard. 4) The educational calendar is arranged for showing the teaching-learning events at schools or other institutions.48 The writer concludes that curriculum is a written document which describes objectives, goals, scope and sequences, and systems as a guideline for implementing the teaching-learning process.
2. Curriculum for Vocational School (SMK) Vocational school is a school which is focused on the rationales of the learning and theory.49 It means that vocational school students do not only concern in acquiring the materials or getting the knowledge, but also they concern in getting the experience or applying the theories and skills that they have gotten in a classroom. Furthermore, the materials or the theory that have been learnt by the students should correlate to their major. It supposes to the students‟ knowledge can be applied in the workplace as the major that they have been taken. Vocational education refers to vocational school and workplace that the students have to build their professional competence by building meaningful relations between knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In other words, the aims of vocational education are integrating knowledge, skills, and attitudes while they are simultaneously need to develop a professional identity. There are the reasons why vocational school is chosen by students rather than general school, they are: First, vocational school offers many subjects that 48
Putu Sudira MP, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (SMK), (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Direktoral Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Subdit Pembelajaran, 2006), p. 18. 49 Harmen Schaap, Liesbeth Baartman, and Elly de Bruijn, Students’ Learning Processes during School-Based Learning and Workplace Learning in Vocational Education: A Review, Journal of Vocations and Learning,5, 2012, p. 99.
can be chosen by the students. Therefore, the students have had their own concern major based on what they want.50 Second, the students‟ poorly educated parents are more likely to attend vocational school because they do not have enough money for entering their children to the tertiary education.51 Third, the students are ready to work after they graduate by having a specialization major if they can not continue to tertiary education. Fourth, by entering vocational school, the education ministry can increase the size of the labor force that is ready to work.52 Regarding the problem above, the government also constructs the curriculum for vocational school. Curriculum which is used in Indonesia today is KTSP curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) or school-based curriculum. KTSP curriculum is an operational curriculum which is arranged and implemented by schools. Meanwhile, there is a difference between KTSP curriculum with the previous curriculum. In KTSP curriculum, school has to be able in defining the content based standard which has been stated by BSNP (Badan Satuan Nasional Pendidikan) becoming a good curriculum; that is relevant to the situation, vision, and mission of the school. In addition, the implementation of the content based standard has an aim for students in achieving the passing standard competence.53 The aim of KTSP curriculum for vocational schools is to develop intelligence, knowledge, character, well behavior, students‟ capability for living independently, and preparation for higher education based on certain major that students have taken. Besides, it also supposes to students in having a good capability of each profession based on students‟ major, to develop students‟ skills and creativity, to acquire their own major and a basic knowledge and a technology, and to communicate effectively based on certain
David Newhouse and Daniel Suryadarma, The Value of Vocational Education High School Type and Labor Market Outcomes in Indonesia: The World Bank Human Development Network Social Protection and Labor Division, Policy Research Working Paper, 5035, 2009, p. 5. 51 Ibid., p. 10. 52 Ibid., p. 6. 53 Sudira,op.cit., p. 14.
major.54 Therefore, KTSP curriculum for vocational school is designed for fulfilling the students‟ real life after graduate. In addition, the content of KTSP curriculum for vocational schools are (1) the aim of vocational education, (2) vision, mission, and goals of each schools, (3) the passing standard competence for vocational school, (4) the passinggrade standard competence in each subjects, (5) the based competence of each subjects, (6) the based competence of compulsory subjects, (7) the structure of curriculum, (8) the education calendar, and (9) syllabus.55
3. English Subject in Curriculum for Vocational School English is important to be taught because of three reasons. First, English is as one of the subject which has to be learnt by the pupils in every schools whether as a second language or a foreign language, as in Indonesia. Second, English has become a compulsory subject in Senior high school which should be learnt by the pupils for acquiring four skills, there are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The last, English subject is also important to be learnt because people need to have oral and written skills for communicating each other in their social life. However, Harmer assumes that English is being important to be learnt because of the school curriculum, the improvement of people‟s professional lives, the target language community, and the program of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), and the culture.56 English subject in vocational school is an adaptive subject that purposes to acquire an English knowledge and an English basic skill for supporting the achievement of major competence, and to implement the acquisition of English capability and English skill in communication whether in oral or written in intermediate level. Besides, English subject is to give a preparation for students
Ibid., p. 23. Ibid., p. 16. 56 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman Publishing, 1991), p. 1-2. 55
in daily communication based on the global demand and to develop a communication skill higher.57 As the writer stated above, English is important to be taught in vocational schools because vocational schools students need a good communication in English based on the major that they taken, like: pastry major, food and restaurant major, technology major, etc. It is also as a development of students‟ ability in communication and a preparation for facing a real work world.
4. Syllabus a. Syllabus for English Subject in Vocational school A syllabus is a reference of the courses that used by the teacher as a guideline for conducting the teaching and learning process. A syllabus should be developed by each school that conforms to schools‟ vision, situation, and mission. It relates to an operational curriculum or KTSP curriculum which gives school an authority for developing the syllabus. The Government also states that syllabus is a set of plan which covers standard competence, minimum standard competence, materials, activities, indicator, scoring, time allocation, and media.58 Therefore, a syllabus is a plan or a reference that used by teachers in leading a teaching-learning process of a program and it includes eight elements, such as standard competence, minimum standard competence, materials, activities, indicator, scoring, time allocation, and media. The component that the writer will be used in analyzing the content validity is the indicators from the syllabus, because it is the real form of minimum standard competence that is used for measuring student‟s behavior, skills, and knowledge. In addition, it has to be covered in teaching-learning process. The indicators of English subject for the second 57
Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK, (Jakarta:2006). 58 Pengembangan Silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dalam KTSP, (Jakarta: Direktorat Tenaga Kependidikan, Direktorat Jenderal, Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan, dan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008), p. 6.
grade technology major in vocational schools at odd semester are listed as follow:
Table 2.1 The Indicators of English Subject in the Syllabus for the Second Grade Technology Major in Three Vocational Schools Tangerang59 Minimum Based
Indicators in the English syllabus
Competence 2.1 Memahami percakapan
1. Pertanyaan
sederhana sehari-hari baik
dalam konteks professional
sehari-hari diperagakan dan
maupun pribadi dengan
dijawab dengan benar
yes-no kegiatan
orang bukan penutur asli
2. Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari 3. Pertanyaan dengan pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dan dijawab dengan benar 4. Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran/hobi dan minat 5. Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel,restoran, travel, agency, dll. diperagakan dengan benar. 2.2 Mencatat pesan-pesan
6. Pesan (message) yang diterima lewat
Silabus Bahasa Inggris Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan SMK Tangerang Kelas 2 Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013, unpublished.
sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun melalui alat 2.3 Merinci tugas pekerjaan
telpon dicatat dengan benar. 7. Pesan (message) yang diterima secara langsug dicatat dengan benar. 8. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam
dan latar belakang
Simple Present dengan tepat untuk
pendidikan yang dimilikinya
menerangkan tugas dan pekerjaan
secara lisan dan tulisan
berbagai macam profesi. 9. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Past dengan tepat untuk menerangkan latar belakang pendidikan berbagai macam profesi 10. Curriculum Vitae yang sederhana ditulis dengan benar. 11. Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk menjelaskan fakta dan angka (facts and figures) pada suatu sajian data.
2.4 Menceritakan kegiatan di masa lalu an rencana kerja yang akan datang.
12. Ungkapan tentang kegiatan masa lampau dikemukakan dengan benar. 13. Ungkapan untuk mengemukakan kegiatan dimasa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar. 14. Surat pribadi yang menceritakan kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana masa depan ditulis dengan benar.
b. The Use of Syllabus Concerning to the definition of syllabus which is as guidance in teaching-learning process has four uses, they are:
1) As guidance or a reference in developing the next syllabus, such as: arranging of a lesson plan, managing the activities in a classroom, supplying the materials, and developing of scoring. 2) As a plan that covers main programs to be achieved in the teachinglearning process. 3) As a scoring of the success program. 4) As a written document of the program accountability.60 In other words, the use of syllabus is intended to cover seven components for getting the success of teaching-learning program.
E. Relevant Study There are the relevant studies which have been done by the previous researcher in analyzing content validity of English summative test. The writer takes two relevant studies from Etika and Suminar. The first relevant study is conducted by Etika under the title An Analysis on the Content Validity of the Summative Test for the First Year Students at SMA DUA MEI. The aim of this research was to find the empirical evidence of the English summative test content validity made by the professional team for the odd semester of the first year students carried out at SMA DUA MEI. The writer used qualitative research. This research was categorized as descriptive analysis in which to describe the conformity and inconformity of the SMA DUA MEI‟s summative test with the syllabus and indicators. The result of this study showed the English summative test fell into 72% valid in terms of its conformity with the indicators. However, the writer found that the test doesn‟t represent the whole indicators from the syllabus. There were only 61% covered. It means that 40% indicators were not represented the test items.61
60 61
Pengembangan Silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dalam KTSP, loc.cit.
Surya Etika, “An Analysis on the Content Validity of the Summative Test for the First Year Students at SMA DUA MEI”, Skripsi of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2012), p. v, unpublished.
Next, the second researcher is conducted by Suminar under the title An Analysis on Content validity of English Summative Test Items for Junior High School. This research was aimed to find the empirical evidence whether the English summative test items for the second grade students at SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia at even semester 2010/2011 have good content validity. The method used in this research was descriptive comparative and also quantitative. Furthermore, the result of this study showed that the English summative test at SMP Al-Zahra did not have a good content validity because only 40% of the test items that conformed to the English syllabus.62 Meanwhile, the writer‟s research is quite different with the previous researchers because in this skripsi the writer will not only analyze the conformity level of English summative test in term of a content validity in a school, but also analyzes which vocational school that has been able in arranging a good English summative test in term of a content validity from three accredited vocational school in Tangerang. In addition, she analyzes the English summative tests based on the three vocational schools in Tangerang that have been ranked from A to C by the government.
Istyasmi Suminar, “An Analysis on Content validity of English Summative Test Items for Junior High School”, Skripsi of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2012), p. v, unpublished.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Study The research was administered in three accredited vocational schools at Tangerang; especially for the second grade technology major. Those three vocational schools have been ranked based on the accreditation from A up to C by the education ministry that has been published in Data Pokok SMK.1 They are SMKN 3 Tangerang which has grade A, SMKN 1 Tangerang which has grade B, and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang which has grade C. The research is held in the different time. The first research was conducted in SMKN 1 Tangerang on November 25th, 2013. The second research was conducted in SMKN 3 Tangerang on December 3nd, 2013. The last research was conducted in SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang on December 19th, 2013. This research began by asking permission to the headmaster and making an appointment to the English teacher. The second step, the writer asked for the English summative test paper and a syllabus for the second grade technology major in odd semester in those three vocational schools. The last, the writer interviewed the English teacher of second grade technology major in those vocational schools by a semi-structured interview.
B. The Object of the Study The object of the study in this research is English summative tests for the second grade technology major of three accreditation vocational schools at odd semester 2013/2014.
Data Pokok SMK (
C. Method of the Study The method of this study is a qualitative and a quantitative method (a mixed method). There are three types of mixed methods; they are the Qualquan model or the exploratory mixed method, the Quan-qual model or the explanatory mixed method, and the Quan-Qual model or the triangulation method.2 Moreover, the writer decides to use the Qual-quan model or the exploratory method because the data collection of the research in this skripsi mostly enhances the qualitative research. Continuingly, the quantitative data is used for presenting the numerical analysis in calculating the percentage of the conformity level between the English summative tests towards the syllabus for English subject. Regarding the problem above, Creswell defines “the purpose of an exploratory sequential mixed methods design involves the procedure of first gathering qualitative data to explore phenomenon, and then collecting quantitative data to explain relationships found in the qualitative data.”3
D. The Instruments of the Study There are two instruments of the data. Here the following two instruments of the data: 1. Documentation record Documentation is one of the important data collections of the qualitative research. The documentation record is collected by two documents. They are the syllabus of English subject that includes indicators and English summative test paper. Moreover, indicators of syllabus are used as a reference in analyzing how far the conformity between the English summative test to the syllabus by using a checklist table and the English summative test papers are used as the object of the study that is analyzed. 2
L.R. Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills, and Peter Airasian, Educational Research (Competencies for Analysis and Applications), 9th edition, p. 463. 3 John W. Creswell, Educational Research (Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating, Quantitative and Qualitative Research), 4th edition, p. 543.
2. Interview The technique in interviewing is a semi-structured interview because the writer has been set the questions to be asked. The interview has been taken in three accredited vocational schools. It purposes to the second grade technology major of English teachers in each vocational school. The English teachers are interviewed by asking some questions that relates to the constructing of the test. In addition, the interview is administered in getting the explanation from the English teachers about the constructing of the English summative test. Besides, the interview also gives the information whether the English teachers have understood an important of a content validity in a test.
E. The Technique of Data Collection There are three stages in doing the data collection in this skripsi: 1. At the first stage, the collecting documents as the source data of qualitative research that will be used for analyzing. The data which are collected, like: the syllabus for English subject of the second grade technology major at odd semester in each vocational school and the English summative paper test of the second grade technology major at odd semester in each vocational school. 2. Secondly, the using of checklist table is purposed to check and analyze the number of the test which has conformity and unconformity with the indicators in syllabus. In addition, the result of checklist table is calculated by Sudijono’s formula and the percentage is described into a predicate category. 3. The last, the interview of the second grade technology major of English teacher is committed in each those three accreditation vocational schools. It is conducted for getting a supporting data by asking about the phenomena of English teacher in each vocational school in constructing the English summative test.
F. The Technique of Data Analyzing The obtained data is analyzed in the way that in line with the technique of conducting this study. Starting by the attempt of answering the research question, the writer analyzes the conformity level and the unconformity level of the English summative test to the syllabus in term of content validity. The writer analyzed which test items number have confirmed and have not confirmed to the syllabus in a checklist table qualitatively. Quantitatively, the writer measures the attainment of a content validity of the test items by using this formula: P=
X 100 %
P= A percentage of attainment f = Frequency N = Number of cases4 The formula above is used for getting the total percentage about the conformity of the English summative tests towards the indicators in English syllabus. Moreover, the attainment result of analyzing the three English summative tests in three vocational schools is described. In describing the result, the conformity attainment percentage number changes into predicate category based on Arikunto’s criteria. The writer also calculates the attainment of indicators cover in the English summative test by the same formula that has been explained by Anas Sudijono. Here the following of Arikunto’s criteria that is used for describing the attainment result of conformity and inconformity of English summative test’s item with syllabus:
Prof. Drs. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, 2011),p. 43.
Table 3.1 Criteria of test results percentage5 81-100%
61- 80 %
21-40 %
0-20 %
The highest level falls in the percentage of 81-100% which means “excellent”. The good level falls in the percentage of 61-80%. The sufficient level falls in the percentage of 41-60%. The insufficient level falls in the percentage of 21-40%. The lowest level is poor which falls in the percentage of 0-20%.
In addition, the data interview is used for getting the additional information of the final research finding in this skripsi by coding the transcript of each interview.
Suharsini Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005), p. 44.
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Research Findings (The Description of the Data) The data that was used by the writer in this study is English summative test given at odd semester at three vocational schools of the second grade technology major. Those vocational schools have been ranked from grade A up to C. There are SMKN 3 Tangerang that has been accredited A, SMKN 1 Tangerang has been accredited B, and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML has been accredited C. In addition, the English summative tests had been arranged by the team teachers in SMKN 3 and SMKN1 Tangerang. However, the English summative test in SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML had been arranged by the English teacher itself. The tests consisted of three form test based on each vocational school. First, SMKN 3 Tangerang designed the English summative test for the second grade technology major in “multiple choices” form that consisted of 50 numbers; they were speaking, structure, and reading. The test was held on December 4th, 2013 with the total time given to the students for answering the whole items was 90 minutes. Secondly, SMKN 1 Tangerang designed the English summative test for the second grade technology major in “multiple choices” that consisted of 50 numbers; such as: listening, speaking, structure, and reading. It was held on December 4th, 2013 with the total time given was 120 minutes. The last, SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang designed the English summative test which consisted 45 items. They were 40 multiple choices and 5 short answers. The test was held on December 10th, 2013 with the total time given was 60 minutes. Furthermore, the writer compared the English summative test items with the syllabus for English subject in each vocational school by using a checklist table; it supposed to get the attainment of the conformity between the English summative test items and the indicators in the syllabus for English subject. The
writer also calculated the attainment of conformity level by using Anas’ formula: P=
X 100 %
P= A percentage of attainment f = Frequency N = Number of cases1 The next step, the writer interpreted the result of conformity level by using Arikunto’s criteria: Table 4.1 Criteria of test results percentage2 81-100%
61- 80 %
21-40 %
0-20 %
Moreover, the writer provided three analyzes data of the conformity between the English summative items and the indicators. The conformity between the English summative test items and the indicators as in the syllabus of English subject for each school will be presented in the table below:
Prof. Drs. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, 2011),p. 43. 2 Suharsini Arikunto, Manajemen Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005), p. 44.
1. The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicator of the English syllabus at SMKN 3 Tangerang Table 4.2 Minimum Based Competence 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana seharihari baik dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
Indicators in the English syllabus 1. Pertanyaan dengan pola yesno question dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dan dijawab dengan benar
2. Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam kontekskegiatan sehari-hari 3. Pertanyaan dengan pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dandijawab dengan benar 4. Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran/hobi dan minat 5. Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel,restoran, travel, agency, dll. diperagakan denganbenar. 2.2 Mencatat 6. Pesan (message) yang diterima pesan-pesan lewat telpon dicatat dengan sederhana baik benar. dalam interaksi 7. Pesan (message) yang diterima langsung maupun secara langsug dicatat dengan melalui alat benar. 2.3 Merinci tugas 8. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan pekerjaan dan latar dalam Simple Present dengan belakang tepat untuk menerangkan tugas pendidikan yang dan pekerjaan berbagai macam dimilikinya secara profesi. lisan dan tulisan 9. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Past dengan tepat untuk menerangkan latar belakang pendidikan berbagai
(√/x) √
Items Number 1,17
8,11,12,13, 16,21,26,27,2 8,34
2.4 Menceritakan kegiatan di masa lalu an rencana kerja yang akan datang.
macam profesi 10. Curriculum Vitae yang sederhana ditulis dengan benar. 11. Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk menjelaskan fakta dan angka (facts and figures) pada suatu sajian data. 12. Ungkapan tentang kegiatan masa lampau dikemukakan dengan benar. 13. Ungkapan untuk mengemukakan kegiatan dimasa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar. 14. Surat pribadi yang menceritakan kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana masa depan ditulis dengan benar. 14
21 Items
According to the table above, there were 21 question items that confirmed to the indicators of SMKN 3 Tangerang’s English syllabus out of 50 question items. Thus, the attainment of the conformity level between the English summative test items and the indicators in the English syllabus can be calculated as follows:
P = Percentage of the content validity f= Frequency of indicator appearance in the question items N= Total of indicator appearance required in the English syllabus From the calculation above, it can be seen the attainment of conformity level between the English summative test and the indicators of the English syllabus that had been made by teacher in SMKN 3 Tangerang falls into 50%. It means the conformity of English summative test in SMKN 3 Tangerang reached a “sufficient” level based on Arikunto’s criteria. Therefore, there were a half of the total indicators in the English summative test questions that
confirmed to the indicators in the English syllabus. It happened because a spread of the question items for each indicator was not equal, there were still some indicators that were not included in the question items, and there were some question items that were appropriate with the indicators at the even semester.
2. The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicator of the English syllabus at SMKN 1 Tangerang
Minimum Based Competence 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana seharihari baik dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
2.2 Mencatat pesan-pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun melalui alat
Table 4.3 Indicators in the English syllabus 1. Pertanyaan dengan pola yesno question dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dan dijawab dengan benar
2. Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam kontekskegiatan sehari-hari 3. Pertanyaan dengan pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dandijawab dengan benar 4. Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran/hobi dan minat 5. Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel,restoran, travel, agency, dll. diperagakan denganbenar. 6. Pesan (message) yang diterima lewat telpon dicatat dengan benar. 7. Pesan (message) yang diterima secara langsug dicatat dengan benar.
(√/x) √
Items Number 4,3
6,7,9,10,20, 28,32,35,36, 41,46,47,49
16,19,23,30, 33,34,40, 48
2.3 Merinci tugas 8. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan pekerjaan dan latar dalam Simple Present dengan belakang tepat untuk menerangkan tugas pendidikan yang dan pekerjaan berbagai macam dimilikinya secara profesi. lisan dan tulisan 9. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Past dengan tepat untuk menerangkan latar belakang pendidikan berbagai macam profesi 10. Curriculum Vitae yang sederhana ditulis dengan benar. 11. Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk menjelaskan fakta dan angka (facts and figures) pada suatu sajian data. 2.4 Menceritakan 12. Ungkapan tentang kegiatan kegiatan di masa masa lampau dikemukakan lalu an rencana dengan benar. kerja yang akan 13. Ungkapan untuk datang. mengemukakan kegiatan dimasa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar. 14. Surat pribadi yang menceritakan kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana masa depan ditulis dengan benar. Total 14
27 Items
Based on the table above, there were only 27question items which confirmed to the syllabus out of 50 question items. Therefore, the attainment of the conformity between the English syllabus and the English summative test that has been arranged by SMKN 1 Tangerang can be calculated as follows:
P = Percentage of the content validity f= Frequency of indicator appearance in the question items N= Total of indicator appearance required in the English syllabus
Thus, it can be seen the attainment of conformity level between the English summative test that had been made by teacher in SMKN 1 Tangerang and the indicators of the English syllabus falls into 35.71% which means “less good” based on Arikunto’s criteria. It means that the English summative test of SMKN 1 Tangerang did not even cover a half of indicators in English syllabus. It could be happened because there were still some question itemsthat did not represent the indicators in the English syllabus of SMKN 1 Tangerang at the odd semester.
3. The Conformity between the English Summative Test Items and the Indicator of the English syllabus at SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang. Table 4.4 (√/x) Minimum Based Indicators in the English Items Competence syllabus Number 2.1 Memahami 1. Pertanyaan dengan pola yes√ 1,2,3,30 percakapan no question dalam konteks sederhana seharikegiatan sehari-hari hari baik dalam diperagakan dan konteks dijawab dengan benar professional maupun pribadi dengan orang 2. Pertanyaan dengan pola √ 4 bukan penutur asli question tags dalam kontekskegiatan sehari-hari 3. Pertanyaan dengan pola √ 7,8,9,10,23, question words dalam konteks 24,27,33,34, kegiatan sehari-hari 36,37,38,41,4 diperagakan dandijawab 2, dengan benar 4. Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan √ 11,12 digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran/hobi dan minat 5. Ungkapan untuk menangani x tamu hotel,restoran, travel, agency, dll. diperagakan denganbenar. 2.2 Mencatat 6. Pesan (message) yang diterima x pesan-pesan lewat telpon dicatat dengan
sederhana baik benar. dalam interaksi 7. Pesan (message) yang diterima langsung maupun secara langsug dicatat dengan melalui alat benar. 2.3 Merinci tugas 8. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan pekerjaan dan latar dalam Simple Present dengan belakang tepat untuk menerangkan tugas pendidikan yang dan pekerjaan berbagai macam dimilikinya secara profesi. lisan dan tulisan 9. Bentuk kata kerja digunakan dalam Simple Past dengan tepat untuk menerangkan latar belakang pendidikan berbagai macam profesi 10. Curriculum Vitae yang sederhana ditulis dengan benar. 11. Berbagai ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk menjelaskan fakta dan angka (facts and figures) pada suatu sajian data. 2.4 Menceritakan 12. Ungkapan tentang kegiatan kegiatan di masa masa lampau dikemukakan lalu an rencana dengan benar. kerja yang akan 13. Ungkapan untuk datang. mengemukakan kegiatan dimasa datang digunakan dalam Tense yang benar. 14. Surat pribadi yang menceritakan kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana masa depan ditulis dengan benar. Total 14
29 Items
According to the table above, there were 29 question items that confirmed to the indicators in the English syllabus out of 45 question items. The attainment of the conformity level between the English summative test items and the indicators in the English syllabus can be calculated as follows:
P = Percentage of the unconformity level f = Frequency of indicator appearance in the question items
N= Total of indicator appearance required in the English syllabus As the result, the conformity level between the English summative test with the indicators of the English syllabus falls into 50 %. Based on Arikunto’s criteria the conformity level which reaches 41%-60% means “sufficient”; therefore, the conformity level of the English summative test in SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang could reach a “sufficient” level. The result was as same as SMKN 3 Tangerang that the indicators covered in the question items of the English summative test only a half of the total indicators at odd semester. Moreover, the same causes also happened that they were not equally spread the question items in the indicators of English syllabus and there were some question items that confirmed to the materials at the even semester. 4. English Teachers’ Interview at Three Vocational Schools as a Test Designer The writer used a semi structured interview about whether English teachers in each vocational school has been able to construct an English summative test that has a content validity to get additional information for supporting the result of the conformity level between English summative test and the indicators in English syllabus at each vocational school. The interview was transmitted into a transcription and it was highlighted for getting intended information based on each conversation. There were three data interview from each vocational school that had been taken by the writer as the interviewer. First, the interview was held at SMKN 1 Tangerang on November 25th, 2013. The writer asked some questions relating to how to construct an English summative test which confirm to an English syllabus by using a semi structured interview (see appendix 4). The interviewer asked the questions from general to specific. She asked about the development of the English syllabus in the school. The teachers explained that the English syllabus was
taken from the internet directly and it would be developed into a lesson plan of an English subject by each English teacher at the school. Moreover, there was an uncertainty answer and a hesitation from the teacher when the interviewer asked about an important of validity that should be on test as one of characteristics of a good test. While, the teacher asked the interviewer to explain a definition of validity and the characteristics of a good test. Therefore, the teacher still did not really understand about the important of validity in constructing a test; especially a content validity. However, she agreed that a content validity should be in a test to measure what should be measured, but it contrasted to her confusion about the understanding of validity. The interviewer inferred that the teacher still did not fully understand about validity and content validity. It also could be seen from the indicators of English syllabus that only 5 indicators covered in the question items. Besides, the teacher still concerned on a material given to the students in constructing the English summative test; it could be seen from the teacher’s answer about a difficulty of constructing the test. She said that the difficulty was in choosing the question items which were not too different with texts in a textbook (see an appendix 4). Meanwhile, the test which was based on the material given did not confirm to the indicators in the English syllabus. In addition, the vocabularies that were used in the test still used general words said the teacher. Second, the interviewer held an interview to a SMKN 3 Tangerang’s English teacher on December 3rd, 2013 by using a semi structured interview and asking some questions from general to specific also. The interviewer asked about a development of an English syllabus, then, the teacher told an English syllabus was taken from a result of seminar about syllabus arrangement for all subject. Therefore, the school did not develop the English syllabus by themselves; they only took it from what had been decided. Furthermore, the teacher in the second school misunderstood about validity; especially for content validity. He said that validity and content validity were important in constructing a test, but it should be based on a
material given (see an appendix 5).In contrast, if the test has validity and content validity, it will be based on the indicators of English syllabus as a guideline of what should be measured. Furthermore, the result of analyzed data in checking conformity between the English summative test and indicators in the English syllabus was only 7 indicators covered in question items out of 14 indicators in the English syllabus. The writer interpreted that the material given did not fully confirm to the indicators in the English syllabus, and it made the question items did not confirm to the indicators in the English syllabus, even though, the conformity level felt into a “sufficient” level. In addition, vocabularies in the question items still did not use specific words for technology major students. It was as same as with the previous school that did not used fully specific words in the question items. The last, the interview was held on December 19th, 2013 at SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang. This interview was delivered by a semi structured interview and some questions relating to a construction of a test from general to specific. The writer as the interviewer asked about a development of an English syllabus at the school used. The teacher said that the school did not develop the syllabus by the school itself because teachers from all subjects of each school in Tangerang had gathered for deciding a syllabus that would be used by the teachers based on their subject in a teaching-learning process. It means that the syllabus that is used by the vocational schools in Tangerang is same. Besides, the interviewer asked about the importance of validity as one of characteristics in constructing a good test and also a content validity as one of parts of validity. The teacher said that validity and content validity were important in constructing the test. However, the teacher said that he did not too focus only on the English syllabus while he was constructing the test. His answer was different with his first statement that said validity and content validity were important in the test (see an appendix 6). Initially, validity is a characteristic of the test that measures what should be measured and content validity is a part of validity that measure how great the test represent a samples
of what should be measured. It meant that questions items should be based on the indicators of English syllabus as a guideline in teaching-learning process. Moreover, he constructed the English summative test question items mostly based on material given and confirmed to students’ ability in English subject. Meanwhile, the material given was not appropriate with the indicators in the English syllabus; it could be seen from the result of the analyzed data that there were only 7 indicators covered in the question items out of 14 indicators in the English syllabus. Besides, the students’ ability which was still in low level made the teacher did not too focus on what the syllabus had been decided. In addition, the interviewer got information also about vocabularies that were used in the question items still general and easy words. It was not based on the students major. From the description of the data interview in those three vocational schools, the writer interpreted that the English syllabus was used in those three vocational school was same, although, there was one of the school that took the syllabus from an internet. Besides, the English teachers in those three vocational schools still had a minimum comprehension about validity and content validity because most of them constructed the test based on the material given. In addition, the students’ ability became a consideration in constructing the test because the teacher guessed whether the question items were too difficult or too easy for the students. Moreover, the three English teachers also told vocabularies that were used in the question items of the English summative test still general. However, the aim of English subject in vocational school is to acquire an English knowledge and an English basic skill for supporting the achievement of major competence, and English subject is to give a preparation for students in daily communication based on the global demand and to develop a communication skill higher.3 Therefore, the
Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK, (Jakarta:2006),p. 384.
vocabularies taught also should be based on the students major, supposed to achieve the major competence.
B. Discussion of the Data Regarding the preceding description of the data, the writer assumed that the English syllabus that is used as a guideline in teaching-learning process of three vocational schools (SMKN 3, SMKN 1, and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang) is same. It had been told by one of the English teacher in the interview: “Kita pernah buat silabusnya itu di Yuppentek di dalam sebuah seminar. Artinya
bertanggungjawabdalam pengembangan silabus.” Therefore, the English syllabus whether for vocational schools or general schools in Tangerang had been decided by English teachers from each vocational school and general school as a guideline in a teaching-learning process and it will be implemented in all vocational and general schools in Tangerang. Even though, the English syllabus that is used by those three vocational schools is same, there were different results of the conformity level between the English summative test question items and the indicators in the English syllabus. In the first school, SMKN 3 Tangerang has an accreditation A, there were 21 question items that confirmed to the indicators in the English syllabus out of 50 questions. The attainment of the conformity level was 50 %. According Arikunto’s criteria, the conformity level of the English summative test items in the indicator of the English syllabus fell in the level 41%-60% which meant “sufficient”. Second, SMKN 1 Tangerang has a predicate B, there were 27 test items that conformed to the indicators in the English syllabus from 50 test items. The attainment of the conformity level between the English summative test items
and the indicators in the English syllabus was 35.71%. Based on the Arikunto’s criteria, it fells in the level 21%-40% which meant “less good”. Third, a vocational school has a predicate C, it is SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang. There were 29 test items which conformed to the indicators in the English syllabus from 45 test items. From the calculation, the attainment of the conformity level reached 50%.Thus, according to Arikunto’s criteria, the conformity level between the English summative test items and the English syllabus fell into 41%-60% that meant “sufficient”. According to the explanation of the conformity attainment of those three vocational schools above, SMKN 3 and SMKN Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang got a “sufficient” level, and SMK 1 Tangerang got a “less good” level in the conformity attainment. The indicators of the English syllabus did not covered 100% percent in the question items of the English summative tests. There were only a half indicators a few indicators that were covered in each English summative test of those three vocational schools. In addition, there were some question items that told about the indicators at the even semester. The writer assumed some possibility that caused some question items did not confirm to the English syllabus and the result did not attain a good content validity. First, the knowledge of the teachers about validity is still low.It could be proved by one of a dialogue between one of an English teacher and the interviewer. Here the following interview between the interviewer and the teacher: “Penting, tapi tolong jelaskan apa itu validitas, reabilitas dan praktikalitas.” “Sebenarnya tiga hal itu adatersebut di..eehhmm apa namanya?apa kalo ini SKB yaa, apa yaah apa?heemm..KBM. Sorry salah ngomong.Sebenernya tiga hal itu adadalam KBM sehari-hari itu aja.Cuma mungkinkan dibagi-bagipada waktu tertentu kan, seperti kalo validitas digunakan dalam semesteran, tes semester. Kalau tadi apah? reabilitas itu mungkin sehari-hari ya..ulangan harian ya..Tapi klo practice berupa dialog dalam bahasa inggris, conversation ya.. karenakan kanpraktek..praktek.. nilai langsung seperti itu.” From the conversation above, the teacher asked the interviewer to explain more about validity and two other the characteristics of a good test. Moreover,
the teacher answered the question hesitantly and the result of analyzed data showed only a few indicators of the English syllabus covered in three English summative test question items. Second, the spread of question items were not proportional. There were some indicators that had many question items. In contrast, there were also some items that only had a few question items. It could be seen in each checklist table of each vocational school (table 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3). Moreover, the materials at the even semester were tested in some question items. Third, the English teacher is as a test designer concerned on the materials given rather than the indicators in the English syllabus. This could be happened because the teacher considered the students’ ability which is different between one to another. As stated by one of the teacher in the interview about how he constructed the English summative test, he told: “Kalau yang saya pelajari itu harus kita liat dari silabus dulu dan nanti kita liat bagaimana ketuntasan kita mengajar, dan bab berapa yang sudah selesai. Lalu, kita buat soal sesuai dengan itu. Tapi kisi-kisinya kita lihat dulu, kisi-kisi sudah kita buat, soal sudah dibuat, dan apakah sudah sesuai dengan silabus. Sesudah itu, kita lihat dari tingkat kesukarannya.Mmm, misalnya yang sukar 45, trus yang sedang misalnya 20,sisanya yang mudah tuh. Jadi engga semuannya susah, ada tingkatannya.Dalam membuat soal itu, kita memilahmana soal yang susah, sedang, dan ama yang mudah. Nah, terus kita lihat dulu misalnya dari tahun kemarin, soalnya juga kita sesuaikan dengan tahun kemarin apakah sudah sesuai apa tidak. Intinya sih, dari silabus, dari buku yang kita punya, terus kita buat kisi-kisi. Setelah itu, kita sesuaikan dengan bab yang telah kita capai dan kemampuan siswa.Jika sudah sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa, baru kita laksanakan. Itu saja penjelasan saya.” Based on the interview above, it could be seen that there was a hesitancy answer from the teacher in answering the question about how to construct the test. He said that the test should confirm to the syllabus, but the test also should be based on the material given and the students’ ability. It had approved that, the teacher still confused in designing the test. Fourth, the teachers also too focused on the difficulty level of the test because he or she had to design the test which was not too difficult or too easy
or the students. It can be seen from one of the teacher’s answer in the interview about the difficult in constructing the test: “Eeeehh, sulitnya menentukan soal mana yang sulit dan mudah karena kemampuan siswa berubah-rubah. Kesulitan yang pertama Apakah soal ini mampu dijawab dan dipahami oleh siswa atau tidak. Artinya kesulitannya mencari soalyang seragam untuk mengukurkemampuan siswa. Karena jika soal yang terlalu sulit itu tidak bagus atau soal yang terlalu mudah juga tidak bagus. Oleh karena itu, kami juga masih merasa sulit untuk membuat soal yang tidak seperti itu.” The transcription of the interview above was a consideration for the writer assumed that the difficulty level of the test became an effect of unconformity between the question items with the indicators in the English syllabus. Fifth, the writer found that there were four basic skills (listening, reading, speaking, reading, and writing) in the question items of English summative test for odd semester of the second grade technology major in two vocational schools based on the analyzing data. Initially, the indicators of the English syllabus for the second grade technology vocational school students was focused on kinds of expression; in other word is a speaking ability and writing ability which related to the students’ major, and increasing the specific vocabularies. In addition, the aim of an English subject purposes is to provide students in English communication ability based on students’ major competence whether in spoken or written. Sixth, some causes of the unconformity between the English summative test and the indicators of the English syllabus in those three vocational schools, the writer also found vocabularies that were used in the question items of three vocational schools, did not use specific words for the technology major students. According to the content standard of English subject, a teaching English subject is to acquire an English knowledge and an English basic skill for supporting the achievement of major competence.4 Besides, the English teachers in those three vocational schools also still has a low abilityin constructing the test which had a good content validity, because they were too focused on the English material in a textbook, students’ 4
ability in English, the difficulty level of the test, and the four basic skills to be covered in the test. It can be concluded by the writer that the English summative tests of SMKN 3 Tangerang and SMK Tangerang Informatika YPML Tangerang for the second grade of technology major at odd semester had a sufficient level of a content validity. However, the English summative test of SMKN 1 Tangerang had a less good level. In other word, the English summative tests of vocational schools in Tangerang had a content validity, but they did not reach a good content validity because the question items did not represent all the indicators that should be covered. Moreover, three vocational schools in Tangerang did not attain a good content validity yet.
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Regarding the research findings, the English summative tests at the odd semester of both vocational schools SMKN 3 Tangerang which has grade A and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang which has grade C have attained 50% that felt into a “sufficient” level of a content validity in constructing the English summative test. It could be happened because the English summative tests had only represented a half of the indicators in the syllabus at an odd semester. However, SMKN 1 Tangerang which has grade B had only 35.71% the question items that conformed to the English syllabus. It felt into an insufficient level. Therefore, the writer would like to conclude that three vocational schools in Tangerang that have accredited A up to C still had not attained a good content validity yet because it did not represent all the indicators in the English syllabus at the odd semester. However, there were SMKN 3 Tangerang and SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang which attained sufficient level of a content validity in the English summative tests. Besides, the test quality was not based on the accredited of the school. It could be approved from the conformity attainment level of the English summative tests in those three vocational schools. In addition, the English teacher of each vocational school also still had a low ability in constructing the English summative test items that have a good content validity. It was approved by the result of semi-structured interviews towards three English teachers at those vocational schools.
B. Suggestion From the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some suggestion for the test designer and the school. These are some suggestion: 1.
There should be socialization about how to create proportional test items which conform to all the indicators in the syllabus.
The teacher has to choose the proper materials as suggested in the syllabus. It supposes if the teacher design the test items based on the material given, the test items will be appropriate with the syllabus.
The teacher in the vocational school should also concern on designing the vocabularies of the test items based on the students major. It supposes measure the students’ vocabulary relating to their major. Moreover, it also has been stated in the content standard of KTSP curriculum that the teaching-learning process in vocational school should be more specific.
There should be a supervisor for checking the test items before it is administered to the students.
REFERENCES Ahmann, J. Stanley., and D. Glock , Marvin. Evaluating Pupil Growth: Principles of Tests and Measurement. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 3rd Edition, 1967. Alderson, J. Charles., et al., Language Test Construction and Evaluation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Allison, Desmond. Language Testing and Evaluation (An Introductory Course). Kent Ridge Crescent: Singapore University Press, 1999. Arikunto, Suharsini. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005. Bachman, Lyle. F. Statistical Analyses for Language Assessment. New York: Cambridge University Press,2004. _______________. Fundamental Consideration in Language Testing. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990.
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Appendix 1
DATA CARD SMKN 3 TANGERANG NO Test Items 1. Ani : Have you finished with my book? Adi : Not yet. Look,… a. I still read it c. I was still reading it b. I will read it d. I am still reading it Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the response of a question word and it is suitable with the syllabus. 2.
Tomy : I didn’t see your sister yesterday. Where was she? Roy : She …with her friend when you came here. a. is going c. were going b. was going d. has gone Appropriate with the syllabus The students are asked for telling the past event and it is in line with the indicator in the syllabus.
Susan : My mother … to London next week. Erni : So, you will be alone, won’t you? a. goes c. Is going b. was going d. will be going Appropriate with the syllabus The dialog asked about telling something happen in the future.
Mrs.Fatma : What do you do in your spare time? Mira : …. a. Yes, I do my spare time c. I spend time efficiently b. I like playing guitar d. I must spare time for you Appropriate with the syllabus The question is about a dialogue that ask the students’ understanding in a form of telling a hobby or an interest
April : You look healthy now Ina : Yes, I … from my illness. April : I’m glad to hear that. a. recover c. have recovered b. recovered d. will recover
Inappropriate with the syllabus This dialogue is inappropriate with the syllabus because the Indicator of the item is about understanding of simple present perfect tense. However, there is not in the syllabus Becky : What’s wrong with you, Dicky? Dicky : I sprained my ankle when I … football. a. play c. was playing b. am playing d. have played Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue is appropriate with the syllabus because the indicator in this item is telling the past event.
Doctor : You must stop … if you want to be healthy. Iwan : All right doc. a. smoke c. to smoke b. smoking d. have smoked Inappropriate with the syllabus The question of the item has unconformity with the indicators for the odd semester because the indicator is about understanding the obligation and it is for even semester.
Icha : Good morning,…? Firman : I’m looking for a school bag. Icha : Come this way please. a. Can you help me c. May I help you b. Can you do me a favor d. May I bring you anything Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above is appropriate with the syllabus because the indicator of this item about understands the expression of reserving the customer.
Rida : Are you free tonight? Restu : Yes, what’s up? Rida : … to the concert? Restu : That’s a nice idea. a. What do you want b. Do you need
c. How about going d. What time do we go
Inappropriate with the syllabus In this question the students are asked for understanding the expression of giving suggestion. It is in the indicator of even semester
Anjas : Dad, may I use your car? I’d like to return Tina’s book. Father : … but be home before 6 o’clock. a. That’s good c. I am fine b. All right d. I’m sorry Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about asking about permission which is not in the syllabus.
Yudha : I am tired of typing this report. Alice : … ? Yudha : No, thanks. a. Could you help me c. Do you need any help? b. What can I do for you d. Can you do me a favor? Appropriate with the syllabus The question is appropriate with the syllabus because it asked about understanding the expression of handling the staff in an office.
Bella : … lending me your dictionary, Sir? Mr,Hadi : Oh, you can take it on my table. a. Is it all right c. Would you b. Do you need d. Would you mind Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above is the expression of handling something by using an offering help form.
Tina : Grandma, can I help you with the sewing? Grandma : …. a. You’re so beautiful c. Don’t worry b. How kind of you d. I’m sorry Appropriate with the syllabus The question is about the dialogue which tells about the expression of handling something.
Kevin : I’m going to have a birthday party tomorrow…? Tasya : Great. I’ll be there tomorrow. a. Would you mind coming with me c. Would you come to my party b. Can you invite me d. May I help you Inappropriate with the syllabus The indicator of the question is as same as in the syllabus that tells about the understanding of an invitation expression. However, the item is for the even semester.
Donald : We are going to the movie this afternoon. Will you join us? Andy : …. I have a lot of work to do at home. a. That sounds a good idea c. All right b. I won’t say no d. I’m afraid I can’t Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above asks about the understanding of the invitation expression. Meanwhile, the question item confirms to the indicator in the even semester. Marry : This soup is tasteless. … Tom : Here it is. Marry : Thank you. a. I need your help c. Will you get the salt? b. Do me a favor, please? d. Could you pass me the salt? Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue is asked about the expression of handling something by using an asking help form.
Mom : Do you want some more? Dany : No thank you. I’m… to eat another sandwich. a. empty enough c. too full b. enough sandwich d. too much Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the response of a question word and it is suitable with the syllabus. Jimmy : I can’t finish eating this orange. It’s …. It’s not …. a. too sour, sweet enough c. big enough, too small b. too strong, weak enough d. old enough, too young Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks about construction of “too” and “enough”, but it is not suitable with the syllabus.
Mom : How about going picnic next week? Dad : … we are going to have a test next week, we have to study. a. I don’t agree c. I agree b. let’s go d. okay Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item does not confirm to the indicators because it tells about the expression of agreement or disagreement and it confirms to the indicators in the even semester.
Mira : I like this t-shirt. How much is it? Shopkeeper : It’s Rp. 125,000 Mira : …? Shopkeeper : Yes, ten percent. a. Have you got a little cheaper c. Is there something similar b. Do you have different color d. Would there be any discount Inappropriate with the syllabus The number asks about the expression of bargaining, but it does not confirm to the indicator in the odd semester.
Shopkeeper : Do you want to change the color, madam? Mira : That’s fine. …. a. I’ll get one c. I’ll change the t-shirt b. I’ll wrap the t-shirt d. I’ll take the t-shirt Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of reserving a customer in a shop and it is very suitable with the indicator.
John : How do you like living in your new apartment? Tomy : Oh,….. I like it. a. with pleasure c. what a shame b. It’s wonderful d. It’s a nuisance Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item tells about a giving opinion expression, but, it is appropriate with the indicator of even semester.
Andre : I have talked to Ari this morning. Lia : What did he say? Andre : Well, he said that he … to your house before he finished his assignment. a. doesn’t come c. didn’t come b. will not come d. wouldn’t come Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the direct message and it rewrite in a form of indirect speech. It is suitable with the indicator in the syllabus.
Dion : When will you go to London? Mira : What did he ask you? Tina : He asked … a. when I would go to London c. when you would go to London b. when I went to London d. when you went to London Appropriate with the syllabus
The dialogue tells about the direct message and it rewrite in a form of indirect speech. It is suitable with the indicator in the syllabus. Mr. Yamamoto: Is there any message for me? Secretary : Mr. Bramantyo from Ace company called. … a. He wanted to call you c. He asked to leave a message b. He said that he called you d. He asked you to call him again Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above tells about the message that was delivered by phone and rewritten in a form of an indirect speech.
Andrian : May I speak with Fred Jones? F. O : …. He isn’t in the office at the moment. a. It’s possible c. I’m pleased b. I’m afraid d. I don’t know Appropriate with the syllabus The question is about the expression of handling a guest by phone in the office and it is appropriate with the syllabus.
Mrs. Santiago : Bob Wilson, please. Secretary : …. I didn’t catch the name. a. What c. Don’t go away b. Sorry d. Repeat, please Appropriate with the syllabus The question is about the expression of handling a guest by phone in the office and it is appropriate with the syllabus.
Sagita : Good morning, Sahara Corporation. May I help you? Wilson : Hello, could I speak to Miss. Sagita, please? Sagita : …. a. Talking c. It’s me b. It’s calling d. Speaking Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above asks about the expression of handling the telephone. It confirms to the indicator in the odd semester.
Mom : Girls, make up your beds! Nindy : What did mom say just now? Mom : She … us to make up our beds. a. asks c. asking b. asked d. have asked Appropriate with the syllabus
The dialogue tells about the direct message and it rewrite in a form of indirect speech. It is suitable with the indicator in the syllabus. Dea : Jim, have you handed your math assignment to miss Ane? Jimmy : Not yet, I … it to her next Tuesday. a. give c. will give b. have given d. would give Appropriate with the syllabus The item tells about the activities will be happened in the future. The dialogue above relates to the indicator of the syllabus that states the expression of telling an activity in the future.
For questions 31-35, find the underlined word or phrase that should be corrected The boss have been waiting for those reports all morning A B C D Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks the students to find an error of the simple present perfect continuous tense. It is not suitable with the syllabus.
Man : Excuse me, can you told me the way to the Mawar Hotel from here, A B C please? D Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to analyze the error in the expression of asking the direction.
Ardi : What about to have a drink in that cafeteria now? A B C D Inappropriate with the syllabus The item is aimed for analyzing the using of gerund in the question. The question above is not in line with the syllabus.
Helen : I’m afraid that’s too expensive, do you having anything a little A B C cheaper? D Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks the students to understand the expression of reserving customer. It is in line with the syllabus.
: I am not agree with his opinion, it is too difficult for us to A B C D
do that Inappropriate with the syllabus In this question, the students are asked to understand the disagree expression which is not suitable with the indicator in the odd semester. 36.
Read the following text to answer questions 36 to 38 Born on October 28th, 1955, Bill Gates grew up in Seattle. Gates attended public elementary school. In 7th grade his parents sent him to Lakeside Private School. That was where he became friends with Paul Allen, classmate with similar interests in technology (who would later became his business partner). He and his friends often studied Fortune Magazine. His favorite subjects were Math and Reading. The, he entered Harvard University. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer – the MITS Altair. Gates leaved Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, the company he had begun in 1978 with his childhood friend Paul Allen. The paragraph mainly talks about …. a. The Microsoft c. Bill Gates b. Harvard University d. BASIC language Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the main topic of the paragraph and it is not suitable with the indicator in the syllabus.
“ …public elementary school”. The synonym of public is …. a. people c. opened b. general d. outside Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to find the synonym of “public” in the question. However, it is not in line with the syllabus.
The MITS Altair is the name of …. a. programming language c. a company b. a language d. a microcomputer Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks the students to find the specific information that relates to “the MITS Altair”, but the question has unconformity with the syllabus.
The text below is for questions 39-40
ANNOUNCEMENT English Speaking club There will be a program to develop our speaking skills next Sunday. We’ll practice guiding tourists in Prambanan Temple. Please enroll soon since there are limited seats. Departure time : 08.00 a.m. Fee : Rp. 20,000 Contact Person : Osa, Vita Chief Neola Tamaris Which statement is true about the announcement of the English Speaking Club? a. Osa and Vita are supervisors of the program. b. Each participant has to pay Rp.20,000 to the chief c. The aim of the program is to guide foreign tourists. d. The implementation of the program is on Sunday. Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked for finding the specific information from the announcement above. Meanwhile, the question is inappropriate with the syllabus. 40.
“Please enroll soon since there are limited seats”. The italic word means …. a. answer c. register b. record d. subscribe Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the synonym of “enroll” in the announcement above, but there is no indicator in the syllabus about finding the synonym.
Questions 41-43 refer to the following advertisement SALES MANAGER Multinational company seeks sales manager for its office products division. Candidate must have 10 years experience in sales development and management in the field and the ability to motivate and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and benefits package. Qualified candidates should send their resumes to : The Nusantara Post, 8552, Mayjen Suprapto 89, Surabaya, East Java. Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager? a. The office products division c. The multinational company b. The personnel division d. The management staff
Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to find the specific information of the text above, while, the question does not include in the indicator of the syllabus. 42.
What will the sales manager probably do on his job? a. Developing products c. Collecting salary b. Writing a resume d. Teaching new sales staff Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the specific information in the text above.
Where should the applicants send their resumes? a. To the company c. To the division manager b. To the vice-president of the company d. To the newspaper Inappropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to find the specific information from the text above. Unfortunately, it is not in line with the indicator in the syllabus that has been arranged.
Question 44-45 refer to the following sign My name is Becky I’m you room attendant I take pride in keeping your room neat and clean I hope you have a really pleasant stay Please dial Housekeeping at ext. 28 if there is anything you need Where would you see this sign? a. At a health club c. At a beauty salon b. In a recreation centre d. In a hotel Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item asks about the implied information from the short functional above and it does not confirm to the indicator.
Which of the following is probably one of Becky’s job? a. Painting walls c. Changing bed linens b. Supervising sports d. Walking guests in the morning Inappropriate with the syllabus The item asks about the specific information from the text above, but it is not suitable with the syllabus.
Questions 46-50 refer to the following brochure
Hotel Dhyana Pura Absolute beach front Set in 3.5 hectares of tropical gardens A place to relax and be refreshed Accommodation in 150 large, well furnished air conditioned bedrooms, each with bath, a large screen tv, phone and balcony Guest rooms are spaced out in a beautifully gardens, each with its own view. An open air, hygienic and well decorated “Eden Garden” restaurant serves Indonesia, Chinese and European Food at reasonable prices. Open 24 hrs, service always available. Large convention hall seat 350. Caters for international conference, wedding receptions,etc. Also available is a chapel for international weddings.
What is the brochure about? a. The Eden garden restaurant b. Hotel Dhyana Pura
c. The place to relax d. The tropical garden in hotel dhyana Pura
Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the topic of the text above. 47.
The price of the food in Eden Garden restaurant is …. a. low c. cheap b. high d. fair Inappropriate with the syllabus The item asks about the specific information from the text above. Unfortunately, the item is not in line with the indicator in the syllabus.
Which paragraph tells you that there is a meeting room in the hotel? a. two c. four b. three d. five Inappropriate with the syllabus The question above asks to find the specific information from the text. However, there is no the indicator as same as this question in the syllabus.
The following statements are true, except …. a. We can call the room service anytime. b. We can see beautiful trees in the garden. c. Guests room are not spaced out. d. There is not only Indonesian food in the restaurant.
Inappropriate with the syllabus
This question is as same as number 48 which asks for finding the specific information from the text. 50.
“… each with its own view.” (line 5) The word each refers to …. a. Guest c. Room b. Garden d. Tree Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to find the referring word from the text. While, it is not suitable in the syllabus.
Appendix 2
Test Items Listening Comprehension Section I. Look at the pictures below; while you listen, choose which statement illustrates each of them (A,B,C, or D) Look at the picture mark number one in your book a. He’s hammering a nail into the wall b. He’s measuring the high of the tool c. He’s nailing the cord in his hand d. He’s putting a note in his wallet
Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks the students to tell what the activity of the man in the picture is and it is not suitable with the syllabus. Look at the picture mark number two in your book a. The motorcycle is running down the road b. The windows are sitting against the wall c. The shines are hanging between the windows d. The bike is leaning against the wall
Inappropriate with the syllabus The item measure the students’ listening ability about what the activity based on the picture is. However, it is not written in the syllabus. Look at the picture mark number three in your book a. They’re getting dress for the cold b. They’re holding one another up c. They’re shopping for short d. They’re shaking hands
Inappropriate with the syllabus This question is as same as with the question number 1 and 2 that asks to indentify what is on the picture based on the listening comprehension section. Meanwhile, it is inappropriate with the indicator in the syllabus. Look at the picture mark number four in your book a. The desk is neat and tidy b. The floor is covered with photos c. The pictures are in rose in a wall
d. The equipment is put on the shelf
Inappropriate with the syllabus It is still same with the previous question that measures the students’ ability in listening comprehension of what the speaker said. Look at the picture mark number five in your book a. The dentist is examining a patient b. The doctor is in the operating room c. The clerk is selling the gloves d. The tailor is cutting the fabric
Inappropriate with the syllabus The item asks about the students’ ability in listening comprehension for identifying what the picture tells about II. Listen to the following question-responses, and then you choose the best answer to each question; A,B, or C Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : What time is Ms. Santa arriving? a. On the corner b. At 3 o’clock c. For twenty minutes Appropriate with the syllabus The question is appropriate with the syllabus because it asks the understanding of a question word. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : How’s the technician doing? a. He’s doing a great job b. He’s preparing the fax machine c. His name is Bob Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks about the understanding of students in answering the question word and it is in line with the indicator in the English syllabus. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : Which is better? The brown suit or the grey one? a. Fur is better for you b. The grey suit looks more professional c. It’s an old suit Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about an expression for giving a suggestion. However, it is suitable with the indicator of even semester.
Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : Why did you lock your office? a. I need a new clock in my office b. There were some robberies around here recently c. It’s about a block from the office Appropriate with the syllabus The item is appropriate because it asks the students’ understanding in using a question word. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? a. Quiet sunny but windy b. The forecast is coming two c. They’re predicting a warm day Appropriate the syllabus This question is as same as the previous question that asks the students’ understanding in using a question word. Mark your answer on your answer sheet A : Could you tell me how to get to the bus station? a. It’s two blocks from here. Just turn right at main b. Bus number 42 goes directly to the airport c. I think 98.7 is a better station Inappropriate with the syllabus The item tells about the expression of asking the direction. However, it is not suitable with the syllabus III. Listen to these short conversations. Then you read and choose the best answer to each question; a,b,c, or d A : Hey, Mark! I hear you got a new job. Congratulation! Mark : Isn’t it great? But they want me to start this Monday. That’s so soon A : That is a little odd. Usually they give you two weeks When will Mark start his new job? a. This afternoon c. In eight days b. On Monday d. In two weeks
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about finding the specific information from the listening comprehension. Unfortunately, it does not conform to the syllabus. A : What’s your special tonight? B : We have fresh shrimp and roast beef A : Heem..I think I just tester from the regular menu
Who is the man talking to? a. A waitress b. A grocery store clerk
c. A telephone operator d. An office manager
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the understanding of the students in finding implied information from a short conversation of a listening comprehension. Moreover, it is not suitable with the syllabus. 14.
A : Buy this sweater, it looks good on you B : Yes, and it goes well with my skirt, but for the party, I need a dress A : You’re right. It’s a formal party and a long dress is more suitable than a skirt. What will the man probably buy? a. A sweater c. A suit b. A skirt d. A dress
Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item is not suitable with the indicator because the students are asked to understand a suggestion expression and answered the implied information from a short conversation of a listening comprehension. A : We’re having a small birthday celebration for Steve today B : How a nice. Where would it be? A : In John’s office. It’s a Morn shop, so hurry back after your lunch hour Whose birthday is it? a. Harry’s b. Smith’s
c. Will’s d. Steve’s
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks about the specific information from the short conversation above, but it does not conform to the syllabus. Sandra : Excuse me…… on may 15 and 16. Is it available? Receptionist : I’m sorry sir, I am afraid our hotel is fully booked at that time a. I’d like to book a ticket b. I need to order a birthday cake c. I’d like to reserve a room d. I need o confirm about my reservation e. I want to book a service Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of reserving the hotel guest and it is suitable with the syllabus that states in the indicator.
Ary : How was your trip to Bandung? Father : It’s nice… It made two days too short to pass a. I really enjoyed being there b. I couldn’t see any places c. I’ll be there again tomorrow d. Bandung really makes everyone happy e. Bandung is crowded city Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks the dialogue that relates to the expression of giving an opinion. Meanwhile, it is appropriate with the indicator in the even semester. A : When are we going to eat? B : ….I am still preparing it a. We have to find the menu first b. We’ll probably have it around six c. We should call the writer d. We’ve already reserved a table e. I’ll have to go first Appropriate with the syllabus This dialogue tells about the activity that will be happened in the future and it is very suitable with the syllabus. Zahra : I feel so tired but I still need to go to buy some eggs… Fay : No, I’ll do it after finishing my homework a. Do you mind buying some for me? b. Do you want to have some eggs? c. Would you go to the supermarket? d. Could you please make scramble eggs? e. Can you make a scramble eggs? Appropriate with the syllabus This question asks about the expression of handling something and it includes in the indicator of the English syllabus. Derry : What do you always do in the afternoon? Siva : I take a rest after coming home from my office. Sometimes I… and play some games on it a. design a computer program d. operate the computer b. fix my computer e. buy a computer c. turn off my computer Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the daily activity that is delivered by a question word and it is very suitable with the syllabus. Mary : What do you like most here in this city? Diane : Well,… There’s so much to see
a. I enjoy shopping quite a lot b. I love the steak very much c. I’m very fond of the food d. I really like hot water e. I don’t like the city Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks about someone’s hobby. it is in line with the syllabus Ms. Arlia : Anything to do tonight, ms Else? Ms. Else : I’m afraid yes,… my boyfriend at Hanamasa Resto a. I had to see d. I’m going to meet b. You should accompany e. I’m going to go c. You will accompany Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of giving an invitation. The expression of giving an invitation does not confirm to the indicator in the odd semester. Donny : Good morning, this is Donny speaking. May I talk to Mr. Agus, please? Receptionist : …….I’ll try to put you through to Mr. Devin at his office a. It’s all right d. Sorry to keep you waiting b. Hold the line, please e. What’s your name, please? c. Who’s speaking, please? Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the expression of handling a guest in a telephone. Moreover, it is in line with the syllabus. Question 24 to 26 refer to the following text Hotel Nuansa Bali Jl anyer 8, Banten The PR Manager, Subaru Hotel 5 Malioboro Street Yogyakarta
February 5th, 2013
Dear Sir, I would like to tell you that our PR and HR managers, Ms Riani Sukma and Mr. Budi Guntoro will attend a meeting in Yogyakarta on February 23rd, 2013 and stay there for three days. We should be glad if you will reserve accommodation for them; 2 (two) single rooms with 2 (two) bathrooms. Please let us have an early confirmation of this booking. Yours faithfully Hotel Nuansa Bali
Gerry Sutowo
What should be glad if you reserve “the underlined word is closest in meaning to… a. Cancel d. Create b. Book e. Pen c. Pray
Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to find the synonym of the word “reserve” based on the text above, but it is not suitable with the syllabus. Who will join a conference in Jogjakarta? a. Mr. Gerry Sutowo b. Ms. Sukma and Mr. Guntomo c. The Pr Manager of Subaru Hotel T d. The managers of Hotels in Jogjakarta e. I and my family Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the specific information based on the text above. However, it is inappropriate with the indicator in the syllabus. What is the purpose of the letter? a. To send two managers to Jogja for a meeting b. To reconfirm the room reservation c. To offer a hotel accommodation d. To book rooms in Subaru Hotel e. To buy some souvenirs there Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the function of the letter above, but it is not in line with what has been stated in the syllabus. Ella : Uhh, I can’t breathe in this small hot room. The air conditioner doesn’t work. Ria : …It may give us fresh air Ella : It’s good idea. Thank you a. I’ll lock the door tightly d. We’ll move to the door quickly b. I’ll take you to the right place e. I’ll close the door c. I’ll open the window wide Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the response of asking an order. Unfortunately, it does not state in the syllabus.
Irna : You look so weak. What’s the matter with you? Clara : I’ve got a stomachache. I haven’t eaten anything since this morning Irna : ….Lunch time is almost over. Work can wait but not health a. What about seeing the door? b. How about taking supplement? c. What time do you finish working? d. Why don’t you get something to eat? e. Where do you want to eat? Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the using of a question word. Erwin : Excuse me, May I see Mr. Sutoyo? Reyni : I’ sorry madam. He… a client at present a. can contact d. had a chat with b. was visiting e. was talking to c. is talking to Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the using of appropriate tense in the expression of asking permission. While, it does not match with the syllabus. Raffi : Happy travel, Raffi speaking Olga : Hello, Mr. Raffi. This is Olga… Raffi : Oh yes, ms. Olga. I hope you and your family will have a wonderful time. Olga : Thank you. We are very excited a. I am sad to tell you the truth b. I liked to talk about the ticket c. I am disappointed with the service last night d. I am calling to confirm my trip to Disneyland e. I am liked to tell the vacation Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to understand the expression of handling the customer in a travel agency. It is very suitable with the syllabus. Jorge : ……….? Wildan : Thank you. But I’m afraid I can’t. I have a meeting. Jorge : That’s OK. Let’s have it next time a. Why don’t you have someone fix it? b. Will you come to my party tonight? c. What are you doing tonight? d. Will you have the meeting prepared? e. Will you have someone to go? Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of invitation and it is not in line with the indicator at the odd semester.
Tiara : What does our new English teacher look like? Nadine : ….He is fit to be a model a. I saw you d. He is tall and slim b. I need to talk e. I saw him good c. He looks happy Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the using of a question word and it fits on the syllabus. Jerry : Why don’t you call your ex-boyfriend? Janeth : If I knew his phone number, …… a. I will call him d. I would have called him b. I would call him e. I will be going c. I am going to call him Appropriate with the syllabus The question item asks about the response in using a question word. It is suitable with the syllabus. Receptionist : Family restaurant. Can I help you? Rika : Yes, please……for next Saturday evening. Receptionist : I’m afraid we can’t. We’re fully booked this month. a. I need to reserve a room d. I really need your help b. I want to book a ticket e. I’d like to book a room c. I’d like to reserve two tables Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of handling a guest in a hotel. It conforms to the syllabus. Dinda : When did you come back from the job training program in Bangkok? Kiki : I just arrived yesterday Dinda : ….. Kiki : Oh, yes. I enjoyed everything there, especially the training. a. Will u enjoy the training? b. But you have a great time? c. Are you going to attend a training? d. Do you plan to go back? e. Will you go to the training? Appropriate with the syllabus The item tells asks the appropriate a question word from the dialogue above and it is suitable with the syllabus. Ruddy : Where were you last month, Annisa? Annisa : I was in Pangandaran Ruddy : Pangandaran?...?
Annisa : Fantastic! The weather was beautiful. The sea was warm. a. What it is like? d. What does it look like? b. What was it like? e. What is it look like? c. What did you like?
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students to understand the using of a question word. It is very suitable with the syllabus. Aryo : My hobby is sport. What is your hobby? Sanny : ….. Aryo : Have you ever travelled around the world? a. I like to travel d. I like travelled b. I like travel e. I like to travelling c. I like travelling Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the expression of Sany’s hobby and it is in line with the syllabus. Anwar : …….to my birthday party tonight. Betty : Great! Are you inviting anyone else? Anwar : Just some of my neighbors. a. I am coming to invite you d. I used to come to invite you b. I will come to inviting e. I will coming to you c. I come to invite you Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of invitation. However, it conforms to the indicator at the even semester. Nina :….? Nani : Yes, but I am not sure where I wrote the recipe. Nina : That’s not good! a. Can you to make a birthday cake? b. Are you able making a birthday cake? c. Can you make a birthday cake? d. Are you able made a birthday cake? e. Can you making a souvenir? Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of certainty. Unfortunately, it is suitable with the indicator at the even semester. Receptionist : Good morning. “dapur kampong” restaurant. May I help you? Caller : …..For two for tonight. Receptionist : Certainly, sir. May I have your name, please? a. I want to buy a table d. I want you to book a table b. I’d like to make a table e. Let me to reserve a table
c. Let me reserve a table
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the expression of handling the customer in a hotel and it is suitable with the syllabus. Identify the underlined word or phrase that should be corrected! Marry : What does Justin Bieber like? A Jane : He is handsome. He has good voice that’s why so many girls like B C him so much D E
Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to identify in an error of a question word on the dialogue and it does conform to the syllabus. Ms. Mira : Anything to do tonight, Rose? A Ms. Rose : I’m afraid. Yes, I will to meet a chef at Sheraton hotel. B C D E
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the error analysis of giving an invitation expression. It does not confirm to the indicator in the odd semester. A : Did you go to football match last night? A B : Yes, it was great. I see Messi made a wonderful goal. B C D E
Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks the students to identify an error in “yes-no” question Anna : In your opinion, which will be the best student this semester? A Dina : Andy, I think. He studies much harder than Doni. He’s less ambition B C D than Doni. E Inappropriate the syllabus In this item, the students are asked to identify the expression in giving an opinion. Unfortunately, it conforms to the indicator at the even semester. Sonya : What’s you hobby? A Dini : I like sing and listening to music
B C Sonya : What kind of music do you like the best? D E Appropriate with the syllabus In this dialogue, the students are asked to identify an error in the using of telling a hobby expression. Manager : What’s wrong? A Secretary : That guest which is sitting down at the corner wants to make B C D E complaint. Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to analyze an error in the using of a question word.
Teacher : What does your father do? A Student : He’s a mechanic. He fixed motorcycles and repairs car B C D E Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about the error analysis of a question word in the dialogue.
Receptionist : Good morning, galaxy continental hotel. May I help you? A Guest : Good morning, I reserve a single room, please B Receptionist : When would it be? C Guest : From July 2 July 10. D E Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students to identify an error in the expression of handling a guest in a hotel. Rina : Do you plan to go to your home town in the next vacation? A Rani : Well, I don’t know. Ticket fares are very expensive today. C Rina : I will drive if I were you D E Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students to identify an error in the using of a
question word. Sales girl : That blouse is in season nowadays. That’s the last we have in A B our stock Customer : Should I try it on? I hope it fits me well. C D E Inappropriate with the syllabus In this dialogue, the students are asked to understand the expression of convincing and persuading. However, it is suitable with the indicator at the even semester.
Appendix 3
DATA CARD SMK TEKNOLOGI INFORMATIKA YPML TANGERANG No. Test Items 1. A : Do you usually listen to radio? B : Yes,… a. No, she doesn’t c. Yes, I do b. No, I am not d. Yes, I doesn’t
Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks about “yes-no” question and it is suitable with the syllabus A : Does she always clean the house? B : No,… a. No, she doesn’t c. No, she don’t b. No, she isn’t d. No, she doesn’t
Appropriate with the syllabus This question is as same as the previous one, it tells about the understanding of “yes-no” question. Moreover, it conforms to the syllabus. A : Did, she wash the clothes last Monday? B : Yes,… a. Yes, she did c. Yes, she do b. Yes, she does d. Yes, she is
Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks about “yes-no” question and it is suitable with the syllabus. She…French, doesn’t she? a. speaks c. spoke b. spoken d. speaking Appropriate with the syllabus This question asks about the using of a question tag and it is in line with the syllabus. He often….. the Novel a. read c. readdes b. reads d. reading Inappropriate with the syllabus The item tells about the daily activity in a general and it does not conform to the syllabus. They…the film last night a. watches c. watched b. watching d. watch
Appropriate with the syllabus This item tells about the activity in the past event and it conforms to the syllabus. X : …..receives the reward? Y : The manager receives the reward. a. what c. who b. when d. where
Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to understand the using of question word. It is very suitable with the syllabus. A : …do you bring? B : oh, this is my ring a. what c. who b. when d. where
Appropriate with the syllabus This dialogue is as same as with the previous number which asks the understanding of a question word, so, it is also suitable with the syllabus. A :….do the boys play basketball? B : They play basketball in the school yard a. what c. who b. when d. where
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue in this number still tells about the understanding of a question word and it conforms to the syllabus. A :…book is this? B : It’s mine a. whose c. whom b. who d. when
Appropriate with the syllabus The item is as same as the previous number that asks about the using of a question word. A : What’s your hobby? B : I like….my bicycle in the park. a. dancing c. listening to radio b. fishing d. riding
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above is suitable with the syllabus because it tells about the expression in telling the hobby. A : Do you like playing…? (bulutangkis) B : Yes, it’s fun. I always play in the field a. soccer c. basketball
b. football
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above asks the expression of telling a hobby and it is still in line with the syllabus. Attention Please The flight to Bali by Lion Airlines will depart a half hour more, please be ready! Check your things and your ticket. Whom the announcement for? a. Pilot b. Stewardess
d. badminton
c. co.pilot d. passengers
Inappropriate with the syllabus The students are asked to find the implied information from the text above. However, it is not suitable with the syllabus. What is the name of the flight company? a. Sriwijaya air c. Garuda air b. Lion air d. Airasia air Inappropriate with the syllabus The item still asks the same question in the number 12 that asks to find the specific information from the text, so, it does not conform to the syllabus. Where is the flight destination? a. Jakarta c. Makassar b. Surabaya d. Bali Inappropriate with the syllabus The question is as same as with the previous number which asks the students to find the specific information from the text. What must the passengers do? a. Go home c. check things and ticket b. Check wallet d. check car Inappropriate with the syllabus This item asks the students to find the specific information from the text. However, it is not in line with the syllabus. Announcement All PEC members must join in the meeting held by Friday November 30, 2013. For all members please bring a book and a pen. The committee IEC Whom the announcement for? a. All teachers b. All parents
c. all members d. all people
Inappropriate with the syllabus The question asks the specific from the text above and it is not suitable with syllabus. 18.
When is the meeting held? a. Friday, November 31 b. Monday, November 31
c. Friday, November 30 d. Monday, November 30
Inappropriate with the syllabus The item asks the same question with number 17 that asks the specific information from the text about and it means that the item does not conform to the syllabus. Who is the writer of the announcement? a. Committee BEC c. Committee LIA b. Committee IEC d. Committee PEC Inappropriate with the syllabus It also has the same aim with the previous question above which asks the students to find the specific information from the text. What should the PEC members do? a. Bring a ruler c. bring book and ruler b. Bring computer d. bring book and pen Inappropriate with the syllabus This item still asks the specific information from the text above. She (buy) apples last month. a. Buy c. bought b. Buys d. buying Appropriate with the syllabus The item is suitable with the syllabus because it tells the activity in a general by using the simple past tense. My teacher always (read) a newspaper a. Read c. reads b. Reading d. readed Inappropriate with the syllabus The item tells the daily activity in a general. It is not suitable with the syllabus. A : What does he do? B : He is a…. He works in the field. a. Cook c. farmer b. Barber d. pilot Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students to understand the question word and it is in
line with the syllabus. 24.
A : Where does she work? B : He works in the…because the cooks food. a. Bank c. office b. Restaurant d. market Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue is as same as with the previous number that asks the understanding of a question word. My friend usually (catch) flies in the river. a. Catching c. catched b. Catches d. catch
Inappropriate with the syllabus The item tells the daily activity in a general by using a simple present tense. Meanwhile, it does not conform to the syllabus. A : What does she do every night? B : She usually…her car every night. a. Washed c. washes b. Washing d. wash
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the understanding of a question word and it confirms to the indicator in the syllabus. A : When does she call you? B : She calls me… a. Now c. yesterday b. Last night d. everyday
Appropriate with the syllabus The question item tells about the understanding of a question word and it confirms to the indicator. A : Do you swim at Ocean Park every Sunday? B : Yes I do, I…there with my cousin. a. Swim c. swimming b. Swam d. swims
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue tells about a daily activity in a general by using a simple present tense, but, it does not conform to the syllabus. A : Where are you going now? B : I’m…to my nephew’s house. a. Go c. going b. Gone d.went
Appropriate with the syllabus The item asks the students to understand the expression of telling an event in the future. It is very suitable with the syllabus. A : Did you bring my pen? B : Yes,… a. I do c. I don’t b. I did d. I didn’t Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students to understand the using of “yes-no” question and it conforms to the syllabus. The population of Indonesian people are… a. 230 thousand c. 230 billion b. 230 million d. 230 trillion
Appropriate with the syllabus The item tells about the expression of telling a fact and it really conforms to the syllabus. A : How much is this rock? B : It’s twenty six thousand five hundred rupiahs. a. Rp. 24.500 c. Rp. 25.500 b. Rp. 23.500 d. Rp. 26.500
Inappropriate with the syllabus The dialogue is not suitable with the syllabus because it tells about the spelling number. A : How long does your school from the house? B : It’s about… a. Twenty minutes c. two months b. Two days d. twenty seconds
Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue conforms to the syllabus because it tells the understanding of question word. A : What does Mr. John do every night? B : He….flowers in the market. a. Sold c. selling b. Sell d. sells
Appropriate with the syllabus The question item is suitable because it uses a question word. He….to practice the rule last night. a. Plan c. planning b. Plans d. planned Appropriate with the syllabus The question item conforms to the syllabus because it tells about the activity
in the past. A : What does she often do? B : She often…her car with my sister. a. Brings c. drives b. Calls d. walks Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students’ understanding in answering a question word and it confirms to the indicator. A : What do you always do overnight? B : I always…dinner at 7.00 pm. a. Have c. take b. Has d. bring Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue asks the students’ understanding in answering a question word and it confirms to the indicator. X :….does she comeback? Y : Every year. a. What c. who b. When d. whom Appropriate with the syllabus This question is suitable with the syllabus because it asks the understanding a question word. The headmaster…..a public speech last month. a. Makes c. made b. Make d. making Appropriate with the syllabus The item conforms to the syllabus because it tells about the past event by using a simple past tense Mrs. Ann…the book at the library yesterday. a. Borrows c. borrowing b. Borrowed d. borrow Appropriate with the syllabus The question asks about the using of a simple past tense in telling the past event and it conforms to the syllabus. B. Essay A : What does he usually do? (membaca novel) B : He…. A : Where does she read? (perpustakaan) B : She reads in the… Appropriate with the syllabus The dialogue above tells about two indicators of the items which asks the
students’ understanding in a question word by completing the blank. X : ….does he go every night? (dimana) Y : He…(go) to the cinema every night. Appropriate with the syllabus The question item asks the students to complete a question word and telling a daily activity in a general. A : What do you do every week? B : ……. (week-I-soccer-play-every) A : Where do you play soccer every week? B :………… (the-play-I-soccer-in-stadium) Inappropriate with the syllabus The number asks the students to arrange simple sentences into good sentences, but, it does not confirm to the indicator. Make a good sentence using Simple Present Tense! a. (-) She/not/send/a package/to her niece. ………………………………………… b. (+) He/serve/the customers. ………………………………………… c. (+) She/buy/clothes everyday ……………………………………….... d. (-) Irma/not call/her friend. ………………………………………… Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item asks the students to arrange words into a good sentence. However, it is suitable with the indicator in the even semester. Make a good sentence using Simple Past Tense! a. (-) Ms. Ann/not/type/a letter/to her niece ………………………………………….. b. (+) He/speak/to the customers last night ………………………………………….. c. (+) We/sell/clothes everyday ………………………………………….. d. (-) The teacher/not call/his friend ………………………………………….. Inappropriate with the syllabus The question item asks the students to arrange words into a good sentence. However, it is suitable with the indicator in the even semester.
Appendix 4
PEMERINTAH KOTA TANGERANG DINAS PENDIDIKAN UPTD SMK NEGERI 3 TANGERANG JL. Moh. Yamin Telp. 021-5521213 /Fax. 021-55794918 Tangerang 15118 Website; E-mail;
[email protected] NSS. 401287103003 NIS. 400030 NPSN. 20606899
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Prog. Keahlian
: XI / Semua Program Keahlian
: Rabu, 4 Desember 2013
: 12.15 – 13.45 Wib.
CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER 1. Ani : Have you finished with my book? Adi : Not yet. Look, …. a. I still read it b. I will read it c. I was still reading it d. I am still reading it
6. Becky : What’s wrong with you , Dicky? Dicky : I sprained my ankle when I … football. a. play c. was playing b. am playing d. have played .
2. Tomy : I didn’t see your sister yesterday. Where was she? Roy : She …with her friend when you came here. a. is going c. were going b. was going d. has gone 3. Susan : My mother … to London next week. Erni : So, you will be alone, won’t you? a. goes c. Is going b. was going d. will be going 4. Mrs.Fatma : What do you do in your spare time? Mira : …. a. Yes, I do my spare time b. I like playing guitar c. I spend time efficiently d. I must spare time for you 5. April : You look healthy now Ina : Yes, I … from my illness. April : I’m glad to hear that. a. recover c. have recovered b. recovered d. will recover
7. Doctor : You must stop … if you want to be healthy. Iwan : All right doc. a. smoke c. to smoke b. smoking d. have smoked 8. Icha : Good morning,…? Firman : I’m looking for a school bag. Icha : Come this way please. a. Can you help me b. Can you do me a favor c. May I help you d. May I bring you anything 9. Rida : Are you free tonight? Restu : Yes, what’s up? Rida : … to the concert? Restu : That’s a nice idea. a. What do you want b. Do you need c. How about going d. What time do we go 10. Anjas : Dad, may I use your car? I’d like to return Tina’s book. Father : … but be home before 6 o’clock.
a. That’s good b. All right
c. I am fine d. I’m sorry
11. Yudha : I am tired of typing this report. Alice : … ? Yudha : No, thanks. a. Could you help me b. What can I do for you c. Do you need any help? d. Can you do me a favor? 12. Bella : … lending me your dictionary, Sir? Mr,Hadi : Oh, you can take it on my table. a. Is it all right c. Would you b. Do you need d. Would you mind 13. Tina : Grandma, can I help you with the sewing? Grandma : …. a. You’re so beautiful c. Don’t worry b. How kind of you d. I’m sorry 14. Kevin : I’m going to have a birthday party tomorrow, …? Tasya : Great. I’ll be there tomorrow. a. Would you mind coming with me b. Can you invite me c. Would you come to my party d. May I help you 15. Donald : We are going to the movie this afternoon. Will you join us? Andy : …. I have a lot of work to do at home. a. That sounds a good idea b. I won’t say no c. All right d. I’m afraid I can’t 16. Marry : This soup is tasteless. … Tom : Here it is. Marry : Thank you. a. I need your help b. Do me a favor, please? c. Will you get the salt? D. Could you pass me the salt? 17. Mom : Do you want some more? Dany : No thank you. I’m… to eat another sandwich. a. empty enough c. too full b. enough sandwich d. too much 18. Jimmy : I can’t finish eating this orange. It’s …. It’s not …. a. too sour, sweet enough b. too strong, weak enough c. big enough, too small d. old enough, too young
19. Mom Dad
: How about going picnic next week? : … we are going to have a test next week, we have to study. a. I don’t agree c. I agree b. let’s go d. okay 20. Mira : I like this t-shirt. How much is it? Shopkeeper : It’s Rp. 125,000 Mira : …? Shopkeeper : Yes, ten percent. a. Have you got a little cheaper b. Do you have different color c. Is there something similar d. Would there be any discount 21. Shopkeeper
: Do you want to change the color, madam? : That’s fine. ….
Mira a. I’ll get one b. I’ll wrap the t-shirt c. I’ll change the t-shirt d. I’ll take the t-shirt
22. John : How do you like living in your new apartment? Tomy : Oh,… I like it. a. with pleasure c. what a shame b. It’s wonderful d. It’s a nuisance 23. Andre : I have talked to Ari this morning. Lia : What did he say? Andre : Well, he said that he … to your house before he finished his assignment. a. doesn’t come c. didn’t come b. will not come d. wouldn’t come 24. Dion : When will you go to London? Mira : What did he ask you? Tina : He asked … a. when I would go to London b. when I went to London c. when you would go to London d. when you went to London 25. Mr. Yamamoto : Is there any message for me? Secretary : Mr. Bramantyo from Ace company called. … a. He wanted to call you b. He said that he called you c. He asked to leave a message d. He asked you to call him again 26. Andrian : May I speak with Fred Jones? F. O : …. He isn’t in the office at the moment. a. It’s possible c. I’m pleased b. I’m afraid d. I don’t know 27. Mrs. Santiago
: Bob Wilson, please.
Secretary : …. I didn’t catch the name. a. What c. Don’t go away b. Sorry d. Repeat, please 28 Sagita : Good morning, Sahara Corporation. May I help you? Wilson : Hello, could I speak to Miss. Sagita, please?
subjects were Math and Reading. The, he entered Harvard University. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer – the MITS Altair. Gates leaved Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, the company he had begun in 1978 with his childhood friend Paul Allen.
Sagita : …. a. Talking c. It’s me b. It’s calling d. Speaking 29. Mom : Girls, make up your beds! Nindy : What did mom say just now? Mom : She … us to make up our beds. a. asks c. asking b. asked d. have asked 30. Dea : Jim, have you handed your math assignment to miss Ane? Jimmy : Not yet, I … it to her next Tuesday. a. give c. will give b. have given d. would give
36. The paragraph mainly talks about …. a. The Microsoft c. Bill Gates b. Harvard University d. BASIC language
For questions 31-35, find the underlined word or phrase that should be corrected 31. The boss have been waiting for those reports all A B C D morning. 32. Man : Excuse me, can you told me the way to A B the Mawar Hotel from here, please? C D 33. Ardi : What about to have a drink in that A B C cafeteria now? D 34. Helen : I’m afraid that’s too expensive, do you A B having anything a little cheaper? C D 35. Michael : I am not agree with his opinion, it is A B too difficult for us to do that C D Read the following text to answer questions 36 to 38 th
Born on October 28 , 1955, Bill Gates grew up in Seattle. Gates attended public elementary school. th In 7 grade his parents sent him to Lakeside Private School. That was where he became friends with Paul Allen, classmate with similar interests in technology (who would later became his business partner). He and his friends often studied Fortune Magazine. His favorite
37. “ …public elementary school”. The synonym of public is …. a. people c. opened b. general d. outside 38. The MITS Altair is the name of …. a. programming language b. a language c. a company d. a microcomputer The text below is for questions 39-40
ANNOUNCEMENT English Speaking club There will be a program to develop our speaking skills next Sunday. We’ll practice guiding tourists in Prambanan Temple. Please enroll soon since there are limited seats. Departure time : 08.00 a.m. Fee : Rp. 20,000 Contact Person : Osa, Vita Chief Neola Tamaris 39. Which statement is true about the announcement of the English Speaking Club? a. Osa and Vita are supervisors of the program. b. Each participant has to pay Rp.20,000 to the chief c. The aim of the program is to guide foreign tourists. d. The implementation of the program is on Sunday. 40. “Please enroll soon since there are limited seats”. The italic word means …. a. answer c. register b. record d. subscribe
c. Changing bed linens d. Walking guests in the morning
Questions 41-43 refer to the following advertisement SALES MANAGER Multinational company seeks sales manager for its office products division. Candidate must have 10 years experience in sales development and management in the field and the ability to motivate and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and benefits package. Qualified candidates should send their resumes to : The Nusantara Post, 8552, Mayjen Suprapto 89, Surabaya, East Java. 41. Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager? a. The office products division b. The personnel division c. The multinational company d. The management staff 42. What will the sales manager probably do on his job? a. Developing products c. Collecting salary b. Writing a resume d. Teaching new sales staff 43. Where should the applicants send their resumes? a. To the company c. To the division manager b. To the vice-president of the company d. To the newspaper
Questions 46-50 refer to the following brochure Hotel Dhyana Pura Absolute beach front Set in 3.5 hectares of tropical gardens A place to relax and be refreshed Accommodation in 150 large, well furnished air conditioned bedrooms, each with bath, a large screen tv, phone and balcony Guest rooms are spaced out in a beautifully gardens, each with its own view. An open air, hygienic and well decorated “Eden Garden” restaurant serves Indonesia, Chinese and European Food at reasonable prices. Open 24 hrs, service always available. Large convention hall seat 350. Caters for international conference, wedding receptions ,etc. Also available is a chapel for international weddings. 46 What is the brochure about? a. The Eden garden restaurant b. Hotel Dhyana Pura c. The place to relax d. The tropical garden in hotel dhyana Pura 47 The price of the food in Eden Garden restaurant is …. a. low c. cheap b. high d. fair
Question 44-45 refer to the following sign My name is Becky I’m you room attendant I take pride in keeping your room neat and clean I hope you have a really pleasant stay Please dial Housekeeping at ext. 28 if there is anything you need 44. Where would you see this sign? a. At a health club c. At a beauty salon b. In a recreation centre d. In a hotel 45. Which of the following is probably one of Becky’s job? a. Painting walls b. Supervising sports
48. Which paragraph tells you that there is a meeting room in the hotel? a. two c. four b. three d. five 49. The following statements are true, except …. a. We can call the room service anytime. b. We can see beautiful trees in the garden. c. Guests room are not spaced out. d. There is not only Indonesian food in the restaurant. 50. “… each with its own view.” (line 5) The word each refers to ….
a. Guest c. Room
b. Garden d. Tree
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Name of School
: SMKN 1Tangerang (by Ms. Eny Fitriany )
This interview data is used as a description data for describing the real situation and the teacher’s opinion about the content validity. Moreover, this data is also taken because the writer wants to know the teacher understands in making a good test as a test designer; especially for an English summative test. Moreover, this interview is held on December 25th, 2013 after the odd semester had been held by the school. The interview was held between the interviewer as the writer of her research and the English teacher of the second grade technology major. His name is Ms. Eny Fitriany. The interviewer gave a semi-structured interview because she sometimes gave an unpredictable question to the teacher. The interview can be seen below. I
: Ibu, siapa namanya bu?
Ms. En : Eny Fitriany I
: Ms. Eny sudah berapa lama mengajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini?
Ms. En : Saya sudah lama sekali ngajar disekolah ini, sudah lebih dari 10 tahun. I
: Skripsi saya ini mengenai kesesuaian soal dengan silabus. Oleh karena itu saya ingin menanyakan bagaimana pengembangan silabus di sekolah ini terlebih dahulu. Siapa yang membuat silabus untuk sekolah ini, apakah guru-guru disini atau ibu mengambil contoh beberapa sumber? Misalnya dari internet atau dari sekolah lain.
Ms. En : Ehhmm..iya kita mengambil dari internet, nanti kita olah berupa RPP nya aja. I
: Ooohh begitu.. jadi ibu mengambil silabusnya dari beberapa sumber gitu ya bu yah? Dan nanti ibu yang menyusun RPP nya.
Ms. En : Hemmm, iya betul..
The syllabus was taken from the internet
: Nah, yang saya tahu silabus SMK dengan silabus SMA itu berbeda. Apakah ibu mengetahui perbedaanya?
Ms. En : Jauh, sekitar 30 lebih persen… eeeh 30 persen lebih. Bedanya kalau untuk SMK itu siap kerja ya.. karena memang dia sudah dilengkapi dengan skill-skill yang lain, komputer, mungkin akutansi, pemasaran, sesuai jurusannya. Makanya bahasannya seperti itu, seperti dialog. Kebanyakan dialog percakapan. Karena ini langsung terjun ke masyarakat, nah itu kenapa lebih mudah. Tapi kalau SMA mungkin hanya menganalisa, meneliti biasanya seperti itu, karena tidak langsung bertemu dengan dunia lapangan kerja seperti itu. Itu yang saya liat ya dan saya tangkap. I
There is a significant difference between a syllabus in SMK and SMA. SMK is more practical than SMA
: Pertanyaan selanjutnya mengenai kegunaan sebuah tes. Seberapa pentingkah kegunaan tes dalam proses belajar-mengajar?
Ms. En : Penting sekali karena untuk timbal balik siswa terhadap guru apakah mereka sudah mampu menerima apa yang guru telah sampaikan. Jika mereka belum mampu memahami apa yang telah disampaikan, guru bisa tau mana yang belum bisa dipahami oleh siswa. Kemudian, akan diadakan remedial. Namun, memang sebelum pelaksanaan tes semester, guru melakukan ulangan harian dan dari hasil ulangan harian guru dapat mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan siswa. Setelah itu, guru akan membimbing siswa yang masih mengalami kesulitan terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan. Jadi, tes penting untuk digunakan karena untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa.
The teacher said that the test is important because the teacher can know the students’ comprehension of the material given
: Lalu saya ingin menanyakan hal yang lebih spesifik yang berkaitan dengan skripsi saya. Kalau saya boleh tau biasanya siapakah yang membuat soal? Apakah ibu sendiri atau ada tim pembuat soal yang terdiri dari guru-guru bahasa inggris?
Ms. En : Kebetulan kami mempunyai tim dalam pembuatan soal karena guru bahasa inggris disini ada beberapa. Kemudiankami membagi tugas dalam pembuatan soal, misalnya: guru yang lain membuat soal untuk kelas sepuluh, saya membuat soal untuk kelas sebelas, dan guru yang lainnya membuat soal untuk kelas duabelas. I
The summative test was made by the team teacher in this school. Meanwhile, the teacher will get a different duty in making a test
: Nah, apakah kesulitan-kesulitan yang ibu hadapi dalam membuat soal?
Ms. En : yaaa..mungkin kesulitannya sih, kita membuat soal yang lebih berbeda dari yang kita sampaikan ke siswa, The teacher said that dari buku..Maksudnya bukan isinya the difficulty in making bukan ya..eeh, maksudnya bukan dari a test is to find the different silabusnya beda bukan ya. Dari apa words or sentences from context teks kalimatnya itu yang the texts or questions that berbeda, yang dibedakan. Kita harus lebih had been given before mengembangkan kata-kata itu kalimat itu. I
: Lalu bagaimana cara ibu membuat soal untuk siswa?
Ms. En : Tentunya kita lihat dari silabus, isi silabus itu apa. Silabus itu digunakan untuk dua semester dalam setahun, yaitu: semester ganjil dan semester genap. Karena tahun ini adalah semester ganjil, tentunya disesuaikan dengan silabus semester ganjil, selain itu juga disesuaikan dengan materi dibuku yang sudah disampaikan ke siswa.Jangan sampai apa yang di tes kan berisi materi yang belum
The teacher made the test based on the syllabus for the odd semester
disampaikan agar siswa tidak bingung dalam menjawab soal. I
: Nah ini bu, menurut ibu ada tidak perbedaan dalam membuat soal SMK dengan soal untuk SMA?
Ms. En : Yaa.. sepertinya kalau untuk..ada perbedaannya ada.. yaa karenakan beda silabusnya juga, jadi beda, pasti beda. I
There is a difference between the test items for SMK and SMA because the syllabus is different
: Lalu, adakah perbedaan soal tes bahasa inggris antara jurusan TKJ dengan jurusan yang lain?
Ms. En : Mmm, sejauh ini tidak ada. I
: Ooh, jadi sama soal bahasa inggrisnya ya bu.
Ms. En : Karena inggris itu umum yaa, mungkin beda tentunya untuk SMA ya. Untuk SMK sama semua jurusan. Karena kan dia masuknya ke adaptif bukannya produktif. Kalau adaptif seperti matematika, fisika, kimia. Sedangkan agama, PKN, sejarah, olahraga normatif masuknya. I
: Kemudian, menurut ibu apakah validitas penting dalam pembuatan soal? Karena ada tiga persyaratan dalam pembuatan soal, yaitu: validitas, reabilitas, dan praktikalitas. Validitas adalah salah satunya.
Ms. En : Penting, tapi tolong jelaskan apa itu validitas, reabilitas dan praktikalitas.
The teacher said that the summative test items are same for all of majors because English subject is an adaptive Subject which is general
: Validitas itu adalah syarat
The teacher said that validity is important, but she did not know what validity is. Then, she asked me to give an explanation.
dimana soal yang di tes kan harus sesuai dengan apa yang akan diukur. Reabilitas adalah syarat dimana ketika ibu memberikan soal yang sama dengan siswa yang sama, tapi dengan hari yang berbeda. Namun, ibu akan mendapatkan hasil yang sama. Praktikalitas adalah kemudahan ibu dalam pembuatan soal. Contohnya: ketika ibu membuat soal, ibu tidak memerlukan uang yang banyak atau ketika ibu menilai hasil tes siswa, ibu tidak sulit dalam menilainya. Ms. En : Sebenarnya tiga hal itu ada tersebut di..eehhmm apa namanya? apa kalo ini SKB yaa, apa yaah apa? heemm..KBM. Sorry salah ngomong. Sebenernya tiga hal itu ada dalam KBM sehari-hari itu aja. Cuma mungkinkan dibagi-bagi pada waktu tertentu kan, seperti kalo validitas digunakan dalam semesteran, tes semester. Kalau tadi apah? reabilitas itu mungkin sehari-hari ya.. ulangan harian ya..Tapi klo practice berupa dialog dalam bahasa inggris, conversation ya.. karenakan kan praktek..praktek.. nilai langsung seperti itu. I
The teacher misunderstood About the meaning of three criteria of a good test, especially for the validity. It made her misinterpreted and showed that she did not understand about the validity yet.
: Lalu, menurut ibu seberapa penting kesesuaian soal dengan silabus?
Ms. En : Seberapa penting? Yaaa..sekarang kita itu belajar pake lesson plan, nah itu darimana?dari silabus. Sekarang kalau kita tidak sesuai The teacher said that dengan silabus, yaa.. nanti mau the conformity of the test dibawa kemana gitu…kayak judul and the syllabus was important lagu mau dibawa kemana tujuan kita gitu kan..haha. Justru dengan adanya itu guru dimudahkan gitu, untuk memberikan materi kepada siswa. Jadi, sangat penting.
: Menurut ibu, apakah tes yang ibu buat sudah dapat mengukur kemampuan siswa sejauh ini?
Ms. En : Hemm,, sudah..alhamdulillah. I
: Karena dia sudah sesuai dengan silabus dan materi bu?
The summative test that had been made by the teacher could measure the students’ ability.
Ms. En : Iya. I
: Ibu ketika dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris dikelas, apakah ibu menggunakan kosakata-kosakata yang disesuaikan dengan jurusan yang ibu ajar atau umum saja bu?
Ms. En : Mmmm..karna kita mungkin silabusnya untuk semua jurusan yaa berarti disamakan dengan jurusan yang lain. Tapi ada waktu tertentu yang untuk disesuaikan dengan vocabulary. Mungkin kalau grammar umum yaa, tapi reading juga umum, tapi kebanyakan vocabulary yang kita bedakan. Misalnya kita meminta anak untuk mencari beberapa kata yang berdasarkan dengan teknik komputer jaringan, misalnya sehari sepuluh kata aja. Misalnya seminggu diaturlah untuk vocabularynya sampai duapuluh atau tigapuluh kata. Disesuakan dengan ininya. Terus mba apa lagi mba? I
: Ya sudah sekian dulu pertanyaannya bu. Ehmm, ada yang tertinggal bu, berarti kalau semua soalnya disamakan, untuk soal teks readingnya juga disamakan? Dan boleh saya meminta kisi-kisi soal semester ganjil bu?
Ms. En : Iya sama. Iya boleh, bawa flashdisk? Copy aja.
The teacher said that she used the specific vocabulary only in the specific time. However, the test items were same for all of the major.
The teacher made the blueprint before administered the test.
Appendix 8
Name of School
: SMKN 3Tangerang (by Mr. Dedi )
This interview data is used as a description data for describing the real situation and the teacher’s opinion about the content validity. Moreover, this data is also taken because the writer wants to know the teacher understands in making a good test as a test designer; especially for an English summative test. Moreover, this interview is held on December 3th, 2013 before the odd semester had been held by the school. The interview was held between the interviewer as the writer of her research and the English teacher of the second grade technology major. His name is Mr. Dedi. The interviewer gave a semistructured interview because she sometimes gave an unpredictable question to the teacher. The interview can be seen below. I
: Assalamu’alaikum bapak! Sebelumnya kita perkenalan dulu ya pak, nama bapak siapa?
Mr. D : Wa’alaikumsalam, nama saya Dedi. I
: Bapak sudah berapa lama ngajar di Sekolah ini?
Mr. D : Sejak tahun 2002, kurang lebih sebelas tahun. I
: Sesuai dengan judul skripsi saya, saya ingin menanyakan mengenai kesesuaian soal dengan silabus. Oleh karena itu, sebelumnya saya ingin menanyakan siapakah yang bertanggungjawab dalam pengemTeam teachers bangan silabus di Sekolah ini, pak? in every subjects
Mr. D : Kita pernah buat silabusnya itu di Yuppentek di dalam sebuah seminar. Artinya guru yang mata pelajaran masing-masing akan bertanggungjawab dalam pengembangan silabus. I
: Lalu menurut bapak, apakah perbedaan silabus SMA dengan SMK?
Mr. D : SMK lebih simple, karena SMA lebih banyak ke teks sedangkan SMK tidak. Kalau SMA lebih banyak ke bacanya dan pemahaman memahami teks nya lebih bagus, dibandingkan SMK. Disini juga siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris bisa ditebak, seperti jurusan perhotelan. I
at Schools as syllabus developer
: Lalu berlanjut dengan pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik pak. Menurut bapak apakah
Syllabus in SMK is more simple than than syllabus in SMA
kegunaan dari sebuah tes dalam proses belajar dan pemlajaran itu seperti apa? Mr. D : Kalau tes itu kan Cuma sebagai alat The function of the test is ukur atas keberhasilan belajar yang telah for measuring the student’s kita lakukan. Artinya kita pengen tau understanding of the material sejauh mana siswa-siswa kita memahami given materi-materi tersebut. I
: Lalu, siapakah yang membuat soal untuk soal semester ganjil pak? Apakah tim guru yang membuat atau guru yang bersangkutan yang membuatnya?
Mr. D : Disini kita pakai tim guru. I
: Pembagiannya seperti apa pak?
There is a team teacher who Mr. D : Eee, pembagiannya: pertama create the summative test panitia memberi surat tugas terlebih based on sub competence that dahulu. Kemudian kita kumpul, should be covered in a test kira-kira apa saja yang dikeluarkan. Misalnya, di tahun ini ada 3 subkompetensi, nah tiga sub itulah yang akan kita bahas. Namun, bentuk soal diserahkan kepada si pembuat. Tapi, materi dalam butir-butir soalnya disesuaikan dengan unit-unit tadi. I
: Kemudian kesulitan-kesulitan apa yang bapak hadapi dalam pembuatan soal?
Mr. D : Eeeehh, sulitnya menentukan soal mana yang sulit dan mudah karena kemampuan siswa berubah-rubah. Kesulitan yang pertama Apakah soal ini mampu dijawab dan dipahami oleh siswa atau tidak. Artinya kesulitannya mencari soal yang seragam untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa. Karena jika soal yang terlalu sulit itu tidak bagus atau soal yang terlalu mudah juga tidak bagus. Oleh karena itu, kami juga masih
The difficulty in making a summative test is how to make equal test items
merasa sulit untuk membuat soal yang tidak seperti itu. I
: Bagaimana cara bapak dalam pembuatan soal semester ganjil?
Mr. D : Saya menyesuaikannya dengan apa yang sudah diajarkan. I
The summative test is made based on the material given
: Nah, apakah ada perbedaan butir soal untuk jurusan TKJ dengan jurusan yang lain, pak?
Mr. D : Kalau soal tesnya tidak. Tapi dalam belajarnya itu tetap kita berikan yang sesuai dengan jurusan mereka masing-masing. Tapi kalo tes nya seragam. Kalau SMK kan berbeda dengan SMA, karena dalam KTSP lebih ke percakapannya, sedangkan SMA banyak teksnya. Misalnya: teks deskriptif, naratif, dll. Kalau SMK lebih komunikatif. I
: Ooh, nah. Dalam pembuatan soal yang bagus kita harus mempertimbangkan tiga kriteria, yaitu; validitas, reliabilitas, dan praktikalitas. Menurut bapak, apakah unsur validitas dalam pembuatan soal itu penting?
Mr. D : Penting, karena soal yang dibuat harus valid. Artinya materi yang sudah diajarkan harus ada dalam soal, sehingga siswa dapat menjawab soal tersebut dan materi-materi tersebut memang harus diuji. I
: Lalu, bagaimana dengan kesesuaian soal dengan silabus, pak? apakah disesuaikan jg?
Mr. D : Iya. Disesuaikan juga.
The test items that has been made are same for all the major at school
The validity is important because the material given should be in the test
The test should be in line with the syllabus
: Kemudian apakah tes yang telah dibuat, sudah mampu mengukur kemampuan siswa?
Mr. D : Kalau dari, sebetulnya mengukur anak mampu atau tidak. Tidak hanya dari tes saja. Kalau tes hanya sebagian lingkup kecil saja, karena masih banyak kemampuan mereka yang kita ukur. Contoh, anak-anak yang memiliki kemampuan lebih dalam bahasa inggrisnya akan mendapatkan nilai yang lebih. Misalnya, anak-anak yang sering ikut lomba debat atau yang aktif berbahasa inggris dengan teman-temannya. Itu juga kita masukkan kedalam penilaian. I
: Pertanyaan yang terakhir, dalam proses belajar pembelajaran dikelas, apakah ada penggunaan kosakata yang spesifik dalam penyampaian sebuah materi didalam kelas?Apakah disesuaikan dengan jurusan masing masing?
yes, but the test is just a part of the way for measuring the student’s achievement
The teacher used specific vocabularies based on students’ major
Mr. D : Secara general. Tapi dalam semester dua kita sudah mengcombine bahasa inggris yang sesuai dengan jurusannya. I
: Apakah sebelum membuat soal, guru yang bersangkutan membuat kisi-kisi soal terlebih dahulu pak?
Mr. D : Itu guru yang bersangkutan. Jadi nanti guru tersebut hanya memberikan soal dengan kunci jawabannya saja kepada panitia .
The teacher as a test designer made the blueprint before the test was printed
: Jadi, kesimpulannya bapak setuju bahwa soal semester ganjil atau soal yang dibuat harus sesuai dengan apa yang ada disilabus, agar mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur.
The conclusion: the teacher said that He agreed that a test should conform to syllabus
Mr. D : Hmmm..iya. I
: Baiklah kalau begitu, saya ucapkan terimaksih atas waktu bapak. Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Mr. D : Iya. Walaikumsalam wr.wb.
Appendix 9
Name of School
: SMK Teknologi Informatika YPML Tangerang (by Mr.
Firman) This interview data is used as a description data for describing the real situation and the teacher’s opinion about the content validity. Moreover, this data is also taken because the writer wants to know the teacher understands in making a good test as a test designer; especially for an English summative test. Moreover, this interview is held on December 19th, 2013 after the odd semester had been held by the school. The interview was held between the interviewer as the writer of her research and the English teacher of the second grade technology major. His name is Mr. Firman. The interviewer gave a semistructured interview because she sometimes gave an unpredictable question to the teacher. The interview can be seen below. I
: Selamat siang bapak!
Mr. F : Selamat siang! I
: Sebelumnya saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya dulu. Saya shaumi mahasiswi dari UIN, saya ingin mengadakan penelitian di sekolah ini yang berhubungan dengan skripsi saya. Ya..nama bapak siapa pak?
Introduction to the teacher
Mr. F : Nama saya bapak Firman. I
: Sudah berapa lama bapak mengajar di sekolah ini sebagai guru bahasa inggris?
Mr. F : Dari tahun 2007, pertengahan bulan Juli kalau tidak salah. I
: Oke, pak..sehubungan dengan skripsi saya yang mengenai kesesuaian soal dengan silabus. Saya ingin menanyakan, siapakah yang mengembangkan silabus di sekolah ini? Apakah kepala sekolah menyerahkan kepada guru-guru disini untuk mengembangkannya sendiri,
atau hanya mengambil silabus dari beberapa sumber? Mr. F : Setiap tahun di Sekolah ini, SMK YPML itu. Disinikan ada guru bahasa inggris, nah nanti guru tersebut akan mencari sumber apakah dari sekolah lain atau dari yang lain. Setelah kita dapat, nanti akan dimusyawarahkan dewan guru dengan kurikulum. Setelah sepakat nanti akan dikoordinasikan dengan guru bahasa inggris yang kedua. Nanti kita rumuskan indikator dan sebagainya dengan kurikulum. Lalu menentukan berapa KKM nya. Biasanya sebelum tahun ajaran baru disini itu akan menentukan RPP dan nilai KKM terlebih dahulu. Setelah saya teliti silabus itu biasanya khusus SMK. Sebenarnya yang kami mengambil silabus dari yang sudah ada, karena di Tangerang ini silabusnya disamaratakan untuk wilayah Tangerang. Karena telah dimusyawarahkan oleh MGMP. I
The teacher said that the syllabus was taken from what had been decided in the MGMP meeting. However, the teachers developed the passing score standard for the students.
: Apakah bapak sebelumnya pernah mengajar di SMA?
Mr. F : Tidak, saya hanya mengajar di SMK dan bimbel. Pembelajaran di bimbel dan SMK sangat jauh berbeda. Sebenarnya saya ingin memberikan pendapat mengenai kurikulum 2013. Karena pengurangan jam pelajaran bahasa inggris, yang tadinya 4 jam pelajaran menjadi 2 jam pelajaran. Nah, kalau misalnya bahasa inggris menjadi 2 jam, sedangkan bahasa inggris menjadi mata pelajaran yang di UN kan. Itu jadi agak bingung kita. Jadi untuk mengejar silabus itu agak susah.
The teacher did not ever teach in SMA before. This question is for following question.
: Menurut bapak, apakah perbedaan silabus SMK dengan SMA?
Mr. F : Itu beda jauh sekali, yang saya tahu itu kalau SMK ada penjurusannya. Jadi penjurusannya hanya untuk elektronik dan TKJ. Trus materi speakingnya biasanya juga sudah tertuju,misalnya komunikasi bagaimana menerima telpon di kantor, menulis surat lamaran kerja, surat-surat untuk bisnis. Kalau di SMA itu untuk umum ya, dia itu focus utuk SNMPTN. Karena disini jurusannya hanya TKJ, jadi kosakata yang digunakan untuk elektronik, computer, dan komunikasinya dibuat seperti situasi di perkantoran. I
: Lalu sehubungan dengan judul skripsi saya, saya ingin menanyakan perihal mengenai tes dan kesesuaian soal semester ganjil dengan silabus. Oleh karena itu, saya menanyakan kegunaan tes terlebih dahulu. Menurut bapak, apakah kegunaan tes dalam proses belajar dan mengajar?
Mr. F : Kalau dalam bahasa inggris, tes itu seharusnya ada dua. Tes sumatif dan tes lisan. Untuk soal sumatif itu, untuk mengukur bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam writing, grammar. Itu untuk yang sumatifnya. Untuk tes yang lisannya, biasanya di SMK ini itu dilaksanakan sebelum UAS dilaksanakan. Jadi siswa itu maju berdua untuk conversation, terus untuk tanya jawab untuk situasi tertentu. Misalnya di kantor atau dalam menerima telepon. Jadi sebenarnya tidak hanya terpaku pada tes tulis, tetapi juga tes lisannya. I
The teacher thought that the syllabus for SMA and SMK is different.
: Pertanyaan berikutnya mengenai pembuatan soal semester ganjil, siapakah yang biasanya membuat soal
The teacher did not answer what the interviewer intended
semester ganjil ini pak? Apakah ada tim guru atau guru yang bersangkutan? Mr. F : Kalau di Sekolah negeri, biasanya ada timnya; MGMP. Nah, kalau untuk swasta, karena disini ada dua guru kita sering sharing, sering bertanya ini bagaimana. Jika sudah mufakat, kita putuskan dan sudah selesai. Jadi, biasanya misalnya saya di sepuluh satu dan teman saya di sebelas 2, lalu kita bagi itu. Tapi kalau, kadang-kadang sih kalau saya dua kelas berarti saya membuat soal untuk dua kelas. Setelah kita buat untuk kelas masing-masing, lalu kita share bagaimana soalnya bagus atau tidak. Jika bagus, baru dilaksanakan. I
The teacher answered that the summative test was made by the teacher themselves, because there was no team teacher for making the summative test in a private school.
: Kesulitan apa saja yang bapak hadapi dalam pembuatan soal semester ganjil?
Mr. F : Ya..kesulitan yang saya hadapi ketika kita harus memberikan soal yang sesuai dengan apa yang sudah dipelajari. Terus ternyata kita dituntut bagaimana soal denga silabus sesuai begitu. Kemudian bagaimana caranya menyamaratakan soal untuk siswa yang memiliki kemampuan diatas dan dibawah. Jika siswa dikelas tersebut banyak yang pintar, maka soalnya dibuat sedang dan kalau siswa dikelas tersebut tidak banyak yang pintar, maka soalnya dibuat mudah. Jadi, kita tidak terpaku dengan silabus. Kalau kita membuat soal sesuai dengan silabus, misalnya yang sulit berapa ersen dan yang mudah berapa persen. Kebanyakan siswa mengeluh akan soal tersebut. Jadi, saya membuat soal untuk kelas sebelas dengan tingkatan yang sedang 70%, 20% sulit, dan 10% mudah.
The difficulty in making the summative test was how to make the items which had been appropriate with the students’ ability. However, the test did not conform to the syllabus
: Nah, bagaimana cara bapak menyusun dan membuat soal semester ganjil bahasa inggris untuk SMK?
Mr. F : Kalau yang saya pelajari itu harus kita liat dari silabus dulu dan nanti kita liat bagaimana ketuntasan kita mengajar , dan bab berapa yang sudah selesai. Lalu, kita buat soal sesuai dengan itu. Tapi kisi-kisinya kita lihat dulu, kisi-kisi sudah kita buat, soal sudah dibuat, dan apakah sudah sesuai dengan silabus. Sesudah itu, kita lihat dari tingkat kesukarannya. Mmm, misalnya yang sukar 45, trus yang sedang misalnya 20, sisanya yang mudah tuh. Jadi engga semuannya susah, ada tingkatannya. Dalam membuat soal itu, kita memilah mana soal yang susah, sedang, dan ama yang mudah. Nah, terus kita lihat dulu misalnya dari tahun kemarin, soalnya juga kita sesuaikan dengan tahun kemarin apakah sudah sesuai apa tidak. Intinya sih, dari silabus, dari buku yang kita punya, terus kita buat kisi-kisi . setelah itu, kita sesuaikan dengan bab yang telah kita capai dan kemampuan siswa. Jika sudah sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa, baru kita laksanakan. Itu saja penjelasan saya. I
The teacher made the summative test based on the syllabus and the materials. However, in the previous Conversation, the teacher explained that the test did not base on the syllabus.
: Lalu, Adakah perbedaan pembuatan butir soal antara SMA dengan SMK?
Mr. F : Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf, karena saya focus mengajar di SMK jadi saya hanya mengetahui batasan di SMK. Untuk penilaiannya dan silabusnya. Untuk perbedaan butir soal, itu biasanya si kita bisa liat disilabus. Biasanya kalau di banyak butir soal teks bacaan.
The test items for SMK and SMA is different, then, it can be SMA, seen from the syllabus.
Kalau di SMK kebanyakan speaking nya. Jadi beda sekali. I
: Kemudian pak, dalam pembuatan soal terdapat tiga hal yang harus diperhatikan. Yaitu: validitas, reliabilitas, dan praktikalitas. Nah, apakah unsur validitas dalam pembuatan soal menurut bapak penting?
Mr. F : Kalau menurut saya, sangat penting sekali karena untuk mengukur bagaimana agar kita mengetahui kesesuaian soal dengan silabus dan kisi-kisi dan nanti hasilnya. Jadi hasilnya nanti antara kisi-kisi dengan soal dengan soal itu bagus, maka ketercapaian siswa juga akan bagus. Tapi nanti jika tidak ada unsure validitasnya, kita tidak tahu ketercapaian siswa dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. Kita akan tahu ketercapaian siswa itu berapa persen. Jika soal yang kita buat sudah sesuai dengan ketercapaian siswa, berarti soal yang kita buat sudah pas. Kalau misalnya kita tidak tahu, ibaratnya setiap tahun ya hanya formalitas saja. Kalau kita mengetahui validitasnya, berarti kita tahu siswa mana yang sudah tuntas. Antara yang dicapai dengan nilai dengan soal yang kita buat itu. I
The test should conform to the syllabus; it supposed to measure the students’ achievement in the learning process.
: Pertanyaan selanjutnya, apakah menurut bapak soal yang akan diujikan harus sesuai dengan silabus?
Mr. F : Saya pribadi sih harusnya sesuai, tapi karena kita melihat kondisi siswa. Melihat banyaknya waktu libur, terutama libur puasa, idul fitri, libur kelas 3. Jadi tidak akan sama seratus persen.
The summative test had conformed to the syllabus, but it was no 100%
Jadi yang saya alami tiap tahun ini dalam pembuatan soal berbeda antara soal dengan silabus. Tapi perkiraan kesesuaian soal dengan silabus untuk semester satu itu sekitar 70%, nah untuk semester dua karena lebih banyak liburnya; persiapan kelas 3 untuk ujian, lalu PKL. Jadi, untuk kesesuainnya tidak 100 %. I
: Lalu, apakah soal semester ganjil yang bapak telah buat sudah bisa mengukur kemampuan siswa?
Mr. F : Kalau yang saya lihat dari hasil nilai itu hampir 75%. Karena saya lihat itu siswa kebanyakan dapat nilai 75 atau 70 kebanyakan. Paling rendah ada yang 30 atau 50. Jadi, dari 28 siswa itu sudah sekitar 70% memenuhi standar KKM disini. Disinikan KKM nya 75, nah ada yang dapat 75 atau 85. Hanya ada beberapa siswa yang mendapat nilai yang kecil ada 2 atau 3 orang yang dibawah KKM. I
The test that was administered had measured the students’ ability.
: Jadi menurut bapak soal yang sudah bapak buat itu, sudah bisa mengukur kemampuan siswa ya pak?
Mr. F : Iya. Karena jujur saja. Dalam pembuatan soal saya tidak terlalu terpaku This question is used for pada silabus. Karena saya making sure the answer pribadi tidak ingin before. The test had measured membebani siswa saya the students’ ability. Meanwhile, untuk mencapai nilai KKMnya the test did not conform to karena soalnya susah. Karena the syllabus
akan berdampak pada hasil ketuntasan siswa. I
: Pertanyaan tambahan, dalam proses belajar dan pembelajaran, apakah bapak menggunakan kosakata yang memang ditujukan untuk siswa TKJ?
Mr. F : Karena disini jurusannya hanya TKJ, jadi kebanyakan sih kata-kata yang digunakan bagaimana cara merakit komputer, bagaimana misalnya langkahlangkah untuk menginstall dalam bahasa inggris. Lalu, kosakata yang ada dibuku pun kosakata yang berhubungan dengan alat-alat komunikasi. Pokoknya kalau disini itu, bagaimana siswa bisa berkomunikasi di kantor. Biasanya dalam praktek speaking saya sediakan alat-alat untuk menginstall, lalu mereka memperagakannya dalam bahasa inggris. Atau saya meminta siswa untuk membuat surat-surat pribadi yang informal dan formal, dan surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris. I
The teacher used the vocabularies which were appropriate with the students’ major in a teachinglearning process
: Kemudian, apakah bapak membuat kisi-kisi soal terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat soal?
Mr. F : Mmm, setiap tahun sebelum membuat soal, kita lihat ketercapaian siswanya dulu dan materi yang sudah selesai sampai mana. Baru kita buat kisi-kisinya, baru saya musyawarahkan dengan teman saya untuk membuat soalnya. Jujur, saya biasanya membuat soalnya terlebih dahulu; yang mudah berapa, yang sedang
The teacher did not make a blueprint before administering the test.
berapa, dan yang sulit berapa. Lalu, saya membuat kisi-kisi soalnya. Jika semuanya sudah oke, baru diajukan kepada kurikulum. Jika kurikulum sudah setuju, kemudian di cetak. I
: Oke pak, terimakasih atas waktunya. Closing
Mr. F : Iya.
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Appendix 12
Appendix 13