THE CONFORMITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST WITH ENGLISH SYLLABUS OF SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS MTS SUDIRMAN GETASAN IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014 (Content Validity Analysis) A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) In the English and Educational Department
ANIS QURAINI 113 09 077
“And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a lose of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to patient”
Al baqoroh 155
DEDICATION I hereby dedicate this graduating paper for: My beloved mother Sumirah and my father (Alm. Amin Prayitno) Thanks for your support and for love which are given to me. My beloved husband M. Zainudin, thanks for your support and motivation. My beloved brother (Wiwin cahyono, Dwi ananto, Irfan Purwanto) Mr. Ari Setiawan, M.M as my consultant who always gives me guidance, suggestion and motivation to finish my graduating paper. All my lecturers who has help me in my education. All my family who has support in finishing this thesis
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) at English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in 2014. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. However, this paper would not be finished without those supports, advices, guidance, helps and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to express gratitude for: 1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. The head of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd as the chief of education Faculty. 3. Mr. Ari Setiawan, M.M as the consultant who has educated, supported, directed and given me advices, suggestions and recommendations for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end. 4. All of the lecturers of English Department of STAIN Salatiga. 5. All of the staffs that have helped the writer in processing of graduationg paper administration. 6. My beloved mother Sumirah and my father (Alm. Amin Prayitno) Thanks for your support and for love which are given to me. 7. My husband M. Zainudin, thanks for your support and motivation. vii
8. All of my old brothers beloved brother and special to my beloved old brother Irfan Purwanto. 9. Musta’in, M.Pdi the head master of MTs Sudirman Getasan, for your permitting to me to do research. 10. Ira Robiyati, S.S English teacher of MTs Sudirman Getasan, thanks for your help. 11. All people who I can’t mention one by one.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Salatiga, 13th September 2014 The Writer
Anis Quraini 11309077
The purposes of this research are divided into two parts. The first is to find out of the quality summative test on English lesson of the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014, based on content validity analysis. The second is to discuss the quality of test design for the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014. The research used quantitative qualitative as the research method. The object of the research is the test items in summative test of English lesson of seventh grade Mts Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014. In order to collect the data, the researcher analyzed the test items, which consist of 40 multiple choice items where option A, B, C and D being applied and the focus of this research is about content validity. The finding of the research showed that items of English summative test for the second semester of the seventh grade students has excellent content validity. Where the average is 90% from 26 items is conformity and 10% from 4 items are unconformity to the syllabus.
Keywords: Summative test, Content validity, Mts Sudirman Getasan.
TITLE .................................................................................................................
DECLARATION ...............................................................................................
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .......................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................... iv MOTTO .............................................................................................................
DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. vii TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I
INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ..................................................
B. Statement of the Problem ..................................................
C. The Object of Research .....................................................
D. The Significance of Research ...........................................
E. Definition of Key Terms ...................................................
F. Research Methodology ....................................................
G. Outline of the Study .......................................................... 11 CHAPTER II
THEORETICAL REVIEW A. The Concept of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation .......................................................................................... 12 B. Test.................................................................................... 17 C. Characteristics of A Good Test ......................................... 26
D. Type of Test Items ............................................................ 32 CHAPTER III
RESEARCH REPORT A. The General Description of MTs Sudirman Getasan ....... 36 B. The Educational Facilities ................................................ 37 C. The Situation of the Teacher and Staffs ........................... 38 D. The Situation of the Students ........................................... 39
DATA ANALYSIS A. The Descriptive of the Data .............................................. 41 B. Data Analysis .................................................................... 46
CLOSURE A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 62 B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 62
A. Background of the Study Learning activities in terms of the process have three levels, namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation levels. In order to learning can be carried out effectively and efficiently, the planning levels should create such as a learning program, that is commonly called the lesson plan (RPP). The implementation of the planing is the deployment of learning. Based on Stufflebeam and Skinkield ( 1985:159), evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and providing descriptive and judgment information about the worth and merit of some object’s goals, design, implementation and impact to guide on making decision, serve needs for accountability, and promote understanding of involved phenomena. The learning programs created by teacher are not always effective and can be carried out very well. Therefore, the programs that have been made, which are not beneficial will not be used in the next program. Thus, it is necessary to do an evaluation. It is needed to obtain information about the impact of the program on students, and teachers can also identify the various factors that need to be noticed or need improvement. A test is an evaluation education tool that has an important role in measuring student achievement. As a measure of the students, test is used to
measure of the development grade or progress that has been achieved by students after they take the teaching-learning program in a given period of time. The test also has the functions as a measure of the teaching program, because through the test would be know how far the teaching program that has been set, has been achieved. The characteristics of the test can be classified good, if it has five requirements, namely: validity, reliability, objectivity, practicability and economical (Arikunto, 1995:56). Tests also should have about the suitability of the standard of competence and basically competence, so we can determine the quality of the test items. And need the accuracy of the curriculum in the present time. Test as a measure of student learning outcomes, expected to give information that can be accountable for the truth. It is means, tests can present information about the student in accordance with the actual situation. This is important, because it will be used for consideration and then decide policies related to students and teaching activities in general. The test can provide any students progress during their learning. Based on government regulation (PP) number 19 of 2005 on national education standards, states that the assessment of education at the junior and senior high school, consists of assessment of learning outcomes by teachers, the educational unit and by government. Assessment of learning outcomes are done continuously to monitor the process, progress and improvement of the results in the form of daily tests, formative test and summative test.
The summative test is given at the end of a course or unit of instruction, and the results are used primarily for assigning grades, or certifying pupil mastery of the instructional objectives. The results can also be used for evaluating the effectiveness of instructions (Grounlund, 1981:126). This test is typically broad in coverage and attempt to measure a representative sample of all of the learning tasks included in the instruction. Although the results are used primarily for grading, they can contribute to get greater future learning by providing information for evaluating the effectiveness of instruction. This test has the goal to measure the success of students on overall, including all of the tested material and purposes of teaching in the annual or semester program. Each of subjects represented in the test items was tasted. The results of the summative test are used to make decisions for students, Such as the determination to continue to the next level, school graduation, and making other decisions related to the students. The summative test which is made by professional team needs to be analyzed to know whether the test items have been able to measure their student ability or not. In fact, the test can be called as a good test when the test items are in line with syllabus to measure student’ ability at the end of the lesson. In June of 2013/2014 academic year: MTs Sudirman Getasan carryout summative test for the second term. One of a lesson that was tested is English. This test was developed by professional team. Nevertheless the
validity of the test items has not been validated yet. From this case, the writer is interested to analyze the content validity of English summative test. Based on the reason above, the writer decides to carry out a research entitle: THE CONFORMITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST WITH ENGLISH SYLLABUS OF SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS MTS SUDIRMAN GETASAN IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014 (Content Validity Analysis). B. Statement of the Problems Based on the background of the research, the writer will formulate of the problem as follows: 1. How is the quality of summative test on English lesson of the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014, based on content validity analysis? 2. Does the test represent a qualified test design?
C. The Objectives of Research The objectives of this research are: 1. To find out of the quality summative test on English lesson of the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014, based on content validity analysis.
2. To discuss the quality of test design for the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014.
D. The Significances of Research There are benefits of the research: 1. For the Researcher This research can be increase knowledge in the field of learning evaluation. 2. For the Teacher a. This research can be input to the teachers on the preparation procedure and to know the criteria of a good test. b. This research can be used as consideration in test items construction, so as to enhance the quality of matter becomes more valid. 3. For the School a. This research can be used as a reference for school institutions to give attention to the quality of the test that will be applied. b. This research can be used as a making decision information in preparing and developing the test and evaluation of learning.
E. The Definition of Term Avoiding some incorrect interpretations of this research tittle the writer wants to clarity and explains the terms.
1. Analysis Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. In the American heritage dictionary analysis is a method of proof in which a known truth is sought as a consequence of a series deductions from that which is the thing to be proved. 2. Content Validity Content Validity is primarily a process of logical analysis (Stanley and Hopkins, 1972:102). Content validity is important when we wish to describe how and individual performs on domain of tasks that the test is supposed to represent. Content validity may be defined as the extent to which a test measures a representative sample of the domain of tasks under consideration (Gronlund, 1981:68). 3. Summative test A test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3). The summative test is given at the end of a course or unit of instruction, and the results are used primarily for assigning grades, or certifying pupil mastery of the instructional objectives. The result can also be used for evaluating the effectiveness of instructions (Grounlund, 1981:126).
F. Research Methodology Methodology is a set of method used in and work at something in the study, the term methodology means the science of research method in applying the research to find the objective of the study (Upe and Damsit, 2010:247). Method is a way of doing something a certain purpose. 1. Object of Study Objects are things, cases or those who become the subject targeted to be investigated. The object of the study here is items test summative of English lesson of seventh grade MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year 2013/2014. In which the writer will analyze the test items where option A, B, C and D being applied, and focus of this research is about the content validity. 2. Technique Collecting Data Every research is always related to the data, because a researcher will not be able to achieve the research objectives without the data (Yunus, 2010:354). As for the methods used in this research are: a. Observation The method of observation is a data collection technique in which researchers make observations, either directly or indirectly to phenomena, subject or object investigated, both in the real situation and the particular situation that deliberately held. This method is used to determine a general overview of the school, including geographical,
school facilities and infrastructure, the process of English language learning that took place in Mts Getasan Sudirman. b. Interview Interview is a data collection activities conducted by researcher with a way to ask directly to the source of information (Upe and Damsit, 2010:357). This method is useful to test the correctness of the data obtained by the method of observation, it is also useful to obtain information from the school, teachers and learners. With this method the writer using to obtain data that supports research on the analysis of the content validity of summative tests in Mts Getasan Sudirman. Sources of data in the interview is the English teacher of MTs Sudirman Getasan, she is Mrs Ira Robiyanti, SS. c. Documentation Documentation method is a research method that the data source is the documents, writings, images or monumental works both from personal documents or official documents (Upe and Damsid, 2010:166). This method is used to obtain data about the history of MTs Sudirman Getasan, the amount of students, teachers and employees, organizational structure, facilities and infrastructure, the examinations questions English lesson class VII were tested in MTs Sudirman
Getasan, English syllabus, student answer sheets, student data profile and student English score. 3. Method of Data Analysis There are two methods applied namely quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative methods are those which focus on number and frequencies rather than on meaning and experience. Quantitative method (experiment, questioner, and etc.) provide information which easy to analyze statistically and fairly reliable. Qualitative method is always of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than drawing statistical inferences. What qualitative methods (case study and interview) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. They provide in more a depth and rich description. Based on data and type of information needed of this research, the writer uses both qualitative and quantitative on obtaining the result of English summative test for seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan is:
x 100%
P = Percentage F = Frequency of unconformity N = Number of sample
It is used to see how many percent the test covers the instructions of the curriculum. Then after the writer computes the percentage of conformity, the writer conversion of the score which stated by Arikunto. 76 – 100% = Excellent 56 – 75% = Good 40 – 55% = Fair <40 %= Poor
H. Outline of the Paper The graduating paper is composed into systematically five chapters, and able to clarify as follows. Chapter I, introduction which is dealing with the background of the study, limitation of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, definition of the key terms, research methodology, and the paper organization. Chapter II the writer present theoretical review, which consist of concept of measurement, assessment and evaluation, definition of test, type of test, the goals and function of testing, characteristics of a good test, and types of test items. Chapter III the writer will discuss about the general situation of MTs Sudirman Getasan. Chapter IV explains the research methodology, which consist of the objective of the research, the time and location, the description of the data and discussion. Chapter V is dealing with conclusion and suggestion.
A. The Concept of Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation There are three terms that are often used to determine students learning outcomes, namely: measurement, assessment and evaluation. 1. Measurement Measurement is based on the classification of observation of student performance, or behavior, using set procedure. The student behavior may be structured, as for test items or tasks, or unstructured, as in the group tasks or processes of a class, or a mixture of these types of behaviors (Griffin and Nix, 1991:3). According Ebel in Arifin (2011:3) argued that measurement is a process of assigning numbers to the individual members of a set of objects or persons for the purpose of indicating differences among them in degree to which they possess the characteristic being measured. If any characteristic of persons or things can be defined clearly enough so observed differences between them with respect to this characteristic can be consistently verified, the characteristic is measurable. A more refined type of measurement involves comparison of some characteristic of a thing with a pre-established standard scale for measuring that characteristic. Guilford in Griffin and Nix (1991:3) state that the process of measurement as assigning numbers to, or quantifying,
things according to a set of the rules. Based on Arikunto (2006: 3) states that measure is comparing something that use measurement which is quantitatively measured. Sudijono, (2001: 4): also offers quantitative measurements that can be divided into three kinds namely: a. Measurement was made not to test something; such measurement is done by a couturier. b. Measurements carried out to test a pressure test measurements such as weight. c. Measurement to evaluate, which is done by way of a test, for example: measure the learning progress of the students in order to give assess that done by testing them in the form of the test result. 2. Assessment Assessing is taking decisions, on a good and bad with measurements qualitatively (Arikunto, 2006: 3). According to Carl H. Witherington in Arifin (2011:5) states that an evaluation is a declaration that something has or does not have value of something. Guba and Licoln in Arifin (2011:5) gives his definition of evaluation “a process for describing an evaluation and judging its merit and worth”. Assessment, on the other hand, is an ongoing process that encompasses a much wider domain (Brown, 2004:4). The tasks group on assessment and testing in Griffin and Nix (1991:3) describe that, a general term encompassing all methods customarily used to appraise the performance of an individual 13
pupil or group. It may refer to a broad appraisal including many sources of evidence and many aspects of a pupil’s knowledge understanding, skills and attitudes; or to a particular occasion or instrument. An assessment instrument may be any method or procedure, formal or informal, for producing information about pupils: e.g. a written test paper, an interview schedule, a measurement task using equipment, a class quiz. The process of assessment involves collecting evidence of student achievement. The interpretation and description of that achievement is an assessment (Griffin and Nix, 1991:4). Assessment is a process or a systematic and continuous activity to gather information about the process and the students’ learning outcomes, in order to make decisions based on criteria and some considerations. The decision in question is the decision about the learner, such as the value to be given or a decision also on the rise and the graduation class (Arifin, 2011: 4). 3. Evaluation Evaluation is an activity or process to assess and it is a form of measurement testing, and testing in education is what is known as a test (Sudijono, 2001: 5). Conducting
evaluation includes two steps, namely
measuring and assessing (Arikunto, 2006: 3). Griffin and Nix (1991:5) in general, evaluation involves making judgment of worth. The assessment process provide the information on which judgment of worth are based. In fact, the teacher may go through the whole procedure of measuring, assessing and evaluating as an intuitive process. Based on Stufflebeam and
Skinkield ( 1985:159) evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and providing descriptive and judgment information about the worth and merit of some object’s goals, design, implementation and impact in order to guide decision making, serve needs for accountability, and promote understanding of involved phenomena. a. The principles of evaluation To obtain a better evaluation, the evaluation activities should be the starting point of general principles (Arifin, 2011: 30). 1) Continuity Evaluation should not be done as incidental because learning itself is a continuous process. The results of the evaluation that was obtained at a time should always be connected with the results of the previous time, so it can get a clear description and it means that there is an improvement in learner’s study. 2) Comprehensive In conducting object evaluation, teacher has to take all objects as instrument of evaluation. 3) Fair and Objective In conducting the evaluation, the teacher must act fairly without partiality, all of learners must be enacted together. Teachers should act also objectively, it is in accordance with the ability of learners.
4) Cooperative In the evaluation activities, a teacher should work with all school committee, it is intended in order to the school committee will be satisfied with the evaluation program. 5) Practical Practical means easy in use, both by the teachers themselves who develop evaluation tools as well as others who will use those tools. Therefore it should be considered a matter of language and working instructions. b. Definition of evaluation learning programs Evaluation of the learning program is the initial step in supervision, which collects data appropriately so that it can be continued with proper supervision (Arikunto, 2007: 2). This evaluation is an activity that assesses the activity in the field of education by providing continuous data. Thus the program evaluation is an activity done deliberately and carefully to determine the level of feasibility or success of a program of learning activities by identifying each component, both the running programs and programs that have been passed (Widoyoko, 2013: 9). c. The purpose and function of evaluation learning programs The purpose of the evaluation learning program was to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning system, both concerning the objectives, materials, methods, media, learning resources, and the
environmental assessment system itself. The specific purpose of the evaluation of learning, appropriate with the type of evaluation of learning itself, such as the evaluation planning, development evaluation, monitoring evaluation, impact evaluation, evaluation of efficiency economical, and evaluation of a comprehensive program (Arifin, 2011: 14). Based on Scriven in Arifin (2011:16) the function of evaluation can be divided into two kinds, namely the function of formative and summative. Formative functions carried out if the results obtained from the evaluation of activities geared to improve a specific part or most of the curriculum that is being developed. While summative functions associated with inference about the goodness of the system as a whole and new functions can be implemented when developing a curriculum has been completed.
B. Test 1. The Definition of Test Test is one of instrument of collecting data, test can be used is an instructional program to asses entry behavior, monitoring learning progress, diagnose learning difficulties, and measure performance at the end of instructions. The test is one of tool to do the measurement that is tool to gather information characteristics of an object (Widoyoko, 2009: 45). A test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual 17
(Bahman, 2004:9). According to Kerlinger in Sukardi (2009:138) states that a test is a systemic procedure in which the individuals tested are presented with a set of constructed stimuli to which they respond, the responses enabling the tester to assign the testes numerals. A test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004:3). Any assessment that is conducted in a formal setting with specified procedure and provides comparability of result (not necessarily with other students) is a test. A standardized test is one published with specific instructions for administration and marking, and with data on the levels of performance established for specified population (Griffin and Nix, 1991:6). Based on definitions above, the writer can conclude that a test is an instrument which is administered to measure students’ responses to the test items. 2. Types of Test Test can be categorized according to the types of information they provide. This categorization will prove useful both in deciding whether an existing test is suitable for a particular purpose and in writing appropriate new test where these are necessary (Hughes, 2003:5). Test can be classified based on its purpose and based on its maker. a. Based on its purpose 1) Placement test
Most placement test constructed by classroom teachers are pretest designed to measure (a) whether pupils possess the prerequisite skills needed to success in a unit or course or (b) to what extend pupils have already achieved the objective of planned instruction (Gronlund, 1976:124). Pretests for determining the extent to which pupils have already achieved the objective of the planned instruction are no different from the test used to measure the outcomes of instructions. Placement test are designed to assess students’ level of language ability so that they can be placed in the appropriate course or the class. Such tests may be based on aspects of the syllabus taught at the institutions concerned, or may be based on unrelated material (Alderson, Clapham and Wall, 1995:11). 2) Diagnostic test The diagnostic test seek to identify that is in which a student needs further help. This tests can be fairly general, and show, for example, whether a student needs particular help with one of the four language skills; or they can be more specific, seeking perhaps to identify weakness in a student’s use of grammar. These more specific diagnostic tests are not easy to design since it is difficult to diagnose precisely strengths and weaknesses in the complexities of language ability. For this reason there are very few purely diagnostic tests. However, achievement and proficiency tests are themselves frequently used, albeit
unsystematically, for diagnostic purposes (Alderson, Clapham and Wall,1995:12). Diagnostic test are also achievement test, but they are characterized by one distinctive feature, namely that they are designed to show specific weaknesses and strengths within the skills or elements measured (Lado,1964:369). 3) Aptitude Test An aptitude test is primarily designed to predict the degree of success that individual student will have in studying a foreign language. Aptitude tests are useful for the selection of students for foreign language training when final mastery rather than educational growth of student is a primary aim (Lado, 1964:370). An aptitude test are designed to predict future performance in some activity. Those used in schools range from the traditional scholastic aptitude test to the more comprehensive differential aptitude test. Aptitude test measure his ability to learn new tasks (Gronlund, 1976:331). 4) Achievement Test Achievement test measure what a person has learnt during a course of instructions. It is given at the end of the course. The content of the achievement test is generally based on the course of syllabus or the course textbook (Alderson, Clapham and Wall,
1995:12). Achievement test are past and present oriented-they register the degree of learning or achievement after instructions. An implicit assumption in selecting an achievement test is that the examinees have been directly exposed to the concepts needed- the universe of content is defined specifically. An achievement test does not indicate how or why the student performs or does not performs, but it does represent his level of developed ability (Stanley and Hopkins, 1972:361). An achievement test must be designed with very specific reference to a particular course. This link with a specific program usually means that achievement test will be directly based on course objective and will therefore be criterion referenced. Such tests will typically be administered at the end of a course to determine how effectively student have mastered the instructional objective (Brown, 1996:14). A common distinction is that achievement test measure what a student has learned, and aptitude test measure the ability to learn new task (Lado, 1964:370). 5) Proficiency Test Proficiency test are designed to test ability of students with different language training backgrounds. Others are designed to show whether students have sufficient ability to be able to use a language in some specific area, such as medicine, tourism or academic study. Such test are often called specific purpose tests, 21
and their content is generally based on a need analysis of the kind of language that are required for the given purpose (Alderson, 1995:12). b.
Based on The Test Maker 1) Standardized test Standardized test are constructed by test specialist working with curriculum expert and teacher. They are standardized in that they have been administered and scored under standard and uniform testing conditions so that result from different classes and different schools may be compared. The quality of the test items is high quality because the test items are made by specialist. Those test items also pretested and selected on basis of effectiveness. 2) Teacher-made test Teacher made test are constructed by teachers for use within their own class. Their effectiveness depends on the skills of the teacher and his or her knowledge of test constructions. The quality of the test items in this test unknown unless the test items file is used. But the quality is typically lower than standardized test because of the teacher’s limited time and skill. Because this test is conducted within teacher own classroom so that the test only compare the score among the student in that classroom.
3. The goals and functions of testing According to Findley in Stanley and Hopkins (1972:7) classified the purpose by test in education under three interrelated categories: (a) instructional, (b) administrative, and (c) guidance. Standardized measures provide the basis for most of the guidance and administrative test role, whereas teacher-made test are used principally for instructional function. a. Based on the instructional function. 1) The process of constructing a test simulates teacher to clarify and refine meaningful course objective. If teacher are continually reminded of their destination, they are more apt to stay on course (bloom, 1961:60). Participation of the teaching staff in selecting as well as constructing evaluation instrument has resulted in improved instrument on one hand and on the other hand it has resulted in clarifying the objectives of instruction and in making them real and meaningful to teacher. 2) Tests provide a means of feedback to the teacher, feedback from tests helps the teacher provide more appropriate instructional guidance for individual students as well as for the class as a whole. Well-designed tests may also be off value for pupil self-diagnosis, since they help students identify areas of specific weaknesses. 3) Properly constructed test can motivate learning. As a general rule, students pursue mastery of objectives more diligently if they expect to be evaluated.
4) Examinations are useful means of overlearning. When we review interact with, or practice skill and concept even after they have been mastered, we are engaging in what psychologists call overlearning. Even if a student correctly answer every question on a test, he or she is engaging in behavior that instructionally valuable, apart from the evaluation function being served by the test. b. Based on administrative function 1) Test provide a mechanism for “quality control” for a school or school system. National or local norms can provide a basis for assessing certain curricular strengths and weaknesses. If school district does not have a means for periodic self-evaluation, instructional inadequacies may go unnoticed. 2) Tests are useful for program evaluation and research. Outcome measures are necessary to determine whether an innovative program is better or poorer than the conventional one in facilitating the attainment of specific curricular objective. Standardized achievement test have been the key sources of data for evaluating the success of federally funded programs (Jacobs and Felix, 1968:19), although several other criteria are required for any comprehensive evaluation. 3) Tests enable better decisions on classification and placement. Grouping students by their ability levels is an example of
classification for which tests can be of value. Reading readiness test can be helpful for placing first grade pupils in the proper classes. 4) Tests can increase the quality of selection decisions. Scholasticaptitude test and achievement test scores have repeatedly demonstrated their value in identifying students who are or are not likely to succeed in various colleges. Certain jobs require special skills that are best assessed by well-designed tests. 5) Tests can be useful means of accreditation, mastery, or certification. Test on which standards of performance have been established allow the demonstration of competence or knowledge that may have been acquired in an conventional way. The examinee may thereby receive some deserved credit or authorization. For example, the tests of general development were design to allow men returning from military service to receive formal credit for demonstrated proficiency in various areas of academic achievement. c. Based on guidance functions Tests can be of value in diagnosing an individual’s special aptitude and abilities. Obtaining measure of scholastic aptitude, achievement, interests, and personality is often an important aspect of the counseling process. The use of information from standardized tests and inventories can be helpful for guiding the selection of a college, the choosing of an appropriate course or study, discovering unrecognized abilities, and so on.
C. Characteristics of A Good Test The test can be said as the good test, if it has certain qualifications or the certain characteristic. The most essential characteristic of the good test can be classified into three qualities, they are, validity, reliability and practicality (Harris,1969:13). The writer will not explain all characteristic of a good test; therefore it is only about the validity because it should be confirmed which the title of this paper. 1. Validity Validity indicated the ability of an instrument to measure what should be measure. Someone who wants to measure the height must be use the meter, meter is a valid measure in this case. Validity as relevance, does the test measure what it claims to measure, if it does, it is valid. If it is a test vocabulary, does it test vocabulary (Lado, 1964:321). Validity is always concerned with the specific use to be made of the result and with the soundness of our proposed interpretations (Gronlund, 1976:65). Validity refers to extent to which the result of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended (Gronlund, 1976:65). According to Henning in Alderson, Clapham and Wall (1995:170) defines as follows: Validity in general refers to the appropriateness of a given test or any of its component parts as a measure of what it is purported to measure.
A test is said to be valid to the extent that it measure what it is supposed to measure. It follows that the term valid when used to describe a test should usually be accompanied by the preposition for. Any test then may be valid for some purposes, but not for others. Test validity is the most critical factor to be judged in the total of foreign language testing. A test is valid when it measures effectively what it is intended to measure, whether it is achievement, aptitude, or proficiency in language. Test validity is defined as the degree to which a test measures what it claims, or purports, to be measuring (Brown, 1996:231). The validity of the measure is how well it fulfills the functions for which it is being used- the degree to which it is capable of achieving certain aims ( Stanley and Hopkins, 1972:101). Gronlund (1976:67) classifies validity into three: content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. According to Weir (1990:22) there are five types of validity. They are, construct validity, content validity, face validity, washback validity, criterion-related validity. In additions Alderson, Clapham and Wall (1995:170) say that there are three types of validity. The first is internal validity, which consist of face validity, content validity, and response validity. The second is external validity, which consist of concurrent and predictive validity. The third is construct validity.
Types of validity Based on explanation above, the writer will discuss some types of validity. Those are face validity, content validity, and construct validity. 1) Face validity According to Anastasi in Weir (1990:28), is not validity in the technical sense; it refers, not to what the test actually measures, but to what it appears superficially to measure. Face validity pertains to whether the test “looks valid” to the examinees who take it, the administrative personal who decide on its use, and other technically untrained observers. Fundamental, the question of face validity concerns rapport and public relations. If a test does not have face validity though, it may not be acceptable to the student taking it, or the teacher and receiving institutions who may make use of it. If the students do not accept it as valid, their adverse reaction to it may mean that they do not perform in a way which truly reflects their ability (Weir, 1990:26). Essentially face validity involves an intuitive judgment about the test’s content by people who judgement is not necessarily ‘expert’. The judgement is usually holistic, referring to the test as a whole, although attention may also be focused upon particular poor items, unclear instructions or unrealistic time limits as a way of justifying a global judgment about the test. For one thing, test that 28
do not appear to be valid to user may not be taken seriously for their given purpose. For another, if test takers consider a test to be face valid, we believe that they are more likely to perform to the best of their ability on that test and to respond appropriately to item (Alderson, Clapham, and Wall, 1995:173). 2) Content validity Content validity talks about the content of the test. Since language is a highly structured and highly complex activity we will need more than face validity to be convinced that a test measure the language element or skill it purports to measure. We will need to check the validity of the content of the items (Lado, 1964:322). Content validity is important when we wish to describe how an individual performs on a domain of task that the test is supposed to represent. Content validity may be defined as the extent to which a test measures a representative sample of the domain of task under consideration (Gronlund, 1976:68). Content validity is the representativeness or sampling adequacy of the content-substance, the matter, the topics-of measuring instrument (Alderson, Clapham, Wall, 1995:173). For example, a test is to measure foreign students’ mastery of English sentence structure, an analysis must first be made of the language itself and decisions made on which matters need to be tested, and in what proportions. To the extent that the analysis 29
accords with the views of recognized authorities in the skill area and the test then reflects such an analysis, it may be said to have content validity. Content validity is concerned with the extent to which the test is representative of the defined body of content consisting of topics and processes (wisherman, Jurs, 1990:184). therefore, the test should reflect instructional objective or subject matters. But it is not expected that every knowledge or skill will always appear in a single test. Content validity is assured by checking all items in the test to make certain that they correspond to the instructional objective of the course. In others word, a test can be judged as having content by comparing a test of specifications and test content. Ideally, these judgment should be made by people who have an experience around language teaching and testing or expert. A common way is for them to analyze the content of a test and compare it with statement may be the test’s specification, it may be a formal teaching syllabus or curriculum, or it may be a domain specification (Aldeson, Clapham, Wall, 1995:173). Content validity is relevant for achievement test; it consists of a logical study of the relationship of the topics and processes included on a test to the corresponding curricular and instructions (Stanley and Hopkins, 1972:112).
3) Construct validity Stanley and Hopskin (1972:111), state that construct validation is an analysis of the meaning of test score in terms of psychological construct. A construct validity is a psychological quality that we assume exist in order to explain some aspect of behavior (Gronlund, 1974:81). Construct validity is a form of test validation which essentially involves assessing to what extent the test is successfully based upon its underlying theory. In terms of test validity, the major problem with psychological constructs is that testers cannot take a construct out of the students’ brains and show that a test is in fact measuring (Brown, 1996:239). The word construct above refers to any underlying ability or traits, which is hypothesize in a theory of language ability. One might hypothesize, for example that the ability to read includes a number of sub-ability, such as the ability to find out the main idea of a text Construct validity is viewed from a purely statistical perspective, it is seen principally as a matter of the a posteriori statistical validation of whether a test has measured a construct which has a reality independent of other construct. The concern is much more with the a posteriori relationship between a test and the psychological abilities, traits and construct it has measured than with what should have been elicited in the first place (Weir, 1990:23). 31
In writer’s opinion validity of a test is important to know whether a test has a good quality in testing someone’s capability or not.
D. Type of Test Items In constructing the test item, the test maker may choose from a variety of items types. There are two types of test items, subjective test and objective test. 1. Subjective test Subjective test is a test which the examinee answers in his own words, and at appropriate length, all or some relatively small number of questions. Typically key-word in the question set in examinations of this kind are; discuss, compare, contrast, describe, and the answer they elicit may range from a single sentence to a dozen or more paragraphs. These answers are commonly called ‘essay’. Here are some subjectively marked tests: a.
Short-answer items The sort answer (completion) item is the only objectives item type that requires the examinee to supply, rather than select the answer. Its make-up is similar to a well-stated multiple choice item without the alternatives. Thus, it consist a question or in completed
statement, to which the examine respond by providing the appropriate words, number or symbols. b.
Essay Essay test are inefficient for measuring knowledge outcomes but they provide a freedom of response that is needed in measuring certain complex outcomes. These outcomes include the ability to create, to organize, to integrate, to express and similar behavior that call for the production and synthesis ideas. Most the noticeable characteristic of the essay test is the freedom of response it provides. The student is asked a question that requires him to produce his own answer. He is relatively free to decide how to approach the problem, what factual information to use, how to organize his reply, and what degree of emphasis to give each aspect of his answer. Thus the essay question places premium on the ability to produce, integrate, and express idea.
Objective test Objective test said to be one that may be scored by comparing examinee responses with an establishing set of acceptable responses of scoring key. Objective test can be scored objectively. That is, equally component score can score them independently and obtain some result. Objective test include a variety of item types:
Multiple choice item Multiple-choice refers to test items that require the student to the select one or more responses from a set of two or more options these items consist of stem, which present problem situation, and several alternatives, which provide possible solution to the problem. The stem may be a question of an incomplete statement. The alternative includes the correct answer and several plausible wrong answers called distracters. The function of the latter is to distract those student who uncertain of the answer (Gronlund, 1968:38).
Matching items Another selected response item, is sometime called an objective item. The format is not use as extensively as true-false or multiplechoice items. But matching item can be used effectively to measure learning and, when used, it provides variety in the test format for both student and teacher. The matching item exactly what the name of implies; it requires the student use some association criterion in order to match the word or phrases that represent ideas, concept, principle or thing. Matching item usually presented two column formats: one column consist of premises and another consist of responses (Wiersma, 1990:48).
True-false item The true-false item is simply a declarative statement the students must judge as true or false. There are modifications of the basic form in which the student must respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ , ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ , ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ , ‘fact’ or ‘opinion’ and the like. Such variations are usually given the more general name of alternative-response items. In any events this item types is characterized by the fact that only two responses are possible (Gronlund, 1968:54). True-false item can be effective when view guidelines are followed in the construction: statement must be clearly true or false, statement should not be lifted directly from the text, specific determiners should be avoided, trick question should not be used, some statement should be written at higher cognitive levels, and true false items should be of the same frequency and length (Wiersma, 1990:47).
A. The General Situation of MTs Sudirman Getasan MTs Sudirman Getasan is an educational organization under Yayasan Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Sudirman (YAPPIS). The school was built in 1991, which was founded by the religious figures and community leaders in the area of Getasan district, who are concerned with Islamic education. The location is at Jl. Salatiga-Kopeng Km.12 Getasan district, Semarang Regency, Central Java. This location is strategic because it is near from highway, public society, Merbabu and Telemoyo Mountain. Thus, it is very fresh and this location is very conducive to conduct teaching and learning process. The name of school is Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sudirman Getasan. This school is possessed of private. The headmaster of this school in the academic of 2013/2014 is Drs. Musta’in, M.PdI. MTs Sudirman Getasan is permanently subsidized by the government. The facilities are text books, Marching Bands Tools, teachers and officials. The students of MTs Sudirman Getasan in academic year of 2013/2014 are 354 students. They consist of 115 students of the seventh year, 123 students
of eighth year and the students of ninth year are 116 students. This school has 12 classrooms for teaching learning process.
B. The Educational Facilities Table 3.1 The Educational Facilities of MTs Sudirman Getasan in the Academic of 2013/2014 No.
Class Room
Headmaster room
Teacher room
Library room
OSIS room
Administration room
UKS room
IT / Language Laboratory
C. The Situation of the Teacher and Staffs Table 3.2 The Situation of the Teacher and Staffs of MTs Sudirman Getasan In the Academic Year of 2013/2014 NO
Drs.Musta'in, M.PdI
Dra.Hj Aminatun
Muh Mujiyono
Saderi, M.PdI
Risnan S.Ag
Sholihin, S.PdI
Kepala Madrasah
Bahasa Arab
Wali Kelas 8D
SKI Qur’an Hadist Aqidah Akhlak Qur’an Hadist Fiqih Qur’an Hadist
Nurkus Budiyantomo,S H
TIk Bahasa Inggris
Ira Robiyanti, SS
Ka.Tata Usaha
22 2 22 6 22 2
Pembina Drum Band Waka Humas
22 8
Kepala Lab.Komputer
Bahasa Inggris
Wali Kelas 8C
Antoni Alif, A.Ma
Yasin, S.Pd
P. Kewarganegaraan Pengetahuan sosial Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia Penjasorkes Seni Budaya Pengetahuan Alam
Haryani, S.Si
Supriyadi, SP
Euis Ekawati, S.Pd
Y.Dwi Astuti, S.Pd
Rosidi, S.Pd
Ika Novianingrum
Wali Kelas 7A
Pembina DB
Waka Kurikulum
WaliKelas 7B
Waka Sarpras
22 6 28
Wali Kelas 9D
Wali Kelas 8B
Seni Budaya Pengetahuan Sosial Matematika Pengetahuan
16 12
Wali Kelas 9A
12 16
Waka Kesiswaan
, S.Pd Sri Lestariningsih , S.Pd Nur Yainudin, S.Pd Zakaria, S.PdI
19. Jumali 20.
Alam Pengetahuan Sosial Bimbingan dan Konseling Bahasa Jawa Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia Qur’an Hadits
Wali Kelas 9C Pemb.Pramuka
355 (24 JTM) 8 16
Wali Kelas 9B
Wali kelas 8A Pemb.Pramuka
Qomarul azis, A.Md
Kepala Perpustakaan Tata Usaha
PTY Kuadi
Ahmad Arifin,S.Pd
PTY Bahasa Jawa
Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Arab
Penjaga Sekolah Wali Kelas 7C
Sri Nuryati,S.Pd.I 24.
D. The Situation of the Students Table 3.3 The Situation of The Students of MTs Sudirman Getasan In The Academic of 2013/2014 No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. TOTAL
16 17 16 14 8 12 10 10 14 14 13 12 156
16 14 14 16 19 16 16 16 16 16 17 16 192
32 31 30 30 27 28 26 26 30 30 30 26 346
E. Organization Structure of MTs Sudirman Getasan Figure 3.4 Organization Structure Of MTs Sudirman Getasan (see appendix)
A. The Description of the Data The research was started by writer on 20th up to 26th August 2014. The writer choose MTs Sudirman Getasan as research place. It was conducted at seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan academic year 2013/2014. The writer analyze the test material whether they meet the criteria on the curriculum, based on the KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) of MTs Sudirman Getasan. To get the data, she took the questions sheet, KTSP curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) to be analyzed and the English syllabus of second semester for the seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan. The data that writer used in this research is the English summative test for second semester, which is called as Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 for seventh grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan. The total number of the test item is 45 items which consist of 40 multiple-choice and 5 essay test items. The test was held on Tuesday, June 3rd 2014 with the given time 120 minutes. The test was developed by teacher board of English subject (MGMP).
Having investigated the summative test items, the writer is able to describe the data as follows: Table 4.1 The conformity between the summative test’s items and English Syllabus No 1.
KTSP Based on Indicators of Listening
Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan : - Meminta & memberi jasa - Meminta & memberi barang - Meminta & memberi fakta
Items number
3,4,6,7 Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan : - Meminta dan memberi pendapat - Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka - Meminta klarifikasi - Merespon secara interpersonal
Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek : - Instruksi - Daftar barang belanjaan - Ucapan selamat - Pngumuman
Menentukan Fungsi komunikatif teks yang didengar.
. Menentu kan ciri kebahasaan dari masing-masing teks fungsional yang didengar
Merespon informasi dalam teks lisan monolog berbentuk : - Diskriptif - Procedur
Menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks yang didengar
Menentukan fungsi komunikatif teks yang didengar
Total 2.
Based on Indicators of Speaking
Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi: - Meminta dan memberi jasa - Meminta dan memberi barang - Meminta dan memberi fakta
Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai Informasi: - Meminta & memberi pendapat - Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka - Meminta klarifikasi - Merespon secara interpersonal
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk : - Instruksi - Daftar barang - Pengumuman - Ucapan selamat
Memberi instruksi secara lisan. Menyebutkan daftar barang tertentu. Mengumumkan sesuatu Mengucapkan selamat Total Based on Indicators of Reading Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa: - Instruksi - Daftar barang - Ucapan selamat - Pengumuman Merespon berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek Membaca nyaring teks fungsional / pendek. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks descriptive dan procedure - Mengidentifikasi langkah
2 13,14,19,20,21 ,22,23,24,25,2 6,30,31,32,35, 36,37
retorika dalam teks descriptive dan procedure Mengidentifikasi fungsi komunikatif teks deskriptif / procedure. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive / procedure.
Total Based on Indicator of Writing Menulis teks fungsional pendek berbentuk : - Instruksi - Daftar barang - Pengumuman - Ucapan selamat Menulis kalimat sederhana Melengkapi teks descriptive / procedure 16,17,18 40 Menyusun teks Menulis teks berbentuk - Descriptive/procedure Total
3 1
Source: syllabus of second semester and data analysis
Based on the table above the writer found that there are 37 item tests from the indicator, so the percentage of it as follow:
P = x 100%
P= Percentage F= Frequency of unconformity N= Number of sample P=
x 100%
x 100%
P = 90% Table 4.2 The unconformity between the summative test’s items and English syllabus No. Indicator that are not found in English Item number syllabus (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
Mengungkapkan makna teks lisan 15 dialog berbentuk procedure Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat 8,38,39 yang bermakna
P= Percentage F= Frequency of unconformity N= Number of sample x 100%
x 100%
1 Items 3 Items 4 Items
x 100%
P = 10%
B. Analysis of Data In this section, the writer tries to identify the collected data. She discusses the items that conform to curriculum viewed from indicators. And also discuss the test items that do not conform to the curriculum observe from types of the text. TABLE 4.3. Test items of asking for something No The Question 1 Ocy : May I borrow your dictionary? Nita :… Ocy: Thanks. A. Can I help you B. Pass me, please C. Sure, here you are D. Can you help me 2 Jessy: I don’t have any pen. ……….., Please? Rudy:I’m sorry, I’m using it now. A. What is this B. Lend me the pen C. Certainly D. Are you sure
The item number 1 and 2 is transactional and interpersonal expression of asking for something, which include in the suggested syllabus. Item number 1 and 2 measure the students’ comprehension on listening skill in identifying text dialogue. The question above should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts
are removed, to begin or ending a sentence, it should be used four dots (Nita: . . .) (. . . Please). TABLE 4.4. Test items of giving opinion No The Question 3
Ahmad: What do you think of my father’s car? Rafi:…. A. I think it’s very nice B. Yes, please C. Please drive the car D. Are you sure? Sisi and Caca were in the fashion shop. They want to buy a dress. Sisi: Hi, Caca what’s your opinion about this dress? Caca: That dress? Oh……. Sisi: Do you think it’s okay? Caca: Yes, I do. You can buy it. A. It is bad B. It is very bad C. Not so bad D. It is difficult
The item number 3 and 4 is transactional and interpersonal expression of asking and giving opinion, which include in the suggested syllabus. Item number 3 and 4 measure the students’ comprehension on listening skill in identifying text dialogue. But question number 4 should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark e.g. (Oh . . . .).
TABLE 4.5. Test items of offering something No The question Would you like……………...the flower? 5 A. plant B. tree C. brush D. green leaves 6 I ……………………. Fish, I have allergy. A. like B. love C. hate D. interested 7 I like to go to the lake, there I can ride a boat and catch fish using net or fishing rod. My hobby is…………………… A. Reading B. Cycling C. Cooking D. Fishing
The item number 5 is transactional and interpersonal expression of offering something, and item number 6 and 7 is expression of like and dislike. Which include in the suggested syllabus. Item number 5, 6 and 7 measure the students’ comprehension on listening skill in identifying monologue text. The question above should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are removed, to begin or ending a sentence, it should be used four dots (is. . . .) and option number 7 must be write in small letter. And three dots used in discontinued sentences (to . . . the) (I . . . fish).
TABLE 4.6. Test items of jumbled word No The Question 8 Is – Mr. Ashifah- internist - a – patient 1 2 3 4 5 The correct arrangement is ……….. A. 2-4-5-3-1 B. 2-3-5-4-1 C. 2-1-4-5-3 D. 2-1-5-4-3
The question above ask the students to arrange the jumbled word into good sentence. Thus, it can be conclude that questions unconformity to the curriculum because the indicator is not include into recommended indicator in the English curriculum and syllabus in the first grade. TABLE 4.7. Test items of descriptive monologue No The Question 9 This woman works in an office. She type letters. What is her profession? A. Waiters B. House assistant C. Typist D. House wife 10 Her father is a sailor, he works on…………………. A. ship B. plane C. bus D. taxi
Item number 9 and 10 is descriptive monologue, and it include the suggested syllabus. The question number 9 and 10 measure the student ability in identifying of professions. But item number 10 should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark,
if parts are removed, to begin or ending a sentence; it should be used four dots e.g. (on. . . .). TABLE 4.8. Test items of commanding to do thing and responding to do commands No The Question 11 Sari: Look! The class is so dirty Hidun: yes it is Sari:…………………….. Hindun: OK A. Let’s clean it together B. Let’s wash it C. Let’s go home D. Let’s throw it 12 Kartika: let’s go to the movie. Sahnaz:………………….i’m busy, I must finish my homework A. it’s okay B. I’m sorry C. Sure D. That’s right
The item number 1 and 2 is transactional and interpersonal expression of commanding to do thing and responding to do commands. Which include in the suggested syllabus. Item number 11 and 12 measure the students’ comprehension on listening skill in identifying text dialogue. The question above should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are removed, to begin or ending a sentence, it should be used four dots e.g. (Sari: . . . .) (. . . . I’m).
TABLE 4.9. Test items of announcement No The Question ANNOUNCEMENT For all students of grade VII Please do come and gather at: Place
: School
: 10.00. a.m
: Socialization of new school regulation for 2013/204
: Mr. Abdul Rahman
Head of student’s association Siti Badrivah 13
The text is written to…………………………….. A. Invite all students of VII for school agenda B. Contact the head of school association at school hall C. Socialize the new head of school association for 2013/2014 D. Inform new school regulation
“Please come and gather at ………………” the underlined word means……… A. Separate B. Meet C. Take place D. Go away
This items number 13, 14 are based on the text. This text is announcement, and it included in the suggested syllabus. Item number 13 measure the students comprehension on reading skill in identifying of the supporting detail, and question number 14 test the language vocabulary of the students. But question above should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are removed, to begin
or ending a sentence, it should be used four dots (to. . . .) and three dots used in discontinued sentences (at . . . the). TABLE 4.10. Test items of procedure dialogue No The Question 15 Sodik: how do you record on this tape recorder, amin? Amin: just ….the record button and speak into the microphone. A. Pull B. Dial C. Plug D. Push
The question above is procedure dialogue, which not included indicators suggested by syllabus. The question is not valid to be tested because the syllabus tells that the form of the text is monologue not dialogue. TABLE 4.11. Test items of procedure No The Question First, prepare sugar, coffee, and hot water. Then, put some coffee into the cup. Next, add some…………(16)as you want. And then,……………..(17)Hot water into the cup. Stir …………..(18)and finally drink it. 16
A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D.
Coffee Ice water Sugar Hot water Drink Stir Put Pour Them it their it’s 52
The text given in the table is a procedure genre. The question following the close vocabulary test. Student have to fulfill in the blank with the correct words given in multiple choice. But question above should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are discontinued it should be used three dots (some . . . (16), then . . . (17), Stir . . . (18)). TABLE 4.12. Test items of announcement No The Question Keep of the grass Do not litter No picking the flower No hunting any animals 19
The announcement above is suitable place in……… A. the kitchen B. the street C. the supermarket D. the park What does the “keep of the grass” means? A. We may step the grass B. We are allowed to sit on the grass C. We are must water the grass D. We are forbidden to step the grass
The question number 19 and 20 is kind of announcement, and it included in the suggested syllabus. Question number 19 measure student comprehension on reading skill in identifying factual information. Question number 20 measure student ability of notification.
TABLE 4.13. Test items of greeting card No The Question Solo, 10th june 2014 Dear Agus, Congratulation on getting the runner up in the English speech contest at school. I am very proud of you. Your pal Handayani 21
Handayani sent the card for Agus because she want to…. A. cheer him up B. congratulate him C. remind him on the contest D. gain him attention The word”runner up”has same meaning as….. A. First winner B. Second winner C. Third winner D. Big loser “I am very proud of you”. The word “you” in this sentence refers to…. A. The writer B. Agus and Handani C. Handani D. Agus
The item number 21, 22 and 23 based on the text, this text is greeting card and included in the suggested syllabus. Question number 21 measure the student in identifying of supporting detail. And item number 22 measure the language vocabulary and item number 23 cover the grammar aspect of pronoun reference.
TABLE 4.14. Test items of instruction text No The Question READ THIS BEFORE ENTERING THE LIBRARY -
Put your bag on the bag shelf Don’t bring any foods or drinks in the library Write your name, class and give signature on the student’s guest book - Go to the catalogue desk or meet the librarian to help you find the book you’re looking for - Read the book on the reading desk - Have a nice visit The student must pay on…. Instructions when they visit the school library. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six What can the student do if they can’t find the book they want to read? A. Find the book themselves B. Write the name, class and give signature C. Write the name, class and give signature on the student’s guess book D. Go to the catalogue desk or meet the librarian Every student is prohibited to…. A. Looking for the book B. Read the book in C. Bring any foods and brinks in D. Give signature on the guest book
Items number 23, 24 and 25 are based on the text. This text is instruction, and it included in the suggested syllabus. Item number 23, 24 and 25 measure the student comprehension on reading skill in identifying supporting detail. But question number 24 should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are discontinued it should be used three dots e.g. (on . . . instructions).
TABLE 4.15. Test items of descriptive text No The Question MY SCHOOL My school, MTs Negeri Purwodadi, it is at 22 JL. Halmahera in the centre of the city. My school is big and beautiful. It has 21 classrooms, 10 clean toilets, 3 laboratories, a big library, a teacher room and a headmaster room. It has a beautiful school park in the center of the school. The computer room is next to the library and the sports hall is behind the computer room. There is a large parking area beside the sports hall. There are notice boards in every classroom. There is also a beautiful mosque in front of teacher’s room.
How is the school like? It is…. A. Big and noisy B. Big and beautiful C. Large and noisy D. Large and derty There are……………………classroom in the school. A. Twenty one B. Twenty first C. Twenty D. Twelve Where can find the mosque? It is…of…. A. In front/teacher’s room B. Behind/the computer room C. Beside/ teacher’s room D. Next to/sports hall
Question number 27, 28 and 29 are based on descriptive text. Descriptive text is one of genres that should be learnt by students. The question number 27, 28 and 29 measure the ability of identifying of supporting detail from the test. But
question number 28 should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are discontinued it should be used three dots e.g. (are . . . classrooms). TABLE 4.16. Test items of shopping list No The Question Some celery
1 pack of salt
1 kg chicken
1 ounce onion
1 ounce garlic ¼ carrot
1/4 kg tomato
How much items does Nina buy? A. 6 items B. 7 items C. 8 items D. 9 items From the shopping list we know that the writer probably wants to cook…. A. Chicken soup B. Fruit salad C. Chicken curry D. Fried rice The writer will probably go to the following place, except…. A. A green grocer B. A bakery C. A grocer D. A butcher
The items number 30, 31 and 32 are based on the text this text is shopping list. It is included in the suggested syllabus. Therefore these questions are valid from the term of the material. Item number 30, 31 and 32 measure student comprehension on reading skill in identifying supporting details.
TABLE 4.17. Test items of descriptive monologue No The Question 33 Dany is fat, but Arif is…. A. Stupid B. Big C. Bitter D. Thin 34 The sugar is sweet but coffee is…. A. Bitter B. Sour C. Bad D. Salty
The question above (number 33-34) is a descriptive monologue, which not included indicators suggested syllabus. Item number 33 and 34 measure the student comprehension on reading skill in identifying descriptive adjective. TABLE 4.18. Test items of birth day card No The Question HAPPY BIRTHDAY My beloved sister, Alicia Please accept my sweet heart of love for your truly 12th hopefully, your dream will come true and success is going to accompany you Your brother 35
According to the text, how old is Alicia? A. Eleventh years old B. Twelfth years old C. Thirteenth years old D. Fourteenth “Please accept my sweet heart of love…” what does the underline mean? A. Borrow B. Send C. Receive
D. Give Who sent the card? A. Alicia B. Alicia’s sister C. Alicia and brother D. Alicia’s brother
The items number35, 36 and 37 are based on the text. The text is birth day card, and it included in the suggested syllabus. Items number 35 and 37 measure the students comprehension on the reading skill in identifying supporting details. And item number 36 measure students on vocabulary. TABLE 4.19. Test items of jumbled word No. The Question 38. Bough-a brunch of-market-in the-banana-a tube of-and-diana’s-tooth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pastemother 10 The best arrangement of the word above is…………………….. A. 8-10-1-5-7-6-4-3 B. 8-10-6-5-7-2-9-4-3 C. 10-8-1-2-5-7-6-9-4-3 D. 10-8-1-6-5-7-2-9-4-3 39. Works-a-indah-big-in-libarian-library-a-as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 The best arrangement of the word above is………………………… A. 3-1-5-2-4-7-9-8-6 B. 6-5-7-2-1-4-3-8-9 C. 3-1-5-2-4-6-8-7-9 D. 6-1-5-3-4-6-7-8-9
The question number 38 and 39 ask the students to arrange the jumbled word into good sentence. Thus, it can be conclude that questions unconformity to the
curriculum because the indicator is not include into recommended indicator in the English curriculum and syllabus in the first grade. TABLE 4.20. Test items of jumbled sentence No. The Question 40. Arrange the following sentences into a good descriptive text! (1) I have five cats, but I like pretty most (2) My name is Anthony (3) She is the fattest of all my cats. (4) I am a pet lover, and I am crazy about cats. (5) Her fur is black and white. (6) Pretty is a female cats. A. 2-4-6-1-3-5 B. 4-2-6-1-3-5 C. 2-4-1-6-3-5 D. 2-3-5-6-4-1 The table above ask the students to arrange the jumbled into a good paragraph. Item number 40 is a descriptive text, which included in suggested syllabus. The following table describe the total frequency of the conformity and the unconformity of summative test items to the syllabus based on the data of the item analysis result above. Based on the data of item analysis result we can see the table as follow: TABLE .4.21. The frequency of the conformity and the unconformity of summative test items
The summative test items area
No items
Total frequency The conformity question items based on 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11, 36 Items the curriculum 12,13,14,16,17,18,19 90% ,20,21,22,23,24,25,2 6,27,28,29,30,31,32, 33,34,35,36,37,40 The unconformity question items on the 8,15,38,39 4 Items curriculum 10 %
The table above shows the highest frequency of items where the average is 90% the total items of 36 is conformity to the curriculum. This percentage obviously falls into the level of 76%-100% which means excellent. And has 10% from 4 items are unconformity to the syllabus. Based on the result of the items analysis above, the writer can see that the English summative test which has administered in the seventh grade student of MTs Sudirman Getasan has an excellent content validity. The test maker knows the way how to construct a good test. They recognized that the summative test must meet the indicators suggested in the syllabus. This test is represented of test design, it is consist of the material that has studied (based on syllabus) and also has a variety of item test (based on sample of test), this test measure the students comprehension on speaking, listening, reading and writing aspect. But the writer found the questions should be revised in the use of ellipsis mark, if parts are removed, to begin or ending a sentence, it should be used four dots (. . . .) and three dots used in discontinued sentences (. . .).
A. Conclusion 1. Based on data analysis and interpretation in the previous chapter, the writer conclude that the Summative test for the seventh grade student of MTs Sudirman Getasan academic year 2013/2014 held on June 2014 has an excellent content validity. Moreover, after organizing careful analysis in this research, the writer has already proved that from 40 questions altogether, the test has 4 invalid items. In other words, it has reached an excellent content validity. 2. The test represents of test design, it consisted of the material that was studied (based on syllabus) and it had a variety of item test (based on sample of test), this test measured the students comprehension on speaking, listening, reading and writing aspect.
B. Suggestion After giving the conclusion, the writer would like to give some suggestions addressed to the test maker as a feedback of the test result.
Namely: 1. The test maker should keep on their good effort in creating good items for the test and keep doing good preparation before making a test, by considering the principles of constructing good test items. Then there will be no more invalid items in the test. 2. The test maker should be careful to make ellipsis mark and capital letter on the option. All of it should appropriate. She also would like to give some suggestions addressed to the school as follow: 1. The school should give chances to the teacher to follow the trainings of constructing a good test, so she/he made less invalid test items. 2. The school keep on supervising the teacher’ work in constructing the test. Whether the tests constructed have fulfilled characteristic of a good test or not so there will be no ore invalid test items.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1988. Penilaian Program Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bina Aksara. . 1997. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. , dan cepi safruddin abdul jabar. 2010. Evaluasi Program Pendidikan Pedoman Teoretis Praktis Bagi Mahasiswa Dan Praktisi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Arifin, Zainal. 2011. Evaluasi Pembelajaran Prinsip, Teknik, Prosedur. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. San Francisco State University: Pearson Education, Inc. Brown, James Dean. 1996. Testing in Language Programs. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Cangelosi, James S. 1995. Merancang Tes Untuk Menilai Prestasi Siswa. Bandung: ITB. Griffin, Patrick E. 1991. Educational Assessment And Reporting. Australia: Harcourt Brace Javanovich Group. Gronlund, Norman E. 1981. Measurement and Evaluatin in Theaching. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. Gronlund, Norman E. 1968. Construening Achievement Test. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Hadi, Sutrisno. 2004. Metodologi Research. Yogyakarta: Andi. Haris, David P. 1969. Testing English as A Second Language. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Hopkins, Kenneth D., and Julian C. Stanley. 1972. Educational and Psycological Measurement and Evaluation. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Joni, T Raka. 1984. Pengukuran dan Penilaian Pendidikan. Malang: YP2LPM. Lado, Robert. 1964. Language Testing The Construction and Use Of Foreign Language Tests. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 64
Masidjo, Ign. 1995. Penilaian Pencapaian Hasil Belajar Siswa di Sekolah. Yogyakarta: kanisius. Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Penilaian Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta. Popham, W. James. 1981. Moderate Educational Measurement. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Suratpranata, Sumarna. 2009. Analisis, Validitas, Reliabilitas,dan Interpretasi Hasil Tes Implementasi Kurikulum 2004. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Sudijono, Anas. 2011. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada. The Editors of fourth College Edition. 2006. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Langage , 4nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Upe, Ambo, dan Damsid. 2010. Asas-Asas Multiple Researches Dari Norman K. Denzin Himgga John W. Creswell dan Penerapanya. Yogyakarta: tiara wacana. Weir, Cyril J. 1990. Communicative Language Testing. United States of America: Great Britain at Otesios Ltd. Widoyoko, S. Eko Putro. 2013. Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran Panduan Praktis Bagi Pendidik Dan Calon Pendidik. Yogyakarta: Pustakaa Pelajar. Wiesma, William. 1990. Evaluation Measurement and Testing. Boston: Allin and Bocon Yunus, H. Hadi Sabari. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Wilayah Kontenporer. Yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar. Http://www.holah.karoo.net/quantitativequalitative.htm. Access on 12 august 2014 Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis. Access on 15 august 2014 Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsis. Access on 03 September 2014
: Anis Quraini
Place/Date of birth
: Semarang, 28 Agustus 1989
: Kenteng Rt 18/ Rw 05, Kec. Susukan, Kab. Semarang : 2002 passed from SDN II Kenteng 2005 passed from MTs Ma’arif Ungaran 2008 passed from SMA N 1 Ampel Salatiga State Institute of Islamic Studies
Organization Experience
: 1. Functionary of LPM Dinamika STAIN Salatiga 2012.
Contact Person
: 08221551494 /
[email protected]
This curriculum vitae has written seriously and be able to responsibility by the writer.
Salatiga, 13 September 2014 The Writer Anis Quraini NIM: 113 09 077
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris. Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Sudirman Getasan Kelas/Semester : VII /2 Nama Guru
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 7. Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
7.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done ) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta dan memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi barang, serta meminta dan memberi fakta
1. Percakapan
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
singkat memuat ungkapan-
ungkapan : Contoh: A :Pass me the pencil, please! B :Sure. Here you are. A : Give me a piece of 3. paper, please! B : Sure, Here You are.
Tanya jawab tentang berbagai hal terkait materi Membahas kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun phrase, adjective, adverb, verb yang terkait dengan meminta dan memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi barang, meminta dan memberi fakta Mendengarkan percakapan sesuai dengan materi Menjawab pertanyaan
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Merespon ungkapanungkapan : 1.Meminta & memberi jasa
Penilaian Teknik
Tes lisan
Merespon ungkapan
1. Listen to the expression and
2x40 menit
- script percakapan
respond to it a. Tes tulis Matching
match it with the suitable
2. Meminta & memberi b.Unjuk kerja barang
2. Listen to the expression and
- rekaman media elektonik: kaset, VCD , DVD film
response T/F 3. Listen to the dialoque and decide whether it
A : Did you come here yesterday? B : I did.
sesuai dengan isi percakapan 5.
2. Tata Bahasa
Tes lisan
Menjawab pertanyaan tentang struktur percakapan
Memberi jawaban singkat
Simple Past tense Quantifiers
3. Kosa kata
Merespon is TRUE or tindakan FALSE. 4. Pass me the pencil, please. 5. Give short answer
Kata terkait tema
Kata terkait jenis teks
4. Ungkapan Baku Sure Please Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage ) 7.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi ) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
Percakapan singkat memuat ungkapanungkapan :
2. Contoh :
Mendengarkan dan Merespon merespon introduction ungkapantentang topik materi ungkapan : yang akan disampaikan 1. Meminta Mendengarkan dan merespon penjelasan dan kosakata dan tatabahasa tentang
Tes lisan
Tes Lisan
Merespon Respond to the ungkapan following
2x 40 menit Script percakapan di buku teks expressions orally.
1. A: What do you Merespon think? ungkapan B: .Not ........
Rekaman percakapan buatan: CD ,VCD
lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak turur : meminta dan memberi pendapat dan menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon secara interpersonal
1.A: What do you
topik materi yang akan dipelajari
Think? B: Not bad
2.A: I like tea B: I dont I like milk 4. 3.A:.Are you sure ? B : I am 4.A: Are you? B : Yes, I am Tata Bahasa
Verb : Like, need, want
mendengarkan percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal tentang topik materi yang dipelajari
2. A: What do you like to
suka dan tidak suka
mengidentifikasi tindak tutur ungkapan3.Meminta ungkapan yang klarifikasi diperdengarkan
6. merespon ungkapanungkapan yang diperdengarkan
Tes tulis
B: ...................
pilihan ganda
,DVD, film Rekaman percakapan otentik
3. A: Are you sure? B: .................. Tes tulis
jwbn singkat
a. Ok
Fine c. Alright d. I am
4. Merespon secara interpersonal
4. A: I’m happy B: Are you? A:…….
Kosa kata Daily need Kata terkait jenis teks Ungkapan Baku
Not bad
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 8. Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
8.1 Merespon makna yang 1. Brain storming tentang 1.Merespon Teks fungsional terdapat dalam teks lisan kosakata terkait materi makna pendek berupa : fungsional pendek sangat 2. Membahas kosakata 1. Instruksi dalam teks sederhana secara akurat, dan tata bahasa terkait 2. Daftar barang funglancar dan berterima untuk materi tentang : noun, berinteraksi dengan 3. Ucapan Selamat noun phrase, adjective, sional pendek lingkungan terdekat : verb, adverb. 4. Pengumuman 3. Mendengarkan teks - Instruksi fungsional yang - Daftar mengunakan gambitbarang gambit attention Kosakata terkait please, thanks, excuse belanjaan tema dan jenis teks me, sorry. - Ucapan
Penilaian Teknik
Tes lisan
Jwbn singkat
Listen to the text and answer the questions.
2x40 menit
script : di buku guru tentang : instruksi
Tes tulis -Pilihan ganda
Listen to the text and choose the best option.
- daftar barang - ucapan
Unjuk kerja
Listen to the text and complete the melengkapi sentences.
selamat - pengumum
Ciri kebahasaan teks 4. Menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan isi teks fungsional : yang didengar - instruksi - daftar barang - ucapan selamat - pengumuman
selamat Pngumuman
Test Lisan
5. Menjawab pertanyaan Tes Tulis tentang struktur teks fungsional yang 2. Menentukan didengar Fungsi komunikatif teks yang didengar. 3. Menentu kan ciri kebahasaan dari masingmasing
-an Melakukan Listen to the perintah instruction and do it ! Jawaban Singkat Uraian singkat
What is the purpose of the text Listen and write all the verbs stated in the text Listen and write all the verbs stated in the text
teks fungsional yang didengar
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty ) 8.2 Merespon makna yang Teks monolog terdapat dalam monolog berbentuk: sangat sederhana secara 1. DeskriptIf akurat, lancar dan 2. prosedur berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam Kosakata terkait teks berbentuk descriptive tema / jenis teks dan procedure Ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif dan procedur. Langkah retorika teks deskriptif / prosedur
1. Mendengarkan dan Tes lisan Merespon merespon tentang informasi berbagai hal terkait dalam teks tema / jenis teks yang lisan monolog dibahas. berbentuk : 2. Memperhatikan - Diskriptif penjelasan tentang - Procedur kosakata dan tatabahasa yang Tes tulis muncul dalam teks Menentukan deskriptif / prosedur ciri 3. Mendengarkan model monolog teks deskriptif/prosedur
Listen and answer 2x40 Pertanyaan the following menit lisan questions
Pilihan ganda
kebahasaan teks yang didengar.
4. Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan tentang isi teks Menentukan deskriptif/prosedur fungsi 5. Menyebutkan fungsi komunikatif komunikatif teks yang teks yang didengar. didengar. 6. Mengidentifikasi kata kerja dari teks yang didengar.
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Listen to the text and choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c or d
Script teks monolog deskriptif/prosedur dalam buku guru Rekaman teks monolog deskriptif /prosedur
Listen to the text and choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c or d
7. Mendengarkan teks deskriptif / prosedur lainnya. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi
: 9. Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
9.1 Mengungkapkan makna Percakapan singkat dalam percakapan memuat ungkapantransaksional ( to get things ungkapan : done ) dan interpersonal ( bersosialisasi ) sangat Contoh: sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam 1.A : Pass me the bahasa lisan secara akurat, pencil please! lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan B : Sure. here you lingkungan terdekat yang are. melibatkan tindak tutur :
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Penilaian Teknik
* Bertanya Unjuk kerja Bermain dan peran menjawab Membahas kosakata berbagai dan tata bahasa: informasi : noun, adjective, 1.Meminta adverb, noun phrase dan Menirukan Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan memberi Tes Lisan ungkapan yang digunakan jasa dalam percakapan sesuai materi 2.Meminta Berlatih dengan
4x40 menit Script percakapan dari buku your friend in the teks front of the 1. Perform the dialogue with
class! 2. Listen to the expression and
Alat peraga Rekaman
respond to it , example : a. Pass me the
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
meminta dan memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi 2.A : Give me the barang, dan meminta paper Please! memberi fakta B : Sure, here it is.
here yesterday ?
Bermain peran menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari.
- Verbs: Like, need, want - Simple Past Tense
3.Meminta dan
salt, please. b. Give me the paper, please.
Unjuk kerja Bermain peran
B : I did Tata Bahasa
teman mengunakan dan ungkapan-ungkapan memberi yang ada dalam barang percakapan sesuai materi 5.
3.A: Did you come
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
c. Did you come late? 3. Create a dialoque based on the role cards and perform it.
memberi fakta
Kosakata - Kata Terkait tema dan jenis teks ungkapan baku - Here it is - Here you are
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Penilaian Teknik
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) 9.2 Mengungkapkan makna 1. Percakapan 1. Mendengarkan dan merespon pertanyaan dalam percakapan singkat memuat tentang topik materi transaksional (to get things ungkapanyang akan disampaikan done) & interpersonal ungkapan : (bersosialisai) sangat 2. Mendengarkan dan sederhana dengan merespon pembahasan menggunakan ragam Contoh : tentang kosakata dan bahasa lisan secara akurat, tatabahasa yang terkait lancar dan berterima untuk dengan topik materi A : What do you think of berinteraksi dengan yang akan disampaikan this? lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : B : Not bad 3. Mendengarkan model meminta dan memberi percakapan pendapat, menyatakan A : I like tea transaksional dan suka dantidak suka, interpersonal dengan B : I don’t meminta klarifikasi, topik materi yang A : Are you sure dipelajari merespon secara B : I am interpersonal 4. Menirukan model
Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai Informasi : 1. Meminta & memberi pendapat
4x40 menit Unjuk kerja Bermain peran
Daftar pertanyaan Answer the following questions orally! Bermain Unjuk kerja peran Create a dialoque based on the role Menjawab cards and perform it Tes lisan singkat Give your positive response Tes lisan
2. Menyata kan suka dan tidak suka 3. Meminta klarifikasi
Perform a dialogue about asking and giving opinion with your own words!
Script percakapan dalam buku teks Script otentik Rekaman percakapan Alat peraga
Pembelajaran A :Do you? B : I do 2. Tata Bahasa
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dengan topik materi yang dipelajari
- Verb have 3. Kosa kata
4. Merespon secara
Penilaian Teknik
Instrumen a.
Do You ?
Are You ?
Can You ?
Does she ?
- Verb be - Verb do
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
5. Melakukan percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dengan teman dengan materi yang dipelajari
Kata terkait tema Kata terkait jenis teks 4. Ungkapan Baku Wonderful ! Excellent ! Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
10.1. Mengungkapkan makna 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan yang terdapat dalam pendek berbentuk : materi teks lisan fungsional 1. Instruksi 2. Membahas kosakata pendek sangat 2. Daftar barang dan tata bahasa: sederhana dengan noun, noun phrase, 3. Pengumuman menggunakan ragam adj, verb, adverb 4. Ucapan selamat bahasa lisan secara 3. Menirukan ungkapanakurat, lancar, dan ungkapan yang 2. Tata Bahasa berterima untuk digunakan dalam berinteraksi dengan percakapan sesuai Imperatives materi lingkungan terdekat Quantifiers 4. Mendengarkan teks fungsional / pendek 3. Kosakata 5. Menjawab Kata terkait jenis pertanyaan tentang isi teks yang didengar. teks 6. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan 4. Ungkapan Baku yang ada dalam percakapan sesuai Well done materi dengan teman Congratulations berpasangan Happy birthday 7. Mengguanakan ungkapan-ungkapan sesuai dengan materi dalam
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk : - Instruksi - Daftar barang - Pengumuman - Ucapan selamat Memberi instruksi secara lisan. Menyebutkan daftar barang tertentu. Mengumumkan sesuatu Mengucapkan selamat
Unjuk kerja
Uji petik 1. Give 4x40 - Script instrtruction berbicara percakapan dari menit to your buku teks friend orally - Alat peraga based on the picture. 2. Mention the things you find in ... 3. Announce a certain information to your friend 4. Say something to your friend when ... a. He/She got good score at english test b. won the game
Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
keadaan/situasi nyata
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage )
Penilaian Kompetensi
10.2 Mengungkapkan makna 1. Teks monolog dalam monolog pendek berbentuk : sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan Descriptive ragam bahasa lisan Procedure secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan 2. Kosa kata terkait lingkungan terdekat tema / jenis teks. dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan procedure 3. Ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif / prosedur 4. Tata Bahasa Present Tense Imperatives 5. Ungkapan Baku Well,.. you know that
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Mendengarkan dan merespon berbagai hal tentang teks deskriptif/prosedur
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Mengungkapkan berbagai informasi dalam teks
Tes lisan Daftar Answer the 4x40 pertanyaan following menit questions orally!
monolog berbentuk 2. Memperhatikan dan -Descriptive merespon penjelasan tentang kosakata dan -Procedure tatabahasa dalam teks monolog Deskriptif/prosedur 2.Menyebutkan fugsi komunikatif teks tentang Tea/How to make a cup of tea. yang didengar. 3. Mendengarkan model monolog lisan 3.Menyebutkan ciri tentang teks deskriptif/prosedur kebahasaan teks 4. Mendiskusikan dalam yang didengar. Unjuk kelompok draft kerja monolog 4.Melakukan monolog mendeskripsikan kembali, dalam bentuk menyampaikan deskriptif / prosedur prosedur dengan kata-kata sendiri
Script monolog teks deskriptif/prosedur dalam buku teks Script otentik Rekaman monolog Alat peraga
Uji petik berbicara 2.a. Describe something / someone with your own words orally in front of
5. Melakukan monolog lisan secara individu Uji petik
the class!
Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
berbicara 2.b. Tell your friends how to do something (make a cup of tea)
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
Penilaian Kompetensi
11.1. Merespon makna yang 1. Teks fungsional terdapat dalam teks tulis pendek berupa : fungsional pendek sangat Instruksi sederhana secara akurat, Daftar barang lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan Ucapan selamat lingkungan terdekat pengumuman
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
2. Tatabahasa - Adverb phrase - Noun Phrase
Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi Membahas kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb Mendengarkan contoh membaca nyaring yang dilakukan guru Berdiskusi dengan teman menjawab pertanyaan bacaan
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Tes tulis
berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek
Tes lisan
Pilihan Ganda
- Instruksi - Daftar barang - Ucapan selamat
Unjuk kerja
Jawaban Singkat
1.write down the answers completely
Buku teks
Yang relevan
2.Choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c,d 3.Answer the questions orally
Teks otentik
- Pengumuman
Penilaian Kompetensi
Pembelajaran - Adj Phrase 3. Kosakata
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
- Kata terkait tema
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Menjawab pertanyaan 2.Merespon berbagai bacaan secara lisan informasi dalam individual teks fungsional Membaca nyaring pendek bergiliran
dan jenis teks
Uji petik 4.Read the text membaca aloud. nyaring
3.Membaca nyaring teks fungsional / pendek.
Ungkapan baku - Listen, Please - Attention, please
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Berani ( courage ) 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam esai sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
1.Teks Esei berbentuk 1. deskriptive/procedure 2. Kosakata terkait tema / jenis teks. 2.
Mendengarkan dan 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Daftar 1. Read the text 4x40 merespon introduction berbagai informasi pertanyaan carefully menit tentang teks and then answer dalam teks deskriptif/prosedur the dengan topik materi descriptive dan yang akan dibaca. following procedure questions briefly! Memperhatikan
Buku teks Yang relevan
Teks otentik
Penilaian Kompetensi
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/procedure
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
3.Ciri kebahasaan teks : - procedure - descrptive 4.Ungkapan baku
- Delicious ! - It smells good ! 4.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
penjelasan tentang kosakata dan tatabahasa yang Tes tulis berkaitan dengan teks 2. Mengidentifikasi deskriptif/prosedur fungsi komunikatif yang akan dibaca teks deskriptif / Memperhatikan procedure. penjelasan tentang langkah retorika teks Tes tulis deskriptif/prosed-ur 3. Mengidentifikasi Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dalam langkah retorika kerja kelompok teks deskriptif Mengidentifikasi /prosedur berbagai informasi dalam kerja kelompok Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan berbagai informasi secara mandiri
2. Answer the questions
Alat peraga
based on the text. Pilihan Ganda 3.Choose the correct Jawaban singkat
Answer List all the verbs started in the text
4menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive / procedure.
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) 11.3 membaca nyaring Teks Esei berbentuk 1 descriptive / bermakna teks fungsional procedure. dan esai pendek dan sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive/ Pronunciation procedure dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang Intonation berterima punctuation
Mendengarkan dan merespon hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikandalam kegiatan membaca nyaring teks descriptive/procedure tentang pentingnya pronunciation, intonation, punctuation, kualitas suara
Mendengarkan model membaca nyaring teks descritive/procedure
Menirukan membaca nyaring dengan intonasi dan jeda sesuai model
Membaca nyaring sendiri dengan lafal, intonasi, dan jeda yang baik dan benar
Melafalkan kata, frasa Tes unjuk Melafalkan 1. Pronounce the dan kalimat dengan kerja following baik dan benar words or phrases correctly! Membaca kata frasa dan kalimat dengan intonasi 2. Read the yang benar Intonasi following Membaca nyaring teks descriptive/procedu re dengan baik dan benar.
Buku teks
menit Teks otentik
sentences by applying correct Uji petik intonation! Membaca nyaring 3. Read the following text loudly!
Penilaian Kompetensi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence )
: MTs. Sudirman Getasan
: VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
: 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
Kompetensi Dasar
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
12.1 Mengungkapkan makna 1. Teks fungsional dalam teks tulis fungsional Instruksi pendek sangat sederhana Daftar barang dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara Pengumuman akurat, lancar dan Ucapan selamat berterima untuk 2. Kosakata terkait berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat tema / jenis teks. 3. Ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional.
4. Tanda Baca 4.
Tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb, simple Pr tense, imperative Membuat frasa, kalimat sesuai dengan materi Membahas struktur
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Penilaian Teknik
Menulis teks Test tulis
Melengkapi 1. Complete the Menyusun sentences
kata acak
Tes tulis
berbentuk : - Instruksi - Daftar barang Pengumuman - Ucapan
- Buku teks
menit - Alat peraga
2. Rearrange the Esai bebas words into good sentences
Tugas rumah
3. Write down your own
- Tempattempat umum yang ada teks fungsional
shopping list based on the
5. Spelling
atau ciri-ciri teks tulis fungsional pendek 5.
Membuat teks tulis fungsional pendek terpimpin ataudengan teman
Membuat teks tulis fungsional pendek sendiri dengan bebas
Selamat Menulis kalimat sederhana
situation given. 4. Write down list of instructions to be on time to school 5.Write a greeting card to your friend on his/her birthday Listen and make a draft of retelling descriptive/procedure text
Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Kompetensi Dasar 12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkunguan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/ procedure
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran Teks monolog berbentuk Descriptive / procedure
Unsur bahasa terkait teks. Langkah retorika terkait teks.
Mendengarkan dan merespon introduction tentang penulisan teks monolog deskriptif / prosedur. Memperhatikan penjelasan tentang kosakata dan tatabahasa yang berkaitan dengan penulisan teks monolog deskriptif / prosedur
Memperhatikan dan membaca teks deskriptif / prosedur.
Menulsi frasa-frasa, kalimat-kalimat yang diperlukan untuk menulis teks deskriptif / prosedur.
Spelling Tanda baca
Menulis teks deskriptif / prosedur dengan struktur teks yang benar.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 1. Melengkapi teks descriptive
Penilaian Teknik
Tes tulis
melengkapi 1. Complete the blank spaces Correctly.
Buku teks
menit Alat peraga
- procedure 2. Menyusun teks
Teks otentik menyusun 2. Arrange the teks jumbled sentences into a good
3. Menulis teks berbentuk - Descriptive/ procedure
descriptive/procedure text 3. Write down a simple descriptive/procedure text based on the picture / with your own
words Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect ) Tekun ( diligence ) Getasan, 11 Juli 2011 Mengetahui, Kepala MTs. Sudirman Getasan
Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,
Kab. Semarang
Drs. Musta’in, M.PdI
NIP. 1968072319940310004