SUMMER SCHOOL ‘With a love for life, our education in the art of living, empowers individual and planetary health.’ End text of the teachers seminar in Valencia (November 2010)
Summer School 2012 is THE holiday format with an ideal balance between relaxation and activity. A balance you can create in sinc with your own wellbeing. This year the theme is: Live your life! Ecology, Health and Happiness. Grab this unique chance to improve your environment and yourself. There are lots of lectures and workshops, among others about social issues and the society at large. You get new inspiration for ‘old ideals’, you can expand your network and enjoy to be treated with meals from the natural, macrobiotic kitchen. On your own, with your partner, with friends or with the whole family. In short: a week that lasts you a year! Programme: registration for parts of the programme is also possible, scroll down to see prices Click to daily programme
Bill Tara , 2009
Jan Vervecken
Mark Hanna, Mieke and Jan Vervecken, Phiya Kushi and Suzanne Severijns
42 years of flirting with macrobiotics
Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe
Relationship food and mental health
Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe
Arrogance as the cause of disease
Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe
Nine Star Ki - what is your character?
Jan Vervecken
Nine Star Ki – relationships and travel
Jan Vervecken
Can the world still be saved?
Lode Devos, Greenpeace
How to diminish your ecological footprint
Low Impact Man
What is the influence of the Green Movement?
Mathias Bienstman
Ayurvedic Astrology
Patrick Bercx
Environmental thinking & acting: practical tips
Ineke Van Schaik
Tongue diagnosis & energetic pulses
Paul Rausenberger
Develop the correct energetic lifestyle
Paul Rausenberger
Personal and social solidarity
Paul Rausenberger
PANEL DISCUSSION: Macrobiotics: hopeful ecological answer
Marc Van Cauwenberghe, Ineke Van Schaik, Jan Vervecken, Jan Box a.o.
Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe, (25 years ago, and now in Alaska, where he lives)
Cooking Classes
Protect your immunity
Kyoko Onishi
Medicinal cooking in case of fall-out
Kyoko Onishi
Spirit of Ohsawa: food in times of crisis
Kyoko Onishi
Make your own skin care lotions
Mieke VerveckenPieters
Nice weeds from my garden
Carine Vanhalst
European macrobiotics: ecological answer
Carine Vanhalst
Terug naar begin
Kyoko Onishi and Carine Vanhalst during their cooking class
Condiments as a source of energy
Carine Vanhalst
Salads and sushi’s with appetizing dressings
Sonja Jacobs
Menu planning: quick and delicious eco-cooking
Mieke Vervecken
Eastern party food: Philippines and Thailand
Mieke Vervecken
Lunch of chef Mark Hanna, Yukiko’s dessert and Suzanne’s apple pie
Workshops TAIKO, Japanese Drum with Grete Moortgat
Grete Moortgat, the teacher, and Diana Perry (in her seventies) on the Taiko drum!
Everyone can enjoy
OKIDO YOGA with Tomoko Mori - Stretching from within - Discover more in asana’s - Hara and softness - Integrated movement - The basis of correction exercises
Tomoko correction
EASTERN MEDICINE with Paul Rausenberger
- Tongue diagnosis and energetic pulses
- Develop the correct energetic lifestyle - Personal and social solidarity
Butterfly massage
Wim Hermans
Transformational breathing
Jan Breakfree
Tango class with Wim Mestdag Terug naar begin
Individual consultations - Corrective exercises with Tomoko Mori - Consultations and food advice with Dr. Marc Van Cauwenberghe - Shiatsu with Jan Vervecken a.o. Please contact the office to make an appointment Prices upon request
Kids programme with Heidi Vyncke
We are going to have a fantastic week: we discover nature (bring your bike if possible), we make a daily campfire, we cook, we roast tofu and other delicious stuff on the barbecue, we make our own drinks and also ice-cream with a real ice-cream machine. Lots of creative activities, singing and more…
Meals An experienced kitchen team with chef Mark Hanna provides organic-vegetarian meals à la macrobiotique', 3 times a day, freshly cooked, rich in variety, balanced and processed naturally. There are special dishes for little children. If you have questions concerning the meals, please make them known when you enrol.
The party
Taiko performance with Grete, Inge, Mieke, Sonja and Sabin, Japanese dance with Ellen Stiers
The bookshop Here you will find a great choice of books on subjects like Natural Lifestyle, Cooking, Shiatsu, Do-In, Feng Shui and Chinese medicine, in different languages.
The cook shop A special collection of useful tools for your macrobiotic kitchen and some hard to find biological products and ingredients, so that after a cooking class you can buy the ingredients to practise at home what you learned.
Summer school café and bar If you fancy a snack: the café offers a wide range of delicious organic cookies, pies, sweets, coffee and drinks. How about a good Belgian (Trappist) beer or a nice glass of wine in the evening? We offer a choice of the organic beers from Jessenhofke! The café is also the place to meet and greet and to just let your hair down.
Terug naar begin
Holiday in Antwerp The residential ‘Rijkstehuis’, on the left bank of River Scheldt, offers space for some 100 people. The building is surrounded by green space and sports grounds with possibilities for outdoor activities. It is very close to a river beach and at 15 minutes walking distance from the beautiful, old inner city of Antwerp. If you prefer hotel accommodation, you can book your own accommodation (
Accommodation There are 6 person bedrooms, as well as a limited number of 2 and 1 person bedrooms. Families can book a room together (if still available).
Bio’s of the teachers
Low Impact Man
Steven Vromman (1960) werd bekend met zijn Low Impact-project. In een bekroonde documentairereeks die Canvas over deze spreker maakte, kon het publiek volgen hoe hij zijn leven omgooide om zijn ecologische voetafdruk te minimaliseren. Ondertussen werden zijn avonturen in meer dan vijftig landen uitgezonden. Steven Vromman stelde zich de vraag of het mogelijk was om een goed leven te leiden met een zo klein mogelijke ecologische voetafdruk. Hij ging de uitdaging aan en de ‘Low Impact Man’ was geboren. Zijn twee kinderen werden omgeturnd in ‘Low Impact Kids’ en meegesleurd in een experiment waar frietketels en lichtschakelaars uit den boze waren.
Mathias Bienstman
Bond Beter Leefmilieu Energie Klimaat Mobiliteit 02 282 17 37
Grete Moortgat is de oprichter, voorzitster en drijvende kracht achter Feniks Taiko en daarnaast ook de aanvuurster van de lessen en workshops. Ze ontdekte Taiko tijdens de periode waarin ze in Japan heeft gewoond en werd er zo door geraakt dat ze besefte dat ze dit voor de rest van haar leven wou doen. Ze kreeg er ook haar Taiko-opleiding en werkte samen met verschillende Taikogrootmeesters. Voor Grete is Taiko in de eerste plaats levensvreugde en –kracht. Zowel bij het spelen als bij het beluisteren van Taiko worden heel wat emoties teweeggebracht en word je doorstroomd door een gevoel van sereniteit en door positieve energie. Grete beschrijft Taiko als de hartslag van het leven, enerzijds als een medium voor mensen om zichzelf te ontdekken en hun eigen kracht te vinden, anderzijds als een manier waarop ze kan bijdragen aan positieve energie en harmonie in onderlinge relaties tussen mensen. Vanuit die visie richtte Grete bij haar terugkomst in België de allereerste Taikoschool en –groep in ons land op en maakte het verspreiden van deze Japanse kunst in België en ver daarbuiten tot haar doel. Daarnaast speelt ze ook bij Wadokyo, een professionele Taikogroep in Duitsland, waarmee ze heel Europa rondreist voor allerlei optredens. Ze is ook zelf voortdurend bezig met het componeren van Taikostukken
Tomoki Mori
Tomoko (°1954) studied in Mishima Dojo under Masahiro Oki Sensei 1980-1984, and in 1984 started her life in the United Kingdom, working for Okido Yoga activities. Since then, she has been searching her teaching ways and gradually developing her subtle yet deeply-penetrating ways. She approaches to Okido Yoga practical philosophy using various physical exercises. Conversely, she stresses that the Okido Yoga practical philosophy, when put into practice, enhances effects of these physical exercises. Tomoko is the principal teacher of Okido Natural Health Education Trust Ltd, a UK-based charitable organization ( ). Before entering Okido Yoga, she studied geography and mathematics at Japanese universities. She lives in England and has raised four children..
Mieke Vervecken
Mieke is a mother of six with 40 years of experience in macrobiotic cooking. For ten years she ran a yoga centre in Antwerp where she also cared for people with various illnesses. Mieke studied the art of macrobiotic cooking in London, Antwerp and Boston and went on to refine her insight through intense training in Japan. From 1998 to 2010 she was head of the kitchen at the internationally renowned dance company ROSAS in Brussels, where macrobiotic lunch is served every day. She gives advice to individuals, companies and schools in Europe and the Middle East. In 1990 Mieke started “The School of Natural Cookery” (De Natuurlijke Kookschool) which strives to teach people how to prepare balanced, healthy meals. Ms. Vervecken is quite apt at connecting the dots between our eating habits and many diseases in the developed world without overcomplicating things. She is well respected for the enthusiasm in conveying the insights provided by years of experience.
Kyoko Onishi
Born in Tokyo Kyoko Onishi currently lives in Brugge, Belgium. She studied literature, art and eastern medicine. She studied macrobiotics with Lima Ohsawa and Omori sensei for 7 years. After graduating she worked as Lima Ohsawa’s assistant in her Lima Cooking school in Japan. In 1981 Kyoko moved to Belgium, worked as an artist and also passed on her knowledge and practice of macrobiotic principles and the Ohsawa Fucha cooking style to western people. She always looks for the best quality and tries in her unique and artistic way to give her knowledge of the effects of food on the human body and of eastern tradition a western approach. Kyoko Onishi is a respected teacher not only in Japan but also in France, England, Belgium and the Netherlands
Carine Vanhalst
Leerde Macrobiotiek kennen in 1972 door haar regelmatig bezoek aan een macrobiotisch eethuisje in Kortrijk. Sterk bekoord door de eenvoud en de natuurlijke zuiverheid en de onderliggende filosofie van wat daar geserveerd werd, bestudeerde ze jarenlang de relatie voeding-gezondheid in binnen- en buitenland , waarbij ze o.a. ook assisteerde in kooklessen van de grondleggers Lima Ohsawa en Aveline Kushi, Kyoko Ohnishi en vele andere. Ze studeerde met Michio Kushi, Marc Van Cauwenberghe en het kruim van de Europese macrobiotische leraars. Ze werkte 6 jaar mee aan het OWC Antwerpen, ging één en ander van nabij bekijken via een studiereis in Japan (1980), en bracht een erg belangrijk realistisch aspect in haar kennis door een natuurwinkel te runnen en 5 kinderen macrobiotisch op te voeden. Carine geeft sindsdien kooklessen in diverse shiatsuscholen, natuurwinkels en opleidingscentra. Het is haar permanente betrachting de relatie tussen voeding en gezondheid steeds beter te begrijpen, tegelijk is ze steeds sterk geïnteresseerd in antropologie, ze is een verwoed lezer van levensverhalen waarin de ware menselijke aard, ontdaan van de dagelijkse maskerades, beschreven wordt. Haar kooklessen worden dan ook gekruid met gedachten en observaties die het mensbeeld diverser en rijker tonen.
Paul Rausenberger
Paul Rausenberger has a lifelong experience as a teacher as well as a therapist. He started his long career as kinesiology-physiotherapist and kept evaluating: doctorate in chiropraxy(U.S.A.) macrobiotic studies, doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine (England, China) acupuncture, moxabustion, cupping, herbal medicine, Tai Chi, pressure point massage, Inner child, Transformational Breathing, Meditations and Visualisations. From 1972-1980 he was head of the education department of The Anglo-Dutch College of Acupunture, from 19802991 he was director and teacher at EUTCM (European University of TCM) and trainings in Craniosacrale relaxation. Paul Rausenberger is still practicing in Schilde, Belgium. He has recently started a new centre in Antwerp with his son John: see his website
Sonja Jacobs
Jan Vervecken
Jan Vervecken (°1949) began to study shiatsu, macrobiotics and food in Antwerp (Belgium). Then he went to study in Boston with Michio Kushi. In 1983 he left for Japan to study with Masahito Oki for more than one year. He integrated all these different disciplines and together with his wife Mieke Pieters he ran the Okido Yoga dojo in Antwerp (1982- 1990) He is director of The International School of Shiatsu (ISS) and is often invited as a guest teacher in Switserland, Japan and Holland. He is known for his integrity, and touches one’s true soul in his lectures and treatments.(
Inneke Van Schaik
Ineke van Schaik is involved with macrobiotics for over 35years. She studied and stayed with Michio en Aveline Kushi, Herman en Cornelia Aihara, Noboru Muramoto en Masanobu Fukuoba in the United States and Japan. She attended a 5 month cooking training with the Japanese macrobiotic head-cook Hiroshi Hyashi, at the Seventh Inn macrobiotic Restaurant in Boston US. Formally trained as a social worker for businesses she combined natural food and natural psychology in her business training. She is the main teacher of macrobiotic philosophy at the Rotterdam Oost West Center and is editing member of the Genmai publishing company for macrobiotic books and writes and translates articles and books on the subject. She is supporting the art of natural education in the Rotterdam East West Centre for more than 20 years.
Marc Van Cauwenberghe
Trained as a Medical Doctor in Belgium, Marc Van Cauwenberghe discovered macrobiotics after coming across a book by George Ohsawa. It fascinated him and was the start of a lifelong journey into macrobiotics. He went to Boston in the early 70s to study with Michio and Aveline Kushi and later became a prominent teacher of macrobiotics around the world. In addition, Marc has become the world’s foremost scholar of George Ohsawa and his works, gathering every published and unpublished work that he could find in all languages including French and Japanese. Also, with Michio Kushi’s assistance he has collected and transcribed all of Michio and Aveline’s works. He is known for his practical application of yin-yang thinking. He has left no stone unturned, few people have spent as much time going through Oshawa’s literature as well as confronting such a high level of in depth comparative analysis based on the yin-yang philosophy. Through lecture and consultations all over the globe, Dr. Van Cauwenberghe has been teaching the universal yin-yang philosophy for years. As a physician he has discovered the truth in Oshawa’s
belief that illness can be prevented or healed. He is also the author and editor of several books such as “Macrobiotic Home Remedies” and “The Natural Home Pharmacy”. Today, Mr. Van Cauwenberghe lives and works in Alaska. He is an exceptional personality with a unique knowledge and practice.
Jan Breakfree
Patrick Bercx Wim Hermans
Jan Breakfree (°1974) ontdekt sinds 2004 de magische mogelijkheden van het ademen en is sinds 2008 gecertificeerd ademfacilitator en medeoprichter van waar hij geregeld workshops en lessenreeksen voor organiseert. Door de kracht van een volledige ademhaling maken we weer verbinding met onze basis, vanwaar we met een open blik en open hart het leven in eigen handen nemen en ons verder ontplooien naar het licht. In deze workshop van 2 uren gaan we kijken en voelen hoe het met onze ademhaling is gesteld en wordt er'n voorproefje gegeven van de mogelijkheden van Transformational Breathing. Meer info? Surfen : Mailen :
[email protected]
PRICES FORMULA A Room, Board and Programme:
590,- (bed in a 6 persons dormitory)
Super discount if paid fully before 1st May: 495,Discount if paid fully before 1st June: 545,Double room + 60,- pp Single room: + 100,FORMULA B Without accommodation and breakfast 495,- per person: lunch,, dinner and all classes are included. This is for adults only. You have to organise your stay in a hotel or at a camping site. You can book your accommodation on Superdiscount if paid fully before bef 1st May: 415,Discount if paid fully before 1st June: 455,FORMULA C Daily participation for visitors (9:00 – 21:30): classes, lunch and dinner are included. Bed is not. 110,- per person/per day. Booking in advance; limited amount of places! For two (or more) consecutive days: bed + breakfast costs: + 20,-
Kids programme from 9:00- 12:00 and from 14:00 – 18:00 Younger than 1 * When you are still breastfeeding: your kid can stay for free * Overnight stay and day care: care 150,- A cooking stove is available * Overnight stay and baby food: 220,-
1 – 14 years old 300,- including stay, food and kids programme 10% discount for your other children
Older than 14 We have a great work-study study programme for youngsters: info at the office
BOOKING Please fill out the subscription form and e-mail it to us. The form can also be printed, filled out by hand and then sent by post. Our address is ISS – Oude Baan 104 – 2390 Malle - Belgium. You can also ask for the form by phone, fill it out, sign it and send it back to us. Your application is only final when we have received your application form and down payment. Please send the (non-refundable) 80 Euros down payment per person to one of the two following bank accounts: - For applicants living in the Netherlands; Account number: 1434.57.144 (ISS, Oude Baan 104, B-2390 Belgium, mentioning Summer school 2012). - For applicants living in Belgium: Account number: 789-5227885-88 (ISS, Oude Baan 104, B-2390 Belgium, mentioning Summer School 2012). - Applicants living in other countries can pay using the Belgian account: ISS, Oude Baan 104, B-2390 Belgium, Account number: 789-5227885-88 IBAN: BE56 7895 2278 8588 BIC: GKCCBEBB