Specification Standard of 10 Silver Dirham, 7 Gold Dinar and 1/4 Gold Dinar
Islamic Mint Nusantara 1999 - 2013
Islamic Mint Nusantara
1 10 Dirham Nabawi ‘Asyrah Darahim Notification: Please be aware, you can not use all of this material in this document such photos, image, coins design, coins standard guideline, names, character and all of its content without any written permission from Islamic Mint Nusantara
Dinar dan dirham telah digunakan sejak masa Nabi Adam alaihis salam, kemudian pada periode Nabi Idris alaihis salam , dilanjutkan ke periode Nabi Nuh, ke periode Hud, ke periode Nabi Sholih, ke periode Nabi Dzulqarnain, ke periode Ashabulkahfi, ke periode Nabi Ibrahim, ke periode Nabi Luth, ke periode Nabi Isma’il dan ke periode Nabi Ishaq dan seterusnya dimana ukurannya sama, ini diketahui dari sanad pencetakan dan mitsqal yang kami terima dari Walisongo, silahkan dibaca Pentingnya Sanad Dan Pencetakan Dinar Dan Dirham Di Masa Rasulullah, tanpa sanad orang akan berbicara semaunya. Keimanan kepada para nabi-nabi dan apa yang dibawanya adalah bagian dari rukun Iman, tauhid murni kita, menolaknya adalah kefasikan. Dan tentu ilmu tentang logam dan pemurniaan ini sangat mudah bagi para Nabi dan terus bersambung hingga masa Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wassalam Detail Material
Fine Silver/ Ag/ Fiddah
31.1 gram or 1 troy ounce
35 mm
Masjid Al Aqsa/ Piktogram
Hasbunaallah wa’nimal wakil ni’mal mawla wa’nimal nasir. La illa ha ilallah Muhammad rasulullah.
Coins Denomination, Year, Weight, Purity and Code
Islamic Mint Nusantara (1999)
Islamic Mint Nusantara
2 1/4 Dinar Nabawi Ru’bu Dinar Notification: Please be aware, you can not use all of this material in this document such photos, image, coins design, coins standard guideline, names, character and all of its content without any written permission from Islamic Mint Nusantara
Detail Material
Fine Gold/ Au/ Dhzahab
1.11 gram or 1/28 troy ounce
13 mm
Kubah Masjid Nabawi/ Piktogram
Hasbunaallah wa’nimal wakil ni’mal mawla wa’nimal nasir. La illa ha ilallah Muhammad rasulullah.
Coins Denomination, Year, Weight, Purity and Code
Islamic Mint Nusantara (1999)
Islamic Mint Nusantara
Fine Gold/ Au/ Dhzahab
31.1 gram or 1 troy ounce
33 mm
7 Dinar Nabawi Sab’ah Dananir
Masjid Al Aqsa/ Piktogram
Hasbunaallah wa’nimal wakil ni’mal mawla wa’nimal nasir. La illa ha ilallah Muhammad rasulullah.
Coins Denomination, Year, Weight, Purity and Code
Islamic Mint Nusantara (1999)
Notification: Please be aware, you can not use all of this material in this document such photos, image, coins design, coins standard guideline, names, character and all of its content without any written permission from Islamic Mint Nusantara
Dinar and Dirham Denomination To complete muamalah in everyday life practice on trading, freemarket, zakat and so on, IMN has establish twenty one denomination as a world standard for muslim world and other. Duapuluh satu pecahan ini dikerjakan dan ditetapkan pada tahun 2010 berdasarkan Fatwa IMN oleh Abbas Firman dan Shaykh Faroji Azmath Khan. Duapuluh satu pecahan dinar dirham Nabawi ini adalah milik Islamic Mint Nusantara yang dapat dipergunakan oleh pencetak atau institusi muslim dengan permintaan ijin tertulis kepada Islamic Mint Nusantara. Perlu diketahui bahwa spesifikasi teknis dan nama pecahan duapuluh satu standar dinar dan dirham Nabawi dari IMN dengan semua tatacara penggunaannya telah telah disahkan oleh salah satu Sultan di Nusantara, bagi muslim perlu diketahui bahwa ini adalah bagian dari hak dan kewajiban Sultan untuk didengar dan ditaati. Bagi publik atau pencetak yang berkeinginan lain yang hendak menggunakan spesifikasi teknis, nama dan standar Nabawi tersebut maka adab dan hak kepada IMN adalah meminta ijin tertulis dan mengikuti aturan teknis dari Islamic Mint Nusantara dan World Dinar Council. Please feel free to contact us for further information:
[email protected] or +6287719971991 For more information and articles please visit www.islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com www.dinarfirst.org
IMN Minting Guideline This is the guideline for producing the 10 Silver Dirham or 1 troy ounce and 1/4 Gold Dinar or 1/28 troy ounce from Islamic Mint Nusantara. Islamic Mint Nusantara Network Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Moroko and Capetwon (SA)
Islamic Mint Nusantara (IMN) is very please to giving permission to all muslim or institution who want to using the design and mitsqal standard guideline for minting the dinar and dirham Nabawi and its denomination. To be able to do that, you should get written permission from us, you must following and understanding this rules and regulations that make our works can come together, which is: 1. You have to submit request proposal to IMN for permission and agreement for using the design standard and specification. We will follow up with meeting and interview. Please email your request to
[email protected] 2. After you are recieving a written approval form IMN, you will register as our minter network member, you can use a free licence design standard and guideline specification from IMN and, 3. We will make copy file of the coins master design and detail with your mint mark. 4. You are agree to accept all of IMN general guideline on dinar and dirham implementation according to Islamic laws and common understanding 5. For the minter around Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and Phillipine, we advise you to put the minting cost at the lowest premium as you can, if you put higher premium other than what we advise, please let us know in written letter of the detail explaination to IMN, for our consideration. 6. You must follow the technical coins specification from IMN, see page 1-3 7. You are agree to setting up and maintain the highest qualities with every coins production as a minter member of IMN. 8. You must follow all of IMN guideline and agreement without any exception, if
This is a set of dies which made from specific alloy for minting coins. For producing good quality coins of gold and silver, there is many aspects of detail to be done. (Sources: IMN)
there is any action or practices which is not according to our understanding and agreement, then it will be your own responsibility. IMN is have a right to stop all your activities that using the all the standard and guideline at any time and for that we will be announce it for public knowledge. 9. Any regulation can be change according the needs and situation without any prior
Notification: Please be aware, you can not use all of this material in this document such photos, image, coins design, coins standard guideline, names, character and all of its content without any written permission from Islamic Mint Nusantara
notification verbal or written. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, we are welcoming all muslim to support the mint with wakaf, infaq and sadaqah for helping IMN to developing all of the coins denomination and maintain the workshop. Every donation that you give, will be go to Baitulmal Bumi Nusantara (BAITUNA) and you will recieved an official letter with official stamp. To keep in touch with you, we will providing the update and monthly report to your email or your home address, insyaallah. Please feel free to contact us for further information:
[email protected] or +6287719971991 For more information and articles please visit www.islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com www.dinarfirst.org For feedback and inquiry please contact
[email protected] [email protected]