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Newspapers and Periodicals Angkatan Bersenjata (AB) October 1965-March 1966 Api October and November 1965 Api Kartini (AK) 1959-1964 Berita Yudha (BY) October 1965-January 1966 Bintang Merah (BM) Duta Masyarakat (OM) October 1965-January 1966 Harian Rakyat (HR) 1952-1965. Kebudayaan Baru (KB) August 1965-October 1965 Mingguan Berita (MB) November 1965-January 1966 Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant (NRC) Sinar Harapan (SH), October 1965-January 1966 Vrouwen en hun Belangen (VB) WIDF Information Bulletin (WIB) Women of the Whole World (WW)
Documents Buku Gerwani (BG), Gerakan Wanita Indonesia, is a collection of documents on Gerwani in the WASON Collection of Cornell University. Most documents are undated but they can be traced to the period 1960--1. Their contents are as follows: p. 5 p. 9 p.l0
Pembelaan Anak2 Usul-Usul Untuk: Konperensi Wanita Asia-Afrika The All India Women's Conference
p. 16
p. 17 p. 19 p.23 p.25 p.29
p.33 p.42 p.48 p.58 p. 71 p. 79 p.90 p.95 p. 105 p.115 p. 126 p.138
p. 147
Tata Tertib Kongres Wanita Indonesia Anggaran Dasar Kongres Wanita Indonesia Pergerakan Wanita Indonesia Sedjarah Pembentukan G.W.D.S. Tata Tertib Kursus Aktivitet Pokok Dari (G.W.D.S.) Gerakan Wanita Demokratis Sedunia Sedjarah Perkembangan Masjarakat Pokok2 Sedjarah Dan Aktivitet G.W.D.S. Pendjelasan Tentang Peraturan Dasar 'Gerwani' Sedjarah Gerakan Wanita Indonesia Sedjarah Gerakan Wanita Internasional Pembelaan Hak-Hak Wanita Methode Mengadjar Mensukseskan Plan Organisasi Gerwani Untuk Melaksanakan Manifesto Politik R.I. Dan Pembangunan Nasional Kebudajaan Indonesia Dan Peranan Wanita Dalam Mengembankannja Sedjarah Perkembangan Gerwani Memberbaiki Tjara Kerdja Untuk Suksesnja Plan Peluasan Organisasi Pola Pembangunan Dan Sumbangan Gerwani Dalam Ikut Serta Melaksanakannja, Bahan Tjeramah tgl 6 Mei
Pemjataan Umum Tentang Hak Hak Manusia, Mukaddimah
The second collection of documents was assembled during the research process. Doc I Docll Doc III Doc IV Doc V
Memperkuat Organisasi Dan Fron Persatuan Wanita, pp. 1-4. Organisasi Wanita Dalam Perjuangan Bangsa, pp. 1-4. Dari Dunia Yang Gelap, pp. 1-9. Sekelumit Pengalaman Mempropagandakan Program Agraria Partai Di Kalangan Massa, Khususnya Kaum Tani, pp. 1-11. Riwayat Hidup Sri Ambar, pp. 1-11.
Hari Ulang Tahun Gerwani ke-15, 3 Juni 1965, pp. 1-17. Mevr. A., pp. 1-2. Tambahan Data2 Kekedjaman Kontrarevolusioner di Indonesia Chususnya di Djawa Timur (1965-6), pp. 1-7. Beberapa Pendapat Berdasarkan Pengalaman Dari Doc IX Gerakan Wanita Revolusioner, pp. 1-22. Doc X Latar Belakang Pembentukan Organisasi Wanita Progresif, pp. 1-2. Doc XI Emansipasi Wanita Indonesia: Pelajaran Sejarah dan Tantangannya, pp. 1-5. Doc XII Letter by Sudjinah to S. Wieringa, May 1992, pp. 1-4. Doc XIII Hari Wanita Internasional Tanggal 8 Maret, pp. 1-5. Doc XIV Sekilas Tanggapan Terhadap 'Mitra Media', pp. 1-5. Doc XV Catatan Tentang Pengalaman Mendirikan, Men-gengbang-kan Ormas Wanita (1984), pp. 1-5. Doc XVI Riwayat Hidup Sumarni Wardoyo, pp. 1-2. Doc XVII Riwayat Hidup Suharti Harsono, pp. 1-10. Doc XVIII Riwayat Hidup Sujinah; Latar Belakang Keluarga, Pendidikan, Kegiatan dsb, pp. 1-5. Riwayat Singkat Sulami, pp. 1-15. Doc XIX Doc XX Tambahan Riwayat Hidup Sulami, pp. 1-4. Doc XXI Tentang Aksi-Aksi Yang Pernah Dialami Sulami, pp. 1-6. Doc XXII Riwayat Hidup Ny. Muninggar, pp. 1-3. Doc XXIII Riwayat Hidup Ny. Yuri Mariyam, pp. 1-2. Doc XXIV Riwayat Hidup: Ny. Sukoni Sasmita, pp. 1-4. Interview Maasje Siwi, March 16 1983, pp. 1-5. Doc XXV Doc XXVI Requisitoirrruntutan Dalam Perkara Subversi G 30 SIPKI atas nama para tertuduh: I. Sulami, II Sudjinah, III Sri Ambar Rukmiyati, IV Suharti Harsono, 31-3-1975, pp.I-51. Doc XXVII Pembelaan tertuduh I Sudjinah 17-4--1975, pp. 1-20. Doc XXVIII Pembelaan tertuduh I Sulami, 17-4--1975, pp. 1-21. Doc XXIX Duplik tertuduh I Sulami 19-5-1975, pp. 1-10. DocXXX Prison account Sri Ambar, 8-4--1981, pp. 1-13. Doc XXXI Proses Ibu Napsiyah, notes. Doc XXXII Notes Umi Satjono, Sulami and Sujinah on draft thesis, pp.I-29. Doc XXXIII Interviews conducted by S. Harlinah, 1992-1996.
abangan 88-9n, 106, 107, 109, 133n Abendanon, Mrs 63,65, 91n adat 28,45-6,80,177, 197-8,227n, 250-2, 255, 273 Aidit, D.N. 82, 89n, 101, 107, 108-11 and the putsch 283-6,289-91,311, 330n and women's issues 194-200,211-12, 263,270-1 Aidit, Tanti 233-4, 241 Aisyah (women's branch of the Muhammadyah) 19,66-7,85,86, 92n, 123-4, 128,293 Api Kartini (Kartini's Fire, AK) audience for 22, 193 call to ban Gerwani 304 and education 237 feminist issues 261, 263-4 and food production 198 Kartini 270-1,278-9n Kodrat and 261 Mak Ompreng in 234-5 Marriage Law 254 and the PKI 226n and prices 187n,218, 240 reporting on peace issues 221-3 reporting on Soviet Union 230n and sexual division of labour 262-4 and socialism 172, 210-11 and Sukarno's marriage 158 support for Sukarno 214-16 and West Irian 173-4 women's fashion 245, 273 women's role 250-1,257 women's struggle 242-3 writers in 208 AD una 180,192,270,338-9 army 97-8, 102-3, 108, 109-10, 112, 132 coups 281-9 defamation of Gerwani 296-317
Baden Penyelidikan Perburuhan Perempuan Indonesia (Research Body on Indonesian Women Workers) 77 Baden Perlindungan Perempuan Indonesia dalam Perkawinan (Body to Protect Indonesian Women in Marriage, BPPIP) 79 Bali 111,287,301 Barisan Buruh Wanita (Women Workers Front) 84, 146 Barisan Pekerja Perempuan Putera (Troops of Young Women Workers) 81 Barisan Putri Asia Raya (Women's Troops of Great Asia) 81 Barisan Srikandi (Srikandi Troops) 60, 83 Barisan Tani Indonesia (Indonesian Farmers' Front, BTl) 21, 26n, 108, 111, 149, 165, 185n, 197,203-4, 278n,282,287,292,294,319 batik workers 45,72,79, 85n, 94n, 206-7 Beek, Father 302, 332-3n Bhayangkari 85, 120, 124-5, 129, 132, 306 Bintang Merah 61,89n Boven Digul 54, 58, 59 Budi Oetomo (Noble Endeavour) 33, 57 Buiten het Gareel (Out of Harness, Djojopoespito) 69-71 capitalism 43,68,214 Catholic Action 302 catholic women see Wanita Katolik Chalisah, Mrs 251-2 Che Guevara 44 child marriage 62,63,69,74, 114, 152, 194,238,253-4,277n, 341 China 45,111,207,209-10,215,219, 223,247-8,254,337-8,342-3 Chinese Women's Federation 27,29,40, 180 CIA 133n, 283,285-6,321,326 cigarette workers 68, 79, 206
Index colonial order communist uprising 1926-27 54, 58, 69 Dutch government 55-6, 59, 62 economic crisis 1929-30 54,59 Ethical Policy 53-4, 58 Japanese occupation 54, 59--
dalang 289-91,306
Datoe Toemenggoeng, C.S. 76 Darulisiam Movement 133n, 151, 156, 226n Dharma Wanita (Women's Duty) 7,25n, 33,39,81,318 divorce 62,67,72-3,76, 118 Djamilah 297,307-8,310,321 Djuhartono, General 109-10, 132,302, 312,317 Dwikora (Dwi Komando Rakyat, Two People's Commands) 104, 172, 174, 179,215-16,227n,259,263,311 Edhie, General Sarwo 288,302,306--7, 344 education Api Karlini on 237 and early women's organizations 63-9 equal rights in 35-6, 113 and feminism 29 Gerwaniand 233-4,237-9 Harian Rakyat on 237 Islam and 66--7,170-3 Kartini's view of 63-4, 338 schools for girls 56-7,64,112, 149 elections (1955) 101-2, 121-2 Engels, Friedrich 41,43
Ethical Policy 53-4, 58 'events' of 1965 27,31,233,280-9 fashion 245, 273 feminism Api Karlini and 261,263-4 concept of 28--9 and early women's organizations 61-9 Gerwani and 27-9,39-46,218,233-4, 246,263-5,269,273 Harian Rakyat and 261 Kowani and 23 and Marxism 4O--
Gerwani - continued feminism 27-9.39-46.218.233-4. 246.263-5.269.273 and films 238. 243~. 247. 276n ideology in 1954 153-4 increased influence 125~ and independence 264-71 and Islam 250--2 and Kodrat 242.268.272-4.327 Kowani and 120-1. 125~. 176--7 Lobang Buaya murders 285. 291-6. 317 and Malaysia 178.218-19.222-3. 241-2.265--6 and Manipol 214- 235.237.238-9.255~1
and marriage reform 139-40. 153-4. 157-9.163.179-80.252-5.269 and monogamy 249. 252-5 mass movement 120--1. 176 morality 233-43 National Front and 110 national politics and 99-100. 160--1. 170--9.264-5 nationalism 45-8 PKI and 17. 140 and polygyny 10.45. 181.225.264 prices 161-2.176--7.179.217-18. 240 prostitution. indecency and mad dancing 233.247-9.287.319 relations with Perwari 14. 122. 127. 137n.165.276n.312-13.339-40 sexual division oflabour 261-4 sexual politics 247-50 sexual slander against 1-3.6.8-9. 15. 17-18.280--2.287.326-7.343 socialism 44- 193-4.208-9.214-15.265-7 and Suharto 48. 306. 308-27 Sukamo and 11-12. 160. 164. 166. 169- 224-5. 340--3 support for peasants 260--70 towards mass line 151--60 towards revolutionary emancipation 264-71 under Guided Democracy 212-19. 224-5.242.272-3 and West Irian 131. 159--60. 164. 169-71.217-19. 221-2. 228n. 242. 266
WIDF and 40. 120. 153. 163-4. 166--7. 212-13. 219-23. 228n. 230--ln. 239-40. 276n women's organizations and 127-8. 157. 159. 163-5. 175~.265-7.339-40 workers and peasants and 160--70 Gerwis (Gerakan Wanita Indonesia Sedar. Movement of Conscious Indonesian Women) 112-13. 115-16. 137n. 141--60 Goals and Obligations of Gerwani (1954) 153 Guided Democracy Gerwani and 212-19.224-5.242. 272-3 PKI and 104-5. 107-8 Sukamo and 102. 103--6. 132 women's movement under 125-9 Harian Rakyat (The People's Daily. HR) articles on family life 255-7 articles on love 248 and education 237 feminist issues and 261 first issue 26n and Kartini 270-1 and kodrat 261 Mak Opreng in 234-5 and Perwari 276n and PKI 10. 190n. 192-3. 194.225. 226n and prices 161 reporting on peace 222.239.257 reporting on WIDF 219--20.222 sexual division of labour and 261-4 and socialism 172. 209-11 and Sukamo 212-16; marriage 158-9.339-40 and West Irian 215-16.221-2.262 women intellectuals and 269 women's issues and 156-7. 186-7n. 206.249-51 women's role 242-3 Hatta. Mohanunad 89n.102 heiho (Auxiliary Forces) 60 Holst. Henriette Roland 50n. 230n. 236 IGO/H laws 274 independence Gerwaniand 264-71 pre-independence nationalism 56--61
Index independence - continued Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereniging (Indian Social and Democratic Organization, ISDV) 57 International Labour Organization (lLO) 45,274 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 105 Islam education for women 66-7,70-3 and Gerwani 27,250-2 and marriage reform 35-6,67,73--4, 77-9,114-15,119,124-5,253--4 nationalism and 57-61 organizations 57-61,65-79 santri 57, 60, 88-9n see also specific organizations Isteri Buruh Kareta Api (Union of Wives of Railway Workers) 148 Isteri Sedar 71,74-5,76-8, 141 Jalasenastri 85 Japanese occupation 54, 59-60, 74, 78, 81-2 Jong Islamieten Bond 75 Kalyanamitra 2,22,336-7,344 kampung 94n, 154, 155, 159, 193,208, 267 Kartini anti imperialism 220-1 Api Kartini on 270-1,278-9n early life of 62-3 and education for women 63--4, 338 Harian Rakyat on 270-1 lessons from life of 33, 35, 47-8, 264 letters of 49n, 52, 54, 63, 73, 90-1n marriage 51n,63,90n,262 nationalism of 56 on polygyny 49n, 194,268-71, 278n Kartowiyono, Suyatin 113-14, 116, 118, 121 Kaurn Muda (Islamic Reform Movement) 65 Kodrat Wanita (Women's Destiny) Api Kartini and 261 conservatism 45,46-7, 155,282 division of labour 99 Gerwani and 155, 180,218,233,241, 242,265,272--4,327 Harian Rakyat and 261 nature of women 22, 35 New Order and 22, 327, 343 noble women 34, 338-9
Srikandi 273, 282, 338-9 Subadra 130,241,242,265,273,282, 327,338-9 women's organizations 35,98-9, 343 Komite Penolong Buruh Perempuan Indonesia (Committee to Help Indonesian Women Workers) 79 Kongres Perempuan Indonesia (Indonesia Women's Congress, KPI) 78-9,81 Kowani (Kongres Wanita Indonesia, Indonesian Women's Congress, KWI) 2-3,14, 19,26n, 73, 74,85-6, 112-13,115-16,119-21,125-7, 130-1, 135n, 149,306,310-11,344 Kudus, Rohana 65 labour law 45,77,79, 94n, 120, 126, 134-5n, 185n,206-8 see also SOBSI land reform 11-12,99, 111, 126, 149-51, 177-8,207,214-15,227n, 277n, 278n Laskyar Wanita Indonesia (Laswi) 83, 95n Latief, Colonel 283, 285-6, 328n League of Nations International Conference on the Traffic in Women and Children in the Far East 76 Lekra (League of People's Culture) 182-3n, 247,253,287 Lenin and Leninism 10,42, 108, 195,270 literacy and illiteracy 11, 68, 73, 77, 82, 83, 86, 112, 113, 149, 152, 341 Lobang Buaya Gerwaniand 285,291-317,342-3 massacre at 282-91 monument at 320-5 Pemuda Rakyat and 283,286-7, 291-6,302-7,315,319 Madiun Revolt 1948 61, 101, 103, 107, 325n Madjoe Kemoelian (Progress and Honor) 66 Maharadja, Datoek Soetan 65 Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Sementara (People's Provisional Consultative Council, MPRS) 134n, 173,291-2,317-18 Mak Opreng 234-6,257-8,261-2 Malaka, Tan 57,58 Malaysia Bhayangkari and 129 Dwikora 104,172,174,179,215-16, 227n,259,263,311
Malaysia - continued Gerwaniand 178,218-19,222-3, 241-2,265-6 Harian Rakyat and 243 KWI and 126 PKI and 108 Sukarno and 104-5,217, 222, 328 training of volunteers 292-3 Mangoenkoesoemo, Mrs Sriati 33 Mangunkusumo, Tjipto 54 Mangunsarkoro, Mrs Sri 84-5 Manipol (Manifesto Politik) 103,161, 170, 173, 174, 177 Gerwani and 214-15,218,223,224-5, 235,237,238-9,255-61 Manipol Family 46,103-4,237,249,252, 255-61,263 Marhaenism 98, 101, 106, 134n marriage reform Committee on 114-15, 118, 157 elections and 102 Gerwani and 139-40, 153-4, 157-9, 163,179-80,252-5,269 Islam and 35-6,67,73,74,77-9, 113-15,119,124-5,253-4 Kartini and 63 KPI and 78-9 Law 112,114-16, 118, 124-6,252, 254 Perwari and 115-19,253 PKI and 196, 254-5 and rifts in women's movement 53, 115-18 Marto, Mrs 9-15 Marx, Karl 10,41,43, 227n Marxism 40-6, 57-8, 98, 106, 108, 179, 195,341-2 Masyumi (Majelis Syuro Muslim in Indonesia, Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslims) 61,67,85, 100,108,115,126,225,302 Melaniagilde (Organization of European and Indonesian Catholic Women) 67-8 Metty, Mrs Tris 142-3 Miss Indonesia Contest 120 Moluccans 171 monogamy 85,112,118,249,252-5 Muhammadiyah (Islamic Reform Movement) 19,57,66,67,71, 123, 310 Muslimat (Women's Branch of Masyumi and the NU) 67,85,86,119,126, 293,306
Nahdlatul Ulama (Council of Islamic Scholars, NU) 101, 103, 115, 126, 155,165,293,302,306,315 Nasakom concept 106, 125-8, 169,212, 213,225 Nasution, General 102, 282-3, 303-4 National Front 11, 14, 109-12, 126, 129, 133n, 149, 171,227n,292-3,310-12, 320 nationalism and the colonial order 52-3 and communist uprising 54 and feminism 46-8 Gerwani and 45-8 Islamic organizations 57-61 PKI and 58-61,98, 103, 108 pre-independence 56-61 pre-war 69-73 Sukarno and 52-3, 98 and women's movement 53,59,70-1, 74-6,130 Nazi Germany 39 Nederlandse Vrouwen Beweging (NVB, Dutch women's movement) 39-40, 96n New Order State 5-8,22,32,35-6,47, 327,341,343 see also Suharto Nicaragua 37 North Korea 223 Old Order Guided Democracy 102-6, 125-9, 132, 212-19,224-5,242,272-3 Marhaenism 98, 101, 106, 134n parliamentary democracy 100-3, 112-25 PKI in 98, 107-12 women's movement 32-3,97-132 see also Sukamo Ordinance on Registered Marriages (1937) 78-9 Origin of The Family, Private Property and The State, The (Engels 1884) 41, 50n, 68 Outer Islands 101-2, 171 Panca Dharma Wanita (Five Women's Duties) 35 pancacinta (five loves) 238-9 pancasila (five pillars) 56, 100, 107, 112, 121
Index Panitia Penghapusan Tanah Partikelir (Committee To End Private Landownership) 149 Papua 216 parliamentary democracy failure of 100-3 women's organizations during 112-25 Partai Buruh Indonesia (Indonesian Workers' Party) 84,89n Partai Komunis Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Party, PKI) 19,21,32, 39-40,44,54,55,58,60-1,68-9, 100-12, 281, 289-91, 330n and Gerwani 142, 144-6, 154 Gerwis and 17, 140 and Guided Democracy 104-5, 107-8 Harian Rakyat and 10, 19On, 192-3, 194,225,226n and Lobang Buaya 301-17 and marriage reform 196,254-5 and nationalism 58--61,98, 103, 108 pu~ch 30, 289-91, 311, 330n Partai Nasional Indonesia (National Indonesian Party, PNI) 12,21,55, 59,61,69-70, 89n, 100-2, Ill, 254-5,288,315 Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia (Indonesian Islamic League Party, PSII) 251, 255 Partai Sosialis Indonesia (Indonesian Socialist Party, PSI) 55,101-3,108, 126,207 Partai Wanita Rakyat (Women's People's Party) 84-5, 101-2, 137n peace issues Api Kartini and 221-3 Gerwaniand 239-40 Harian Rakyat and 222, 239, 257 peasan~ 33-5, 53, 76, 111 Gerwani and 160-70 Gerwis and 148-52 Pekerja Perempuan Indonesia (Indonesian Working Women) 79 Pembela Tanah Air (Protectors of the Fatherland, Peta) 60 Pemuda Putri Indonesia (Indonesian Young Women, PPJ) 85, 119, 182n Pemuda Rakyat (People's Youth, PR) 12, 155,23On creation of 108 and cultural imperialism 243-4 killings at Lobang Buaya 283,286-7, 291--6,302-7,315,319
Pemuda Sosialis Indonesia (Indonesian Socialist Youth, Pesindo) 55 penghulu (Islamic officials) 72-3 People's Council 54,76,80-1 Perhimpunan Peladjar Perguruan Rakyat (Federation of Teachers of People's Schools, PPGJ) 72 Perikatan Perempoean Indonesia (Federation of Indonesian Women) 74,93n Perjuangan Putri Republik Indonesia 141 Perkumpulan Pemberanta San Perdagangan Peremepuan dan Anak-Anak (Association for the Abolition of Trade in Women and Children, P4A) 75--6 Persatuan Muslim Indonesia (Indonesian Muslim Union, Permi) 77-9,89n Persatuan Perkumpulan Isteri Indonesia (Union of Organizations of Indonesian Wives, PPII) 71,74-8 Persatuan Tarbijah Indonesia (Indonesian Union for the Improvement of Education, Perti) 119,251 Persatuan Wanita Indonesia (Federation of Indonesian Women, Perwin) 82, 148 Persatuan Wanita Kristen Indonesia (Union Of Christian Women, PWKI) 119 Persatuan Wanita Murba (Federation of Murba Women, Perwamu) 164-5 Persatuan Wanita Republik Indonesia (Women's Federation of the Indonesian Republic,-Perwari) establishment of 24-5n Harian Rakyat and 276n joins Kowani 85 leaders of 55, 113,312-13 marriage reform and 115-19,253 and National Front 293 and party politics 100, 127, 313 and polygyny 47 relations with Gerwani 14, 122, 127, 137n,165,276n,312-13,339-40 relations with Sukarno 47,212 and Sukarno's marriage 47, 116-19, 121-2,339-40 and women's emancipation 6 Persatuan Wanita Sedar 141 Persaudaraan Isteri Tentara (Sisterhood of the Wives of the Armed Forces, Persit) 85 Peru SOn
388 Peserikatan Komunis di Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Federation) 57 Poetri Hindia (Young Women of India) 56 Political Information Services (PIS) 54, 73 polygyny Aidit and 197-8 Bhayangkari and 125, 129 in colonial times 63,74,76 Gerwaniand 10,45,181,225,264 Islamic women's groups and 57 Kartini and 49n, 194, 268-70, 278n New Order and 341 pensions and 115, 148-9, 151,249, 253-4 Permi and 77 Perwari and 47 PNI and 69-70 PPI9 (Peraturan Pemerintah 19) 148-9, 151,249,253-4 Prawinegara, Syafruddin 56 prices Api Kartini on 187n, 218, 240 Gerwani and 161-2,176-7, 179, 217-18,240 Harian Rakyat and 161 Pringgodigdo, Suwarni 75, 77-8, 84 priyayi 53,62-3, 88n, 141, 154,200 prostitution 63,64, 75-fJ, 79, 85, 121-2, 152,233,247-9,264,269 PRRIIPermesta movement 102-3, 133n, 213-14,225,284 Pusat Tenaga Rakyat (Centre for People's Power - Putera) 81 Putri Budi Sedjati (Young Women with True Minds) 76 Putri Mardika (Independent Women) 65 putsch (1965) 30,289-91,311, 330n qur'an
rape 157,160,249-51,258,269,336-8 revolutionary emancipation 264-71 Rosenbergs 198, 227n Rukun Putri (Association of Indonesian Yonng Women) 141 Said, Rasuna 78 Sarnanhudi, H. 57 santri 57,60, 88-9n, 109
Sarekat Buruh Perkebunan Republik Indonesia (Union of Indonesian Plantation Workers, Sarbupri) 149 Sarekat Dagang Islam (Islamic Trade League) 57 Sarekat Islam (Islamic League, SI) 19, 54, 57-8,68 Sarekat Perempuan Islam Indonesia 66 Sarekat Rakyat (People's League) 58,68 sarinah (Sukarno 1947) 83,99, 130, 169, 214,269-71,315-16 Sarjono, Umi and cadres in Gerwani 165,167,272 chair of Gerwani 151-2, 156, 169-70, 179,181,200,218,222-3,234, 266,291-2 and children's rights 237-8 and citizenship law 188-9n and land reform 177-8, 278n and marriage reform 157-9, 163, 252-3,255,278n and PKI 198-200 Sartika, Dewi 57,63,64 Sekber Golkar 110, 129, 138n, 302-3, 308-9 selir 51 n, 278n Serikat Perempuan (Islamic Yonng Women's League) 66 sexual division of labour 45, 99, 261-4 Singapore 105, 133n, 134n Siti Fatimah 66 Sneevliet, Henk 57-8, 64 SOBSI (Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia (All Indonesia Labour Unions Federation» 11, 21, 26n, 108-9,153,203,204-8,228n,229n, 23On,251,287,292,294, 299, 319 socialism Api Kartini on 164, 172, 189n, 210-11 Gerwaniand 44-8,160,164,173,192, 193-4,208-9,214-15,265-7 Harian Rakyat on 172,209-11 Soekaesih, Raden 68-9, 93n Soenda Berita (Sunda News) 56 Soendari,Siti 56,63 Soenting Melajoe (Malay Ornament) 65 Soetji, Hati (Pure Heart) 66 Solidaritas Perempuan 2 Soviet Union 45, 111, 180,207,210,220, 222,223,227n,240-1,247-8,254, 255--6 Sri Lanka 61 Sri Sumarah (Umar Kayam 1980) 34, 84
Index Srikandi 30,34,71,99,130, 180, 192, 224,230,242,270,273,282,327, 338-9,341 Subandrio, Mrs 126,128,169, 187n, 189n,311 Sudisman 194--6, 289 Suharti 151,180, 182n, 196,200,234, 271,277n Suharto, General bans PKI 317-18 bloody origins of 281-91 campaign after events of 1965 5,32-3, 280--1 and Gerwani 48, 306, 308-27 resignation 336 takes over as president 317-20 Sukarno, President Api Kartini on 214--16 becomes president (1945) 54--6 exiled (1933) 59 forms PKI 59 Gerwani and 11-12, 160, 164, 166, 169-73,180,181,189-93,212-19, 224--5,340--3 and guided democracy 102--{j, 132 HarianRakyaton 212-16 illness 8, 328n interned 54 and Islam 70 and Japanese rule 60 marriage to Hartini 116--18, 121-2, 125, 126, 131, 136n, 158, 169,212, 338-40 and nationalism 52-3, 98 overthrown 280--91, 317-18 and parliamentary democracy 100-1 Perwari and 47,121-2,212,339-40 and women's issues 7-8,32-3,47,61, 70--1,73,75,83,106,116 Sukarno, Magewati 344 Sulawesi 102, 133n, 182n, 251 Sumatra 55, 89n, 102, 149-50,255 Sumbadra 30, 34, 130, 140, 180, 242, 265,273,274,282,327,338-9,341 Syahir, Sutan 53, 55, 59, 60, 65, 82 Syam 283--{j,328n Syarifuddin, Amir 55, 60, 72, 82, 86, 89n ta'lik-al-talak 73 Taman Siswa (Garden of Destiny) 71-2 TAVIP 127,179, 189n Tirto Adhi Soerjo 56--7,61
Tjan, Harry 302 Toezicht Ordonnantie (Ordinance Of Surveillance) 71 Trikora 104, 120, 129, 173-4, 177, 215-16,277n Trimurti, Mrs 78,86, 89n, 111, 131, 142, 146--7, 151, 186n,234--6 Triple A movement 81 Ullfah, Maria 77-9,80,86,95, 113, 119-21,126,131, 135n, 136n United Nations 55, 86, 104--5, 134n, 216, 266, 277n, 282,328n United States of America 3, 24n, 38-9, 61,86, 89n, 104, 105, 172, 179,200, 217,220,222,235-6,258 cultural imperialism 243--7 Vietnam 3, 207, 263, 343 Vigilance Corps 60 wages, equality in 45, 63, 64, 77, 112, 113, 134--5n, 206--8, 264 Wahid, President 3, 4, 344-5 Wanita Katolik 19,67-8,85, 114, 122-8, 127-8,131,313 Wanita Madura 141 Wanita Negara Indonesia (Women of the Indonesian State, Wani) 84 Wanita Taman Siswa (Women of the Garden of Destiny) 71, 85 wayang 30,99,106,338-9 West Guinea 134n West Irian Api Kartini on 173-4 army and 102 Dutch and 104--5 Gerwani and 131, 159--{j0, 164, 169, 170, 171, 217-19,221-2,228n, 242,266 Harian Rakyat on 215-16,221-2, 262 Islamic organizations and 245 national Front and 109-10 PKI and 108 Trikora 104, 120, 129, 173-4, 177, 215-16,277n UN and 134n Westerling, Captain Raymond 'Turk' 182n Wild Schools 59,71-3, 182n Women's Democratic Organization (Somali) 48n
390 Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) Gerwani and 40, 120, 153, 163-4, 166-7, 212-13,219-23, 228n, 230-1n, 239-40, 276n Gerwis and ll2 Harian Rakyat on 219-20, 222 Kowani and 85-6 Women's suffrage 64,79-81
Index Yani, General 102,282-4, 3ll, 333n Youth Congress 59 Youth Corps 60 Youth Oath 59 Zeehandelaar, Stella 63, 65 Zetkin, Clara 42, 5On, 144-5,210-11, 222, 229-30n, 242, 264, 269, 270-1, 342