Letter No. Company’s Name Stock Code Subject
SB-021/CSL-LN/LKT/III/17 PT Link Net Tbk LINK Submission of Annual Financial Statements
Herewith the Company announce the Financial Statements for the Year and Month ended 31/12/2016 with the following overview:
Information about the Company’s subsidiaries as follows:
PT First Media Televisi
Business Location Commercial Operation Total Unit Currency Percentage Activities Year Status Assets (%) Subscribed Jakarta 2011 28.534 MILLION IDR 99.99 Broadcasting
This document is an official document of PT Link Net Tbk which does not require any signature due to electronically generated by the electronic reporting system. PT Link Net Tbk takes full responsibility for the information contained in this document.
[1000000] General information Informasi umum
General information 31 December 2016
Nama entitas Penjelasan perubahan nama dari akhir periode laporan sebelumnya Kode entitas Nomor identifikasi entitas Industri utama entitas Sektor Subsektor
PT Link Net Tbk.
Entity name Explanation of change in name from the end of the preceding reporting period Entity code Entity identification number Entity main industry Sector Subsector
LINK AA685 Umum / General 9. Trade, Services & Investment 95. Advertising, Printing And Media Informasi pemegang saham pengendali National and Foreign Corporation Controlling shareholder information Jenis entitas Local Company - Indonesia Type of entity Jurisdiction Jenis efek yang dicatatkan Saham / Stock Type of listed securities Jenis papan perdagangan tempat Utama / Main Type of board on which the entity is entitas tercatat listed Apakah merupakan laporan keuangan Entitas grup / Group entity Whether the financial statements are of satu entitas atau suatu kelompok entitas an individual entity or a group of entities Periode penyampaian laporan Tahunan / Annual Period of financial statements keuangan submissions Tanggal awal periode berjalan January 01, 2016 Current period start date Tanggal akhir periode berjalan December 31, 2016 Current period end date Tanggal akhir tahun sebelumnya December 31, 2015 Prior year end date Tanggal awal periode sebelumnya January 01, 2015 Prior period start date Tanggal akhir periode sebelumnya December 31, 2015 Prior period end date Mata uang pelaporan Rupiah / IDR Description of presentation currency Kurs konversi pada tanggal pelaporan 13,436 Conversion rate at reporting date if jika mata uang penyajian selain rupiah presentation currency is other than rupiah Pembulatan yang digunakan dalam Jutaan / In Million Level of rounding used in financial penyajian jumlah dalam laporan statements keuangan Jenis laporan atas laporan keuangan Diaudit / Audited Type of report on financial statements Jenis opini auditor Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian / Type of auditor's opinion Unqualified Hal yang diungkapkan dalam paragraf Matters disclosed in emphasis-of-matter pendapat untuk penekanan atas suatu or other-matter paragraph, if any masalah atau paragraf penjelasan lainnya, jika ada Hasil penugasan review Result of review engagement Tanggal laporan audit atau hasil laporan March 16, 2017 Date of auditor's opinion or result of review review report Auditor tahun berjalan Aryanto, Amir Jusuf, Mawar & Current year auditor Saptoto Nama partner audit tahun berjalan Tjun Tjun Name of current year audit signing partner Lama tahun penugasan partner yang Number of years served as audit signing menandatangani partner Auditor tahun sebelumnya Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Prior year auditor Mawar & Rekan Nama partner audit tahun sebelumnya Didik Wahyudiyanto Name of prior year audit signing partner Kepatuhan terhadap pemenuhan Ya / Yes Whether in compliance with BAPEPAM peraturan BAPEPAM LK VIII G 11 LK VIII G 11 rules concerning tentang tanggung jawab direksi atas responsibilities of board of directors on laporan keuangan financial statements
Kepatuhan terhadap pemenuhan peraturan BAPEPAM LK VIII A dua tentang independensi akuntan yang memberikan jasa audit di pasar modal
Ya / Yes
Whether in compliance with BAPEPAM LK VIII A two rules concerning independence of accountant providing audit services in capital market
[1210000] Statement of financial position presented using current and non-current - General Industry Laporan posisi keuangan
Statement of financial position 31 December 2016
Aset Aset lancar Kas dan setara kas Piutang usaha Piutang usaha pihak ketiga Piutang usaha pihak berelasi Biaya dibayar dimuka lancar Aset non-keuangan lancar lainnya Jumlah aset lancar Aset tidak lancar Piutang tidak lancar lainnya Piutang tidak lancar lainnya pihak berelasi Uang muka tidak lancar Uang muka tidak lancar lainnya Biaya dibayar dimuka tidak lancar Aset pajak tangguhan Aset tetap Goodwill Aset takberwujud selain goodwill Aset tidak lancar non-keuangan lainnya Jumlah aset tidak lancar Jumlah aset Liabilitas dan ekuitas Liabilitas Liabilitas jangka pendek Utang usaha Utang usaha pihak ketiga Utang usaha pihak berelasi Utang lainnya Utang lainnya pihak ketiga Utang lainnya pihak berelasi Beban akrual jangka pendek Liabilitas imbalan pasca
31 December 2015
41,809 95,533 36,569 3,807,397 7,345 65,469 89,907 4,147,883 5,055,036
196,445 36,492
407,624 34,914
Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade receivables Trade receivables third parties Trade receivables related parties Current prepaid expenses
137 Other current non-financial assets 604,784 Total current assets Non-current assets Other non-current receivables 1,341 Other non-current receivables related parties Non-current advances 36,507 Other non-current advances 102,600 Non-current prepaid expenses 37,404 Deferred tax assets 3,492,811 Property, plant and equipment 9,465 Goodwill 57,337 Intangible assets other than goodwill 95,867 Other non-current non-financial assets 3,833,332 Total non-current assets 4,438,116 Total assets Liabilities and equity Liabilities Current liabilities Trade payables 167,800 Trade payables third parties 9,404 Trade payables related parties Other payables 688 Other payables third parties 581 Other payables related parties 287,793 Current accrued expenses 22,385 Short-term
kerja jangka pendek Utang pajak Pendapatan diterima dimuka jangka pendek Liabilitas jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun Liabilitas jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun atas pinjaman beragunan Liabilitas jangka panjang yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun atas liabilitas sewa pembiayaan Liabilitas non-keuangan jangka pendek lainnya Jumlah liabilitas jangka pendek Liabilitas jangka panjang Liabilitas jangka panjang setelah dikurangi bagian yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun Liabilitas jangka panjang atas pinjaman beragunan Liabilitas jangka panjang atas liabilitas sewa pembiayaan Kewajiban imbalan pasca kerja jangka panjang Liabilitas non-keuangan jangka panjang Jumlah liabilitas jangka panjang Jumlah liabilitas Ekuitas Ekuitas yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk Saham biasa Tambahan modal disetor Saham tresuri Saldo laba (akumulasi kerugian) Saldo laba yang belum ditentukan penggunaannya Jumlah ekuitas yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk Kepentingan non-pengendali
post-employment benefit obligations Taxes payable Current unearned revenue Current maturities of long-term liabilities
61,051 61,185
26,917 62,428
69,832 Current maturities of secured loans
Current maturities of finance lease liabilities
3,673 850,763
Other current non-financial liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term liabilities net of current maturities
Long-term secured loans Long-term finance lease liabilities
8,135 241,193
304,265 1,431,054
304,265 1,431,054
( 386,228 )
Long-term post-employment benefit obligations Other non-current non-financial liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Equity Equity attributable to equity owners of parent entity Common stocks Additional paid-in capital Treasury stocks Retained earnings (deficit) Unappropriated retained earnings
3,667,175 Total equity attributable to equity owners of parent entity 148 Non-controlling interests
Jumlah ekuitas Jumlah liabilitas dan ekuitas
3,963,080 5,055,036
3,667,323 4,438,116
Total equity Total liabilities and equity
[1311000] Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, OCI components presented net of tax, by function - General Industry Laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 31 December 2016
Penjualan dan pendapatan usaha Beban pokok penjualan dan pendapatan Jumlah laba bruto Beban penjualan Beban umum dan administrasi Pendapatan keuangan Beban keuangan Bagian atas laba (rugi) entitas asosiasi yang dicatat dengan menggunakan metode ekuitas Pendapatan lainnya Beban lainnya Jumlah laba (rugi) sebelum pajak penghasilan Pendapatan (beban) pajak Jumlah laba (rugi) dari operasi yang dilanjutkan Jumlah laba (rugi) Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya, setelah pajak Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya yang tidak akan direklasifikasi ke laba rugi, setelah pajak Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya atas pengukuran kembali kewajiban manfaat pasti, setelah pajak Jumlah pendapatan komprehensif lainnya yang tidak akan direklasifikasi ke laba rugi, setelah pajak Jumlah pendapatan komprehensif lainnya, setelah pajak Jumlah laba rugi komprehensif Laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan Laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan ke entitas induk Laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan ke kepentingan non-pengendali Laba rugi komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan Laba rugi komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan ke entitas
31 December 2015
2,954,161 ( 637,174 )
2,564,315 ( 569,879 )
2,316,987 ( 183,359 ) ( 1,017,924 )
1,994,436 ( 169,549 ) ( 889,473 )
12,969 ( 45,657 )
Sales and revenue Cost of sales and revenue
Total gross profit Selling expenses General and administrative expenses 15,492 Finance income ( 72,984 ) Finance costs ( 20,867 ) Share of profit (loss) of associates accounted for using equity method
Other income Other expenses Total profit (loss) before tax
( 654 ) 856,401
( 270,499 ) 818,564
( 216,729 ) 639,672
( 8,640 )
( 6,413 )
( 8,640 )
( 6,413 )
( 8,640 )
( 6,413 )
Total comprehensive income Profit (loss) attributable to
Profit (loss) attributable to parent entity Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests
Tax benefit (expenses) Total profit (loss) from continuing operations Total profit (loss) Other comprehensive income, after tax Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, after tax Other comprehensive income for remeasurement of defined benefit obligation, after tax Total other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, after tax Total other comprehensive income, after tax
Comprehensive income attributable to Comprehensive income attributable to parent entity
induk Laba rugi komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan ke kepentingan non-pengendali Laba (rugi) per saham Laba per saham dasar diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk Laba (rugi) per saham dasar dari operasi yang dilanjutkan
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests Earnings (loss) per share Basic earnings per share attributable to equity owners of the parent entity 210 Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations
[1410000] Statement of changes in equity - General Industry - Current Year 31 December 2016 Laporan perubahan ekuitas
Posisi ekuitas Saldo awal periode sebelum penyajian kembali Posisi ekuitas, awal periode Laba (rugi) Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya Distribusi dividen kas Kenaikan (penurunan) ekuitas melalui transaksi saham tresuri Perubahan kepentingan non-pengendali atas pelepasan entitas anak Posisi ekuitas, akhir periode
Statement of changes in equity Saham biasa
Tambahan modal disetor
Saham tresuri
Saldo laba yang belum ditentukan penggunaannya
Common stocks
Additional paid-in capital
Treasury stocks
Unappropriated retained earnings
Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan kepada entitas induk Equity attributable to parent entity
Kepentingan non-pengendali
Non-controlling interests
818,563 ( 8,640 ) ( 127,791 )
818,563 ( 8,640 ) ( 127,791 ) ( 386,228 )
818,564 ( 8,640 ) ( 127,791 ) ( 386,228 )
( 148 )
( 148 )
( 386,228 )
( 386,228 )
Equity position Balance before restatement at beginning of period Equity position, beginning of the period Profit (loss) Other comprehensive income Distributions of cash dividends Increase (decrease) in equity through treasury stock transactions Changes in non-controlling interests due to disposal of subsidiaries Equity position, end of the period
[1410000] Statement of changes in equity - General Industry - Prior Year 31 December 2015 Laporan perubahan ekuitas
Posisi ekuitas Saldo awal periode sebelum penyajian kembali Posisi ekuitas, awal periode Laba (rugi) Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya Posisi ekuitas, akhir periode
Statement of changes in equity Saham biasa
Tambahan modal disetor
Saldo laba yang belum ditentukan penggunaannya
Common stocks
Additional paid-in capital
Unappropriated retained earnings
Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan kepada entitas induk Equity attributable to parent entity
Kepentingan non-pengendali
Non-controlling interests
639,525 ( 6,413 ) 3,667,175
639,525 ( 6,413 ) 1,931,856
639,672 ( 6,413 ) 3,667,323
Equity position Balance before restatement at beginning of period Equity position, beginning of the period Profit (loss) Other comprehensive income Equity position, end of the period
[1510000] Statement of cash flows, direct method - General Industry Laporan arus kas
Statement of cash flows 31 December 2016
31 December 2015
Arus kas dari aktivitas operasi Penerimaan kas dari aktivitas operasi Penerimaan dari pelanggan Pembayaran kas dari aktivitas operasi Pembayaran kepada pemasok atas barang dan jasa Pembayaran gaji dan tunjangan Kas diperoleh dari (digunakan untuk) operasi Penerimaan bunga dari aktivitas operasi Penerimaan pengembalian (pembayaran) pajak penghasilan dari aktivitas operasi Jumlah arus kas bersih yang diperoleh dari (digunakan untuk) aktivitas operasi Arus kas dari aktivitas investasi Penerimaan dari penjualan aset tetap Pembayaran untuk perolehan aset tetap Pembayaran untuk perolehan aset takberwujud Penerimaan dari pelepasan entitas anak Pembayaran untuk perolehan entitas anak Jumlah arus kas bersih yang diperoleh dari (digunakan untuk) aktivitas investasi Arus kas dari aktivitas pendanaan Penerimaan pinjaman beragunan Penerimaan dari penjualan (pembelian) saham tresuri Pembayaran dividen dari aktivitas pendanaan Pembayaran bunga dari aktivitas pendanaan Jumlah arus kas bersih yang diperoleh dari (digunakan untuk) aktivitas pendanaan Jumlah kenaikan (penurunan) bersih kas dan setara kas
( 801,384 )
( 766,621 )
( 268,149 )
( 280,770 )
1,791,158 12,969 ( 243,400 )
Payments for salaries and allowances 1,437,905 Cash generated from (used in) operations 14,885 Interests received from operating activities ( 271,099 ) Income taxes refunded (paid) from operating activities
149,643 ( 866,761 )
( 1,082,378 )
( 29,250 )
( 26,034 )
1,787 ( 19,215 ) ( 744,581 )
( 1,127,627 )
( 68,735 )
( 96,760 )
( 386,228 ) ( 127,791 ) ( 8,099 ) ( 590,853 )
Cash flows from operating activities Cash receipts from operating activities Receipts from customers Cash payments from operating activities Payments to suppliers for goods and services
Total net cash flows received from (used in) operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment Payments for acquisition of intangible assets Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries Payments for acquisition of subsidiaries Total net cash flows received from (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from secured loans
Proceeds from sales (purchases) of treasury stocks Dividends paid from financing activities ( 7,872 ) Interests paid from financing activities ( 104,632 ) Total net cash flows received from (used in) financing activities ( 50,568 ) Total net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Kas dan setara kas arus kas, awal periode Efek perubahan nilai kurs pada kas dan setara kas Kenaikan (penurunan) kas dan setara kas lainnya Kas dan setara kas arus kas, akhir periode
325,429 ( 2,092 ) ( 1,950 ) 546,680
Cash and cash equivalents cash flows, beginning of the period 8,610 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 8,729 Other increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 325,429 Cash and cash equivalents cash flows, end of the period