CLARIFICATION no. 1 Procurement procedure CEPOL/PR/OP/2016/005 – Support services to CEPOL communication activities Answers to questions sent by potential tenderers. Please note that CEPOL translated the questions submitted in Hungarian language. CEPOL gives the answers for the translated English version. Whether you feel your question was not answered correctly, please submit your question in English. No. Question Answer The Contract Notice document states that the due date for submission of proposals is 26 July 2016, but in the Tender 1
Specifications Document, Section B8, it’s stated that the due The deadline mentioned in the contract notice is applicable. Please note date for dispatching tenders is 20 July 2016. Could you please that the deadline will be modified. The date of the new deadline will be confirm which date we should take into consideration as published soon. submission deadline? The Technical proposal Form for Lot 1. Question 1 reads: "How will you proceed for the development of the website". Could you please specify which website does the question
refer to? (e.g. the present CEPOL website, a new and The present CEPOL website and all improvements, development, etc. improved website, or an hypothetical sample website)". related to it.
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No. Question Answer This same document, under section 1. 1 requests a description of proposed approach. 3
Could you please provide additional details on this approach? Should we cover contracting, technical, and / or
The proposed approach should entail all details on how the work shall be organised on the contractor’s side, but also with CEPOL.
methodological aspects? This same document, under section 1. 2 requests a description of the content of the proposal. 4
We understand this is an hypothetical proposal which can be summarized in its main guidelines, that is, we should not
Yes this question should entail the main guidelines for the work organisation, not a complete detailed proposal.
include a complete detailed proposal. The OJ notice indicates that the time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is the 26/07/2016, while the 5
Tender Specifications indicate in the Timetable, section B.8 that the deadline for dispatching tenders is the 20/07/2016.
Please read the answer for the Question 1.
Could you please confirm which date is correct? We would appreciate additional information on the web systems to be covered by the framework service contract(s) 6
The contract aims at providing support for CEPOL’s public website that for the provision of support services for CEPOL´s is currently based on a Drupal system. communication activities.
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No. Question Could you please detail?
The technical proposal form for Lot 1, question 2,7 reads: Please describe your approach to the maintenance and update of the component applications of e-Net throughout the duration of contract (security patches, bug fixes, updates). There is a mistake in that question: the question relates to CEPOL’s public website and not to e-Net. The amended Tender Specifications and the Tender Specifications, could you please confirm this Technical Proposal Form are published at: reference to the e-Net system is correct? If it is correct, could you please provide more information on We do not locate any other reference to the e-Net system in 7
the e-Net system and its relationship with the present CEPOL website? Will it be also covered under the framework contract? The technical proposal form for Lot 1 refers in several questions to section B.1.3a, "Main services". We have not located section B.1.3a in the Tender Specifications. If we take 8
There is a mistake in those questions: all requirements are stated in section B.1.5a as the list of main services, we do not locate the section B.1.5.a and not in section B.1.3.a. The amended Tender services "Support to CEPOL staff", "Reporting", "Physical Specifications and Technical Proposal Form are published at: environment", "Capacity Management" which are referenced in the Technical Proposal Form for lot 1. Could you please clarify?
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No. Question Financial Proposal Form for lot 1. There are two tables in the
form, one for unit prices, and another one for price simulation. 9
The financial proposals will be assessed and compared on the basis of We note that the items in both tables are different. Could you the price simulation scenarios submitted by the tenderers. please confirm if this is correct? If so, how will CEPOL compare the prices in the first table for different tenderers? No specific number of copies for Envelope A is detailed in the tender specifications.
Can we assume only one copy of the Administrative
documents needs to be provided? p17 Paragraph B.2.1 seems to be incomplete: Signature of the framework service contract imposes no obligation
It’s a mistake. The full sentence is: Signature of the framework service contract imposes no obligation on CEPOL to purchase any minimum quantity implementation of the framework contract through order forms is of supplies. Only implementation of the framework contract through order forms binding on CEPOL. The procedure of issuing order forms is is binding on CEPOL. The procedure of issuing order forms is described in described in section..... section B.1.2.a. The amended Tender Specifications are published at: on CEPOL to purchase any minimum quantity of supplies. Only
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No. Question Answer 2. Within Section B.7.1. Technical Evaluation (pages 31 - 34), there are repeated references to sections which cannot be found
Section B.1.3.a. “Main services” paragraph 3.1 “Support to 12
Section B.1.3.a. “Main services” paragraph 3.2. “Maintenance”
Please read the answer for the Question 8.
Section B.1.3.a. “Main services” paragraph 2.3 “Physical environment”
... etc Furthermore, an e-Net application is mentioned with no 13
description - whereas question 1 requests the development of a website for which also there is no description
Please read the answer for the Question 7. The contract aims at providing support for CEPOL’s public website that is currently based on a Drupal system; the requirements of the website are stated in section B.1.5.a.
What is the deadline for dispatching tenders? It is confusing because in the tender document there is 20 July 2016, besides this, on the website there is 14
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Please read the answer for the Question 1.
No. Question Answer The “Financial Offer” document is not clear. Can you please specify how should we submit our offer in case of the “Events management services”? Do we understand correctly, that the hourly rates for
1. Venues for large scale conferences and communication event contains also the venue rental costs not just the negotiation costs? 2. Technical equipment etc. also contains all the rental costs? Can you please specify if the conferences and events are in one plenary room or if it is possible that there will be several sections (all with different technical needs)? 3. Engaging speakers, jury members, masters of ceremonies, moderators and rapporteurs is not containing the moderator/jury etc. fee and travel & accomodation costs? 4. How can we count „Exhibition stands” in hourly rate, can you please specify? 5. Can you please specify the catering services? We cannot find any information on it in the documentation. Can you please inform us what kind of catering services do you need in the frame of the contract? 6. According to the financial proposal, we should give the catering price in an hourly rate. With how many guests should we count?
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1. There is no need to provide rental costs. The hourly rate shall not contain it. The amended Tender Specifications are published at: 2. The prices shall include all costs needed to supply the services, including rental costs. The conferences and events can take place in one plenary room and/or in several rooms with different technical needs. 3. Speaker’s fee, accommodation and travel costs shall not be included. Your offer must contain your hourly rate for support in finding and dealing with these speakers. 4. The hourly rates shall cover the costs to design, produce and deliver the exhibition stands and all other technical and additional equipment. 5. There is a mistake in this item. No hourly rates for catering services shall be provided. The amended Financial Proposal Form and the amended Tender Specifications are published at: 6. There is a mistake in this item. No hourly rates for catering services shall be provided. The amended Financial Proposal Form and the amended Tender Specifications are published at:
No. Question Answer Questions about price simulations: 1. Organisation of event with 30 participants and up to 10 speakers, taking place at CEPOL's premises in Budapest, 4 to 5 days (Can you please inform us if we should count with accommodation and travel costs for the participants and/or speakers, if there is a 1. Speaker’s fees, accommodation and travel costs shall not be speaker’s fee we have to pay, what kind of catering included. No hourly rates for catering services shall be provided. should we provide during the day?) Please read the answer for the Question 15.3 and 5. 2. Organisation of event with 90 to 200 participants and 2. Speaker’s fees, accommodation and travel costs shall not be up to 20 speakers, taking place at CEPOL's premises 16 included. No hourly rates for catering services shall be provided. in Budapest, 4 to 5 days (Can you please inform us if Please read the answer for the Question 15.3 and 5. we should count with accommodation and travel 3. No, the prices shall only include the costs of the interpreters costs for the participants and/or speakers, if there is a (person/day). speaker’s fee we have to pay, what kind of catering should we provide during the day?) 3. Simultaneous interpreting (excluding travel and subsistence) in EU official languages (Can you please inform us if we should provide both the equipment for the simultaneous interpretation and the interpreters?). Provision of venues for training sessions, seminars and working meetings 17
1. Kérem
rendezvényhelyszíneket a CEPOL biztosítja-e, vagy ha nem, akkor a terembérleti díjat hol kell feltüntetni? Továbbá, hogyha a rendezvényhelyszínt a CEPOL Page 7 of 38
1. Please read the answer for the Question 15.1. In case of external venue the successful tenderer must provide the technical equipment. The full list of the technical equipment will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer biztosítja, akkor milyen technikai feltételek adottak a helyszínen? (Pl. laptop, projektor,etc…) Please clarify: does CEPOL ensure the location of the events? If not, where does the rental fee of the conference room need to be stated? Whether CEPOL ensures the location of events, what kind of technical background is given (for example laptop, projector, etc.)? 2. Kérem
rendezvényeken kell-e cateringgel számolni? Illetve ezen cateringeket hol kell feltünteni? Továbbá catering-biztosítás esetén pontosan milyen típusú ellátással kell kalkulálni? (pl. kávészünet, állófogadás, etc…). Please clarify: are catering services covered in line with the events? Where do these catering services need to be stated? What kind of services can be expected under catering (for example coffee breaks, banquets, etc.)? Venues for large scale conferences and communication events (e.g. award ceremonies): research, book and rent communication 18
events’ venues, this includes the negotiation of preferential tariffs and booking options taking into account accessibility aspects.
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2. Please read the answer for the Question 15.5 and 6.
No. Question 1. Kérem
Answer 1. Please read the answer for the Question 15.1. In case of external venue the successful tenderer must provide the technical rendezvényhelyszíneket a CEPOL biztosítja-e, vagy equipment. The full list of the technical equipment will be ha nem, akkor a terembérleti díjat hol kell feltüntetni? specified in the Specific contract. Továbbá, hogyha a rendezvényhelyszínt a CEPOL tisztelt
biztosítja, akkor milyen technikai feltételek adottak a helyszínen? (Pl. laptop, projektor,etc…) Please clarify: does CEPOL ensure the location of the events? If not, where does the rental fee of the conference room need to be stated? Whether CEPOL ensures the location of events, what kind of technical background is given (for example laptop, projector, etc.)? 2. Kérem
rendezvényeken kell-e cateringgel számolni? Illetve ezen cateringeket hol kell feltünteni? Továbbá catering-biztosítás esetén pontosan milyen típusú ellátással kell kalkulálni? (pl. kávészünet, állófogadás, etc…). Please clarify: are catering services covered in line with the events? Where do these catering services need to be stated? What kind of services can be expected under catering (for example coffee breaks, banquets, etc.)?
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2. Please read the answer for the Question 15.5 and 6.
No. Question Answer Equipment and technical assistance: provide equipment such as lecterns, adequate size screens, data projectors (beamers), computers/laptops; adequate lighting; all audio-visual and sound amplification systems, stationary equipment and flipcharts; free WI-FI access for participants; web-streaming services; fixed and mobile microphones; on-call technical assistance; guarantee that the PCs will be provided with broadband Internet access, English keyboard menus, USB ports and office document management products such as Microsoft Office or equivalent installed, venue decoration. Ensure the possibility for inspection of site(s) on the day of set-up and a slot with all technical support staff involved for a check-up of all the technical installations. 19 1. Kérem
rendezvényhelyszíneket a CEPOL biztosítja-e, vagy ha nem, akkor a terembérleti díjat hol kell feltüntetni? Továbbá, hogyha a rendezvényhelyszínt a CEPOL biztosítja, akkor milyen technikai feltételek adottak a helyszínen? (Pl. laptop, projektor,etc…) Please clarify: does CEPOL ensure the location of the events? If not, where does the rental fee of the conference room need to be stated? Whether CEPOL ensures the location of events, what kind of technical background is given (for example laptop, projector, etc.)? Page 10 of 38
1. Please read the answer for the Question 15.1. In case of external venue the successful tenderer must provide the technical equipment. The full list of the technical equipment will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer 2. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy külső 2. The full list of the technical equipment will be specified in the Specific contract. rendezvényhelyszín, illetve a CEPOL területén tartandó
eszközökből pontosan hány darabra van szüksége (pl. pulpitus x darab, PC y darab, stb…) Please clarify in case of external location and in case of events at CEPOL HQ how many technical assets are required (for example PCs). 3. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy mekkora vetítővászonra
3. The full list of the technical equipment will be specified in the Specific contract.
projektor az elvárt? Kérem, pontosítsa, hogy mit ért helyszíni dekoráció alatt? Please clarify the size of the 'wall' when using a projector. What is the requested light level of the projector? Please describe in details what CEPOL understands under decoration.
Event promotion: provide and implement a media strategy that will ensure maximum visibility of the event vis-à-vis its key audiences including different means, such as internet, direct mailing, social media, placing banners, advertisement space in the media, through journalists, etc. 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy a média stratégia kidolgozása kinek a feladata? Amennyiben
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1. The successful tenderer is responsible to provide and implement the media strategy. Please indicate your hourly rate at Event promotion.
No. Question Answer az ajánlattevő feladata akkor azt a végső árazás formátumban hol kell feltüntetni? Please clarify who is responsible for working on the media strategy. If the tenderer is responsible for that, where does the pricing need to be stated in the Financial Proposal? 2. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy amennyiben médiavásárlásra van szükség, abban az esetben a vásárolni kívánt médiafelületeknek milyen paraméterekkel kell rendelkezniük (Televízió, vagy rádió, online média, vagy print média, TCR vagy kereskedelmi reklám, TV és rádió esetén elvárt hossz, online esetén elvárt karakterszám és időtartam, print esetén elvárt méret (pl. teljes oldal, negyed oldal, stb…), elvárt-e a színes, vagy elég fekete-fehér, illetve, hogy a megjelenés helye nemzetközi, országos, regionális, vagy helyi médium legyen-e? Please clarify if purchase of advertisement space is requested, what kind of parameters needs to have with regards to media platforms (television, radio, online media, printed media, TCR or commercial advertisement, expected lenght of commercials, expected number of characters in case of printed media, lenght of time, pages); does CEPOL expect coloured publication or black & white is enough; are international, national, regional or local media requested? Page 12 of 38
2. There is no need to provide advertisement space costs. Parameters will be specified in the Specific Contract.
No. Question 3. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy az esetlegesen szükséges médiamegjelenéseket (TVSpot, PR cikk, rádióspot, etc…) ajánlattevőnek kell-e legyártania, vagy azokat a CEPOL biztosítja? If advertisement space is requested (TV spot, PR article, radio spot...), does the tenderer need to produce the advertisement or does CEPOL ensure it?
Answer 3. The successful tenderer is responsible to produce it.
4. Please indicate your hourly rate at Event promotion.
4. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy az esetlegesen szükséges médiamegjelenések gyártását hol és milyen módon kell az ártáblázatban feltüntetni? In case of production of advertisement is requested – where does it need to be stated in the table of prices? Event website: provide support to the web team to create, host, manage and update a website dedicated to the event including online registration tools and provision of information on the event in one or several languages to be requested by the Contracting 21
Authority. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy a website készítése ajánlattevő feladata-e? Amennyiben igen, kérem tisztázza, hogy egy oldal elegendő-e valamennyi rendezvényhez, vagy minden rendezvény külön site-ot igényel-e? Továbbá legyen
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The successful tenderer is responsible for it. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer kedves megadni, hogy előreláthatóan hány nyelvre kell az oldalakat lefordítani? Is the tenderer responsible for creating the website? If yes please clarify if one page is enough for all events or separate sites need to be created for every unique event. Also, please give the number of languages for translation of sites. Conference material: provide support to the graphic design, production and delivery on-site of printed and promotional material (such as for example stands, roll ups, banners, invitations, posters, badges, name plates, programmes, conference kits and/or bags), provision of PowerPoint presentations in English, preparation of DVDs with a loop of existing videos; preparation of participants’ packs as well as and their assembling and delivery on-site in advance to the event. 22 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy itt csak grafikai tervezéssel kell kalkulálnunk, vagy gyártással is? Kérem tisztázza azt is, hogy miből hány darabot kell gyártatni, illetve milyen technikával kell logózni, hány színnel? Kérem pontosítsa, hogy a felsorolt termékekből terveztetni?
Kérem tisztázza, hogy a konferencia
csomagok gyártása kinek a feladata? Amennyiben Page 14 of 38
1. The successful tenderer must provide support to the graphic design, production and delivery on-site of printed and promotional material. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. 2. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer ajánlattevő feladatát képzi kérem pontosítsa, hogy miből hány darabot szeretne és milyen típusú logózást kér rá? Please clarify if only the planning of graphic design is needed under this point or the production as well. How many items can be produced from each kind of items, what kind of technique can be used for logos, and with how many colours? How many pieces of listed items can be planned? Who is responsible for production of conference packages? If the tenderer is responsible for it, please clarify the number of items and add the type of the logo. 2. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy miket kell szállítani; honnan hová; elegendő személyautó a szállításhoz vagy kisteherautóra esetleg teherautóra lesz szükség? Please clarify the subject of transportations, the direction (from where to where), and if a personal car is enough or if a van is required. Engaging speakers, jury members, masters of ceremonies, moderators and rapporteurs: support in finding and dealing with 23
high-level speakers, jury members, master of Ceremonies, moderators and rapporteurs to ensure the production of minutes, summaries and input/output papers of events and/or workshops.
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1. Please read the answer for the Question 15.3. 2. The successful tenderer responsible for that.
No. Question Answer 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy az előadók, beszélők, meghívottaknak tiszteletdíjjal vagy utazási hozzájárulással kell e kalkulálni? Amennyiben igen azt a végső árazás formátum mely sorában kell feltüntetni? Please clarify if presenters' and invited speakers' representation and travel fees may be calculated within the financial proposal. Where can it be stated? 2. Az előadók felkutatása/biztosítása a CEPOL, vagy ajánlattevő feladata? Who is responsible for finding and providing of speakers? CEPOL or the tenderer? Interactive
services/platforms such as for example blogs, discussion forums, internet chats, live surveys and polls, virtual conferences. 24
Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy ehhez a tételhez az webes hátteret ki biztosítja, illetve a honlap készítése kinek a feladata? Amennyiben ajánlattevő feladata, kérem tisztázza, hogy egy oldal elegendő-e valamennyi rendezvényhez, vagy minden rendezvény külön site-ot igényel-e? Továbbá legyen
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1. The successful tenderer responsible for that. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer kedves megadni, hogy előreláthatóan hány nyelvre kell az oldalakat lefordítani? Who ensures the background of the web; who is responsible for production of webpages?
If it’s the
tenderer’s duty please clarify if one page is enough for all events or separate sites need to be created for every unique event. Also, please give the number of languages for translation of sites. Networking among participants: suggest and develop creative and innovative solutions to enhance the event participants’ networking experience (e.g. mobile web app for the event, interactive badges, interactive voting systems, etc.). Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy pontosan milyen 25
interaktív elemekre van szüksége, illetve hogy azokat kinek a The successful tenderer responsible for that. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. The equivalence principle is feladata elkészíteni? Amennyiben ajánlattevőé a saját ensured by every tenderer giving an hourly rate for the same service. szakmai ajánlata alapján, kérem tisztázza, hogy az árazás tábla esetén hogyan biztosított az egyenértékűség elve? Please clarify what kind of interactive elements are required, and who is responsible for creating them? If the tenderer is responsible for those based on the technical
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No. Question Answer proposal, please clarify how the equivalence principle is ensured by using the table of financial proposal. Participants management: ensure the management and followup of speakers and participants, covering all tasks related to the registration of participants (e.g. setting up on-line registration form or creating registration websites as well as dedicated and secured sections of the event website used as online forums for speakers, moderators, jury members etc. with possibility to upload documents for the relevant workshop and downloadable by all participants, event e-mail address, mailing or e-mailing personalised invitations, reminders and/or confirmations, relations with participants, 26
practical information, phone calls, copies, answering questions from The successful tenderer responsible for that. Please indicate your hourly rate at Participants management. The full list of requirements will be participants, establishment of list of invitees, final attendance list); specified in the Specific contract. production of participants badges and speakers name plates. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza a rendezvényhez szükséges eszközök gyártása, szállítása és üzemeltetése (pl. badgek, regisztrációs weboldal, stb...) kinek a feladata? Amennyiben ajánlattevőé, kérem tisztázni szíveskedjen, hogy azokat az árazás táblázat mely pontjában és milyen módon szükséges feltüntetni? Kérem, hasonlóképppen eljárni a beszélők, hostessek, egyéb személyzet esetében is.
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No. Question Answer Who is responsible for producing, transporting and operating the items for the events (badges, registration webpage etc.)? If the tenderer, please give where and how it can be stated in the Financial Proposal. Please also clarify this question in case of speakers, hostess staff and other staff.
Welcome/registration desk: provide on-site hostesses/stewards proficient in English. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy az ártáblázatban a hostess/stewards egy főre eső óradíját kell feltüntetni vagy Hourly rate for 1 hostess/steward. összesen az adott rendezvényre szükséges létszámra vetítve? Please clarify if the hourly fee for one hostess/steward or the total fee of all hostesses/stewards needs to be stated. Transport and storage: ensure transport and storage of material, equipment and documentation to and from the event venue, including packing, unpacking, setting up of publications on shelves before the event and repacking after the event. Possibility to store
material on-site in advance of the event. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy miket kell szállítani; honnan hová; elegendő személyautó a szállításhoz vagy kisteherautóra, esetleg teherautóra lesz szükség?
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The successful tenderer responsible for that. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer Továbbá tisztázni szíveskedjen, hogy a rendezvények között a szükséges eszközöket kinek a feladata tárolni? Please clarify what kind of items can be delivered, from where to where, with a personal car or with a van and who is responsible for the storage between the events. Webinars: provide support for the organisation of webinars, including expertise and technical solutions to reach the target audience. 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy a web szemináriumhoz szükséges eszközöket kinek a feladata biztosítani? Amennyiben az ajánlattevő feladata, kérem megjelölni a pontos helyszíneket és időpontokat? Amennyiben az ajánlattevő feladata, 29
akkor azt végső árazás forma mely sorában kell árazni? Who is responsible for ensuring the assets of webseminars? If the tenderer – please give the locations and dates. If CEPOL – please give where it can be stated in the financial proposal. 2. Kérem
magában, vagy csak egy előadás videostream-jét? Page 20 of 38
1. The successful tenderer responsible for that. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. Please indicate your hourly rate at Webinars. 2. It can contain interactive elements, such as chat. 3. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Is the
Answer web
communication (for example chat) or does it include only the video stream of the seminar? 3. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy a célcsoport pontosan kiket foglal magában? Amennyiben a CEPOL-t nem ismerő (pl. 18-25 év közötti civil fiatalok) célcsoportról van szó, úgy szükséges-e a webinárium bármilyen promóciója? Amennyiben igen, akkor kérjük tisztázni, hogy milyen felületen, milyen
időtartamban szükséges? What is the target group of audience? If the group does not know CEPOL (for example a group of 18-25 year-old young citizens), is any promotion of webinar required? If yes, please give the platform of promotion, the technical parameters and the length. Exhibition stands: design, produce, deliver (including assembling and dismantling) and store fixed stands (new ones or adaptation of existing ones) or mobile pop-up stands, beach flags and banners; provision of technical equipment (e.g. lighting, computers, etc.) as 30
well as additional equipment (reception desks, stools, tables, chairs, cupboards, etc.). 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy itt csak grafikai tervezéssel kell kalkulálnunk, vagy gyártással
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1. Production as well. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. 2. The successful tenderer responsible for that. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer is? Kérem tisztázza azt is, hogy miből hány darabot kell gyártatni, illetve milyen technikával kell logózni, hány színnel? Kérem pontosítsa, hogy a felsorolt termékekből
terveztetni? Please clarify: is only the planning of graphic design requested or the production as well? Also please add the number of items, the technique of logo creation, and the number of colours in use. In addition please add the number of items. 2. Kérem
amennyiben a stand gyártása/átalakítása ajánlattevő feladata, annak mik a technikai paraméterei? (pl. méret, szőnyegezés, borítás, áramkiállások, stb…) If the tenderer is responsible for production of exhibition stands please clarify the technical parameters
features…) Signposting: design and produce adequate indoor and outdoor signposting to be used on the site of the event. 31
Production and delivery on site are also required. The full list of Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy itt csak grafikai requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. tervezéssel
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No. Question Answer kihelyezéssel is? Mekkora mérető táblával és hány fajtával és hány darabbal kell kalkulálni? Is only the planning of graphic design required or the production and placing as well? Please add the size of tables and the number and types of tables. On-site assistance: provide on-site assistance and information to the participants by means of multilingual hostesses/stewards able to manage and welcome visitors as well as respond to visitors' questions on the basis of briefings provided by the Contracting Authority; provide technical assistance on-site by qualified technicians, including the installation and maintenance of all the technical equipment (e.g. Internet connection, IT, audio-visual, interpretation booths, etc.) necessary for the event. 32
1. Kérem
különböző feladatú és szerepkörű alkalmazottakat miképpen és mely sorokban kell feltüntetni az árazás táblában? Óradíjuk ugyanis – eltérő képzettségük okán – nem azonos. Please clarify how can the price of assistants having different tasks and responsibilities be stated in the financial proposal, since their hourly fees are different based on their different qualifications? Page 23 of 38
1. Please provide an average hourly rate. 2. It refers to 1 person.
No. Question 2. Kérem
Answer tisztelt
ártáblázatban a személyzet egy főre eső óradíját kell feltüntetni vagy összesen az adott rendezvényre szükséges létszámra vetítve? Please clarify: does the hourly fee refer to one person or to the total number of assistants at the event? Press relations support: provide support to the organisation of invitations, press releases and other materials, follow-up of journalists,
journalists/audio-visual producers and report of the press coverage, including clippings and audience figures. 33
Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy a sajtóanyagok The successful tenderer is responsible for providing support to all tasks összeállítás ajánlattevő feladata-e, vagy csak a kiküldés és described in the Tender Specification, Section Press relations support. kapcsolattartás a sajtó képviselőivel? For what the tenderer is responsible for punctually: for the creation of press materials or only for the communication with contact persons? Participation in third party events: support the Contracting
Authority with the participation in events such as fairs and exhibitions organised by third parties; this includes supporting the Contracting Authority to identify high visibility events and
Page 24 of 38
1. The successful tenderer must provide logistical and technical coordination. The accommodation, entrance fee and travel costs are not required. 2. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
No. Question Answer providing support with the logistical and technical coordination, before, during and after the event. 1. Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy ezen tételnél csak a szóba jöhető események felkutatását szükséges-e óradíjban árazni, avagy az azokon való megjelenés teljeskörő biztosítását is, amely magában foglalhat helypénzt, belépőket, utazási hozzájárulást, dekorációt, szállást, stb-t…? Please clarify: is the tenderer only responsible for observing the possibilities of events in the hourly rate or does the tenderer ensure the participation on the events including the entrance fees, travel, decoration, hotels...? 2. Kérem
amennyiben a fentebbi kérdésre a válasz igen, úgy közöljék, hogy előre láthatóan mely rendezvényekkel kell kalkulálni? If the answer is yes for above, please add the events that can be expected.
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No. Question Answer Event proceedings: draft and compile proceedings on digital support including all available information and documentation: presentations, visual, produced material, etc. in English. Kérem
elhangzott/bemutatott 35
módon/adathordozón, hány példányban szükséges, és azokat The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. tárolni kell-e? How the visual/vocal materials of events can be collected and digitalized? How many copies are required? Are those required to be stored? Follow-up of the event: disseminate proceedings, results, speeches and presentations, and ensure media monitoring (follow-up of the event in newspapers, magazines, online media, television etc.) in case of event associated to a media campaign.
Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy nemzetközi, vagy
The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
csak országos médiafigyelésre van-e szükség? Are international or domestic media required?
Small-scale media events: provide support to the organisation of The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract. small scale media events, such as press conferences and press Catering is not subject to this procedure.
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No. Question Answer breakfasts or other events at European or national level (through the contractors’ network of correspondents). Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy hol kell a rendezvényeket megszervezni, mikor és hány fő számára? Kell-e, és milyen típusú cateringel szükséges számolnunk az árazás során? A végső árazás melysorában kell feltüntetni? Please clarify – where and when the events can be organized? For how many participants? What kind of catering is required? Interpretation
consecutive interpretation from/to various languages (including non-EU official languages). Kérem tisztelt ajánlatkérőt tisztázza, hogy az ártáblázatban 38
miként lehet feltüntetni az eltérő nyelvű tolmácsok óradíjai Please provide an average hourly rate for interpretation services. közti különbséget? How the different languages of interpretation services can be stated in the Financial Proposal? Organisation of event with 30 participants and up to 10 speakers,
taking place at CEPOL's premises in Budapest, 4 to 5 days
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No. Question Answer 1. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy cateringgel 1. Catering is not subject to this procedure. kell-e kalkulálnunk az árazás során? Amennyiben igen, az milyen típusú legyen, és hány alkalmat öleljen fel. Please clarify if we have to calculate with catering in the financial proposal. If yes, what type and how many events shall we calculate? 2. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy milyen technikai eszközökkel és bútorzattal kell kalkulálni?
2. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
Please clarify: what kind of technical equipment and furniture do we have to calculate? 3. Kérjük
meghívottak számára szállás biztosítása szükséges-e,
3. The tenderer shall not count with the accommodation costs.
és ha igen, akkor milyen paraméterekkel? (egy ágyas, két ágyas, hotel besorolása, ellátás, stb...). Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the accommodation for the participants? What kind of 4. The tenderer shall not count with the transportation costs.
accommodation? 4. Kérjük
résztvevők szállítására van-e szükség? Ha igen, akkor milyen címek között és hány alkalommal? Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the transportation of the participants?
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No. Question Answer 5. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy a beszélők 5. No. tiszteletdíja, utazás-, és szállásköltsége ajánlattevőt terheli-e? Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the remuneration, the fees of the transportation and the accommodation? 6. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy hostess-ek
6. Yes.
és moderator biztosítása elvárt-e? Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the insurance of the hostesses and the moderators? 7. Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy szükség van-e szóróajándékok,
és/vagy Tisztelt
Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy ezek költségét hol kell feltünteni? Továbbá pontosítsák ezek paramétereit és darabszámát. Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the cost of the branded merchandise, souvenirs, exhibition installation
manufacture? If so, please clarify: where do these costs need to be indicated?
parameters and the quantity. Page 29 of 38
7. The tenderer shall count with the costs of the Conference material as stated in the Tender Specifications.
No. Question
Organisation of event with 90 to 200 participants and up to 20 speakers, taking place at CEPOL's premises in Budapest, 4 to 5 days 1. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy cateringgel kell-e kalkulálnunk az árazás során? Amennyiben
1. Catering is not subject to this procedure.
igen, az milyen típusú legyen, és hány alkalmat öleljen fel. Please clarify if we have to calculate with catering in the financial proposal. If yes, what type and how many events shall we calculate? 2. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy milyen technikai eszközökkel és bútorzattal kell kalkulálni? 40
Please clarify: what kind of technical equipment and
2. The full list of requirements will be specified in the Specific contract.
furniture do we have to calculate? 3. Kérjük
meghívottak számára szállás biztosítása szükséges-e, és ha igen, akkor milyen paraméterekkel? (egy ágyas,
3. The tenderer shall not count with the accommodation costs.
két ágyas, hotel besorolása, ellátás, stb...). Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the accommodation for the participants? What kind of accommodation? 4. Kérjük
résztvevők szállítására van-e szükség? Ha igen, akkor milyen címek között és hány alkalommal? Page 30 of 38
4. The tenderer shall not count with the transportation costs.
No. Question Answer Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the transportation of the participants? 5. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy a beszélők tiszteletdíja, utazás-, és szállásköltsége ajánlattevőt
5. No.
terheli-e? Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the remuneration, the fees of the transportation and the accommodation? 6. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy hostess-ek és moderator biztosítása elvárt-e?
6. Yes.
Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the insurance of the hostesses and the moderators? 7. Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy szükség van-e szóróajándékok,
kiállítási és/vagy Tisztelt
Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy ezek költségét hol kell feltünteni? Továbbá pontosítsák ezek paramétereit és darabszámát. Please clarify: do we have to calculate with the cost of the branded merchandise, souvenirs, exhibition installation manufacture?
Page 31 of 38
7. The tenderer shall count with the costs of the Conference material as stated in the Tender Specifications.
No. Question Answer If so, please clarify: where do these costs need to be indicated?
parameters and the quantity. Management and follow-up of participants for an event up to 30 people
Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy milyen típusú The requirements are stated in the Tender Specifications, Section után követésre gondola? Szükséges-e a begyűjtött adatok Participants management, B.1.5.b. Lot II: Events management services. The successful tenderer shall analyse and provide the analysis of the data elemzése, vagy azokat feldolgozatlanul kell átadni? collected. Please clarify: what do you mean by follow up? Do we have to analyse the data collected, or just to transmit them? Management and follow-up of participants for an event up to 200 people
Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy milyen típusú The requirements are stated in the Tender Specifications, Section után követésre gondola? Szükséges-e a begyűjtött adatok Participants management, B.1.5.b. Lot II: Events management services. The successful tenderer shall analyse and provide the analysis of the data elemzése, vagy azokat feldolgozatlanul kell átadni? collected. Please clarify: what do you mean by follow up? Do we have to analyse the data collected, or just to transmit them?
Creation of event website in English
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The requirements are stated in the Tender Specifications, Section Event website, B.1.5.b. Lot II: Events management services.
No. Question Answer Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy a honlapnak milyen technikai paraméterekkel kell rendelkeznie, illetve milyen funkciókkal kell bírnia? Please clarify what kind of technical parameters we shall apply regarding the website and please specify the functions as well. Recording and transcribing debates 1. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy milyen formátumban és hány példányban szükséges az elkészült
adathordozók hol árazhatók a táblázatban? Please specify the type and the quantity of the 44
produced materials. Where can we indicate the price of the data medium? 2. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy a felvétel és a gépelés egyazon időben és helyszínen kell, hogy történjen-e? Please specify:
the recording and the
transcribing be at the same time and place? 45
Compilation of two-day event proceedings on digital support (including
Page 33 of 38
1. Tenderers shall indicate the daily price of the person who records and transcribes the debate. The tenderer shall not count with the price of the data medium. 2. Yes.
No. Question Answer presentations, programmes, photographs, visuals of the produced material, etc.) 1. Kérjük
1. This is not related to the production of the material. The Contracting Authority is required to provide the cost of the compilation of the material.
ajánlattevőnek további, a dokumentálást végző személyeket szükséges a rendezvényeken biztosítania (pl. fotós). Ebben az esetben a személyzet utazási és szállásköltségét
feltüntetnünk? Please clarify: will CEPOL ensure the requested materials or do we have to calculate with it? In this case how shall we calculate the transportation and accommodation fees? 2. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy vannak-e elvárt paraméterei a készítendő fotóknak? Please clarify: are there any specific parameters for the photos?
Conception and realisation of 1 exhibition stand (without platform 46
floor), including fitting out the stand (fixed/modular structures in wood/medium density fibre board/metal or other decorative panels),
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2. This is not related to the production of the material. The Contracting Authority is required to provide the cost of the compilation of the material.
No. Question Answer cabling general signage, cabling, flooring, lighting, panelling, 1. Please provide it without platform floor. document displays, shelving, storage space 1. Kérjük
ellentmondást, hogy kell-e padlózat a standra! Please clarify: do you need floor for the stand? 2. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza a stand méretét,
2. The tenderer has to provide the costs for conception and realisation of 1 exhibition stand. Please provide the cost of the size of 10*10. We don’t ask for delivery costs.
illetve, hogy hol és mikor szükséges biztosítani? Please clarify the size of the stand. When and where do you need it? 3. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza a stand méretét,
3. Please read the answer for Question 46.2.
illetve, hogy hol és mikor szükséges biztosítani? Please clarify the size of the stand. When and where do you need it? 4. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy szükség
4. The furniture is described in the item nr. 12. in the Price Simulation.
van-e bútorzatra, és ha igen, akkor milyen elemeket és mekkora számban szükséges tartalmaznia? Please clarify: do you need any furniture for it? If so, please add the type and the quantities. 5. Kérjük Tisztelt Ajánlatkérő tisztázza, hogy pontosan milyen kábelezésre van szüksége? (audio (xlr, rca, stb...),
erősáram/gyengeáram, stb...) Please clarify the type of the cables for audio (xlr, rca, etc...), video (vga, hdmi, etc...), AC/DC, etc...) Page 35 of 38
5. The tenderer has to provide standard audio, video and plugin cables.
No. Question Answer In the Contract Notice, Section IV.2.2, the Time limit for receipt of tenders is 26/07/2016. In the Tender Specifications, 47
Section B.8, deadline for dispatching tenders is 20 July 2016.
Please read the answer for Question 1.
Please could you clarify which is the correct deadline? In the Tender Specifications, Section B.2.1, it is written "CEPOL wishes to conclude a framework service contract with a single economic operator". In the Section B.1.5 of the 48
It’s a mistake in Section B.1.5. In each lot CEPOL wishes to conclude a same document it is written "The Contracting Authority framework service contract with a single economic operator. The wishes to enter into multiple framework service contracts in amended Tender Specifications are published at: cascade". Please, could you clarify if the contract is with a single economic operator or with more operators? With regards to the minimum staff requested in the Tender Specifications, Section B.6.2.2., Lot II (pg.29), which of the professional profiles indicated (project director or project
manager) should be the single point of contact for all CEPOL Project manager needs in respect of the Framework Contract requested under B.1.2.b. of the Tender Specifications? With regards to the Tender Specifications, Section B.2.1. Type
of Contract, the page n.17 is interrupted.
Page 36 of 38
Please read the answer for Question 11.
No. Question In the model "Reimbursement
Answer framework of
reimbursement of expenses is not applicable to this FWC. In 51
the section 11.22 "Reimbursements" it is written "the Section 11.22 is related to the General Condition. It is not applicable in contracting authority must reimburse expenses directly this contract regarding the Section 1.5.3 of the Special Condition. connected with provision of the services..." Please, could you clarify if any reimbursement is considered? In the tender documents you state the 20 as the date of dispatch.
2016:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0&act=nav, the Time limit for Please read the answer for Question 1 receipt of tenders or requests to participate states the Date: 26/07/2016 Which date is the correct one? With regards to the Financial Proposal, Services for Lot II, we would like to understand better what the prices should include: do they include only the management rate or the provision too?
The prices shall include all costs needed to supply the services including In this second case, there are some items that we can’t assess management and provision as it is stated in the Tender Specifications. Catering is not subject to this procedure. without receiving further technical details (such as number of participants for the venues and the technical equipment; number of meals and participants for catering services; exhibition's size for stands; distance to cover and kind of
Page 37 of 38
No. Question Answer package for transport and storage) and there are some items that is difficult to assess in hourly rate (catering services, exhibition stands, conference material, etc.) With regards to the Financial Proposal, Price Simulation Lot II, could you give further technical details about the 54
exhibition stand (item12)? We should need at least the 10*10. Please read the answer for Question 46.2. exhibition's size.
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