Zvyšování kvality výuky technických oborů Klíčová aktivita V.2
Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky směřující k rozvoji odborných kompetencí žáků středních škol Téma II.2.1
Reals of the English speaking countries and the Czech Republic Kapitola 21 Australia´s cities Mgr. Drahomíra Pólová
Obsah ÚVOD
1 AUSTRALIA´S CITIES .................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1
CANBERRA .................................................................................................................................... 2
SYDNEY ........................................................................................................................................ 4
MELBOURNE ................................................................................................................................. 5
BRISBANE ..................................................................................................................................... 5
TASK ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2 DOPORUČENÁ LITERATURA ......................................................................................................................... 7 3 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A ZDROJE .................................................................................................................. 8
Úvod Výukový materiál je primárně určen pro žáky 3. a 4. ročníků čtyřletých oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou (39-41-L/01 Autotronik, 33-42-M/01 Nábytkářská a dřevařská výroba, 23-45-M/01 Dopravní prostředky, 36-45-M/01 Technická zařízení budov, 39-41-L/002 Mechanik instalatérských a elektrotechnických zařízení budov) a 2. ročníků nástavbového studia (23-43-L/51 Provozní technika, 64-41-L/51 Podnikání), ale lze jej využít i při výuce nadanějších žáků v nižších ročnících uvedených oborů. V rámci seznámení se s problematikou reálií a života v anglicky mluvících zemí je výukový materiál vhodné použít jako podpůrný a doplňkový studijní materiál v předmětu Anglický jazyk. Jednotlivá témata korespondují s tématickými plány vypracovanými v souladu s ŠVP pro dané obory a vycházejí z požadavků RVP. Jazyková úroveň výukového materiálu je v souladu s požadavky úrovně Intermadiate - B1 (středně pokročilý) Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Výukový materiál se zabývá největšími městy Austrálie. Vzdělávací materiál zahrnuje souvislý text, jenž je souhrnným představením daného tématu. Součástí kapitoly je rovněž kontrolní cvičení.
1 Australia´s cities The cities in Australia have many characteristics that differ between themselves, however they have something in common, the security . Any big or small city, during the day or night, allows a person to walk the streets without any problems or worries. The cities have a very similar infrastructure, which is a reason to why Australians move from one city to another, in accordance with personal interests. Work is an important factor in the internal migration, Australians are always looking for opportunities, and easily move to where they can find them. Today one determined profession can be in demand in one city, and tomorrow be in demand in another.
1.1 Canberra Canberra, the national capital of Australia, is a unique destination where city style meets the beauty of the Australian bush. Canberra is just over three hours drive from Sydney, or less than seven from Melbourne, and is the seat of Australian government. The national capital is a young and modern city with a population of around 320,000 people. Today people from all over the world meet in Canberra – through the national parliament, universities and a vibrant diplomatic community. Canberra offers so much more than politics an eclectic mix of restaurants, wineries, shopping, entertainment, galleries, museums and world-class monuments and attractions – all within easy reach of accommodation. The name Canberra comes from the aboriginal word Kamberra which meant ‘meeting place’, either of rivers or of tribes from the surrounding areas. The Parliament House is located at the apex of the Parliament Triangle.
1.2 Sydney Sydney has more that 4 million inhabitants spread out over a large area. It is located in the state of New South Wales, and has a large concentration of migrants and international students. The most famous sights in Sydney are the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The Opera House has a roof that really impresses everyone. It is like a huge and complex Mosaic, made with white ceramic tiles cemented onto the top of the structure. It looks like a sailing boat. The history of the building is very interesting and long, full of controversy, nationalism, and intrigue. It was conceived and largely built by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, It took 14 years to finish and many times, construction was stopped and almost destroyed by opponents of the concept. Anyway, it became the biggest Australian symbol, after the kangaroo and it is famous worldwide. The architecture impresses from every angle you see it. From very near, from the top, from the other side of the bay, from the bridge, anywhere you go around Sydney Harbour, the Opera house can be seen, and it looks great. To the right of the Opera house, are the Botanical Gardens where you can observe beautiful flowers and plants, right beside the sea. Sydney Harbour Bridge is the world's largest (but not longest as thats the New River Gorge in the USA) steel arch bridge, and, in its beautiful harbour location, has become a renowned international symbol of Australia. Construction on the bridge began in December, 1926. The Harbour Bridge was officially opened on 19 March 1932.
1.3 Melbourne Melbourne is located in the state of Victoria. It is the second biggest city of Australia. Though smaller in population than Sydney, Melbourne is larger in area. Melbourne has about 4.5 million people and is continually growing due to its enormous job market. The city centre lies in perfect square blocks with tall, modern buildings where big companies and multinationals have their offices. Melbourne doesn't have mountains or any other immediately identifiable reference point, and because of that, it can present a boring and repetitive look. The Yarra River cuts the city into two halves - the eastern half is called Southbank, where you'll find many cafes and restaurants as well as the huge Crown Casino.
By the location on the maps, the first impression we have is that Brisbane is by the sea. The city was established about 15 km up the Brisbane river and the area near the mangroves was earth filled to accommodate industry and the International Airport. Brisbane today has almost 2 million inhabitants. Downtown is modern, with futuristic buildings sharing space with some old Victorian constructions. The Brisbane river in front of the center, shapes itself as an immense "S" connecting both sides of Brisbane via bridges. The river is accessed by cruise and cargo ships up to a certain point and after that by smaller vessels. Brisbane is the 5
third biggest city in Australia and it is only one hour away from the Gold Coast (South) and Sunshine Coast (North). These two places have the nearest surf beaches for Brisbanians.
1.5 Task Imagine that you and your friend have won a lot of money. You have decided to go to Australia. Try to prepare which cities and interesting places you would like to visit. Then discuss it with your friend.
2 Doporučená literatura 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.
3 Použitá literatura a zdroje 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.