Zvyšování kvality výuky technických oborů Klíčová aktivita V.2
Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky směřující k rozvoji odborných kompetencí žáků středních škol Téma II.2.1
Reals of the English speaking countries and the Czech Republic Kapitola 4 The UK - economy Mgr. Drahomíra Pólová
Obsah ÚVOD
1 THE UK - ECONOMY ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1
INDUSTRY ..................................................................................................................................... 2
AGRICULTURE ................................................................................................................................ 2
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 2
TRANSPORT ................................................................................................................................... 3
QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 3
2 DOPORUČENÁ LITERATURA ......................................................................................................................... 5 3 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A ZDROJE .................................................................................................................. 6
Úvod Výukový materiál je primárně určen pro žáky 3. a 4. ročníků čtyřletých oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou (39-41-L/01 Autotronik, 33-42-M/01 Nábytkářská a dřevařská výroba, 23-45-M/01 Dopravní prostředky, 36-45-M/01 Technická zařízení budov, 39-41-L/002 Mechanik instalatérských a elektrotechnických zařízení budov) a 2. ročníků nástavbového studia (23-43-L/51 Provozní technika, 64-41-L/51 Podnikání), ale lze jej využít i při výuce nadanějších žáků v nižších ročnících uvedených oborů. V rámci seznámení se s problematikou reálií a života v anglicky mluvících zemí je výukový materiál vhodné použít jako podpůrný a doplňkový studijní materiál v předmětu Anglický jazyk. Jednotlivá témata korespondují s tématickými plány vypracovanými v souladu s ŠVP pro dané obory a vycházejí z požadavků RVP. Jazyková úroveň výukového materiálu je v souladu s požadavky úrovně Intermadiate - B1 (středně pokročilý) Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Výukový materiál se zabývá ekonomikou Spojeného království, vědou a technikou a dopravou. Vzdělávací materiál zahrnuje souvislý text, jenž je souhrnným představením daného tématu. Součástí kapitoly je rovněž kontrolní cvičení.
1 The UK - economy Britain is a member of the European Community, an association of democratic states. The Community defines its aims as the harmonious development of economic activities, balanced economic expansion, and an accelerated rise in standards of living. Britain has an open economy in which international trade is with its Community partners. The UK has a partially regulated market economy. Based on market exchange rates the UK is today the sixth-largest economy in the world and the third-largest in Europe after Germany and France. HM Treasury, led by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, is responsible for developing and executing the British government's public finance policy and economic policy. The Bank of England is the UK's central bank and is responsible for issuing the nation's currency, the pound sterling.
1.1 Industry Britain is very rich in coal. Oil and natural gas have also been discovered, but other resources are less significant. Britain was the world´s first industrialized country. Its industry is highly developed. It comprises heavy and light engineering, electrical and electronical engineering, aeroengines, shipbuilding, chemical industry, consumer goods and textile industry, and fish processing factories. The north has always been assiciated with heavy industry, coalmining, iron, steel and textiles, but these are now declining and new industrie must be developed. The most important cities are Newcastle (in the north-east), Liverpool (north-west), Manchester, Leeds (Yorkshire) and Birmingham (in the area called Midlands). Scotland is famous for its whisky distilleries.
1.2 Agriculture Agricultural industry is highly efficient and productive in Britain. Although only 2.2 per cent of the working population work in agriculture and fishing, they feed nearly two-thirds of Britain´s inhabitants. Britain is also major exporter of food products, such as fresh salmon, Scotch whisky, biscuits, jams, beef, lam band cheese. Agricultural production includes cattle, poultry, wheat, barley and potatoes. Britain is one of the European Community´s leasing fishing nations.
1.3 Science and technology
England and Scotland were leading centers of the Scientific Revolution from the 17th century and the United Kingdom led the Industrial Revolution from the 18th century, and has continued to produce scientists and engineers credited with important advances. Major theorists from the 17th and 18th centuries include Isaac Newton, whose laws of motion and illumination of gravity have been seen as a keystone of modern science, from the 19th century Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution by natural selection was fundamental to the development of modern biology, and James Clerk Maxwell, who formulated classical electromagnetic theory, and more recently Stephen Hawking, who has advanced major theories in the fields of cosmology, quantum gravity and the investigation of black holes. Major scientific discoveries from the 18th century include hydrogen by Henry Cavendish, from the 20th century and penicillin by Alexander Fleming. Major engineering projects and applications by people from the UK in the 18th century include the steam locomotive, developed by Richard Trevithick and Andrew Vivian, from the 19th century the electric motor by Michael Faraday, the incandescent light bulb by Joseph Swan, and the first practical telephone, patented by Alexander Graham Bell, and in the 20th century the world's first working television system by John Logie Baird and others, the jet engine by Frank Whittle.
1.4 Transport A radial road network totals 29,145 miles (46,904 km) of main roads, 2,173 miles (3,497 km) of motorways and 213,750 miles (344,000 km) of paved roads. In 2009 there were a total of 34 million licensed vehicles in Great Britain. The National Rail network of 10,072 route miles (16,116 km) in Great Britain and 189 route miles (303 route km) in Northern Ireland carries over 18,000 passenger and 1,000 freight trains daily. Plans are now being considered to build new high-speed railway lines by 2025. In the year from October 2009 to September 2010 UK airports handled a total of 211.4 million passengers. In that period the three largest airports were London Heathrow Airport (65.6 million passengers), Gatwick Airport (31.5 million passengers) and London Stansted Airport (18.9 million passengers). London Heathrow Airport, located 15 miles (24 km) west of the capital, has the most international passenger traffic of any airport in the world.
1.5 Questions
What is the European Community?
What are the natural resources in the UK?
What are the main industries?
What food products does Britain export?¨
Name important scientists and engineers.
What is Alexander Fleming famous for? 3
Name three London airports.
2 Doporučená literatura 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.
3 Použitá literatura a zdroje 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.