Zvyšování kvality výuky technických oborů Klíčová aktivita V.2
Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky směřující k rozvoji odborných kompetencí žáků středních škol Téma II.2.1
Reals of the English speaking countries and the Czech Republic Kapitola 12 Political system in The USA Mgr. Drahomíra Pólová
Obsah ÚVOD
1 POLITICAL SYSTEM IN THE U.S.A. ................................................................................................................. 2 1.1
EXECUTIVE BRANCH ......................................................................................................................... 2
LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ....................................................................................................................... 3
JUDICIAL BRANCH ............................................................................................................................ 3
POLITICAL PARTIES .......................................................................................................................... 4
U.S. FLAG AND SYMBOL.................................................................................................................... 4
QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 5
2 DOPORUČENÁ LITERATURA ......................................................................................................................... 6 3 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A ZDROJE .................................................................................................................. 7
Úvod Výukový materiál je primárně určen pro žáky 3. a 4. ročníků čtyřletých oborů zakončených maturitní zkouškou (39-41-L/01 Autotronik, 33-42-M/01 Nábytkářská a dřevařská výroba, 23-45-M/01 Dopravní prostředky, 36-45-M/01 Technická zařízení budov, 39-41-L/002 Mechanik instalatérských a elektrotechnických zařízení budov) a 2. ročníků nástavbového studia (23-43-L/51 Provozní technika, 64-41-L/51 Podnikání), ale lze jej využít i při výuce nadanějších žáků v nižších ročnících uvedených oborů. V rámci seznámení se s problematikou reálií a života v anglicky mluvících zemí je výukový materiál vhodné použít jako podpůrný a doplňkový studijní materiál v předmětu Anglický jazyk. Jednotlivá témata korespondují s tématickými plány vypracovanými v souladu s ŠVP pro dané obory a vycházejí z požadavků RVP. Jazyková úroveň výukového materiálu je v souladu s požadavky úrovně Intermadiate - B1 (středně pokročilý) Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Výukový materiál podává výklad o politickém systému v USA, o politických stranách a symbolech. Vzdělávací materiál zahrnuje souvislý text, jenž je souhrnným představením daného tématu. Součástí kapitoly je rovněž kontrolní cvičení .
1 Political system in the U.S.A. The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district. The American system of government is based on the Constitution, one of the oldest in the world. American political system consists of three branches : legislative, executive, and judicial. These branches are connected and controlled by each other. It means that their power is limited.
1.1 Executive branch When the delegates to the Constitutional Convention created the executive branch of government, they gave the president a limited term of office to lead the government. This was very different from any form of government in Europe and caused much debate. The delegates were afraid of what too much power in the hands of one person might lead to. In the end, with a system of checks and balances included in the Constitution, a single president to manage the executive branch of government was adopted. The executive branch of the Government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. When George Washington was the president, people recognized that one person could not carry out the duties of the President without advice and assistance. The Vice President, department heads (Cabinet members), and heads of independent agencies assist in this capacity. Unlike the powers of the President, their responsibilities are not defined in the Constitution but each has special powers and functions. The President and the Vice-President are the only officials elected by the entire country. However, there are requirements for holding either of these positions. In order to be elected, one must be at least 35 years old. Also, each candidate must be a natural-born U.S. citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. As Head of State, the President meets with the leaders of other countries. He has the power to recognize those lands as official countries and to make treaties with them. However, the Senate must approve any treaty before it becomes official. The President also has the power to appoint ambassadors to other countries, with the Senate’s approval. The President is also the official head of the U.S. military. As Commander in Chief, he can authorize the use of troops overseas without declaring war. To declare war officially, though, he must get the approval of the Congress. The President’s administrative duties include appointing the heads of each Executive Branch department. Of course, these appointments are subject to the approval of the Senate. The 2
President also has the power to request the written opinion of the head of each Executive Branch department, regarding any subject relating to their department.
1.2 Legislative branch The Congress of the United States was created by Article I, Section 1, of the Constitution, adopted by the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787. The first Congress under the Constitution met on March 4, 1789, in the Federal Hall in New York City. The membership then consisted of 20 Senators and 59 Representatives. The Senate is composed of 100 Members, 2 from each State, who are elected to serve for a term of 6 years. Senators were originally chosen by the State legislatures. This procedure was changed by the 17th amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1913, which made the election of Senators a function of the people. There are three classes of Senators, and a new class is elected every 2 years. The House of Representatives comprises 435 Representatives. The number representing each State is determined by population, but every State is entitled to at least one Representative. Members are elected by the people for 2-year terms, all terms running for the same period. Both the Senators and the Representatives must be residents of the State from which they are chosen. In addition, a Senator must be at least 30 years of age and must have been a citizen of the United States for at least 9 years; a Representative must be at least 25 years of age and must have been a citizen for at least 7 years.
1.3 Judicial branch The third branch of the federal government, the judiciary, consists of a system of courts spread throughout the country, headed by the Supreme Court of the United States. A system of state courts existed before the Constitution was drafted. There was considerable controversy among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention as to whether a federal court system was needed, and whether it should supplant the state courts. As in other matters under debate, the delegates reached a compromise in which the state courts continued their jurisdiction while the Constitution mandated a federal judiciary with limited power. Article III of the Constitution states the basis for the federal court system: "The 3
judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."
1.4 Political parties Today, there are two major political parties in the United States, the Democratic and the Republican. The Democratic Party evolved from the party of Thomas Jefferson, formed before 1800. The Republican Party was established in the 1850s by Abraham Lincoln and others who opposed the expansion of slavery. The Democratic Party is considered to be the more liberal party, and the Republican, the more conservative. Democrats generálky believe that government has an obligation to provide social and economic programmes for those who need them. Republicans are not necessarily opposed to such programmes but believe they are too costly to taxpayers. Republicans put more emphasis on encouraging private enterprise in the belief that a strong private sector makes citizens less dependent on government. Both major parties have supporters among a wide variety of Americans and embrace a wide range of political views. Americans do not have to join a political party to vote or to be a candidate for public office, but running for office without the money and campaign workers a party can provide is difficult. It is the two major parties that organize and dominate government at both the national and state levels.
1.5 U.S. flag and symbol
Nicknames for the flag include the "Stars and Stripes", "Old Glory", and "The Star-Spangled Banner" (also the name of the national anthem). 4
There are thirteen horizontal red and white stripes that represent the thirteen original British colonies and 50 white stars on the blue field that represent the 50 states today. The colours on the flag have their own meaning,too: white is innocence, blue means justice and red is courage.
1.6 Questions
Name three branches of political system.
Who is the head of the executive branch?
What is the role of American President?
What are the criteria to become the President?
What is the the role of the Vice-President?
What is the supreme legislative body?
Which chambers does it consist?
When and where did the first Congress meet?
What is the number of Senators?
What is the supreme judicial body?
Name two political parties.
Describe the US flag and mention the meaning of colours.
How is the US flag often called?
2 Doporučená literatura 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.
3 Použitá literatura a zdroje 1. Mgr. Dagmar El-Hmoudová, Angličtina – maturitní témata Třebíč 2006. ISBN 978-8086873-04-6. 2. Světlana Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Praha FRAUS, 2004. ISBN 8085784874. 3. Jana Odehnalová, Reading about theEnglish-speaking countries Praha PRÁH, 2004. ISBN 80-7252-095-4. 4. Janet Borsbey,Ruth Swan, Crossing cultures, Praha INFOA, 2010. ISBN 978-807240-683-8.