Zkušenosti ze zahraničí dvojjazyčně
Konference CAIM Praha, 12. listopadu 2015 Vladimír Větrovský
Konference CAIM
Strana 1
Dnešní program: zahraničí
Jak to vzniklo a kde to je Nabídka interim managementu
Co je poptáváno Statistky Zprostředkovatelé a instituce Příklady realizovaných misí
Konference CAIM
Strana 2
Dnes se nevešlo do programu
Nové trendy v nabídce interim managementu Změny v podnikání, které vedou firmy k interim managementu Co nabízí interim management v zahraničí a co by se dalo využít v ČR Jak využít interim management ke prospěchu firmy Jak to obvykle probíhá (fáze) Kdy a jak se expert stává interim manažerem Jak vytvořit „firemní“ nabídku interim manažera Cesty obchodování interim manažera 12.11.2015
Konference CAIM
Strana 3
Jak to vzniklo a co bude dál
Okolo 1970 v Holandsku a následně se šířilo dál primárně jako iniciativa pro státní sektor Někteří zprostředkovatelé IM založeni v 70. letech
(například Alphamanagement, Německo) Dále se šíří a další expanze je očekávána zejména v podnikatelském sektoru (viz dále)
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Strana 4
Oboustranné výhody
Companies need to resolve specific situations and problems, starting the problem resolution and fixing it in the shortest possible time. Companies like to have the problem resolved forever. Interim Managers and Experts grow their qualification by responding to very different tasks, usually within their domain expertize. Special qualification responding to the demand – Rather over-qualified – Qualified to take over immediately – Ready for interim work mode 12.11.2015
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Strana 5
Výhody IM modelu
Manager or Expert ready to solve the problem immediately – – – –
Having the qualification No social and emotional dependency No lengthy hiring process (and releasing process) Interim is an external supplier, not eligible for any employment security and employee benefits (vacation and illness for example)
Hiring Interim: Hiring resolution of a problem, instead of hiring a person Financial advantages Flexibility
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Strana 6
Nabídka odvozená z expertizy
Four pillars of expertize of a Senior Expert 1. Domain expertize. The „domain“ may be
The industry or technology The function (For example management, sales or finance) Resolution of specific company situation Combination of several above
2. Method
Expertize is nothing without knowing how to apply it
3. Willingness
responding to changes frustrates many while several are looking for the challenge of responding to change
4. Company or customer (demand)
Not worth having expertize, knowing method and willing if there is nobody requiring it – no demand Konference CAIM
Strana 7
Kde vznikají interim manažeři
Interim Managers – Successful professional career may result in Cross-domain expertize, usually called „over-qualification“ – Such expert or manager is qualified and ready to resolve the specific company situations. Company needs the Interim Manager for interim.
Interim Experts – Variety of tasks fulfilled extends the expert‘s qualification
The interim work gives – The companies the flexibility and solution for specific problems. – The managers and experts the professional satisfaction and freedom. 12.11.2015
Konference CAIM
Strana 8
Customer Relationship and Comms
Sales and Business Development
Risk Management
Integration (Interdisciplinary) Management and Delivery and Entrepreneurship
Change (BPR) Management
Financial Management
Productions Management
HR Management
Quality Management
Procurement Management
Konference CAIM
VV Variety of Management = Variety of Interim Managers
Nabídka IM podle obsahu
Strana 9
Varianty IM Model 1: Change Interim Management
– Stakeholder needs the IM to find problem, design the problem solution and implement it. – Stakeholder needs a „single responsible and qualified head“ – Respective delegation (authority)
Model 2: Project – Stakeholder believes the problem or task has already been identified and proper response plan (project) designed – The PM will be fully responsible for project completion – Respective delegation (authority)
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Strana 10
Varianty IM (2) Model 3: Consultancy
– The stakeholder wants to manage personally the discovery – design – delivery phases. – IM supports the stakeholder delivering the required expertize. – Sometimes not recognized as the interim management
Model 4: Vacancy – Temporary (interim) vacancy of an expert or manager, such as sudden illness, maternity leave, specific project completion etc.
Konference CAIM
Strana 11
Nabídka a poptávka
Looking from the business point of view Changing the business Change Interim Management Find the root causes
Design the plan
Consultancy 12.11.2015
Execute the plan
Project Konference CAIM
Strana 12
Nabídka a poptávka Change Interim Management (10%)
Project Interim Management
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Strana 13
Demand and Opportunity - GE
VV How
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Strana 14
Struktura poptávky - Německo
VV Why
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Strana 15
Interim Management - UK
(c) 2013 Boyden 12.11.2015
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Strana 16
Interim Management - UK
(c) 2013 IIM UK
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Strana 17
Estimations and Predictions
DACH – Current number of Interim Managers: 15,000 – Current number of Interim Experts (contractors) 1,200,000 – Prediction: 25% of total labor force may represent the contracted work in the near future
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Strana 18
Odhady a předpovědi
UK: – War for talents (source: MBA & Company). In 2012, 62%of employers reported experiencing a ‘war for talent’ up from just 20% in 2009 Boyden, 2013: – Over 80% of Interim Managers surveyed worked on at least one assignment during 2012 – 97% of our client respondents reported that their company had engaged at least one Interim Manager last year, with 58% estimating their organization had five or more Interim Managers on assignment with them during 2012 – 92% of clients reported that their experience with Interim Managers has been positive – Average rates reported by Interim Managers remained resilient, with an increase of £10 per day on last year’s average – The Finance and Program & Project Management functions showed particularly high activity during 2012 – 38% of assignments reported were sourced through Interim Service Providers (ISPs), and 90% of Interim Managers had been approached about at least one role by ISPs last year 12.11.2015
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Strana 19
Estimations and Predictions
US: – 26% of the average organization's workforce is made up of independent consultants and contractors, estimating that this ‘contingent’ labour component could continue to rise to as much as 30-50% of the entire US labour force (MBA&Company) – There are currently an estimated 53 million Americans freelancing, approximately 34 percent of the total workforce. This number is expected to balloon to 50 percent by 2020 http://www.forbes.com/sites/waldleventhal/2014/11/24/5-predictionsfor-the-freelance-economy-in-2015/
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Strana 20
Strana 21
Interim Management in Deutschland 2013, Ludwig Heusse GmBH
Zdroje příležitistí pro IM
Konference CAIM
Prodejní kanál - IM Provider
The professional Interim Management Provider: The businessman talking directly to the business functions and the peer to the interim manager Client Functional Areas
Interim Manager
Konference CAIM
Strana 22
Jak fungují IM provideři
Identifying the Demand and Matching it to the Proposition The pool owner specialized in the IM The pool owner specialized in IM and Executive Search On-line marketplaces (databases) Other IMs Financial and contractual arrangement IM is a sub to the IMP IM pays commission to the IMP, contracts the client directly Client pays the search fee to the IMP, contracts IM directly Guiding the IM through the deal or not 12.11.2015
Konference CAIM
Strana 23
Příklady IM providerů
DACH About 40 Providers with pools up to 5,000, covering CEE, too, for example: – www.alphamanagement.eu (from 1979; Germany) – www.pp-interimmanagement.at (Austria) – www.butterflymanager.com (Swiss)
UK, Nordic www.iim.org.uk/providers/ (list of UK providers) http://www.iseasweden.com/services/interimmanagement.aspx and many other 12.11.2015
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Strana 24
Personální agentury Client Functional Areas
1 2
Personal Agency
Interim Manager
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Strana 25
Asociace a instituce - zahraničí
Německo AIMP – profesní sdružení IM provider DDIM – asociace interim manažerů, původně asociace interim managementu Švýcarsko: DSIM – asociace interim managementu Rakousko: DÖIM – asociace interim managementu UK IIM – instituce interim managementu IMA – asociace interim managementu
Konference CAIM
Strana 26
Příklady misí (ČR i zahraničí)
Revitalizace a expanze firmy – 4 měsíce do plusu, rok do dvojciferného profitu, pak další produktová a teritoriální expanze
Standardizace fungování firem – Optimalizace nákupu a portfolia dodavatelů, 6měsíců – Zavedení efektivního finančního řízení, 4 měsíce
Optimalizace fungování firem – Přišel, za 4 měsíce optimalizoval dodávky energií a ušetřil firmě 10 mil. € ročně – Rozjel prodej během 6 měsíců, pomohl firmě do profitu – Zavedení centra sdílených služeb (například HR, finance, odbyt)
Překlenutí obtížné situace – Výroba, HR, finance, mnoho dalších 12.11.2015
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Strana 27
VV Děkuji za Vaší pozornost
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Strana 28
Potřebujete či nabízíte IM?
Do you need an interim manager, do you need to learn about interim management, do you want to present yourself as an interim manager? Visit Interim Manager CZ + SK portal at interim-manager.cz Meeting Czech and Slovak Interim Managers Regular meetings of Interim managers every first Tuesday in a month at 18:00 in Prague. Write to
[email protected] for details.
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Strana 29